How to live your version of intentional living
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Hey Friend!
It took me quite a while to really understand what intentional living was and how I wanted my life to look in relation to intentional living.  Have you thought about what intentional living looks like to you?
About 9 years ago I started looking at my life in a different way.  My life a was a complete mess.  I was in a marriage that, although my husband was good to me, I knew I didn’t want to be in.  I was longing for a different way to connect with the higher power of my understanding.  I was simply “not happy” as some of us have often described a state of feeling where we couldn’t exactly put our finger on what exactly the problem was, we just knew there was a problem!
At that time I found Law of Attraction, the documentary The Secret, Abraham Hicks, Eckert Tolle, Gabby Bernstein, Life Coaching and so much more.  It was like one thing led to another.  You know how that goes: you buy a cut knitted scarf, then you decide to take up knitting. You make a hat then a shawl, which leads you to quilting which then leads you to making blankets and such.  You get what I’m saying?  We’ve all done something like that before-what fun though!
When I started studying and applying the concepts I learned from these people, I began to understand how to live my life intentionally and why doing so was the best thing ever-my life totally changed.  
I’m not talking about seeing shifts months later, I’m talking about my life changed the very moment I used the strategies.  For the most part, all of the people I mentioned use some variation of the Law of Attraction.  There are quite a few perspectives and techniques of the Law of Attraction so figuring out which explanation is best for you is pretty much as simple as who’s ability to describe how to practice it vibes with you and your understanding. 
For me, the Law of Attraction IS intentional living. Intentional living is practicing perspectives or strategies that allow you to live according to your values and beliefs. Periodt. 
When you bring in more of the things that you value and live according to your belief system, you are a happier person.  And everyone benefits from your happiness-
Happy people make people happy!
The trick is to get clear on the values and beliefs.  Making sure they’re actually yours and not someone else’s ideals. 
You’ll find yourself right back where you started if you’re living according to what someone else thinks is the right way to live. So make sure you dig deep and get clear on YOU. You can do this by goal setting for intentional living based on how you want to feel. 
Start by looking at the end result you’d like to have.  To figure that out you need to ask yourself one very important question-
How do you want to feel?
When you’re clear on how you want to feel in your life, then you’ve created your soul inspired goal. 
Your soul inspired goal creates the pathway for you living your intentional life.  Here’s an example:
Let’s say you decide to live an intentional life, you’d like to feel free.  
What does free look/feel like to you?  Maybe free feels like less stress in your home, being more organized, experiencing more simplicity less overwhelm, spending more time reading books or making chunky blankets.  
Your soul inspired goal is: Freedom and you have a definition of what that looks like/feels like to you and that becomes your roadmap for creating plans that allows you to successfully design your version of intentional living. 
When making your plans, you now know what to say yes to and what to say no too.  Anything you do, you can ask yourself-will this thing allow me to accomplish my goals? It’s easier to make a decision because you have your roadmap!
I’d love to hear what you came up with.  What soul inspired goal did you choose as your pathway to living your life intentionally?
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Items that support you today
Let's Make Sure The Things We Have In Our Home And Lives Support Us In Achieving The Goals We Have Now. Not from a time of who we used to be or the goals that no longer serve us!
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Have you made plans for your week yet? 
What is your soul calling you to create? It’s Tuesday already and I haven’t even thought about what goals I want to accomplish this week. 
I know one this on my list is go get more sleep.  When I’m not getting enough sleep, due to my Thyroid condition or just from doing “all the things” it truly is the best time to actually have goals written out so at the very least I’m getting done what I need to get done. 
Working my new book entitled The Soul Inspired Living Project is all about goal setting and creating your version of better living.  My one on going goal is to do some type of “goal oriented task” towards connecting with you guys and completing my book. 
Now, I know these are on going goals and one might think I don’t have to write them down because they are on going-but that is one of the biggest goal setting/planning mistakes we make. 
We allow our brains to become a storage container and when we try to put the lid on, stuff falls out!
When you write things down, you give yourself a better chance at actually completing the task.  Yes, write it down, no matter the size of the task, write it down and actually perform the task. 
Small tasks lead to huge rewards!  Say it with me class!
So, right now, I’m putting my goals for the week on my calendar.  Small tasks I know I will get done and work towards helping me achieve my goals of connecting with you guys and writing my book. 
What are your goals for the week?
Need help with goal setting?  I can help you with that!  Sign up for SOL Society email list where you get tools and resources sent straight to your inbox. Every month, you get a new focus designed to help you create ease and flow in your life so you can have the time and space for what’s important. Sign up while it’s free. SOLS bit.ly/35R80tL  See ya there!
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Have you tried this planning system to achieve your goals?
Hey Friend!
We’ve all set goals for things we’ve wanted to accomplish.  A goal to lose weight, to read more books, to spend more time with family.  For most of us, setting the goals isn’t the hard part.  It can actually be fun. On the other hand, what can be a little tricky is the planning and implementing of the goals. 
Am I right? Yep, I’m right!
I’m right because I've been there and done that so I know how all the ah-mazing feelings pop up giving you a supply of warm fuzzies at the thought of accomplishing those goals. 
I also know how trying to figure out how to accomplish those goals can leave you with what feels like irritable bowel syndrome. 
So, today I’m going to share with you my #1 planning system that will have you building the momentum you need to realize your goals. 
Ready? Great, lets dive in!
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Why Plan?
Planning is like the foundation of a house.  If it’s solid you have a better chance of weathering the storms that are sure to come while building your house and living in it. 
Planning helps curb excuses and gives you a roadmap or outline to goal success.
” A goal without a plan in a wish” Do you agree? I surely do.
The Problem With Plans
The problem with planning is that most plans fall short in one area or another putting you on procrastination lane leading you to lose momentum and take way longer than necessary for achievement or to abandon the plan and give up on accomplishing your goals all together.  
I don’t want either for you. 
There are So many different types of plans or variations of them.  While I’m not going to get into each of them today, what I do want you to do is think about the types of plans you’ve used in the past.. Which one’s have been good for you and which ones haven’t been? And why? (Leave a comment and let me know)
Last year I realized that in my love of planning, I had been using a number of different planning strategies. Some of them worked well, but didn’t completely do the trick for me while others were just a straight up “why did I even bother?!”  
I decided it was time for me to create my own.  EFPS-The E & F Planning System I developed is a mesh of ease and flow-
Ease that allows you to actually do the the necessary tasks to reach your goals
Flow that allows you to go from where you are now to where you want to be
Here’s how EFPS- The E & F Planning System works
After you’ve come up with your goals (hopefully they are soul inspired goals), you create easy tasks that you can get done in about 15 minutes a couple of days a week. 
The key is to understand that creating habits (consistency) leads to achieving goals.  If you don’t actually do the task, you won’t achieve the goal so setting yourself up to actually do goal accomplishing tasks is essential. 
It may sound like doing a small task won’t be beneficial, but I promise you it will.  
One reason is you’ll be constantly winning!  Accomplishing a task you’ve determined is necessary to realize your goal is a straight win.  You feel ah-mazing when you’re winning.
Second reason is that it builds momentum.  Momentum is what propels you into turning a task into habit and when you create good habits you are more likely to keep at the task allowing you to complete the goal. Yasss!
Now that you know what small tasks you need to perform to reach your goals, you can now focus on the flow part which is all about the challenges that come up when you’re implementing those goal oriented tasks. 
What happens when you hit a snag in the road?  You get all discombobulated right?  You start to question everything and that leads to doubt
Well, truth be told, questions are not the problem.  It’s the type of questions you ask yourself that are the actual problem. 
Your flow is essential for your success so you really need to learn to connect with this part-
Your thoughts create your flow!
If your thoughts aren’t right, your flow will be off. 
Goal producing thoughts are a must have for goal success so when you get off track (and you will!) get back on track by asking yourself positive thought flowing questions. 
Here are a few:
What am I thinking?
Are the thoughts I’m having helping me to achieve my goal? Are they helping my flow?
What thoughts do I need to have to get back into my flow?
Now that you know how to work the system you’ll be able to plan and achieve your goals. 
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To accomplish your goals, you need a good planning system that allows you to get to work easily.  The E & F Planning System helps you put it all together. Learn more about using The E & F Planning System by signing up to my email list. Here’s the link. 
Get tools and resources sent straight to your inbox. Every month, you get a new focus designed to help you create ease and flow in your life so you can have the time and space for what’s important. Sign up while it’s free. SOLS bit.ly/35R80tL
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How to dismantle your decluttering excuses
For many people when they hear the word decluttering the first thing that comes to mind is
>> Dirty
>> Filthy
>> Nasty
>> Hoarder
>> Unclean
But in most cases that can be the furthest thing from the truth.  Most are momma’s just like you and me, who have simply not developed the know-how to create and maintain our spaces.
It could be that we were never taught how to streamline our homes and as our adult lives took shape things simply got out of hand
It could also be that our fast-paced lives, with the introduction of kids and all their things overloaded our prehistoric societal understandings of what living is actually supposed to be like
You feel me on that?  
What I mean is that -a lot of the way we live is dictated by what society has taught us. Right?
We need the big house and cars, we need to eat out and have all the snacks, we need to have all the gadgets that supposedly make our lives SOO much easier and, and not to mention all the clothing and accessories that we absolutely have to have or life just isn’t okay!
Like, we really have to have a jacket for this particular weather or that specific outfit!
So don’t be so hard on yourself for where you’re at in your life, at this moment. It doesn’t matter how the clutter got here, contrary to popular belief.  What matters is right now and why you’re choosing to continue living a life you do not desire to have.
That’s what we’re going to focus on.  The here and now because we can’t change the past, but we can begin dismantling the excuses you have about your current situation today.
Ready?  Let’s dive in!
Now, I’m going to take you through what I call The Process which is an adaption of a coaching model created by Brooke Castillo. I created The Process specifically for women wanting to unclutter their homes and simplify their lives and has a few other essential components needed to help you get to where you want to be-streamlined, feeling good and gaining back your time + space back for what’s important.
The flow of The Process is looking at-
Your Situation you find yourself in
Your Thoughts about the situation you find yourself in
The Feelings that come up because of your thoughts
The Actions/Inaction that are driven by your feelings
Your Results that obviously come from your action/inaction
(Here’s a diagram below)
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Even though your thoughts are what drive everything.  I like to start with your feelings.  I find that it’s easier to dismantle your excuses by starting with how being in your current situation makes you feel.
So think about that for a second. What’s the one word that describes how being in your current situation makes you feel?
Some of your feelings may be-
// Overwhelmed
// Frustrated
// Anxious
// Angry
// Depressed
Now, I want to share with you a truth.  It’s not the situation you find yourself in that is creating the feelings.  It’s actually your thought about the situation that are creating the feelings.  Let me say that again-
It’s not the situation that is creating your feelings. It’s the thoughts about the situation that are creating your feelings.
Let’s look at some of the thoughts that could be coming up about your situation-
I don’t have time to declutter and organize
I don’t know where to start
This is just too much
When you think those thoughts negative feelings are produced.
What are your thoughts about where you’re at right now?
The reason this is important is that your thoughts are what govern your results.  It all starts with your thoughts.
Have you ever heard the saying “Your thoughts create your reality”? I know, it sounds a little woo-woo and you may be thinking what the heck does my thoughts have to do with the fact that the Governor has declared my home a state of emergency, but truth be told, it has EVERYTHING to do with your current situation so let’s continue The Process so you can dismantle your decluttering excuses.
So you understand that your thoughts drive your feelings.  Let’s talk about the next step in The Process and that is how your feelings drive your actions.
For me personally, this was a huge realization and game-changer in my life.  When I was studying to become a Law of Attraction practitioner, I was totally in alignment with your thoughts create your reality.  Then when I studying The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte, it created the middle passage of how I get to my results from my thoughts. Feelings are the middle passage.
We don’t give our feelings enough credit.  As women we are taught “not to be so emotional” or “ you’re just all in your feelings”. Ever heard that?
Yep, I’m sure you have.  Here’s the thing!!  Women are feelings based individuals, so why in the heck would we disconnect from our feelings?  We have that invaluable
[] Six Sense
[] Gut Feeling
[] The “I just knew” factor
It’s our birthright and is the rope that ties us to the higher power of our understanding.  Men don’t have the rope.  They had to develop rules and regulations for the development of their personal relationship with their higher power.  
Not us.  We are just naturally connected in a way they just don’t have. Society has been extremely influential in tearing women apart, limb by limb to severe the truth of just how powerful we really are.  Go read the book Witch by Lisa Lister and reconnect with your truth.  But anyway, I digress and all that is a conversation for another time.
I say all that to say, Feelings are powerful and drive the very actions (or inaction) you take every day.  We do things because of the feelings we want to have.
We buy the fancy car, the diamond earrings, the sexy panties, the cake, the house, the clothes-
All because of the feelings we want to have. Our feelings drive everything.
Recall a movie that you’ve watched recently where you can see how the actions someone took were driven by the feelings they had.
Share them in the comments or review-I’d love to hear about the movie and the scene that popped into your head!
A child is kidnapped and the father goes off on a rampage to find the kid
A woman wants to be successful and works her butt of to get to the CEO position
Law and Order is filled episodes of crimes of passion
All the Actions you see going on in these movies are Feelings based.  No different than real life.  Feelings are really big motivators.  Do you get it?  Now think about a time when you took action on something because of the way you were feeling or because of the feelings you wanted to experience.  
The other day my son was mad at me and he punched the pillows on the couch.
Actions=punched couch pillows
I think you’re starting to get a clear picture of how your feelings drive your actions and how those actions show up in the results you see.
So if you’re not producing the right feelings needed to create the right actions then the result you have won’t be desirable ones.
Let’s take the example of my son.  He got mad at me, he punched the pillows and the results were me kicking him out of my living room!  Did his actions produce the results he wanted?  Probably not.  
So how can we achieve the actions we want to have?
If you remember I said that your thoughts create everything.  You can actually look at someone’s results and get a very clear indication of the thoughts they were having, just by looking at their results.
You have to retrain your brain to have a different thought in order to achieve the results you want to have.  You’ve heard the saying “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result!”  
The concept is the same with your thinking.  If you continue to have negative thoughts about your situation then you’ll continue to have the same negative results.
Retraining your brain is about teaching your brain to come up with the answers to the right questions.
When you ask yourself a good question, your brain goes to work to find ideas and answers to support you in reaching your goal.  You teach your brain to go in “let’s win” mode instead of Negative Nelly is the star of the show and is always right.
So how is this done?
When your brain starts having thoughts about why you can’t get your decluttering done, allow it to have all the thoughts.  Then look at how those thoughts are making you feel.  The feelings probably aren’t good ones so then ask yourself if you’d like to continue to feel this way. The answer will probably be no (or at least I hope it is) and then you can move on to the next question.  How do I want to feel and what thoughts do I need to have to create those feelings?
None of these questions will solve your problems overnight.  This is a practice you have to nurture and create.
Start by just being aware of your thought throughout the day.  When you notice yourself having thoughts that don’t help you achieve your goal, just recognize it-without judgment.
I know, I know, being non-judgmental about yourself is a big ask.  I’m a Virgo, I’m the most self-critical person I’ve ever met in my life so I know how hard it is to look at yourself without judgment. But that’s what is required.
It’s not easy, but it’s not impossible either.  So give it a try. Just for a few days, be aware of your thoughts.  You can even say out loud “I see you” when you recognize those thoughts.  
After a few days or week or so, you can then start asking the good questions.
Here’s why being aware and asking good questions is important-
Your brain will prove you right in whatever you’re thinking.  If you say you can’t declutter because you don’t have time, your brain will agree with you.  Negative Nelly will be like “Yeah, girl, don’t nobody got time for that! You have to get Cindy to the dentist and make it back in time for your client calls!”
But when you retrain your brain you can start to ask the good questions “What can I do to get some of this decluttering done?” Your brain will go to work to find a solution.  Your brain isn’t going to automatically switch lanes from negative to positive unless you help it to do so.
So, let’s recap what you learned today to help you dismantle your decluttering excuses-
You learned that it doesn’t matter how you got in your current situation but what’s important is figuring why you’re making the choice to stay in it today
You learned that your thoughts create your results and how to see the truth in your thoughts
You learned my signature step called The Process to help you get clear on what’s really going on with your decluttering excuses
And you learned how to retrain your brain so you can get out of the excuses and create the results you want to achieve.
Your next step is to let me know what you’ll be implementing by posting a comment or leaving a review.  Don’t forget to sign up to gain access to amazing resources available to help you conquer your clutter so you can create the time and space for what’s important in your life.
Get tools and resources sent straight to your inbox. Every month, you get a new focus designed to help you create ease and flow in your life so you can have the time and space for what’s important. Sign up while it’s free. SOLS bit.ly/35R80tL
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How to declutter when you’re feeling overwhelmed
Overwhelmed is the most commonly used word to describe decluttering.  Or at least, in my experience as a Professional Organizer, that is the word most of my clients use.
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But why?
Why do most people feel overwhelmed at the very thought of decluttering their spaces and how can you work towards not feeling that way?
When you think of being overwhelmed where is that thought coming from?
Is it the situation you find yourself in or is it the thoughts about the situation you find yourself in? Here’s the thing-
Your feelings are always a result of what you’re thinking. So it’s not the situation that is causing the overwhelm feeling, it is your thought about the situation that is causing the overwhelm feeling.
In order to declutter when your feeling overwhelmed there are two things you need to do-
Look to your Soul Inspired Goals
Take baby steps to reach your goals
Let’s have a look at Soul Inspired Goals
Your soul inspired goals are the feelings you are being called to create and experience.  All that we want and desire in life is tied to how we want to feel.  So your goal is always to achieve the feelings you want to experience.
How do you do that?
You get real clear on how you want to feel.  You do this by choosing the feelings you are most in alignment with at this point in your life.
Yes, at this point in your life. I say that because our wants, needs and desires change just like the seasons so you have to go with the flow.  Surely what you wanted at the age of 20 isn’t what you’re desiring at the age of 40.
You get me?
Choose 5 words that describe how you want to feel.  Now pretend you’re in a boat in the middle of the ocean and you can’t keep all the words because you’re sinking and you’ve got to throw four words overboard or you’re going to drown!  The words are all very meaningful, but is the one word that you can’t live without?  The one word that you’ll be taking back to shore with you because it’s so powerful and you simply couldn’t throw that word out of the boat?
The word that you’re left with in the boat is your Soul Inspired Goal.  That is the word that you’ll be leaning on when those feelings of overwhelm come up.  You’ll have that word to remind you why decluttering and revising your space is important to you. That word is also the foundation of your decision making process.  When you come up against an item that you don’t know whether to keep or not, you’ll ask yourself if that item supports you in feeling the way you want to feel.  Does it support you in feeling that word or creating spaces that allow you to feel that word.
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Here’s the link to check it out! The Membership
The next thing is baby steps
We truly underestimate the power of small steps.  We tend to think we have to go big or go home in all things, but that is farthest from the truth.
Taking small steps is the best thing to do when you’re decluttering because it allows you to build that physical and memory muscles needed to continue your decluttering and maintain your decluttered spaces.
Start with a drawer or cabinet.  It is completely unnecessary to dump everything out on the floor unless it’s a small amount of items and even then, if you want too.  One of the biggest reasons I’m not a fan of “the big dump” is because life always happens-and you have to stop what you’re doing to attend to life and all of it’s aggravating ways, and who’s gonna want to finish sorting and organizing after one of those moments?
Not this girl!!
Trust me.  Not you either!
Just like starting your decluttering in a highly visible area because of the motivation factor, starting small is much the same.  You gain traction and motivation by completing one small task at a time.  
// One shelf of a book shelf
// One kitchen drawer
// One box of odds and ends
Taking baby steps gives you the accomplishment you need to say “Look what I did!  I can do this!” and keep on going.
So in conclusion, you’ve learned that decluttering while overwhelmed is a crime of passion and to cut your sentence down, it’s best to
Create soul inspired goals so when the overwhelm hits you’ve got a different feeling to fall back on
Start decluttering a highly visible space because it feels good and highly motivating to complete an area that many people see
Baby step your way to finish because you need to build the physical and mental muscle for moving forward to your next decluttering project and maintaining your decluttered spaces
Here are you’re next steps:
Leave a comment about which steps you’ll be implementing
Head over to my biz page and leave a review about what you learned
Sign up below to SOLS and get a jump start on creating your version of better living!
Get tools and resources sent straight to your inbox. Every month, you get a new focus designed to help you create ease and flow in your life so you can have the time and space for what’s important. Sign up while it’s free. SOLS bit.ly/35R80tL
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Soul Ping
A very brief introduction to what a Soul Inspired Goal is.  
If you’ve been goal setting in the traditional way but have been longing for a way of living a more intentional life, you’ll want to try goal setting in a way that amplifies how you naturally show up in the world. 
Have a listen. 
Want more?  Of Course you do!
Get tools and resources sent straight to your inbox. Every month, you get a new focus designed to help you create ease and flow in your life so you can have the time and space for what’s important. Sign up while it’s free. SOLS bit.ly/35R80tL
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Where are you now and how did you get here?
It’s that time of the year when we think about what we want to accomplish next year.  What issues do we want to overcome? What goals we want to achieve? Where we want to be in 3 months, 6 months, this time next year? But we often miss a couple of steps before planning out next years goals.
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We plan without considering where we are now and what actually went wrong in our year as well as what has actually went right.
We must start there first. We must look at what went on this year before planning the next. So grab a pen and paper and lets have a Goal Setting Session right here, right now!
What goals did you create and why did you create those goals?
What went wrong this year?
Write out all the things that you wanted to achieve, attempted to accomplish but you just couldn’t seem to make it come to fruition.  If you have a hard time remembering, you can look at your previous goals if you wrote them down, or think back month by month to come up with your answers.
What went right this year?
In the same fashion as the first question, write out all the things that you actually did achieve, all the things you set out to accomplish and did accomplish. If you have a hard time remembering, you can look at your previous goals if you wrote them down, or think back month by month to come up with your answers.
Did you have to pivot? If so what did you pivot in and why?
(ex. You started out with the Keto diet but decided a more plant based lifestyle was more agreeable and easier for you to maintain and still allowed you to accomplish your health goals. Or maybe you decided to start a youtube channel but realized you didn’t have enough lighting at the time of day you needed to film and found that you didn’t have to consider any of those things to podcast-so you found a pivot to podcasting the best thing to do, to allow you to be consistent and share content)
What accomplishment did you enjoy the most and why?
What failure made you feel like shit a little bit and why?
How did your wins/losses impact other areas of your life?
What do you wish would have gone differently?
Now that you’ve had a look at what happened last year, It’s time to use The Process to do a deeper look at why all the things happened last year.
But first
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What is The Process?
The Process is an adaptation of a coaching model created by Brooke Castillo.  For me I look at her method as a combination of The Law of Attraction, A Course In Miracles and The Work-so for me, I truly get it.
I’ve adapted her coaching model with a heavier Feelings Based approached because that’s my background as a student of knowledge in the area of Old World Crafts and Women’s Lost Empowerment Methods and I truly believe it’s what is needed for women to create the home and life they desire.
Break Down of The Process
The Process consists of 5 important layers or steps for you to evaluate
Your Situation
Your Thoughts
Your Feelings
Your Action or Inaction
Your Results
Each layer has dependency or a rope tied back to the layer that precedes it. Here’s what that looks like-
The results you achieve or don’t achieve are because of the actions or inactions taken
The actions or inactions taken are driven by the feelings you experience
The feelings you experience are created from the thoughts you have
The thoughts you have are about the situation you find yourself in
You understand?  Let’s go over it one more time.  Just take in each layer slowly so you connect them.  Write them out if you need to see it on paper.
Let’s go again-
The results you achieve or don’t achieve are because of the actions or inactions taken
The actions or inactions taken are driven by the feelings you experience
The feelings you experience are created from the thoughts you have
The thoughts you have are about the situation you find yourself in
You can also look at it this way-
You have thoughts about the situation you find yourself in
Those thoughts create feelings-negative or positive
The feelings you experience drive your actions or in many cases inaction
The action or inaction you take creates the results you see
Whether you look at The Process from start to finish or from end to beginning the flow is still the same.
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Where do I start-
Honestly, you can start on any layer in The Process, it will always lead you to the next layer, but I find it to be easier for my clients to start on the Feelings layer.
The reason for starting with your feelings is because it’s SO super easy to point out how you’re feeling or don’t want to feel.  For whatever reason, negative feelings are easy to spot and articulate than talking about the positive feelings you want to experience.
So we start with your feelings. Let’s do that. Grab your pen and paper or if you’re driving, you can simply listen and work it out that way, but you’ll definitely want to take this process to pen and paper!
How do you feel about your situation? In the decluttering world, the most used feelings based word I hear is-Overwhelmed.
People feel overwhelmed about their clutter for many different reasons. It could be that-
It’s just too much stuff to contend with
Or I don’t know where to start
It could be that you don’t know what to keep or what to throw out
Well, here’s the truth in all of that-
Your feelings of Overwhelm are coming from your thoughts. Not the situation. The situation is actually not doing a damn thing-it’s your mind and the thoughts your mind is conjuring up about the situation that are creating the thoughts.
Your thoughts are-
It’s just too much stuff to contend with
Or I don’t know where to start
I don’t know what to keep or what to throw out
Those are thoughts
Those thoughts (which are about the situation) are what are making you feel overwhelmed!
This is an important truth for you to understand and agree with, within yourself because as I’ve said, each layer is dependent upon the other-from end to beginning or start to finish-whichever way you look at it-the layers are tied, they are steps-up or down!
The reason I need for you to get that layer is because the next step is regarding the oh so important action that you take.
All of your actions are feelings based. All of them.  We only take action based on the feelings we have and the feelings we have come from our thoughts!
If you’re not taking action its purely because of the feelings you are experiencing.
If you are taking action it’s purely because of the feelings you are experiencing
If you look at any movie, you’ll see that ANY action taken by anyone in the movie, is totally driven by their feelings.  You can see The Process in every movie, show, documentary you watch!  You can see the total flow of The Process.
Think about the last show or movie you’ve watched.  What happened in it? And why?  You can follow The Process in the movie.  Break it down for yourself.  If you can do that, then you can do that for your own life! It may be a harder break down, but you can do it!!
When you break it all down, you’ll see the outcome or the result that came from the action or inaction.  
Right now, I sit here writing this and I am hungry!! LOL If am feeling physical hunger pains!!  I want to make a distinction between Physical Feelings and Emotional Feelings-although one can be tempered by the other, for the purposes of The Process, we are only dealing with Emotion based Feelings.  
If you have a physical feeling-like pain-that is not something covered under the guide of The Process. We are only talking Emotion Based Feelings. Got it? Good! I’m not going to tell not to pay attention to your physical needs. I can’t make that determination. Only you can decide what you’re going to push through.  At this moment, I can push through my physical hunger pains, but I would have to stop to take some painkillers if I had a headache or toothache!  I can’t push through those!
Whatever action or inaction you take, will show up in the results you see.  If I don’t put my clothes where they belong when I get home from work and take them off, my lack of action will create a pile of clothes for me to deal with!!  
If I do put my clothes where they belong when I get home from work when I take them off, my action will create less headache over having to deal with a pile of clothes, I’ll feel better about myself, it’ll give me more motivation to continue doing right by by myself.
Whatever action you take will show up in the results you see. And vice versa, whatever inaction you take will show up in the results you see.
The results you see always come from your action and they are also always tied back to your thought process.  Whatever thoughts you are having are going to dictate the results you see.
Grab your pen and paper and jot down the results you manifested this year or didn’t manifest.  Can you give an example of what you were probably thinking to produce the result? Share your results in the comments section.
Great.  Keep working with these steps to have a look at each of the goals you accomplished and the goals you didn’t accomplish.  Over the next few weeks, we’ll be looking at Change and Setting your 2020 for success using The process
All the best, A
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Re-accessing Your Goals
When do you decide to re-access your goals? 
Let’s work through this:
#1 Consider how/why you created the current goals you have in the first place
Using the Soul Inspired Goals strategy is the best way to come up with the right goals for yourself because it allows you to take out the “middleman” which are “items” you think will make you feel good, instead of going for feeling good in the first place. Figuring out how you want to feel first opens the doors to many way more options to achieve your goals than going after a specific item. 
Example: You set a goal to buy a BMW because that is a sign of success for you and it will make you feel successful to reach that goal. Well, going after a BMW isn’t exactly the problem.  What I want you to focus on instead of the BMW as a means of feeling successful is to instead go straight for feeling Successful right now. In order to do that you’d have to ask yourself “What kind of things can I do to feel successful?” When you ask yourself a good question, you come up with good solutions.  
Maybe a solution that comes up for you is that you can write a blog post that gets published on the website of someone you like. Then that leads to you getting more blog writing offers and even one from someone you admire and want to emulate.  Then that leads to you joining an Online Summit about the topic you wrote on and you start getting known for that topic.  Which leads to you coaching and making enough money to purchase that BMW. 
>> Can you see that the BMW is just a by-product of the feelings of success that you already created, long before it even came along? <<
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#2 Use The Process to figure out were your mindset is regarding your goal situation
The Process helps you break down the truth of why you aren’t actually achieving the goals ( it isn’t meant to actually help you create the right goals for yourself, so make sure you’re using The Process correctly)  The Process goes like this-
Your Situation
Your Thoughts
Your Feelings
Your Actions
Your Results
Now lets break it down-
The situation is you not accomplishing your goals
Your thoughts are strictly about the situation, which is-you not accomplishing your goals. 
Your feelings are created by the thoughts you have, in this case you may be feeling like a failure. Your feelings DO NOT come from the situation itself. Your feelings come from the THOUGHTS you have about the situation.
The actions you take are driven by the feelings you have.  Your actions are always driven by your feelings and in this case, if you’re feeling like a failure then you’re probably not taking action or the right action. 
Which affects the results you see with achieving your goals. 
Got it?  If you don’t, no need to worry, just practice looking at your thoughts and how they make you feel for the next couple of weeks, journal it and you’ll start to see how everything is connected! 
When you’ve created your Soul Inspired Goals and use The Process to help you get over the challenges that will surely come up as you plan and implement strategies to achieve those goals, you’ll know if your truly need to re-access your goals.
Want more? Of-course you do-
Get tools and resources sent straight to your inbox. Every month, you get a new focus designed to help you create ease and flow in your life so you can have the time and space for what’s important. Sign up while it’s free. SOLS bit.ly/35R80tL
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Setting Impossible Goals
Have you ever set “Impossible Goals” for yourself?
Was your outcome positive or negative?
I am working on setting “impossible goals” because it feels fun to think about achieving a goal I’m not sure I can actually achieve.  
If you’ve ever listened to Grant Cardone and his 10x Rule, then you’ll understand how setting “impossible goals” can actually benefit you.
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In essence, if you put 10x the effort in the right places, you’ll more than likely achieve more than you could if you didn’t reach for an “impossible goal”. 
When I practiced that method, I was able to reach goals far beyond what I had previously. 
But I love living in the feel good moments so I’ve always had to balance the two-the 10x impossible goals strategy with the feel good moments that lighten my world. 
Is there a balance?  Well, I guess first, you’d have to decide if you believe in balance, I actually do not believe in balance in the way it’s traditionally spoken of, rather, knowing that balance, in my life is knowing that some things are going to be a little off and being okay with that..That’s balance for me. 
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Get tools and resources sent straight to your inbox. Every month, you get a new focus designed to help you create ease and flow in your life so you can have the time and space for what’s important. Sign up while it’s free. SOLS bit.ly/35R80tL
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What’s the difference between intentional living vs minimal living?
What’s the difference between Intentional Living vs. Minimal Living?
I asked this question in a group I belong to and I love the perspective one of the members provided >>
“It takes intention to live minimally but it doesn’t take minimalism to live intentionally!”
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Okay, isn’t that #sogood ?!
Your turn!  What’s your perspective?
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February Question Of The Month
What are you holding onto that you need to release?
Good question?  I think so.  
This month in SOL Society, we’re working on our relationship to our things so we can creating the time and space for what we love. 
That’s why the question is #sogood because you need to look at what you’re needing to release that’s keeping us from experiencing the life we want to have.
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(wall murals available in my shop)
For me, I need to release a lot of negative thoughts I have about how I want to practice my faith. I love the spiritual community I have access to, but I don’t “commune” that often.  However, I do watch videos on Youtube and it always brings me back to the core of how I want to show up which is exactly what being in community does for me.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that being on The Webs is a replacement for full on gatherings with good food, good people, good hugs and good laughs; but I’m okay with it for now.
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Get tools and resources sent straight to your inbox. Every month, you get a new focus designed to help you create ease and flow in your life so you can have the time and space for what’s important. Sign up while it’s free. SOLS bit.ly/35R80tL
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Got Soul Inspired Goals
Last month in the SOL Society, we got clear on our Soul Inspired Goals.  If you know how you want to feel in your life, write it down and take one action a day towards accomplishing that feelings based goal.
What’s one thing you can do today to help you take a step towards your goal? Write down 5-10 things you can do and pick one, and do it!
Knowing your soul inspired goals will help you create a decision making process that gives you unshakable confidence.  You’ll know what to say yes to, and what to absolutely say no to!
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Get tools and resources sent straight to your inbox. Every month, you get a new focus designed to help you create ease and flow in your life so you can have the time and space for what’s important. Sign up while it’s free. SOLS bit.ly/35R80tL
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Why do we have SOO many things?  
Most of the things we have no longer serve us anyway so why do we keep them? 
In the SOL Society, we had a look at a statement from our book of the month (Goodbye Things, by Fumio Sasaki) 
“Why do we own so many things when we don’t need them? What is their purpose? I think the answer is quite clear: We’re desperate to convey our own worth, our own value to others. We use objects to tell people just how valuable we are.”
Sis!  Do you feel this way?  Truth be told, I really didn’t think this was me until I took a deeper dive and got quite honest.  After really thinking about it-I do have some things in my life that are tied to my worth..ugghhh!
Here’s the truth >>
If you want to live your life in a certain way, holding on to the old way of doing things won’t help you achieve your goals. Those thoughts will keep you stuck and will keep you holding on to things that don’t help you.
So what do you do?
Get clear on your Soul Inspired Goals! 
Your soul inspired goals are your guiding light and show you the way to EVERYTHING happy you!
Get tools and resources sent straight to your inbox. Every month, you get a new focus designed to help you create ease and flow in your life so you can have the time and space for what’s important. Sign up while it’s free. SOLS bit.ly/35R80tL
Ps.  The Contemporary Stripes lines offers everything from carry all pouches, office necessities and phone accessories to pillows, shower curtains and bedding.. Here's the link! Here's the link.
pss.  some of the product designs and styles are different depending on which line you buy from.  I sell on Society6 and Redbubble exclusively at this time.
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