topfjala · 1 year
Musk tregon se çfarë din për ekzistencën e alienëve
Musk tregon se çfarë din për ekzistencën e alienëve
Miliarderi Elon Musk e pranoi të martën se nuk e din nëse ekzistojnë alienët dhe se ai nuk do të ishte në gjendje ta mbante sekret nëse do të zbuloheshin. https://sunconsulting.al/ekonomiste-per-biznesin-2/ NE MERREMI ME DETYRIMET E BIZNESIT TUAJ, JU FOKUSOHENI NË ATË QË DINI TË BËNI MË MIRË.  EKONOMIST-I JONË MERRET ME TË GJITHA DETYRIMET TATIMORE DHE LIGJORE TË BIZNESIT TUAJ.PO! JAM GATI TË…
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Flufftober 2023
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Day 13: Falling asleep against them [Reader x Jasper] {Steven Universe/ Future}
Steven was still getting used to the fact that Jasper would randomly show up at his house for no other reason than to hang out with you. It was doubly weird to him given that you were a human like him, not exactly like him but close enough that the collapse of the Diamond authority wasn't too long ago. Seeing gems mingling with humans was still a foreign concept to him given how long it took for Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst to do so.
But here you were, the only other person besides Connie who was even allowed near the temple for some bizarre reason. And sitting in Jasper's lap no less, watching a movie on your phone.
As much as he wished you'd ignore him, "Oh hey Steven, what's up?"
"Hm? Oh, nothing [Name]. Just passing through, need to use the portal is all." He shuffled awkwardly to the stairs, not liking the look he was getting from Jasper, "What are you guys doing here?"
"Watching a movie." Jasper answered, "About this massive green guy getting stranded on some weird gladiator world."
"Oh, cool. Cool." Steven couldn't leave fast enough there was no polite way to ask you two to leave, "Uh, if Connie comes by could you tell her I went to Homeworld again?"
"Sure thing!"
Steven scurried off, it was so weird. You were practically pure sunshine versus Jasper being a literal bully. But at least she wasn't trying to hunt Steven down and call him 'Rose' anymore.
You wiggled, stretching a bit in Jasper's lap before leaning back against her chest. It was weird how a being made of light felt like it had genuine mass behind it. But then again, it wasn't like Jasper was like the typical gemstones typical found on Earth. There was some kind of alienetic component that made her a sentient gem after all.
"So, this planet..." Jasper shifted, resting an arm in your lap, "Do you think it still exists?"
"Uh... I don't think it ever existed in the first place." You tilted your head back at her, "It was created to be a purely fictional place, at least I think it was. Not sure how many humans know there is alien life. At least outside of Beach City."
Jasper hummed softly, watching the screen intently. You could only sit back and relax. Not that it was a difficult task, just one that made you sleepy.
Before Jasper could ask something else about the movie, she heard you snoring. Glancing down, she saw how you'd fallen fast asleep. Weird, considering how you seemed perfectly awake a few moments ago. Or maybe you'd been exhausted from something else and she just failed to notice. Either way, she let you be.
There were worse fates than having an... unreasonably cute human fall asleep in her lap like this. It wasn't like Jasper needed sleep after all...
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dop0 · 1 year
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The INNER FEELING of an ALienETED person.
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nailsandinspo · 2 years
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funkylittledemon · 3 years
Theres no alloaro pride. Theres posts about how we need to be included and posts about how we are valid but there's very little pride posts. I want to yell about my identity, let people know I'm proud to be me, show people who I am!! And it's hard to do that she you're allo aro because so much focus is put on being aroace, or on the ace spectrum that it just makes you feel weird about yelling about the people you find attractive. Don't get me wrong, it's great that aces have pride!! But I don't want to feel alienetated in my own community! I should be able to find people being proud of being alloaro when scrolling through the aro tag! We exist, we fuck, and we should be allowed to be proud!! And before people get all their knickers in a twist I'm not suggesting we're special because we have sex, or feel sexual attraction, I'm saying that we should be able to be proud of that attraction without feeling ashamed, or like it's dirty or bad to feel sexual attraction without the romance!
Idk this is just a word vomit ig. I look at the alloaro tag, or search alloaro into Pinterest looking for pride edits and all I find is asexual stuff. Every other post was tagged asexual and sure, it was relevant in some but come on!! We aren't asexual! Surely it's just clogging the ace tag up?!
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zmayadw · 2 years
Eh, so, this is a bit of a personal rant/vent, feel free to skip it.
I might delete it later, for now, just felt like posting it.
I feel...Duskwood empty 😩 Ok, let me try to explain it more detailed.
For quite long now, I'm struggling hard to find any sign of that spark of joy or excitement I used to have for Duskwood. But honestly, I'm failing miserably at it. 😔 And it's not getting any better.
I have two started fics since I posted my last Duskwood (Christmas) oneshot (and honestly, I even struggled to finish that one, too), but every time I make any atempt to continue them, I just end up staring numbly at the screen and eventually give up. And believe me, it's not like I have a complete writing block or something, because I wrote an over 4k words piece not Duskwood related in two days (no this is not a brag, just trying to make a point with it), so yeah, that's not the case. It's just, I don't feel "it" when it comes to Duskwood, and I hate that feeling. I still love seeing other people art/fics/memes or whatsnot, but when it comes for me to try something, the feeling just...vanishess.
I know what you might say - don't force yourself, take a break, do something else etc. Well, I am, I have been doing it, but it's not helping, and I get a sense it's getting me even more alieneted from Duskwood. 😣And that is exactly what I want to avoid in a first place. Because as I said, I still love Duskwood, I'm really looking forward for the next episode (even if it is the last one), but at the same time I feel nothing.
I don't know, maybe I'm just exaggerating and it's just a phase that will pass soon, and I might delete this post later, but for now it just felt good to me to let this all out, even if noone will read it.
Anyhow, if by some unknown reason you did read it, thank you for taking your time to do so💚 So, take care, much hugs to all, and hope you'll have a nice day/night💚
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• GAMER • . . . Eu amo jogar videogame, quem me conhece sabe bem, não sou fã dos pcs... fico mais com console! O meu preferido (óbvio) é o play station, acho que aproveitei todas as gerações dele! E vocês? Qual curtem mais? Tem menina gamer aqui no meu insta? Comenta aí embaixo qual seu jogo preferido! * Eu e a @machado.tarsis agora estamos jogando Alienetion para o PS4 e vocês? (em Curitiba, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_lLOWWFrhb/?igshid=zwyckahnq0r8
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helmzambaku · 4 years
A deshiron te flasim bashk per atomet alienet dhe yjet?
me shkruaj.
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topfjala · 1 year
“Udhëtari në kohë” i TikTok pretendon se alienët do të pushtojnë Tokën nesër dhe do të rrëmbejnë 8000 njerëz
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Një 'udhëtar në kohë' i TikTok-ut, thotë se alienët do të zbarkojnë nesër - dhe ata do të marrin 8,000 njerëz me vete. https://sunconsulting.al/ekonomiste-per-biznesin-2/ Jemi në linjë, mos ngurroni të shkruaniKliko këtu dhe na shkruani në WHATSAPP Një tjetër person që pretendon se është nga e ardhmja, ka dalë përpara në platformë për të informuar botën për pushtimin e afërt të së enjtes, shkruan Mirror, përcjell Bota sot. Përdoruesi Eno Alaric, i cili njihet edhe si @theradianttimetraveller, ka grumbulluar më shumë se 350,000 ndjekës, teksa shpjegon se çfarë na pret përpara. Parashikimi i së nesërmes është për ekstra tokësorë - dhe kini kujdes, ata nuk janë tip miqësor. Fatkeqësia e pashmangshme është afër, por alienët nuk duket se janë ata që do të vrasin planetin tonë, sipas udhëtarit të vet-shpallur të kohës. https://www.tiktok.com/@radianttimetraveler/video/7187050231274442030?embed_source=71112494121331973120811592120810756nullembed_card_play&refer=embed&referer_url=www.botasot.infospeciale-lajme1965159udhetari-ne-kohe-i-tiktok-pretendon-se-alienet-do-te-pushtojne-token-neser-dhe-do-te-rrembejne-8000-njerez&referer_video_id=7210575479039118638 "Po, unë jam një udhëtar i vërtetë në kohë, bota së shpejti do të përfundojë," shkruhet në përshkrimin e videos të publikuar nga udhëtari i pretenduar i vitit 2714. "Një specie aliene shumë armiqësore po vjen për të marrë përsëri Tokën, ne nuk do të fitojmë." “Një tjetër i huaj, bota e të cilit u shkatërrua nga armiqtë, do të shpëtojë disa prej nesh. Më 23 mars 2023, rreth 8,000 njerëz do të dërgohen në një planet tjetër të banueshëm”, shtohet në video. Si ndihmë, përdoruesi i mediave sociale sqaroi: "Për të qenë të qartë, Toka nuk përfundon më 23 Mars, kjo është kur Kampioni i sjell njerëzit në planetin tjetër." https://www.tiktok.com/@radianttimetraveler/video/7204965268429229354?embed_source=71112494121331973120811592120810756nullembed_card_play&refer=embed&referer_url=www.botasot.infospeciale-lajme1965159udhetari-ne-kohe-i-tiktok-pretendon-se-alienet-do-te-pushtojne-token-neser-dhe-do-te-rrembejne-8000-njerez&referer_video_id=7210941970280123691 Nëse jeni të zënë nesër dhe jeni të shqetësuar se mund të humbisni, nuk jeni i vetmi. Një person shkroi në komente: “Këtë të enjte? Po rregulloj frenat e dorës, a do të ndodhë pushtimi pasi të kem paguar apo më parë.” Krijuesi ka bërë më parë paralajmërime për planetët binjakë me Tokën, vizitorët e huaj dhe madje portalet që hapen në dimensione të tjera. Edhe pse bota është e dënuar me katastrofë, ai ende thotë se ka një tjetër pandemi globale në rrugë. Në videon e javës së kaluar, e cila ka fituar më shumë se 3,000 pëlqime, ai pretendon se virusi do të shfaqet pasi kapakët e akullit polar do të shkrihen për shkak të ngrohjes globale Read the full article
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olss1 · 6 years
Kur Alienet kalojne e nuk ndalojne te na takojne
Se i friksojme se jemi specie qe vet-veten e shkaterojme
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portalickemi · 3 years
Rrefimi i nje gruaje si me rrembyen Alienet, Kam provarembyen Aliene.t
Rrefimi i nje gruaje si me rrembyen Alienet, Kam provarembyen Aliene.t
Një grua denoncoi në mediat amerikane se është rrëmbyer nga alienët më shumë se 52 herë në jetën e saj dhe thotë se ka prova të shenjave që u kanë lënë në trupin e saj. 50-vjeçarja nga Bradford, tha se takimi i saj i pare me jashtëtokësoret ndodhi kur ajo ishte vetëm gjashtë vjeç. Parlamenti Smith tregon se ka ‘heshtur’ në lidhje me takimet për pjesën më të madhe të jetës së saj. “Ka pasur…
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direclown · 3 years
About the yggdrasil network
About the yggdrasil network
Most of the posts here, with regard to anonymity networks, have talked about Tor, I2P, Freenet, and/or ZeroNet. Even so, a recent commenter on the post Dos and Don’ts of the Tor Browser had said “You forgot to mention lokinet, yggdrasil, and alienet.” Therefore, it seemed appropriate to do a series on some of the less well known anonymity networks. Yggdrasil is a fully end-to-end encrypted IPv6…
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clevermind1 · 4 years
Independence Day Me titra shqip ne (DVDShqip.com): Independence Day - Amerikë, në prag të festimeve për Ditën e Pavarësisë, është perceptuar një sinjal radio që vjen nga jashtë hapësirës tokësore. Alienet vijnë dhe qëllimi i tyre është për të pushtuar dhe shkatërruar. Presidenti i ri Tomas J. Uitmor njofton në televizion se alienët janë shpërndarë në të gjithë botën: mesazhi shkakton panik! Arma më e mirë e njeriut është vullneti për të mbijetuar....
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Per ta pare kliko ketu: https://dvdshqip.com/movie/180-independence-day
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r4-dick-le · 6 years
Razors Rusty Edge
I hardly post anymore, let alone a personal post but i just dont know what to do who to turn to nothing. ive slipped into the worst depression and my anxiety kills me constantly. to the point that ive alieneted everyone. i can see the judgment in all my friends eyes, my parents, siblings... like everyone. i cant even be happy anymore without my rock (Boyfriend) to give me the streangth i need. i havnt thought about hurting myself in over 4 years just these last two weeks ive had to stop with the razor pressed against my leg because these last two weeks ive lost everything i thought i had ever acheived. everything i cant keep up relationships with my family or friends. i have my fight with my body image and when im okay about myself everyone starts to mention im to skinny and keep pestering me about that so i over eat purge stop eating for days intake to much alcahol and repeat. i cant do the things that i know will make me feel better because then im thought to be crazy and psycho when ive had proof my family has invaded my emails my phone like i have never thouhgt so much about doing somethign awful to mysels as i do now. but i cant because then id leave my beautiful angel behind. i promised him the world ive sacrificed so much to show him how much ive always cared about him. i dont think i can do this alone but im scared im even more fucked up than i think. any sort of identity i once had has gone into the dump and im left feeling like the scraps that not even flies want to approach. and i have no one no one i can say this to because they become another person that starts to worry for me and thats not what i need. i just need an ear someone besides the voices to listen. they dont stop till i drown them out one way or another. i dont know which voice will be the next to go. will it be mine?
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biblotekainfo-blog · 5 years
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thug-of-albania · 7 years
Medon se alienet ekzistojne? 🙃
Them se po
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