#also never getting over their rainbow pins
psychelis-new · 8 months
pick a pile: "Your true colors - (4/7) Green"
take a breath and choose the photo or number that calls you the most to read a message for you from the color green, the fourth of the 7 rainbow's colors. in this serie of readings about the rainbow's colors, I will try to channel about your true colors, so to help you look inside and see your most beautiful self, appreciate yourself more and hopefully provide some type of guidance if necessary. as cindy lauper would say: "your true colors are beautiful like a rainbow", so let's look at them and hear what they have to say to you and how they (you) can help you look at things in a more positive way.
green is the color of healing, balance, peace, abundance, hope, money, growth, love, connection, surrender, trust (heart chakra)... in this reading, I'll try to analyze this side of your character.
you can find the other colors' readings in the pacs list in my pinned post
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one pile, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
It feels like you've been waiting for something for a lot of time now. It could be love or connections, it could be a good stable career (and income), it could be also "feeling healed". About this last point let me add this reminder that healing is about finding a way to react in an healthier way to your possible triggers (yes, there may still be some here and there, but it doesn't mean you're not succeeding at what you do: pay attention to how differently you are reacting compared with the past. Maybe you are not spiralling so easily as before or maybe you're recognizing what's behind your trigger: that's a sign you're doing your healing right. I know it feels like it's never ending, but the moment you'll find a balance and not let yourself get discouraged by each fallback you may encounter, that's the moment you'll understand for real what I -well, many psychologists- mean. Take it slow). I feel you may even get envious of others having (apparently/easily) what you are trying so hard to obtain but seem to not be able to. You may be comparing yourself with others too (please, don't... you're your own type of special, don't lose sight of this truth). I think your heart is also suggesting you to calm down and wait, to not be too impatient. You are a very loving, kind, gentle soul, and ofc you (even unconsciously) feel like you deserve something back (you indeed do!!) but... it seems you're getting the absence of positive immediate signs (or even supposedly slightly negative signs -which may be just tests or corrections in your journey) as a huge NO from Universe. Tbh the more you keep asking for a sign, for something tangible, the more you are giving space for uncertainty and self doubts and ruining your manifestations (not saying it's not human at all, we all go there and it's okay. But try to stay as much as you can connected with your positivity, without avoiding paying attention to the negative side of your life: nobody wants toxic positivity ofc). I think you are asked to give yourself time and space. To enjoy the show, somehow (even if yes, it may sound bittersweet at first but it's more like... "let things flow/go", trust).
You may also not be giving your heart the right time and space to heal something. Or you're not paying real attention to something: maybe you feel you have healed your problem and got over it but it's not entirely so: you may even get dreams or other impulses from your mind about this. Our minds tend to recall what our hearts haven't healed fully, so if you think/dream about someone or something and it makes you overwhelmed or nervous/scared, chances are you need to still work on that a little more to get over it and leave space for new and better things to come. You are someone who rarely gives up but ofc, as every human does, sometimes you may feel disheartened. We all have dark periods when things get harder: when these happens try to reconnect with your heart (and take care of it, maybe putting your hands over your heart chakra and sending it love could help you too). You are such an hopeful and positive (maybe with others more than yourself... try to include yourself too) and also an abundant person, you just need to remind this yourself and put this type of energy into the Universe, so that the magic can happen and you can get more. Keep believing in your abilities and in yourself. And that you deserve so much more. I think the Universe is giving you some kind of feeling in this sense, like your intuition may be telling you to not give up to the dark but to just be patient a bit more (despite those darker days) cause bigger things are being prepared just for you, so yeah trust it. Trust yourself and your heart. You're not asking for too much anyway, but big things and changes (like going the opposite way from what you're used, like even changing your mental pattern) require a bigger amount of time. I think for many of you it's about love (even self love tbh or any other type of connection you have experienced: romantic, friendship, family...), maybe you need to heal/grieve and get over a past connection (situation/feeling) to get a new and possibly better one. I just read this by chance and its fitting so I guess it's for you: "Give yourself the permission to heal the same thing more than once". Allow yourself the same kindness and time respect you allow others.
song: hypnotized | purple disco machine, sophie and the giants (highly recommend reading the lyrics)
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pile 2
Your pile is giving me a hard time (luv ya). It feels like you don't want to let me in... maybe you tend to close off to others in general. I think you may have been through something big in the past (abandonment wounds more likely, someone left you out of the blue or you couldn't really trust people being there for you to help you when you needed them) and now you simply fear letting people in (it'd mean let them hurt you once again ofc). Some bits of you though may be starting to occasionally pour out of you, some even without control (your inner child wants more attention prolly)... maybe you are unconsciously trying to still be in touch with others, to connect more (we're humans, we need connections). I bet you feel alone these days, and I am sorry. Probably your heart still wants you to let down your walls or build some window, so to see if it's worthy to let someone in... maybe. I guess in love (any type) we have to take the risk of trusting others, of being vulnerable and letting them in. I think love (again any type) is our conscious choice to give someone else the power to hurt us... but still it's up on us to stop that hurt when we start to feel it. And talk about it before it gets too much, do not pretend things are always fine and you can take it all. There's such an overflow of emotions from you... You are abundant of love (or miss it so bad, no in between), you cannot keep it inside anymore and you're searching for something or someone to be able to take it all in and free you from that abundance (and give you back as much too and stop that lack, despite many of you mostly need to give). But maybe you fear being rejected and accused of being too much or hard to handle. Beware that yes, not everyone may be ready to be overwhelmed by your love or requests (as you may ofc not be ready to give it to someone since day 1), so just take things slow and talk. Remember also that some people may not be able to handle their own emotions to start with, so when you pour yours onto them, they may get overwhelmed and project onto you their fears and accuse you of being what you're not: "too much". We're all different, but it doesn't mean it cannot work (at least not always: it depends on the specific people involved). What I feel like telling you is... trust your intuition: it will guide you to the right people and places. You don't have to do it all alone, you don't have to stay alone... just take time to get used again with sharing and slowly letting down your walls. Not everyone is here to hurt you, and you can trust yourself in being able to recognize such people anyway and close them off, while letting others who deserve in. You're really full of love anyway... I don't have any other way to explain this. Your energy is so lovely. Maybe get a plant or a puppy, start pouring your love onto them, they will ofc receive it all happily and give back in their own way (a plant growing healthily and giving you flowers or even fruits, if applies, or having pretty shining green leaves is its way to tell you "thank you, ily").
This said, I do think you need to meditate and take some time to talk with your heart, decide what you can compromise on and what not (at least in the beginning, when starting reconnecting with others) and things like that. To meet the type of people you want to meet and deserve to meet, and get what you want, you need to be more open and even start going to search for them also in places you may not be considering atm (be the first one starting a convo if you want; don't always wait for others: maybe you both are waiting for the other so... try. If they "reject" you, it doesn't have to be you the cause of this rejection. It could be their "problem" too or that we're simply not made for everyone as not everyone is made for us). We can find different people in different places, even where we would never go (sometimes we are convinced we don't like something/someone but if we gave ourself the chance to try, we may even change our mind). Trust your guts for this, let yourself be called even by things you probably would have never considered joining or doing before (to get a different result, we need to do something different and it works for people too: not just in the way we act but also in the places we go to, a change can be needed and bring success). Idk why I am suddenly thinking about work with you. Maybe you want to change job or are moving somewhere else? That's good: changing, meeting different people and/or cultures may totally help you get a different approach in your life too and realize better your needs and that not everyone is the same ever in the world (you don't have to go the distance to see this btw). Totally give it a shot (confirmation, if you need: a change -probably even just in behaviour/routine or anything- may bring you wealth too not just in connections but money as well). My nose is itching so bad with you, probably you'll get some important download about what you'll have to do soon to get what you want, maybe even a dream or sign or something. You may be feeling lost so... yeah, this download will help you in your journey. Just let yourself get out more, even physically out of your home not just out of your own cage you have buildt inside around your heart. Let yourself be seen and found. You can survive anything, you have yourself, be sure of that. And anyway, you won't be alone forever. You can change this, your people are waiting for you (I literally had to check the time like yeah... it's time, come on!). Ofc keep trying to heal the reasons behind whatever is that is blocking you or caused you to cage yourself. Maybe for some of you healing will happen or improve when you'll meet other people, so it's fine if for now you don't feel like going too deep. It will happen at the right time, trust your own guidance.
song: basic instinct | the acid; running mate | lemolo (got called by both, so yeah.. you're lucky pile 2 ;) )
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pile 3
You are someone not scared of putting in hard work in order to get something you want. And I think you also have a very good mind that supports you in taking the right decisions or at least not giving up at the first obstacles or difficulties. I think you know it's okay to be a learner at first (and anyway, everyone is, and your heart knows this well) because you know you can see your results whenever you put effort into what you do. Things come easily to you, especially when you create this magic connection and balance between your light, heart/love and soul. When you connect really with your core center, and realize you are working for something you really deeply want and desire, you know you can do anything and go through anything. You change, adapt, grow, and always get to see abundance/success or attract it in your life. Or get to its side. Somehow though, and that's normal, at times you may get tired of always having to put in so much effort in all you do. At times you may be wondering if you're doing it all right and for something, or if you're actually being seen. I do think you are not being seen and appreciated that often to be honest, and this can cause you some self worth doubts. Maybe the people around you do not really give you feedback as much as you'd like... maybe you had to grow up and always had to work hard and get many positive results in order to get praised by your caregivers or others (contrary to others around you: you felt you had to put in a double effort to get the same kind of appreciation -it wasn't you the "wrong" one anyway, js), and this habit stayed with you. It helped you feel included and appreciated. You probably wear/wore masks sometimes or with someone and you kinda lost yourself in the process (or cause you focused mostly on your material life for long). But your heart knows that's not what is all about. You don't have to do anything in particular to be loved and appreciated, you only need to be you. I also think you need to work only on what you really want for yourself (mentioned above), not for others: you're caring and nice but, you're here for you and if you have to overwork to be seen... that's not good. Ofc to do this, you need to start a journey of getting back to yourself and knowing yourself again. You may have people pleasing tendencies and need to do what others require you to do, but that's not always what you want to do too. Try choosing with your heart and set up some boundaries. Protect your purity and energy from anything evil that may try to get your best and use your abilities and talents only to your own personal advantage. I think your career/grades will get better the moment you start doing this too (ofc, for those who can resonate).
Your heart is probably tired of not being acknowledged for who you really are, of being taken for granted... I feel like you may be thinking of giving up sometimes. Maybe you also had to be the responsible one since a young age, to almost parent your caregivers and they often came to you for support or you had to take decisions you didn't want to take. I perceive sadness around you and I'm very sorry. A heavy heart. Don't give up, please. Not yet. Ofc, take a break but don't give up entirely, especially if there's something you really want to do. Know you can always ask for support to others, even professional figures and you can take back what's yours and who you are. You can start again and start from yourself and who you really are. And you can even get away from whatever is hurting you if you need that. I do think you need peace most and foremost... You have worked too hard for too long, you felt in charge so many times and you did so much you didn't want to do. Now it's time to take a vacation (real or mental and emotional, at least) and relax your mind and heart. Heal your heart and then start your own personal journey. You have learned so much through these experiences, you know your worth and you know you can always make it and survive, so you know you're invincible. I don't have to be the one telling you for sure. ;) Just don't give up now even if your heart feels so tired. Better connections, people that will see you for who you are for real and appreciate you, will come in your life. Find yourself again. I do think there's a real lot in front of you to still be uncovered, and maybe also inside of you. A huge new (balanced) world you'll love and that will bring you so much more. You're still under construction, so keep building yourself up. I am seeing a cocoon/embryo, so yeah, it pairs with the green lemon in your photo too.
song: you are enough | sleeping at last
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sooty98 · 9 months
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Andre vs Scott
I never thought I would meet this guy, but I certainly can honestly say I did. I will keep his identity secret, though, and just call him Andre. Andre is a well known model, Spanish, gay porn star, with a body and cock to die for. His dark eyes, and dark muscular body, and hairy chest is just mesmerising.
I meet Andre whilst on vacation in Ibiza Spain about 5 years ago, but I have rekindled our wrestling obsession with over the years and he has visited me in the USA on many occasions, and I have visited him in Spain to.
I’d seen a lot of pictures of Andre prior to us both meeting. It was at an outside music festival in Ibiza I first met Andre and it wasn’t hard not to have noticed him as he danced, bumped and grinded himself on the dance floor wearing a gold wrestling singlet, Andre had an incredible bubble butt, washboard abs torso showing through his singlet and was a sight to behold, in more ways than none. I have to say that I almost fainted and screamed at the top of my voice when I noticed him.
Andre gave me a very long friendly smile as I stared at him and there was an instant attraction. I was also wearing a red singlet. Andre whispered in my ear saying you into wrestling, cos I shaw want to get to grips with you on the mats or in the ring and finish our session in my bed. It was extremely hard to control my bulge in my singlet at the thought of wrestling Andre etc and he was certainly bulging himself as he pressed his bulge against mine as we grinded against each other on the dance floor.
I whispered back to Andre and said if you like it rough, aggressive and intense I’m your guy. Andre replied saying those abs are in for a pounding and I don’t hold back when I wrestle, I love pro style and especially trading hard vicious gutpunches and forearm smashes to each others jaws mouths abs and ribs and the loser gets fucked.
Let’s go back to mine Andre said I’ve got my own private ring and matted area set up in my garage. We left the club discreetly and headed to Andre’s villa. The taxi ride took about 30 minutes to Andre’s villa with the two of us spending most of the journey with our lips locked against each others, and his dark moustache gently rubbed and tickling my top lip and nose, our tongues twisted around each others mouths as we slowly kissed.
As we arrived at Andre’s villa he said hope your ready for a beating from me and a lesson in wrestling, because I rarely lose, and I’m looking forward to hearing you scream in agonising pain when I make you submit and pin you down to the canvas stud, and I’ve got a knock out forearm smash you won’t forget. I replied likewise bitch that’s just how I like it.
Andre said pick a pair of speedos from the draw. I was instantly drawn to a rainbow 🌈 colour pair of speedos which I quickly changed in to. Andre said great choice as he changed into a gold colour pair and we quickly stepped into his ring and locked up testing each other’s strength and power. Andre was soon landing hard gutpunches to my abs and ribs followed by some solid hard forearm smashes to my jaw, pecs, chest, back and neck. Andre showed great strength and power especially when he lifted me up and slammed me down hard onto the canvas and delivered some solid elbow drops to my abs, ribs, face, and solar plexus knocking the wind out of me slightly.
Andre certainly was a force to be reckoned with as he dominated for the first round against me and true to his threat and promise he had me submitting in his Boston crab submission hold over me. The second round was extremely explosive between the two of us as we both connected with hard solid gutpunches and forearm smashes to each others faces jaws mouths abs ribs backs necks pecs and chests. I ceased the opportunity and delivered a hard seoi-nage slamming him down hard onto the canvas followed by a hard solid elbow drop to his solar plexus knocking the wind out of Andre and pinned him down hard onto the canvas and won the 2nd round with a pin.
Andre didn’t look to impressed with me and I knew the 3rd and final round was going to be brutal, vicious and tough. The 3rd round was just what I expected and anticipated. Andre’s dominance soon took over and he certainly proved he was a better, more experienced wrestler than myself as he slowly ripped into my abs and ribs followed by his knock out forearm smashes to my jaw..........Andre knew I was beaten as his confidence shone through out as he flexed his guns after each gutpunch and forearm smash. Andre left his best though to the last and damm did I feel it when he connected with a cracker of a double handed smash that contained all of Andre’s strength and power, and knocking me out for a short time.........
I certainly underestimated Andre in every way, but I certainly wasn’t disappointed with him in the bedroom department, and he certainly wasn’t disappointed with myself either. Andre unlocked a hell of a lot of sexual desires, and we experienced a bond that will never be broken........
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forggywrites · 4 months
ATSV characters finding out you’re being harassed at school/work for being queer.
Characters: Miguel O’Hara, Miles Morales, and Hobie Brown. all x gn reader who is queer/LGBTQ+ in some way.
Got the idea of some of the boys comforting/defending you from assholes in your life. Reader is queer coded and the harassment is based off of that. So please read with caution and stop when you need.
CW: queerphobia, homophobia, harassment, cursing, slurs, violence,
Miguel O’Hara
When he found out that people at your work were giving you shit for being queer, he was pissed.
It’s 2099 god damnit, how are people STILL homophobic.
“You should have told me, I can talk some sense into those assholes.”
Even if you said you could handle it he would not take it.
Goes to your workplace and lodges a complaint about the coworker(s).
If HR gives some bullshit about not being able to do anything, he tells them they fucked up big time.
Starts investigating every little thing about the company while helping you look for a new job, he’s taking the place down and you’re going somewhere better.
Man has power, so he gets a LOT of dirt on your harassers and the shitty management.
Once you get a new job all the info gets leaked to the press and their rightful legal organizations.
Company goes under not long after.
All because they refused to be decent human beings.
Also he takes you out for a tasty meal as celebration.
Miles Morales
He’s super supportive of you, and he knows you can handle yourself.
But when he’s walking down the hall and hears someone call you a slur, that’s when he gets mad.
Tells the kid to fuck off and drags you to his dorm, not caring that you both have class.
When you ask Miles what’s up he give you a ‘seriously?’ look.
”Is that the first time that’s happened?”
When you tell him no he just about flips out.
”What do you mean ‘no’? Why is no one doing anything about it?”
You explain that the guy had been ‘punished’ multiple times but that only made him madder and so he kept doing it.
Miles starts fuming.
He starts to do research on the kid, and when he finds out that he likes Spider-man he knows exactly what to do.
He starts to make changes in his regular life and his Spider-man life.
Tells people to cut the bullshit at school and starts opely supporting the LGBTQ+ community as Spider-man.
Goes to pride events in his suit, makes posts on social media in support, and maybe even adds a small rainbow pin to his suit.
If the kid doesn't cut it out he'll teach them a lesson.
Hobie Brown
He went into your workplace one day to visit you during your shift.
He heard your coworker make a homophobic remark.
Descrimination is a no no in his book (obviously)
When your shift is over he confronts the person and tells them to cut the shit.
If they somehow didn't find him intimidating enough he looks into their life a little.
Finds out their info and keeps an eye on them.
Does everything he can to absolutely ruin their life.
While Hobie isn’t against getting his hands dirty he also has friends who have way lower standards with causing pain.
Don’t question it if one day your coworker shows up with a black eye.
Or never shows up again.
He’ll take you out for a fun night and reminds you that you deserve love and being queer doesn’t change that.
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ingravinoveritas · 5 months
David Tennant stroking another man’s hair, flirting with Alex Brooker, singing about a vibrator, wearing that wig and dancing and swinging his hips like that and finally, MICHAEL SHEEN MENTION. Bragging about being above Michael in the Dilf list like a little brat like WOW he’s about to get his ass spanked tonight
I am honestly so living for David bringing out his bratty bottom side, which I feel like is a side we don't get to see nearly often enough...
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(Also, for those who haven't seen the full video of David's appearance on TLL, you can watch it on Youtube here.)
I know the moment in the gif above is supposed to be him as Gwyneth Paltrow, but all I was getting was campy, bisexual British Kurt Cobain, right down to the jumper (which oddly does look like something Kurt would've worn in the grunge era). And we can't remotely overlook the fact that David was wearing rainbow/pride gear from head to toe tonight, from the rainbow buttons on his shirt (you can see them under the jumper) to the Tardis trans pride flag pin all the way down to his rainbow socks...
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And then, of course, there was the Michael mention. At this point, it honestly feels like whatever is happening between them is a big open secret (at the very least, I have a strong feeling the host Adam knows, and probably also Josh Widdicome), because it is impossible anymore to have one on as a guest without bringing up the other. In this case, it almost felt like the DILF of the Year competition was another excuse to mention Michael, and then to see David fully preening over outranking him was just...beyond glorious.
As to the aforementioned spanking, I fully concur with you. There's something in particular about this show, knowing that it was filmed live, and it's almost as if David behaved as bratty as he did because he knew a certain Welshman would be watching (giving very similar vibes to when David was on the Late Late Show in 2021). I can already so clearly picture the exchange between them after this (hopefully immediately after, since Michael is still in London and David could readily have gone to see him once the taping ended)...
"I'm more DILFy--DILFy, is that a word? Hmm--than you, Michael. According to the Internet people, that is." "Mmh. Yes, the all-wise, all-knowing Internet people." "You don't agree?" "Brat." "Ah, but you love me." "Don't think I could stop if I wanted to." "So you don't mind that the Internet thinks I'm more of a DILF than you?" "I think I'm the one who gets to fuck you, so the Internet can get bloody stuffed." "Funny, I was rather hoping I'd get stuffed right about now." "Cheeky slag. Turn around and take your trousers off." "You're so easy, Michael." "Shut up, Dai."
So yes, David's appearance on The Last Leg tonight was certainly quite something. I truly love seeing that part of him come alive, the part that he once spoke of in an interview where he talked about being a little boy and putting a towel on his head to entertain his classmates. I think deep inside, David has never stopped being that little boy, and there is something so special about seeing that part of him getting to be free.
Definitely hoping as well that we might get to see/hear Michael's reaction to all of this, but he still seems a bit quiet on Twitter these days (and if he's busy spending long nights with David, one can hardly blame him). I suppose we'll just have to see what happens...
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cowgurrrl · 11 months
Gold Dust Woman
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Author’s note: oh you can’t pay me to stop writing these two now
Summary: Oscars season with Joel [1.1k]
Warnings: anxiety, two idiots being grossly in love
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You're on set when you find out you got nominated for an Oscar. Hannah, your director, stopped the scene but made sure the cameras were still rolling as she walked up to you. "The Academy just nominated you for Best Actress for The Beginning of the End." She told you, and you immediately burst into tears. The cast comes out from every corner of the sound stage to hug you and tell you how excited they are for you. It's a beautiful moment surrounded by love and pride, and you struggle to keep the Oscars out of your head as you try to go back to work. Joel buys you flowers and takes you and the girls to a nice dinner the night you find out about the nomination.
You're a nervous wreck in the weeks leading up to the award show. Sierra tries to tell you to enjoy the night and not worry about the outcome, but it's hard. Winning an Oscar has been your dream since you were a kid, and the idea that you're this close is freaking you out. You spend your time working, probably a little more than you should, and putting together an outfit for the night. If you're gonna lose, you might as well look good doing it. 
On the day of the Oscars, you spend the whole day getting ready, letting your stylist and makeup artists take over the process so you don't have to worry. They put you in a stunning royal blue dress with gold embellishments adorning the bust and the skirt. Joel matches with a suit made specifically for him from the same fabric as your dress with the matching embellishments over his shoulders. He even put his own touch to his jacket, adding a rainbow pin to his lapel to show support for Ellie, who recently came out. His new favorite thing is finding anything with a rainbow on it for him or Ellie and wearing it proudly, so you're not too surprised when you catch him adding it to his jacket. 
You each take some glam shots in your house before leaving for the Dolby Theatre, your knee bouncing anxiously the whole ride over. Joel is the perfect distraction with his touselled curls and sleek black sunglasses covering his eyes. He looks annoyingly hot and is the most perfect supportive partner ever, promising to love you still, no matter the outcome. You're only slightly frustrated with how attracted you are to him. When you get to the red carpet, he lets you take all the solo shots before you finally convince him that it's okay to come to take pictures with you. "I didn't wanna be in the way!" He says, making you laugh. 
You get to meet celebrities you've never gotten to meet before, and you also get to see lots of old friends. When Jack Nicholson casually offers you a sip of whiskey from his hidden flask, you decide you've officially made it. You and Joel do the Glambot with him spinning you under his arm, showing off how your dress flows, and he waits patiently while you do interviews talking about what a privilege it is to be nominated and how excited you are to see everybody. By the time you're able to get into the Dolby Theatre and sit at your table, you're still incredibly nervous, but you feel a little bit better. Wine helps too.
You have two glasses with dinner before deciding to stop so you wouldn't be too drunk in case you do win. Joel is incredibly affectionate as you sit there with anxiety rolling off you in waves. He holds your hand, kisses your cheek, rubs your knee, anything to get your mind off how slow the categories are moving. When they finally get the Best Actress category, he grabs your hand in both of his and squeezes as they announce all the names. The women you're nominated alongside are extremely talented people who've been in the industry twice as long as you have. Their movies have made you cry, laugh, smile, and rethink your life, and isn't that what the best art is supposed to do?
"And the Oscar goes to..." the announcer says as he opens the envelope. You keep an even face, knowing the cameras are pointed at you, as you squeeze Joel's hand with every bit of strength. The second you hear your name, your ears ring, and the world explodes into white noise. Carolina and Ryan jump up and down from one table away, and the people you've modeled your career after are standing and applauding you. You find your feet and stand, hugging and kissing Joel before he escorts you to the front of the stage, falling back as you reach the stairs. The announcers hug you and hand you the heavy gold statue and the card with your name on it. They step aside and let you have the floor as a timer behind the camera counts down. 
"Wow. Oh, my God. This is incredible," you say breathlessly. "Um, I'd like to thank the Academy for this amazing opportunity. I'm so honored to be nominated alongside some of the best actresses of our time, and I don't know if I will ever do anything as cool as this. When I made this movie, I was in a really weird headspace, and I didn't know how to bring this story to life, but I knew I wanted to do and I wanted to do it justice. Our director, Lilah Hanover, helped me do some incredible character work and gave me the space to try new things. I owe you my life, Mrs. Hanover. I want to thank my parents for letting me move to New York City and start my career. Ryan and Carolina, you guys have been my best friends since the beginning, and I couldn't imagine doing life without you," you speed up as your timer ticks down, and you try to go through your list. 
"I couldn't have done this without my amazing team of people who support me every day and allow me to create art that makes me feel like I'm doing something worthwhile. I love what I do, and I never take it for granted. Um, to Sarah and Ellie Miller, I'm so honored to be in your lives, and I love you forever. Joel Miller," you find his eyes as he sits at the bottom of the stage, and you smile. "You are my rock, my safe place, my second chance, everything. There are no words to describe how much I love you, but I will spend the rest of my life trying to find them. Thank you." With that, the music plays out, and you follow the announcers backstage, where you look at your Oscar for the very first time and burst into tears. 
Bonus: instagram stories after your win 😌
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websterss · 7 months
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: Your plan to get the group's attention becomes too difficult of a task especially with Ethan leaving your bracelet in his dorms, forcing you to be stuck in his dorm until he returns. You start to wonder whether he'll keep you locked up forever until he presents you with the idea of going to a party for the night.
𝐖��𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆(𝐒): A bit graphic, mentions of blood and dying, angst, implications again but no smut, sad flashback
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Ethan Landry x fem!Ghost!Reader
𝐀/𝐍: I hope you enjoy it! I based this off the song by Lizzy McAlpine - Doomsday
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Perhaps you had overestimated Ethan’s true intentions that night. Being pinned down both alive and dead brought on stress, pain, and ptsd, that wretched night scarred you. Flashes from the night he killed you remain true and gory. The color red turned into your most hated color of the rainbow. The second worst color; was brown. It was the color of his eyes. You used to adore having his attention, wanted nothing more than for him to swing that gaze on you with that charming grin he bore. Now you just wanted to erase every touch, conversation, and his whole existence. You knew the repercussions of attempting to bring justice for yourself, the whole obstacle of being invisible to the human eye; to your friends mostly. They couldn’t see you, and try as you wanted, they would not be able to hear you plead and beg for their attention, which you craved and yearned for the most. Anything but Ethan’s, anything but the heavy reminder of him stabbing you over and over with his knife. 
You were oblivious to his attack. You saw him coming, and you let him into your home, but you never saw his intentions. You would have guessed what the night would have potentially led to had it gone the way you hoped. A kiss, maybe even more, but not this. Not him, and the war he was battling behind his eyes, as he stared at you with a lost expression. 
“Hey Eth, do you want anything to drink? There’s water, and juice, a few sodas that I haven’t drunk yet. I’m not much of a beer person, but we can go to that bodega on the corner to get some if you want. I’m kind of craving some chips honestly.” You called out to him. Ethan had excused himself to use your bathroom. He needed to go after a few hours of trying to absorb every painstaking word from his econ textbook. You teased him for his class requirement. Why would anyone put themselves through such a class? Cause it was required for his degree of course. You shook your head as you opened your fridge up. The bright light from inside illuminates your face. Your brows pinch together when you get no response from him. Do guys usually take long to pee? 
“Ethan?” You glance at your fridge one more time before closing it. The second the door was closed you turned, and you wished you never did. “Ethan you okay in ther–” You cut yourself off seeing him stand there at the door of the bathroom. A black robe was now thrown over his clothes, and his hands dawned gloves; also black, but what made your heart sink was the knife he twiddled in his hands. His gaze was solely on the weapon. All you could see was his dark brown curls. “Ethan?” You take a small cautious step back. You kept trailing your eyes up and down his entire. Trying to find the butt of this really fucked up joke. There didn’t seem to be one though, just cautionary fear tingling up and down your spine. You had never really been in a flight or fight situation and you really didn’t want to be. You cringe when he tosses the mask onto the island between you both. The mask revealed all you needed and everything you were afraid of. Your breathing picked up as you stared down the all too familiar ghost face mask your friends warned you about. Your watery gaze rose to meet his detrimental stare. One look at his stance, the way his eyes burned with hate. The tight grip he had on the hilt. It screamed a man with the intent to do harm. And he would because your sweet dorky Ethan was gone. You didn’t recognize the intensity of the man before you. “W-What are you doing?”
“I’m gonna give you two options okay?” His voice was shaky. His jaw clenched. You sucked in a breath as he continued. You were on the verge of sobbing. “You can run, and you might get away with some injuries, or I can get it over with so you won’t suffer as much.” How generous…You look away, walking over to the farthest counter and placing your hands on it. You eye the pan you had left on top of the stove, before looking over your shoulder in distraught.
“W-What’s the third option?” You cry softly. 
“There isn’t one baby…My dad…” His eyes glistened. “He wouldn’t change his mind. He couldn’t be swayed, Y/n. I tried…” He looked down at the knife. “Believe me when I say that I tried. He wouldn’t let up though, he wants you dead.” 
“What?” You shook your head confused. “You tried? What the fuck does that mean? Why would he want me dead? W-We were just studying a few minutes ago Ethan. For your Econ exam. If you wanted to take a break you could have just said so, you didn’t have to go to such extensive measures!” You gesture to the robe hysterically. “Why are you doing this? I-I haven’t done anything to you. I haven’t done anything!” You breath hitches and cracks with every exhale and inhale of your cries. “I-I don’t wanna die Ethan…” You cower back against the door of your refrigerator. “Please, y-you’re my friend. You’re supposed to be my friend...”
“I know baby…” He closes his eyes shut. Then looks back up at you. “But I don’t have a choice. It was either you, or me.” He tilts his head. You go still, terror overtaking your face. You straighten, balling your left hand into a fist. The small pan was hidden behind your back, out of his sight. If he did notice you grab it, he didn’t mention it, maybe to allow you some peace of mind before everything went to shit.
You walk over to him slowly, cautiously, hoping not to trigger his fight response. “Will you give me something then, before you start?” You let out shakenly. 
“What?” His brows furrow.
You slowly reach up with your left and cup one side of his face before bringing his lips onto your own slowly. Your hand slid behind his head and curled your fingers into his locks, tugging him closer. Ethan nearly dropped the knife then and there. You caught him off guard. Might as well right, you thought. If you were going out then you’d go out believing and dreaming of what could have been. Maybe someday, somewhere right? Yeah right. Your breath hitches as you pull away, a tear slipping down your face as you pat his cheek gently. Then you swing the frying pan you grabbed into the side of his head before bolting down the hall to your room. Ethan's stance faltered. He stumbled back into the bathroom door, before falling onto his side. You had barely rushed past him when he tried to reach for your leg, but he missed. Not so safe to say he didn’t appreciate the sudden whack across the head since he thudded heavily towards your locked door. It took him about three powerful kicks before he got it open. You flinched by the window having it halfway lifted by the time he got in. He stood at the entrance, his eyes narrowed. He sighed heavily, as he shook his head. 
“Option one then…” He cracked his neck before he stormed towards you. You cried and fought him off, but the knife still got lodged into your stomach. You cried out in pain as you felt a sudden pinch snip at your wrist before he threw you across the room, you fell to the carpet, doing a horrible job at staying upright. He had gutted you well and efficiently enough to cause you to bleed tremendously. One thought and one thought only ran through your mind then and there. The door. The front door was the goal. The dream really. It was wishing thinking at this point honestly. But you began your crawl in agony. You grunt and whimper as your limbs and organs hurt with every movement and push you force your body to move forward. You couldn’t stay here, you had to get out, You just had to. 
Ethan begrudgingly sat at the edge of your bed. He rubbed against the side of his temple, his fingers drawn back with blood now smeared across his tips. Fuck, he thought. He looked over at you pushing yourself out the door with a struggle. How long he would let you do this for, was the real kicker. He thought it best to let you hope for a little longer. To let you continue ‘escaping’ as he assumed that is what he was looking at. He knew he said he wouldn’t let you suffer, but for some fucked up reason, he couldn’t let you die just yet. He wanted to enjoy a bit of your drive, your determination, and the sound of your voice regardless of the fact you were crying out in pain. He wanted to save it to memory for a few more minutes. You, just being alive. Just a little bit longer, he thought. He couldn’t get your kiss out of his head. Had you wanted to kiss him before? He hadn’t known, nor would he after this. He looked up again to find you out of his sight, had you moved that quickly? He strained his ears to be able to hear your faint grunts. You were slowly dying and he was only dragging it on further than he needed to. He placed his hands on his knees and stood up. He glanced around your room, letting his eyes roam over everything that screamed ‘you’. To the lights, to the fun colors on your bed, to the wall of pictures, to the now bloody carpet. He looked away, feeling a tinge of sadness for turning your most sacred place of comfort into a horror scene in the span of only a few minutes. He’d been in your home for over an hour, and it only took him minutes to ruin everything good in this little home you created for yourself. He walked over to the door, shifting his eyes to a picture you hung on the wall. It was of him and you. Bemused and silly is what he would describe the vibe he felt when he looked at it. Maybe someday, somewhere. That’s what he’d hope for. With one last glance at the pictures, he tapped it with his glove and moved into the hall. You had made some distance, but it was never going to be enough. He couldn’t keep watching you attempt to crawl your way to what you hoped would be your best chance of survival. He had to put you out of your misery. It would probably be the one good thing he could grant you. 
Any future attempt at trying to gain the attention of anyone other than Ethan was a no-go. The first few times he hadn’t suspected much when he brought along your bracelet. Your one and only means of transportation to and from places. He threatened to leave it in his room when he caught onto your intentions. You hated how much you begged and pleaded to be let out, be ‘taken out for some sunlight’ if you will. You had become reliant and dependable on Ethan as much as you despised it. He really had been your only source of sanity, without him as he smugly liked to remind you, you’d be stuck in his room. He even went ahead and left the bracelet under his pillow just to prove a point to you. You beat on his chest when he saw you storm up to him as he entered his room. You wanted nothing more than to slap that stupid smirk off his face, so you had, and he kissed you roughly, pinning you to his door.
It was routine, and he seemed to enjoy every minute of it, and you, you just had to go through with it or you’d end up cooped up in his room again waiting for him to return, just like today, on all the days. Halloween has been your absolute favorite and the asshole left your bracelet on his night stand. It mocked you as you sat on his bed staring off into space. You thought back to your Princess Diaries costume that was gonna be awesome, but now it sat in your closet, in your apartment that was covered in blood, your blood, which was now also a crime scene, so now you had nothing to wear but the clothes on your back. You lift your head as the door to his room opens. The devil himself walks in. Ethan approaches you, leaning down to give you a rough slow kiss. His hands cupping the back of your head to bring you closer. You sigh as the kiss goes on longer than needed. A scowl paints your face as he pulls back and bites back a smile. He straightens up and looks down at you with adoration.
“Get off your cute butt, we're going out.” That made you perk up. 
“Out? Where are we going?”
“A party. It’s Halloween remember, let’s go have fun.” He smirks seeing your face contort with confusion. You should have been thrilled, ecstatic even, but his sudden mood shift put you on edge. You noticed that after days turned into weeks. How he’d be nice and touchy feelings with you, then be an absolute sociopath the next. His sudden emotional outbursts scared you. Even dead he could still hurt you. “Come on, get up!” 
“I-I don’t get you.” You shook your head. You knew better than to fuel the flame he had tucked away at the moment, but you didn’t know how to deal with his change of emotions anymore, it was exhausting when he out of nowhere felt the need to play ‘Mr. Nice Guy’. You were over it.
“What do you mean?” He stopped looking for a long sleeve to look back at you. 
“You’ve kept me trapped in your room for five days, and now, all of a sudden you’re kissing me again, and being sweet? I don’t get you, Ethan.” You look away from him. Shrinking in place when he draws near. 
“I wanna take you out, what’s wrong with that?” His shoulders slumped. “You wanted out of here, you’re getting that.” He walked over to his nightstand and picked up the small gold chain. Mocking you with it as he dangled it out to you. Then proceeded to tuck it into his jeans. “Now get up, I’m supposed to meet Chad there. Unless you want me to leave you here.” You immediately got up from his bed.
“I don’t even have anything to wear.” You gesture to your shirt and jeans that you’ve been wearing since you showed up. The red sneakers are your signature trademark. The group used to find it endearing. You wondered if they were missing you right about now. 
“Why should it matter, no one can see you anyway?” Ethan immediately tensed seeing your face fall. “I didn’t mean it like that…look how about we- we could ya know…” He trailed off then met eyes with his white bedsheets then stilled. You watched wearily and then curiously as he stripped his bed of his flat sheet. Who the hell owned a flat sheet? 
“What's with the sheet?” You raise a brow in question.
“Would this even work? I mean you couldn’t even touch your bracelet. It just went right through you.” He eyed the sheet and then walked over to you. “Can I?” He gestured to you then the bed linen in his hands. He took quick notice of your hesitance. “Just trust me.” He waved your doubts away. His words made you laugh out loud causing him to grow still. 
“Says my murderer…” You roll your eyes.
“Humor me then.” He grunts then before you can protest he throws the linen over your head and watches it drape over your frame. When it remained over you, his heart began picking up. “Holy…shit!” He backed up, his hands frozen in mid-air as he surveilled you from head to toe. “No fucking way that worked. Holy shit!” You heard him breathe out aloud. What was he so shocked about?
“I can’t see anything.” He couldn’t see it but he imagined you were pouting. 
“Oh right, sorry. Here take it off!” He pulled on the sheet until you came back into his view. Your hair was in disarray. Wild and full of static. A cute pout on your lips as you stared at him. Observing as he dug out a pocket knife and cut into the fabric. Two eyes holes from what you could tell, and then he was turning back to you, reaching forward to fix some crazy strands. The kiss placed on your lips caught you by surprise. He smiled at you and then went to throw the flat sheet over your head again. He adjusted it until your eyes were directly over the two holes he made. You could see out of it now. “Oh my god, you look fucking cool!” He ushered you to his thin mirror. What you didn’t come to realize soon enough was that the linen over your body did not go through you. Your eyes slowly widened as you began to grasp what this would mean for you. People would be able to see you. 
“Holy shit…” You gasped as you stared back at your reflection. You had a reflection. You couldn’t see your eyes, but you could see the very visible bed sheet that was placed over your frame. “Holy fucking shit!” You exclaim, excitingly. You knew what this entailed, but you realized that Ethan had yet to understand why you were so excited about the sheet being placed over you and why it didn’t phase through you like the bracelet had. You figured that he figured you were only freaking out because he thought you thought this was cool. It was, that was no lie, but you were hopeful again. 
“No one will think twice about it.” Ethan laughed at your reaction.
“It worked!” You extend your arms out and do a little spin. 
“It’s fitting honestly going as a ghost, I mean who’s gonna question the girl with a sheet draped over her head?” He chuckled. He nodded in agreement. You were though, a ghost and all. Dead or costume didn’t change that. Not one bit. You hadn’t known why you let your intrusive thoughts win in the moment. Perhaps you rushed towards him because you wanted to express how you were feeling and needed an outlet. Needing to show Ethan just how happy you felt, though you knew you had acted in such a way because your plan to try and find a way to communicate with your friends was back on track, and Ethan was none the wiser about it. You had shed the sheet and brought his lips onto yours. This had been the second time now that your initiated kiss had caught him off guard, but he welcomed the affection nonetheless. He walked the both of you backward until he fell back onto the bed, taking you down with him as the kiss grew heated and rougher. You stayed on top until he had flipped you both. The hungry gaze behind his eyes knew you were gonna be a little late for the party, but you hadn’t really been too worried about it. 
The walk to the frat house had been interesting. You kept turning your head towards every wandering eye that landed on you and Ethan. You bet you both looked like quite the pair. A sheeted ghost and a cardboard knight. You had judged Ethan’s look with love and some honesty. You still didn’t get it when it had to explain to you who he was. He went into detail about his inspiration from the movie Murder Party. A movie you had no idea existed until he showed you a scene in which the character Ethan was being tonight wore said costume. It felt like trivia. 
When you both walked through the door. You were both immersed in the chaos and music blasting through a speaker somewhere in the house. Bodies, bodies, and bodies all around, grinding, talking, drinking, and of course the occasional hookup. You were feeling a bit better than you and Ethan had your own pre-hookup before arriving. You knew better than to let your heart lead, but you couldn’t help the swarm of butterflies in your stomach when he reached behind him, extending his hand out for you to grab, and you did, allowing him to lead the way around the various of party goers fully and barely intoxicated. It wasn’t long until Ethan had found Chad. And boy were you not prepared for him to finally see you. See your ghost costume. 
“And who is this unlively thing?” Chad joked but teasingly nudged Ethan over and over. You had barely registered Chad’s faint words of ‘That’s my boy’ and ‘I told you, full snack baby!’ before he turned his attention back onto you. “What’s your name sweetheart?” Oh his smile, his beautiful grin that you had missed having be directed at you. 
“This is Wyen!” Ethan introduced you. You were glad they couldn’t see the questionable expression you gave under the sheet for the very questionable name he gave you. What the fuck Ethan?
“Wyen?” Chad's brows pinched together in question as well. “I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone with such a unique name.” He shook his head.
“Yeah…she gets that a lot, just think of her name as the letters Y and N and you’ll be fine.” Ethan waved it off. 
“Why would I–” Chad sputtered in confusion. Then turned to you. “What? Is he messing with me? Please tell me he’s fucking with me?” Chad laughed your way. You shook your head and said. 
“No, if only you knew though.” You said. Ethan eyed you, but Chad hadn’t heard you one bit. 
“Is she good?” Chad leaned over to Ethan, as he took note of your lack of responses. “She's not…you know.” He gestured to his ears.
“Deaf? Oh no, yeah she’s fine, she’s just staying in character tonight. Halloween is kind of her favorite holiday.” You wanted to slap him right then and there, so you did. You reached forward and smacked him. Chad found your interactions amusing.
“Ahh okay. Well apologies, ole friendly ghost. I was in the dark of such information, but I respect your wishes to continue to haunt our youth in silence!” Chad placed a hand over his naked chest. You breathe a laugh aloud, but you realize your laugh didn’t reach his ears. It made you tear up a bit, but you concluded that the shake of your shoulders was enough for him to register you did in fact find his teasing funny because his head was thrown back as he laughed. God you had missed him. You tipped your chin down and curtsied, adding to the bit he was doing. “She’s funny too. I like you already.” He pointed at you. “Well, Ghostette and Mr. Landry, enjoy yourselves, not too much of course, but get drunk, and make out. I’m gonna go see where the girls are alright, find me if anything goes wrong okay? Anything. That goes for you too Wyen. Find me for anything!” With that, he tapped Ethan’s cardboard chest in what you assumed was approval and walked in the opposite direction. You scoff knowing that Chad considered you to be Ethan’s conquest for tonight. It looked like trying to gain their attention was going to be harder than you expected...especially since Ethan was hesitant to let you out of his sights now.
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fuck-customers · 6 months
CW sexual stuff, possibly unintended sexual harassment?? Unclear exactly but CW just in case
Idk if "fuck coworker" is too harsh for this but it's definitely a "coworker is making me uncomfortable". But I don't think that she has bad intentions so I don't want to be mean. Here's the deal:
I'm lesbian. This coworker is also lesbian, just started a few months ago. She found out I'm a lesbian (I don't hide it) and it was an immediate problem- she started coming up to me and showing me pictures and videos of women and commenting on their bodies, specifically boobs and asses, especially in booty shorts. It's not porn but it's very much "thirst traps" pictures. And she tells me what physical things she wants to do to them and them to her. And she literally pulls out her phone when she sees me to scroll thru and pull up the pics she wants to show me. She comments on the bodies of random customers to any coworker within hearing, saying how hot they are and what she wants them to do to her in detail, and drags me into it with "[my name] knows what I'm talking abt don't u". I've told her I'm uncomfortable with the sexual comments abt customers and talking abt sexual positions at work, and she says I'm hiding my identity and that there's two of us now so we don't have ti hide. Which feels pretty condescending but also obtuse????
Because ive never hidden my identity at work - I wear rainbow and pride pins and jewelry, and have talked abt having a girlfriend at work to/in front of coworkers, and my coworkers even commiserated when my girlfriend broke up with me and encouraged me to get back into the dating world, just like how we encouraged another coworker when her bf and her broke up. I just don't want to talk abt sexual positions with specific customers as reference points at work???? Like...there's a line between mentioning a boyfriend or girlfriend, and saying u want this customer who just walked in, to "throw you onto your back and fck u with a strap on so hard her ass jiggles". Like???
We're the same age (late twenties) but she's newly out (within the last year, she said) so I'm trying to be understanding that she's navigating the job world as a "baby-gay" (newly out person) but the singling me out to show pictured and make extra sexual comments to is making me so uncomfortable. It's not sexual harassment towards me cause she's not making the comments abt me, so I can't rlly make a big deal over it. None of our other coworkers seem to have a problem with her, and I can't ask to not be put on the same shift with her cause then they'd ask why and I'd have to say why and I don't want to throw a fellow lgbt worker under the bus like that over something as petty as this: it's a tough city to get hired in as a gay person so I don't want to make things more difficult for her, I just don't feel comfortable and that's a me problem but like fuck this situation it's making me feel stressed down to my stomach every time I see we're on the schedule together. She covered someone else's shift the other day so I didn't expect to see her and we got zoned to the same part of the store and she saw me and made a beeline for me while pulling out her phone. Like before even a "hi" or anything.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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echantedtoon · 6 months
Monster Bride Part 3 Douma
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(Warnings: Douma IS his own warning. Possibly some innuendos. Douma kills and eats a few people but there's no explicit scenes of killing. Douma is covered in blood at one point. Someone tries to kidnap reader for an arranged marriage. Threats
Douma seems to fall for Shinobu pretty quickly so I'm experimenting with Douma experiencing feelings fast and falling hard on first sight. I'll probably add more character development later in his route. Also I know Akaza has the most votes but at the time of writing this chapter Douma actually had the most so I will write Akaza next as per the votes. The poem Douma recites is inspired by Corpse Bride vows.)
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Quietly you stepped closer as and closer and CLOSER to the bush silently. Slowly behind the henhouse you went and stopped right in front of the bush. The wind blew swaying it's branches creepily and looked like thrashing arms. You grabbed a handful and silently and slowly pulled them back.
And you froze at what you saw-
The winds howled as the darkness crept across the skies. The darkness behind the bush shielded your form from the moonlight which cascaded down between the trees and clouds in the sky. The shadows danced and branches creaked as the wind blew them about. Like arms beckoning you closer to grab you away in their rough grip. Drag you into the shadows never to be seen again. But in the darkness something shined. 
The sounds of hooves entered the air as a creature of one's most insane imaginations walked about. Your eyes shrunk to the size of pins. A man's hair shined in the moonlight. As bright and beautiful as the stars and looking as soft as silk. Except for a peculiar ring of red around the top of his hair like a crown of blood. His eyes were a kaleidoscope with a rainbow captured within his irises as they blinked about. His chest obviously toned well enough to even challenge the most strongest of men. 
There was really only one peculiarity-
The thing stopped under the lowest branch of a wild apple tree. Effortlessly he reached out and plucked one out before opening up a mouthful of fangs and biting half of it away. 
The pale golden horse body was as beautiful looking as the rest of him. With the tail swishing about being the same beautiful platinum blonde silky hair as on his head. His hooves were perfectly polished black and looked like they shined from how polished they were. And BIG horse ears flicked on top of the man's head as he minded his own business and ate the fruit. If there wasn't a man's torso attached to the horse's body you'd say that it would be a beautiful stallion that anyone would be proud owning . He wore a red shirt and some kind of cloak over it. It was ...It looked like.....
Your mouth dropped open as you continued to stare at the thing that continued to eat it's full of your fruit. You just..stared silently. And stared some more. You shook your head blinking and looked again...It was still there. You could hear it chewing on apples. T-This..THIS COULDN'T BE HAPPENING!! It must've been some dream! You were sleeping walking! Or the light was playing tricks on you! Or your paranoia was making you see things!! Something you ate was making you hallucinate!! You were running a high fever!!
Your brain wanted to pinch your hand or smack yourself awake but paralyzing fear. This wasn't happening. This wasn't happening!! You needed to get out of here. You needed to get out of here NOW. You made to just as quietly step back- But you froze as the thing's horse ears flicked in your direction.
He turned creepily and faster than any human being and rainbow irises made contact with yours. You both stared at one another- You ran. Running back into your house. Fumbling hands shut the door closed behind you and locked it tightly. Stumbling back your lungs heaved for air and you stared at the door. Before your eyes shifted towards the window and you again froze as a smiling face with rainbow irises staring back at you. It was like a shock of electricity went through your body as your jaw dropped. Before your eyes rolled up into your head and you collapsed in a faint to the floor.
The next morning you woke up finding you had collapsed on top of your futon. You disorientedly looked up blinking... before a jolt of adrenaline shot through you. With a scream you turned on your back and scrambled away from the window with the monster peeking in. Only to blink as you found it...shut?
The windows shutters were closed...The shutters were closed? THEY WERE CLOSED!! THEY WEREN'T CLOSED LAST NIGHT!! You jolted to your feet and approached the door. But stopped before you opened it. Taking a moment you turned your head and quietly pressed your ear to the door....Nothing. Nothing but the distant sounds of birds chirping... Slowly you reached out and clicked the door lock open. Still listening for anything but hearing nothing. Slowly you reached for the sliding door..and slid it open just enough to peek an eye out...
You slid the door wide open blinking. 
There wasn't anything there!! Your backyard was bright and sunny and beautiful with absolutely nothing weird there. You just stared. Your head turned left. Your head looked right. Nothing. What the what? Dazed you stepped out on light footed you stepped out and turned to the window. The shutters were closed just like you left it before you left for town the other day. You even reached out to tug it. It was closed tight. Your head whipped to the ground near the window and saw.. nothing. No horseshoe prints and it didn't look like the ground was disturbed. Your head whipped to the bush. The hens in your yard scattered about as you ran past them and through the bush to the other side looking around widely also finding...nothing. No missing fruit. No hoof prints. No nothing. 
Just.. nothing.
Like you just had a bad dream.
"Y-Yeah. T-That must've been it." You sighed. Body relaxing and relief washing over you. Careful long strides of some long legs stopped behind you before curiously leaning down to peer over your head. "Heh. I've been hearing so many fairytales and ghost stories that my imagination has gotten the better of me. It was all just a bad dream."
"Yes! I must be so since Im too handsome for a hallucination." You froze as a deep man's voice chuckled behind you. "So I must be a dream come true.~"
You froze feeling the blood drain from your face... before you slowly turned around and looked up. A beautiful figure with horse ears and rainbow eyes chuckled and wagged his fingers at you....You remained staring at him before he leaned down to grin widely. 
"My. Oh my. I've never seen a woman with your looks before." He tilted his head with a flick of his ear. "How... interesting."
You were sent shivers down your spine as you stared at those eyes. "Your eyes are strange."
He perked up. So she could talk. "Strangely beautiful?~"
"Empty..." You took a step back as he froze. "Y-Y-You're not human!" You took more steps back as he blinked wide eyed in shock. "W-What are you?!"
He didn't answer at first. Standing there shocked at your blunt words.. before he rose to his full height and turned to you still wide eyed and mouth in a thin line... before a warmth busted from his chest and his hair and tail poofed out in a bristle as something new was added!!.... Before shivering like a naked mole in winter, his mouth broke out in a shaky grin and he decided right then and there.
Y O U  W E R E  T H E  O N E.  
Tears so quietly started running down his cheeks as his face split in a Cheshire cat grin. A swirl of strange emotions echoed in him. Before it was always so... empty. Nothing mattered, but now it's like the world suddenly has color. Like..he was just an empty room and someone opened the door and just tossed around a happy flowing assortment of colors. A loud whinny went off as clawed hands grabbed  his face. With a happy kick he galloped off in a big circle around a tree and snapped back around to- He snapped his head up and around with a blink as the bush moved and there was a flurry of footsteps before a slam of a door was heard. He stood there blinking for a moment as he noticed no one was there. He blinked before turning to the house-
".....Oh...Um...I guess I have to court her before trying to initiate the mating ritual. I'LL BE BACK WITH GIFTS SOON MY LOVE!!" He called waving to the house despite you not being able to see him at all.
He giddily grabbed his cheeks with a happy whinny and gave a happy trot back towards the stream. He was so happy!! For the first time in forever he was HAPPY!! In his mind he associated the good feeling with her.
SHE made him feel happy. Therefore SHE was the source of the feeling. SHE WAS HAPPY. HE LIKED HAPPY. HE WANTED HAPPY. HE NEEDED HAPPY. HE WANTED HER-....
H E  N E E D E D  H E R.
You didn't dare come out of your house for the rest of that day. Or the next. And you only slipped out long enough to take care of your animals and then raced right back inside locking up the doors behind you. This was bad! This was so very, VERY bad!! What were you supposed to do?! You never encountered anything like this before?! You didn't even know what that thing was?! Was it dangerous?! Was it trying to harm you?! Whatever it was it hadn't come back in three days by then...and it wouldn't be back for another week and two days after that. At this point you couldn't tell if you were going crazy or if he was even real, but you ever so slowly started to creep out a bit more but still looked vigilantly over your shoulder but never saw anything even if you thought you heard something. Every little noise put you on edge. Until one day you were getting some water and heard your cow running startled into the barn. Your head snapped over your shoulder instantly. 
YOU BOLTED!! With fear shooting down your spine, you whirl around on your heel, flew through the small of your backyard, and almost dove through your back door. Quickly you whirled around to grab your door only to again freeze as you saw the big thing standing in beside your henhouse. HOW'D DID HE GET THROUGH THE BUSH WITHOUT YOU HEARING IT?! He silently stared through your eyes and right into your soul-
The door was slammed shut and you never fumbled to lock the door quicker in your life. The lock clicked into place and you backed away from the door. Each footsteps sending a thud echoing through your living room until you just stood there and panted in fear as you stood there. The silence almost made a ringing sound go off in your ears as you stood there and breathed out in fear. Your heart was in your throat and hammered in your chest. Your breaths burnt your throat. Your hands trembled. And then you heard it.
Your body went ice cold as whatever it was stopped right outside your door. Then there was more silence. Then there was a snort sound like a horse snorting. Then there was a couple of hooves clopping in a shuffle and then you heard it. A thudding sound like he was curiously scrapping a hoof against the door. Before there was a...Whiny horse whinny? Like...an annoyed horse noise? You blinked at it. Still shocked and scared but now caught off guard. What-
"Now this isn't fair!" A loud man's voice whined followed by a loud foot stomping. CLOP!! "How am I supposed to show off my new mate to Akaza-dono if you don't even let me court you!? He'd be so jealous I found someone so pretty!"
You stopped fully and just... blinked at the door. ".... What?!"
You looked over and yelped finding a face literally pressed against the glass as he gave you a weird version of puppy dog eyed. "Come out so we can talk."
You. Just. Blinked. "What? No! I'm not going out there with you!"
"Then open the door and let me come in!"
You just watched as he whined again and pressed himself further into the glass smoothing his cheek against the window. Making him look...well ridiculous. "It's not ffffffaaaasiiiiirrr!!!" He whined again. "Every other girl comes to me because they think I'm pretty! What if I say please?!"
He pouted before stepping away from the window view. You followed the clip clops with your head until it stopped in front of the door.Anf and there was a massive thud sound. Like a small tree fell over.
"Then I'm not moving until you come see me!!"
..... Again wot
You...You just blinked at the door... before you approached the window again and peeked outside only to find him....Curled up on the ground and pouting?? You just.. blinked at the centaur curled up on the ground on his side arms crossed and face scrunched up like a toddler being told he couldn't get any candy. You just stared at him...Was he serious?
"Are you serious right now?!"
He looked at the window before firmly flopping his head back down and snorted. 
"I thought monsters were supposed to be fierce."
"I'll have you know I am considered VERY fierce! I'm just mad right now!"
"..... You've GOT to be kidding me!" You gestured out the window. "My first time seeing a monster and THIS is what I see?! I thought you all were supposed to be scary!!"
"I am scary! And I'm not a monster! I'm a kelpie!" He pouted more as you rose a brow.
"Kelpie? You mean the water horse that eats people?!" Again alarm shot through you. "Then I'm DEFINITELY NOT coming out now!"
"NNNNNOOOOOO!!!" You watched as he gave a half course whine half demon like call before turning on his back and kicking his horse feet up. "It's not ffffffaaaasiiiiirrr!!! I wanna talk!"
......Again THIS was a monster? The only bad thing about him so far was that he was extremely annoying. And he was a kelpie. You've heard a few stories about the mysterious water horse monsters that ate people. So no. You were NOT going to get close to that thing...But the shining was starting to annoy you. A lot.
"Oh for the love of the gods! Fine!" His head perked up funny looking as he looked at you with his skinny legs still in the air. "We can talk through the window I guess."
He perked up immediately and you watched him quickly get up and jumped back as he literally ran to the window again pressing his hands and face to the glass. "My happy, you are so sweet to me!!~"
You took two more steps back from the window just in case. "Uh huh." Ok...You guessed you were doing this. Talking to a monster on the other side of your window. You weren't sure you even believed yourself right now. Your eyes narrowed at him. "Just who are you? What are you?!" Those seemed like good enough questions to start off with.
He gasped as if remembering something. "Oh that's right! I never told you my name!" He waved quickly at you from the other side of the glass. "HELLO! IM DOUMA!!" He loudly greeted you with a smile. "And like before I already told you what I am, Silly. I'm a Kelpie! What's my Happy's name?"
"Shouldn't I not tell you because it gives you power over me...or something?"
"That's fairies and other fae. And sometimes witches." He corrected you. "I can't control anyone with magic. If I could I would've already had you open the door or attacked you outside."
...You supposed that was a fair point. And made sure to keep that information tucked away later. "My name is...Y/n." You narrowed your eyes as he seemed to light up more. "It's very nice to meet you Mr. Douma but you happen to be trespassing on my farm. I'm gonna have to ask you politely to leave."
"Nnnnnnoooo!!" He whined again leaning again the window. You deadpanned now. Again THIS was a monster?! "But wwwwhhhyyyyyyy?!"
"Because I don't want to be eaten by a human eating horse monster?," you bluntly stated the obvious gesturing at him, "That's what you're here for right? To try and eat me?"
He gave a look like you suddenly slapped him. "What? No! I would never eat my happy. No, no, no. I'd never forgive myself!"
"Then what do you want? Apples? Help yourself. There's plenty of fruit in the back. Take as much as you'd like and leave."
"Oh I don't want that either." You opened your mouth to ask what he wanted then- "I want a wife!"
A silence passed through the home.
Your blank eyes and numb mind stared at the window. ".... I beg pardon?"
"I want a wife!" He happily chirped. "And you're my happy. Happy wife happy life as they say! So should we induce the ritual that will seal us as mates now or do you want to wait until later when you get a wedding kimono?"
You still stared. "....What?!"
"Is that a yes or no?" He rambled on tilting his head. 
"NO!! I'm not going to marry you!", you squawked staring at him. This thing wanted to marry you!? "Absolutely not! I don't even know you!"
He hummed again before he perked up in sudden realization and snapped his fingers. "Right! The courtship process has to take place first! Here! One second! I brought courting gifts!" He leaned away from the window and pulled a soaked saddle bag off his side. It'd been soaked during his trip back up stream and was full of jewelry and gold bits. "Here!" He held up the bag to the window. "I brought you things I know women like!"
Jewelry, gold, diamonds, and other nice things the humans near his lake sacrifice once a week to him in exchange for his glorious generosity of fishing in his waters. He didn't have much use of them and usually just gave them to Daki or Akaza whenever he visited them, and preferred the offerings of livestock and sometimes humans far better. But surely they'd come in handy when it comes to this problem. He shook the bag jingling the contents inside as she gazed at him blinking. Oh to have his happy in his arms! He'd make her so happy too! He could already picture it-
She'd gasp seeing the contents of the bag and immediately open the door.
"Oh Douma. You're so handsome and strong and rich." Then she swooned opening her arms begging him to take her in his arms. "I'm so grateful you chose a weak human as me for your mate! Let's get married and live together forever! Take me away! I am yours!"
Then he'd take her back to his lake where he'd make the villagers treat her like a QUEEN. He'd introduce her to Gyutaro and Daki and they'd become such great friends!! And he'd show her off to Akaza! Akaza loved women! They'd be great friends too and then his best friend would finally stop being so mean to him! The wedding would be splendid and she'd look so beautiful!!
And he'd teach their children everything he knew.
They would all be so beautiful. Cute little kelpie fouls frolicking around and swimming around and playing with Gyutaro and Daki and they'd be as happy as their mother!
He was snapped from his fantasy when a squirrel ran across a branch hanging over him and dropped one of his acorns hitting him on the head. He blinked as he no noticed that the curtains were drawn on the other side of the window and he could no longer see Y/n....He began knocking on the window.
"I'm not interested! Go away! I have enough problems with men trying to court me without adding a monster into the mix thank you very much!," she called out from the inside.
He whinnied in shock before knocking on the glass again. "Ok. Ok. Maybe I'm moving too fast. Let's just court first then!" No answer and he felt....panic? Is that what this emotion was? "Ok. Can we at least talk? You said we can talk through the window right?"
There was again silence before he heard a groan. "Fine! But don't expect me to come outside."
He lit up. PROGRESS!! "You're very pretty! Do you use one of those fancy skin lotions?" He'd compliment her but disguise it as a question to not come off as pushy. 
There was another pause. "...No. But thanks I guess." He smiled again. "Why are you trying to court me?"
Fair enough question. "I think you're very beautiful! And I've never met anyone before who talks to me like you did. Why don't you want me to court you?" He glanced at himself raising a hoof. "Aside from the monster bit."
"Despite the fact that we're strangers? I literally just want to be left alone! I've got men trying to get me to marry them literally every other day! And now just my luck here's another man trying to court me again!"
His ears flicked and smile strained. "Oh?... Sounds like a big problem you have there."
"None. Taken." Others were just trying to take his happy? Oh that won't do at all. "... How about a deal?"
He smirked. "Let me prove myself worthy over the human courters. If you are not satisfied by blood moon then I'll take my leave of you with no harm."
A hand grabbed the curtain and pulled it back to reveal your suspicious face. "Yeah? And what's the catch?"
"If you cannot give me a good enough reason to reject me, you become my mate!"
You weren't stupid enough to accept this deal. "That sounds like it'll benefit you more than me on both sides. No deal! Good bye!"
"I can keep other people at bay!" He said quickly before you could close the curtain. "I promise!"
"I can do that myself! What will you do if I agree to nothing?"
"I'll just keep bothering you!"
You groaned before facepalming. This guy was NOT getting it. What was his deal?! ....Deal. you perked up. Deals. Didn't fae creatures like making deals? You looked back to Douma who still smiled at you. 
"Hmm...How about a..bet?" That IMMEDIATELY caught his interest.
He hummed. "What did you have in mind?~"
"I bet you can't win my heart by the blood moon. In fact I bet you can't you can't even  fulfill all my desires by then. If I let you court me and you can't do that by then, then you leave me alone.  And NEVER bother me again."
He smiled impossibly wider. "Deal. But if I fulfill every whim by then, you have to become my wife without a fight. Are you willing to abide by my terms? It's not too late to back out."
With a challenging scowl at him you nodded. "Deal! But we both know I'll win."
He chuckled. "Then I'll fulfill your first whim now." He held up the bag. "I heard you mumbling about being low on money. This should last you quite a while. Any other whims, Darling Wife?" 
"Firstly you can not call me that and secondly you can replace the chicken you stole!"
He seemed surprised. "You noticed that?"
"One of my hens mysteriously disappeared the day YOU show up? That's not a coincidence. I'm not stupid." 
He chuckled. Smart too. Perfect traits for their future family. "It shall be done. Don't worry about a thing. Can I at least kiss you good bye?"
You rolled your eyes. "The day I kiss you Is the day I agree to let you in my house."
Alright. Bet.
He left after that day. Slinking back through the bushes and out of sight. You still remained it your house for another couple of hours before daring to even open your backdoor and look outside. He was gone alright but he left a drenched bag behind. You got your pitchfork to push open the top of the bag to peer inside and your eyes nearly popped out of your skull.
There was a massive pile of gold and different colored jewels and jewelry and silver- EVERYTHING a treasure hunter could want. You stared at it for the longest time before struggling to bring it inside the house. 
Perhaps this bet wouldn't be so bad after all.
You didn't see this mysterious Douma again for about another week. In that time you decided to at least indulge yourself a little bit and used a handful of the gold coins to buy a few new books. Once of which was a VERY romantic book you found intriguing.
Hey. You liked reading sappy romance everyone and a while. It wasn't a crime to indulge in a good romance story every so often.
"And then he caressed her cheek and held her close to his body. Their hearts bursting with love for each other!" You gave a giddy giggle squeezing the pitchfork. "Isn't it romantic?"
Your cow mooed annoyed and looked at you as such. Waiting for you to finish putting down fresh straw in her small corner of the barn.
You sighed. "You're right. But still .. it'd be nice to think about." You sighed again. "I'd like someone who'd hold me and love me and tell me sweet nothings. Wouldn't you like that?" Bessy mooed louder. "Yeah. Guess it's easier for cows to not worry about things like romance. I wish one day to find someone like that. To kiss me and hold me tight too."
You went back to finish shoveling out the clean hay before hanging up your pitchfork back up and went back towards the house to sleep the rest of the night off. The darkness outside didn't phase you much anymore and you stepped outside, taking a moment to turn around and close the door behind you. 
"My beautiful love.~"
You jumped whirling around at the noise but froze when you saw his form. Ethereal and serene. Like a ghost in the night. The stars paled in complexion to the pale. Broken colors of iris more beautiful catching the moonlight perfectly like stained glass in a fine temple.
"Bind out blood in ceremony and let me share your name." A hand outstretched to you. "Under the stars of the heavens, I solemly swear, that this hand will always be kind and never cruel. That my voice will only speak truth. That this life is now forever yours." The outstretched hand grabbed yours as you stared. Skin was incredibly soft. "Now as yours is mine."
She was beautiful. Her eyes captured the starlight perfectly and he could see the reflection of the twinkling lights in her eyes. Her skin against his rough from work but soft. A testimony of her dedication. She was as memorized by him as he was of her as the hand pulled her closer to the ever wide smile closing the distance between them. 
"Bind our souls to infinity and I will promise you love and devotion through sickness and health and beyond the realms of death." Another strong arm wrapped around her body pulling. Pulling her forward until their warmth was shared by contact. "I will love you in all your forms now and forever. Through several lifetimes and back." His voice was low and smooth. A hand reached up to caress her cheek before cupping the back of her head for safe support. "From now to infinity." He was close now. Eyes half lidded. "Unyielding." Her body shivered. "Untainted."
He spoke against her lips before the hand behind her head guided her and both were connected in a sweet kiss. His eyes slowly closed as hers widened in shock to the size of plates. 
Without breaking the kiss, two arms swiftly wrapped around your body and pulled you up bridal style. In fact he took the chance to deepen the kiss and pull your body closer to his. Douma hummed pleased before finally pulling away from you and chuckled at your shocked face. Jaw dropped and cheeks pink. How cute. You didn't respond to him until he started walking by squealing and grabbing onto him.
"W-What are you doing?!"
"Taking you inside of course. After all you said I was welcome inside if I ever kissed you.~"
"Absolutely no-"
Your were cut off again by another kiss from him which caught you off guard and shocked again before he hummed and pulled away with a smile showing off his fangs. "Absolutely sweet. Like honey or sugared fruit.~ Oh I'm going to enjoy this part of the courting.~"
You sputtered before slamming your face into his shoulder and screaming red faced.
You struggled red faced within Douma's grip but you found out he was actually VERY strong and didn't even flinch at your struggling . Only carried you across the yard and ducked as he just stepped  on into your home.
His hooves echoed across the wooden floors before he stopped in the middle of the home and looked around nodding at the sight. "Nice home. It's very cute. Like you.~"
You still sputtered red faced and pushed a hand against his cheek. "S-S-Stop that!! You can't just step into my home like you own the place and...and..." You patted his cheek feeling wetness. "And why are you all wet?!"
"Oh! I just swam up from the river behind your house!" He smiled. "I got you a few chickens like you wanted! So another whim is filled! On top of the wish you had to have someone to hold you and care for you." He leaned forward. "And whisper sweet nothings to your ear.~" 
A hand firmly pushed him farther away as your face burnt red. "H-how did you get the chickens?! You didn't steal them did you?" You asked ignoring everything else he said.
"Oh no. I traded a farmer in exchange for some fish! I was just going to leave the cage on your doorstep but I overheard what you said in the barn and decided I might as well fulfill your other requests while here! And just look at how far our relationship came already! You might as well give in now-"
"I still have a month until the blood moon appears! My chance isn't over yet. Now put me down! I'll have to get you a towel! You're dripping all over my floors!"
He hummed looking down noticing the drips of water on the floor. "Oh."
You were put down on your feet and sighed as you turned to stop your way towards the bathroom and opened the door. You'd have to get Douma a towel to dry off with. Douma however stared down at himself and his clothes. Probably should've taken it into account. He looked back up in time for his face to be smacked by a towel. 
"Here. Take this. I'm taking my futon and sleeping in the bathroom."
"You aren't going to sleep with me?"
"Absolutely not." He removed the towel watching as you dragged your futon across the floor and towards the door leading to the bathroom. "I've dealt with you enough for today. But here's another whom for you since you're feeling so generous. Clean up the mess you made off my floor."
He blinked before pouting and pulling his ears back. "But I thought we could cuddle together. It's not very fair-"
"You're the one who made the conditions of the bet. Not me. So just deal with it. On top of that, you can help me with gathering some fruit to sell in town."
"You mean I have to work?"
You smiled at him. "It's not too back to back out." You repeated back his words and he pouted harder as you shut the door.
He pouted harder before a thud rang out as he plopped himself down. "This isn't very fair."
"Darling! Oh darling look at me!!" 
You looked up just in time to see Douma literally quickly raise his back legs and kick your apple tree very hard shaking it's trunk. It sent a vibration through it's being but it backfired on him because he was then bombarded by a flurry of apples falling down on himself and leaving him to cover his head from the shower of apples. You busted out laughing at the sight before going to pick up the scattered apples and throw them into a nearby barrel. After it was nearly full you heaved it up and up towards a wagon at the front of your house. You'd let Douma have whatever was left. Unsurprisingly he followed you all the way over and watched you heave the barrel into the wagon alongside three others already in there. 
"Can I help more?"
"No. You've done enough for me today. You can leave now." Your hands grabbed the handle of the wagon.
"But I wanna come with you." He insisted and you could hear the clip clops of his hooves as he followed you on the pathway towards town. "I can still help. You could use someone to help you pull the cart."
"I don't think so. There's no way you'd safely be able to go into town looking like you just walked out of a fairytale book. You'd either scare people away or have an angry mob chase after you. Both of which I don't need, Douma."
"Oh...I understand!"
Soon you heard the stop of clip clopping behind you and you smiled. Seemed he finally got the hint. Although...the cart became strangely easier to pull. You ignored it in favor of enjoying your walk through the peaceful woods and pulling the cart along until you got into town enjoying the blissful silence. As you walked into the streets where the path to your house connected, a strange reaction started to occur. As you walked people started to stop and stare in awe. Ok. That was weird. Usually a few men would stare at you but never this many and never women. 
"What are they staring at?"
"Beats me."
The cart jolted to a stop. You stared at nothing before snapping your head around and choked on air as you saw Douma...With a completely human body and hands on the cart. He chuckled again staring at your shocked face.
"DOUMA?! What the hell are doing here!?"
"Helping you push the cart. It looked heavy." He then pressed a hand to his forehead. "And I would rather perish then let my darling wife do all this labor-"
"SHH! Don't call me that in public!," you hissed at him before looking around. Now you understood why everyone was staring. They weren't looking at you, they were looking at the beautiful man that was walking with you. "What are you-..How are you looking human?!"
He chuckled. "I can change my form a few times but I did want to help."
You held up your hands like you wanted to throttle him before just grabbing the cart and pulling it. "Fine. But don't call me your wife in public and don't do anything that'll ruin my sales."
"Why are you selling these anyways? I got you enough money to last a lifetime."
"Because I don't want to have all this fruit go bad and I like to earn my living." He hummed again but didn't do anything else as you pushed your cart between two buildings and did what you usually did when this happened. You called out and waved a hand to people passing by. "APPLES!! PEACHES!! COME GET FRESH APPLES AND PEACHES HERE!"
Douma stood by and watched curiously as a few people passed by. A few stopped to buy a few fruits from you but not as many as he'd like. At this point you'd be dragging back a whole lot of fruit. That wouldn't be good. He had to prove himself as a capable mate that could help provide. So that's why his gaze landed on a group of nearby women staring at him. They. Looked. Delicious. But he wouldn't eat them. They'd be more useful a different way. With a bright smile unbeknownst to you he smiled widely and approached the ladies. Making them all fall silent and wide eyed as the handsome stranger stood before them. 
"Ladies. My how young and beautiful you look today,~" a voice dropped a tone with a purr making them either blush or giggle, "Like little buds about to flower.~ Could I possibly interest you with the sweetest fruits that'll ever grace your even sweeter lips?~"
AAAAAnd that's how a hoard of women lined up just to buy your fruits. You had no idea where all these flustered blushing women and men were coming from until you heard a giggle and you turned around to find Douma leaning incredibly close to a girl's face and kiss her hand before he gestured to your wagon. With a timid nod she walked off towards you...And you finally figure out why you had such a massive influx of customers. You scowled at him but he only winked your way. That stupid donkey arse! He was bribing people to spend on you! You scowled harder not noticing the tall figure walk up to you until you felt something against your hand and you snapped up only to yelp seeing a man covered in a fur pelt BITE INTO THE PEACH YOU WERE JUST HOLDING!!
"HEY! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" You pulled your hand away as the man smiled at you. "You looked at the partially eaten peach in your hand in disgust before dropping it. "That's going to cost you two bits buddy!"
He chuckled and stood back up wiping his mouth with the back of his arm. "Well it wouldn't be costing me anything else if you had accepted my offer."
"Offer?" You squinted your eyes at him before they widened in realization. "Nori?"
He chuckled again. "The one and only. I thought you wouldn't recognize me with my new scars. Like them?" He tilted his head at you. "Got them from hunting a monster sized grizzly in the mountains."
You scowled. "I've Heard. I've also heard that you left town last year because you nearly killed a man after you got drunk." You scowled harder. "Why are you here?"
"Your parents didn't give me your hand when I asked them so I came directly to you." Deadly cold, colorful eyes snapped to him with a pop of Douma's neck.  Nori leaned forward with a smile. "I missed you. I've Heard you've gotten more beautiful but I wasn't expecting such a diamond."
"How DARE you! My parents have no say in my life! I make my own choices! You've been after me since we were children and my answer is the same to you now as it was back then! No! Absolutely not! I will never marry you. Now either pay for the fruit or get out of my sight!"
He didn't like that statement. You found out when you blinked and a force was on you. It all happened so fast. One moment you were standing there and the next you were being pulled against his harshly by the front of your kimono with a growl. Your eyes wide open as he growled. 
"You'll regret this. I'll give you the end of this month to change your mind until I leave. Because either way you're coming with me whether you want to or not. I'll have you for a wife."
"Is there a problem here?" Nori froze and looked up at the looming form of Douma as he calmly grabbed your shoulder and with strength that surprised Nori, yanked you back. Nori yelped falling forward and landing flat on his face."That's no way to treat a lady. You'll pardon me but you won't treat my friend like that in my presence."
Nori snapped up to him looking ready to argue but stopped seeing Douma's shadowed eyes. After a moment Nori slowly got up staring at Douma the entire time before looking at you...And turning and walking away but not before saying-
"Don't forget what I said."
You sighed in relief at his leaving form as Douma didn't let you go. "Who. Was. That?"
A shiver went down your spine from the low dip Douma's voice had despite the smile he wore and shook your head. "T-That was Nori. He's a hunter and his family owns a fur trading business. But he was run out of town last year after he almost killed a man in a drunken fight."
His eyes flickered down to you. "You seem to know him well."
You scoffed rolling your eyes. "Yeah right. He's been infatuated with me since we were children. His parents were always trying to convince mine to arrange a marriage for us but I refused. He's nothing but a beast who thinks he can have anything he wants."
"...What did he want?"
"He wants my hand whether I like it or not. Unfortunately for him, I happen to be very skilled in welding a pitchfork."
Douma's smile crinkled up wider. "Yes...How unfortunate it is for him.~"
The next few days were..odd to say the least. Douma stayed for two more helping you harvest the rest of the fruit behind your house and selling it in town(albeit with his sweet talk-) and just bring a general annoyance. But he left on the third day he left back to wherever he came from. You weren't sure whether to be relieved or concerned about it. However you had other concerns. You  could feel the fast approaching blood moon approaching. The end of this month would be the sight and people were starting to get more desperate and scared. Now you couldn't walk into town without seeing most of the women hiding in their houses and peering out of the windows in fear. You started to feel nervous too with everyone acting like this. But it was just one night. You told yourself. It's just one night then the blood moon won't show up until another hundred years. It'll pass and then everything will be back to normal. You stopped going into town after four days with all the fear, in case something did try to take you away. However you had one fear. One REAL FEAR. When you were gathering water from your well two days before the moon. The water was cold and wet- And it spilt on you as something grabbed your arm and whirled around and your eyes widened.
"You didn't forget did you?"
"Darling, are you alright?"
You hummed looking up at Douma whom smiled as you laid against his side. He had come back after taking care of a few things back where he lived and was currently back in his centaur form. But looked puzzled when you suddenly went quiet.
"Sorry. What did you say?"
"I asked if you're ready to accept defeat yet." His ear flicked at you. "After all the moon is tonight and you haven't given me any good reasons to reject me?~" 
You blinked before frowning. "Well you'll have to wait until that." You went back to sharpening a carving knife you brought out of the barn. "I have more important things to worry about "
He dramatically gasped. "More important than me?~"
"Yes!" You forced more pressure of the sharpening stone and blade. "Nori tried to make off with me the other day." Douma's form became cold but you didn't notice. "I have him a good kick where it really hurts and gave him a piece of my mind but he'll be stubborn enough to come back tomorrow. So I'm readying myself! He's taking a hunting trip before he leaves so I'm planning on being ready before then."
Douma slowly looked back to you. And his smile slowly widened to show teeth. "What's he hunting? Another bear?"
"There's a herd of wild horses where the streams connect with the local river in the woods. A group of  the town's men are going in there to try and round up a few. They'll be good money. Why do you ask?"
"Because he did say he was a hunter. There's many hunters where I come from so perhaps I knew him."
"I doubt it. He's just a hunter."
"True...but soon he'll be prey.~"
"I said neigh!"
You snorted at him. "You're really weird Douma."
Beware those who do not herd the  blood moon's waning.
Beware those who do not herd the thirst of monsters 
For tonight Is the night of monsters.
And a night of bloodthirst.
A fire crackled in a bit of rocks. Feasting upon wood that melted into ashes in its grip. A sloshing of liquid heard as a gourd was passed exchanged from one hand to another. Warm skin of a hand warmed by the fire brought the sickly sweetened alcoholic drink to his lips. It burnt his throat in a good way that left him licking the burning sweetness from his lips with a snack, a sleeve wiping at his face as he did so.
"We shouldn't be out here," one man out of the six gathered around the fire commented. His face illuminated by its flames casting dancing shadows among them. "I don't like how quiet it is tonight. Listen...Not a bird. Not any beast. Not even the crickets sing their tunes tonight. I tell you it is a bad omen."
The man with the burning sweetness on his tongue sneered at his comrade. "Don't start giving me that talk about devils and inhuman monsters. I've hunted and camped in woods more silent than this since I was a child. The only danger you'll face out here is nothing but the usual teeth and claws of a wolf or a bear if you're really unlucky. I don't believe in such things."
The rest of the men only murdered in agreement with him or gave glances of weary. "Then we all share in your incompetent thinking by being out her while the moon wanes ordering bloodlust. And for what? A couple of measly horses that hasn't even shown themselves." A stick was tossed in frustration to the fire. "I tell you the beasts were scared off by something far scarier. I say we take their warning and head home while we still have light to see by."
Another scoff. "A single stallion would fetch more gold than two giant grizzlies on a good day! Are you really letting your fear blind you from what you could have?!"
"Perhaps he's right, Nori." Heads turned to the second oldest man of the group whom was staring at him with a thoughtful expression. "We haven't seen any hide or tail of the herd. Not even a footprint since we got here this morning. Even if there's no monstrous beast, it's obvious that the herd has moved out of the area. We should be home comforting our wives' worries and protecting our families from the dangers of others this night. We'll not be seeing anything here."
"BAH!!" The fire hissed in protest as liquid was spilt on thrown from the gourd splashing it as hot the ground. "You all are nothing but a lot of whimpering dogs catering to a woman's stupid fears! We should be looking more instead of lazing around where nothing is happening!!"
The older man sighed once more. "Alright...We will give one last look around the area, but afterwards we go home. I would rather have the warmth of my wife than that of the fire."
Grumbled were had. Murmurs were said. Footsteps crashed through the otherwise silent night. The light of the moon distorting everything with an eerie red hue as different men headed different directions. Splitting up to widen the search and make it back to dose the fire faster. Perhaps an unwise choice they would make.
Bushes and branches of the trees did not stop the ambition of one man whom stepped his way forward to a direction where the beasts drank their full of water. And the place he'd find a strong stallion or beautiful mare to take for his own. A good horse would put quite a good amount of gold in his pocket. Bushes and leaves scrapped against his body clinging for the briefest of seconds before letting go. No match for the body that marched onwards and onwards and onwards through the dark. Until he got nearer to his destination. A small sound reached his ears. The calming sounds of a running river. A few yards further away from was a break in the brush. Ah. A good place to hunt for the beasts. Lower now his body crawled along and closer towards the edge of the water. A clear view of the entire area.
The moonlight shown up on the deep moving water. Water so deep that the blackness cloaked how deep it was. There he sat as still as a rock. As quiet as a mouse. No noise but the water moving along to break the silence. No beasts could be seen however on the bankside. Irritation made a curse stir from his throat. 
To hell with this! He'd get no prize tonight. The only prize he'd get was the woman in the morning. He made to move but a single sound stopped him in his tracks. A pair of eyes looked over and widened in manic glee. 
"There you are."
As pale as the starlight, a beautiful horse stood. Nevermind that it was not seen by him just a moment ago. The beast was beautiful as it was large and muscular. A perfect stallion for sure. A coat of the most beautiful pale-blonde and a  tail of platinum silver swishing in the light. However he he could not see the beasts' head. Strangely it's body part was stationed within a bush nearby cloaking itself. No matter. Even if it's head was blind, a horse such as this would still sell for plenty.
"Ah. Look at you. You're a beautiful beast aren't you?"
The horse didn't move an inch as he slowly stepped forward with a greedy grin on his face. Step after step he took getting closer to it's body. Nothing but the swishing of it's tail. 
"You'll fetch a pretty bit. Bet every man in town would want a fine steed like ya. Haha. Hell I might keep ya myself."
He stood in front of the beast admiring the rising and falling of its chest as it breath. Strong muscles rippling.  It still hadn't moved. The beast must've been deaf. No matter. He awed over the beautiful creature before him before placing his hands upon it. Good gods! It's fur was the softest he's ever felt! His hands just SUNK into it.
"Ah. You're just a pretty little thing aren't you?"
The bushes rustled. Eyes turned. His body froze. A torso of a man arose from the bush. Tall and strong looking and a man of platinum cascading down over his shoulders. A head turned with an eerie bone crackling noise as a wide smile speared across it. Red moon illuminating colorful eyes and a sharp smile as horror beyond belief sat in.
"Why thank you.~"
He watched the man's face contort into one of horror as he realized his mistake and became trapped in his skin as he found out he couldn't unstick his hands from the beautiful body. It was like a neverending sticky glue keeping him stuck in place. His breathing became more irratic as his body struggled harder to free his hands. He chuckled at the useless endeavors.
"W-What the hell?!"
"Oh. I'm afraid that won't work. You see a kelpie's skin should never be touched. I'm afraid you can't get out."
"W-What are you?!" A voice of horror yelled out. "WHAT ARE YOU?!"
"Oh how rude of me. Allow me to introduce myself." A clawed hand waved at him. "Hello. I'm Y/n's husband. You see.. I've been working very hard to provide and prove my worth to her and I'm afraid someone like you doesn't really fit into the equation. What if someone like you convinces her to leave me? No, no, no. I can't have that....And after the way you treated her in town, I had to do something."
Horrific realization flooded the pale figure. Blood freezing in his veins. "Y-You..."
"Yes. Gaze upon me for it'll be the last thing you see tonight but lucky for you I'm a merciful soul. You'll be a part of me and something greater. I'll be sure to send you to a beautiful eternal paradise."
Colorful orbs rolled back in the creatures head. A jaw unhinged wider than a snakes. A horse front reared up. A screech filled the air that was a terrible cross between a horse whinny and demons cry. A man shriek alongside the deadly cry.
Minutes later there was a rush of footsteps as bodies crashed through the brush. Five men eventually made their way to the river bank where the deadly cries rang from. But not a trace of a man or beast was seen. Nothing but a few last ripples of water.
You yawned widely before looking back out of the window... before tossing the curtains closed again. It was midnight now. The moon hung directly in the sky and shown down dangerously like a deadly red lantern. 
Just about seven more hours until sunrise. Then this night will be over.
Douma hadn't shown up once the entire night yet. You were sure he'd given up by now but there was still a chance he'd show up. Or nori if you were really unlucky. Both doors had been locked and you only opened the curtains every so often to quickly check the moons position in the sky. You hadn't slept yet at all during the entire night so far and you'd completely stay up until then-
You jumped before whirling around to the front door wide eyed. A loud knocking came again before a voice sing songed out.
"Honey, I'm home.~"
You sighed in relief hearing Douma but made no move to unlock the door or even get near it. "Go away, Douma."
"Aw. But I came to see my darling wife. After all....you made a promise.~"
"I've made up my mind. I'm not marrying you."
"You gave no reason to not marry me! And you have a debt to pay dear. After all...You. Lost."
You continued to stare at the door and a small shiver went down your spine. "I'm not ready to marry you! There's a good enough-"
The front door slid right open. Revealing the smiling figure on the other side before he smiled wider and walked in his hooves clip clopping across the wooden floor. Your eyes nearly bugged out. 
"It's a sliding lock. All I had to do was lift up the door off the frame a bit to slide it out. You should really get that fixed." He ignored your gobsmacked look as he just made himself at home by plopping on the floor and looking around. "Now what did you make for dinner, Darling? I'm still famished from work."
"I-... You-...RRRRRRRRR!!" You grabbed your face sliding down your hands slowly before pointing at him. "You're as stubborn as a mule! I'm surprised you're not half donkey instead!"
He chuckled. "Naturally.~"
You groaned. "What am I going to do know?"
You yelped as a hand grabbed yours and a second later you were just pulled flush against another body as a fanged smile smiled down at you. "Well...We could always do this, My darling wife.~"
Your eyes only widened as a pair of lips again graced yours.
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bidisasterevankinard · 7 months
Teaser Tidbit 😏👑
(with real tease hehehe)
tagged by talented @pirrusstuff @rogerzsteven @hippolotamus @cowboy-buddie @devirnis @giddyupbuck @ladydorian05 @daffi-990 @jesuisici33 @loserdiaz @wikiangela <3333 thank you all <3333
more of King Eddie and his Lord Buckley
Buck fidgets under his gaze and Eddie looks up at his face, which is frozen in question about what he needs, what he desires today, but what pins King to this image and makes his blood boil like at their first meeting is the same challenge in blue eyes covered by long eyelashes. But if the first time Eddie gave his prey, fox with sapphire eyes, to escape because of these eyelashes, now all he wants to do is see how those eyes roll in contentment, an expression of pure bliss on his face, and eyelashes move furiously from the inability of his lover to keep his eyes open,  but desire to see how his King brings him to pleasure. To heaven. King also wants to see tears on his face from the bliss so good that Lord can not just hold it inside him.
“Put all those clothes down, my love, slowly and as charming as you dropped the sheet from your perfect body earlier today,” Eddie put his chin on his hand admiring how Buck nods and tries to hide the way he swallows saliva. As if he can hide anything from his King. There is no one who knows all the directions and desires of this body as him, even Lord himself sometimes can not see what he needs, but Eddie always does.
(under cut more)
Lord Buckley slowly unties the laces on his shirt, taking it off his body as stringy slowly as caramel, pulling him into a sweet trap from which it is impossible to get out, you can only accept that you are stuck, and oh, how the King never wants to get out, reveling in the sight of pale skin in the last traces of the almost gone sun, knowing that he will have enough light from fires on the street and in the castle to see everything he needs. Every redness and darkness of the skin marks, every point of freckles and moles, and every emotion that will overcome his lover.
Pulling down dark trousers covering obscene long legs with gorgeous thighs, blue-eyed puts all his clothes carefully on his chair and already wants to sit Buck when King stops him. 
“I thought you wanted to look at the stars, my love?” an uncomprehending face looks at him and Eddie is ready to grin at how he was able to knock down his lover's bravado. “Bent near this balcony and admire stars how you wanted. Just stay and watch. And do not look at me,” Eddie thinks that maybe he should have grabbed his crown from how many orders he is going to give tonight with his royal strict voice, which does not require refusals, what he has honed over ten years of ruling the kingdom, but on the other hand, Buck swallows saliva no longer trying to hide it and quickly moves to obey the order and Eddie has time to see his partner's dick and smirk at how quickly he achieved a reaction he wanted.
“Bent a little bit lower, my love,” Buck completely puts his body on the balcony railing. “Now spread your legs wilder,” another command is obeyed. “Perfect,” Eddie murmurs from his seat two meters from his bent lover. “Now it is time for a dessert, isn't it?”
tagging @eddiebabygirldiaz @eddiediaztho @honestlydarkprincess @housewifebuck @heartshapedvows @transboybuckley @jeeyuns @wildlife4life @transbuck @911onabc @forthewolves @thewolvesof1998 @the-likesofus @bigfootsmom @rainbow-nerdss @spotsandsocks @spaceprincessem @mandzuking17 @fatedking @theotherbuckley @fortheloveofbuddie @watchyourbuck @lover-of-mine @buddierights @monsterrae1 and anyone who wants 💙
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nicistrying · 4 months
Sat 6th Jan
Got up nice and early this morning and had the most beautiful winter morning walk with my girl watching the sun come up as we went along! And a bonus rainbow 🌈
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We saw Maggie's friend Boo (an older collie, I think he's like 9 but they love playing together, he barks for her from the other end of the field when he sees us 🥹) We also saw so many deer! They weren't too fazed by us so we got to stand and watch them from a distance before they toodled away
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Then had my dress fitting which was sooo lovely and relaxed. When I went to my sister in law's fitting with her, she had gone to this fancy boutique where they made a big fuss over her and it was lovely and felt really special, but I would have hated that myself. So I went to a local seamstress instead, she had this tiny top floor studio in the middle of town that I would never have known even existed and she just said hello, told me to go get my dress on and she put her pins in then told me to take it off again. We chatted away all the time but it was such a relief to not be fussed around. She didn't ask anything about the wedding, about Matt, nothing lol literally just put her pins in, I asked if she would sew me some cups in bc ya girl needs some kind of cleavage on her wedding day and she just laughed and said that would be no problem. I am sooo happy with her tbh. I was only there for 15 minutes! Got the bus halfway home and walked the rest as I had to stop off at the pharmacy, it was nice to be out in the sunshine again. Got home and did a load of housework, took all the Christmas decorations down and put them away in the loft, and put up a couple of pictures I've been meaning to get round to. Had a snack then went upstairs to work out and got a really solid upper body session done! It felt great
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Made veggie curry for dinner, now relazing in the bath. Going to read my book in bed and hopefully have a good night's sleep bc I have another busy day lined up tomorrow 😴
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randoimago · 10 months
Happy Pride Month! 😃
May I please request headcanons for Joker, Ann, Sae, and Akechi going to a Pride Parade with their S/O?
Going to a Pride Parade with S/O
Fandom: Persona 5
Character(s): Akira, Ann, Sae, and Akechi
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): Happy Pride Month!! Love this idea!! I will say that I didn't write it as "Everyone is happy to go to Pride" just because of what I know of Japan's views with the community. There's nothing bad, but just want to give a bit of a warning that there is some hesitance from some characters.
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Oh, Akira would be thriving at a pride parade. He's wearing vibrant colors and accessories and is happily complimenting each float with you.
He's the leader of the Phantom Thieves, they fight for justice and to help people. So of course he absolutely vibes with the community too.
Akira will also happily get face painting done or if there are any small businesses selling pride merch then he'll be glad to dump quite a bit of money there (he's loaded).
Ann loves going to Pride Parades. They're just so pretty and aesthetically appealing. She'll gladly help put together some pride outfits for the two of you, keeping it looking good but also still resembling the flag (or even a different flag besides the rainbow if you wanted).
You know she is going to various booths and food stalls with you to see all the pride-themed stuff. Gladly gets pins and stickers to clip on to some of her outfits later.
She is loudly cheering and clapping when the parade starts. Happily holding your hand while marching with the floats and smiling widely as she engages conversation with you and others that are at the parade.
There's some hesitance about going initially from Akechi. Not because he doesn't support it, but because he's a bit afraid of being recognized and judged by others. I mean, it is Japan and the last thing he wants is you being harmed because a picture of his face ends up on the news saying that he attended a pride parade.
He does end up going with you because you're just so excited and he wants to support you. I feel like with Akechi constantly striving towards a single goal, he never really took the time to explore himself so going to a Pride Parade really does cause him to start thinking over some things.
At the end of the day, Akechi is genuinely happy that he went with you. He even did get recognized a bit at the parade, but was met with nothing but support for the two of you. It definitely made him want to have deeper conversations with you regarding identity too since he's constantly struggling with who he really is.
Also, a bit hesitant about going to a pride parade just because of public perception and what her superiors might think. She does go because it makes you happy and Makoto saying it'd be a great way to see another side of the public she's defending.
Sae does very much enjoy the floats and speaking/listening to various people of the community speaking about how Pride has helped them. It definitely brings her a boost of serotonin.
Does make sure to keep an eye out in case anyone does try to cause trouble. She knows how prejudices and bias can get so she keeps you close to her while remaining vigilant. But overall, she does really enjoy the experience and being with you.
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kleefkruid · 8 months
When I do a market my badges are sorted in themes in little boxes for easy searching and bc people tend to be a bit to shy to really dig into bigger containers, and a plus for me with that is that I can observe what peoples eye falls on without getting into their buisiness too much.
So of course the pride pins are grouped, and of course there are certain people I can spot walking over and think "Oh yes, One of Us." and they'll pass by and immediately 👀👀👀 to this box.
But the fun part is, as good as I am at spotting fellow queers, I can never for the life of me guess which button they will pick. My buttons are purposefully very specific (everyone has seen enough generic rainbow and love=love badges to last a lifetime I think) and it's just so fun to see which one people go with.
I especially love the dynamics when there's two people and one of them will pick up a badge and shove it in the other persons face without saying a word and the other person just goes "Ah yes, that's totally Anne" This is without a fail always one of the cheeky slogans, like the "Pansexual and still not into you"
and people connect to me too. A trans woman bought some pronoun badges from me, leaned over the table and said "I made this for when people have difficulty understanding", and pulled out a stack of 3-fold calling cards that had a simple diagram for pronoun use printed out on them, and gave me one.
Also I just have to laugh with people's pairings with my other badges, like the person who spend some time rummaging in the boxes and slapped down a "Gender? No thanks!" and one where I just doodled a really crappy bloody knife. Nice combo, ads some flavour to the message.
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lovetohate001 · 2 years
Hii! Can I request an imagine with Henry and the reader where she’s another number (she was put in the lab late, around 15-16 and she’s been there for like 3-4 years?)& she can manipulate metallic elements (move them& put them together) and she likes to create these little mechanical spiders&henry catches her one day? 😌🤍
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Peter Ballard x Test Subject! Reader | FLUFF
CW: spoilers for season 4 Vol. 1
word count: 1.2k
© lovetohate001, 2022. reposting/translating is not allowed.
Peter had seen spiders in Hawkin’s Laboratory for weeks now.
“I want you to look into this,” Doctor Brenner had told him. “If anyone can find where these are coming from, it sure as hell is you. Knowing how fond of black widows you were as a child.”
And Peter couldn’t argue with that. He never tried hard to find the culprit. How could he, when a small spider would follow him around the lab all day? Their mechanics were finely made and he had to admit, their attention to detail and craftsmanship was admirable. They were quite adorable, even if they weren’t completely sentient.
The Rainbow Room was quiet and you were amongst the few children allowed there for the afternoon. Monday’s training had left you drained, but you were proud for having done so well. Well enough to spend your afternoon here, where you could create.
Never mind the bright colours and rainbows adorning the walls of the Rainbow Room. You were fascinated with grey and black. The smudged colours came in so many different textures and shades that you couldn’t get enough.
The pin board where 002 was perfect. You played with a few blocks, one spinning as it levitated above your upturned palm. This was incredibly dull. Once he left the board, you made your way over.Looking over your shoulder, you saw Peter busy with 002 across the room.
Good. Keep them that way.
“Easy does it…” you murmured to yourself, eyebrows furrowed as you softly and carefully manipulated the glass just enough. It bended like water, and parted for you.
“Yes!” you cheered, not above a whisper in fear of getting caught. It was a small victory, but you were happy nonetheless.
You reached in and pulled four metal pins from the back of the plastic board, and a red puck for good measure, before closing the glass again.
You stared at the glass long enough to get a nose bleed. Your smug smile was wide and crinkled your eyes when you wiped your sleeve across your nose. In place of the metal poles you had taken, lay four brand new ones.
“It seems you’ve finally mastered the art of rebuilding and manipulation,” you heard Peter say from behind you.
“Huh?!” you whirled your head around, eyes wide in shock and your heart dropping to the very bottom of your body in dread. You’d been found out.
“Shh,” he held a finger to his lips and sat down by you. “If we act like I am helping you with the pucks, then the cameras won’t be able to see what we’re doing.”
“Huh?” you were so confused. For weeks you had heard murmurs of Papa trying to find this “mystery spider maker”, and now Peter wasn’t even trying to immediately hand you in?
“I saw your spiders over the last few weeks, you know,” Peter started, reaching for a red puck and putting it into the top of the board.
You kept your eyes fixed on it as he carried on speaking, remaining unsuspicious.
“They were so beautifully done, too,” he complimented you.
You couldn’t help being slightly flustered. If you were honest, all the other teenagers here around your age were absolutely smitten for him. Especially since he was the only one who was truly kind to you all. He also helped you a lot. All of you. during your assessments when you struggled, he would always whisper encouraging words and tips on how to do well before you began.
Brenner hated him for it, but everyone here adored him for his nature.
"Thank you,” you said, your eyes not daring to leave the board, moving the puck to fall into the 8th slot, as your wanted it to.
“Can you show me how you make them?” He asked. “I wonder…with this red puck and black metal, could you make a black widow?”
You huffed and looked down at the small poles and puck you had in your lap. You’d had such a love for rain spiders and their long legs. Why do a black widow when they were so small? It didn’t seem like much of a challenge for you.
“Why a black widow?” you finally asked, a frown adorning your soft features as you met his lovely blue eyes. “They’re not really that fun to make.”
“Hmm, lets see…” he crossed his arms and sighed. “For me, as a child, I loved black widows…They were such small little creatures, but with so much power. They’re very poisonous, despite their size. Did you know that?”
“Uh huh,” you nodded.
“Then you’d know that because of one single bite from this little creature would result in extreme pain. You can be paralysed…” he trailed off and laughed softly when he saw the way your eyes widened in fear.
“But don’t worry. Besides their malicious intent, I simply loved them, because they reminded me that no matter how small or unnoticed, I went as a child, I had just as much power to become greater.”
“That’s a good reason,” you agreed. “Knowing that small things can have much power can help you think you can have potential to do well too. Achieve the things you want to.”
“You remind me of black widows, slightly,” Peter pointed out. “You’re small but have such bite, with all that power you have.”
“I guess so,” you shrugged. “I’ll make your spider. Do you want me to show you how I do it?”
“Yes, I would love that.”
“On one condition,” you help up a finger, “Don’t tell Papa about them, just yet.”
“They can be our little secret,” Peter vowed, bowing his head solemnly.
With his promise in mind, you began your work.
You put the small little poles into the flat of your palm and stared stared stared, willing the metal to take form. The poles thinned out and slowly split in half, growing little spikes and tips. Spider’s legs, Peter realized, as you continued.
The puck melted into a soft clay, and eighteen small little balls of red made their way between the legs. The rest of the puck darkened and formed into an oval. The body. And a small red dot remained on the back.
Then a small head, and “There you go,” you said gently, placing the spider onto the white floor.
It slowly whirred to life and stood up, a newborn bambi first standing. It shuddered and shook, then stood still. Eight little eyes glistened, looking up at the two of you.
“Amazing…” Peter murmured, dumbstruck.
“You can keep him if you want,” you said cheerily, as if you hadn’t just created a life in front of his very eyes.
“Thank you,” Peter gave you a radiant smile and held out his hand, watching as the spider crawled onto his palm.
“We can call him Darcy.”
What could you say, you loved reading classics. It was the only thing Papa gave you to do here.
And so that was how Peter had Darcy follow him around the Lab for another month, the only spider that was allowed in the facility after Papa had called you in. Darcy was a little secret between you and Peter.
And you were so very happy to have finally made a friend, even if it took four years of being cooped up here to have found one.   
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fusaes · 11 months
Hiii if your requests are open also sorry if they arent you can just completely ignore this message cause u dont have a pinned yet
But can i request platonic friendship headcanons with bachira and isagi?
Thank you in advance
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HI BAE !! yes yes and sorry i don't have enough time to make my pinned post but ill for sure make one! also this request was so cute ^^ i couldn't help but think about dynamicduo when i hear them together >< anyways enjoy! . *. ⋆ warnings; nothing really, cute moments with their silly little shenanigans, intentional lower capitals ✧. word count: 475, 366
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you almost felt your eardrums burst from meguru's high-pitched scream he let out in your left ear. this car ride was hell, even if there were places worse than hell, it would be crushed in the backseat with isagi and bachira. you could feel your legs cramping from the lack of space isagi's manspreading on the right side. you were inevitably squashed in between them. it didn't help when you were sitting on the hard material of the seatbelt right on your ass.
meguru and isagi's moms offered to drive you three to the arcade because the mall they were going to was awfully close to it. ''gosh.. seeing meguru go out with his friends like this.. makes my heart soft.'' yu's eyes almost water as her hands trembled on the steering wheel. ''mom, don't cry please.'' meguru told his mom, almost feeling embarrassed as his figure only sank further in the seat. you knew bachira was a talented individual and you didn't quite understand what his mom had just said.
isagi looked like he knew this feeling all too well. ''there's nothing to be embarrassed about, meguru.'' isagi's mom butt in as she turned her head to look at the three of you fighting over even just a space to breathe easily in. ''i remember isagi also never been the social butterfly like his dad was. the friends he only ever took home were the soccer team.'' i let out a small laugh as i saw the neon-lit arcade from the road. ''here should be fine, thank you so much for- meguru!'' meguru had already opened the door and dashed inside the arcade.
isagi waited for you to finish your farewells and bid his mom a quick ''goodbye, mom'' too. bachira's mom rolled down the window to give us three a small wave and drove away. meguru looked like a ticking time bomb while looking at what was inside of the arcade. people were scattered everywhere and no space wasn't filled with rainbow blinding lights that only enticed bachira further.
your almost popped out of their sockets once they landed on the bright rainbow glowing sign on top of the building. you weren't the type to go around and hang out at places and waste away the time you could use to be more productive. but since meguru and isagi kindly invited you to hang out together outside bluelock. ''c'mon, y/n! it'll be fun, promise.'' bachira grabs you by your hand and drags you inside of the building to go explore. isagi follows behind and gives you a small smile of reassurance.
''yeah, it would be more worth it to spend all your time outside of bluelock having fun, right?'' you three spot a basketball game and a bumper car area. safe to say, you three almost got kicked out 6 times already.
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ㄔ    ִ  alright now onto the headcanons c:
ㄔ    ִ  bachira definitely accidentally threw a basketball at a kid once.
ㄔ    ִ  isagi helped meguru climb the machine to keep shooting the ball inside the ring to get like 1000 tickets or something 💀💀
ㄔ    ִ  isagi knows every single hack to win every prize you wanted in claw games.
ㄔ    ִ  bachira fought a kid to get to play in one of the games; ''you've been in this seat for so long, kid!'' bachira whined while watching the kid stick out his tongue to him, but he bit back by sticking out his tongue back.
ㄔ    ִ  isagi is a boss at those coin pusher machines and always manages to waste every one of your coins but ends up making the whole tower fall
ㄔ    ִ  a worker at the arcane had to hold bachira back and when i tell you they had to HOLDDD him back, i say HOLDDDDD him back.
ㄔ    ִ  like it took them 3 workers to hold him back from knocking a kid out for ruining his win streak or something.
ㄔ    ִ  you and isagi for sure always team up for those zombie gun shooting games.
ㄔ    ִ  bachira would absolutely destroy those DDR machines. (the arrow dance machine where you step on them) like you and isagi had to pry him away from the machine to go check out other games cuz he's been there for like 43 minutes.
ㄔ    ִ  like i can just imagine bachira dancing to one of those hyper-pop songs on the ddr machine.
ㄔ    ִ  you and meguru literally almost broke the wack-a-mole machine cause meguru pulled a mole out of the hole.
ㄔ    ִ  isagi is the type of kid to eat all of the cotton candy.
ㄔ    ִ  bachira definitely climbed on isagi's back while he was rollerskating. the kids were giving them the stink eye while you were literally struggling to stand on your two left feet.
ㄔ    ִ  at the end of the day, you three got kicked out for wreaking havoc in the arcade.
ㄔ    ִ  (you three got banned from it for the rest of your life.)
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‧₊˚ ⋅ fusaes 2023 do not copy - a/n: send in an ask to request this with any other duo you want from blue lock c:
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ironbloodaika · 6 months
Happy Halloween 2023!
This is something long overdue. Even though I stopped posting my commissions on here that doesn't mean I've stopped getting them!
I've especially enjoyed getting Halloween commissions because those are really fun to conceive, order, and see made into reality. I've especially enjoyed getting them from Aeolus06 and he's never disappointed. Sadly due to me being between jobs I couldn't get any this year. :( That said I've decided to use this as an opportunity to show what I've got over the last few years and hopefully you'll love them as much as I do! :)
These first four are unique in that these were all from the same year (2020 to be exact). Since Aeo has a cool down period between commissions, I actually got these all done over a period of a few months. XD Took a lot of luck and prayer, but I got all the ideas I wanted done!
First one was probably the most complex, but was worth it because of how well it fit. Star, Marco, and Hekapoo from Star vs The Forces of Evil as AndrAIa, Matrix, and Older!AndrAIa from Reboot! Much like Matrix, Marco had a bit of age jumping that fit naturally (especially body types and eye scars). Plus Star and Hekapoo are shipped pretty hard with him so it was natural they dress as the different versions of Matrix's lady love.
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Also, Fun Fact: Marco's scar/prosthetic eye is on the wrong side compared to his costume, but I felt it was better to ignore it than have Aeo flip the entire costume. XD
Next up we had some classic hotties from Canada, Lindsay and Courtney. Everyone with a pulse will know I'm a Courtney fan, so I'm always eager to give her some love. And while I'm not AS big on Lindsay, she's a fun character and I have some friends who love her too so I didn't mind them sharing the spotlight.
Obviously the theme/inspiration behind this pics conception is the fact Lindsay and Courtney pack the biggest T and A on the island respectively, so they needed some costumes to illustrate that. Thus we got Courtney as everyone's fave lady wrestler Rainbow Mika from Street Fighter and Lindsay as the boxing cheerleader Tiffany Lords from Rival Schools. Both ladies who kick ass and look good doing it! Give these ladies some love folks!
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Another Fun Fact: This one took faster to do than I expected, mostly cause I didn't realize my refs were thigh high. In the end I feel it still looked good and didn't bother bringing it up. XD
Here's another cute couple and one I think deserves more love. Eclipsa Butterfly and Globgor are also from SVTFOE and honestly very sweet and adorable. While they're regarded as evil by less tolerant folk, they're honestly some of the sweetest characters you'll see on the show. I feel this is a nice contrast to their costumes, Sindel and Shao Kahn from Mortal Kombat. I went with the MK9 versions of their outfits since they were both modern and simple. Didn't wanna be THAT guy who commissions SUPER complicated outfits. I'm not a sadist! While later games would retcon Sindel into being just as evil as Shao (something thankfully corrected in MK1) I still feel this outfit and character works for Eclipsa, even if she and her hubby are as far from evil as you can get. XD
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Final pic of this year is another couples pic with Danny Fenton and Paulina Sanchez. I ship these two and take no shame in it. This was originally gonna just be Paulina as Phantom Girl from Legion of Superheroes since the name and colors matched Danny perfectly. But then I figured just having Paulina in costume wouldn't be fair, so I had him dress up as Timberwolf, since I recall them having a few moments in the cartoon. A cartoon, much like this pairing, is very underrated. XD
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Now to 2021! This was a fun crossover and and me deciding to avoid "themes" and combining two character pin-ups in one! Once again we have Hekapoo and this year she's dressed up as Otedamako. Who's that? Only my fave Monster of the Day from Sailor Moon! :3 To her side with have a humanoid Rarity showing off her darkside as Martha from Helluva Boss! This one came from the animated opening in G5 that had Rarity showing off some spiky teeth and a crazy look in her eyes. IMMEDIATELY brought Martha too mind. All and all, very happy with how these two came out!
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And now to the prior year of 2022. By this point Aeo started coloring the stream commissions and honestly, it was worth the price increase. Dude is a machine! If this one has a theme it's basically me taking the waifus of my close friends (Chill, Terrible, and Raccoon) and dressing them as other sexy waifus. From left to right we have Himiko Toga from My Hero Academia dressed as Harlequin, the Harley Quinn of the Gods and Monsters film. A very hot/underrated design for a VERY twisted take on the character. Toga makes it work! Front and center we have Wilhamena Mettle from OK K.O.! as Starfire, specifically the comic book version for obvious reasons. XD Finally we have Juri Han from Street Fighter dressed in the tight leathers of Penelope Spectra from Danny Phantom, specifically her second form. Lot of specifics in this piece. XD
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Final Fun Fact: Was tempted to have Wilhamena as Star Canary, the fusion of Starfire and Black Canary from the Batman/Superman comic. Very hot design. XD
And a bit of a bonus! I ended up really helping out a new friend on deviantART back in 2020 and got to get a bit of art as a thank you. Courtesy of XJKenny we have Meteora Butterfly, daughter of Eclipsa and Globgor as Mileena. Also her MK9 design, this not only works for Meteora herself given her story, but also matches up with her parents' costumes as well!
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Well that's everything I wanted to share this year! This has been a rough year for me personally and for the world as a whole. But I'm hoping we can turn things around a bit with what bit of the year we have left.
Happy Halloween everyone! Stay scared and stay safe! 👻 🎃
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drconstellation · 6 months
What the Tartan Tells Us
Or, Tales from the Tartan
(I wanted both titles!)
Updated 10 Nov 2023
I've been reading up a bit about tartan today to what it can tell us, and it seems its not too hard to do. The clues are more in the colours, and the overall pattern, there aren't any particularly rigid rules that need to be stuck to.
For the colour analysis, I'll be referring to my recent colour meta All the Colours of the GO Rainbow for interpretation. I need to tweak the interpretation for red on it, though, based on what I'm seeing here, and some other information I just got. That's OK, red and yellow are the two hardest colours to pin down, they are quite complex in their meaning and perhaps not what you expected them to be, and I expect that it will be a meta that evolves a bit over time anyway.
So for a warm up, let's start with the tartan blanket Aziraphale provides to cover the naked Gabriel on the first day he arrives at the book shop.
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Lets lists the colours we can see:
White - for his base angelic nature that is showing since he misplaced his memory.
Oystershell gray - for his high angelic ranking as Supreme Archangel Gabriel.
Teal* - Blue mixed with green, Heaven mixed Hell, Lawful mixed with Chaos; which is one of Aziraphale's signature colours.
Black - that hint of a mystery in play. What is being hidden?
Dark Gray - the thick cross stripes, which are interesting. "Shades of gray" are something we associate with Aziraphale and Crowley. That's the world they walk in on Earth together, where their two sides blend together. Another hint that Gabriel was starting to see something else than the one-sided thinking of Heaven?
[*I've bounced around a bit on this colour while writing this, but I'm going back to my original thoughts on it. It's not Heaven blue, its tainted with green, and its the same colour Saraqael and Muriel wear (see below) so its something else.]
Next, let's look at Aziraphale's own tartan. We mainly see it in his bow tie, but it also appears on the bike rack he miracles onto the Bentley when they give Anathema a lift back to Jasmine Cottage in S1E2. I'm going to use the examples from this older post by bluebandedagate back in 2019 called A Discourse on Tartan, as they make it quite clear, and when I looked at it closely again after doing my colour meta I actually gasped. Because it tells us there is very little of Heaven left in Aziraphale, despite what he openly says, and one other very revealing fact.
Here is the tartan swatch. It's called "Heaven's Dress Tartan," despite there being next to no Heaven in it.
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For a start, there is no white base, which we night expect with an angel. Its all been removed.
We have a beige base instead, which is one of the working angel colours, probably there as part of his Earthly duties.
There are some wider dark gray stripes. My interpretation here is this is the work of Crowley, who has made him question the morality of Heaven over time - the shades of gray.
Then we get the thin black stripes - the mystery of his unpredictable nature. You never quite know what he's going to do next... Plus the constant effort to hide what he is doing with Crowley.
And finally the red. Red is never a colour associated directly to angels in the present day, so it can only mean one thing - a declaration of his bond to the one who does wear that particular shade of red - Crowley.
Red is not necessarily a demonic colour per se, its more a colour of devoted passion. Shax also wears red, usually a darker red, and she is devoted to climbing the ranks of power in Hell with a passion. And the Red Team in the paintball battle at Tadfield Manor represented the faction devoted to management and following the rules.
The other noticeable thing about Aziraphale's tartan is the tightness and intensity of the pattern. The stripes are quite thin and they repeat often.
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Saraqael's tartan is:
Purple, for royalty. they rank high, somehow, or they're aligned with Gabriel's office.
Oyster-shell gray, for the Archangels.
A pinstripe of primary blue, for Heaven.
White for angels
A wide stripe of dark gray (on the collar.)
Wow. That's some heavy hitting in combinations of colours there. We've recognized them as one of the "dark horses" in the series, and their Tactical Turtleneck backs up the idea that they are now involved with surveillance and spy work in Heaven (eh, they were certainly watching and spying on Crowley and Muriel during their little jaunt in Heaven in S2E6. And I sooo wish I could get a good look at their ring, but there just isn't high enough resolution to do so.)
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Muriel's tartan is very similar to Saraqael's but has a pattern with a teal theme in it as well. It's a bit hard to tell the shade of blue-green here, but a closer look at Saraqael's trouser leg reveals all the colours in their tartan displayed in a strip down the outside seam. Purple and silver-gray dominate, but the teal-blue pops out as well. It looks very similar to the shade of teal in Jimbriel's blanket above. Yep, a dark horse, indeed. I wouldn't trust Saraqael, if I were you.
There is some question as to whether Muriel reports directly to Saraqael, but I am wondering if this marks them as one Saraqael has to keep their eyes on as well - because of something that happened in the past. How does one become a lowly 37th ranked scrivener? I mean, c'mon, doesn't that just sound...ridiculous? What did they do to get demoted so far down? And how many others were demoted before them? Questions for another day, perhaps.
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Edit: I missed this example in my original post - Jimbriel wearing a dressing gown with a similar tartan to Saraqael and Muriel. This occurs right at the beginning of S2E3, if you are looking for it. It's all the same colours - royal purple, archangel silver-gray, white but also a cross stripe of black and a wider cross stripe of dark gray. He only wears it in this one upstairs shot. There is some metaphorical context here - Jim is looking out and down over the "Outside" as everyone moves about on Whickber street below, much like an angel looking down from Heaven at humans moving about on Earth (yes, you should think about the upper level of the bookshop as corresponding to Heaven...it is "upstairs" after all.)
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The other tartan I saw was on the kilts of the angelic soldiers behind the quartermaster in S1E5, when Aziraphale has discorporated in the portal and gone up to Heaven. The tartan there is just in two to three different shade of working-angel beige and off-white, in big wide stripes. Fairly ordinary, run-of-mill stuff. Rank and file, if you will.
I couldn't get a good look at the colours of the tartan on the thermos of holy water Aziraphale gives Crowley in S1. When you enlarge the images they go a bit blurry as they are not high-def enough. I can't tell if its green or gray stripes running vertically, and if the horizontal ones are black or red, or both. If so, that's an interesting colour choice for Aziraphale to give to Crowley, and it's certainly not the same pattern as his bow tie. I could understand if it was just a wider pattern of the beige-grey-black-red. If anyone can help out I'll update with a description and analysis.
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