#also got a record player from my friend! it's in that little blue suitcase
esqueism · 3 years
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my study space really isn’t always the neatest...
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Of something beautiful, but annihilating🚬4
Warnings: nonconsensual touching, fingering, deceptive behaviour, allusions to abuse.
This is dark!fic and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Note: I haven’t updated in a minute but I got the yen to come back to Arvin so here we go! Also working away at my gif requests which are super fun :)
Thank you. Love you guys!
As always, if you can, please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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The fight echoed in your head as Arvin buttoned up the front of your dress, although a few were missing. He helped you to your feet and you leaned on him heavily, barely able to see ahead of you, let alone support yourself on your shaky legs. You climbed the stairs as your mind passed through a tunnel of shock. You didn’t realise you’d even left the living room until you were lowered onto the bed.
Arvin sat beside you, his hand on your shoulder as he spoke softly. You didn’t understand his words as you turned your face away and tears trickled down your tender cheek. You weren’t sad that Roy was gone, you were embarrassed that another had seen what you let him do to you, and terrified of the nice man with the pistol. 
Was he really so nice? You barely knew him at all and he’d had a gun under your roof. Sure, Roy had a rifle but that was for hunting. You couldn’t say or even try to imagine why Arvin had a handgun.
The lamp clicked off and the end of the chain clinked against the long stem. You laid in the dark, not daring to move, and after hours of dazed disbelief, you dozed off, your back wracked with pain from the tension and awkward position.
You woke with a stiff neck, a swollen face, and a weight in your chest. You sat up slowly and held your forehead as the bed shifted. Arvin dumped an armful of Roy's old flannels into the open suitcase at the foot of the mattress. You blinked and rubbed your eye as you leaned on one arm. You yawned and stretched your shoulders.
"What are you doing?" You asked.
"I'll see him today," he said as he pulled open the chest of drawers and grabbed the stained and torn denim from within, "make sure he stays away for good."
"What? Arvin," you bent your legs and crossed your arms over your knees, "he's my husband."
"He didn't act like one," he continued to toss Roy's clothes haphazardly into the bag, "he beat you!" He stopped and put his hands on his hips, "he never talked to you nice and…" he stopped and shook his head and closed the suitcase. He zipped it up with a sigh, "I heard him that first night. I figured, you weren't my wife, I could live with it. Well, I can't. You deserve better than him."
"It's not that easy. I can't just toss him out--"
"No, I did," Arvin insisted, "and I'll keep him out."
"You shouldn’t have done that. Last night. He'll be mad."
"So?" Arvin hauled the bag off the bed and dragged it to the door. The bottom of his shirt moved and revealed the butt of the gun sticking out of the top of his jeans.
"Are you gonna make sure with that?" You asked as you turned your legs over the side of the bed, "you can't just shoot him, you know that, don't you?"
"Of course, but he doesn't know I won't," Arvin looked back at you, "I'm gonna make breakfast then head out… how's your head?"
"Feels like there's a rock in my temple," you groaned and stood, "I don't want anyone to get hurt."
"No one but you, huh?" He challenged, "Look, I won't hurt him, I promise, but I also won't let him hurt you."
You neared him meekly as you hugged yourself, "why?"
"Because you do," he said, "because if you won't save yourself, I will. I have to," he looked down at his scuffed shoes, "I seen too many girls, too many women, hurt in my life. I ain't that old, you know? But I can't stand no more."
You watched him go and listened to him descend the old stairs. You frowned and flinched as you glanced around and caught a glimpse of yourself in the antique oval mirror your mother had left behind all those years ago. You looked as bad as you felt, worse; you couldn't help but be comforted by Arvin's concern, in fact, it felt good to have someone who cared about you.
It was hard to concentrate that day. Even a chore as simple as the dishes or sweeping the floors took twice as long as usual as your mind strayed to the night before and fears of what was to come.
You tried to convince Arvin to leave the bag there but he wasn’t folding, not like you. You admired him for that, but at the same time it made you squirm. Something had changed. He was no longer the sweet young man staying in your attic, he became the indomitable and angry man waving the gun around as he spoke about killing others without so much as flinching.
You remembered what he said. He’d killed a man before, or was it men? It wasn’t like you had anyone who could or would help you. You doubted Roy would come back even if you wanted him to, and on that front, you just couldn’t be sure. He was your husband and it was improper to put him out but let another man sleep under your roof.
The only woman in town who’d dared divorce her husband was Carmen Dolan and there was no where in town she went where people didn’t whisper about her; at the store, in church, and even on the sidewalks. It didn’t matter that her husband was sneaking around or that he was little better than Roy in his manners. It was a small place and people had too much time to talk.
Well, how many friends did you have there? Noreen couldn’t be called as much and all the girls you knew in school were married and too busy to keep up those old teenage ties. You could bide them at the sewing circles, they never were very nice, and you went to church out of obligation not out of a need for that ridiculous shallow socializing of housewives. Besides, you’d failed at all that, hadn’t you?
Then you began to worry. What if Roy flipped and hurt Arvin? Or Arvin hurt him? The suitcase would hardly be taken with a thanks. If Roy was ashamed enough he might just grumble and ignore the other man for the rest of the day, but if he wasn’t, he might just pick up where they left off last night.
You were hanging out the washing when a faded old Chevrolet drove up the dusty drive. You squinted past the stiff jeans as it steered closer and the engine stopped. Arvin climbed out and jingled the keys as he went around the other side. He took out a paper bag and crossed the yard.
“How was your day?” he asked with a smile.
You stared, dumbfounded. How could he act so… normal?
“Wh--what happened with…” your voice trailed out and you unclipped a pair of his jeans.
“Roy? Oh, he took his things and tucked tail after lunch,” he scoffed, “he didn’t look too good. Probably didn’t feel good neither.”
You nodded and dropped the jeans into the basket and tucked the pegs into your pocket. He crinkled the paper bag and stopped you from reaching to the next pair.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
You shook your head and stepped back so that his hand fell from your arm.
“I know last night was-- hard. I only did what I had to, not anything I wanted to,” his brows drew together, “here.”
He held out the paper bag and you eyed it warily. You chewed your lip and he stepped closer.
“Please, it’s, uh, I want you to have it,” he said, “you deserve it and maybe it is an apology. I went a little far but… I don’t regret it. Roy got what was coming.”
You took the bag and he tucked his hands in his pockets. “You didn’t have to get me nothing,” you said.
“Like I said, I wanted to. You do all the hard work here,” he replied, “and I’ll finish this up.”
He reached up and took down the next pair of pants and put them in the basket with the rest. He moved down the line as you watched him, the bag under your arm. You didn’t move, just watched. You looked over at the Chevrolet and frowned.
“Where’d you get the car?” you asked.
“Used,” he said as he folded a shirt in half and dropped it into the basket, “they had it down at the shop for a while now and I told the boss to take out installments from my next few checks. He didn’t mind much, he ain’t been able to get rid of it. Some work to be done but--” He lifted the basket and neared you, “you didn’t look yet?”
“Inside,” you said, “I didn’t wanna just leave you out here with all that.”
You nodded to the laundry and he pointed you toward the house. He followed you up onto the porch and through the screen door. He stopped to slip off his shoes and continued on after you into the living room. You put the bag down on the end table and uncurled the top.
You pulled out the large square and held up the record. The man who stared back at you had sparkling blue eyes and black hair. Elvis Presley smiled as if it was all a funny joke.
“There’s more,” he said.
You set down the record against the arm of the couch and reached into the brown bag again. You pulled out the fabric and a finely tailored pink dress in the latest style unfolded before you. You stared as he neared and he took the bag from the table. He revealed the last piece from the bag and set them down on the carpet, a pair of brand new heels.
“Why did you do all this?” you shoved the dress at him, “I can’t accept it.”
“You can,” he stepped back, “and just so you know, I’ll be paying my rent to you direct now.”
He sidled past you and took the album from the couch. He went to the record player and slid the vinyl from the sleeve. He carefully placed it on the player and lined up the pin. He turned back to you and crossed the room. He pulled the dress from your hands and let it slump over the couch cushion.
“Do you know the shimmy? I could show you? It’s the new thing,” he said as he took your hand, “you just move your hips, bend your legs a little, keep your arms out like this.” He moved slowly at first as he drew you into the middle of the room, “just with me, to the rhythm.”
“I can’t,” you protested, “really, I’m not a dancer.”
“Me neither, but it’s fun,” he tugged on your hand, “come on.”
He sang out of tune as he kept his hips moving. You watched him and tried to copy him, hoping to placate him long enough that you could escape to the kitchen. The dress, the album, the dancing, it all felt so wrong.
As the song ended, he brought you close and wrapped you up and slowed down. He swayed you with him as the record kept spinning. His eyes clung to yours.
“He didn’t know what he had,” he said.
“Arvin, I gotta start supper,” you whispered as you pushed on him, “please.”
“I got you the new dress so we could go to the drive-in,” he kept you against him, “Friday night. You like Audrey Hepburn?”
“I… haven’t seen much of her,” you confessed, “Arvin, really, the ham--”
“He’s not coming back,” he released you reluctantly, “I told you. I told him.”
“He’s still my husband,” you crossed your arms and looked down.
“Is he? He never treated you like his wife.”
“It’s the law--”
“Divorce him. You’ll keep the house, it’s yours. Your daddy left it to you.”
“And do what? I can’t afford it on my own--”
“You got me.”
“You won’t stay here forever,” you uttered.
He didn’t say anything and narrowed his eyes. He shrugged and turned away. “You have options and Roy is the wrong one,” he said, “you can’t hate yourself that much.”
You barely heard him and didn’t know how to respond. So you didn’t and left him to Elvis’ soft tones as you went to pull out the honey ham. You still had some of your sweet mustard left in that jar from last year or maybe the apple sauce. It was easier to focus on the food and not the madness of men.
The nights and days drifted by like sand in a glass. Whenever Arvin was there, even when he was in the attic and you were below, you were painfully aware that it was only the two of you in that big house. You weren’t afraid for yourself really, he hadn’t done anything to you. You should hate Roy for how he’d been to you all those years but you didn’t want to be the reason he got hurt.
But as the time went by, it was also harder to tell Arvin no. You never thought anyone could be overly helpful, especially after Roy’s indifference, but you were overwhelmed by his presence. He was always lurking around when you least expected, watching you, waiting. He always offered to finish the chore or kept you from doing it entirely. You should be thankful but it made you feel more guilty than anything.
When Friday came, you carried on your usual routine. You were mopping when the Chevrolet pulled up. He’d spent the night before with his head under the hood. He said it wasn’t too bad for the price and the repairs were minimal and none so urgent. 
The car door closed then his steps walked up onto the porch. As he entered the house, you hit the mop against the wall and kept your head down, swiping back and forth against the wood. He didn’t dare to step past the threshold and mess your clean floors.
“You should finish up and get ready,” he said.
You looked up at him and feigned ignorance. You hoped all day he would forget about the movie. You didn’t want to wear the dress, it made your wedding ring chafe just to think of it. You focused again on the mop and kept back stepping away from him. 
“Maybe not tonight, Arvin,” you said, “I’m tired.”
“You don’t have to work yourself sick,” he leaned against the doorframe, “really. You can always just take a day and… relax.”
You put the mop in the bucket and rested it against the wall. You took a deep breath but didn’t look at him.
“I don’t think we should go at all.”
He sighed and rubbed his cheek, “Really? Roy hasn’t even tried to come back. Hasn’t even tried to apologise. In all these years, did he ever once say sorry to you for anything?”
“Maybe not but I married him. I made that decision and I have to see it through.”
“Not like that,” he tutted, “besides, it’s just a movie…”
“Just a movie,” you repeated and walked over the drying floor, “alright then.”
He watched you and the thoughts wrinkled on his forehead. He let you go as you grabbed the railing and ascended the stairs. You felt his eyes on you, even after you turned down the hall, as if he could see you through the walls.
“We got time,” he called up, “no rush. It’s not even close to dark but I don’t want you to worry about… all this.”
You didn’t reply and closed the bedroom door. You sat on the end of your bed and clasped your hands. You still felt terribly trapped. You didn’t think so much of what Roy would say, he always said the worst. You thought about your father and how disappointed he would be. You knew he wouldn’t have let Roy treat you so bad if he was still alive, but he would still be sad if he knew how it all worked out.
You hadn’t been to the drive-in since you were going steady with Roy. It was a singular occasion and an unpleasant one. He got drunk and couldn’t drive home so you had to get behind the wheel and pray you didn’t crash. It wasn’t that you couldn’t drive, you just hated it. Thinking of it then, you should have expected all that came after.
Arvin pulled in as the sky dimmed slowly and he left you to go to concession and grab popcorn. When he returned, he handed you a box of chocolates as he cradled the large paper bag of kernels. You thanked him and opened the box, distracting yourself with the chewy caramels covered in milk chocolate. You offered him some as you looked around and waited for the screen to flash into motion.
There were a few families among the patrons but mostly teenagers, couples and groups, rowdy as they impatiently hollered for the film to roll. You hadn’t heard of this one, Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Arvin said he read about it in the paper and it was supposed to be a flick meant for ladies. He said he didn’t mind as he liked the actors.
When at last it was dark enough, the movie began and you set the box down on the seat and munched on a handful of popcorn out of courtesy. The credits began and you were quickly swept up into the life of Holly Golightly. You were almost agog to think that a woman could live like her. City life seemed so different, so free, so scary. And she didn’t let all those men rule her.
You felt Arvin slide closer to you and his arm snaked around your shoulders. You tensed as you focused on Hepburn’s waifish voice and offkey plucking of the ukulele. You tried to ignore him as you felt his warm breath and the kiss on your temple made you wince. Your eyes flicked over to the car on the other side of you, then the next. The audience was rapt.
His hand grazed along your skirt and he kissed your cheek. Your heart raced wildly. You wanted to stop him but didn’t know how. And he was so sweet and he did so much for you. He’d brought you all the way here and kept Roy from cracking your head open. Could you really say no?
“I know I said it already,” his hand lingered on the pink fabric, “but this looks wonderful on you.”
“Thank you,” you whispered as you kept your wide eyes on the screen.
“Really, you’re beautiful, honey,” he purred as he nuzzled your throat, “living so close… it’s hard…”
He pushed his hand under your skirt and up between your thighs. He wiggled until you parted your legs and grabbed your chin with his other. He turned you to face him and crushed his lips against yours. He leaned on you until you were flat against the seat and he brought your legs up onto the leather as he held himself over you.
He kissed you even deeper as his fingers tickled over the front of your panties and crawled up to the top. He slipped his hand down the front of your underwear and you whimpered. When he touched you, you were afraid but confused. It felt good, better than anything you’d ever done with Roy.
You gulped and turned your head as you gasped. You grabbed his shoulder and shuddered. His fingers delved between your folds and swirled. You murmured and squeezed his arm.
“Please, I’m-- I’m still married, we can’t--”
He nibbled at your neck and blindly reached up to grab your hand. He gripped the ring on your finger and forced it off and flicked it away. It rolled under the seat as he rasped against your throat.
“He’s gone,” his fingers danced around your clit eagerly, “don’t you understand? I’ll make sure he doesn’t come back, honey.”
“Arvin, I--” you squeaked as the waves swelled and flowed down your legs and you were caught in the tide, “please…”
You closed your eyes, your mind stormed with how wrong it was but your body pulsed with delight. He pushed his fingers further back and the heel of his hand pressed to your bud. He curled his fingers inside of your and you moaned as he rested the weight of his pelvis against his hand. He rocked his touch in time with his hips, as if he was fucking you, and kissed you on the mouth again, swallowing up your desperate cries.
Your legs wrapped around his as you came and you tilted your pelvis as you rode the high. He lifted his head to watch you orgasm and your lashes fluttered as you succumbed to the ecstasy. You squirmed as he slowed his fingers and stilled his hand entirely. You were out of breath as he stopped at last but kept his hand nestled between your legs.
You covered your face with your shaky hand and exhaled deeply. He pulled your hand down and rubbed the tip of his nose against yours.
“I’ll buy you a new ring,” he purred, “a nicer one.”
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swan-of-sunrise · 3 years
The Winter Soldier (Chapter Three)
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Summary: Steve drops by the VA and listens in on one of Sam’s meetings and later that evening, (Y/N) reflects on her unusual day with the super-soldier.
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings/Disclaimers: Brief discussion of PTSD
A/N: Hope you all enjoy!
Chapter Three (Previous Chapter)
After placing sugar packets and stirring sticks next to the coffee maker, (Y/N) took a seat beside the refreshment table and watched as Sam took his place at the front of the crowded room and began the meeting. One by one, each person would share their struggles with PTSD and how it had affected their lives as civilians; with each person’s story, (Y/N)’s heart clenched in sympathy. These vets have put their lives on the line to protect us, they don’t deserve to suffer, she thought with an inward sigh. She couldn’t count the number of times she’d woken Sam up from a nightmare or had seen him suddenly grow silent and have to distract him from his memories of war. But it was wonderful that people like Sam, people who face the same exact struggles, run programs to help each other out.
Seeing movement out of the corner of her eye, (Y/N) turned to see Steve Rogers leaning against the doorframe of the room, his arms crossed over his chest as he listened to the meeting. Smiling and tugging her sweater tighter around her, (Y/N) turned her attention back to the woman speaking. “The thing is I think it’s getting worse. A cop pulled me over last week, he thought I was drunk. I swerved to miss a plastic bag. I thought it was an IED.”
Sam nodded. “Some stuff you leave there, other stuff you bring back. It’s our job to figure out how to carry it. Is it gonna be in a big suitcase or in a little man-purse? It’s up to you.” Everyone clapped and began standing, so (Y/N) jumped to her feet to man the table. She greeted each person with a smile as they grabbed cookies and filled their cups with coffee, delighted to see so many new faces among the usual crowd. After about twenty minutes of mingling and making small talk, the crowd started to leave so she decided to begin packing up the refreshments as Sam bid them goodbye out in the hallway.
“Don’t take those away those cookies just yet, darlin’, I wanna bring one home to my gran’daughter.”
(Y/N) looked up to see Gary, an older man with an incredibly bushy grey beard and a Vietnam War veteran’s baseball cap, and she smiled brightly before offering him the half-full container. “Take the whole thing if you’d like, Gary, and be sure to say hello to Katie for me!”
That made Gary grin toothily as he took the container. “You know, darlin’, you’re sweeter than this whole damn box of cookies. I’ll be seein’ you next week!” (Y/N) gave him a small wave and resumed cleaning as he limped away.
“You’re pretty popular around here.”
She turned away from the coffee pot and smiled when she saw Steve standing before her, his blue eyes glimmering and his hands shoved in his pockets. “If I am, it’s only ‘cause I give away free cookies; the vets that visit all have a massive sweet-tooth, you know.”
“Are you a vet, too?”
“Nah, I just work here.” She tossed several used paper coffee cups into the trash and chuckled. “A year ago, when I finally graduated with my master’s degree, I started writing my novel and since I was writing about soldiers and government agents I needed to interview some about their personal experiences. So, I decided to come down to the VA. I met with Sam, who had just started working here, and asked if I could interview some people for my writing. He agreed, and I spent the whole day just talking to the vets. All sorts of vets, too; men, women, old, young, you name it. And at the end of the day, after hearing about their struggles with PTSD and how hard their lives became once they returned to civilian life, I went back to Sam and asked if he needed any part-time employees. He said yes, and we’ve been best friends ever since.” Steve smiled, and the impressed look he was giving her caused her to blush so she hurriedly changed the subject. “So, did everything work out earlier? It’s just that it seemed a little serious, so I hope that everything’s okay.”
Steve’s smile fell a little but he nodded. “Yeah, everything’s fine…I was just visiting a friend who hasn’t been doing too well lately.”
(Y/N) impulsively placed a comforting hand on his arm. “I’m sorry, that sounds difficult. I hope they get better soon.” The ghost of a sympathetic smile pulled at the corner of her mouth and Steve’s eyes softened after a moment; realizing that her hand was still resting on his arm, she hastily withdrew it and began folding the tablecloth to keep her hands busy. “Um, Sam and I were planning on going out to dinner after we finish packing up, you’re welcome to join us if you want.”
She glanced up at him and saw a glint of something in his eyes, but it disappeared before she could get a closer look. “Thanks for the offer but I’ll have to pass; I’ve already got some plans later…”
“That’s okay, maybe next time!” (Y/N) smiled, but inside she couldn’t help but feel a pang of disappointment.
Just then, Sam walked into the room with a stack of pamphlets in his hands. “Pretty good turnout today, huh? Five new faces and Captain America!”
Steve chuckled. “Well, I’m glad that I stopped by.” He glanced at the clock on the wall before continuing, “I should probably get going, but it was good to see you two again.”
(Y/N) shook his hand. “I’m not gonna lie, it was a little weird seeing you in your own exhibit earlier but it was great hanging out with you!”
“You too, and good luck with For Queen and Country, I’ll keep my eye out for it in the bookshops.” His bright smile caused her heartbeat to once-again quicken as their hands dropped.
“It was good seeing you too, Cap, you made me look really awesome in front of Maria, so thanks for that.” Sam grinned and shook his outstretched hand.
“Glad I could help, Sam; see you two around!” Steve gave them a small wave before turning and walking out of the room.
Tearing her eyes away from the doorway, (Y/N) resumed her cleaning and glanced at Sam. “What do you feel like tonight, Thai or burgers?”
Sam grinned and began unplugging the coffee maker. “Burgers. So, did you have a nice day chilling with your new boyfriend, Booksmart?”
Later that evening, (Y/N) sat down at her desk and put her music on shuffle before flicking through her notebook to the pages of notes she’d taken that day at the Smithsonian. She bit back a smile when she recognized the difference between the carefully printed notes she’d taken by herself versus the illegible scribbles taken from the elderly security guard’s long-winded explanations. He was kind of a fast talker, wasn’t he, she thought to herself; as a way of honoring the enthusiastic old man, she ultimately decided to name one of her minor characters after him.
“Stan.” She sounded out the name and gave a satisfied nod. “Yeah, that’s got a nice ring to it…”
(Y/N), now finally having all the information she needed to best describe Soviet Cold War missiles, wrote for nearly three hours straight, only taking breaks to skip songs or to glance down at her notes. She would’ve probably continued writing well into the next morning except that her eyesight was beginning to blur around the edges, an unfortunate symptom of exhaustion.
Well, you have had a pretty busy day today, (Y/N) silently reasoned as she saved her evening’s progress and booted down her laptop. Since Sam was already fast asleep in the room across the hall, she went about her bedtime routine as quietly as she could, washing her face and brushing her teeth before tiptoeing back into her room. She slipped on her mismatched pajama set and was about to crawl into bed when the record player on her bedside table caught her eye. Making her way over to what Sam affectionately called ‘The DJ Bookcase,’ she scanned the shelf devoted solely to her record collection until the right one stood out to her, and then she carefully placed the record on the turntable and lowered the needle. After a moment, the soft tones of Glenn Miller’s ‘Stardust’ filled her room and with a smile, she finally got into bed and turned to watch the record spinning on the turntable.
Thoughts of the super-soldier who’d inspired her choice in bedtime music began to fill her mind, making her smile softly to herself. (Y/N) had enjoyed seeing Steve again, even if it had been in a highly unconventional place like the Smithsonian, and she quietly marveled at how effortless it had been to talk to the larger-than-life man. He really was different from how the history books portrayed him: not only was he kind and polite, but he was also intelligent, sarcastic and extremely understanding. Also a little lost, I expect, (Y/N) thought, remembering his guarded expressions and withdrawn replies whenever she’d ask him a personal question; it couldn’t be easy adjusting to a brand-new reality, especially without a fixed support system to rely on.
“Hopefully he ends up getting the help he needs.” (Y/N) murmured to herself, her sleepy eyes continuing to watch the rotating record as more thoughts of Steve Rogers filled her mind.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you all liked my little Stan Lee cameo in this chapter and the last :) I’ve created a Spotify playlist inspired by this series, and I’ll be updating it every time I upload a new chapter. Enjoy!
Tagging: @mrs-obrien​ @lahoete​ @awkward117​ @cminr​ @momc95​ @awkwardnesshabitat​ @marinettepotterandplagg​ @khuang3​ @supersouthy​ @benakenalove​ @brooke0297​ @hufflepeople​ @becausewelie​​ @outoftheregular @supreme-tantrum​
Chapter Four
“The Winter Soldier” Masterlist
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Flatbush & Atlantic: part v
Here we have part v! Took me a little longer than usual, but I’m really happy with how it turned out - it’s All Star Weekend with our favorite couple, folks! I haven’t been getting as much engagement as usual with the posts, so please feel free to reblog it and pop into my inbox!
part i part ii part iii part iv
part v
January 28
Cass sat on a metal bench at JFK, legs propped up on her carry-on, eyes flitting between the departures screen and her phone. Mat walked through the sliding doors to her left, catching her eye with a quick wave and smile. If he wanted to travel incognito in Long Island, though, the suit bag and “these-are-more-expensive-than-they-look” sunglasses weren’t helping his cause. “You’ve got the tickets?” She asked. After much convincing, Cass finally agreed to let Mat buy the tickets; he said it would be easier to make sure they were seated together, and had told her to think of it as a belated Christmas present if she’d like. 
Mat nodded, gesturing towards the check-in counters. “Shall we?”
Cat grabbed his hand in her own as they walked to the counter. It hadn’t even crossed her mind that they’d be travelling anything but economy — she never had, after all — so she was more than a little surprised when he steered her and their bags towards American’s first-class check-in. He looked down at her. “What? You think I’d let you go to the All-Star Game in anything but the best? Nah, we’re travelling in style, babe.” Cass flushed, handing over her bags to be weighed and taking the boarding pass from the flight attendant with a harried thanks. 
“Qu-est-ce que c’est, chère?” Mat asked, brushing a kiss over the top of her head as they headed up the escalator. French had been her foreign language in high school and college; it had gotten rusty, but Mat and Tito had been more than happy to practice with her, though Beau’s Québécois accent sometimes proved a little difficult to understand. 
“I’m just really excited for this weekend. I know how much it means to you to be on the team and competing in the skills competition again, and I’m lucky to be able to see you do what you love.” 
After a less-than-ideal forty minutes in the security line, Cass handed her license and Mat’s passport over to the TSA agent, who gave them a cursory once-over before marking their boarding passes and letting them through the scanner. 
They boarded the Delta flight some 40 minutes later, after a much-needed pit-stop at the Starbucks. The flight attendants took their coats and showed them to their seats, and before Cass knew it she was seated in a very large, very comfortable chair that had more legroom than she thought humanly possible, a glass of champagne perched on her tray table. “Is this how you live? All the time?” She whispered to Mat, stunned. 
“Sometimes,” he admitted. “The team charters a plane for games and I usually don’t do first class to go back home, but this is a special occasion. It deserves it, you deserve it.” He pressed a kiss to her cheek, pulling out his Airpods. “We’ve got just enough time to get through Pirates of the Carribean before we land. What do you say?” 
Their plane landed a few hours later, the two catching an Uber to the hotel about twenty minutes away. Apparently there had been “a car” coming for them, but Cass balked at the idea, insisting that the Toyota Corolla coming to pick them up was more than enough for her. 
“Hi, checking in for Barzal,” Mat said, smiling at the receptionist. 
“One moment,” she replied, tapping on the computer and turning around to grab two key cards. “You two will be in room 307, third floor. Elevators are that way. Enjoy your stay!” Mat took the cards, handing one to Cass as they turned towards the row of elevators. As excited as she was, Cass was also just the tiniest bit apprehensive about sharing a room with Mat for a whole weekend. She had spent the night once or twice since the Christmas party, and had officially been granted “a drawer” in his dresser, but it was still the longest (relatively) uninterrupted time she’d spend with him. 
There were a few hours before the festivities kicked off with some sort of red carpet-type thing, so Cass pulled out her laptop and got to work while Mat went off to exercise in the hotel gym. None of her professors this semester recorded lectures, so she was relying on good friends and a strong Wifi connection to get the notes from the one class she was missing. Cass wasn’t one to skip out on responsibilities and she did feel bad about not being there, but she had earned a break. 
Mat came back a little while later, and Cass took that as her cue to start getting ready. After he got out of the shower, she took over the bathroom, spreading her makeup, brushes, and precisely-3.4-ounce bottle of hairspray over the counter. This was the first big event she was going to as a WAG, and nerves were flying. Cass was already well aware that she didn’t fit into the typical mold, and hated the fact that she felt like she had to justify herself everywhere she went. And it didn’t help that Mat wasn’t just one of the best young players in the NHL in recent memory, but also a total smokeshow of a man who had hundreds of women falling at his feet. 
But galas, parties, extravagant events were nothing new to her. She had been the president of her sorority at UConn, organizing and attending more than her fair share of her own formals and semiformals or accompanying a friend or boyfriend to theirs. And law school called for dressing up more than occasionally. She was no stranger to impressing people. The dress was light blue to coordinate with Mat’s suit, heavily beaded, and absolutely gorgeous. This was the one part of the trip that she had absolutely refused to let Mat pay for, even though he offered. The league covered the room and he had gotten the flights, and her ego needed to pick up at least a marginal part of the expenses. 
She twisted her hair up into a bun, bobby pins stuck in her mouth as she pulled out a few strands of hair. Setting spray? Check. Lipstick? A deep rose shade that she’d had since her first year of law school, so, check. “You almost ready to go, chou?” She asked, leaning down to her suitcase and grabbing the strappy heels she’d picked out for the night.
“Uh, yeah,” Mat said, buttoning his suit jacket. He usually had pretty good taste even before they started dating, but the navy blue velvet suit he was wearing was really something else. “Wow, you look amazing, Cass.”
She smiled, stepping towards him. “The lipstick’s kiss-proof, you know.”
He raised one eyebrow. “You wanna try that out?”
It was a fifteen minute drive to the venue, the car the league had sent packed with players and their partners, or whoever else had managed to wrangle a spot. She thinks there were some cousins involved? Mat got out before her, holding the door open while he leaned down. “The reporters are usually fine, they get that most of you guys aren’t used to this,” he murmured, “but you don’t have to answer anything you don’t want to, I’ll say something if I see it getting out of line.” 
She squeezed his hand in appreciation, taking a breath to steady her nerves before following him onto the red carpet. After posing for a few photos, they moved onto the reporters, Mat getting steered towards someone who Cass was pretty sure was from SportsCenter, but she couldn’t be positive in the crowd of hundreds. Cass briefly introduced herself, stepping slightly to the side as the conversation’s topics veered towards strategy and expectations, how best to manage playing with only three players and how he was feeling about his chances for fastest skater. 
“And you’ve brought your lovely girlfriend Cassidy along, how did you two meet?” Cass heard her name mentioned, quickly snapping out of the daydream she had been lost in. Fluff pieces were nothing new and she knew it would come up, everyone loved getting to know the players outside of a strictly hockey context. 
“Yeah, so I’m in law school, and I got an internship with the counsel’s office for the Islanders,” Cas started, “and I helped Mat with some visa stuff. He kept trying to drop hints that he was into me, but—”
“They weren’t hints. I was being as obvious as possible,” Mat deadpanned. Cass giggled. 
“Well, yeah, in retrospect I was just being incredibly oblivious, but came to one day, and the rest is history.” Mat leaned down, brushing a kiss over her cheek, and Cass could see camera flashes go off in her peripherals. She’d have to track that picture down later.
The interviewer nodded, asking a few follow-ups on her exposure to hockey growing up, her dress, and one more. “So, you hardly live the typical life of a hockey girlfriend. What do you think about that?”
Cass was confused. “Pardon?”
“Law school, being a lawyer. That’s not something that you typically see WAGs pursue, especially considering the salaries NHLers make. It’s not like they have to do much.” Cass was floored. How could someone be so disrespectful, not only to her, but to every other woman in her position? She was struggling to come up with a response. As it would happen, she didn’t need to. 
“Excuse me?” Mat’s response was dripping venom. “Why would you ask something like that?”
The interviewer tried to backtrack, but ended up digging himself into an ever deeper hole. “Well, I just meant that you don’t see it often, which is true—”
“Maybe you don’t, but that shouldn’t matter,” Mat said. “Being a stay-at-home mom or running charity events is awesome if that’s something that they want to do, but it’s not for everyone. And don’t you dare ever suggest that Cass hasn’t worked hard as hell to get to where she is. She’s graduating in five months from an Ivy League law school, and she’s the smartest person I’ve ever met. Don’t ever talk about her that way. Don’t ever talk about any woman that way.” He turned away, his hand on Cass’ upper back. “Don’t ever let anyone undersell you. You’ve worked too damn hard and come too damn far.”
 Jan. 29 (fri)
 Cass smoothed out her dress, taking a last-minute look in the mirror to make sure nothing was stuck in her teeth. “How do I look?” She asked, turning to Mat. 
“You look great, babe. Stop stressing.” She had picked a floral dress and denim jacket for breakfast with Mat’s family, but couldn’t stop wringing her hands in worry. Mat crossed the room in three steps, holding her hands still and looking at her more intensely than she had ever seen. “Remember when I was losing my shit meeting your parents?” Cass gave a tearful nod. “And it all turned out okay and now I text your brother probably more than you do?” 
She laughed. “Noah worships you, and my dad loves you. Thinks you’re ‘good for me,’ whatever he means by that.”
“I think,” Mat said, tapping her temple with one finger, “that sometimes you get a little stuck up here. You’re so smart, and it’s incredible, but you overthink things sometimes, pretty girl.”
She ducked her head. “That’s probably true.” 
“But what I meant to say is that it turned out I had nothing to worry about. And neither do you, my parents will love you and Liana’ll just be excited to have another girl around to complain about me to. It’s going to go great,” he added with finality. 
“You promise?” Cass asked.
Mat kissed her, soft and sweet and slow, the kind of kiss that wasn’t born of passion and lust but of just genuine deep trust and affection. The kind of kiss that brings your feet back to the ground when your head’s stuck off in the clouds. “I promise.”
Cass flashed a small smile, squeezing Mat’s hand in hers and heading towards the door. “Then I guess we’d better get going.” She had been up late the night before, searching on Yelp for the perfect restaurant, despite Mat’s continual claims that they’d “love wherever, they just want food.” Though, she’s not sure what she expected when asking a 20-something man what he wanted to eat. There was a cute place a ten minute drive away, with four-point-seven stars and reviews that said their quiches were the “best thing on this godforsaken planet,” according to IridescentGymRat44. Cass loved quiches. 
It was a quick Uber over, Mat’s mom having texted him that they had already arrived and snagged a table in the back for privacy. It may have been a family event, but it was still All-Star Weekend and Mat was still, well, Mat. It wasn’t likely he could fly under the radar for too long. He rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand reassuringly as they turned the corner, and his face split into a wide grin at the sight of his family. Hugging each of them quickly, he stepped back to introduce Cass, one hand lightly resting on the small of her back. “This is Cass, my girlfriend.”
“Yeah, we figured,” Liana said pointedly, causing Cass to poorly cover up a snort of amusement, which in turn just caused everyone to laugh even more at their efforts trying not to laugh so hard. 
As it would turn out, Mat was right. She really had nothing to worry about; his parents embraced her (literally and metaphorically) as soon as she set down and his sister immediately whipped out her phone to show his worst baby pictures. “Hey,” she said, as Mat glared at her, “you deserve to know what you’re getting yourself into.” They were interested in her work and school, and Mat gladly took the liberty of explaining how they met, earning a slap on the back of his head from his mom when he got to the part with the visa slipup. They said their goodbyes sometime around eleven; Cass would have liked to stay longer, but everyone needed to get back to their hotels and ready for the skills competitions in the afternoon. 
“Excited to defend the title?” Cass said, bumping her shoulder against Mat as they walked down the hallway to their room. 
“Yeah, I guess,” Mat said, shrugging slightly. “Obviously it would be great to win, but there’s still McDavid and Eichel and a ton of other guys that have just as good of a chance to run away with this thing.” After his win last year, it was no shock that Mat had been picked for the fastest skater competition again, but the hordes of fans and reporters who were expecting him to go back-to-back weren’t helping his nerves. They reached the door, Mat shoving his hand into his pocket to dig out the key card. 
“Look at me,” Cass said softly, once they had gotten their shoes off and were propped up next to each other in bed. Mat’s head turned, his hand still absentmindedly tangled in her curls. “You’re going to do great. Win or lose. I believe it, your family believes it, the other guys on the team believe it. Now all we need is for you to believe it yourself.”
Cass was walking through the tunnels of the BB&T Center, phone pressed to her cheek as she tried to listen to her dad on the other end of the line. A few players and their families were milling about, some getting ready to compete in their skills competitions, others catching up with old friends. “Oh, and you booked the tickets to Hermosillo, yeah?” It was a family tradition for them to spend a few weeks every summer back in Mexico with her grandparents; they had split their time between San Antonio and their hometown ever since retirement. Cass always tried to make it, but the past summer she wasn’t able to wrangle the two weeks off from her job that she’d need for the trip, and it had crushed her. They weren’t getting any younger, and her abuelo had suffered a nasty stroke the year prior that made her all the more anxious to visit. 
“Yep, layover in Mexico City like usual, I’ll send you the ticket when the trip gets closer,” Patrick responded.
“And you’ve got everyone’s passport info?”
She could imagine her dad rolling his eyes. “Yes, Cassidy. Everything’s booked, everything’s fine. Have fun in Florida, tell Mat good luck from us.”
“Okay, I will. Love you, dad.” Cass said, running a hand through her hair. 
A voice that she didn’t quite recognize called her name, and as she turned around she was more than a little surprised to see Auston Matthews waving at her. “It is Cassidy, right?”
She nodded her head. “Cassidy, Cass, I’ll answer to both.”
The confusion on her face must have still been evident, because he followed up. “I follow Barzy on Instagram, he brags about you all the time.”
“Yeah, sounds like him,” she said, tapping her fingers on her thigh. 
“Are you going to introduce me?” His mom asked from beside him. 
“Oh, yeah, ‘course,” Auston said, stumbling over his words. “Mom, this is Cassidy, obviously. Cassidy — Cass?” He questioned, looking over at her. She nodded. “Cass, this is my mom Ema.” She greeted her with a warm hug, and Cass just about melted. Moms really do give the best hugs. 
Ema spoke up. “Do you have family in Hermosillo? I heard you mention it on the phone.”
“Mhm!” Cass’s head almost bounced from how fast she was nodding. “My grandparents split time between there and San Antonio, we try to visit for a few weeks every summer.”
“That’s where I grew up,” she responded, beaming. “It’s wonderful, but the summers get so hot, don’t they?” Cass and Auston both nodded. 
“I think it got up to 110º when I was there once? Maybe 115º? I want to lock myself in a freezer sometimes, I swear.” The whole group collapses into laughs, and spent a few minutes talking before Cass had to tear herself away and find her seats with Mat’s family for the fastest skater competition. Ema had left her with no fewer than three restaurant recommendations, making her swear to try them all. “Best tacos I’ve ever had,” she had said about one. 
Cass greeted Mat’s family with a wave as they settled into their seats, one row up from the ice on the right side. The players had just come out, and it only took a few seconds to make eye contact with Mat. She was wearing his — her — jersey, and had long since abandoned trying to roll up and cuff the sleeves. It wasn’t going to happen, and she kind of liked the feeling of being buried in it. She blew him a kiss as the announcers voices echoed through the stadium, and the heat was on. 
Mat was slated to go last, which was either the best or worst thing depending on how you thought about it. Cass was always someone to sign up for the first slot for speeches and presentations, and hated having late games in tournaments during her lacrosse days. She liked being able to get it over with. Mat was the opposite. He was competitive and stubborn to a fault, needing to size up the competition and get ahead of the game. Needed to know what to expect. There first few she didn’t recognize, a few first-time faces to the All-Star competition, a rookie from Winnipeg who was a favorite for the Calder. Everyone was doing well, really well — all the times but one were under 14 seconds, but nobody had broken Mat’s time yet. 
Eichel got close, McDavid got closer, and then Mat was up to defend his championship. She blew a kiss to him as he stepped up to the line, murmured a prayer, and the whistle blew. Clean straightaways, tight turns, gaining speed on the curves, and in the blink of an eye it was over. Cass knew he had won, the roar of the crowd told her as much, but she didn’t realize his time. She didn’t realize until the announcer reported that with a time of 13.080 seconds, Mathew Barzal had just set the record. His face was stunned for a moment, looking up at the screen and then down at the ice and then back up at the screen again, while being hugged and congratulated from all sides, as if trying to process what had just happened. 
It was the last one of the night, so Cass said her goodbyes to Mat’s family, with a promise to meet up before the game the next day, and hurried down to meet Mat. There wasn’t anything formal scheduled for the rest of the night, so he came out of the locker room in just a pair of athletic shorts and an Islanders t-shirt. Cass ran up, jumping into his arms as he dropped his bag to catch her. “Woah, babe,” he said, steadying his hands on the back of her thighs, “coulda given me a warning there.”
Cass kissed him. “Wouldn’t have been nearly as fun that way, though, huh?”
“You’re right.” Mat shrugged good-naturedly, setting Cass down and grabbing his bag and her hand. 
“How does it feel having beaten the record?” Cass asked. 
Mat ran his free hand through his hair, still shower-damp. “So surreal. I wasn’t even sure I’d win, not with how stacked the lineup was, let alone get anywhere near breaking the record. It’s ridiculous, but it’s amazing.”
“You’re amazing.”
 Jan. 30 (sat)
 Mat was busy doing media and catching up with some of the guys before the game later that day, and Cass had elected to stay in the room. Mat had offered for her to come along, “you might think it’s interesting?” he had noted, but she’d be damned if she let herself fall behind in her last semester, she was just too close. It had already been a bit of a stretch for her to take a day off and come for the whole weekend, so her afternoon was instead filled with some utterly thrilling reading on advanced contract theory and a thick-as-all-hell review book for the New York state bar. She leaned back in her chair, taking the last remaining sip of the mediocre Lipton tea she had snagged from the basket by the room’s coffee maker. She could finish it later.
Cass picked up her phone, pressing play on a voicemail from Fiona that had been left earlier in the afternoon. 
Uh, hey, it’s me. Cass, I don’t know if this is what you want to hear, but I don’t think I’d be a very good friend if I didn’t say it. Uh-oh. Conversations that started like that never ended well. I’m happy about you and Mat, I know you like him a lot, but I’m worried that he’s distracting you. I know you told us you’d be gone, but we missed you at the study group, and I know you skipped your law review meeting today. The rest of the message was more of the same, but one sentence stuck out to her. Think about where your priorities are. Think about where you want them to be. 
Fiona Chan had a one-track mind. And Cass loved her for it — she was one of the most dedicated people she knew and an incredible friend. But she sometimes found it hard to understand when people had priorities that extended beyond the bounds of law school, when their sole focus wasn’t on their Contracts final or clinic or clerkship they were doing for some top-tier appellate judge. 
She flopped back on the bed. Think about where your priorities are. She had been spending a lot of time with Mat lately, but no more than anyone would spend with their significant other — right? And it wasn’t a sin for her to have a life outside of law school. She was still more than competent at her job, got most of the reading done, was prepared when professors would cold-call on her. She still showed up to meetings. 
But even she would admit that her head wasn’t in the game all the time, if she could hazard another High School Musical reference. She’d sneak texts, meet him for lunch instead of going to office hours, and now, take weekends off to be with him. But that wasn’t a bad thing. Or was it? Her grades weren’t really suffering, and nobody else had mentioned anything. Friends notice things, though, Cass thought. And Fiona was one of the most perceptive people she knew. She groaned. Why wasn’t there ever an easy way to figure these things out? She really liked Mat — she might even love him — but Cass couldn’t help but feel like she was gambling on something that wasn’t a sure thing. And her future wasn’t something to play games with. 
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
We will rock you assistant; Queen x teen reader
*Author’s note*
Hey all, well here I am with yet ANOTHER UPDATE YAAAAAYYYY!!! Okay so in this fic that was requested on my Wattpad, I had made you the reader, Roger’s sister (they asked for either Bri or Rog and I went with our fabulous blondie hehehe). Anyways not really any big warnings except for the FLUFFINESS, but if I had to pick individual warnings I’d say swearing, mentions of P**l Pr***ter, scars (NOT SELF INFLICTED), animal attacks. So enjoy my lovely darlings :)
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It was 1977, I had finally returned from my 4 year study abroad program that counted towards my shot at a biology major.  And there was an offer saying that if you wanted to complete a 4yr program rather than a full college career that was also an option, so I actually got spend the rest of my secondary school year (years 10-13) down in Queensland, Australia to study in the Zoology program.
I’ll admit it was hard the first year I was there because I had never been that far away from home ever in my life on my own, but I made some really good friends and the professors there were amazing that they became parental figures for us rather than just our teachers.  I got to learn a lot about Zoology and the study of the animals of South America. But it was so good to be home.
Especially now since I get to finally see my big brother after 4 years of not seeing him. And some of you may know him, blonde hair, blue eyes, incredible drummer. Yep I’m talking about the famed Roger Taylor, drummer of Queen.  
When I first told him about the program he at first being the overprotective big brother that he was, refused to let me go.  We fought about it constantly until that’s when our mother made the final decision and allowed me to go because she thought this would be a good experience for me. Especially now since she couldn’t afford another kid going to college at the time.
He was also outnumbered because the rest of the band thought it was also a good thing for me to experience.  Oh yeah, did I not mention that I’m real close with the band? Yeah I’ve known all of them since they formed Queen, but besides my brother, Brian is the one I’ve known the longest.
In fact he was the first to agree that going to Australia for this program would be wonderful to get a full experience background and it would help in future job applications in the future.  Brian’s like a second brother to me so I know that if Roger won’t give into my ways, I can always fall back on Brian to be ‘Brother of the year.’
And Freddie and Deacy were a blessing to have around as well.  Freddie was known to the world by now as the frontman of Queen, but to me he’ll always be known as Freddie, King of the cats and lord of fashion.  He’s always been there to help cheer me up whenever I felt a little blue or after a big fight with my brother, and Deacy was the band’s bass player and mediator if things got chaotic, but whenever it was just the two of us, we got to share an interest of our studies so if he had to do anything regarding to biology I was there to help him as best as I could and he taught me a little bit about electronics and how they worked.
So even though there were tears shed on the last day of spring of 1973, I told the boys I would keep in contact and write every single day and they promised the same thing.  Of course people in Australia knew who Queen were by 1975 when their 4th album ‘A Night at the Opera’ came out.
All my friends couldn’t stop talking about it and some couldn’t stop listening to it, and I was the same way.  But it also helped me out whenever I got homesick and missed them too much.  Just hearing their voices and instruments play brought me back to home and back to them.
And now here I am, standing before the studio where mum said they rehearsed and recorded their albums.  While I was beyond thrilled to finally see the guys again, I was also really nervous.
Cause I mean last time I saw them, sure they were popular but only just through England, Japan and America.  They were still rising stars, now ever since A night at the Opera, they’ve completely exploded to the levels of Elton John, David Bowie, ACDC, the Beatles, and a hell of a lot of other rockstars.  And sometimes egos get in the way or they just forget about who their families are and never talk to them anymore once they’ve hit it big.
I was worried that with as long as I’ve been gone, the four of them probably forgot all about me, or just didn’t want to have anything to do with me anymore. I stood before the door of the studio about to go in but I stopped and set my bags down.
“Okay, calm down (y/n), you can do this. You’ve known these guys since forever. You gotta make this reunion right.” I then did a practice mock turn and said with the most angelic voice, “Greetings my brothers.” I groaned out.  Pathetic.
I then tried another tactic, a simply grand gesture wave but making my voice all high and strange sounding but that didn’t work.  Then I thought, maybe a simple hide and suddenly appear as they come out.  I managed to find a shrub tree so I grabbed that, set it in front of the door and hid behind it before practicing peeking out and saying oh so casually.
“Oh hey guys, didn’t see you there.” I groaned and muttered to myself, “None of this is going to work.” I sighed heavily. “Maybe just a simple, sincere welcome back. Yeah, yeah that’ll do it. It’s only just the most important reunion of your life, what could go wrong?”
*3rd Person POV*
After waiting for over an hour and a half for Freddie, the remaining three members who had come with their wives all decided that they should return home since this rehearsal didn’t seem important enough for their lead singer.
“All that waiting for nothing.” Exclaimed Roger.
“Well we should’ve expected this, I mean after all since—well you know he and Mary broke up and Paul weaseled himself into his life, he’s been a bit….off.” Brian said.
“I only just wish he hadn’t made such a big deal about coming to rehearsal and then not show up himself.” Stated Deacy.
“He’ll come around love, meanwhile why don’t we all head out for some lunch. Our treat boys since you all have worked so hard.” Offered Veronica, his lovely wife.
“No love we can’t ask that—”
“She’s not asking. We’re offering.” Stated Chrissie, Brian’s wife.
“Thanks darling.” Brian said softly as he softly pecked her cheek.  That was until Dominque, Roger’s wife took a hold of the door and they were all shock to reveal a young teenage girl with bags and suitcases behind her.
“Sup party people I’m back in the hizz-hou—ohh no! God that was so American of me to say, why did I let Zack convince me to talk like that? I’m so sorry that was terrible, can I get a do-over?”
*My POV*
Well I totally fucked that greeting up. Hizz-house? Really? God next time I see that boy I’m gonna strangle him.  I saw my brother with a raven-haired girl standing beside him, in fact Deacy and Brian all had girls by their sides.  Deacy was arm to arm with a beautiful blonde woman while Brian had a brunette.  
All three of my boys looked at me, almost like they were ready to bawl, especially my brother.  I smiled softly and said.
“Hey Rog.” He just stood there.  All was silent then just before I could say anything else, Roger rammed himself into me, picking me up in his arms and spinning me around.
I let out a shriek at first but immediately hugged my brother back as he cheered happily, hugging me as tight as he could all the while kissing all over my face.  After what felt like eternity, he finally set me down but refused to let go of his embrace. Not that I minded anyway, I missed him just as much as he missed me.
“Oh (y/n) I can’t believe it’s you. You’re—you’re actually here. Home at last!”
“I know, 4 years seems like forever.”
“You have no idea lovie, god I’ve missed you like crazy.” He hugged me once again before getting a second look at me, “Ohh look at you. You’ve grown so much. Last I saw you, you were this big.” He gestured playfully as he placed his hand to his waist.  I playfully shoved him and exclaimed.
“I was never that short, you overgrown blonde giant!”
“Don’t you raise your voice at me little Ms. Thumbelina!” The two of us glared at each other for a brief moment before I let out a giggle and hugged my brother one last time saying.
“Oh I’ve missed you so much big bro.”
“And I you little sis.” It was then my attention turned toward Deacy and Brian. I got out of my brother’s arms and slowly walked towards them cautiously.  Okay so the reunion with Rog was an immediate check point, but I guess that’s to be expected because he’s my brother, but what about the two guitar players of Queen.
“Bri, Deacy. Been a long time. I hope you hadn’t forgotten little ol—” but then just like Roger, but instead of one of them coming up to embrace me, both of them did. Sandwiching me between them.  I smiled as I leaned my head against Deacy’s chest and tried to hug both of them with each arm as best as I could.
“Oh love look at you. You truly have grown into a beautiful young woman. Last we saw you, you were just a kid and now just look at you.” Said Deacy.
“Well how about you? Last I saw you your hair was down to here, now you’ve cut it to a true man’s hairstyle.”
“Do you hate it?”
“No this look suits you just fine. Though I can’t say I’ll miss braiding your hair in secret while you sleep.”
“So it was you who was doing that!” he exclaimed.
“Hey Rog goaded me on. He said I couldn’t do it without waking you up.”
“Don’t you drag me into this!” my brother exclaimed.  I playfully stuck my tongue at him when I was pulled away by Brian. He spoke not a word but just smiled lovingly down at me as he placed both of his hands at each side of my head before gently caressing downward around my face till he cupped each side of my jawline.  A common sign of affection he always did with me.
“They weren’t lying. God you’ve really become a woman now.”
“I know, but I also know that like Rog you can’t help but imagine me as that little girl you first met when my brother joined Smile.”
“That I do.” He smiled softly and gingerly kissed my forehead before hugging me close to him.  It wasn’t until a throat cleared and that’s when my attention turned towards the three women standing there.
“Hate to spoil the reunion, but just letting you guys know we’re still here. And we would like to know just who this famed young girl that has our husbands’ wrapped around her finger is.” The blonde spoke up.  There was no trace of malicious or jealousy in her words, but there was a hint of teasing towards the end.
“Sorry. Chrissie, Veronica, Dominque. This young woman is our biggest fan, future zoologist and Roger’s younger sister, (Y/n) Taylor. (Y/n), this is Brian’s wife Chrissie, Dominque, your sister in law and my lovely wife, Veronica.” Deacy said introducing us.
“Ohh so I’m finally meeting the three famed wives of Queen. Each of your husbands have told me a bit about you, I can’t believe I didn’t put two and two together when I first saw you.” I spoke as I walked up and stood before them.
“Believe us, the boys have told us all about you, especially Roger.” Said Dominque.
“Oh god I swear if he told you any embarrassing stories about me, forget them they didn’t happen the way he says they did. And he’s responsible for most of them happening.” I shook hands with my sister in law and she smiled down at me and she whispered.
“Don’t worry I had your back in defending your honor.” Before winking at me.  Oh I like her already.
“I can’t believe we’re finally meeting the famous (y/n). I especially have been looking forward to this moment for 4 years. The way my husband talked about you I expected to meet a little girl, but you my dear are so grown up.” The brunette Chrissie said.  I smiled and said.
“They all still see me as that little girl, guess it’ll take time for them to see me now.”
“Lovie no matter how big you get you’ll always be my baby sister.” Roger teased as he wrapped his arm around my neck and playfully pinched my cheek.  I whined and shoved him off and that’s when I began looking around.
“Where’s Fred?” at the mention of his name, the guys went either stoic or pissed off.
“C’mon in the studio love, there’s a lot you need to catch up on.” My brother lead me inside the studio while Deacy and Brian grabbed my bags and we all went back into the studio.
It was then I was filled in on everything that had happened.  Apparently now Mary and Freddie broke up with each other and his assistant Paul Prenter had slowly began to move into his life.  Now I vaguely remember meeting Paul a couple of times, but even then I knew there was something about him that I didn’t like.
“Geez, poor Freddie.”
“Paul’s poisoning his mind.” Stated Deacy.
“I wouldn’t doubt that. I mean, even with the couple times I’ve actually met him, I knew I didn’t like him. One look into his eyes and it’s like a Taipan is staring right back at you.”
“Taipan?” asked my brother.
“One of Australia’s most dangerous snakes. One of the boys in my group got bitten by one about a year ago. We never saw it coming; it was wrong place, wrong time.”
“Jesus was he okay?” asked Dominque.
“Yeah, luckily we managed to get him to the hospital where they gave him anti-venom.”
“What’s that?” asked Chrissie.
“They milk venom from the snakes and with the help of some brilliant chemists and scientists, they can create a potent to counteract the venom in the body. If they are given it in time, and it has to be from the same species of snake or spider or whatever venomous creature you’re getting it from. If you use black mamba anti-venom to counteract a rattlesnake venom, it does nothing.”
“Wow, the things science is doing for us nowadays.” Said Veronica.
“Okay so we’ve established the fact that Paul’s a snake, but what can we do to help Freddie?” my brother demanded.  No one spoke up until I said.
“I guess the only thing we can do is just be there for him as much as we can.”  The guys were hesitant but they agreed solemnly. “So what were you guys up to before I got here?”
“Well we were supposed to rehearse at Freddie’s request but of course he decided to not to show up.” Answered Deacy.
“So we were gonna head out and treat the boys to lunch, would you care to join us?” asked Veronica.
“Yes please, if you don’t mind. I’ve been on a plane for over 12hours with only snacks to keep me happy. And don’t get me wrong but plane food can only go so far.”
“Then have no fear sister dear, let’s get that tummy of yours filled with some real meat.” Roger as he poked my stomach making me curl up and push his hand away. It was then Brian spoke up.
“(Y/n), what’s that scarring on your leg?” I looked down and sighed.
“Well let’s just say Cody, the boy who got bit by a snake wasn’t the only one who experienced an animal attack. Mine however was a bit more vicious.”
“What happened? What hurt you and how come you never told me about this? How long ago was it?” Roger began frantically asking questions in a demanding tone.
“Rog relax I lived. Aaron got a bit cocky thinking that just because he was from Texas he could wrangle any pig. So he snuck out away from the school grounds and found a trial leading to a herd of wild feral pigs. Nearly got himself killed had I not been there to save his sorry ass. Thankfully before the pig could tear a main artery, the professor came and fired a gun into the air which scared the boars away. Had to be given over 20 stitches and 4 weeks of bedrest, but at least I didn’t end up with an amputation.”
“Did they call mum and inform her what had happened? How long ago did it happen?”
“It happened 6 months after joining the program, and yes they did. They always inform the parents of anything that happens to the students, and critical injuries or hospital visits are immediately told to the parents.”
“Well why didn’t she call me about it?”
“Weren’t you guys on the American tour around that time?” He shrugged before wrapping his arms around me bringing me close to him.  “Hey, I’m alright. Just hurt like a bitch but I’m okay.” I said softly as I rubbed his forearm.
“I just wish I could’ve been there. I could’ve saved you, helped made you comfortable as you were on bedrest. Kissed your boo-boos away.” I groaned out his name he softly chuckled and said, “still scars or not you’re still every bit the baby sister I know and love. I’ll take you no matter what.” He stroked down my hair and leaned his head on top of mine.  I smiled and nuzzled into his neck until Brian spoke up.
“We’ll try coming here again tomorrow, but for now I say let’s celebrate our best girl’s return with a well-earned English lunch.”  Everyone was in agree so we took my bags, placed them in the trunk of my brother’s car and we all headed out to lunch.
Throughout the entire day, we spent the day at my favorite restaurant and I told them more about the program and how my official diploma would be shipped to me in the next month or so.
The next day it was pretty much like the same thing as yesterday.  I was sitting between Chrissie and Veronica on the couch. Roger and Dominque were sitting together on a chair looking through a boating magazine.  Deacy who was sitting on the other side of Veronica were talking together while Brian sat on the drum risers.  I’ve noticed that for the past hour he’s been softly tapping his foot twice and softly clapping his hands.
“What about this one?” muttered Roger.
“This one is for me.” Dominque spoke.
“I don’t see how you can buy a boat Rog, and most importantly where would you keep it?” I questioned.
“First of all it’s a yacht, totally different. And second down by the docks of course. We’ve got a lake house that we bought about a year ago.”
“How come you always get the good stuff when I go away?”
“Aww don’t worry love, I’ll buy you one soon enough. Till then you can take the basement whenever you come and visit.”
“Roger, don’t you boot your sister down there, it’s not even finished.” Dominque said.
“Thank you Nicky, you’re the best sister I could ever ask for.” I reached out for her hand and she took mine.
“Everyone up on the drum risers.” Brian suddenly stated as he now stood up.  We were a bit confused a bit till Brian emphasized his point once more, “Up on the drum risers.”
“Finally some action!” I moaned out as I sat up and as I walked up Brian said.
“Thank you (y/n), showing some enthusiasm.” As I stood beside him, he wrapped his arm around me and kissed the top of my head as I hugged him around his waist. It was then Deacy spoke up.
“Just (y/n), or all of us?”
“Yes, yes c’mon John. Everyone up, I’m not waiting any longer.” Soon everyone got off their butts and walked up onto the drum risers.  Chrissie stood to my left while Dominique stood to my right.
“Bass?” questioned Deacy as he made the gesture of holding his bass guitar in his hand but Brian told him and even gave him a mock kick to his bum.
“No don’t need it, get up. Well c’mon Rog take your time.”
“Alright. What’s this about?” Roger spoke as he was the last to get up on the stage and that’s when Brian said.
“You remember our last concert? The crowd were singing our songs back to us. I mean it was deafening but—it was wonderful. They’re becoming a part of our show. I want to encourage that so…..I’ve got an idea to involve them a little bit more.” He then began stomping the ground twice before breaking on the third beat. He did that a few times before John sneered with sarcasm.
“Thank you John.” Brian spoke mockingly.  I just rolled my eyes at their interaction before Brian urged all of us again, “C’mon.” Soon everyone started to stomp along with Bri.  I felt a little out of place and I was just about to slowly back off when Brian spoke again, “That means you too (y/n).”
“Yeah, now c’mon join the ranks.” My brother then pulled me between him and Deacy and I joined in on the rhythmic stomping.  “Good. Now I want you to clap on the third beat.”  Soon it formed into a STOMP, STOMP CLAP. STOMP, STOMP CLAP.
“Don’t speed up!” My brother claimed but he looked down at me and playfully bopped my nose.  I glared playfully up at him as Brian said.
“Rog keep that time.” We all continued the tempo following my brother’s lead when I heard Brian speak up again after he had turned toward the piano to play a single key, “No Prenter? It’s unusual to see you without your clone?”
“It’s unusual seeing you be so bitchy.” I looked up to see the last Queen member I didn’t see the other day, the front man himself Freddie Mercury.  He looked different as well, much like Deacy his hair was now shorter.
“That’s usually me.” Deacy spoke as he pointed to himself and I playfully bumped into his arm.  Brian turned back around toward us and playfully teased my brother.
“Ahh you’re keeping time Rog, good.” I heard my brother playfully scoff and that’s when Freddie stood beside Bri and asked.
“What’s going on?”
“You’d know if you were on time.” Said my brother as we all ceased our stomping and claps and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.  Freddie turned to look at my brother as he said.
“I’m a performer darling not a Swiss train conductor.” He then turned to Brian and said, “Sorry I’m late.”
“Again.” Deacy spoke bluntly.  Fred turned back towards us and when he finally took notice of me he said.
“And just who is here with us today?”
“If you were here yesterday Freddie, you’d realize it’s me.” His eyes widened and he said.
“No way, (y/n)? Little (y/n) Taylor?” I nodded and grinned at him.  He grinned back at me and stated as he pointed at me, “Afterwards, you and me, outside. We’ve got some things to talk about.” He then turned back to Brian and continued, “Now back to the matter at hand, will you please tell me why you’re not playing any instruments?”
“I wanna give the audience a song that they can perform. Alright? Let them be a part of the band so what can they do?” Brian then resumed stomping and clapping two times before we all resumed and joined him.  Even Freddie joined in at one of the claps.  “Imagine….thousands of people. Doing this in unison, hmm?” Freddie had a processing look in his eyes before finally saying.
“What’s the lyric?” And it was then a new Queen hit was being born.
As the day went on, I walked over to Brian who was at the controls with pieces of paper scattered around him, pencil in head connecting it to his brain trying to get the right lyrics.  I slowly walked up towards him and asked.
“So this is how the great Brian May works his lyrics?” He turned to me and he smiled.
“It’s how we all work. Though you should’ve seen us when we went to Rockfield farm to record a Night at the Opera. Sheet music everywhere.” I chuckled and sat down next to him in the extra chair.  I grabbed one of the lyrics sheets and read the lyrics.
“This is good Brian.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah, I mean just based off of the rhythm you had going down, made me think about all the sporting events that happened back down in Australia. You think London is fanatic when it comes to football, you clearly haven’t seen the Aussie’s do it, along with rugby. Those fans get insane.”
“I can imagine. But I’m unclear of which order to do some of the lyrics.” I stood up and placed the lyric sheet I had back down and leaned over his shoulder to read what he had so far.
“Why not do it like an evolution type thing.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean like you’ve got each new stanza starting with man. But why not go in age order. Start with a young boy who once started off in the schoolyard kicking mud around, then the young ambitious young man thinking he was gonna rule the world someday, kinda like what my brother envisioned.”
“Before finally ending it with an old man, after all is said and done all he wants is peace. Love you are brilliant!” he gasped before bringing me into his lap and hugged me tightly.
“What would you guys do without me?”
“Probably have another car song by your brother.”
“Oh don’t even get me started on that.”
“So you agree with me?”
“Yes, infinitely. I was embarrassed at just hearing the song being played by some of my fellow zoologists, mainly the boys who were also car nuts like my brother.”
“Oh I see how it is!” We looked up to see my brother standing there with his arms crossed over his chest.  He walked over to me continuing, “You also think my song’s stupid? Siding with this rotter here?”
“I’m sorry Rog but you’ve got to admit it makes you sound like you’d have sex with a car.”
“At least one Taylor sees the problem with your song.” Brian pipped in.
“You keep out of this!” Roger pointed to Brian.  He then directed his attention to me, he gestured with his finger a ‘come hither’ motion, “You come here.”
“No, no Rog I know that look! Back away from me!” I warned him as I got off of Brian’s lap immediately recognizing the sign of what he was going to do.
“You’ve got nowhere else to go (n/n). Only one way out of here and you gotta get by me to get to it.” I backed myself into a corner as he kept walking toward me.  I quickly looked around before running to the left but he followed and blocked my path.
However what he didn’t expect was for me to go to the right and race out but just before I managed to get out of the door, Roger grabbed me around the waist and threw me over his shoulder.
“Oi yah big goober! Put me down! Roger I’m not kidding I’m not seven years old anymore you can’t do this to me!!”
“Not till you apologize, ready for the helicopter?”
“No! Please Rog anything but tha—HEY!!” As we were now in the middle of the studio, he began to spin me around.  “Stop it! Rog I’m not kidding put me down!”
“Not till you change your mind about my song.”
“Okay then you’re not getting down.” He kept the act up for about 10 minutes till I finally relented and gave my brother what he wanted, even though my opinion didn’t change.  I just wanted to stop the room from spinning and the blood from going to my head.
After helping the boys record the song, I was allowed to go to my first Queen concert in over 4 years.  We were at Madison Square Garden and I was up in the front row in a special center-stage reserved seat that the boys managed to swindle for me.
And getting to see them on a bigger stage with a larger audience and more fans than they did when I last went to a Queen concert at the Rainbow back in ’74 before I left for my program.  They were now full-fledged Rock-gods and I was honored to be apart of their close circle, hell I’m lucky to be related to one of the band members themselves, and a surrogate sister to the other three.
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Born To Be Yours- The Aftermath (one-shot)
Born To Be Yours (one-shot)
Synopsys: College!AU
Follows directly after the events of Born To Be Yours :)
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Genre: flooof; just wanted something fuzzy
Warnings: swearing, implied smut
Word count: 7086
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   “…yeah, yeah, no. I understand,” Bucky heard murmuring from the couch. He looked over and couldn’t help the smile that graced his lips. There sat Y/N- his girlfriend, his best friend that had moved across the ocean taking his heart with her. Yet now she was back and if he had any choice in the matter- he’d make sure they grew old together. They had been official for only a week, but it had been the happiest seven days of his life. Sure, rumours and his gained reputation followed the man around, but he didn’t take it to heart and hoped Y/N didn't either, because he had no intentions of letting this be a short-time thing.    “Yeah, I love you too. Bye.” Y/N pressed the ‘end call’ button and sighed, head thrown back, eyes closed and the Y/H/C not visible with how she had put the blanket around her body. Bucky wrapped the shawl around his neck tighter and went to peck her forehead.    “Everything alright?”    “Everything's just… peachy…” she grumbled out, crossing her arms over her chest.    Bucky chuckled looking at the girl. “Yet somehow I get the feeling it’s quite the opposite.”    Y/N tapped the black phone screen with her fingers before softly flinging it to the couch. “They won’t make it.”    “Who?” Bucky quirked an eyebrow, but then a second later he realised what she was talking about, a sympathetic gaze settling over his features.    “The airport has been closed and all flights cancelled,” Y/N muttered out, letting her eyes follow the pattern of the dance, soft snowflakes were making behind the window.    “I’m sorry, babydoll,” he kissed her hair, resting his cheek against her head and curling his large arms around her smaller shoulders. “Is there anything I can do?”
   He heard her mumble out a small ‘no’ before her whole body sagged with a huff. “It just sucks that I’ll have to spend Christmas alone.”    “What about Loki? Where’s he gone?” Bucky wasn’t too fond of the raven-haired Brit, but he knew how dear he was to Y/N, so if it meant that he could be there for the woman, he’d suffer through the jealousy.    “Flew over to LA, to see his brother. His parents are already there. It’s fine,” she waved a hand in dismissal. “I’ll just catch up on sleep and do some writing.”    Bucky smiled at the thought of Y/N and how she got when her mind thought of notes, fingers immediately making them flutter through the air, the gentle sound of guitar strumming being the only disturbance in their little apartment. But then an idea popped in his head, so obvious he almost physically smacked himself.    “Or you could come with me.”    “What?” Y/N turned to face him.    “Come with me. You know mom and dad would love to see you. They still can’t believe this whole thing,” he referred to her coming back to New York, having become his roommate and now his girlfriend. “They’d be ecstatic. You’ve been practically family since we were kids. Steve and Peggy are also coming, so it’s not like there will be only old people.”    Y/N snorted leaning her head against his palm and kissing it. “I’d love to. The only problem is, I don’t have a ticket to Utah and before you say we have time to buy one, I don’t have the money either. And no,” she interrupted the man before he could open his mouth and say he’d spot her, “I won’t allow you to spend that kind of money on me.”    Her boyfriend whined, hiding his face in the crook of Y/N’s neck, placing small kisses on the skin. “Then how can I make it better? Please. I hate this, hate to leave you all on your own.”    “Just…” she threaded her fingers through his hair and pulled his lips to meet hers. “Just call me. That’s all.”    “No one should be alone on Christmas,” Bucky grumbled in her shoulder.    “I won’t be,” Y/N replied. “As long as you call.”    “I will,” Bucky leaned in sealing the promise with a kiss.***    The next three days instead of relaxing with his family before their upcoming trip, Bucky spent being a nervous wreck, trying to find a way how to get Y/N to go with them.
   “Let’s just buy the ticket and be done with it!” his dad exclaimed over the dinner table. “She’s family! What’s there to feel bad about?”    “Dad, no,” Bucky strictly said. “She said she didn’t want me to do that. Besides, if she found out, she’d rip my head off.”    His blue eyes flitted over to his mom, who had been unusually quiet only to see a mischievous expression on her face.    “Mom, no,” Bucky pointed a finger at her.    “I didn’t even say anything!” Winifred exasperated with a laugh.    “I don’t need you to say anything because I know that look. I perfected it.”    The woman only chuckled and looked over at her husband, who mimicked her smile. When Bucky observed the silent conversation they were having, blue orbs darting between his parents like a ping-pong ball, dawn struck him. “You already bought the ticket didn’t you?”    George smugly looked at his son. “The second we found out about the situation.”    Bucky groaned in frustration. “Then why did you not tell me? I’ve been stressing for the past three days! I hate you guys!” He stood up, snatching his large coat and putting it on as fast as he could.    “Drive safe, honey!” his mom called after the boy, hearing him grab the keys for the Jeep.    A giant smile was permanently etched on Bucky’s face as he drove from Brooklyn back to his NYU dorm. He took three steps at a time, dashing up to the fifth floor. When he reached their door, sweat was pouring down his back, so he leaned against the wall before harshly knocking on the wooden panel.    A very groggy looking Y/N opened up their apartment, her body adorned by one of Bucky’s giant t-shirts, reaching down to her thighs as well as his giant sweatpants, immediately making the grin on the man’s face stretch.    “God, you’re adorable.”    The girl was utterly confused. “What? Buck, what are you doing here?”    He thumped off the remanding snow so he wouldn’t carry the cold wet water inside, before pushing past Y/N, going straight into her room and pulling out a small suitcase from the bottom of her bed. She had built herself a blanket forth and Bucky’s heart leapt at the thought that they’d be able to do so as well during Christmas time; snuggling up close and having the girl wrapped in his arms as they watched the flames flicker in the fireplace while eggnog sat by their sides.    “Helping you pack. You’re coming with me.”    Y/N hadn’t moved from her spot in the hallway, observing Bucky’s movements with a blank stare as she was still trying to wake up from a very successful, yet rudely interrupted nap.    “What?” she asked again, this time coming inside the room as well and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.    “You,” Bucky grasped onto her biceps, “are coming with me,” he pointed at himself, “and my family to Salt Lake City. Got it? Christmas. Skiing, snowboarding, eating. Not alone. Following my lead?”    Y/N narrowed in her eyes, crossing her arms. “I told you not to buy me a ticket.”    “I didn’t,” Bucky moved to her dresser and pulled out a few jumpers, noting that most of them were his, as well as the shirts. “As it turns out mom and dad already had. Dunno why they didn’t tell me sooner, but whatever.”    “You told them to buy a ticket?” her voice rose.    “No, they did it themselves.”    “How did they even know that my family wasn’t coming?”    “I mean I did tell them, once I got home.”    “Why?” the girl exasperated.    “What’s the big problem?” Bucky couldn’t understand why Y/N was acting this way. “They want to know how you are doing, they wanna know if you’re okay. You were my best friend, hell, you’re my girlfriend. Of course, they’d be concerned, of course, they’d want to spend time with you.”    “I just,” Y/N started the sentence but didn’t finish, instead she opted for a deep groan and falling down to the bed. Her palms went over her face, muffling the words as she spoke, but Bucky could clearly hear them.    “How could you ever think you’re a burden? To me? To us?”    “Well, things between us happened so fast, like literally, a week ago we barely spoke to one another, then we had mind-blowing sex and now we’re dating. Let alone three months ago, when we hadn’t seen one another in years.”    “And is that a bad thing?” Bucky sat down, a soothing hand going to rest on Y/N’s thigh. “I was serious about the fact that I’ve been in love with you since I was fourteen.”    “And I believe you,” the girl sat up, tugging at her boyfriend's hoodie’s straps. “But going on family vacation after only a week of being together when as a whole we’ve been apart for years?… it just feels like I’m intruding.”    Bucky looped an arm around her shoulders and pulled Y/N towards his chest, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “You silly girl. How can you not understand it- we all want you there. Most importantly, I want you there. You said it yourself- we’ve been apart for years, almost a decade, so pardon me for wishing to spend every possible second with the girl who flew all across the ocean taking my heart with.”    “You’re such a sap,” she mumbled in the crook of his neck, but Bucky could feel her lips curl up.    “But I’m your sap.”    “Mhm, you better be.”
    They packed with soft smiles playing on their faces. Gentle music swayed through the air as Y/N had placed Benny Goodman on the record player.    “That should be the last of it,” Y/N said while stuffing Bucky’s red henley in her suitcase. She zipped it up and locked it with a small latchkey.    “Then we’re all set,” the boy smirked pulling on Y/N’s hand before she could take the large fluffy coat and put it on her. “But,” he drawled out the word, “I wanna dance first.”    Y/N groaned in exasperation, but she couldn’t contain the grin stretching on her lips. “I swear to everything you hold dear, this cheesiness is making me lactose intolerant.”    “Oh you love it,” he pulled their bodies close, so close in fact they were chest to chest, hearts thrumming together, beating to the same rhythm and muscles relaxing as the pair fell into a comfortable silence.    “You know,” Bucky pressed a kiss to Y/N’s temple and hid his nose in her hair, “that day you left- it was the worst day of my life. I honestly didn’t know what I’d do without you there. I mean, I had Steve and all, but it was such a drastic change. And then I realised that I liked you more than a friend… it crushed me… I was a mess even through high school.”    “Buck,” big Y/E/C eyes looked up at him, a palm cradling his cheek.    “ ’S okay, doll. I think it had to happen, I think I had to learn a lesson. To finally realise what things meant and to get my head out of my ass. Granted, I was still an ass, but I don’t think, I would’ve told you how I felt, I wouldn’t have found the courage. I had to realise that sleeping on things, letting them simmer is not gonna make them disappear. And as much as it hurt, to go through it, I have you here now, so it was all worth it.”    He leaned down capturing the girl’s lips in a sweet kiss, yet this was much different than the ones they had shared before. This one was laced with a whisper of ‘you’re my all’ and ‘I’m all yours’.    “Ready to go?” Bucky breathlessly asked pulling back from Y/N, eyes still closed trying to live in the blissful moment if only for a second more.    “With you- anywhere.”
    They spent two more days in the Barnes’s household, Winifred and George being utterly over the Moon about Y/N finally being there with them and having become Bucky’s girlfriend. Steve and Peggy arrived on the day before the flight, seeing as they would take one car and the rest of the night was spent laughing, eating great food and reminiscing about the college students’ childhoods.    “She broke his nose, I’m telling you,” Bucky threw his head back, howling as Steve told Peggy how Y/N had punched a kids nose so hard, while defending him, the poor boy had to be sent to a hospital.    “It’s not my fault he was being an asshole! You don’t mess with my friends,” the woman crossed her arms over her chest, but smugly looked at Steve.    “God, I love you,” Bucky kissed the top of her head again.    Peggy threw the blond a knowing look while leaning her head against his large shoulder.    “You two are so sweet I feel my teeth rotting,” she mussed while Steve carded his fingers through her brown locks.    Bucky hummed in agreement while Y/N could only roll her eyes.    “And you’ll have to endure this for three whole weeks. And then some when we get back to uni.”    “I hate you two,” Steve said looking at his best friends who were so in love the rest of the world seemed not to exist.    “Nah, punk,” Bucky looked down at Y/N who had slowly started to doze off, “you absolutely eat this shit up.”    “Jerk.”    “Mmm, you’re both little bitches,” the girl mumbled before falling asleep safely curled up in Bucky’s side.*
    The alarm went off at 3AM, singling it was time to wake up and go to the airport. Bucky groaned by Y/N’s side, pulling her retreating body closer to his.    “Five more minutes, doll. Nothing will happen if we just sleep for a bit more.”    “You say that every time before you rush to the lectures because you slept in. Come on, we have to get ready.”    Her boyfriend whined and Y/N would’ve thrown him a glare if she wasn’t so dead-tired herself. “Buck, come on, let’s take a shower.”    Reluctantly, the muscly man rolled out of the comfort of the soft covers, only for his palm to be greeted by Y/N’s warm one. She tugged him along, switching the light of the bathroom on. Both groaned in unison as they had trouble adjusting to the brightness of the bulbs, so they hid their faces; Y/N in Bucky’s chest and he in the crook of her neck.    “I could stay like this forever,” he mumbled, strong arms soothingly moving up and down her back.    The girl could only manage a hum, her form moulding to his, seeking the warmth he provided her with during the night.    “Want me to turn the water on?”    She was exhausted, Bucky could tell, as Y/N meekly nodded. He lifted the girl up, her whole entire being sagging with the motion as he placed her on his countertop, before reaching over and opening the plastic curtains; cold streams of water hitting his arm as he let it warm up.    Y/N was rubbing out the sleep from her eyes, limbs stretching allowing Bucky to see the bare skin of her stomach where a dark bruise had formed on her hip, right above her panty line. Delicate fingers went to trace the love bite and the girl sighed, feeling her boyfriend’s tender touch.    “You okay there, baby? Seem a bit… tired.”    “Fuck you, Barnes,” Y/N said through a laugh while draping her arms around his neck.    “Already did. Might I say pretty good as well.”    She swatted at his chest, but the weak slap of her palm was replaced by her head as she rested her cheek against where his heart thudded.    “That was an asshole move you know,” Y/N half-heartedly scolded him. “Steve and Peggy were behind one wall, and your parents behind the other. Do you know how mortifying it would be if they had heard us?”    “Well the first two you’re talking about have walked in on us before, so I don’t give a single fuck, but the latter- don’t you think that was kinda exciting? Almost getting caught? Having to be so quiet because you can’t lock the door here?”    “Not when it’s your parents,” Y/N said and pecked his neck where there were clear teeth marks. For a second she felt guilty having bitten Bucky so hard, but then again, it was his fault they had found themselves in such a compromising position, she had had to contain the moans somehow.    “The water’s hot, doll,” he mumbled trying to pry Y/N away, so they could take a shower, but with no avail.    “Too comfy.”    “Oh, you big baby. Come on,” he said, “arms up.”    With closed eyes, Y/N could feel Bucky’s shirt leave her chest and his fingers hooking in the hem of her panties tugging them down. He lifted her hips up before setting the girl back on the counter so he could discard his own boxers.    At that moment there was no primal desire, no unquenching lust clouding the man’s mind, no need to hear Y/N scream his name as her body shook with pleasure. He just wanted to be there with her, skin to skin, nose to nose while soothing water cascaded down upon them, relaxing every taut muscle and strained ligament.    “Your back is in knots, doll,” it wasn’t a statement, more an exclamation of surprise, because if there was one person Bucky thought could ace everything with little to no effort it was his girl. Though now, trailing his palms up her back and down her shoulders, he truly saw how stressed she was. And he was incredibly happy Y/N would be coming with them to the cabin, letting her relax and enjoy being free from assignments.    The girl mumbled something incoherent in his chest as a response. Reluctantly and with all the strength she had, she detached from Bucky to reach over for the shampoo bottle.    “Let me do it,” he took the lavender smelling liquid from her, but instantly she yanked it out of his grip.    “I’m already about to fall asleep, you being all lovey-dovey on me ain’t helping.”    “You weren’t complaining three minutes ago,” he circled his arms around her bare waist, feeling her abdomen shake with laughter.    “Well, now I am.”    “Come on,” he whined. “Let me take care of my girl.”    Y/N lathered the shampoo in her hair and started to massage it, a soft fragrance filling the bathroom. “You’ll have three whole weeks to do so.”    Bucky smiled and went to wash his body. “I’ll hold you to it.”
    The shower took the pair longer than anticipated because almost halfway through it, while the conditioner set in Y/N’s hair and she was just about to wash the rest of her form, Bucky had suddenly pushed her against the cold tile wall and once again ravished the girl until she was nothing but a blubbering mess unable to stand on her own two legs; the only feeling that existed was the overwhelming white-hot pleasure and Bucky’s muscles rippling underneath her fingers. Though seeing Peggy’s flushed cheeks and plump lips, she was happy she wasn’t alone in this situation.    “I swear those boys are animals,” Y/N muttered to the Brit.    “Tell me about it,” Peggy huffed, looking at Steve who was smirking at Bucky.    Winifred and George walked into the kitchen, pulling out six thermo cups and pouring coffee in two of them. “You kids ready to hit the road?”    “Yup,” Steve piped up, handing Peggy a cup with the bitter drink while Bucky did the same for Y/N.    The drive to the airport took a little longer than an hour, Y/N snoozing on her boyfriend’s shoulder while the rest held soft conversations, still not entirely awake. But when they got to JFK she was shaken to consciousness seeing how Dot was there too. And in the same line to hand in her luggage for the flight to Salt Lake City.    “Bucky!” she exclaimed a bit too enthusiastically throwing her arms around him and pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Are you going skiing too?”    “Uh, yeah,” Y/N saw how clearly uncomfortable he was, though stepping in seemed like a bad idea given how their last time had ended. Good for Y/N, not for the other girl.    “Hi, I’m Dot,” she introduced herself to Bucky’s parents, whose eyebrows had shot up so high, she couldn’t see them underneath their hats.    “I’m George, Bucky’s dad and this is my wife Winifred.”    “It’s such a pleasure,” the brown-haired woman beamed. “Where exactly are you going?”    “Breezewood Resort,” he informed the girl who only smiled wider.    “No way! I’m going there as well,” she looked over her shoulder to see a woman waving for her to come. “Sorry, gotta run. We should definitely hang out,” Dot said that last sentence looking directly Bucky in the eyes and threw a smirk in Y/N’s direction as she sauntered off, putting a bit more swing her in her jean-clad hips than necessary.    “Well, that was…” Peggy started but couldn’t finish the sentence with everything she knew about the woman, Bucky and Y/N, how the relationship had formed and evolved.    “Yup,” Y/N popped the ‘p’ and rolled her suitcase along the moving line. As it turned out her winter break would be more interesting than anticipated.
    For the remainder or their waiting in the airport and the flight itself, Bucky was stuck to his girlfriend like superglue had been poured over them.    “I’m gonna kick your parents’ ass, you know,” Y/N sleepily grumbled while resting on the before mentioned man’s shoulder.    “They’re not that bad,” he chuckled pressing a kiss to the woman’s neck.    “No, but business class is a bit too much.”    “We’re all flying in it.”    “Don’t matter. You know I hate it when you spend money on me.”    “Nuh uh, baby,” Bucky smirked at her, “I didn’t spend a cent.”    “Whatever, you douche. It’s the same thing.”    “Sleep, doll. You’re getting cranky again.”    He draped an arm over her shoulders, pulling the armrest up so that Y/N could snuggle into his chest. The grey blanket the plane had provided warmed up her feet, while Bucky’s own body, his smell and the fact that she just felt completely and utterly safe, allowed the girl to fall in a deep sleep, where the only thing she existed was the soft caresses of the man she loved.    The next three hours while flying through the sky Bucky spent gazing at Y/N. His mind still reeled every time he thought that it was finally happening, that after years of living with a hopeless love, he could finally wrap his body around hers and she would be there. Not a dream, a mirage or hallucination, but actually there to press up against him with the same fervour.    “I’m gonna say what Y/N would if she was awake,” Steve’s voice invaded Bucky’s mind from where his friend sat right behind them. “Stop being a creep.”    “I’m not a creep,” the brunet chuckled, “I’m being romantic.”    He could hear Peggy snort and feel Steve roll his eyes.    “Oh, shut it you punk. Or do I need to tell Pegs about you and your creepy endeavours?”    There was a sharp pain on the back of his head and a hiss escaped Bucky, as he rubbed the spot.    “If Y/N wasn’t asleep I would kick your ass.”    “Save the trash talk for the mountain, Buck.”    And with a smile on his lips he fell asleep, Y/N’s soft breaths and gentle heartbeat soothing him until the world around them didn’t exist.
    The cabin was amazing, made from solid logs, and the surrounding snow making everything look serene. Bucky, Y/N, Steve and Peggy occupied one house while Winifred and George took another. Since the Rogers’ family was supposed to join halfway through as well, they saw no issue with having a little bit of their own privacy and allowing the kids to well, be kids.    “Dibs on the west-end room,” Bucky called while sprinting up the stairs, his smaller suitcase clambering to the floor.    “Come on man! You had it last year!” Steve hollered up the steps.    “Yeah,” his friend shouted from somewhere above, “and you had it the three years before. So suck it up, loser.”    Y/N threw Peggy a glance and the British woman only rolled her eyes, pulling her man along by his sleeve to what she could only assume was the other room. There was a giant living space with an adjacent kitchen, while a hot tub lazily steamed outside on the terrace, visible from the floor to ceiling window-wall.    Suddenly strong arms wove around Y/N’s waist while a scruffy chin settled in the crook of her neck.    “It’s beautiful here,” she whispered as if any louder sound would burst the magic, making it disappear and normal life settling in its place.    “It is.” Bucky did the cliche thing and said it while looking at Y/N, who only rolled her eyes and snored, the adorable sound escaping in the air, making the man feel all fuzzy on the inside seeing her so happy and relaxed.    “Sap,” Y/N muttered leaning into his touch.    “I prefer romantic.”    “Whatever you say, Romeo.”    Silence settled over them like snow on the treetops- heavy, but soft and soothing at the same time.    “What’s so special about the west-end room?” what seemed like hours later Y/N asked, back flush against Bucky’s chest. And the question reminded him that she had never seen, nor been here.    “It has the most amazing view.”    “Better than this?”    “Well, I’ll let you make your own conclusions,” and gently he made Y/N follow him, their fingers intertwined and playing with one another, Bucky’s twirling the little silver band that sat snugly around her pointer finger.    Their apartments were exquisite if anything else; and yes, as much as she hated to admit- Bucky was right- the room did have the most amazing view. It was a cosy place with a black-marble tiled bathroom attached to it. But the one extra it had, the other room didn't- it shared the same floor to ceiling window that started downstairs, only this time, the sloped roof was made of glass as well, allowing bright stars to shine overhead. Her breath hitched in her throat as Y/N took in the galaxy sprawling above.    “Wow,” she managed a whisper.    “It was the same thing I said the first time I stayed here. Only now I get to share it with the one person I always loved.”    “Sentimental jerk,” Y/N turned her head to look at Bucky. He was staring right back with those big blue eyes of his and a smirk etched onto his lips.    “But your sentimental jerk.”    “And I couldn’t wish for more,” the girl’s fingers wove through his hair pulling Bucky in for a deep kiss.
    The first week of their winter break, Bucky and Y/N spent in a giggling bliss. Every morning they woke up before Steve and Peggy, so together they made breakfast. Then, they’d either go see Bucky’s parents and catch up a bit or simply spent time with the other love-sick couple. When evening came, they would fall asleep watching the flames flicker in their room’s fireplace, nothing but the smell of pinewood and smoke lulling them into a dreamless state.    Steve’s parents flew in a couple of days later, situating themselves with the ‘old guys’ as they mockingly called themselves, and that should’ve been the start of fun, skiing, snowboarding and all around good times, but ever since the second their group stepped foot on the slopes, Dot was all over them, especially a certain brunet hunk.    Right now they were all in the local ski resort cafe, opting for eating there, rather than going to their cabins, so they could just easily pop back onto the tracks when they were done. Only one problem was that the second they entered the snug little place, Dot invited herself to sit at their table. And seeing how no one wanted to be rude, they just sorta went with it.    The girl had looped her arm through Bucky’s and she was laughing at what George had said, albeit a bit too much. Y/N felt Steve nudge her from where she was sitting on the other side of her boyfriend.    “You okay?” he asked. The blond had been throwing her worried looks, but she just kept rolling her eyes.    “Why wouldn’t I be?” she whispered back. Peggy gave her a knowing glance, and Y/N thought her own Y/E/C orbs would stay rolled back into her head. But she’d be lying if it didn’t bother her at all. For one, Bucky seemed a bit too comfortable and two, he had made no motion to push Dot away. Y/N could ask him to stop acting so familiar with the girl, but then she’d come off as clingy and since their relationship was quite fresh, she felt like it would only damage what trust they had slowly built and were still creating.    “Wanna hit the mountain, Y/N?” Steve pulled her out of her thoughts. She glanced over to where Bucky had his plate only half done, because of Dot and her incessant talking. Seeing as the girl herself was full and she wanted to snowboard as much as possible, she eagerly nodded her head. Grabbing her helmet, Y/N stood up and gave Bucky a peck on his cheek, but if she had looked into his eyes, she would’ve noticed the pleading glance, the worry and frustration he felt.    “Pegs, we’re going!” Y/N called for the Brit who was now jogging back from the bathroom. She popped in her headphones so could music blast through and in case someone called, she wouldn’t have to fumble with pulling the phone from an inside pocket.    “I’ll meet you on the trail?” Bucky called from behind seeing the three people descend the stairs. His only answer was a small nod from Y/N before they disappeared.    “You still with me, Buck?” Dot asked giving him a squeeze on the bicep.    Unfortunately, he thought to himself but returned to the conversation nonetheless. 
    In all honesty, Y/N was enjoying her time immensely. With her ‘Boost Me Up’ playlist thudding in her ears, she slid along the tracks and to the ramp area. At first as a warmup she simply glided, not doing anything too extreme, but then, when a whole group of snowboarder hot-heads like her arrived and they asked if she wanted to join in on the fun, without a second to spare, she clasped the board to her feet.    Bucky had checked every track possible but was unable to find his girlfriend. When he finally got out of the cafe, he hoped Dot would just go off with the people she had come here with, but instead the woman decided to tag along.    “One more pair of eyes can’t hurt,” she had said with a wide smile.    He had tried calling, but Y/N wouldn’t pick up, making his stomach churn. Steve had skied up to him only a few seconds ago, covering the man in snow, but at that point, the blond was his best bet.    “Where’s Y/N? I can’t find her anywhere.”    “Relax, dude. She’s at the ramps, completely shredding it.”    “Ramps?” Bucky’s stomach did a flip. Yeah, he knew she was capable and loved adrenaline, but at the same time, she liked that rush a bit too much. There had been more than one time as kids where she tried to do something crazy only to end up in the ER with a broken wrist or a dislocated kneecap.    But when his eyes befell on her electric blue snowsuit, how with no effort at all she grabbed the underside of the board and jumped through the air, Bucky couldn’t help the awe.    “Fuck, that’s my girl,” a proud grin split his face.    “You know her?” a stranger asked. Looking to his right the brunet saw a bunch of snowboarders all sitting around and watching the spectacle.    Bucky squared his shoulders and looked back to where Y/N threw her hands in the air, a victory salute before settling in the line to get back to the mountaintop. “That’s my girlfriend.”    “Then you’re one lucky guy,” the stranger stood up, his shoulders broad and straight as he extended an arm. “I’m Thor. And you must be Bucky.”    “Wh- wait. Thor? As in the brother of Loki?”    “The same.”    “Aren’t you supposed to be in LA with your family?”    “Well, we were,” he shrugged. “But what is Christmas without snow?”    Y/N’s laughter invaded Bucky's senses making him look over to where she was holding onto Loki’s shoulders as he dragged them along to where everybody else was.    “Buck!” she excitedly shouted over the loudness of the track. “Can you believe this?”    “Honestly, no, I can’t.” Jealously had slipped into the words, but Y/N didn’t seem to notice. He took off his own board and went over to help her. “I was worried,” Bucky twirled a strand of hair that had somehow gotten out of her tight braid and helmet. “You didn’t pick up.”    “Sorry,” she said, but it was like the girl was out of it, joy and adrenaline rushing through her bones, igniting every fibre in her body. “I didn’t hear it.” Y/N wasn’t even looking at him. Instead, her eyes were trained on Thor who was talking about having a full-on race. It made Bucky’s heart clench.    “You in, Y/N?” the accented voice called for her.    “Are you kidding me? Of course, I’m in. Someone has to teach you assholes the proper way of trashing a mountain.”    “Ohh,” a woman with dark brown hair exclaimed, standing up from the freezing ground, attaching her ski slopes, “you’re on Y/L/N.”    “Bring it, Hill,” Y/N widened her arms as if awaiting a tackle, before erupting in laughter and looking back at Bucky.    “Do you wanna join?”    “Uh- I’ll- uh, I think I���ll just keep Peggy some company and relax a bit.”    “Okay then,” Y/N popped her goggles back on, but then removed them again, a certain look in her eyes. Bucky got a bit confused by that, though when her lips connected to his, the burning passion went through every piece of his body, warming up even his numb nose. She bit down onto his lower lip, tugging it between her teeth, eliciting a borderline pornographic moan from the man.    “What was that for?” he breathlessly asked, air from his mouth escaping into the cold winter and turning into smoke.    “Just…” she drawled out, “reminding you who to root for.”    “I’m your number one fan, doll. Always have been.”    And with a wink she snapped her claps closed, sliding to join the people who had entered this makeshift tournament. Bucky stood to the side, watching as his girlfriend talked with the group before some of them, mostly people he didn’t know, set off on the track.    “Buck?” a sweet sounding voice came from behind. “You alright?” It was Dot and exactly at that moment, Bucky regretted not accepting the offer. With the insane kiss, Y/N had given him, the man completely forgot about the brunette’s existence. But to be fair he forgot about everybody else and if it had gone on for a moment longer, there had been a high possibility things could’ve gotten very inappropriate.    He threw his head back in annoyance. Not necessarily at Dot, but more so at himself. “Look, Dot. I don’t know what your game here is, but nothing is going to happen,” her mouth opened to protest, but Bucky cut her off. “And even if we had finished what we started that night, it would never have gone further than a one-and-done. I’m sorry, that I was such a jerk and used you, but there were never any feelings from my part. I truly am sorry, but you would’ve never been the one. Not for me at least. I’m not opposed to hanging out, but all the touching, intervening with my family like this, unannounced- that has to stop. I was a jerk and I know karma is coming my way, but it was always Y/N. And always will be. It wasn't a mistake that I said her name.”    The woman looked shocked, definitely not expecting what had come out of Bucky’s mouth. It took her a good couple of minutes to mull over the words, but when she did, her face was unreadable. “You know, I did have the intention of trying to win you over. I mean, you are the James Buchanan Barnes. But now I see… She’s it for you.”    That made Bucky chuckle, a pink tinge colouring his cheeks, this time not from the temperature. “Has been since I was fourteen.”    Dot nodded, arms crossed over her chest while looking down to the ground. He could see how she was chewing on her bottom lip before resolve settled over her features. “Honestly, that night when I ran away I regretted it almost immediately. I thought if we talked it out this could work. You hurt me- then and now. Especially hearing what I really was to you… but somehow I understand it. I don’t forgive you. But I understand.”    With that she put on her helmet and slid off, zigzag ski marks the only indication she had been there.
   In the end, Loki had won the competition. Something about Norse blood in his lineage and yadda yadda yadda, which meant that his drinks were on everybody else. They sat in the same small cafe for a while. Steve whispered sweet nothings to Peggy and Bucky was huddled up close to his girlfriend, while the group chatted merrily about tomorrow’s Christmas morning. Though after a while, people started to yawn and splinter off. That is why, Bucky and Y/N now sat curled up by the fireplace in their bedroom, hot mugs of cocoa snuggled in between their palms.    “I’m sorry,” he muttered into her hair.    “What for?” her voice was lazy, eyes hypnotised by the orange force of nature flickering on the logs.    “Today. Dot. Everything.”    Y/N huffed, shifting in her position so that now she could face Bucky, her legs thrown over his body as the man himself gently rubbed her outer thigh.    “Listen, I’m not mad at you. Nor am I disappointed or feeling any kind of negative emotion towards you. I’d be lying if I said I was completely okay with Dot highjacking most of your time, but here’s the thing- I trust you Bucky. I have complete faith in you. I was not going to tell her off, because I don’t want to be that kind of a girlfriend, the one that doesn’t allow her guy to spend time with other females. But at the same time, even though I really, really wanted to snap her fingers for touching you that way,” she felt Bucky’s chuckle reverberate through her, warming her insides with the sweet notion, “I know that you don’t have feelings for her. And this might sound cocky, but I know you love me. I feel it whenever you touch me, I can hear it in every word you say to me and I can clearly see it when you look at me. Because guess what- I give you the same look.”    Bucky was borderline crying, tears making his vision swim. “I love you so much, doll.” It was a breath of words, almost inaudible, but still, Y/N heard it loud and clear.    “Not as much as I love you.”    She didn’t get the intended reaction though, because instead of the man pulling her in for the kiss of the century, he stood up and walked away.    “Bucky?” Y/N called after him, worried that something had gone wrong.    “Hold on a minute!”    Nervously the girl chewed on her nail before his large frame once again entered the room, a small pack in his arms.    “I was gonna give this to you as a part of the present tomorrow morning, but I think I want you to have it now.”    Y/N raised an eyebrow, a smirk appearing on her face. “You think or you know?”    “For fucks, sake, Y/L/N, just open the damned present!” Bucky exclaimed, but there was nothing malicious in his tone.    Anticipation rose in her chest as she tore off the simple brown paper only for confusion to overtake, as her fingers skimmed over a bunch of letters. There had to be at least thirty and they definitely had been written years ago, white paper having yellowed with time.    “Buck, what is this?”    “These,” he took the first little square and kneaded the corner, “are all of the letters I meant to send you, but never did. After that, it sorta became like my diary- writing things that happened during the day, how much I missed you and wished you were beside me. Starting with how I actually felt about you. I was mostly afraid that I wouldn’t receive an answer and by the time I felt confident enough to actually mail them... well, you were already back in my life. But then things went downhill, we fell apart, I was a complete and utter jerk. So now, I hope that somehow this shows you just how much you truly mean to me, how much I truly love you... ”    Tears trickled down Y/N’s cheeks, which Bucky, gently wiped away.    “God, I hate you, you sappy asshole. It’s like you’re literally out of a Nicholas Sparks’ novel,” she flung her arms around the man’s neck, hiding her face in the crook of Bucky’s neck. He could feel her love seep into him and the former playboy of NYU could only hope that Y/N knew he reciprocated with every atom of his being. After all, only two winters later, he would be in the same position, in the same room, only this time, a beautiful diamond band would twinkle in the soft lights as it made its home on Y/N's ring finger forever.
Tags (crossed out wouldn’t take): @supernaturalbaesduh @breezy1415 @pizzarollpatrol @crazy--me @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @sea040561 @staryeyedgirl @deathbyarabbit @s-c-a-r-e-d-po-t-t-e-r @reblogger-not-a-blogger  @thunderous-flower @who-cares-rn @lumelgy @projectxhappiness @callmebucky-doll @palaiasaurus64 @coal000 @killuaenthusiast @courtneychicken @sophiealiice @raquelbc2003 @watch-out-for-thorns @potentially-kinetic @thatonegirljessy99 @proxinge @bbkenna @buckysclub @ulired @fangirlofeverythingbasically @mrsalh32611 @horrorx570ximagines @the-nargles-made-me-do-it @pooslie @itsisabelanotisabella @nerissa98 @happyseagrill @asguardiansoftheavengers  
A/N: I think this was long overdue. 
Happy birthday to litteral cinammon roll Sebastian Stan! You’ve inspired more people than you know and deserve every ounce of good coming your way, you precious soul!!!
I’ve been in a really weird mood where I’m feeling creative, yet there is literally no motivation. I have quite a few fics started, mapped out and I love the ideas, but I feel so distant from everything, I have no idea what to do. That has been the main reason I haven’t posted anything, but I’m trying to get the groove back :)
P.S. please tell me what you think :)
P.S.S. if you have any requests or wanna be tagged in future stories, drop a message 
P.S.S.S. please don’t repost without credit :)
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mfangeleeta · 5 years
Last Call for Vodka (Update)
Here’s my gift for the Bering and Wells Gift Exchange. I hope you like it @niftybottle! It’s a bit of a fix it for the season that shall not be named. I hope everyone has a great 2019! 
Elton John Songbook
 We’ve all gone crazy lately
 She felt numb. Empty. The warehouse was gone. Mrs. Fredric was gone. HG was…
Myka took a deep breath, fighting back the tears. How could she die? How could she be gone?
How could she…
“Mykes,” Pete knocked on the door. “Time to head out to France.”
She swallowed hard. “Coming.”
 The plane was quiet. They were somewhere over the Atlantic where night had fallen and the light was too far away to be seen.
Myka knew Pete wasn’t asleep. She had ridden next to him enough times to know all the various moods of her partner.
She heard him chuckle under his breath.
“Hard to believe it,” he paused, taking a quick glance at Myka. “HG Wells turned out to be the hero after all.”
“She always was. Helena just got a little lost along the way.” Myka’s voice almost made it through the sentence without cracking.
Pete pulled her closer in comfort.
Myka took a deep breath, fighting back the tears.
  They had left Claudia trapped underground. There was no way in hell she was going to let this mission fail.
Without thinking, she grabbed a chair and threw it through the window of the restaurant. When the owner came out, she shouted out some basterdized Italian and took off. The cops grabbed her quickly and though she fought, they forced her to the ground and put her in cuffs.  She saw Pete and Artie head for the tunnel and relaxed.
  The cell door slammed shut. Thankfully she was alone.  The tears came in violent waves.
“If you pull it, it only gets it tighter.”
Myka felt dizzy for a moment. Hadn’t she just been somewhere else?
The ropes fell slack and Artie was barking instructions. She felt Helena’s hand on her back.
  And while I’m away, dust out the demons inside
 It was karaoke night.
Helena winced as the woman on stage belted out one of the bland hits of Taylor Swift.
“Didn’t think I’d see you in here tonight.”
“Neither did I,” she smiled at the bartender Dan. “But sometimes this is better than being alone.”
“If you say so.”
 She had been on the run with the Astrolabe for one month, three days, and 14 hours. It had thrilled her that Mrs. Fredric trusted her with such a task. It had also gutted her that she would not be able to see Myka. She had seen the forgiveness in her friend’s eyes and she had felt the pull of something deep within her.
 The will to live.
The idea she could love.
That there might be a future in this new world.
 The woman finished to the shouts and cheers of her table of friends.
“Next up, Jordan!”
Helena turned to see a lovely woman with bright blue eyes take the stage. She blushed a little and adjusted the microphone.  Her eyes swept the crowd and landed on the striking woman nursing a whisky at the bar.
The opening notes of Thunder Road began to play.
Helena was captured.
 What do I have to do to make you love me?
“Emily please. Just wait. Just.”
HG stopped packing and looked at the man she’d tried to make a life with. They had been together for nearly a year. The first six months practically perfect.
Then the artifact came.
Adelaide, after getting over her initial fear, had loved the adventure of it all. It had sparked a new interest in history and improving her kenpo skills. She didn’t mind that Emily was really Helena and had grown more attached over the subsequent months.
 Emily had been forced to realize that simply forgetting the past 120 years of her life was not going to be possible. The inventor, the engineer, the scientist had been awakened. The Victorian scoffed at this simple life and this somewhat simple man she had taken as a companion.
 “Just what,” HG tossed another shirt into her suitcase. “We can no longer on with this farce. Adelaide needs a mother who can truly care for her. You need a partner to help raise her. I am neither of those things.”
“I love you Emily,” Nate took HG’s hands in his. “I thought you loved me too.”
“Dearest Nathanial,” she reached up and cupped his cheek. “I will always treasure my time with you and your sweet daughter. I love you both. But my heart belongs to another.”
  “Pete, you don’t have to do this.”
“I do Myka.” Pete grabbed his duffle bag. “I need some space from all of this.” He looked around the Bed and Breakfast.
“And from me,” she finished, tears in her eyes.
He smiled sadly. “I love you. But I have to learn how to love you as a friend again and not as…”
“I know.” She took a deep breath.  “Call me when you get to your sister’s.”
“I will,” Pete gave her a hug and headed out the door.
 From the kitchen doorway, Steve and Claudia watched Myka head back upstairs.
“I know they’re hurting but I am so glad that is over,” Claudia listened to Myka’s door shut. “Way to Lannister for the Warehouse.”
“She does love him,” Steve looked at his best friend. “She was telling the truth at the Round Table.”
“But was she in love with him? “
“It’s evil, crazy or dead.” Claudia rolled her eyes.  “Not evil, crazy and settle.”
“Har har Caretaker junior.” Steve dodged her shoulder punch. “We’re down an Agent with Pete on LOA. Guess that’s more work for you and me.”
“Perhaps.” Claudia smiled.
  They’re coming in the morning with a truck to take me home
 “I didn’t peg you as an Elton John fan.”
Myka smiled. “Mom used to play his early stuff in the bookstore when we were kids.”
“Fond memories then?”
Helena walked further into the library. She had been back for two months, 27 days and 4 hours.
“So how did you come to know his music?”
“Funny enough, Karaoke.” Helena chuckled. “I do have quite the rendition of Philadelphia Freedom.”
“That’s something I’d like to see. And hear.”
“I’m not so sure about the second part. Maybe one time when it’s you Claudia and I on a mission.”
“Next time.”
 The both sighed and fell into silence. Myka had come in here to find a book but Steve had left his record player out. Buried under his meditation albums was a battered copy of Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy. As soon as the first notes played, Myka knew no reading would happen tonight.
Helena had heard music faintly from her room. She had the door slightly ajar, working up the courage to push through it and finally go speak with Myka.  To tell her about being on the run with the Astrolabe. About nights in dive bars and cheap hotels. How Boone was both a blessing and a curse.
And how she had only agreed to come back to the Warehouse until Pete returned. There was no way she would work for the source of her worst life experiences again.
And how through everything she’d kept Myka in her hopes and in her heart.
 Every night for the past two months and 27 days she would get a little closer to opening the door and finding her love. She kept it open in the hopes that Myka might be the first two act. But that was the coward’s way and when songs of love and redemption echoed through the B&B, she knew the time was right.
 Myka got up to flip the record. Neither had spoken during the entire side. When she sat back down Helena offered her hand. Myka took it and squeezed.
Helena squeezed back.
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amongsthewavesff · 6 years
 Morning light hited my face warmily. I opened slowly the eyes, Eddie was beside me, sleeping. I remember I thought: "I'm so fucking lucky" 
Couple minutes after, he opened the eyes, those blue oceans and stare directly at mine, again, my heart was happy: 
  -Good morning, angel- I loved his voice after waking up. 
-Hi, sweetheart! Are you ok? 
-Sure, was a fun night, huh? 
-Yeah, your new friends are actually very kind and funny... 
-Well, you like them, so I think was a cool first meeting, right? 
-Yeah! So what's next, what are we gonna do today?  
-I have a practice with the band, we'll testing some new stuff that Matt got for us 
-Can I go? 
-Sure, babe. But first, let's take a shower, we stink! 
-Ok, come on!- I got up from bed and opened my suitcase, need some clean clothes. 
-You're so gorgeous! Come here! Let's stay in bed a little more longer...-he graped my hips and pull me into his arms. 
-Ok, but, what's this?- I smiled after feel his boner. 
-It's because of this...- he touched my breast and my ass. 
-Ask for it... 
-Ask for it, Belle... 
-I want you right now inside of me...-I was so blushed. 
-Come here, my dear! 
 After taking a shower and have some breakfast, we went to his practice...All that talent, was amazing have been noticed it. 
The band was called "Mookie Blaylock", and they were too good. Matt was this kinda bandmanager.  They practiced really hard, almost 5 hours, trying over and over again, new chords, new lyrics, new bass...I mean, they were really into it. 
That week became amazing, Eddie showed to me a lot of cool and awesome places of the city, at same time he share the pictures and records that he made along four months. By the next friday, Mookie Baylock had a show in a really big rock music bar place. 
The guys gave a incredible show, the crowd were crazy about them! Honestly, they did their best and the fact was that I wasn't the only one who thought it. Everyone were talking about their performance, and were all cool things. 
Back to Stone's place and in the middle of a chat, this girl Sasha was drunk and kind of cheeky.  
She took me by the arm and asked me to speak alone. I agreed, without much encouragement to endure her drunkenness. 
-So, Isabelle, right? 
-Yes, Sasha. What happens? What do you want to talk to me about? 
-Well, I'm just very curious. I mean, Eddie talks about you in a very ... how can I say it? ... in a very different way, you know? You're like a mystery, but I see you and you don't look like that. You look very ordinary, don't get offended. 
-Oh thanks. I suppose. And what you need to be explain? 
-Okay. You have the right to be offended, although it was not my intention, Isabelle ... 
-Look, Sasha, I don't know what's wrong with you, you can't be nice with me since the moment you met me. I don't know what's going on ... let's cope with this situation. 
-Isabelle, I just want you to know that what I'm going to tell you is an act of bravery ...- she said and then made a strange grimace. 
-Of course, no problem.- I said a little confused. 
-I'm falling in love with Eddie ... we're roommates and it's not like we have anything, we're just friends, but I'm feeling things for him ... I'm not trying to get in the meddle of your relationship. Just, from girl to girl, you are very lucky. 
-Oh thanks... 
 -Babe! Here you are! - Eddie hugged me from behind. -Are you having fun? 
-Yep! - I hugged his arms. 
-So, Sash, how you doing, buddy? 
-Everything, Eddie. We just talked a little, girls stuff. - she took a big sip of her drink. 
-I interrupted something? - He kissed me on the cheek 
- Not at all, Edd.- Sasha was ahead to answer 
-You smell so good- Eddie said kissing my neck. 
-Honey! - I laughed a little uncomfortable at the presence of Sasha. 
-I'm sorry, it's just that I miss you so much already 
-Don't be exaggerated, it's still here- Sasha smiled genuinely. 
-Oh, if you knew how much I need her here. Her smile, her arms, her voice before sleeping ... never leave, Belle... 
-Ok, guys. See you later- she walks away. 
-So. What were you talking about?- he suddenly asked. 
-Well- I stopped- Did you like her? 
-Uhm, she's a nice girl. Sometimes she's a little quiet, but we're kind of friends now, she trust a lot on me...I don't know, I guess I like her, why? 
-Just, I was wondering how was your relation with her... 
-Are you jealous, baby?  
-No, at all. I have to admit that she's a very pretty girl. But, nothing more... 
-Ok...she's just a friend, babe. Besides, you're the most beautiful girl on earth- he kissed my nose. - And I will not cheating you yet, 'cause I'm not a rockstar already...I'm so poor to make something like that. 
-Aww- I laughed 
After two beautiful weeks in Seattle, I had to return to reality,  university and job.  
I didn't feel uneasy when I left, after all Eddie was fine and everything seemed to go well with the band, in two months they would have their first presentation, they still worked on the name of the band and on the songs of the first demo that they would promote in some bars in the city. 
At the airport we were joined by Stone (I had a good friendly chemistry with him), Mike, Liz and Sasha (with whom I couldn't speak because she always seemed indisposed) 
While we were driving there, Stone asked Eddie something: 
-So Eddie, do you plan to get married?I mean, with the wedding, the priest and all those stuff ... 
-Do you believe in marriage? - Mike asked. 
-Well, buddy. There is only one person in the entire universe with whom I could try that, the only one, that if she asked me to, I would renounce any belief I had. On the other hand, I don't know if I believe in traditional marriage, I believe in commitment and in celebrating it. - Eddie gently squeezed my hand and kissed my cheek. 
- Aww, come on, Edd! Why you have to be so perfect together! - Liz was so cute. 
-So, would you marry him? - Mike joked 
-With him I would go to the end of the world- I squeezed his arm with some gratitude. 
-How old are you, Isabelle? - Sasha suddenly asked 
-I'm 20- I answered kindly.- And you? 
-24, same as Eddie. In fact my birthday is two weeks before his. 
-Can celebrate together this year! - I smiled- true, honey? 
-Wait ... 20??? Eddie, did you make her your girlfriend at age 15?! I mean, you were 20!! - Stone was incredulous. 
-16! And I want to clear up that! I'm not a pervert, nothing happened with Belle until she was 18! 
-What !? - the others seemed not to believe him.  
Sasha looked at me with a strange strange gaze. 
-Guys, please! - Eddie laughed- when I met her I knew that she would be the woman who would steal my sleep all my life, and that's how it was. And I was lucky that she looked at me. And she deserved all the waiting and patience of the world. This beautiful woman who holds my hand and my back is the nicest and most beautiful spirit that has ever crossed my life. So those 2 years waiting were worth every second ...- he added looking at me with some tenderness. 
-I like you, guys- Mike said with a funny grimace on his face. 
I left Seattle with a huge smile on my face. My confidence in Eddie was still clear and definitely the time we spent together was valuable to both of us, we were able to fully enjoy it. 
It had been another two months since that time. I went back to stay for a weekend and everything went well, however, when I got back home, something strange began to happen in the next few days.  
The presentations of the band began, now with the name of "Mookie Blaylock", the favorite player of the boys. His repertoire was short 5 own songs and 2 covers. Apparently they were drawing public attention and Matt, his representative was moving fast in the flourishing industry of the area.  
Something was happening, I soon felt that the distance between Eddie and me was huge, when I needed him he was not, and deep inside I understood that the band demanded a lot of his time in those moments, I swear, I really understood it, but what I couldn't explain was the fact that he didn't have 10 minutes to call and hear from me. 
  Things in school and in the job were very difficult, also with dad's crisis. The girls tried to be with me, but come on! they also had a life ... 
I began to have doubts about ourselves, it was the first indicator that something was failing, and that was my fear. At night my head was filled with doubts and twisted thoughts. Is he with another girl? He loves me or he don't love me anymore? And if everything was a youthful fantasy? 
Why he has not called? 
  When we were talking on phone everything seemed fine, until the moment of hanging up, sometimes neither of us knew what to say, that was another alert that I knew how to face in time ... 
Days gone really hard and slow...my head was about to explote and my chest felt cold... 
He was living a stage of adventure and perhaps the most supportive thing that I could do for him was to give him the space to enjoy it to the fullest. 
I had been thinking for days about how to say it, how to speak it without looking like a crazy jealous, I knew it was not insecurity, it was letting him enjoy freely, I mean, doing everything he had to do without thinking about how it would affect me...was har to find words. 
 Finally my phone rang:  
 -Eddie! - I was happy to hear it.  
 -Belle! Hi! - He seemed a little discouraged.  
 -Hello, babe! How are you? How is everything? 
 -Well, I'm a little tired, you know ... But everything is going well, we are very excited. There are many talented people everywhere, but there is no competition, you know? It's more like a huge musical studio, with alcohol and drugs everywhere ...  
 -I can imagine, there are many young people. And you? Do you join those parties of uncontrolled alcohol and drugs?  
 - Not really, I just don't use hard drugs, you know that.  
 -I'm glad, honey. You're not a rockstar yet, you cannot waste the money on that way...- I laughed.  
 -Belle, what's wrong? Something in your voice is killing me... - he fired.  
 I felt a seething fear rising from my stomach to my chest.  
 -It's not easy, baby...  
 -Come on, Bellie, tell me...  
 -You know I love you, right?  
 -I know and I love you too, my love... now tell me what's wrong?  
 -Edd. I want to talk about something I thought... - I hesitated to say it. 
 -Tell me... 
 -Well, do you remember when you told me that a girl got naked in your bed, and those girls who wanted you? 
 -Yes, nothing important. Belle. Are you ok? 
 -Eddie, I think we need to give us a time. I mean, before something bad happens... you know? I have doubts at night and it is unfair to overshadow this fantastic moment in your life... 
 -What are you talking about, Isabelle? 
 -Eddie, maybe you need to live alone this moment. It's costing me a lot of effort to endure all this. I'm finishing with the uni and everything is very busy, the job, everything is complicated at home. I need you, but you're not here. You never pick the phone...think about it, I don't want to destroy what we have... 
  -You're feeling something for another man? - He interrupted abruptly. 
  -No! God, Edd! Don't say that, my dear. Just, maybe we should just have a little rest of all this madness ... 
  -Belle, I know this is not an excuse, but ... if sometimes I don't call you, it's because I'm really tired and I just want to rest and write ... please don't take it in the wrong way. I think you also understand that we must continue doing things in our personal space ... Honey, everything is happening very fast, but that doesn't mean that this care less to me, or that you stop being that person who gives meaning to everything, angel... . 
  -Eddie...did you hear me? Are you listening to me?- I couldn't contain the crying. 
  -Belle, dear ... please, forgive me ... I'm a fool. Don't make a decision for both. 
  -Eddie, don't get rid of the best we have, please, babe ... 
  -Darling, don't say that. Please, give me the opportunity to repair it ... 
  -Eddie, no. Listen, we need this. If we continue with this, we will hurt ourselves, honey. 
  -Are you leaving me, Belle? 
  -Eddie ... 
  -Are you leaving me, Isabelle? Tell me... 
  -Just lets take a break, there's a lot happening around us. 
  -Belle, please, sweetheart ... there's someone else, right? 
  -No, my love. Don't go with those twisted thoughts. 
  -So? I cannot understand what is happening! I did something... Belle, there's no sense in what you've told me ... 
  -Eddie, it's just a time ... if we don't stop we'll stumble. I am beginning to feel jealousy and doubts. You too! Open your eyes, please. If we don't take some time, we will destroy it. 
  -Are you talking about that guy in the office? Belle don't compare, he told you that he is in love with you and works with you, you eat together, daily! ... it's not the same, my dear... 
  -Can you see it now? Eddie... we need this. 
  -No... you need it. And you clearly don't need me to make a decision ... 
  -Eddie, please. Let's do this in the best way, the right way. 
  -What are we doing right, Belle? Throw you into the arms of another man? Honey, think about it... you're going to break my heart if you don't come back ... 
  -We'll be fine, you can always talk to me when you want, and we can talk about everything... you can have fun, Edd... live your moment. I will be here, forever, for you. 
  -I love you, Isabelle, but stop saying bullshit! Fun???  what kind of fun?  
 -I don't know babe, there's a lot of parties and girls and... 
 -Really, Belle?- he interrupted me with some anger. 
 -Eddie, don't be so rude withe me, I'm trying to think of both and the best for us, for this... 
 -Belle, I don't need that kind of fun with any other girl... don't need any space. But I will respect your decision ... 
  -Eddie, we love each other, right? 
  -I do, but I'm not sure about what that means to you now- He was hurt. 
  -Edd, I love you. So much. 
  -Belle ... goodbye- he hung up. 
  I called again, a lot of times. Eddie never picked up the phone again. 
I left a message on his answering machine: 
  "Eddie, I love you, I will always be there for you, no matter the time or the distance, my heart and my soul belongs to you. 
What I did was for both of us, you will see that time will prove it. Take care and keep reaping the success you deserve. 
 You are the love of my life, Edd. And I swear to you that we will hold our hands again in another moment of our lives. 
  I know it hurts, but it was not a goodbye, darling. 
Be a good boy and enjoy the days that run in your heart. " 
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imaginecredence · 7 years
“I’ll see you again.” (part 36)
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Summary: A Credence Barebone imagine (Credence x Reader)
Note: This is the 36th part to this imagine so make sure you check out the others! (Masterlist below) I hope you like and reblog it. There also will most likely be a grammar mistake so bare with me. Anyway… I hope you enjoy!
Date published: July 6, 2017
Warnings: not really any?? Idk… some fluffy fluff 
Year: February- 1927
Part: thirty-six of ?
"But what if the train tickets weren't that expensive?" Credence asked, his eyes trailing you, rushing around your room packing for the trip. "Credence, please. Don't make this harder." You said, placing a pile of folded clothes in your suitcase. He lowered his head. He knew deep down that he couldn't come and he just had accept it. The trip was completely planned out. You were leaving tomorrow morning, and Credence spoke less and less everyday.
"Hey," you said calmly. "It's only for a week." You lifted his chin and looked into his eyes. They looked so lonesome, so desperate. "Let's have the best day today!" You spoke with encouragement. He lifted his eyes and saw your smile that always made him feel better. "How?" His voice was small and he looked back to the floor, kicking the tip of his foot against the floor. "We'll go out and do something fun." You suggested. "Then we can come home and make dinner, and then snuggle on the couch." You smirked, making the plan up as you spoke. You grabbed his hand that hung beside him, and held it gently in yours. You traced your thumb over the veins on top of his hand. "Let's make today great... please." You lifted your gaze from his hand to his face. He nodded, closing his eyes. Then you moved your hand to his cheek and he put his hand on your waist, pulling you closer and resting his forehead on yours. "Come on. Help me finish packing and we can get going." You said, smiling at his sweet gesture. He responded by nodding, but pulled you closer, into a hug. He nuzzled his face in the crook of your shoulder, breathing you in. You giggled, hugging his neck tightly. You hugged for a while. "Come on, Credence!" You laughed, trying to let go, but he just held on even tighter; which made you laugh harder. He gave you one last hard squeeze, then let go. You sighed, looking at the face you'll miss so much. "You ready now?" You joked. He nodded, laughing.
He helped you finish your packing. He got you your sketchbook from downstairs. You told him you wanted to take it with you so you could draw on the train and in your free time. "I miss drawing." Your voice trailed off. You were folding your clothes to pack for the trip.  Credence lifted his head, looking at you with sadness. It was quiet for a while, as you stared at the floor and Credence stared at you. "I just haven't felt inspired to draw lately and I hate it." Your voice sounded so completely sad and Credence got scared. It brought him back to when you shut him out. "Y/N, it's okay." He said, sitting beside you on the bed, he placed his hand on your knee. He didn't want you to spiral down again. "I know." You smiled, placing your hand on top of his.
After you had finished packing, you both got ready to go out. You got out into the cold city, both bundled up in your coats and scarves. You just started walking, you didn't know where you were going, but you just went along together. You ended up in front of Central Park. You looked up at him and smiled, and he did the same. He found your gloved hand and held it tightly as you walked into the park.
You walked for hours, but it felt like minutes as you got lost in conversation. You talked about everything. About how you were excited for winter to be over and finally have flowers and warm summer days back. "I miss the blue sky." You said, looking up at the white sky you had gotten so used to. "Me too." He smiled down at you. "I can't wait for warm breezes. These bitter cold ones are unbearable." You beamed at him as you walked along the frozen path. He hadn't spoken this much in so long. It felt good to not think about leaving and just enjoy each other.
As the walk went on, you talked about the trip. You had told yourself that you didn't want to talk about it, but it just went there. But it was good. You didn't talk about how much you were going to miss each other, or how badly Credence didn't want you to go. You talked about how nice it is going to be to be so close to your family. And how much you wanted to buy a house instead of live in an apartment. Credence was a little surprised at this. "Really? A house?" He asked curiously. "Yeah." You said excitedly. "We can have more space and a yard. It'll be so nice and peaceful." He got quiet after that. He thought about how he had never lived in a house. The place before was a church and was nothing what a home is supposed to be. The apartment is definitely a home, but it isn't a house; like the house you had grown up in. What would it have been like to grow up in a house, a home? What would it have been like to feel safe and have a family who loves me?
"You mean, what will that feel like." You said smiling, breaking him out of his thoughts. He looked at you with confusion. He hadn't even realized he was saying all of this out loud. "I thought I was thinking that, not saying it." He laughed awkwardly. You laughed too.
"But really, Credence. You will know what all of that feels like." You said after you had walked a little ways in silence. "To feel safe in a house, to have a family who loves you... I -I hope you feel that now." He looked down at you for a second. "I'm starting to,- I think." He said hesitantly. "You know that I want you to be happy. I want you to feel loved and like you belong. I want you to feel a part of a family." You muttered. It was quite for a while as you thought. "Do you feel like you are apart of my family?" You asked. "I-I don't know." He replied. "Well, you've only met them once." You said. "But you will feel a part of a family one day... and I hope it's ours." You wondered if this was too straight forward. Were you forcing this too much? You hadn't really mentioned your future together in a while. You could feel him tense up in the way he held your hand. "Am I being too pushy?" You blurted out. "No." He answered right away. "I-I like it when you talk about the future." "But it's not just the future, it's our future." You said. "There's a lot happening right now, and I think it's important to communicate during all of this." He nodded, looking around the snowy grounds. "Is there anything specific you want to talk about?" You asked. "I don't think so." He answered. "Okay." You said. "Whenever you want to talk about something, anything at all, I'm here." You leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. He chuckled nervously, his rosy cheeks turning redder. "Th-there is one thing." He whispered. "Yes?" "Wha-What is Valentines Day?" "Valentines Day?" You laughed. He nodded, blushing even more. "It's when we celebrate love." You told him, squeezing his hand tighter, trying to make him feel less embarrassed. "It's mostly for couples, but friends do it too." "What do they do?" He asked. "Couples will go on a date. And usually the man will buy the girl flowers or something like that... But you don't have to do that, Credence. That's not what I'm trying to imply." You assured. "Won't you be gone anyway?" He mumbled. "No, I think I get back that day, but please don't feel like you have to do anything special." You pressed.
When you got to the end of the walk, you decided to go to the market and get some things to make dinner. Then you went home.
The warm apartment was so welcoming after hours in the cold weather. Credence got the fire going while you started up dinner. "Oh, can't forget about music!" You said, making your way over to the record player.
As you made dinner, you sang along to your favorite record. Credence came over to you after he made the fire, and helped you cook. You smiled at him standing beside you, as he cut up vegetables. You noticed him humming to the song, which made your smile grow. Then he put his hand on your waist, pulling you closer, kissing you on the cheek. You giggled, beaming at his sweetness.
"I love this song!" You exclaimed when the song changed, as he kissed your cheek. He grabbed your hand and pulled you to the middle of the kitchen. He spun you around, beaming at your carefree laugh. You both danced around, holding each other's hands in between you, swinging around. You both laughed, forgetting about the events of tomorrow.
You had never seen Credence like this, he was so completely happy, it was the best thing to experience. "If you leave, you'll miss moments like these." He said over the loud music. You paused, your face falling. "Credence." You said quietly, then went over to turn down the music. "Is that all you were trying to prove?" You stared at him, his face breaking out of a smile. "It's not like I'm leaving you forever. It's only be for a few days." You said. "But then we leave moments like this, when we move away." He mumbled. "Credence, I've been telling you; we aren't leaving moments like these. We're leaving the bad ones. And memories like these," you gestured around the room. "we can make more of them, maybe even better ones." He lowered his head, feeling down. You walked over and rubbed his arms. "I know it's hard to leave this place, but we're going to be so happy. Please believe me."
During dinner, you talked about what he should expect over the next few months. You figured it would be good to prepare him for what was to come. You told him you'll be gone for seven days, and that you would write to him every single day, "Maybe even twice!" You laughed. You told him that you would leave him come stamps so he could write too. You said that you'll have an interview on Monday. (You were leaving for Maine tomorrow, Saturday.) You said that you were looking forward to spending some time with your family. "After I come home if I get the job, we'll start packing up." You said. "And we'll stay with my family for a while, until we find a house." He was quiet the whole time you spoke. He didn't want to be a burden to you, but he really didn't want to leave the first place that felt like home. "Credence?" Brought him out of his deep thoughts, as did the touch on his hand. The feeling of your hand clutching his from across the table, made his mind calm down a bit. "Tell me how you feel." You pleaded. He lifted his wet eyes to yours. "I don't know how I feel... I want to trust that everything will be okay, but I just don't want to leave this place, I don't want you to leave." He muttered. "I know." You whispered, grazing his hand with your thumb. You turned it over to see his palm. It had healed quite a bit, but the scars were still so obvious.
That evening, you and Credence were intertwined on the couch. Your head rested against his chest as he held you tightly. Not much was said as you held each other. You just closed your eyes, listening to his heartbeat. You smiled contently, as you rubbed his cheek with your fingers, gently grazing his jawline. He stroked your arm, with one hand and held onto your waist with the other. You both just enjoyed the moment, not wanting it to end.
Later that night, you laid in your bed, thinking about tomorrow. You were worried for how Credence would do by himself. You knew he would be okay, but you still had this thought in the back of your mind that he would get so lonely and sad. You knew what that felt like too, and you never wanted him to feel that way. You were ripped from your thoughts when you saw Credence standing at the top of the steps, once again holding his pillow in front of him like a scared little boy. Your face broke into a grin as you sat up. You scooted over, patting the place beside you. He smirked, rushing over to the bed. He snuggled deep under the covers, laying on his side, facing you. Laying back down, you giggled at his adorable face.
You turned to face him, nuzzling under his chin. You held both of his hands in yours, breathing him in. "I love you, Credence." You whispered, moving your head so you could see his face. "I-I love you too, Y/N." He smiled, looking down at you. He moved his hand to your head, running his fingers through your hair. "I'm gonna miss your hair." He admitted, immediately feeling stupid for saying it. You giggled, saying, "I'm going to miss your hands." You put your hand on top of his that played with your hair. "I'll miss your smell." He said. "Me too. I mean, I'll miss yours." You laughed. "I'm going to miss the way you make your eggs." "What?" You smiled. "The way you make your eggs. They're runny in the middle." "You can still make them when I'm gone." You told him. "I never can. I always break the yolk before it's finished." He said. "Well, that can be something to work on while I'm gone."
Credence had a hard time falling asleep; he didn't want to. It would all go too fast if he slept and he never wanted to let you go. He watched you sleeping quietly beside him, smiling at how innocent you looked. He wanted to say so much to you, he wanted to tell you exactly how he felt about you. There had been so many opportunities to express his feelings, but he was too nervous to tell you. He wanted you to know what you were worth and how much he loved you. One day he would tell you, one day he would be brave enough.
To be continued....
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rantsaboutponies · 7 years
Equestria Girls: Legend of Everfree
Can they please stop making these? I don’t budget my time well, it’s 2:30 in the morning, I want to go to bed. Just remember, I’m doing this for YOU guys. For YOU guys.
For the record, I wait until the last minute to write these reviews because they usually take almost three times the length of the movie to write. It’s also why I can’t watch them on TV; I have to pause constantly.
First of all, I didn’t hear jack shit about this movie. I think the viewership for each one really is dwindling. I barely even saw any porn of it! That is surprising!
Second of all, was this one ever available on Netflix? I swear I streamed the third one there, but now it doesn’t even have a listing (nor does the fourth one). Hopefully the version I got is the uncut version (it’s not a TV rip, and the runtime does match), but if I left anything out, be sure to tell me. Oh, and I’ve given up on that list of “things that all these movies do that directly contradict the fact that this universe intersects with the pony universe” that I tried to carry over into the second movie’s review, so keep that in mind.
Oh, and can anyone let me know if they see a trailer for My Little Pony: The Movie in the theater? It comes out in four months, and I’ve been at almost all of the kids’ movies this year (yes, even Rock Dog, which actually wasn’t half-bad, and The Boss Baby, which was not as bad as the trailers made it look but was still the worst of the kids’ movies I’ve seen this year [which isn’t actually surprising, since there have only been three]; I’m still not seeing Smurfs, though, and I’m sure as fuck not seeing Spark: A Space Tail), and I’ve seen nothing about it. I’ll make a separate post about that closer to October.
All right, the review proper starts...NOW!
Thirty seconds. Thirty FUCKING seconds. That’s how long it was before Pinkie Pie made me want to strangle her. Literally. Thirty seconds. Her first line. Fantastic impression you’re making on me, movie.
All right, Rainbow Dash throwing a picture of herself into the suitcase is certainly part of the annoying one-dimensional writing that she (and really, all of the characters) has had in these movies, but...I’m sorry, I still laughed. Forgive me.
Wow, the...uh...plot just started right away, didn’t it? I’m so confused. I sure hope this is a dream sequence because otherwise this is really stupid. Oh, okay, it was. Never mind.
Ah, the indie rock craze has finally hit Human Equestria. You guys are, like, five years behind on that, you know. I gotta be honest, though, I kinda like this theme song. I feel like it would sound better with different singers, but I’m digging this so far. Maybe this movie won’t be so bad? Ah heh heh heh...
I briefly forgot that Human!Twilight’s Spike was magically given the ability to talk at the end of EQG3, so I was thrown off there for a second. I just realized, though, that that means that they don’t ever have to have any connection to Pony!Equestria ever again. Smart idea, but Pinkie’s summary of the previous three movies immediately afterwards negates what you were going for there (especially since none of that has anything to do with the plot of this movie directly).
“You’ll get used to it.” Yeah, you’d better get used to your “friends” talking shit about you to your face. The second movie was full of that. *sigh*
Oh, goody, Professor Umbridge is the camp director. Please tell me she gets dragged off by centaurs at the end of this movie, too.
“Stay away from the rock quarry. That’s off-limits. Unless, of course, you’re a main character, in which case the plot will facilitate that you go there at some point during this movie, probably somewhere near the end. Just a heads-up.” (Also, “rock quarry” is redundant, dumbasses.)
Actually, the word “sapphire”’s link to the Latin “sapphir” (or “sappir” or “sapphīrus”) links to the Ancient Greek “sáppheiros”, meaning “precious stone” or “gem”, which probably linked to a Semitic source (similar to Hebrew’s “sappī́r”, referring to lapis lazuli), but may be related to a non-Semitic source such as the Sanskrit “śanipriya”, meaning “dark-colored stone” or, literally, “dear to Saturn”. And, as an interesting sidenote, the Ancient Greeks didn’t even have a word for “blue”. Also, rubies are not just sapphires “with chromium”; rubies are corundum with chromium. Sapphires contain other impurities like titanium, iron, or magnesium (which give them any of a number of non-red colors) that rubies may not contain at all; since chromium is what colors them red, chromium is the only impurity required to make a ruby. So, in other words, shut your fucking face, you smug dipshit.
By GOD, I hope Gloriosa is the villain because I really hate her.
See, even though Filthy Rich is, well, filthy rich and could very easily be an upper-class dickhead, the show never made him one. He’s clearly not aware what an utter bitch his daughter is, since he punished her for it the one time he found out, but he has always been depicted as someone who cares about his community and acts kindly towards the other ponies in the town without being condescending or displaying any obvious class distinction. It is something notably unique about the show and is something I’ve actually admired amidst its recent waning quality.
The people writing this movie apparently didn’t know that and just went, “His name is Filthy Rich? He must be the VILLAIN!” Goddamnit, you fucking worthless TV movies.
Oh, man, oh, man, please tell me that Princess Celestia is holding a flute there in the background because she’s telling a “This one time, at band camp” story. I’ve already made that joke at least five times in my head by now, so please tell me I’m justified.
Holy shit, look at that setup! These girls get massive tents with only two people in each and with FULL-SIZE BEDS! So much for “roughing it”! How big is this camp again? This must take up a ludicrous amount of space.
Please tell me they’re not going to do Sunset Shimmer’s storyline again with Twilight. Come on.
No, Sunset, if there’s anyone you should be nervous around, it’s Pinkie Pie.
Okay, Fluttershy’s line about “birds that land on your finger” WAS funny until you felt the need to explain the joke with Rainbow Dash’s “I think that only happens to you.” Rule #1 of comedy: Don’t! Explain! The joke!
Does Vinyl Scratch have an amazing wireless connection, or do her headphones themselves contain an MP3 player? I don’t see those working any other way.
Can I punch Timber in the face yet?
How the hell would you make that dock into a catwalk? The only way that would work would be if either the models entered from or the audience were seated in the water. Otherwise, the models will be walking away from the audience and not easily visible for the majority of their time on the runway. You’ve gotta think about logistics, Rarity!
Hmm...Gaia Everfree’s story is kind of weak. And arbitrary. “YOU CAN’T STAY!” “Oh, please let us stay!” “WELL...OKAY. BUT YOU’LL HAVE TO LEAVE! EVENTUALLY! AT SOME POINT IN THE FUTURE!”
25 minutes in is a little late for your first song, guys. I was starting to think this wasn’t going to be a musical.
Oh, thank GOD, Timber is a villain, too. That means we’ll get to WATCH HIM DIE. ... Okay, fine, wishful thinking. Hell, being the villain in these movies (or on the show) pretty much guarantees that you’ll get even more screentime in later installments. (Also, he apparently can’t hear anything that’s right next to him as long as he’s offscreen. Right.)
Of course, the scene in the cafeteria reminded me of this.
And in the next scene, it’s impossible not to think of this.
So... Rarity’s just...useless. That’s been established, right?
Goddamnit, Pinkie, stop being a menace! You almost killed all of your friends! Again!
Hmm...this song sounds like a really lame, low-rent version of this.
Wha? You mean the obvious villain is obviously a villain? NO. (Except I guess that means that Timber isn’t a villain as well. Damn.)
Boy, it’s really convenient that Gloriosa is having these extremely lengthy and detailed flashbacks while they all just stand there, totally unbothered by Sunset zoning out and holding onto her arm.
I do like that they made dummies of Twilight and Sunset just because they weren’t there for the dress rehearsal. How long do you think that took?
“I GOT THIS!” That’s got to be one of the weakest things I’ve ever heard that someone tried to turn into a catchphrase.
Well, looks like someone really liked Maleficent.
I gotta ask...has there ever been a good villain song in the MLP movies or the show?
“Oh, no! She’s forming a wall that clearly has an upper bound! If only we had some sort of appendages that we could use to project our bodies upward! No, I think we had better wait until the vines completely form a dome over us. Surely that will work.”
I think the writers are trapped in this paradox of knowing that they have an actual interesting character in Sunset Shimmer but being forced to focus all their efforts on the Mane Six because they’re the main characters, despite having no personalities to speak of.
“What are these?” “I’m not sure! But clearly they will be in stores alongside the release of this movie!”
Ah, so you got out of the logistical failure of trying to figure out how the dock could act as a runway by canceling the fashion show altogether! Wow.
Okay, this song is definitely one of the better ones in this movie series, but holy crap, get some stronger singers. I mean, all right, I know you can’t, but...can’t you, like, release an official cover of this song recorded by an actual singer, like Disney does with their animated musicals?
I do always love the moronic cliché of the villain showing up at the ending celebration for no logical reason other than to scowl at the protagonists and storm off angrily.
You know, there are only so many features and accessories and superpowers you can add to these characters before you start running out of places to put them.
*GASP* OH MY GOD THAT ENDING CLIFFHANGER MEANT NOTHING! Seriously, fuck off with that shit.
And of course, the stinger has to show that Pinkie Pie always ruins everything. ALWAYS. ALWAYS.
All right, so in conclusion...these movies are all the same. I mean, I think we kind of established that already, but man...
Can we just give Sunset Shimmer her own movie? One where she just fucks off by herself and finds better friends with actual personalities and they all do something interesting? Can that be the next theatrical movie? Please?
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teresaoman · 4 years
hang out with the internet’s favorite model.
If you go to Teresa Oman's Instagram, you'll be greeted by pics of her in the words and her sixteen thousand followers. Search "Teresa Oman" on Tumblr and dozens of fan blogs pop up, along with thousands of photos, some with over twenty thousand notes. Tumblr even named her one of the most reblogged models of 2013, alongside Miranda Kerr and Cara Delevingne. If you go to Urban Outfitters' homepage you'll see her lounging in grass. NYLON readers will of course recognize her from the many times she's graced the pages of our print edition. What I'm trying to say is that Teresa Oman is pretty darn famous.
But she's also pretty darn cool, and probably one of the nicest, most fun models in the business. She speaks eloquently, has the best hair ever (a fact I can confirm upon meeting her), and a pretty rad wardrobe too. Of course, her Australian accent only makes her seem more cool, as do her slang phrases and love of rainbow clothing. So aside from being a supermodel in her own right (you can find even more proof of that on her agency, Re:Quest's website), she's also a super girl IRL. Need proof? Just read on for my interview with her, where she talked modeling, music, and being a little bit of a hippie.
You are one of the most re-blogged models in the world, what does that feel like? Yeah, well that just recently came out online. I was so mind-blown because I had no idea, and I beat a bunch of Victoria's Secret girls.
Does that make you feel awesome or nervous because you're so recognizable? Pretty awesome! I'm quite happy with it because I would have never expected that. It's a nice little accomplishment, but I feel like it's just the people on the internet who have done all the work!
Do you feel it's been harder for you as a model because you're on the shorter side? I think I definitely get different sorts of jobs, but I feel like the industry is changing in the way that girls can be a lot shorter now which is really good. I never thought that I would get to be in New York in the first place. I got denied by two agencies before I signed on with my mother agent in Sydney, and they pretty much said short people don't have much going on for them in the fashion industry. But things are changing and I'm really happy about it. One of my favorite models is really short. Her name is Anja Konstantinova and she was always my idol. I saw that she was always doing really well and she was always my inspiration to keep trying because you can be short these days.
So are Australians cooler than everyone else? I feel like all the coolest models, like you, Anja Konstantinova, and Abbey Lee, come from Australia. We do have a lot of very cool models in Australia. I think it's something in the water, but I love American people too. I feel like Americans are the friendliest people by far, overseas. [laughs]
Thanks, we'll take it! Was it a big transition for you to go from being a hippie Bryon Bay girl to literally traveling the world? It was a massive transition. I moved to Sydney, so that was a transition in itself. I never thought I would be in a city as big as New York. I've definitely learned a lot and grown up as a person. I've learned to be alone because it would be hard at times being on other sides of the world without knowing one or anything, but now I've made so many good friends, I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
When you're traveling, what are five things you always put in your suitcase? I have a framed picture of my two best friends and I that I bring everywhere. I've had that photo for ages. My suitcase itself is just a part of me now. My uncle and auntie got it for me for Christmas two years ago. It's a big, psychedelic rainbow suitcase.
So you never lose it at bag check? Never. It always stands out. I'm always getting compliments on it!
What would you say is your personal sense of style? I feel like that's a reason people are so drawn to you, because you always look cool in your own clothes. Thank you very much! I like anything that is old-school felling or has bright colors. I have a whole lot of secondhand clothes which are really cool. My best friend and I actually share clothes all the time.
Do you have a favorite piece of clothing? Yes. I have a denim jacket which is at my place in Sydney. I bought it in Portland, Oregon two years ago when I was visiting my sister. It's amazing. It's a regular denim jacket, but then it has all this rainbow embroidery all over it, and rainbow beading around the shoulders. It's like my lucky jacket. I think I wore it in to NYLON last year when Beth [Garrabrant, NYLON's Bookings Editor] was casting me for the one girl story in NYLON. It was my good-luck charm.
I know your parents run a music festival. What was it like growing up in a community that was so musically-influenced? Amazing. I remember when I was, maybe 11 or 10 years old, back when the festival was a lot smaller, I got to see James Brown live from the side of stage live. He was just so full of energy. I guess I never really understood how amazing what my parents do is because when I was in high school everyone would be like, "Oh, give me free tickets!" so I was actually kind of ashamed. But now I'm just so proud and so excited for them because every year the festival keeps growing bigger and bigger. You have to come!
What sort of music are you obsessed with? I'm into a massive mix. One thing I always love is feel-good disco music. KC & The Sunshine Band is my absolute favorite. I think I inherited that off my mum. Apart from that, a bit of everything. I like Tame Impala and Flight Facilities, two cool Australian bands, and then I really love the classics that you can listen to on a record player, like the Rolling Stones and David Bowie.
If someone were going to Australia, and she had to edit down a list of things that she can do on her trip, what would you say she'd have to do? I would say visit the East Coast--just everywhere on the East Coast. It's beautiful. I'm from the most easterly part of Australia which is a beautiful destination for surfing, but Sydney, where I live, is just incredible. There's no other city where you can get crystal clear blue waters and the city together. One thing I would suggest you can't miss is the Great Barrier Reef, which is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Unfortunately, our new prime minister is trying to dump and mine it at the moment, but we're hoping that that won't happen due to everyone petitioning. Anyway, with global warming, it is slowly fading so I think it that's one place you would have to see in your lifetime before it's not there anymore.
What's your favorite Aussie slang word? There is so much good slang! When I'm at home, with my housemates, who are my best friends, we always just talk in a super-Aussie accent. Right now, you haven't heard anything! I guess "mate" is my favorite slang word. How's it going, mate? [laughs]
What's one thing that you're obsessed with that people might be surprised to learn? One thing that I'm obsessed with is that I'm slowly working on becoming a YouTube sensation. t I love funny YouTube videos, so I'm just working on trying to find the right idea for me. I mean, I've got a pretty awesome "Wrecking Ball" parody that was shot in my living room in Sydney, but it needs to be re-done because it's a bit rough around the edges. I have a few good ideas cooking up and I'll be making sure to send you some links.
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