#alex really said ‘I have never had good fashion once in my existence’ and I respect that
pursuingheavenonearth · 2 months
What I actually did on my last full day on Mykonos
What I actually did on my last full day on Mykonos
After five days of climbing up and down this island’s hillside roads, it was a cinch to descend one last time to Super Paradise Beach, again arriving at JackieO’s just before most of the staffers were yet at their stations. However, one other person was lounging at her pivotal strategic landing point for catching the eye of both novice and experienced souvenir shopper. Alexandra had been ‘on duty’ since 7:30 am, setting up her little ‘par terrain’ shop selling handmade jewelry, mainly handmade bracelets, loungewear dresses, Stetson cowboy hats, and fashion accessories.
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The great thing about Alex’s merchandising strategy is ‘just (pretend) to ignore the potential customer’ and let the interested buyers approach and just look. That’s half of the sale, after all. If they touch an object or move back to get a closer look, then you’re three-quarter’s way toward closing the sale. Never make any suggestions until the customer has shown by body language and demeanor that he/she trusts you as a human being. Show the customer that Alex values their opinions and their taste; don’t try to sell, but let the customers buy what they really (think) they want.  It really was watching a work of genius unfold by simply standing there for 30 minutes before I felt compelled to ‘enrich my existence’ by purchasing one of her most expensive items.
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‘Kissing dragons’ is what I call this motif, which I’ve seen many times elsewhere. Presumably, Alex brought them back from her most recent trip to Asia— although she didn’t quite make it explicit in what country she had purchased these dragon bracelets and short necklaces. At least, I couldn’t understand which country she was naming though it did sound like Romania, but I didn’t press her for more concrete details.
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Good sales derive from a belief by the seller that she/he has an excellent product, being sold at an excellent price. Anything less, and it’s simple deception. If that is not really true, so then typically the seller can’t succeed and mostly you don’t meet such people because they have already failed their calling. Alex was a ‘maid on a mission.‘ Oh, it certainly helped that we were both Sagittarians, or so she said. It took some time for me to attempt to get my PayPal to pay her. Eventually, I had to give up on using PayPal, even though I had $195 just sitting there. Instead, she mentioned that there was an ATM in the entrance way to the far restaurant.  It was a good idea until I reached the realization that my last attempts to get cash at an ATM had not worked.  So, it was highly doubtful that it would work here. But then I suddenly remembered I actually had enough cash — 140 euros were in my pocket. So, I returned to her, without further explanation, to pay the 120 euros.  She ended up giving me a good luck charm, known as the Evil Eye. When I mentioned that my granddaughters will enjoy it, she then suggested that it would better serve my son Tomi in his divorce situation.  Alex invited me to go with her to the bar after I returned from the Agrari Beach. she had suggested this when I had explained that I wanted to see the JackieO’s drag show around 6 pm. Later, after 4pm when i returned to wait until she was finished, she decided she was too tired and wouldn’t be going. 
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         This development did give me pause for thought. The cynic in me wondered of it was all a devised conversation meant to ensnare me into buying her most expensive item, or perhaps she had felt a twang of compassion for ripping me off so royally. I can’t actually be sure. But if she does come to Japan in November as she had said she might, it’ll prove one thing: she’s a lot smarter and kinder than she looks.
After leaving Alex to tend to her sales, I want to the departure point for the water bus to Agrari Beach. Once again, the captain ‘said’ he couldn’t break a twenty. What! I had read that normally the water bus fare was 20 euros, but that included multiple entry and exits along the seaside route. Yet, I can’t quite figure out what’s missing in this recurring saga of payment for partial trips. Happily, he waved me on and said I could pay him the 15 euros on the boat ride back. Of course, that didn’t happen because  the return water bus ferry was piloted by a different captain, who again just waved me on and off — at no charge.
0 notes
lydias--stiles · 3 years
my sweet romantic teenage nights
juke | high school + diner au | title: scenes from an italian restaurant // billy joel
Magenta’s Palace was an artefact from the glorious American Dream; a fluorescent gem wrapped in that 60s architecture and old-fashioned uniforms. It was also the hang-out spot of most LF Arts students, right in the heart of Los Feliz and on most kids’ path.  
Luke used to roll his eyes at the place, thinking it was corny and certainly not the place a punk-rocker like him would go… until he tasted their gnarly waffles. And burgers. And milkshakes. His love for good food trumped his desire for street cred and ended up like the rest of his peers: a regular at MP.
Alex and Reggie never had qualms with it. The former was rather happy Luke got over himself and Reggie was simply pleased to spend more time with his friends. It became tradition to eat there every Friday after school. Sometimes they stayed until the early hours of the night talking, sometimes it was to fuel up before a gig.
Settling in their booth (theirs - Luke has made sure to carve the underside of the table with their names), Luke sighed contently. “Boys, this gig is gonna be fire.”
“I still don’t know how you convinced the guys at Raven’s Nest,” Alex mused, glancing around for a waitress in a candycane-coloured uniform.
Reggie nodded gravely. “Yeah, they’re scary.”
“Used my charm,” he smirked. “Dialled it up like I always do.”
The blonde snorted. “Sure.”
Luke’s face crashed. “Fine. I used our fake’s when he didn’t believe we were eighteen.”
His friends grinned, Alex snapping his fingers. “There it is.”
The chipper Nora glided towards them, slaloming between tables with her notebook. Alex’ remark didn’t bother him, crossing his arms with a shrug. “Does it matter? I got us in. They’re gonna love us. Nay! They’re gonna eat this set up!”
“You better be right - hi, Nora - cause it’s a bar for bikers. Real ass bikers,” Alex replied, shooting Nora a smile.
“Hello, boys,” she greeted, her signature red hair tied in a messy bun. Reg used to have a crush on her when they first visited, until they realised she was twenty-three and in a committed relationship with a guy from USC studying medicine. Yeah, he had no shot. Luke had to console him by buying five chocolate shakes and blasting Elvis Presley in the car.
Despite this, Reggie still had a soft spot for her, smiling kindly at the waitress. “Our usual, please.”
The notebook got tucked in her apron with a bright nod. “Coming right up!”
As Nora swiftly returned behind the glossy bartop, parlaying the order to the kitchen, the entrance opened. The bell above chimed, three girls appearing beneath it.
Oh, shit.
When Luke enrolled into LF Arts as a green fourteen year old, he had planned to only focus on music and nothing else. He’d blaze through his classes and become the best in music and then, with his obsessive nature at a peak, would launch the band into the next stratosphere. That was the plan. Music, music, music. (And food from Magenta’s.)
Fourteen year old Luke wasn’t aware girls like Julie Molina existed though. That changed on the first day. She came to the front of the class, blew everyone away with a Taylor Swift cover and shot a toothy smile when she finished - like it was nothing. Like she didn’t have the voice of the century. (Like she wouldn’t mess with Luke’s plans of becoming the best, damn it!) Though his initial reaction was envy, he quickly realised it was rather a disgruntled crush than actual dismay.
She was cute. Still cute. After every summer break, he expected her to be less pretty so that his nerves could calm down for once. Nope. Julie Molina was pretty as hell.
He has never seen her here on Friday’s. Why now? Why now when they were mentally preparing themselves for a gig that could get them their asses kicked if they didn’t perform well? Luke needed to focus! Not think about where she’d sit and what she’d talk about and what she was going to eat.
His eyes tracked as Julie, Flynn and Kayla were in busy conversation, barely aware of their surroundings. Her head rolled back in a laugh at something Flynn said, eyes shut in glee. Luke flushed red, averting his gaze to the scratched up table. His friends were snickering, Alex muttering a ‘Jesus…’ under his breath.
Luke snapped his arm. “Stop being a dick.”
“Why don’t you just ask her out?”, Reggie pondered, absentmindedly making origami with the thin napkins.
“I think he needs to talk to her first to do that,” Alex teased before Luke could respond, earning another glare.
It wasn’t like he and Julie never spoke. They were seniors, they had multiple classes together and spent many hours cooped in the same music classroom. He was even part of her group project in junior year! They’ve talked! But it never lead to anything, his lingering stares falling for her oblivious profile, her never once looking back at him.
The connection Luke always craved hasn’t been there, though he always felt like they could have that. Musical spirits were alike, right? At least his crush wasn’t as hopeless as Reggie’s on Nora.
The girls chose a booth right next to theirs, Julie in his direct line of sight. Alex was buzzing in his seat from stifled laughter, visibly trying to not turn his head and address them. The guitarist felt like dying, not even the steaming plates of burgers set in front of them enough to lift his mood.
Luke leaned forward, voice a hiss. “I can talk to her. I just… haven’t felt the need to.”
Reggie patted his shoulder sympathetically. “It’s okay, buddy. You don’t have to lie to us.”
Frustration began simmering his skin, the scowl deepening. He wasn’t lying! Maybe a little! He’s been waiting for the right time to approach her, say and do the right thing to sweep her off her feet like the fucking rockstar he was. Had he been preparing his lines since he was fourteen? Also maybe. They were being revised.
Alex often told him he shouldn’t put Julie on a pedestal. That she was just a girl. It made him wonder if he was the only one that first day of high school that felt it. That awestruck whooping in his chest from seeing her curls dance around her almond eyes and hear how each lyric was laced with a passionate smile. Even at fourteen was he aware of how special that was. Julie wasn’t just a girl. She was the coolest girl he’s ever met and he didn’t even know her that well. He couldn’t imagine actually becoming friends with her, uncovering all facets of her personality and not get overwhelmed by her Julie-ness.
Huh. His crush went deeper than he thought. Yikes.
At the end of the day, Luke could admit that he was simply a teenage boy nervous to talk to a girl. ‘Nervous’ was like a curse word to him though, that admission a secret he’d take with him to the grave.
“Eh,” Alex quipped, egging him on. “Luke’s a terrible liar. He doesn’t have to tell us for us to know it’s true.”    
His hands slammed down on the table, words spouting from his lips. “Girls! Can we get your napkin dispenser?!”
Fucking fantastic, Luke.
All three perked up in surprise, Flynn twisting in her booth to curl her nose and tilt her head. “Why?”
“It’s empty,” he bluffed.
Kayla craned her neck and instantly caught Reggie’s handiwork scattered across the table. “No, it’s not.”
Julie sat next to her, blinking in confusion. “Why do you need our napkins?”
Her smooth voice directed right at him caused a thrill up his spine, a grin involuntarily tugging on his lips. “Cause Reggie needs them for his crafts.” Playing along, the bassist lifted a janky frog with a wink. “I’m very dedicated.”
She matched Luke’s smile, amused. It was the most interaction he has had with her in months, the utter euphoria of it all bursting at the seams. Propelled by her smile, he slid out the booth and into Alex’ side, throwing his arms over the seat right next to Flynn’s head. The girl remained deeply unimpressed by him, gaze flicking past his physique. Damn. If he ever wanted to get anywhere with Julie, he had to get in Flynn’s good grazes. Kayla seemed chill though.
“What’s with the frown, Felicity?”, he joked.
Kayla giggled at the mention of Flynn’s actual name, the girl in question rolling her eyes. “All I’m wondering is why you have to bother us about napkins, Lukas.”
“Flynn,” Julie shook her head with an exasperated grin, “maybe wait for your strawberry shake? I think you’re being hangry.”
Her friend loosened up, sinking back in her seat with a playful pout and mumbling a resigned ‘fine.’
Luke took that as his sign to continue. His gaze fell back on Julie, hoping he wouldn’t sound too eager. “You guys come here a lot? I haven’t seen you here on Friday’s.”
“Who’re you asking?”, Julie asked, looking between her and Kayla. Oh, man. Small talk really wasn’t his forte. He couldn’t charm himself out of this one with music jargon or fake IDs.
His smile turned stressed, flailing his hand around. “Uh, all of you.”
“Sure,” Flynn snorted.
Alex slapped a hand on his mouth at her retort, almost in pain of not laughing his ass off. The prize of ‘Worst Friends Ever’ went to Luke’s - for fuck’s sake, couldn’t the drummer at least try and help him out?!
“Just wanted to celebrate Kayla’s good mark on her new song,” Julie continued, wilfully ignoring the other’s behaviour. Slinging an arm around her friend, she shot her a bright smile. “Her bridge was amazing, right?”  
All three boys nodded fervently as Kayla ducked her head bashfully, murmuring a ‘thank you’ and then relieved from all the attention when Nora walked up to them. Luke’s body didn’t twist to sit normally again, too invested in finally speaking to them, finally having that contact, that he didn’t even care if he seemed like a weirdo. Julie and him! Conversing!
“Speaking of music,” he casually uttered when Nora was off again. His signature smirk crawled on his lips. “We’re playing a gig tonight.”
This peaked Flynn’s interest. Perhaps the prospect of food made her more amicable. “Where?”
“Raven’s Nest,” Reggie proudly proclaimed.
Kayla frowned, worried. “Isn’t that the bar with all the bikes outside?”
“Thank you!”, Alex exclaimed with a sigh. “It’s insane!”
“It’s not,” Luke bit back. If Sunset Curve wanted to make it big, they had to play big! Gigs like these would get them on the stages they dreamed of. Soon, it was goodbye, Raven’s Nest and hello, The Orpheum! “Real Californians go there to hear real fucking music.”
To his surprise, Julie hummed in agreement. “My dad says it used to be where the subculture kids hung out before MP got cool.”
“Yes!” His grin was huge now, overflowing with joy. This was enough adrenaline to get him through three gigs at once! His finger pressed into the cracked leather. “Exactly! And we’re gonna slay it. You should come watch!”
The latter blurted out without wanting to, his eyes growing wide in panic as Reggie and Alex stilled in their seats and Flynn peered up at him with laser-focus. Shit. Was he telling on himself? Did she pierce through the charisma that this was just a poor attempt at flirting? God, he really should’ve prepared his speech for impulsive moments like these.
Luke still needed to endure some growing pains before he got good at flirting.
Julie chuckled, a hint of red appearing on her cheekbones. It enthralled him. Was she embarrassed or flattered? “Uh,” she bit her lip, “I don’t know if I can get in. Don’t you have to be eighteen?”
He raised his brow. “C’mon, you don’t have a fake?” At those words, Alex dropped his head on the table with a thud. Luke had enough of his own shit too. ‘Mortified’ didn’t even come close to how he felt about his blabbering mouth.  
Levelling his challenged look, however, he realised he wasn’t lost quite yet. Julie’s eyes glittered with mischief. “I do, actually.”
Breath caught in his throat. Yup. Coolest fucking girl in the universe. Julie Molina had a killer voice and a fake ID and probably did a whole lot of other dope stuff he hadn’t found out yet.
“Julie,” Flynn but in. “It’s a biker bar.”
“Where our classmates are playing,” she argued. “I can always try.”
“You’ll die.”
“I think I’ll be fine. Like Luke said-” No. She could not say his name and expect him to keep his cool. His fingers gripped the conjoined couch tighter. “-everyone’s there for the music.”
A careful smile slowly grew on Kayla. “We can tell your dad you’re with us.”
Flynn gaped at her. “We-?! I- okay.” Lifting her hands in surrender, she added: “Fine, we’ll tell Ray you’re at the movies with us.”
Wait, was Julie turning down a movie night with her friends to see him play? Did that mean something? Has he been so focused on trying to find or create a ‘vibe’ that he forgot to actually look for signs of her own? Damn. Now he really couldn’t screw this set up. Sunset Curve was gonna play until their hands bled, hopefully impressing her just a little bit.
It was settled then. After both groups had eaten, Julie separated from hers and joined them on their trek to Raven’s Nest. She was mostly talking to Reggie behind Alex and Luke, animatedly recounting a story about Carlos nearly crashing his drone in her keyboard. Jitters began to tingle his skin, that building excitement right before a gig mixing with Julie’s presence. It felt like one of his dreams materialised out of thin air.
How many times has he dreamt about catching her eye in the crowd as he crooned love songs he never dared to write? Granted, those dreams were centered in a hazier setting, Raven’s Nest quite unromantic opposed to that, but he would take what he got.
(And after, they’d worm their way through the masses of people, meeting halfway, and she’d sling her arms around his neck and he’d pull her into a kiss and it’d be electric. She’d kiss like she sang. It was a recurring dream that left him in a good mood for hours.)
Without much hesitance, the bouncer let Julie in. Luke, unable to keep his giddiness at bay, squeezed her shoulder as a dazzling beam was glued to his cheeks. Julie got in! Julie was going to see him play!
Raven’s Nest was expectedly filled with bearded, burly men. It reeked of beer and strong liquor, raucous chatter spilling from ever corner. They all probably looked like babies in comparison to these dudes, but he supposed his unfaltering confidence made up for it. Luke would get his boys (and Julie) through this. The stage was already prepared for them, amps and mics set up, Alex’ drums waiting in Reggie’s van behind the establishment.
“I’ve seen you play before, you know,” Julie mumbled beside him.
His heart soared without trying, its rate going a mile a minute as his jaw fell slack. All his nerves intensified till a blush crept on his cheeks. “You- you have?”
Her curious eyes flitted from the people to him, sheepish. “Yeah. At Ecliptica. You guys were good.”
A clammy hand raked the ends of his hair. Holy fucking shit. “You sounded like you never heard us before.”
“I didn’t want to seem like a fangirl, or something.” A secretive smile formed on her lips as she leaned into his side. “You know how school is. Everyone trying to be the best, but then act super casual about it?” Her eyes sparked in the yellow lighting, too close for him to think straight. “I didn’t want it to inflate you guys’ egos.”
Luke sputtered out a disbelieving laugh. “You’re doing it right now, Julie.”
“Then you better kill it,” she teased, nodding at Alex and Reggie hauling the drums onstage from the back door. “I think that’s your cue.”
There were two things he thought of right as he ascended the stage.
One, Julie was fat better at this whole back and forth than he was.
Two, he had to direct at least one song to her from their thirty minute set. Just one. Just so that his feelings might come across. Where words ended, music bled from his soul instead.
And so, the band exploded into what they knew best: burning the fucking house down.
So we’re taking the long way home 'Cause I don’t wanna be wasting my time alone I wanna get lost and drive forever with you Talking 'bout nothing, yeah, whatever, baby So we’re taking the long way home tonight We're taking the long way home
The giggly teenagers ended back in the diner after the incredible gig, shouting from the adrenaline and jostling arms to get points across. Even Julie joined in, much to his delight, tucked between him and the wall as she had a heated debate with an excited Reggie - harmonies versus basslines. Lemonades filled in condensed glasses gave them sticky fingers, hers once pushing his chin away when he told a particularly dumb joke and leaving an imprint. Luke was on fucking cloud nine.    
Taking the upper hand in the debate, Julie sang a bit of one of their songs (“Let's seize the day, let's run away, don't let the colours fade to grey!”) with all the tricks in the book, silencing Reggie just like that. Alex high fived Julie, the bassist admitting she won this time. Deeply relishing the sound of her singing voice, Luke barely caught what she was saying after.
“This time?”, she laughed. “There’s another time?”
“Why not?” Reggie wiggled his brows, unsubtle as hell when he shot Luke a wink. “Diner Friendship Memories Still To Be Made!”
Alex blinked. “What?”
Her eyes tracked past the boys, the smile turning more timid. It settled on Luke, the boy unable and unwilling to look away. He wanted this night to never end. Clasping her lemonade, she nodded firmly, as if signing Reggie’s silly Friendship Contract.
“Yeah… why not.”
Magenta’s Palace became Luke favourite place in the entire world. Every Friday, Julie joined the boys at their booth, sometimes Kayla and Flynn too. Huddled in those red leather seats with mountains of fries, they shared the first slivers of newfound friendship. Luke has always been very cautious about who he let in his circle (Sunset Curve against The World), but six people in a booth felt cosy rather than suffocating. Like it was always to be like this.
Reggie found an equally enthusiastic jazz lover in Kayla. Alex confided with Flynn that he followed her playlists on Spotify and was obsessed with her DJ skills.  
Luke and Julie created their own bubble without trying to.
It was weird. Maybe Alex was right and Luke did put her on a pedestal for so long. Julie was genuinely chill and easy to talk to, probably turned off by him before cause he had been acting like a blubbering idiot. Simply being himself was, surprisingly, more than enough for her. It lit a fire inside of him. Snarky banter about music that challenged him to keep up, overt flirting from him that kept her blushing, sudden ideas about lyrics that threw either for a loop. He wouldn’t admit it at first, but she made him a better songwriter.
Who knew his best songs would be found on stained paper napkins?  
One Friday night, long past midnight, the group stood outside as they bid each other a good weekend. Bathed in the pink glow of the LED lights, Luke felt it in his gut. He had to tell her. These past weeks his feelings had only grown tenfold, this incessant buzz rippling every atom of his body whenever she was close. Whenever she smiled, talked, sang. Stealing his beanie, eating his fries, sharing AirPods. Luke loved it all.  
It was a lot more than a simple crush.  
After Julie hugged Alex, Luke grabbed her into a tight hug. She instantly responded, wrapping her arms around his waist and burrowing herself in his red hoodie. His infatuated smile was hidden by her curls, so fucking happy he’d been impulsive enough to ask for a dispenser that day.
“Hey, Julie,” he whispered.
She looked up, eyes alight with an emotion that left his shivering. “Yeah?”
“Uh…” A smile trembled on his lips, unsure whether he wanted to drown in the pretty brown of her irises or continue talking. Now or never. “You wanna get breakfast tomorrow? With me?”
He didn’t have to live in the fear for long, a smile stretching across her cheeks as she shyly nodded. It was the first time he’d ever seen her this flustered, their hold on each other securing with quiet glee. Had he not been so mesmerised, the awestruck Luke would run a mile from the adrenaline rush.  
“Yeah,” she grinned, nose scrunched. “Sounds fun.”
They found themselves in the same spot the next day, the taste of syrupy pancakes melting with his as he kissed her on the parking lot of Magenta’s Palace. Julie’s lips curled into a smile and Luke figured there was no better feeling in the world then that.
(Yeah, he could get used to this.)
Saturday’s mornings had never been sweeter.  
@blush-and-books @willexx @bluefirewrites @unsaid-emily @ourstarscollided
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steve0discusses · 3 years
S5 Ep 15 Pt 2: Don’t Trust Anyone Who Wears a Floor Length Robe Over Their Casuals in Yugioh
Hey, it’s my birthday, so I’m gonna release this early because the rest of today I just have to work like an adult and that’s no fun.
In the first half of this episode we dunked the worlds smallest plane into a lake and so this second half of the episode involved the kids running as far away from their only responsible adults as they could.
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Which like...took whole of less than a second for them to peace out and enter mortal danger.
...I’ve never been in a jungle in India but...I have seen the Jungle book many times...and there’s like tigers and stuff in there, right? and tons of monkeys that are hella mean? And freakin snakes? They sing jazz and scat? That’s some terrifying stuff.
Like these city kids have to learn at some point to fear the woods. But they just freakin don’t. And strangely, the most dangerous thing in these woods isn’t even a snake or something, but a human man just being as suspicious as possible lying prone on the ground.
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(read more under the cut)
The card cultist happens to have a British accent, because this voice acting team freakin loves to pull out their British accents. It’s not as lowbrow as Valon, but it’s not as...well whatever Bakura is supposed to be. He’s a lot more tame than Bakura’s, but still very British.
I don’t know if this is because British English tends to be taught instead of American sounding English in many parts of India, but, most likely they just wanted to do an accent. And like...he’s an archeologist...and so the stereotype is there...but honestly, the decision of making this guy British gets weirder and weirder as this episode goes on, get ready for it. None of you are ready for what I assume is the very obvious plot twist of this freakin guy.
Catfish of the century, this freakin guy, I’m pretty sure.
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Yugi immediately believes this completely out of place white British stranger in the Indian backwoods next to this inaccessible lake and immediately thinks “yes, my Grandfather crash landed in India EXACTLY where I’m standing right now, and now I must save him.”
Thankfully, Yami exists to gently and politely tell Yugi to hella stop.
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Also, I like that Yugi has finally stopped wearing his school outfit out of school. But, he is instead wearing a jacket that is so close to his school outfit I honestly couldn’t tell until the end of this episode. It’s like...I think one shade more purple, it has white piping, and his undershirt has a center seam. It’s nice Yugi has 3 versions of the same black sleeveless undershirt, and this show cares enough to show that tiny factoid about Yugi’s closet.
So, because Yugi is a dumbass and Pharaoh has to just sit back and watch this happen so he can say “told you so” later, they follow this random cultist they found in the woods. Much like Hansel and Gretel, we snack on cake crumbs all the way to the witches house, which in this case, is an undiscovered monolith you would have easily seen from outer space.
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And so get ready for this:
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Hey guys.
Remember how Alexander the great was buried in a pyramid?
Now because they’re name dropping Alexander, that’s actually kind of helpful, because Alexander the Great’s favorite damn horse in the entire world died while he was at war with India so he named a city after it. It’s believed to be in Punjab, which is in the Northern part of India
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Which means we first of all, definitely crossed the tallest mountain range in the world to get here, and also means that we are like...in some really disputed territory of India right now, and it is crazy that these kids went here for a vacation completely unsupervised.
Another fun fact about Alexander is that when he died, it took 6 days for his body to decompose. At the time, they thought it was because he was a God (or in Yugioh’s case, Extremely Cursed) but nowadays historians think it’s because it took him 6 days to fully die. He just wasn’t dead yet. Had to give it a minute and the ancient Babylonians just got way too excited.
Anyway, Alexander super died in Babylon so I don’t know what the hell he’s doing in India. There is a fun spot in History where his body did get dragged to a couple different places, meaning we probably did lose the original Alexander and there’s a lot of people just guessing at where he ended up...but putting him clear up in India sure was a choice when one of his assumed burial sites was literally Egypt, which would be a more fitting location for a Pyramid and a more fitting location for this show.
Especially since Alexander was trying to invent a new race and culture...it seems a little strange he’d be buried in such a massive pyramid, but maybe he got a really, really good pyramid deal from the funeral home when he was like 28 and just figured he’d change it before the time he died at 32.
Which...now that I’m older than 32, how crazy is it that Alexander the Great died at freakin 32? You blink twice and you’re 32. Is history seriously trying to tell me this guy wasn’t like secretly 62? That maybe he just celebrated his 20th for like 20 years in a row as a royal mandate? I just feel like history is playing pranks on me with Alexander.
Anyway, our weird shady new archeologist guy is named Alex and so take that as you will.
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I sure hope Alexander the Great was revived to wear khakis and bother children. Guy conquered the world once and was one of history’s Freakin Worst so he does deserve it, but also...it would explain why he thinks it’s normal to wear a Darth Maul robe over your business casual.
Anyway, lets enter the obvious trap pyramid.
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Joey just wanted a nice time running around Northern India. He just wanted to eat some yummy chaat and look at some tourist destinations and maybe glance at a Bollywood star or two. But instead he’s gotta deal with spike floors because Yugi couldn’t say no to a cultist.
Also...one of those spikes clearly went through Tea’s feet, right? And she is absolutely fine? Just checking on Tea’s godlike strength and clearly it is still godlike.
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Alex gives us a very long explanation of how he went upstairs and Grandpa went downstairs, and there was a door or something so Alex turned back around and Grandpa was gone.
All of those steps were probably plot relevant and I’ll probably forget all about it in 2 episodes.
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The thing is Alex...literally thinks he evaporated. Literally thinks that. But how do you disprove it to this freakin guy who like...might have named a city after his horse once and thinks that’s a normal and acceptable thing to do?
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and so Joey immediately leaps onto the haunted playing floor.
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the way Yugi said this line was sort of hilarious to me so I may cap it. If I remember to do it (I’ve been a little busier lately, with things opening up, as you can tell because my update schedule is in the toilet.)
So, if Joey jumps in...everyone else has to, also.
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And we say good bye to Alex and enter the new forest zone, which looks a LOT like the other forest we were just in.
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Nice Protoss armor.
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We get some hijinks from the local wildlife, which are all cards but real (but not real because we’re in a board game...don’t think about it) and the off brand Sheikah tablets have helpful monsters in them if you touch em.
This season may have been better off as a video game, being honest.
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Joey has gone somewhere else, despite going onto the same game tile, and he’s too busy on a mountain range to really help anyone out. So he’s just gonna vibe up here for a bit.
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Tea got up after this point and said along the lines of “k, what’s next?” Because mortal danger does not affect her and she fears nothing.
At a beach somewhere, Tea and Tristan spend some quality time together forming a new family with whatever these creatures are.
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And Tea’s love of her winged angel comes full circle and now I will suffer this winged orb for the rest of this arc, pretty sure.
Please admire the number of belts on Tea. Her outfit is like max 00′s and I appreciate that. We’ve had a lot of questionable fashion on Yugioh, but they actually dressed Tea pretty on point this arc. Like I often feel like 00′s fashion is hard to define or describe, but it’s Tea right now. That’s it. She did it, it’s right there.
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Yugi gets a new flagship card for this arc, and this time it’s Celtic Guardian. Hell why? I feel like his defining card changes every single arc, and they need to like focus and just give him one. In fact, I’m pretty sure it’s still Dark Magician...and maybe the show forgot?
Anyway, if you just got here, this is a link to read the rest:
I think I forgot that link in the last recap because yo it’s kind of been a while since I’ve updated, I feel. (well I had a graveyard post and those don’t count really) But, we’re back, we’re still going, slowly but surely.
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xlovelyyoongix · 4 years
wedding dress | myg
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*I do not own this gif* 
summary: it didn't matter how much you loved yoongi, you were still obligated to take another man’s hand in marriage, and sadly, Yoongi had to watch. 
pairing: yoongi x f. reader. 18+
word count: 3674
genre: Vanilla smut, fluff, angst, (sad boy Yoongi) -gosh, why do I always put my mans through such a hard time-
warnings: penetrative sex (literally the whole first part of the fic is vanilla smut) , adultery (but not what you think), jealousy, and cursing. (if you notice anything else I should add as a warning, please let me know)
a/n: I literally got this idea after listening to Taeyang's song Wedding Dress for the billionth time. If you've never heard that song..... Wtf, how have you never heard of Wedding Dress? It's such a k-pop classic, and you should listen to it while reading this, or listen to it before reading this... or may listen to it after if you're anything like me and struggle with multitasking *laughs awkwardly*.😅 Ummm, I'v rambled long enough, enjoy.  😊 
"Fuck~" Yoongi's throaty moan hisses into the shell of your ear. "I l-love you." His fingers intertwining with your very own as his hips thrust in and out of your sopping core, fucking you into the hotel mattress. "I love you so much,__" Sweat building across his porcelain skin, dumpling cheeks, a misty pink along with onyx orbs mixed with the sensation of infatuation and sexual desire.  
"Y...Yoon..." You don't have the strength to finish his name as waves of pleasure ripple throughout your body. "I-I love y-you, too" Your exhausted voice speaks in a whimper, squeezing onto his hands as a euphoric buildup tightens within your abdomen. "C-close." Your lips quiver, legs tightening around Yoongi's waist, pulling him in closer.  
"I-I know..." Yoongi's muscles start to weaken as your soaking walls begin to clench around his throbbing dick, teasing your nearing release. "You feel so good~" His mouth finds a place on your neck, nibbling and kissing the sensitive spots of your soft flesh. "Will you be a good girl and cum for me?" He smirks into the curve of your neck.
With your brows creasing together, lashes fluttering like butterfly wings and thighs quivering around Yoongi's waist, you were absolutely positive the steady buildup within your core would explode at any moment. "Y-yes." was all you could manage to muster.
"Good." Using his last ounce of strength, Yoongi repositions his hips at an angle he knew would send you to heaven. His length reaches deeper, scraping across your spongy surface and slamming into the moist wall of your cervix.  
"Shhhhit!" Your head knocks, nails digging into the skin of Yoongi's back. "You. Feel. So. Good. Don't. Stop." You whimper between the beat of Yoongi slamming into you, causing the headboard to aggressively bang into the wall. "G-gonna c-cum- AH!" With tears in your eyes, colors burst into your vision as your body explodes into a flatline of bliss.  
Slamming into you with one final thrust, your walls immediately tighten around Yoongi's girth. "FUCK!" Clamping his eyes shut, the rubber band feeling snaps within his core, releasing his hot strips of cum into the tip of the condom. With his tired body collapsing into the spot beside you, Yoongi is quick to dispose of the condom into the trashbin beside the mattress.
The two of you searching for air as you gaze into each other's eyes, lost in the paradise of love. You loved him, you truly loved Min Yoongi, and no man could ever capture your heart the way he has.  
You part your lips to speak, but the loud buzzing of your alarm interrupts you, signaling that the final hour was close at hand. You bit into your lip anxiously as you put a regretful silence to the ringing.
Yoongi's nostrils release a sigh. "You don't have to do this." His tender hand reaching out, brushing a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "Please don't do this." His once husk voice, now dipping in anguish.
"Yoongi..." You whisper his name in sorrow, witnessing the sadness within his broken eyes. God, how you wish you could give in, to be able to stay in his arms forever. To run away from all your family ties and responsibilities to be with the love of your life. Sadly, you knew it was nothing more than a fantasy, and there was no turning back. "I love you so much... b-but."
"Tch!" Yoongi smacks his teeth with a grunt, dismissing your further statement. He pulls himself from the mattress, gathering his clothes that were scattered across the floor. "For once in your life,__, can't you make a decision for yourself and not give a damn what your family thinks?" Yoongi spits back, sliding his legs into his jeans.
Frustrated that Yoongi would choose now of all times to have this conversation with you, you roll your eyes with attitude. "For the thousandth time, Yoongi," You yank yourself up in bed, pulling your shirt over your head. "there isn't anything I can do!" Your hands slap into the comforter out of aggravation.
"Yes, there is." Yoongi shakes his head, tossing his shirt over his body. "You could not marry him. That's what you could do." He snaps back. "If you really love me, you would just leave with me."
Your swollen lips tighten into a line, nostrils flaring. "Don't do that... you know I love you, Yoongi." You're disappointed at the fact he would even throw that in your face at a time like this.
Yoongi's thick brows furrow together, provokingly. "And yet, you're marrying another man." He shrugs his shoulders a-matter-a-factly. "Do you think I'm just gonna sneak around and climb into your bedroom window at night, fucking you while your husband is in the other room, huh?"
Frustrated by your lover's choice of words, your fingers rub at your temples, hoping to relieve the stress. "You knew this would happen...you knew I was arranged to be married. This is what you signed up for-..."
"BULLSHIT!" Yoongi's harsh voice challenges back. He took a moment to catch himself, never being the type to raise his voice, especially at you. He inhales a breath before releasing it slowly. "You said you would find a way out of it, __. That you wouldn't marry him." His jet eyes cut to yours once again.
"I said, I would TRY to find a way out of this marriage. I never promised you that I would." You couldn't believe the two of you were fighting at a time like this. You'd rather spend your last moments as a free woman, wrapped in Yoongi’s embrace instead of arguing over something that can't be controlled. "And I did try! I tried everything I possibly could, but my parents need me to marry him. There isn't any other way..." Your voice starts to crack as the emotions ripple throughout your body. "T-this is hard on me, too, ya know." You break, a tear slipping down the round of your cheek as you remember in 3 hours, you'll be married to a man you barely knew.
Yoongi was silent, the hands at his sides balling into fists as he attempted to gather his thoughts and emotions.
Opening your mouth to console your lover, you're interrupted by a knock on the door. You flinch at the sound, afraid that someone would catch Yoongi in your bedroom, which would ruin the entire plan your family had in place for today.
"__, it's me, Alex." A female voice speaks from the other side.
You release a sigh of relief in hearing your best friend's voice. "Come in, Alex." You announce, straightening yourself in bed.
You hear the living room door creak open, soon the slender frame of your best friend steps into your bedroom. Her black hair styled in a neat top bun, natural makeup designed across her honey face, and carrying her maid of honor dress across her arms. "Jungkook is keeping guard of the hallways, making sure no one sees Yoongi leaving the room." She sends a nod towards the male, signaling it was his time to exit.  
"Fine." Was all Yoongi could manage to say as he gathered the rest of his belongings.
Your eyes follow his every move, somberly. "Y-Yoongi, I ..." Your heart aches, knowing this would be the last time you'll see Yoongi as a free woman. You want to hold him, kiss him, tell him that no matter what happens, he will be the only man that will ever reside in your heart.
Pretending not to hear you, Yoongi brushes past you as if you didn't exist, heading out the door. "I'll see you at the wedding," He says before leaving, never once looking back. He didn't have the strength to.  
The aching in your chest tightens, and your throat becomes rasp, warm tears streaming from your eyes. You hated this. Absolutely hated this, the fact you were getting married to a stranger, but mostly, the fact that you were the cause of your lover's pain. How could you possibly manage the stress of it all?  
"Oh no,__. Don't cry." Alex whimpers in a pout, witnessing her best friend's dismay.  
Taking a breath, you rub the tears from your eyes, gathering your thoughts. You didn't have time to think, or feel emotion. Today was about business, and no matter how much you desperately wanted to chase after your lover to aid his wounded heart, you had an obligation to your family that needed to be fulfilled. "I'll be alright." You wipe your nose with the back of your sleeve. "Let's get ready for the wedding."
  Stepping into the chapel, raven-hair freshly washed, bowtie neatly in place around his white collar and a sleek black suit fitting around his frame, Yoongi chewed the inside of his lip anxiously. Observing the sea of people that call themself your family, all dressed in the most elegant fashion money could buy as they sit in pews of the church, gossiping amongst each other.
It was no secret that Yoongi despised your family, not only because of their petty political ties but because they were the ones responsible for this mess. Marrying you off to a man twice your age for their own powerful gain. "Fuckin' rich people." He mutters to himself.  
"Mr.Min, please get into position. The ceremony will begin shortly." One of the ushers pats Yoongi on the shoulder.
"Sure," He responds dryly, immediately regretting ever agreeing to be a part of the damn wedding in the first place.
Making his way through the sea of people, Yoongi overhears a conversation that makes his ears burn.
"Oh, isn't __ just the sweetest girl!" The elderly woman brags to her circle of friends. "My son, Andrew, promised me, grandchildren, as soon as the honeymoon is over." She giggles cheerfully. "I can't believe I'll finally get to be a grandmother!" Her smile from ear to ear.
The very thought of a man touching you, loving you, and fucking a baby into you causes Yoongi's stomach to twist in disgust. Even though you were always promised to another, Yoongi thought that by the grace of God, you'd somehow end up with his last name. "I'll need a drink after this." He mumbles to himself, taking a seat on the white piano bench, cracking his knuckles to prepare for his performance.
 Time passes, and Andrew makes his way into the Chapple. His brown hair slick back, hazel eyes shimmering under the crystal lights, as his slender white suit fits around him handsomely. For being an older gentleman, Andrew was indeed a sight for sore eyes; however, Yoongi knew a man like that could never be your cup of tea.
The moment Andrew takes his place at the altar, the musical director signals Yoongi to start. His jet orbs roll callously, as his regretful fingers begin to dance across the keys of the grand piano. A part of Yoongi wondered, if he stopped playing and if the church didn't have any music, would that be enough to stop the wedding? Would that buy him enough time to find you, whisking you away in his broken-down car? "Tch.." Yoongi sucks in a breath. "As if that could happen." He mumbles, bringing himself back to reality.
Yoongi's eyes spot Alex in her maid of honor dress walking down the aisle with Jungkook at her side, the two split off as they make their way to the altar.
The moment that everyone is in place, the music director signals Yoongi to halt the piano. Yoongi's fingers come to a stop.
The wooden chapel doors creak open again. Your body steps out, sheer veil concealing your precious face, the sweetheart chest of the white wedding dress supports your breast elegantly, torso hugging into your shapely curves as the rest of your dress puffs out into a classic ball gown. Yoongi's lips hang ajar in disbelief, inhaling the essence of your beauty.
The music director signals him to play again.
His fingers dancing across the keys creating a happy tune despite the anguish pooling within his soul. Every step you took down the aisle, Yoongi felt a blow to his chest, as if his heart was being yanked from its strings. He immediately regrets getting upset with you in the last moments you had together, not giving you the proper goodbye you deserved. "I love you." He whispers into the air for no one but himself to hear.
Before taking your final step at the altar, your saddened eyes connect with Yoongi's onyx ones. You never thought you'd see the day Yoongi would ever wear a suit. You remember him expressing his hate for fancy clothing, explaining that they made him uncomfortable, how he'd rather be in a pair of sweats and a baggy T-shirt. Your lips curl with a giggle at the memory, the only thing bringing you happiness at that moment. "I love you, Yoongi." You whisper as the aching in your chest cried out for him.
Andrew interrupts your thoughts with a loud cough, signaling you to finally take your place at the altar.  
"O-Oh, right." You snap back to reality, lifting your dress to waltz up the step, taking your place in front of Andrew. Even though the man you would soon call your husband was now standing before you, you couldn't help but keep your eyes on the real love of your life, Yoongi.
"Let us begin in prayer." The music stops, and the priest standing between the two of you bows his head to speak the prayer. Of course, you aren't listening, his holy words slipping in one ear and out the other as you recall all the moments you've spent with Yoongi. Remembering the times he made you laugh, the times he dried your tears, how his beautiful hands would touch you as if you were the most delicate flower, how he'd make love to you. God, you wish Yoongi was the man standing in front of you, taking your hand in marriage.
"For once in your life,__, can't you make a decision for yourself and not give a damn what your family thinks?"
The words Yoongi fought back at you this morning, begin to replay in your mind. With regretful eyes, you glance over at your mother and father in the front row. Your mother with the biggest smile on her face and your father with broad shoulders, proud.
You can't falter now. You were doing this for your family. There was no turning back...right?
"I do." Andrew's vow interrupts your thoughts. His eyes shining, looking into you with admiration. Unlike yourself, Andrew wanted this wedding. He knew from the very moment he first laid eyes on you, he’d have you for a wife. So, using his power, he convinced your father for your hand in marriage, and in return, Andrew would fulfill his promise by tripling the profit of your father's company, leaving you without a say in the matter.  
"And do you,__, take Andrew Mathew, to be your lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold, threw sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?" The priest asks you, thick holy bible in hand.
Your heart drops, hands tightly gripping onto the fabric of your wedding dress. "I...I ah..." Your lips quiver and your throat grows dry. You don't want to marry Andrew. You don't want to start a life with someone you barely even knew. You wanted Yoongi. "Father, I..." You lift the veil from your face, your distressed eyes connecting with your father's confused ones. It was now or never. "Father, I'm so sorry, but I can't do this."
The entire congregation gasps in disbelief, gossip and whispers echo throughout the Chapple.
Yoongi's hooded eyes widened in shock at your words. Taking a stand from his seat, his vision is glued to you, curious to what your next move would be.
"W-wait, wait, wait..." Andrew chuckles, rubbing the stress away from his temples. "Your father promised I would be marrying you today." His lips curve arrogantly.
"I'm sorry, Andrew." Your tone drops apologetically. "But I can't marry you." Your brows crinkle together, lips forming into a frown, displaying your sincerest condolences to your now, ex-fiance.  
"No!" Andrew's robust voice shouts, aggressively grabbing onto your wrist to hold you in place "You will marry me,__ or the deal I have planned with your father is voided." He sneers through clenched teeth.  
With the thick vein forming in the corner of Andrew's head, face burning red, and nostrils flared, you now knew the kind of husband Andrew would be in a marriage, and you'd be damned if you ever let a man treat you that way. "I won't." You reply back with a confident attitude.
Andrew steps into your face with hostile force. "Tch. Why you..."
"Let her go."
Your heart thumps wildly as your ears pick up the familiar deep tone of voice. "Y-Yoongi?" you see him, his hand grabbing hold of Andrews's forearm, prompting your ex-fiance to release you from his tight grip.
Andrew chuckles wickedly. "Look what we have here. The help, telling me what to do." Andrew shoves a finger into Yoongi's chest, nudging him backward. "Do you even know who I am? How powerful my family name is?" He questions with a cocked brow.
Yoongi's expression remains stoic, unphased by the rich male’s threats. "I don't care who you are, but if you don't let my girlfriend go, we're going to have a problem." Yoongi's eyes cut dangerously, his jaw locking, as his hand balls into a fist at his side.
"Y-Yoongi..." You've never seen your lover with such a daring expression, but you knew he was serious.
For a moment, Andrew locks eyes with Yoongi, studying the flaming rage that danced behind his jet orbs. Despite the difference in weight and height between the two men, Andrew now knew it was best not to challenge the younger male. "Tch." The ex-fiance smacks his teeth, realizing his defeat. "She isn't even worth it. You can have her." He releases your wrist, brushing past the pastor. "The wedding is off, and the deal is canceled." He announces to your father before making his furious exit out of the Chapple.  
"__,!" Your father's loud voice yells out your name. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" He shouts, rushing to your side in a panic.
"Father, I'm so sorry," You begin with apologetic eyes. "But I won't marry someone that I don't love, just to make you happy." You finally find the courage to stand up to the man responsible for your birth. "The person that I love is Min Yoongi." You proudly say your boyfriend's name, taking hold of his hand.
Proud you were finally standing up for yourself, Yoongi's lips pulled into a smile, his fingers intertwining with your own.
"D-do you realize what you've done?!" Your father's spit flying through the air as he screamed.
Even with your father in such an enraged state, there was nothing you were afraid of so long as Yoongi stood by your side. "I do, actually." You give your lover's hand a firm squeeze. "This time, I'm choosing me." Despite the monstrous expression on your father's face, you smile.
You witness the muscles in your father's face move as he releases his clenched teeth, nostrils exhaling a heavy breath. "I..." Realizing what he has done, his eyes softened. "I'm sorry,__" The apology slipped from his lips remorsefully." I can't believe I was about to marry my daughter off to a man she barely knew." He shakes his head in disbelief of himself. "Can you ever forgive me?"  
"Oh father," Your brows creasing together, eyes softening at your father's digression. "Of course, I can forgive you." Overjoyed, your hands reach up, wrapping your arms around his neck as he pulls you into a tight embrace. "Thank you so much." You're nearly close to tears.  
Your father pats your back, savoring the moment the two of you were sharing together. "I'm sure this, Min Yoongi, is a bright, young man." He pulls away, now eyeing down the man you called your boyfriend. "You take care of my daughter now." His meaty index finger wags.
Yoongi chuckles because, of course, he would take care of you. "Yes, sir." He agrees.
Your father pats your shoulder. "Now the two of you get the hell outta here. From the way things turned out today, I have a mess that needs cleaning."  
You send your father one last smile before rushing off with Yoongi down the aisle. Members of your family shout, demanding an explanation, but the two of you laugh it all off, holding hands as you rush out of the church.
Finally, reaching the car, Yoongi opens the passenger side for you, providing you a hand as you step into his vehicle, gathering the tail of your wedding dress to fit into your lap. Once you're buckled in, Yoongi makes his way to the driver's side, slipping into the seat. "I may not be able to take you to Bora Bora, but I can still give you a honeymoon back at my place." He winks with a gummy smile.
You giggle at your boyfriend's words, somehow always able to bring a smile to your face. "It doesn't matter where in the world I am," You lean in, planting a kiss on his dumpling cheek. "My paradise is always with you."
Yoongi's onyx eyes find yours once again. "I don't know what I'd do without you." He gently cups your cheek into his hand, swiping his thumb across your delicate skin. "I love you, __." His heart flipping with joy that you were now free to love whoever you choose. Free to love him.
You nudge your cheek into Yoongi's palm, starry eyes gazing into your lover through the thicks of your lashes. There was no one else you'd rather give your heart to than the man in front of you. "I love you too, Min Yoongi."
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jazy3 · 3 years
Thoughts on Grey’s Anatomy: 17X11
I liked this episode overall even though it wasn’t quite what I was expecting. I thought that in this episode we were going to see Meredith and Derek reunite one last time on the beach and then Meredith was going to wake up in a dramatic fashion and we would get some big dramatic scene. I now think that that's going to happen in next week's episode or the one after. I like that they showed that she was getting better but that the challenge now was to get her to wake up and stay awake. While it wasn't super dramatic it was probably more realistic to how the disease actually works and affects people in real life.
I kept thinking every time Meredith fell back asleep that she was going to appear on the beach, and I was little disappointed that she didn’t. That being said, I really loved Jo's scene with Meredith. I thought it was really sweet and touching and I like that Meredith was supportive and told Richard what Jo had said so that he could help her. Jo was scared that Meredith would yell at her and not understand if she told her so that was nice to see. I also liked that this episode combined with the previous one seems to indicate that the beach exists in Meredith’s head, it’s her happy place, and that she can hear people when they talk to her at her bedside and can potentially hear people when they stand outside her room.
This means that when she does wake up for real, they won’t have to rehash plots that we’ve already seen because Meredith will already know what happened and they can just go from there. I also really liked the scene where Richard came to Jo and she was worried he was angry with her and would try to talk her out of switching specialties, but instead he told her he wanted to help her but he couldn't do that if he was in the dark. That being said, while I’m okay with Jo switching it up, I'm still not sold on Jo switching to OBGYN because I don't think they've done enough to set up the storyline.
We’re 3/4 of the way through the season and all Jo has done is talk about it, but she hasn't done anything to actually make it happen. We got more set up for her switching to Urology and being mentored by Catherine in one episode than we've had all season with Jo wanting to switch to OBGYN. Jo’s had plenty of time to talk to people in the field about her desire to change careers, talk to her superiors, and find a mentor. She’s done none of that. In fact she’s been hiding her desire to switch from everyone who could actually help her with feels a lot like self-sabotage. If she’s really interested, she should have gone to Meredith, Bailey, and Richard in the first half of the season and talked about how she was feeling.
She should have asked Hayes and Carina what working in OBGYN and Pediatrics was really like. She hasn’t done that and right now she seems to have a very rosy picture of what the field is like that just doesn’t match the reality. She keeps talking about how it’s going to be great because it’s all about happy Moms, but that isn’t the reality for everyone. There’s a lot that can go wrong in childbirth, not everyone is happy to be having a baby, some might be placing their children for adoption, they may be fighting with their partner, they may lash out because they are in pain, the list goes on.
If Jo is serious about switching, she should be asking Hayes and Carina a thousand questions and finding someone to mentor her. Instead her and Carina haven’t had a single scene together this season that I can recall, and she spent two whole episodes screaming at Hayes and being super aggressive towards him when he was already terrified about Meredith and Irene. She knows that if she switches specialities she’ll be working with Hayes and people in his Department a lot. Which means she should be super nice to him and being asking for his help. Instead, she’s created this super weird dynamic in which she’s either yelling at him aggressively or they are exchanging polite conversation about work.
Hayes makes it clear to Irene that they are not friends, he is not interested in her, and has no desire to change that which is on Jo because she went from being nice to him and being friendly and teasing him about his feelings for Meredith last season to taking advantage of the fact that they are coworkers to scream at him when he didn’t want to break protocol after what happened to Meredith and was upset after Irene was admitted. She also made that horrible comment comparing his wife’s death to her divorce from Alex and seem to take the fact that he was upset and wanted the best care for Irene as a personal offence and to mean that Hayes think she’s incompetent. None of which is true. It’s all in Jo’s head.
So yeah, I’m not sold on her switching to OBGYN because they haven’t done enough set up and they already tried that with Carina, and it didn’t work. There just isn’t enough material to have a character appear on the show regularly if they are an OBGYN only and can’t perform pediatric, fetal, or neonatal surgery. After they wrote Arizona off, they spent two seasons trying to find stuff for Carina to do before pairing her with Maya and moving her over to Station 19. Several of the current writers were present during seasons 14, 15, and 16 so they were there when that happened, and they were involved. So, I’m confused as to why they think something that failed the first time is going to work with an existing character.
If this is the show’s last season, I feel like this storyline is going to end with Jo re-specializing and adopting Luna. If this isn’t the show’s last season and they’re doing one more I don’t understand how the writers think they are somehow going to get a season’s worth of content out of Jo delivers babies and sleeps with Jackson. We got some good patient storylines this episode and the storyline about the newlywed couple was funny and interesting. I had a feeling as soon as Bailey convinced the guy to talk to his life that it was going to go the opposite way than Bailey intended.
I like that Owen took Bailey’s advice and gentle prodding to heart and apologized to Teddy. I am happy that Owen finally made amends and that he and Teddy seem to be moving forward. I was so sick of them fighting so I’m glad to see that storyline come to an end. It was exhausting and I'm glad that Owen finally got it and that that they are both starting to heal. It was long overdue. I think he heard what Bailey was saying and even though it didn't hold true for the couple they treated it did hold true for him and Teddy and that's what Bailey was trying to share with him.
As for what the future holds for Teddy and Owen, I'd like to see them become friends again and find a way to co-parent peacefully with Amelia and Link for the good of their kids and themselves. I think there's been too much drama and heartbreak for them to work as a couple at this point. I loved seeing Maggie and Hayes work together to treat a patient. I liked the scene where Maggie said it was time to let the patient go and Hayes looked at her and said aren't you some kind of genius or something? Figure it out.
It was nice to see her in a non-romantic storyline with someone that Meredith is interested in. I never liked the “Meredith is dating or interested in someone or they are interested in her, but her sister misunderstands the situation and thinks they are into her or cluelessly asks them out” plots. I love that Hayes is finally getting his moment in the sun. He's played a big role in the second half of the season so far and I'm really happy about that. He's one of my favourite new characters and they really underutilized him in the first half of the season. I loved seeing his interactions with Maggie and watching them find a solution for his young patient. I really loved the scene where they're all in the OR and their idea works. The unfettered joy on their faces was palpable and it filled me with joy!
The scenes where the patient’s father confided his fears to Hayes about his son and how his wife hasn’t been able to get out of bed in weeks and then just before they took him into surgery, he talked to his son about all of the things he wanted to do with him. That made me tear up. I loved how Hayes got the idea for the surgery from Jo being metaphorical and convinced Maggie to do it. I was surprised that Maggie’s engagement wasn’t mentioned, and I got the impression that Maggie hasn't told anyone about her engagement yet as no one commented on it so I'm interested to see when that will come out and people's reactions to it.
I liked that Link’s parents showed up and offered to take the kids out for the day (safely) and that we got to see Link having a happier interaction with his parents and that Amelia and Link got a break. While his parents have come across as selfish and sometimes cruel and irresponsible in the past it was really nice of them to offer to take the kids for the day and I like that they happily offered and accepted Meredith’s kids as family and that Link’s Mom called Amelia her daughter-in-law and said she considered her part of the family.  
I really loved the Amelia and Link scenes this episode. They were great! They were emotional and sexy and fun and silly and heartbreaking all at once. I'd like to see them get married, but not because his Mom keeps pushing it or because they find out that Maggie and Winston are engaged, but because they feel it's right for them. Link is at that place, but Amelia isn't and I don't want to see her jump into something because of outside pressure. She's done that before, and it always ends badly.
I really appreciate that the series is actively addressing Amelia's addiction and what it's like to live with that. Addiction is a lifelong battle, a chronic illness of sorts, and it is not a one and done deal. Amelia and Link don't have a lot of story options available to them because of Meredith's COVID storyline this season so I like that they are taking the opportunity to explore that more. I liked the comparison to her relationship with Owen where Link said I love you and I want to marry you, but I'm not Owen so I'm not here for the drama and if us getting married could cause you to relapse then we should wait. Link proposing and Amelia shouting no at him especially when he was shirtless made me laugh! I’m always here for shirtless Link!
I also really Jackson and Mama Ortiz’s storyline. They addressed a real issue in that sometimes people try to help because they feel moved or called to do so, but their band aid fix creates more problems long term than they solve. I like that Jackson got what Ortiz was saying and that he called her at the end of the episode and asked for her ideas for how they could use his money to really help people in their community long term. I love the actress who plays her and I'm excited that she’s getting more screen time.
I loved seeing Tom back in action! His lines in the trauma room were great! Bailey had some great scenes this episode as well. They're focusing more on the characters I really like or find interesting in the second half of the season so I'm really enjoying that. I had a few favourite scenes this episode. I loved the moment where Meredith woke up and Richard said, "Hey there, sleepy head," and Meredith said she was sorry he had to put her on a ventilator because she knows how hard that must have been for him and he said he'd do it again. And then Meredith said, "I'm glad I chose you." I love their father daughter relationship and that scene warmed my heart. I also really liked Teddy's line about the tea. That's a meme waiting to happen.
Onto next week’s promo! We see Jackson running by a Black Lives Matter protest which puts this episode at either the end of May or the beginning of June 2020 as George Floyd, may he rest in peace, was murdered on May, 25, 2020 and protests erupted the next day and grew in size in the following weeks and months. In the promo Richard brings in a wounded protestor and tells Jackson they were marching peacefully, and Jackson appears to be treating Hayes who we know has two black biracial children.
We also see Meredith being taken into the Hyperbaric Chamber by Levi, Maggie talking a distressing phone call, and Teddy doing chest compressions which means she’s back at work. Here’s hoping that Teddy took Amelia’s advice and found a new therapist that works for her. The most intriguing part of the Promo for me is that we see Bailey, dressed in full PPE, duck into a stairwell and scream “What?!?” out loud several times. I’m curious to know what she’s screaming about. Is it good? Is it bad? Is it both? Is it something bewildering? Can’t wait to find out.
Until next time!
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caseyscartwright · 4 years
My thoughts on 13RW Season 4 (SPOILERS)
So I originally wasn’t going to write a review, because if I’m completely honest, I’m still in shock by that finale... but here we go...
Overall, I enjoyed this season a lot more than season 3. This time, we didn’t have Ani’s annoying narration, that weird crap that was Bryce/Ani and that Bryce “redemption” bullshit that the writers shoved down our throats last season, so kudos for that. Too bad the ending fucked everything up.
Now, let’s go character by character:
Jessica: Jessica has always been my favorite character (besides Hannah), so I was really disappointed by her arc this season... if we can call it that. Her reaction to Justin breaking up with her was really immature. I understand that she was hurt, but Justin was right, he wasn’t in a position to be in a relationship and needed to focus on his recovery, so for Jessica to go after the first guy she could find (Diego) to get back at him... it was shitty. Also, what the hell, Jessica? Diego spent the whole season tormenting Clay and defending Tyler’s rapist. Aren’t Clay and Tyler your friends? Why are you sleeping with someone who is messing with people you claim to care about? And please don’t say it’s for “information”, because you clearly liked him, even tho he was an asshole. Once again, the writers made Jessica’s storylines all about boys, first it was Alex and Justin, now it was Justin and Diego. And to give one final “fuck you” to her character, they implied she ended up with Diego. “Ask me in a month”, um, so it’s going to take you a month to get over Justin? Okay, cool.
Clay: I’ve always loved Clay. Always. He’s flawed, he’s stupid, he’s too stubborn... but he cares. I’ll say this tho, he was a complete ASSHOLE towards Justin during that party, and he should have apologized for all those awful things he said, because that shit was NOT okay. I appreciate that he got help, and Dr. Ellman was a fantastic character, but his arc got old real fast. Clay has some fucked up hallucinations, Clay has a breakdown and makes a scene in front of people, Clay claims everything is fine when clearly it’s not. We get it, he thinks he’s Batman and can handle all this shit alone. Well, clearly, he can’t.
Ani: I’ll admit, I actually liked Ani this season. I think it’s because her screentime was reduced (she missed big moments like the camping trip and the shooting drill), and she wasn’t inserting herself in everyone’s business like last season. I appreciate her standing up for her friends against Winston and apologizing to Jessica for sleeping with Bryce, but that NEVER should have happened. It was weird as hell how she kept defending Bryce in s3, insisting he wasn’t a monster (he was a serial rapist who raped your friend, how is that not a monster). Her “explanation” as to why she slept with Bryce was crap. “I was lonely and stupid”, well, aww!! Lots of people are lonely and stupid, but that isn’t an excuse to defend a serial rapist and sleep with him multiple times. And even before she slept with him, she kept hanging out with him, playing poker and laughing like nothing was wrong. Weird as hell. At the end of the day, I still don’t know who Ani is, other than “the girl who liked Bryce and then liked Clay.” I’m 100% grateful that she and Clay broke up, that was never going to work, so I’ll drink to that. It was also annoying how she and Clay took their sweet time to tell the others about Winston. STOP KEEPING SECRETS. I still insist that the writers should have kept Sheri and Ani shouldn’t have existed.
Zach: Seriously, where the hell was Zach’s mom to check on her son? The whole season was basically “oh, look, Zach’s drunk!!” He was a hot mess and all his friends didn’t do shit to help him until the last minute. I know Winston manipulated him, but seriously, telling the enemy that you beat up Bryce?? Not cool, dude. And don’t get me started on that scene where they “implied” he was going to assault that drunk girl. Zach has flaws, sure, but he ISN’T a rapist, and neither is Clay (I’m talking about that weird scene where he hallucinates Bryce encouraging him to assault that girl at the frat house). The writers clearly didn’t give a fuck about Zach. Remember in s2 when he told his mom he had suicidal thoughts?? What happened to that?? I’m glad he came to his senses in the end, but he obviously needed help with his addiction.
Tyler: I felt bad for Tyler because his friends didn’t trust him, but I also sorta get it. He was acting hella shady and I get that the cops told him not to say anything, but... dude, you scared the living hell out of Clay with those guns at the end of s2, how are your friends not going to be suspicious? Like in 13RW fashion, his storyline got dragged for too long, but I think he was right when he called out Clay and Tony about their friendship. I liked his friendship with Estela, that was sweet. But overall Tyler didn’t get that much to do this season. I didn’t like how they made him feel bad about Monty. Monty raped him and belonged in jail, it isn’t Tyler’s fault someone decided to kill him.
Alex: GAY KING. The only character who didn’t annoy me this season (besides Charlie). Bryce and Monty apologists, how are you feeling?? My boy didn’t go to jail like y’all wanted it!! No “justice” for the rapists!! Beautiful, amazing, brilliant. In all seriousness, I wish his crush on Zach had been explained a bit more. I don’t think it came out of nowhere, but it would have been nice to spend more time with it. I don’t know how I feel about the whole thing with Winston, he was a Monty apologist so I didn’t want to see another one of my faves sleeping with a rape apologist, so I’m glad he found out the truth in time. Charlie and Alex were so cute together, I wanted him with Zach, but I can’t bring myself to complain because ALEX GOT A HAPPY ENDING, YAY!! He regretted killing Bryce, but it’s like Zach said “maybe he didn’t deserve to die, but NEITHER DO WE”, and he was right. Alex didn’t deserve to have his whole life ruined over a fucking rapist, so I’m glad he got happiness. I just wish his recovery arc after his suicide attempt had been done better, he’s the only character in the show who is a suicide survivor and they never focused on that. Shame, tbh.
Tony: I don’t have much to say about Tony. He was being hella stubborn about not going to college and staying in town, so I’m glad his dad knocked some sense into him. He got a happy ending and got to see his sister again, so that was nice. Tony always had to deal with so much crap, so I’m happy he ended up happy.
Winston: Now this dude didn’t annoy me as much as I thought he would, but... he was weird. He became obsessed with Monty after meeting him twice, and then obsessed with Alex after dating him for two weeks. What was his reason?? Why did he fall in love so quickly?? I thought we were going to get some backstory to explain his behavior, but we didn’t get shit, except that scene in the first episode with his mom where he seemed like some lonely rich kid. I’m glad he let go of Monty in the end and didn’t ruin Alex’s life, but other than making a bunch of passive-aggressive comments and staring at people, he didn’t do much. The trailer made him seem like some mastermind villain, and in the end... he wasn’t.
Diego: How are you going to spend the whole season calling Clay a psycho/crazy, when you’re out there pulling pranks, beating people up, and defending a rapist?? Check yourself first, Diego. He was so annoying with his “I miss Monty” crap, like how are you going to give a big speech about how great Monty was when Tyler, the guy he raped, was sitting right in front of you??!!  I wish he had faced some consequences for all the shit he did to Clay, like “omg, you brought a knife!!, dude YOU left the knife in there. I’m glad he let things go in the end, but JFC, he was annoying. When Zach told him to suck his dick, I cheered so hard.
Justin: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... HA. I’m laughing because I don’t wanna start crying again. Are the writers fucking serious?? After EVERYTHING they did with Justin, turning him into a better person, making him Clay’s brother, getting him back together with Jessica, EVERYTHING...and he dies?? And even before his death, they needed to torture him one last time and kill off his mom, have Clay and Jessica treat him like shit, and make him feel like nobody wanted him. Wow, what a brilliant idea. The series finale would have been perfect if they hadn’t killed off Justin. He deserved to graduate and live a long, happy life. I think the writers just wanted to have one final tragedy and controversial storyline, so they did this cruel and unnecessary crap. I’m disgusted, tbh.
Bryce and Monty: I’m so, so happy we got ZERO Bryce flashbacks and ZERO Monty flashbacks. FUCK these two rapists. I didn’t feel sorry for either of them, and I hope future shows do better and the humanizing of rapists stops. We already know rapists are human, they aren’t aliens who come from another planet, but the focus needs to be on the VICTIMS. I know they weren’t going to bring back Katherine Langford and Brandon Larracuente for a 5-second cameo, but hallucination!Justin should have been hanging out with Hannah and Jeff, not Bryce. Bryce wasn’t Justin’s brother, he treated him like shit and raped his girlfriend, and the whole “it’s okay to love people who do bad shit” is bullshit. There’s nothing wrong with hating rapists/abusers and bad people in general (like racists, homophobes, etc). Well, at least the two rapists are dead and can never hurt anyone again.
Say whatever you want about Hannah Baker, but this show suffered a HUGE loss when Katherine walked out of that door during her final scene.
They should have sent Bryce’s ass to jail at the end of s2, and the last two seasons should have been about ALL the character’s recoveries, with everyone getting proper characterization, good storylines, and focus on the friendships and family dynamics. The murder mystery and cover-up stuff ended up being really stupid and pointless. The writers prioritized shock value over proper storytelling, and that’s a shame because the cast is really talented, and the characters had the potential to be better than what they actually were.
Goodbye, 13 Reasons Why. I’ll check out the cast’s future projects, but the writers/producers can GTFO.
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nicknellie · 3 years
First, numbering them is absolutely brilliant because especially where paragraphs kind of change abruptly. I just keep like saying a word before it with a little dash mark just so you can (hopefully) have some reference as to what I’m talking about, but now I can do numbers!
1. Never knew I needed this until you typed it however this is everything
2. Exactly, that is the thoughts that they have and it takes Reggie breaking down for them to finally talk to each other about it because none of them wanted to approach the situation
3. Yes, I maybe should’ve chose a better point but I was like you can tell he’s passionate and it kind of shows what I mean. Also I feel like the fact that he still hasn’t processed his death might also be a sign that it’s hard for him to change his mind (Alex doesn’t like change, and neither does Luke)
However eventually Luke is able to reconsider what he said and also sometimes admit that he might’ve been in the wrong (but not often, hmm thinking of what I can reference from the show, possibly the dance ?)
4. Yes, and if he did intervene then everyone knew that they needed to be quiet and listen (also Alex is one of the only people who Luke would possibly let change his mind and or consider the other side quicker)
5. Due to his upbringing Alex always tries to be respectful hence why he said sir to Caleb however he is a sarcastic person and has quick comebacks
6. And that loneliness only grew after the boys passed away (part of the reason why he isn’t able to get close to people in fear that they will pass as well)
7. Same here, that’s part of where my theory came from. I agree, people grieve in different ways and that could’ve been how Bobby grieved and he shouldn’t be judged for it.
8. Yes he definitely goes through their bags. I do agree with you however at the same time I wonder if the bag did stay in the garage just because at the time Bobby knew how Luke and his parents parted (possibly could be that after a while, more so after he talked to them, he gave them the bag)
9. Absolutely and Reggie kind of switches between crosswords and sudokus just because he’s interested in lots of things
10. Precisely, despite the fact that Reggie is the one who is actually afraid of heights not Alex, Reggie tried to convince Alex that he was going to climb Mount Everest. Another time Reggie tried to convince Alex that they were going coffee tasting and didn’t want to make him feel bad because all of them had toffee nut in it (Owen is allergic to toffee nut hopefully and that’s the explanation I can offer😂)
11. They can’t lie to each other at all, Alex is the best liar sometimes when talking to other people (at least in defense of the boys) and in general Luke just can’t lie
12. Luke would definitely be the person who would cut someone off for something rude that they said. (Usually after exploding and saying why exactly they are wrong, especially if someone says something bad about Alex)
13. There’s a drawing of Reggie with a cowboy hat (https://kidovna.tumblr.com/post/639425200784572416/hi-little-reggie-in-a-cowboy-hat-even-if) (oh how I hope that link will work) and now I just want to see a picture of Sunset Curve with cowboy hats because Reggie was sad and they couldn’t say no
14. Yes, alongside those songs I offer the ‘devil went down to Georgia’ (i’m basically saying it because a version of this should be this song the boys use against Caleb and it’s basically them saying that they are better than Caleb) (also because it was released at some point during the time that they were alive I believe)
15. Yes those are the only art styles that Reggie has. Sometimes he randomly has half of the picture be realistic and then the other half be like Booboo Stewart’s art (Picasso like maybe ?)
16. Reggi definitely help decorate because not only was he impatient but he wanted to eat the cake. (The shape was kind of horrendous because Alex was trying to get it to be the exact shape of the character however the cake came out fantastic)
17. Yes the boys always juggle between if they should be concerned about the fact that he’s baking or the fact that he’s baking again so happy times (once again something he did that reminds him of his parents so for a long time the boys were the only ones who got the bake goods)
18. It took me longer than it should’ve to find this link and honestly I have no clue who wrote it but it’s so good https://archiveofourown.org/works/28308108 (same for this one as well)
19. Precisely it wasn’t like he was fixing the amp and then all the sudden it started raining. He just thought that starting to fix it in the rain would be best
20. You took the words right out of my mouth, yes. Honestly Alex was another son to Emily and Mitch so the fact that he was hurting so bad made them so mad. Maybe that’s why he had his stuff because if he was kicked out then he probably wouldn’t have had time to get everything that belong to him so because of Mitch and Emily that’s how we got his stuff (if they caught the rest of the boys climbing a tree to get what belonged to Alex and honestly only provided a car they will never say) (what if they just egg the house with Emily and Mitch’s help)
21. Exactly, Alex didn’t have the courage the tell Luke for a bit and still to this day Luke has no clue that Alex spend those nights at his house. (Also occasionally that Emily and Alex would talk and Emily would give him food just to make sure that they were well fed)
22. Sunset Curve just needs more in general, any scenes for them works
23. Yes!! Sadly I don’t have the book but I did see that (sometimes you just never know with shows because they easily could’ve taken a theory that the fans had and turned it into something completely different). I’m so happy that this is confirmed, although this still does leave the potential for them to reveal her in season two maybe (not sure) (just more Rose in general is needed)
24. Thank you, yes and I get that part of the reason may be that they don’t have as much screen time and don’t have as much about them known as the boys (hence the need for past stories) however they are wonderful characters played by wonderful actors and deserve more. Also the fact that neither of them really sang in season one is my one regret. (Flynn had ‘I got the music’ however that was kind of like an alternative reality partly, and aside from a bit in ‘the other side of Hollywood’ we don’t see much dancing/singing for Willie)
Flynn just like Luke is very set in her beliefs and also would be the first person to cut someone off/explode at someone if needed. However eventually she is the first person to reconnect with Carrie. Honestly just more of both of them is needed, in any fashion.
25. He does blame himself for their death and the fact that he wasn’t there (could be part of the reason why he started therapy because he believed this for so long)
26. Honestly I want them to give Trevor more character because aside from being Carrie‘s father and stealing the songs we don’t really know a lot about him or who he is (same for Bobby as well) Agreed, I would love to see more Carrie and Trevor moments.
27. Honestly I feel like that will be how they start to process their deaths because they realize, exactly as you said, that they are not going to age however everyone else is
28. Yes, everything you just said needs to be canon. There’s no in between for Reggie song writing it’s either pure country or heavy-metal. (Once he wrote a rock-ish song for Luke but it was most so along the lines that Luke needs to let him add his country music into the set list)
29. Exactly, that is entirely my thought process as well
30. Lightsaber fights happen all the time, Ray gets concerned by the floating lightsaber but Carlos shrugs it off with ‘it’s the ghost that’s been haunting our house’ (Tia is there and is shocked)
31. Wait wait, that is brilliant. Although Reggie can do it by himself, the pictures always turn out much better when Bobby isn’t there so the last few steps of the developing process are always saved for Bobby alone. (Also once Reggie just left a picture in mix while he was soaking the film and the picture turned green, no one knows why)
32. Yes, and if for some reason a fan can’t locate Reggie, they give the stickers to Alex. also the album is not only full of pictures but the stickers that they gave him, also a drawing that a fan made of Han-solo that made Reggie cry in a good way)
33. They all cried to be honest, although Alex only cried because all of them were crying
34. Oh my yes, that is his blackmail material and he uses it well. You are absolutely right that is exactly what Luke does, (also once got stuck in a child swing set)
35. I didn’t even think about her managing it but yes that is precisely what she does and she is in charge of those photo shoots. However once during golden hour, he is the reason for that one happening (also did the same for Willie because)
36. You stole the words out of my mouth that is exactly what he did.
37. I’m just now picturing it in my head and I need this in my life (imagine Julie just bundled up and since the sleeves are long they are overflowing as well and Alex just melts).
38. Luke is such a scaredy cat although when they meet Caleb, Alex said that he would be hiding behind Luke they all knew that if it came down to it that Luke would be hide behind Alex. So obviously this sentence meant that this needed to be created
Tumblr media
39. They have matching costumes.. what if it’s like dirty candy where each costume is in a different colour. (Luke hates them even though he once bought them matching pjs)
40. They all dance with each other, just to displeased Luke for the longest time Bobby and Alex would just waltz around the garage (we all know that Luke joined them after the first time). Also once Willie sees Alex waltzing with Julie and decides that this is the greatest thing that has ever existed (also bamboozled because Alex never told him he could dance)
41. I wasn’t thinking about these things existing at all but I now need one as well
Ok I’m going to do my best to answer this quickly because I’ve got schoolwork to do but I absolutely love responding to these and want to do this instead, so I’m just going to expand onto each point I can and I might come back and edit it later with more detail!
2. Yes! Like one day in rehearsal Reggie just seems really out of it and the guys ask what’s wrong and he basically just asks if they even really want him there or they just keep him around to spare his feelings. Prompts Bobby to make them all sit down and talk it out because clearly they all have some issues they need to get a grip on
3. Oh yeah I get what you mean, kinda like it’s hard for him to adjust to any new or different way of thinking, even something as trivial as a song they’ll play probably like one time. I think you’re right about him actually managing to change his mind - it takes him a while and he despises admitting he’s wrong but he will do it if it’s really clear he wasn’t right
4. Oh yeah I love that! Like Alex knows just how to talk to him to get him to at least start reconsidering. Alex is a good influence in that way because he ensures Luke is always looking at every perspective and considering everyone in the band rather than only himself or sticking to only his ideas (I feel like he probably gets carried away writing songs and only wanting to include what he comes up with and Alex needs to gently remind him that he’s in a band, he’s not a solo artist)
5. Yesss you’re right - I think he has surprisingly quick wit and he doesn’t like arguing because it’s so fast that he’ll sometimes say things he doesn’t mean and finds it hard to take it back
6. Yeah omg that hurts to think about - having the boys in his life made him happy and less introverted but all that was ripped away from him too when they died
8. Oh yeah actually I like that! Seeing as we see ambulance lights/police lights in Unsaid Emily it’s likely Bobby was there first to identify bodies and collect stuff, so if he didn’t know Luke’s parents were coming then he would have just taken Luke’s things and gone through it - he finds a completed Rubik’s Cube (seeing as that’s part of where this whole massive list started lmaooo) and remembers Luke fiddling with it before the sound check and even that just breaks his heart
10. Now you mention it, Reggie being afraid of heights is something I could get behind - the boys would sometimes go to theme parks and Reggie would be the one who would wait with all their bags while they were on the rollercoasters. He preferred watching them all have fun anyway, it made him feel like a proud parent. Abbcoeprke yes definitely, Alex has the same allergy as Owen so Reggie was just panicking like “we just didn’t want to risk your health!”
11. Oh yeah definitely, Alex can lie unless it’s to one of the boys; Reggie only gets away with lies (not to the boys) because he comes up with the weirdest stuff and people just think it’s Reggie being Reggie so it’s hard to tell when he’s lying; Bobby is just way too casual when he’s lying which is how they catch him out; Luke “where is your kitchen by the way?” Patterson cannot lie to save his life
12. Luke is 100% willing to just cut all ties with someone even if they’ve been perfectly nice before - if it was an honest mistake that the person is willing to learn from, Luke would still keep them at arm’s length to avoid them hurting any of his best friends again
13. Yes omg thankfully I made the link work and that’s freaking adorable (I follow that person and I love ALL their art especially Reggie, they’re so talented) and yes oh my god. Reggie has been sad for a few days, maybe because his parents are fighting, and so Luke has the idea to do something kind of like a cowboy-themed party. It’s not really a party, it’s just the four of them spending the whole day wearing cowboy costumes and line-dancing but it definitely does the job of cheering Reggie up
14. Omgggg I listened to the song and I’m amazed at how perfectly that fits!!! Wow you’re exactly right, Reggie loves that song and he loved it even more after Julie pointed out how much it related to their situation
15. Ooooh I love that like a combination of the two styles!! Definitely a bit of Picasso inspiration in there too!
16. Yes lol the shape was weird because of that and also Reggie kept picking bits off to eat (Alex kept slapping his hand away but Reggie was so excited that he couldn’t bring himself to kick him out of the kitchen completely)
17. Yes omg and now I’m just thinking about young Alex being taught to bake by his mother back when they were really close, so now that’s all he can think about when he bakes - it gives him equal amounts of comfort and stress because he’s comforted by the happy memories but sad that he’ll never have those days back. But the cookies he’s left with at the end are great so it kind of gets rid of any sadness!
18. Ooooh I’ll read that when I’ve got time!!
19. Yeah lmao like it just didn’t occur to him that it would be a terrible idea. He kinda thought that rain was relaxing in a way and just. Went for it.
20. Asjkxbskl I love that like Mitch and Emily being good responsible parents the majority of the time but someone upsets Alex?? His own parents upset him??? Ok boys it’s time for payback get in the car
21. Yesss Alex just showing up at Luke’s house whenever he needed to just to speak to Emily! And the way she would look out for him!! 🥺🥺 plus Mitch making sure he took on the role of Supportive Father Figure
23. Yes you’re so right any more Rose content will make me so happy! I’d love to see her interacting with young Julie and Carlos, or her and Bobby being friends, or her meeting Ray, or her and Victoria being supportive sisters, plus her with her band Rose and the Petal Pushers!!! Just anything to do with Rose and I’ll be happy
24. Omg yes I’d kill for more performance from both of them! I want a Flynn and Julie duet or even Flynn and Carrie, or just Flynn becoming their resident rapper so whenever they want a rap section in a song they call on her. I desperately need a Willex duet, and yesss I need Willie dancing more - we were robbed of him and Alex dancing together at the HGC so we need any dance between them tbh. Ooooh yes I totally agree like when she’s like “watch it Carrie” in the music class, she’s just very protective and loyal and I honestly love her for that. Yesss more Flynn and Carrie!!
25. Definitely, he must have suffered so much survivor’s guilt afterwards and I think it was probably a while before he went to therapy, so maybe a lot of damage had already been done
26. 100% right, Trevor needs more character development. Honestly I kinda want to see him just losing his mind trying to figure out how the boys came back, and I also want to see him somehow communicate with them, explain his point of view and apologise. It’s an idea I’m including in a fic I’m writing but it could work here too if Trevor was to become the band’s manager to help them achieve the goals he did but they never got to
27. Especially Luke!! Him realising that Julie is growing older would be really tough for him :(((
28. Lmao yes Reggie writes songs to tell the boys to do things or to get his opinion across like “this one’s called: Shut Up, Luke, Country Music Is Good, You Just Have Poor Taste” or “I present: Alex, Just Ask Willie Out Before I Do It On Your Behalf”
30. Lightsaber fights are the way Ray actually finds out the guys are ghosts. He doesn’t believe Carlos so asks Julie and then as she’s trying to talk her way out of it the fridge opens by itself (well, Luke opens it, but that’s how it looks) and Ray is just like “are you sure there’s no ghosts?” and she has to explain everything. Tía Victoria just watches in horror and won’t come back to the house for months - eventually she does come back and bonds with Alex somehow
31. Absnfoflske yes the amount of pictures Reggie has accidentally ruined because of his terrible developing methods is unreal. Bobby stopped finding it funny when Reggie started getting really upset about it and spent like a week straight perfecting the technique
32. Awww yes Alex being like a sticker messenger and fans giving the boys fanart! For Reggie it’s almost always Star Wars (a lovely Han Solo like you said omg I love it), and for the others it’s usually portraits of them (Alex was once given a jigsaw but never figured out how people knew he liked them so much bc he never really made it public???)
34. Omg YES. Other places Luke has got stuck: halfway through the railings of a fence, inside a washing machine, his foot got stuck in a toilet, he got his arm trapped in a vending machine for five hours, in a tunnel on a children’s climbing frame (that was the same day as the swing set lmao), and once inside a suit of armour (nobody ever figured out where he got the armour from - even Luke himself wasn’t really sure)
35. Oh my god oh my god oh my god Willie and Flynn photoshoots together!!!!!! With Luke and Flynn, Willie is definitely also the most photogenic (they found out because Reggie accidentally took a photo one day and everyone looked dreadful except for Willie who was practically glowing) so some days during golden hour like you said Reggie will just take the two of them down to the beach and make them do a photo shoot omgggg
37. Yes 🥺🥺 the second he sees her he just marches right up to her and hugs her (bonus points if she’s sad (about her mum or something else) and she found Alex’s jumper and put it on for comfort and she’s crying when he finds her but he calms her down just by hugging her and letting her keep the hoodie for as long as she wants it which ends up being forever)
38. Akdbsokcod yes exactly that’s freaking amazing I love it
39. Oh my god yes! Alex had multiple outfits but his favourite was pink, Reggie’s was red, Luke’s was blue, and Bobby’s was yellow (he wanted black but Alex said no because he didn’t want him to overheat while exercising like he would have done in black). And matching PJs yes omg that’s so cute. And Julie gets them all matching onesies - Reggie absolutely adores them
Here’s a genuine real actual photo of Sunset Curve in their workout gear (left to right is Reggie, Alex, Bobby, Luke)
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(Could I have found a better picture? Probably. Is this a thousand times funnier and therefore worth choosing instead? Definitely.)
40. Yes totally and after that Willie insists Alex teaches him too and Alex once again resumes his position as resident dance teacher
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juwelenstaat · 5 years
a take on euclase -- post ch. 81
a long meta that kind of debates a lot of what the fandom seems to have reached an agreement on (also titled : Why Euclase Has Always Been ‘Good’)
I guess I’ll preface this by saying I’ve always been very subjective in my view of Euclase ; in the beginning, I wasn’t crazy about their character design or role, by chapter 60 I had come to really dislike and distrust them, and as soon as the night raid chapter hit, I’ve been absolutely in love with them. Now, having reread the full manga several times, I’m to the point where I have a hard time disliking Euclase at any point (even during the chapter 60 “it’s late ; go to bed” sequence). 
A lot of meta posts that I’ve read that focus on Euclase really like to highlight their “shady” characteristics : they don’t patrol and are rather removed from harm by the Lunarians, they are analytical (and we’ve already seen the shadiness of Lapis’s analytical nature), they are so group-oriented that they are willing to overlook pressing issues for the sake of harmony, and they’ve confessed a striking fear of change. The fear of change is something that I often see coupled with their job’s lack of imminent danger : Euclase is situated in a position in society where they’ve been rewarded for an inherent ability, and it’s comfortable for them to allow society to maintain a constant for personal reasons. However, I can’t help but think there’s a little more to Euclase’s personality than a selfish drive for selflessness.
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For someone who is often characterized by the fandom as taking a safe job that allows them to manipulate things without having to take credit, Euclase is characterized early on (chapter four early on) to be selfless. At the moment Phos is put into danger, Euc is fully prepared to run blindly into a fight that, as far as we know, has never had a similar encounter in all of gem history. They even do so before Diamond or Bort do so. If we take the stance that Euclase is at least partially aware of the mortality of gems (through their analytical stance on dates, they would at least understand that there is no coming back from the moon), then it’s hard to deny that Euclase is willing to take major risks on behalf of others.
Even so, a few chapters later, we’re told very explicitly by Euclase themself that they envy living creature’s ability to sense danger. They are afraid of unknown variables, they are afraid that their predictions could prove inaccurate and hurt themself or other gems, and they seem to hold a sadness in them that is very characteristic of the older gems. They hold an insecurity about their brittleness : knowing fully well that the limits of their immortality does not grant them the instincts that come with mortality. 
When you put these two very raw instances of character side by side, I think it’s very easy to understand why the majority of gem society loved Euclase as a “kind, kind” elder. They might not be as beloved as Yellow, Padpa, or Alex, but even characters like Rutile and Jade seem to acknowledge Euclase as “kind.” They confront a very real fear with both wisdom and genuine kindness.
(Most of this, if we’re honest with ourselves, is absolutely on par with Lapis Lazuli’s own history. The main difference between these two foils, however, is that Lapis always wanted to act while Euclase always wanted to wait. Lapis sees their weakness as an opportunity for improvement, and Euclase wants to hide it. Lapis sees gem society as a test ; Euclase sees gem society as something to preserve. Lapis valued progress ; Euclase valued integrity. I could go on.)
The majority of what I’ve seen on “Euclase is shady” posts refer to chapters 58 - 60 and Euclase’s constant worrying over Phosphophyllite and the admittedly creepy imagery of Euclase constantly hovering over Phos (that, on the first reading, made me dislike them, too).
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I think it’s very important to note, however, that these panels are drawn from Phosphophyllite’s perspective. Phos is an unreliable narrator, Phos has been worrying over their plot and its exposure, Phos has already been unsettled by Diamond and Yellow, and now Euclase is challenging their honesty. They have every reason to be anxious over suspicion.
But consider the exchange from Euclase’s perspective. No gem has ever returned from the moon for as long as the gemstones remember : even Yellow treats it as a completely foreign concept. Phosphophyllite’s body has changed, their pearl eye is foreboding, their clothes are foreign, and the actions that Phos is partaking in all lean towards Phos being allied with the Lunarians. Even more notably : there is no aspect of kindness in what Phos is doing. Nothing about Phos would give the assumption that they haven’t been completely transformed by the Lunarians into a new type of weapon. And analyzing threats is exactly what Euclase’s role in gem society is.
We see Euc’s shadiness vanish as soon as Phos does give evidence that they have not been stripped of their original personality. During the night raid, Phosphophyllite loses every ounce of cold composure and throws away their half-truths ; they yell the plain truth at Bort, argue in the fashion they did as a young gem, and they act rashly. Yellow still obviously cares for the earth gems and Sensei, and Padparadscha is on Phos’s side. When Euclase approaches Phos in the aftermath, you can see a notable change in how Euclase is talking to Phos. There are no threats in the conversation, and Euclase - rather than looking creepy - looks gentle and upset. 
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The elaborate battle that was designed to keep Phos away from Sensei must seem farfetched to Euclase at this point. After trying so hard to make earth gem society look as if they haven’t been horribly hurt by their worst fear coming true - losing beloved gems to Phos’s manipulations, Euclase now has to come to terms with the fact that they were wrong. They apologize ; they try to offer a solution that involves working together. Phos rejects this, of course, because they’ve been hurt too many times that they know it’s never so easy to move forwards. But Euclase internalizes a lot of what transpires. Speaking with the other gems, they again apologize for being horribly wrong and reinforce the same “togetherness” they had promised Phos when reassuring Cinnabar. A notable panel is Euclase smiling and telling the gems to /rest/ rather than worry, which Sensei calls wise.
That being said, their guard isn’t completely down. While the night raid revealed things about the moon and Phosphophyllite that Euclase empathizes with, three gems were still lost. Rutile, Zircon, Neptunite, and Amethyst were cut into bits. The Lunarians/Cairngorm attacked and interrupted the Euclase-Phos conversation. The earth gems still patrol. And, most importantly, the earth gems have unanimously determined Phos to be a hated enemy in the same moment that Euclase determined Phos to be horribly misunderstood and misguided.
By the time Phos returns to the earth, Euclase is shown not only to be empathetic with Phos but emotionally distressed by the earth gems’ abuse. Euclase has made their decision. They want to hear Phos out. When Phosphophyllite explains the consequences of Sensei praying and begs, Euclase is ready to listen. And it’s cut off before they can properly understand any of it.
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I find it incredibly interesting how Bort’s and Cinnabar’s train of thought that is so anti-Phos is almost verbatim what Euclase had argued back in chapter 60. Euclase, despite being one of the main proponents against change, has changed the most of the earth gems. Their motives have become obsolete and recent experiences have toppled the way they used to perceive the dichotomy of the moon and earth. They are completely against the idea of hiding Phosphophyllite away, and they have come to reject their own policy of “dealing with things later.” And despite this, they’re still who they once were. They will still yield to society’s majority ruling because, much like Padparadscha in fact, they are willing to let things go for the sake of others.
This is, however, not to say that Euclase leaves things in the past. While Phosphophyllite may be buried under the wishes of the other gems, Euclase takes up the crusade of asking Sensei to pray on a daily occurrence for 220 years. They have stayed up every winter. Until, at least, Euclase backs down in chapter 79 and claims that they can no longer resist hibernation. This sort of exhaustion echoes the same tiredness with which Yellow and Padparadscha existed in the earlier stages of the manga. Euclase is becoming very much the old and tired elder of the group.
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And yet Phosphophyllite haunts Euclase. Even in the chapter when every other earth gem practically hunts Phos down to presumably permanently murder them, Euclase takes no part in any violence. They don’t even move to defend Sensei in their dismay. (And, to be honest, before the leaks came out I had given up on my ‘Euclase interrupts them’ theory because the fandom made the Cinnabar theory sound so much more likely. Yes, I’m very happy that it was Euclase that interrupted them bc I love their character arc so so much.)
I think Euclase still has a very large role left to play in the series. But at some point, Ichikawa is simply going to have to end Euclase’s arc. Despite being on the Confucian side (as I like to simplify the earth gems), they’ve come to understand different definitions of harmony and empathize with different methods of achieving it. I think their reaction in the next few chapters to Rutile having Padparadscha back will be particularly noteworthy now that Euclase and Padparadscha have practically taken the same side (even though they’re not aware of it yet). I really hope that the end to Euclase’s character arc isn’t them wasting away as Yellow has ; they’ve worked very hard for others at the cost of their own happiness. They’ve earned the rest.
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statusquoergo · 5 years
Part II
Deposition, take two.
Harvey and Mike run into each other on their way into the conference room and Harvey informs Mike that this case is never going to make it in front of a jury, thanks to their decision to waive a jury trial. Mike is aghast but refuses Harvey’s suggestion to terminate the deposition, because “while a jury might never hear it, [he’s] gonna make that motherfucker answer for what he’s doing.”
Here’s the thing about that: As long as he does it in a timely fashion, the plaintiff has the right to demand a jury trial. So Mike can goad Haskins (the CEO of Brick Street Athletics, I guess) into saying whatever he wants in the deposition, but none of this finitely precludes the case from appearing before a jury.
During questioning, Mike lays out the working conditions at the factory—2000 people working “twice what they’re supposed to” (however this is supposed to be quantified), employee salaries of less than twenty cents per hour compared to Haskins’ salary of $20,000,000 per year, “building an empire on the backs of women and children” (Haskins denies that they employ children and Mike challenges that “it’s just women, then”)—and Haskins repeats the defense that they’re not breaking any local or international laws. Mike argues that conditions are so bad that two people have killed themselves in as many years, and Haskins bursts out with the key phrase: “God dammit, I don’t care how many people have killed themselves! This has nothing to do with my company!”
Real friendly. Appearing quite weary of this whole charade, Harvey asks if Mike is done, “Because [Mike] can get emotional, and [Haskins] can get emotional, but [Mike] still [has] no jury, and no case.” Not to mention “this testimony isn’t to be revealed outside this room.”
Actually I can think of at least one instance in which the deposition testimony would be admissible at trial, or in front of a judge: If Haskins testifies to anything contrary to what he said in deposition, Mike could introduce it to contradict or impeach the testimony given by the deponent as a witness, i.e., prove he lied.
But who cares about the law, this is Suits.
Louis and Sheila go to Lipschitz for therapy, and it’s nice that they’re trying to work out their problems, and the dialogue feels honest, and Sheila never wanted kids but now that she’s pregnant she’s embracing the idea of becoming a mother, and Louis supports her 1000%, and she loves him, and it’s no wonder Lipschitz is always so busy if this is how quickly he’s able to fix his clients’ problems.
Alex fills Katrina in on Faye’s request that he oversee Mike and Harvey, and Katrina tells him not to tell them about it because “Have you ever seen either one of them react well to an authority figure telling them not to do something?” It’s a pretty inconsequential scene, but I like the reminder that Mike and Harvey used to be, like. Marvey.
Harvey swings by Mike’s place to make sure they’re still on good terms after Mike got his ass kicked at the deposition, but Mike drops the bomb that Jeremy had a televised interview that day and wore a t-shirt to said interview printed with the quote: “I don’t care how many people kill themselves, we abide by the law,” attributed to Haskins. Harvey angrily charges that “Dammit, Mike, that deposition was under seal,” and Mike retorts, “So sue me.”
Excuse me, gentlemen, I just want to point something out here:
“Anything that could get us disbarred or put in prison is off limits.”
You know what two of the several qualifiers for disbarment are in New York State? Crimes and misdemeanors featuring interference with the administration of justice, and misappropriation.
Mike, that was your fucking ground rule.
Mike then argues that if Harvey does sue him, “it won’t be a countersuit anymore” (it’s not a countersuit now), “which means there will be a jury” (he can still demand a jury trial). Harvey threatens to have him sanctioned, and Mike says that’s fine since the video is already going viral; Brick Street’s best option is to give in to Jeremy’s demands and let him out of his contract with full pay so, wait for it, he can start his own competing and much more ethical apparel company, using the contract salary as seed money and the suit as free publicity.
This is bullshit. This is total bullshit.
Forget the part where it’s legal nonsense, let’s just focus on what an underhanded move this was for Mike. Harvey, for some ungodly reason, seems proud of him for pulling this off, guessing that Mike “helped [Jeremy] plan this thing from the beginning”; Mike says it was easy to pull off, since he knew Harvey would try to play the man, “but the thing is, the version of [Mike who Harvey] thought [he] was playing, he doesn’t exist anymore. The new Mike cares more about results than he does about playing the violin.”
Great. That’s great. But what the fuck does Korsh think he’s doing? Why send Mike off to Seattle to take on class action suits against Fortune 500s, why highly publicize Mike’s return, why bring him back at all to turn him into some unrecognizable version of himself who’s not even doing the work he supposedly left New York, the firm, and Harvey to follow his heart for in the first place? If anything, this episode is a tragedy, a stab directly into Harvey’s already fragile heart; Mike, his protégé, his best friend, his comrade in arms, abandoned him to fight for the greater good and has made a triumphant return to once again do battle, to show how much he’s learned from Harvey, how much he’s grown since they parted ways, but instead of playing on an even field, or joining forces to accomplish something actually meaningful, Mike uses the fact that Harvey’s usual tactics of skirting the law are hampered by Faye’s oversight in order to give himself a huge (and illegal) advantage which he started this case by promising not to use.
So I guess that when it comes right down to it, all Mike has really learned by setting out on his own is how to walk past the bodies he piles up in his wake. The ends justify the means, and that’s all there is to that.
God dammit.
Oh, but we’re not even out of the woods yet, because after some cute but logically unsound banter (“Are you actually taking credit for my win when you lost? Let’s be very clear about something here, Harvey, right now you are the governor of Loserville, and I am the mayor of Winnertown.” “You know mayor’s below governor, right?” “Not in Winnertown, he isn’t.”) Harvey invites Mike for drinks, which after this catastrophe of an episode would’ve been a nice Moment for the two of them, except that he goes on to invite Donna along for absolutely no reason whatsoever except to keep repainting every hint of Marvey that this show has ever had with a big old brush of Darvey.
Before drinks happen, though, Katrina stops by to inform Donna that she’s taken her advice to focus more on herself, signing up for a ballet class to follow up on an interest she had when she was younger and piggybacking on Alex’s interest in tap by showcasing Amanda Schull’s history as a professional ballet dancer. And one more thing: Brian called her back and left a message, but she “deleted it without even listening,” which Donna cites as “amazing,” for…some reason. Seems kind of rude to me, but alright, sure, whatever. Donna then invites her over for drinks with Mike and Harvey (not that this was supposed to be an intimate personal affair or anything), which she refuses because “Tonight’s the first night of class,” so, good for her.
Samantha, unsurprisingly, has become aware of Mike’s little stunt with Jeremy’s interview attire and declares to Harvey that she’s not going to let him get away with it. Harvey bleakly submits that “he beat us fair and square” (no, he didn’t) but Samantha says that’s bullshit, that he planned this in advance and it’s a clear violation of Jeremy’s contract. (Is it? I wouldn’t know, the specific contract details have been kept very under-the-table. Plausible deniability, I suppose.) Harvey doesn’t want to fight this because “knowing Mike, [they’ll] never prove it”; Samantha accuses him of being proud of Mike (why), and Harvey asks so what if he is (why), and Samantha says that if they can’t find proof, she’ll make it. Shockingly, Harvey orders her not to do that (what, because it’s illegal? Or because it reminds him too much of Cameron Dennis?), and she storms out.
Remember when Louis asked Benjamin for help with the whole donation thing? Benjamin’s finally getting his just reward for all the shit he pulls for these people as Louis promotes him to Vice President (the benefits of such a thing being utterly unclear, but I suppose it’s the thought that counts) and gives him a thirty percent raise. So, uh. That’s nice.
Now about those drinks. At Harvey’s place, Donna prepares a cheese plate, and Harvey tries to greet Mike with a somewhat excessively enthusiastic “Hey! You want some cheese?” Mike, however, is not interested in any cheese, because it seems Samantha went ahead and fabricated that evidence after all; Mike accuses Harvey of bribing Charles Hu to say Mike contacted him eighteen months ago with the scheme to get Jeremy out of his contract, which he can’t dispute because “[he’s] on the record saying the guy’s a saint.” (What record, what is he talking about?) Harvey says he had nothing to do with it, Mike calls bullshit, and Donna steps in to say, in a slightly creepy tone of voice, that “It’s not bullshit, Mike. He’s telling the truth.” For some stupid fucking reason, Mike didn’t believe Harvey but he does believe Donna, so he determines it must have been Samantha who lied about him, and asks Harvey what he intends to do about it. Harvey says there’s nothing he can do about it, and when Mike points out that he can say she fabricated evidence, Harvey pulls his loyalty card at the worst possible time:
“Are you out of your mind? Do you have any idea what would happen to her?” “I don’t care! She is cheating my client out of a company that could change people’s lives!” “And I’m not gonna sell her out! Just like I’d do for you if you were still here.” “I don’t believe this. You’re pissed that I left!” “No, Mike, I’m glad that you left, and you could have come back to visit any fucking time, but you came back to pick a fight with me that you rigged six months ago.” “Oh, so it’s not that I left. It’s just that I beat you.”
Oh boy.
First of all, we get out of the way the hint that Mike really was taking this case on to make a difference in the world, but I dunno, man, feels to me like this is too little, too late.
Then, finally, after a full season and a half of no resolution, we finally get Harvey’s admission that he’s upset Mike left. Yeah, no shit; their goodbye, as I’ve lamented to the point of tear-inducing monotony, was terrible and inconclusive, and Harvey’s behavior afterwards has not been that of a man who’s at peace with the change in his life (s08e01-04, 13). And finally, he acknowledges out loud that he’s angry (yes, angry) that Mike hasn’t come back to visit, and now that he has, it’s just to pick a fight with Harvey that he secretly rigged far in advance. That doesn’t seem to me like a fight Mike should be particularly proud to tout as a win; the odds were artificially weighted in his favor, and he went out of his way to tip them even further by making them both promise not to do anything illegal and then breaking that promise himself when he knew Harvey would be in no position to follow suit.
That is a dick move.
But we’re not done yet:
“No, you almost did. I was gonna let you get away with it, but she didn’t. And I might want to kill her, but I’m not gonna betray her.” “I don’t care about her! I care about you. You gave me your word, and the Harvey I know wouldn’t break his word and screw over a bunch of innocent people in the process. You lost yourself, Harvey. And you know it.”
Not only should Mike not be proud of this win he achieved illegally, but it was only his to take because Harvey made the conscious decision not to turn him in for those illegal activities.
You know what’s the real gut punch here?
“I care about you.”
You sure about that, Mike? Because you could stand to fucking act like it.
He goes on to as much as admit that Samantha’s involvement—not her fabrication of evidence, just the fact that she was there, was the thing that ruined this for him, because “the Harvey [he knows]” would have acted predictably, and he would have been able to manipulate him. “I always have time for an old friend”? He always has time to use an old friend for his own advantage, maybe. I agree that Harvey hasn’t been acting like himself of late, but my rationale for that has always been that Mike’s rapid departure broke him and he’s been unable to recover, and if this is what Mike’s return means, well, maybe Harvey’s better off.
(Harvey would be better off leaving the firm and going into intensive therapy, but I’m trying to keep my goals achievable for the time being.)
Harvey then returns to the firm to confront Samantha and yell at her for lying to him, and she says she didn’t lie, she just changed her mind, so that’s mature. She asks if he’s really mad at her crossing a line or because she beat “[his] little adopted son” (did you catch that? "Adopted son," i.e., "definitely not a love interest thank you very much"), and Harvey tells her that he defended her to Mike, but that’s over now because he doesn’t trust her anymore, and I guess he’s taking his ball and going home and there’s nothing she can do about it.
Spoiler alert, Faye happened to observe this whole exchange, and now has some mulling to do.
This whole episode has been one giant offense to the memory of Mike and Harvey’s relationship, but this part might just take the cake: Louis arrives at Mike’s apartment while Mike is packing to go to the airport, because Donna sent him, and she would’ve come herself but “she’s with Harvey now” and “she didn’t want [Mike] to hold it against her.” Mike says he’s not holding anything against her, and Louis asks him not to hold anything against Harvey, either. Bringing up the story he told Mike back in “Blood in the Water” (s02e12) about himself and Harvey being Ralph Wolf and Sam Sheepdog, he says that he and Harvey “were rivals at work. But no matter how much [they] fought, at the end of the day, [they] didn’t let it get in the way of [their] friendship.” Kindly permitting Mike to be furious at Harvey for defending Samantha’s actions, Louis asks that he nevertheless not let this be the end of him and Harvey. Rather than comment on the request, or their relationship, Mike says that he has a plane to catch.
As Louis bids his farewell, Mike calls him back to give him the last of the “You Just Got Spitt Up” onesies that he had made up in Season 8, which Rachel apparently took to save for him. Louis tells Mike to thank Rachel for him, he agrees to do so, and Mike and Louis, of all people, get the heavily emotional hug I was hoping Mike and Harvey would get when I saw that bullshit reunion in the teaser.
Then Faye goes into Samantha’s office and finagles her into tacitly admitting that she’s the one who fabricated the evidence, not Harvey, and Faye fires her, so at least some good came out of all this.
Part IV
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kadmeread · 5 years
Not Over Yet - Chapter 2: Explanations
Chapter 2: Explanations 
I was shaken out of my reverie by a knock on the door. After opening it, I saw the girl who had brought me here standing there. 
“Hello,” she said, holding out her hand. “I’m Samirah, you can call me Sam, it’s nice to officially meet you.”
Taking her hand I said “Hi, I’m Jason Grace. I take it your my Valkyrie.” She looked surprised at my guess so I presumed I was correct and that she was indeed my Valkyrie, whatever that was.
“How much do you know?” she asked.
“Not much,” I admitted. “Magnus gave me a rundown on my hallmates and told me the basics. I must admit I didn’t expect to end up here.” She glanced down at my tattoo, reminding me of Magnus’ reaction to it earlier. I moved my hand to cover it subconsciously.
“You deserve to be here Jason, I am proud to be your Valkyrie.” She told me as we continued on towards what I guessed was the dining hall. I nodded uncomfortably, wondering how much she knew.
As we walked Sam told me various other facts about Valhalla. I made sure to try and memorise them as I had found it better to always be prepared. I never knew how Percy could stand it, not knowing anything until someone told him about it. I would say it was a Roman thing except Annabeth is the same way, and she’s about as un-Roman as you can get. 
Sam was looking impressed by my comments. “You’re taking this well,” she said. 
“Yeah, well, with the way my life has been going recently, the fact that the Norse gods exist and I’m in Valhalla isn’t actually all that surprising.”
She looked like she was about to question me on that, when we reached the dining hall and I wouldn’t have heard her anyway.
The dining hall was impressive, it reminded me of Olympus. Except it didn’t have Annabeth’s architectural flare. “Wow,” I murmured.
“Yeah,” she agreed. “It doesn’t ever really get old. There’s our table over there.” She pointed to a table with two other people already sitting there. “Good thing we’re not the only ones.” She muttered as we sat down. I wanted to ask about that but she obviously didn’t intend for me to hear it, so I decided not to pry.
“So…” I started awkwardly, “Magnus mentioned something earlier about me getting the hall to myself soon? Are they all going away somewhere or something?”
Her expression darkened, “Or something,” She repeated. “You see we have to stop my father from launching Naflgar and starting Ragnorak.”
I had a million questions going through my head after that, but I decided to start with a simple one. “Your father?”
She nodded, “My father. Loki.”
Before I could work out what to ask next, the doors opened with a boom and hundreds of warriors streamed in. I was very grateful that we had entered earlier and avoided the rush. I saw Magnus wave at me as he came in with whom I presumed to be the rest of our hallmates.
A girl came around and gave me some meat and what I guessed to be mead from the smell. Sam saw me looking around and got my attention. 
“Eat now,” She recommended. “After we get to watch you die gloriously.”
The idea of reliving my death slowed my appetite a bit, I don’t think anyone would be all too keen on that idea. Yet I did still look forward to it, if I was lucky I would find out what happened to my friends, find out if they survived.
As the meal ended my anticipation and anxiety only grew, warring for the place of pride in my stomach. First we watched the other guy die heroically, gun in hand, saving two strangers, and heard he was destined to fight well during Ragnarok. Then it was my turn. It felt odd seeing it happen again. I watched as Apollo stabbed himself and I blew Meg out the side. The others in the hall were silent, they hadn’t been for the other guy, so I distantly felt that was odd, but didn’t pay much attention to it, I was too busy watching what was happening. I saw myself take arrow wounds, I hadn’t even noticed that I got shot. I winced as I turned to Apollo, I knew what was coming, I reminded him of his promise and then I saw Caligula stab me in the back. I heard Piper’s scream of grief, and knew that even if we weren’t together she still loved me. We were a team, her and I. The last thing I saw before the video faded away, was Tempest running across the water, my friends on his back. I smiled, relieved to know that my death hadn’t been in vain, and that they had all gotten out of there safely.
There was silence for a moment before the hall exploded into whispers. If I tried to listen, I could hear them saying things like “Thor”, and “powers”. I figured they probably thought me to be a son of Thor. Suddenly they all stopped talking. On a throne that had been empty before except for two large ravens (which had been watching me throughout, they gave me the creeps) appeared a huge figure of a man. What I first noticed about him was that he only had one eye. Then I noticed that the murmurs had started up again, this time with “Odin” and “Allfather” interspersed with the ones about me.
“It is good to see you again my friends.” He boomed, looking around at us all. “But unfortunately I come to you in dire times. Sitting before you is a warrior, who we will have need of before long. I sent Samirah to get him, before he left to places not under my jurisdiction, for a reason. I hope you will forgive me.” He looked directly at me as he said this. “That reason being, the Pontifex Maximus may save us all. And so I humbly ask, you Jason Grace, if you will help us on this quest, or will you depart to be judged worthy of Elysium, as my counterpart has informed me you would’ve been placed. Without your help, I have foreseen that Ragnarok will come. And so, son of Jupiter, will you help us stop Ragnarok?”
The hall was silent except for the whispers of the warriors, that was becoming a common reaction for anything to do with me. I sighed, considering. I had just died helping out with a save the world quest, I would have liked to have a break. But I knew what my answer would be, what any demigod’s answer would be. “Yes,” I said. “I will help.” As cheers rang around the hall, I had an inkling that I had agreed to something bigger than what I had originally thought.
The next time I looked up I notice Magnus leading who I guessed were to be my new questmates over. As he introduced us, he eyed me oddly when I didn’t appear to be paying attention, I wanted to ask but I knew then wasn’t the time. I asked a different question instead. “So when do we set off?”
“We’re setting sail in the morning, unless something else goes wrong.” The guy who I now knew was T.J replied, looking accusingly at Magnus.
“Hey!” Magnus protested, “I actually got some good advice from Percy today!”
“Yeah,” Alex chimed in smugly. “He didn’t die today.”
While Magnus continued complaining about their lack of belief in him, I suddenly felt dizzy. Percy...Percy and Annabeth had been in Boston this weekend, helping her cousin, I think, prepare for some sort of cruise. I hadn’t gotten the full details because of the communication block and the Apollo situation, but Apollo had told us that, along with the information about Percy’s baby sister. Magnus must be Annabeth’s cousin, that was why he looked vaguely familiar. That would also explain the odd looks he was giving me, he knew. It sounded like Alex probably knew too.
Having realized this, I wasn’t surprised when Magnus and Alex dawdled after everyone had gone back to their rooms. 
“Come on in.” I told them, leading them into my rooms. They followed me in awkwardly. I could tell they had no idea how to broach the subject at hand. 
“So...do Percy and Annabeth know yet?” I asked. They obviously hadn’t worked out that I had worked out that they knew. 
“I don’t think so,” Magnus replied. “They’ve been down here for the weekend, meaning they’ve been even more out of touch with the situation then in New York. They’ll probably find out when they get back. In fact I should probably…” 
He trailed off as Alex interrupted him impatiently, “So where are you in this mess?”
“Me? I’m Roman, son of Jupiter. I was on the quest to Greece with Percy and Annabeth.”
Magnus nodded, “Annabeth mentioned you. You were the one swapped with Percy, right?”
“Yup that was me. So...who exactly knows what?”
Magnus thought it over quickly before replying, “So Alex and I are the only ones who have actually met Percy and Annabeth. Although Sam knows of them and the existence of your pantheons. The others had no idea you even existed, and quite possibly still don’t.”
I thought it over, “I’ll tell the rest of our quest group once we’ve set off, is there anyone else other than our hallmates?”
Magnus looked startled, “Oh, right. My friends Blitz and Hearth, along with Sam as you know. Blitz is a dwarf, very fashionable. Hearth is an elf, he does magic, and he’s deaf.”
I nodded and relaxed from where I had been standing stiffly near the door. “Thanks for letting me know.”
They nodded and then left me to it. I decided to try and get some sleep, who knew when I was going to get some.
Unfortunately, even though I was dead, my demigod dreams didn’t appear to have stopped. While not as bad as Percy’s, (from what I heard he had the worst dreams) they were still fully capable of ruining any sleep I tried to have. First I saw flashes of what must’ve been happening in California, I saw Piper grieving. Apollo speaking prophecies in chains, Piper killing Medea, Leo flying in one Festus, and then hugging Piper as she cried. Meg and Apollo boarding a plane, a coffin sitting in the plane, which I knew with a chill of certainty held my dead body. 
Then the scenes slowed down and changed again, I was on what I guessed to be a Viking ship, made of what looked to be people’s finger and toenails. The ship was surrounded by ice, I saw mummified human bodies and giants which thankfully looked very different from those I had fought before.
“Oh look,” said a cheerful voice behind me, I jumped, turning to see who was speaking. “It’s Odin’s secret weapon. Not so secret now, are you boy?” 
The guy’s face was horrific, burned and scarred. As I studied him, he continued, his face softening. “Here’s a warning for you little demigod. Don’t get in my way, you may have defeated giants. But I can promise you this, I am like nothing you have ever faced before. You will not be able to escape me. Run, little son of Jupiter, and you may just survive the storm to come. This isn’t your Pantheon, little Pontifex Maximus, and if you continue on this path of interference,” 
His face darkened, and it struck me that he was quite mad. That didn’t reassure me, I was killed by a madman after all. “I can promise you this, you will never see your friends again.” I could sense someone shaking me, as the dream receded I could hear the guy laughing. “Welcome to the end, little boy, your father may be king, but I was born to destroy kings.” As the dream faded away, he met my horrified gaze, “Enjoy your afterlife.” His laughter followed me as I woke up.
A.N So that was the next chapter! I should probably explain the timeline to you guys. So I have The Hidden Oracle happening at the same time as the Sword of Summer, leading Hammer of Thor to be about the same time as The Dark Prophecy. I have placed Jason’s death in The Burning Maze, at about the same time as Percy and Annabeth leaving Boston in the Ship of the Dead, thus they haven’t heard yet of Jason’s death and that Nico can’t find him in the Underworld. Once they do, Annabeth will obviously try and contact Magnus, but due to him being on a quest, she won’t be able to until after they get back. I hope that makes sense. 
Please let me know any ideas, errors etc. 
Thanks Kadme.
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Bad Before Good
Pairing: Bill/Girl
Warnings: Drinking, smut, underdeveloped characters 
Summary: After a hellish day, Bill finds solace in an unlikely source. 
Words: 2800 or so
Rating: don’t read this if you’re underage
“Bill! What are you working on next?”
“Bill! Can you sign? Bill? Bill?”
“Who are you dating, Bill?!”
He stepped out of his car and tried not to let the frustration on his face show but this was the exact reason he didn’t want to sign a lease and end up living somewhere permanent. Now he was stuck with the paparazzi knowing where he lived.
He had spent the day going from meeting to meeting and trying to dodge the paparazzi as much as possible. Every moment of his day had been documented and was now being sold to the highest bidder. He didn’t understand why stopping to get a shot of espresso was newsworthy but suddenly it was.
He had a long night of script reading ahead of him and he knew without the extra caffeine that he wasn’t going to get through everything. His first mistake was not buying coffee last time he ordered groceries and his second mistake was parking on the street when he got home. He silently cursed himself as he punched in the code to his building and slipped through the door, leaving the flashing cameras and obnoxious autograph seekers behind him. Tomorrow, he was going to call his landlord and tell him that he was finally willing to pay extra for off street parking.
His pile of scripts tumbled out of his arms as he hurried through his front door. He left them by his shoes and grabbed a pack of cigarettes before heading out to his balcony. He was high enough up that the paparazzi couldn’t see him anymore and he watched as they slowly started to disappear.
He lit the cigarette, sat in a patio chair and closed his eyes. This was his life now. His privacy didn’t exist and he often had to convince himself that it was worth it because now he was taking meetings with directors that most actors would have sold their souls for. Even Alex hadn’t been given these types of opportunities. This was what he always wanted and he fought to not allow himself to wonder if it truly was worth it.
The thundering music started by the time he finished his cigarette. His noisy neighbor was at it again, playing some type of obnoxious techno music at a time that most people should be getting ready for bed.
Bill had never confronted him, usually opting for his ear buds and a books on tape, but tonight was different.
He crossed the short distance between his own apartment door and his neighbors and pounded roughly. The door swung open almost instantly and a girl his age stood on the other side.
“You’re not from China King,” she said as she tucked her dark hair behind her ear.
Bill raised his eyebrows and she finally turned the music down to an acceptable level.
“I’m trying to work,” he nodded to his apartment door, “Can you keep the music down?”
She rolled her brown eyes dramatically and turned the music back up.
“Sorry clown-boy, I can’t help you.”
His mouth dropped open slightly and he found himself at a momentary loss of words, a rare occurrence in his life.
“Are you confused? Can I spell it out for you? Do you need a dictionary? The answer is no,” she explained. “I had to fight my way in the front door because of all your paparazzi. Most actors figure out how to lose them before coming home but no, not the actor who lives across the hall from me.”
“I’m new to this, I’m sorry. I was just in a rush to get home and I didn’t realize they followed me.”
Bill had no idea why he was not only apologizing but also trying to explain himself to this woman. He owed her nothing.
“You probably called them yourself, I’m not an idiot. Enjoy the music!”
She closed the door in his face and the music returned to its unnatural volume as Bill stomped back to his apartment.
Multiple things about that interaction irritated him. First, she accused him of calling the paparazzi himself. Second, she knew who he was. Third, her brown eyes were still on his mind even after pacing around his apartment and drinking a beer.
By the time the obnoxious country music started, Bill was ready to drink himself into a stupor and he still hadn’t cracked open a single script.
“Can she at least play good music?!” he shouted as he grabbed his third beer.
A harsh knock on his door was his answer and he opened it in time to see a deliveryman walking back down the hallway. He glanced down to see a take out box of Chinese food at his feet.
“This isn’t mine!” he shouted after the guy.
The guy responded by waving his hand in the air and stepping on the elevator. Bill groaned loudly and picked the box up. He knocked on his neighbor’s door and set the food down. Before he could return safely to his apartment, she whipped open the door.
“Sorry,” he found himself apologizing again, “they delivered it to me.”
She turned the music down and gave him a cheeky grin.
“Come on, clown boy, let’s have some food?” she picked the box up and waved him inside.
He stood there surprised and speechless for the second time that night.
“Are you coming?” she shouted from her kitchen and Bill finally entered the apartment.
“I’m not really hungry, but thanks,” he said and then turned to leave.
“Oh relax, I’m not always a bitch,” she explained as she started to unpack the take out order. “I had a shitty day and I can tell you did too. Wine is in the fridge, come have some cashew chicken and we can commiserate together.”
He watched her for a second and once he realized that she was serious, he opened the fridge and grabbed the first bottle of wine he saw. She had already set two wine glasses on her living room table and was eating a carton of pineapple-fried rice when he found her.
“I’m Bill,” he said as he sat down next to her.
“It’s cute that you think I don’t know that,” she said as she poured them both a full glass of wine. “I’m Erica.”
Bill blushed slightly and took the glass of wine from her. He was thankful for the excuse of a red face just in case she noticed the blushing. “Tell me why you’re so pissed off?” she asked. “And if it’s just because of my music then fuck off.”
He laughed lightly. He wasn’t used to people talking to him like this but he found himself wanting to oblige her.
“I just had a long day and was followed everywhere I went and now I have a ton of work to do and no desire to do it.”
He took a bite of chicken and looked over at her.
“I’m struggling to feel sorry for you,” she laughed. “But I guess that sucks?”
“I’m a really private person and suddenly I can’t get a cup of coffee or take a phone call on the street without a ton of people paying attention. Everyone is in my business. People are attacking my family members on social media to try and get to me. I can’t even have a social media account without it being found so keeping up with my friends and family is damn near impossible.”
Bill stopped talking when he realized he had been rambling. Erica was listening intently though and for the first time, she didn’t have much to say.
He watched her for a moment, watched her take a few breaths, her chest rising and falling each time. He closed his eyes to keep from staring at her boobs but the tank top she was wearing was tight and pushed them up just enough that he wondered what they looked like bare.
He started talking again to keep his mind from wandering down that road. “I have all these photographers asking me for pictures and autographs and they aren’t actually fans, they just want to sell their stuff of me for a profit. Then when a real fan approaches me on the street I feel jaded because of that pack of assholes following me around.”
“I can’t say that I get it, but it sucks when you feel disconnected from your home base, especially when everything around you seems to be out of your control.”
His surprise was written all over his face and she laughed when they made eye contact.
“I told you I’m not always a bitch.”
“Tell me why you had a bad day?” he asked as he took another bite of food. He hoped he was able to understand her frustrations the same way she just did his.
“Oh it’s not a big deal. I just got dumped and fired.”
“What?! All in one day?”
“Well, yeah. It was by the same person actually.”
“What kind of person would do that?” Bill asked as he poured them both another glass of wine.
“The kind that sleeps with your friend and then convinces you that it was your fault,” she said as she laughed lightly but Bill could hear the sadness in her voice. “He was an asshole, I should have ended it a while ago but I didn’t.”
She sipped her wine, her red lips stained slightly from it and Bill watched her as she unloaded on him.
“I’m a stylist, but please don’t judge me based on what I’m currently wearing. I promise this if just an at home outfit.”
“No judgment, I have five shirts and all of them are black,” Bill said as he picked the hem of his shirt up and chuckled.
“He was one of my clients and he decided that he wanted to be with my friend more than me so he dumped me and then she made him fire me so I wouldn’t be a temptation to him.”
“He sounds like an asshole.”
They continued in that fashion; each of them taking turns complaining about their crappy days and arguing about who had it worse than the other. As the bottles of wine emptied, they managed to develop a sophisticated point system where they would reward each other for having a harder day than the other. So far, Erica was winning by one point.
“No, no no! You don’t get a point for choosing to date an asshole. That’s all on you!” Bill laughed loudly, the alcohol giving him the confidence that the day stole from him. “I should take a point back from you for that.”
She scoffed, her lips curling into a smile. “You’re only saying that because you’re a shitty loser.”
“I haven’t lost yet!”
They both erupted into a fit of laughter over their silly argument. She threw an arm around his shoulder and pulled him into a side hug. Bill sucked in a deep breath and settled his head down on her shoulder. They were both warm and he hoped that he didn’t smell bad from sweating a little but he couldn’t help it, that’s just how his body reacted to the alcohol. She moved quickly, her arm coming from around his neck to his waist as she moved in front of him. She caught his gaze for a second before leaning in to kiss him. He was surprised at first, having never experienced a girl who was willing to make the first move, but it quickly faded and he pulled her into his lap and deepened the kiss.
She pulled his black t-shirt off and tossed it behind them. Her hands quickly found his chest as she pressed their lips back together as her fingertips discovered the contours of his muscles.
“Wait, wait…Erica,” he said as he pulled away suddenly. “Are we too drunk for this?”
She rolled her eyes and laughed. “Probably, but I want it. It’s just friendly neighbor sex, Bill. Relax.”
“I just don’t want you to do something you’re going to regret…”
She started kissing his neck and he took that as her yes to continue. His mind was blown and he couldn’t believe that his day had gone from paparazzi hell to having this gorgeous girl sitting on his lap and sucking small marks into his collarbone.
Her lips felt like fire as the trailed across his skin leaving tiny bite marks along the way. He ran his fingers through her hair and she kissed her way down his chest and stomach. He couldn’t get his pants off fast enough and he hoped that it didn’t make him look like a horny virgin.
He gazed at her with hooded eyes as she slowly worked her hand up and down his hard length. The truth was, it had been months since Bill had a chance to do this with a woman and he was trying not to do cartwheels from his bursting excitement. Schedules got in the way of his sex life but right now, he would have given anything up to be in this position.
Her mouth sunk over his length and he bucked his hips, accidentally pushing himself further into her mouth. He was about to apologize when she moaned and took him even further in. Her hands were on his hips bones, guiding him down her throat and he wondered at what point her gag reflex was going to kick in. It didn’t and soon her mouth was bobbing up and down on him, taking all 8 inches of him each time.
It was enough to drive him over the edge but he wasn’t ready for this to end. He touched her cheeks gently and she looked up at him as she continued to blow him, not ready to stop. He gave her another minute before pulling himself out of her mouth and moving them both so she was now on her back on the couch. He pulled her tank top off, finally getting his wish. He used one hand to slide her shorts off and the other immediately went to one of her nipples. He rolled it between his thumb and finger until it was rock hard. He repeated the same steps with her other nipple as his mouth covered the first one, biting and sucking.
Her entire body shuddered as she slid his hand in her panties, rubbing her clit. It may have been months since he had done this but his technique hadn’t been lost and he silently praised himself as her hips bucked up, craving more of his touch.
He continued his work on her breasts, biting her nipples until he hissed.
“Bill, fuck…condom, on the bookshelf…” her words were punctuated with moans as she pointed to the shelf right behind him.
He reached over and grabbed a condom, sliding it on as he came back to her. She was on her knees in a second; pushing him down on the couch so she could be back in control. He was only willing to share it though, not give it up to her completely so he grabbed her hips and carefully but quickly guided her over him as he slid into her.
She threw her head back, crying out loudly and Bill laughed as he wished her music was still playing so none of their other neighbors could hear them. She rode him like that for a minute and Bill enjoyed her boobs bouncing in his face. He pulled her against him and continued to suck on her nipples as she set the pace.
It was slow and steady he knew she was doing this deliberately but he needed more. He grabbed her hips and flipped them over, Erica screaming as he got her on her back again. He slid back into her and pumped his hips rapidly, increasing the pace with each thrust.
Her hips met his as she wrapped her legs around his waist, holding him hostage. He was a willing prisoner.
He shifted slightly, coming at her from a different angle and that quickly sent her over the edge.
“Jesus fuck, Bill!” she cried out as an orgasm set every nerve in her body on fire.
He laughed at her crassness and continued to slam into her, quickening his pace. He was so close, he could feel his entire body tense up. His orgasm ripped through him and made him shout in a way that he once again worried she would think this was his first time.
He fell on top of her, his arms giving out from their intense workout and she laughed as she rubbed his back.
“Alright,” she whispered as she bit his earlobe. “You can have all my points back. My day was incredible.”
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hiistiger · 6 years
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Good job fam we made to the end of 2017, another year on this godforsaken rock. Thank you for bearing with me through my 3 week disappearance at the end of each school term and humoring my weird shitposting about various topics you may or may not care about. And y’know, thank you for loving Sebastian Moran with me. I’ve chewed my figurative nails over making this because follow forever things make me nervous that I’ll leave someone out and they’ll be sad so if you don’t see yourself on here and think you probably should be, I’m sorry, I love you, and I’ve let you down. 
So anyway here’s your free promo for you fucks
The Squad (pronounced like ‘dad’):
@multamusae​ / @julesryley​: somehow even though i sacrificed you in a chatzy group at age 14, you still stuck with me through all my awfulness and i really don’t know how you had the strength to do that. because it’s 6 years later and somehow we’re still talking. what sort of bullshit is that. I love every muse you write and also all of your cats (tell them i love them). keep being awesome and absolutely unapologetic.
@gunmetclgrey​: literally you have no idea how much i look forward to your surprise Moran questions and just general dragging of Sebastian, because as I’ve said so many times before, he deserves it. Seb would not be anywhere near who he is today without you and without Alex. I love Alex from the bottom of my goddamn heart and I know you love her just as much because you write her so well and show so much care in her characterization
@codedsarcasm / @standingstcnes​ / so many other blogs you have a problem: i love nessa so much and i love how much you care about every character you write. It’s true that i’m your worst half and beleive me I will keep the angst coming in the new year so #get #ready tho i know your retaliation will be swift and brutal. but also! the good times! they exist and it is beautiful, even if we’ll never allow our characters to go there.
@malvive​ / @agenttrevor​: look here, you. i’ve loved victor since i stalked some of your threads and i loved him even more once i started writing with you. i love your disaster of a man and i love the fact that our disaster men are even Worse when together. Obviously, we haven’t written as much together in terms of Malik and Seb, but I am so excited to do so and I love him already. Real talk, i love your ability to mix humor and seriousness and just your writing style in general is Amazing. Also thank you for being someone i can scream about when the Literature Mood hits and yknow just in general
@suburbanrelapse​ / @holmescouture​ / @neonnoirqueen​: did you know? have i told you enough? i love Doll so much and I love Sherlock so much and I love the Queen so much. I love writing with you in every AU possible (and i anticipate with glee many more) bc all of your characters are so lovingly written and come to life so easily. Also I love you for encouraging my undying love of Frank motherfucking Castle. Maybe one day I’ll actually keep up a dis.cord convo that doesn’t have a point in the middle where i disappear for like a month.
@paxpenguiina​ / @qx3ry​ : came for the Severin, stayed for all of your characters. I love Kristen and I love Oswald. Anyone who wants to shut you down had better fight me first bc how? could you? ever think? that you don’t play them well? you obviously care so much and are so damn devoted to writing them well and in a lovely fashion. 
@notasoldierseverin​: I love your Severin. I will never not love your Severin. Did you kno that I thought Severin was a real, canon character until I was rudely awakened. Guess what doesn’t matter? That fact because holy shit do you breathe life into him. 
A challenger appears. Actually, several:
@ahopefulbunch + @ccnsultingcriminal + @militarytrash + @thewxman + @shrxwdroyalty + @griifterschriistmas / @griiftersparadiise + @mcstdangerous + @crimeinclined + @vxnomouspoxson + @photographcr + @blackvclvct + @thesecondmost + @notyouraveragesecretary + @flight-of-the-thieving-magpie + @vorantjack + @criminalsandtea + @hittcr
I’d write all a you a paragraph too, but unfortunately I am lazy and tired, so please know that I love you, your writing, and your characters. Some of you I talk to more than others. Some of you I’ve written with recently, some of you a longer time ago. Please know how much I value your presence on the dash and just in general, no matter what the case may be.
How many people do you follow? (great question, the answer is 182): 
So uh guys, time is, as they say, a social construct, but also limited so if you want to take a peep at the other folks I follow and luv seeing on my dash, go to mobile or here and check out that shit. also you can see how bad i am at unfollowing archived blogs so there’s that too.
If you didn’t see your name on here or where you thought it would be, all I can say is that I am sorry and I still love you even though I’m a forgetful asshole. 
This is, to quote Ferris Bueller, the end. Go away. 
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