#alphabet lega
unpleasantsimms · 1 year
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The first task in the house is to put together a kava bowl! Camryn takes the lead on mixing the drink.
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dridsimsheart · 4 years
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bittermelody · 3 years
seorang gadis dan hariku hari ini
Ambarawa, 3 September 2021 friday, 08:05
semalam tepatnya dimalam jum’at seperti biasa aku menghabiskan waktuku untuk berbicara dengan seorang gadis, ya satu satunya gadis yang dengan senang hati mau menemaniku di hari-hariku yang sepi bak dunia tanpa adanya sebuah musik, kita terkadang bertelefon, berbicara meskipun hanya lewat teks tetapi itu cukup menghiburku dan cukup membuatku merasa tertemani, karena setidaknya ada seorang gadis atau manusia yang bisa aku ajak bicara dan bukannya pantulan diriku dicermin yang biasa aku ajak bicara. but she, she feels like my reflection kita memiliki banyak kesamaan, sifat kita juga tak jauh berbeda, aku bahkan bisa bicara dan mempercayakan kepadanya tentang hal-hal rahasia dalam arsip kehidupanku, yangmana bahkan orangtuaku tidak mengetahuinya.
ya dia satu satunya gadis yang berinteraksi dalam hidupku, kamu pasti tidak akan percaya jika kukatakan dia satu-satunya gadis yang ada dikehidupanku (selain ibu) aku tak punya bukti apapun untuk membuatmu percaya but, Tuhan tau semuanya, berdoalah dan bertanyalah kepada Tuhan karena dialah yang mengetahui setiap rekam jejak kehidupanku didunia ini dari ujung rambut hingga ujung kaki.
aku tau jika kutulis ini dia akan membacanya, tetapi aku tidak akan berlari lagi, aku lelah berlari dan bersembunyi dibawah bayangan, aku akan menunjukkan sisi diriku yang sebenarnya dan berdiri ditengah jalan ditengah hari.
tiap malam aku menunggunya untuk terlelap terlebih dahulu baru aku bisa memejamkan mata, dan aku terbangun terjaga sebelum dia terbangun, bahkan aku juga lah yang membangunkan sang mentari didalam tidurnya. kusebut namanya diserpetiga malam ditiap malam, dan kulanjutkan dengan membuka jendela dunia digital sambil menunggu waktu 2 rakaat subuh.
jari jariku menari-nari diatas kotak alphabet membentuk rangkaian kalimat, dengan ratusan bahkan ribuan kata dipandu oleh otakku bak penggembala dan dombanya, bak Tuhan dan ciptaannya, aku duduk dengan tegap ditemani dengan angin malam yang berhembus membelai kulitku dengan dinginnya yang menusuk lapisan kulit bagian atas agar aku senantiasa terjaga untuk menyerap energi chi dari atmosfer sekitar untuk menyelesaikan karya tulis ilmiahku.
azan subuh pun berkumandang aku lalu teringat janjiku kepadanya disaat terakhir kali kita berbincang, ya untuk membangunkannya diwaktu subuh, meski aku tau dan meragukan bahwa itu akan membangunkannya aku tetap melakukannya, karena janji adalah janji, aku tidak bisa mengingkari apapun yang sudah terucap dalam mulutku, i’m a man.
lalu kutinggal dia untuk melaksanakan 2 rakaat sembari menunggunya terbangun, aku senang melihatnya terbangun dan tidak terlambat untuknya mengejar kereta dalam memulai cerita hidupnya hari ini. lalu aku berkata dalam hati sebuah nama yang takdapat kusebutkan disini “ahh dia sudah terbangun, amaann”. jadi kulanjutkan jari-jariku menari diatas tombol ketikan, akan tetapi semakin pagi, energi chi yang kuserap perlahan terputus bukan karena sinyal lemah atau tak setia tetapi entah karena suasananya yang semakin pagi semakin rame, atau sebagainya
lalu mulailah terasa kepenatan yang telah terkumpul sejak tadi yang aku tak rasakan, sesekali aku memandang gitar yang kusandarkan disamping laptopku, jendela dunia digitalku, yaa gitar kesayanganku yang kusandarkan saling membelakangi dengan biolaku, sesekali kuulurkkan tanganku dan kupetik dengan jemariku untuk menghasilkan sebuah bunyi, yaa suara khas gitarkulah yang bisa membuatku merasa sedikit lega, tenang, dan tersenyum yang mengobati kepenatanku.
bahkan suara nyaring petikannya masih terbayang bayang didalam rongga kepalaku, sesekali juga aku istirahatkan jemariku dan otakku, tak ingin kupaksakan mereka, dan melihat sekilas sejauh mana aku menulis, yang membuatku kaget tak mungkin. tak mungkin aku menulis sejauh ini, aku yang sejak tadi diam terpaku dalam menulis bak terhipnotis baru menyadari aku telah menulis sejauh ini
jika diibaratkan dengan hidup, aku telah berjalan sejauh 100 km dengan mata terpejam, tanpa menyadari betapa jauhnya itu.
lalu sejenak kuistirahatkan punggungku, ya aku tidur dengan keras, aku banyak gerak dalam tidurku, seorang pakar pernah mengatakan bahwa tidur banyak gerak disebabkan oleh rasa gelisah.
jadi kuistirahatkan punggungku diatas pangkuan kasur dan angin dari kipas yang senantiasa membelaiku, entah karena aku sudah bersahabat dengan hawa dingin ini hingga aku tak merasakan sidikitpun dingin, juga suara nyaring kipas seperti dongengan di telingaku yang tanpa kusadari telah membuatku terlelap, hingga kala mentari mengangguku dari tidurku yang tak terduga ini, kuraih hp disisiku dan kulihat jam menunjukkan pukul 7 dan sebuah pesan balasan dari gadis tersebut.
lalu kusentuh lagi jendela digitalku ini dan kutulis semua yang kuingat rekam jejak kehidupanku
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gabrielesalvaterra · 4 years
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Giulia Dall’Olio / La forma del nero
exhibition text by Gabriele Salvaterra
Bologna, Essse Caffé
January 24th – March 9th 2020
(Giulia Dall'Olio, La forma del nero_exhibition view_Courtesy l'artista e Galleria Studio G7, Bologna_foto Alessandro Fiamingo)
"Segno dopo segno, gesto dopo gesto, Giulia Dall’Olio realizza i suoi mondi vegetali per accumulazioni reiterate e ossessive di singole forme; virgole di materia o di sua cancellazione che, quando concluse – posato lo strumento della tecnica volta a volta prescelta –, lasciano sul supporto un senso di quiete e immobilità atemporale, visualizzando presenze indifferenti e archetipiche della realtà umana. Come nelle calligrafie della pittura segnico-gestuale – pensiamo a un Mark Tobey o a un Antonio Sanfilippo – o nelle forme-simbolo che, come firme, identificano nell’espressionismo astratto o nell’informale la pratica e la personalità dell’esecutore, così anche Dall’Olio sceglie un suo alfabeto base che, nell’unire approccio intellettuale e manuale, possa identificare il proprio essere. Tale minima cellula, sempre passibile di improvvisazioni, divergenze ed eccezioni, trova corrispondenza con il tassello elementare di un altro universo, quello naturale delle piante e della flora, in un’affinità che lega indissolubilmente tra sé gesto umano soggettivo e mondo vegetale sovrapersonale. Così l’atomo base di questo sviluppo informale, breve tratto che aggiunge, sposta o leva materia, si colloca in parallelo ai mattoncini con cui gli alberi e le foreste assicurano la propria crescita e definiscono il proprio aspetto, ovvero alle foglie e alle fronde. Ogni gesto manuale, spinto da un’esigenza espressiva libera da necessità di riproduzione o verosimiglianza, si fa contemporaneamente elemento vegetale dal convincente illusionismo, vivendo così nell’ambiguità tra libertà dell’artefice e fedeltà a un ipotetico modello mentale."(Giulia Dall’Olio. Farsi selva, Gabriele Salvaterra, gennaio 2020) "Mark after mark, gesture after gesture, Giulia Dall’Olio realizes her green worlds through repeated and obsessive accumulations of single forms; commas of matter or of its erasure which, when completed - once the tool of the chosen technique has been laid down - leave a sense of calm and timeless stillness on the support, displaying indifferent and archetypal presences of human reality. As in the calligraphy of sign-gestural painting - we refer to Mark Tobey or Antonio Sanfilippo - or in the symbol-forms which, as signatures, identify in abstract or informal expressionism the practice and personality of the performer, in the same way Dall'Olio chooses her essential alphabet which, in combining intellectual and manual approach, can identify her own being. This minimal cell, always subject to improvisations, divergences and exceptions, matches the elementary piece from another universe, that of nature and plants and flora, in an affinity which indissolubly binds the subjective human gesture and the super-personal plant world. Thus, the basic atom of this informal development, a short stretch that adds, moves or leverages matter, is placed in parallel with the bricks with which trees and forests grow and define their appearance, that is, leaves and fronds. Each hand gesture, driven by an expressive need free from the desire of reproduction or verisimilitude, simultaneously becomes a vegetable element characterised by convincing illusionism, thus living in the ambiguity between the freedom of the author and the loyalty to a hypothetical mental model. And just as the forest with its paths and ways favours a fearful loss, a loss of control and the ability to improvise, so too this gesture-frond in its accumulations constitutes an impetuous and abstract all-over, open to stumbling blocks, variations and freedom." (Giulia Dall’Olio. Farsi selva, Gabriele Salvaterra, January 2020)
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noodleroni2 · 5 years
Signs as things in Tyzias' cup
Aries: Dirt
Arcses: Holy water
Arruis: O B L O N G M E A T P R O D U C T
Ariborn: Sweat, blood, and tears
Arittarius: Nothing, it's empty
Arpia: Carrot juice
Arza: Milk
Arga: Trail mix
Aro: A mixture of bleach and Windex
Arcen: Hot Cocoa
Armini: Peach tea
Arun: Redbull
Arist: Sprite Syrup
Arsci: Radiation-filled sewage
Arnius: Rocks and small pebbles
Aricorn: The only trace of Dad he left behind, a smaller cup
Arittanius: A pocket dimension
Arpio: Apple cider
Arra: Rubbing alcohol
Argo: Corn starch
Arlo: Sand
Arcer: Coffee with so much creamer you can't consider it coffee anymore
Armino: Wires
Arus: Howie Mandel pee
Taurus: Juice that makes you stare at gay people
Taurist: Money
Taursci: Blood
Taurnius: A mixture of every drink you can get at Starbucks
Tauricorn: Lemonade
Taurittanius: Ambergris
Taurpio: Pure caffeine
Taurra: Those little capsules with the dinosaur sponges in them
Taurgo: Red wine
Taurlo: Glitter
Taurcer: The bug soup that was in Dammek's house (he couldn't've ACTUALLY been eating bugs, could he?)
Taurmino: Tears
Taurun: Lava
Tauries: Not very good green tea
Taursces: Really old pool water
Taurrius: Toilet paper dissolved in water
Tauriborn: Ramune
Taurittaruis: The blood of a mountain goat
Taurpia: A root beer float
Taurza: Watered down soda
Taurga: Nothing, the cup hasn't been used in so long there's still dust on the inside
Tauro: Instagram slime
Taurcen: Glue
Taurmini: Fish tank water
Gemini: "Kool-Aide"
Gemun: Spiders
Gemries: Mountain dew with crushed Doritos for garnish
Gemsces: Chai tea
Gemrius: The blood of Shigeru Miyamoto
Gemiborn: Pumpkin Spice Latte™
Gemittarius: Book juice
Gempia: Water
Gemza: Boba tea
Gemga: Rice with a LOT of soy sauce
Gemo: Smart Water™
Gemcen: Red Faygo that tastes like cough syrup
Gemino: Period blood
Gemus: Howie Mandel pee
Gemrist: Lotion
Gemsci: Wet cement
Gemnius: Your first born child
Gemicorn: Shit
Gemittanius: Saltwater
Gempio: Honey
Gemra: Mexican hot chocolate with a little TOO much cayenne pepper
Gemgo: Pure fuel™
Gemlo: A spleen
Gemcer: Carrot Juice
Cancer: Rainbows
Camino: Friendship
Canus: Very tiny cats
Canrist: Goo
Cansci: Paint water
Cannius: Fiber powder
Canicorn: Ectoplasm
Canittanius: Justice
Canpio: The blood of people who don't care for law
Canra: Hair
Cango: Apple juice
Canlo: Lemonade
Cancen: Stomach acid
Camini: Piña Colada
Canun: Polluted rainwater
Canries: You don't want to know
Cansces: Motivation
Canruis: The souls of the innocent
Caniborn: Weed
Canittarius: Lean
Canpia: Punch
Canza: Fingernails
Canga: Glass
Cano: Vodka
Leo: Anxiety
Lecen: Prozac
Lemini: Matcha Tea
Leun: LCD
Leries: Nitroglycerin
Lesces: Cyanide
Lerius: Saliva
Leiborn: Piss
Leittarius: Horse shit
Lepia: Troll ass
Leza: Penises harvested from the penis tree
Lega: The sweat of her favorite politician
Lelo: Chicken soup
Lecer: Popeye's™ Red Beans and Rice
Lemino: Sweet tea (ew)
Leus: Peach tea (unsweetened)
Lerist: Peach tea (sweetened)
Lesci: Fingers and toes
Lenius: Terezi's glasses
Leicorn: Bullets
Leittanius: Chalk
Lepio: Cans with questionable contents
Lera: All of her sins
Lego: Legos
Virgo: The Void
Virlo: Cereal
Vercer: Fiberglass
Virmino: Holographic Nail Powder
Virus: Dog residue
Virsci: Here's your easteregg for the post: Did you know that the backtrack for Dove and Grenade by Hollywood Undead is actually just Undertaker (Renholder Mix) by Puscifer.
Virnius: Equius' sweat
Viricorn: Grease
Virittanius: A Jaeger Bomb
Virpio: Rotting meat
Virra: A puppy, whenever she takes a sip she's actually kissing it on its little head
Virga: Whatever the first result of searching "Strawberry Drink" on pinterest is
Viro: Her notes
Vircen: Lotion
Virmini: Perfume
Virun: Vinegar
Viries: The water in the Great Fairy Fountain
Virsces: A kitten, whenever she takes a sip she's actually kissing it on its little head
Virrius: Mercury
Viriborn: Alphabet soup
Virittarius: Salad dressing
Virpia: A martini
Virza: Kool-aid that's been left out so long it's grown mold
Libra: JUST1C3
Ligo: Anime
Liblo: Ranch
Licer: Water. We all know it's water.
Limino: A copy of SBURB
Libus: Ink
Librist: Mallek cause he's so GODDAMN TINY
Libsci: M&M's
Libnius: Melted chocolate
Libicorn: Glitter
Libittanius: Sequins
Lipio: The cure for blindness
Libza: A few kilos of cocaine
Liga: Betelgeuse
Libo: Fire
Licen: Slop
Limini: Cockwaffle
Libun: ...Syrup?
Libries: the fact that i almost spelt cocaine as conaine on libza
Libsces: i cant physically finish this. ive run out of things to put in her cup. i have a migraine. theres probably so many typos. ive had this in my drafts for months.
Scorpio: The water inside of a Magic 8 ball
Scorra: De-caf (It's not like it's REAL coffee)
Scorgo: The syrup that goes into fizzy water to make soda
Scorlo: airpods
Scoricorn: hey, thats me!
Sagicorn: Nails (from fingers AND the kind you put in walls)
Capricorn: The Limited Edition™ Starbucks Unicorn Frappucino
Caprius: A delicious tiny ripe for the voring
Caprist: Oh god what was I thinking, doing that above one?
Pirist: see libsces
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istologiolavaron · 2 years
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Ψήφισμα του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου της 9ης Μαρτίου 2022 σχετικά με τις εξωτερικές παρεμβάσεις, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της παραπληροφόρησης, σε όλες τις δημοκρατικές διαδικασίες στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση Τετάρτη 9 Μαρτίου 2022 - Στρασβούργο Το Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο, .... ΛΓ. λαμβάνοντας υπόψη ότι, ως απάντηση στον επιθετικό πόλεμο της Ρωσίας κατά της Ουκρανίας, οι πρωθυπουργοί της Εσθονίας, της Λετονίας, της Λιθουανίας και της Πολωνίας απέστειλαν επιστολή στους διευθύνοντες συμβούλους των πλατφορμών κοινωνικής δικτύωσης των μεγάλων εταιρειών τεχνολογίας (Twitter, Alphabet, YouTube και Meta) στις 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2022, ζητώντας, μεταξύ άλλων, την αναστολή των λογαριασμών που εμπλέκονται και εξυμνούν εγκλήματα πολέμου και εγκλήματα κατά της ανθρωπότητας, την ενίσχυση του ελέγχου του περιεχομένου στη ρωσική και ουκρανική γλώσσα, την πλήρη και άμεση κατάργηση της δυνατότητας δημιουργίας εσόδων όλων των λογαριασμών που διαδίδουν παραπληροφόρηση που τελείται από τις κυβερνήσεις της Ρωσίας και της Λευκορωσίας, όπως και την παροχή βοήθειας σε χρήστες που προσπαθούν να βρουν αξιόπιστες πληροφορίες σχετικά με τον πόλεμο στην Ουκρανία· .... ΞΑ. λαμβάνοντας υπόψη ότι η Ρωσία επιδιώκει επαφές με κόμματα, προσωπικότητες και κινήματα προκειμένου να χρησιμοποιήσει παράγοντες εντός των θεσμικών οργάνων της ΕΕ για να νομιμοποιήσει τις ρωσικές θέσεις και τις πληρεξούσιες κυβερνήσεις, να ασκήσει πιέσεις για την άρση κυρώσεων και να μετριάσει τις συνέπειες της διεθνούς απομόνωσης· λαμβάνοντας υπόψη ότι κόμματα όπως το αυστριακό Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, το γαλλικό Rassemblement National και η ιταλική Lega Nord έχουν υπογράψει συμφωνίες συνεργασίας με το κόμμα της Ενωμένης Ρωσίας του Ρώσου Προέδρου Vladimir Putin και τώρα αντιμετωπίζουν καταγγελίες από τα μέσα ενημέρωσης ότι είναι πρόθυμα να αποδεχθούν πολιτική χρηματοδότηση από τη Ρωσία· λαμβάνοντας υπόψη ότι, σύμφωνα με πληροφορίες, άλλα ευρωπαϊκά κόμματα, όπως το γερμανικό Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), το ουγγρικό Fidesz και το Jobbik, και το Κόμμα Brexit στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο, έχουν επίσης στενή επαφή με το Κρεμλίνο, ενώ το AfD και το Jobbik έχουν επίσης εργαστεί ως αυτόκλητοι «εκλογικοί παρατηρητές» σε ελεγχόμενες από https://www.instagram.com/p/CbJwMRQIHG0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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firassabilanurdini · 6 years
Pinatsu, Handuk dan Jamur
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Foto ini adalah foto minggu lalu, di kasih sama bu Guru TK yang baik hati.
Saat main bareng mereka hari itu, ada sesosok bocil laki-laki yang datang dengan berlari saat kedatangan saya sambil bertanya,
"Mengapa namanya sulit sekali?"
“Ah masa?”
“Iya, aku tidak berbohong.”
“Coba  ucap, Firas.”
“Tuh  kan  sulit. fi.. pi.. pira.. pinatsu???” (peanut/kacang kalau logat jepang jadi pinatsu)
“bukan, bukan.” Sahut saya sambil menggeleng. “Firas. fi-ra-su. pinatsu  janai yo. bukan  pinatsu.”
“aaa!! Hahaha, pinatsu-san!” sahut si bocah sambil tertawa bahagia berteriak ke teman-temannya. (-san adalah sebutan akhir untuk menghormati orang yang lebih tua, misal Muhammad-san, Rani-san dan adik itu memanggil saya, Pinatsu-san -__-)
“heiii” saya coba memanggil si bocil yang berlari ke teman-temannya sambil bernyanyi pinatsu-pinatsu-pinatsu....🎶🎶🎶
tapi si bocil lelaki itu ga menghiraukan saya lagi karena udah asik tertawa dengan teman-temannya yang tak lain dan tak bukan membahas tentang pinatsu, atau saya.
saat saya lagi diketawain sama para bocil-bocil lelaki, tetiba ada satu anak perempuan yang datang mendekati saya sambil berlari kecil, saya tersenyum menyambutnya. Sepertinya setelah ini akan berakhir menyenangkan dengan si kecil nan imut ini, pikir saya. Minimal kami akan main permainan jepang atau bernyanyi alphabet bersama, sahut saya dalam hati. Saya tersenyum-senang juga lega karena akhirnya merasa menemukan pengganti bocil yang memanggil saya pinatsu.
 “Oneechan……(artinya kakak perempuan)” sahutnya menyapa sambil tersenyum, imut sekali pikir saya、jadi ingin membawa si bocil ikut pulang ke asrama wkwk
“Iyaaa! halooo!” sahut saya sambil menyengir-menyambutnya.
“Oneechan, yang kau pakai di kepalamu itu apa? handuk  ya?”
haaa??? -______-
Saya langsung berpikir apakah motif jilbab saya mirip handuk keluaran terbaru jepang? Bisa-bisanya jilbab ini dikira handuk T_T 😩
Saya jadi teringat beberapa waktu lalu dengan bocil perempuan imut di tempat lain,
“Oneechan, ini...” Sahutnya mendekati saya dan memegang jilbab bagian atas saya. Seperti biasa saya memang memakai jilbab bertopi/ pet jadi si kecil ini mencoba menyentuh bagian topi dengan jari telunjuknya, sambil menunggu apa yang ingin dia tanyakan saya tertawa sendiri melihatnya yang bingung dengan jilbab saya.
 “Oneechan, ini mengapa membuatmu mirip seperti kinoko? (Kinoko  bahasa  jepang yang artinya Jamur)
haa??? -______-
“Sebenarnya apa yang kau pakai di kepalamu? Oneechan, kau sungguh mirip sekali dengan jamur.” Sahutnya sungguh-sungguh mengatakan.
Saya langsung membayangkan bentuk jamur -_________-
Saya yang tadinya tertawa waktu melihatnya kebingungan melihat jilbab saya, jadi terdiam dan pura-pura mengambek sambil menjelaskan bahwa saya bukanlah jamur, apalagi jelmaan jamur. 
“Tapi, kau memang mirip jamur, Oneechan maafkan aku.” Sahutnya berusaha menutup wajahnya yang menahan tawa. Saya memeluknya sambil tertawa, “Hati-hati si jamur kalau marah bisa memakan manusia, lho. Dalam peraturan di Negeri jamur, bukan manusia yang memakan jamur, tapi jamur yang memakan manusia.”
“Uso! Oneechan, kau berbohong kan?!!” 
Saya tertawa. 
 Ketemu anak-anak itu...... makin kecil umurnya makin bisa aja bikin kita tertawa dengan apa yang dia ungkapkan ya. Hahaha. Dengan masih terbatasnya hal yang dia tau membuat hal-hal itu nampak sulit untuk dimengerti walau mungkin bagi kita yang seumur ini, hal-hal yang udah biasa itu nampak biasa aja karena kita udah terbiasa dan tahu tentang itu. Namun, coba lihat si kecil yang lagi belajar sesuatu, kadang mereka punya cara pandang yang lucu nan unikk banget yaaa hahaha saya aja dibilang jamur -___- wkwkwk
 Jadi, kalau sedang merasa suntuk, perasaannya campur aduk, pikirannya pusing, males ngapa-ngapain, dan menganggap karena kurang piknik. Maka   piknik  lah! Ga perlu jauh-jauh kannn, iyaa, samperin bocil-bocil tetangga sebelah :D , ajak main, ajak jalan-jalan keliling desa (ati-ati minta beliin jajan wkwk siap2 uang ya biar ga malu-maluin #pengalaman haha), atau juga bisa dengan pertanyaan sederhana, “Ada PR gak?” terus belajar bareng (ini juga ati-ati, lupa mata pelajaran SD kan bisa juga terjadi wkwk kaya saya itu sih)
Tapiii beneran, coba yuk piknik ke sekitar rumah atau tempat tinggal kita, bertemu dengan anak-anak salah satu contohnya.  
Coba ngobrol apa aja bareng mereka, kita akan tahu, bahwa masalah atau kepenatan kita gak sesulit itu kok, kita hanya belum tahu aja apa yang akan terjadi selanjutnya kan, sama kaya si anak kecil itu yang lagi belajar banyak hal, menerka banyak hal, kebingungan, lantas menerka-menebak (walau mungkin banyak salahnya) tapi dikemudian hari pasti dia akan tahu itu apa, kenapa dan gak kaget lagi- karena udah mengalaminya sendiri.
Mungkin kita yang udah seumur ini juga kadang bisa belajar dari mereka ya, banyak bingung, banyak salah, banyak pusing, juga mungkin banyak jatuh bangun, gapapa kannn hehe nanti juga akhirnya akan tahu, akhirnya kita akan belajar dari keadaan, belajar dari pengalaman. :)
 Yap, kita hanya butuh tertawa mendengar celotehan mereka, anak-anak, hahaha. Selamat  tertawa  ya! :P
 Musim gugur di Kagoshima, 19 November 2017; 00:06 JST
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vallumars · 3 years
» her eyes
    Art is Madness that peeps out. There are those who first generate the spectrum and then match the composition to it, those who link one album to the next with alphabetic subtleties, and those who build a tale within the tracklist titles.
   L'arte è Follia che fa capolino. C'è chi prima genera lo spettro e poi ci accorda la composizione, chi lega un album al successivo con finezze alfabetiche, e chi con la scaletta brani ci costruisce una storia.
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zenosanalytic · 6 years
Crimes Unto Heaven
 MMmmmmOk so
This is A Gag
to be clear(tbc, fyi)[1].
I don’t actually think the Hiveswap team is attempting to cover-up TERRIBLE ZODIAC CRIMES to protect themselves from the Star Police and avoid Astrajail or anything, and obvsl they can structure the EZ however they like since the Zodiac’s been Public Domain for 3000 years, and their Extended additions are their creations. And, while I don’t take it terribly seriously, it’s Fun! Which: Yay. But, I noticed some seeming-discrepancies when looking it over to write a “My Thoughts” response to @witchknights on the EZ, and the idea of running those down a wee bit and writing about them was Also Fun, so I’m Doing This o_o I’m Making This Happen(Requisite(TM)) o_o o_o
My original idea was to get superdetailed about it and explain everything, but then I started taking SCREENCAPS of The Star Grid(this is what I’m calling The Symbol List), and each individual Sign so I could group them all into their various CATEGORIES to illustrate my arguments(:| :|), and then I said to myself “ok this is ridiculous, you don’t have that kind of time, your screencapper can’t isolate fragments on the MSPA page for some reason, it doesn’t seem like you can save custom-sized/shaped selection tools in Paint3D, and you are beiNG RIDICULOUS!” so instead I’m going to just write up the basic patterns I noticed(which prob aren’t all the ones in there, given Hussie), their seeming-violations, and their possible implications, according to Me. You -Our Dear, Sweet, Dear, Dear, Sweet Readers- can imagine the visuals if you like, though, I have no problem with this I am Very Gracious[2] vuv
EZ Rules
Each sign-class has two associated suffixes(they’re also associated with the Aspect of the canon troll of that sign. Possible Sign Pun? Can mean Both??): one for Prospit, one for Derse. The List:
Aries(Time): -ries, D; -rist, P.
Taurus(Breath): -un, D; -us, P.
Gemini(Doom): -mini, D; -mino, P.
Cancer(Blood): -cen, D; -cer, P.
Leo(Heart): -o, D; -lo, P.
Virgo(Space): -ga, D; -go, P.
Libra(Mind): -za, D; -ra, P.
Scorpio(Light): -pia, D; -pio, P.
Sagittarius(Void): -ittarius, D; -ittanius, P.
Capricorn(Rage): -iborn, D; -icorn, P.
Aquarius(Hope): -rius, D; -nius, P.
Pisces(Life): -sci, D; -sces, D.
Now, a Neat thing you’ll notice is that these suffixes are exclusively arranged in top-left-to-bottom-right diagonal series across The Star Grid(I’ll symbolize it \ thusly). So Aries(Derse) is the topleftmost, then the second sign in Taurus is Taurist(Aries-Prospit), the third sign in Gemini is Gemries(Aries-Derse), etc, etc. This pattern holds true; you’ll only find those suffixes along a \ starting with their “parent” sign(the “True Sign”. I’ll call this the “Alpha Sign”, with the meaning First not the HS meaning, to avoid “True”’s connotations), or in another \ an appropriate period down(the period being how long it takes to work through the other sign-suffix \’s. So the Taurus suffixes are on the \ below the Aries, and the Gemini below the Taurus, etc, until it reaches the Aires again). Generally, the Derse-Prospit alternating holds true as well, and that has implications for the verticals and horizontals; to maintain this they’d have to alternate between Derse and Prospit and the horizontals do from Aries untIL-
-LIBRA! At the middle of the chart, at the Libra-line, the pattern breaks down. BUT! From Libra to Lipio along the vert the breakdown in alternating starts at the Libra signs; beginning with Libza it becomes much less predictable. The Arza-Libza \ is “regular” until Scorza, then regular again until Pira. The Arga-Liga \ becomes “irregular” at the Virgo-line(Lega, Virga instead of Virgo). The Aro-Libo \ becomes irregular at Leo. The Arcen-Licen \ becomes irregular at Cancer and is highly irregular from that point on. Like I said I’m not going to go through, find, and list all of the irregularities and I’m CERTAINLY NOT going to try and figure out if there’s a mathematical relation that defines the irregularities(if they are formulaic, or, as I suspect, the result of a non-mathematizable logic), but you get the idea. Periodicity’s Whack! It ain’t right!! I doubt this has any bigger implications beyond the HS Crew wanting to place the 12 canon trolls as the “True Signs” of each of the sign families -which only makes sense from an Earth-centric or Game-centric viewpoint; I mean, Troll culture would order the signs by some interior logic of its own if it wasn’t a narrative creation, and wouldn’t care about preserving the primacy of 12 unknowable nascent apotheokids at the end of history- and there are other bits of evidence that this is the case that raise other objections.
Another pattern in the EZ is that the last(Omega) Sign in each Sign Class shares the suffix(and Moon and Aspect) of the first(Alpha) sign in the next class. This makes a sort of sense if you conceive of them as a ring or continuum: The Omega Sign in each Sign-Class(or symbology, or alphabet) would be the one “closest” to the next sign-class, and so it displays this similarity in its naming until-
-LIBRA! AGAIN!! Or Virgo, depending on how you want to figure it. There is a regular, predictable pattern -Arus, Taurmini, Gemcer, Cano, Lego- until the Virgo|Libra Interface where Virgo ends with Virza and Libra begins with, well, the obvious :\  Though a larger pattern of Omega Signs having one of the two suffixes of the next Sign Class over holds true; just this smaller pattern of Alpha and Omega sharing a suffix breaks down. Both Libra and Scorpio(or Virgo and Libra) are irregular, then the pattern reemerges at Scorpittarius, only to break down again at the Aquarius|Pisces interface. The Pisces|Aries interface is also irregular.
Just to give you an idea of the sort of thinking this can make room for in the EZ, I’ll do a deeper dive on Libra, por ejemplo(though similar implications apply to Virgo, and other sign-classes). One possible implication, I’m sad to say, is that Lipia shouldn’t be the Libra Omega(thus Ultimate) sign, but rather Lipio, which actually makes some very good symbological sense as:
This is Lipio
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This is Libra
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To begin with, Lipio is a struck-through latin upsilon, which looks like(but is not related to) an upside-down Greek omega. Upsilon, the ancestor of our “u”, is the first letter in the latin word Ultimatus which means mostly the same thing as Greek Omega; both mean “the last, final, end”[3]. So making it the “ultimate”, or Omega, Libra Sign(which is an Omega-themed sign-class) would be a Funny Symbology Pun. Its design would visually reinforce this Omega postion through it’s “letter” being “reversed” in form to Libra’s. Libra is an Omega “balanced” over a line, symbolizing a balanced scale; A potential visual reversal of this would be an overturned scale, an “upside-down” Omega with the bar across it, rather than under. It would also create a nice bracketing of the sign-class, though sadly not a complete one since Libra and Lipio aren’t mirrored. Of course, if they were, then Lipio would be in a kind of balance with Libra, which would undermine it’s conceptual opposition to it, making it less symbolically satisfying. If you dig that sort of reading *looks away at sky, squint-frowns, and kicks dirt; entirely metaphorically*
I suppose you COULD equally say that Scorpia should be the Alpha sign for Scorpio, but that’d break the Derse/Prospit pattern and I refuse to play favorites u_u u_u u_u Replacing Libra with Libza is, of course, Right Out since that’d mess up the visual symbolism. Although...
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Crap -__- One is angular, one curvy; one is balanced, one unbalanced; one is open the other closed; they are in (at least)THREE symbolic and conceptual oppositions: these DO make good visually symbolic opposites |:T |:T AND it’d preserve both the Derse/Prospit alternating, AND AND the Omega-Alpha interface to Scorpio, AND AND AND switching Libra and Libza would make Terezi the Fulcrum of the Libra Sign-Class which would be VERY thematically and symbolically satisfying since, if you think about it, The Omega-Sign being most like the Sign-Class to the right implies the Alpha-Sign would be the sign most like the Sign-Class to the Left, logically making the Fulcrum Sign, that furthest from the ends, the “Most Signiest Sign” within each Sign-Class. ANDx4 the \ pattern would then break at Libra instead of Scorpio...
 Daisuki :| :| :|
....Though I now realize that would ruin a potential 8reak/Scorpio pun....
Moving On........
The other Big irregularity I found was the Pisces line. ALL it’s Derse signs/suffixes are in the top half of the line, and ALL its Prospit ones are in the bottom half. Pretty odd.
The only other thing I have to say is that I noticed, in a very cursory way, that some signs are visually similar to the sign-class they share a suffix with(a decent number of Aquarius-suffixes seem to be), and some don’t. It’d be Cool if they’d really committed to this, but I understand why they didn’t since such a level of detail is really stressful to maintain and also creatively restrictive. But, like, clearly Sagius:
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should be a Leo-suffix(Sagio or Sagilo), and Camino
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should be an Aquarius-suffix(Canrius or Cannius). I Mean: C L E A R L Y. Right??[4]
Anyway, those are the SHOCKING REVELATIONS of my RUTHLESS PEDANTRY that will surely bring down this WRETCHED HOUSE OF CARDS we’re all living in, No Doubt in an Noir-Sufficient-Fashion. If I find/think of any more examples of Dastardly Chaos Weighty with Meaning in our beloved fictional cosmology, I’ll let y’all know :p
[1]Also tbc(and because repeating it here would mark the third time I’ve written it, and I find such triplication aesthetically Pleasing nwn nwn), the EZ lacks my own, secretly created and never shared, fansigns, and so it’s obvsl an incomplete symbology, possibly recovered from a damaged husklet for pre-wrigglers yet unable to pull their own pants on umu
[2]I’ll still probably end up doing that at somepoint though, so there might be a bevisualed vers of this post in the future X| X| X|
[3]Fun Fact: the “extreme” meaning that our “ultimate” inherited from ultimatus may possibly have a connection to omega even though it lacks such an explicit meaning since omega literally means “big O”. Etymology is Fun for many reason, but this un-looked-for and unexpected explication of an anime pun, years after I had last watched an episode of the series in question, is one of the better ones I’ve encountered uwu uwu
[4]Though Camino is a Gemini suffix, so it’s satisfying in it’s own ways.
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defanby · 5 years
Seperti pengecut yang lari. Aku hanya bisa menuangkannya dalam bentuk kata.
Sulit rasanya, jika harus dikatakan.
Air mata juga berebut ingin berbicara.
Lebih baik begini, aku sembunyi dibalik susunan kata yang aku pilih dari sekian banyak jumlah alphabet itu.
Setidaknya aku sedikit lega, dibanding terus saja aku tumpuk dalam hati yang sudah merajuk sakit.
Sesak dan penuh, katanya begitu.
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