#also do i love the scenery??? YEAAAAH
*Slicks back hair and then leans a hand on the wall behind you and with my third hand I raise a finger on my chin*Hey I'm lost baby girl and I need a matchup desperately, it's very urgent for I have what you call simp syndrome and I'm slowly dying from it unless someone makes out with me,
so first thing's first I Identity as an INTP and My Enneagram is a 5w4, I'm not the type to go out of my way to socialize since I'm more of a recluse (willingly) yeaaaah I'm socially anxious but I cover it up with insocially being confident helped with the coping of being a fashionable carefree dumbass ( it's basically one of those japanese grunge styles in Pinterest)or through flirting (jokingly). I especially flirt alot with my friends or tease them,I only have like 6, 3 from online and 3 irl because I'm someone who has a hard time getting attached to people it will take me a long time before I can consider someone a friend or someone close to tell them my personal issues. and once we're close enough I'm always willing to pay attention since I'm more of a listener type I love it when people talk long about themselves I think it's quite nice to learn about them even if they think it's a lil stupid and I'm very supportive about their Ideas or goals unless it's bad,if I was on my usual shenanigans and they felt uncomfortable or want to be serious about something I make sure to listen,advise or to stand up for them or to them like if they did something wrong I won't sugar-coat it but I won't be harsh about it at the same time, though it's a bit rare for people to ever see me on the serious side though since I'm too much of a menace.I also happen to do things on a whim so my moods tend to vary that it can impact my decision and also get bored easily with things I'm not interested that it makes me have lack of motivation for it, like when it comes to grinding for a game I can pull an all nighter but when it comes to studying for a quizz I tend to do it last minute, I be making up stories in my head 24/7, like making theories, stories or made up scenerious in my head I be runnind wild
I don't have a specific type just need someone to be my living and breathing braincell who's capable of hearing me rambling out of nowhere 3am in a morning vc about A story I came up with and want to animate it so badly, thnx for reading my very lengthy Ted talk.
I’m sobbing the intro is so funny and I want to answer this matchup but if the anon who sent this please specify what fandom or I can’t answer this and I do not wanna guess which fandom it’s for 😭 You may die sadly of this simp syndrome you’re suffering with
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manyprofoundbonds · 2 years
was eternals good? not really (to me). do i love it? no. do i love the characters + relationships? yes. YES.
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Pt 2
“Aw, Carm, this is a beauty,” Zack praised, running his hand affectionately over the dashboard. “Listen to her purr.”
“Why are all your cars girls?” Ivy asked disdainfully, hiding her pleasure at seeing Zack so excited again. So genuinely happy.
“Because I love women and I love cars—and I also love boats and planes, and trains, and motorcycles, and...”
“I’m glad you like it,” Carmen said, getting in. “We need a quiet car for quiet getaways. Can’t leave a noisy car running at the ready.”
“This is gonna be so great,” Zack said, hugging the steering wheel like a long lost lover, “This is already so great.”
Ivy rolled her eyes.
“So,” Carmen said, sitting next to Ivy in the backseat, immediately grabbing all of her attention and making the space seem so much smaller, “tell me about yourself, partner.”
Ivy felt her heart leap into her throat.
“Well, I’m from Boston,” she started, trying to make herself sound as casual and natural as if she were meeting a normal, regular human being, not the (muscle muscle muscle HOT GIRL muscle pretty) partner-in-crime of her dreams, “born and raised, haven’t gotten out much. Enrolled in the toughest undergraduates my college had to offer for my major last year and breezed through ‘em so fast I took nothing but graduate courses this last semester and a half.” She didn’t normally feel any particular need to brag, but, well, she really wanted to impress this woman who’d been raised from infancy to be a thief and special operative. “Make gadgets. Joined the white hat hackers for something to do and ended up gettin’ invested.”
“They’ve got a certain allure,” Carmen agreed, nodding. Ivy was too tongue tied to make any kind of slip about the other alluring component of her very current situation.
Underneath them, the car purred just a little louder, and Ivy realized that it had been accelerating smoothly, seamlessly, without her even noticing. The scenery was rocketing past them.
“Zack, I don’t think we should get caught by police this early in the game,” she said, just a tiny bit irritated.
“Relax, Ivy, we’re in the middle of nowhere! Where are the cops gonna be in the Midwest? Hiding in a corn field?”
“Most major cities in Midwestern America do have state patrols on the interstate not far out from city limits, precisely to catch people who share that mindset,” Carmen informed Zack, oozing that well-earned, deceptively simple confidence that Ivy knew was deserved. “And while it’s known for corn, a large number of farmers grow soybeans as well, which can be chocolate coated and eaten like candy, harvested for oil for biodiesel fuel, and can even be turned into crayons.”
Ivy stared at Carmen, rapt.
“The Midwest is often referred to as ‘tornado alley,’ or its more traditional moniker, ‘The Great Plains.’ The plainlands are notorious for their green, electric skies that foretell tornadoes, and also have some pretty stark shifts through seasonal changes. Though, no one ever seems to think that spring lasts long enough.”
“Well aren’t you just a walkin’ geography book,” Zack said, sounding about as stunned as Ivy felt, and the car slowed a little.
“Thanks. But Zack is also right. This far from the city, nobody with a badge is going to see us until we hit the next small town.”
There was a beat, and then Ivy heard the engine rev, climbing speeds with renewed vigor. “Awwww yeaaaah!” Zack crowed.
Carmen turned back to Ivy, and she kinda hoped she wasn’t blushing as hot as she felt like she was blushing. Carmen was an ocean. Ivy didn’t get to see much change on the surface, but there was a deep power and awe-inspiring quality to Carmen that lied just beneath, so close to the surface Ivy could practically feel it thrum. She wondered what it would be like to see Carmen storm.
She was staring, oops, uh, conversation, normal-people talk!
“So, tell me about you,” Ivy choked a little on the word, “partner.”
Carmen arched a single eyebrow and Ivy internally bemoaned how it wasn’t fair. She could never make her face do that! “I thought Player already debriefed you.”
“He gave me the basics,” Ivy nudged Carmen’s shin with her sneaker, like she would any other casual, regular-friend acquaintance. “I wanna hear from you.”
“It’s gonna have to wait,” Zack warned from the driver’s seat, “according to Player’s GPS, we’re gettin’ close.”
Far off, a semi truck was just becoming visible. Carmen nodded with determination, brown eyes locked on the distant figure.
“According to our intel, V.I.L.E. has probably already stolen the pipe. It’s an important relic that dates back centuries, and V.I.L.E. knows it’s a sacred part of Oglala Lakota culture. Plenty of shady museums are willing to pay a hefty price for the stolen artifacts of Native cultures. We’re going to make sure it gets back where it belongs.”
Ivy felt something electric in her pulse—and for once it wasn’t attraction to this pretty lady. It was something bigger, faster, far more exciting. Like the buzz of working with Zack to get into mischief, but amplified, nameless.
“Right,” she agreed, with a passion she was surprised to feel. They all activated their comms—tiny, closed-route devices Ivy made that linked them all to Player and each other—and got ready.
Zack slowed as they got to the semi, and Carmen leapt deftly through the open top of the car onto the hood. Zack kept a steady pace, bumper to bumper despite moving down the interstate, and Carmen fastened one of Ivy’s gadgets to the lock. The door of the truck swung open and—
Carmen had dodged and blocked before either of the twins had registered there were assailants inside. Deftly, competently, confidently, Carmen jumped into the metal cavity and punched an operative straight in the nose.
“Really, it’s like none of you remember to protect the face,” Carmen said as she dropped low to avoid a punch and then slammed the underside of her aggressor's chin. “Coach Brunt gives very good advice. You should listen.” Ivy distantly noted that the audio quality of their comms was perfect, exactly what she’d hoped.
Ivy watched Carmen move like Zack watched his video games. Utterly immersed, not wanting to even blink. There was fire in her gut, sparks inside her veins, a drumming noise inside her head that swelled in her lungs and threatened to burst from her ribcage.
Then someone got an arm around Carmen’s neck and Ivy knew, instinctively, in her very bones, what she needed to do. She pulled the grappling hook from her bag and leapt into the passenger seat, one foot propped on the rim of the windshield as she attacked the hook.
“What are—Ivy, Ivy you haven’t tested that yet!”
“Perfect time then, eh?” Ivy asked, barely hearing her brother over the thrum in her skull and veins. She aimed while one of the operatives picked himself up off the floor, grabbing a baton while Carmen struggled against the arm pressed to her windpipe.
“Not a perfect time! Now is not the—“
With a click and a woosh and a surge forward off the windshield, Ivy was airborne. She kicked her legs out hard and planted her feet right into the fellow with the baton, cushioning her landing but knocking him out cold. And maybe breaking a rib. Who knew—who cared?
“Hiya!” Ivy screamed as she rounded on the other man who—who was. Not standing anymore. Carmen stood, like she hadn’t been choked or bothered at all, and Ivy felt just a tiny bit silly for her shout but mostly she felt alight with something that could’ve been adrenaline.
“Nice gadget,” Carmen praised, and Ivy grinned, heady with their seeming victory.
A booming noise and blue light from the open door grabbed their attention, and the truck gained speed like it was a bullet train.
“That’s Dr. Bellum’s nitro,” Carmen informed swiftly, scooping Ivy up in her arms, “We’d better bounce.”
Carmen leapt, Ivy in her arms like a princess in the embrace of a valiant knight, from the semi’s open door into the open top of the car that was just barely still close enough for them to make the jump. Carmen shoved Ivy down as they landed, so that she bounced into the seat, head knocking against the headrest, and Ivy held onto Carmen, keeping her body from rocketing into the metal rim of the roof (or worse, toppling over it). Carmen and Ivy were both breathing hard, eyes locked as Carmen flopped into the seat, and they shared twin grins as Zack slowed the car and took off down a highway, branching from the interstate into the endless, gentle hills of the plains.
“That was great,” Carmen told Ivy as she pulled the pipe from her red coat, grinning triumphantly, “especially for a rookie.”
Ivy laughed and punched Carmen playfully in the shoulder, still high off whatever this was. “That was amazing. Zack, Zack, we are never going back to Boston.”
“Don’t have to tell me twice!” Zack crowed as well, “I mean, unless there’s a caper there.”
“I will allow one excuse for Boston capers. Oh my god!” Ivy said, laughing again, flopping bonelessly in the backseat as the adrenaline crashed. “That was so cool.”
“Yeah,” Carmen said, sounding pleased.
<<Player you ain’t gonna BELIEVE what happened today!>>
<<Is it that Red swept you up in her arms and jumped from the back of a moving vehicle? Or that you discovered your passion for benevolent crime that was latent inside you all along?>>
<<Yeah, Red already told me about it. Glad the first caper went well. It’s always nice to get off to a good start>>
<<She picked me up like it was NOTHIN’. Do I even weigh anythin’ to her?>>
<<It’s probably like lifting grapes or something>>
<<Player oh my god what have you done? How am I supposed to survive this?>>
<<You’re welcome>>
<<On a more serious note, yes I did discover my love of crime and theft and kicking dudes really really hard and you were absolutely right about me wantin’ to go on an adventure; how’d you know?>>
<<Eh, some wishful thinking and a lucky guess>>
<<I’m gonna go pass out now.>>
<<Make sure you hydrate>>
<<That goes double for you, cave goblin.>>
<<There there, Red>>
<<It’ll be okay; you’ll get through this>>
<<She hadn’t tested it yet! She risked her life specifically to come help me!>>
<<It was very cash money of her>>
<<Did I tell you about how she counterbalanced me so I didn’t crack a rib or go over the rim?>>
<<You did>>
<<She doesn’t have any training, Player. She just DID THAT! For me!>>
<<Player I think I have a crush>>
<<I think so too>>
<<Help I‘ve never had a crush before>>
<<You liar>>
<<Well okay yeah I’ve had crushes before but never when I could actually DO anything about it! I was always ‘that island kid’ to all the people I had crushes on, and by the time I was finally old enough to maybe date one of the students there weren’t any options.>>
<<El Topo and Le Chèvre have been an item since practically always, Mime Bomb was just… no, Tigress hated my guts, and Crackle was basically the brother I’d always wanted.>>
<<Wait, what if that’s it? Ivy is the first real option I’ve ever had, so my brain is going haywire and overreacting.>>
<<What do you feel about Zack?>>
<<I like him, and he’s attractive, in the way that humans are attractive, but he’s not very attractive to me.>>
<<I have a crush on Ivy.>>
<<Player what do I do?>>
<<Well, my mom says all good relationships are built on the solid foundation of good friendships. Start there>>
<<So focus on being her friend and not the dumb complicated feelings that are dumb and complicated, got it.>>
<<I wouldn’t ignore them entirely. It’s normal to have crushes, and most people see them as a good thing. Just don’t let it be the ONLY thing, you know?>>
<<Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense.>>
<<I always make sense, you should listen to me because I’m always right.>>
<<I am a font of wisdom, don’t play>>
<<Yeah. Hey, Player?>>
<<Thanks. Talking to you always makes me feel grounded.>>
<<Hey, what are besties for?>>
Part 1 | Part 3
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basketcase789 · 6 years
A.C.E in Toronto Fan Account
May 19, 2018
*I tried to keep these in order as best I could but some things are a little foggy now
To start off, KCON had tons of technical difficulties and A.C.E deserved better
The fanmeet began with a couple Air Canada ads -_-
Then there was a video of A.C.E that ended in a countdown
They came on stage and did a dance routine and then performed Cactus (Korean version) in hot pants *wink wonk*
During their intros there was so much yelling from fans and they were all super smiley and cute
They said they make each fanmeet different and have different concepts each time
Jun and Chan performed together
They had a translator who also happened to be named Jun so the crowd gave him the name Other Jun
Other Jun quizzed them on Canada
Chan said Toronto in a Canadian accent
Other Jun asked if they knew about Beavertails (pastry), and they wiggled their butts mimicking tails
I think they were asked about Tim Hortons but they had no idea lol
When they were asked about their thoughts on Canada, Wow said although he’d never been to Canada it felt like home to him, they said they liked the nature/scenery, and Jun said all the best Canadians are CHOICES ;) Jason said it had been about 10 years since he’d been to Canada and that it hasn’t changed lol
They changed clothes and Donghun wore sparkly red pants, they wore boyfriend outfits tbh
Performed Make it Nasty
They had a short Q&A session where they had to pick questions fans came up with before the fanmeet (sticky notes on a board)
Donghun had to say something nice about Jun. At first he said ”He’s nice. He’s the leader”, then more seriously that Jun is responsible. Then Jun said Donghun is sensitive but he disagreed.
They all did aegyo to the camera and we died. Jun went up to the crowd and did aegyo and Jason(?) said he was cheating.
They sang Stay and Last Dance acapella (they were going to pick one but ended up doing both)
They had to pick the member they confide in most. Wow said Jason, Jason said he’s going to betray Wow and picked Jun(?) but then hugged Wow after, Jun picked Donghun, Donghun picked Jun, and Chan got mad that none of them picked him >_< He said it depended on what what the problem was but said Jun for life goals and Jason and Wow for everyday problems.
They had to answer who they thought the true visual king is in a.c.e. They wanted us to cheer for who we thought it was but we didn’t understand at first and they had to start over
Lots of fanservice!
Wow and Jason sang and danced to Sriracha
Chan and Donghun came out to perform but there were technical difficulties and Sriracha began playing again, and they started dancing and mumbling lyrics in good humour. Then they finally were able to sing Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran and we were all blessed.
They all(?) sang Flashlight
They changed into dark flowy outfits and performed their zombie dance (there were technical difficulties again)
They played the teasers and mvs for Callin’ (more technical difficulties)
Then they came out and performed Callin’
They danced to Gashina
During the ending ment they brought out the cake organized by the fan project, for Wow’s birthday and their one year anniversary
They were really surprised
When Wow started talking we sang happy birthday
Jason said they felt honoured
For their last song they performed 5tar and it was beautiful
We chanted “encore” and “ace” and honestly I didn’t think they would perform anything else because the previous night there had been no encore for Amber
BUT THEY CAME BACK OUT wearing jeans and white shirts
They did a ton of dance covers
Justin Bieber - Sorry (actually I can’t remember if this was during encore or earlier)
EXO - Growl, Monster
BTS - Dope, Not Today, I Need U
Big Bang - BBB, Good Boy
They went ham and in between each group dance cover they basically collapsed on the stage and had to catch their breath
During their encore ment they said they want to come back to Canada. They told us about their upcoming album and everyone cheered, but then Chan reminded us it would only be a 4 member comeback (because he’s promoting with UNB) and he said we’d be in his heart(?)
Their final song was a cover of Playing with Fire and they got us to stand up (Chan was saying something like “no come closer, only stand” meaning they didn’t want us to rush up to the stage I think, but no one had moved anyway lol
Donghun had fluffy hair
They’re all amazing dancers and singers
It was basically a full concert with a Q&A lol
A.C.E went backstage to have a breather and freshen up before hi touch and photo op
Staff was disorganized, first they said if you have hi touch to go to one side and photo op to the other, then they had to clarify if you were getting both to go to the hi touch side
Some people were sitting and some were lined up against the wall starting at the stairs leading up to the stage, and staff told everyone to sit down and then like 5 minutes later told everyone to line up against the wall
A.C.E came back onto the stage and stood on one side of these tables and the line started walking by on the other side
I’m 99% sure I have social anxiety but it all happened so fast I didn’t really have time to panic, and we were fairly close to the start of the line
I’d never done hi touch before, but they were high fiving with both hands and some guy behind us said they never do that, only with one hand, so we were basically blessed
A woman at the front of the line was telling us to hurry up because they had a plane to catch
I’d planned to say “good show, come back soon” to each of them, but only had time to say a quick “thanks” to each of them while high fiving
I think their order was Jun, Donghun, Wow, Jason and Chan
They’re all so beautiful up close T_T
They were all taller than me but I expected that since I’m only 5 feet tall
Donghun was basically staring into my soul like he knew me and he looked like he was trying hard to memorize everyone if that makes sense
They all had soft hands
Jason is so beautiful
So while we were waiting for hi touch to start, a lovely fan gave me and @observetheview A.C.E buttons, she’d asked who we wanted and although I still don’t really have a bias I picked Chan because he’s basically my unofficial bias if that makes any sense he’s my bias until I fully commit to a bias what am I saying he’s basically my bias ahhh
So I pinned it to the front of my jean jacket because I didn’t really have anywhere else to put it and it just seemed like the logical place to put it
and Chan SAW IT and gave me the BIGGEST SMILE and went Yeaaaah! really happily and my soul basically left my body because senpai noticed me.
My friend was behind me and said he gave me thumbs up with a huge smile but I didn’t SEE because I’m a TWAT and was leaving
They all seemed precious and sincere and were all making eye contact and made me feel welcome
My heart was RACING like crazy afterwards
In summary, they’re all cute and beautiful and super talented 10/10 go see them ok you will be blessed
I still can’t believe I saw their faces up close in person
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harryslyles · 4 years
You give off very sweet vibes!!! Even tho I don't know a lot about you, I've been following you for quite a while now and I think you're very creative! Also ahahah I can't believe you live in New Brunswick, tbh I've always wanted to visit it cause it's such a British ass name but then again I live in BC so 😔 Hope you have a great day!
dgjdfkgh <3 you’re so sweet! thank you!
and yeaaaah as much as i complain about new brunswick i do really love it here. i was gonna say if you ever get the chance to visit you should during the summer because the nature is so pretty if you like being outdoors because we’re situated on the ocean but like i’m sure the nature and scenery is unreal in BC too as you’re also on an ocean. 
i hope you have a lovely day as well since yours is just getting started <3
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