#along with everybody else in team jnpr
Weird RWBY Headcanons that make no sense pt.2
Note: Still in my happy little land of “Nothing Bad Ever Happened” because I am in denial during hiatuses. This one is kind of long, my bad.
Jaune played softball (yes, softball. no, not baseball.). He was really good at it too. His mom still has pictures of him from every year he was on the team. They’re all on the fridge at his family’s home.
Jaune’s sisters got him into Taylor Swift at a young age, and he still listens to her as a guilty pleasure.
Ruby’s a skater kid. She got rusty when she went to Beacon due to getting swamped down by work, but she used to be “One of the best,” according to Yang at least. She used to scare the hell out of Qrow and Tai, because she would come home covered in scrapes and bruises, but what could they do? Say no to her? To Ruby? Yeah, that wasn’t happening.
Weiss will say some of the most out of pocket stuff without thinking about it and then immediately regret it. The thing is that the severity of the comments are inconsistent.
So sometimes she’ll say the most spoiled rich kid stuff, like, “Why can’t they just buy a new one?” before getting a side eye look from Blake and correcting herself and pointing out how the comment was insensitive.
Other times it’ll just be stuff where you question where it came from, like, there’s dead silence then Weiss just says, “If you think about it, Dante’s Inferno is just Bible fanfic.” And then nobody knows what to do with that, so they just stay silent, which ultimately leads to Weiss quietly apologizing and everyone telling her she doesn’t need to.
Or, she’ll say stuff like, “Yeah, I think my dad hit me once,” then get the saddest looks from Yang, Blake, and Ruby, and follow it up with, “Oh, I said something sad again, didn’t I?” and getting slow, concerned nods in return.
There are a lot of mumbled apologies from Weiss because of this, which means there’s also a lot of Ruby, Blake, and Yang panicking and telling her it’s not necessary.
Similarly, Nora will occasionally just drop the wisest or deepest things anyone’s every heard, just out of nowhere. Like, someone will be talking about life and then Nora will just chime in with, “Yeah, that’s the crazy thing about life. It’s very big and you’re very small, and ultimately when you die the world will continue on without you, but also in a sense, it won’t. There’s a strange beauty to it. A weird mixture of grief and survival,” and everybody will just sit slack-jawed and questioning their perception of her until right after she goes, “Can I just call potatoes pre-fries?”
There’s a running joke about Ren being the best wife/husband (they’re used interchangeably). He’ll make flower crowns, cook breakfast, do household chores, etc. This ends up confusing the hell out of the rest of the school for a moment because RWBY, JNP_, Sun, and Neptune are all calling Ren their husband/wife, and nobody can figure out who’s actually dating Ren.
Adding onto that, it is a known fact around the school that, at this point, nobody asks who’s dating who when it comes to RWBY, JNPR, Sun, and Neptune, they’re all just weirdly close and everyone just accepts it.
One time, Yang made a joke about starting a band with Jaune and Sun and calling it The Blondies 3.0. Then, Jaune asked why 3.0 instead of 2.0, which Sun responded to with “So we can kick one out and then rebrand.” Soon there was a whole plot line on what albums they would make, how the break up would go, who would get kicked out, there was even a plan for a failed comeback. The only that stopped them was Blake and Pyrrha.
Ilia’s an astronomy nerd. I know we know, like, nothing about her parents, but I like to think that’s where it came from. Like, they used to teach her about the stars and the universe, and after they died Ilia just kind of held onto to it, because it was all she had left of her parents. She’s not super into astrology, though she does know the constellations and their stories. (Blake is kind of the astrology to Ilia’s astronomy)
Kids and stray animals love Ilia, and she has no idea why. Like, kids will just kind of follow her around and hug her ankles and ask her to tell them stories about the constellations or the White Fang, and she will. And stray animals will come up and give puppy eyes, then suddenly she’s buying dog treats. The kids and the animals know why they love her, but she’s got no clue.
I like to think Ilia is very similar to Qrow in a couple of aspects, specifically love language type stuff. Like, when you do something stupid, she will call you an idiot for it and she will never let you live it down, but she’ll also check to make sure you’re ok and not physically injured in some way. She’s also a nickname collector, and has one for everybody (except for Penny and a few other because they very seriously requested that she stop, which she respects).
Multiple guys have tried to trip up Pyrrha when it comes to her mythology knowledge, since a lot of her actions allude to Achilles. They fail miserably every time due to the fact that Pyrrha just genuinely does enjoy fairytales and mythology. Occasionally, RWBY, JNR, Sun, or Neptune will just ask her about it just so she can talk about it because it makes her happy.
A lot of people in the White Fang had little to no education when it came to Grimm, so there are nicknames for different Grimm. (Ex. Beowolves = Hellhounds, Boarbatusk = Demon Hogs, Lancers = Steroid Wasps, Death Stalkers = Big Boy/Ole Crawlers, etc.)
Vacuo is pretty similar due to their isolation. So, Ilia, Blake, and Sun will talk about Grimm using nicknames, and nobody will know what their talking about.
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rachetmath · 3 years
Favorite (Characters)
Ruby: *barges in* RatchetMath!
Me: What is it Ruby?
Ruby: You’re showing favoritism.
Me: Okay. And?
Ruby: You need to stop. Why not draw us for once?
Me: Hm, maybe because I like Jaune more. Hell I like Penny and Neo more than you or your team.
Ruby: Why?!
Me: Because your team is horrible.
Ruby: So is team JNPR!
Me: Yeah, but only because they have to follow you. They have some individuality but we don’t explore that as much. Plus, your team would be dead without them. But you know what Ruby, I would rather draw Yang, Blake or any other character except Weiss than you right now.
Ruby: What?! But I’m-
Me: The main character that barely does main character things. Woman, Salem was in Atlas! Why was she not your top priority? Why was James your problem?
Ruby: Um well…
Me: Ruby, she knows your mother! She might know what happened to her! I get Yang was some levels your mom but shouldn’t learning what happened to your actual mom be just as important? Especially after that dark memory.
Ruby: That is true.
Me: You have silver eyes but you still don’t know how to use them. There was army of grimm around Mantle and that would have been good practice. And a better solution than Ren.
Ruby: But then I be overpowered.
Me: No. Ruby your silver eyes only work on one person. If someone sneaks up on you or doesn’t care about that light you give off then, you’re dead. Maria is proof on that.
Ruby: Um..
Me: Plus, the question that everyone in the audience could have an answer to is whether your silver eyes can even work on Salem. In all honesty, it proves the writer don’t keep track of the characters and their personalities to where they fit together in story. You know what I have been making skits, trying to be funny but… the jokes died. Look guys I-I’m sorry but… let me explain.
1. Ruby and Blake should have stayed in Mantle. Why?
1. Salem is the main villian. She knows Ruby’s mother. You know the same mother who left for a mission and didn’t come back. The same mother, who Ruby knows nothing about while everyone seems to have different perspectives of her. Or has a better clue on who she is, than Ruby herself. Plus wasn’t Salem after her too? She basically would be killing two birds with one stone by kidnapping Oscar and giving Ruby a reason to see her. That way Ruby isn’t assuming what happened to her mother. Let Salem antagonize Ruby. (Question: Can silver eyes work on Salem?)
2. Perfect training for silver eyes. Let’s face it, Ren proved to us he can mask a bunch of people without Jaune’s help. All he needed was concentration. However, Ruby is more effective because silver eyes seem to be able to destroy multiple grimm on sight. And with lives on the line that gives Ruby plenty of reason to start using them.
3. Ren calling Ruby out on her issues. Look I loved how Ren was willing to tell the truth, but him revealing Jaune cheated Beacon was… weak. Reason being it relates to Jaune’s character and Ren still follows Jaune’s orders. However, Ruby, who is supposed to be a prodigy because she came to Beacon two years ahead of her class, has not proven once that she is worthy of such praise. The only reason-The ONLY reason Ruby was enrolled into Beacon was her silver eyes. Ruby even in volume one has been nothing but liability. Initiations, she almost dies from a Stinger. Stake out, she almost got run over by a truck and it ended in failure. First mission, she gets kidnapped and almost destroyed a city block. Roman, a man with no semblance or aura continues to beat her four times in a row. And it gets worse. Ruby almost got her uncle killed. She was the first to get knocked out by Emerald. Almost dies by a robot and Godzilla. And the moment she arrived in Atlas her first move was to lie to James. She didn’t even try to stop Tyrian when she saw him. She had her gun with her too. Ren is not her sister, he might as well tell her the facts so she can do better.
4.  Blake is Faunus. Mantle hates faunuses. Why not have Blake help them to prove faunuses are people too? Let Blake represent her people. I mean Velvet and Sun represent faunses more than she does her whole existence. Blake also can relate to Ren’s problem. How? Blake was a part of the White Fang, so there were expectations she had to fulfill. Especially when trying to measure up to Adam. However, she explains the longer she was in the White Fang, the more she found out how messed up and extremely bias it was. Including with Adam to the point she decided to leave. She even states she was lucky that Yang even forgave her after all the trouble she caused her. Blake challenged her bias nature, and it made her stronger for it. Blake would be basically telling Ren the more he tries to live up to someone else’s expectations, without seeing their flaws, the more he loses touch with himself and everyone around him.
5.  Oscar shouldn’t have been able break out of Salem on his own: I’m sorry but… Oscar got beat up. Took a magic beam to the chest. Had to switch between him and Ozpin and mind you he had no aura to help him. He should be tired and unable to move. (In my opinion, this kid was given too much screen time. At first I was worried about him but now I’m wondering why was I worrying at all.)
2. Jaune and Yang should have gone to Atlas.
1. Penny is basically Pyrrha in the opposite light. Penny’s special because she’s a robot with a soul, a mind of her own and an attitude to prove it. She is just as human as everyone else, but no one seems to treat her as such. James only sees her as something of a weapon. Pietro treats her like child even though she’s more mature than the rest of the female cast, except Maria. And now with maiden powers, everyone is out casting Penny even more. Jaune is perfect for her because he has experience with this kind of issue. However, he would’ve had to take different route to the situation considering his failure with Pyrrha last time they had discussion on maiden powers or responsibilities (Destiny.).
2. Jaune already has been a part of maiden business since volume three. His reason to be with Penny would be make sure she doesn’t meet the same fate as Pyrrha or Amber. Not just for himself but for others around him. Especially since Cinder was in Atlas and is willing to hunt her down for the maiden powers. And James was willing to turn Penny into a soulless machine to follow his every command. (Actually, Watts is more a fault considering he hates Pietro.). James and Cinder are also opposite to Jaune in some ways.  James earned his position and earned respect from his military. Jaune on the other hand cheated, and unlike James might not have everybody’s respect. Cinder treats her allies like tools. And with power she just consumes and gives nothing return. Jaune however treats his allies like family. And instead of just taking power he gives power to others around him. He’s the reason Cinder has maiden powers. So, him making it his personal mission to make sure Cinder doesn’t get more power only increases his resolve to protect Penny. (Especially since he already had to kill her in the canon finale.)  In other words, James and Cinder purposed a challenge to Jaune. Can he pervert history from repeating itself? Can he really protect the maiden powers? Is he truly worthy of being a huntsman? What is he willing to risk in achieving his goal? (Also let’s be clear. Hazel beat Oscar down for the password to the relic. James shot the kid and was willing to let him fall to his death. Qrow intentionally punched the kid.  I don’t care if it was for Ozpin, he still punched Oscar. Lion before even knowing Oscar was Ozpin reincarnation was already about kill him anyways. All Jaune did was push him to a wall. Yes, Jaune still would have hurt Oscar, but he didn’t. He walked away.)  
3.  A lot of the situations could’ve been avoided or mattered if Jaune was there. Don’t believe me? Well let me explain. Was Ruby the only option when sneaking pass Central Command? No, because they had Weiss, Nora and Penny. Weiss could have done a freezer burn like in her fight with Marrow. Or Nora could have thrown her grenades and Penny just shoots them before the hit the ground or damage anything. Both causing a smoke screen, so no one sees them. Plus, they were already caught by using Pietro credentials. Did Nora need to get knocked out for the team to escape? No. If she had Jaune with her they could’ve one caused an EMP wave being Jaune has gravity and Nora has lightning. Or two, if Nora still went through with it, Jaune would have healed her immediately. Penny lifting and keeping the arena in place. If Jaune and Weiss were with her then once Amity was in position, Weiss with Jaune’s assistances can keep it place so Penny can come back inside and the whole video could be played. Also, Pietro would know what was going on with his daughter and can properly explain how to fix her. (Better than Jaune healing her.)
4. Nora’s whole character is knowing who she is without Ren right? Then why not just have her lead the evacuation once she’s done with Atlas? Why not have her and Yang work together along with the happy huntress to evacuate Mantle? Especially if their friends disappeared to save Oscar. (And before ya’ll tell me they can’t do it….. Yang, blocked a punch from a mech, held off a Manticore, and has a semblance that literally lets her take damage and dish it back five times harder. Nora who literally crushed Weiss and Yang in a food fight. Knocked a giant horse down on its knee. And knocked Hazel away.  Are you seriously saying these girls are not enough to take on a few little tigers? Come on!) If the whole point of Nora’s character development was finding out more about herself then let Nora try something without Ren. Let her call the shots. Let her take charge. Give her a character. (Hell don’t stop there. Have her interact with other characters. Like Jaune. Yang. Weiss. Or anyone other character than Ren. Let them tell her what they think about her. Let Nora be a solution to a character’s struggle. Ya’ll make it sound like Nora has no friends.)
5. All Yang needed was a break from Ruby and Blake. In all honesty Yang should have been the one to see the hounds face and kill it. Why? Well Ruby is Yang’s sister and only reminder of her nonblood related mother. And Blake is her girlfriend. And if we saw the hound’s face, we know it’s not just a silver eyed person. It’s also a faunus. This will give her a reason to protect both her loved ones because by seeing the hound she knows Salem intention with Ruby and want to keep her, and Blake from meeting the same fate of being turned into monsters. Yang should’ve been the 2nd to 4th member of team RWBY to fall. Why? One, a Yang vs Neo fight. Two, Cinder and Neo both wanted Ruby dead. So why not get rid of Ruby first? The fights would have been more thrilling and seeing the character, the show is named after, presumed to be dead would have added stakes and tension to the fight. (Also let me say this. Why is it, that the only great display of the maiden powers I’ve ever seen, was from Amber and not the maidens, as of now, Winter, Raven, and Cinder? The maiden powers are basically magic right? Why isn’t Cinder using any other element than fire?)
6. Weiss was completely useless. Look, as the saying goes, “You can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family.” And when it came to Weiss and family, she has little to no clue of what it is nor deserves it. Weiss should have been more of an inspiration for Whitley to do right. How? By simply talking to him. What reason would she have other than Mantle? Simple, he’s her brother and she started off like him. Beacon, she was a brat. She was arrogant. And more importantly a jerk. Blake ran because of her racist attitude. Ruby literally had to impress her to prove she can be leader. Even though Weiss is not leadership martial herself.  Plus, hearing May and how she and her family never resolved their issues should inspire Weiss to not repeat that mistake. And guess what, her mom, Willow, the drinker of the family, wasn’t wrong. Both her and Winter left Whitley alone. Klein wasn’t there for him either. All Whitley had was his father. So Weiss, actually acting like his sister and trying to help him allows him to feel less alone. Instead Weiss was complete Jacque through out the entire volume.  
And that’s all.  Look I know I should have seen this coming but I had to say it.  Volume 8 could’ve been good. The problem was.
1.       Characters are not placed well within the story.
2.       We lost track of who said characters are.
3.       The ships are in the way.
4.       Being dumb for the plot. (Sometimes it’s necessary.)
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of-muppets-and-men · 5 years
Her Mother?
Although Atlas may have been the land of stuck-up pricks, no one would ever dare deny its beauty. It’s decadent buildings and towers; as posh and lavish as its citizens. Though it may have been freezing on a good day, Atlas did have the most breathtaking view of the horizon out of any of the four kingdoms. And enjoying said brilliance was Qrow branwen and Maria Calavera.
It had been a few days since their dramatic meeting with Ironwood, and their group was thankfully given a few days grace. After the many times they nearly died; everyone was more than willing to relax. Ruby and Weiss had gone to visit Winter and by extension, the Schnee Manor. Yang and Blake were with Professor Polendina, getting their weapons repaired. And the rest of Team JNPR alongside Ozcar, were exploring the rest of Atlas; while trying not to bring too much attention to themselves.
Now that the “adults” were alone, Qrow and Maria decided to take to a lovely little cafe. Qrow, still shaking his Drinking habits, sat on the veranda, sipping away at his bitter coffee. Maria sat adjacent to him, helping shake his vice by cracking him over the head with her cane every time he reached for his flask. The veteran huntsman grumbled at his idol, rubbing the growing bruise on the back of his head; all the while, Maria kept a smug grin plastered on her face.
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” He complained loudly.
“Perhaps.” She grinned devilishly while stirring her tea.
Annoyed, Qrow laid his half finished and criminally overpriced latte back on it’s serving dish. He slunked back into his chair and stared back out to the horizon, hoping to feel some level of ease. But even though the relic was as safe as it was going to get; he couldn’t shake his feelings of grief. He contemplated on his time as Ozpin’s left eye. Years upon years of service, all the people he’s killed, all the friends he’s lost, and for what? Piece of mind knowing a mystic lantern is safe? What a joke. All those broken families for a lost cause. His thoughts continually ate at him, as they always did; the same voice in his head screaming the words ‘It’s your fault’ at him like some twisted mantra. Being the wiser of the two, Maria could tell something was bothering him.
“Y’know that niece of yours is quite something Qrow.” She said, hoping to interrupt his brooding.
“What?” he answered, understandably confused “Where’d that come from?”
“Just a simple observation. Her skill with her weapon is extraordinary.” Maria remarked honestly “Ruby’s nearly as good as I was when I was her age. She must have had an incredible teacher.”
Qrow blushed earnestly at his hero, honoured yet embarrassed by her praise. Never in his life did he think The Grimm Reaper herself would compliment his teaching ability. Maria was relieved her compliment worked; he’d been down since the battle in Argus and his withdrawals weren’t helping him either. It was nice to see his spirits lifted for once.
“You should be proud.”
“I am.” Qrow grinned “I’ve always been proud of her. I’m sure her mom would be too.”
“Her Mother?” 
The old crow’s eyes noticeably widened. He thought about Summer all the time, more than he probably should have, that's for sure. But he’d always managed to keep it to himself. Damn Semblance.
“Uhh yeah...” He awkwardly replied.
“ You’ve never mentioned her before? And now that I think about it… Neither has Ruby.”
A lull of silence fell upon the pair. 
Every word his Idol spoke stung at his heart. Summer had died nearly 14 years ago and yet the idea of her not being here was still hard for him to swallow. Or worse still, Ruby barely even remembering her own mother. It didn’t feel real; he didn’t want it to be real, so much so, he spent those same 14 years drinking away his grief. His abstinence was bringing many things he thought he’d locked in his subconscious. Maria sat idly, knowing she’d likely touched an old wound.
Qrow forced out a weary response, the buried emotion taking shape on his face for the first time in years.
“Well Ruby was still pretty small when Summer…” He breathed, though unable to say the last word.
“Ohh, I see. Forgive me. I should’ve known.”
The air became more uncomfortable as the minutes ticked by. The quiet between the two worsened, spoiling Qrow’s coffee and mood to boot. Qrow, slipping back into his chair, let out a solemn sigh. His hand instinctively reached for his flask. Maria thought it cruel to crack him over the head for having to remember such a thing. So as he went to unscrew the cap, Maria did the only thing she could think of.
“Y’know Qrow. Before you disappoint your niece. How about we talk about…” Maria opened with “Hmm, what her name again? Oh yes, Summer.” 
“Hmm? Why would want to know of all people?” Qrow answered, offense lacing his words.
“Consider it an Old woman’s curiosity. Plus I’m interested to know what she meant to you and Ruby.”
“That’s it?”
“Well, you did go back on your word as soon as you mentioned her. So she must mean something, right?”
The Old hunter was a bit astonished that Maria had figured him out so quick. He wanted to argue, to dispute her, but she was right. Sure he may casually drunk during his days at Beacon, but it was never a problem till… that day. His annoyance turned to melancholy as his mind delved into the past. Remembering when things were so much less complicated; when things were good… better than they are now.
But with a shaky breath and tense hands, he began: “Summer was… one of a kind.”
“She was the leader of my team. Back when I was just a punk kid at Beacon. Now, I had gotten pretty used to being on my own out in the wilds, so the whole “team” thing didn’t sit well with me. Or Raven for that matter. And on top of that my semblance just caused problems wherever I went, so I tried my damnedest to distance myself from the others.”
“Tried?” Maria interjected curiously.
“Yeah, tried would be the word,” Qrow chuckled “No matter what I tried, Sum wasn’t having it. She’d hunt me across campus to get me to participate in group studies, training sessions and whatever else she had for us. Hmph. It was kind of incredible how persistent she was. But then again, she was always uniquely strong-willed.”
The old huntsman shifted forward in his seat, sighing loudly. His hands rubbed together, jittering with anxiety. Knowing full well how this story ended; he struggled against the urge to reach for his flask. Grabbing his coffee as his only option, Qrow took a slow yet deliberate sip of the morning brew before setting it back down to speak again.
“Annoying as it may have been, I slowly strayed away less and less. I stopped altogether when she said something I honestly never thought I would hear. Care to know?”
“Do tell.”
“We’re a team, Qrow. We need you; I need you.” Qrow recalled with a delicate smile “I’d never been told that up until then. It was… nice to feel wanted.”
The old woman had never seen Qrow smile so often or so brightly before. Tempting as it may have been to tease him about opening up, Maria decided to let have his peace. He definitely needed it more than he let on; not that he’d ever admit it.
Maria then remarked with a posthumous compliment, “She must have been lovely.”
“That she was,” Qrow reaffirmed “Sweetest person I’ve ever met. Hell of a baker too. Oh what I’d give to have some of her cookies just one more time.” 
Summer’s cookies. Such a precious and well guarded secret of his little leader. Everybody loved them; Teachers and students alike. Hell, even Raven couldn’t resist scarfing down a tray or two. Qrow and his sister often fought for the last one, while just Taiyang tried to steer clear of their warpath. Another thing he missed so earnestly, yet seemed to slip from his memory. He closed his eyes in an attempt to remember the sweet aroma. Leaning back in his chair yet again, the fragrance of freshly baked cookies drowned his thoughts; even the stupid, frilly apron Summer used to wear.
“Y’know, I may be going out on a limb here, but from how you’ve spoken about this girl, there’s really only one answer.”
“And that is?” He wondered curiously.
“You loved her, didn’t you?”
While his vermilion eyes sank to the floor, a sharp exhale escaped his chest: 
“Yeah… I did.”
A now weary Qrow reached for inside of his dress shirt. Maria feared it was his flask again, but was somewhat relieved when he pulled out a photo instead. Once brought into full view, Qrow caressed the picture of his team, the exact spot where Summer stood. The old woman resonated with the forlorn hunter as he stared longingly at the photo. She very well knew the grief behind the loss of loved ones and didn’t dare to judge him as he pressed the image against his brow. As tears began to form in his eyes, Maria placed her hand on his shoulder, for whatever comfort it could provide him.
“Well, At least I know why you care for Ruby so much.” Maria said dryly.
“Hmmm? What are you talking about?” replied Qrow, puzzled by her statement.
“Ruby isn’t really your niece, is she?”
“Uhhh not technically, no. She’s…”
“Your Daughter?”
The words echoed in Qrow’s mind. He stared blankly into the old woman’s mechanical eyes, trying to swallow an immovable lump in his throat. His breathing grew noticeably heavy, as Maria sat solemnly waiting for a reply. Qrow clutched the photo again, with both hands this time. As a single tear came down upon his lover’s likeness, a heavy sigh let out. A lie came undone and a bitter truth passed his lips.
“Yes. She is.”
“What?” a voice said from behind them.
Qrow’s head snapped and swiveled towards the all too familiar voice. His fears were realized when his gaze met that of Ruby’s; her silver eyes tainted by her sobs. The rest of Team RWBY and JNPR stood by her side, shock plastered on each of their faces. Yang was in disbelief; It couldn’t be true, could it? It had to be a lie...
Before Yang could come up with an answer she liked, Ruby raced past her in a flurry of red flower petals. JNPR gave chase along with Oscar, while Yang, Blake and Weiss continued to gawk. Yang moved first towards her Uncle, eyes red with rage. Qrow slowly stood up in response and barely flinched as she slapped hard across the cheek. The young huntress turned to her friends, shifting between anger and sadness. Yang walked towards the exit, Blake and Weiss following behind her, but not before giving Qrow the dirtiest looks they could manage. Qrow’s niece spoke defiantly as she walked down the stairs.
“C’mon. Let’s go find my Sister.”
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razorblade180 · 4 years
OC Test: Intro
Say hello and greet each other like if it’s school or something.
Valerie:Why was this not the first test? Why did we literally jump Carmine to get information out of her?
It was entertaining...
Yujin:Hello everybody! I’m Yujin Xiao Long, daughter of Jaune Arc and Yang Xiao Long. Nothing really special about me besides being awesome without any effort hehe. I like french toast and want to be known as an exceptional huntress by my own skills. Also I don’t really know my own mother that well but let’s not get into that.......
Tenzen:Why would you say that in a school like introduction?
Yujin:Shut up, it’s an impulse and it’s not actually school. Now do yours.
Tenzen:What’s everyone, Lie Tenzen is the name. I may or may not remind you of two amazing members of team JNPR known as Nora and Ren. *smiling* Hard to believe it myself actually. I like breakdancing, cooking, meditation, and being around the the coolest person in all of Remnant, Yujin. *puts arm around her*
Yujin:*red* Why am I apart of your intro?
Tenzen:Because you’re apart of my life.
Yujin:(I’m gonna marry the hell out of him) If you say so.
Jacquelyn:*waving enthusiastically* Might as well go next. I am Jacquelyn Frost, friends call me Jackie. Not really much to say about me honestly. For years I’ve traveled around the world, I’m infatuated with the stories of people’s lives, and somehow I managed to have a wonderful family. Two beautiful daughters and a handsome husband who I love dearly. *blushing*
Sienna:......and you’re the winter maiden.
Jacquelyn:Eh, I’m also that too. I guess that’s pretty interesting to someone.
Sienna:Geez, you’re so carefree sometimes it’s staggering. My name is Sienna Frost , no it’s not the name I was born with but it’s the one I own proudly. Currently in my early twenties but was adopted by the winter maiden and my father when I was six. I like to think I’m pretty nice and approachable as long as you’re not dumb or rude. Currently I’m living comfortably in Menagerie to help Blake create change. *tiger ears wiggle*
Jacquelyn:(That’s a nice way of putting it.)
Jael:My turn, I’m Jael Frost, the blood related child of Jacquelyn and Ad-.....I can say that here right?
Everyone:We already know you dork.
Jael:I was just making sure! Adam Taurus is my dad. I like fishing, training, and one day I hope I can make a world where I can tell people who my dad is without being afraid. I’m not ashamed to say I that love my dad and cherish the family I’m growing up in. I couldn’t ask for a better one. *gets hugged*
Jacquelyn:Aaaaawwwww my adorable little baby goat!
Jael:Stop squeezing!!!!! Can’t....breathe!
Nick:Okay it’s time for the coolest universe; pun absolutely intended. The name is Nicholas Schnee; yes I was named after my great grandfather. Eldest child of Weiss Schnee and Jaune Arc; heir time the SDC one day. Despite that that however, I’m pretty laid back and happy to be here with my twin sister. Looking forward to keep learning about all of you. You’re up sis!
Summer:Me!? Oh, well......what is there really to say hehe. I’m Summer Schnee, named after my aunt Ruby’s mother. Just so happens I am the younger twin by a couple of minutes which I will hear about my entire life. Anything warm and sweet tends to keep me in a good mood and I’m not a big fan of the cold; I hate it actually. Don’t mind me much, I’m sort of along for the ride. That being said, I never mind a casual conversation. Also I like singing and a few sports.
Valerie:*laying down* Is it my turn yet?
Summer:Yes it’s your turn Val.
Valerie:Kay, *sits up* I’m Valerie Valkyrie, some people call me Val and I have no problem being everyone’s pal because I’m that type of gal!
*multiples groans*
Tenzen:I want a redo on mine.
Valerie:Much like my fellow carrots top, my parents are Ren and Nora. Just in case the amazing face or insanely confident attitude went over your head. You ever need someone to raise a little chaos then I’m done for a good time.
Lucas:Salutations, I’m Blake and Jaune’s kid. I go by Lucas Belladonna and I’m a pretty straight forward guy. Not really a social butterfly unlike the most of you here but I can hold a conversation. Usually I keep to myself and just let the hours drift by.
Valerie:That must be boring.
Lucas:Not when you know how to sit still.
Carmine:*clears throat* Somehow I ended up last but that’s fine. As you all know by now, my name is Carmine Arc Rose.
Yujin and Summer:Hi Carmine!!!!
Carmine:*chuckles* Hello Yujin and Summer. I also enjoy singing; usually lullabies to my brother Garnet. Not a people person so friends aren’t something I can say I really have but that’s by me. I’ve been fortunate enough to have the guidance of many amazing people like you all I assume. Jaune Arc and Ruby Rose to name a couple. I like gardening and improving my skills constantly; a fight is where I’m truly the best version of myself. That and tucking Garnet into bed. As far as my dislikes go.... I guess it really comes down to awful people doing awful things.
Jacquelyn:Care to elaborate?
Carmine:I would if you didn’t already know exactly what I mean.
Jacquelyn:*nods* Interesting, we should go at it sometime. Test that metal of yours.
Carmine:One day, but not today. Don’t die in your world until then.
Jacquelyn:The feeling is mutual.
Everyone else:.........
Tenzen:Anyone else hear boss music?
Everyone else:Yes!
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