#also like the main clapback post is literally just about how people say they have no personality or some shit
xenonz · 3 years
There’s this weird tension on my blog feed rn where half the people I follow occasionally reblog minecraft youtuber posts and seem to like them in passing, and the other half have just the most intense, vitriolic hatred for these random white boys playing a children’s video game
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pratktcven · 6 years
Hi! I have currently fallen into the world that is Shance and Voltron and all the ships because they're all so wonderful sweet and make my heart feel so warm??? But I'm worried because I've seen how mean fans within the fandom can be and I have all these ideas to write but I'm horrified to share them due to the amount of hate that people get for simply loving something that makes them happy. I'm just...a bit scared, I think. I'd love to write and share headcanons but aaah!
First and foremost, welcome to the fandom! Voltron is an amazing show with amazing characters and an engaging plot, and it’s great to interact with other people who love it. I’m very biased, but Shance is a great ship, and there are a lot of wonderful people in the community. 
That said, I understand your reluctance. Ship hate and those who disagree with your views can be difficult to deal with. Luckily, I am a seasoned fandom veteran with over 15 years of experience under my belt, and I’ll let you know what works most for me.
01) The block function is your best friend. Blocking someone isn’t mean or uncalled for, and you don’t have to justify why you do it. Personally, I block for antis and annoyances. Seriously. If I’m in a general tag, and I don’t like what someone is saying? I block them. It doesn’t have to be outright vitriol; if you get a bad vibe, you get a bad vibe. Block them and save yourself a headache.
02) Don’t be afraid to unfollow. There’s this weird stigma against unfollowing on this site that I don’t get. People change. Their interests change. Their opinions change. Blogs reflect that. If it’s a change you don’t like, why clog your dash? Unfollow them.
03) Be yourself. This might seem like a weird one, but it’s true. Like what you like. Be passionate about what you’re passionate about. Don’t let other people dictate what you enjoy or how you enjoy it. I have... a lot of stories about how other fans have tried to tell me how to like a ship or how to interpret a moment in a show.  Sometimes this pressure is direct, but a lot of times it isn’t.
04) Create what you want. This relates to the above, but it bears clarification. I’ve written things that some people don’t like. Scratch that. I’ve written a lot of things people don’t like. Sometimes I get hate and—I won’t lie—I get mad. But you know what? No one—absolutely no one—has ever been brave enough to do it off anon. The support I get from fandom in general is amazing and those are the opinions that matter. 
05) Clapback, but don’t get into a fight. This is something I do to help control hate. When I get a message or comment that’s rude or uncalled for, I address the issues presented, post it, and leave it. This helps me process my emotions about the issue and gives my blog transparency. Sometimes, other people will comment, either supporting me or the anon, or the anon will try to goad me into a fight. But the important part is to leave it alone. This is the hardest part for me. I’m naturally confrontational, and immensely stubborn, and all I really want to do when I get hate is rip someone to verbal shreds. Instead, I keep those following rants personal. I... have somehow developed a ‘Don’t fuck with me’ reputation on my main and my writing blog which... fair.
06) Turn off anon. I cannot recommend this enough. If you’re getting a slew of hate, chances are it’s one person. I’ve personally never had to do this for an entire platform; hell, I’ve never had to do it for tumblr, either. I did have to disable anonymous commenting on a single story on AO3 several months ago but! This is the first time in fifteen years that I’ve had to do something that drastic. And I only did it because they were starting to harass other readers.
07) If you disagree, be respectful. Literally what it says on the tin. There have been times when I’ve read a headcanon and said, “Oh, wow, that is totally out of character, what show have you been watching?” or read a story that had an unnecessary plot twist or went on for forever and rehashed the same conflict five times. But that’s the thing about fandom: my interpretations are my perceptions, and while I believe them to be more right than someone else’s interpretations, this does not make them true. So I say nothing and move on with my life. Or I talk about it privately if I can’t let it go without comment.
08) Make like-minded friends. This is probably the hardest thing to do, but it’s super worth it. One of my closest friends is a fandom friend I met 8 or 9 years ago . (Holy shit, @faorism, can you believe it’s been that long?) Don’t be afraid to start conversations with people and don’t be afraid to leave them, either. Sometimes people just don’t click. Also, how many friends you have, and to what degree, is entirely up to you. I honestly only talk to one person semi-regularly about voltron—@kitausu is a gem for putting up with me, honestly—but I am super busy irl and tend to have my head in the clouds. Everyone else I’ve interacted with has been nothing but a sweetheart.
In general, I think that fandom is a positive and exciting place, but ultimately, it boils down to this: your experience is your responsibility. Don’t worry about what other people think or say. Don’t go looking for hate but don’t ignore it, either. Post the stories you’ve written and the headcanons you have. Personally, I’m super excited to see what you’ve created. ♥
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hey look here is a star wars post with spoilers so don’t read it if you haven’t seen the movie yet
oh man ok so SO MUCH happened in this movie
there was at least two movies worth of plot here
so let’s start with the good:
the cast. freakin phenomenal. they all have great chemistry together. also, is it actually getting more diverse by the second??? who knows
space husbands being cute. also, Poe, are you the one who repaired the back of your Finn’s jacket. who did that.
members of the resistance died, and it was important. they mattered. a lot of times in movies like this, it’s easy to be like “oh yah a side character died whatever” but I think the last jedi did a good job of preventing us from doing that
creatures! lots of cool new creatures
luke. crotchety old man luke skywalker just wants you to get off his damn lawn, Rey.
Leia fucking jedi-ing herself back into the ship, I will FIGHT YOU. Force sensitive Leia. I honestly thought this was going to be The Moment we got that headcanon that’s been floating around that Leia’s force sensitivity manifests as literally no one being able to hit her when they shoot. It wasn’t, but this was pretty damn cool.
fight scenes!!! they were dope, okay. the one with Rey and Kylo??? that was awesome. And one-liner Finn putting the beatdown on Phasma “you’re scum” “yea REBEL SCUM” my HEART
yeah you know what Rey and Kylo outsmarting Snoke and then Snoke’s guards. they trusted each other for like five whole minutes!! fought back to back, it was badass. imagine what a team they would have made had not luke and kylo and snoke fucked things up
Leia Organa and her reckless flyboy son Poe Dameron. literally everything about their interactions just said “this is Leia’s actual son and heir” sometimes space mom has to get mean and punish you but it doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you (also, sidebar, I would love to hear Oscar Isaac’s take on working with Carrie Fisher in this movie since they had a lot of interactions)
Rey offering KyloBen a chance at redemption. Him rejecting it. All these characters realizing that if he doesn’t want redemption then he doesn’t get it.
Poe and Rey!!! Meeting at the very end!!! Space husband, meet space wife. Our mutual space husband may have found another space wife, so there’s that. 
Rose and Finn having the biggest kindest hearts
yoda’s sass still going strong. 
Luke astral projecting himself to the resistance so he didn’t have to actually interact with other beings and then vanishing into the ether after dealing with his problematic relation because fucking same dude
basically, if you cracked the plot apart and look at each individual story arc, there’s lot of solid, feel good stuff there.
the bad:
there was so much plot and then subplots to those plots. each plot had like, two subplots, so even if you break it down to Rey’s story and the Resistance's story...
The Resistance storyline has two miniarcs in it--Poe doing what he can on the ship, and Finn and Rose trying to find a way to sneak on to the Resistance ship
I feel kind of like Poe’s story was supposed to get us to like him, love him, hate him, and then love him again. His entire story arc is predicated on the fact that he doesn’t follow orders. If he’d just sat tight, followed orders, Finn and Rose wouldn’t have had to go do their thing...I liked their thing, but I think it was just predicated on a flimsy plot device. The reason could have been stronger. I appreciate that commander Laura Dern wasn’t incompetent, but this made Poe seem more unsympathetic to me.
honestly i just felt like there was a lot of lost potential and baiting that happened? I felt like the force-sensitive Leia thing could have been explored more--force sensitivity in general. There were at least two separate occasions where I was sure we were going to get a “use the Force, Luke” moment, one with Poe and one with Finn. I was SO READY for Force-sensitive Poe, aiming mechanism down, making the shot anyway. Finn’s moment was interrupted by Rose saving him, so that was okay.
Rey’s parents. REY’S. FUCKING. PARENTS. You know what, Kylo Ren? I don’t believe you. You are not a trustworthy source of information. I am just SO STEAMED AT THIS. There was a buildup to the reveal. This is how Snoke was going to get to Rey. This is the main thing Rey wants to know. If Rey’s parents were junkers who abandoned her, I would have liked a flashback. The fact that we didn’t, and that Kylo is the only one who tells her anything, makes me think this was kind of a cop out in case there’s blowback about it (or, if you want to be nice, that they’re saving it for later??). There were just so many moment where it seemed like we were on the cusp of finding out--Yoda talking to Luke, Luke talking about the students Kylo took with him (and wtf why didn’t we find out more about that??). Snoke talking about the heir of Darth Vader, where i was fully prepared for him to say that it was Rey. Snoke is fully capable and willing, I’m sure, to upsell Rey’s parents to try and get her to come over to his side, but he seemed to care a little much for them to be nobodies. “You were nobody, but now you can become somebody” seems more likely to be Snoke’s hard sell in that situation
And then the “you’re not here but I can talk to you/sense you/connect with you physically” device--used by Luke and Leia, Luke and Kylo, (maybe Leia and Kylo?) and Kylo and Rey. Look at those groupings. Those first two have something in common, don’t they? They’re related. This is a device that is used primarily by people who are blood relations. Could this be a coincidence, or more likely something nobody cared about? Absolutely. If it wasn’t on purpose, I’m pissed. That’s super obvious. 
And then when Kylo and Rey fought together!! Skywalkers!!! Together!! Why won’t you let me have this???
Like, okay, I get I’m very invested in rey as a skywalker. I understand the idea of having her be a nobody. That the leaders of the resistance are all nobody in particular, but will become legends in their own right.  if that is the case, though, I feel like the movie went out of its way to give us long pauses and important parallels that feel a lot like baiting. 
Going along with this, assuming Kylo Ren wasn’t lying: I could see how Kylo/Rey shippers can get a lot of fodder from this movie. I was pretty sure that was where we were heading until 1.) Poe looked at Rey with some big ol’ hearts in his eyes and 2.) we saw Luke and Leia interact in a very similar fashion as Kylo and Rey. This was one of those there-but-not devices and involved exactly the same hand touching. we got a closeup of it. we were supposed to draw parallels, I’m just not sure which ones. drawing attention to two different male-female pairs and having them physically interact in the same way but then assuming that one is supposed to be siblings and the other potentially romantic seems...weird. 
and lastly, when yoda burns down the tree, what i would have given for Ewan McGregor to be leaning against it with a classic obi-wan clapback for yoda.
i mean, okay, clearly if the answer about Rey’s parents hadn’t come almost entirely from Kylo, if there had been an actual trustworthy character confirming this, I would be screaming my love for this movie. it was busy, but good; the way Rey’s parent reveal went down just made me more aware of all the lost potential.
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Adam Sandler, Alive, and Animals: Johnny Boy 'limbo', Marston Arthur More Organ Holland Hoseas Before Broseas swagalicious crunchy outside, self-deprecating chewy center - "how many licks does it take the squad's favorite disaster scrappy damsel squares up at a moment's notice can never seem to get their shit together to get to the center of my depression" goth jock dropout just wants to settle down - - dumbest smart person alive - denies being moe - "wanna know how I got these scars- wait where are you going" - makes 50+ post twitter threads nobody reads just needs a break - "Actually, correlation is not causation" - thinks they're charming, is actually charming - constantly forgets their age - "back in my day - only one who knows what the fuck they're talking about incredible artist, thinks their stuff is 'okay' still needs to shut the fuck up - one shot, one kill - "once I go viral it's over for you hoes" - has a 'Home Is Where The Heart Is' welcome mat-liked by practically everybody - productive procrastinator can never hold down a relationship - Instant Uncle, Just Add Baby suffers from chronic pushover syndrome "no questions, dammit, no questions" - jokes hit too close to home - Good bad influence - weed friend Make It Work Guy Fieri Will Billiamson Bad Santa -always knows what to play at a party - adopts everyone on sight - great with kids, great with animals, wants to hold your baby - scientific evidence good girls want bad boys - tsundere - burns salads - "have you eaten today" - owns etsy account, too busy to make anything - punches self for fun - professional alcoholic - always needs to borrow money - terrible drunk, never remembers what happened that night walks around the house in their underwear gives great hugs needs seven showers group's unexpected therapist patronus is secondhand embarrassment just wants to be part of the family "MCDONALD'S! MCDONALD'S! MCDONALD'S!"* is the party cultured, well-traveled and stylish; made for Instagram - *gestures to all of you* "we need to do something about this" - always starts drama, yet always seems to avoid it bad taste in literally everything, banned from recommending outings - will always have squad's back iron constitution, never gets sick - "say that to my fucking face" - may seem Mad, is actually Sad petty *pulls up in drive-thru, orders single starts the day with horoscope readings - Chaotic Loyal black coffee, leaves t" FUCKS.EXE STOPPED WORKING 'mSorry Ms. Jackson tOh) Bastard Millennial Green Hat McGuy "join team chat" - fashionable at all times, even when going to the grocery store can't do crime if you ain't cute -only dates fictional men won't leave the house for days need lives on cow tales and TVTropes says they can hold their liquor regularly tells squad to hydrate can't actually hold their liquor too nice for own good living boke and tsukkomi routine to shut up yesterday social interaction, naps for ten years it's basic hygiene and laying beneath the stars -"please stop talking" exhausted after two minutes of maybe they're born with it, maybe soft spot for animals, slow dancing cooler than you . living proof the scariest people frat brotryhard nerd gem fusion come in the nicest packages graceful loser, even more graceful winner - "what day is it again" nobody sees clapbacks coming until it's never learned how to drive every day is roast session day - "I'll roast you, I'll roast them, I'll roast me fuckin' self" - Has never completed No Nut November sings in the shower - adores Linkin Park late - "are you ready yet" "almost" - allergic to idiots Adam Sandler Regina O'George Let Me Speak To Your Manager - retired mom friend, back from retirement ages every time someone references a vine instead of responding normally - smokes sixty packs a day Goof Troop social norms are for dweebs just wants to play videogames - No Drama? No ProblemTM -"Local Mean Girl Refuses To Be Toppled From Throne" - loses shit over small things -THIS close to cutting someone and snack in peace shoves people in lockers to show affection forgets not to swear in front of other never forgets a birthday shaped like a friend only one in squad who can cook only one in squad who can drive people's children the queen of throwing down "fuck, sorry about that" given up on romance savwy businessowner resident gossip big problems are Whatever - needs therapy - Favorite Songs Are 'Find Me Somebody- smells amazing To Love' And 'Before He Cheats' common sense frequently left on read - hasn't seen most popular movies - a matryoshka of pain - wishes you didn't look like a dump truck knows Wicked by heart - only one in squad who does taxes Songs Are unforgiveable weeb - villain origin story is that stubborn chin hair that keeps growing back - always says 'gg' after every game incredible skin care regimen - "just drink more water" award winning sailor mouth - Big Hair, Don't Care "What's My Age Again" by Blink 182 World's Saddest Violin Bullshit Magician Expletive Noises Looks like a million dollars, is probably worth a million dollars - family person, loves everybody keeps Twitter on private - meows back at their cat - extroverted introvert -feels guilty for not logging into Animal Crossing for nine months thinks existence is kind of funny invented the word 'dapper - the living embodiment of when you try your best but you don't succeed' - just wants to be loved and cherished -great with animals, never scratched the life of the party, when they're not launching into drunken diatribes -smartest smart person alive -stays up until three in the morning thinking about the meaning of life - an essential addition to any squad - reads at 10,000 miles per hour wants to stab Banksy hates stan culture hoards comfort food beneath their desk gets sentimental over their Neopets used to hoard Beanie Babies - hates answering the phone - silently lurks in Twitch chatrooms - needs more friends - stylish drunk with two hollow legs - never fails to speak their mind great at impressions -not-so-secretly depressed - regularly confuses main for private "just forget I said that haha" preserves their right hook for justice - stared into the void, got bored quotes movies when provoked - "That's just, like, your opinion, man." the most perfect teeth Baby Boy...Baby Talk Shit, Get Hit Mr. Krabs A Dog - soft outside, softer inside - never ashamed to cry - weak spot for pups, needs to pet every dog they see -only one of the squad that's been punched squad's resident cheapskate needs to seriously reconsider things trolling game out of control A dog - never seems to accumulate debt, also never tips the waiter took college prep in high school - can't fight to save their life - surprisingly terrifying comebacks - multilingual gg ez clap" oves Bon Iver, Death Grips and Beyonce equally - Kappa Kappa KappaRoss CoolStoryBob workplace's local kissass likes to give gifts to sad friends living embodiment of a flower crown talks during movies home life is a mess - needs a vacation, too self-conscious - doesn't flush toilets in public bathrooms to take one - adopted by everybody - "Oh, I won't report you...yet" believes they were born in the wrong era - has never yelled once - in love with the smell of old books - wishes on stars when no one's looking leaves breadcrumbs in butter a well-rounded tool - nobody knows why they keep getting invited"Poverty is a state of mind." champagnesuperhoeva: red dead redemption 2 tag yourself masterpost now all in one spot for your convenient bullshit needs tag your chronic pain, tag your panic attacks, tag your existential crisis  I am all of these yet none of them at the same time
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