#also finally figured out how to draw lukes hair
anticomedygarden · 7 months
drop the champagne
5 times annabeth taught percy something new + a million times he taught her the same thing
title is from the In the Heights song 'champagne' by lin manuel-miranda. mostly a nod to how similar usnavi and vanessa's dynamic is to percabeth. also another excuse to scream about them after watching the trailer a million times
also on ao3
Dozens of kids were wandering around the grounds of Camp Half Blood as they waited for capture the flag to start, and Percy could not for the life of him figure out what was wrong with his armor. He'd been fiddling with it for five minutes now, somehow not drawing the attention of any counselors or even the Athena cabin who he was allied with. After the last capture the flag (still his only capture the flag), he was really starting to get worried. If he successfully completed a quest and died because he couldn't get his armor right for a 'friendly war game', he was gonna be seriously ticked.
Just to see what it would do, he pulled on a strap near his shoulder. For a few seconds, it stayed in place, and he really thought he'd finally gotten it. Then it unraveled completely, and he barely managed to grab it before it hit the ground.
He might as well face it. He was dead, and Chiron was gonna have to tell his mom that he, Poseidon's first child in decades, quester, retriever of Zeus' master bolt, died in a capture the flag accident.
Feeling particularly frustrated, he didn't notice when someone finally saw his dilemma and walked over, not until her blond curls were right in his face.
"You haven't figured out how to do this yet?" she asked. It was hard not to feel a little insulted by her tone, but he had come to realize that she didn't mean anything by it. She just hadn't learned tact yet. (And she'd never admit it, but Annabeth still hadn't quite recovered from the quest and Luke's subsequent betrayal. He could let this one slide for her sake.)
"I've only done it once," he said, "and you did it for me!"
So maybe he wasn't too great at tact either.
She grabbed a strap and started redoing his armor while he watched. "If I keep doing it for you, you'll never learn," she pointed out. "Here." She grabbed his hand and guided it to the other strap. "You try."
He sighed but did as he was told. It didn't look as good as the one she did, but he had to admit it looked and felt much better than before.
"Told you."
He stuck his tongue out at her. Then, since his mom raised a gentleman, he said, "Thanks."
She patted his shoulder. "Thank me when we win."
Percy watched, transfixed, as Annabeth slashed and stabbed, nothing but a vaguely blond whirl, beating some brown haired guy back to the mats until she pinned him down, 90 pounds of pure fury on top of at least 150 pounds of startled teenage boy.
The guy - Percy wasn't sure of his name - tapped out, and Annabeth quickly jumped up, eyes already scanning for her next victim. "Who's next?" she said.
The majority of the people in the training room scurried out after that.
"Cowards," Annabeth muttered and turned to a training dummy.
Percy watched her slash at it for a few minutes, and then, in a courageous move he thought would make his mom proud, he tentatively stepped forward. "Maybe you should take a break," he said with false calm.
She ignored him.
"Annabeth, you're scaring people," he tried, gulping when she tore a large chunk of fake flesh from the dummy. "You're already the best here, why don't you just-"
"Take a break?" she said, finally turning to meet his gaze. Her eyes were blazing, and he had to duck to avoid the dagger still in her hand.
"You've been here for hours-"
"How else will I beat Luke?" she asked. "He's the best swordsman for generations. I have to train as much as I can."
The situation was far worse than he thought. "And you're the best strategist, and you've beat everyone at camp already." Hopefully, appealing to her hubris would help.
It didn't. Her face closed off completely. "But I've never beat Luke."
He didn't ask if she was sure that she even wanted to beat him. He wasn't sure he wanted to know the answer.
Fine. Time to pull out the big guns. "I'll spar with you."
He held his breath as she gave him a disbelieving look. "Alright, but you're using a dagger."
"Oh. Uh-"
But she was already walking over to the weapons rack. "You need to learn how to use more than one weapon. You won't be able to use a sword in every situation."
"Isn't the whole point of having a sword that reappears in my pocket no matter what is so that I can use it in every situation?"
She gave him a look that clearly said, You're being an idiot. "What if you're in super close quarters and can't maneuver Riptide? What if you can't get to your pocket? What if someone manages to take it from you? What if you don't have pockets? What if-"
He held up a hand, because, holy crap. "Okay, okay, I get it." She smirked. "Teach me how to use a dagger."
With a certain gleam in her eyes he didn't really like, she grabbed one off the rack and handed it to him.
He gripped it on instinct, balancing it out and dropping into a fighting stance. "Is there anything - oh my gods!"
She didn't wait to give him any instruction before slashing at him with her own dagger, and he barely jumped out of its path. (Thank the gods for his ingrained battle instincts.)
He backed up as she continued her assault and narrowly avoided tripping over his own feet. Then, she delivered a particularly nasty jab, distracting him, and kicked his feet out from under him. His breath whooshed out as his back hit the ground.
"I win," she announced, her ponytail falling and hitting him in the face. Her dagger was pressed against his neck. "You're not guarding yourself enough. Remember, the dagger is shorter than your sword. And you need to actually defend yourself, not just back up."
He made a face at her. "A little warning would have helped."
"There's no warning in battle." She stood and offered him a hand. "Again."
So he got up, and they went again. And again. And again. She beat him every time, but when he came back the next day, he beat the trainer on duty, and Annabeth slept until 9.
That was a win in his book.
"That's so unstable," Annabeth commented, looking at Percy's gingerbread house which, admittedly, looked about 10 seconds from collapsing.
"It doesn't have to be stable," he said. "It's supposed to be fun!"
She snorted. "Fun is for losers and quitters."
Her gingerbread house didn't look like it was about to fall over. Hers was two stories tall with multiple rooms like a doll house and emblazoned with various candy designs: gumdrops on the roof, M&Ms dotting the grounds like gravel, a licorice moat. His was basically five graham crackers in a vague house shape sitting on chocolate icing.
He didn't mind though. They got to eat it in the end no matter what their houses looked like.
Pointedly ignoring her, he stuck a Kit-Kat straight up on the top graham cracker. It stayed for a second, then toppled into the brown icing like a stick in a mud pit.
"Oh, for the gods' sake," Annabeth muttered. She pulled his plate toward her and started rebuilding his little shack.
"Hey, I'm doing just fine," he protested, but one look from Annabeth had him cracking up. "Fine, so it sucks."
"Really sucks." He rolled his eyes, but she kept working until he had a quality graham cracker cabin with standing walls and everything. "See, you don't actually need that much icing to get it to stay. You just need better support."
He made an offended noise. "But that's the best part!"
He knew what she was going to say the second she opened her mouth. "The best part is winning first place."
Before he could retort, he happened to glance up at Grover sitting across from them and couldn't help but notice the look in his eyes. It was somewhere between exasperated and fond.
"What?" Percy asked.
He never heard the answer, however, as the Stolls chose that moment to start a food fight.
And Annabeth's house won first place, because of course it did.
They were lucky, very lucky, to have been walking past the park at the exact time they did. They were also very lucky (or unlucky; jury was still out) to have drawn the attention of the monster to them and away from the large group of children it had apparently been hunting.
"I smell children," the monster whispered, evidently still trying to hide herself. She was semi-transparent, ghostly, actually, with dark hair flowing down her back like a mane. "Such delicious demigods." She continued to amble after Percy and Annabeth as they led her away from the various crowds of people in the park.
Percy turned to Annabeth with a false sense of calm and asked, "What the hell is this thing?"
She glanced behind her surreptitiously. "I think she's Mormo."
"What - like in Utah?"
"Not Mormon, Seaweed Brain, Mormo."
Percy fiddled with Riptide in his pocket. "What's her deal?"
"Sources are sparse and a little conflicted, but basically, she eats kids."
"Oh, shit."
"Yeah, she also might be able to shape shift into a wolf or a horse."
"Wild, I know."
They made it to a relatively empty part of the park, and Percy decided he didn't want to wait to find out if she could shape shift or not. He caught Annabeth's eye and she nodded, already knowing the plan. He would distract while she snuck up from behind. Nothing they hadn't done a million times before.
He turned around. "Hey, lady! Eat this!" Without preamble, he uncapped Riptide and swung out at Mormo, hoping for the element of surprise.
Unfortunately, she ducked.
"So delicious," she muttered. Her form rippled. "The ichor in your blood will taste so good."
Behind her, Annabeth crept up slowly but surely.
"Nah, I don't think ichor would taste that good," Percy said. "Probably too spicy." Now, he was actually wondering if that was true.
Mormo laughed, a sharp, loud sound. "You have no idea child." She sniffed. "You are 16. What a delicious age."
He wanted to protest and say that so far, 16 hadn't been all that great barring him and Annabeth finally starting to date, but his girlfriend was less than two feet away from jumping the monster, so instead he said, "That's so creepy," and watched gleefully as Annabeth leapt forward with her dagger out and sent Mormo back to Tartarus.
Even covered in monster dust, she was still stunning. He held out his hand. "Let's go finish our date."
When Percy got to the New Rome library, his girlfriend was, predictably, surrounded by books.
"Hey, babe," he murmured.
He knew she had been aware of him coming, spatial awareness having become its own sixth sense over the years, so it was no surprise when she responded with nothing but an unintelligible chain of vowel sounds.
He laughed. "You ready to go home?"
A couple years, there would have been no point at all in trying to break through whatever cloud of work was occupying her mind at the moment, but she'd been really trying since the Giant War to not push herself past the point of no return.
"Um..." She put a bookmark in her textbook and started gathering books into her arms. "Yeah, let's go."
"What all are you checking out?" he asked even though he already knew the answer.
"All of them."
He grabbed the remaining books while she picked up her backpack, and they made their way to the front desk.
"What were you reading about?" he asked. He may have just come out of a day full of lectures, but her eyes lighting up like that made the long-ass rant he was about to get so worth it.
"The father of chemistry, Antoine Lavoisier," she answered. "He was alive during the French Revolution and did all kinds of stuff that paved the way for modern science."
They reached the circulation desk, and Annabeth continued telling him all about phlogiston theory and how Lavoisier refuted it, and about oxygen and hydrogen and carbon, and about his experiment to see what two weeks of drinking nothing but milk would do to his body.
At some point, the librarian gave them a funny look. Percy wasn't sure if it was because of the topic of their conversation or because they were checking out so many books.
Whatever. They earned the right to be weird in public.
"...and then he was guillotined for being a tax collector!" she finished with immense outrage.
He frowned and pushed the door open into the lamp-lit road. "Really?" That was not where he was expecting that story to go.
"Yeah, the Reign of Terror chopped his head off, which was a real shame because he was actually involved in a lot of government reform and other kinds of activism, especially in education."
"Yeah, I thought so." She bit her lip. "I guess the good guys don't always win."
He thought that was a little black and white since Lavoisier was a member of the upper class during a time when the lower class was still called peasants, but it really did sound like this guy was pretty chill.
And she had a good point.
He put a hand on her arm. "But we did."
+1 million
Annabeth shifts in the uncomfortable wooden library chair and turns her page, mind lost in thought. Antoine Lavoisier was an upper class French scientist who revolutionized the field of chemistry; he fought for class reform and education equality, and he brought humans' understanding of the world forward from phlogiston theory, the idea that a fire like element called phlogiston was partially responsible for combustion and present in all combustion reactions, to the discovery of hydrogen, oxygen, and a host of other elements, all unique and important.
And he got his chopped off. So much for scientific advancement.
Sensing Percy walking up behind her, she hurries to read the last few sentences of the page.
"You ready to go home?" he asks.
She closes the book. "Yeah, let's go."
They gather her stuff, Percy not once complaining about having to carry five textbook sized volumes, and make their way to the circulation desk.
"What were you reading about?" he asks. She loves him for that. No one else ever asks what she's reading for fear of getting caught in a long-winded explanation of some complex topic. Percy's eyes may glaze over while she talks, but he never tells her stop.
So she tells him about Lavoisier and all his triumphs and woes up until his decapitation, they end up on the street outside the library. It's nighttime already, their path lit with street lamps and porch lights. There's a chill in the air, so she pulls the sleeves of Percy's borrowed hoodie over her fingers while trying not to drop her books.
After she finishes her spiel, she bites her lip and says, "I guess the good guys don't always win."
Immediately, Percy turns to her, probably thinking the same thing she is, about all their dead friends and all their failures. He puts a hand on her arm, stopping them underneath a light. "But we did."
She looks at him and sees her wonderful boyfriend who loves her no matter what she does, who stayed with her after all this time, who fell into hell for her. The one who would choose her over the world. The one who taught her heart how to trust again. She's not quite sure she believes it, but she knows it's the truth. "I guess we did."
They smile at each other and walk home in comfortable silence.
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quibbs126 · 1 year
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So yesterday when drawing those other drawings of the Bronev family, my mind started to wonder about any extended family Rachel and Leon might have had, and so I made these two
However I do subscribe to the theory that Rachel and Leon had no other living relatives by the time of their abduction, so if the text didn’t tell you already, these two are definitely dead by the current time of the game or any AUs I make that go into the past
The first one I made up was Theodore, Layton and Desmond’s uncle, and yes Rachel named Layton after her brother. It was mostly because while I can see Leon being an only child, I can see Rachel having a brother or two, so I made him.
Also, I was planning to make his last name Grace, because @notllorstel makes that Rachel’s maiden name and I like it, but then I realized that in their Twisted Fates au, there’s already a character named Theodore Grace, and that would just get confusing. But I also don’t know what to name him now
In terms of personality, I imagine Theodore to be a very sociable guy, and honestly I’d say the character in this family that’s closest to him in terms of personality is Descole, for the pure charisma and snark. Theodore and Rachel would bicker a lot and Theodore would constantly tease her, but it was more in a joking way, and they always had each other’s backs when it counted. He’s some years older than her, enough so that he was able to to feasibly take care of her when their parents died (I don’t know what of, just that they did). But tragically, he ended up dying in some freak accident (I haven’t figured out what exactly, either a car accident or some machinery malfunction at his work) around the time that Rachel was close to 20. So yeah, he never met his nephews and might not have even met Leon, but Desmond knows about him from his mother
I’m not sure I’m satisfied with his hair. I know I was also planning on giving him a fedora, but I just didn’t draw it for some reason. Whenever I draw these guys more, I’ll probably draw him with it
Next we have Harriet Bronev, Leon’s mother. His father wasn’t really ever in the picture (whether he died when Leon was very young or he just wasn’t involved at all I’m not sure, but I am leaning towards the absent father angle), so it was just these two
I got the idea of Leon having a single mother from @multiversal-madness How Things Change au, because there they mention how Leon’s mother adopted Luke, but his father is never mentioned, so I just assume it’s only his mother, and so I carried that over here because I liked it
Growing up she supported her son’s interest in archaeology, but at the same time was aware that his interests tended to alienate him from other kids and he had trouble making friends, which concerned her. I don’t really have much else to say about her in terms of personality, as I haven’t really fleshed that out, but I know she and her son were very close
Unlike Theodore her death was much less sudden, as it was more just due to health complications and her getting older, and she was surrounded by family in her final moments. Also she got to meet her grandchildren. Hershel liked her well enough, but it was Theodore who really liked her, and she loved to dote on her grandchildren
But yeah, here are these guys
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auroraescritora · 6 months
Hi, how are you doing? Things are finally calming down. Maybe there'll be another chapter later this week!
In today's chapter we have another scene from the past. I hope you like it^^
And I have some news. I've made a cover for this story! Also made with artificial intelligence. I feel like I should get paid since I'm practically training them already! But it looks cute.
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I hope you enjoy it!
''You're funny.'' Nico told him.
''You are.’’
And like third graders, which they both were, they laughed again as they heard the bell ring. Percy hadn't even realized that half an hour had passed, what was more time than he'd usually spent with his old friends these days. And what that said about him, hm?
''We have to go.'' He heard Nico say.
They really had. In a hurry, he helped Nico collect the lunch boxes and accompanied him to his next class, discovering that Nico was in fact in the same classes as him. Was Percy so distracted by trying to hide that he didn't see what was going on around him? Well, that would change from that moment on.
A few more days passed and with them, Percy began to pay attention to his surroundings. 
It was strange. How had Percy not noticed Nico's presence until that moment? Everytime Percy looked around, Nico would be there, at any place or time of day, too. That is, until they both went off to their respective homes, rehearsals or trainings, and even then, Percy would still be thinking about Nico; while waiting for his older brother to pick him up or at home helping his mother cook, trying new dishes.
That's what continued to happen for a long time, days, weeks, months, even, was hard to get a sense of time when the hours passed so quickly and the days were all the same. Percy felt like he was emerging from a paralyzing sleep, finding something that finally held his attention. One day he noticed that Nico sat at the front of the room and was very close to the exit door. On another, Nico was more towards the middle of the room and then the little boy appeared next to him, sharing the double desk with him. Grover was in the desk next to his with Juniper, Luke behind him with Thalia.
Percy looked at Nico once again and saw him writing something around a drawing, a black helmet, the handwriting as beautiful as the features of the figure. Percy wanted to ask since when they had sat together. Since when had Nico been part of his group of friends and since when had he felt so comfortable with Nico's presence, with the quietness that Nico's actions brought. Instead, he said in the lowest voice possible:
''What's that?”
''Hm?' 'Nico muttered and looked at him, as calm as ever. ''A design for a novel. I don't know if I'll finish it.”
The strangest thing was that he knew exactly what Nico was talking about. Percy had seen the draft of the novel in one of the breaks shared with food, and like everything Nico did, it was beautiful and delicate, as if Nico put a part of his soul into everything he touched with his hands, whether it was a piece of paper, art, food or homework.
''You should. It's beautiful.”
Nico didn't say anything, he just lowered his head and continued scribbling, his face hidden behind long, black hair that shone as it reflected the sunlight. Nico then doodled a sword and an armor, leather gloves, a crown of roses. The more Percy watched Nico draw, the less Percy understood what was holding his attention so much. Maybe it was the slim hands, the long, elegant fingers, maybe it was Nico's concentrated attitude, or maybe was the relaxed body next to his, his head next to Nico's, admiring the soft lines that revealed so much beauty.
'''Alright, guys. Get your books.'' The teacher said and out of nowhere, part of the magic was broken.
The drawings were still in Nico's notebook, just as beautiful as before, and they were still stuck together, leaning over the shared desk. The difference was that Nico had tensed and looked up at Percy, as if Nico hadn't paid attention to what was happening around him until he heard the teacher's voice. Percy also realized something, maybe he was very close to Nico, hugging him by the shoulders like a prison with no escape.
''Sorry.'' Even with all this in mind, Percy made no move to pull away or let him go.
Percy thought Nico was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. There was nothing like seeing the blush spreading across Nico's face, the darker skin taking on a warmer hue, to look at and to touch too, because even over his clothes, Percy could feel the heat emanating from Nico at the points where they touched; at his shoulders and hips, almost making Percy touch that delicate, beautiful face.
''I don't mind.' 'Nico repeated in the same low, discreet tone, then turned to his notebook and picked up the books they would need.
Percy got the impression that Nico cared, yes, but in a... positive way. He saw the little boy open the book to the right page, lean against the back of the chair and up his arm, starting to read while the teacher explained the subject, like that scene was something completely normal. This made Percy wonder once again: had he ever done this with Nico? Since when were they so close? Wasn't it Annabeth who should have been by his side? Sure, they'd never been that close or acted the way he and Nico were acting, but... since when did she sit on the other side of the room with Clarisse and Silena? Shouldn't he have cared a little more than just being slightly surprised? She was his friend, wasn't she...? Shouldn't Percy miss her? So why had he only noticed Annabeth's absence now?
''Is everything all right?' 'He heard a soft voice beside him, and then, Nico's hand rested on his arm, Percy noticing in his friend's face a worried look.
Percy took a deep breath, letting his shoulders relax, and found himself smiling, something inside his chest warming and pulsing, as if the spark of an unknown feeling inside him was waking up.
''Everything is great. Wonderful. Incredible.”
''You dork.'' Nico rolled his eyes and leaned back against him, continuing to read the text the teacher had asked them.
Well, after that, Percy quickly understood what was going on; or rather, his psychiatrist had helped him understand. Nico wasn't stalking him, but in fact, Nico was doing the same thing he was; Nico was trying to live a discreet life away from prying eyes. Even he, at the age of eleven, admired the image that Nico made. The little boy stood out so much among the other studentes that Percy could clearly see the difference. Straight, wavy, thick hair, a small, fleshy mouth, intense black eyes, it was such a beautiful set that it gave Nico an androgynous, feminine look, although it was impossible to mistake Nico for a girl.
The point was, Nico had found the best places to hide, the same ones that Percy had found too. The music room, the forest, the bleachers near the sports fields further away from the classrooms.
Percy couldn't help himself, day after day, he found himself doing the same steps.
In addition to spending his time in class close to Nico, always during breaks, whether during the day or in the afternoon, he found himself walking and finding his way to the familiar bleachers with the familiar mop of hair in the far corner trying to hide. They never agreed out loud, it was just something that had become routine.
Nico would leave first, Percy would exchange a few words with his remaining friends and then he would follow Nico; he would practice basketball for a few minutes on the courth floor and then he would sit down next to Nico, accepting a lunchbox filled with the things he loved most, cake and pie, blueberry juice too, and sometimes, Nico would surprise him, baked potatoes or pancakes; if Nico was in the mood, lasagna or something Italian. No matter what it was, Percy would happily eat every grain and every bit of food. If Nico made it for him, the least he could do was repay him by eating it all. But it seemed so little compared to what Nico did for him... Percy wanted to share something with Nico that was important and valuable too. But what could be more valuable than sharing the food you've made yourself with someone?
''Your drawings are very good. Where did you learn?’’
They were once again in the stands, Percy ignoring the ball still in his hands to watch Nico take a forkful of food into his mouth, stopping midway with the fork between his lips.
''Where did you learn to draw?’’
''Oh, that?'' Then Nico looked down at his lap, where the notebook was, and put his lunchbox down. ''I had a lot of free time.”
Percy didn't know if he had understood… but Nico smiled at him, seeming to understand his confusion.
''I don't have any friends. I never had. Imagination was all that I had.”
''And what am I? A tree?’’
''No, you're a popular and rich athlete.’’
''You're right. I have many riches, how about you share them with me?”
''What are you saying?'’ Nico smiled again and Percy felt a throbbing in his chest that had nothing to do with the asthma he had as a baby.
''My mother likes to cook.’’
''Isn't that obvious? I mean, she has a restaurant, doesn't she?'' Nico said and tilted his head to the side, like that would make him understand what Percy meant.
''She'd love the company.”
''Don't we... have a paper to finish?’’
''I have plenty of space at home. My mother won't mind.’’
''Are you sure? I've never been to anyone's house.’’
This only made Percy's chest tighten even more.
''There's always a first time, right?’’
Nico looked at him, seemed to analyze him from head to toe and ended up shrugging.
''I will trust you.’’
At the time, Percy didn't know why he was having so many palpitations or why the feeling of relief had seized him so intensely. Later, he would recognize it as the fear of being rejected, and even if he didn't understand it yet, he knew that someone as sweet, beautiful and talented as Nico would never reject him so rudely. Thiat way, they finished eating and went on to their next classes, arranging to meet at the main gate after the last class.
Percy admitted, he had wasted more time than intended talking to the literature teacher. Apparently, he needed to try harder if he wanted to have a future at that school. She argued with him, went over every little thing he'd done wrong, and even gave him extra assignments to make sure his mistakes were corrected. Percy left the classroom as quickly as he could, and as soon as he saw the time, Percy ran down the corridors towards the school's main gate. When he arrived at the place he and Nico had marked, he remembered why Nico was always hiding in corners, which made Percy remember why he was hiding too.
They had already experienced this scene. Nico was pressed against the wall outside the gate and two other boys surrounded him, one of them was holding Nico by the neck while the other looked around suspiciously. The difference this time was that a crowd was watching them and no one was doing anything to stop what was about to happen.
Percy approached them, pretending to be another spectator, and listened the murmurs, while one of the boys spoke:
'Who's going to protect you now, huh? Because of you, our friends were expelled. Why don't you put yourself in your place and--’’
''What place would that be?’’
Percy couldn't help himself. This time, he didn't want any explanations. 
He stepped out of the crowd and the next thing he knew, he was face to face with the boys, or rather, his fist was against their faces. The pain came immediately, as he felt his nuckes collide with the nose of one the boys who were older than him, but who were no match for Percy.
''It's easy to mess with people smaller than you, isn't it? Why don't you play with someone your own size?”
''Would that be you?”
''What do you think?”
The silence fell, a silence that had become common no matter where Percy went. The nose of the boy he had punched was now swollen, blood trickling down his face, and the other, who had been too shocked to react, seemed to wake up from his trance. That would be the perfect moment for them to fight back, wouldn't it? Well, that's what people say, cowards soon give up if they find someone to resist them. And that's what they did, the boy who had watched his friend get knocked down with a single punch, pulled the other by the arms, helping him up and they both staggered into the crowd, running away with their tails between their legs.
Percy watched them fleeing in the distance between the cars and turned to Nico who was still leaning against the wall, the corner of his lips reddened and and on his arms and neck, marks of fingers and nails. The worst part was seeing the tears that kept falling or how Nico cowered, expecting other people to come and do the same to him. Percy didn't think, realizing that this was becoming something usual for them, and Percy didn't like it one bit, the fact that Nico had to hide in corners because of people's prejudice. 
He walked over to Nico and stopped in front of him, offering his hand. He had learned the hard way that touching someone when you don't feel safe or when you're in shock is the worst thing to do. So he just stood close without touching Nico, and tried to get his attention:
''Nico.'' Percy said in the softest voice.
''No, I… Percy?'' Percy held on and tried to be strong, Nico seemed to be reacting to everything worse than the previous time.
''I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... I was waiting for you... then, these... these boys showed up and…’’
Percy didn't know what to do. He felt his heart break when Nico took a step towards him and opened his eyes wide, his pupils unfocused and wet, as if Nico was waking up from a nightmare, and held onto his hands, trembling and breathing fast, still curled up on himself.
''It's allright. Can I hug you?”
''Hug me? Why... why would you want to touch someone like me?’’
''It looks like you need it.’’
''I... I need?'' Then, Nico looked at Percy with the most desolate and lost look he had ever seen.
''Nico. It's allright.'' Percy said it again, refusing to accept what those people were doing to Nico.
''I have to... I have to talk to Bianca, my... my sister.’’
''We will. After we get to my place. Yes?’’
''You promise?’’
''I promise.’’
Then, as if a key had been turned, Nico grabbed his arm and picked up their bags from the floor, saying: ''You dropped it.'' Just like that, like nothing had happened. But Nico was still shaking, gripping his arm tighter and handing one of the bags to Percy, holding his own against his chest in the hope that the bag and Percy would protect him.
Gods! How could someone do this to such a vulnerable and defenseless being? What had Nico done to be treated like this? Then, Percy looked around, recognizing these people. Some were in the same class as them, others Percy knew in passing, and none of them had the decency to help a classmate being abused. That's why they said he was a "rebel", and if it was up to him, things would continue exactly as they were.
''Are you ready?'' Percy said when he saw that Nico was beginning to calm down.
''Hm. Thank you.’’
Percy took Nico's backpack from his shoulder, put it with his own, and led Nico by the hand between the cars parked near the school, spotting a familiar black pick-up truck.
Thank you for reading. And if you can, send your appreciation in the comments. Until next time!
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invisibleraven · 2 years
For the kiss prompts! ❤️ Peterpatter + 26?
It was a well known fact that Reggie was a fan of showers, to the point that he gladly took the brunt of their shared water bill to keep indulging in them daily. And when Reggie took a shower, he liked them long.
This of course, became a problem with the three of them sharing an apartment with one bathroom. Alex soon just started taking showers at Willie's place, since he was just down the hall, and well Willie was a fan of having his boyfriend shower fresh and in only a towel when he came home some days. Reggie was giving it three months before Alex finally gave into Willie's pleas for him to just live together finally.
Luke, however, didn't have the option of having a cute partner right down the hall with a shower to bogart. So if he needed the bathroom while Reggie was indulging, he either had to wait or bust in and deal with it.
Usually Reggie was nice enough to cut the water off and dash off if Luke indicated it was urgent, but he gave Luke blanket permission to come in for all teeth and hair related activities. It wasn't like Luke was gonna peek behind their Star Wars themed shower curtain right?
Except one day, Reggie was enjoying his bathing time, eyes closed to the spray as he heard the curtain draw open. "Hey, shove over, you're hogging all the water," came Luke's voice.
"Um... I was supposed to take a shower, alone, but go ahead jump right in," Reggie snarked. He knew his face was flushed red, and he hoped it was possible to blame it on the scorching hot water instead of how flustered he currently was. He also kind of hoped Luke wouldn't even look at him, as he was desperately trying to do the same. Luke was so goddamn good looking though, it was hard not to stare when he was there, all toned and naked and had water sluicing down his defined physique.
"Sorry, just got done my work out and I felt really gross. Plus you know how awful the gym showers are," Luke replied, eyes trained on the wall as he started lathering up himself.
"You couldn't have waited until I was done?" Reggie asked.
Luke snorted at that. "Not unless I wanted an ice cold shower in like an hour. We've got that gig tonight remember and I don't wanna go shivering because you used all the hot water."
"You could have asked me to get out!"
Luke turned around, looking Reggie in the eye. "Dude, I don't care about sharing, we've done it before."
"When we were kids! Sharing a bath at four is slightly different than whatever this is!" Reggie exclaimed. "I-I'm gonna get out."
Luke shrugged, reaching for the shampoo. "Suit yourself."
Reggie was about to pull back the curtain when his foot landed in a pile of suds from Luke's soap, and he slid forward, right into Luke's chest. Luke's arms came up to grab him, and Reggie was sure his face was on fire as his lips brushed over the clean skin of Luke's shoulder. "Whoa dude, you okay?" Luke asked, hands still tight on Reggie's arms.
Reggie nodded, not trusting his voice right now, feeling all the places where they were pressed together, wet, slippery skin, and the growing effect in was having on Reggie. He whimpered and tried to step back, but Luke held him firm. "Oh...Reg if you wanted to make this shower extra steamy, all you had to do was ask."
Fuck, Reggie could hear the smirk in Luke's voice, and his eyes flew up, seeing the indecent eyebrow waggle. But he decided to throw caution to the wind and pressed their lips together, uncaring that the spray was raining down on them, plastering their hair to their heads. All Reggie cared about was the warmth of Luke's mouth against his, the lingering scent of shampoo and soap that filled his senses, the hands flying over his overheated skin.
Luke swore as they broke apart, both heaving for breath, but given the half-lidded nature of Reggie's eyes, he figured that it would be okay to repeat the move. He wasn't about to turn down kisses from the prettiest guy he knew, even while standing buck naked in the shower together. Sure, he had hoped that his first kiss with Reggie would be a touch more romantic, but this thing between them always burned so hot, maybe the addition of water would make it simmer rather than boil over.
Of course, Luke was proven wrong when Reggie's mouth travelled down his neck, his chest, following a last trail of suds as they wound their way down his body. Luke eeped, but when Reggie looked up at him from his knees, he had no wish to push him away.
The hot water ran out of steam long before they did, and it was only when the shower turned frigid that either one of them suggested turning it off and taking round... three? four? to their beds.
Later, Reggie was feeling like he could really use another shower, but maybe he could learn to live with sharing them from now on...
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its-kinda-snowy · 3 years
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This idea was probably done before, BUT, Luke getting kisses from the Squad™ (+Din), because he absolutely deserves it
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shirozora-draws · 2 years
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I wanted to draw Leia for several months and I wanted to draw her specifically for my fic series because of the role she plays in the third story. Figure out hair styles, figure out what the fuck she’s wearing, figure out how her face works in general, figure out how she looks with Luke when they’re out in the field.......
I finished my Mandalorian rewatch a few hours ago and lost my mind over the season finale like it was my first time again, god what the fuck why was this all so so so fucking good, I can’t get enough of how RIGHT AFTER what happened in The Believer with Miggs on Morak, Din shows his face to Grogu while Luke is RIGHT THERE and Din just freaking accepts that actually two living things have seen and acknowledged that they’ve seen his face sans helmet hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I am fine I am absolutely totally normal about this ship.
I wanted to study Stede’s face a bit more and also post-S1 Ed and then I remembered a thought about those full-finger gloves and touch as a love language and then I... wanted to draw some kissy face because fuck it, why not. I may actually colorize that last page because, y’know. 
I hate hands, why does everything I obsess over involve hands.
(sorry for the shoddy quality of the pics, the lighting in my room is terrible and I don’t want to invest in a handheld scanner yet)
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sierraraeck · 3 years
The Better Kisser
BAU x Bi!Fem!Reader
Emily x Bi!Fem!Reader
Summary: After finding out that you haven’t had very many kissing experiences, the team realizes you’re the perfect candidate to judge who the best kisser on the team is.
Category: Fluff
Warnings: As you may have guessed, lots of kissing.
Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: Just a little something that popped into my head that I just needed to write. This is technically an AU where the members of the team are Hotch, Rossi, Spencer, Penelope, Derek, Emily, JJ, Luke, and Tara. Everyone is single.
It was true. You hadn’t kissed very many people. You decided long ago that it wasn’t really in the cards for you, dating and kissing and relationships, that is, so yeah. You weren’t what one would call an ‘experienced kisser.’ Your friends had teased you for it, but you’d always shrugged it off. It wasn’t something to be ashamed of.
You’d never thought it’d be something to be grateful for either, until tonight.
It’d been a long, hard case, and everyone was dying to get out of the stupid office, and away from those stupid files, so that you could all finally relax, maybe even have some fun. You’d only been with the team for about three months, and it was like an entire whirlwind throwing you this way and that. You also hadn’t gotten to know the team too well either, considering how busy you all constantly were. Your first week on the job, they went out for drinks after a case, but you were so exhausted that you left after the first round.
There hadn’t been time, or energy, since then for the team to spend quality, relaxed time together. That’s why tonight was extra exciting.
“You’re telling me that throughout all of highschool, all of college, you haven’t kissed more than two people?” Derek asked incredulously. You couldn’t fully remember how you’d all gotten onto the subject, except that you had. You were sitting on Garcia’s squishy couch, littered with colorful pillows and all sorts of stuffed animals. Garcia had decided that instead of going out to a bar, you were all going to go over to her place, minus Hotch and Rossi who tapped out early.
You shrugged. “Nope. I had one boyfriend and one drunk kiss, both of which were bad experiences for me. I’ve kind of avoided all of that since then.” You explained, “Plus, when would I have time for that? Between my college studies and getting into the FBI, then BAU, I didn’t really have free time.”
“I mean, sure, I guess,” Derek continued, “but come one. There had to be guys falling at your feet!”
You laughed. “Not all of us have that kind of draw, Derek.” He nudged you, and you nudged him back with a wink.
He was right, though. You were stunning. Even when you just put your hair up and wore sweatpants, there was just something about you. You would probably look good in a trash bag. But men were not just falling at your feet. Even if they were, you wouldn’t notice, putting all of your energy into chasing your dreams instead. You thought that was a very reasonable, and responsible, thing of you to do.
Plus, you’d done the whole boyfriend thing, and weren’t really interested in trying it again. Well, not as interested as you were in trying the whole girlfriend thing. And your first day on the job, a certain badass brunette caught your eye, and was even the first one to make you really feel like part of the team. You were finding it harder and harder to resist her pull.
“Yeah Derek,” JJ chimed in, drawing your attention back to the conversation, “Not all of us can rack up eight phone numbers and five make out sessions in one night.”
“What can I say?” Derek beamed, pride shining in his eyes. “I’m a great kisser.” Emily snorted. When Derek glared at her, she pressed her lips together and looked down. “What?”
“Nothing,” Emily sang, shaking her head with an air of mischief.
“No seriously, what?”
“It’s just that if you read girls half as well as you claim to, you might wonder if that’s always the case.” Derek’s jaw hung open, and Emily smirked at him with unabashed confidence. You stared at her and her piercing eyes, and you couldn’t help but admire how sexy she was when she was confident, smug even.
“Wow, you’re gonna go there?” Derek asked, feigning hurt disbelief, “And how would you know that?”
Again, Emily shrugged and nonchalantly stated, “Because I know how women act when they kiss me. And trust me. They’re actually enjoying themselves.”
Some ‘ooh’s radiated throughout the room, and based on the look Penelope had plastered to her face, things were about to get good.
You watched in amusement as Derek sat up a little straighter, “Is that a challenge?”
“If you want it to be.” Emily’s brows shot up.
“Alright, you’re on,” Derek nodded, determination radiating off of him.
“Well, I don’t know how strong either of your games are,” Luke spoke up, glancing quickly over at Spencer who was just observing the whole encounter, “but I think I could take on both of you.”
“No you could not,” Tara sneered from beside him.
“And you could?” Luke challenged.
Setting her glass down, Tara replied, “Yes.”
You giggled at the thought of the four of them having a kiss-off, just imagining how utterly chaotic that would be due to all of their extraordinarily competitive natures.
“Oh my god, this is going to be so fun!” Penelope squealed. “Now we just have to figure out who’s going to judge!”
“We can’t really use one of us because some people might be biased or recognize the kisser,” Emily casually stated. It took a moment for you to realize what she’d just admitted to. Who on the team has kissed before? But before you could really start thinking about it, you noticed that everyone’s gaze had slowly turned to you.
“What is happening right now?” you questioned, looked between them.
The five of them exchanged excited, knowing looks before training their attention back on you. Then you got it. “Are you serious?”
“You’re the only one who hasn’t kissed one of us!” Derek explained, as if it were obvious.
“You mean…” you trailed off, but again couldn’t complete the thought before someone interrupted.
“Come on, it’ll be fun!” Penelope promised. “And you seem like you’d be a very neutral judge.”
“Not to mention,” Tara added, “You’re a pretty blank slate since you haven’t really kissed anyone.”
“Don’t worry though, we’ll show you a good time,” Derek assured with a wink.
Heads nodded. You were a bit worried that there would be some hurt feelings by the end of this, but they were all adults, and the appeal to kiss all of them, along with their eager faces, became enough to convince you to say yes.
“Yes!” Derek exclaimed. He looked pointedly at Emily, “It is so on.”
She just rolled her eyes. “Pen, do you have a blindfold?”
“A what?” you asked.
“Well we can’t have you getting biased on us. This has to be strictly about kissing.” Hearing her explain it with such reason hampered your growing nerves a bit. Like you’d said, you hadn’t kissed very many people and you were worried how much better they were going to be at it than you.
You reminded yourself that this was more about them than you, and tried to use that to calm yourself down. You were about to be kissed by some of the most attractive people you’d met. This was definitely not a bad place to be.
While Penelope rummaged through her belongings to get a makeshift blindfold, Luke convinced Spencer to join and JJ decided to participate.
Pretty soon, they had you seated in a chair, another one across from you, waiting for whoever was going to go first, while Emily explained some ground rules. “We are going to go in rounds. We will each kiss her and then after every round, Y/N will eliminate one of us based on the number in the round we kissed her so she doesn’t know who it is. No touching. You can’t use your hands in any way, this has to purely be about the kiss. And kiss however you normally would, no matter what that means for you.”
“No hands?” Spencer questioned. You were still surprised that he’d agreed to join, let alone ask a question like that. Luke gave him an odd look from behind while Emily confirmed the rule.
“Your hands might give away who you are, and again, this is just about the kiss.”
“Alright, alright, let’s just get started,” Derek complained, as Penelope tied the blindfold behind your head.
Now that you couldn’t see, you relied on your hearing to figure out what was happening. You heard some shuffling and disgruntled whispering, then you heard the chair across from you slide across the floor toward you. You waited anxiously as the person leaned in and pressed their lips to yours.
Their lips were plush and soft, but the kiss seemed a little too forced. It was a bit excited and you could feel their smile as they started pulling away. It was a pretty good kiss, definitely better than your previous two, despite the fact that it only lasted a few seconds. You couldn’t help but try and guess who it was, thinking it was either Penelope or Tara.
The next person who sat down completely blew the person before them out of the water. It was a much longer kiss and the person even swiped their tongue across your bottom lip for entry. You weren’t really thinking as you gave them access, the heat in your body starting to rise. You just hoped that your face wasn’t giving any of that heat away, so you were almost grateful that the person pulled away.
There was a bout of silence, which made you feel a little awkward, but soon enough, you heard the cushion squish down across from you. Their knee knocked yours, as you assumed they crossed their legs. Being a profiler, you were very used to picking up on body language with your eyes, making it kind of fun to try and pick up those same behavioral cues with all of your other senses. This person, you could tell, was very hesitant. You couldn’t say you were surprised when the person really only pecked you on the lips.
Number four in the line up started out pretty good, but you felt them start shaking or something halfway through. You quickly realized that they were laughing and you pulled back. You couldn’t help but smile when you asked, “Why are you laughing?”
Up until then, they had laughed pretty silently, but once you called them out, they just full out chuckled. “I’m sorry!” Tara unapologetically said through more laughs. “I couldn’t help it. I blame Luke.”
You laughed with her as you playfully shook your head. “You were doing so well up until then!”
“I know!” she agreed.
“I guess this means you’re out?” you half questioned.
Tara gave an over dramatic sigh, but you could hear the smile in her voice as she stated, “I guess so.” As she walked away, Luke gave a small ‘ow,’ and you assumed she’d hit him. You wondered what about this was Luke’s fault? Had he said something to her?
Either way, someone took her spot across from you. They wasted no time leaning in and putting their lips on yours. The kiss started out slow and gentle, like they were easing you into it. But gradually, as you both became more used to the other, it picked up pace, your mouths starting to move in sync. It felt like all of their energy was focused on you and exploring your mouth with their tongue. It was by far the most passionate kiss you’d experienced, and you tried to hide the pout from your face as they pulled back, chasing their lips for only a second before remembering there was an audience, and a competition.
Person number six was … good. You couldn’t really describe it. They used, what now seemed to you to be, a medium amount of tongue, for a medium amount of time. It was a good kiss, you weren’t saying it wasn’t, it just didn’t have any quirk or something unique that stood out. It was just … good. You knew Tara was out, so you tried to guess who that person could be. You thought maybe JJ, or possibly Luke, but you couldn’t be sure.
The final person who kissed you was intense. They had plump, captivating lips, but the way they kissed verged on overwhelming. They were also a little sloppy in their movements, and it was like you could tell they weren’t fully invested. Distracted, maybe? Again, not bad, but nothing like some of the other kissers.
The air was hot and heavy as Emily spoke up. “Okay, we’ve all gone. You know Tara is out, she was number four, so who else from this round would you eliminate?”
You pretended to think about it, even though it actually wasn’t that hard to pick. “I think it was person number three.” The person who just sort of pecked me, you thought, but didn’t say.
The players were now down to five, and they went in the same order as they had before, minus person number three, who you guessed was Spencer, and Tara.
This round made you even more confused about who was who than the round before. The excited one you guessed was either Luke or Penelope, the intimate one you thought was Derek, the passionate one you thought was either Luke or Emily, the average one you thought was JJ, and the sloppy, intense one you had no idea about.
By the end of that round, you eliminated person number one, the overly excited, verging on too hard kisser.
The next round was a no brainer. The intimate kisser, Derek you thought, upped his game. He kissed you for longer, used a bit more tongue, but was still somehow gentle. If you thought he’d upped his game, you weren’t prepared for person number two. They also upped their game, keeping your mouths molded together for longer than before, something you were more than happy about. You couldn’t quite place exactly what it was about their kiss, maybe that it seemed so perfectly balanced, incorporated the perfect amount of everything, or something else, but they were absolutely magnetic. It sent electric waves through your body, making you feel a little tingly. You felt sort of bad for the average kisser, most likely JJ, because they had to follow that up. And finally the sloppy kisser, who you still couldn’t place. They didn’t up their game at all. If anything, they felt more distracted by the minute, and pulled away earlier than the rest.
“Person number four,” you stated when Tara asked who was getting eliminated.
It was now down to three; the intimate kisser, you predicted Derek, the passionate kisser, either Luke or Emily, and the average kisser, probably JJ.
There was some shuffling, a faint whispering, a small ‘ow,’ and then Tara spoke up again. “Now that there are only three left, as long as you are okay with it, they want to use their hands.”
You tried to downplay the excitement you were feeling with this new rule, but you were sure their trained ears could hear it in the way you said, “Yes, that’s good with me.”
The seat across from you suddenly became occupied, but before anything could happen, Tara quickly jumped in. “Wait. Y/N, you can’t use your hands.” When you pouted a little, she explained, “Well if you did, you’d definitely know who is who, so…”
You sighed, but agreed, waiting in anticipation for the person across from you to touch you.
It started soft, their long fingers brushing over your cheeks as they leaned in. Soon enough, though, the entirety of their hands were firmly cupping your face and pulling you ridiculously close, close enough to feel some of their body heat. It was intimate, and again made you feel like the most important person to whoever those lips and hands belonged to. You rubbed your thumb into your palm, wanting nothing more than to reach out and touch them, but you knew you couldn’t. Your sole focus was on them, them on you, and you had to say it was one of the best kisses of the night.
That person made you feel like the most important person in the world, but the next person kissed you like you were the only person in the world. They started out by tucking your hair behind your ear, then slowly sliding their fingers back into the loose strands. As they started to kiss you, they moved their other hand behind your head, cradling the back of your neck. The person before them had captured your focus, but this person erased any thoughts your mind was capable of forming. You couldn’t think about anything other than the way their tongue moved against yours, and the shiver they sent down your spine as one of their hands traveled the length of it, coming to rest just above your hip, strong, confident fingers pulling you closer. It was a moment you never wanted to end, and one that left you in a cold shock when it eventually did.
You almost didn’t even want the last person to kiss you because of how you knew it would never come close to what you’d just experienced, but a competition was a competition. The third person kissed you similarly to how they’d done before, good but nothing special, their hands resting comfortably on your hips.
When it was all over, you asked, “Can I take off the blindfold now? I know who the winner is.”
“Sure, but announce who first,” Tara suggested.
“Okay,” you agreed. “The third person got third, the first person got second, and the second person was the winner. Can I take the blindfold off now?” you asked again. You were eager to find out who was who. When you didn’t get an immediate response warning you not to, you stood up and quickly ripped it off to quite the amusing sight. Spencer looked as bright as a cherry, Penelope looked shocked but proud, Tara was smirking, Luke’s eyes were the size of beach balls, JJ looked indifferent, Emily was smirking, and Derek looked like he’d just been shot. “So are you going to tell me who was who?”
Without answering, Emily took two large strides toward you and placed her lips back on yours. One of her hands slid back into your hair while the other rested above your waist, and you smiled into the kiss. Of course it was you, you thought. When she pulled away, you were both smiling like idiots, and she gave you a single eyebrow raise as you both turned to look at Derek.
“I got third?” he asked, still in a state of bewilderment.
“What?” you asked, just as shocked as he was. “I thought you got second.”
Emily snorted. “You thought Spencer was Derek?”
What?! You spun to face Spencer, the person you were sure got out the first round, and he was still blushing like he’d been out in the sun for far too long. “You took second?” He nodded nervously. You beamed at him, causing him to return a shy smile, then look down at his fiddling hands. “You’re a really good kisser,” you complimented.
Derek repeated, “I took third? Emily, I guess I kinda get,” she rolled her eyes at that, “but Pretty Boy?”
You shrugged, and Luke jumped in, though not nearly as harsh as Derek had been. “Yeah, I took fourth, but Spencer got second?”
You offered him a cheeky smile, remembering how distracted he felt while kissing you, and the not-so-subtle glances he constantly made at Spencer all the time. You took the opportunity to encourage whatever was going on there. “He did. Like I said, he’s a good kisser. Very intimate, like I was the only one on his mind. You should try kissing him sometime. Might help you feel less distracted.” You winked and Spencer looked like he wanted to evaporate. Luke, on the other hand, was just staring at Spencer, and you could see the gears spinning in his head. He finally mumbled a ‘what the hell’ before pulling Spencer to him by the back of his neck. Spencer seemed immediately surprised, but recovered quite quickly, no hesitation to his movements after the initial shock. They kissed each other probably exactly how they’d just kissed you, Spencer’s hands cupping Luke’s face, Luke’s hands resting on the back of Spencer’s neck and lower back. Although, you’d have to say that Luke looked a bit more focused than he’d been with you. You laughed while some of the other members hooted. This was something that’d been a long time coming.
When they pulled away, Luke nodded. “Y/N, I definitely agree with you.”
Spencer smiled, and playfully nudged Luke as he said, “Y/N, I also agree with you.”
“Hey!” Luke exclaimed, but he was smiling the brightest he had in a while.
Derek was still a mess, not enjoying the moment as much as he usually would’ve, and asked, “What did I do wrong?”
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” you assured, “You’re a good kisser, but there’s just nothing too special about it. It’s kinda just…”
Emily and Derek looked at you expectantly before Emily got it. “Wait. Are you calling him average?”
She looked way too excited for the occasion, but she was right. He was just kinda average. You nonchalantly admitted, “I guess.”
Derek let his hands fall to his sides with a slap, his mouth still hanging open. Emily’s lips curled up into a sly smile as she placed a hand on Derek’s shoulder. “It’s okay. Not everyone can be as good as me.” He shrugged her hand off his shoulder, and she held out her hand. Derek reached into his back pocket producing his wallet, and grudgingly slapped a crumpled $20 into her open palm. You gawked at them, not realizing that they’d placed a bet on their skills.
Emily returned to your side, closer than she’d really ever stood to you before, and gave you a smile that seemed on the shyer side for her, biting her lip as she peered at you through her lashes. You mirrored her shy smile, pressing your lips together as heat quickly spread to your cheeks. You turned back to the rest of the conversation that demanded your attention, people wanting to know why you eliminated them. But you couldn’t help glancing over at Emily every now and then, and couldn’t hide your joy when you saw that she was gazing back.
Who knows? Maybe that night was going to be the start of two great relationships in the BAU.
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Father Paul/Monsignor Pruitt as a Real Father HCs
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He’s speechless the moment he finds out. After all, he has the miracle that you are, now he’s getting another miracle? One he gets to share with you? It sounds so impossible.
He can’t wait to tell the church, but he promises to wait until you’re ready. When he finally does tell them, he can’t stop smiling at you in the audience.
If you adopt, he stops to tell everyone in the courthouse that he’s a father now. Literally everyone. The marriage counselor, the bailiffs, the lawyers, witnesses and jurors waiting to be called, the judge going for a coffee break. Everyone smiles at how ecstatically happy he is.
If you carry the child yourself, he’s there for every appointment. He can’t contain how happy he is when he sees the ultrasounds. He’ll hold your hair back when you’re sick and cook you whatever you want and sit up with you when you can’t sleep.
He’ll kiss you goodnight and then kiss your stomach too. Twice if you have twins, once for both of them. After praying for your health, ofc.
He’ll suggest biblical baby names as a joke. We’re not talking Matthew/Mark/Luke/John, he’ll throw out something like Nehemiah and burst out laughing when you give him the “really?” look. If it’s a girl, he’ll definitely want one of her names to be Alice.
He cries when he holds them the first time. And on and off for the next week. It’s been nine months and he still can’t believe the miracle he’s been blessed with.
He decorated the nursery himself (okay, Riley and/or Hassan helped him assemble the crib bc he messed up several times). It’s Noah’s Ark themed. He’s so proud of it and can’t wait to show you.
He’ll sit up reading or singing them hymns when they can’t sleep. He insists that it’s his job. After all, you dealt with nine months of every horrible symptom, you deserve some rest.
He wants to do everything he couldn’t do for Sarah, so he’s there for everything. Every doctor’s appointment, every bumped knee and bruised elbow, every Christmas pageant rehearsal, every swimming lesson and baseball practice. He takes the kid(s) trick or treating every Halloween and they all help make you a birthday cake every year.
Sarah tells them she’s “Aunt Sarah” for a while. They’ll learn the truth when they’re older. She’s not sure how she feels - she’s made peace with the fact that Paul is her father, but she had a father growing up and doesn’t feel like she missed much not having him there. He’s the one who missed a lot. She’s okay with just being friends, because anything else seems weird. But she’ll be involved in all of your lives no matter what.
He puts a pride flag up at the church for Sarah, but it makes him smile a little more when he realizes he’s demi and that means it’s for both of them (bc we all know he is, see here). Bev tries to take it down, but stops when Hassan threatens to charge her. Hassan never tells Paul, though, because Heaven help Bev if he finds out she said a word against any of his children.
He’s so proud of everything his kids do. Their drawings are up on the fridge and in his office. Once he figures out how to reset his phone background, it’s a family photo. Christmas photos and tacky Christmas cards are a must.
He loves Christmas, he always has. But smuggling Christmas presents under the tree with you to for the kids to find in the morning makes him love it even more. And decorating for Christmas, he can’t get enough. He’s a big sucker for the holidays. 
If you’re a different religion, he learns everything he can so your family can celebrate holidays from both. This also makes Bev super angry.
When they’re old enough, he teaches them how to play baseball/softball and starts a team at the school.
He takes pictures all the time because he still can’t believe this is all real and because he missed so much of Sarah growing up that he doesn’t want to risk losing any of the memories now. He’s yet to figure out how not to cover his phone’s camera with his finger half the time.
Sarah and maybe Erin are the only people he trusts to babysit. The first time you go to the mainland without the kids, he’s anxious the whole time because they’re a whole ferry ride away.
You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him, but having a family with you is a very close second.
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simplee-dreaming · 3 years
The Party
A/N: I spent far too much time deciding how all of their outfits were gonna look so I hope it paid off. Also, I know some things I mention have different names in different countries but I've gone for what I only know as the British version. Hope you like it! (Totally didn't get inspiration for this idea from driving past a joke shop myself...)
Word count: 2951
Summary: The reader attends her first themed party hosted by RDJ, but her outfit lands her in trouble.
Tonight was the night. The night you had been waiting for for weeks. A party at Robert Downey Jr’s house. But not just any old party, oh no, a party for the Avengers cast. Not even just a party - a themed party.
See, Robert is well known for his themed parties. Of course he’s done the classics such as the black and white theme, the 80s theme, even the “dress as your favourite superhero” theme - what could be more suited? But he’s also well known for his unique themes. For example: dress as what you wanted to be when you were a kid; dress as your favourite fruit or veg; dress as another member of the cast; dress as your favourite gay icon. The list goes on.
This was your very first party with the cast though. Being the newest member, you were super excited to have a great night with them all outside of work - plus little Tom couldn’t stop guessing what this theme could be. It was, of course:
“Dress as your favourite board game.”
Yep. Board games.
You spent ages trying to figure out what board game you were going to dress up as. The main rule of the themed parties was that you couldn’t tell other people what you were going as unless you deliberately needed someone else to complete your outfit.
You were desperate for ideas now that the party was only a week away. It wasn’t until you were walking down the highstreet, and something in the shop window caught your eye, that you finally had an idea. You were standing outside of a joke shop, and in the window stood a dress...designed like a Twister mat.
The day had finally arrived. No one was filming today so you had all day to get yourself ready. Hair and makeup done, Twister dress on, ready to rumble.
You made your way to RDJ’s house at half 8 - late enough to not be the first one there but early enough to enjoy everyone’s company for longer. You smiled with glee as you stepped into the house. You were tingling with excitement as you walked towards the room where the music played. The minute you walked into the room, everyone approached you. And one by one you scanned them all to see what they were dressed as.
The first person you saw was Anthony, he was dressed up as Cards Against Humanity. Not quite a board game but funny nonetheless. The front of his outfit was completely black and the back was completely white. The writing on his front read “I drink to forget _____”, and the writing on his back read “Tom Holland”. You giggled.
Next was Scarlett. She decided to come dressed as Pictionary. Part of her outfit was made with polyester and nylon, and she carried around a whiteboard marker so that anyone could draw a picture on her outfit and others had to guess what it was. This could also be wiped off easily, ready for the next person to draw.
Sebastian was next, you snorted when you saw him. He was dressed as Frustration. His outfit was divided into the four colours: his top right being yellow, top left being green, bottom right being blue and bottom left being red. He had placed a semisphere plastic hat over his head and inside lay a foam dice which jumped about whenever he shook his head.
After Seb came Liz. She was dressed up as Uno. Her front and back were two different colours of the uno reverse card - the front being red and the back being green. The point of this is that whenever someone asked her to do something she didn’t wanna do, she’d just point to her outfit and get out of doing it.
Next was Paul B. He came as Trivial Pursuit. Random questions and answers were plastered all over his suit, such as: “how many feet are there in a fathom? 6”; “What three-word slogan was named the most popular advertisement ever in a 2000 poll? Beanz Meanz Heinz”; and his own personal saying, “Where do snitches end up? In ditches”.
Following Paul was the unsurprising double act. Big Tom and Hemsy. They had come dressed as Snakes and Ladders. Tom had glued a giant toy python to his all-black outfit, and Chris had stuck a cardboard ladder to the front and back of his all-white outfit. Simple, yet effective.
Then came Evans who was dressed as Noughts and Crosses, despite numerous comments from RDJ about it not being a board game. His back was full of paper noughts and crosses stuck to his top but his front had a similar material to Scarlett’s where the cast could play their own game on his front and then wipe it off for the next players.
You scanned little Tom next. He had gone all out with his outfit, dressing up as Operation. He was wearing a light pink coloured top and matching trousers and had stapled all the pieces of operation to their correct areas, such as the butterfly, the spare rib and the wish bone. He’d also used face paint to paint his nose a dark shade of red. Adorably creepy in a way.
Last, but certainly not least, was the man himself. Robert Downey Jr. He came as the popular game Cluedo. And boy did he look fancy. He wore a top hat that had a giant question mark stuck to it, and a tuxedo with a long sweeping tail attached to the jacket. Neatly placed all over his black suit were the names of the suspects, the names of the rooms and the names of the weapons - all written in white. He looked splendid.
“Twister. How unusual. I love it,” Robert said, the others nodded in agreement.
“Thanks, you all look incredible,” you said.
Little Tom held out his arm and led you to the dance floor where you spent the next hour dancing the night away. Big Tom and Hemsy were owning the dance floor with their moves. Many party classics blared through the speakers, including 5,6,7,8...which you knew the dance off by heart but RDJ had to be taught the moves by you and little Tom.
Another hour passed and you were sat with Scarlett, Liz and Paul in the other room where the music wasn’t so loud. Seb was with you but he had asked Liz to get him a drink and she played the uno reversal so now he was on drinks duty.
“Paul, can I borrow your suit just so I can literally look smarter?” You asked, he chuckled.
“Maybe I can just follow you around and relay the facts for you,”
“You could be the Yoda to my Luke. Though I think you’re too big to sit on my back,” you said.
“Here’s your punch,” said Seb, returning with two cups for him and Liz.
“Finally, what took you so long?” she asked.
“I stopped in the party room, Anthony and little Tom are having a competition to see who can do the macarena better,” he said.
“But...the macarena is the macarena…” you said, confused.
“Try telling them that. Tom insisted that the Brits do it better apparently.”
“Well, we do have some absolute bangers,” you chuckled. Paul agreed.
“So where did you get that dress?” Scarlett asked you.
“The joke shop down the highstreet. I was walking past it last week and found it in the window. Thought it would be perfect,” you shrugged.
“Until Mackie gets over excited and plays Twister on you,” Seb said.
“I’d like to see him try,” you replied.
“Ah, here’s the gang. What are you all doing in here?” Robert said, entering the room with big Tom and Evans.
“We’re just sat chatting….wait, have you left Holland and Mackie alone?” Seb asked.
“They’re fine, Chris is with them,” Tom replied. You tilted your head at him and raised an eyebrow.
“Maybe I should check on them…” Tom said, you nodded and he left the room.
“Soooo, how’s it going?” Evans asked everyone.
“We’re all fine but Y/N is a bit twisted,” Seb said. Everyone laughed but you bonked him on the head, making the dice jolt.
You giggled and slapped the plastic hat again, the dice landed on a 6.
“Eyy I get another go!” You cheered before bonking him on the head again. He sighed but chuckled.
“Well it’s nice to see her dressed as an actual board game,” Robert said, turning to Evans.
“Hey, that’s not fair! Noughts and crosses is a board game!” Evans protested.
“I wanna play,” you said. Evans smiled at you.
You got Liz to play with you and you went first. You decided to play as noughts and took the bottom left corner. After a few rounds, you got a straight diagonal line. You cheered as Liz huffed, but she congratulated you nonetheless.
“I wanna play pictionary now,” you said, turning to Scarlett. She smiled and handed you a whiteboard pen. You thought for a moment then began drawing.
You pressed down on Scarlett’s outfit to make sure you could draw properly. You ran the pen down her stomach and she giggled.
“Hey, careful, that tickles,” she said. You blushed and apologised but continued. Everytime the pen went over a certain spot Scarlett would giggle but she never flinched.
“Okay, I’m done,” you announced. Everyone leaned forward and groaned once they saw it.
“Really? You know none of us can say that,” Seb said.
“First one to say it correctly wins,” you shrugged. You had drawn Mjolnir, something that everyone struggled to say.
“Midge-oh-lair,” said Liz.
“Mjohn-ler,” said Seb.
“Me-joln-ier,” said Evans.
“Hey! It’s Mjolnir!” came a voice from the door. Hemsy had just walked in with Mackie, little Tom and big Tom.
“We have a winner,” you grinned and everyone groaned again.
“Okay now I wanna play snakes and ladders,” you said. You scrambled to your feet and launched yourself at Hemsy, climbing up his tall body and clinging to him like a koala. He laughed.
“Okay, and what do we do now?” He chuckled. You shrugged and hugged him tighter, he returned the favour.
“As nice as this is, princess, I can’t carry you around the rest of the evening,” Hemsy said.
“Alright, hang on. Gotta complete the game,” you said. You motioned big Tom to come nearer and leaned over to hug him. Your legs followed and wrapped around his waist before you slid down his body and landed on the floor. Tom laughed.
“Impressive,” he said. You lay flat at the floor and looked at him, giggling.
“You’re very playful today,” big Tom said.
“I’m just happy to be here,” you giggled, he smiled at you.
“Alright my turn, I wanna play twister,” Mackie said, launching himself at you.
“WAIT!” You cried, panicked by his sudden movement. Mackie didn’t listen.
“I’m not doing anything! I need someone to give me an instruction,” he said.
“Right foot red,” Seb said. Mackie lifted his foot and put it on the first red spot he could see, directly on your tummy. You giggled as he adjusted his foot, rubbing it against your tummy.
“Noho Anthony!”
He looked and realised what he was doing, then smirked and vibrated his foot on your tummy again. You giggled louder.
“The twister mat is making noises, how do I turn it off?” He asked.
“Um, try putting your left hand on yellow,” little Tom piped up. Mackie grinned as he spotted a yellow spot on your ribs. He put his hand down and gave them an “accidental” squeeze.
“Hehey!” You shrieked.
“Didn’t work Holland, anyone else?” Mackie said.
“Try right hand green,” Scar said, smirking. Mackie placed his right hand on the green spot on your side and squeezed again.
“Stohop!” You cried.
“Right well that didn’t work, and I can’t put my left foot on it otherwise I would break it. Any other ideas?” he said.
“You may have to push a few buttons, try turning it off and on again,” Paul said. Mackie squeezed your ribs and sides again and shook his foot on your tummy. You screeched loudly.
“Nope, still making noises,”
“Let me have a look,” Liz said. Mackie had you pinned below his hands and foot. You started to giggle as you felt a single finger run up your neck.
“Nonono Lizzie!” You squeaked as she dragged a nail up the other side.
“There must be an off button around here,” she teased. She gently scribbled all her nails into your neck. You scrunched up your shoulders and shrieked.
“Definitely not here, you sure it’s not there Mackie?” Lizzie asked. Mackie squeezed your ribs and sides again and your giggles turned to laughter.
“Nope, no no, that’s made it worse,” he said. “Someone try a blue spot!”
Evans jumped up and ran over to help. He found a blue spot right on your hip, he placed his hand over it and started squeezing.
“NAHAHAHAHAHA!” You screamed. Trying to buck your body was impossible with Mackie still pinning you.
“Dammit Evans you turned the volume up!” Mackie yelled.
“Maybe the problem lies outside of the mat itself,” big Tom piped up.
“What you saying Hiddleston? That we’re the problem?” Mackie asked.
“Not at all, just that there appears to be parts connected to the mat, but not part of the mat itself,” Tom said, putting his hand on his chin. He slowly approached you and swiped a single finger under your knee. You kicked it away.
“Now it’s malfunctioning,” Mackie informed him. Tom hummed and swiped a finger under your other knee. You kicked again. He then spider tickled under both your knees and you shrieked loudly.
“God DAMN you made it talk!” Mackie yelled.
“I know what the issue is,” Robert said, stepping forward.
“Do go on?” big Tom said.
“You need to hit all the pressure points at once. It’s like a giant reset button, wear it down till it reboots itself,” he said. Everyone looked at each other.
“Position yourselves,” Robert instructed.
Mackie stepped off of your stomach and knelt by your left side, Seb knelt by your right. Lizzie was still up by your neck and big Tom by your knees. Scarlett was by your right shoulder, Paul by your left. Evans positioned himself by your hips, little Tom the other side by your thighs. Hemsworth and Robert sat next to your feet.
“Nonononono please!” You cried.
“Rebooting systems in 3…” Robert began.
“No please!”
“No wait I’m not brOHOHOHOKEN!” You cried as everyone attacked you at once. No one was pinning you down but you could hardly twist and turn with 10 people tickling all your spots at once. They were all ruthless and yet...you sort of loved it.
“PLEHEHEHASE NOHOHOHO!” You cried, flailing your arms around. Mackie and Seb were squeezing up and down your sides and across your tummy, Lizzie was tickling deep into your neck, Scar and Paul had just caught an arm each and pinned it upwards so they could tickle your underarms, big Tom was scratching under your knees and squeezing the tops, Evans was squeezing and scribbling into your hips, little Tom was scratching up and down your thighs and Hemsy and Robert had grabbed a foot each to tickle. It was pure torture.
“KEEP GOING, IT’LL WEAR DOWN EVENTUALLY!” Robert yelled over your screams of laughter. Everyone picked up the speed and you screamed louder than ever before.
You now had your arms and legs pinned by Scar, Paul, Robert and Hemsworth so you tried to buck your hips as much as possible and scrunch up your shoulders to protect your neck but it was no use.
“NOHOHOHO MOHOHORE!” You cried. You let out another loud scream and fell into a silent laughter. Tears filled your eyes to the point where you couldn’t even see Lizzie kneeling over you.
“Reboot complete,” Robert instructed. He stopped tickling your foot and one by one the rest of the cast followed and ceased their attack. You lay there, taking in deep breaths of air.
“You alright twisty?” Mackie asked, sliding up to your head. You nodded, letting out residue giggles. Evans gave you a hand up and propped you up against the sofa.
“You...are...all...evil…” you breathed out. Everyone chuckled.
“You were in a playful mood, we wanted to join,” Evans said, winking at you.
“I never knew you were so ticklish,” Hemsworth said.
“So would you be if 10 people ganged up on you,” you replied. He laughed and nodded in agreement. Little Tom sat down next to you.
“You okay?” He asked, pulling you in for a hug. You nodded.
“Yeah...that was fun,” you clamped your mouth shut after realising what you just said.
“Fun eh?” little Tom teased, quickly spidering your side to make you giggle again.
“We had fun too if that’s any consolation? Could go for round two if you want,” big Tom said. You looked at him and smiled.
“Not today I don’t think, you guys well and truly broke me,” you said, everyone laughed.
“I think I’ve already decided on the theme for next year,” Robert said. Everyone turned to him.
“Tickle Me Y/N,” he said, “where everyone has to bring a random object to tickle Y/N with. First to make her say stop wins.” He winked at you and you blushed and hid your head in little Tom’s shoulder. He chuckled and stroked your head.
“Now that will be a fun theme,” Mackie replied.
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mariustears · 3 years
Their first "I love you"
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Marius von Hagen
Marius may be able to jokingly say many things to fluster people, but that does not mean he can't be serious in romantic moments, or that he won't be anxious.
He won't say it before he knows for sure that you like him too, so it could take quite a while before you will hear it for the first time.
The first time says it will be in private, when you two are drawing or just enjoying a quiet moment together.
Marius has a habit of playing with your hair or intertwining your hands when he's slightly anxious and it'll be the same right before those words leave his lips.
It's a gentle sound, just slightly louder than a whisper. Just loud enough to carry the emotions in his words to your ears.
Vyn Richter
An I love you from Vyn isn't a rare occurrence once you're in a relationship with him but before that it might take him a short while.
It's not that he's scared of your reaction, he knows that you like him, it's more that he doesn't want your relationship to move too quickly for you.
The first I love you he will let you hear is most likely after you two baked or cooked something together.
A sweet and loving sound - as sweet as the baked goods you two like to bake together - while he puts his arms around your figure to hold you close to his heart.
It's a thank you for spending your precious time with him and also a reminder that he loves you, and only you.
Artem Wing
The first I love you from Artem was an accident, he wanted to tell you his love the first time on a romantic date but it slipped out while he was completely mesmerized by you.
It was on a normal but long work day, you helped him with a few papers and his already exhausted brain stopped functioning for a short second.
That's when it slips out, quiet, almost too quiet for you to hear.
Artem isn't one to get flustered easily but if you react to his small slip up by repeating those words then his heart is going to melt, just like the anxieties that had previously overtaken his mind.
After you two are finished with work he's going to spend his time letting you know just how much he meant what he said, perhaps at a nice restaurant or in the comfort of your own home, as long as he's with you, he's happy with anything.
Luke Pearce
To Luke it was scary to tell you his love at first, not because he feared your reaction - well, perhaps a bit - but because he knew he wouldn't be able to be with you forever.
Nonetheless once he's certain that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you, he will spend an evening setting up a nice date for you two.
Luke is going to be anxious the whole day, until the moment that he can finally tell you how much you mean to him, how much you've always meant to him.
The date is planned as a picnic below the fireworks of a festival. Luke will take your hands into his, dance under the stars and then, in a moment of peace, tell you his love.
It's soft, an I love you that carried more emotions than any other word could, it shows you the endless love that he feels for you and at the same time, it's a promise to spend his life with nobody but you.
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mudhornchronicles · 3 years
brick | din djarin
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pairing: din djarin x f!reader
warnings: making out, season two spoilers, fluff, so much sweetness - willy wonka is jealous
a/n: this is part three of maroon. i’d like to thank @remmysbounty​ for the request and idea for part 3! i also got inspiration from this post!
also: a scene was inspired by this post
reds: maroon | sanguine | brick
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“Din Djarin - if you don’t give me that cape this instant, I promise you that this next stop will be your last.”
You stomped your foot and let out an exasperated huff. Your husband stands in front of you, clad in his armor minus the helmet, teasingly waving his tattered cape in front of you. You lunge for the shabby and discolored piece of fabric and nearly trip as he pulls back his precious cape.
“Cyar’ika, I don’t need a new cape. This one works perfectly well. See?” He wraps the material around his broad shoulders and tucks it into his chest plate - making sure it stays intact. “It does its job. All I need it to do is hide body heat from snipers.”
You let out a loud sigh with a dramatized eye roll. “Riduur, please. I didn’t say to get a new cape. I just asked to fix it. So Din, just let me sew the holes at the bottom of the kriffing cape!”
You walk over to him and place your hands on his chest. You trace the ridges of the beskar chest plate and look up at him through your lashes. “Besides… doesn’t the Mand’alor always have to look his best?” You smirk and raise your eyebrows up and down. 
He shakes his head no and places his arms around your frame. “The only person I care about looking good for is you. I didn’t ask to be Mand’alor.” 
You wrap your arms around his neck to give him a peck on the lips, but he wanted more. He held you tighter and deepened the kiss. Your hands unwrapped from around his neck and cupped his face - one hand on either cheek. His tongue peeked out and licked your bottom lip. A sign you knew meant his tongue asking for permission to join the party. You smiled and invited your tongue to meet his. 
You loved kissing your husband. Not because he’s your forever partner, but because kissing him is a dance of sorts. His mouth moves perfectly with yours while your tongues waltz. His big hands on you - one against your lower back and the other bringing you closer to him by your hip. You can kiss him forever and you’d never get tired of it. His facial hair doesn’t get in the way of kissing him, but it can get long enough that it covers his upper lip and that bothers you. You love seeing his lips - especially in the morning as they’re swollen and full from sleep. He tends to groom himself whenever he notices you staring at his lower half of his face. 
The pair of you are torn away from your trance when Din hears the navigation device beep indicating that the ship is approaching its destination. Din gives you one last kiss and runs up to the cockpit of the ship Greef Karga let him borrow. You walk up into the cockpit and look out the dashboard and see you are approaching an ocean planet - curious, you thought. 
“What’s this planet called, riduur?”
“Do you have a bounty here? It’s beautiful.”
“No, something even better.”
You look over to him as he turns on a small commlink. When the light glows green, you watch your husband speak into it. “Am I landing across the island?”
You look back out the dashboard in confusion. Who could you husband be speaking to? You wait a few seconds and the commlink comes back alive - a young man’s voice comes through.
“Yes, Mandalorian. Land your craft on the east side of the island. I will send a landspeeder for you. He’d be very upset with me if I had you walk across an island.”
“Copy. Landing on the island’s east.” With that, your husband turns off the commlink and puts it back into his belt pouch. 
He lands the ship on the east side of the island, as instructed, and leads you back into the hull. You walk to your shared sleeping quarters and grab his helmet. You walk back and place a chaste kiss on Din’s shaking lips before latching his helmet back into place. He grabs a bag from the floor near the ramp and places it around his shoulder. He grabs your hand into his gloved one and opens the ramp.
You walk off the ship and sure enough, a rusted landspeeder awaits you with an eager R2 unit set up in the back. You walk over to the beeping machine and pet his round top. “Why hello R2 unit, do you have a class number?” The white and blue beeps excitedly and starts to shake. You let out a giggle and continue to pet him. “It’s very nice to meet you, R2-D2. Will you be taking us to whoever my husband is here to see?”
R2-D2 beeps once more and you nod in satisfaction. “Very well, R2. Thank you for picking us up.” You hear a scoff to your left and you turn to see your husband shaking his head in disbelief - all while laughing and putting the final bag in the landspeeder. You put your hands on your hips and lean on one leg.
“Is there an issue, riduur?”
“No,” he puts his hands up in surrender. “Not at all. I just forgot how much you liked to talk to droids. How can you even understand them? They just... beep.” He helps you into the landspeeder and settles himself in. You tell R2-D2 that you are ready to go and the landspeeder begin to move with a beep from R2.
“Every beep is like morse code. Just like sign language has specific angles and motions, droids have specific tones and lengths. My dad had me spend a lot of time with our protocol droid back on Naboo who taught me quite a lot.” Your husband nods in an understanding manner and leans back into his seat. He places an arm around you and you think he may have slept throughout the ride.
When R2-D2 notifies you of your arrival, you and Din jump off the speeder. You collect your things and thank R2-D2 for the ride. He beeps back and asks you to wait as he rides away. You assume he went to park the landspeeder. 
You walk into a cottage on the ledge of a cliff that R2 had led you to and are met with colors painting the walls. A child’s drawings plastered on every surface. You leave your things in the spare room R2 told you about and are led to a flat area atop a hill not far from the cottage. You see a young man in a black robe and a small green child sitting in front of each other and you saw… floating rocks? Is this what Din meant when he said you’d see “weird” things?
You were pulled out from your thoughts by a child’s shriek and blabbering. You focus on the scene in front of you as you see the blubbering mess of the green child running towards your husband. You watch in shock as your husband removes his helmet, tosses it to the side and falls to his knees. He catches the youngling in his arms and places a kiss to his wrinkled little head. Din stands and hugs the child tight.
“Hello ad’ika. I’ve missed you so much.” 
You can’t help, but smile at the thought that Din brought you here to meet Grogu, his foundling. 
“He’s very happy to see you, Mandalorian. When I informed him about your upcoming visit, Grogu couldn’t wipe that smile off his face.”
Din looks over at the young man and nods. He looks back at you and introduces you to the man you now know as Luke Skywalker.
“Grogu.” The child looks up at his father and holds his cheeks in his little claws. Din turns to you and has Grog look at you as he introduces you by name. “This is my riduur - my wife.”
Grogu hides in Din’s neck and shyly waves his claw at you. You thought it would be best to not overcrowd the child, so you wave back at him while keeping your distance.
“Hello, Grogu. It’s very nice to meet you. Your father could not stop talking about you. He loves you very much.”
Grogu coos at you and snuggles into his father’s neck once more. You smile at the baby and look at Din. He’s looking down at his son with the eyes you know to be filled with love.
“How about we go back to the cottage. We can have some food and I can update you on Grogu’s training.”
When you make it back to the cottage, Grogu immediately takes Din into his room in the cottage. You hear Din say phrases such as “good job, kid!” and “is that supposed to be my helmet?” and finally “that’s really good, buddy.” Your heart melts away as you imagine him saying things like that to your biological children. Instead of going into Grogu’s room and making him shy away again, you decide to help Luke prepare dinner as he tells you what Grogu’s training entails. Grogu drags Din to the table set up in the living room - well the middle of the cottage really - and sits him down and hands Din a crayon. He grabs a cookie from the jar on the table and breaks his cookie in half, handing a side to Din. You know Din’s heart is about to explode when you see Grogu clap at Din’s drawing of Grogu’s silver ball.
As you all sit and eat dinner, Luke tells Din about how advanced Grogu is in his training and the kind of power he predicts Grogu will have. Grogu was the first to finish and asked Luke to be excused from the table. When Luke gives him permission, Grogu runs to the table in the middle of the room and continues to draw - his favorite pastime you learn. 
As you listen to Luke and Din talk about Grogu for what feels like ages, you feel a tug on your tunic. You look down to see Grogu lifting his arms to you with a paper in one hand and a red crayon in the other. You ask him if he’d like to be picked up by you and he nods. You place the baby on your lap as he places his paper and crayon on the table. You look down and you feel tears forming in your eyes.
His drawing consisted of three people. 
One figure was drawn in an obsidian black crayon with a helmet adorning its head - Din. 
Another figure was much smaller than the other two and was drawn in a forest green crayon - Grogu. 
The third and final figure was drawn in ocean blue crayon. You looked down at your tunic and saw it was blue. He drew you. 
He asks you for his red crayon that rolled too far from him to reach. You grab it and read the crayon’s color - brick.
He begins to scribble on the paper above the figures. You assumed he was writing his name or simply scribbling, but when he cooed at you to look, you couldn’t help but give him a gentle squeeze.
Above the figures in Grogu’s scratchy handwriting was the word ALIIT in blocked brick-red letters. 
Din looks over to you when he hears you sniffling and is in awe when he spots the drawing. He gives Grogu a loving head rub. Grogu asks for his blue cookies that are placed near Luke. Luke obliges and tells Grogu he can have them. Grogu summons them and mentally drags them until they are in front of him. He grabs one and breaks it in half, offering you one half of his cookie as he eats the other half.
As you bond with your husband’s foundling, you overhear Luke tell Din that Grogu’s training is complete. Grogu had informed him that he did not want to walk the path of the Jedi - he just wanted Din.
“Mandalorian,” Luke warns, “If your Grogu refuses to train as a Jedi, I cannot stop him. His attachment to you is too strong to break. If he is forced to stay, his emotions will get the best of him and the pull towards the darkside will become stronger than ever.”
“Then he goes with us. If he doesn’t need anymore training to control his powers then he can go right?”
Luke simply nods. He then looks at Grogu and as if he told him the plan, Grogu springs in excitement and jumps in your lap. He babbles and looks up at you as if saying “do I really get to go with you guys?”
As yourself and Din pack up Grogu’s possessions before going back to the ship, Grogu makes it clear that he wants every drawing of his neatly packed as well. 
With Grogu’s two bags and a box full of drawings, you make it back to the ship. Grogu gives Luke a big hug and places his forehead onto Luke’s. They stay like this for a while and Luke finally says, “no, thank you, Grogu. It’s your turn to  take care of your family just as your father took care of you.”
You bid your thank you’s and goodbyes to Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and R2-D2 and promise him that Grogu will come back to see him again. As the ship takes off, you and Grogu look out the dashboard and wave goodbye. You keep waving until Luke and R2D2 look like specks and your view is clouded by oceans.
“What’s next, riduur?”
Din looks over to you and removes his helmet. He looks down at his son and takes Grogu’s claw into his fingers. 
“I think it’s time that we formally adopt Grogu.”
You smile and place a kiss on top of Grogu’s head. “Din, have you not vowed him as yours yet?”
Din shakes his head and laughs. “I never had the chance to. I was either getting shot at or he was getting kidnapped.”
You playfully shove him. “Then what are we waiting for? Does the Mand’alor want to start or should I?”
“I found him first so I get to start.”
You roll your eyes and gesture him to continue. You take Grogu’s other hand in yours.
“Ad’ika,” Din clears his throat and begins, “ni k-kyr'tayl gai sa'a. I know your name as my child, Grogu.” Din places a quick kiss on Grogu’s forehead and Grogu smiles brightly.
It’s your turn now. “Grogu, ni kyr'tayl gai sa'a. I know your name as my child, if you’ll have me.”
Grogu seemed to understand what this saying was. He stood onto your lap and hugged you, little claws on your jaw and then launched himself into Din’s arms. 
You knew you wanted to start a family with Din ever since you first met the shy little foundling in maroon armor back on Mandalore. You also knew you wanted to have foundlings join your clan, but you didn’t know that the foundling would turn out to be a green baby with jedi powers. Though you don’t fully understand Grogu’s powers, you wouldn’t wish for a different little kid.
As you’re putting Grogu to bed, you hear Din come into the ship’s hull trying his hardest to be quiet. Din may be covered with beskar with head to toe, but he can sneak up behind you like nobody’s business. You put your hand out to motion him over behind you. He looks over you to see Grogu sleeping peacefully with Din’s cape wrapped around him with a corner of the fabric in his mouth.
“Cyar’ika, do you think - you think we can finally build a home and settle down? I just want Grogu to be able to be a kid.”
You lean back until his torso hits your back. “That sure sounds nice, Din.”
“How does Endor sound? Maybe even Naboo? I know you may not like Naboo because of your mother, but as your husband, I want to give you new memories. I think our kids would like the lakes there. Endor is also a beautiful planet and I’ve heard Ewoks are nice when you offer them food. They’re little teddy bears so our kids would enjoy befriending those little creatures. They’re small, but highly intelligent.” 
“What about being the Mand’alor? You have to take back Mandalore for your people. Wouldn’t we have to be on the planet you want to take back?”
“I’ll take back Mandalore, no doubt about that. But that doesn’t mean I can’t start a life with you elsewhere first. I want to make up for the time we were forced apart. I still haven’t given you little warriors.”
“No, Djarin. You haven’t. I think it’s time for you to put in some work and give me a baby. Well, aside from our little green son.”
“I’d jump into a lava river if you’d ask me to.”
“Nah, I just want to raise our four or five babies with you by my side.”
“Four or five babies?”
“Yes. Two biological babies, Grogu, and other foundlings. There are so many children with no one to love them and we both have plenty of love to give. We just need stability. 
“That can be arranged, my queen.”
mando’a translations:
cyar’ika = sweetheart
riduur = spouse
mand’alor = leader of Mandalore
ad’ika = little one
gai bal manda = adoption ceremony
Ni kyr'tayl gai sa'ad = I know your name as my child
taglist: @theocatkov​ @remmysbounty​
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whiskery-louis · 3 years
Game Night
** Hi everyone here is my first imagine in a while and it is pretty long and there will be a part 2!
Synopsis: Luke and you broke up 6 months ago. Ashton invites you over for game night.
Luke Hemmings x reader
Warnings: None
Please enjoy and let me know what you think!!
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*not my photo*
“Come on Y/N you have to come see us! We’re traveling across the country just to see you!” Ashton whined through the phone.
“Well I didn’t ask you too Ash. I can’t risk seeing him-”
“He’s not coming, he’s staying here with her. Hell I don’t even think he knows we left.”
You sighed, “Who exactly is ‘we’?”
“Me and Mikey,” you could hear the smile in his voice. You had always been the closest to him and Michael. Not that you and Calum weren’t close, it was just different.
“What about Cal?” you asked.
“He’s staying back so you know who doesn’t get suspicious about the three of us all leaving for a weekend.”
“I don’t know Ash,” you sighed again. “I have work and stuff. Plus I was supposed to see the twins this weekend, and I wanted to go to Target…” you trailed off as you rattled on with excuses.
“Oh please, you know you miss us just as much as we miss you. It’s been six months Y/N, just come hangout for the night. I promise it’s not gonna be anything big. Just you, me, Mike and Crystal. We’ll just do pizza and play some games. Please Y/N, we’re already at the airport and if you don’t come willingly we got your new address from Lacey.”
You mentally cursed your best friend, she knew you specifically didn’t give any of them your new address for this very reason. You were out of excuses and you could hear Ashton’s smirk through the phone. He had you cornered and he knew it.
“Fine. Text me your Airbnb info and I’ll come over tomorrow when I’m done work. But you better be getting the good pizza, and there better be drinks.”
“Yes she’s in!” you heard Mikey yell in the background. You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help the smile that spread over your face.
“Bye boys, safe flight.”
You hung up the phone and put your head in your hands. While part of you was very excited to see Ashton and Michael again there was still a part of you that was worried. There was too much history between you and him so of course they all knew about it. They tried not to take sides during the break up but everyone knew he had Calum and you had the other two. It was part of the reason that you had moved back home instead of trying to find a place to stay in L.A.. You could feel the tension that was building between the four of them and the last thing you wanted to do was ruin their friendships or their band. It was all way more important than you. 
You hadn’t really spoken to any of them much other than the casual ‘how are you’ texts here and there. But from him it had been radio silence for six months. Now here you were, five minute after speaking with Ashton and you were already more stressed than you’d be in week. What did you get yourself into?
It was nearing 6:15 and you couldn’t bring yourself to pull up to the house, you had been circling the block for almost 20 minutes and every time you were about to stop you told yourself one more lap. You weren’t sure what was wrong with you, you knew it was only Ash, Mike and Crystal and yet just the thought of being around his friends was enough to make you sick. 
“Fuck it,” you muttered, finally pulling into the drive. You grabbed your bag, and although you hated to admit it, you were excited to see your old friends.
You walked up to the door and hesitantly knocked on it. As soon as your knuckles hit the wood you could hear yelling and footsteps running up to the door.
“Y/N!!!” Ashton yelled engulfing you in a massive hug.
“Can’t breathe…”
“Oi sorry, I’ve just missed you lots.” 
“I missed you too.” you grinned at him, wondering what you had been worried about all day. It felt like no time had passed.
“Well let her in the door man,” Michael spoke up from behind.
You smiled as you entered the house and walked over to Mikey hugging him hard.
“It’s been too long,” he muttered as he let you back.
“Well yeah, that kinda happens when there’s a global pandemic and I move across the county.”
You could tell Michael was going to tell you off for moving but Crystal came in the room then and thankfully saved you from talking about him.
She wrapped her arms around you giving you a quick hug, “It’s so good to see you, I’m glad you made it!”
“Me too, though if I didn’t come willingly I knew you’d show up on my doorstep.”
“You got that right,” she laughed, “It took all my energy to keep them in the house all day.”
“Well I appreciate it, I had a lot of work to get through today figuring I’ll still be hungover on Monday from this weekend.”
It was fitting that as soon as I mentioned being hungover we walked into the kitchen to a full stocked bar.
“Man I forgot you guys really go all out for game nights,” you couldn’t help but laugh at some of the fond memories.
“Okay so what game are we playing first?” Ashton asked as he handed you a drink.
Two hours later and you really didn’t understand why you were so nervous to come. It was one of the best feelings catching up with your old friends and thankfully they didn’t bring him up once. You were in the middle of an intense game of charades, Crystal and you were kicking the boys asses.
“Alright do you guys want to give up yet? You’re never going to beat us so why not save yourselves the embarrassment.”
They both looked annoyed at how the game was progressing, “Well maybe if Mike could draw anything other than stick figures we would’ve stood a chance.” Ashton grumbled.
“And now you see why I always make sure someone else gets stuck with him,” Crystal laughed as she dodged the pen Michael threw at her.
You all laughed as you cleaned up and you went over to the stack of games, contemplating what you wanted to play next. You guys had made your way through a few different games and a few rounds of drinks and honestly you were exhausted. Since moving back home you didn’t hang out with many people other than Lacey and you forgot how much energy it took to be around people. You were tired but it was the best kind of tired. 
“Can we just watch a movie now? I’m tired of losing,” MIchael whined from the couch.
“That’s exactly what a sore loser would say,” you shot back.
Michael just smiled and shrugged his shoulders looking at you, “At least I know it, but I so call picking the movie.” He picked up the remote and started searching through Netflix looking for a good comedy that everyone would watch.
“Anyone up for another round?” Ashton asked and you nodded following him into the kitchen to help. It was silent as he rummaged through the alcohol looking for something new to drink. You hopped up on the counter waiting to see what he would make.
“So how have you really been?” he asked, breaking the silence.
You looked up at him, startly by his question and you could see him looking at you intently and knew exactly what he was talking about, or more so who he was talking about.
You chewed on your bottom lip as you contemplated what to tell him. “I’ve been fine.” you answered shortly.
He scoffed at your answer, “Come on Y/N, I know you better than that and as relaxed as you seem, there is still a part of you that is on edge. You ghosted us all when you left and it was like we lost a member of our family. So tell me the truth, how are you really?”
His answer startled you, and you blinked to keep the tears at bay. “Ash I really don’t wanna ruin the night and talk about him. Can we just table it for now and go back in there with Mike and Crystal. I really don't wanna bring the mood down.” You stared back at him and there must’ve been something in your eyes because he dropped it. He handed you a drink and the two of you went back into the other room. 
“Hey what were you two talking about?” Crystal asked as you sat next to her on the couch, a knowing look in her eye.
You elbowed her subtly, “Debating if Mikey was gonna pick a shitty movie or not,” you laughed.
“Don’t hate until you see it, it’s a good one you all like.” He pointed to the TV and you saw Shrek was on. “Also you could say thank you I ordered a pizza and it should be here in about 30 minutes.”
“Didn’t you just eat a plate of buffalo chicken dip and mac’n’cheese?”
He shrugged, “If it’s a problem Y/N then you can’t have any.” He stuck his tongue out at you.
You held your hands up in defense “No, no. Just asking, I’m for sure eating that pizza.”
“That’s what I thought,” Michael replied smugly.
You just rolled your eyes at him and sat back to begin the movie. Not even 10 minutes later and there was a knock on the door.
“Y/N since you were so judgy you can go answer the door.”
“Fine, fine. Though you suck at telling time Mikey, this was way less than 30 minutes.”
You got up from the couch and made your way to the door excited that the pizza was here much earlier than anticipated. There was another knock on the door as you were opening it. You froze when you saw who was there. 
He must not have been expecting you either because he had a dumbfounded look on his face, and his fist was frozen in mid knock.
“Y/N?” he breathed, his eyes boring into yours.
It was silent and you both just stood there and stared at each other. It had been six months since you had seen him and although there were some noticeable changes he was still the same Luke who broke your heart all those months ago. His arms were larger and his shoulders slightly broader. His hair was longer, his roots growing out which somehow suited him more. He had shaved his quarantine beard but the stubble was growing back. His eyes were the same blue that you fell in love with, but they were missing the usual mischievous glint.
“Luke why are you just-” Calum was caught off walking up behind Luke, his face lighting up when he saw you. “Y/N?! What are you doing here? It’s so good to see you!” He squeezed past Luke and pulled you into a tight embrace.
You had no words as you hugged Cal back, you were still in shock at them being here and you couldn’t take your eyes off Luke,
“What the hell is taking so long?” Ashton came around the corner and froze when he saw the new additions to the party. “Oh you guys are early…” he trailed off.
At his statement you felt the rage building in your veins, you pushed Calum off of you turning to Ashton the anger seeping out of you. “I’m sorry what? They’re what Ashton?”
He looked sheepishly at you, “Surprise?” he shrugged his shoulders, with a slight smile on his face.
You couldn’t believe this. It was all a setup. The whole night was a trick for you to see him again when Ashton knew more than anything that it was the last thing you wanted. You were at a loss for words, as much as you wanted to yell, you didn’t have the energy anymore.
“Look we can explain…”
You held your hand up cutting him off, “Don’t Ashton, just don’t. I don’t want to hear it. I’m leaving.”
You stormed into the other room, to get you things. MIchael was trying to look busy but the guilt was written all over his face. Crystal was sitting next to him with her arms crossed glaring at her fiance, she looked up when you walked in.
“I am so sorry Y/N, I had no idea or I would’ve never let them pull this stunt.”
You gave her a weak smile, “I’m just going to get my things and go.”
Michael turned and looked like he was going to say something, but one look from Crystal silenced him.
“Thanks for the fun while it lasted, but please don’t reach out again,” you heard footsteps behind you and knew the others had followed you into the room. “I thought maybe I could be friends with some of you,” you pointedly looked at Luke, “But if this is the shit you are going to pull them I am out. I’m sorry but I cannot go through this again. I just can’t.”
With that you grabbed your bag and all but ran out of the house. As you sat in your car you were thankful that you didn’t have too much to drink and were able to drive yourself home. The thirty minute drive seemed to take forever. All you wanted was your bed and to be distracted by Netflix. After what felt like an eternity you pulled into your driveway and walked into your house. You threw your bag on the table and couldn't believe the night you had. You knew Ashton and Michael had wanted you to talk to Luke when you first broke up, but that was six months ago. You never thought that they would pull this shit tonight. It was almost more painful this time as you realized you had to cut all of them out of your life and not just Luke. 
You hadn’t expected to see him tonight and it really messed you up. You had spent the last six month erasing him from your life, as much as you could. You put everything he gave you into a box that was hidden in your basement. You tried to throw it away but it felt wrong somehow. He was too big a part of your life to completely get rid of. Lacey once asked you why you didn’t get rid of it all and you knew she thought it meant you still loved him but that wasn’t it. You just couldn’t bear to part with everything that had once brought you so much happiness. You hadn’t opened the box since you moved back home, as you went downstairs to bring it to the kitchen, you knew it was going to hurt more after seeing him tonight, but you couldn’t stop yourself.
You spent over an hour looking through all the memories the two of you had made during your time together and you were a mess sitting on the floor with tears rolling down your face. Maybe it was from the exhaustion that raked your body or the alcohol that was still in your system but you left the contents of the box sprawled over the island and slipped on his old Nirvana shirt before going to your bed and finally falling asleep.
The next thing you knew you were being jolted awake by a banging on your door. You looked at the clock and groaned when you saw it was only 8:00am. Who the hell would be here so early. Hoping it was just a package you rolled back over and tried to fall back asleep, when the person knocked again.
You signed as you rolled out of bed and trudged downstairs in nothing but the old shirt you fell asleep in. Rubbing your eyes as they adjusted to the brightness, you opened the door and had to squint to see who was there.
“Y/N, you uh forgot your phone and I wanted to make sure it got back to you safely.”
You hated that your heart skipped a beat as your name rolled off his lips, your eyes focused on him and the events of last night came back to you instantly.
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
What I Thought About "Echoes of the Past" from The Owl House
Salutations, random people on the internet who most certainly won’t read this. I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons.
What probably gets debated the most in the fandom is the legitimacy behind King being the King of Demons. Some believe that there's truth to his statement, while others, like me, like to think that he was just some stray Eda picked up off the streets. Either option seemed likely, especially since Season One never gave an answer that leaned one way or the other.
Then here comes the writers finally answering the question of who King is in episode THREE of Season Two! Because, again, they don't waste time on giving fans exactly what they want.
Fans wanted answers behind King, we got 'em, and analyzing what those answers mean requires going deep into spoilers. So if you haven't checked the episode out yet, I highly recommend that you do. Trust me, it's worth seeing.
Now let's review, shall we?
Luz Experimenting with Spells: Hey, look! More proof that Luz isn't an idiot like some people flanderize her to be!
But, seriously though, this is a perfect little thread to introduce into the story. Luz collecting knowledge from Lilith's old books and past work she and Eda made adds to Luz's intelligence while also providing a believable explanation for how she gets new spells. It's also nice to see that she has this little notebook (or spellbook) to help see what works and what doesn't. It's a level of experimentation that proves her dedication to becoming a witch while also exemplifying how she isn't stupid. Occasionally reckless, sure, but you can't say that the person who figured out an invisibility spell through showing her work is also an idiot.
Francios with a Knife: How did Francois get a knife? I don't know. But the fact that a random knife plopped out behind him with little to no explanation is funny, and I will not hear otherwise.
I don't make the rules. I just abide by them.
Luz’s Invisibility Spell: I breezed past this, but I honestly love this invisibility spell. More specifically, I love that there's a limiter. It can turn you, objects, and people you're in contact with invisible, but only as long as you can hold your breath. It helps make the spell something the characters can't always rely on, which is appreciated. Because if it works as long as they concentrate, what's stopping them from sneaking into Belos' castle and assassinating him in his sleep? It's a smart way of explaining why they can't always rely on something, despite how insanely useful it is.
Luz: Let's gush about Luz some more, shall we!
"Echoes of the Past" is another episode that has Luz on top form. She is constantly supportive of King, even if Lilith has a point in the dangers of indulging his fantasy as a powerful tyrant. Doing so would cause more harm than good, especially when King finds out Luz doesn't believe him, but her going along with it was all done with the best of intentions. Luz doesn't want to hurt her friend, and even if she did in the long run, she still makes up for it by helping King learn more about his past.
And, as another reminder, Luz isn't stupid. She's the first to say they should leave when it's clear how dangerous the castle is and is quick to figure out there should be more at the top. Luz is a loyal and caring friend who's also guarded and intuitive when the situation calls for it. This episode understood that, so here's hoping other fans will too.
Lilith: Yeah, she's still growing on me.
I feel like this episode shows a better idea of Lilith's place in the group more than the past two. She's a person who's obsessed with knowledge and learning but considers herself above the jovial nature of King, Luz, and definitely Eda. Therefore, she acts as the perfect catalyst for what jumpstarts this week's adventure. It doesn't surprise me in the slightest that she almost instantly dismisses King's claims due to considering herself more knowledgeable than everyone else. Still, I like how she's willing to believe King once she finally sees evidence that seemingly proves he really was the King of Demons, to the point of referring to him as "her lord." Hooty does the same thing, but it comes across as him fearing for his own life and choosing to be friends with someone who could maybe kill him in an instant. For Lilith, her newfound respect comes from the desire to learn more, and it's that desire that makes Lilith an enjoyable character to me. It's adorable to see, and it has some comedic flavor in moments like when she dismisses everyone else and their emotional revelations to take pictures of the carvings around her. I'm sure she'll cause some controversy like other characters with rushed reformations, but for me, I'm more than ok with her addition to the main cast.
More of Lilith’s and Hooty’s Friendship: HOW DOES THIS WORK!?
And where can I get some for my stories...just asking.
But seriously: HOW?!
Hooty Making Himself Portable: Ah, yes. The classic bit where a character does something horrifically grotesque off-screen, and we have nothing but character reactions and sound effects to imagine what happened between shot A and shot B. It's an oldie, but given how hard I was laughing (mostly because of Luz's gagging), it's still a goodie.
Eda’s Portable Bathtub Boat Thing: I mean...I was expecting Eda would use something to catch up with the others, but...that thing...well...I mean, I'm still laughing just by thinking about it. That should tell you how well executed this joke was.
John Luke: ...I'm gonna go ahead and add him to the list because HOLY S**T was this guy disturbing! From his design to his movements to even the sounds he makes when moving, everything about John Luke screams as something that will stay in kids' nightmares for a while. Now, this might seem like a complaint, but to be honest, I'm more than alright with how creepy John Luke is. I highly doubt adult viewers will consider John Luke scary, but I guarantee he'll terrify some of the youngins that this series is aimed for. And that's fine. It's good to creep kids out a little bit with something somewhat scary, as it might introduce them to more good horror stories later in life.
Plus, the reveal that John Luke was only a guard for King is pretty solid narratively speaking. You can see how John never really meant to hurt King aside from one accident when Eda escaped with him. If you want to read into it, I guess it might be questionable to tell kids that something that looks dangerous is secretly nice, but that's really nitpicky, in my opinion. John Luke was a fantastic threat that is designed and animated well, with a solidly executed twist. Some might hate what he presents, most will fear him, but we can all agree on one thing: His theme is awesome (can I get the track for that, please)!
King’s Backstory: Finally, at long last, we know who King is, thus putting an end to a year-long debate. And I fully mean it when I say that the writers gave the best possible answer. Because in a way, everyone was right. Yes, King was just an animal that Eda decided to adopt, like the nature-loving hippie she is inside (She's got the hair for it). However, while he may not be the King of Demons himself, he is still the son of someone who deserves that title. So while he isn't the King, there's a chance he might be the Prince. Once again, there's no direct answer, but given how the writers came up with something that pleases everyone while still providing more questions for debate, it acts as a brilliant move, in my opinion. So whatever answer we get next, I'm sure it will be just as perfect.
Baby King:
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My heart was not prepared for that level of cuteness!
But in all seriousness, a HUGE round of applause to Alex Hirsch for his performance in this episode. He expertly captured the raw emotions of shock, anger, betrayal, and sadness that King must have felt when finding out that everything he believed he was is a lie. It's one of those moments where I don't hear a person voicing lines in a booth (or wherever the hell VAs are voicing characters nowadays), but instead hear a living person being emotionally torn apart. It was heartbreaking seeing King so vulnerable as he's so guarded with his emotions. Seeing him like this adds so much more layers to a character that many would mistake him as a cute, comedic animal sidekick. But just like with Luz, there's more to him than people will tell you.
“I don’t even know what’s real or fake anymore!”: I'm just pointing out this line because I believe it's what convinces Luz to help King learn more about who he is. Hell, not knowing what's real or fake is the main reason why Luz got sent away in the first place, so I feel like she can relate to King when he's in a similar predicament.
Hooty and Lilith vs John Luke: This was just a cool scene with some epic moments of dodging John Luke's attacks and some funny ones, like how Hooty said the word "pain." It's a ten out of ten that I would rewind to watch again.
King’s Other Horn: I'd question the logistics of how a horn that got broken off when he was a baby still manages to fit perfectly in the present...but it is neat symbolism of King accepting his past and letting it be a part of him, so who cares?
(The fact that the colors of the broken-off piece don't match the rest of the horn is nice attention to detail as well.)
It's a Little Too Predictable: I pretty much figured almost every little twist the episode offers. But, I'm willing to say that's because I'm in my twenties, and I've seen enough stories similar to this one, so I'm more likely to know what will happen. The little monsters watching this will see it for the first time, so they'll most likely get more surprised than me...And that was my only complaint about the episode...which is more of a personal problem than an actual issue...I guess that means it's perfect.
"Echoes of the Past" is an easy A+ in my book. It gives lore and backstory that furtherly develops the characters that episodes like this should. It also tells a tragic story about King that still sprinkles in a few good jokes every now and again to lighten up the mood. Sure, there are some nitpicks I could mention (how did King remember his own birth?). But when the good stuff is done so well, what's the point of dwelling on small, insignificant issues? This is still a phenomenal episode that flew past all expectations I had for it, and it continues the winning steak this season is having so far.
(But that's still three home runs in a row. Meaning that a stinker is coming. Ooiee, is it coming!)
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You've obviously spoke about the Ghost as a Superman figure within the larger context of Doctor Who but do you think the opposite is possible? A Doctor-like figure within a larger superhero setting?
There's been a couple of attempts, never quite as....jarring as the Ghost but that’s pretty much down to mad scientists and time travel being far more commonplace in superhero settings than overtly super-heroic figures are in Who. To the point the handful of times Who has played with that (Conundrum, Starfall, The Return of Doctor Mysterio) all draw at least some of their story out of the jarring presence of a superhero figure within the narrative. There’s a really nice sequence in Conundrum where the Doctor “explains” the presence of the superpowered figures in a way that reads like he’s as much kidding himself because he would like to think it’s possible as genuinely trying to explain how these people have gained their abilities. Which really feels like a deliberate building on “I wish...I wish I believed in wishing wells” given how Conundrum plays out. There’s obviously the conflation of Captain Britain’s Merlin and Who’s Merlin a couple of times, but that’s really overstated even if only in terms of Britain’s Merlin functionally different beast to the point any doctor connection is largely a minor detail as any attempt at creating a Doctor-like figure. I think then, when it comes to your Doctor-like figure the big thing that would distinguish them from other standard mad scientists and science heroes is the face changing, and basically none of your overtly doctor-influenced characters actually do anything with? Your big one in a standard setting is Professor Gamble in Power Man and Iron Fist #79, who really stands out in terms of being the only doctor-lite comic figure overtly building on Classic Who rather than Cultural Juggernaut David Tennant Doctor Who. Some overlap with Dr. Mysterio’s use of the Ghost in the conflation of the real and fictional but in very different directions; Gamble writing a fictitious account of his own life, dreadlox a fictitious account of the Incinerators. Gamble’s personal Dalek-stand in born of rogue temporal cleaning devices that have decided destroying space and time is the only way to clean everything. Where the overlap falls apart is the fact that Power Man and Iron Fist is arguably a far more flexible book at that point in its history than Who is by the point of Doctor Mysterio. So #79 is less of an out of genre moment so much as just more weird shit happening to Danny and Luke. As far as I know Gamble has popped up here and there since then, and is one of a fairly sizable amount of Who references across Marvel/Marvel UK (Yeah yeah we all know about Death’s Head, W.H.O. and aw that pish) The other big, very very direct and direct to Cultural Juggernaut David Teannant Doctor Who is...weirdly…Qubit in Irredeemable. Which is barely relevant to this question because it’s really not a standard superhero setting beyond the superficial, but bares some comment given it’s arguably the most prominent of recent takes and really hard to ignore how much he’s just David Tennant with a James from Twin Peaks forehead and LEGION hair. Also worth commenting on how fucking strange his entire role in the arse end of Irredeeamble is given the final 20 or so issues largely devolve into “The Tenth Doctor fights Evil Superman.” Given how little that aspect is remarked upon, and how incongruous it is with the broader attempt at presenting an Evil Superman story that gradually pairs back to show that the character’s never really been evil superman because for him to have that “turn” you basically have to have it be the tip of an iceberg that sketches back decades and ultimate reveals the character was never really Superman in any way beyond the iconographic. So the fact that happens while he’s fighting David Tennant is really strange, though I do like so much of that spilling out of the Plutonian forcing Quibit into one of those big, painful NuWho moral decisions, but I really struggle to care about Irredeemable beyond thinking Incorruptible was generally the stronger book towards the end. You’ve also got things like the Allred/Slott Silver Surfer that overtly drew influence from contemporary
Doctor Who, but it’s building on an already distinctive character so it can never really function as a direct one for one. I know, vaguely, that Ben 10 had a Doctor Who figure. But having never watched the show I’m not sure how he appears within the show and tbh I don’t care enough to look into it. I suppose the thing is that Doctor-lite easily slides into a superhero setting without losing too much and without drawing too much attention to the homage while someone like the Ghost is, by basic nature, designed to be at least somewhat strange within the larger normality of the show’s present day. The closest point of comparison I can think of is something like Silver Sentry in TMNT; There’s really nothing in TMNT or Doctor WHo that precludes the existence of “proper” superheroes, nether show is exactly the height of realism but the sudden introduction of basically superman presents a fundamental shift in their respective idiosyncrasies. I imagine people would be tempted to draw a comparison between the Milligan Shade the Changing Man revamp under Vertigo and Who, and given it’s MIlligan I’m sure there was some influence their even if only in terms of an English-coded otherworldly figure who undergoes startling changes across the run, but tbh it’s basically a passing resemblance and kinda overlooks the fact that Shade kinda hilariously preempts a lot of where Who as a franchise goes during the 90s and 2000s. It’s presentation of Shade’s changes as far-more psychologically damaging than classic who’s regeneration compared to some overlap with how NuWho treats the event particularly, but also in terms of the EDAs there’s a fairly notable arc where Shade gives up his heart to cope with a torrent of emotional loss and devastated worlds. Make of that what you will. I still haven’t answered the fucking question have I, right since you’ve asked me you’re going to get my shite, because here’s how I’d do it. There’s only one way really, one word Metalek Because the fucking rule don’t they? Morrison’s first, best Dalek-homage. The Xenoformers from Galaxy X, sentient construction vehicles serving masters that no longer exist. Terraforming the Galaxy one world at a time. Bow before Metalek. So yeah, those guys exist and they’re fucking great. I have...more thoughts than I’d like to admit about the “Metalek Empire” that’s really just self-indulgent pish. But that’s DC comics. So they exist, and they present what’s probably the best approach to a Doctor-alike in a superhero setting. In the same way the Ghost might as well be Superman in a setting where he isn’t the soul focus, you’re Doctor Who figure might as well just be Doctor Who in a setting where, building on the fact the key elements aren’t that notable, they really don’t stand out that much, so what then? Well he’s the mad scientist, but a good mad scientist. Counterpart to all the lunatics and madmen with their metal monsters, who is he? Who’s the grant morrison character fighting the dreaded metalek menace when they aren’t intruding on Superman’s narrative? Who spent decades trapped on earth, leading a reformed STAR Labs into a strange, wonderful new world? It’s Leo Quantum isn’t it. Basically, Leo’s one of those characters like Lan-Shin in Smashes the Klan or John Henry Irons who click perfectly into place with the larger idea of Superman’s social network. And given I’m an egotist, I’m going to do what I like with him building out of that admittedly bullshit old idea he’s future lex back to repent. If the Ghost is a version of Superman who’s world exists in the shadow of the Doctor, Leo would be a version of the Doctor that exists in the Shadow of Superman. He’s not literally Lex, he’s your Kristin Wells/Legion/DC One Million figure, possibly a future Luthor, possibly the first child of the Luthor/Kent families coming together in the far off 42nd century. A temporal adventurer who’s early experiments caused all his potential futures to crash down on top of him, transforming him into a hypertime singularity. His technicolor dreamcoat crafted from fifth world
wondertech, regulating his body to ensure each hypertime strand gets its time in sun while keeping the darker fringes in line….most of the time. Or at least, that’s what I’d do, feel free to discard this as mental bastard bullshit.
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Coming Home - River and Luke
CW: inexperienced caretaker, vampirism, blood, implied past abuse, self-blame, police mention 
[Other thing]
River placed him on the couch as softly as possible, but could still see the shift in his breathing. They stood back, trying to give him some space and put their head back on straight.
They didn’t know what on earth they were supposed to do.
Every fiber of them screamed to called the police, but they just couldn’t. How were they supposed to explain what happened. They shook their head, trying to imagine that conversation.
“Yes officer, I was just buying my regular blood supply from a random man when I heard someone crying in the closet. So of course I broke the man’s wrist and kidnapped them. Oh yeah, and I’m a vampire.”
They sighed pushing back their dark coiled hair from their forehead. Yeah, that would go over great. The boy shivered, and they pulled themself back to the present. He needed help, but they didn’t know what to do.
In a moment blankness, they opened their laptop and frantically searched first aid steps. A few result popped up immediately, and they started to go through them.
1.       Recognize the emergency.   Does someone look like they’re in trouble?   If so, ask them, “Are you OK?”
River whined confusedly and looked back up to the figure on the couch. They opened their mouth, nothing but a little squeak coming out. He was barely conscious, bleeding, trembling and scared out of his mind. It looked like an emergency to them.
“Are you okay?” they asked, voice cracking with nerves. He didn’t respond. Their face flushed with embarrassment. Of course he couldn’t answer. They took a deep breath and looked at the next step.
2.       Call emergency services if necessary.
Their green eyes slid past that one. That needed to be the last resort.
3.       Assess the situation. How do they need help?
Slowly, River put down the laptop and ventured closer to the young man. He was pale, shallow breaths slowly puffing out of his chest. There were some cuts across his face, and even River could tell they weren’t clean. His hair was dirty and greasy, unkept around his head. His skin was dirty, too. River reached a hand out, then drew it back. He was still conscious, barely, and they didn’t want to scare him.
“I’m sorry. I, I have to touch you to see what I can do. I’m sorry – I’m sorry.”
They tried again, lifting up the ragged t-shirt he was wearing. He whimpered and tried to roll away, making River jump back.
“Sorry! Sorry!”
He didn’t respond again, and even with the small peak River could tell he needed more help. There were ginormous bruises on the crooks of both elbows, more on his chest it seemed like. Slowly as they could, the started to lift the shirt again, and this time it seemed like he was too weak to fight them.
They tried to keep their emotions locked away, but they couldn’t help but sniff. He was covered in bruises and cuts, every single rib visible to their eyes. He was still breathing very shallowly, eyes fluttered closed.
River dropped the shirt and wandered back to their computer.
4.       Administer basic first aid if necessary
They nodded. They could do that. They had a first aid kit – somewhere.
“I’ll be right back,” they said, walking backwards out of the room. They bolted to the bathroom, tearing under the sink apart. They were sure their mom had given them one when they first moved it. It was kinda old, but at least it would still have band aids and gauze and stuff like that.
Finally getting their fingers on the old blue plastic box, they stood. They looked up, still a little confused to not see their own reflection. They were still new to this; to all of this. The accident had only been about a month or two ago, and even though they knew, it was still kinda hard to accept.
A thought hit them and they almost dropped the box. They had been ordering from Arthur since the accident. They were too scared to try and hunt, they never wanted to hurt someone else. But they had. They had hurt someone else; and now he was lying on their couch. River did this to him. Not with their own fists, but they had paid someone else to do it which was just as bad.
Tears dripped down their eyes as they made their way back to the living room. They had always cried at the drop of a hat, but this one was bad. It was a horrible guilt that soured their stomach and clamped around their heart. They wanted to help, they wanted to make things better but they just didn’t know what to do.
After reading the back of the cleaning wipes, they ripped the packet open and started to clean the small cuts on his face. He reacted a bit, flinching, but not pulling away from them. They went slowly, trying to talk to him as they went. They ended up talking about their neighbor’s new dog. It was very fluffy and friendly, and River hoped it would be a nice distraction for him.
They finished up on his face and applied the bandages – little pastel ones with stars – and moved onto his neck. The sight of the IV wound stirred something in them. They assumed it was disgust. They cleaned the site best they could, blinking tears down their face as they saw the fang marks, too. When they pulled the cloth away, it was dirtied and red.
They stopped, staring at it. It was light in their hand, as light as any single use wipe could be, yet they couldn’t pull their eyes away from it. They were staring at it, entranced by it.
It wasn’t disgust they felt; it was hunger.
River screamed and dropped it, falling backwards to crawl away. No, no nonono! They didn’t, they never, no! They hid behind the armchair, trying to calm their breathing. They hadn’t been around fresh blood since they were turned, opting to buy it. They didn’t know it was going to be this strong.
The young man whimpered, drawing their attention back to him. Right, him. Shakely, the left their defensive spot and crept back over. They ignored the wipe of the floor (it was easier now that it had touched the ground).
Feeling a bit silly but also rather ingenious, they used a pair of disposable earplugs to plug their nose before continuing. It helped dull the scent so they could patch him up. He didn’t seem like he was doing any better, just covered in band aids. River whimpered and went back to their laptop.
How to help with blood loss
They scanned the results, clicking through some of the links. Water? Iron? Vitamin C? River paused. Vitamin C, orange juice. They had orange juice! They stood grabbing a plastic cup from the kitchen and filling a few inches with orange juice.
They helped the young man sit up, cupping the back of his head to help in drink. He was still conscious enough, able to drink the liquid easily.
“Hey, there you go,” River tried, brushing back his hair again. He shivered, and looked up at them for the first time. He had dark brown eyes, scared and tired. They tried to smile, but they knew their guilt was written all over their face.
“I’m not gonna hurt you, I promise.”
He closed his eyes and took another breath, seemingly falling asleep.
River put the cup in the sink and stood in the middle of the kitchen, unsure what to do now.
tag tag tag tag @unicornscotty @lave-whump @cupcakes-and-pain @dollophead-merlin @starnight-whump @thehopelessopus @whump-me-all-night-long @whumpzone @divia237 @whole-and-apart-and-between
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would the boys get broody if they saw omega mc taking care of a joint one? (*Cough* Luke *cough*)
 Ooohhh yes all the brothers love it.
Luke was homesick, he missed the light of his realm, the warmth and he also missed Michael but it's not like he would tell anybody that.  you knew something was up when he didn't react to being called chihuahua and even brought in burned sweets to snack on.  At first, you were uncertain on how to act, Luke was an angel and angels are all gamma so he's never been around an omega nor is he used to how they act when a pup is distressed.  But after you saw tears start to form in the poor boy's eyes you had to act, omegas gave comfort and Luke really needed it.  You started to talk to him asking what was wrong and if you could help, he said no at first and tried to show he was fine but when your scent hit his nose and your smile showed you knew he was lying he cracked.
You held him and rocked him until his tears stopped and he could talk again the poor pup was a balling mess as he went on and on about his troubles.  He even buried his face in your neck to inhale more of your scent, when his wails turned to whimpers you purred a bit just to give him that final push of comfort.  He eventually fell asleep curled up in your lap your hands running through his hair.
- He was passing by with a stack of papers to give to Diavolo when he heard you purr and could tell you scent changed.
- Well now wasn't this a sight, a human omega coddling an angel gamma.  At first, he was upset that you were taking up room in the hallway but slowly the picture changed.  
-  The little blond boy changed to a child with black hair and small black horns coming in and your complexion.  You looked a bit older, in the prime of your life and barring a mating bite and his pact marked your skin.  Only. his. Pact.  He shook his head.  Startling you and making Luke stir.
 “I’ll call Simeon to come and get luke.  Nothing is wrong Mc, I was just thinking about something.  Oh, don't worry about it its just a vision I have for a project that I intend to make happen.  Don’t worry I‘ll let you know when you can help.”
- When he found you comforting luke he did the Mammon thing he started to make fun of Luke.  someone tell him the Mammon way wasn't always the smart way.
- With Luke whimpling again and Mammon riching over to tussle his hair you did the protective omega thing.  You growled and nipped at his hand.  With a startled yelp he yanked his hand back.
- At first, he was angry until he saw that look in your eyes, it reminded him of a dragon guarding their treasure.  This was you guarding something precious, this was you protecting a pup that wasn't even yours the thought of you protecting his made him humm.
“Yeah, yeah I’m sorry I didn't mean to upset ya and I’m not gonna take your treasure omg- Mc.  So how many would you want anyway?  Treasures I mean.”
- When he saw this he was hit with jealousy but not in the way he expected.
- His mindset, Luke is Simeon’s pup, your loving on and holding Simeon’s pup, Luke is your pup and your Simeon’s mate.  Yeah, he’s angy about this thought progression.  
- He never saw him as someone who would want pups but now he’s thinking about you having someone else's pups and its killing him.  But if he adopts Luke that makes Luke his pup and you his mate.  Ok yeah, that's the game plan.  
“Hey, Mc what was your first anime?  You know the one you watched when you were a pup?  I ask because I want to invite Luke over for an anime binge and I want to have appropriate content for our- I mean the pup.”  
- He knew that look in your eyes, the look of parental affection.  Something he never got. Something all pups need to develop in a healthy way.
- It's more of he knows you can help a pup develop in a healthy way that attracts him.  The way you pet Luke's hair and stop right above his neck, you’re protecting his neck without even thinking.  You don’t look tired in the environment around you, you know it's not safe for you to snooze here with the pup.
- He smiles and sits a good distance away from you, you have a pup with you and he’s an alpha, he doesn't want to get bit. He takes out his sketchbook and starts sketching you holding a pup that looks more like him and you then luke.
“Yes, I’m drawing something Mc its just something I need for future reference, a reminder of a goal I want to achieve.  Trust me Mc, I don’t need luck to achieve this.
- Ok, this was totally cute!  He had to silence his squeal when he saw this!
- He HAD to get some pictures of this!  He took so many pictures of you and luke and then he had to be in some of them.  With him being a Gamma omega you felt no threat.  
- Taking a look at the pictures with him in it he saw it as a family photo, you him and a pup.  A sad smile covered his face, this can never be though.  Due to being the avatar of lust, he can’t sire or carry pups...but Solomon can sire and you can carry...He’s always wanted more than one love anyway! 
“Hey Mc, what do you think of Solomon?  He’s pretty sexy, right?                           “Oh, Solomon~ you want pups right?  Your right, I can’t help with that but, Mc can, what do you say?”  Wanna add a third to this relationship?”
- This alpha would be the most open about his affection and his intention.  
- He loves the look of you with a pup, a thought at comes to mind is you cooking with a pup in your arm and another two by your feet.  He wants a big family and he wants to start soon.
- He walks up to you and Luke barring his neck so you know he’s no threat to you or the pup in your lap.  He sits next to you and places a hand on Luke's head.          
“He’s so cute like this you know...How many would you want?  Oh, when you figure it out let me know, I’d be happy to help you.  Especially if you want a lot twins are genetic you know.”
- This lazy alpha heard you purr and cam for the naps that would follow.
- Only to see his spot was taken by a little welp.  Belphie is a very possessive alpha, he does not share except with Beel so he the kind of alpha who would growl at the sight.  Causing you to growl back and pull Luke closer to you.
- Huffs and walks away, the only time he would get broody with Mc is during the pregnancy for all the sleepy naps that come with it.  He would feel different if the pup was his own, but with Luke, he’s not happy. 
“Why bother with a needy angel?  If you want pups so bad then have mine, don’t go seeking another alpha’s pup to care for.  I don’t care if Simeon is a gamma the point is I want you to have my pups and no one else's.” 
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