#alchemist high elf
vivimortuos · 1 year
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It’s been a while since I talked about Booker. He finally escaped Barovia (with Darrius too)
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characterblub · 1 year
The Apprentice ♥️
She's studying under the oldest alchemist/mage alive. Should probably post that one 💪
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stabby-apologist · 2 years
I never understand why players shit on Alchemy. It's one of my top five favorite skill trees, my money maker, and it plays a heavy hand in my two favorite playstyles—the forest druid and pure mage.
Alchemy is underrated, but it should be as much appreciated as grinding combat and the other stealth skills.
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For what it's worth, my favorite potions are Damage Magicka Regeneration for its high selling prices even at low levels; fortify alchemy; fortify smithing; and the invisibility potion. 🫕🍃🥦🥀🧙‍♀️
I saw a post in Reddit where OP couldn't grasp it because of the trial and error of potion-making; but literally all I ever did and do is select three highlighted ingredients and see what pairs up.
As long as you're willing to sacrifice a Daedra Heart for a potion instead of infusing it into a weapon, there is no downside to it.
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misskazehana · 2 years
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It’s been a while since I talked about Dnd, we have just finished my run as a dm a week or so ago.
We’ll be starting a new campaign this week. 
I chose an Articifer (Alchemist in particular) because it looks really fun to play and my little brother is running one too (He’ll be a goblin armorer though and we’re buddies in game already!)
So behold. Filo Thistleroot!
He’s roughly 147 years old which is close to 29 and half when converting human to elf years (I think). He studied to be a doctor despite his family’s negging for him to go study wizardry like his twin brother. He wants to help people yet is socially impaired and lacks decent self esteem. Also is morbidly curious which led him to studying his ass off for years at a time. After finishing all the written stuff and getting his degree, he was sent to a village to earn his experience before getting his license. He lived there for a long time with his fellow Articifer in training Slag. 
That’s the basics aside from his ears, which are deformed as a result of an in-school accident during his earlier college years. He doesn’t mind it though, as long as you don’t touch them- they’re tender.
His role in our upcoming adventure is obviously support and I am really excited to play him. Wish me luck!
Filo belongs to me, misskazehana
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makanidotdot · 2 months
How I would have done Teldrassil
There was some Sylv discourse today on twitter, which I totally missed and Nobbel deleted whatever tweet he made so idek what it was about lol, BUT I read some "how it should have been" tweets and I wanted to write down how I would have done Teldrassil:
So, Azeroth just got stabbed and everyone is trying crazy experiments with the newly discovered Azerite. Kaldorei druids end up making some azerite infused super-life substance that has pretty great healing properties, but by accident, they discover it has the opposite effect on undead. It vaporizes undeath. Maybe someone had an undead battle pet out and it touched the goo and it died like a cartoon in roger rabbit.
Anyway, the worst thing to happen to Azeroth in recent history WAS undead and having a potential weapon against that is super good, but there's the whole political problem of ~oops~ we have something that can instantly vaporize a particular enemy race… a race that's not insanely well liked even by their allies... a race that can only keep 'living' by preying on the dead of everybody else, and makes anywhere they live spooky and rotting and gross to everyone but them… anyway we won't keep this secret forever, but, in the middle of this whole azerite-rush, we'll just wait until tensions are not QUITE so high, then bring this all to light in a peaceful and honest way and both factions will have control of supply and security etc., and use it only for the good healing properties, or against any new undead threats, and definitely not against Forsaken.
But ofc, Horde spies end up discovering the existence of this Undead-Away and tell the Warchief.
A good Warchief would handle this by demanding it all fully be turned over to both factions, they would acknowledge the benefit of having that kind of power, studying the tech, but also acknowledge the extreme danger to an integral part of the Horde, and take extra steps to ensure their safety and reiterate the Forsaken's value to the Horde.
Warchief Sylvanas, however, would need to ensure Undead-Away was destroyed, and kill anyone who knew how to make it, at any cost. That type of unique threat to the Forsaken could not be allowed to exist. She would claim the Night Elves had been creating a weapon unbeknownst even to their allies (technically true), and were therefore preparing to be aggressive (a lie). She would omit the fact this weapon only affects undead, maybe even orchestrate an incident that made it seem like it affected the living too, with the help of her alchemists. Even if it came to light that this weapon only really affected undead, the idea of deceitful Night Elf weaponry would still have been planted, that particular knowledge would come too late to really matter.
Teldrassil must be attacked and temporarily controlled in order to purge this substance too dangerous for either faction to control. "USE IT ON THE ALLIANCE" some more bloosthirsty members of the Horde would say. No, no, Sylvanas would say, that would be dishonorable :). For the good of Azeroth, such a weapon must be destroyed. Sylvanas has turned a new leaf after all, she's not blighting anymore, she's interested in stability as Warchief. Both factions should be kept in check.
So, the plan would be to surprise attack Teldrassil, occupy it, purge the city of all the Undead-Away, and then... leave. They would make their intentions clear to the Alliance (after they had started the attack, of course) and actually, pretty true to their word, they would let anyone who wanted to leave the tree go peacefully. Obvs any nobody-druid who knew how to recreate the weapon would wind up dead, and any too-important druid would have to risk escalating the conflict by calling out Sylvanas's lies. But for the most part, there would be no excessive death caused by the Horde forces, Sylvanas would even make a point of publicly punishing any Horde for unapproved violence.
Sylvanas wouldn't need or want a greater conflict than necessary, so there would be none, unless the Alliance wanted to return to all out war against the Horde over what would ultimately amount to just be humiliation.
Because a pre-BFA, pre-Jailer, pre-shit Sylvanas's end goal was this: Don't die. She tried dying before, and she went to Hell, so her goal now is Never Die Again. Never Dying would be achieved by ensuring the Forsaken are a strong race with a secure future. For that, she needs a balance of Forsaken power, but also healthy and happy living races that keep reproducing, so that they keep dying, so that Forsaken can keep reproducing.
But, at some point during the occupation, Teldrassil burns. And we don't know why. Maybe some Horde did it to be mean. Maybe it was an accident as some Night Elves fought back righteously against the occupying Horde. Maybe some kind of magic + Undead-Away is insanely flammable. We never learn the truth, and if we did, it doesn't matter. The Alliance blames the Horde, and the Horde blames the Alliance.
The leaders of the Alliance heroically and epically rescue most of the citizens still in the city, with Tyrande and Malfurion leading the effort. The Horde occupying the city are not quite as lucky, but they're soldiers. So a lot of them are tryhards and have gliders so they can just jump off the tree :). And some Alliance and Horde still die horribly in flames.
Night Elves lose their home, and Sylvanas prepares for the Alliance's retaliation. It wasn't her goal, but it's something she can work with. The Horde and the Forsaken will not fall, and the banger ass BFA trailer actually makes sense and isn't false advertising.
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So I since like analyzing this elf here's some reasons I prefer the Astarion romance confession/hug scene you get by having high approval when you reach moonrise and long resting before talking to the drow instead of the variant scene you get after the drow meeting.
Scene/dialogue analysis below the cut. Spoilers for Act 2 romance.
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If you talk to the drow blood alchemist in moonrise towers and let him refuse her then you get the confession scene where your respect of his boundaries sparks his confession. Its still a really sweet scene, don't get me wrong.
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But if you get the high enough approval you get can the confession scene before you meet the drow and then he says he needs to talk because he feels awful about his actions.
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Another important difference is that in the pre-drow scene, he tells you straight out that he was sleeping with you to get you on his side. Its the focus of the first half of the scene. I think its important to get that out in the open in order to move forward.
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In the post-drow scene the focus of the scene is how you let him choose whether to bite the drow and how he never could make those choices himself. Its very sweet to see him be vulnerable here and I do wish these two scenes weren't mutually exclusive.
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If you do the post drow scene you have to choose a specific dialogue to have him confess how he manipulated you.
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It's a missable revelation.
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I think the predrow scene is important for his character. He comes to you without prompting, to confess that he feels awful for his plan to manipulate your feelings so you'd never turn on him.
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All in all, both scenes are amazing emotional scenes and again I really wish both could happen in one playthrough. In my game I got the pre-drow scene and then i reloaded to see all options of both scenes to come to this conclusion.
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simlit · 2 months
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Chosen of the Sun | | dawn // twenty-six
| @maladi777 | @izayoichan
next / previous / beginning
ELION: You know, Moon Pet, I didn’t mention it before, but Lord Hayashi seemed oddly surprised to hear of those books he supposedly asked to borrow. Almost as if, he hadn’t. KYRIE: Oh? How peculiar. ELION: laughs If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were up to something. KYRIE: Up to something? Don’t be silly. Though, now that you mention it, it’s just not proper for someone like you to be dining openly with the Duke and His Highness. I’m afraid you’ll have to wait outside. ELION: You can keep crafting plans to get rid of me, but you realize it only hurts you in the end. After all, no one’s trying to kill me. KYRIE: I’m aware. But if surviving means having no privacy, then I’m not sure it’s a life I want to live. MAID: Your Grace, Your Highness, do come in. The other guests are already waiting in the parlor. LUCIEN: Hello! INDRYR: …Good evening? ASTER: My, my, I didn’t know there would be minors here tonight! I hope this doesn’t mean the booze is off the menu. KYRIE: laughs MAID: My lords, the Duke should be down momentarily. Please make yourselves comfortable. KYRIE: Thank you. And could you see to it that the frightening looking elf outside is given his supper, too? MAID: Of course, Your Grace. ASTER: Well, aren’t you sparkly. LUCIEN: Thank you! KYRIE: Indryr, Aster, this is Prince Lucien. He’s visiting from the kingdom of Kera. LUCIEN: That’s right! Just for the festival! I can’t believe I’m already meeting so many of the Ten! You’re the Bard, aren’t you? ASTER: How’d you guess? Ha! Suppose I have that look about me, don’t I? What about my floral friend here? LUCIEN: Indryr, right? Of Irauygate? They say you’re a talented alchemist! INDRYR: Correct on all accounts. ASTER: Modest too, eh? ELDEWYN: Ah, good evening, everyone! Please excuse my lateness. I hope you’re all most comfortable. I must say, I am absolutely thrilled to host you all tonight. When His Grace offered, I was beside myself with excitement. It’s not every day someone gets a private meeting with the Chosen. I expect I’ll be the talk of the town! KYRIE: Thank you, my lord, for your hospitality. ELDEWYN: Of course, of course! Allow me to introduce myself. Duke Phineos Eldewyn, magistrate, and longtime supporter of the trials. I welcome you all to my most humble abode. KYRIE: Most gracious of you. This is Indryr and Aster, I’m sure you’ve heard much about them, already. ELDEWYN: Yes, yes! And so excited to learn more! Why don’t we all make our way to the dining room? Dinner will be served shortly! KYRIE: whispering Do you have it? INDRYR: Of course, Your Grace. Always. KYRIE: I appreciate you offering. Let’s hope we needn’t have use for it tonight. INDRYR: I couldn’t agree more. But if Plan A fails, then… ASTER: Plan A for Aster, boys! It’s all under control.
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triptrippy · 7 days
I love your art so much! If you don't mind me asking what's your process for designing characters/outfits?
i had to think about this for a while
when designing characters sometimes im just thinking of a concept ive been exposed to and want to expand in my mind, like with my dunmeshi ocs there were multiple Things in dungeon meshi i wanted to play around with.
dwarves having high tech ruins with trolleys? telephones? there must be Some innovation going on with dwarven society, what if i made someone interested in that innovation but theyre not a dwarf. elves have magic but instead of casting, this character leans toward that tinkering mentality and they brew magic potions and make explosives. Then, i know the noble dwarves in the story are drawn like Rennaissance lords but they have telephones, so maybe there could be a little bit of a steampunk vibe. And then being an elf, around dwarves, they probably get their gender confused more often, maybe they actually dont mind that much and its fun. maybe they work for the dwarven noble in the party? i think that was basically my thought process for fry. and then for his physical appearence, i started drawing an elf and i was focusing on that "likes to have fun" part and i gave him sort of that elven shagginess/laid back look, and messed around with the color pallett until i picked something i liked. he almost had bleach white hair reminiscent of a mad scientist but brown felt more grounded. and its pink at the root because its cute!
i feel like i wing it with outfits but i think i use the same logic. hes an alchemist and lives around nobility, so he has kind of a suit as if hes in academia. but hes cute, so it has a skirt and no jacket. he has a magical prosthetic that he controls with a puppet spell like milsiril uses to control her puppets. it doesnt heal when hes healed because he was born without the arm, and it also doesnt count towards the 1/13th of body missing that would ruin a ressurection since it was never there to begin with. SORRY I GOT INTO THE LORE ON YOU umm yeah and then his head is very warm toned so his outfit i chose warm tones as well. i put goggles and gloves because safety first proper PPE. and thats it! i pick outfits that make sense for what i know of the character, their class(monetarily) how practical i imagine they are, what they would dress for on a daily basis. either before or during the design process im thinking of the silouette and color chemistry as well, but that can change with an outfit.
awesome question thank u!
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deconstructthesoup · 3 months
Some Adventure Time characters in D&D, 'cause why not:
Finn: I think he would start out as a Champion fighter, but then eventually switch to a College of Valor bard---fitting his more musical side while also keeping in line with his desire to be a hero and not making it all about violence---and maybe take a few levels of a Monster Slayer ranger for good measure. That last one is mostly due to the growth he goes through in Hall of Egress and him learning from Huntress Wizard, but I think it works. Also, he's still obviously a human.
Jake: Astral Self monk, Swashbuckler rogue. His whole deal as a stretchy, half-alien dog is very difficult to translate into D&D terms, but I think it'd make sense for him to be a changeling and a werewolf, keeping the whole canine aspect while also adding in the shapeshifting and the, uh... well, the whole "we have a kid who is definitely from somewhere else but we're keeping him anyway" thing.
Bonnie: I think her whole deal speaks to her being a textbook Alchemist artificer, and her princess nature, long lifespan, and a somewhat loose grasp on the concept of morality absolutely reminds me of high elves (no shade meant to PB, I love her and her emotional growth). However, just making her a high elf isn't enough---the fact that she was literally born from a mutagenic gum formed in the wreckage of a ruined world can easily translate to her also being a Reborn. Fitting, for a mad scientist.
Marceline: She's quite clearly a bard, and I think College of Spirits suits her the best---she's got a lot of connections to ghosts and undead things in AT canon, after all, and seeing as she survived an apocalypse, I think it's fitting that her college of choice would be one that's all about singing the songs of the departed. And, well... tiefling vampires are probably a thing in D&D, so. Yep.
BMO: He's an Inquisitor rogue and a lil' autognome. 'Nuff said.
Flame Princess: Circle of Wildfire druid, for reasons that are kind of obvious. And a Fire genasi. For reasons that are... also obvious.
Huntress Wizard: Um... a Hunter ranger. Probably an Eladrin due to the forest-like appearance, though I have no idea what her season is.
The Ice King/The Ice Thing/Simon: So, the Ice King, to me, is an eeeeeeeexcellent portrayal of a Great Old One warlock---specifically, a Pact of the Talisman warlock---gone horribly wrong. While the crown might not seem very classic GOO at first, the fact that using it literally gambles away your sanity is pretty in-line with the risks of that patron.
Gunther, pre-fusing with the crown, is really just a Great Old One on his own, albeit one that's been stuffed into a safe and squishy container. After fusing with the crown, and likely losing his memories of his time as Orgalorg for good, I think he probably became a Storm Sorcerer, as what powered his ice magic was now (almost) irremovable.
And Simon... honestly, between his nerdiness and his low constitution, he's just your classic wizard, really. Probably Chronomancy, due to his penchant for bouncing through time and multiverses.
Betty/Magic Betty/Golbetty: Order of Scribes wizard, who eventually became a Wild Magic sorcerer, who eventually became the Greatest Great Old One that there ever is. And yes, that makes Magic Man a Wild Magic sorcerer, because of course he is.
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vivimortuos · 1 year
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The way a man gets before he shoots his load... (golden kamuy pose because I'm a sucker for this show)
Patreon Tip Jar!
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 8 days
Hello how are you,
You said you follow a lot of series. What other series are you into? What series of manga do you have? And which series are you willing to experiment with?
I follow too many fandoms to count, from video games to books, manga, movies, and stuff in between to count them all. My newest series I've gotten into it Delicious in Dungeon, it's funny and well written, but I'm still new to that.
As far as the manga series I have:
-Record of Ragnarok
-My Hero Academia
-My Hero Academia: Vigilantes
-One Punch Man
-Komi Can't Communicate
-Tokyo Revengers
-Monster Musume
-Ancient Magus' Bride
-Let's Buy the Land and Cultivate it in Another World
-Hunting in Another World with my Elf Wife
-Flying Witch
-That Time I got Reincarnated into a Slime
-Demon Slayer
-XXX Holic
-XXX Holic Rei
-Cardcaptor Sakura
-Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card
-I've been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed out my Level
-I was a Bottom-Tier Bureaucrat for 1500 Years and the Demon King Made me a Minister
-A Centaur's Life
-Machimaho: I Messed up and MAde the Wrong Person into a Magical Girl
-The Alchemist who Survived Now Dreams of a Quiet City Life
-Spy X Family
-Plus Sized Elf
-Plus Sized Elf Second Helping
-The Titan's Bride
-I'm not a Succubus
-Nurse Hitomi's Monster Infirmary
-Sailor Moon
-Ah My Goddess
-Otherworldly Izakaya Nobu
-You Like Me, not my Daughter?
-My Room is a Dungeon Rest Stop
-Me and My Brothers
-Ouran High School Host Club
-My Love Story
-Honey So Sweet
-Magic Knights Rayearth
-Thigh High
-Wish (by Clamp)
-Eyeshield 21
-Who Says Warriors can't be Babes?
-Giant Spider and Me
-I Married my Best Friend to Shut my Parents Up
-Manly Appetites
-Our Dining Table
-Saki the Succubus
-Saber Marionette J
-Miyuki-Chan in Wonderland
-Satan's Secretary
-Shirahime-Syo (by Clamp)
-My Girlfriend is a T-Rex
-Cyborg 009
-Saiyuki Reloaded
-Love Hina
-Negima?! Neo
-Suppose a Kid from the Last Dungeon Boonies moved to a Starter Town
-No Need for Tenchi
-Sorcerer Hunters
-3x3 Eyes
-Street Fighter II
-Sakura Ganbaru!
-Street Fighter Alpha
-Street Fighter III Ryu Final
-High School of the Dead
-My Dress Up Darling
-The Way of the Househusband
-The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today
-Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting
-Beauty and the Feast
-My Senpai is Annoying
-A Man and his Cat
-In the Land of Leadale
-Drugstore in Another World
-Farming Life in Another World
-Savior's Book Cafe Story in Another World
-Magic Artisan Dahlia Wilts No More
-I'm a Behemoth, an S-Ranked Monster, but Mistaken for a Cat, I live as an Elf Girl's Pet
-Wood Woof Story I told you to Turn me into a Pampered Pooch, not Fenrir!
-Cutie and the Beast
-Ms. Kozumi Loves Ramen Noodles
-If It's for my Daughter, I'd even Defeat a Demon Lord
-Reborn as a Polar Bear: The Legend of how I became a Forest Guardian
-Restaurant to Another World
-So I'm a Spider, So What?
-Kaiju Girl Caramelize
-She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man
-Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear
-I Shall Survive Using Potions
-Reincarnated as a Sword
This one took me a while lol, but I have been collecting my series for over 20 years now so I guess that's understandable.
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mikhailwrites · 6 months
All fun and games / Ghost x Soap
Kinktober #12 - Costumes
Why the hell did he agree to this? Oh, right, because Soap promised to give him the best head of his life if he joined him for a LARP. The things Ghost would do for good sex, right? Well, it was more about what he’d do to make Johnny grin the same way he did when he watched one of his expertly designed fireworks go off.
“Remember, you’re dark elf going by Ghost, you’re a rogue, so… no stealth, cloak and dagger, maybe a crossbow or something like that. It’s right up your alley!” Soap rambles, clearly excited, while he affixes fake pointy ears on Ghost. Ghost, who looks very unimpressed by the whole getup. The clothes Soap made him wear are vaguely historical but more in that eye-candy pop culture way. There’s a lot of leather, useless trinkets, and gratuitous lace-ups. He looks beyond ridiculous. Especially since the daggers are made of foam, and the crossbow looks like a toy. It probably is.
Why the hell did he agree to this? Oh, right, because Soap promised to give him the best head of his life if he joined him for a LARP. The things Ghost would do for good sex, right? Well, it was more about what he’d do to make Johnny grin the same way he did when he watched one of his expertly designed fireworks go off.
The exasperated sigh cannot fully belay the level of Ghost’s embarrassment as Soap clasps a cape on him. Nobody can ever catch a whiff of this, or he would never live it down.
“There you go, fucking brilliant LT!” Soap whistles as he looks Ghost up and down.
“So, if I’m an… elf…,” Ghost says but is interrupted.
“Dark elf! It’s important!” Soap corrects him.
“Whatever. What are you?”
Soap puffs with pride, and Ghost immediately regrets he’s asked. He knows this look. It’s the “prepare for a fucking nerd-out” look.” Soap smiles wide, smoothing his own clothes that look much more normal than Ghost’s. Just a linen shirt with a lace-up, of course, and what looks like some very old-school type of kilt. It’s simple, but it suits him. That’s perhaps the only reason why Ghost didn’t pull off a Houdini already. The sight of Johnny and the prospect of Ghost bending him over by the end of the night, tucking the kilt up and fucking him senseless. He can imagine it so vividly that it takes Soap to jab him in the ribs to get his attention. “Yer not even listenin’!”
“Sorry,” Ghost says, even though he’s not.
“’S fine, just remember, whatever you do, you gotta stay in character.”
“Like undercover?”
“Aye! Exactly! Ye ken… just… let’s say this is a mission. The objective is to find a certain item. We dinnae ken what is it, where it is, or who knows aboot it. The only way to get it is to pretend we’re someone else.”
“I understand,” Ghost nods, suddenly much more at ease with the whole thing.
They walk out of the tent and are greeted by a large group of… individuals. The costumes range from extravagant and colourful to clearly repurposed items from granny’s closet. There are a few people in armour, too. Ghost feels somehow comfortable in his role. It’s not that different to what he usually does for a living, after all, and thankfully, Johnny does most of the talking as a charming charlatan and a gifted alchemist.
Some good negotiation and pointed intimidation later, they’re much closer to their objective. Ghost has to admit that he’s having a bit of fun. Especially once another group of players attempts to steal Soap’s notes containing all the clues they’ve gathered so far. The skirmish ends before it even begins in earnest. Ghost is holding back a lot, obviously, but he still outmanoeuvres and overpowers their opponents easily, while Soap stands back, looking almost bored. He has made Ghost his bodyguard of sorts, not that Ghost really minds.
Once they go through the loot, they’re rewarded with a vital piece of information they’ve been missing. It’s time to get their prize.
The powerful artefact they’re after is well-hidden and well-secured. Which means it’s booby-trapped to high-heaven. Ghost disarms the tripwires and pressure plate, and just as he’s about to make another step, Soap stops him. “Don’t move!”
Ghost freezes instantly; it’s the same deeply ingrained reaction he’d have in the field. Soap comes up to him, inspecting the area just in front of them. Unclasping a pouch with some alchemical ingredients from his belt, he pours a bit of bright orange sand into his palm and throws it into the air, revealing a few laser beams. “Well, looks like a magic trap. Let me deal with that.”
Soap looks right in his element as he takes out various trinkets, including a small mirror. With some clever refraction, they manage to pass, only to be met with another test. They can already see the chest, but there’s a letter lock on it. There’s also a piece of creatively half-burned paper with an overly ornate and somehow ominous message. Johnny reads it out loud: “Only those with the heart of Gold deserve to see the power I hold. Well, that’s a riddle. The key to the lock is a word, five letters.”
Ghost fiddles with the lock. “I could force it open.”
“That would be boring. Give me a second.” Johnny hums, thinking hard. Then… “It can’t be that easy… can it?” With a doubtful look, he slides the dials until it spells “Aurum”—the lock clicks.
As soon as Johnny takes the obscenely large and obviously fake ruby out of the chest, Ghost grabs him from behind and presses him against his chest just as he pretends to stab him in the back with the fake dagger.
“Ghost! What the… oh no…,” Johnny trails off as the realisation dawns on him. “You traitorous shit!” Soap does a bit of a show of going down, slowly bucking his knees and sliding from Ghost’s grasp. Ghost tries for semi-convincing acting, kneeling next to Soap as he gently pries the artefact from his hands.
“I’m sorry, darling, but you know what they say: never turn your back to a dark elf,” Ghost lowers his head and kisses him goodbye.
Once Ghost claims his prize and after a short but grand ceremony of naming him the ruler of the land – until the next year - they return to the small lodge and their rented room. Johnny is silent the whole way back, but once the door closes and they’re alone, he speaks up. “Ye bastard! Ye eejit! I brought ye with me so ye would help me win!”
“What can I say, Johnny? There can only be one,” Simon deadpans as he holds up the sceptre, marking him a king. He will return it to someone from the organisation team tomorrow.
Soap stares at him with a bloody murder in his eyes as he points an accusing finger at him. “Was that… did ye just… did ye quote a bloody Highlander, Ghost? Oh, that is low even for ye.”
Ghost’s smile is disgustingly smug as he sits down on the edge of the bed. “What’re you going to do about it, Johnny?”
He barely finishes the sentence before Soap is on him, straddling his lap, tilting his head and kissing him like a savage. It’s all teeth and tongue. “You’re lucky you look so good in all that leather.”
Ghost smirks, sliding his hands up Johnny’s bare thighs under the kilt. “I was wondering…” his hand slides higher, feeling nothing but warm skin.
“Of course, you were,” Soap chuckles. “Could feel you staring at my arse for the better part of the day. But with the shit you’ve pulled, I think I’ll revoke your rights to it. Your majesty.”
“You know, with all the magical power I now have, I guess I could resurrect you, make you my prince consort or whatever,” Ghost suggests, caressing the soft skin but making no further move.
“Bargaining now, Ghost?” Soap cocks an eyebrow, pretending to think hard about it. “But…” he trails a finger along the laces of Ghost’s trousers, “I’m feeling generous tonight.” It goes without saying that he’s also horny.
Ghost lets himself be pushed down to the mattress, lets Johnny kiss him, and opens up to his tongue. He’s still holding him, kneading the muscles on Soap’s thighs, enjoying the fact that he doesn’t have to hassle with trousers to get what he wants. As an added bonus, his cock twitches every time he reminds himself that Johnny spent the whole day walking around commando.
Johnny’s mouth moves to Ghost’s jawline, to his neck, on which he sucks dutifully. One of the perks of Ghost’s renown is that he can parade around with love bites, and nobody dares say a thing. Soap would never admit to it, but he enjoys the privilege more than he probably should.
Ghost groans and smacks the back of Johnny’s thighs. “Give it a rest, you vampire.”
Johnny laughs, sits back and tucks Ghost’s shirt up, dragging his blunt nails across the scars all the way from his chest to the waistline of his trousers. Soap licks his lips, deliberate with the gesture so Ghost would notice. He does, and he’s had quite enough of the foreplay.
Johnny laughs as Ghost manhandles him to switch their position. Now it’s Johnny’s turn to lay on his back with Ghost looming over him, brown eyes dark and hungry. Soap bends one knee, feeling the thick tartan slide down, revealing a lot of skin. He can also feel the leather, warmed by Ghost’s body heat, and it makes him buckle his hips, seeking at least a little bit of friction. Honestly, he’s so hard it almost hurts.
Simon, to his credit, possibly feels at least a little bit bad about betraying Johnny earlier because he doesn’t tease him like he normally would. Instead, he sneaks a hand under Johnny’s kilt, brushing against his prick.
Simon chuckles at Johnny’s sharp intake of breath. “Well, this is convenient.”
The smugness leaves him as soon as Johnny retaliates; the lace-up is much easier and faster to undo than buttons and a zipper. Simon presses into Johnny’s palm as soon as it slips into his trousers. Soon enough, it’s not enough for either of them. Johnny slides Ghost’s trousers and underwear lower, and Simon lowers himself to slot their cocks together before closing his hand around them. The hold is loose at first but tightens after a few languid thrusts. Soap moans, enjoying the fact that they’re not on the base and he can be louder than usual.
Simon hums appreciatively as he kisses Johnny on the neck, worrying the sensitive skin between his teeth. Soap sighs, holding Simon close and rolling his hips in time with Simon’s lazy strokes. Soap tries to urge Simon on, but the only reaction is a muffled laugh and a thumb flicking over his cock-head, making him gasp.
What started as luxurious soon turned into torturous. The need to move and chase the pleasure is overwhelming, but Simon seems dead-set on making Johnny suffer in the most delicious way possible, ignoring the whimpers and jolts as Johnny squirms, trying to get what he wants. “Come on, Simon!”
“Patience, Johnny,” Simon smiles against his quickened pulse, licking along his ear. “Or do you want us to ruin your kilt?”
Johnny’s breath hitches as he’s momentarily thrown off by Simon’s words. He recovers quickly. “Fuck yes.”
“Alright then,” Simon finally concedes, loosening his grip a fraction to allow Johnny to fuck into his hand and against his prick. The slide is smooth, eased by the pre-cum. Simon raises his head, looking at Johnny, who looks at him in turn. Stormy-blue of his eyes dark, brows knit together, and mouth slightly agape in a mixture of desperation and pleasure. He could see this a thousand times and never tire of it.
A moan escapes Simon, a rare occurrence, but he lets it slide. They’re well away from the base, safe from the regulations. The way Johnny’s cock slides against his own, hard, hot and wet, drives him nuts. Without even realising it, he starts to match Soap’s pace.
Despite the pace, the tension in both of them rises gradually. There’s no stress, unlike their quick shags in the storage rooms around the base. No risk of being discovered and punished. Instead of focusing on keeping quiet and stilling every time there are footsteps approaching, they can focus on each other and the sensations.
Ghost’s hips stutter as he loses himself in the feeling of Johnny under him, the sound of his moans, his heavy breathing, and the feeling of his nails digging into Simon’s back. Ghost tightens his grip around both of them as he comes, powerful pulses wrecking his body, making him skip a breath as he spills over his hand and Soap’s cock and soils the precious kilt in the process.
Johnny is quick to follow, spurred by the feeling of Ghost’s release. He manages a few more thrusts, making Simon gasp as he ruts against his oversensitive cock, before he arches into Simon, generously contributing to the mess between them. He feels light, which is a bit absurd, considering Simon is still lying on top of him like a dead weight. Soap doesn’t mind; somehow, it’s soothing and grounding him in the moment.
“Do you think I could convince Price to let you wear leather while we’re on the base?” Johnny asks after a few minutes of silence.
“No, but I want to see you try,” Ghost smirks. “You know, I might take a look if it’s permitted to wear a kilt while on duty.”
“It is,” Soap replies without hesitation. “Not in the field; not officially, but otherwise, it’s permitted.”
Ghost hums, a clear idea forming in his head.
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What I think the DnD characters of the NPMD crew would be.
Peter: High Elf Alchemist Artificer. His specialty is chemistry so a sub class all about making elixirs is right up his alley.
Ruth: Tiefling Lore Bard. I don't think this needs much explanation in you know what the stereotypical bard is like.
Richie: Aarakocra Arcane Trickster Rouge. First he's Zeek the Fighting Night Hawk, second he loves to sneak attack and picture it like one of those anime finisher moves and third he definitely flavors all his spells like Naruto or Demon Slayer techniques
Steph: Half Elf Shadow Magic Sorcerer. She's playing this game to let loose her frustration and daddy issues by blasting bad guys with fireball , so a class that can let her do that and has a sub class that can let her be edgy and summon a dog sound good to her.
Grace: Human Devotion Paladin. Again I don't think I need to explain this one, but I can also see Oath Breaker or Great Old One Warlock if it's post NPMD.
Would this be a balance party? Probably not, but I don't care.
oooooo these are all awesome
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ladywavecutter · 5 months
Diamariel Wavecutter - High Elf Ambassador, Patron
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“She seemed sweet enough but I couldn’t help but feel I was in a pool with a shark.” - Lieutenant Kyalan of the 6th regiment of the Silver Helms
Diamariel Wavecutter
Motivation: See the Asur take responsibility as mediators of allegiance between the mortal races. Short Term Ambition: Liaise a better trading relationship between Ulthuan and the Empire. Long Term Ambition: See Ulthuan rise to once again be the supreme global power.
The second eldest daughter to Lord Bel-Haner Wavecutter, Diamariel’s lot in life—one of privilege and prestige—was all but secured upon her birth. The only unseen variable was Diamariel herself. A hidden seadrake among her siblings, Diamariel proved herself ambitious and driven enough to secure herself a place in the court of the Everqueen as both dutiful ambassador and confidant to Allarielle the Radiant. Gifted in both the custom of court and the winds of magic, Diamariel has readily proven that eventually her machinations will, through charming diplomacy or arcane mastery,  come to fall in line with her decided outcome.
Diamariel was expected to follow the path of domesticity taken by her mother and eldest sister: find a husband of good standing, raise his children and run a household of her own. It was perfectly ordained to the norms of her people - it was also regretfully boring and the very thought of such an existence made her skin crawl.
Through her guile, wit, and success in study of the arcane arts, Diamariel established herself as not only the rebel of the Wavecutter family, but made a name for herself as an agent and diplomat of the Everqueen Alarielle. She earned the Everqueen’s favor very early in her career, by way of an incident in which the then young Diamariel returned a great stag to the menagerie of Avelorn, from which point she slowly rose to see herself tasked with managing the Queen’s interests and affairs across the Great Ocean in the Empire and beyond.
On these endeavors, the Lady Wavecutter has found herself entangled in circumstances that have each given her a perspective of life outside of Ulthuan that so very few of her kin can boast of. One such expedition into the empire led the Lady to be embroiled in the unraveling of a conspiracy targeting the Supreme Patriarch of the Imperial Colleges of Magic, cementing the alchemists of the Gold College as a valuable personal ally. It was also during this expedition that through less than pleasant means she was first confronted with interpretations of the Asur, and their less than favorable depiction among the zeitgeist of the disenfranchised of Imperial society, as well as a keener understanding of how far behind the times Ulthuan had seemed to be becoming. 
The East of her Troubles
One of the things that puts Diamariel in stark contrast with many of her kin is her overwhelming sense of empathy to  both elf and man alike. This almost otherworldly emotional intelligence has positives and negatives which have manifested in the Lady’s complete willingness to pause her life in the face of unresolved turmoil. The most debilitating case of this occurred upon a series of burglaries against Asur residents of Altdorf. Upon confronting the thieves, instead of handing them over to the authorities, Diamariel did as she as most who know her would expect her to - engaging them in conversation.
It so happened that these thieves held Brustellite politics, disenfranchised by the systematic poverty experienced in the East End of Altdorf. They  attributed the economic inequality to the forced movement of established communities into this slum following the creation of the Colleges of Magic—an act of meddling by the Asur. Whilst she disagreed that the colleges and the Asur were solely the reason for the city’s ever broadening gap between aristocrat and urban poor, she sympathized with their plight, that their suffering was enough that they felt the need to lash out. In an attempt to put to bed at least some of the bad blood between the residents of the East End and help bring more wealth into the area for its residence, Diamariel established the Wavecutter Company Outreach Initiative.
This initiative began as a way to reach out to locals and get them working alongside Asur traders and sailors, picking up skills and trades starting with apprenticeships that would later on develop into employment. While currently in its infancy, she plans to expand the project to have generational impacts, though some, namely her fellow Asur, would regard her as more than a little eccentric for going this far simply due to the plight of some petty thieves with shaky political motivation.
Diamariel as a Patron
Characters serving Lady Diamariel will find their patron a warm and empathetic, but wise and tactful leader. As an accomplished diplomat, characters will find themselves embroiled in political intrigue, and, when the timing calls for it - action and peril. The political landscape of Ulthuan is a spider web of interconnected threads, weaved together to create a turbulent picture, irrespective of its orderly facade. It is a bureaucratic tumult that demands a great mind to fully understand and traverse, only becoming more daunting when outside influence and interests reach out to entangle themselves within it. 
Once having achieved the seemingly impossible task of learning to maneuver in this vipers den of princes, nobles, guilds and politicians, characters will find Diamariel both guide and taskmaster in understanding and exploring life within Asursociety. She may charge characters as messengers between lords that she is currently petitioning on behalf of her mistress the Everqueen, bodyguards to nobles who have received threats of violence from rival families (or even Druchii rogues), private investigators into matters of legal intrigue of corrupt politicians, and potentially mercenaries tasked with protecting missions of trade and diplomacy between Ulthuan and the Empire.
In short, the Lady Wavecutter is sure to provide her employees with duties to challenge or intrigue them. That said, she is highly attuned to the emotional and physical wellbeing of those who serve her and will equally look to push her employees into opportunities in which they can better themselves, as well as act as counsel for those who have earned her respect. This of course comes with the understanding that characters have earned her respect, and she is not above having those in her service prove their worth to her before any real investment is made on her part.
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Traits: Weapon (Quarterstaff) +5
Skills: Charm 100, Cool 95, Dodge 89, Endurance 78, Gossip 100, Intimidate 46, Intuition 102, Leadership 100, Melee (Basic 55, Polearm 55), Navigation 65, Perception 102, Evaluate 102, Channelling (Azyr 80, Ghyran) 80, Language (Battle 100, Classical 100, Magick 85, Reikspiel 100), Lore (Magic) 85, (Ulthuan) 100.
Talents: Acute Sense (Sight), Arcane Magic (Azyr, Ghyran), Attractive, Commanding Presence, Etiquette (Nobles), Night Vision, Noble Blood, Petty Magic, Read/Write, Savvy, Schemer, Second Sight 
Spells: Petty: Dart, Dazzle, Drain, Gust, Shock. Lore of Heavens: Comet of Casandora, T’Essla’s Arc Lore of Life: Forest of Thorns. Trappings: Grimoire, Staff of Diplomats, Best Quality Courtly Clothes, Map, Dagger, Magical License. 
Staff of Isha’s Envoy A staff expertly crafted to be bespoke for its weilder - gifted to Diamariel as a proof of office by none other than the Everqueen Alarielle the Radiant. This staff provides +1 SL to Channeling (Ghyran) Tests and +2 SL to Fellowship Tests
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cooliofango · 1 month
The fellow rising MCD writers….
Share opinions/help(?) with these ideas (for a possible series) if you would be so kind! I’m open to doing multiple/all— but I’m stuck in a bad writers block rut and need help out of it! 😭
Tagging the only moot when it comes to MCD that I have so farrrr: @kokomifan24
Ps: I plan to write all of these with female writer first as it is/will be easier for me to write when starting out! And if the series is likes enough/it is requested, I’ll remake it with male pronouns/gender neutral pronounds
Idea one: Garroth x Reader
Reader is an elf folk like Zoey. Turned up at the house of an Okhasis general as a baby and was taken in. When a young child, was introduced to the royal family. It’s found out that she has incredible elemental magiks, being most prominent with fire— but she has no control of it. Rather than punish her, the king finds the best magiks users to help her gain control of these abilities and start her training as a knight to utilize these abilities in combat/for protection of the kingdom. While at her time with the castle, grows close with the siblings. This leads her to be one of the three guards chosen to be the personal guards for the three sons— she becomes Garroth’s personal guard. They bond and form a strong friendship (and hidden romantic feelings) over the course of many long years. The closeness was why, when Garroth attempted to run away from home and his duties, she let him go when she caught him. From then on, she was set as another personal guard to the high priest until they find Garroth and bring him back. Catching up with the actual MCD story’s timeline— she is there when Zane goes there to preform the wedding ceremony.
Idea two: Laurence x Reader
Reader is a thief that goes along with the “steal from the rich, give to the poor” motto, except the poor is a band of refugees/wrongly criminalized escapees of major cities and villages (aka Ohkasis, Scaleswind, etc.) and though she doesn’t like being called a “lord” of the not-small-not-large “village” (refugee camp), she has became the major caretaker for it and its people. She’s admired and respected amongst the people, finding her to be brave in doing something so risky. Laurence and Reader first “meet” when she steals from the group as they camp for the night during a long travel to wherever. They officially meet, however, when reader gets a bit too cocky when seeing a rather expensive (and unknowingly powerful) relic on Aphmau that she wants to take and sell for a hefty price. Laurence is who captures her and they hold her prisoner as they travel, now with her in tow.
Idea three: Travis x Reader
Slight adaptation to the Aphmau series lore regarding Irene and her being the connection between the series with the whole soul splitting thing— it will be instead confined to the MCD story with other people having the other two pieces of her soul
Reader was born rather unnatural. Not in the sense that she looked weird or was actually born in a weird way— but because she was a rather close to emotionless being from day one. Growing up, this made her someone people disliked/found creepy. She didn’t show sadness when a relative passed away. She didn’t shows pain whenever she would get bitten by a wild animal or fell down and scraped her knee. She didn’t show fear whenever she was approached by a rabid wolf (her father had shot and killed it with a bow an arrow to prevent her from harm). Despite how hard it was for them to endure the backlash and judgement, her parents loved her dearly and treated her without hatred. Her father taught her to wield a bow, and her mother (an alchemist) taught her how to make potions as she grew older. The stoic being eventually moved away, utilizing these skills as she traveled alone for years, being paid to do tasks for the people as she passed through (although reluctantly thanks to her demeanor). However, she eventually settled down and made a home for herself in the middle of nowhere amongst an evergreen forest. She first meets Travis (and maybe the others) when they come across her fighting off bandits on her own, who tried to rob her of her potions.
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WIP Re-Intro: Enna's Prequel
Title: Enna's Prequel (temporary title, subject to change)
Genre: high fantasy
Status: draft 1
Pov: third person dual POV
Setting: Halmond, a small-ish country in the world of Aqurah. The majority of the action takes place in its capital, the city of Halmire.
Universal TW/CW: Murder, complicated family relationships, necromancy, people murdering their own relatives, kidnapping, crime, swearing
Plot/Synopsis: When she was 20, Enna Helder-Kromlin ran away from Halmire, accused of murdering her own brother. Fourteen years later they've returned, at the request of their twin sister, Anne. But when he gets to the city Anne is missing, and has been for nearly a year. Enna must work together with Effie and Bezeo, two new friends Anne had made in their absence, to get to the bottom of just what the hell is going on--not only now, but also what was happening 14 years ago, and who actually killed her brother.
Notes: this is the prequel to Frost & Fire & is set 10-20 years before that story
Tags: #wip: ennas prequel, #c: [first name] + [last name if applicable]
Main Characters:
Enna Helder-Kromlin, any/all pronouns, ~34, half elf. The first of our two narrators, Enna is a thief, mostly, and sometimes a baker. A few weeks ago, Enna got a letter from her twin, Anne, dated almost a year ago, asking him to please come to Halmire because she needs to talk to them.
Anne Helder-Kromlin, she/her, ~34, half elf. Our other narrator, Anne is a thief, and the de facto leader of the second of two factions in Halmond's thevies guild--Oleski. A year ago, she left the city for her own safety, and was supposed to confirm her location within two months, but hasn't made any contact.
Effie Fisarnos, she/they, 64 (~33 in human years), mostly a gnome. Effie is an alchemist, who owns the potion shop The Broken Cauldron, which sometimes acts as a safehouse for the thieves guild. She is also Anne's partner/fiancee, but that isn't public knowledge, and not even Enna knows it. Anne promised to send her a letter no more than two months after she left, but Effie never got one.
Bezeo [last name], he/him, 68 (~36-38 in human years), dwarf. Bezeo is the owner of a traveling food cart that roams around the city. He also invented pizza, and works for the thieves guild Anne is in.
Zephyr Helder-Kromlin, he/they, deceased (died at age 24), half elf. Zephyr was the older brother of Anne and Enna, and fourteen years ago he was murdered. At the time, he was the leader of Oleski, the thevies guild. Enna (though innocent) was blamed for the murder, but she managed to get away. The actual culprit was never found.
taglist maintained below the cut! Ask to be added or removed!
@ihaveneverhadaclue @thelaughingstag @athenswrites
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