#also i dont wanna wear a splint :
cerneterydrive · 4 years
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thecorvidrotation · 7 years
kn-rainbowblood replied to your post “so i forgot to pack contact lenses for the first time in over a...”
Could you explain what actually changes in the way you interact with stuff? Because I only wear glasses and this made me really curious
Sure! I’ll try my best to explain it, should be easy since I’ve been wearing them and feeling disoriented all day...
So obviously the main difference between contacts and glasses is contacts sit right on your eye. What this means is actual peripheral vision, no distracting glare or reflections, no box around your vision that makes you feel like you’re looking through a TV screen, and no smudges and specks for you to fixate on. Of course, only people who don’t wear glasses habitually would notice this, because if you wear them daily you’re used to it, and your brain knows how to process or tune out all this other visual junk!
Also, people tend to see better in contact lenses than in glasses of the same prescription, because the lack of distance between your eye and the lens make for a clearer picture. (For me this is compounded by the fact that my glasses are probably a little weaker than they should be).
After wearing contacts daily for, oh...... 12 years, wearing my glasses has made everything feel strangely flat and intangible -- as if I’m physically less present in the world than usual. I think it’s mainly the lack of peripheral vision and the box my frames make. This feeling of flatness and the fact that I can’t actually see very well means that nothing today has felt totally real. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ made it very difficult to get around when i was outside.
ghostzzy replied to your post “so i forgot to pack contact lenses for the first time in over a...”
OH HUGE MOOD i wanna @ everyone who willy-nilly puts gansey in his wireframes like yOU DONT UNDERSTAND HOW WEARING GLASSES CHANGES THE WAY YOU INTERACT WITH EVERYTHING... it can be a little bit debilitating to wear glasses when you're used to contacts, especially if your vision is rly bad (like u & me & gansey tbh)
IT’S SO DIFFERENT I’m never forgetting my contacts again, this is Gross. I get that drawing Gansey in glasses (A) fits his hipster aesthetic and (B) is an easy visual shorthand for “this one is Gansey” but..... he really probably wouldn’t wear them 99% of the time. I’m willing to bet the only reason he took his contacts out in TRB is because he was up late getting his broken thumb splinted up and his eyes felt dry? maybe.
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