strscrossed · 3 months
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chapter 11 — at arm’s length
mature | 104th canon-divergence au
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m0thcl0wn · 2 months
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newest finished today 17/02/2024 vs the first from june 2021
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memoriaeternae · 1 year
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hello 📷
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en-wheelz-me · 1 year
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wally-b-feed · 1 month
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Anthony Fineran, Brentford Mash ALG, 2024
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fmarkets · 2 months
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Alamo Group Inc. Defies Industry Trends with Strong Fourth Quarter Revenue Growth https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=ALG&date=2024-02-23135235&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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mystickoalafest · 2 months
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hellishgummybear · 5 months
tfw ur not sure if that person was a paedophile or just ✨neuro spicy✨
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bonumshxt · 6 months
I'm gonna try to make a VN!
Say hello to verfolger! There's more to go, I'm excited
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babiesarelazy · 9 months
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isbraveandwild · 9 months
A lot of words to say, in short, that I’m a bad friend.
After what must’ve been some good year and a half, I checked into my Avistaz account again. I wanted to watch a Japanese movie based on a book I read earlier this month and couldn’t find it anywhere (legally) so I had to crumble to my old piracy habits. Nice movie, nice book. Some things I wasn’t a big fan of, but overall, nice watch.
That was not the only thing I did for the first time in some good year and a half this week. Just two days before I had a dream with an old internet friend of mine. I woke up and thought ‘holy shit, I should check into her’ and so I did. Had to download discord again, and after some struggle figuring out my login and password, there I was. First thing I did back in that hell of a .. whatever it is .. was leaving all my servers and deleting all the messages sent in the time I was not around. Did not concern me in the year I was away, does not concern me now. I looked for the server my friend and I had and that was gone too, before I could get my hands in it. I get it, I dipped, no one was using it, but it made me sad.
Whatever. So, I messaged that friend I dreamed with. It took maybe 15 minutes for her to reply. That was nice. Maybe I should check into all the internet friends I ghosted, huh? Logged into twitter for the first time in almost 2 years. My timeline looked like a fever dream.
I couldn’t recognize a single one of them. Different profile pictures, different interests, different names. I didn’t say anything. Took the first hour or so to go through all of their accounts trying to pick up on cues of their old selves in the haze of their new personas. Some I could link to my old friends; some I had no clue. It was a fruitless task, so at some point I gave up and just tweeted it out. Does any store have ‘sorry I disappeared for 2 years and no longer recognize any of you, how are you guys doing?’ cards?
Some reintroduced themselves to me so I could figure out the rest too. I can’t pinpoint who’s missing, but I also don’t think they’re all there. But I’m sorry to repeat myself and also to sound this cold: did not concern me in the (2) year(s) I was away, does not concern me now.
That friend, the dream one, was my closest friend for some two years. Talking to her again was natural, but it felt different. We changed a lot on the course of our friendship (we were 17 when we met and we’re 23 now) but we were together to witness those changes as it happened. With me deciding on taking an impromptu sabbatical year off of the internet, there’s a lot I missed. When we’re talking and the conversation nears a dead end, I panic. Come up with the first thing I can possibly think off. Preferably related to one of her interests so it gets her to talk and me to simply answer. I’m afraid she notices I’m having a hard time talking and thinks I’m sucking up to her or not being genuine. Maybe I am not. But I do want to talk to her. I do want to listen to her. I just am trying to figure out how.
When I was 3, or maybe 4, I befriended a girl at school. She was the sun of my solar system, and I revolved around her for almost 20 years Carefully crafted my personality so she’d like me, curated all my interests so she’d think I’m col, heck, I even convinced my parents to send me to the same super expensive high school she was going to attend once we graduated middle school. In return, I was maybe her closest friend for a while, and of course I was, because who wouldn’t want around someone whose personality is basically adoring you? She liked having her ego stroked, and I had no self-respect, so I was the ideal sidekick.
One day she said something... bad. I was sleeping over at her house. We had just started uni together (of course). I was still revolving around her clueless and careless of anything else. Then she blurted out something I would not dare to repeat and could not bother to explain the context of, but imagine something along the lines ‘but Palpatine isn’t that bad’ if you were a jedi or ‘Voldemort isn’t even that fascist!’ if you were Hermione (sorry for the Harry Potter ref in god damned 2023, couldn’t think of anything else). I couldn’t argue with her because I was so taken aback, and so surprised too. I laughed it off and said I was tired so I was gonna go sleep already. We turned off the lights. I cried myself to sleep.
You see, I was obsessed with this girl. So that was hard to deal with. I thought maybe I had misheard it. Maybe I was going insane. Maybe she didn’t mean it like that. But for the next few years, every now and then she would say something of the sorts - and it was always when it was just the two of us. One day she slipped in in front of another of our friends. When I went out with this specific girl again, just us two, she brought up the incident. So you heard that too?!
It took 4 years between that first comment until we last talked for the last time (her birthday, last year), so when the fall out came around, I was already over it. It was like saying goodbye to something already long gone. Totally over it, yeah, but just this month I cried in the middle of the night because the thought of that kid I loved so much thinking I’d grow up to leave her behind without a care for it made me feel like my heart was ripped out of my chest. She was once an extension of my own self as much as I was her shadow. Now she is nothing. I don’t miss her current self, wouldn’t change a thing about our friendship going sour. And I am well aware our relationship dynamics was never great. But, gods, I miss that little girl. Maybe as much as I miss the little girl I was.
Tomorrow is my last break day before the term starts and on the very first day of this break, I told myself I would talk with two other friends about why the actual hell things were so weird between us. Of course, I did not do that. I had been wanting too for longer than the break, but I did not need the added stress, so I waited until my classes were over. Then they were, but my friends weren’t, so I thought out of respect I should wait for them as well. Then theirs were, but stuff was heavy for them in other areas, and I did not want to bother, then....
At what point consideration stops being that and starts being excuses?
I have tomorrow still. Maybe I will text them. Maybe I won’t. Regardless of what I do, I will regret it. Life for me is none but a bunch of regrets piled up on top of the other and I’m fine with that. Or whatever.
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strscrossed · 6 months
a losing game updated yesterday!
I still don’t feel completely right about going back to announcing it like I used to just yet. but I’ll slowly start again.
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anothermarriedsissy · 10 months
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memoriaeternae · 1 year
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mansetmalatya · 11 months
Plankton ve Alg Patlamaları Deniz Ekosistemini Tehdit Ediyor
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 İstanbul Üniversitesi (İÜ) Su Bilimleri Fakültesi Deniz Biyolojisi Ana Bilim Dalı Başkanı Prof. Dr. Bayram Öztürk, denizlerde plankton ve alg patlamalarının kirliliğe ve oksijen yetersizliğine neden olarak canlıların yaşamını tehdit ettiğini kaydetti. 5 Haziran Dünya Çevre Günü'nü içine alan hafta kutlanan Türkiye Çevre Haftası'nın bu yılki teması "Temiz Deniz, Temiz Dünya" olarak belirlendi. Hafta boyunca düzenlenecek etkinlikler kapsamında denizler ve doğal çevrenin korunması, denizler ve iklim değişikliği ilişkisinin işlenmesi, denizlerin kıyı alanları ve karalarla olan bağlantısının çevresel boyutuyla ele alınması ve kirlenmeden korunması gerektiği vurgulanacak. Denizleri tehdit eden unsurlardan biri olan alg ve plankton patlamaları hakkında AA muhabirinin sorularını yanıtlayan Öztürk, bu patlamaların, denizdeki azotun fazla olduğu ve uygun sıcaklık koşullarının bulunduğu durumlarda fitoplankton denilen bitkisel planktonlar tarafından gerçekleştirildiğini kaydetti. Söz konusu olayın denizde farklı renklerde oluştuğunu, bir kısmı denizi kırmızıya bürürken bir kısmının sabun köpüğü veya müsilaj şeklinde görülebileceğini belirten Öztürk, alg ve plankton patlamalarında temel ve tetikleyici etkenin deniz suyundaki besleyici madde şeklinde adlandırdıkları ötrofikasyon fazlalığı olduğunu, bu besleyici maddenin de deniz suyuna, arıtılmamış sular ve evsel atıklarla geldiğini anlattı. Plankton ve alg patlamalarının ekosistemi iki şekilde etkilediğini bildiren Öztürk, "Birincisi, kirletiyorlar ve oksijeni tüketiyorlar; mililitrede 5 gramın altındaki oksijen, bütün denizler için ve deniz canlıları için tehdittir. İkinci olarak ise deniz canlılarında ölüme, bir kısmında strese neden oluyor; bu canlıların yumurtlama, üreme ve büyümelerine ket vuruyorlar." diye konuştu. Plankton ve alg patlamalarının deniz canlılarının yanı sıra insanların da hayatını riske attığı uyarısında bulunan Öztürk, şöyle devam etti: "Suyun kırmızı renge bürünmesine sebep olan plankton patlamalarında deniz suyundaki oksijen düştüğü için özellikle toplu balık ölümleri olabiliyor. Değişik renkteki pigment maddeleri ve planktonların salgıladığı maddeler denizde yaşayan canlılar için ya stres kaynağı oluyor ya da onu yiyen başka bir türü öldürüyor. Plankton patlamalarının her zaman deniz ekosistemine zararı var ve bunların bir kısmı da zehirlidir. Fitoplanktonla beslenen istiridyeler ve midyeler insanlar tarafından tüketildiğinde zehirlenmelere ve ölümlere neden olabilir." - "Marmara Denizi'ni korursak hem Ege'yi hem Karadeniz'i korumuş olacağız" Marmara Denizi'nin biyolojik koridor ve geçiş bölgesi olduğunu ve biyolojik çeşitliliğin korunması ve biyolojik koridorun kapanmaması için Marmara Denizi'nin ve Adalar'ın korunması gerektiğini vurgulayan Öztürk, "Denizel biyoçeşitliliği, hangi deniz olursa olsun koruyacağız ama önce Marmara Denizi'ni korumamız lazım çünkü burayı korursak hem Ege'yi hem Karadeniz'i korumuş olacağız. Marmara'nın özel çevre koruma alanı ilan edilmesi çok iyi bir gelişme oldu, bu, birçok olumsuzluğu kontrol altına alacaktır." değerlendirmesini yaptı. Alg ve plankton patlamalarının önceden tespiti ve tahmini için dünyanın birçok yerinde çalışmalar yürütüldüğünü aktaran Öztürk, denizi korumak için atık su arıtmasının düzgün yapılması ve şehirleşmenin önlenmesi gerektiğinin altını çizdi. Ötrofikasyonun kontrol altına alınabilmesi için arıtma sistemlerinin güçlendirilmesi, sayılarının ve kapasitelerinin artırılması, denetimlerin sıkılaştırılması önerisinde bulunan Öztürk, bu konuda devlet kurumlarının üniversitelerle işbirliği yapması gerektiğini ifade etti. - Karadeniz'deki renk değişimi Karadeniz'de önceki hafta yaşanan renk değişimini de hatırlatan Öztürk, "Buradaki, kokolitofor grubundaki fitoplanktonların neden olduğu renk değişimidir. Görünen çok fazla zararı olmasa da bu, ekosistemin dengeden saptığını gösterir. Bir canlı grubu denizde aşırı bir şekilde ürüyorsa, 'Suda ne eksik ne fazla?' diye düşünüp, bakmak lazım. Bu yüzden deniz araştırmaları çok önemlidir, daha fazla insan istihdam edilmesi gerekir, Türkiye'nin geleceği denizlerdedir." değerlendirmesini yaptı. Read the full article
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wally-b-feed · 2 months
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Alg Gar Hiri, 2024
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