#also fck hes really hot why this
lokisgoodgirl · 7 months
Okay, but WHY is that SO insanely hot? 😮‍💨🔥
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Like... Yes. Lift me up and throw me around like that. 🤤🫠
I mean I know this is a rhetorical question and you're just playing with me you cheeky cupcake but I'll bite. Oh, I'll bite.
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Right so in the context of these gifs...he's still in ✨acting✨mode with "I am Loki, of Jotunheim, and I bring you a gift" - shiver- right?
so he's really hamming up the im an asshole, you can trust me vibes. Not only is that in itself mega dom energy, but LOOK AT HOW HE SLIDES HIS ARM UNDER HER. NOT HIS HAND, HIS FOREARM. Like he's picking up an animal or something. He's just hooking and crooking Jane real good like a goddam shepherd🐑🐏 No emotion, no nothing. Just squatting those thighs down and hoiching her right up here, babe pig in the city style. Call me broken but there's something feral about that. Sex.
Secondly the whole display is completely unnecessary 🤣🤣like sexyman y are you hoisting her forth only to push her down again. I'll tell you why. And why it's so hot. DRAMA. Look at the way he holds his body in that second gif. The stance, the power. And the way the flap of his leather syncs with the hair whip is *chefs kiss*beautiful erotica. I want to eat him and his ✨extra✨ass.
Also, just my personal hc about this- but from the way he's standing and the motion of his arm, even though he pushes her, most of the force is contained within his body. The hand motions to the side, so the main crux of his strength redirects when his hand releases. His upper body moves, but his lower body doesn't. In fact, he rocks back on his heel with the force of NOT releasing that force onto her with his push. Yes, she falls. But that's a lil nudge and gravity in Loki terms. Also, she kind of ran into it. He absorbed that shock with his wide legs and shoulder stance. Again, drama. Role Play. Sexy.
So yes all in all you are 100000% correct and it's hot as fck and he could pick us all up with one arm and bounce us around like a goshdarn pingbong ball while protecting us at the same time. And for that reason, this scene gets an LGG 11/10
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hopefulomens · 28 days
3:03:54-3:20:05 ep8 the suckening transcript
only for the gabe and emizel parts tho
I believe you were waiting your turn, weren't you?
-Charlie: You hear a sort of knocking on like something-
*heavily panting.* This time I'll show him.
-Grizzly: *laughing*
-Condi: Ohh, no!
-Charlie: And, another something opens. Up next is Emizel. You got the highest here. What are you doing?
-Condi: I'm spinning down this dirt road, uh, and I'm gonna keep going straight on it because that is-
-Bizly: I'm so glad we didn't try and pile people into it.
-Condi: Yeah, I'm saying. *Laughs.* Open the back and there's just a monster in it.
-Charlie: *Laughs.* So what are you gonna do?
-Condi: So I'm gonna just drive straight and like- Pedal to the metal, hard as I can, uh, down this dirt road still.
-Charlie: So what's your goal here, where you going?
-Condi: Uh- Just away.
-Charlie: *Laughing a little.*Just away?
-Condi: Yeah.
-Charlie: Just give me a Dex plus Drive as you try to stay on this road as you're going as fast as you possibly can.
-Condi: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.. *Laughing.*
-Charlie: 8 successes?! 
-Bizly: *Overlapped.* Are you serious??
-Condi: Yes! I got only a 5 for a fail!
-Bizly: What is happening over there??
-Condi: I DON'T KNOW!
-Charlie: *Muffled.* Insane! *Clearer.* Yeah! You- You fucking drive-
-Condi: *Overlapped.* I mean there's limitations to a truck! so like it's not like-
-Charlie: *Overlapped.* There's limitations to a truck but 5 successes is the max it goes and you just got like, what, 8?
-Condi: Yeah. Yeah.
Charlie: So- YEAH, you're taking every fucking corner perfectly, you're going as fast as this thing can possibly go. Okay, that- that's Emizel's turn. You're blasting off, you start to hear something banging behind you.
-Charlie: Up next. Emizel, you see what looks like these, uh, sharp eared- Is it -doberman? Is that the sorta-
-Condi: *Overlapped.* Yeah, yeah, like the kind you'd use in a dog race? (???? couldn't tell if that's what he said)
-Charlie: *Overlapped.* -Resident Evil dog breed?
-Condi: Yeah.
-Charlie: Okay, it's the Resident Evil dog breed. You see these two dobermans come sprinting out of that exit- They look like they each have about six legs, just legs to the fucking ground, going as fast as possible, and they're both barking, *Starts barking???* And, uh, they both open their mouths, and inside their mouths you see, like, something bright and white. (?)
-Bizly: They're hot dogs!
-*Grizzly and Condi laughing.*
-Charlie: That's really funny.
-Condi: That’s good, that’s good. 
Vex: Yes! Go, our Hot Dogs! It's time for a cookout!
-Charlie: They don't make it to you, but you see as they both are sprinting after you, one gets.. not too far, the other gets.. ALSO not too far. It looks like they're going at about your speed, so currently you're outpacing them, but they are chasing you. And you see as in your rearview mirror- *Laughs.* There's just so much STUFF after you now.
-Condi: *Laughs.* Yeah.
-Charlie: Just so many things after you. Something- PSHWEW(? movement sounds I guess?)- through the desert, there's like, JSHHH, these like clouds of sand that like billow out from behind it, um, and you see as there is now something, um, right beside you, basically at your window, uh, I just rolled for him-
What the FCK.
-Charlie: He rolled good, he rolled really fucking good-
Long time no see, amigo!
Why'd they make you faster?! You were fine before, you were fine the way you were! WHY DID THEY MAKE YOU FASTER?!
-Charlie: You look over, and he's no longer, like- He's no longer a big spider. 
-Condi: Oh, no.
-Charlie: It look like he's got back in sort of more of a human form, but he has these like bone.. plates, all over him? Looks like his sorta musculature has been augmented, but he's no longer, like, deformed. And he actually, like, looks a bit- He looks better put together, he looks not like a fucking freak monster anymore. 
-Condi: Okay, cool. Um. Hey, is it my turn yet?
What do you think of my new skin?!
I don't like it! Y-You need new skin!
Well, I don't like you!
I dont like YOU!
I don't like the fact that I try to do my job and then you fucking- DIE, and then you come back?!
*Overlapped.* I didn't- What, What the fuck- What the fuck- did I do to you?! What do, what do, what is your problem with me?!
Fucking- You CAUSED me, man! You caused me!
*Splutters.* Wha- How?! How did I do that?! Because I bit you?! Because I bit you back when you were biting me?!
No- You were- I caused- Fu-Fuck, shit, shut the fuck up! 
*Sounds of incomprehensible rapid fire arguing and cursing.*
Emizel: OH SHIT!
-*The Council giggling.*
-Condi: And it swerves-
-Grizzly: Fuck you!
Emizel and Gabriel simultaneously:
-Grizzly and Condi: *Laughing.*
-Charlie: Emizel, from the backseat you hear, '*vaguely distressed sounds- the same that the stingray-anglerfish-jerboa made in the previous episode,* from inside the trunk. '*more of the stingleroa sounds.*'
-Bizly: Ohhhhh-
-Grizzly: *Laughing,* It's so pathetic!
-Bizly: Nooo Fucking Wayyyyy.
Oh, you just had to go and take the special shipment, didn't you?
WHAT the FUCK are you doing with this thing?!
-*The Coucil giggling.*
That's for Edward to know, and- Uh- They locked me up in a cage after what you fucking did!
Wait, one second-
*Overlapping.* They turned me into this!
-Condi: And I pull out my phone, I pull out my phone and I pull up the voice memos, and-
Okay, say that again?!
Fuck you!
-*The Council giggling.*
-Bizly, in the Shiloh voice: I'm pretty sure I have your phone.
-Condi: Oh you do, fuck.
-Charlie: Okay, top of the round. Next up is Vex.
-Charlie: Yeah, Emizel's first.
-Condi: Ye, can I look in the, in the, in the, fcking, uhh, the glove compartment again? For a gun?
-Charlie:...Looking for a-
-Condi: We're in, we're in America, goddamnit. 
-Charlie: There's not a gun, I'm sorry. 
-Condi: Dammit! I was gonna throw it at him. *Laughing.*
-Charlie: No. That's really funny, but no. There's not a gun.
-Condi: Yeah, fuck it, I'll attack him by driving into- I'm gonna ram him.
-Charlie: *Laughing.*
You can't run away from me!!...Oh, what are you doing, what are you- HEYHEYHEYHEYHEY-
-Charlie: Yeah, I'm gonna say in this case this is gonna be contested, um, let's do Dex plus Drive. 
-Condi: Okay.
-Charlie: Um, to hit him.
-Condi: *Counting successes.* 1, 2, 3, 4..
-Charlie: You veer into him, he grips onto the side of the truck, flips over, and onto the other side.
Where do you think you're going?!
-Charlie: Up next is Shiloh.
-Condi: Wait wait wait wait wait, I wanna do one more thing, as a free action.
-Charlie: Sure, whats up?
-Condi: I'd like to look around the truck to see if there's a button to open.. the back. 
-Charlie:..As a FREE action.
-Condi: Uh huh.
-Charlie: I will say if you activate Solarity you can do it.
-Condi: Okay. 
-Charlie: But there is CERTAINLY a button to open the back. It just makes sense that there would be.
Condi: Yeah.
Hey, whuh- What are you looking for, man?!
-Condi: Okay, then I activate Solarity. I'm gonna give myself all three actions, I guess, at the end here.
-Charlie: Okay. Alright.
-Condi: I'll wait until the end, of the turn.
-Charlie: *Slightly overlapped.* This is TRUE insanity. Tha- These encounters today are nuts. Okay, up next is, uh, it was you Shiloh, you were still going.
-Charlie: Up next is the hounds.
-Bizly: The hounds! 
-Condi: Ze hounds!
-Charlie: They don't do great. You see as they're both just running after you, locked onto you. One of them accidentally runs in front of the other, and just tumbles, just starts tumbling, sparks of fire shoot out from its mouth. 
-Grizzly: *Overlapped, barking.*
-Charlie: The other one jumps over and keeps running. *Barks.* This one is slightly gaining on you.
-Condi: Okay.
-Charlie: But uh, not- not close yet.
-Condi: It's okay, they're not really my concern, there's just this giant Spyder.
-Charlie: Up next is, in fact-
-Condi: Spyder.
-Grizzly: He's not a spider anymore.
-Charlie: He's not a spider anymore.
-Condi: Yeah, I know.
-Charlie: He's just this weird- This weird bone run man.
-Bizly: He's not spider, he's man.
Looking for this?!
-Charlie: He pulls out a gun. 
-*Grizzly laughing.*
WHAT?! *Condi laughing.* Why the fuck did they give you a gun?!
-Charlie: He points it at you.
-Charlie: He pulls the trigger.
I'm still finding my thing!
-Condi: Okay, I'm gonna use one of my Solarity actions, uh, to- to dodge.
-Charlie: To dodge? Go for it.
-Condi: Yeah. Or, no wait, can I- block? I have a funny flavor for block.
-Charlie: Yeah, go for it.
-Condi: Okay... I got zero, cuz I got two ones and two successes. 
-Charlie: Ah, shit. I'm sorry. You see as you try and quickly move out of the way, and his hand just follows you-
-Condi: No, what I do is I- I move the fucking, uh, uh, eye shield, the- You know the thing above-
-Charlie: *Laughs.* That's insane! The reflector?
-Condi: *Laughing.* Yeah, the reflector, to try and fucking like block the bullet.
..Yeah, that's- not gonna work! *Wheeze laughs a little.*
-Charlie: Tries to shoot you. Um.
-*Condi laughing.*
-Charlie: Go ahead and roll me soak?
-Condi: Oh my god, I did good this time- Oh my god, I got all 5! 
-Charlie: You only take one bashing damage, then.
-*someone makes an 'ohhwhee' sound.*
-Charlie: As this bullet, uh, uh, actually IS slowed down, by- this fucking reflector you put in front of him-
-Condi: *Laughs.*
-Charlie: But it does shoot through it, kinda hits you in the head, scrapes past you.
I knew it would work! Fuck you!
Wha- Why did that work?! Fuck you!!
-Charlie: Up next.. *Stingleroa sounds again.* You hear from behind you.
-*The Coucil all begin making the classic stingleroa call sound.*
-Charlie: Um, and you see in the rearview mirror- Holy fucking shit, actually..? As a, like, stinger tail, GSHKKK, goes stabbing through the thing and cuts up, and the back of this truck is just cut off-,
*Overlapped* Didn't even need to- Okay!
-Charlie: -and this creature stands up, *Stingleroa groans,* just starts looking around.
-Grizzly: ..That's- not good!
-Charlie: Go ahead and roll me, uhh. Charisma or Manipulation plus Animal Ken/Kin? With a, uh, difficulty of 9. *Laughs in disbelief.* Just as a free action, I'll just let you do this.
-Condi: I'm gonna use a blood point to give myself another die for Manipulation. 
-Charlie: You can't do that, it's only physical traits.
-Condi: Is it only physical? Okay.
-Charlie: Yeah, I'm sorry. 
-Condi: Oh that's none, zero.
-Charlie: No successes? It IMMEDIATELY puts its ey-
-Condi: Wait, no, that's a 1.
-Charlie: A BOTCH?
-Condi: That's a botch! *Laughs.* I thought it was a 7.
-Charlie: It IMMEDIATELY puts its beady eyes on you, as if recognizing- and it just GLARES.
*Groans angrily.*
-Charlie: And it flips around, so it's in the bed of this truck facing you and you see as this stinger starts waving in the air behind it.
*Groans angrily again.*
Emizel: Nooooo-
-Charlie: You see these freakishly long legs as it stands up, you feel the weight of the truck change.
-Grizzly: Waitwaitwaitwaitwait-
-Condi: Waitwaitwaitwaitwait- Nononono-
-Grizzly: Waitwait-
-Charlie: Now's your Solarity action if you still want it.
-Condi: I have two more.
-Charlie: You have two more actions?
-Condi: Yeah, I have two more actions.
-Charlie: Okay, cool, go for it.
-Condi: We're in, we're in- L.A., lemme think about what would be in a truck in L.A.. Okay, so I grab the shotgun. *Laughs.* Um.
-Charlie: *Flabberghasted.* What??
-Condi: *Laughs more.*
-Charlie: Okay, alright, um-
-Condi: No, like, I grab like- There's probably like a wrench, like a toolbox in the backseat-
-Charlie: Yeah, sure, there's- There's a wrench.
-Condi: I'm gonna grab a wrench and throw it at his fucking legs, so he trips and falls, man!
-Charlie: *Laughing.* Okay. Okay. Alright. Go for it. Um. Let's say this is a, uh, Dex plus Melee for this. 
-Condi: 6.
-Charlie: Nice. You see as he again tries to dodge out of the way, he got 4 successes on it.
-Condi: Really.
-Charlie: Yeah.
You really think I'm slo- OH!
-Grizly: *Laughs.* 'Oh!'
-Charlie: 'Oh!'
-*The Council giggling.*
-Charlie: Roll your damage, he'll roll soak.
-Condi: 4.
You don't get it, do you?! They remade me! Made me stronger! Faster! HARDER! L- OUG! 
-Charlie: Goes tripping. You throw this wrench, um, you see as he just 'BONK', hits his knees, uh, his fucking like leg fully just inverts, he just looks at you-
Oh, shit. 
-Charlie: Um, and just starts tumbling, like BRBRBRRRAH, like, fucking, for- literally into a fucking Looney Tunes dust cloud, like, off fully as you do 4 damage to him! 
-Condi: *Laughs.*
-Charlie: As he fully FAILED every fucking one of his rolls, um, he can't run anymore, he's not part of the chase-
*Overlapped.* Jesus fucking christ.
I'm so fucking tired of that guy!
-*Council giggling.*
-Charlie: He starts crawling after you, just- SO not gonna get you.
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kuramirocket · 8 months
Okay, so I finally watched Across The Spiderverse and I have at least 2 hot takes that will get me hated and cancelled, probably lol.
The first one is that I really disliked the animation for this movie. Idk, about everyone else, but I felt the animation was too fast paced, colorful, weird and confusing. It was pretty eye straining which I did not like at all. That and coupled with the characters talking really rapidly, it didn't mix well with the animation at all, if you ask me. Anyone else feel the eyestrain was real for this film?
Anyways, for this film I was most excited about Miguel O'Hara because half Mexican! I was hoping for, but from the trailers, honestly not holding my breath for some good representation. Because of this I'm weary of the film and where the sequel will head.
Like it's really great to see more Mexican characters, but I feel that this itself is the problem. It seems like Miguel is written in a way to be a morally grey character and in a way that he will be seen as a villain by the majority of the viewers. Now, I haven't really looked at the fandom because of spoilers, but from the little I I've seen, it's either you hate him because of his behavior and views or you you love him because he's hot. At least, these seem to be the two extremes. Now, as an indigenous Mexican myself, I hate how Mexican characters are portrayed stereotypically in films and/or are only shoved into grey areas/antagonistic roles. It's very tiring to see. Atsv has great Afro Latino representation, sure, but with Miguel it feels really iffy to me. Idk. Miguel just seems to have this negative air to him and not just because of the loss and pain he's lived through and experiences that has led him to behave the way he does and see the world as he sees it. I just don't want more Mexican characters who are 'mean,' or seen as villains, or just portrayed as being wrong, you know.
This is why I'm very weary of the sequel and not holding my breath either like I said.
Looking at how Gwen's father renounced from the police force, I imagine this means it's likely he won't die because he's no longer Captain. So, it seems that this is foreshadowing and indication that in the next movie, Miles will prove Miguel wrong that things aren't set in stone - and his dad will not die and he will save him. I feel like this is pretty tropey and I honestly hope this isn't the case. Don't get me wrong. I do love the messages and themes of saying fck you to fate and making your own destiny and changing things for the better and forging your own destiny, BUT for this franchise; I actually want to see the morally grey character who is seen as a villain and wrong by the viewers and who is cold because of his experiences to actually be right about things no matter how fcked up and tragic it is. Like give me THIS plot twist for once. Let Miguel be right. Lol. Though, I doubt this will happen and will be too dark.
Also, don't get me wrong (again) there's nothing wrong with morally grey characters and this does bring a lot of great complexity to them (which a lot of people don't understand or still dislike and hate them either way which isn't bad per say, people are entitled to their opinions) but again, shoving Mexican characters into morally grey areas [sacrificing one life for the many - and really all the cruel things Miguel said to Miles despite his anger stemming from his experiences and wanting to save the multiverse from collapsing and what not], shoving Mexican characters into villain/antagonistic roles (looking at Black Panther's Namor), is again, tiring to see so many times happens (e.g. especially with the stereotypical drug dealer/criminal roles that just happen again and again). Idk if this makes sense? I really hope it does because this topic of the portrayal of Mexican characters is really important to me.
And honestly me and other Mexicans shouldn't have to settle for any fictional Mexican characters we can get.
I'm not saying the writers are bad people or with malicious intent or anything, but again Miguel's characterization just comes across as iffy to me especially since he serves as representation to me, to Mexicans.
Idk. Thoughts?
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thoughtsbyharu · 11 months
Webtoon Review: Happily Ever Afterwards
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What would you do if you were reborn as a character from your favorite romance novel? For Peony, an avid fan of “The Song of Askar,” the answer is simple: Marry her favorite character, of course! Reincarnated as the princess of the Kingdom of Garten, Peony is determined to marry Richt, the second male lead of “The Song of Askar” and former prince of the Fairspren Empire, who was banished to an inhospitable land after the novel’s happy ending (which didn’t end so well for him). Amidst trials and tribulations, can Peony and Richt make the most of their second chance at life and love?
Status: Completed
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Isekai, Drama, Josei, Comedy
Original Work By: Hwang Do Tol
Adapted by: Jeongseo
Hello Hi Annyeong and welcome to my review blog!
Today I will be reviewing a cute romance manhwa entitled, Happily Ever Afterwards!
This review will be a bit short since I finished it last February and I don't remember ALL the details, just the important ones.
Anyway, this title is another novel isekai.
But the thing is, the MC was not reincarnated as a part of the main cast, instead, she is a background character of the original story, a princess from a rich, neighbouring country.
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The timeline also happened after the ending of the original story which made me interested.
So far, I've only read novel isekais where the MCs are either involved in the story from birth (reincarnated) or they went back in time.
For this one, the original princess died and the MC took over the princess' body. Unlike other isekais, the MC has no idea what will happen next since it's already the after-story. So it's up to the MC to create her own story thus, the title "Happily Ever Afterwards".
In her previous life, the MC, now called Princess Peony, has a favorite character/bias in the novel name Richt. In the novel, Richt is the tragic second lead who was exiled after starting a rebellion against the novel's hero and heroine; his brother and THE crown prince, Mikhail and his first love and brother's fiance, Hestia.
Peony absolutely LOVED Richt and thinks he is misunderstood and deserved to be happy. If only she could bring him happiness right? Then an idea struck her. Since she is at the novel's after story, she could change Richt fate and save him! And how you ask? By marrying him and becoming a great wife of course!
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The premise of the story is totally relatable! Fictional guys are hot but they ain't real. But what if they WERE real? What would you do? Well, Ms. Peony here knows what she wants, she will marry her favorite character no matter what.
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Peony now has a goal but conflicts got in her way. You see, the original Princess Peony is very fragile and sickly (thus why she died). Because of this, her family is overprotective and doted on her so much. The land where Lord Richt was exiled is very cold and almost unhabitable, it's a big red flag for her and her health. But girlie really wanted to make her bias happy so she said fck it, I'm going no matter what. Convincing her family to go and propose to him was challenging but Peony managed to convince them anyways.
Fast forward, Peony was able to travel to Lord Richt's residence and has many plans of winning him over. She proposed to him but was rejected. However, she won't back down without a fight! He is her bias after all so she knows everything about him! She believes that if she makes the right moves, he will eventually warm up to her.
However, making Richt fall for her was harder than expected. Despite knowing the things on how to pull his heart strings (example: giving him sweets), he is still so rude, aloof and cold towards her.
Despite Richt pushing her away, Peony would almost push back and would never leave. She put her foot down and declared that she WOULD marry him. Eventually, the two made a truce that if Peony made him fall for her in 100 days, he would marry her. And thus, begins their love story.
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Their love story is actually cute. I won't spoil anything but I really love the development between the two as well as their chemistry. Sometimes I find myself giggling about how cute they are. I really love Peony as she is so pure, adorable, cheerful and strong. She's strong in the sense that she is very determined, driven and she knows what she wants. She is not afraid to try as she always takes the first step all the time which I admire very much. This attitude of hers really fits well with our male lead, Richt.
Now with Richt, I love him and Peony together but alone, I don't think he is on my favorite characters list. For me, this guy is just a big red flag. I'm not really a fan of tsundere male leads so I might be biased on this but he really gets on my nerves sometimes. He gets angry all so suddenly and he expects Peony to know why the hell is he angry about. And when Peony wants to talk about it, he lashes out like, okay dude chill, she just wants to understand you.
He has his moments sure, he even makes me swoon sometimes, but most of the times he is just a big jerk. I almost dropped this series because of how he treats Peony badly on the first half of the series. As much I love Peony, she sometimes can be so pushy. She has that "I can fix him" mindset so yeah, I kinda get annoyed at her sometimes because it hurts me to see her so determined when her efforts aren't even reciprocated.
Despite that, I kept reading this manhwa because my good friend recommended this to me and she loved it very much so I gave it a chance. I was thinking the whole time that Peony is so perfect for him because she has so much patience dealing with his moodiness. If I were her, I would dump his ass a long time ago :D
Anyways, the story itself was interesting. The main focus is the main couple's romance but the subplots are good too. The story of the rebellion has an unexpected twist and the love story of the second couple is very adorable as well. I really love Andy since he's such a cutie and a green flag! He is one of my favorite characters.
Reading it is entertaining and I was satisfied with the ending.  My only problem is with the male lead at first but I guess it worked out for them both at the end. It was cute and I would recommend it to those peeps who loves the cold guy x cheerful girl dynamic. 
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Overall Rating: 4/5
Status: Finished
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noona96n · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Thanks....
i'll try to keep it short lol
my top 10 favs in no particular order
- Mulan from Mulan (the ANIMATED film)
the way she grew into herself... her hardworking nature... her gentleness... idk man i just love her
- Kageyama Tobio from Haikyuu
- Nakahara Chuuya from BSD
my blueberry boy was an arrogant outcast who went thru the most beautiful character growth EVER
he was a mean, inconsiderate, controlling a*hole at the start of the series and ended up being mindful and understanding while still retaining his high spirits and determination. still a dumbass tho! love that about him too lol
- Obi Wan Kenobi from Star Wars
his loyalty is unmatched it's actually insane how he's so loyal??? like????? even in BSD Beast he's loyal to Dazai even though Dazai doesn't deserve it
it's just him and his silly little hat and enormous heart despite being the literal god of destruction and science experiment
also does help that he's fxkn beautiful and unapologetically himself and powerful as fck lol
- Jeerawit from Kleun Cheewit (Wave of Life)
he is so full of compassion and kindness despite all the loss he suffered... the way he came out on top despite his rocky starts and setbacks and rejections and literally always being second best... Obi Wan is just so GOOD and selfless i adore him as a person so, so much
also, he's a sexy sass gremlin lol love that in a person
she has an extremely sad and difficult life but she's so kindhearted... she has such low self-esteem despite being rich and famous... she is so loved yet unloved... but what matters is that she rises above her sadness and hardship and she's so so loved... Sathit better keeps on treating her right or he'll be catching these hands
- Kang Gil Young from The Guest
my girl is hot-tempered but so competent, so no-nonsense but still full of softness and kindness. she's the mother, the big sister, the boss lady, the glue that holds their trio together.
- Oh Jin Joo from The Devil Judge
- Laurent from Captive Prince trilogy
she is such a well-written character... she's aware of herself and her quality and she stand by her morality throughout the entire series
case in point: she fckd up (bcs she was manipulated and used), was told she fckd up and instead of denying it and wallowing in unfairness, she took matter into her own hands and went to confirm it, she then apologized and made amend by doing what's right.
also does help that one of the female leads is so badly written rip
- Han Juwon from Beyond Evil
catty bitch + poetic suffering
but for realzie my son suffered so much and his journey to claim what's his is just fckn beautiful (and sexc *cough*) and it helps a lot that he's so well loved by Auguste and Damen
- Lee Dongsik from Beyond Evil
his fckn character growth jesus christ
he's an insensitive know-it-all fool who ends up being humbled and soft-spoken and kindhearted and willing to give up everything to right the wrong that his father inflicted upon Dongsik
das it, das the reason... he just suffers really beautifully
ok i kid there are a lot of reasons (like his kindness towards everyone and his love for Minjungie) but mainly the sadness of his life and the beautiful resolution of his story
bonus: Howl from Howl's Moving Castle (studio ghibli) & Celia from The Help... whimsical characters with a history™ and heart of gold
i either love tortured characters who suffer poetically and beautifully yet still have a great capacity for kindness and compassion or characters who went thru character growth and came out striving to be the best, most beautiful self they can be
also, i just realized that a lot of things i like about my favs are due to fanon characterizations... like these top 10s are the very few that i originally like from canon materials alone haha
thank you for asking! it was really fun~
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a-kaash-me-outside · 1 year
okay Tori, im giving you a LONG feedback for this B2B update coz y'know, you deserve it ♡
and UGH idk how to put it in words just to describe it. the first part (the walk back to Kei's house) has kept me so conflicted like I can feel the uneasiness like how it was depicted. 👏 the confidence on the last chap was eased perfectly in this chap as Kei turned the tables, it was amazing. he was idk more forceful, more condescending, just to let reader feel that he was in control again and it has to be that way, and she was comfortable in that. "God you could barely handle a few hours of what I have to do for you every single day." YES KEI, YES!! DOMINATE ME! "I want you to watch me fuck you." IM ROLLING ON THE BED OMG and more, omg in the line as Kei continued. the whole scene was fantastic Tori. i mean, where'd you get these hot ideas and scenes?? And Kei reading reader like a book, knowing she likes it like that OMG THE SMIRK OF THAT HOT FCK okay im gonna stop okay wait no Kei pressing reader's back to his chest while fcking was so HOT i had to read it again to satisfy myself of that scene until okay i've read enough. aaahhh, the way the aftercare and confession about how she feels took place, HEARTS EVERYWHERE. and the FUCK the gentle sex after the very rough sex was amazing it melted me!! "you know I'll do anything for you right?" uhhhh my hearttttt. it took me back to the first chap where the reader begged for Kei to fuck her and make her cum. she was in control the whole time, we we're so lost in Kei dominating butー HANDS DOWN TORI!! and i wanna add..... HOW ABOUT TADASHI? i mean, no epilogue? like he got back on his own feet and took Kei's lessons into practice with any other girls. HAHAHA it'll be hilarious, it's already hilarious to imagine. "Thanks, Kei. I owe this to you and to my ex." LMAO.
TWRT Maki backstory is comforting and disturbing for some reason
can i include myself with those Maki bitches? because honestly, I AM. Sorry 'Tsumu, but my heart's 60% Maki.
so, I was expecting it will be a Maki POV kind of thing but this also works pretty well too. Hanamaki, my love, is so over-the-top loverboy that every girl deserves. Oh praises everywhere and out I'm inlove with him, he'll never fail to make you feel comfortable. maybe because the relationship foundation has enough stability that it did work out to evolve into a gf-bf relationship. i really love platonic love because you can never be wrong with it, even if it evolves to something like that so casually. and it was amazing Tori, it broke me maybe too much more if I didn't know they'll break up eventually. Reader handled it perfectly HANDS DOWN that scene when Maki asked her to put a label on her: girlfriend. LMAO the rebound thing with Iwa was hilarious!!! The read was too relaxing AND NGL, i was expecting a hard break up but like the casual evolution of their relationship, it broke up cleanly too like: WTF WHY YOU TEACHING ME THAT THERE IS SOMETHING LIKE THIS THAT COULD HAPPEN IM NOT ACCUSTOMED BY THIS, IS LOVE LIKE THIS, THERE'S REALLY A LOVE LIKE THIS!? like that. TBH, i really feel uncomfortable because I really wanted him to end up with reader and I can't think of how pain will reside in him when Atsumu gets the one thing that is very precious to him. Maybe it'll break me if I'll read the Maki alternate ending. omg, I'm shaking 🥺 I wish mine broke cleanly like this. and I know, after this, Maki will never move on from herーor not, what do you think Tori? Is he gonna move on from her? but dont spoil LOL I wanna excite myself!! Oh the heartbreak my God.
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this is me right now contemplating what to feel.
PAH OMG OMG. thank you so much for these in-depth thoughts i love them omg omgogmogmgmo. hehehehe. i love love love the last chapter of not fair! i think it refocused on reader and tsukishima rather than tadashi which was the VIBE and just focuses on the love between them and how their relationship has evolved. <3 (also, i come up with these scenes because i am a horny bitch that's it)
AND AH YEA. the whole point of posting the maki chapter was in PREP for tonight where i hope everyone loves the last chapter and ALSO the maki chapter hahahahaha.
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Babe! Who is Jackson Wang and why is he so damn hot reading these thirst tweets?
Do I need him in my life? Enlighten me please hehe. Also, you think any of the BTS will read thirst tweets? Who's your best bet who'll be up for it? I really want JM but I think he'll be flustered as fck so I think JK might be open to it and Yoongi, perhaps (reading with his deep voice and nonchalantly knowing it is sexy as fck).
Okay sorry for all this blabbering. I blame Jackson Wang.
Ooooh, Jackson 👀 He was in GOT7 (still is? I know they left the company) and he's also a solo artist. I kinda dig his solo work, it's a mix of artsy and commercial in terms of the music videos. I don't know much, I don't even have him in my playlist, but I did watch some clips of him taking care of small kids and I just melted.
Loool, and that thirst tweets segment. He doesn't know what a vulva is 💀 someone needs to explain it to him asap cause the guy skipped on his anatomy class, to say the least. But he's funny, really open in interviews, laid back. I like him.
As to who in BTS could do something similar, I too think JK, given his IG q&a, but I think he would get shy if it meant to show his face as well reading it. Yoongi would be funny cause he would just be deadpan while reading "I wanna eat your ass". Jimin would get red as a tomato, but only because he has to do it on camera.
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randomstudentblog · 8 months
8/22/23 @2012H
You may be wondering, why am I writing this post a bit early than usual? Well, ts because I wasnt productive as I thought I'll be.
I was able to continue making my flashcard but I'm no where near page 21. I wasnt able to finish it as I was distracted a lot since I worked in our dining area. My room during morning is hot, warmer when I used my electric fan. Plus today, I don't really feel like working, this is perhaps because of my hormones? Cause I'm having PMS since last week but im trying so hard to combat it with exercise. Speaking of which, I was able to run 3km within 25 mins. Hopelly I can turn it down to 20mins tomorrow.
Anyways, here's a pic of setup a while ago 👇👇
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I tried putting mango and blueberrily jam in yogurt, and it tasted great! Planning of doing it again but with different fruits.
My plan for tonight is
Finish answering my remaining flashcard
Finish the book im currently reading (subtle art of not giving a fck)
Im planning also to take MTLE in August instead of March cause I really don't think im already prepared. I dont have a strong foundation of our major subjects, and I study at a slow pace. I can't even finish making my flashcard in just a day, so how much more on other subjects? Hngggg Im feeling an internal pressure tbh. A lot of thoughts are circulating in my mind.
Scared of failing in life like not passing the boards, not landing a job right away after passing the boards, not making enough money like my siblings, not being successful like my siblings.
Ending my life due to things mentioned above (but how bout my dogs)
Scared of what other people would say since they know I did well academically. (I know, I know, I should not care about what other people would think but atm I just can't help it.)
Fear of being left out by my batchmates and siblings.
My siblings are pretty much successful in their career, annnd here I am, making this post because I dont know what I'll do with my life, plus im broke.
I honestly don't know what Ill do after the boards.
Fear of not figuring things out and just being a disappointment and burden to my family
**might take my fear to the grave.
I dont know, i dont know anymore. This blog should be about me and my study journey, but I guess this will just be full of rants like this in life. ): Sorry, I just dont have anyone to share all of these things with. I'd rather have it here.
Hopefully, I'll get myself back on track or once again take things slow and stop being so harsh on myself.
God is with me, He will always be with me throughout my journey here on earth. With God, I shall not feel any fear.
Lord, I entrust my life to you. Let thy Will be done.
Peace out,
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taylorsimpsonbart · 1 year
Since the begining of the year, I have been mourning the loss of friendships and my old life and lovers as well. My heart has been in absolute grief and one day, i am good & another day my heart aches, i cannot breathe and I feel like my heart is burried in dry HOT sand.
I am celebrating new heights & a new home and as I celebrate that, I mourn the fact that I did not get to celebrate it with those I thought I would celebrate with.
Today in particular, i feel alone. Really alone and I am in my head. What Im thinking about is this: " am I the problem? Did I cause this fall apart ? What did I do and what went wrong for me to simply become a nothing to the ones I truly held in high regards?" & I want to genuinely know. No bullshit. I want to know what I did and where I went wrong because this is genuine heart break and I cannot fix it. You know?
On top of me grieving a friendship, I am also grieving a love story that came to an end. One that I ended and needed to end because I learned about my value. I learned what my space was in this particular person's life so I shouldn't feel bad right ? WRONG ! i guess the people pleaser in me finally realized that eh ! This is really over and I am feeling bad and feeling like shit but another part of me is litterally screaming : " GIRL YOU DID HIM A FAVOR! HE REPLACED YOU ALREADY MOVE ON YOUR LIFE IS GREAT RIGHT NOW. FOCUS ON WHO'S IN YOUR LIFE NOW !! FCK THAT !!"
Moral of the story, I don't know why my emotions are emotioning today but my heart hurts and I just need a hug from God & I want him to hold my heart in his hands and protect it with everything in Him because I cannot take this heartbreak and I do not know who to vent to but him and tumblr lmao because tumblr is like a personal diary of mine 😩
Okay, anyways ...happy almost easter. Happy Jesus is rising tomorrow ✌🏾
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thanatos10 · 2 years
Love or just companionship?
Have you ever felt that you are in a relationship not because of love and you are just there because it felt good being with someone? Coz that’s what I am feeling right now. It becomes less and less and less that I could say I love you.
When did it change? I guess it changed when she used my phone and angrily called a friend that I consider as family and says “you are old enough to know that you cannot send messages to him like that now that he has a gf, can you respect that?”
Respect? She is talking about respect but being disrespectful towards a young woman that is so close to me that I treat her as a younger sibling!
To give you context, I have a girl friend that is like my sister that used to be my roommate in LA. And as I am with my girl friends especially the singles, I made to a point that, they should be at least informing people their whereabouts if they are outside at night alone. So “just in case” something happens, we know where they are. Sometimes I asked them to text me when they get home. And this friend of mine, went out on a date for the 2nd time in her entire adult life, messaged me “I’m home” and my gf saw it and got mad at it!
Yes I understand the boundaries to have but, ‘cmon! Can we talk about this as adult Christians? She is telling me like “you know, Pastor Peter shared last time that if he doesn’t like what his wife did, he does it like ‘darling, I am sorry to say this but I didn’t like…. And I understand the issue and I will…’. So calm and God filled right?”
Yes! Pastor Peter can do that to his wife because his wife is level headed and not hot headed like you! How can I tell you what’s wrong or I didn’t like what you do when your initial reaction will be mad, mad, mad!?! I know relationships will have fights but not like this every damn week we have fight because, you didn’t like I said, or you didn’t like the food, or the food I ordered is wrong because I decided not to gave whipped cream in your crepe!?!
Small things becomes big because you get mad! And what Pastor Peter does to his wife is not only applicable to guys but also for girls! WHY CANNOT WE HAVE A DECENT DISCUSSION OF OUR MISUNDERSTANDINGS WITHOUT GETTING MAD AND THROWING TANTRUMS! For fck sake we are already in our late 30’s!
I love my friends as my family and there people like that I will choose over you because they are family and they have a level headed character. Yes you are a Christian for the past 10years and yes, it’s really hard to be godly. But we can always start and talk things out calm and not as if the end of the world because you don’t have whipped cream in your crepe.
Your issue is you easily angered. My issue is, I easily give up. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life being nagged on every week on small details. Small details should be talked calmly and easily forgive and forget. Like how Jesus taught us to be child like forgiveness.
You are not my enemy, but Satan is my enemy. But every time things blow out of proportion. I see satan in me and in you.
So that’s my story. I am in this relationship because of company and not because of love
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foxstens · 3 years
we’re....... getting a bunch of stuff next ep???
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bakuvantea · 3 years
general relationship headcanons of sung jin-woo with his beloved s/o
- warnings: none! just a tad bit of nsfw implications
- audience: I made this gender neutral, i do hope that’s okay!!
- a/n: hello >:) anonnn (may i call u that? lmao-) here’s your request love!! thank you for your kind words <33 stay heathy, stay hydrated, and always rest up okay? hope you have an amazing day ahead too!!
also idk who jacob is-
: pre-awakened jin-woo (before entering the carthenon temple)
> he was always cautious, he didn't want [you] to hear the whispers going around about how you could've chosen someone better, about how you could've loved someone that was not him. thus, he was very shy and timid, always on edge when he feels the piercing stares from his batchmates -most especially when you try to initiate physical contact with him in your school or in public, you'd see him uncomfortable and so you'd immediately stop (because you respect him, ily). behind closed doors though he would always go above and beyond in pleasing you and making you feel loved, although he always doubts himself so you always make sure to give him praises and assure him that he is the one you love (not that jerk jacob from the class next door).
> he always wears spare hair ties or hair pins around his wrists in case you forget or lose yours. in fact when its weekends -and when he's not out infiltrating dungeons and positively offering his life on a silver platter- he always tries to study new hairdos and hairstyles so he can have more variations and choices when he ties or pins your hair for you. he'd always kiss the top of your head after and you'd feel his smile as he nuzzles your hair, smelling your shampoo. since his hair is also long, you'd also return the favor and tie his hair for him. his favorite would have to be the classic apple look with a pointy lock of hair erect in the middle -he really looks like a shih tzu, adorable-
> he.blushes.so.easily !!! he is very weak to praises and your lil kisses that pepper his face. you can see him glow and you even see his smile evidently becoming wider despite him shying away from you, looking downwards to avoid your loving gaze.
> he may be sht but he is also very playful towards you, teasing you and throwing pillows at you when you’re in his room, what a baby.
> often during dates he'd always need to leave early because he really needs to earn money and g to the dungeons. although you try to offer him some of your savings or your help during the dungeon raids, he'd always reject your offer, thinking of how it may burden you or the dungeon raids may possibly hurt you. you don't listen to him though, you give some of your savings to his sister when you cross paths in your school, and you'd always register after him in raids or call up someone you know to have you join in.
"(name) why are you here?!"
"angel face, i can handle myself just fine. it's my choice to help you and whether you like it or not, i've also been called for this raid. come love, we're going in."
> you'd always take his blue hoodie and wear it. he gets so shy when you smell it.
he gets frantic when you take his hoodie and start sniffing it, exclaiming; "stop! i smell weird."
you raise an eyebrow at him, "woo, you smell fine. i like it."
he tries to stutter a remark but was silenced by your smile.
> you always try to visit his mother with him and his sister, jinah. you always talk to their mother out loud and you'd see jinah smile gently at you and jin-woo trying to stop sniffles from escaping his lips by biting them and covering his face with his hoodie.
jinah: u simp
jin-woo: shut it
> he loved cuddles! but he really likes kissing your cheeks. he loves how soft they are and he loves feeling your cheeks move when you smile or laugh at his cute antics.
> he loves you so so dear
: post-awakened jin-woo (after the events of the carthenon temple)
> oh, dear it's the monarch-
> you weren't with him when he raided the "d-rank" dungeon that then turned out to be,, well pretty much a bloodbath, so you were very worried when you heard word of the news. you and jinah basically ran to the hospital and when you caught sight of him you almost fell down from relief and pure shock in seeing the state he's in. well, not long after though suddenly he's all buff and you were really trying to make sense of what's happening.
you: hello there good sir, what in the name of fck are you doing in my boyfriend’s room all sweaty and half-naked😀
jin-woo: (name) it’s me
you: haha yes, sir ‘it’s me’ that’s a pretty weird name but i don't judge, anyways my baby boy is not here uhm haha please get out of my boyfriend’s room
jin-woo: (name) it’s really me!
you: no sir, my woo radiates baby energy, you on the other hand radiates big dilf energy, haha i do not like what i am sensing so please for the life of me leave-
(jinah had to convince you that it is indeed jin-woo, you had her stop you from trying to hold his tiddies)
> you were very happy in seeing how confident he’s become, and you were even more proud with how he still says so humble despite his new accomplishments and title.
> it was obvious that he has become distant with others and have set a boundary between him and other hunters, you accept that part of him though since you know just how much he has gone through. he may act aloof towards others but he’s still very playful and comfortable with you.
> you have also noticed another thing though, he has become a bit possessive or much protective over you and jinah. he’d always have you bring a shadow with you to guard you when he can’t be with you. also, when someone stares at you for far too long, he’d step in and go, “hey there pal” and oh gosh was that enough to get the guy running (pretty damn hot)
> you still visit his mom with him, he doesn’t cry now though.
> when he trains, you’d insist on lying down below him when he does push-ups. you’d kiss him every time he swoops down and you’d hear him laugh which then makes you giggle as you hold his cheeks between your hands
> jinah is sick of the two you, always screaming about how on earth did her brother get an s/o before her, the audacity!
> his shadows adore you, of they’d always try to impress you or get head pats when you tell jin-woo to summon them for you. you live them to bits and always thanks them for a job well done in helping jin-woo with his raids. on the first time you accompanied him for a raid -you had to bribe him with more cuddles- and you were shocked with how his sweet adorable shadows turned a full 180, becoming ruthless towards the enemies. quite a show you’d say. after though, they’re back to flocking over you, even dismissing jin-woo lmao
jin-woo, watching you give each shadows head pats: i hate it here
you: get in line then
> it may be due to his newly acquired talents and his current mental and physical prowess but he has become more perceptive towards you. he can always read you and know just what your mood is and he always tries to make you feel better by giving his whole attention to you.
> of but of course, since dear jin-woo has become quite the looker, you also notice how girls flock over to him. and especially miss hae-in (she’s very sweet yes, but hey that’s your man so like—). the moment you discovered that she left her guild to join jin-woo’s, and then confessed (well basically she did) to your man, well you were upset but really who could blame her? instead of taking your frustrations out on her and your boyfriend, you decided to just talk it out with jin-woo and ask him about how it went. the two of you cleared it out and you got kisses and maybe even more after that ;))
> you and jin-ho are menaces to society when you are together, he hates how endearing and annoying you two can be. i mean, does he really hate it? nope, he absolutely loves seeing you two interact, although his head always throbs when you two start screaming to britney, gaga, and doja.
> a tease, he has become the master of being a tease, you hate it and love it at the same time. he’d trail kisses down your neck to your thighs and leave some marks then he’d suddenly walk away while asking you what take-out you want. rude, that’s what he is. ofc he always finished what he starts tho oop-
> he always randomly bites you now, you don’t know why but it’s really cute when he starts nibbling so you let him be.
> so extra when he tells you that he loves you. he professes it in such weird but adorable ways. one time he had printed out ‘i love you so much’ on a big-ass tarpaulin and had his shadows hold it for him while he’s kneeling down smoldering at you. you hate him so much (you don’t-). or that one time he bought a bouquet basket and had a ring tied to one of the flowers, you had to take the bouquet apart since the damn ring fell to the very bottom.
> sometimes when he gets back to the agency after his dungeon raids you and jin-ho would see him all grumpy and you immediately know that either he wasn’t able to make the enemy his soldier or his coat got ruined.
jin-woo: *sad noises*
jin-ho: that’s okay, you can kill and slaughter the others and take their souls next time
you: jin-ho couldn’t you have worded that better-
over-all, he’s the bestest boyfriend, such a sweet and handsome pretty boy much strong and reliable we love him<333
- a/n: i can add more to this if you’d like!! just hit me up again lmao it’s too long now so-
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twary · 3 years
Yandere santana and Esidisi x chubby reader? If you don't do yanderes just some santana x esidisi x chubby reader. Separately, please❤
I think that chubbies deserve more love! Like, look at them! They're lovely!
Idk if i know how to write yandere...lol ;u;
Also, sorry for the wait!
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You're not chubby, you're t h i c c
Likes your tummy with his whole heart.
Will, literally, kill for being able to squeeze you♡
Why are you feeling down? Is because you think that person is prettier than you just because of their skeleton type of body? Well, then he will just turn that person into a real skeleton. You are the only beauty here.
Loves to hug you tight!
Put on a really thicc clothe, he will die.
You are his religion and your body is the temple.
If you by any chance don't like your image and that makes you depressed, he will be your medicine. Not a man of words, but will tell you all the time that you're beautiful and perfect the way you are.
Always, and I say, ALWAYS squeezing you.
You're his plush doll♡
"You managed to be way hotter than me~"
Be prepared to be carried up all day long! He wants you to see that it doesn't matter if you're chubby or not.
More timid than he let's out, so acts cool.
Playful squeezes with a provocative smirk~
If anyone dare to look at you in a bad way...Well, that person is already burning in regret...Literally.
He just loves that your body is hot, on the two ways.
Squeezing your checks is his favorite activity!
Duuuuude, he LOVES your things so fckn much!
Feeling down? Don't worry, he will burn everything and everyone you'd like to. Oh, he is such a lovely man! Just wanna see you happy.
And why the fck are you feeling bad about your body? He is the most precious thing he ever saw!
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Sorry if it's bad ,_,
See ya~
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unfo11owmelol · 4 years
Also now that I'm in a loving valentines month mood---can I just thank Sakurai for introducing me to my love of my life faves: Ike, Marth, Shulk, Richter, and Terry???? Like, they're my sunshine idk how and where I'd be without them, AND Also adding in Joker WITH THE 3 AND 4 REP TOO?! It's seriously awesome I am so grateful to Sakurai like wow. He cured my depression fam.
#Like wow ike really taught me how to stay true: no matter how poor--no matter what race--no matter how unskilled & unintelligent you are:#--You are capable of achieving things despite what society's norms are! You don't have to be like anyone else!#Stand up for yourself and stand by the comrades who believe in you!#Be direct with your goals and admit your shortcomings--but show your spirit and want for change in the world!#Marth also kind of share the same principles as ike but he also proves that dainty gentle ppl can grow strong too#Like Ike he also faces his flaws but he never stops being kindhearted no matter how bleak things get#Marth still sees the good in people and sees strength in kindness. I think that's an admirable trait HASHTAG GOALS#Shulk is a cutie...Its so satisfying to see him going from a sheltered lad to someone who really goes to achieve things!#And his understanding and forgiveness for stuff like the mechonis is just... chefs kiss!!!#I love shulk what a good boyo!!!!#You go you funky lil laser sword boi. You go on and be free to live the way you want. Bitch me too the fck#And aaa.... Richter and Terry just both give really positive vibes.. Theyre your enternal bros...#I saw richter doing a peace sign at the screen and I instantly thought: yeah I trust this man with my life & heart#Terry... He came from the slums--no parents--lost his childhood to train for geese but look where he's now--a champion#And a guy that plays hoop with kids on the streets and sometimes gives them peptalks--he's a great guy...#This guy has been through alot but still smiles and still helps others find a place to be--its admirable!#Also yeah uhh...Richter and Terry also the freaking hot™ lmao. Why are they so juicy™. But big bod-- big heart!#I guess thick thighs really do save lives huh#And man never once in my life did I think we'd get persona rep!#You know why persona's so good--it's got alot of deep psychology and the cast is always so rich...#P4 still speaks the most to me though because they directly address insecurities about yourself#I really relate to kanjis feminine image issues... He also just makes me smile with how funny he is and I love how earnest he is#He's also the reasons I like Bara's so much as he proved that tough guys can be nice n cutesy too#I also actually really love yosuke and teddie too... Theyre both lonely ppl that pushes themselves to get better and they're both so hyper#I was... Insanely suprised that Sakurai gave us some p4 rep and not just promote p5#Hoooohh... Yeah.. These guys all mean so much to me aaaa#Really needed to get that off my chest. See this as an early valentines confession/giff sdgdjhfkl✨💕🌹
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choiwrites · 3 years
kth | wolfgirl (m.)
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Words: 10k  Genre: twlight!au, it’s new moon but taetae as jacob, ur bella but you have a personality :o, oh also smut and a little angst Warnings: no protection and no fcks given, language ig?, descriptive seggs lol, vampires and all that bs if that triggers sum of yall, oral (f receiving), tae is younger than u and kind of a sub (dom tae is overdone we need change in this country) i cant think no more no thots hed mt Rating: 18+ Song: Iron & Wine - Flightless Bird, American Mouth Summary:  During your stay at your Aunt's house in the wet town of Forks, you never thought the boys next door will change your perspective in how you see the world.
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The weather in Washington was something you’re not used to. You can never go places without getting mud on your shoes and it takes more than your patience to clean them every time before going out. Sure, it was great to experience a different weather other than the blazing sun in Los Angeles, but it was hard to adjust. You weren’t ready for it with all the sleeveless and loose tops you brought from Los Angeles.
After months of debating with your mom, you decided it would be a great way to spend your summer vacation turning your camera focus into something more dark and cloudy. Your professor had also suggested that it would look good in your portfolio if you try different moods in photos other than the hot weather in Angeles. So, you thought about it for months before asking your mom to buy you tickets to see your Aunt Sylvia who you're currently living with for the meantime.
She was in her mid-thirties, but she looked younger than her real age. She knew how to groom and with the way she looks, she probably had that life during her high school days. You rarely see her though, you can remember all the conversations you both had. She leaves home early for her duty at the police station as an attending desk officer. Her place wasn't big, an average suburban house painted in cold tones of white and gray with dark furniture inside. It's not your typical definition of cozy. Good thing you brought your two sweaters — one with a Christmas tree embroidered on it and one with the phrase "'tis the season!" Wearing a sweater in Los Angeles only means one thing, and that is the season of giving. But who cares, it's not like anyone was going to notice, right?
About to finish the second cup of black tea, an idea pops into your mind about what Sylvia had said about the landscapes nearby the house. However, she had warned you about the risks of a few wild coyote appearances, but one could call you a junkie. There’s no fun in danger, but dangerous does rhyme with adventurous.
A cool whip of breeze enters the thin fabric of your sweater, immediately regretting stepping out of the doorstep after locking the door. As you are approaching the back of the house to enter the woods, young laughters echo through the area, lessening your fear for a bit. It must be safe if a group of teenagers are hanging out in such a secluded forest.
Unbothered by the noises, whether they were from teenagers or not, you make your way further into the woods of coppery branches on the endless verdant ground with subtle eau de nils. It’s like walking into a surreal three-dimensional render of a forest, too perfect to be right in front of your eyes.
It was quiet and serene in the woods. Aside from birds chirping, it felt like out of this world. It was an alien planet. Everything was green — the moss surrounding the place, every tree had some sort of fungi beneath it, the soil dark brown as if staring right into the earth’s eyes. The very healthy kind of earthy, and it was easier to breathe in the forest than it was in the city of Los Angeles. No wonder why they're both on the opposite sides of the country. They're literally poles apart. Being at Forks, it's as if you were able to be in a different country. It was secluded, unlike in Angeles, there are people in every place you go.
While changing the film of the camera, a strong gust of wind on your left side. So strong that your body stumbled onto the ground. You were on your knees, camera shattered as it hits a hard medium-sized rock. You break a couple of curses to the wind.
The camera looked hopeless with lenses separated from it, lying in pieces against a rock.
"What the hell was that?" 
There had to be some kind of a fast animal that ran from your side, which quickens your pulse, but the devastation you felt for the camera overthrew that fear. When you caught a glimpse of the 'wind,' it was human-like. It ran around in every direction surrounding you,  freezing you into place. The only thing you were able to do was to keep watching the human-like creature run in circles like lightning. You tried standing up, but it approached you in a rapid current that you fell into place again. But you couldn't see it, you weren't able to look into its eyes.
"You shouldn't be out here alone,” behind you says.
You whimper, embarrassed when the deep voice sends hums into your nerves.. 
"Why didn't you run?" He looks at you with knitted brows as he approaches to help you get on your feet. He’s far too attractive to be a wild coyote, you slap that stupid thought away.
"I... I didn't know what to do,” you force out, still affected by the broken camera and creeping fear.
He was around four inches taller than you. He looked about your age. Dark thick hair, with light brown irides inside his almond-shaped eyes. His skin was of a rich walnut tan, and his dark green hoodie complements that. 
"You must be Sylvia's niece. I'm Taehyung,” he said in a sultry manner as he offered a hand for a handshake.
"How do you kno-"
"She told us. My family's close with Sylvia. Our mothers used to be best friends, y/n." He puts his hand back in the pocket of his hoodie.
A tinge of embarrassment brushes through your cheeks, feeling guilty that you didn't give him a handshake. But all of that is ignored when he smiles.
"Did I creep you out?"
You chuckle softly. "No, of course not. I'm just still in the moment... of processing." You ease him, as if you were able to read the tension in his undecipherable eyes.
There was a few seconds of silence before Taehyung spoke again when he noticed your camera on the ground.
"Hey, we have a technician at home, maybe he has some tools he could help you with."
He was absolutely gorgeous. You find yourself lost in his face, studying his features and every little action he does. He would look so good as a muse. If only you could capture him right now, he'd be perfect under the clouds that create shadows that contour his cheeks and makes his eyes even more mysterious.
"Don't worry, you can trust me. Sylvia knows where I live,” he adds. 
Though that doesn't really solve the problem, you find yourself walking with Taehyung in the woods, drifting away from the devastation and fear from earlier. 
The laughters were from them. The laughs you heard earlier before entering the woods were from Taehyung's friends. They confirmed that they were walking around the woods earlier and that they passed by your house. All looking friendly with similar doe eyes, almost like they were relatives. They were all in a circle, all of them sitting on a chunk of thick logs, dressed in a similar way. The men were younger than you, but there is a girl who's older than you. She didn't seem as friendly as the others as you notice the judging glances towards your way. She had shoulder length of hair and she was just as tan as Taehyung. Taehyung discussed each of them one by one to you, all of them introducing themselves in an endearing manner except for her. Only saying her name was Leah and that was it, which made you feel an ounce of intimidation.
"So, y/n, how long do you plan to stay?" Embry, the one with the shortest hair, asks as he plays with the two twigs he'd been digging up dirt with the moment you arrived. His color was a tad bit darker than the others. He had a grin that could steal every girl's heart. He was gorgeous. They were all just as gorgeous as Taehyung.
"Oh, one month. I have a college application to fix back home,” you answered surely. You were only here to take photos for your college portfolio, and making friends was out of the picture until today.
"Sucks for Tae, I had a feeling you could be more than a willing candidate to be his girlfriend." Everybody laughed except for you and Tae who exchanged awkward glances at each other.
"Stop it, Bry." Taehyung wanted to laugh along but embarrassment got the best of him.
"She looks so out of place. You probably party a lot in Los Angeles, don't you?" Leah gives you a stern look, seriously waiting for your response. She only wants to get a reaction from you and you weren’t the only one to get the feeling as the group feels the rising tension between the both of you.
"No, I don't go to parties. Mom is very strict." You tell her. You didn't want the group to feel that you were intimidated, after all, you wanted to befriend everyone.
"She'd be perfect for our overnight tomorrow then." She prickly grins.
"Right! Want to join us in La Push? It's the nearest beach out here. We'll have bonfires and such," Seth, the youngest one with the tiniest body (still bigger than yours), expresses in excitement. Out of all of them, Seth was the friendliest. 
"I'll go talk to Sylvia for you, if you want." Taehyung raises his brows. He had been laughing quietly ever since he had brought you to meet his friends - which seems like he regrets, additionally. He was more mysterious than you thought. He didn't share much of his life during the discussion, only three things: his last name was Kim, he’s 20 years old, and he lives at the rez along with the rest of the team.
"Sure. I'll just bring my other camera." You smiled.
Taehyung said that he'll get Chase, a friend of his who wasn’t part of the circle, to fix the broken film camera. He assured that it will only be a matter of three days before the camera is all yours again. After a few more useless fun discussions, you had forgotten that the sun had settled for a while. When Taehyung realizes your face of worry, he offers to give you a ride home. Great, a ride with the wild coyote who had immediately earned your trust by rising a brow. You wouldn’t be so shocked if you end up ‘missing’ in the news in the next hours.
He owned a Chevy pick up truck. It was red, but faded, making it seem vermillion in color. It had a few dents and you were sure that it wasn't one of the smoothest rides you've ever had. But Taehyung made a few jokes about how he feels uneasy with the truck as well, only to reveal that it has been with him ever since his birth.
"It's great. Very retro." You gave him a smile to let him know that he doesn't need to feel embarrassed with his truck.
"Shut up, Y/N. I know it sucks, okay. I can't even play a single song here without a static." He laughs and you admit it.
He gave a charming wave to your window and had a small chat with Sylvia, who’s been home for hours, before leaving, probably about the La Push trip for tomorrow. Once you've changed into your pyjamas, Sylvia knocks on your door as you are about to settle in bed.
"Tae told me about the La Push camping tomorrow,” she began.
"Are you gonna let me?"
She smiles in an assuring way. You can't deny how lovely she looked with her hair down, her waves framing her heart-shaped face. "Of course, honey. You better wake up early tomorrow. Tae told me that he'll pick you up by seven." She winks and rubs your shoulder before heading downstairs.
A beach trip in a cloudy town without bringing any hoodies with you? Sounds about perfect, if you’re looking for a hypothermia attack. And you were never a morning person either so it’s a big mystery why you even agreed to go in the first place. The waking time in Los Angeles was ten in the morning. In Forks, it was seven. 
When Taehyung arrived, he was wearing a black shirt and a black leather jacket, pairing it with slightly oversized pants. He looked bigger than yesterday, maybe it was the jacket that made him look buff. He waved softly before you even stepped out of the doorway. He was carrying a medium-sized paper bag with small wet stains.
"My sister made us breakfast. Just in case you didn't have enough time to prepare," he opens the car door for you and waved to Sylvia goodbye, "thought you'd take more time because you probably wake up late in the city."
“I’m somehow a little offended with that assumption,” you cooed and he replied with a stammering laugh, unsure whether to take it as a joke or not.
He fumbled with the stereo and it played better than yesterday, giving you a sloppy smile as the first chords of Creep by Radiohead plays.
"You fixed it?" You take a bite from the sandwich his sister prepared. You thank God his sister prepared it for you, your stomach would be growling by now.
"Yeah. I just didn't want us to have that awkward silence along the way." He breathily laughs.
Everything Taehyung has is beautiful. He had an amazing laugh, a deep sultry voice, and doe eyes. He's simply astonishing. You were sure that everyone he has met so far had fallen in love with him. You weren't one to deny that either.
It took around fifteen songs before the both of you arrived at the beach — thanks to Taehyung's amazing playlist. It was quiet, the weather didn't change much in the place. Still cold and dark, untouched by a glimpse of sunrise. It was windier than the rest of Forks, and you wore your Christmas sweater to at least help with the cold a bit.
It was weird to say, but Taehyung radiated heat whenever you were near him. It's like when you're not around Taehyung, you feel the coldness of Forks. His truck didn't even feel cold though his air conditioning was on, you just felt a sense of unfamiliar comfortable heat you found yourself curling in your seat minutes ago. The group welcomed the both of you except for Leah of course. Sooner or later, you knew you'd start to hate her.
"You guys are early,” you tell Embry and Paul as they greet you with warm hugs.
"Of course, we are. It's La Push, baby." Embry gives you a wink and you blush.
"Okay, Bry, I haven't had my breakfast and you're already winking." Paul fake puked and the rest of the group laughs.
They started setting up tents as Taehyung offered to take your bag when he noticed how it's weighing you down. Before he could put it in the tent, you took your digital camera and started roaming around by yourself to take pictures of the view. Astounding as you had expected. It's like you were in the middle of nowhere. Only Taehyung's friends were at the beach which was a lucky shot for you and the group.
"Set up the fire, Tae! We're having breakfast." Leah yells across the place as she places the logs in the middle of the circle the tents are built in.
Taehyung sighs loudly. "Get ready for the Quileute Tribe stories." 
"You seem tired of it, you joked.
While Taehyung builds a fire with the rest of the boys, you secretly take pictures of him busy as the both of you keep talking.
"It's always the story every camping day. The Quileute Legends, you know? The scary stuff." 
You knit your brows when the word ‘scary’ comes into play, bringing your camera down to take a better look at the almost sweaty Taehyung.
"Scary stuff? How scary? Thrill me." You weren't aware as to how much Taehyung also studies your features. He wanted to know you better, but he was afraid of scaring you away by asking too many questions. It had always been his issue, scaring people away from him. And this time, he didn't want to let you in like the others, he just wanted to be acquaintances. But the more he spends time with you, the more he wants to be near you as if there were magnets pulling you together.
"I don't know what would thrill you, y/n. But the world is darker than you think, it's not always safe." He gives you a look. It was impossible. You were five feet away from him, but you could almost see your reflection in his eyes. It was too comforting. You were devoured by his eyes, falling steadily into his charms.
"I know. It's just as scary in L.A., I mean," you gulped, "crime is everywhere. Can't really stop it." You explained.
"It's not always crime that's scary, y/n. I'm talking unexplainable things." He smirks.
"Like paranormal?" You gaze away from him, starting to take pictures of the beach. But no matter how hard you try to distract yourself from Taehyung, your eyes keep falling on him.
"More than paranormal. Ghosts are easier to believe in."
You inhaled sharply. "I mean those are just legends, right? What's with the obsession in the Qui-Quileute Tribe?" You struggled pronouncing the word.
"It's not me. It's a tradition." There was a moment of silence before you could think of what to say again.
"Delete my pictures by the way." He scoffed.
"I thought you didn't notice."
"I was posing." 
You laugh at his joke, still certain you're never deleting any of his pictures, most definitely the one when he accidentally looked at the camera.
"You look sort of beautiful in the camera." Your lids flutter like a high school girl. “Not just in the camera, I mean… haha.”
He stares at you in confusion, and somehow you always find yourself frozen and embarrassed whenever he looks at you. "Sort of beautiful? You're more naive than I thought." He removes his jacket and throws it on the log nearby, revealing his buff body. You look away in discomfort, you didn't want to find yourself checking him out. "I'm not what you think I am. And I don't think you want to know."
"Maybe I do." You point the camera towards him and take a shot of his reaction. You wink.
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The clouds hovering above the clamorous sea tell that there's probably rain coming, but it seems like the group wasn't bothered by it at all. You were sitting next to Taehyung two feet away from you on the logs nearby the fire that Seth had given up trying to help making after a couple of failed attempts. His heat never failed to linger around you though.
Sam was discussing the Quileute Legends and the group was very fascinated with the story, even though Taehyung had confirmed earlier that they've already heard the story too many times from their own families. Sam was good. He had a way in telling stories. You find yourself actually believing the legends. Werewolves and vampires? Shapeshifters and Children of the Moon? You weren't one to believe in such fantasies. You liked to watch historical movies more than fairytales, but with the way Sam elaborated every part of the legend, you can't deny the shiver that you felt when he discussed the cold ones.
Fast like lightning. Beautiful and alluring. Undead without a soul.
You thought it was ridiculous for Sam to even give out a warning about the cold ones. You were suppressing your laugh a little bit, and you were sure Leah already had her eyes on you. Why would Sam give out a warning about the cold ones? It's not like they were actually real. He also mentioned a treaty. And he sounded pretty serious about it too, even Taehyung was carefully listening. All of their eyes were on Sam, except for Leah.
Sam talked about a specific family of the cold ones, that they proposed a treaty. These cold ones are not allowed to hurt anybody from Forks, or else the mentioned werewolves are allowed to pose a fight with them. He talked about it like it was a plan.
It was afternoon and the clouds were still as thick as it was in the morning, but rays of sunlight shone through the gaps between the dark clouds. It looked ethereal, an aesthetic you'd only see in paintings. You thought those paintings are only manifestations of amplified emotions of the painter, but here you are, smiling to your camera as you take hundreds of shots.
"Save some memory for the other landscapes," Taehyung says beside you, throwing pebbles to the water, each bouncing impressively for three times.
"I know, I just can't get enough of this. You don't see that in L.A." You pointed your index finger towards the horizon of the sea.
"Yeah, but at least you can swim in LA. It's too cold out here to even go for a swim,” he emphasized.
"Not when you're around. It's weird, but I feel like you have a fever. You're too hot."
He raises his brows . "I know I'm hot," he chuckles.
"I didn't mean it like that,” you protest, though you know for a fact, Taehyung right. If he were to live in L.A., he'd be escorted many times by a modeling agency.
"So, I'm not hot?" You knew he was teasing and your embarrassment was obvious enough because of the blood rushing through your cheeks.
"You're attractive. I'm sure you know that." You roll your eyes, trying to keep everything casual — which is getting harder and harder every time he's around.
"No, I don't,” he teased. He was obviously getting pay back on you for taking candid shots of him earlier.
Your eyes landed on Sam and Emily play-fighting in the sea, just the sight of them being happy made you feel a bit of a heartache. You were a sucker for romance. The boys told you earlier that they were engaged for three months now. Leah was Sam's ex-girlfriend and Emily was Leah's ex-best friend. Finally putting the pieces together why Leah was one of the hardest to be with. She was extremely hurt and broken. She would rather shut the world out rather than let anybody in. She would rather be alone, than find anyone again who could possibly hurt her.
"Look," you poked Taehyung who was too busy throwing pebbles, "Sam and Emily are swimming. We should too!"
Though you were shivering, you bravely took off the mustard jacket that Taehyung had let you borrow. You were left with your thin brown tank top and denim shorts. He's still in his black shirt, unbothered to even take it off nor his jeans.
"What are you doing? Let's go." You tell him as you walk towards the sea.
This was a bad idea. It felt like ice was draping all over your body. How can Emily look like she's having fun when you're over here freezing just by stepping into the water? Half of your body was shivering from the wind, the lower half was for sure numb. You wanted to slap Taehyung for taking so long to get in with you, and you weren't even sure why you were so desperate for him to get in with you. It's not like he had a heater with him.
It took Taehyung a few more seconds before he started taking his shirt off, revealing his caramel skin, but it wasn't his color that caught your eyes, it was how built he is. His body looks like it was sculpted by the most talented and precise sculptor. It was defined, and shadows are doing magic in giving it silhouettes in the right areas. The best part about it was how shy he was taking off his clothes, like a teenager getting ready for his first swimming lesson.
He was for sure planning to swim today, revealing the gray trunks he’s wearing underneath his jeans. He needs a bigger one that fits him better, because the trunks he's wearing isn't doing him any justice.
Okay, no. Maybe it was justified by a subtle outline of his —
Don't even look down there, y/n, you tell yourself.
You didn't know where to focus. His thighs were just as eye-catching as his abs. Just as toned and thick. It would be such a material for thigh riding, you thought and you quickly shake your head at the idea. It has to be the waters that did this to you. Time has never been more relevant when he was walking towards your way, as he scoops water with his hands to wet his hair, while biting his bottom lip and giving you a small smile after.
"Freezing?" He smiles, eyes pierced on your small body. You were hugging yourself, embracing yourself from the fact that if you let go of your hands, you might touch something else.
"You were taking so long." 
He chuckles before holding your arm, taking it off your body. "Come on, dip your whole body." He pulls you softly towards the ocean, the sound of walking through water comforting your ears.
He was a foot away from you, the water level was on his chest and so was yours, but slightly higher. He looked even more godly. His hair pushed back, and to see his face in its entirety was a blessing, a gift.
None of you dared to talk, and you thought it was better that way. You just get to stare at him, as the sunlight lands itself upon his bronze eyes with specks of gold if you would close enough, majestic indeed to see something like that once in your life. You'd wish to wake up to that every morning.
There was this comfortable silence between the two of you. Drops of water fall under his eyelashes, fluttering them as he struggles to stare back at you. The moment was ruined when he suddenly smiled and looked towards Embry and Paul. Embry was sitting next to Paul, staring at the both of you while laughing. You shrug, feeling invaded.
"Why? What is it?" you asked Taehyung.
"They're thinking ridiculously."
 You furrow your forehead. "How do you know?" He tightens his hold around your arm as he keeps you steady near him, aware of you struggling to touch the floor.
"I just know," he softly plants circles on your arm with his thumb, "trust me."
"Maybe we shouldn't stand too close to each other then. I think they're making a big deal out of it." You didn't want to come off feisty, but you guessed it went that way for Taehyung as he moved away from you without letting you go.
"No, they're not. They're just teasing." When he said that, it was like he only said it to get near you, to assure you that it was okay to be close to him like that.
"Still cold?" he asked.
"Not so much anymore." You muttered. There were so many questions you wanted to ask Taehyung, but your voice isn't very trustworthy at the moment. You know it will betray you the moment you open your mouth.
"Penny for your thoughts? Why did you want to swim?" His voice was soft, calming as the ocean.
"I wanted to test how warm you can make me, even in freezing water."
He laughs breathily. "Seriously?"
You nod. He wanted to tell you a lot about himself, but like you, he was just as scared. Skinny dipping wasn't really your thing, especially in cold water, so after a few more moments of swimming and small talks with Taehyung, you let yourself dry by sitting next to the tent, keeping yourself busy by viewing all the pictures you took.
It was four in the afternoon, and the sun looked like it was already setting. Time was almost irrelevant at Forks, you wake up and the next thing you know, you're already getting ready for bed. Even though today was quite eventful, the clock still ticked quickly.
Feeling dry enough, you walked to the other side of the beach, Embry had mentioned that there was a cliff nearby along the woods. Though Taehyung was busy drying himself and laughing with the others, he glanced your way as you were heading towards the woods. You lifted your camera so he knew what your motive was, and he flashed a sly smile.
Trees. Cliffs. Birds.
The place could be a haven for the National Geographic Channel.
"I thought the pack wouldn't ever leave you alone like this." A deep voice spoke behind you, his english accent was thick and strong. You were sure that if you turn around, he’ll be ten feet away from you. You regret blinking your eyes, because the next thing you knew, he was right in front of you. His expression with so much thirst, so much hunger. For what?
You only inhaled sharply, first thing coming into your mind, confusion overpowering your nerves. You examined the man before you quickly. Olive skin, dark ruby eyes. His skin was inhumanly shiny, he almost looked dead, but in a mesmerizing type of way. He had dark purple circles, but his eyes were beautiful enough to distract you from it. He mirrored a cement under sunlight, he had fragments of diamonds and glitters on his skin. It wasn't your brain consuming you but his visual, his aura.
"Didn't bring your dog with you?" You weren't sure what he meant. He takes a step forward to lean into your ear, and your feet beg to stay, your eyes staring deeply in his beauty. You were too engaged, everything about him had you in place.
"You smell different from the others. Are you aware of that?" His breath touched your skin and there the exact opposite of heat seeping in your skin. “La tua cantante. I can hear your blood flowing through your veins. I can hear your heart. It's beautiful." He sniffs your neck as he hisses.
He wasn't human, and this time you were sure. He had danger lingering in his eyes, but it dressed so captivatingly beautiful, you found yourself lost.
"It won't hurt, I promise. It will be just a tiny bite, you won't even feel it."
There were words coming out of your mouth, you swore that. But nothing, your mouth still and close. It's sort of like he had power upon you, controlling and manipulating your body to be a mannequin. 
"Shh, don't fight it. You won't win over me." His teeth were grazing on your neck, seeking for a soft spot. You were unsure of his nature, what could he be?
An alien from this alien planet? An experiment gone wrong that escaped from a lab, perhaps? Maybe a demon, or an angel. A greek god of some kind?
They were all terrifying.
At the corner of your eye appeared a shirtless Taehyung, but he didn't look like himself. He was red, smoke flaring around his body. His chest expanded by time, and when you felt a small sensation of sharpness on your neck, Taehyung jumped towards the man.
No, it can't be.
This isn't Taehyung. Taehyung was gone. Maybe you were imagining things, but you felt all of them happening in front of you. As the man got distracted, your senses came back, falling on your side from losing balance. You pushed yourself away from the two monsters, as you would describe it. This wolf was huge, enormous. Any man who would try to fight it will easily lose. It stands almost seven foot, three bears wide.
Without trying, the creature had already decapitated the man. You weren't sure how to feel — safe or worried — but you were sure that you are mortified, and your face clearly expresses that.
You were only moving away from this huge thing in front of you, maybe that'll help you escape. But you don't even know if you wanted to escape. A part of you believes that Taehyung is inside that wolf, maybe eaten alive, or a spirit. 
So much for the wild coyotes, thanks for the heads up Sylvia.
Your eyes met his. Dark bronze eyes with specks of gold if you look close enough. You could almost see yourself in them, they were that kind. His eyes had a message for you, to approach him, to pet him, that it was okay and he will never hurt you. Before your hand could land on his lowered head, Sam and the others came running to help you, obviously seeing the wolf, but not even being bothered like you were.
"Y/n, are you alright?" Sam helps you stand on your feet.
Sam and the wolf had some kind of connection. Sam stared at it and the wolf left.
"So, wolves are normal here?" you spoke with a weak voice.
Sam opened his mouth and closed it again, thinking of how he can explain what just happened. You know that he knows something, and he was struggling to tell it.
"Where's Taehyung?" You scan their faces with no sign of Taehyung.
Holy shit! The wolf ate him! you thought. All you want to see right now is Taehyung. To prove himself. He can't be that wolf. The wolf must have eaten him. It is far too impossible for Quileute Legends to be real.
"We should get going before the other cold ones get here." Sam assists you to get back in the tents, completely ignoring your state of bewilderment.
Maybe it's a Forks thing to be mysterious and quiet. It irks you so much that none of them are even acknowledging what happened. This would be a great story for your mom.
Hey, Mom. Just wanted to call to tell you about how great my day was. So Taehyung, right? Aunt's neighbor, really hot guy I'd totally fuck, got eaten by a werewolf. But that's not too crazy, an incredibly beautiful medieval British man held me hostage, telling me he wanted to suck my blood. What a Forks thing! And everybody saw this huge tall wolf, I'm talking as big as a shelf kind of wolf, but they all acted like it was some puppy leaving the scene. Anyways, Mom, I'm traumatized. Going home in a week.
There is no way you can paraphrase that. No way you can make everything happening right now to sound normal at least one bit. This must be normal in Forks, but this is some Hollywood work in LA already. Things like these don't happen unless there was a shoot next door.
"Hey, you okay?" Leah approaches you. Her concern is seemingly genuine.
"I'm alive, guess I am okay. Where's Taehyung?" You don't bother to look at anyone at all, you drive your attention to the waves landing on the beach, hoping you could synchronize your breathing with them.
"Taehyung's fine. You don't have to worry about him."
"I saw him there. He was... he was red! Like he was burning! And... and there was smoke. Then I blinked, then there's a wolf. I swear it ate him!" Leah looked at you with wide eyes, but her lips were shaking trying to hide a smile.
"You're not taking me seriously! That wolf killed that guy! I don't know. He sounded British!" Leah bit her lip. "That was horrifying. I saw its head removed, there was no blood! What was that?" Leah inhaled sharply before looking at you with assurance.
"Can you calm down? The wolf you saw, don't you think it was described like the one in the legends?" Leah almost shouted, yet still controlling her laugh.
"Shapeshifters? Those are legends, Leah! The wolf ate Taehyung!" 
She chuckled. "No, they are real," she protested.
"The British man there was a cold one, a literal vampire. Taehyung didn't kill him, he was already dead."
"Shut up, Leah. I know you hate me, but this is no time for jokes." 
She laughs harder. "You're right about me not liking you, but I'm not joking. That dark brown werewolf is Taehyung. One and only Taehyung. 20 year-old Taehyung who lives at the rez. That Taehyung."
'The world is darker than you think. It's not always safe.'
Taehyung had already given you clues from the start. But a word from Leah wouldn't be enough to stop your mind from going everywhere. You needed to hear this from Taehyung.
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It was twilight already and the group had decided to spend the night in their cabin, instead of the beach. Sam explained that it was for your safety which until now he hasn't elaborated yet. Emily offered newly baked muffins, but it was too late before you could grab one when all the boys devoured around them. You gave Emily a smile.
"You can have the next batch." She shied away.
Emily looks like an average girl next door. She had fringes and medium length hair, they were very flat. Her skin was like the others, tan and healthy-looking. One thing you haven't examined deeply about her were her eyes. Embry had told you once that staring at Emily would bother Sam, and when you first saw her, you knew immediately why. She had a scar on one of her eyes, they looked painful. It looks like a cat scratch, only if that cat was a lion. It covered half of her face, but that didn't stop her from being lovely. She was still pretty in every way.
Taehyung arrives at the cabin, looking at everybody except you, his body resting on the door frame. He was heavy-breathing like he just finished a race. Sam came after him, giving him a small pat then walking towards Emily. Taehyung's eyes remain on the floor. His actions were complicated. You haven't figured him out yet.
"Y/N, Tae, maybe you can talk outside alone." Sam smirks at Taehyung, and Taehyung smiles back.
'This is no time to be smiling!'
Taehyung finally looks at you before leaving the door and you follow. But he still hasn't talked. And your rage is piling up inside you, you finally take a step forward.
"Care to explain what the hell happened there? I thought you were swallowed by that — that thing!" He gulps, stopping his tracks and turning around to see your face.
"I was scared," you muttered.
He totally understood why you were scared. Because he was just as scared and confused as you when he first discovered who he was, and just like you, he chose to deny it in every way he can, and he hoped that denial can make a change.
"You're not supposed to know about this. I didn't want to put you in this position — of knowing what truly there is." His eyes are sad, like he was a missing child.
The same day Taehyung figured out what he was, his eyes looked exactly the same; with fear, agony, and deprecation.
"So, you're a werewolf?" You felt his pupils dilate.
He looked at you in disbelief as if he hadn't given enough clues yet.
"Werewolf. Shapeshifter. Monster. Dog. Whatever you call it, it wasn’t my choice." His voice was weak, almost ashamed of what he had just said.
"And you kill —"
"Vampires." He finishes your sentence before you could assume. "Just vampires. The cold ones? Those that violate the treaty? They’re real." And so the legends were correct and real, and the evidence stands right in front of you, breathing and staring at you.
But no matter what angle you look at him, he wasn't a monster. He is not what he is described in the fairytales. He wasn't a merciless creature, not even harmful. He was just this young boy who lived near you.
"I get that you're afraid of me. Trust me, so am I."
"I'm not scared of you. If it weren't for you I would be bloodless by now." You bit your lip. "But I'm still a little overwhelmed." You gulped.
He had no words, but he was relieved. And you knew that when his eyes twinkled, the kind he gave you when you were jamming to the songs he had in his truck.
"If it's okay for you, I'm inviting you and Sylvia to my birthday tomorrow. It's just a small gathering."
"Will there be drinks?" you kid.
"Sam doesn't really want me taking any drinks for the meantime." He chuckles.
"Why not?"
"He said that I can't be on alcohol during my first six months of phasing. Why? Do you drink?" he innocently asks.
"Was just teasing." You playfully pushed him before proceeding to walk back in the cabin.
Before you even knew it, Taehyung was irrevocably infatuated with you. He wouldn't have thought that a college girl would give a small attention to someone younger than her, or even finding out about who he truly is and still staying by his side. He had spent so much time denying who he was, but maybe being a werewolf isn't so bad after all, if phasing is what it takes to protect you or anyone at all.
You were just like what he thought you would be — kindred spirits.
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The party isn’t filled with loud chats and crowds, it is a gathering. Taehyung tried his best to always stand by your side to give you ease in enjoying such an unfamiliar place as Sylvia gets indulged in conversations with the others, completely forgetting you. Every minute though, he'd have to leave you alone on the couch but he'd return as soon as he can.
There weren't much talks between you and him either, only a couple of smiles exchanged whenever Embry and Quil do something embarrassing in front of the both of you.
It seemed as if the night was the longest night of your life, only occupied with listening to others’ stories and Taehyung sipping a punch from his red cup. He had asked a few questions to keep things interesting, but it was hard to keep the mood flowing. You had asked about his hobbies and all the boring stuff you could think of, and surprisingly he would reply with enthusiasm like he have always wanted to be asked those questions. This makes you more curious how his daily life goes, how many people does he actually talk to.
When the hand of the clock drops at ten, you were just patiently waiting for Sylvia to get on her feet and cut the conversation with the others but she seemed to have consumed more alcohol than she could tolerate and the next thing you knew she was laughing like a maniac. You were stuck in a loop circle of smiling so thinly to everyone you get eye contact with.
You distract yourself with admiring the intricate designs of Taehyung's small home, and the thought of a young Taehyung growing up in where you're sitting currently makes your heart jolt. It's uplifting seeing his pictures on the wall, but there was a difference between his smile before and his smile now. One can easily tell which was more true. You had no clue what it's like to be his kind, hell even now you still can't believe what he is. But it sure shows in the way he had changed judging from the innocent photos that hang on the wooden walls. You've never known him since then, yet you wanted to restore this angel-being beaming at the sight of a camera who now hates being in photos because he thinks he's some sort of a monster.
You wanted to ask him about the pictures, the one where he was wearing a towel with a headband, the one where he was framing his face. All of them speak some kind of connection with you, maybe it's your love for photography that makes you feel this way, but innocence is one of the hardest thing to lay your lenses on.
Then you finally got it. What your professor was talking about, drawing something intangible to your camera. This is what he meant. Your gallery is only filled with landscapes, mostly the aesthetic of architecture and nature. Taehyung is what you needed to change the mood of your photos, not the weather, not the dark ambience of Forks, but his story. If only there's a chance for you to grasp his mystery in a single picture, his adventurous smile in one flash.
A pang of pain in your forehead pulls you back into reality, and the lights that stood above you only made it worse. You needed to leave immediately before the pain has you grunting. Welcomed with a wrapping breeze, you brace yourself and regret wearing the dress Sylvia begged you to wear. She said it was her favorite when she was your age, a Prussian blue dress that stops before your knees with tulle around the hem and a lighter blue ribbon on the chest.
Of course Taehyung who sits beside you would notice your leaving, and before you can inhale the fresh air from the porch, he was already asking what's wrong.
"I don't feel so good. I think I'm gonna have to go home alone since Sylvia's still occupied," you said, pushing on your temples with your thumb and middle finger.
"I can drive you home. I don't think they'd notice that we left, they're all pretty wasted." He chuckles, complementing the high tones of the strong wind that travels past your bodies.
"I'm really sorry. I'm being rude, I mean this is your party... your birthday party and you're going to drive me home."
He places the sippy cup on a coffee table near the entrance, and he was palming his pocket to reach for his keys.
"It's fine, y/n. The party's been dead four hours ago and I can't send you home alone. Do you have the house key or should I go back inside and ask Sylvia for it?"
"She gave me a duplicate. I think it's best we go now. My head's really killing me."
It was unusual, headaches. They rarely come to you since you monitor your phone usage and water intake. You hate getting them because you hated taking meds for it, and you just hoped Sylvia would have a stock of it. Your fingers have been roaming your forehead for a while yet you can't seem to navigate where the pain is, where it's beating. It would be better if you could massage it along the ride but you were struggling to even keep your fingers raised.
Taehyung stops the car in the middle of somewhere as you are hitting your head continuously on the head rest. It was quiet, a deafening silence that rang your ears that brought you to open your eyes. Taehyung wasn't in his seat anymore, only fog filling for his place crawling under your skin.
There was your breathing, crickets, and rustles of trees that travel the air. You weren't sure how to react but one was definite, you were scared. The hand resting on your thigh turning white and wet, breathing faster and heavier as the air seems to be corrupted with toxic poison that does nothing but suffocate you.
Don't get out of the car, don't get out of the car, you chant internally hoping it will help your situation.
"Hello, dear," a slinky voice says through the window, almost similar to the man— vampire from yesterday. Could it be? Could there be more? "Don't make me wait, dear. Open the door and make this easy for the both of us, hm?"
It sounds the exact same as the accent the man had with an alluring tone that draws you to open the door. However, it wasn't just her tempting attempt into convincing you to endanger yourself, the pain in your head inflates as you try to control yourself.
"You want it hard, my dear?" She smirks, you weren't sure but you hear the spread of the corner of her lips.
Then she was in front of the headlights, filled with rage, her eyes dark and dangerous as she showed her predacious teeth. From here, you can feel the vibration of her anger as if she had the ability to let you feel all the harnessed emotions inside her. You can count them one by one: anger, vengeance, and the feeling you get before success. None of them were positive emotions, none of them was mercy. She came here to accomplish one thing.
Your death.
Finally understanding it, inside her browbeating eyes were agony and mourning. She was here to avenge the death of the vampire that Taehyung had killed. She was as beautiful, as seductive with her pale skin and ruby lips, curly strawberry blonde hair that flows until her shoulders.
You discovered that there was a split second of slow agonizing memory of your life before it's taken, and you wished there was none. She runs towards you, careless whether she bashes her head into the glass. She takes your neck, her fingers poking specifically at the sides and right before you can regain your breath your eyes open.
Gasping and catching air, awakening in the seat with Taehyung by your side who drives in silence as Midnight Rambler by The Rolling Stones plays from his rusty stereo.
So if you ever meet the midnight rambler
I'm coming down your marble hall
Well, he's pouncing like a proud black panther
Well, you can say I, I told you so
He sits there, unaware of the chaos that repeats in your head. It all felt so real, the grasp on your neck that locks your throat, you could've sworn you've given your last breath. The pain had stopped, replaced by dizziness that you knew would pass as minutes go by. 
"What's wrong?" he asked. "Is there something on my face?"
You shake your head. "I didn't know I was staring."
That's right. You didn't know you were staring. There was so much comfort in knowing he never left, the heat of his presence brings you a feeling of security. It's okay now. Taehyung's still here. By your side.
Once reaching home, Taehyung does his best to assist you as though you were ill. It's cute how he acts that way, so careful, so gentle. Upon reaching your room, Taehyung stops before your bedroom door, almost waiting for an invitation.
"I should get going now. I'll tell Sylvia you felt sick." And before he could say good bye, you're already wrapping yourself in the blankets as he passively makes a step away from your door.
"Taehyung," you said, reaching out. "Thank you for today."
He doesn't turn back. "You're welcome. Also, thank you for coming."
A shiver spreads across your back when your lids start to fall, and your body jolts upwards. The beautiful woman from the early nightmare visits your mind again, her face inches from yours close to ripping it apart.
"Taehyung," you whispered, but he heard you within the thin walls of the lonely house. "Can you... stay for a sec? I... I had a nightmare earlier... felt so real. C-can you?"
He walks back, eyes landing everywhere except your body that waits for him on the bed. Is she serious? he thought as you opened the blankets for a space behind you.
"Until you fall asleep?"
You nod. He kicks off his shoes and he positions himself behind you, both of your breaths synchronizing as he lies down softly. You bury your cheek into the pillow when you feel his warmth wrap the room, the security coming back. You turn your head to see him watching you inches away, his hand keeping his head up as he rests his cheek against it. You take his free hand that lies on his right side, pulling it to your stomach requesting for him to scoot closer until his body brushes your back.
You can stay like this, for longer than you can imagine. Just the sounds of your breaths and the hums of his loud thumping heart that makes its way to your upper back, the release of breath from his nostrils that flies over your hair. Peaceful. Safe and sound.
In his embrace, you forget everything: the packing for Los Angeles, the fear of not getting into any university, the supernatural that you had discovered that you still cannot comprehend, the clouding fear that something is coming to get you. In his arm, it's like they never existed. The worries are nothing but disappearing sea foams, a water in heat that evaporates into thin air.
You enclose the hold in Taehyung's hand above your stomach, intertwining them for ease. Falling back into his embrace, he subtly moves away hoping you wouldn't notice. His warmth turning into heat, breathing ragged, hold on you tighter and stronger. Then you feel it, a gentle thrust behind you and he pretends to adjust position. He pulls you closer with the hand on your stomach and you sigh which caused a poking at your butt.
You may not be the smartest person on earth, but it doesn't take a book to know what it was. Taehyung murmurs an apology, his words passing by your neck which sends your stomach into a spiral. You rub your thighs together hoping to dissipate the throbbing in your core, not now.
Not now that Taehyung's beside you. Or maybe it should be now that Taehyung's beside you, you were open for a helping hand. His hand over your head tucks a strand of your hair, the finger brushing on your temple made your aching much harder to ignore. There would be no distraction, no having to worry about who will hear the both of you, for God's sake the house was built in the middle of nowhere, so you thought 'Fuck it.'
You tug his hand to the middle of your chest, to rest them between your breasts as your head turns to face him. He gulps, looking at you intently with lust hovering over his hooded eyes. You lean towards him, your lips reaching his and he pulls away for a second before diving back in. He had pillowy lips, and if it weren't for your hot need at the moment you would let your lips sleep on them for a longer while, but as of right now there are a lot of tensions that need handling.
You leave his hand on your chest while he's still shy to grope one of your breasts. Your hand then wrapping the back of his head to pull him deeper into the kiss, he sighs. That sigh caused the aching to grow, shaking your behind to feel how needy he was and he sighs again. His hand that was on your chest now pushes below the curves of your breasts to pull you closer, to have more friction, to thrust into you.
Until he couldn't take it anymore, he wants you below him as much as you want him on top of you. He hovers above you, his knee swift in spreading your thighs open and he is bucking in a steady pace on your clothed entrance.
"Take me, Taehyung," you breathe the second he leaves your lips.
He takes it slow, burning your insides, as his fingers pull the bow on your chest, untying the effortless knot you had made in the mirror. Too slow to keep up with your throbbing heat, you trail his hand to open the loose front, exposing
your nude bra. His eyes are pinned on yours, and you would make quick glances at his moderate hand you're directing. You unclasp the front of your bra, and when he hears it setting on the bed, he kisses you as if asking if you were really sure. Beneath the feverish endless kiss were words of fear from him, what if he wasn't truly ready.
The last time he had experienced this was long ago, a time before he knew how dangerous he could be. Careless of what his hands could bring, when he hadn't given a single thought for any of his actions. Well, it was one time, only once with the first girl he had ever loved. And the first was always the quickest, but it was unforgettable, he had kept every detail of her daisy fresh skin remembered under his fingertips. The laughs they had shared in between, a significance of the innocence they were about to lose. His head loses in doubts, questions that can only be answered if he risks hurting you tonight.
Then you whisper, "It's okay, you're not going to hurt me." Because in your mind, that was the last thing in his abilities. You smile, "It's okay." Rubbing circles at the back of his trembling hand, his jaw clenches.
Once he had started kissing you again, you parted his lips with your tongue in which he had replied with a tender bite causing you to moan within your throat. This motivates him to grope your breast, aggressing as seconds pass by, pulling a nipple in between his fingers and you arch your back. You rest your feet on his back, synchronizing with the movement of his hips. You admire the way his head moves downward, stopping after every inch of your skin to place a soft kiss until he reaches your breasts to which he places a long stripe lick moving from one bud to another while his eyes remain on yours. He's going to be the death of you.
You pant, trying to reach his hips that came to a halt. His hands pushing the hem of your dress higher, stopping at the middle of your waist. And his evil slow hands, still taking his time, move behind your thighs to pull them away from his back and placing them on his shoulders as he gets comfortable right between them. With gaze pierced on yours, he flats his lips on your clothed slit, tracing the wet spot visible in your white underwear. The thought of you being almost naked underneath the dress ever since earlier brought Taehyung into insanity, he could've fucked you with his fingers on the couch, he could've removed them and left your pussy out in the open as he keeps it in his pocket, he could've done so many things if only he knew earlier how much you'd wanted him just the same.
You look at the empty ceiling, too affected by the darkness in his stare, you were scared you would cum too quickly if you remain watching. He pulls your garment upward to put his bare thumb against your clit, until you couldn't take it and you look down again to see him putting the said thumb in his mouth. Sweeter than the cranberry juice he'd been tolerating to drink, adding that to the list he could've done earlier while your panties were in his pocket; enjoying the sweet fervor of your cunt on his tongue. He plays at your clit, tongue curling to lap up the wetness that increases as his spit mixes in. He knows so well what he's doing, the fragile scoop of his bottom lip from your opening to your clit where he stops.
Everywhere around his lips glistens as the bright light from the hallway outside your room shines upon them. His hands still holding your thighs steady, he slips his tongue inside you which has you shaking and he had to adjust the control in his grip. Once they've settled, he puts his touch above your breasts, flicking both buds in each hand.
You were crumbling under him, desperate for release, grunting in a throaty voice as you tried to keep yourself together. Tears huddle in your eyes, blurring your vision until he stops, now smiling above you while he pulls your underwear away from your body. It doesn't take long for him to get naked and you take time to admire his build. His skin was made of honey, toned and reflective of the warmth he emits. His cock slapping his tummy before he could fully get out of his tight boxers, his tip reaching his button.
He returns to his position between your thighs but this time around he was the one to wrap your legs around his waist. His shaft falls between your slit and he makes subtle movements in burying himself between them.
"I just want to say," he began, "how amazing you are." A gravelly moan of your name escapes his lips as you take matters in your own hand, thumb going over the head of his cock while the rest of your fingers rest wraps his cock.
He thrusts into your hand. His face forming wrinkles, frustration painted across his face. Until he falls on both arms caging your head, bucking for more friction, enjoying the suppleness of your touch. He was groaning, panting, and making a mess of himself to which all echoes from one wall to another. You put a hand on his abdomen to break his movement. He obeys, feeling you part yourself for his cock, torturously slow in entering you.
You pull your hands to your sides, getting a hold of Taehyung's biceps. Opening your lids to watch his pupils dilate as he rams the rest of his length inside your beating entrance.
"Y/n," he groans, brow knotting together when you clench around him. He's going to fall apart, he thought. You wrap him tighter, letting go of yourself in ecstasy, careless whether you melt into the bed or break it, all is well as long as you're looking into his eyes.
He chants your name again and again in a symphony of continuous moaning, and all you could say is how good he sounds. A compilation of ah's and oh's whenever he reaches your spot, his head brushing against it and it felt like nothing but heaven. More, he wants more, if only he could fuck you endlessly he would. The bed hits the wall in coordination of his sharp thrusts, and he's losing himself in you he couldn't care less if he breaks the walls. In sync with the sounds he makes were your gasps and high-pitched whispers of his name that he can see himself in the near future thinking of them and fucking himself alone in his room as he recalls them.
"Tae— oh fuck, Taehyung," you cried out causing his cock to twitch inside you, you call out for more. His name and a couple of curses were the only words you could spew out. Trembling, you feel an explosion of euphoria inside you, letting go of the tight grip around Taehyung's arm.
With one last fluid thrust, he pulls himself out and spills himself on top of your stomach. Both of your breathing slows until they were no longer audible. He rolls to his back beside you waiting to cool down and you take care of yourself by wiping his cum away with the tissue from the nightstand.
"I'm sorry, I made a mess," he says, breaking silence.
You didn't reply, instead you lie on your side to face him and wrap his cock in your warm hand. His cock still hard and wet under your touch, he breathes out a long sigh. "I made a mess of you too."
He chuckles before placing one last kiss on your forehead, and you watch him fall into his dreams. You shut the door, thankful Sylvia didn't come home during the circumstances earlier. You make a note not to leave it open next time.
Next time? Were you actually hoping for a next time? It's not long until you're leaving. Forks is not your home. Your home is on the other side of the country, and everything you grew up with awaits there. Forks is not your home, you tell yourself. The night grows along with your need for sleep, falling onto Taehyung's chest and getting lost in a slumber. You wake to Sylvia opening the door, an indication of her coming home, and you fall asleep again.
The next time you wake up, the sun shining alight from the windows to your eyes, Taehyung was sitting at the end of the bed fully clothed. His head turns slightly, feeling the sense of your waking.
"Y/n, there's not just one who wants to kill you," he says but you couldn't make out a single word, "there's a whole coven of them."
a/n: happy new year! pls dont take the bella comment seriously. also team jacob ftw!!! also appreciate my banner work owo.this is my first descriptive smut like i actually write them having sex idk i hope yall like it tho :* i love y’all! 
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
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O L T E C C A????
***NOW** TO CUT???
Fck you man >:l I was rlly invested on seeing what those Stalker freaks were gonna do
Like Did we HAVE to suddenly cut to Olteca??? WHaT the FVCK
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ESP when Oltecca is having a meltdown??
LIKE WHY????? So that you can personally terrorize ME secondhand? You Jonesy-fking bastard >:OO
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(Fkin Paused the moment this mfer fcker said “well done” 💀💀 LOL)
If I gotta watch this dude be a fking weirdo….fking WHATEVER --This dude can do whatever the fck he wants. He can be the weirdest mfer on the planet for all I care
just as long as he keeps his fking /HANDS/ to himself
if he doesnt I fking SWEAR I am going to spontaneously combust into more than a hundred thousand shards of icey-hot fury
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........yo. That's fvcked
Honestly crazy to me that Olteca really did ALL OF THIS SH*T knowing he'd probably still be thrown away....sad as fvck
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Uh, sir??? Can we pls step tf back??? (I sWEAR to GOT y'all.)
Also? Like? Is he coming to....kill Olteca? Why is he just strollin on up to him all slow as sh*t like this with his leather gloves on??
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h E Y -
Keep your fking hands down and to YOURSELF-
It's not a hard ask, man. It's rlly rlly RLLY not a hard ask >:ll
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just can’t have anyThinG fvCjIng nICe
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