#also that commenter never came back with the fill fledged comment they promised now i realise it....i still love you tho ❤️
mikkouille · 3 years
also can't sleep
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26 for the prompts? perhaps w the cat n mouse lads :3 (also look danny i did it i sent a prompt are u proud)
I...actually don't remember what the prompt was for this one, but I'm 87% sure it was "I'm not that scary, am I?"
So fine since y'all keep asking for 'em, here's more of the cat and mouse bois. Shoutout to @gabbydafurry and an anon for finally giving them names.
“I said no.”
“I’ll make pollo asado for dinner, we can eat it together while we watch!”
Aaron sighed and rubbed his hands against his forehead, trying to ease the dull throb that had yet to wane over the past two days. His headache certainly wasn’t being helped by the constant badgering of his...roommate, for a lack of better words (as well as being a title so eagerly self bestowed by the cat in question) but much like many of their other interactions, his resolve was starting to wear thin. Usually, he was able to hold his ground for at least a week until he was bribed into giving the other some type of social interaction with the promise of his favorite foods. Today, however, the poor mouse just wanted a moment’s peace free from knocking on the walls or calling through the cracks until he answered, and if that meant watching some stupid movie then fine.
Plus, Lucas did know how to make some incredible Mexican food.
“...fine,” Aaron conceded after a pause, the pressure behind his eyes giving him a sharp pang before fading to its usual ache, almost like his own body was projecting how horrible of an idea this was.
As soon as the mouse slipped out from behind the curio, he came face to face with the massive grin of the cat mere inches away from the opening. Seeing the grin only split wider when he was fully in view of the other normally would have instinctively sent a shiver up his spine, it was kind of difficult to be intimidated seeing how Lucas had strangely contorted his body to lay on the floor between the curio and the bookcase. Most cats seemed to be fairly flexible, so it probably wasn’t too uncomfortable for him to be so bent and curled up, but he definitely lost some of that hunter’s prowess with his back twisted sideways and one leg leaning against the shelving.
In a flash, Lucas had managed to untangle his strange positioning to instead be crouched on his knees, now looming over Aaron in a way he wasn’t sure he would ever get used to. He flinched back when his hand started to reach out towards him, fully intending to scoop him up to dizzying heights without a second thought, but the appendage stopped just short of touching him at all. Instead, he dropped his hand palm side up and waited, smiling all the while. At least he was getting better at remembering Aaron’s explicit request to not be grabbed without permission, though he did always apologize with a sheepish look and some little treat whenever he forgot.
Once Aaron climbed onto the awaiting hand that radiated a delightfully intense warmth into his already aching muscles, Lucas was already jumping up a chattering a mile a minute about how much the mouse was going to love the movie he picked out, how dinner would be ready soon, how he wasn’t expecting him to actually agree to watch a scary movie with him since he never seemed like the type who would be into that sort of thing but--
“It’s a scary movie?” Aaron interrupted, the noise finally registering beyond the headache. Truthfully, he tuned a lot of what the other said out for almost every conversation, not that it ever seemed to make a difference. Yeah, sorry, I’m a bit of a chatterbox, he admitted once, but it’s less weird talking to someone who doesn’t respond than to talk to yourself, right?
Lucas tilted his head and snorted. “Uh, yeah? That was one of the first things I told you about. You know that one actress who’s in almost every one of those Christmas movies we watch, who’s always the jealous best friend?” Aaron has no idea who he was referring to given that he never absorbed anything from those stupid romance movies he was boarderline forced to watch, but nodded anyways, “Right, this is supposed to be her big break out role, or something. It’s the first thing she’s doing as a lead actress, and you know, good for her! I’m glad she’s getting out of that typecast she’s been in forever. Horror probably wouldn’t be my first choice for her, but I guess since she has those singing vocals it could carry over to being a scream queen. Kind of like when--”
And Aaron was out of the conversation again.
Lucas continued to drone on about the actress’s entire film career, or at least that’s what the mouse was assuming he was doing when he occasionally zoned back in to pick up a stray word here and there. The headache he had been staving off to the best of his ability was starting to come back with twice as much force as it often did in the later days. He probably could have just asked the other for some aspirin, maybe even some cold medicine as that was no doubt what this bout of illness was turning into, but asking the cat for anything was always out of the question. Of course, Lucas tried to sway him numerous times into thinking it most certainly was not and that he could always ask for whatever he needed, never to his avail. Aaron was indeed willing to prolong his suffering if it meant not having to stomach the dreadful embarrassment that would come to being indebted to the feline, no matter how insignificant.
Unfortunately, he was only setting himself up for failure in thinking this “agreement” would be providing him any sort of relief. His headache was treading dangerously close into becoming a full fledged migraine and the flashes of light and screams from the television would not be doing him any favors. His only saving grace was that, after he had been settled on the couch and Lucas scampered off to get the dinner he promised, the cat turned off every other light possible to, as he put it, really get them in the spooky mood!
The smell of the food was delicious and nauseating. His stomach both wanted and revolted at the idea of anything filling it, which would only serve to worsen his headache no doubt. Damn it all, he wanted to throttle both himself and this illness, the first for agreeing to watch this stupid movie when he was already feeling under the weather, the second for preventing him from getting his half of the deal. These movie-dinner dates deals were the only reason Aaron continued to stick around, even if he thought the torment of being forced to watch awful romcoms in exchange for a hot, homemade meal was a little unfair. No, that wasn’t entirely true, Lucas was a freaking culinary genius as far as the mouse was aware. It was a wonder why he wasn’t majoring in a cooking field.
“I’m not hungry right now,” Aaron lied when Lucas had asked why he wasn’t eating. “I’ll try some later.”
The cat looked at him strangely before shrugging. “Alright, just let me know. If you don’t like it, I can always make you something else.” There he goes again, offering things he knows the other can’t accept. At least he could let it slide this time as he had no appetite to think of any other dish.
Lucas finished his own meal in silence, completely fixed on the television as the opening scene carried on, introducing the canine main character that Aaron did, in fact, vaguely recognize. This was fine, he figured, the dark apartment coupled with a painfully slow movie, a warm body moving to curl up behind him as it so often did during these deals, he could probably get a few moments of real rest in before the credits rolled. As much as he loathed to admit it, the cat was actually rather...comfortable to be forcefully cuddled by. He wasn’t like other movie goers that needed to make a comment on every character’s decision, steady breathing and the occasional purr helping the mouse slowly relax.
That relaxation was cut short as soon as the romcom actress tore her tiny avian neighbor to shreds by the end of the first act.
Aaron had hardly been paying attention to the storyline up until this point, something to do with the girl being bitten and experiencing insatiable hunger lately. The sudden carnage of the otherwise trusting little prey creature made both of them flinch in surprise, though Lucas was quick to laugh it off. From then on the mouse’s unwavering attention was glued to the screen, but not by his choice. A chill ran through him each time she claimed another unsuspecting victim, always a prey animal, and ripped them apart with her teeth and nails like a starving animal. The way the tiny’s incredibly realistic viscera was slurped into her bloody mouth made him queasy, all too easily imagining himself in their shoes.
Eventually, her hunger became too strong and she began attacking fellow predator species as well. Ripping into throats and soft bellies was far messier than snacking on a tiny creature in three bites, making her feast all the more gory. While the violence still unsettled him, it was a touch more bearable now that he couldn’t picture his own body being mangled between the teeth of a predator he thought he could trust. Speaking of…
The mouse gulped and risked a glance behind him at the other who had hardly moved, save for a few jolts and snickers whenever a particularly good jump scare managed to startle him. It didn’t go unnoticed that every time Aaron had physically reacted to a sudden screech or attack, the cat would curl just a little bit tighter around him, hiding a laugh behind a rumbling purr. He wanted to believe this was meant to be an act of comfort and not something equally as nefarious as the canine plotting her next kill. Regardless, Lucas was equally transfixed on the movie, except he seemed to be enjoying every minute of the horror aspect. His tail would flick in interest during the high tension scenes, even more so when a chase sequence was underway. It made sense, considering that was his favorite game to make Aaron play.
Whatever the case may be, the mouse couldn’t help but be unnerved tenfold that the other had the audacity to enjoy a fictional movie he was interested in seeing. The last thing the mouse wanted was for Lucas to get any more ideas when it came to chasing him around the apartment, much less awaken any sort of primitive instinct to maim his prize after it had been captured. To this day, it remains a deep seated fear in the back of his mind that every time the cat cupped his hands over him, his teeth would be quick to follow. Natural instincts were hard to shake for a reason when it came to prey animals such as himself, he could only hope the same wasn’t true for predators.
His imagination was running rampant, enough so that he completely missed how the movie ended. Something about a cure, something about being put down, whatever. The only thing on his mind was the morbidly hilarious thought that if Lucas were to go feral like the canine, would he eat him raw or would he cook him up in another fantastic dish?
Aaron jumped when Lucas moved to sit up behind him, only now registering the credits scrolling across the screen. He stretched a bit, the quickly fading warmth that had been surrounding the mouse making him realize just how tight the other must have been snuggled around him. How did he not notice?
“Wow,” Lucas said, pursing his lips. “That...was one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my life.”
That wasn’t the reaction Aaron had been expecting him to have, but it was certainly better than to hear him go on about how it was a brilliant masterpiece. He got up to flick the lights back on, still laughing as he recounted each poorly written scene and cheesy effects. “I mean, oh my god, right? The mail man saved everyone? Seriously? I actually feel bad for making you watch that, you totally have dibs on the next movie night.”
He turned around to look at the mouse who was still huddled tight on the couch, wide eyes glued to the screen even if it was just names moving along with ominous background music. Lucas gave him another quizzical look, smirking.
“C’mon, even you have to admit those tinies had zero survival instincts. Like, who goes up to a rabid dog and asks for directions? I get suspending my disbelief and all, but they could have made it just a pinch realistic. This is so going to tank her acting career…” The cat shook his head and moved closer to the couch so that he stood right in front of the television, finally drawing the other’s attention to himself. “Hey, you hungry now?”
Oh, absolutely fucking not. An hour and a half of being tensed up gave no relief to his aching muscles and now that the lights were back on, so was his pounding headache. His stomach rolled, the nausea a mix of dizziness and disgust from the special effects. He didn’t even want to think about food, he didn’t want to be out in the open anymore, and he most certainly did not want to spend another minute in the cat’s company right now.
“S-sure…” Aaron finally squeaked out. He just needed Lucas out of the room, distracted somewhere so he could make a break for it. In some instances, he would have just darted off whether the cat saw him or not, but that always resulted in a game of chase that had a 50/50 success rate, the other loving it anyways. All he wanted was some peace and quiet to rest up and heal and not think about how easy it would be for the other to bite off his head whenever he felt like it.
Lucas stood there for a minute, studying him, and just when Aaron genuinely feared he was going to pounce, he flashed an innocent smile. “Cool, just give me a couple minutes to get it heated up.” And with that, he disappeared into the kitchen.
Aaron decided to be bold and waste a few precious seconds of his head start to collect himself. Deep down, he knew he was being ridiculous. Lucas had been nothing but kind to him. Aloof, but still kind all the same. But as a prey animal that spent the better part of his life living in walls and stealing to survive, trust was a risk he simply couldn’t take. There was hardly any benefit to keeping up this con if the end goal was simply to eat him. For all he knew, though, Lucas was nothing more than a merciless sociopath that was willing to milk every ounce of fear he could before chowing down. A sociopath obsessed with romantic comedies and wore an apron when he cooked and had begged Aaron for two months straight to tell him when his birthday was so that he could make him a miniature cake.
...okay, so maybe Lucas wasn’t a sociopath, but that didn’t mean he was trustworthy. Evolution gave him sharpened fangs and agile reflexes for a reason and the mouse was not about to find out what it was like to be on the receiving end of those one day.
With his head as clear as it was going to be for the time being, sans the dull throb behind his eyes, the mouse finally pushed himself up to make his way over to the couch arm. Slowly, as to not overwork his stiff joints, he climbed his way down to the floor and skittered under the couch for a little extra protection. Strangely, he noticed that he didn’t hear any noises coming from the kitchen just up ahead and when he stopped by the doorway, he couldn’t see anyone either. Losing track of the massive cat should not be possible, especially considering this was a one bedroom apartment and there was literally nowhere else for the feline to go without coming back through the entryway. Aaron should have taken it as a blessing, but of course he couldn’t leave well enough alone.
He proceeded to be daring and come out from under the couch completely to peek into the kitchen, confirming it was empty. Again, that shouldn’t even be possible for Lucas to slip out without having to directly pass the living room to go somewhere else. Unless he had, which would mean Aaron missed him somehow. He had been in quite a deep thought process on the couch...but he could have sworn he was only collecting himself for a minute!
The answer became glaringly obvious when the mouse took a few hesitant steps back and turned to retreat under the safety of the couch, only to come face to face with Lucas. He damn near jumped out of his skin, slamming his back against the wall in an effort to gain another inch of distance between himself and the face taking up his entire view. Really, this was nothing too out of the ordinary for the cat, he loved to sneak up and pounce whenever the opportunity presented itself and Aaron wasn’t too obviously close to heart failure. What made his heart stutter, however, was the fact that Lucas didn’t look like...well, Lucas. There was no smile, no warm eyes, no words being talked a mile a minute about nothing.
No, there was just a frowning cat with his ears pinned back and pupils slit, stalking closer with a terrifying rumble in his throat.
Instinct overtook him as soon as he saw the other’s lip twitch, trying to dart under the couch for safety and having his path immediately blocked by a hand being slammed down, claw out. Aaron couldn’t even yelp, the bile in his throat threatening to turn into vomit if he idled around too long. So, he didn’t. Instead, he turned on his heel and scampered in the opposite direction with the cat hot on his trail. He very nearly dodged a swipe, Lucas hissing that his blow didn’t land while Aaron only tried to speed up his sprinting. They circled maybe half of the living room, the mouse weaving under furniture while the cat knocked into them in an effort to jarr his prey into taking a misstep.
It worked, unfortunately, when Aaron took a sharp turn at the bookshelf and caused Lucas to clip it with his shoulder. The small bump did nothing to deter the cat on his hunt, but the two books that came tumbling down were enough to make the smaller skid and trip to avoid being squashed under the novels. He ended up twisting his ankle awkwardly, stumbling flat on his face while the momentum of his running made him roll twice until he landed on his back. Despite being winded and the additional pain in his leg, he knew there was no time to waste, trying to pull himself. It was too late, though. The cat was already on top of him, hand coming down to pin him under his palm while only his head poked free from between his fingers.
That cold, terrifying face came nearer, eyes tunnel visioned on its prize. Oh God, Aaron would give anything to have the other Lucas back right now. He’d watch a thousand sappy movies, do a date night for every meal, actually move into his bedroom like the cat had suggested he do a dozen times. He wanted...fuck, he wanted his friend back. What he thought was his friend, anyways. Not this killer, not this predator who was baring his teeth and was now mere inches away from biting off his face and--
The growling above him broke off into a snort shortly before turning into a full blown laugh. Aaron wasn’t sure when he had closed his eyes in preparation for his certain death, but when he dared to open them and blinked away the budding tears, he saw that smile he had been wishing for again. Kind and warm, just like eyes, and it was like Lucas had never even taken the form of a starving hunter in his life. Like he hadn’t been moments away from devouring his beloved roommate.
“Oh, come on,” he howled with laughter, “You can’t be serious! That movie actually scared you? I mean, I thought you looked a little freaked out by it, but wow!”
The movie...so this...this wasn’t real. Lucas was just pretending, just playing a prank on him. He thought that the movie had simply wound him up and made him jumpier than usual, no different than watching a zombie flick and popping out from behind a bush at your friend later on.
Except it was different. It was different in the fact that zombies aren't real, but predators are. Predators didn’t need an excuse to go feral and maim and consume their tiny cohabitants, they simply could by the laws of nature. And yes, it may be illegal and have several laws in place to protect prey species, but if no body was ever left behind, who could say if foul play was involved? That was the whole plot point in the otherwise dull movie they sat through together, the reason why the woman was able to avoid suspicion of her sickness by feeding on tinies that could only be reported missing at most.
Lucas’s laughter had tapered off, still clearly enjoying himself. “Alright, note to self, no more horror movies.” Finally, he released Aaron from under his hand to sit back on his haunches. “Man, I really didn’t think you would scare that easily, especially from a B-movie like that. Anyways, are you actually ready to eat now? I put your stuff in the oven so it would reheat better, but it should be done by now….Ronnie?”
Aaron hadn’t moved an inch since he was originally pinned, not even after the hand had been lifted off of him. He just stared up blankly at the cat, trembling and wide eyed, unable to do anything as the rapid succession of events sunk in. The cat’s humor died down a little, smile hesitating.
“Hey, look, I’m sorry. I just couldn’t resist, you know?” He shrugged a little sheepishly. “You didn’t even notice when I came back so I thought...I don’t know, it was funnier in my head. I almost broke character and started laughing before you ran!” With still no verbal response, Lucas reached out a hand. “Aaron? You good? Come on, I’m not that scary, am I?”
The reaction he got probably wasn’t what he was hoping for with Aaron suddenly scrambling to push himself away from the outstretched hand that might trap and tear apart his limbs. He gave a sharp squeak, managing to find his footing only to come crashing down as soon as he took the first step, his ankle noticeably swollen by this point. His cry of pain was muffled into a desperate grunt, trying so hard to drag himself away as a last ditch effort to avoid the same fate as the bird and the squirrel and the mole in the movie.
Lucas gasped. “Oh, Ronnie, your leg!” Both hands were reaching for the mouse now, aiming to cup around him and scoop him up before they surely put him out of his misery. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry! I didn’t...oh my God, I hurt you.”
Yes and no. In truth, Aaron had been the one to hurt himself by making his body move in ways it physically shouldn’t. But that didn’t change the fact that Lucas had shown his true colors. Perhaps in hindsight, that wasn’t a fair assessment, as he really did think he was playing a harmless little joke on a skittish friend. The pain came from knowing that the cat could turn feral, though, no matter how genuine he was being. There was still clearly an instinct within him, one that knew how to hunt and bare his teeth and hiss, one that knew deep down where they both ranked on the food chain. It hurt in knowing everything he thought about his friend, everything that kept him from really letting down his walls like the other so desperately wanted, was right. Cats and mice were not friends.
“Get away from me!” Aaron shrieked when the hands came too close. Though they withdrew quickly, he didn’t bother to watch if they would move again as he forced himself up to stumble back to his nook behind the bookshelf.
“Aaron, wait!” It was a fruitless request and Lucas knew it as he didn’t even try to stop the mouse from disappearing behind the furniture back into the walls. It would only make matters so much worse. “Aaron, please, you’re hurt, just...at least let me help you. Please. I...I’m so sorry! It was an accident, I promise!”
The cat shuffled closer, leaning down in hopes that the other could at least hear his pleas better, could hear how sincere he was trying to be. “I would never hurt you, Aaron. You’re one of my best friends. Look, it was a stupid prank and I’m an asshole and I’ll never do it again, just please come out. Just let me know if you’re alright?”
It didn’t matter how hard or for how long he tried, Aaron was long gone within the walls.
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breanime · 5 years
something angsty in the tune of either Ellie Goulding's Flux or T. Swift's Wildest Dreams, “When I say ‘go’, run. Run and don’t look back. I’ll be right behind you, I promise," and idk. The power goes out, its a good ol' fashioned New York wintery night, and 'good times' ensue. Haha! CONGRATS AGAIN MUCH LOVE TO YOU
Cont: OOPS i’m sorry. Mine are all for Billy but if you did Caspian or Logan Delos, that’d also be super cool. *hugs*
I was a little confused by your request, but I wanted to get it done as soon as I could because everytime I get a notification saying you’ve replied to one of my posts or stories, I get so happy. You always leave such nice comments, and we all know that I’m a ho for feedback. So I feel like I owe you, haha. I went with Ellie Goulding’s song. I hope you like it! WARNING: slightly steamy
You and Billy had just broken up last night. He’d come over just now to get the last of his things from your place, and the air was tense. You stood in the living room, arms crossed and trying not to cry, as he packed his clothes in a bag. Of course, you had secretly hidden one of his sweaters away. Just because you broke up with him didn’t mean you wanted to forget him. As far as you were concerned, the memories would be all you had left once he walked out of your apartment. You almost wanted to go in and help him–anything to make this go by quicker–but you stayed put. Just another minute or so, and it’d be over.
Then the power went out.
“Y/N?” Billy called. You heard his footsteps coming closer from the back. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” you blinked in the dark, “I think the storm knocked the power out.” You walked over to the window and pulled back the blinds. Yup. The city was dark.  Billy came to stand next to you. The two of you watched the snow fall in silence. It had been coming down pretty heavily for the last few hours, but it was a full-fledged storm now.
“Do you want me to go?” Billy asked, staring straight ahead.
“No.” You didn’t look at him either, just watched the sow fall, illuminated by the headlights of cars below. “I never wanted you to leave.”
“I know.” Billy put his hands in his pockets. “I know you wanted to save me.”
You scoffed, still not looking at him. “You don’t know what I want,” you said back, “I don’t think you have the patience to try to know.”
“I know you better than you think. I know you wanted something real, not just a cute imitation.”
You turned to him then, frowning. “I never thought what we have–had–was an imitation.” You turned back to the window. “I just think what we had…wasn’t enough.”
“I know,” he turned to face you, his dark eyes glittering even in the absence of light, “You know, I was in love with the idea of loving you,” he admitted, “but I know that’s not enough.”
“No, it’s not,” you agreed sadly. You looked up at him, feeling tears starting to fill your eyes. “Don’t forget me.”
“How could I ever forget you?” He asked, frowning down at you. “You’re the most important thing in my life…or you were. Just because I didn’t love you right doesn’t mean I didn’t love you at all.”
“You loved me?” You asked.
“I love you,” he corrected softly. He turned to you, his body facing yours. You could see the shadows from outside dancing on his handsome face. “Did… Do you love me?”
“Yes,” you answered, letting a tear fall down your cheek.
Billy reached over and wiped it with the pad of his thumb. “When I pack up and leave,” he asked, “will that set you free? Will you be able to stop loving me then?” He swallowed. “Would I stop hurting you then?”
You shook your head, taking his hand in yours. “No,” you smiled sadly, “I’m always going to be in love with you, Billy.”
He licked his lips. Slowly, he pulled you closer to him–not quite touching, but only a few inches apart. He put a hand on your chin and lifted your face up, staring into your eyes. You could hear sirens in the street below, could see the snow whipping around in the wind from the corner of your eye, but your focus was solely on Billy. “Can I ask you something?” He asked. You nodded your assent. “If we… If we kept on doing this, if we stayed together, knowing that neither of us are 100% happy…. Would that be so wrong? Would we be living as liars?”
You took a breath. Would you be lying to yourself? To each other? Not really, not if both of you were aware of the lie…and in all honesty: breaking up was already making you miserable. You could stay safe in your confusion, let him walk out of your apartment and life or… “Do you think that one day, maybe, I could make you happy?”
He gave a half-smile. “Baby, you already make me happy. The problem is me. I want you in my life and in my bed, but I don’t know if I can love you the way you want. But I want to try.”
You closed your eyes. You wanted him to try. You wanted it so bad. “Billy,” you breathed out, opening your eyes, “Take me to bed.”
He didn’t have to be told twice. He picked you up and carried you bridal style back towards your bedroom. He kicked his bag off of the bed and laid you down, kissing you. You ripped his shirt off as he kicked off his shoes. You heard them hit the floor with a “thump”. You wrapped your arms around him, tongues clashing, and let yourself melt under his touch.
The power had come back on by the time you and Billy–naked and soaked in sweat–were finished. He had his arm around your waist, and you were laying on top of him. He was still inside of you, cum seeping out of you as you tried to catch your breath. Your body was still tingling from the force of your last orgasm, and you closed your eyes as you felt Billy kiss the top of your head. This was nice, but it was a lie…
…you’d try to break up with him again tomorrow.
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Not So Different (Part 1)
Billy Hargrove x Reader 
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Part 1: Approx. 3000 words
Request: Hey! Can you write something fluffy and cute about billy and how the reader is shy, quiet and timid and billy finds out she’s abused by her dad at home and he becomes really protective of her and all soft and cuddly whenever she’s around - Anon
Warnings (for the series): Verbal abuse, physical abuse, language, anxiety. So possible triggers. Lots of fluff.
A/N: Hey hey, so apologies again for not posting in a while, but my idea for this request kind grew into a multi-part. So this is just a bit of an intro, setting the scene, the fluff and protection will come I promise. Hope you all like it! Please please don’t by shy in giving any feedback! Like, comment, reblog, send me an ask or a message. I appreciate anything. Love you all, thanks for being patient! ♥
I never meant for this to happen. I never meant to fall for the new bad boy of Hawkins, it was too cliche, but it wasn't like I had a choice. He consumed me with that desire in his eyes and the uncontrollable passion in his soul.
He became my surety, my reliance, my strength and in return I became his; he found a hope in me he'd never managed to acquire before.
I fell so deeply for him and as I teetered off the edge I wasn't entirely sure if he would catch me at the bottom, but then I realised I didn't care.
On his first day at Hawkins High, the new kid, Billy Hargrove found his locker directly next to mine, and as I let out a typical Monday morning sigh I couldn’t help but feel a pair of eyes piercing the side of my face. I felt the heat rise in my cheeks and dared to flit my gaze to the figure looming next to me; I was met with a somewhat intimidating stare from the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. My mouth gaped slightly which I’m sure didn’t go unnoticed as I tried to take in the sight before me. His posture was strong and confident, and his muscles were clearly defined underneath his clothes; they definitely don’t make teenage boys like this in Hawkins.
One side glance around the door of his locker turned into a dangerous smirk that reached his sapphire eyes as he, not so subtly, raked them over my body. I saw his eyes light up as they ran over my bare legs and reached the hem of my pleated skirt, the way he bit his lip at my tightly fitted sweater before, satisfied with his observations, he met my wide-eyed gaze.
I knew I was a goner when I was lost in the ocean of his eyes, no other colour existed to me at that moment but blue; and then I allowed his deep coarse voice to send a wave of goose bumps across my skin.
"And what might your name be Princess?" He asked with his smirk.
Of course, I stuttered trying to form words in front of him.
"Erm...it's, erm...Y/N." Goddamn it.
"You sure about that?" He chuckled as he closed his locker and casually leaned a shoulder against it. He folded his arms causing his biceps to bulge in his denim jacket and white button up shirt to gape even more, displaying his chiselled and tanned chest.
I tore my eyes away finding his filled with arrogance at knowing what he was doing to me.
"Yes, I'm Y/N." With as much strength as I could muster.
"Well that’s good to know. I’m Billy.” He winked directly at me and turned to walk away leaving me blushing in his wake at his perfect arse in those jeans.
The next day as my eyes travelled along the grubby tiled floor of the school corridor, they came into contact with a pair of tattered brown boots planted directly in front of my locker. I slowly lifted my head, running my gaze over the fitted denim and tight t-shirt that enveloped the very boy I was hoping I wouldn’t see this morning. A lost cause I know considering his locker is next to mine, but a girl can hope.
I was met with a teasing lightness in his blue orbs which suddenly made me incredibly nervous. A smirk graced his rosy lips when he saw my questioning look and he shuffled back only slightly, staying close enough that when I opened my locker I could feel his breath on my face. I knew it should intimidate me, that I should run for the hills and never look back; Billy seemed like bad news. But being in this close proximity to him, so close I could smell his musky aftershave and most recent cigarette, it sent a lustful shiver down my spine.
“Hey neighbour.” He nodded towards me.
“Hi Billy.” I squeaked out.
“So, I have Math first with a Mr…. err..” He paused and I glanced up to see a look of genuine confusion cover his face, which made me let out a short laugh.
“Mr Roberts?” I questioned.
“Yeah that’s the one doll. Would you be a helpful neighbour and show me where to go?” He seemed sincere so I thought why not.
“Sure. That’s my first class as well actually.” I humoured him, offering a shy smile.
“Bonus.” He winked and held his hand out for me to lead the way.
I took a breath and broke the somewhat awkward silence as he strode next to me and I had to quicken my steps to keep up.
“So where did you move to Hawkins from?” I stole a glance and saw his expression fall.
“California.” He was short and closed me down with his one-word answer. I seemed to have hit a nerve with such a simple question and it bothered me that I had overstepped my mark. I kept my head down and we walked the rest of the way without a sound.
He followed me into the classroom and I expected him to retreat to the back of the class, away from me. But he didn’t. He stuck close by and wound his way through the desks to claim the one next to me.
I gave him another questioning look and he just smiled in response, “Thanks Princess.”
The slight hope that lifted my heart at his nickname was quickly shutdown, as he swivelled in his seat to follow the arrival of an incredibly short skirt attached to Helen Marshall; she was blond, tall, slim and oozed confidence, she had everything I was missing. She took the seat behind Billy with a flirty smug look appearing on her painted face as he leaned his muscled arms on her desk.
I rolled my eyes back to the front of the room where Mr Roberts was faffing with his notes as usual. That man was a scatter brain, but in his defence also a genius. It took him another five minutes to find himself in order, enough time for me to hear Helen’s stupid high-pitched laugh at Billy’s cheesy but charming remarks.
My stomach dropped when I overheard him asking her out. Already. He’s been here two days! Helen accepted of course, and I could just imagine the sickly flutter of her fake eyelashes as Mr Roberts grabbed Billy’s attention back to the class.
“Mr Hargrove, if we are quite done with organising Friday night plans could you face forward please.” He never had it in him to actually be mean to students, even when they deserved it.
I forced myself to not look at Billy for the rest of the lesson and managed to avoid him the remainder of the day, by sacrificing the text books I needed from my locker.
Thankfully I found Nancy at lunch, she’s been my best friend since Kindergarten, always us two against the world. However, in Sophomore year, she had gained her self assurance, figured out who she was, and now she had Jonathan in her life, after all the drama with Steve. Whereas I was still shy old me, still struggling when meeting new people or having to talk in class, and never attending the high school parties that Nancy had become so interested in, even the thought of it all made my breath quicken.
“Hey Y/N!” Nancy greeted me with a friendly smile that I always appreciated, and I took my usual seat across from her, next to Steve. Jonathan occupied the remaining seat next to Nancy.
“Hey guys.” I sighed as I caught a glimpse of Billy’s dirty blond curls across the cafeteria, he was scaring some Freshmen from a table so him, Carol and Tommy could claim it. I shook my head more to myself than anything else but I couldn’t get away with much around these three.
“What’s up with you Y/N?” Steve nudged his shoulder against mine.
All three were staring at me with concern, waiting, knowing I was getting pretty good at opening up to them. I let out a low laugh, and shook my head once again, “Honestly guys nothing, just the new guy throwing me off already. He seems so arrogant and mean, not to mention intimidating.”
“He does seem like he’s going to shake things up a bit around here.” Jonathan sounded disgruntled as he threw a glance at the now raucous table in the corner.
“Oh come on he can’t be that bad can he?” Steve lifted his head like a meerkat to search across the room, not having had the pleasure of meeting Billy yet.
“Hmph. Well he’s already got a date with Helen Marshall.” I tried to sound indifferent to my statement, shrugging it off, but I caught Nancy’s eye and she gave me a knowing look but thankfully didn’t say anything in front of the boys.
Instead she took the heat away from me and kicked Steve under the table, “Wait, Helen Marshall who Steve has been trying to ask out for ages??”
Steve look flustered, “What? No I haven’t.”
“Steve, honestly mate I’d give it up, she’s more interested in her own hair than you are with yours.” And at Jonathan’s bold, yet rare, remark, we burst into laughter.
Although my carefree moment was cut short as I was suddenly met with an amused looking Billy, as he realised I had seen him he jerked an eyebrow up, sending his silent question across the bustling room but I couldn’t answer. My laugh subsided and I focused on Nancy and the boys, chatting until the end of the hour and refraining from looking for Billy again.
Jonathan and Steve had made our little twosome a fully-fledged friendship group last winter, which was admittedly difficult for me at first. I was so used to it being just Nancy and I, so comfortable. The reality was not as scary as my brain tried to make me believe; the boys are lovely, and looking back I’m actually happy that Nancy brought them into my life. I get on with Jonathan with us both being quiet and anti-social, but then Steve helps bring out a little more talkative side I didn’t know I had, he’s like Nancy, so easy to be around. Between them and now being able to admire Billy from afar, school was my favourite place to be and it made my journey home everyday that little bit heavier.
It didn’t take long for me to realise that how Billy had been with me, he was with every girl. The smirks, winks and piercing gazes, he had half the female population falling at his feet by the end of the first week, and the guys either wanted to be his best friend or hated him. Steve had joined the latter half of the guys in school, after being shown up by Billy during basketball, apparently he didn’t want to talk about it, but word got round he’d been thrown to the floor a few times, and the glares he threw at Billy throughout the days spoke volumes.
I couldn’t deny that Billy had a certain charm about him, but I had a feeling that it was part of a false bravado, there was something he was covering for. I know because I’m an excellent observer, preferring to watch and listen, but mainly because I know I’m hiding something too.
Over the first few weeks I could see him closing his body off to people, I watched him unleash a pent-up anger in gym class and noticed the split knuckles that soon followed. His smile never quite managed to reach his eyes when he would tease me as we crossed paths, still I couldn’t manage more than a smile or sentence without stuttering over my tongue or the blood rushing to my cheeks when I met his captivating gaze.
Still, all the superficial encounters with Billy still couldn’t take me away from the dread I felt, at the thought of going home. Most people think of home as a safe haven, a place of relaxation and love and peace. Not me though. My home was not really that at all, it was a place of uncertainty and worry and fear. All dependant on how my Father was feeling on that particular day.
He had fallen into the cold hard embrace of alcohol when my Mother died a few years ago, he was always an unpleasant drunk, but now that had seeped into his personality as the vodka did constantly into his bloodstream. His words had become vicious and his actions neglectful.  I stayed out of his way as much as possible which seemed to suit us both. We were both aware that when I turned eighteen, a legal adult, I would be out of there. My one saving grace was that he had never laid a hand on me, but unfortunately that soon changed.
One crisp autumn day in October I had left my Father passed out in his room knowing the night had been a long one, from the mess of glass bottles scattered around the house. I cleaned up the best I could but once I heard movement from his room I scarpered, stupidly forgetting a rain jacket, and by the end of the day the heavens had opened and the rain was bouncing off the tarmac.
I walk to and from school every day, which took me about half an hour each way, so having no alternative option I stepped out into the downpour in nothing but my drainpipe jeans, old converse, a Def Leppard t-shirt and my thick woollen cardigan. I was barely out of the parking lot when the revving of an engine could be heard over the rain, and I didn’t have to even look up to know which arrogant mullet wearing jackass it was. But instead of speeding right past me as he normally did, I heard the Camaro slow and purr next to me as I walked.
“Hey! Princess!” He did actually have to shout for me to hear him, I turned my head which let multiple raindrops access the back of my neck, making me shiver. “Come on I’ll give you a ride!”
I instinctively shook my head.
“None negotiable Princess, get in.”
I was cold, I was soaked and he had heating. I took a deep breath, a step forward and reached for the door handle.
“What are you even doing trying to walk home in this, dressed like that?” He nodded towards my drenched cardigan as his foot hit the gas pedal.
“I forgot my rain coat.” My voice barely escaped my lips, having to admit my mistake in embarrassment.
“I can see that. Do you have no one to pick you up?”
“Not really, I don’t like bothering people, and it’s not that bad anyway.”
“Sweetheart you’re literally dripping wet. And not the kind that I approve of.” My gaped mouth was met with a cheeky grin and gauging look.
"Billy!" A smile appeared on my lips without my permission and the longer I looked at Billy the more I was laughing. No one had ever spoken like that around me before and I couldn't stop myself. Billy then started chuckling at my reaction which then made me laugh more. "I can't believe you just said that, I am not that type of girl."
"Yeah Princess, I gathered that." He sighed to himself to my bewilderment.
I directed him to my house but the conversation in between didn't go too far. I was worried about making him upset again so I didn't dare ask about California, even though I wanted to know everything.
I made him stop a few houses short of mine in case my Dad was home and turned to him, "Thanks Billy, I really appreciate it." As I sat there grateful, but still soaked to my bone, not sure if I would ever feel warmth again.
"No problem Princess, anytime."
I left him with a smile and thankfully the rain has subsided slightly, so I could wait for him to drive off before making my way two houses down from where he had dropped me off. I stepped through the threshold of my front door, had barely taken a step when he was already there; bottle in hand and standing in the shadows, we never really opened our curtains anymore, "Who was that?" His voice was low, threatening.
"Who?" Mine was far too high.
"Don't play stupid with me Y/N. The boy, dropping you off. You have a boyfriend now? I thought we talked about dating." He wasn't protective, like any other Dad would be, he was controlling and his words were harsh.
"No. Not my boyfriend," My voice shook and I cursed myself, he was like a predator, he could sense weakness, "Just someone from school, gave me a ride because of the rain."
It was hopeless though, the poison had infiltrated his logic and I knew he wouldn't believe me. He took two strides towards me and before I could blink my back was slammed against my escape route, his rough hand around my throat.
"Don't, lie to me, Y/N. I better not see you whoring yourself out again, do you understand me?" Still he didn't shout, and I think that scared me more. I could feel his fingers curled around my neck, pressing into my flesh, as I tried to nod a yes.
"What was that?" He tilted his head so his ear was closer to my mouth wanting a verbal answer.
"Yes." I let out the broken word, holding back my tears, I never gave him to satisfaction of seeing my cry and I wasn't about to start today.
"Good." Was all he replied as he let go, turning away with a swig of his bottle and not giving me a second glance.
I fled to my bedroom, knowing a line had been crossed, knowing everything was spiralling downwards and the only thing that could stop it was my eighteenth birthday; but that was still six months away.
I curled up in my duvet, tears streaming down my face, sobs muffled into my pillow, wondering which of my scarves I could wear to school the next day.
I’m so nervous, please let me know your thoughts ♥
Tags: @infinitelycharmed23 @wearemightyghosts @kingbouji3 @dacremontgomerylover 
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kathleen-kitty-blog · 6 years
Showing The Change Part 2
Summary: Sam and Dave go to work only to find themselves confronted by their coworkers who are growing suspicious...
Author’s note: This is a continuation of Showing The Change Part 1. I hope to continue this story soon. If you have any ideas, please let me know because I’m completely open to suggestions! (I need ‘em 😂)
Part 1 here
The stern face of the female captain didn’t once falter as she looked the two officers over from behind her desk. Brown eyes glinting in slight irritation, she let out a small sigh. “This is an unnecessarily awkward conversation we’re about to have. Never in my years of ranking have I had to scold well-established officers like yourselves.” She gave them an almost disbelieving look. “This is shameful, especially for you two. Being late over the past week? I should be calling you in here for being reckless on the job, not for tardies!”
Dave was the one, as usual, who decided to do most of the talking. He nodded in agreement at his boss’s words. “We know, and you’re right, captain. Massey and I have been irresponsible. We promise we’ll pay more attention to the clock in the future.”
“You better. But I think you already knew that,” the captain admitted as she eyed the two of them suspiciously. Expression narrowed curiously, she leaned forward over her desk. “I want you both to be straight with me. What the hell is going on here?”
Blinking, Dave was taken back for a second. “... I beg your pardon?”
“You heard me,” Beckham responded as she turned her gaze on Sam for a brief moment, poking her up and down. “There’s something that’s distracting your minds and dragging you down. I’m assuming it’s personal, so I’m not going to pry too much. But if it’s going to affect your work ethics, then we need to talk. So I’m going to ask you again. What the hell is going on here?”
Sam, suddenly feeling very exposed, tugged on the shirt she was wearing to make sure it hadn’t bunched up around the small bulge of her abdomen. She stared right back at the captain, trying not to give anything away.
Her husband turned to glance at her after a moment, silently asking with his eyes if it should be him to announce the news or if she wanted to break the ice.
Not wanting to leave the lull in the conversation any longer, Sam waved her partner off and looked directly at the woman behind the desk. Trying to seem composed, she opened her mouth to speak. “You’re right, captain. Something is going on.” Stealing a glance at Dave, she continued. “Detective Reyes and I recently found out that we’re expecting our first child.”
That had been much harder to spit out than she’d expected.
Captain Beckham blinked in slight surprise, her eyes traveling to Dave and then back to Sam. But eventually, she sighed knowingly and softened her stance. “Well, congratulations. I’m glad to hear that your jobs aren’t preventing you from starting a family.” She turned her gaze on the deputy marshal again. “But as for you, Massey, I want you to be careful. How far along are you?”
“Eighteen weeks,” she replied a little awkwardly, shifting her weight.
“Hm,” she mumbled, looking the blonde haired woman over. “I want you to take it easy from now until your baby is born. No shootouts or narrowly escaping death in your condition. Do you understand?”
A part of Sam wanted to argue and say that her ‘condition’ wouldn’t impact her ability to take down a criminal, but a quick glare from Dave told her to keep her mouth shut. Instead, she forced a small nod. “Yes ma’am.”
The captain seemed satisfied by her answer. “Good. I’ll give you the details on maternity leave at a later date. I’m also going to excuse your being late to work. For now.”
Her eyes snapped back to where the detective stood beside his partner. “But as for you, Reyes, you’re not pregnant. So that doesn’t mean you get to slack off and show up thirty minutes late everyday.”
Dave, looking flustered, nodded in a manly way. “Yes ma’am, I know. I was just trying to wait for Massey to-“
“Reyes, you of all people know better than to argue with me,” the captain interrupted sternly before gesturing to the door. “Now, go on out there and do your badges good.”
After mumbling another ‘yes ma’am’, the two quickly scurried out of the office.
“That went well,” Dave commented once they had shut the office door behind them.
His wife and partner didn’t look so relieved. She had a fiery gleam in her green eyes and a edge to her step. “Did you hear Beckham? She wants me to take it easy?”
Dave shrugged. “I mean, you are pregnant.”
Sam balled her fists at her side. “And? That shouldn’t stop me from doing my damn job. I can still take down bad guys just as well as you can.”
Her husband broke into a small chuckle. “Oh, I can see it now. You, nine months along and still roundhouse kicking creeps in the face.”
She smacked his arm angrily. “This ain’t some joke, Reyes! I’m not about to be put behind a desk for the next 22 weeks. I’ll go crazy!”
Dave’s smirk faded a little as he examined her expression. He exhaled before speaking. “Okay, well, I get that. I’d go crazy too. But just... think about what’s at stake here. You’re not just fending for yourself anymore, Sam.”
Before Sam could come up with a snappy reply to jab in his face, she felt a pair of eyes watching them.
Slowly, they both turned around to see none other than Nikhil staring at them with his jaw hanging open.
“No. Freaking. Way.” Reaching forward to grab their arms, he began to drag the two over to the crime lab. “That’s it, you have to tell Mirasol and Reza about this.”
“Nik, I swear, if you even think about making us-“ Dave started as he was dragged across the room.
Nikhil ignored him. “Save your comments for the end, thank you.”
Neither Dave nor Sam got the chance to protest anymore before they were practically shoved into the crime lab.
Stumbling around to regain balance, they tried to make a break for it only to have Nikhil slam the door shut before they could get to it.
Reza looked up from where he sat on a table. “Whoa, what’s with all the aggression?” He asked in confusion.
Nikhil gestured to the partners smugly. “Dave and Massey have some very important news to share with the three of us. Isn’t that right, Dave and Massey?”
Sam crossed her arms over her chest indignantly, a cold look on her face. “I hate you all.”
Mirasol turned around from her computer screen in an unamused way. “That wasn’t really news for us.” She briefly glanced at Dave. “Is there more to this or can I get back to work?”
Sighing, Dave glanced sideways at his wife. “Might as well tell them now. They’re curious, so there’s no getting out of this one.”
“Correct!” Reza exclaimed with a small smile. “So come on, tell us the news!”
“Better tell them before Reza has a stroke,” Nikhil added with a smug smirk.
Reza glared at his friend. “Me have a stroke? You’re the one who flipped a table when Mirasol wouldn’t tell us who won the basketball game!”
“At least I can keep my cool,” Nikhil protested with a raised eyebrow.
Reza gapped at his coworker. “You call that keeping your cool?!”
The bickering continued to grow until it was a full fledged argument. Both forensic analysts yelled insults back and forth, bordering on the range of shouting. Everyone else in the room was about ready to flip a table themselves.
Sam suddenly realized she couldn’t take this anymore. Feeling an urge to scream something at them, she let the first thing that came to mind leave her mouth.
“I’m pregnant!”
A dead silence filled the lab. No one dared utter a peep as they slowly turned to stare directly at Sam and Dave.
Sam was beginning to grow tired of their shocked expressions. Sighing, she gave them an exasperated look. “There. That’s the big news. Happy?”
It was Mirasol who finally had the nerve to say something. “I knew it,” she said smugly, turning back around to finish typing out whatever she has previously been working on.
Dave rolled his eyes before turning to Reza, since he was the only one who hadn’t reacted to the pregnancy announcement yet. “Anything to proclaim, Rez? Or are you just going to stand there and make me feel uncomfortable?”
Finally, the data analyst snapped back into reality. “This... this is... amazing!” Grinning, he rushed over to pull the couple into an excited hug. “I can’t believe it! Sam and Dave are having a baby!”
Nikhil smirked from where he still stood by the door. “I told you it was important news.” Eyes gleaming sneakily, he turned to Dave. “So... was this planned or an accident?”
Dave exchanged a small glance with his wife. “Well, it wasn’t exactly planned...”
“The condom broke,” Sam stated plainly.
“Massey!” Dave exclaimed, his face flushing in embarrassment.
“What?” Sam asked, looking at him. “It broke and what did we do? We said ‘screw it’ and, well, here we are.”
Nikhil broke into a loud fit of laughter, trying his hardest not to double over. “Ahaha! I love how brutally honest you Texans are. Seriously, I strive to be like you.”
“Thanks,” Sam replied casually. “I think.”
“Oh!” Reza gasped suddenly, still looking like an energized child. “Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl yet? Has it started moving? When’s it due?”
Dave sighed. “No, no, and sometime in July. Right, Sam?”
She nodded. “According to the doctor, yeah.”
Mirasol looked up from her work again. “How far along are you, Sam?”
“Eighteen weeks,” she responded firmly.
Nikhil snickered evilly. “So eighteen weeks ago, on a night full of lust and passionate feelings...”
Dave fixed a deadly glare on his friend. “Shut your damn trap, Nik.”
“Ooh,” he whispered, turning to the detective. “You’re starting to sound like our favorite cowgirl.”
Dave cringed. “Heaven forbid.”
Sam punched his shoulder harshly before crossing her arms and looking away.
That’s when Mirasol pulled up a very distinct video on her computer screen. “Not to break up this very interesting conversation, but you might want to take a look at this.”
After glancing at each other, the four of them all crowded around Mirasol’s workspace to observe the video footage. It showed various reporters crowding around a movie studio. They all looked very frantic and anxious as they spoke to the cameras in front of them.
“What is this?” Dave asked, frowning in concern.
Mirasol gestured to the screen as she leaned back in her chair. “News is reporting that someone dressed up as a set person and snuck into this movie studio. Apparently he pulled out a gun and won’t let anyone come or go. He’s got over a dozen hostages in there.”
Dave leaned closer to the screen so he could make out the name of the studio. Once he recognized it, he sighed worriedly. “I’m pretty sure Ryan and Cassandra are in there.”
Sam shook her head in frustration after hearing his words. “Ah hell.”
To be continued...
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kodoku-no-maria · 7 years
“I Think I Wanna Merry You”
Ichiruki fanfiction.
@wonderstrevors it’s for you, love
Don’t know what length it will be, here’s a first chapter.
warning: obscene language and probable OOC of all the characters
Also fuck the canon after the last arc timeline.
Kurosaki Ichigo. 24 years old. Eyes - brown, hair - orange. One night I met Kuchiki Rukia, a shinigami, and she changed my life forever. At the age of 16 I died but because of my haritage I could become a shinigami and technically I still can live inside my body. Loopholes, I know. After fighting afterlife beaurocracy, soul eating monsters and powerful psycoes, I went to university (like a normal person) to study Law and got a degree. I was looking forward to the rest of my life: protecting people as much as I can and then when the time comes passing onto the afterlife and protecting people as a shinigami. Which wasn't so far in the future according to the 12th division. You see, in order to beat all those monsters and psychos, I had to become strong, really strong. So strong, in fact, that now my physical body cannot contain my soul for long as it deteriorates at high speed. But I was content with the time I had left and the place in the Soul Society that was waiting for me. I thought I had finally found my peace.
And yet..why? Why do I find myself in this situation? Lying next to Rukia, who by the way looks so carefree in her sleep while I'm agonizing here! This little... being so calm on our....wedding night.
When did it all go wrong?
It all began three weeks ago when my body started to become very weak. To give my body a break from my soul, from time to time I would go to Soul Society and live there for a while. I would also use that as an internship to practice my legal skills and help the shinigami to modernize their legal system. Because they really-really need help with it. Thankfully, Ukitake-san is very good at studying. It took me only bringing him some of my law books (with Urahara's help) and explaining a few things and now he seems to even be better at it than some of the top students that I remember from university.
So it had come time to go to Soul Society again.
- Kurosaki-san, the gates are ready - Urahara-san said with delight
- Yeah, thanks again. I could have contacted Seireitei, but I don't want to inconvinience them more than I already do. And that would take longer....
- Oh, you're very welcome. You know you can always ask me if you need anything. And of course you would want to go there as soon as possible....
- Hm? Why?
-...you'll see - Urahara-san answered in his usual misterious tone so I didn't pay much attention to his words - Well, off you go. Have a pleasant stay...and good luck
When I arrived in Soul Society I immediately got greated by people from the 13th and 12th devisions
- Kurosaki Ichigo! You have finally shown your face! - Kiyone's voice rang through my ears, the strange looking people from the 12th division didn't say anything other than "Hello"
- Kiyone. You guys. Hi. You know you didn't have to come get me. I kinda learned my way around Seiretei a long time ago - that earned me a smile
- We just wanted to make sure you arrived in one piece...
-...Given you decided to go with Urahara-san's gates option - the thorny head guy commented clearly dissatisfied with my choice of "transportation"
- Well, we shouldn't keep you long. Just let the guys check you up and you will be good to go see Kuchiki! - Kiyone made way for the guys from the 12th devision and they for a few minutes surrounded me with some devices, as weird looking as they were. And then as suddenly as they had appeared before me, they were gone. And only Kiyone stood there smiling...beaming actually.
- You're in an awfully good mood today - I smiled at her. It was hard not to when she looked so happy
- Oh, of course I am! You have arrived! And that lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. I mean, I was sooo worried when I heard the news. But deep inside we all knew that it had to be you. Ooohh we're all so happy that it is you.
To say that confused the hell out of me would be putting it mindly
- Wait-wait, Kiyone. Were you expecting me? I didn't actually tell anyone I was coming. Even Rukia. That was kind of a spur of the moment decision... - and I could see her expression changing - What are you talking about? What's that about Rukia...Is she OK?
- Ahm...Haven't you come here...for the wedding?
- For what???
I saw red. I felt angry. And I knew exactly where I could pour it out. So I headed for the quarters of the 6th divison, leaving Kiyone stunned and robbed off her great mood for the rest of the day.
- Renji!!!!!!!
I found him in the training facility, shaping up some rookies.
- Ichigo??? - so he clearly hadn't been expecting me
- Oh, don't act all surprised. What the fuck is going on?
- I was going to contact you - he started - but we all heard about it only a few days ago...She kept it all to herself until it was final.. I was as shocked as you are
- Wait..it's not you? - if only it could get more confusing...it could
Renji looked at me with hurt in his eyes and a hint of disbelief
- Of course it's not me, dumbass. I have already been rejected, remember?
At that point I started to slowly cool off. It was strange for Kiyone to think it was me if it had been Renji, right? And yes Renji actually had much more courage than me in that respect. And he was turned down. Once, we had realized our feelings and promised to give each other a fair chance to confess. And the one who got turned down would step away and move on. I wanted to wait until I was a full fledged shinigami and had my place firmly in Soul Society. I had thought time was on my side.
And now there was someone else. And I felt my blood boil again.
- Why don't you go ask her? - he said, turning his attention back to his baffled rookies who were murmuring, probably trying to put my name and what they had heard together. And before I could embarass myself more(at least in front of young shinigami) I finally headed to where Rukia was.
At some point I had learned how to destinguish others' spiritual presence and with a little bit of practice to even pinpoint someone's location. And when I was in Soul Society, I could always tell where she was. Because I always felt her presence somewhere at the back of my mind. It's just out of all the souls hers feels painfully familiar. And finding her usually feels like..finding myself.
She was in her office. With Kiyone. And now she not only knew I was in Seireitei but could probably feel me standing right outside the door and gathering the will to face her.
The moment Kiyone registered my spiritual pressure she rushed out of Rukia's office, bumping into me. She gave me a sympathetic smile and whispered "Sorry" on her way out. I stepped into Rukia's office and shut the door behind me.
- What's the meaning of all this? - I demanded answers. Which was my mistake, I realize now.
- I'm getting married, what is there to explain? - she answered coldly. I knew those eyes. Those eyes were her "I have made a decision to sacrifice myself and please be so kind to fuck off and let me do it" eyes.
- Is this one of Byakuya's twisted ideas of honor and duty again??? Did he force you to agree to this? Is that's what it's about?
- Byakuya Nii-sama isn't forcing me to do anything! - her cold demeanor started to crack as her voice rose
- Making you marry someone you didn't choose is not forcing you???
At that point we were practically shouting at each other, all up in each other's faces.
- Idiot...I am choosing!
"Then why can't you choose ME?" 
I couldn't possibly ask her that....I wanted to scream at her "choose me". Everything in me cried for her to choose me. And yet words just wouldn't come out. I had fought monsters who were far beyond my level and had had no fear. But there I was at the mercy of a 144-cm-tall girl. Silence fell upon us.
- Have you calmed down? - she asked after a few minutes - Are you willing to listen? Or do I need to smack you? - She asked if she needed to hit me...and hit me either way. That did bring some sense into me though.
- Why are you doing this, Rukia, if no one's forcing you?
- Why are you here, Ichigo?
- Don’t change the subject. I came to talk some sense into you. Obviously, you need that!
- Kiyone was just here - she was not impressed with my lying skills. I should have cheated more in school - Ichigo...it hasn't even been half a human year... - I heard concern in her voice. She was about to sacrifice her happiness for the sake of her family and still found it in herself to worry about me. What an idiot...
- It's ok. Answer me. Why are you doing this?
- Is it so hard to believe that it's my own decision? - she looked at me, her eyes gave away sadness and exaustion. It looked as if she had been having the same conversation again and again. And was tired of explaning herself.
- No! That's the thing. You have this martyr complex that always pushes you to put everyone else above yourself. I believe it's your decision. What I don't understand is why it is your decision. You have never said anything about love...yet alone marriage...If you had, then...
- Then what? - she asked sincerely. It was so clear how oblivious she was to my feelings. I felt pathetic.
- Then I wouldn't...I wouldn't be so surprised. - I lied
She stepped closer to me. I could feel my heartbeat racing and ringing through my ears. I just hoped she couldn't. But she took my hand in hers. Her hands looked ridiculously tiny in comparison to mine. For a moment it crossed my mind that she hadn't changed a bit in all those years. She had cut her hair shorter and kept it that way. And still she looked exactly as she had that fateful night when I met her.
- Ichigo...You are worried about me, I understand. You are my closest friend after all - that stung... - But you have to trust me when I say I know what I'm doing.
- Can you..at least fill me in about it?
- Sure - she smiled at me and turned to her desk fussing with some papers - but first - I have work. I need to read through these..
- I'll help you. And while I'm helping you can tell me everything about... - I had to compose myself - your future husband
- Well - her smile faded one again - I don't know him yet. That what the omiai is for. I'm going to meet multiple suitable candidates, of course aproved by the Kuchiki family, and then I will choose one
- And...if none of them are to your liking, Rukia-sama? - tried to mock her to make her smile again and I succeeded
- Idiot - she laughed - I will choose one - she repeated herself.
I didn't like the sound of that. But I decided to leave it be for the time being. Like hell was I gonna let her get married to some noble prick with a stick up his ass. Over my dead body. Which was now probably possesed by Kon, hitting on girls all over the place. Somehow I found that that was the least of my worries.
So we continued working, never touching that subject again. The day was done and Rukia invited me over to the Kuchiki mansion. I usually stayed at Kuukaku-san's place, but sometimes Rukia would invite me for a few days with her and Byakuya.
Byakuya looked as composed as ever. Nothing about him gave a feeling that he was about to marry off his only little sister. And that pissed me off. But I had promised Rukia not to pick a fight with Byakuya, so I...tried as hard as I could.
When the evening was over, we all went to our rooms. I couldn't sleep, so I decided to sit on the veranda for a while and think about what I was going to do next. The moon was beautiful. It reminded me of the day long ago when I fought Grand Fisher on the anniversary of my mother's death. Rukia had been by my side. Thanks to Rukia I had been able to fight my mother's murderer. And to break the wall I had built between myself and my family. She had told me that day that she would respect my privacy and that was really important to me. And there I was...invading hers, imposing on her decisions. What was I doing... I just wanted her to be happy. And I just..had always thought that I would be the one to make her happy.
My train of thought was interupted by a knockon the door.
- Kurosaki? Could we talk?
- Byakuya? Yeah, sure...come in?
Nothing on Byakuya's face showed what he was about to say. Although he did look a little bit softer, dressed in a kimono and not shinigami uniform. He wasn't wearing his scarf either. It looked as if he had been ready to go to sleep when the urgent thought compelled him to pay me a visit.
- Were you able to change her mind? - Byakuya finally broke the silence
- No
Was he afraid that I could mess this whole wedding up? He sure was right to be.
- I apologize for burdening you with our family matters, but could you...try again?
- What? - Ok that I wasn't expecting
- I'm most certain it must have come as a shock to you when you heard about Rukia getting married. But that in fact has been a matter discussed for a long time in our household. My wife...Hisana, as you know, passed away. Long ago. We didn't have children, unfortunately. And since then I have been expected to find a new wife. I'm unable to do so. But what I will ask you to understand is that a noble family is not an ordinary family. One of us should continue the line and...have a successor.
- But why should it be Rukia? And why right now? She clearly doesn't have anyone she's in love with...Otherwise she wouldn't be so stuck on that stupid idea - I almost forgot where I was and raised my voice, but I checked myself immediately
- I share your frustration, Kurosaki Ichigo. The urgency comes from our elders having begun to search for a wife. For me. And Rukia took it upon herself to protect her late sister's place by my side.
- I knew it! - I exclaimed - I knew she was doing it for someone else! She doesn't want to get married to some snobby little noble boy. She never would - I couldn't contain my happiness. I was basically grasping at straws looking for a reason to ruin the omiai.
- Rukia feels that if she marries someone from a noble house that would ease the elders' concern. Unfortunately, the elders actually found the idea very appealing. And now they are adamant to marry her off. And, Kurosaki, my hands are tied. The only hope I have is you.
His voice sounded so desperate. Almost as desperate as mine was when I tried to persuade Rukia to change her mind.
- I tried. But she's so stubborn.
- I see. Am I to understand that you have given up?
- Hell no. I'm not gonna let her get married just because she feels she has to. Even if I have to beat all your elders' asses. Now that I know that's not what she actually wants, there's no way I'm letting her do this
- ... I would prefer you restrain yourself from assualting our elders, Kurosaki Ichigo. But I do hope you succeed. No matter what, don't let her marry someone she doesn't love. I will leave you now.
- Yeah. Don't worry. I won't let her.
And I would come to feel really guilty for lying to him that night.
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aubrey-jenkins-blog · 6 years
The Principal’s Office
LOCATION: Wardwell Shoppe
CHARACTERS: Aubrey Jenkins, Evanora, Ophelia (mentioned)
Evanora was the type of woman you made an appointment with. She was also usually the type of figurehead you made sure to see the second you rolled back into town, but Aubrey had been dragging her feet. What had been a mild case of procrastination had become full fledged avoidance after the party and her fight with Ophelia. She was no mind reader, that was true. But Aubrey new power, the kind of power it would take to wipe Zack's memory from an entire town. Magic like that wouldn't have been done in West Hollow without the supreme's permission at the very least, but it was likely she'd been the one to actually weave the magic for Ophelia. She tried to reign her disgust and anger in as she approached the shop. It wasn't luck that Ophelia was nowhere to be seen, Evanora had probably sensed the impending visit and prepared accordingly. She could only imagine that the other witch had filled in the supreme on what had happened at the party. Arms forever making their way to a defense position across her chest, Aubrey waited in the entryway till the shadows split apart and Evanora made herself known. Biting down on her temper, the young witch managed a curt nod. "Shop is looking pretty snazzy Evanora.  You've gotten a lot done in a year."
In the chaos of the party and then the drama afterwards with Ophelia, Evanora had been busy a busy woman. Preparing for the holiday season and winter solstice coven ritual was not short task, along with the multitude of gift orders that passed through the shop made her nearly lose her head sometimes. However, she had not at all forgotten about the pain she had seen the young witch in after the event. At first, she had thought it was because her night had been ruined due to the magicians (a clumsy feat on Magnolia and Luke's part, she thought; witches always did it better and Nadia nor Paio ever seemed that interested in the fine details of controlling the merfolk magic like Evanora was), but soon been filled in on the event with Aubrey and Zack. Evanora had never been aware of Aubrey's affair with Ophelia's boyfriend, nor did she realize that the memory wipe hadn't taken effect on her. Well, that was egg on her face, for sure. And finally, it made sense why Aubrey had been actively avoiding the coven. She was trying to avoid confrontation about it. Putting a tracking spell on Aubrey, Evanora waited and watched the gemstone she had connected the girl with glow and fade as she grew closer, then shooing Ophelia away from the shoppe when she saw she was coming to it. She didn't want another cat fight to break out, and really, this needed to be dealt with swiftly. At the sign that she was inside the building, Evanora swept into the main area of the shoppe, turning to face her once she was in view. At her already hostile tone, Evanora sighed, crossing her arms over her chest as well and perking an eyebrow up, "You can cut your bullshit, I know what happened. We need to have a chat, Aubrey -- which is probably why I think you came here."
Aubrey loathed nothing more than being sighed at, like she was still a teen and every thought and emotion she had was absurd and overdramatic by default. It was clear that Evanora was read in on the situation, and that she was on Ophelia's side . . . whatever that meant.  She didn't matter in this moment, she was but a thorn in the supreme's side she was certain, but then Aubrey was always happy to play the part people doled out for her. So she narrowed her eyes, let her arms fall to her side, let challenge color her voice.  "You telling me to cut my bullshit? Bit like the pot calling the kettle black isn't it?  Then again I guess it's easy for you to pretend your bullshit doesn't exist since people are either too scared or too spelled to call you out on it." The part slipped away from her, disappointment and distrust real. When she'd first moved to West Hollow she'd idolized Evanora, the keypiece to a side of Aubrey's self previously locked away.  She hadn't let many in but the Supreme, and even then it had been cautious. Only Evanora had been given explanation when she left, only Evanora had been given the details behind her return. And that made Aubrey angrier. She didn't want to have to chat, she didn't want to have to let ugly hurt slip passed her lips. Couldn't the supreme just automatically piece together the reasoning behind the younger witch's emotional state? "You mess with people minds now, Evanora? Is that what this coven is about? Someone dies and you erase them like they never existed? You taught me that the dead were to be respected. Is it so eyebrow raising that I'm standing her confused as hell?"
Evanora scoffed at, half of it a chuckle at the quick wit displayed by the witch. Perhaps that had been that pathetic's humans type after all, clever witches. It had only given Evanora the headache of a lifetime. "Honey," she started, the endearment clearly sarcastic, "There are demons in this town along with vampires who could both kill me at any moment, so, I don't know if your commentary really holds up. Might want to think a little harder before coming after your Supreme, hmm?" she offered, expression flat with annoyance. It wasn't the worst thing she could have said -- in fact, it was a lot nicer than what Evanora had wanted to say. She, despite what Aubrey probably thought, valued her witches and warlocks and wanted them to stick around as long as possible. They all held a special place in her heart, and although it was testing at times, she found it still a worthwhile cause. So, she let Aubrey go on, letting out a frustrated breath mid-speech at how she was framing it all. Once the younger witch was done, Evanora shook her head. A pinch of guilt had come into her heart at Aubrey's wording, at the thought that what she had done was not on the most moral high ground. But, it was all preferable to the alternative: a promising young witch in prison for a simple mistake and a domestic abuser (and apparently cheater) martyred in the media. She shook her head, softening a little, "Aubrey, you just cannot understand what happened, why it happened-- you barely knew him, let alone Ophelia at all. You're marching in here as if you have all the facts!" Evanora pointed out, gesturing around them exasperated. She moved closer, "What I did for Ophelia, for this coven, had to be done. I would have done the same for you, had the circumstances been the same. Do you want the real story on why or do you just want to yell at me until you feel as though you're righteous enough?"
Evanora was such an unpredictable mixture of business and personal affection. Some inflections made Aubrey feel as if she were in the principal's office being chastised by someone she didn't know. Other dips of the older woman's voice were warmer, making the younger feel like she was being lovingly reprimanded by a family member.  Family . . . that's where her anger came from, and it made her lower lip tremble. "Why does everyone think this is about Zack? I wasn't in love with him, I'm not rightously angry for him . . . I'm angry for his family, for the people who did know him and have an emptiness in their hearts where there should be mourning. Have you thought about the long term effects of a memory wipe like that Evanora? What it'll do to them? What it could do to them? You say there was a desperate situation you had to fix, but jesus you're our Supreme. You're trying to tell me this was the only solution to whatever fucked up situation Zack got himself into? What did Ophelia do? What kind of person are you going to allow her to be by magicking away the consequences for her and laying them down ontop of other innocent people?" Facts, facts mattered sometimes, to a degree. If there were some pure, cinnamon roll facts Evanora could give her to stifle the twisting of her stomach, then Aubrey supposed she could listen. She fought back the tears that had tried to gather in her eyes, arms crossed again. "Go on then, give me the real story. At least then if I still disagree I'll know why you did it. Maybe that'll make me feel less disgusting when I pass Zack's mom on the street."
As Evanora was chastised for what she had done, her brows furrowed in deep confusion at the witch's assumptions, and then all together, her expression went blank and dismissive as she tuned the rest of it out, eyes drifting away as she began to think back on her past with the younger witch. Yes, Aubrey was young and inexperienced, and so Evanora supposed it was only natural she assumed the worst. Once she was done talking, Evanora turned back to look at her, blinked bored, "You're done, now, right? Because like I said, I can chat, but insult? I don't do, Aubrey." At her next comment about Zack's mother, coupled with Aubrey's apparent, upset, she softened. She'd have to start with the magic first and work back to the night of Zack's death. "You'll be happy to know that memory wiping magic works a bit different for family members than regular strangers. While friends and acquaintances won't remember Zack at all, Zack's family members, including his mother, father, and sister, all remember they had a child. I wiped their memories of Zack, but replaced them all with Ryan Williams. Ryan was their son and he tragically died in a house fire a little over a year ago in their minds. There's a gravestone over at Gates you can look at, and Zack's, or rather Ryan's, real ashes sit comfortably in an urn for them to grieve over, wherever that may be. Ryan never knew or dated Ophelia in their minds, and they have no idea she even exists." she explained softly, "So, they get to mourn and have their peace, Aubrey. I am not the cruel, thoughtless monster you've propped me up to be, despite your ignorant assumptions of how my magic works." Evanora informed her, tongue icy at the last part. (1/2)(edited)When it came to Ophelia that was a harder part, one that kept Evanora hesitating for a moment, eyes diverting away to look out one of Wardwell's windows and gaze into the plush, white snowfall of winter as she thought back on it all. How to phrase such a tragic event would be tough, and finally, she looked back to Aubrey, weary. "Ophelia is a powerful witch. Her fire magic has always been so strong, and neither of her parents have it. They panicked and moved out of town after they discovered what she was, isolating her in a vineyard mansion and running through bumbling magic tutors trying to control her abilities. Ophelia had no friends beyond her family members until she came here at 16 after her parents divorce, and on top of that, barely had a handle on some of the most dangerous powers you can have as a witch. She met Zack and they began dating, and she ran away to live with him at 18. When he found out about her powers, he isolated and emotionally abused her. The things she told me, Aubrey…” Evanora trailed off, clearly disturbed thinking about it, “He was an awful human being who used Ophelia for sex and ego boosting. And that’s just the tip of it all. Imagine all of this happening to you, with no support system, and having to also deal with our powers.”
Aubrey didn't think it was the same, a fabricated Ryan instead of their son.  Messing with the human mind was her least favorite kind of magic and she responded to any form of it as practically sinful on a moral level. But she sobered listening to Evanora speak. It still didnt' feel right, it still felt like lead clinging to her ribcages, but she could at least feel Evanora's best intentions now, she could see how she'd tried to take care of all parties involved, and it softened her anger at least. The sick sorrow, that was as strong as ever, though and weighed down her whole body, shoulders slumping, her gaze averting to the floor. She felt empathy for other people, but actively fought it.  There were parts of Ophelia's story though that she felt uncontrollably drawn to, that were parallels to her own story. Her mother lived but had practically abandoned her. She'd grown up without a father only to hold and lose him in the course of a year. What she'd learned of magic in West Hollow she'd done on her own with loneliness clinging to the walls of her heart. It was luck . . . that her powers just so happened to be more passive, easier to move around, less volatile if she made a mistake or get emotional. She'd seen firsthand what happened to Ophelia, how the powers merged with her emotions and practically took over her.  Aubrey couldn't even begin to imagine what that was like, feeling helpless and alone, attaching yourself to one trusted source who abused you.  Zack had . . . he'd been obsessive with their relationship, he'd been pushy, but Aubrey's personality had dominated his. Had that been the only thing that had kept her from a fate like Ophelia's?  "I'm still listening," she whispered softly, eyes rising to meet Evanora's. She was less the soapbox moral police now and more the cut wide open youth that had first tumbled into Evanora's company years ago.
When Aubrey barely responded she knew, that some part of her had gotten through to the core of Aubrey. And how could it have not? The whole thing read out like a Shakespearian play, complete with melodramatic lighting and foreshadowing. When she spoke again, Evanora nodded, continuing, "So, you see, Ophelia went from one abuser to another. The night Ophelia came to me, she was in hysterics, sobbing uncontrollably and a nerous wreck. She only had her purse with her and had refused to take anything else from her home because she was so frightened." Evanora took a large breath into her nose, bracing herself for the next part, eyes closing for a moment. Finally, she breathed out, looking back down to Aubrey, features heavy, "Zack had hit her, Aubrey. Right across the face. When I saw her, she had a mark on her cheek. In her rage, betrayal, and confusion, she...she burned him alive. He died within a minute, and all that were left were his ashes." She paused, letting Aubrey take it all in. After a minute or two of tense silence, she pursed her lips, words become stronger and harsher, "Now, you say that I magicked away her consequences, but her consequences would have been prison for life, perhaps even the death penalty, and the exposure of this coven. Autopsy reports would have figured out that human bodies can't burn that fast or at that high of temperature in a normal setting, and then what? What do I do then? Magic away attorneys, international media, state officials, witch hunters? If I didn't do what I did, we would all have burned just like Zack, but tied to stakes by angry mobs, and Ophelia would be rotting in a maximum security prison cell, isolated for the rest of her life for defending herself. You tell me now if you think I made the right call or not." Evanora looked her dead in the eyes, seriously waiting for her answer.(edited)
Aubrey flinched as a movie screen played across her mind. She pictured Zack twisted with malice and ill intentions, lashing out against a soft, sweet face with kind eyes. She didn't like it, and something foreign and protective inside of her roared up in response to it. If Zack appeared in the room beside her she might have killed him herself. At Evanora's question, she sucked in a breath and then shook her head, hands in fists at her side. "I want to think you didn't. I want to think that if you'd thought for just a little bit longer . . . another solution would have made itself apparent., that there was some path available. But . . . when is anybody ever sure that they're making the right call? Too little time to act, too many pieces on the chessboard to consider . . . this got you the most assured coverage. I get why you did it now. It still makes me feel sick but . . . I understand. You made the right call for protecting your coven. But honestly Evanora . . . I don't know if you did Ophelia any favors. " Aubrey's voice wasn't angry anymore, she didn't challenge or accuse, instead she reaked of concern. "You didn't see her at that party. She almost killed me. And I don't . . . I don't think it was just about her anger towards me.  She did something horrible, Evanora. She took a life and that leaves scars, and now she has to hold it secretly inside and not deal with it. She needs someone to talk to. She needs some serious help because I am willing to bet my life on the fact that she is frightened and lonely and sick with herself and those feelings are rotting her from the inside out and bound to make her powers even more unstable. That girl may not be behind a jail cell but the pain in her eyes that night . . . she's still looking at a death sentence."
Evanora could not understand how Aubrey didn't see how serious it was for all of them, not just Ophelia. Once more, she squinted, looking over the witch and then finally shaking her head. She spoke softly, putting a hand on Aubrey's forearm gently, "This wasn't just about Ophelia. It was about all of us. All of us would have gone down for him. I know you must have had something you thought was special with him, that he deserved to have a legacy or something similar, but...he tricked many people. There was no other way, I'm sorry, Aubrey. There was never going to be. You may be young now, but once you see how easily this world chews things up..." Evanora sighed, "You will see why Zack's existence is better left in the memories of Ryan." Although it was a cyncial thought, it most embodied the truth. In time, Aubrey would see, she hoped. Her hand dropped down at her next statements about the witch though. Evanora couldn't imagine that Ophelia would have tried to kill another, her powers had progressed so much...but then again, she wasn't there to see it, and couldn't be sure. "I know, I mean--I do talk to her about it. She feels guilty, or, well, after what happened...there is a lot less. It's mostly anger now. I used to try to help her see how little he cared for her, how she was just reacting to an abusive man, but you actually did a better job than me at that." Evanora's shrugged, gesturing towards Aubrey in a dark joke. After a moment, she nodded, "It's not your concern, though, Aubrey. I don't think she would have tried to kill you, she talked to me about it and she simply intended to leave you in the ice so you'd stop harassing her with your head out until someone came along and helped you out, however, I am also working with her. She has a therapist who is a witch and I am handling it. I know you think you can do this all by yourself, but you can't. You've been away from the coven for so long, many things have changed."
"Let's be honest, Evanora," Aubrey answered with a shake of her head. "I was never really a part of this coven even when I was here. I'm not good at being a part of things.  I never have been. The bigger picture is always lost on me, always, and if I could put on a pair of glasses and see the world the way you and others do I would. " Evanora was right though, it wasn't her concern, she shouldn't have let any of this concern her for even a second.  She wanted to argue, to say that the ice was when Ophelia had started to come back to herself, to regain control. When the ice had been water and Aubrey's head was being forced all the way down underneath it, it hadn't felt like Ophelia was even present, just an empty husk of a person and her rage.  But Evanora probably knew her better. Aubrey pulled her forearm from the Supreme's grip, sucking herself back inside her own skin like she'd never let her soul seep out into the air around her.  She didn't think she could do anything by herself, really. She'd somehow managed to fail her mother, she hadn't been able to save her father, it would be setting herself up for failure to let herself get too worked up about Ophelia with the sad, kind eyes and the pretty pouty lips. "I'm sorry for taking up so much of your evening. I'll go now."
The way she dismissed Evanora's softness, her consideration, had Evanora shaken. It represented the same pulling away that she saw right before witches when dark. The look in their eyes as they didn't get their way and turned to the malicious side, the side the threatened to expose them all. Evanora once more felt that same pinch to her heart, although this time, it felt more like a punch. As the brunette turned to go, the door telekinetically slammed shut. "I think you're right about that, Aubrey. You were never a part of this coven, but, now that you know our secrets, you have to be." she explained. Walking towards her, she spoke, "What I said about Ophelia, Zack, this coven -- it never leaves. If I find out you told anyone or let it slip, you will face more than a pittily memory wipe. That's why I'm setting you up with Ophelia as your peer tutor. I think if you two can connect, if you can bond over this magic you share, you'll understand more about both each other, yourselves, and your place in this coven. That's mandatory."
The door shut before she'd even reached out for the knob and Aubrey glared. Was she not done being punished and put in her place? First her eyes narrowed at the thought that Evanora thought a warning like this was even necessary. Aubrey was made of rough edges and solitary wolf impulses but she'd never murdered anyone. She'd never put anyone in West Hollow in jeapordy. Her mother had family in the coven, strangers that Aubrey hadn't even dared to reach out to, but people she shared blood with. The sternness in Evanora's voice made Aubrey feel like she'd been slapped. She could have kept her mouth shut out of respect if there hadn't been more. Eyes widened and her palms went up to erratically wave a bodily  NO in Evanora's direction. "Are you crazy??? My peer tutor? She hates my guts. I'm the soulless bitch that reminds her of the creep she used to date.  I don't . . . " But then it hit her that Evanora had used the word mandatory and that word was irrevocable law in the Supreme's book.  Aubrey's face closed off, but her shoulders slumped in acquiescence. "Fine but if she gives me so much as a whiff of sunburn or an inch of frostbite you're going to have to deal with my very loud, very frequent complaints."
If Aubrey wanted her to play mean cop, she would. Evanora had tried it the soft way, inviting her in and having her understand, but as usual, her efforts at compassion fell short. Evanora shrugged, "Maybe you should have thought of that before you described in detail how her boyfriend cheated on her with you and you knew about it." crossing her arms over her chest once again. She watched the realization smack Aubrey that this was going to happen, when she spoke again, Evanora chuckled out lightly, "Oh, honey. I've been kicked out of this coven before, bullied for being gay, and deal with demons and vampires on a day to day basis. Your cat fighting is nothing I can't handle." she gave her a sarcastic smile, hand flicking and letting the door back open. "Saturday, 2pm."
Aubrey scoffed. "Thought before action isn't my strong suite," she admitted begrudgingly.  If there was a way for her to fuck up chemistry with another person she did it with flying colors. Zack had been the only one immunue to all the fucked up valleys and peaks of her personality. It hit  the witch with a sick intensity that maybe he'd meant more to her than she realized, and what the fuck did that say about her? That one of the few people she'd connected with had been an abusive piece of shit? That was something she was going to have to take home and ruminate over accompanied with a pint of ice cream and a bottle of wine. "Saturday, 2pm," she repeated softly. Part of her wanted to launch herself backward and wrap her arms around Evanora as an apology for well . . . everything that she was and wasn't. Instead she settled for lingering in the doorway and gesturing around the store. "It really does look nice in here," she offered, before scampering out into the welcoming outside where she could try to ignore the chip on her shoulder and the twist of her stomach.
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astarsdarkheart · 7 years
Coruscant's gleaming exterior reflects a thousand colours from the sky. As do its citizens, though usually only through the fabric of their clothes.
A/N: So much of this section is just laying groundwork for worldbuilding things I want to expand on later, so there's not really much I feel warrants upfront explanation? Apart from how I've had to handle travel times thanks to SW canon's laissez-faire attitude to the same.
Wookieepedia (which has proved rather more helpful than the Star Wars databank in this instance) states that Luke and Leia are born two days after Empire Day. According to the various sources I've accumulated regarding the galaxy's geography and travel times, it should take about four days to travel from Coruscant to Mustafar. This does, naturally, heck things up a tad for me.
I sort of just settled on 'okay, it took two days for the entire Padmé goes to Mustafar and then gets taken to Polis Massa situation to play out, we'll call it another two days to get back to Coruscant just to maintain something resembling internal consistency' and left it there. Unless I end up doing another section of the series in this format, I'm unlikely to need quite as specific a timeline again, so it's going to have to do.
Also on AO3 and Pillowfort.
Arrived on Coruscant today. Streets are aflame. Rumours have spread in the Emperor’s absence that he has abandoned his government. Senate is in tatters. Bail means to present a motion to elect an emergency chancellor should the Emperor not reappear. He was nominated once, he hopes to go further now.
Anakin has been burning red all day. He’s not speaking much. Least of all to Obi-Wan. I worry about him. But he’s kind to the children, at least. They don’t seem scared of him. Not sure why. Even if he was there while they were born — I still don’t remember enough of that hour to say — it seems they should notice that his flesh doesn’t feel like mine — or anyone else’s. Master Yoda has asked me to ‘keep an eye on him’. I wonder what he thinks I meant to do.
Apartment is clean and untouched, fortunately. Jedi Temple seems less pleasant. Structure is intact, but Obi-Wan and Master Yoda have been subdued since returning. May be the remnants of Anakin’s massacre — unlikely that there was anyone left to clean up the mess.
Haven’t left apartment since arriving. Spirit is drained. Unconsciousness is a poor substitute for sleep.
The Living Force carries with it everything that a living being might think or feel. Compassion, solidarity, the desire to protect one’s kin — these are all products of the Force that I do not think it is wise to deny.
Not every instinct of living beings is noble, of course. This we already know well — even in the safety of the Temple we hear of murder and wretchedness in the darker corners of Coruscant. How are we to know which of our living instincts are to be lauded, and which are too closely tied to the Dark Side for safety?
Received transmission from Naboo this morning. Queen enquiring after my health; apparently disturbing rumours have spread there too. Starting to wonder if political situation is salvageable. Obi-Wan thinks not, but his mood has not recovered from the Temple. Have to wonder if it ever will. He’s still afraid to be in the same room as Anakin. Determined to talk to me about my health and the children, though. Would prefer to discuss his method of travelling to Mustafar with him. But he evades the questions. I’ve not regained the energy to press him.
Senate refuses to come to session. Palpatine’s bureaucrats deny Bail a hearing.
Anakin has been absent much of the day. He came home in much the same colour as the sky outside — dull grey with rain clouds, today. Peculiar, given the flame-like character of his form. Somewhat puzzled by the nature of what he has become. Obi-Wan and Master Yoda’s comments suggest a construction of the Force, but in that case my awareness of it seems strange. Children remain oblivious. Perhaps to be expected given that they’re newborns. Yet to decide on names. Anakin has expressed no preference.
Still exhausted, but should send message to Naboo before going to bed. If nothing else, must reassure Queen that our people have someone in their corner in the Senate. Fortunate that children are healthy and, for the time being, sleeping easily at night. Circumstances likely to make balancing their care with politics rather difficult before long.
I was first introduced to the Sith as a group who used the Force for necrotic ends — they were enemies of life.
In this form, they were held up as the worst the Dark Side had to offer.
Though they touched the Living Force, they held no respect for its living aspect. Life was a thing to be twisted and tormented as they saw fit. A chilling philosophy for a cold, cruel gathering of minds.
Anakin woke up in the middle of the night. Woke up in response to his absence and attempted to talk to him, but he was unresponsive. Didn’t even indicate that he’d heard. Not sure if another nightmare. Not sure who else he could fear to lose, given that he never knew who his father was. He stayed a deep blue until morning and has been glowing green since then. Showed no sign of remembering his dream — or that he’d woken up — during the day. Seems strange, but I don’t know what questions to ask. His existence raises enough of them, at this stage.
Anxiety setting in regarding whether staying so close to him is safe. I don’t want to leave. Don’t want him to leave.
Obi-Wan and Master Yoda have found lodging. Neither thinks it will be possible to restore the Order, at least not in short term. Wonder what could fill their place in the galaxy — their skills made them unique, but that clearly wasn’t enough. Bail is speaking to Underworld police and the others who signed our petition. Have sent message to Mon; yet to receive a response. Bureaucrats have stated that they will await the return of the Emperor to their deaths if need be. Alarmed that the Republic could ever have reached this stage. Shouldn’t be surprised; no different when I was Queen. Thought Palpatine meant to work with me to change matters in the Senate then. Sad to think our planet could produce such a monster of a man.
Houseplants are oddly healthy after my absence. Children remain healthy; noise is tiring but understandable. Obi-Wan seems alarmed by children, Master Yoda just shakes his head. Can only assume their closeness to Anakin makes them seem threatening. Bears remembering that our marriage was forbidden.
What the Sith always sought was death and destruction. In their parlance, such things became power.
It is a burden to be able to kill a life form, to have such perfect control over their fate — in this context, I can see why we are taught to shy from power.
Protest passed by apartment today. Seems Emperor’s disappearance has stalled a crucial decision regarding imports from beyond Hutt space. Strange that situation would have escalated so far in so little time — suggests underlying tensions that I was ignorant of. Perhaps willfully so. Not sure of particulars, but delay is clearly causing distress. Will discuss with Bail and others once opportunity arises. Mon is preoccupied in her home sector but promised to return as soon as possible. My message seemed to alarm her. The thought does my nerves no favours.
Anakin has been distracted. His mind seems to phase out of conversations halfway through sentences. Colours didn’t settle, but I recall more orange and red than cooler colours. Left to visit Jedi Temple in the early afternoon, has yet to return. Children have whined at his absence. Thinking Luke and Leia for their names, but want to check with Anakin. Have to assume they’ll be Force-sensitive. Makes the loss of the Order more personal. Though not much more devastating, I’ve found.
Was recovered enough today to leave apartment for a few hours. Waited until protest had passed by for safety’s sake — imagine I would have been scolded by Bail (and Obi-Wan) had I not exercised caution. City is little changed, but people are. Noticeably nervous. Official statements conflict with rumour regarding Emperor’s disappearance. Wondering if Anakin intends to go public with what he knows. Obi-Wan remains reluctant to speak to him, let alone push for answers. Haven’t seen Master Yoda since he said clones needed to be brought back under control. Unsure what he meant. Clones are full-fledged life forms, and not as easily controlled as droids. Seems strange that they would be out of control given their receptivity to any and all orders given. Though their turning on the Jedi does suggest a potentially dangerous willingness to obey.
The clones’ entire situation makes me uneasy, but Kamino may not fall under Republic jurisdiction, so few legal avenues through which to pursue an investigation into their methods. It’d be a low priority right now in any case.
This is how I discern truth: only the Dark Side of the Living Force will ever demand death. If it favours life, it is honourable.
Anakin agreed to names. Mostly yellow today. Smiled more than he has since before Council conflict.
Have to admit the fact is disconcerting. Would have expected his visit to the Temple to bring his spirit down. Don’t think I know enough about the Jedi’s internal matters for any speculations on my part to be useful, and I knew he’d grown frustrated with the Order’s leadership some time ago, but seems that what remains of the Temple can’t be anything pleasant given its effect on Obi-Wan and Master Yoda. Yoda’s absence continues, though Obi-Wan doesn’t seem concerned. As with Mustafar and Anakin’s present state, though, he continues to duck questions. He seems almost as tired as I feel.
Mass protests in the street have forced bureaucrats’ hands. Senate will be in session in two days. Bail has not denied involvement but refuses to specify details. Underworld denizens in particular have rallied nobly. Special committee to solve import issue today. Bail extended an invitation — curious as to what authority he’s already managed to gain in a Senate now controlled in law as well as practice by bureaucrats. Bowed out to allow myself more time to recover. Exertion yesterday left me more tired than anticipated, and children woke up several times during the night. May need to hire assistance. Unsure how to explain household situation. Had visitors from Senate after lunch; all eyed Anakin with various degrees of alarm. His presence may have kept situation more civil than it otherwise would have been — none of the visitors were allies. Little information or advantage gained from conversations, though.
Didn’t want to ruin Anakin’s rare good mood, and his anger has proved dangerous of late, but harsh conversations may be necessary, and delaying them serves no further purpose. Obi-Wan has found reports on how each Jedi who fell in the purge died. Too many to comb through and confirm all the dead, but he’s read enough already to make him wilt. For me, Senate issues may take priority until system is stable, sadly. Current crisis state is unsustainable and may do lasting damage. Bail’s efforts are incredible, but rest of Senate likely to prove less tractable.
Official statements continue to say ‘Empire’ despite the fact that what remains of the government is all a product of the Republic. As of yet I’ve heard of no rumour suggesting that the Emperor is dead.
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njawaidofficial · 7 years
'Suits' Boss Breaks Down Season 7 Premiere
'Suits' Boss Breaks Down Season 7 Premiere
[Warning: This story contains spoilers from the seventh-season premiere of USA’s Suits, “Skin in the Game.”]
Compared to the sixth-season start of USA’s Suits, Wednesday night’s season seven premiere marked a return to some of the lighter moments and banter-filled scenes formerly featured on the show.
With Mike (Patrick J. Adams) an official and legally recognized lawyer, Rachel (Meghan Markle) done with law school, Donna (Sarah Rafferty) looking for a seat at the table as partner and Louis (Rick Hoffman) back on his old warpaths following his break-up with Tara (Carly Pope), it was up to Harvey (Gabriel Macht) to step up as managing partner and put everyone back on track.
But first Harvey and Mike needed to reunite for one more corporate case involving a shady vodka dealer and some eager buyers, giving viewers one last nostalgic glimpse at the dynamic duo before their relationship changed again with Harvey’s new role at the firm.
Meanwhile, the episode also marked the return of Harvey’s former shrink Dr. Paula Agard (Christina Cole), as Harvey pursued her romantically and disappointed Harvey-Donna fans everywhere who were hoping that this season might mark a turn in the couple’s relationship.
To break down the premiere and look ahead at the rest of the seventh season, The Hollywood Reporter caught up with showrunner Aaron Korsh. Here, he discusses the show’s developing tone, where Harvey goes from here and whether Harvey is in the market for a new secretary.
Does Harvey officially have his groove back?
To some degree you could make the case that Harvey never lost his groove. He probably did there for a little bit in one way or another, but he never completely lost it. So sure, he has his groove back, but this is Suits, so there’s always something lurking. He’s not going to be conflict-free for the rest of the season. He’s made some bold decisions, and when you make bold decisions, they often have consequences.
Can you expand on that? He got the girl, Donna is beside him, Louis is in agreement — how do you inject conflict at this point?
If you look to the relationships of the show, Donna is by his side, but given their history and the fact that he’s with a new woman, she doesn’t know if there’s potential there. Louis has agreed, but in the history of the show, has Louis stood by anything permanently? What we set up at the end of season six and in the beginning of this season is that Harvey has made some decisions that are bold and possibly good, but that could also have consequences. He made a one-for-one deal with Mike to come back to the firm; we do a pro-bono, we do a corporate case. That wasn’t the most prudent thing to do — it’s like if you were the head coach of a football team and promised a player they could play both football and baseball. It’s possible your player could get injured doing that other thing and it could ruin your whole season. You never know what the deal you make is going to do. There is an inherent conflict between representing the interests of the downtrodden and the powerless and corporate law, which represents the interests of the powerful and exploitative. That decision will probably come back to bite them both in the ass.
How will Donna’s promotion affect things?
He took someone that was his secretary and didn’t give her a promotion to, like, office manager or head of marketing or whatever, he made her a senior partner and jumped her, like, 15 levels up the rung. That can have consequences, too, because people work at the firm and they might not love that someone leapfrogged them. That could have consequences for Donna and Harvey.
Donna gave a quote in the episode about how many non-lawyers are actually partners at firms. Did you guys do research into that to back up the legitimacy of someone like her making partner?
Nope. I am not a big fan of research; I like making stuff up. I worked in the corporate world and I do know that it seemed legit to me that there are COOs that are not lawyers at law firms. We may have actually looked it up, but that stat is not true. Later, she refers to certain law firms in particular that have non-lawyer COOs and those firms are fictional. That’s easy to make up. But it’s something that is certainly legit because it could be true. There’s no law against it. We prefer to make it feel real rather than be real.
Does this open up the door for Harvey to get a new secretary?
We’re almost through the first 10 [episodes] and we don’t deal with it. You never saw Jessica’s secretary. It has more to do with taking up screen time than anything else. Had we hired a new secretary and devoted time to that, we’d have to give a story to that purpose. I don’t really care about watching somebody make appointments; it would have to be a story about what’s going on with the two of them. And we had so much else going on, we decided not to focus on that. Harvey is still able to go about his day as Jessica did. Donna’s role in the firm was much larger than secretary anyway; a large part of her role was keeping the peace between Harvey and Louis. Even though she’s not Harvey’s secretary anymore, if we gave him a new secretary that might steal Donna’s role functionally from a story point of view. We didn’t want anyone to steal her role away from the firm.
It seems like Rachel being put in charge of the associates is leapfrogging, too — will there be repercussions for that?
Louis felt like it was leapfrogging him, but he ends up realizing she’s better at it than he is right now because he’s not in the right headspace. But is it going to be tough for someone of Rachel’s status and stature in the firm to oversee the associates? Probably. She’s probably going to have some conflict coming her way.
Is it safe to assume she’s also a full-fledged lawyer now, too?
Yes, we are positing that she is now officially a lawyer and done law school. The thing is, she’s probably older than most first- and second-year associates would be because she was a paralegal for so long. But that doesn’t mean you’re going to feel good about being overseen by somebody who just became a lawyer.
Will she perform in any court cases this season?
We will see her performing as a lawyer, but I don’t think as of yet she’s in court. But we don’t spend that much time in court with any of our people.
Mike and Rachel are still planning this wedding. How does that factor into this season?
Part of the issue for them is they have to get back to planning this wedding. We tackle that early on. Planning a wedding takes a lot of time and energy. At the same time, she’s just starting out her career as a lawyer and Mike is starting his career as a legitimate lawyer and that takes a lot of time and energy. The sort of pull of those two different things, they’re going to talk about that and deal with that in the course of the first half of the season.
Tonally, what was your goal for the season?
I always say I’m looking to tone it down, but when we get there I don’t want to be bored. We always try to put comedy in, but it’s more difficult to go back and change the tone of something and make it significantly lighter than it was or how light it was in the beginning. It feels like the natural progression is to get a tad heavier over time. This season isn’t as heavy as Mike being in prison with his life in jeopardy. We absolutely have some fun, lighter moments. The first episode has a lot of fun and lightness and banter in it. The rest of the season has comedy, too, but it’s not without its drama.
Is that drama internal drama or are there external factors weighing in?
A little bit of both. Our characters are in different places in their lives and there have been some change-ups with the dynamic of the firm. But we’re also bringing in some new characters and cases, and there’s drama with that.
Are there any returning characters this season you can highlight?
We’re incredibly excited to welcome Dule Hill to the cast, he’s a great addition. We are absolutely going to see more of Christina Cole. Her addition shakes things up and will affect fans who are hoping for another relationship to come to fruition. Obviously Robert Zane (Wendell Pierce) is going to come back over the course of the season. We are going to meet a brand-new character that we heard about in the past but have never met. I’m not going to say who or who the actor is, but I love him. We have another recurring, old nemesis that the writers came up with bringing back based on a storyline that was already embedded in the season, and when they pitched him to me, both the way he comes back and what ultimately happens to him, I loved it. It’s such a great idea. Other than that, we’ve got some new, young associates. Katrina (Amanda Schull) will be around from time to time. Gretchen (Aloma Wright) is back. And aside from all these people, there is always room for old characters to pop up unexpectedly.
Suits airs Wednesdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT on USA.
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Twitter: @amber_dowling
#Boss #Breaks #Premiere #Season #Suits
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