#also another thing that cps does is separate siblings which is Very Bad
barbreypilled · 3 years
idk if this is Little Baby Discourse that we’ve already been over but as someone whose family was directly and irreparably affected by predatory child welfare services under a colonial government I find those modern au takes where it’s like ‘the Greyjoys are an ignorant low income family and they live in a trailer and the Starks notice immediately that Theon is malnourished so they take him in and everything works out the end’ to be uhhhhh questionable like why is Unhealthy Dynamic synonymous with Poor and what is so attractive about the canonical Child Removed From Their Culture And Homeland being translated into Poor Child Leaves Bad Hick Family To Be With Nice Upper Middle Class Family ???
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fearofaherobrine · 6 years
Roleplay Server Log #318
"Stevies Icy Glitch, Cold Fossils, A Present from Notch”
-There's a bit of a crackle as some of the rock around Stevie shifts to really dark and dense ice-
[Steve] Hey... I've seen that before. But never since we came here.
[TLOT] Really? Does it drop anything good or is it just ice?
[Steve] I kinda got killed before I could mine it and then I didn't see it again. It only happens really deep underground.
[Stevie] - Sorry, I don't mean to freeze everything
[Steve] Hey, it's okay! Let's see what we get! - He starts chipping away at the ice.
[TLOT] Boundless enthusiasm....
[Stevie] Moves away so he doesn't freeze Steve-
-The ice shatters a few items fall to the floor-
[Steve] Oh neat!, I got a blank book... and a big-ass skull, and this! - He holds up a very large chunk of frozen meat like a big turkey leg-
[Stevie] - That's a lot of meat...
[Steve] It's really hard too! - He whacks it against a rock and it makes a loud clack against the stone-
[TLOT] See you were focused on apologizing and you actually made him happy.
[Stevie] - Yeah but this still isn't normal
[TLOT] Well no... but you're glitched. These things happen.
[Steve] Puts the meat away and checks over the book- It's got a black cover too. Neat!
[Stevie] - At least I'm not automatically making it snow anymore?
[TLOT] Yeah, I can see how that would be annoying.
[Steve] I used to be sensitive about my glitch too, but it's okay. People are much nicer then I thought they'd be.
[Stevie] - Wait, you're glitched?
[Steve] Yeah... Just a little. - He sits down and pulls off one of his new diamond boots, his left shoe is unnaturally red.
[Stevie] Is interested but rubs his right arm nervously, a bit of ice forming near his hand-
[Steve] It lets me do this- He walks towards the lava pool determinedly-
[TLOT] Warms a hand and hovers it near the patch-
[Stevie] - Ah!  Steve!
[Steve] Nah it's okay. - He plunges a hand in and scoops out a bit of lava- Oooch, eek... eeep - He holds it up so Stevie can see and tosses it back in with a plop and shakes the remaining drops off- It's right on the edge of what I can handle.
[Stevie] - But...  It should've...
[Steve] Yeah, - he gestures at his mate - I absorbed a little bit of his bad code accidently. I can replace my stupid shoe as many times as I want and it always changes to that color too. And it's just the left one.
[Stevie] - Well, you're better off then I am...
[TLOT] You say that like you probably won't be able to freeze things intentionally later.
[Stevie] - It's the unintentional that I'm worried about
[Steve] Pulls his boot back on. - Eh. That's what respawn is for. You should try and freeze some more dirt. See what else we can get.
[Stevie] - I'm still working on not freezing everything!
[TLOT] But if you can do it intentionally, then you can also stop yourself from doing it. Practice is good.
[Stevie] Is becoming more nervous which causes more ice-
[Steve] Chops at it with a pick-
[TLOT] Easy now. Just sit closer to the lava if you need too.
[Stevie] - Sorry
[TLOT] Helps him sit next to the pool- It's okay! You're among friends. We understand what it's like.
[Steve] Gets a rather large curly shell and some flints- Look at this! It's so neat! - He puts the shell in Stevie's lap- I bet Alexis would think it was really pretty.
[Stevie] - Maybe, she does enjoy nature stuff...
[Steve] Taps the last block and laughs- It's a frozen fish!
[TLOT] What the...? That is an ugly fish.
[Stevie] - I have to agree with that
[Steve] Hey! I know! - He takes a stick and forces the end through the fish before holding it out over the lava.
[TLOT] Is just chuckling
[Stevie] Sneezes and the lava turns to cold obsidian-
[Steve] Aww.... damn...
[TLOT] Oh shush. It's probably just the top layer. - He punches out a pair of blocks and the space lights up with the glow from the hole below-
[Stevie] - Sorry!
[TLOT] You're learning. - He's walking along the surface tapping the obsidian away easily with the point of his scythe-
[Stevie] - I wonder what's taking brother so long...
[Steve] Is merrily toasting the fish over the lava-
[TLOT] You probably needed a break anyway.
[Stevie] - Maybe...
[Steve] Pulls the cooked fish back and rips off a small chunk. - Musky, but decent.
[TLOT] Probably freeze burnt!
[Steve] Plucks off a chunk of meat and offers it to Stevie-
[Stevie] - I wonder where exactly it came from...
[TLOT] Suddenly looks a tad concerned. - You know... Steve? You said you've seen this before?
[Steve] Yes, on our seed.
[TLOT] It could be bleed through? I mean, things exist in potentia right? Once an item has been made, it's then an option for someone else to craft the same... Our seed is inside the server. Maybe you're tapping into something that's a rare item there?
[Stevie] - You guys are gonna go explore, aren't you?
[TLOT] I already have a lot my mind after our battle... this is just one more thing.
[Stevie] - Yeah, thank you for being there though
[TLOT] Of course! I promised. It was the least I could do. And Cp provided an interesting piece of the puzzle as well. Have you met the pigpeople he healed from our seed?
[Stevie] Finally notices the offered meat and takes it, a slight coating of frost covering it- Not yet, I was recovering at home and then went to your seed, and then I've been on the seed brother's training me on
[Steve] They're huge! As big as Buff. And smart too!
[TLOT] And two of the males are very much in love. It annoys Cp quite a bit.
[Stevie] - It would, that might explain why he's so adamant about not leaving me alone yet
[TLOT] Nah. He doesn't want to leave you alone because it apparently took him a lot of time and effort to learn to control his own powers.
[Stevie] - I barely remember that time...
[TLOT] I think you weren't around much. It would have been when he basically couldn't approach you without you tryng to kill him on sight.
[Stevie] - That's been pretty much the whole time up until relatively recently
[Steve] Puts the fishbones away- Aw. Things have been getting better for a while.
[TLOT] He's right, it seems like forever since we first met. And I'm proud of you for becoming more openminded about us glitchy folks.
[Stevie] - Well considering how the only glitch person I knew until I came here was my brother can you blame me for being a bit prejudiced?
[TLOT] Live and learn.
[Steve] I'm just glad Harvestman is gone. What a nightmare!
[TLOT] Were you happy you got to throw my beloved cheese at him?
[Steve] Yep!
[Stevie] - No offense TLOT but that stuff reeks
[TLOT] That's because it's for Herobrines. It smells nasty to everyone else. It tastes amazing though. Catnip might make your brother purr, but I doubt it would do anything for you.
[Stevie] - If it did then my brother would probably use it in an annoying way
[Steve] It makes a nice sleepy tea.
[TLOT] Being annoying is what big brothers are for.
[Stevie] - I thought little brother's were supposed to be the annoying one
[TLOT] Shrugs- I don't have any siblings, it's just what I've heard...
[Steve] FAMILY is supposed to be annoying.
[Stevie] - Yeah, I guess the fact that the two of us are related does make us unique...
[Steve] Oh man... I just had a thought! You're glitched, I wonder what would happen if you had a kid with Alexis? They might have weird powers too!
[Stevie] - Do not put that idea in my head!
[TLOT] I shudder to think what kind of mayhem a child of Lie and Cp could get up to either...
[Stevie] - That's an even worse idea!- His distress quickly covers the entire cavern in ice
[Steve] Goes to work picking again-
[TLOT] Sighs and flips some blocks to make more lava and melt the ice-
[Stevie] - Sorry...
[Steve] OH NEAT! - He brings over a massive tooth- It looks like one of Basil's!
[TLOT] I don't think you need to be sorry...
[Stevie] Shivers a little-
[Steve] Gets another of the big cube skulls and puts it on Stevie's head like a pumpkin- Hehehe! Scary!
[CP] Teleports back- Oi, I'm here...  What the nether are you doing?
[TLOT] Just having some fun. Apparently Stevie freezing dirt and gravel makes it drop different things.
[Steve] I found another frozen fish! Oh... hey Cp!
[CP] - Great, ready to go back Stevie?
[Stevie] - Yeah...
[TLOT] Play nice you too.
[Stevie] Takes the skull off as he stands-
[CP] Grabs his brother and teleports him back to the other server-
[Stevie] After several more hours of training is exhausted- Brother, can we please take a break?
[CP] - Have you unfrozen the lake yet?
[Stevie] - No
[CP] - Then keep going
[Notch] Is coming back down the road that passes by the town, heading for his small house. He's dusty and looks exhausted.
[Flux] Had went ahead of him to have some warm food and bed waiting for him when he was ready-
{Lie] - Is watching Sally play in the front yard-
[Notch] Accidently drops a shovel on the stone patio-
[Lie] Looks over- Oh!  Notch, you're back
[Notch] Little wave- Oh.. Sally is visiting?
[Lie] - Yeah, I'm watching her since CP is helping Stevie right now
[Notch] Helping him do what?
[Lie] - Oh that's right, you don't know...  Well the arm Doc gave Stevie?  It wouldn't stay attached.  The had to use some rather strong glitching to attach it and it led to Stevie gaining some powers...
[Notch] Oh hell... is Stevie a brine too now!?
[Lie] - No!  He's just glitched!
[Notch] Okay... I'm sure he's not happy about it though. Where are they?
[Lie] - A separate server so Stevie wouldn't freeze everything over.  You can get to it down in the cage
[Notch] Oh. Darn it. Can I borrow something warm from you?
[Lie] - Sure, let me go grab my cape.  Will you need help getting into the server?
[Notch] I don't know, I've never tried.
[Lie] - Would you like me to come with you?
[Notch] Yes please.
[Lie] Disappears briefly and returns with her cloak which she hands to Notch- Sally can you behave while I'm gone?
[Sally] - Yes!
[Notch] Are you sure that's a good idea? Is Flux around to watch her for a few minutes?
[Lie] - I think she's in your place
[Notch] I should let her know I'm okay and change my clothes so I don't get your cloak dirty anyway. Excuse me for a sec- He trots over to his house and taps the door before going in- Flux?
[Flux] - Yes?  What is it?
[Notch] I'm home? But I have to go back out again for a little bit to talk to Cp and Stevie. Can you watch Sally for a few minutes, so Lie can open a portal for me?
[Flux] - Absolutely, I'll have warm food waiting for you when you get home
[Notch] Thank you. - He changes his clothes quickly and comes back out, stopping to drop a few items in a chest- Ready Lie!
[Lie] - Let's go then- She starts heading for the cage
[Notch] Follows, slinging the cape around himself-
[Lie] Approaches the new server and makes an opening, yelping as she's hit with a blast of cold air-
[Notch] Hurries into the opening. - Cp can let me out, just leave the cage door open please.
[Lie] - Will do- She closes the opening behind her father in law
[Notch] Wraps the cloak a bit tighter and ventures out into the snow looking for the brothers-
[CP] Is fairly easy to spot due to the plume of steam coming off of him-
[Notch] Waves and calls out- Stevie! Cp!
[CP] Glances over-
[Stevie] - Father?
[Notch] Stevie? Did you do all this?
[Stevie] - Yes...
[CP] - Thus why we made a new seed until he figures out how to control it
[Notch] It's impressive. Honestly-
[CP] - Yeah well he's currently working on figuring out how to get rid of it
[Notch] I could try to help?
[Stevie] - How?
[Notch] I can enhance powers, remember?
[CP] - Oh this should be entertaining
[Notch] I could always touch you instead Cp, we could certainly heat things up.
[CP] - You might want to rethink how you said that
[Notch] You know what I mean! It's cold as cubes out here.
[CP] - No shit
[Stevie] Yelps as he creates a new snow drift-
[Notch] Walks near him- Just try to focus on reigning it all in. You created it, make it go away. - He reaches out a hand to touch Stevie's arm-
[Stevie] Focus' and slowly the ice begins to recede from the lake, but a cold is spreading up Notch's arm as well-
[Notch] Shivers hard-
[Stevie] - Sorry father...
[Notch] Grabs Cp's shirt and drags him closer-
[CP] - Now what!?
[Notch] What do you think?! You're warm!
[CP] Growls-
[Stevie] Soon the water of the lake is visible again and Stevie pulls away from Notch, exhausted-
[Notch] Wraps his arm in the cloak fur and rubs it to get the feeling back-
[CP] Narrows eyes- Isn't that?
[Notch] Lie lent it to me so I wouldn't freeze. I'll give it back.
[CP] Scowls-
[Stevie] - Can we stop now?
[CP] - Fine
[Notch] I'm sorry I left so abruptly Stevie. I didn't realize anything was wrong that Doc couldn't easily fix.
[Stevie] - None of us did, it fell off in the middle of the night
[Notch] I'm sorry all the same. I want to be there when you need me.
[Stevie] - It's okay, you've been here way more than our original ever was
[CP] - So why did you run off in a hurry?
[Notch] Blushes- Thank you Stevie- at Cp-  Because I wanted to do something for you actually.
[CP] - You what?
[Notch] Nods- But I saved the endgame so I could do it in front of you- rustles in his inventory-
[CP] - Do I even want to know what crazy your talking about now is?
[Notch] Drops a crafting table on the ground- Just something that needed to be done
[Stevie] Watches curiously-
[Notch] Takes out three sticks and sets them aside - One from a dark oak forest, and two from jungle wood, - he pulls out some cookies- If anyone wants a snack. There was lots of cocoa beans around-
[Stevie] - Lie made us some stew so we're good for now
[Notch] That was nice of her. She's so thoughtful. - He takes out several shimmering diamonds and turns them in the sunlight. - Two from the edge of a giant lake of lava near the bedrock layer. One from a chest in a spider dungeon I barely escaped...
[CP] - What is so important about this?
[Notch] Just smiles-  This one I found by chance, just glimmering in the mouth of a cave, and this one was high on a ravine wall, it took me forever to get down to it. You really don't know Cp?
[CP] - You're showing off what you found?
[Notch] No, silly... they're for you.
[CP] - Uh, I can get my own diamonds
[Stevie] - You mean steal them from me?
[CP] - Yup
[Notch] Patiently- Don't steal from your brother. - He arranges the materials on the table and transforms them into a diamond pick and a diamond sword- These are for you.
[CP] Perks a little- What?
[Notch] I saw you lose your tools in the fight, and I know they were special to you.
[Stevie] - That's right...  You did
[Notch] It didn't seem right to spawn them from creative.
[CP] - But...  Why?
[Notch] Because I care about you?
[CP] Looks at the tools- I...- He hesitates- Th...  Thank you
[Notch] You're welcome. I'd hug you too but I know you don't like it.
[CP] - You should be getting back before you get to cold- He creates an opening
[Notch] I understand. I hope you guys get the hang of this soon and come back. I'm sure Alexis and Lie are both missing you.
[Stevie] - Yeah, can you let Alexis know I'm okay when you get the chance?
[Notch] I'll do it right after I give Lie her cloak back. Shall I tell her anything for you?
[CP] - I just saw her, so I'm good.  Now go
[Notch] Okay okay I'm going. - He scoots out of the portal.
[Stevie] - Bye father
[CP] Closes the opening-
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