#aka i feel like crap and my mom kept yelling at me
cartoonbrat16 · 11 months
Ben and Jen: Anti-heros
In a fourth-grade class sat two kids, a boy, and a girl. The boy is dressed in a white short-sleeved hoodie with a black line down the front, long black gloves, black sweatpants, and knee-high combat boots, and the girl was dressed the exact same way. both kids were very similar in appearance as well, sharing the same Pale peach skin, toxic green eyes, and brown hair except the girl's reached her shoulders and the same mischievous attitude.
"Hello, I am the Narrator here to provide a little background. These two are Ben and Jen Tennyson, aka The terrible Tennyson twins. These two can often be found pulling pranks on their classmates, cousins, Dad, on occasion their mom and Grandpa. They can also be found at the local video game store, arcades, comic book stores, art shops, music shops, and soccer fields. These two are basically inseparable, they might as well be joined at the hip.
Anyway, amongst all the pranks, games, and regular ten-year-old antics there is something special about Ben and Jen. However, they don't know it yet, and it will take a few short days of a summer road trip with their Grandpa Max to find out. Now, enough of my chatter, let us check on the twins."
Ben and Jen sat in their seats laughing, they just pulled the best end-of-year prank ever. "Ahh, Ben, Jen, this is the worst thing ever!" Their teacher scolded while she scratched along with the rest of the class. The twins had shown up to school early and placed a thin layer of itching powder on everyone's seat.
The entire class began to whine, then the bell rang, "That's the last day!" Ben and Jen cheered in unison. The twins jumped from their seats and ran out of the classroom ignoring everyone yelling for them to stop. Ben and Jen dashed down the hall, and along the way, Jen jumped on Ben's back. Ben kept running and he and Jen laughed the entire way out of the school building.
"I can't wait for Grandpa to get here," Jen said hopping off Ben's back. Ben chuckled, "Same, three months of hanging out with Grandpa, and the coolest girl I know." Jen raised a brow. "Why didn't you tell me Gwen was tagging along?" Jen asked. Ben and Jen stared at each other for a moment before falling to the ground laughing. The twins high-fived still laughing, then a yell caught their ears.
Ben and Jen let their laughter simmer and followed the yell to its source. Jen and Ben stopped, Ben crossed his arms and Jen put her hands on her hips. The twins sighed and walked over, "Cash, J.T., Nora, leave Jamie and Allison alone." Jen said stopping a few feet away from the three bullies. "Aww, the midget, and her brother are trying to be heroes, that is ironic," Nora said smirking at the twins. "Yeah, you guys are mean as crap to everyone, and now you wanna act like heroes. What is your deal?" J.T., added crossing his arms.
Jen and Ben began to laugh, "That's easy." Jen started, "We are Anti-heroes." Ben finished. Before the three could react Ben and Jen reached into their hoodie pockets and both pulled out a bottle of itching powder. They doused the bullies and they ran away scratching and yelling. Ben and Jen began to laugh and then approached Jamie and Allison. The twins both offered a hand but when they were declined they shrugged and left.
"Well, we got our entire class and then some." Ben laughed but Jen didn't join him. Ben looked at Jen, her head was held down and her eyes looked kinda dull from what Ben could see. Ben put on a sad smile, "You aren't a midget, you stand the same height as my shoulders." Ben said pulling Jen's hood up and over her eyes. "Hey!" Jen pulled her hood back but the bunny ears flopped into her face.
Ben began to laugh and Jen did the same to him, but his hoodie had fox ears. The twins began to laugh and Ben put an arm around Jen, "Feel better?" Jen nodded. Ben mentally high-fived and then was blessed with the sight of Grandpa Max's RV. Once he stopped the twins rushed onto the mobile home, "GRAM- GWEN!!!???" Ben and Jen's eyes widened when they saw her. Sitting at the RV table was a girl with long orange hair that reached the small of her back, toxic green eyes, freckles, and a murderous glare. She was dressed in a white blouse, light blue best, dark blue pants, and white shoes.
"Hello, the narrator again, time for a little more background. Gwen the Twin's cousin and their enemy, has been seen birth. Gwen was always put on a bit of a pedestal by EVERYONE and often called The Golden One and rubs it in the twin's faces.
Gwen is extremely intelligent and skilled and takes every chance to show the twins up. She even goes as far as to agree to share a birthday with the twins, just to make it about her. Her older brother Ken knows and always sides with the Twins. Now, Gwen is also very special, but it is not on her own, this is gonna be a big summer for her."
The twins stopped at the sight of their cousin. "Ugh, I jinxed us!" Jen groaned and Ben put an arm around her.
"Grandpa, why is she here?" Ben asked. "I thought it would be a good idea if your cousin tagged along on our summer trip. That won't be a problem will it?" Ben and Jen looked at Gwen, shared a look with each other, then groaned and sat down. Max smiled and began to drive to their first campsite of the summer.
"Great, a whole year of waiting, and now Queen cootie is along for the ride." Ben sulked and Gwen frowned, "Hey, Jen is a girl too." Gwen snapped. "Hey, I'm his sister, it's different with me you Dweeb," Jen snapped back, the three then began to glare and the tension could be cut with a knife.
Max glanced at the kids from the rearview mirror, "Something tells me this is gonna be a long summer." he said.
"Chow time!" Max set three plates down, two of them had a burger and chips, and the other had mill worms. "Eww, Grandpa, why do they get burgers and not me?" Gwen asked watching the twins chow down on the beef patties. "Their mom requested I give them regular food this summer, but we get the good stuff." Max smiled and then headed back into the RV.
"Thank you, Mom," Jen cheered and finished her burger. Ben followed not long after and they smiled at Gwen. Gwen growled and crossed her arms, "You two are the worst." she spat. "Yeah, Yeah, you say that every time something good happens to us," Ben said fiddling with his gloves. "Shut up," Gwen said, the twins quickly flipped her the bird and then left the table.
Ben and Jen walked into the woods both looking miserable. "We might as well have gone to summer school." Jen said breaking the silence that had settled over her and Ben. Ben sighed, "Yeah, this is gonna be the worst summer ever." he said. A long silence stretched out, "At least we have all summer to prank Gwen." Ben said, Jen chuckled and nodded.
The twins fell into silence again and then Ben noticed something. "Sis, check it out." Jen looked up and saw a shooting star. "Think we can wish for Gwen to get eaten by a bear?" "One way to find out." Ben and Jen were about to try and wish, but they then noticed the star change directions. Their eyes widened and the twins took off toward the star.
The twins were smart and we were far away from harm when the star landed. "I don't think that is a star," Jen said, the twins shared a look and nodded before heading to the crash sight. Upon arriving the twins saw some kind of pod, they entered the crater and got closer. "Think we should open it?" Jen asked, and as if something was triggered the pod opened, but green energy covered Jen and Ben shocking them.
Ben and Jen screamed and spawned before collapsing to the ground unconscious. Once Ben and Jen hit the ground something strange happened. The twin's hair turned solid white and gained bright green highlights in it. Some of the green energy still clung to Ben and Jen making them twitch before slowly absorbing into their skin. It was at this point Gwen approached in search of her cousins and the reason for their screaming.
When Ben and Jen awoke they were sternly lectured for being so reckless. They also received the information that Gwen got some kind of space watch. The twins however didn't care, they just felt sick and wanted to sleep. Max took a minute to notice this and felt bad for lecturing the twins so long.
"you two go to bed, we can talk more in the morning," Max said then began talking to Gwen. Jen and Ben headed to their bunks, but Ben was too sick to climb so he collapsed with Jen. "Do you think we have some kind of parasite?" Jen asked tiredly, Ben smiled, "Ha, real-life Venom." Ben joked and they both chuckled. The twins quickly silence themselves as the sudden urge to vomit hit them like a bullet train.
Ben and Jen both curled in on themselves and covered their mouths. "Ugh, what the heck?" Ben whined, Jen shook her head and they both began taking deep breaths. "What if we are dying?" Jen asked and Ben frowned, "That doesn't explain what our hair is," Ben said but understood where his sister was coming from.
"Right," Jen said and everything began to settle down. Ben and Jen sighed shutting their eyes ready to relax, but the RV door being thrown open caught their attention. The RV was then started and Jen and Ben were flung from Jen's bunk as the RV sped off. "Oh crap, ...I can't!" Jen dashed to the bathroom and Ben went to the nearest trashcan. The twins emptied their stomachs before hopping out of the RV when it stopped.
"Jen, Ben, stay in the RV!" Max ordered then went to assist Gwen. "What?" "No fair." Ben and Jen crossed their arms and stood by while Gwen fought a giant robot.
"SARA!!!" "MOMMY!!!" Ben and Jen turned and saw a little girl trapped under a fallen power pole, and her mother couldn't get to her. "Oh my gosh!!" Ben and Jen rushed over and began to work and free the little girl. "We are gonna get you out." Jen measured, but the little bit screamed. "JEN, BEN!!!!" The twins turned and saw the robot falling toward them. "AHHHHHH!!!"
Everything went completely still, completely quiet, no one even breathed. A giant cloud of dust rose from where the robot hit and no one knew what to do. The dust began to clear and a bright green flow became visible. When the dust fully cleared everyone's eyes widened in shock.
Ben and Jen opened their eyes and stared at each other. How were they still alive? "Wow!?" the little girl said, Ben and Jen followed her gaze and their eyes widened. Ben and Jen both had a hand stretched out and said and was covered in bright green energy. The energy also formed some kind of shield in front of the three. The robot had fallen against it and Jen and Ben couldn't move it, not until the girl was safe. So, Ben and Jen didn't say a word, they simply freed the girl and set the robot down.
Everyone cheered for Ben and Jen, but neither one heard it, they just kept staring at their hands. "How did we do that?" Jen asked, not surprised when Ben didn't have an answer.
The next day Max, Ben, and Jen were busy packing up the RV. Max was also lecturing Ben and Jen, "I don't wanna see you two do anything like that again, you could have been hurt." he said sternly. Jen and Ben rolled their eyes and then went back to their bunks. Jen shared her earbuds with Ben and the twins sang along to Little Lies by Fleetwood Mac.
Max listened to the twins and a smile crossed his face. He silently vowed to not be to hard on them, but also put his foot down when needed. After all, he didn't wanna repeat what happened with Frank, and Carl.
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rat-in-a-coffin · 2 years
for the ask game: 12. what kind of day is it? 21. something you've kept since childhood? 28. do you wear a mask? 30. are there dishes in your room? 46. favourite holiday film? feel free to skip any or ignore :)
12. its a big hoodie and swatpants-laying in bed-and crying to sad music kinda day
21. i always wear a silver bracelet i got from my mom, i haven’t taken it off a single time since i got it (like not even when i shower)
28. my dad wouldn’t allow me to, sometimes i still did tho. + i live in a highly conservative and mask hating town so youd often get beaten up or yelled at if you did wear a mask. at the peak of covid (aka the entirety of 2021) i was in a really bad mental state and only went outside like 1 every 2 months, so most the time id skip it since id only get crap for it anyways
30. i dont have a room rn :/
46. the nightmare before christmas. the best fuckin movie to ever exist.
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platonic-prompts · 3 years
Whump Prompt #34
A has been feeling like crap since they woke up, and as much as they try to tell the others, the others aren't taking any excuses and make A continue to do work, even as their eyes begin to lose focus and they start forgetting what they were supposed to be doing.
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Secret Voight (Jay Halstead)S2 Part 7
Summary: The team finally knows that Y/N is Voight's daughter. One secret is out but theres still one secret that's not out. Y/N and Jay's relationship. Will that stay a secret or not? I mean Voight always finds out
Words: 2615
Requested: yes
Warning or A/N:
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    Burgess and Atwater had reported to a scene where someone got shot and Lexi, Al's daughter was the wintess to it, so they brought her back to the unit. Jay was comforting her when you saw Voight start to walk in. You quckly walk in front of him. "She's okay. She's just in shock,"
    Voight looked at her then to you. "Sounds about right,"
      He walked over to her. "Hey, how are you doing, kiddo?"
    "Hi, Uncle Hank,"
    Not long after Voight walked in Al walked in and saw his daughter and wlaked over to her. "Hey."
    He pulled Lexi into a hug. "Hi dad. I'm so sorry."
    "What happened?"
    "I was at a party."
   "Until dawn? Does your mom know you're here?"
   Trudy walked into the lobby and called Voight. "Sergant."
   "Someone here from gang unit ot see you. its about the shooting in Pilsen."
    "Alright, I'll be down in a second,"
    Voight looked over at you. "Why don't you take her to get her a hot cup of coco or something?"
    Al looked at his daughter and then to you. "She doesn't testify."
    "I know."
   "TO anything."
   "I know."
    "I mean it."
   "Al, I know,"
   You took her into the break room and made her a cup of hot coco and yourself a cup of coffee. She started talking without prompt."I only met russell a couple of times. He's a really nice guy. he offered to walk me tot he train,"
     "Did you know that he was in gang?"
    "He was always cool to me,"
    "So what happened in the alley?"
    "Uhm, the guy came up. russell and him started aruging
    "About what?"
   "He told russell, 'you're in the wrong neighborhood' The guy was totally gaked out',"
    "Did you get a name?"
    "I heard Russell call him Calaca?"
    Al took the rest of the day off to deal with Lexi and making sure she was safe. You were now in the lobby talking about what Lexi told you and the details of the case. Dawson was the first one to offer up infromation. "Calaca means skeletion in spanish. my money is on the latin preists. That's the kind of name they gave to their boys,"
    Jay looked over the details of the case that was in the file. "Neighbor's don't claim to have seen anything,"
    Ruzek added on it. "And there's no security camera either,"
    Another cop comes into the lobby and hands Voight a file. "The report you requested, Sergeant. a breakdown of all drug-related busts in the pilsen aera in the last 12 months,"
    You looked at the files in her hands. "Must've been a lot of files,"
    Voight didn't look impressed. "Alright, now give me a list of all gang-affillated males in the neighborhood that were areested with a weapon who were between 5'2'' and 6'3'."
     Jay offered up information. "Gunman is 5'9,"
    "You can never be too careful. alright, lets find this calaca and get a confession so lexi doesn't have to testify,"
     While Dawson went to pick up the kids that threw the party you went and checked on Rusell and his mom at the hospital. "How's he doing?"
   She looked at for you a few seconds before talking to me. "They won't really tell me and i get that feeling that it can't be good,"
    "Did Russell tell you about having a problem with someone named calaca?"
     "No, I've never heard that name before,"
    "How long has russell been running with the Lords?"
    "HE had drugs on him?"
     You slowly nod.
    "T Mac. I told Russell to say away from him,"
    "T mac?"
    "Tamarcus pierce. Russell worships him. thugs like that have a way of gragging the young ones in,"
     While you were talking to Russell's mom, four latin priests were killed. You were now back in Intelligence. Voight tapped the a picture on the board. "Four dead latin priests killed execution style. Displayed on a soccer field. it was areprisal shooting for Russell Thompson,"
    You walked up to the board and put a picture of T Mac up. "Russell ws a low-level runner for Tamarcus Pierce aka T-Mac,"
     Kim stood up and walked up to the board. "Yeah, we used to answer domestic violence calls all the times at his mother's. His stepfahter beat the crap out of him,"
      After an hour of digging more dirt, Kim walked up into the lobby dressed weirdly. Jay tried to hide laughter but it didn't work. "What are you wearing?
     "I'm suppose to be a tourist. It's what this cell phone thief looks for,"
     You looked at Kim. "It's working,"
   Voight looked at Kim and then back to you. "Alright, T-Mac Pierce. It's a place to start,"
   "What about Calaca?"
    "You tell me?"
     You nodded. "Got my C.I.s working on it but so far nothing,"
     "Pirests probably have him in hiding,"
     "Maybe tmac knows where. he had no problem finding four of his pals and putting lead in their head,"
     While Kim was doing her undercover work, you and Jay were driving around and he ends up pulling up to this house that you didn't recongize. Jay kissed you and then opend the door. "This will only take a minute.
     You were confused but watched him get out of the car and walk up to the door and banged on the door, you could only hear Jay's part of the converstation. "Oh, you scope out your next victim yet?
      "Maybe you can alibi him out after this one too,"
     Jay started to walk towards the car but some guy followed him. "Just get off my property!"
        Alibi....Victim...scope out.
     That's when you realized who these people were and where you were at. You unbuckled your seat and walked out of the car. You walked up to Jay and put your hand on his shoulder. "Jay,"
      Jay ingored you and kept looking at the dad. "What are you gonna do? Call the cops?"
     "What? You here to rough him up?"
      Jay looked beyond pissed. "He bought duct tape and rope up the street last night. you remember how they found Ben Corson?"
       "What, are you monitoring him?"
      Jay walked up to the dad a little bit. "You son is a pedophile and a killer,"
       The guy points to the car "Leave,"
       You grabbed the back of Jay's shirt and started to pull him away to the car, which made him loose balance but he regained it. You didn't let go of his seat till you got to the car. He looked at you and you just stared at him. He huffed and then walked over to the driver's seat and got it. You got into the passenger's side. You looked over at Jay and Jay was utterly pissed. "You shouldn't have done that! I had it under control,"
       You scoffed. "You had it under control? Yeah, okay. You're worried about what Voight will do if he finds out about us? The outcome of this will be much worse now since you violated your restraining order. Stop trying to get yourself arrested. You keep interfering with their lives and keep violating your restraining order, you'll lose your badge,"
      "Whatever! You still shouldn't have done that. I know what I'm doing. I've been in this unit a lot longer than you have, just cause your Voight's daughter doesn't mean you can boss me around. You're not in charge!"
       "I'm bossing-Okay fine. Have fun getting your ass chewed out,"You pulled out your phone and ordered an uber and got out of Jay's car.
      "Where are you going?"
     "Don't worry about it,"
     You walked down the street and waited for the uber. Jay tried to get him to talk to you, but you didn't. He didn't leave until he saw the car pull up and you got in.
      It's been a few hours since you got into it with Jay and you haven't talked to him since. The team had found out where T-Mac is and he was at his mom's house. The boys had kicked in the door and you cleared theownstiars and saw that there was a little girl and a woman in the living room. Before you could see anything, the mom said that she told people that T-Mac doesn't live here. Antonio wasn't having it and bent down to talk to the little girl and asked her where her brother was and she said he was upstairs. You, Burgess, and Atwater stayed downstairs with the mom and the sister. There were a few shots and then nothing. Voight yelled that he was running. You looked out of the front door and saw him running. You told Burgess and Atwater to stay here and you chased after him and when you finally got close enough to him, you tackled him to the ground. You pushed him to the ground and took one of him and placed it against his back and cuffed it. You did the same with the other arm, all while he was resisting. You were now back in Intelligence, Voight and Jay were in an interview room with T-Mac and you were watching on the other side of the window. "That female cop, that arrested him is quite impressive,"
      You couldn't see Jay or your dad's expression as he was sitting with his back to you. "Yeah, she is."
      Voight ignored the comment T-Mac and got straight to the point. "Wicky sitcks? Real low grade to be shooting at cops over tmac,"
      T-Mac just shrugged. "Hipsters like what hipsters like,"
     "You ever heard a Latin player name Calaca?"
    "Guess I ain't the only one looking for him,"
     "What? You're just gonna take out his crew one by one until you find him? That's your plan? You're gonna pull back and let us find calaca ourselves,"
     "Nah, man. Calaca's gonna get what he got coming,"
     The guys just looked at him for a few seconds and then got up from where they were sitting and walked out of the room and to where you were. "What are we gonna do?"
     Before they could answer the officer that Voight had doing busywork walked in. "Those arrest reports. I also did a search on T-mac's mom's house. the entire thing was bought with cask linked to narcotics. You ever heard of an asset forteiture seizure order?"
     You grabbed the paper from the officer and walked into the interview room with Voight and Jay behind me.You ingored his comment and sat in front of him. "Do you know what an asset forteiture seizure order is?"
    "Am I suppose to guess?"
    "Property forteiture document freshly signed by a judge. you bought your mother's house with drug ,"
      His smile dropped. "You can't take my mother's home,"
     "Federal law says we can. you know, the neighborhood is gentrifying. Hipsters are having babies now. they'd love the place, maybe find drugs in the wall,"
      "Okay stop,"
     Voight walked up to the table and put his hand on the table and looked at T-Mac. "You tell your boys to call it off with the pirests. I want Calaca living, or your mama's gonna be living out of a shopping cart,"
      After you got done talking to T-Mac, you were on your way back to Intelligence when you got a call about where Calaca could be. You walked into Intelligence and address the team. "We may have gotten a hit on Calaca from the hotline. sombebody who matches his description was jsut seen leaving a barbershop on South Racine,"
     Dawson walked up next to you. "It's owned by an uncle of one of the latin priests,"
     Voight pointed to both of you. "Alright, you two get on it,"
      You walked into the barbershop and it was only an ederly guy. Dawson walked up to him. "Oye, Viejo, you the owner of this shop?"
     The guy nodded. "Yeah, for over 30 years. please call me Papo,"
      "We are looking for a guy named Calaca?"
      "Never heard of him,"
     You were walking over the shop but looked at him when he said that. "He was last seen here,"
    "Pssh. Not that i saw,"
    Dawson wasn't believing it and you weren't either. "Well, we know that your nephew hangs out with the latin priests,"
     "I haven't seen my nephew, oh, in a very long time,"
     Dawson was making small talk while you were still looking around. You walk up to one of those blue containers, grab it and opened and immiedtialy closed it when you barely got a sniff. "Damn. Antonio,"
     Dawson walked up to where you where and grabbed the containers and sniffed it as well. "That sure anit aqua net,"
     You looked at Antontio. "Liquid P.C.P,"
     "You always keep bottles of wet hangning around the store?
     "I have a license for those chemicals,"
      You scoffed. "For what?"
     "The hair starightening products. I can show you the paperwork if you want,"
    Antontio walked over to a door and tried to opened it but it's locked. "What's in here?"
     "I don't know,"
     You started walking over to the door. "Open it,"
    "Don't have a key,"
    Dawson was getting tired of this as you were too. "30 years and you don't have a key?"
      You and dawson shared a look and then drew your guns. Dawson busts the door down. you follow Dawson as he goes down the hallway and to a storage room, papo follows. "My nephew and his gang have taken my establishment. they take my disability checks. they forced me to get the chemical license for the hair straightening products,"
     "Where are they now?"
    "I don't know. they don't tell me nothing,"
     You were going to walk to another side of the room but you stepped on a part of the floor that felt and sounds hallow. you step off it and Antonio moved the rug. you drew your gun again as dawson opened the hatch. and there was blood everywhere you climed down it. You were looking at all the blood. "Looks like someone took a beating down here,"
      "How much you wanna bet it was Calaca?"
      You saw a finger that was cut off. "Then this must be Calaca's finger?"
     After you were done with the barbershop, you went back to Intellgence. "The latin priests are using the old man's barbership glade as a front to sell PCP,"
     Voight looked at us. "Points for origanality. what makes you think that Calaca is still alive?"
     "He's still one of them. if they wanted him dead, they'd have dumped his body for the whole world to see. but they still had to punish him for starting a gang war. That's why the beat him and clipped his pinky finger off in that dungeon,"
     You walked over to your desk and sat down. "After that, my bet is that they moved him to a safe house when he got hot,"
     "They knew we were coming. Alright, that's all,"
     After Ruzek and Burgess follow the kid back to a house, they get an address for a latin priest's hideout. You sneakily got into the hideout and then went in loud when everyone got in position. While the team had the people at gunpoint, you break off and saw that there was a door and you walk over to it and opened it. You saw a very weak looking guy who was holding a napkin on his hand. It was Calaca. Al came back and said that Lexi was going to testify.
      You were walking out of the precinct when you saw Jay was walking towards you. You ignored him and got in your car and drove home.
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xxew-pineapplezxx · 5 years
Argument with BTS before going on tour (Maknae Line)
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“You should be alive!” You sang the lyrics to Promise, all types of wrong while you helped Jimin pack his things. You did a little shimmy moving to the side while folding a shirt. It’s been about two hours of you washing clothes and packing them away for him, what could be wrong?
The fact that he wasn’t there helping you pack his shit!
You heard the door open and close but didn’t bother to go look. The only person who should be getting into your shared unit was Jimin himself.
You were too busy paying attention to what you were doing you jumped when your name was shouted out by his booming voice.
Just as if it was on cue, he stormed into the room and threw a shirt at you. This look of disgust written all over his face. And you honestly didn’t know why.
“What happened?” You asked him looking at the shirt before your mouth went wide. The shirt looked like it could fit a new born baby. And it just happened to be the shirt one of the guys got him for his birthday.
“Very expensive, but very cheaply made…” You mumbled before looking over at him. “I’m so-”
“Oh save that shit for yourself!” He yelled walking over and snatching the shirt out of your hands. “You honestly had one fucking job and you can’t even do this right! I have to go on tour and this is what you do? You ruin something that means a lot to me!”
“It’s just a shirt babe… You can replace it!” You said defensively.
“‘Yeah, I can replace you too!” He snapped giving you a look you’ve never seen since being with him for the last few years.
You couldn’t help but feel small by the way he was acting toward. You reached for the shirt and he snatched it away from your grasp.
“Let me see if I can fix it…” You said trying to grab it once more. Though how he was treating you hurt, you were trying to not let it bring you down. He left tomorrow for tour and you wanted to just be near him as long as possible.
“I don’t want your help anymore.” He spat walking past you and bumping your arm pretty hard in the process. “Why don’t you do yourself a favor and just leave? You’re useless and just a waste of space.”
You slightly gasped at his words. It hurt to hear him talk to you like that when all you were trying to do was help. Your hurt quickly turned into anger.
“You know what you prick!” You shouted grabbing his arm so that he could look right at you.” Unlike you, I’ve been here going at this packing crap since I got off of work at 3 pm. Something I also did so that I could get here and help you pack!”
His look went from anger to guilt as the realization hit. “Y/n I-”
“Like honestly, Jimin. I’ve been slaving over this stupid suitcase trying to make sure everything you needed was in there like I’m your motherfucking mom! And what did you do? Nothing! You were out with friends and I allowed you to go because I thought it would be great to see them before leaving. You come back and be an ungrateful dick!” You grabbed the suitcase and started throwing the clean clothes on the floor.
“Pack your own shit, Bitch” You said then left the room leaving Jimin there feeling a bunch of different ways.
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Tae and you sat in the airport while you waited for his flight. From the outside looking in, you just looked like one of the staff, but everyone else knew you were Tae’s girlfriend. And though you knew the reason why it was being kept quiet, you really just wanted to hug and kiss on your boyfriend for the final time until the tour was over.
You grabbed his hand lacing your fingers together. “Tae, love, are you excited about the tour?” You asked him but he ignores you, pulling his hand away from your own. Instead he waves and smiles at the fans that stood a few yards away.
You rolled your eyes then made him look at you. “You think they would let us go somewhere to talk and be actually comfortable?” You wondered.
“I feel fine. “He said shortly then looked back at the fans and started smiling again. You stood up and moved in front of him.
“Tae I really want to spend a little more time with you before you leave.” You pointed out but he only scoffed.
“I’m spending time with the fans who made me who I am today. Why don’t you just sit down and be quiet like the good little girlfriend I know you can be, okay?”
You looked at him shocked on how he was talking to you. Before you could stop yourself you raised your hand and slapped him.
The sound seemed to echo the whole airport as Tae stood up looking down at you in shock. He grabbed you arm and pulled you away from everyone just as the guards were approaching.
He led you to an empty hallway and pushes you against the wall looking you in the eyes as if you were crazy. Or maybe he being the crazy one.
“How dare you slap me?” He yelled which only echoed the whole hallway. You looked at him, pretty shocked yourself that you allowed yourself to even get that far.
You raised your hand to touch him but he slapped you had away.
“You really think I want you touching me after you did that?” He snapped and all you could do was shake your head. “You know how embarrassing that is? How the fans are going to destroy you just because you are being fucking reckless!” This time he screamed and his voice only made you jump.“Why don’t you do me the biggest favor and go home?”
You looked at him then shrugged. “ Fine, I’ll leave” You snapped back then started walking away.
“Wait, Y/n I didn’t mean it please ju-”
“Just be a good little girlfriend and stay quiet? Sure, your majesty” You bowed before flipping him off then walking away from him. You went and grabbed you purse before quickly heading for the exit, not looking back at Taehyung called for you.
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“Y/n!” Jungkook screamed at the top of his lungs. Probably not the best thing to do since he is about to start tour, but his choice! You stood there hand over mouth at the mistake you just made aka broke his gaming system.
He stood looking at you, anger written all over his face which made you step back slightly.
“Kookie, it was an accident…” You said, voice fragile scared that if any higher or stronger he would go off. You were completely wrong.
“Bullshit!” He yelled throwing the remote to the couch. “ You always nag and complain about me never paying attention to you and always being on the game. You knew damn well what you were doing!”
“I honestly didn’t!” You said trying to defend yourself. The look he gave you was one that could scare birds away. The guy standing in front of you, unrecognizable.
“You really just like pushing my buttons, huh?” Kook asked stepping closer. “Why don’t you just stay in the kitchen where you belong or even in the laundry room. Just stay away from where my shit is, understood?”
“Your shit?” You questioned before you began to laugh, the once soft tone now gone and turned into a stern one. “ Last time I checked, asshole,I bought that fucking thing for you! The TV is mine because I had it at my apartment. If you want to claim somthing, claim your fucking dick and your damn laptop, but last time I checked, most of this shit is mine!”
You stood tall and confident while looking at him. He looked at you, burning a hole in your head with his glare. You have the same looked before grabbing the system and heading for the trash. It was broken anyways so why leave it.
Jungkook tried to grab it from you but you wouldn’t let it go.
“Stop being childish!” He exclaimed which only made you turn and look at im.
“Childish?” You asked then nodded.”I’ll show you childish.”
You walked to the balcony and opened up the door. Without a second thought you threw the system out the window then grabbed the remotes and did the same.
Jungkook stood there just watching. H could’ve got the data off of it somehow, but now? It was destroyed. He looked at you actually hurt by what you did, both of you with high emotions.
“I’ll go stay with they Hyungs.” He mumbled not really knowing what else to do.
“Bye!” Was all you said before heading to your shared bedroom and slamming the door shut, locking it right after. Your back found the door and you began to cry. Here it goes for a great night.
Good thing his stuff was already packed and by the door to leave early in the morning. He wasn’t getting in that room anytime soon.
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mermurder · 5 years
Pretty Little Square - a Jotaro/reader fanfic
i was just a smal baby weeb when i wrote my last fan fiction but the time has come (aka i started watching jjba and hoe out for all the Joestars)
Basically reader is stuck watching Jotaro during detention and things get a little rocky. No smut or nothin’ (yet ;000) but there are some swearsies w/ one directed at the reader so theres that. like i said this is my first fan fic in many moons so is probably trash. Enjoy!
Being at school this late was really starting to creep you out. The empty hallways and classrooms had a very strange aura to them. Like you were in some horror movie. You’d usually wouldn't be here this late if it wasn’t for one of your teachers asking for your help. He had to watch over the kids in detention today but had to leave due to some sort of family emergency. At the last minute he begged you to stay and take their place and you couldn’t say no. As class president, he knew he could trust you to watch over the troublemakers. Actually just one troublemaker. Before he left he handed you a sticky note letting you know who would be coming. Jotaro Kujo was the only name written down. Would he even bother coming? You weren’t even sure what he was in detention for, this time at least. It didn’t matter, he’s done all sorts of things that landed him in hot water. Even almost gotten expelled a few times. If it wasn’t for his saint of a mother he would have been kicked out a long time ago. 
She was such a nice lady, when you and Jotaro used to pal around she treated you like her own daughter. You and Jotaro actually used to be really close. Before your parents divorced you lived in the same neighborhood as the Kujos. Even though you were children your parents teased that you and Jotaro were little lovebirds. In reality you just did the normal things kids used to do. Played in the playground and watched after school cartoons. You two stayed friends all the way until high school. That was when Jotaro changed. The normal, kind kid you grew up with turned into a cold and sometimes cruel person. Now that you were class president you denied ever even knowing him, worried your reputation would suffer if anyone knew you used to hang around with him. You’d never dare tell anyone you used to have a crush on him either.
You sighed and raised your hand to block the setting sun from getting in your eyes. You leaned against the desk in the front of the classroom, waiting. The watch on your wrist showed three fifty-nine PM. Detention started at four. If he wasn’t here by fifteen past you’d leave. You weren’t going to sit here when you could be home studying and applying for scholarships. The classroom door creaked open and you turned to look. Holy shit he actually came. Jotaro stood in the doorway. His hands in his pockets and hat pulled down to shade his eyes.
“Where’s Mr. Ishimura?” he questioned in his signature monotone. You pushed yourself off the desk. “He had something he needed to attend to. He asked me to watch you instead.” Jotaro scoffed and let out a quiet ‘whatever’ and walked over to one of the desks in the middle of the room. He plopped himself down in his seat and propped his feet up on the desk. Just an hour of babysitting and you could finally go home. 
You decided to take a seat at the teacher’s desk. Pulling a book out of your bag you cracked it open and began reading. It was a book about some female warrior destined to fight against evil and defend her people. Your friend pleaded that you read it so you could go with her to see the movie when it came out. Humoring her, you'd already gotten to about the middle. The protagonist was starting to fall in love with the bad boy who’d cast himself out of the village. He was gruff and flippant towards her. But she was drawn to his charms like a moth to a flame. Barf. Who would actually fall for his crap?
The sound of a can cracking open yanked you out of your thoughts. You peered over your book to look at Jotaro. You hoped he just opened a can of soda but this was Jotaro Kujo we’re talking about. He leisurely took a sip from his beer as his eyes darted back and forth across the pages of a book. Was it worth the effort to get up and ask him to stop? Exhaling through your nose, you got up and walked around the desk to stand in front of Jojo. He either didn’t notice you were in front of him or didn’t care. Probably the latter. “Jotaro.” you said, hands on your hips. No response. “Jojo.” Oops you didn’t mean to call him by your childhood nickname for him but it seemed to get his attention. He stared up at you past the brim of his hat. It felt like he was glaring daggers into you. “You know what I’m going to say don’t you?” There was a pleading tone in your voice. Maybe just once he would behave. To your surprise he held out the can to you loosely. You snatched it away from him and gave him a disappointed look. It was practically empty already. Turning away you intended to keep the can to throw out somewhere else, you didn’t want the janitors finding an empty can of beer and thinking you had something to do with it. There was still a small amount of liquid still in the can though. Without thinking you brought the can to your lips and chugged down what was left. Behind you a soft chuckle came from Jotaro. 
“I guess the rumors going around are true then.” He mumbled, not quite intending for you to hear but the silence of the room made it audible. You turned on your heel to face Jojo. “What do you mean?” You asked, equal parts insult and curiosity hanging off your words. He didn’t even bother looking up from his book. “Everyone knows that the senior class president isn’t as straight laced as she makes herself out to be.” Okay sure you had a habit of having a smoke or two after school. And sometimes you’d sneak your dad’s beers if you were up late studying. It wasn’t something you were proud of but it was true. There was nothing to be done about the rumors, it wasn’t the gossip that pissed you off anyway. “You’re one to talk.” Your words cut through the air like a knife. Jotaro’s shoulders tensed and finally for the first time in the past half an hour he’d been with you he looked you straight in the eye. Placing his book on the desk he stood from his seat, towering over you. He looked down at your tiny form. You’d forgotten how piercing his blue eyes were. “What's that supposed to mean.” Your words were sharp but by far his were more intimidating. What had you gotten yourself into?
A familiar heat grew on our face. It was embarrassing being called out on your words. But more than that you were angry. Bottling up how you felt about Jotaro would do you no good. He was here, he had no choice but to hear what you had to say. “I’m so sick of your attitude…” Getting the words out of your mouth was already hard enough, looking Jojo in the eye was impossible. Jotaro was silent. You had no idea what his reaction was but after a short pause you kept speaking. “I might have my own problems but you act like such a jackass!” Gaining more confidence you stepped back and looked up at Jojo. With his hands in his pockets he once again had his hat covering his face. It cast an ominous shadow over his eyes. There was no way to tell what he was thinking. But you could tell he was listening. You already called this giant man a jackass, might as well keep going. 
“You act like you’re better than everyone else, its so annoying. I hate it, everyone hates it! Everyone's too afraid to call you out because they're afraid you’re gonna kick their ass.” The hands at your side balled up into fists. “You’re just...you’re a completely different person.” The frustration you were feeling made it hard to form sentences but you kept firing off anyway. “I remember when we used to play together. You were so nice back then. You loved going to the aquarium and spending time with your mom. Now you act like a complete bastard to everyone! This tough guy act you put on isn’t cool Jojo. I used to like you…now I just wish you’d snap out of it and act right.” Barely audible you added one last thing. “I miss the old Jojo.” 
Years of hearing about Jotaro getting in trouble had manifested into anger about the person you used to know. In your freshman year together you sometimes day dreamed of what it would be like to be Mrs. Kujo. You tried to push the silly thoughts about your best friend down until eventually you didn’t have to. The two of you drifted apart. Jotaro became a delinquent. You became a good student and class president. Feelings of infatuation morphed into anger. You lost your closest friend and now he treated everyone like shit. Now is was all finally out. The impromptu vent session actually felt nice. But now you had to deal with the consequences. 
Before you knew it Jotaro was right in front of you and invading your personal space. He glared into your eyes and managed to trap you between his body and the desk next to you. He leaned down just enough to be able to be face to face to you. “Listen to me.” He growled through his teeth. “Just because our parents made us go on play dates doesn’t mean you know me like the back of your hand. I grew up, things changed. It's time for you to do the same.” He was close enough to you that you could smell the cologne and cigarette smoke on him. You were terrified but also strangely excited. “I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks of me. I’ll do whatever the hell I damn well please. You have no idea what I've been through or what I’m going through. So you don’t have the fucking right to chew me out about how I’ve changed.” Your eyes began to water and you closed your eyes to prevent the tears from coming, in addition to turning your head away so he wouldn't see you cry. Just like you Jojo had one final thing to say. “The last thing I need is you mouthing off at me and acting like a little bitch!” He didn’t yell at you but his raised voice echoed off the walls of the room. It was enough to finally force tears from you. One or two streamed down your cheek and you felt your lip begin to quiver. You couldn’t figure out why this hurt so bad. You didn’t care about some loser like Jojo anymore. Right?
When you opened your eyes again Jojo was still in front of you but standing straight at his normal height. He looked down on you but he didn’t look pissed like you thought he would. He actually looked kind of sad. The words he said replayed in your head over and over again. The tears came quicker and your chest began to tighten. “Just... just get out.” you mumbled between sniffles. You didn’t want to be around him anymore or for him to see you cry. Though it’s probably too late for that. Jojo collected his things and obeyed. You looked at him as he walked out the door and he gave you a look back. After waiting a moment you let the tears fall as they pleased.
Detention ended early that day. You didn’t care. After that you never saw or heard from Jojo again. He would creep into your mind from time to time but you’d quickly try to think of something else. Now that you were in college you couldn’t waste time thinking about stuff like that. Sometimes you could swear you’d saw someone who looked just like him on campus, but there was no way. A delinquent like him probably ended up on the streets or something.
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slut4supersoldiers · 6 years
Someday. Maybe. Chapter 8
Summary: Throw together a boy and a girl and another boy and 5 middle-schoolers, two adults, a little girl with telekinetic powers, and a monster from another dimension and you’ll get the perfectly strange story.
(AKA: I suck at writing summaries.)
Pairing: Steve Harrington X OC (fem reader) X Billy Hargrove  
Words: 2K+
A/n: This is the second last chapter. And this one has my boi Stevie’s point of view. Please leave a feedback. xx
I do not own Strangers Things nor the GIF.
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I woke up the next day with a massive headache.
After spending two hours down at the station the night before, Flo decided to call it a day and the both of us returned home. Taking in my slouched appearance and lack of appetite Flo asked me if anything was bothering me. I gave her a half-hearted smile and shook my head. After kissing my forehead she retrieved to her room but not before assuring me that she would always be there if I need her. Her kind words somehow felt alien to me and suddenly my eyes welled up with tears. And the tears didn’t stop till the morning rays peeked through my curtains blinding me momentarily and worsening the head ache. Thankfully it was a Saturday so I didn’t have to come up with an excuse to skip school. Although with the way I was feeling now I wouldn’t have to come up with and excuse at all.
After fifteen minutes of lying in bed I willed myself to get up. Seeing as I was going to be staying home I quickly went through my routine, threw on a large sweater and some pants before heading downstairs.
As I entered the kitchen I saw Flo talking on the phone with a hand on her hip and an apron around her waist. She turned around probably on hearing me shuffle through the kitchen and pointed at a plate on the table. As she continued talking I devoured my breakfast. With all that happened in a period of two days I felt like I hadn’t eat at all and suddenly I wanted to eat till my stomach burst.
“Careful honey, you’re stuffing your mouth.” Flo who had now hung up approached the table and poured me a glass of orange juice. I nodded at her as I chugged down the juice. Flo just shook her head and grabbed the carton. After putting it away she turned to look at me and said, “I have to visit Lauren today. She fell from the stairs and broke her hip, poor thing.”
Lauren was Flo’s friend since high school and they frequented each other’s house from time to time. Lauren lived in the neighbouring town with her husband and their dog Humphry. 
“I am taking your car and I’ll be back by Monday. Are you going to be okay by yourself?” Flo asked as she put on her coat.
I smiled and nodded at Flo when she grabbed the key hanging on the nail by the door. She gave a pat on my shoulder and kissed my cheek before bidding me farewell. I watched as she drove away and decided to get some homework done.
After three hours of making notes and solving math problems I decided to take a break. What better way to take a break than renting a movie! So I put on a pair of jeans, tucked my sweater in and grabbed my jacket. 
The moment I stepped out of the house I cursed myself for being stupid enough to walk in this cold but with my car gone I had no other option. Luckily I managed to reach the store before I could freeze to death like Jack Nicholson in the Shinning. Huh! Maybe I could watch that movie.
After grabbing the VHS I walked over to aisle number 3 to grab some popcorn. As I was about to reach out and grab the box of (extra) butter popcorn my gaze fell on a ruckus in front of the meat section.
Dustin Henderson and Steve Harrington were engaged in an animated discussion over something. I would have never imagined Steve Harrington hanging out with anyone half his age let alone Dustin. Out of curiosity, I walked towards the two boys. The younger boy who was facing me suddenly stopped talking as he saw me approaching them.
“(y/n) what are you doing here?” He yelled and looked at Steve almost as if he was trying to stop Steve from saying anything. Following Dustin’s actions Steve tensed and turned around to look at me.
Without so much as glancing at Steve I asked Dustin, “Me? What are you doing here?” I pointed my finger at both the boys as if questioning the odd pair.
“Oh, yeah… huh… funny story. Steve do you wanna tell her?” Dustin suddenly looked towards the older boy.
Steve looked at Dustin with disbelief and then looked at the ground in an effort to conjure up some explanation.
“I got it. It’s for a project for science class. We have to study…uh… the behaviour of…uh… a semi-wild being in its habitat and how it reacts to its prey which in this case is raw beef.” Both Steve and I stared at Dustin who put his hands in his pockets and stared at us.
“Cut the crap Henderson and tell me the truth.” I deadpanned.
“I’ll tell you the truth. Dustin’s pet lizard ate his cat.” Steve spoke up.
“Okay. That’s funny Harrin- Wait are you serious?” I looked between the two boys. “How can a lizard eat a ca- Wait it ate Mews?”
“That’s the only cat I have (y/n) or had. And ‘it’ is not a lizard, he has a name.” Dustin pointed at Steve.
“Wait. So something which was not a lizard ate your cat and you gave it a name and are now feeding it. Does it sound completely stupid and irrational to you too or do you want me to say it out loud once more?” I looked at Dustin who looked at me with a scowl.
“(y/n) don’t you get it this thing is a creature from the upside down?” He whispered cautiously so as to not let anyone overhear us.
“Alright. That does it. You, Dustin Henderson are going home at this instant.” The moment Dustin mentioned that this filthy creature was linked to the creatures we encountered last year I realised the gravity of the issue.
“What? Why? Anyway mom is not home she is looking for Mews and I don’t have the key.” He shrugged.
“What? You haven’t told Mrs. Henderson that her cat is dead?” I whisper-yelled.
“(Y/n) you’re over-reacting.”
“I am over-reacting? Dustin some dangerous creature is on the loose and has killed your cat, why do you think it won’t kill you?”
“He is not some creature. He is Dart. He is my friend he won’t hurt me.”
“Oh, great! Just because you named it now it’s your-
“(Y/n) ‘it’ has a na-
“Hey, hey, hey, if you two are done arguing like 5 year olds we have something more important to do.” Steve interjected.
“Right.” Dustin Straightened up and backed away a little. 
“Fine. Dustin I’ll keep your secret and not say anything to Mrs. Henderson if I can come with you two.” I crossed my arms in front of my chest.
“Why?” Dustin questioned mimicking my stance.
“Well firstly, I won’t be able to live with the fact that I let you walk in the arms of death without making any efforts of protecting you and also I have a shotgun at my house and I know how to use it.” I raised my brow as at Dustin, challenging him.
“Well you came in real strong with the emotional rant but just the shotgun part would have sufficed. Man! I should’ve just come to you instead of Steve.” Dustin smiled at me.
“You know I am standing right here?” Steve rolled his eyes at Dustin.
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s go guys.” Dustin said before he began piling his cart with packets of raw meat.
After buying two buckets worth meat and gaining a weird look by the cashier the three of us made our way to my house to grab my shotgun. Making sure I had enough bullets we finally began walking to the abandoned rail tracks that passed from the forest to the abandoned junkyard, since taking a car and then leaving it would have been unsafe.
The whole time Steve kept glancing towards me only to look ahead when I caught him. Annoyed with his behaviour I slung my shotgun on my back, grabbed one bucket out of Dustin’s hand and began walking ahead. With all that had happened two days ago and now this, I needed to free my mind even if it would last for a short while.
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If somebody told me few years ago I'd be teaming up with Dustin Henderson to track down some inter-dimensional creature who eats cats I would have laughed in their face. Then again I would have done the same thing if somebody said I'd be helping Jonathan Byers fight off a similar creature with my (ex) girlfriend. But then last year happened.
But the demo creature and teaming up with Dustin Henderson weren't the only strange things, (y/n)’s behaviour was strange too. She had made it clear that she was on board only for Dustin. I understood the reason why she was being distant and I was kicking myself for not apologizing to her but at the same time a small part of me (very selfish and confused part of me) wanted her to come along because she wanted to spend time with me. We never did that anymore. It was not her fault though.
Last year during the summer she confessed her attraction towards me. Did that catch me off guard? Yes. Not because I didn't like her. In fact I had liked her since we were friends but I never acted on it because she was...well (y/n). She was always the smartest, the hardest working, and the kindest person in school. The only thing I had going for me was my hair and my parents' money. Why would she go for me?
There were a few times in middle school when I wanted to tell her I liked her. Like after Becca Green's birthday party (where I dragged her against her will) when she tucked her hair behind her ears and told me she had a great time; or that time when we stayed up watching stars by the pool outside my house and decided to make it our little tradition or that time when she fell down her bike and in spite of a bleeding knee, glazed eyes and a wobbling lip she still managed to smile and say "I am okay." 
I always wanted to tell her I liked her. But high school came along and  we began drifting apart, again she wasn’t the one to be blamed. I know she hated the people I hung out with but I also liked the feeling of being popular. I liked the attention (that I was otherwise devoid of). I liked being the best, the king. That was the year I talked to Nancy Wheeler.
The closer we became the farther (y/n) went. She became even more distant from not just me but everyone around her. She began spending time at the AV club and down at the police station. But I was too busy ignoring her because I thought my life was perfect. I had many friends, I had a smart and beautiful girlfriend, I was partying, and I was at the apex of the social pyramid. Little did I know then that all this would cost me the one girl who cared about me the most (in spite of me being an asshole to her most of the times).
"Steve, let’s get moving." Dustin hollered, pulling me out of my thoughts. 
Before I could go back to pondering over things I walked faster to keep up with Dustin.
"So let me get this straight, you hid a creature you knew was dangerous to impress a girl you barely knew?" I asked.
"Okay that's just grossly oversimplifying what happened." Dustin retorted.
"I mean why would a girl like a nasty slug?" I shrugged.
"An inter-dimensional slug? Because it's awesome." Dustin dramatically moved his hands.
"Well even if she thought it was cool, which she didn't, I just... Don't know, I just feel like you're trying to hard man." The boy needed some tough love.
"Well not everyone can have your perfect hair, alright?" Dustin walked a little faster like a child throwing a tantrum. 
"It's not about the hair man. The key is to act like you don't care."  I shrugged
"Even if you do?" Dustin slowed down a little.
"Yeah. Drives ‘em nuts." I said as I matched his pace.
"Is that why you behave like you don't care about (y/n) because you want to drive her nuts?" Dustin questioned softly looking to make sure (y/n) wasn't listening. Thankfully she was out of earshot.
“Whatever do you mean by that." I murmured.
“Going by what you said, you care for her but don't show her that because you want her to like you. So it means you like her too, right?" Dustin looked at me with furrowed brows.
"Of course I do like her Dustin I-
"Then why are you dating Nancy?"
"I am not... Nancy... I... She broke up with me." I said through gritted teeth.
"Oh brutal. So are you like gonna ask (y/n) out or something?" The younger boy asked.
"No...she... She wouldn't go out with me. She’s too special for someone as ordinary as me." After how I've treated her I doubt if she'd talk to me.  I wanted to add.
"Yeah, she is special. Like max." Dustin softly murmured the last part.
"Hey, wait you're not in love with her, right?" Dustin frantically shook his head on hearing my question and repeatedly said no.
"Good, coz she will only break your heart." apparently that's what people you love do. That’s what Nancy did to me. And that's exactly what I did to (y/n).
@wefracturedmotivation @thoughstofaredhead @savannah-m-99 @spideyjoy @peanutlicker5000 @lovelydreamer-2000@mysticfluffyness
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sparkledeerfr · 5 years
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A Hunt
Aka ‘Poor York is not built for this’
Warnings: A big monster gets dead, and some mentions of blood.
Adeline is sitting on her heels, far north of the Cities in the wastes, staring at a set of tracks. She hasn’t laid eyes on what they’re hunting, but she can tell enough about it from the clear prints now that they’re off the spongier Plague soil and onto the sandier. It’s big- about the size of a pronghorn stomper if she had to guess- and slightly wolfish judging by the pad and claw placement. It also has a slight limp or injury on the back left leg by the way it drags it.
But these prints are older. They’re closing in on it, but it would likely be a bit longer before they caught up to it, especially if York kept lagging behind. She knew her and March were tough to keep up with, especially for someone who was unused to longer distances like he seemed to be, but it was a tiny bit annoying particularly as he’d insisted on not bringing too many people. Or as he put it ‘I don’t believe we’ll need an entire retinue’. There was also something about ‘not being able to afford it’, but she didn’t believe that the mention of payment had come up. Really the whole thing was a bit weird but he did look worn out as though he’d been chasing it himself for a long while, and if someone asked for help and genuinely seemed to need it she wasn’t the type to say no even if the person did seem a bit… Well. He was kinda dumb, if she was being honest. Sweet, slightly formal, pretty, and kinda dumb. Either the kind of person you’d feel bad about letting wander into the wastes on his own, or the exact kind of person you’d send in to bait someone else into a trap. If it was a trap they were taking their sweet time with it (and had staged it well), but she didn’t worry about it considering March had agreed to come with her. With March by you you didn’t really worry about much. “‘Bout another day I’d say,” Adeline said, standing back up and dusting off her hands. March was scanning the horizon, DeSoto sitting patiently by his side. “That long?” York asked, and the barest end of March’s tail twitched. York was annoying him, Adeline knew. He’d signed ‘King’ to her about him, which to her made very little sense as he was alone, but March did have some very strange definitions of words at times so perhaps he’d just meant ‘someone from a noble house’, which March was not particularly fond of. Actually quite a few in the clan seemed to have that- She paused and looked up at a noise, zeroing in on where it came from like a hunting cat and training her eyes on it. York for his part just saw her freeze, the strange glittery (Android? Robot? York didn’t really want to ask) guard that was next to him moving around and by her right shoulder, the red painted steelhound taking her left. He tried to see what she was searching for, but around them was just those gross slightly fungal and bulging Plague trees and the barest chirping of some insects. The sandy soil where Adeline had spotted the tracks led out into open space, but there was nothing there either. After a moment York became uncomfortable in the silence. “Excuse me-” he whispered when a man came stumbling out of the trees, spotted them and then froze as if he’d been caught doing something. York ducked behind Adeline.  Not the bravest reaction, in retrospect.
“Wait,” she said. “Hawk?”
“SHORTSTACK?” the man replied, a grin spreading across his scarred and dirty face. He looked like he’d been travelling for quite a while- his entire ensemble was stained, torn and mud splattered.
“HAAA!” Adeline said, opening her arms and making an excited keening noise, which the man (Hawk?) returned before running over and hugging her. From this distance York could now smell him quite clearly, and the scent was something along the lines of ‘fermented fruit and garbage left in the sun.’ Absolutely horrendous. Was this just how people in Plague lived?
Hawk pulled away and looked her over. York was slightly embarrassed for his home flight to see he had snow white Ice eyes. Perhaps he’d just taken going native a bit far. “So,” Hawk said, glancing over to March, who had those almond red eyes on him for just a moment before determining he wasn’t a danger and looking back to the horizon. “Guard duty or somethin’?”
“Nah,” Adeline said, smiling and putting a hand on his shoulder before reaching into her bag for a water skin. “Hunting. You?”
“Lookin’ for a gig, I suppose,” he said, taking the skin from her and swigging a drink. “Not real hard, though, obviously. What the hell you huntin’ with this bunch though? The grand daddy of all Wave Sweepers?” He looked from the steelhound to York, who had to resist the urge to duck back behind Adeline. She shrugged. “Ha! Didn’t ask, did you?”
“Guess it needs doing,” she replied, handing him some dried food, which he immediately stuffed into his mouth.
“And lemme guess...ain’t gettin paid?” he said, mouth half full of food. She shrugged again. “Ain’t changed a bit.”
“I’m...” York said, attempting to speak up. “I don’t mind paying.”
“Yeah sure,” Hawk said, turning around and facing the direction they were heading. “Let’s go find whatever stupid thing needs to get dead.”
“So, um,” York said as they walked, Adeline moving in looping circles around them collecting various items. He’d been annoyed at that at first, but it became clear she was scavenging more supplies, a thing he didn’t think they would need until they picked up Hawk. He supposed it was always good to be prepared, even if being prepared meant coming back holding a bloody skinning knife and smelling slightly of viscera. “How did you two meet?”
“Could ask both of you the same question,” Hawk said, lighting a dog eared hand rolled cigarette. He glanced to March who in answer flipped him off. “Ha! Arright.”
“Ah yes,” York said, sort of glad to have Hawk between him and March now that he thought on it. “He came with her. I suppose they travel together on occasion. He’s not very talkative and I’ve been told not to take offense.”
“Yeah well, whatcha gonna do even if you do take offense?” Hawk said with a grin, looking at York out of the sides of his eyes, the other man’s darting from him to March and back again before subconsciously making sure that as much of him was hidden from the android as possible.  “Exactly,” Hawk said. Man Shorty always could pick ‘em.
He of course included himself in that category.
“I would really rather not,” York said, looking at the small tent. He hadn't really minded sharing one with Adeline and March despite the indecency of it. They were both at least clean and there was a definite sense of safety from them keeping watch all night, but adding Hawk in…
Especially a Hawk that had again not bathed and in fact had spent the day on the road with them occasionally wandering off to pick various flora that York was somewhat certain was not safe to ingest.
“If someone comes up to us I don't want you far away,” Adeline replied, kicking dirt onto the embers of the fire to put them out.
“Yeah, come in here and get real close,” Hawk said, already laying belly down on a bedroll.
“Knock it it off.”
“I'll knock some-”
“Yes mom.”
“Should...should we help?” York asked, watching Adeline circle the beast that he knew had taken more than a few lives. It was a massive thing, what could be described as a lizard mashed together with a wolf with huge front talons and breathing out ice and frost. It was really a good thing she’d had the foresight to bring along that steelhound, as it was running around keeping the thing distracted and sending out jets of flame to counteract the worst of it.
But still as he watched her he couldn’t help but feel responsible. He started forward, but he felt hands on his shoulders, one from Hawk and one from March (and March’s was more than a tiny bit unsettling simply because he could feel him being as gentle as possible). “Nope,” Hawk said, pulling him back. “She’s got this. Wait for her to say somethin’.”
“But she’s-”
“Look kid you don’t ask a hunter for help and then tell ‘em how to do the job,” Hawk said, breathing out a plume of smoke even as he could hear DeSoto’s flame being set off again, the growl and snarl and pure rage of the beast increasing as they stood there.
“March!” Adeline yelled over the noise, and immediately he took his hand from York’s shoulder and began walking forward. “Right leg!”
There was a sickly wet crack and York winced. The beast turned to snap at March and Adeline took the opportunity, jamming her spear into the exposed neck. “See?” Hawk said, gesturing towards the scene as March straddled the beast’s neck and...what was he doing?
There was another wet crack, this one more turning and crunching, and the thing shuddered and laid still, York putting his hands to his mouth in shock. “You, uh,” Hawk said, noticing that this probably wasn’t how he should be reacting. “You never see anything die before?”
“I have, just…” York said from behind his hands. “That thing was my father at one point.”
“Your...” Hawk started, then looked back down at the scene unfolding from their safe vantage on a hill. He could already see Adeline taking out a skinning knife, and some new person in all black pointing at something on the dead beast. “Wait! Crap crap crap!”
“AAADDDEEEEEE!!” they could hear way, way before they saw.
Adeline stopped, looking slightly annoyed and defeated. “Are you freakin’ serious?” she asked, mostly to herself as Hawk started grinning.
“ADELIIINNNEEEE!” the voice yelled again, and whoever it was they could get some volume.
Adeline cupped her hands to her mouth and yelled, though obviously she didn’t have the lung capacity of whoever was screaming for her. “JACK YOU’RE GONNA ATTRACT EVERY DAMN RAIDER IN THE NORTH!”
“Gods, let’s just find him and get home,” she muttered.
“So what the hell is it?” Santi asked Grenfell as they sat at a table in The Warehouse, looking over the two items sitting atop a blood splattered null cloth. Apparently Bryan had been the one to point out the egg-like object imbedded in the creature York had asked Adeline for help with, and she’d cut it out of the thing and wrapped it.
The other thing looked like a crown, but grimy with blood, hair, and muscle as though it’d grown onto the creature’s head and had been pulled off.
“Oh this is interesting…” Grenfell said, picking up the small stone egg, cracked in places with lines of gold showing as though it’d been repaired with it. He looked it over as though inspecting a rare jewel and Santi waited for an explanation. He could see the inscriptions hovering in the air just above the thing but he didn’t have Gren’s expertise. “Someone very much wanted to kill someone.”
“Didn’t seem like it worked then, if Ade and March had to put him down,” Santi replied, turning his head and trying to piece together the script and what it did on his own. Anything egg shaped was bad, anything Gren really liked doubly so.
“Oh no no no,” Grenfell said, his grin growing wider. “You see this is more of an area of effect curse. Set it somewhere and people will begin changing into twisted forms. It's rather like what used to happen to animals here in the City if they stayed too long, but much more concentrated,” and here Gren paused and looked into Santi’s gem eyes. “The best part is they change into monsters based on personality! A vain person may become a swan beast, wolf for viciousness-”
“Ah, yes, so…” Santi said, cutting him off. “Is it working right now?”
“Indeed! It isn’t really something you can turn off.”
Santi looked at the egg again. “...and you’re touching it with your bare hands?”
“Please,” Gren said, waving him off with one hand while still holding the thing in the other. “If cursed objects could kill me I’d be dead several times over. Do be rational.” Santi sat back, crossed his arms and gave him a look that could melt steel. “Besides this very much works off of intent. The maker poured everything they had into this little thing, and their hatred burned outwards. Since we are not the object of ire it would take much longer to work on us.”
“But it’ll still work?”
“Yes, of course.”
“So how do we destroy it?”
“No idea!” Grenfell said happily, still looking over the thing as though slightly fascinated. Santi buried his head into his hands. “What? I’ve never made one before. You literally have to die to power it.”
“Someone-” Santi started, then looked back to the egg. “Is someone’s soul in that??”
“Oh no, just their life essence, magic, and their last dying wish for revenge,” Grenfell said. “A real go-getter, whoever it was. Plus someone likely had to sneak it into the intended cursee’s residence. Shows some real planning that it worked out.”
“And the crown?”
“It’s just a stupid crown,” Grenfell replied, not even looking at it. “Clean it off and sell it. Who cares?”
Santi glanced back and forth between the objects. Something was still bothering him. “But why didn’t the curse affect York? It apparently affected the rest of his family.”
“Could be a few reasons,” Grenfell said. “Some sort of protection, or perhaps the curse maker just didn’t hate him as they did the rest.”
“Man,” Santi said, shaking his head. “How bad did they have to screw up for someone to make that?”
“All it really takes is angering one wrong person,” Grenfell said. “But why couldn’t I have had fun enemies like this?”
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cheez-ka · 6 years
LOVE YOURSELF 轉 Tear 'Singularity' THEORY
*mentally prepares self*
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BTS THEORY- after watching it like three times so it doesn't explain _everything_ but-
BASICALLY, Taehyung knew/found out/can feel Jin controlling him (specifically when Jin made sure Taehyung didn't commit murder by sending Hoseok to stay with him) and now he's calling out for Jin, who he knows as some weird force thing making him do things he didn't originally plan on doing, to stop doing that.
random stuff I've noticed: - the room Taehyung is in is the one in the Japanese MV of I NEED U in the exact spot Jin kind of fell apart in - 2:33 SMERALDO FLOWER (remember Jin's tweet) *read more on it here: https://aminoapps.com/c/k-pop/page/blog/the-meaning-of-the-smeraldo/02Ik_uQr53QkR66PnzBRwGmDz45on the smeraldo is a fictional flower- it's literally just a white flower painted blue- but here, and in all the music videos you see a flower in, it's white, the original color. This may mean innocence, with the lack of color, or this may signify (in this video at least) Taehyung's untainted memories (in other words showing that Taehyung realized Jin was controlling him, thus chasing out the blanket Jin put on Taehyung's mind, or the artificial blue dye put on the white flower). (more on this later- just remember it)
*lyric analysis* (crap this'll be long)
"sound of glass breaking/I awake from sleep" Taehyung didn't know that Jin was controlling him to avoid murder until after a while (given as he successfully didn't kill anyone) because of the brainwashing (yeah I'll just call it that) Jin did that put Taehyung in a haze was strong, but that was shattered by Taehyung's stronger feelings of hatred, vengeance and the like.
"a sound full of unfamiliarity" Apparently, Jin had continued to control Taehyung's actions even after the whole murder thing was avoided, something Taehyung never really noticed but now-
"try to cover my ears but can't go to sleep" -he can consciously feel Jin taking over.
"the pain in my throat gets worse/try to cover it/I don't have a voice" Taehyung realizes that he can't do anything that the "sound" (which is Jin) doesn't approve of.
"today I hear that voice again" more mind-control from jin yay
"it''s ringing again, that voice" Jin's apparently strong af because he has the power to control a guy's actions daily while also trying to deal with five other people's problems as well as functioning daily. mulitasking level 1000000000000000
"a crack again on this frozen lake/I dumped myself into the lake/I buried my voice for you/over the winter lake I was thrown/a thick ice has formed/in the dream I shortly went into" bOIIII he didn't pass natural science did he bc he threw himself into the fckin oCEAN or was it a sea
BUT metaphorically speaking this may show that Taehyung willingly let Jin inside his head. Most likely Jin had promised something like "oh all your dreams will come true I'm your fairy jinmother and you're princess cinderatae" and that's why Tae went into a "dream", aka a dream-like state where Jin had complete control over Taehyung.
*OH AND THE ICE IS THE CONTROL JIN HAS OVER TAEHYUNG- this is important for later **the lake is control over Taehyung or the place Taehyung is held captive while Jin's doing his reform work on the boy.
Jin told Tae that all his burdens would be gone if he "jumps into the lake" or hands the controls of his life to him but-
"my agonizing phantom pain is still the same" -despite all his problems seemingly resolved, Taehyung still felt pain. He just felt hurt no matter how much Jin tried to foolproof his whole plan to rid Taehyung of anything murder-related, hence the words "phantom pain". Hatred is too strong an emotion.
"have I lost myself/or have I gained you?" Now Taehyung's wondering if it was better with Jin in control or if it was better when he was on his own. Though it's true that with Jin his life goes a different path away from the blood and killing, that life that goes the better way isn't his own. It's a glass half-full or glass half-empty situation.
"I suddenly run to the lake/there's my face in it" Taehyung slowly starts to realize that he can gain back control of his life.
"please don't say anything/reach my hand out to cover the mouth" He tries to actively stop Jin from controlling him.
"but in the end, spring will come someday/the ice will melt and flow away" It was there he knew that Jin's hold on him will not last forever.
"tell me if my voice isn't real/if I shouldn't have thrown myself away/tell me if even this pain isn't real/what I was supposed to do back then"
*he probably says it in an accusing, pissed off tone
Taehyung remembers the actions he was supposed to take before Jin intervened (murder basically) and questions Jin's right to force his hand. Though his actions were obviously wrong (don't kill people kids) and he could've literally thrown himself/his youth away by being sent to jail, he felt strongly about them; he had the undeniable will to kill his father. That will still hasn't been shaken, in fact, it's been intensified now that he knows the whole truth about what he was supposed to do and what Jin forced him into doing instead.
The whole scene probably went a little like this:
[in the flowery room with the pool in the middle]
"I had to take over Tae," Jin says, trying to get Taehyung to stop glowering in the corner. His power over the boy is slowly fading, Taehyung's dark, ugly feelings and unshakable will pushing him out. "It was the only way you wouldn't get hurt-"
"Hurt?" Taehyung laughs humourlessly, and turns to face Jin. The boy's eyes seem the same as they've always been since the older one took over, a haunting grey that shows he belongs to Jin.
But flecks of brown creep along the corners of his eyes, a dark, dark brown of his former self.
It scares Jin.
"Hurt?" The boy repeats loudly, scoffing with a cynical grin on his beautiful face. "If you didn't want me to be in pain back then, why are you hurting me now?"
He takes a step towards the one who owns him, the one who's locked him out of his own head and controlled his every action, the voice constantly whispering into his ear that's finally quiet. His crazed smile turns down into a disgusted look.
"Is my voice useless?" He yells and the other flinches. "Am I nothing but your doll to play house with?"
The other tries to open his mouth to say something but nothing comes out; this has never happened before. The flowers usually kept him happy, expelling their sweet aroma and putting him in pretty fantasies that would keep him occupied for weeks on end.
"You keep telling me that these feelings of mine aren't real, that it's just my imagination," he continues, tone increasing in intensity, his deep voice climbing higher, "but why do they hurt so much?"
Jin inches closer, slowly putting an arm around the despairing boy. With a flick of his hand the flowers around them bloom, setting the room in a pale pink haze as Taehyung slowly relaxes his tense muscles, his drawn up eyebrows falling.
"What was I supposed to do with them, if not kill their source?" He asks, softly, eyes fluttering closed.
He falls into the other's arms and they both sink down to the floor, his head on Jin's lap.
"What am I supposed to do..." He whispers before he escapes reality once again.
A tear falls out of his closed eye.
Jin sits there for a while, softly stroking Taehyung's overgrown black hair. It used to be a light brown, neatly cut above his ears, but the darkness has returned. It's taking over him again.
He lays him down on a bed of rose petals on the side and stands up. With a snap of his fingers the room loses its bright, comforting color. The pastel spectrum that painted the flora around the room have turned into all sorts of sickly, rotten colors from asphyxiated purple to dead black. Others simply looked bleached, traces of bright blue or pink showing up on the tips. Without really knowing it, he glares at the room, and the flowers seem to hang their heads in shame with how close they were to the floor. Even the walls, once tiled with lively colors that were easy on the eye, are now just newspaper pages stuck to grey cement and the wide windows that show nothing but the demons outside the room. It's getting harder to maintain everything.
His power is fading.
In the middle of the pool in the middle of the room is a small Smeraldo, just one indistinguishable piece taken off the many growing from the wall, save for one thing; it's not blue anymore.
It's white.
yea I write and I theory- I mean theorize
*cue shameless self-advertising*
[ wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/cez_ka ] [ tumblr: https://imnotkhael.tumblr.com/ ] [ youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-tcXpwDQzcESvThpCEN4bA ]
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*dead laugh*
ok i’ll go to sleep now mom
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prorevenge · 7 years
They made him kill his horse.
long story. TL;DR at the end
This is a story that my grandfather liked to tell. It's kind of long, and I can't say if it's true, but it seems to fit the very old and cantankerous guy I knew, who never, ever let a grudge go. I mean, in the 1980s and 90s, he would sometimes go and yell at Democratic candidates for office, because Woodrow Wilson had made him fight in WW1.
The story actually starts with that, kind of. You see, Grampa immigrated to the US early enough that the first election he could vote in, he voted for Teddy Roosevelt. Wilson won, though, and then he ran for reelection under the slogan "He Kept Us Out of the War." Which seemed like a good platform, so my grandfather voted for Wilson. Few months after that, he got us into the war, and a few months after that, my grandfather was in the trenches somewhere in France.
He was so mad about that. When he was a hundred and four years old, and I was a kid, he was so mad about that. He'd come to the US to get away from the Czar, and now that son of bitch Wilson drafted him to fight on the same side as the Czar? My grandfather made regular donations to the NAACP, because Woodrow Wilson was a racist, and he hated Woodrow Wilson.
Issues with the politics aside, the war itself was not a lot of fun. Grampa came back with a lot fewer friends than when he'd left. First thing after the war was to take all the medals and pins and ribbons and whatever they'd given him for that war in cardboard box. Then he took a shit in that box, then he lit the box on fire, and dropped the flaming box into the Gowanus Canal. So, it wasn't really a bright point in his life. Also, he came back with a problem with authority in general. As he put it, "Someone tells you to go run at a machine gun. And you do it. Then you get cut up by barbed wire, and a machine gun shoots at you, and kills half the people who listened to that idiot. Makes you think twice about doing what someone says. For the rest of your life, it makes you think twice about doing what someone says."
Which, you know. Fair enough. Only that attitude made it hard for Grampa to hold down a job. The 1920s went okay, but then you got the Great Depression, which was not a great time to be a mentally troubled veteran with problems with authority. My grandfather was living in Brownsville, a slum out in Brooklyn, and he was a junkman. He had a cart, which he'd take around the neighborhood, buying and selling crap, picking up stuff that people had thrown out, fixing what he could, collecting scrap metal and selling it. Since there wasn't any point in going fast, and since this wasn't exactly a well paying profession, the cart was pulled by a horse, rather than by a truck.
Now, at this point, a few more characters enter the picture. I'm going to call them the McAnally family, even though that wasn't their name, because they were Catholic boys from Northern Ireland, and because I think that McAnally is a funny name. Jimmy McAnally, and his younger brothers Paddy and Joe.
It wasn't a particularly great time to move to Brooklyn, but it wasn't like Northern Ireland was doing that much better. Also, Jimmy had been involved in the politics of Northern Ireland, and had attracted the attention of the local authorities both because of his republican leanings, and because of the way he'd set fire to the shops of people who did not donate sufficiently to the republican cause. And he'd also attracted some ire from the republican side of the aisle as well, because of the way he'd keep most of the donations that he'd collected on their behalf.
Now Brooklyn was the place for him to be, because there he had the advantage of having cousins involved in the labor rackets down on the docks, and in other activities of that sort. So Jimmy, along with his younger brothers, got themselves a place in Carnarsie, right near the edge of Brownsville, and settled into their new digs.
Because of Jimmy's connections, people let Paddy and Joe get away with whatever they wanted to, for fear of getting shot. And Paddy and Joe were the sort of kids who took advantage of that. At the time, Carnarsie was a dismal wasteland (it still is) but there were bars and candystores and windows to break in Brownsville. Also, there was a junkman's horse they could steal, to ride around on at night, and leave him abandoned on a streetcorner, tired and shaking. Well, that was what happened the first two time. Third time, they broke the horse's leg.
Now, I didn't know that horse. But I knew my grandfather, and my grandfather loved that horse. Sixty years later, he had a picture of that horse, and you could see how much he missed that horse when he looked at that picture. My grandfather liked my grandmother, didn't mind my mom, and tolerated me. But he loved that horse. And he was the one who found him, with the broken leg, and he was the one who had to put the horse out of its misery. He had an easier time talking about the battle of Soissons than about having to kill his horse.
I'm pretty sure that if it wasn't for my mom and gramma, he'd have just gone after those kids, and beaten them to death. Paddy and Joe didn't even pretend that they weren't the ones that'd stolen the horse; he'd heard them bragging about it. But he couldn't; the Great Depression wasn't a great time for veterans with authority problems, but it was a worse time for windows and orphans, or folks who's father or husband was up in Sing-sing, waiting to go to the electric chair. So, okay. He also couldn't replace the horse, at least not right away. But he could do some of the same job with a pushcart. And he could keep an eye on the McAnallys, and wait for an opportunity.
That opportunity came when they were hanging out at a streetcorner, and Mrs. Strauss walked by. Among his many, many, many other grudges, my grandfather hated Mrs. Strauss. So, he went over to Paddy and Joe, and started up a conversation. No hard feelings about the horse. Boys will be boys, right? Only, well. Some people wouldn't understand. They weren't from the neighborhood. Like Mrs. Strauss, there, who'd moved uptown, and lived in a nice apartment on the East Side. You take something from her, why, she'd call the police on you, just like that!
Which meant that he'd just told the young McAnallys not to do something, which meant that they were going to do it. Next time Mrs. Strauss came down to Brownsville to visit her family there, Paddy and Joe jumped her, knocked her down, and took her jewelry. Which was expensive jewelry, which her son had bought for her.
Now, the reason that my grandfather had a grudge against Mrs. Strauss was the way she came down with a nice dress, and fancy jewelry and acted like she was better than everyone else. But the only reason she had all that was because her son Harry "Pittsburgh Phil" Strauss gave it to her. And why should she put on airs, considering what her son was doing?
Harry Strauss, aka Pep Strauss, aka Pittsburgh Phil was probably the most prolific hitman in American history. Working under the orders of Lepke Buchalter and Albert Anastasia, Strauss was the top assassin in Murder Inc., and probably killed somewhere between a hundred and five hundred people. And those young rapscallions Paddy and Joe McAnally had just knocked down his mother, and stolen the jewelry he'd given her.
My grandfather was not there when Paddy and Joe brought the jewelry to their brother, so that he could hock it for them. But it seems that he did not entirely approve of what they'd done, once he'd figured out what they'd done. Shitting themselves mightily, the whole McAnally clan fucked right back off to Londonderry, not even stopping to go back home. Which meant that when a well-meaning passerby happened to take all the stuff they'd left behind, he found enough money in their house that he could afford to replace his horse, and a little extra besides.
That's where my grandfather's story ends. I'm sure the McAnallys were all fine; both the IRA and the British probably would've let bygones be bygones, and when WWII rolled around, young men of Paddy and Joe's age had all sorts of exciting opportunities both at home and abroad. But they didn't show up again in Brownsville, and I hope they learned a valuable lesson about stealing a guy's horse and then making him kill it.
TL;DR: Brooklyn. (source) (story by UnshornDiergar)
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Well my relationship with my parents officially ended today. I am still visiting them and I will still talk to them, but I am emotionally done. I am completely unattaching myself from them, and once I don’t need them to pay for school anymore, I am leaving and never looking back. They are the most abusive horrible parents ever. They victim blame Nic, they absolutely refuse to “change” for Nic and when I ask them to “change” (aka actually be supportive that she is trans and use the right pronouns, it has been over two years since she’s come out to us), they tell me I need to stop talking down to them and stop disrespecting them and that I bullied mom on the phone that time because I literally JUST said that her beliefs are hurting people, specifically me and nic.
My mom started crying during it, and I only looked over at her once while this happened because it fucking disgusted me that she was doing this again, and she stopped crying pretty shortly after (like yeah that didn’t work, maybe you should try something else you manipulative piece of crap) and then went straight back to yelling and interrupting everything I said and pointing in my face and saying “NO!!!” when I was saying they were not treating us well. She literally doesn’t even let me have my own feelings. She constantly tells me my own feelings are wrong.
They said it made them really uncomfortable that nic is trans (which they will never actually say the word because they kept saying that it is a choice. It doesn’t fucking matter if a trans person is saying no it’s not and it doesn’t fucking matter if science says that, because they also don’t believe in global warming or climate change. They believe whatever they fuck they want and they don’t listen to anyone else no matter what, not even their own children, not even experts.)
My dad kept saying that nic can do whatever on nic’s own time, but is not allowed to do that (looking like a girl) in my dad’s house. I said “well eventually nic is going to be like that all the time 24/7, so you just don’t wanna ever see nic or have a relationship with nic then?” “well that’s nic’s fault” they say. un fucking believable.
oh and a nice little fucking sidenote: my dad said that he would never let a drug addict in his house, so that’s no different from not letting Nic (a trans person) in his house. (which is fucked up on it’s own but that’s not why I’m bringing it up), I’m pretty sure he said that because he knows that Tim smokes weed. So that’s fucking great! He would have never even invited Tim to his house? They actually never have invited Tim to come for Christmas now that I think about it and we’ve been going out for over 3 years now. I am fucking pissed about that! I am definitely not going to let my future kids even meet my parents. They keep talking about grandkids and they are excited to have grandkids someday, but I am never going to let my future kids anywhere near them. And I couldn’t anyways! Tim’s a drug addict, and afterall, my dad won’t allow one in his house. (unfuckingbelievable)
Oh, and my mom also gaslighted me, which she honestly does all the time like I straight up used to think she was just very stupid and couldn’t remember things but a couple summers ago I realized she does this on purpose. She doesn’t ever want to believe that she has ever done anything terrible, because she thinks she is the perfect mother, she has told me several times that she never hurt me or mistreated me at all. No good parent would tell their own child that what that child experienced was wrong, especially the bad things. I told her she said something and she kept saying “no I never said that!” with the most doe eyed fucking look on her face, fuck you you never said that don’t fucking lie to me.
She also at the end kept saying “well if that’s the way you interpret things... if that’s what you think happened... if that’s how you see things in your head..” Talk about fucked up! That’s emotional abuse right fucking there!
I said that this is not going to work out long term and that we need to change something because things are not okay the way they are now. They said they were never going to change. (and they kept bringing up that they never changed and thought that was a good thing. That all this fighting is Nic’s fault and also mine.) Then I said well if you’re never going to change I don’t see this being okay in 5 or 10 years, I don’t want to have a relationship with you guys if this keeps up. My parents response? “That’s YOUR choice then.” And they really did not seem to care that they might lose me. AND they blamed it all on me. They fully believe that if I get angry or leave it’s because I was bullying them and asking them to change everything about themselves, and it’s all mine and nic’s fault. No, it could never be their fault! Because they don’t have to change for anybody. And they don’t want to. They do not want to. They don’t give a shit about their own kids, or anyone else. They won’t give up even an ounce of power to help anyone else out. They have never stood up for us kids. The only thing they ever cared about was us getting good grades, and us obeying them blindly and sitting back and letting them treat us like shit. All the while they keep saying “We’ve never treated you badly!!! We have always loved you very much!!!” And then I say “Well can you please do this one thing for me that I have been asking you to do for 2 years? It’s really important to me.” “HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT US AND BOSS US AROUND AND TELL US WHAT TO DO!!!” “I’m not telling you what to do, I’m asking for respect.” “WE DO RESPECT YOU!! NO!! WE HAVE ALWAYS RESPECTED YOU! WE DO RESPECT YOU!!” “I’m telling you you’re not.” “YES WE ARE, WE RESPECT YOU SWEETY (in a condescending voice).”
Then my dad said he was paying for my schooling and that unless I want him to stop paying for everything I have to keep talking to them and not ever bring up nic ever again. Just take the abuse.
It’s fucking disgusting and I’m writing all this down so I can look back on this if I ever start to think that maybe they aren’t so bad. They are bad. They do not care about their own kids. They use them as pawns and we are never allowed to express our own thoughts about anything and we are never allowed to bring up feelings or ever even dare to ask for respect or set boundaries. They constantly make fun of us in the most subtle fucking ways. They are constantly being negative about anyone around them. If we disagree on anything, no matter how small and meaningless, they literally do not listen and walk away or talk over you or tell you you’re wrong til they’re blue in the face. They have never, and will never, care about what’s best for us, care about anyone else’s point of view or experience, take ANY responsibility for anything they do, in fact they blame everyone else around them for their own horrible actions. They are fucking abusive and I’m done. I’m so fucking done.
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flowersandstems · 7 years
I had a dream… I was mostly kind of watching at first. I was in this small house, everything was made of wood and having a handmade feeling? and honestly reminded me of what an old German cottage might look like (or at least what one could imagine the inside of our German cuckoo clock my grandma gave us would look like). But there was this baby sitter and three (or four?) Children. They kept giving her trouble and then started playing that knife game. Except they we’re using forks (idk if they we’re knives at first) and they would do it normally and hit between fingers, but as time moved they would just curl them up to avoid hitting them removing the point of the game.
The babysitter I remember looking youger at first… Probably old enough to be their mom. But she aged to an old woman as time went with grey hair and I remember there being something weird about her eyes… Like they we’re glossy and dark. I kept thinking “that’s dangerous” towards the game and she finally had enough of their crap and pulled the utensils away from them, she pretended to clean them in the sink and then sat back down.
When she sat something started happening to her. He eyes began to roll into the back of her head or something happened with them and she started falling backward. She looked like she was in distress and I remember foaming but yeah… Anyway…
She falls over, I assume dead and at some point I was hearing rock music… I enjoy rock music, but I told not to enjoy it and I was feeling I wasn’t “meant” to… Like it’s “not for me” (a common racial issue when it came to rock music for me when I was younger especially).
Then it turns into this… “American rock”… Like that music that’s super patriotic, but it felt like a similar concept to some issues with metal where the band is actually neo nazis. This was the same concept… Theyre singing about being American, and america being great, etc but they were actually extremely racist and it was a way to cover it up (aka “being a proud american” to cover up actually beig racist… Like it was code word for being white supremists, or separatists or something. Like “proud white American”).
So these guy’s music starts and they explode out of this lady’s body. Playing their instruments, they move out into the streets waving flags and wearing American flag meets biker/rocker themed clothing.
I follow them. The outside streets look like an out door shopping center, but the architecture reminded me of someplace in Europe. As the dream went on it seemed to turn into an indoor mall. I see that there’s a crowd. A small group in particular caught my eye. While most of the crowd was walking to the left, I saw these ones going in the opposite direction.
They we’re cheering and trying to amp people up. They we’re also holding a flag, but I don’t know what they we’re doing or saying and why. But they seemed to be trying to (very) subtly harass people in the crowd.
I moved in front of them/beside them, and one near the back looked at me as he cheered/yelled things. He was thin and had unruly hair, wore a white T-shirt and basketball shorts (maroon I think… It wasn’t stuff I initially noticed) and large eyes (either green or blue hazel or something). He gave me a weird look… it borderlined “this is awkward” and “this [rally/inspiration] isn’t for you”. I try to give him a high five to test him. He ignores me with the same feeling.
A blackman emerges from behind and asks why I did that, knowing that they aren’t looking to be my friends, good people, etc. I tell him about testing the guy to see if he’s accept my friendship/high five/if he really had these views or if he was just following the crowd (which had some older men in probably old enough to be his dad… Note, EVERYONE I’ve interacted with besides the lady and one of the children have been men so far… Which is weird).
I continue in their direction. Watching and thinking about my life (what I had thought about my sister was personal, but related). I think about my sister and I had seen my mom (whom I run up to, which coincidentally the thing I thought also applies to her).
Fast forward to when I wake up, I see a notification from CNN saying that Virginia has called a state of emergency because a gift broke out at those rallies.
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jugheadeaton-blog · 7 years
Love Is Such A Strong Word...
Summary: Outcast. Different. Weird. Bullied. That's what Alex Rider and Ashlynn Rainer are. But why? Maybe it's the fact that Alex has been training to become the "king" of the most deadly gang in Alper Town? It can’t be. Nobody knows that Or perhaps the real reason is Ashlynn's secret job as sex slave. That can't be it either. Only Ashlynn and her father know that. So what is it? Find out what the real reason for Alex and Ashlynn's banishment is as the pair experience the ups and downs of being in love in high school.
A/N: This is my first story so bear with me xD This story is also posted on my Wattpad account, AlexTheTrashyWriter. Anyways, enjoy!
Chapter 1: The Outcasts   
"Dad, we have to get him back!" I screamed as my twin brother sprinted away and into the forest. My dad gave me a disappointed shake of his head.
"No, Alex. He chose what he wanted to do," My dad spat through gritted teeth. "First your mom is taken from us and now your brother decides to leave us."
I stay on my knees, shaking. The tears roll down my face the second my dad utters those words. "But we..."
"No Alex! Not we! Only you! You're the one that wants that bastard of a kid back. But I won't let you go after that piece of shit!" My dad yelled and yanked the collar of my shirt.
"But why?!" I screamed, the tears rolling faster.
My dad gave me a look I've never seen before. His eyes were full of a deep, deep anger. "Because now that your brother is out of the picture, I don't have to choose. I'm training you to become the next Viper leader," he hissed.
I gave him such a horrified look it kind of  scared my dad to a point where he might've pitied me. Might've. But he just shook his head and gripped my shirt collar tighter. Then he dragged me away, half choking me. And during this who fiasco, I held the grey ash covered beanie my brother had given me before he set off. And that was that. My whole life was set up for me in minutes. And it was beyond my control. But I had to change it. Somehow. Sigh. What was a five year old to do?
I snapped awake as I tumbled onto the rough, blackened wood of my room. I winced and groaned as I propped myself up with my bandaged elbow. I hoped he wouldn't enter the scene but of course, he did.
"Rise and shine, Alex!" My father, Will Rider, hollered into a dented megaphone. "It's 4:01 AM! Get the hell up and take your lap!"
"Yes Dad," I murmured as I pushed myself off the slight dent I recently made with my body.
"Did you call me Dad?" My father yelled into the megaphone once more.
I clapped my hand over my reddened ear, which was now ringing. "No sir."
My father scowled and marched out the chipped door. I slowly got up and fixed my mess of a bed, which was soaked with the blood from last night's injuries. I then changed into the clothes my father gave me months ago and hurried out the door, into the early morning. To my dismay, he was already in his beat up navy blue pickup and started driving next to me, all the while screaming "Faster, faster!" into that damn megaphone. I wanted to cuss him out and tell him I started my last year of high school (aka hell) in about an hour but I knew to hold my tongue. My father was not a man to talk back to. I learned that the hard way. I coughed my thoughts away and silently ran my regular ten miles while my father continued scolding my ass off. But he must've been in a good mood since he only made me run ten miles in all. Weird.
An hour later, I was ready. I wore a blood red t-shirt, black jeans, simple black and white converse, the bandage-like eye patch I've been wearing for the past few years and the ash covered dark grey beanie I always wore, no matter how hot it was outside. With one glance at the shattered mirror on my floor, I examined the cuts and crap that were visible and raked some fingers through my messy oak colored hair. I sighed then slipped on my dirty denim jacket hanging by a loose piece of wood from my wall, slung my bag over my sort of broken shoulder and trudged out of the room, my stomach growling uncomfortably. My father had not said I could eat, so I guess breakfast wasn't an option. Oh well, I'll just eat the crappy school lunches. Again. I muttered a goodbye to my father and swiftly stepped out the door and towards Archer High. To my delight, a girl with dirty blonde hair stepped out of a house a block away. I smiled.
"Ashlynn," I called and waved at her.
Ashlynn looked up from her phone, making eye contact with me. She excitedly shoved her phone in her pocket and sprinted towards me, engulfing me in one of her classic bear hugs. "Hi Al!" she peeped. Her classic bear hug always hurt at first but since I've gotten used to the pain over the years, it didn't feel as bad as compared to the past. Ashlynn planted a kiss on my surprisingly-not-bruised cheek then (attempted to) ruffle my milk chocolate hair.
I hugged her back and pecked her on the lips. "Nice to see you again. Where the hell were you for summer?"
Ashlynn let go of me then gave me an annoyed look. "You dumbo. I told you I was at my aunt's place in Florida." She started walking.
I followed right after her. "You did? Oh. I'm sorry I guess I forgot."
"You always do, dumbo."
I probably forgot because of my multiple head injuries during summer training. But Ashlynn didn't need to know that. And neither did anyone else. "Yup," I agreed.
Ashlynn looked up at me, a glimmer of worry in her jade eyes. "Al. Why are you wearing pants and a jacket? It's 99 fucking degrees." She's always so protective.
But I won't lie, I was sweating like a pig. Then again, I had so many cuts, bruises and bandages scattered on my tall legs, it was kind of scary. "Well I get cold easily."
Ashlynn narrowed her eyes at me then began to nod slowly. "Okay."
I sighed of relief when she wasn't looking. Dodged another bullet. Thank God. She still can't ever tell when I'm making something up.
We became friends in second grade. She said hi, I said hi, you know that's pretty casual. Then she blurted out "Your hat's dirty. Are you poor?" It took her a second to realize what she said then she slapped her hand over her mouth and apologized a billion times. I stared at her for a couple of seconds then laughed. I liked her. I told her it was okay and from then on, we became inseparable.
As I got swallowed by my buzzing thoughts, Ashlynn tugged on my arm, which snapped me out of my daze.
"We're...here," She squeaked uneasily.
I took her hand in mine then squeezed. "We'll be fine, Ash." But I knew we weren't going to be, even if we were seniors. At the last second, I bent down and whispered, "Just stick with me, alright?"
Ashlynn looked up at me, her jade eyes staring into my dark browns. "I wasn't planning on it."
And with that, we plodded into the madness. Let's just say Archer High School wasn't exactly the safest place to be taught a bunch of useless crap. Jocks were sitting on the banged up, rusty lockers and smoking. Queen bees were glued to their phones and standing near their smoldering jock boyfriends. Nerds gripped calculators and held binders like babies. Rebels stormed the halls, drinks in one hand, cigarettes in the other. The "emo" kids hid in corners with their ear buds shoved in their ears. I know, I know. This all sounds so cliché but it was all true. Thankfully, not many people noticed Ash and I trudging through the halls. Although, the ones that did notice only just realized that I got held back. And those people included Martha Summers and Johnny Dixon. Great. They're what I like to call "Dick and a Bitch" since Johnny is a dick and Martha is a bitch. I squeezed Ash's hand and picked up my pace, dragging her with me.
"Hey where ya going Writer McGee?" Johnny called out.
I just bit the inside of my cheek and kept walking away. But of course, that wouldn't save me or Ashlynn. As Johnny trotted towards me, Martha held his beefed up arm and followed him. Perfect.
"Leaving so soon, Queen Slut?" Martha hissed in her annoying little voice.
I'm known to have a temper, but when it comes to school I'm fairly good at hiding my anger. But sometimes I just want to punch the blush off that girl's make up infested face. I continued to walk off but to my surprise, Ashlynn tugged on my arm and stopped. Just dead on stopped. In the middle of the hallway. Uh oh.
Ashlynn turned around ever so slowly on her heel and faced the queen of bitches herself. "Listen you Barbie look alike. I'm not in the fucking mood to deal with your crap. Especially not on the first day of school."
Everyone in the hallway oohed and ahhed as Ashlynn turned back to me. She giggled when she saw the shocked look on my face. She barely talked back to Queen Bitch. Like seriously. But since she talked back, I'm bound to get into some trouble with Queen Bitch's boyfriend.
"Ooh Queen Slut's scared," Johnny taunted. Some people in the hallway agreed and soon started chanting "Queen Slut's scared."
A bewildered look spread across Ashlynn's face as her cheeks became bright red with embarrassment. Oh boy, was I mad. No wait I wasn't just mad. I was way beyond mad. And I let my anger get the best of me.
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catgrant · 7 years
Because I never typed this up apparently and everyone deserves to read this (under the cut because it’s long af)
OKAY so it starts with my second year of drama club in hs (my junior year). first show of the year (the crucible), this boy Alex comes in and wants to work on our tech crew. he’s the son of our costume designer who i’m still good friends with today, and he’s the younger brother of a guy that my brother and i know really well
i’m immediately smitten. he’s a freshman, but i was supposed to be a sophomore, so it wasn’t a big deal. we start talking and texting and stuff (i was stage manager, so i had his number for “show purposes”) and i think he likes me but i’m not sure so i get a mutual friend to ask. he’s super unclear about it, but we keep talking and flirting.
something you have to know is that my house was just a block outside of the school boundary so the school bus (my way of getting home back then) didn’t go to my house. i had to cross a major street to get from the last bus stop and the crosswalk was really far in either direction so i wasn’t a fan
he lived near me, as did my bff katie. i usually went to her house after school when we didn’t have rehearsal, and then one of my parents would pick me up after they got off work. but a few times, i went over to his house instead (there was a memorable occasion where we danced in the rain).
didn’t see him much after the play season ended, but we kept talking. over winter break, we basically went on a date where we took a walk in the park and i tried to show off by going an alternate route and i feel into a deep mud hole and embarrassed the crap out of myself
he was supposed to come to our new year’s eve party and be my midnight kiss. but he ended up getting sick af so that fell through.
so i was hella smitten but i got all nervous af (as i tend to do when i get hella feels) and i stopped talking to him because i am lowkey the worst
so i don’t talk to him for a few months. my birthday passes. i still have feels. his birthday is coming up. i decide to ask him out on his birthday. turns out this other girl michaela asked him out the same day, before i did, so they become a couple (she was vile, btw, and not because she was dating him. she was terrible to all my friends)
spring play season hits. we do a show called ‘popularity’ which is basically 'pride and prejudice’ meets 'grease’. i get cast as lydia bennet, aka my fave of faves.
so you know that means i have to be flirty af, which i already get like in spring. and i have to have a sketchy love interest. the guy that gets cast is the bf of one of my friends in the cast. we all have a laugh about it. nbd. but then someone drops out of the show so he gets moved to another character and another guy is cast as my love interest. the bf of another friend. more laughs. but then SOMEONE ELSE gets kicked out. we have run out of backup actors. what do we do?
we go into the tech crew. alex is cast as my love interest.
i am ecstatic. my job is to flirt with him. #blessed right? 6 shows and a billion rehearsals of getting to flirt with him on stage. we even worked it into the blocking that during one scene, i walk my fingers up his arm super seductively. my fam and his gf were not happy.
but nothing comes of this. he keeps dating michaela, i am still pining.
summer hits. i text him a bit. he texts me a bit. i don’t expect much because michaela hates me (someone told her about me and everyone realized that she was basically my replacement because we looked a lot alike and had really similar interests)
fall comes. we do the glass menagerie. he’s still with michaela and on the tech crew. i have leveled up to assistant director (most powerful student position). the show is amazing. still nothing happens.
winter break hits. i get a text from a friend halfway through. “alex and michaela broke up”. i am thrilled!
we text on and off. i’m busy with senior year and running our drama class every once in a while. i am pining still but i also have shit to do.
he ends up dating the mutual friend from way back when. she has her 16th bday at chuck e. cheese. she tells me and our other friend in the girls’ bathroom that she gave him a bj. i slapped her..
spring play hits. we do thumbelina. i am still the assistant director. there is a ton of drama behind the scenes. i end up getting yelled at and trash-talked a lot by the cast. i cry a lot. he starts texting me again.
we get closer while i try to rein in a crazed cast and an even more crazed director
so cast and director are crazy. we end up building a giant tree and inserting a water feature into the show. i play a black widow spider. i wear a red and black corset as part of my costume
alex and i flirt a ton. but i’m also just trying to graduate.
opening night hits. i’m a wreck. i’m also the last person that has to get into costume because i’m the last one introduced in the show, but also i introduce the show every night.
everyone’s in the green room getting ready. meanwhile, alex is in the theatre pumping metal through the speaker because it’s his fave genre of music.
i’m in the theatre with him, doing last minute checks to make sure the show will go off without a hitch. after my checks, i go to sit with him in the tech booth.
we’re flirting and being adorable and touching hands and stuff. my flirt game is over 9000.
he leans in to kiss me
a door slams. two boys from the tech crew come in
both boys had crushes on me at the time (theatre boys love women in power apparently)
i am pissed.
i eventually get them to go away but the mood is killed. i text one of them a few minutes later and chew him out for interrupting
the metal music is still playing. i migrate to the director’s chair because it’s comfortable af. he moves to sit in my usual chair, which is right next to the director’s chair. he tells me i have beautiful eyes (or something to that effect). he leans and kisses me three times in short little bursts
i am thrilled. two years of slow burn and i finally get my kiss.
right after he kisses me, i get called to the green room so they can start on my hair.
the woman doing my hair is his mother. we chat, and i try not to freak out
she asks me “hey devon wasn’t your mom supposed to be doing ticket sales?”
me: “yeah”
her: “you told her not to do them though, right? i bet i know why”
the entire room inhales
her: “…i was just going to say you didn’t want her to embarrass you”
i run from the room
and that is the end
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Training Journal - Lily and Alone Time(tm)
So, in light of recent events (aka coming back from my grandma’s funerals after being super sick and leaving her with a friend overnight) I thought my next training journal should be about Lily and Alone Time(tm).
Here is a link to the first Training Journal : What’s the Matter? where I introduce her and the oh so fun behavioral problems/troubles I discovered/caused unwillingly by my (at the time) undoubful ignorance.
Little reminder; I adopted her and she was almost 2 aready, and obviously did not come from the greatest most loving and educated house. Also, her parents are not the most well-behaved/balanced dogs ever. We met her mother a cuple months after I got her by finding the original “””breeder””” by pure luck. Mom is A Mess with so many agression issues?? why she’s not spayed/got in contact long enough with an unaltered male to have a litter (and a 2d one from what I’ve seen on the girl’s fb) is beyond my logic.
So, Lily did not get a good start in life, plus she got dealt some pretty shitty genetics as far as I know. Add to that the fact that when i got her, i was a single introvert working full time with crippling anxiety and depression knocking at my door. Needless to say, she’s not the super DONOTLETMEALONEOROUTOFYOURSIGHT dog for nothing. I recognize my responsiblity in this since I basically used her as an emtional crutch until I got the meds I needed, and got the help I was so desperate for. So, check on owner’s responsibility for enhancing what was an already unsure/easily anxious dog into this utmost disaster of separation anxiety.
(Like right now, we’re both in the living room eating, and she’s in her crate, with the door closed, a bowl of kibbles and a Kong with cheese in it. She’s still crying like a martyr at the door, driving us crazy, and gf is having a HARD TIME not shushing her off. I am too, but I know I have to wait until she’s quiet. And it’s not like it’s uncomfortable. She has the biggest cushion ever.)
So, yeah. Here are the different things I’ve tried, and their resulting catastrophes, in the 2 appartments we’ve lived in. To be noted, in all the scenarios, she’s been fed, went potty/was walked beforehand and was alone for a normal work day of a full time working person who commutes (aka 8-9 hours/day monday thru friday).
1. Free roaming : this was when I lived alone, in my old appartment that had a little office like room, where I kept my art stuff, and my bedroom, which had doors. It had a long hallway with the living room giving to a big window (1st floor level with a balcony) right at the entrance, and the kitchen at the ther end, with a backdoor leading to a parking lot. The bathroom was at opposite end of the front door, and it was always closed too. Free roaming meant all doors open, and it resulted in a lot of precious art supplies being chewed, lots of colorfoul pawprints and couches being chewed A LOT and also pee and poop in the hallway an stepped on contiuously. Free roaming was combined with a half hour walk every morning, and a usual day of 8hrs being left alone. That lasted a whole... four days because i wasn’t going to have all my art stuff destroyed.
2. All doors closed: this came with even more couch chewing and destroying, dinner table jumping, trying to jump through the living room window and, still, pee and poop. Oh, and now, book and dvd chewing (RIP horse encyclopedia and New Girl s1 dvd case these never recovered from the intense hatred). I tried to block couch access with the coffee table on one.. she said fuck you and dragged THE ENTIRE 2d COUCH in the middle of the living room, pooped behind it and tore off the back leather piece. Also tried blocking living room access with kitchen chairs + coffee table... she just pushed her way in and made it impossible for me to come in after work through the front door.
3. Closed bedroom: now, let me explain my reasoning on this one. She slept every night with me, and my bedroom smelled like me, and I figured if she was anxius because I wasn’t there, then being in the room that smelled the most ike me would be an okay thing. Oh, how was I wrong. I lost three shirts the first day; one to smeared pee and poop, one to being simply torn and the third to being on the wrong hanger that got chewed (and thus, the shirt too). I was not going to have her rip through all my clothes, so that did not at all fit.
4. Closed small office with furniture, no crate : all of the above was before I got a crate from a friend, and this one is the last without one. I decided to put all her blankets and cushion stuff in the small office, clearing everything (shoving all loose stuff in the closet) from reach. Paint was stored away. Pens and pencils were tucked in cases. Drawing pads were on high shelves. There were drawings on the wall, but I didn’t think much of that. There was still piss and crap everywhere when I got home, and most day, I’d have to wash all he blankets bc she’d either soaked them in her water bowl, or peed on them. I tried to make this become her room by playing and training her in there. Also, food and treats were only dispenses in there. I tried one (1) time to have her sleep there by herself.... i didn’t make it to midight without her. Oh, and scratched so much with her nose that she got it all bloody and crusty and it was gross and the back of the door was covered in blood strikes and some of my most prized drawings were... shredded. So, yeah. Fun. Times.
I’m going to have to cut this post in 2 parts because it’s getting super long, and I’m probably only half way to it. But, next attempts at managing Lily and Alone Time (tm) are all with a crate, so I figured that,s a good place to stop this one. Also, safe to be noted that it’s around this time I REALLY started learning and educating myself on dog behaviors and how to properly train. Beforehand, I’d use mostly emotional stuff, so, even though I,m not proud ot admit this, I did yell and get mad at her when I tried different things for her alone time and she still ended up destroying a lot of things and I ad to pick up and clean alost every room every night. Also, these were all tried and failed during the time I was going through a very veeeeery rough anxiety patch, right before I went to see a professional and got diagnosed and medicated. So, a lot of feelings from both of us were involved, and also, some shitty training before we get to the actual education.
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Sentimental Stuff Sucks... But
Hey Humans, I was notified only days ago that I am now moving. My folks have always talked about moving for years now and I don’t think anyone actually thought we’d be moving anytime soon. But ta da! Here we are packing stuff up and moving. I don’t have a ton of time since I’m running on a battery right now. The house has been stressful so I took off on my bike with my laptop and am currently sitting up against a brick wall only a stones through away from a park. Life is strange right now, I’m in Online college, I’m moving, I had to quit my job because I’m moving and I’m in a great relationship but life isn’t easy for either of us right now and it’s this strange semi-long distant relationship. I don’t know but everything in life feels pretty odd. On the plus side I’ve recently burned lots of bridges lately… not literally. I have almost entirely cut ties to everyone I knew in high school, the only thing that could go wrong is if they put too much effort into talking to me… which they’ve never done before so I doubt they will. Most people would say that’s a bad thing but I’m pretty happy to be free of their toxicity.
I’ve been working on a video for my “testimony” aka literally the story of my life. It’s been a slow but steady process since no one in my family is allowed to know anything about the video. I’ve also had so many mixed inspirations about it and I don’t know if I wanna make it a quick documentary type thing or more of an artful masterpiece type thing. Either way a lot’s happened since I started it… like moving so now I have to add that. Next are my hobbies, I’ve been working on comic book character concepts because I’d love to have a fun comic book series that I could work on whenever I’m in the mood which seems to be often. Plus I have a novel/graphic novel that I’ve been working on too. Of course school is now here for me which has sadly been more of a drag then anything but it’s no doubt good for me so I’m thankful for it. Anyway, let’s move onto a curious thought that has hit me lately.
I’m curious as to why we get so emotionally attached as humans. I’ve been really good at letting go from things that are attached to my past. That is until this past year or so. At first I thought it was simply because I never had anything good to hold onto. For example high school was a crap experience for me… I went in as a hopeful kid and came out with depression. Our education system is truly a thing of wonder. Anyway, I was looking through some old things today when I was packing and found an cup from my Prom, my name tag from my first normal job and an old Tobuscus slap bracelet… if you haven’t heard of Tobuscus then I’m sorry to hear that. I found some other stuff too but I won’t bore you with it. Next I biked around my town just to visit my old schools, jobs, hangout places and other places that I often visited. It’s emotional, but why? Not many good things happened to me here and I’ve never been emotional about this kind of thing before. I remember my family got into a big fight not longer after we moved here and we were all so angry and sad. I only remember that I shot an air soft gun into the wall of my bedroom and my dad was yelling at me and everyone else too about other things. I remember my bedroom light was flickering due to it being an old crappy bulb that was there when we moved in. Also my mom was in tears and there was a red glow coming from something but I don’t remember what. We all ended that night crying because my dad and sister have anger issues, my mom easily cries, my brother is just a straight up prick and I shot the wall with an air soft gun… I don’t remember why though. This was about 8 years ago so I was 11 years old. I remember everyone hating this house and I don’t blame them, it’s a nice neighborhood but there’s nothing here other than picket fences and a mall. Anyway back to the topic at hand. I never held onto things for sentimental reasons until I was in grade 11, right around the time my depression started. However I grew cold because of it but some old items somehow slipped their way into my room and hid for a long time until now. These silly little items which bring back memories… the only pattern is that the items I kept seem to be linked to something good. I found my Prom surprisingly Enjoyable so I kept a cup, I liked my old co-workers so I kept my name tag and Tobuscus made me laugh when I was depressed and not much else could. I suppose it does make sense.
Anyway I guess it’s not totally crazy to keep old useless items for sentimental value. After all I’ve kept plenty from time spent with my girlfriend… however I also put the blade I used to cut myself on a necklace. The last decent example I guess would be The Legend of Zelda. I was obviously born on earth but damn I was raised in Hyrule (the country/world which the game takes place). I spent all my spare time exploring the land of Hyrule, I loved it. I literally modeled who I wanted to be like largely off the protagonist Link and even to this day I seem to be drawn to have a similar haircut… or lack of haircut. Anyway I’m almost out of battery. I should go now, moving houses is a strange event. I don’t remember actually caring so much. I am confident to say that I am glad to be moving though, the new location is much better and I’m closer to both my church and girlfriend. Anyway, peace out...  
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