#also just because I'm a Lilith simp doesn't mean I was cheering her on when she did that shit to Luz
lilithswxfe · 3 years
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FIRST OFF, let me explain that I do NOT CONDONE HER ACTIONS OR HER METHODS OF TRYING TO CAPTURE EDA OR HER KIDNAPPING LUZ. I AM ONLY TRYING TO EXPLAIN WHY SHE DID WHAT SHE DID. Be respectful and PLEASE do NOT try to start an arguement. Be civil about this and so will I.
Okay, first off, we ALL should be aware of how abusive Belos was to Lilith while she was in his Coven. He lead her on for decades - manipulating and threatening her into capturing Eda in the first place.
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Due to his power and status as the Emperor, Belos clearly invokes a lot of fear into his subjects - especially Lilith, since she HAS to enforce his needs in order for her to keep her rank as Coven Leader.
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Just because Lilith was Coven Leader in the Emperor's Coven doesn't mean she had it easy. Why would she be so terrified of losing to Eda if she was wasn't doing this against her will? It's clear that Belos put a lot of pressure on her into capturing Eda - even threatening her, which we've seen before in Agony Of A Witch.
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Lilith here is clearly stressed out that she has to come up with a plan to capture Eda in such a short amount of time. While I do think her taking advantage of Luz was wrong, this whole situation probably would've been dealt with differently if Belos hadn't threatened her before.
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Lilith actually believed that she was doing the right thing this entire time, but she came to her senses too late to take everything she's done back at that moment. All she wanted was to help her sister, but she was doing it all wrong. All because she had no choice in the matter, and she was rushed/threatened in the process.
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She wants so badly to help Eda, that she thought that everything would be worth it if she finally caught her and brought her in. She just wants her sister back; you can see how much she wants to reach out & connect with her despite the distance between them.
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As for cursing her, let me remind y'all that she was a literal child when she chose to do that. I'm not saying it was right, but we ALL do fucked up shit in our youth to feel accomplished with ourselves. I personally think she did it because she felt she wasn't good enough.
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TLDR - Belos is the one we should be canceling, not Lilith. While her actions were wrong, some of them can be justified. It's important not to be biased and look through both sides of the story instead for pinning the whole thing on Lilith. Belos is a big factor in this as well. Unlike him, she actually feels bad for what she's done and has potential in a redemption. She now has a chance to change for the better and fight for Eda rather than actually fight with her. We just need to see how her character develops from here after the chaos.
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