#also this mustve been made before
britneyshakespeare · 4 months
i have to be honest. when ppl bring up how old jason earles was when he played jackson in hannah montana. i do agree it's a little weird but it's strange when ppl adopt the language of it being, like, somehow creepy. he played a high schooler in his late 20s-early 30s. it's not like ppl don't do that on the cw.
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obssessive101 · 2 months
*sorrowfully singing Kurenai*
*continues singing*
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ghost-bard · 5 months
Haha hey gang you ever think about the fact that both of Juanaflippas original lives were lost in an unfair way :D
Her first life was technically lost due to neglect, but heres the thing. When q slime checked her tasks they were all green, so he assumed that mariana mustve done them, and then when he checked the next day. They were still green. Thus he freaked out, and learned that no one had been taking care of her (or at least hadnt taken care of her the day before).
Then the beds breaking counting towards the egg death. q Mariana quite literally made a mistake idk what to tell ya man. And the fact that they broke instantly was just. Yeah. Though, iirc the beds don’t break instantly anymore. I think. But even then its so.
But now we see that the eggs can. Survive a nuclear bomb.
I know it was the beginning of the server i get that. But at the same time. We all know the federation just picks and chooses right? Like the 2, 3 times that the eggs have gone missing? Bobby’s death, which im honestly still confused about? Like didnt q jaiden and q roier go on a whole adventure to find him only to be told he was dead? I feel like im misremembering to pls correct me if im wrong.
Also, couldn’t someone have taken care of trumpet? At least when q dan and q maxo couldnt? Bc ik that q maxo cared a lot about about trumpet, or did the admin only like. Login when a parent was on i gen do not know.
Seeing the eggs be given so many chances over and over again, knowing that others didn’t, and for flippa to even get one life back q slime and q mariana had a trial. Its. Certainly something that’s for sure.
Like. Yeah. The federation decides everything.
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jacksfandomrandom · 2 months
Summary: Vaggie feels like she needs to skip meals and starve herself after she realizes she's gained weight. Charlie recognizes this behaviors and stops it before it gets worse
TW: Eating disorders!!
It wasn’t rare for Vaggie to have a cluster fuck of negative emotions. She had an insane amount of religious guilt, even though she’s now in hell. The way she viewed herself wasn’t exactly healthy. She didn’t think of herself as equal to others. She thought of herself as filth who doesn’t even deserve kindness. I mean, how could she? She’s a waste of space.so you could say that waking up to these thoughts weren’t her ideal way of waking up.
Vaggie sat up in bed and stretched, accidentally smacking Charlie who was doing the same.
“Sorry, I forgot i had them for a sec,” Vaggie apologized.
“No, no, Its okay, you’re not used to them,” Charlie assured. She slid out of bed and went to go get ready. Vaggie followed her as well.
Charlie had showered the night before so she skipped doing it this morning. So while vaggie was in the shower, Charlie did her morning routine. The thing she didn’t notice though, was how Vaggie wasn’t her usual self. Luckily they had a shower curtain so Charlie couldn’t see tears in Vaggies eyes.
As she was showering Vaggie looked down and noticed she now had a bit of a gut. She wasn’t as skinny as Charlie due to her intense training. If anything she was meaty and a bit chubby. It made her feel like shit. 
She tried not to panic as she saw it. It looked so big. How could Charlie ever like this disgusting creature? She used to be fit. The, she realized something. She had been overeating. The stress of heaven and Charlie finding out about her being an angel mustve made her begin to stress eat. She remembered all of those times she snuck into the pantry and fridge. Looking back on it, she felt ashamed. What an ugly monster she was. 
Slowly, she stepped out of the showered and dried herself off. The scale against the wall looked menacingly at her. She couldn’t take her eyes off of it. She knew it would make her feel worse but she needed to know. So, walking at a slow pace, she stepped on the scale.
Shit. She gained. Tears fell out of her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. She quickly dried them off. Not only was she hideous, but she was also pathetic.
She stepped off and went to get ready. Her wings very much needed to be preened but she didn’t feel like doing so. Why would she want to take care of something that caused others so much pain? Her wings reminded her of the things she’s done. They made her feel even more ashamed of herself. So she skipped preening them for now. 
After getting changed and drying her hair, she walked downstairs. In the kitchen, she saw Charlie was cooking something. Feeling tired and icky, Vaggie walked up behind and wrapped her arms around her waist. She was too short for her neck.
“Hey, hon, You want some eggs?” Charlie asked. 
Vaggie pulled away from Charlie’s warmth and took a look at the scrambled eggs. They actually looked really good. They had some peppers and onions in them as well as a bit of cheese. She wanted to say yes, but stopped herself.
“Um, no thanks, I’m good. Not exactly hungry just yet,” She answered nervously.
“You sure? You know Angel will devour them when he gets down here,” Charlie said.
“Yeah, I’m sure,” Vaggie said. She didn’t know all that much about health, but she did know that if you eat too much, you gain, so if you skip eating, surely you’ll lose weight.
Vaggie went to sit on the couch in the lobby and wait for the rest to come down so they could begin activities. But smelling the food charlie was cooking made her stomach growl. She needed something to curb this hunger. So she began to chew on her lip, not having any gum available.
Little by little, the residents trickled down the elevator and met up in the kitchen. They seemed to be having fun and joking around in the kitchen. Vaggie felt left out and excluded but she knew that if she went into that kitchen, she'd ruin herself. 
Finally, after what felt like forever, everyone came into the lobby’s common area. 
“Alright everyone! Before we begin, I’d just like to congratulate Angel on making incredible progress. He hasn’t sexually harassed any residents at all this week!” Charlie announced.
Vaggie could barely pay attention. All she could focus on was how much better everyone else looked and acted. Angel actually had something on his chest, Charlie had the perfect body weight, and Nifty actually seemed happy. Damn, she wished she had good mental health. 
Before she even realized, she was staring at Angel’s perfect body.
“Oi tit-less, you see something you wish ya had?” He teased her. She looked away and blushed.
“Angel, I just congratulated you, don’t make me take it back,” Charlie warned.
“Fine, fine,” he groaned. She spoiled his fun.
The activity that they would be doing was going out and advertising the hotel. They would split up into groups and meet back at the hotel later. So Charlie and Vaggie walked down the streets together, handing out a couple of fliers and trying to get people's attention. This one guy from afar seemed to be eyeing them. Charlie saw him and thought he was looking to get a flyer. Vaggie however, thought he was judging them. She had her wings out but quickly put them away. She didn’t want anyone else seeing her angelic wings.
The man did come over to take a flier but then left. 
A group of people walked down the side walk that they were handing the fliers out on. They looked like teenage assholes.
“Ay, fat-ass, go fucking kill youself and free the princess from having pity-sex with you,” The group of boys burst out in laughter. Well, now we know why they were in hell.
Vaggie really wanted to spear them but just couldn’t find the motivation. They were probably right. Why fight the truth?
Charlie’s demon form came right out though and she began growling at them. They just laughed at her and skedaddled.
“Fuck, I’m sorry about those boys, Vaggie. You know I would never love you out of pity,” Charlie reassured her. Even though she knew deep down Charlie loved her, the boy’s insults felt real. 
“It’s alright, lets just go home,” Vaggie said. The sadness in her tone was incredibly obvious to Charlie that she was hurt by the comments.
“How about I take you out to lunch?” Charlie offered, hoping a date would help her feel better.
“I’m fine, can we go home?” Vaggie asked once again, a sense of urgency in her voice. She didn’t know why she was so hurt by this. Why did she feel like crying? It was pathetic. She needed to collect herself
“Vaggie, you haven’t eaten all day-”
“I said I’m fine, Charlie!” Vaggie snapped. Charlie looked hurt but also worried.
“I’ll see you at the hotel,” Vaggie walked off.
Back at the hotel, Vaggie stormed into the building. She went over to the bar and poured herself a shot before slamming it down and going upstairs. She needed to distract herself. Usually Charlie would help but she had just yelled at her. Oh shit. Vaggie realized that she had snapped at her girlfriend. Some partner she was.
She ran into her bedroom and flopped onto the bed. She hugged Charlie’s pillow. The scent of Charlie still lingered, providing a little bit of comfort.
It was about 4:45 when Charlie and the rest returned. Charlie went up to their room, knowing that was where Vaggie would be.
“Hey, You okay? You don’t normally snap like that…” she walked in and sat on the bed where Vaggie was laying.
“I know, and I’m sorry. It wasn’t fair to you. I was just having a bad day,” Vaggie mumbled. Charlie took off her shoes and laid down in bed too, facing towards her. Out of habit, Vaggie immediately snuggled into her chest. The princess held her as they cuddled in bed together.
After about 20 minutes, Charlie stopped cuddling her and got out of the bed. Vaggie rubbed her eyes. She was so close to falling asleep.
“Where are you going?” she asked.
“I have to make dinner. Everyone’s going to eat together tonight, remember?” She said, putting her blazer back on.
“Oh, right. Yeah. I’ll just stay here,” Vaggie told her. That gave Charlie an idea. She’ll make Vaggie’s favorite tonight! 
As Charlie made dinner, Vaggie mentally prepared as she dreaded suppertime. 
Eventually, Charlie called everyone down to come enjoy the meal she made. As vaggie walked downstairs, she couldn’t help but feel weird. Her legs were shaky and she felt a bit light-headed.
As she sat down at the table with everyone else, she saw the meal that Charlie had made. It was her favorite type of empanada and spanish rice. She felt so grateful. Her stomach was so hungry. It was about to eat itself. 
So when Charlie sat down and told them to dig in, Vaggie ate. It was delicious. Well, it wasn’t fully authentic but she hadn’t had food from her culture in a long time. 
Halfway through her seconds, she began to feel guilty. She knew it was wrong. Her stomach was already bloating and she felt so full. She froze right when the spoon was about to enter her mouth. She put it down.
What had she done?! She looked down at her big stomach and panicked. She needed to get rid of the food she just devoured. How? Then she got an idea. She was going to throw it up. She needed to do it right now. She was obsessing too much to have patience and wait till dinner was over.
“M-may I be excused?” Vaggie asked, panicky.
“Yes but-” before Charlie could even finish her sentence, Vaggie booked it.
“Vaggie?! Shit, I'll be right back,” Charlie told them before following her. Vaggie had already gotten a head start but Charlie knew where she was heading. To their room.
Vaggie ran up the stairs and into the room. She needed this nauseous full feeling to go away! Running into the bathroom, she grabbed her tooth brush and kneeled before the toilet. She shoved the teeth cleaning stick and made it hit the back of her throat. Not even a second passed and she heaved into the toilet, throwing a mix of rice, meats and vegetables up into the water of the bowl. she did it again and again until something pulled her toothbrush gripped hand away from her body.
“Stop!” She heard Charlie yell. She looked up from the half digested dinner in the bowl and saw her. Out of nowhere she began sobbing. Full blown ugly crying. It was so sudden that Charlie didn’t know what to do. Vaggie felt so disgusted that she needed to do this in order to feel good about herself. Charlie probably fucking hates her because of this. Just seeing Charlie’s concerned face made her want to puke, cry, and die all over again.
“Hey, hey, shh, shh, I’m not mad,” Charlie tried to comfort her. She gently took the tooth brush out of her hand and wiped it off with a bit of toilet paper before throwing it into the sink. It was pretty gross but then again, she’s done worse things with Vaggie when it came to cleanliness.
Vaggie sobbed harder. Why was she such a damn mess? She needed to be better, a protector, but her body just wanted her to wail. It felt like she was caught doing something she wasn’t supposed to do.
“Sh, shh, its okay, babe, I love you,” Charlie pulled her away from the toilet bowl and hugged her from the side. Charlie rocked her, held her, rubbed her back, played with her hair, and gave her a scalp massage until she calmed down. It took a while as Vaggie was very emotional, but that’s okay. Vaggie didn’t cry often, so Charlie just assumed it was all coming out right then and there. 
“M sorry, I don’t know why I was crying,” She said once she was finished.
“Don’t you fucking dare apologize for crying,” Charlie threatened, “but we can talk about that later. Do you mind telling me why you were forcing yourself to throw up?”
Vaggie looked down. Charlie still had a comforting hand rubbing her back.
“I-... I don’t want to look like this…” she explained, “I’m so fucking hideous. I’m getting chubby. I don’t like that! I- I- I don’t want to look like that!” She began to panic now.
“Hey, Hey, shhh, deep breaths,” Charlie instructed. Vaggie inhaled deeply and held it for a couple of seconds before exhaling, feeling much calmer.
“M- My depressive thoughts were really bad today. When I showered, I weighed myself and found out I gained weight. A lot too. It didn’t feel good and it made me so obsessive and anxious. I’ve been stress eating too and I just want to stop eating altogether so the weight will be gone,” She explained.
Charlie looked at her with a concerned, yet supportive face. She was very worried for her mental health. She new that Vaggie sometimes dealt with depression and obsessive thoughts but never knew they were this bad. She just wished she knew sooner and could help her before it got too bad.
“Look. I don’t care about your weight or what you look like. You’re beautiful no matter what. I love you for you. I know it may seem small compared to all your thoughts but trust me, you are amazing,” She took one of Vaggie’s hand’s and gave it a reassuring squeeze, “Now about what to do next, I get it if you don’t feel like eating. I won’t force you to do anything but I can help you with the stress eating stuff. Would you like that?” 
Vaggie nodded. Dealing with that would probably be healthier than starving herself but she still didn’t exactly want to eat. It’s already become sort of a habit. Twice every week she would skip two meals a day. But sometimes, she’ll stress eat and consume a lot of snacks on those days. So she didn’t like the idea of having to eat at meal times on her specific skip days.
“Remember, you don’t have to do this alone. I’m here for you whenever you need to talk about your emotions or just need to cry,” Charlie told her.
“Charlie?” Vaggie looked up at her
“Yeah?” they snuggled closer to each other.
“I love you”
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jaemified · 6 months
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“maybe i finally understood why you were the way you were. or maybe you just never tried to understand me.”
☆ pairing ; toxic bf lee chan x fem reader
☆ genre ; hurt, ANGST, no comfort, toxic relationship, y/n vents but she has no one, slightly suggestive content
☆ warnings ; swearing, drinking, implied substance abuse, mentions of cheating and sex, y/ns insecure af (and only cz he made her that way), chans a gaslight and manipulator but also very possessive !!
☆ wordcount ; 0.9k
☆ synopsis ; youve been struggling with a toxic relationship for years now, but you had no one to tell that to, or anyone thatd believe you at least. so while your boyfriend slips out for the night to god knows where, you use this time to write down and express everything youve bottled up all this time.
☆ kona speaks ! - i think its funny how i always start with swearing in cw when its not anywhere near the worst thing in the story LMAOAOAOA anyway sorry i havent uploaded in FOREVER.. college is so hard (+i love my new format! all my drafts from the past 2 months are written like this:))
!disclaimer!, this is a pure work of fiction and is not in any way related to chan and his personality! purely for entertainment purposes only, and for me to express some thoughts :)
OCTOBER 31, 2023
you had left me on my own yet again. its not like i had any true friends left to be with anyway, after you scared them all off, that is.
who knows where you couldve gone.
no, the real you.
my sweet, sweet channie i fell in love with all those years ago.
where could you have gone?
maybe i wasnt good enough, maybe i wasnt pretty enough.
or maybe you werent understanding enough.
i always thought it was me, but maybe it was you all this time.
i like to think back at when we were last happy, god. that mustve been ages ago, just about.
it was.. my 16th birthday?
-my 16th birthday-
it was.. the day we had to put my dog down. my puppy since i was young. i remember it all clearly now.
i was..
-i was..-
we, we were 17.
mmm, my dog was probably my best friend. the realest one in a while.
i remember how you were there for me, even took me to my favorite donut shop to distract me while you tried so hard to make me laugh.
it worked.
i wish you were still you when we were young.
my sweet channie.
where could you have gone?
i could care less about your whereabouts.
i could care less about how you told me i was lying and that you knew i loved you whenever i tried expressing how i felt about us now.
but maybe i just want to be loved again.
maybe i just want to feel something again.
and i know it cant be with you.
i remember the last time you brought me out we were at mingyus halloween party last year.
nobody could find you, so i went to look for you myself.
i noticed your location was still shared with me, and not any of your friends.
so i tracked you to our car.
i tracked you to your car.
(since nothing that was yours was mine anyway)
and there you were.
fucking some random girl in the backseat.
that was the last day i saw any of my friends.
you never let me out again.
“you cant go, youll just be in my way.” you said before you left for soonyoungs christmas party.
“you cant go, i cant bare to see you hurt again.” you told me before i was about to leave to my own birthday party planned by my friends.
“you cant go, youll just play victim in front of all my friends and cry about how i fucked another girl.” you told me before you left a few hours ago.
i never know with you. but, i know deep down you care.
its always how y/n cant go here, y/n cant do this. or, shes too busy, we have something planned, shes not home.
even in the way you always spoke over me i knew you were just trying to speak for me.
but what about you?
why cant i have a say in anything you do? why do i get everything taken from me? why did you scare off all my friends and even make your friends hate me too?
you always came home high or on something whenever a different girl each time, dropped you off after you came back from a different party.
i never missed the way theyd look at me.
as if you said something about me.
because you know i never forget the look on someones face
it wasnt till later when i found out from wonwoo that everything you did to me, you told those girls thats what i did to you.
i learned to be quiet though.
i learned to sit there and smile, and just take it.
there was nothing i could do though, theres nothing that couldve changed your actions.
i mean, i cant control you.
so why can you control me?
the channie i knew from when we were 20 wouldve consoled me and been there for me.
the channie i knew from when we were 15 wouldve just laughed about how mr seo accidentally buzzed his head in the boys locker room.
the channie i knew from when we first met in grade school wouldnt even have thought about doing half the things you do now.
so where did we go wrong?
i still think about that.
was it, when we hit puberty?
was it, when we moved out?
was it, when we graduated?
our first date?
the day i found out you cheated?
y/n scoffed as she looked at the giant brown teddy bear in the corner of the room that chan had won for her on their first date.
she let out an annoyed sigh, thinking back, looking back at whatever point in time that couldve even reflected a glimpse of this change in him.
it was too subtle, but too sudden, for her to even remember.
she took a sip of her ginger ale before picking up her pen and scribbling some more in her diary that only she had the key to.
who knows what he’d do if he saw all the things she said about him.
you really werent much help.
nevertheless, i still love you.
i really fucking love you.
i know you do too.
i know a part of you inside still cares for me.
i could even cry thinking about it.
yeah, i realize i dont get out much.
but you never hurt me.
physically, at least.
the emotional damage is beyond repair though.
but i know theres still a bit of the you from our youth left.
i see it in the way you look at me.
no matter how mad,
how upset,
how happy,
how sad you were,
whether you were high,
whether you were drunk,
even when we were younger too.
you always looked at me the same.
that softened gaze and warm eyes.
the eyes never change. the eyes dont lie.
i mean, you could deny it (which id only laugh if you tried), but your eyes tell.
maybe thats why im still holding on.
maybe im just waiting for the boy i first fell in love with to randomly come back.
the chances are slim.
but i still hope.
im holding on.
by a thread, at least.
not like you’d let me leave anyway.
i could say how theres still love left within us
probably, somewhere
but when was the last time we were genuinely happy?
what do you get out of this?
because it isnt happiness. it cant be. you wouldnt be here if you were.
we’re both miserable. i see it and feel it.
it’s like, im just here for you.
i can understand the pressure though.
everyone would ask “how did you make it through college?” “how did you make it through high school?”
they dont understand though. you kinda made me
-you kinda made me-
they dont understand though.
i mean,
maybe i finally understood why you were the way you were
or maybe you just never tried to understand me.
i could tell you all of these things.
but i couldnt.
because i could never ‘lie’ to you.
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ppnuggie · 6 months
      RODIMUS PRIME x gn reader
    『 rodimus ,, gender neutral reader 』
  -> avatar au | part 2
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, first contact au ,, avatar au ,, language barrier
  — lmk what yall think of this :3 any critism or feedback is welcome <3 pls repost !!
          red flashed throughout the ship ,, alarms blaring in all directions as bots aboard panicked . no one knew what was happening ,, no information shared as they ran and gasped and stood frozen in distraught . rodimus wasnt sure of what was happening either ,, panicked like the rest of them but still staying as calm as he could .
          he transformed ,, determined to get to the control center and figure out what exactly was happening . he swerved around the panicking mechs ,, making sharp turns and excelling his speed . drifting into the control center ,, he transformed quickly and watched as a battle took place between autobot and decepticon . seekers littered the control center ,, locked in a fight with the piloting autobots . the control panel was smashed and burnt ,, lazer fire going in every which direction . rodimus wasted no time ,, quickly joining in the battle and punching a seeker off one of his fellow mechs .
          the ship tilted and turned ,, thrashing about as the battle raged on . rodimus grabbed the back of a seeker by their wings ,, shoving towards another seeker and kicking the one rushing towards him . with every punch and kick the mech gave ,, he was met with one from any lurking seeker ready to take a hit to him . dents and paint chipped ,, energon leaking from his mouth as he grabbed one seeker in a chokehold . energon spilt over the floor from his fellow autobots ,, and some other decepticons . it pooled beneath his pedes ,, covering the floor in bright magenta .
          the front of the ship was set ablaze ,, a sign that they were entering the atmosphere of earth . rodimus struggled in his battle with the decepticons ,, all the other autobots now bleeding out on the floor with their optics offline . it had to have been an ambush ,, decepticons hacking into autobot comm links and steering the pilots right into a trap . they mustve relayed another message ,, the seekers quickly retreating from the ship as the alarms blared .
          rodimus lost his grasp on the seeker in his servos ,, watching as they left and flew through the air . he rushed over to the control panel ,, pressing what buttons he could and grabbing the steers to pull away from any civilization below . he couldnt do much ,, narrowly steering the ship on a crash course through a dense forest where he hoped no humans would be there . rodimus could only wait ,, feeling the ship thrust and throttle about . he could hear bits and pieces flying off the ship and land who knows where .
          he could hear the forestry being broken ,, branches snapping and cackling as theyre massacred by the ship . he could only brace himself for impact ,, feeling the harsh thrust of being thrown to the back of the room as the ship crashed . smoke poured everywhere ,, circling the room as flames crawled in . rodimus could only see black after that ,, stuck in the abyss of eternal darkness until he could be brought back online . left to hope that maybe some autobots made it ,, maybe some autobots were on their way . all he was left to do was hope .
          rodimus didn't remember much ,, optics onlining as his systems yelled at him about his injuries . open wounds and gnashes leaking energon ,, dents and paint chipped in places . the first thing he could see when his optics finally focused was a face . one he hadnt seen before ,, almost like they were cybertronian but not exactly . the only response he could give was to shriek ,, causing the being to also shriek in return ,, running and hiding behind a bush .
          the creature was small ,, organic but not like the 'animals' he was shown pictures of beforehand . they look more like those humans ,, walking on two legs and having cybertronian features . curiosity captured the mech ,, wondering what they were . he couldnt contain his thoughts ,, so many questions about this place and them . he was starting to feel like perceptor in a way .
          they warbled something ,, eyes big and wide in caution yet they held a want in them . slowly ,, they stepped out from behind the flora ,, hand stretched out in front of them as they scooted slowly towards rodimus . he repeated their actions ,, holding his servo out as he moved towards them ,, until they suddenly touched . their hand was small and warm
against his cold servo . he could almost feel this beat under their 'skin'.
          their mouth moved upwards in a smile ,, eyes shining bright as they looked into his optics . rodimus returned the smile ,, curious about what else there was to know about these humans than what he was told . they didnt seem so threatening ,, so violent . they reminded him of those protoform turbofoxes he'd seen on cybertron . all soft plating and barely any teeth to them . humans couldnt be so bad ,, he thought .
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l0v3lyx · 24 days
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| 𝒯𝒽𝑒 "𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓃𝒹"
| 𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈: 𝒷𝒶𝒹 𝓈𝓅𝑒𝓁𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔, 𝒷𝑒𝑔𝒾𝓃𝓃𝑒𝓇 𝒻𝒶𝓃𝒻𝒾𝒸
| 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒷𝑒𝑔𝒾𝓃𝓃𝑒𝓇 𝓈𝓂𝓊𝓉 𝓈𝓉𝑜𝓇𝓎, 𝓂𝒾𝓃𝑜𝓇𝓈 𝒹𝓃𝒾 !!
| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
| 𝒩𝑜𝓉𝑒𝓈: 𝒮𝑒𝓍𝓊𝒶𝓁 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓂𝑒𝓈, 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝓉𝒶𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓇𝑒𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓈𝓉𝓈,
| 𝓈𝓊𝑔𝑔𝑒𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓋𝑒 𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹𝓈, 𝒶𝓁𝒸𝑜𝒽𝑜𝓁 𝓊𝓈𝑒,
| 𝒟𝑜𝓂!𝐿𝓊𝒸𝒾𝒻𝑒𝓇 𝓍 𝓈𝓊𝒷!𝒻𝑒𝓂!𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇 𝒫𝒪𝒱.
LINKS: Chapter one -> Chapter two -> Chapter three -> Chapter four
You wake up in lucifer's bed at the hotel, him still asleep next to you, both of you still undressed. You could tell he was very tired from last night from how loudly he snored. You finally managed to get up without waking him to get your clothes on and go down for breakfast. As you went downstairs you saw angel dust on the couch again watching tv before alastor got up. "soooo~ how'd it gooo~?" "What? What do you mean?" "Umm, you said you would do what we talked about yesterday- what happened after that?? I need the juicy story im bored" "Well-" you then remembered how lucifer didnt want others to know about their little secret... "he just said he liked me back and we kissed- thats it-" "Huh- guess i mistook him for being more of the dominant type- eh its ok it mustve been sweet though, i think you guys would be cute together" "Oh- haha- yeah- well, i better go get some coffee- see you later angel!" "ok!" you rush to the kitchen to get some coffee, you were still tired from last night, and you were aching all over from it being your first time. When the kitchen doors shut behind you, you see lucifer standing there with your coffee ready for you. "Here, i made this for you. Sorry about last night- I- I wasn't thinking clearly I just-" you went up and kissed him on the cheek, forgiving him in a way. "Its alright- thanks for making me this, its my favorite." his cheeks turned red. "Um, anyways- I have a meeting with the other sins at noon, I need you to come with me but just sort of desguised as a servant or something." "Ok, what should I wear though? I dont know much about hell's fashion-" "Well, maybe something short- usually women with longer dresses shows how high their ranking is in hell, and thats very few of them. So just a short dress or a skirt and a shirt, not too short though-" "ok, I can probably ask someone else at the hotel for one."
"Hey, since you're taking a while to change, ill just go already. Meet me there when youre ready. Just teleport to me." "Ok!!" As you hear him leave, you slip on the dress angel dust gave you, it didn't look that short... as you looked at yourself in the mirror you saw how the dress was tight, and it was snug on your curves. It really brought out the shape of your body. You thought it was a little short, but you didnt really care, most women looked like that in hell anyways.
You were finally able to teleport to where lucifer was, it was the outside of a room. You were in an echoey hallway with marble flooring and white walls, there were also alot of plants around. As you nervously opened the door, everyone continued with the meeting and you went to go stand next to lucifer since there wasnt an extra seat to pull up. "Hey y/n, could you please get me something to drink? This meeting has been going so long its making me dehydrated." Somehow he could sense your presence behind him without looking at you, he didnt even notice you enter the room. You went to go get him a cup of water from a table in the corner that was sort of a station for water, coffee, and tea. You pressed down the tab and the water spilled into the cup. Slowly you walked back to the table, bent down (sort of) and placed his water down infront of him. The only thing that had necessarily caught his attention was at how short your dress was, so when you bent over it was somewhat revealing. He was bright red, until he focused back on the meeting so nobody would notice.
After the seemingly long meeting, everyone had left, except for you and lucifer. "Hey, uh, thanks for coming with me, I uhm- i appreciate you waiting for me." You saw how he blushed, you couldnt really figure out why he was though. "Luci, is something wrong?" "No- everything is fine- I need to go to the washroom be right back-" he stormed out. You always wondered what he did in there, he was probably on his phone or something... Later you both left the building, lucifer fixated on you and your short dress as you both walked along the sidewalk. "Luci are you staring because my dress is short?" He blushed, but he also grinned a bit and said "So what if I was?" You blushed, you knew what got him going, and you decided to tease him again, just to see how far he could go this time. you lifted up your dress by a hair, revealing some of your ass. Lucifer blushed more, he dug his claws into his cane slowly, practically resisting the urge to fuck you right here. "Why can't you just wait until we get back to the hotel?" you grinned "because you dont look like you want to wait~" "Well, in fact, i can (lies). Today we will be going back to the castle, we just need to go back to the hotel to say goodbye to everyone, except for alastor." it was very obvious how much lucifer hated alastor, then you got an idea to sort of mess with him. As you arrived at the hotel you started to wave everyone goodbye, and then hugged alastor... Lucifer stared angrily as he waited for you both to leave. "Actually lets just teleport home..." he grabbed you by your waist quickly as you both travelled to the castle. "I thought I told you not to go near him again." "so what if i did?" you grinned. There was a chain then that had manifested into his hands and around your neck, he tugged it a bit to pull you in closer. He grabbed your face as he turned into his demon form. "Oh? so were being naughty now? you should know by now that subjects get punished if they disrespect the king." he pulled at the chain again, bringing you even closer to him. "Well, i guess im going to have to do that to you now, and im gonna enjoy every last second~" *oh shit-* he carried you to the bedroom, and pushed you into the bed as he hovered over you. The chain withered away and he started undressing. "L-Luci-" he ignored it. He came closer to you, and pushed your panties to the side. "ha, already wet, just for me~" "L-luci please-" "get ready princess, tonight is going to be a long night~"
It was almost midnight now, you both had been keeping this up for almost 3 hours now. You were practically dick drunk and you could barely see straight, you had almost forgotten how demons have an absolutely insane amount of energy until the 10th round reminded you of that quickly. "Had e-enough yet?" you managed to mumble. It had been 27 rounds now, you were impressed but also tired, since you were in your normal form still. "No, I think i'll keep going until it gets into your head." He had an ear-to-ear grin that sent chills down your spine but still made you blush some. "Please l-luci I can't-" "I am just testing to see how far I can go with you~ and you're fine so far so i think you can handle one more round darling~" "L-L-Luci~" you said out of breath. "please luci I think i've had enough~" you moan slightly as he starts again, you could barely feel it anymore since you were already so numb. "I-I cant f-feel an-anything~" he pulled your hair some and sped up with his pace. "I could do much more than make you numb, darling~" you blushed more at his comment. You wondered why he was going so much it was like he was deliberately pushing your limits- "L-luci why do we need t-to do t-this m-more? I-isnt a f-few r-rounds e-enough?~" you let out a louder moan this time, able to feel again as he rammed his cock deep inside you repeatedly. "I figured you would've had a full demon form by now, so I wanted to see if I could somehow make you transform, since most people cannot do it on command the first time." you were surprised at how calm he was during all of this, and he wasn't rough just like you asked the first night. "Oh shit, im about to cu-" "Just shut up and do it i dont care if you forgot a condom i just want to sleep after this" he blushed and grinned "heh, ok then~" you then let out a final moan "L-Luci~" You were tired and fell right asleep on top of him, he fell asleep not long after, as you two cuddled the rest of the night neither of you were prepared for what entails the next morning...
When you and lucifer wake up you hear a fist pounding on your door. You both quickly rush to get up and get your clothes on and lucifer quickly transforms back into his normal form. "Stay back here and change your clothes or something ill go check the door." he rushes to the door to see who was there. When he opened the door he was surprised to see Charlie, who looked visibly angry. "Whats wrong char-char?" he asked nervously. "Whats wrong is you forgot to come to my meeting last night with the angels! You promised you would be there at 9!" "OH- SHIT- UHM- RIGHT! WELL YOU SEE UH- I GOT CAUGHT UP WITH WORK, AND I FELL ASLEEP..." "Youre lying." "Charlie no im not, please, i cant handle those angels right now, i need to finish up something important-" "and what would that be?" in the corner of her eye she manages to see you through the door, peeking around the corner to find something new to wear. "Just, stuff!" "Mhm, right- and does that stuff include your best friend over there?" *oh shit she saw you* you quickly run back into the room and slam the door. "Thats the door to your bedroom why was she in there?" "She was helping with work i swear-" "ok then- why was she naked?" "pfft- youre just seeing things charlie-" she looks at him and says in her demonic voice "Explain now." "Listen- charlie- it was just one night- ok? I don't know what came over me-" "I knew it! you're replacing mom!" "Thats not what this is at all! I divorced her! Its not like im cheating on her!" "Ugh! I cannot believe you dad!" she stormed away from the palace and went back to the hotel. "Well, that went swimmingly..." he said sarcastically and flopped on the couch in the living room and ran his fingers through his messy hair. You came out with a robe on this time, "Did I ruin the secret-?" "No, just as long as charlie doesnt tell anyone else we're perfectly fine." "Ok-" "Speaking of fine~" He grabbed you by the waist and sat you down on his lap "Im feeling like one more round~ What do you think?~" he started biting your neck softly. "Why?~" "Reasons~" he untied your robe and took it off of you, he admired at how stunning you were. As you started to unbutton his shirt he started to turn into his demon form- *ok- please dont say this is also going to last 3 hours-* You were both now fully undressed, you still sitting on his lap... he set you slowly on top of his throbbing cock as you started off slowly. "-Fuck!-L-Luci~" you moaned loudly. "Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck im gonna cum~" you groaned. "Already?~" Lucifer grinned and kept you going, his plan was working, you could feel your wings coming back, and some other additional features too- you could feel horns and a tail now, you still had your halo and wings though. Your colors also changed. Your skin now resembled lucifers, black hands and feet fading into white skin. And your tail and horns just like his, bright red, except your wings were as white as snow now, same with your halo. Your face had the red cheek markings now too, with red sclera white iris and a black pupil. you were beautiful. "W-wow- you look stunning- ah~ shit~" he groaned. "gonnacumgonnacumgonnacumgonnacummm~ Fuck!~" you both stopped, you digging your black claws into his back. It made him feel good, just how you did just now.
He admired your wings, horns, and tail. "Were you a seraph or something? Your wings are very white, and your horns and tail have blue accents instead of red... maybe because you havent fully adapted to hell yet, like i have, having red accents and yellow eyes." "Oh, uhm, no, i wasnt. I was a uhhhhhhh-" he looked at you waiting for your response. "You were a lower ranking? thats fine-" "I was a winner-" "OH! ok- so you used to live on earth??" "Uhm, yeah... it wasnt really the best experience, and it wasnt that good in heaven either. But that doesnt matter anymore since i guess this is better-" "hm? Really?" "W-w-well i didnt m-mean i-it like t-that!" he chuckled. "Well~ It sounded like it to me~" you blushed. "C'mon, lets get you cleaned up, and finally get you a normal outfit-" "Ok-" you put your robe back on and he finds his clothing again, and he leads you down the hallway into his bathroom. "Umm, here, you can start the shower and you can try using some of the wash there too. I- ill just close the door now- heh-" as he shut the door you blushed again, and you thought to yourself *ok... so i have a demon form- huh...* You stare at your new form in the mirror, you could get used to it- you get in the shower and start to wash your hair until you hear the door creak open... "Luci? Is that you?" "Luci please, im not in the mood right now" you hear a chuckle and everything goes dark.
you blink your eyes open slowly as youre tied to a chair, the room seeming aquarium-like. then you hear a voice "You think she's awake yet? Im becoming so fucking impatient, why not just wake her up?" "Youre so fucking stupid val" "Oh really? youre calling butterfly over there stupid? have you seen your head? Its literally flat- no room for a brain whatsoever." "Excuse me-" "Shut the fuck up shes awake-" you see a shadowy figure approach you slowly "So... youre like lucifer's new servant, right? you see, we need you to do something." "Oh really? what? And you think i would actually help you now that you literally tied me to a chair while i was trying to take a fucking shower and clean myself." "well that wasnt my idea, so sorry that happened or whatever. anyways we need you to kill lucifer, or give us an opening to kill him. He doesnt even rule hell properly, but we will once we have the power." "So- you kidnapped me to just ask me that one question-?" "uh yeah-" "what the hell will i get then?" "idk like, 1 million dollars?" "yeah no-" "or we could kill you if you dont" that sent a chill down your spine. "Oh yeah? well not if i cant kill you first!" "really? what is a little maid gonna do? clean me to death?" he laughed "You know what, you could work for me, instead. You could make millions instead of not getting paid at all." "Again, no." you then get a more strange chill down your spine, someone else was in the room, you could sense someone behind you almost... *damn, demon hearing is something else* "guess we'll have to kill you then toots, jeez we offered you a better job and 1 million how are you that fucking loyal, all you do is clean shit that has to suck." "Who said I was a maid?" "Wait what?" you feel a warm presence behind you, you could tell it was a person. Then you see the Vs staring up behind you in shock and horror... "Hey- old pal! Uh, we were just making a deal with this lovely lady here..." you hear a demonic voice respond back "Oh really? Don't think for a second i wouldnt notice her missing. And ive known about your stupid little plan, its not happening." It was lucifer. "Lucifer?" "Im trying to get you out of here be quiet" "ill be taking her back now if you dont mind." "Since when did you care about sinners so much? is there something going on between you two? This one special to you or some shit?" "No, shes just my friend." vox started laughing "oh my god this will go trending for sure, velvette make a post or something." "God fucking damnit!" lucifer grabs you and puts you on his shoulder, and you teleport back home. "Why are they so annoying why cant they just leave me alone.." "I-ill just leave you to your thoughts-" you start to walk away until he grabs your arm. "please stay, i need you." you blushed "well, just let me get some clothes on first-" "right- sorry-" as you finished putting on a spare tshirt and shorts he had in his drawer for you to wear, you sat next to him on his bed. "Luci- are you ok?" "yeah! Just peachy! this morning my daughter got mad at me for replacing her mother, and now the whole internet in hell knows about us together! so im just fine." "Lucifer, i know alot has happened today but we both knew it wasn't going to stay a secret for long-" "yeah, there just never seems to be any privacy for the king of hell." "Luci please dont act like this. lets just go to bed." "Ok then..."
You and Lucifer get in bed and cuddle up together under the cold sheets, finally one night you weren’t getting practically railed into his mattress… you couldn’t blame him though- the man had literally been touch starved for 7 years- *damn that must’ve been rough..* your eyelids then finally get heavier and heavier the more tired you get, you let out a final yawn before dosing off for the night…
(A week passes by)
After spending a full week with Lucifer and the hotel, you get used to it, it feels like a big family in a way. You’ve stopped sleeping with Lucifer because you have been feeling under the weather for a few days now… he offered to take you to a doctor on multiple occasions but you politely declined, in a fear you would find out you had a severe illness or an incurable disease of some sort, you always feared the worst, given your anxiety. Then you got an idea- “Luci, I need to go to the store to buy some medications, I’ll be back soon!” “Oh- ok darling!” He was somewhat confused, since you haven’t been to a doctor recently about the issue, he was wondering what medicine you were picking up… you finally arrive at the store, you grab some pain medicines and some medicine to stop you from vomiting like crazy. You walk past some pregnancy tests and decide to take a few… *I know it’s probably going to be negative but I just want to make sure..* you remembered last time you and Luci had slept together… your eyes widened and you rushed home.
Lucifer sits on the couch confused with his plate of pancakes as you sprint to the bathroom with the bag of tests. “Is everything ok?” “YEP! EVERYTHING IS GOOD- ILL BE OUT IN A SEC!” you shuffle through the small boxes and tear the tests out, take them, one by one, and wait. “Are you sure everything is fin-“ you cut him off “YES LUCIFER EVERYTHING IS FINE LIKE I SAID.” he put down his empty plate and walked up to the bathroom door, he could tell something was up. “Are you completely sure? You don’t need to keep anything from me-“ that sent a chill down your spine- he knew you were hiding something. “Can I come in?” “I- yes-“ you sigh and sit down with the completed test in your hand. He opens the door. “Wait- y/n are you-?” “I don’t know yet.” “Ok… I guess we’ll wait then. While we’re waiting, I want to talk to you-“ he sits down next to you. “Do you like me? You say you’ve been feeling sick but refuse to go to the doctor or get medicine, it feels like you’re trying to keep a distance from me. I also feel like you were keeping this from me for a reason- “ “Y-yes ofcourse- (you blushed a bit) I was only keeping this from you because I wasn’t sure how you would react.” “Oh-“ “And- honestly- no- I wasn’t feeling sick- I just. (You hesitate)” Lucifer had a worried look on his face “Are you going to leave me…? Like Lilith?” “No, never! I- just feel homesick- I had friends and family in heaven- and I miss them a lot- it reminds me of heaven when I hang out with you, you’re kind to me, and I mean not to mention but you’re hotter than Adam to say the least-“ “wait- Adam… were you two- married or something?” “Yeah- I was the best exterminator, he preferred me over lute, and we got married a few months after I had joined and climbed to the top.” “Hm- were you thinking of Adam? Is that the REAL reason you felt homesick?” “No, to be honest I don’t miss a thing about him, we got divorced before I fell- plus, I’d say you’re much better than him at a lot of things” you watched as his expression changed and his pride swallowed him “oh really? And what would those things be~” "it could be many things darling~" you got closer to him to tease him, but your timer for 5 minutes had finally gone off. "So- What's the result?" you sighed with relief, "Its negative." "Whew! I mean- not saying I wouldnt want another child- I just think its too early for one-" "yeah i feel the same" you both awkwardly paused. "Umm... Do you want to-" "YES." In a split second lucifer grabbed you and carried you bridal-style to the bedroom.
To be continued....
I really hope you guys enjoyed it, part 4 will be out it maybe a week if im lucky. And i will consider making a part 5 if you want this to be continued. (please ask me or give requests I really want to do side-fics because im bored just working on this one, dont worry im not dropping this fic though i just saying i want to multitask)
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dnpbeats · 2 months
No but actually on the topic about the fuchsia phone case joke. I sometimes find it so hard to reconcile the images and videos of them then, with a)the two idiots we know now, but also just the two people we now understand them to have been at the time.
I see dan making a slightly off colour joke about phils phone case looking gay, and then i think the scared closeted 20yr old, trying to desperately figure himself out, and qhen i try to match them up, in some ways it makes so much more sense and in others it feels like my brain is short-circuiting.
I guess I just always wonder what those jokes and comments actually meant to them at the time. When I first started watching them, way back in 2015, I always understood the jokes they made as being in the same context as when my straight peers/friends made them. Misinformed but not malicious. As coming from the perspective of a straight person who didnt really think about what they were saying. But now obviously we have context, and now im a full raging lesbian myself, who similarly made gay jokes/comments when I was still in the closet, and I'm just starting to realise what mustve been going on in their heads. Like, im not saying the fuschia phone case comment was some desperate desire to be free and open or whatever, it was a joke and it wasnt a particularly deep one, but there is an added layer to it. Dnp laughed for more than just the fact that the 'fuchsia phone case looks gay'. They laughed bc they knew who they were, they were making fun of the whole 'having a purple phone case means your gay' concept in the first place, and they were just two closeted 20-somethings, existing in a world that wasnt ready for them yet. And yeah it was just a stupid joke, but thinking about it too much has made me a little emotional so here we are.
Hi!!! I totally understand this. It’s been wild going back and watching their content with the knowledge we have now. Like I, as most people did, presumed they were queer before they came out. But it’s absolutely a different experience thinking that and knowing that. While I was watching ditl it hit me that like. They were a closeted couple while filming that, and that’s not speculation, Dan confirmed that. And it kind of hit me in a way I can’t describe, but honestly part of it did make me sad. Just like, knowing what it must’ve been like for them. And I totally get what you’re saying about the gay joke. Like for them obviously part of it was like “oh haha making a gay joke when we’re gay!” But it’s also like… making a gay joke because you’re closeted and that’s as close as you can get to publicly being yourself. And even then, whatever the exact joke was, they cut out part of it. Which honestly was probably a good call lmao but, yeah. I agree that specific joke wouldn’t have been some like grand moment in their lives or that it’s that deep at the end of the day. But it’s just knowing that things/jokes like that were probably a regular occurrence and for a while that was like what they had yk? Making gay jokes and then cutting them out, because they didn’t want them to be misconstrued but maybe bc they hit a little too close to home
And now look at them. Joking about eating jizz on the gaming channel for all the world to see
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project-sekai-facts · 6 months
hi, just wanted to provide a little help on the balloon cover art ask.
its hard to find evidence for (and i dont have the time to do so) as its one of those things where its kinda "you had to be there" to know it even happened + it was well over two years ago, but there is something of an implied reason "charles" has a different cover art between versions!
after enas first focus, insatiable pale color, and i mean like directly after the event ended (at the same time "infinitely gray" got added), they suddenly changed the cover art on "charles". since release it had been the cover you can see with the vocaloid ver., but after ena's focus, they changed the sekai art to be what it is now, the flowers (what seem to be lilys) on the pink background. i cant remember if it was ever *directly* confirmed, but it seems to be implied that the current art on the sekai cover is something ena made herself! even matching it up to art we've seen previously of hers, such as during release campaigns, card arts (rainbow canvas and portray yourself), and other places, it seems (to me at least) to be in something of a similar style with somewhat-rigid lines and monochromatic palettes, just more simplified and digital!
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as for "nomad" and "ame to petra", theres no real known reason why they have different arts. its possible they intended to have something similar to "charles" with "nomad", seeing as its enas second focus song which coincidentally had different arts like "charles" does, but thats purely speculation, and "ame to petra" has no reason to have different arts. its possible they just like giving balloon songs different arts :0 which isnt exactly exclusive to balloon songs either, "inochi bakkari" has a different art depending on the version youre using. maybe it has something to do with the producers themselves, but thats just more speculation.
sorry if this is a little vague and unhelpful, but this is something i remember being pretty big around the change of the art and i guess it mustve faded into obscurity with the expansion of the game and wider community. hope this helps give a little more info! :)
Mm yeah I could see that being true. I'm not entirely sure how the story of that song would connect to the event but considering the date it was changed and the style, it does add up.
Nomad has a different cover because all commissions have a unique in-game cover, adding the original for that as well, alonside the two jackets for Ame to Petra, was probably just to be consistent with Charles having two.
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and i actually might be able to give a reason for Inochi Bakkari. Looking at the image history on the wiki, the jacket was added ~july 1st, which was just before the Saying Goodbye to My Masked Self event. and if you look at the lyrics, the song fits a lot with mafuyu's arc. also note the purple butterfly on the jacket, i think it's a nod to Kanade's immiscible discord card.
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freerangewhales · 7 months
And also. Can you imagine what that kiss must be doing to crowley, who has loved this angel for so long and has been desperate for every bit of them and didn't realize it till before the ball and having to realize that she's gonna leave and there's nothing they can do to stop it but he STILL. TRIES. bc he's just so desperate and can't. Stop. Wanting. Not with his angel. Not with Aziraphale.
And to aziraphale? Who loved this demon who stuck by his side at his worst and had tempted him into being himself: a blissful hedonist who has an insatiable greed for anything he loves (books, music, food), can you imagine that greed when he knows he loves crowley? How much she must want them and how much he wants them happy and how much it broke her that he doesn't want the same thing? Can you imagine how greedy he must be with their longing for the demon? What that kiss mustve made him feel?
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massacreturtle · 3 months
Hazbin Hotel theory of mine:
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Alastor is Abel, the first ever victim and son of Adam.
It's a bit convoluted, but I'll try to make my thinking comprehensive.
When you Google the name Alastor it says..
Meaning:man's defender; avenger. An epithet of the Greek god Zeus, Alastor is a striking masculine name sure to inspire its bearer to strive for the greater good. Meaning "avenger" or "man defender," Alastor is by no means a name for the faint of heart
Yes it is a bit farfetched, but hear me out.
First of all, it is odd that Adam was referred to as the first human soul to enter heaven in eposide 6. why is that, when he canonically died after his sons? Because as far as biblically accurate this show is trying to be, Cain and Abel were born from Eve after they had inherited the sin from Eve eating the apple. Adam, the slooth, mustve convinced god that he was tempted by Eve and got out or something like that, but his sons were BOTH already branded as sinners and revengeful for their father. So they must be in hell somewhere,but until now they werent even mentioned. So I think they will be part of the plot sooner or later, and what better way to make the most unhinged, mystical man introduce himself someday as Adams son?
Alastor came into hell and had powers beyond anyones dreams, killing off overlords right from the start. but as the show explaines, power can be gained by owning souls or heritage, like Charlie being born between the first woman created by god, Lilith, and Lucifer, while overlords deal with human souls to become more powerful. So, Alastor being one of Adams sons could explain his powers BEFORE he even made deals presumably, since Mimzy told us that people werent fond of Alastor and stayed clear of him first. So, there shouldnt have been people willing to make deals with him that risked their souls.
(It COULD be that Alastor was already a demon when Mimzy met him in her lifetime, but he disguised himself as a human, like in helluva boss, making deals with humans on earth first, before trying out other demons, like grinding in a video game before fighting underleveled. Would be cool for a backstory but it's more like my second headcanon)
There is also the 7 year time gap where he disappeared, just like Lilith. Now, fans theorize that Lilith is the one owning Alastors soul but I think thats a bit too obvious (for my liking, could be cool depending on how they reveal it). But what if Lilith made contact with Cain then made him own his brothers soul? Or that Cain made contact with Abel and THEN took him to Lilith? She gets both sons of her hated ex husband to her side AND make one help her daughter, rehabilitating sinners and eventually strip heaven of some of its powers.
I mean, why IS Alastor helping Charlie with the hotel? He is an avenger, maybe of his own death caused by his brother, maybe he is repulsed by his fathers actions, maybe he hates all of heaven for punishing him for no other reason than inheriting sin from his mother. Simply being bored and wanting to see the hotel fail feels kinda not right.
But also, IF he gets his orders from Lilith,why is he still killing so brutally everyone who gets in his way? I can't imagine Lilith being a bad person, not when Charlie described her as thriving and singing when hell opened, even when her people are sinners,she would command Alastor to not kill anyone ever. That fact changes when Lilith gives a basic command,but Cain is the one in control of it. So, Alastor would've gotten killed, punished and humiliated and then again owned by his killer like that would turn anyone sour or insane. Alastor said he likes to give off Steam, as if he is stressed for some reason.
We'll have to wait and see.
But in the end he IS the defender of the hotel, so IF he is one of Adams sons, I dont think he would be the first killer but the poor unfortunate brother. (Please note that english isnt my first language and I am severly sleep deprived)
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rosekasa · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers!
thank u @jattendschaton for tagging me 🥺 i love these questions
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
i have 107 on maketea, but with my um. two other accounts i have 128
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
on maketea i have 293,935, but with at least one of my other accounts (one of them is for ml and one of them for another fandom, the latter of which i cant be bothered to log in to rn shdjsk) the total is 313,681!!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
miraculous ladybug mainly! but i have also written for owari no seraph. ive written for other fandoms but im not counting it if i literally only have one work to my name for them HSJAJA with ons at least i have 3 on maketea and 12 on my other account
THEORETICALLY. i also write for sailor moon. i have a substantial amount in my google docs. they just havent manifested themselves into existence yet
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
apology gifts, like poles of a magnet, new marinette, a nine-year old (fhfjsj), and i'll marry you! ive actually had kudos/hits/comments stats hidden on ao3 since 2021 so i have no clue how many kudos any of these have which is very funny to me
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i try to but i always get distracted midway through going through my inbox which is totally on me fjdkka. i always decide to do it when im literally in the middle of class for whatever fuckin reason HAHAHA. i also always feel bad because im like 'oh i havent replied to this in literally two years im too embarrassed to reply now'
i also want to reply with more than just 'thank you' because comments mean SO MUCH TO ME but i think i psych myself out of replying because im too scared i won't be able to express it properly
im trying to resolve to get better at it!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
ehemememem. ya'aburnee.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
ooh, id say new marinette! in terms of like. the emotional arc or whatever
i was gonna say lpoam, but i think there's still a bit of lingering Sad there
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i want to say no. but ive been writing fics for ten years now and i feel like i mustve done Something weird when i was younger
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yep, for an old fandom on wattpad!
shdkska this is really funny, but back then i made a playlist for the fic, and i remember the person who translated it wrote in their translation of that chapter 'i wouldve done it differently but it's okay' that still makes me laugh
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yep, i did one for owari no seraph and one for ml! i have some others in the works tho hehe
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Tumblr media
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
oh hmm. i think i am delusional and believe all my wips will someday be finished HDJFJSJS so im changing this question to 'doubt you will in the near future'. for that, id say maybeeee my amnesia adrien fic. 40k words in the doc and babe is still marinating
16. What are your writing strengths?
hmm. i think im quite good at writing interactions! i mean, i like the way i write them at least. i love capturing the feeling of being with people and i think i do it well!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
there's something that feels kind of hesitant when i read my docs sometimes? it feels like im worried to hit the point of the plot head-on and skirting around what i actually want to say. i think what i'm trying to do to improve is to be a bit more direct in my narration style and focus on being descriptive only when it's needed.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
ive done it before!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
oh i dont want to answer this. one direction
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
like poles of a magnet <3
tagging @destiny-with-you , @mozzygan , @asukiess , @ladyofthenoodle , and whoever else wants to do this!!! just say i tagged u when u do it hehe
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eternallydreaminggf · 2 months
relationships between my cats:
the brother and sister "sunny & trixie (trinky)": they are literally brother snd sister. Genetically. and fully also they have the same dad and mom. they are rare non breeder yet non bastard cats, came from a monogamous adopted couple. calico mother and black father made black daughter and orange and white brother.
the cutesie opposites best friend duo "trinky and minky" : aforementioned sister kitten & her rare imported fluffy grey ukranian(she was born there 🇺🇦) scottish fold best friend. they are opposite in so many ways.... From different social classes (certified prestigious breeder vs Literally Free result of Unspayed couple), huge contrast in appearance (black and sleek and skinny looking vs fluffy and grey and... fluffy looking. pointy ears vs no ears. pointy face vs rounded face), and very different personalities (rambunctious and curious vs calm and cautious) Such a perfect adorable match. They r often spotted cuddling and playing together.
the chill homies duo "sunny and minky": ukranian fluff cat is not really as close with her besties brother but they will hang out near each other and also play together sometimes. Note that sunny is the only male cat and thinks that he should be the center of human attention because of it... he is closer to humans than any of the cats
the strict grandmother and granddaughter duo "thithi and minky": thithi is the oldest and was allegedly once a mother... her kittens mustve been taken from her before she was sent to the pet store. for this reason i think she has a complicated relationship with the youth, she doesnt want to get too attached to them in fear that they will be taken from.her like her own once were. minky was the second cat to be introduced into our home after years as thithi as a lone cat.... after a few years she has begun to grow fond of minky but minky is traumatized from the way she has treated her in the past. Often thithi will come up to groom minky and show her love and minky will jump cower and run away
Grandmother & the golden child duo "thithi and sunny": much like in humans the only boy child is favored by the mother figure over the others. thithi, famously 'bossy' and dominant, allows sunny to steal from her and has exchanged nose kisses with him
The Awkward.... Dynamic duo "thithi and trixie": trixie had gone into heat about two times before (one time after being spayed) and lost her mind. she attempted to seduce thithi which has forever tainted their relationship.... thithi is reluctant to accept her as a granddaughter due to her past behavior.... hence it is awkward... when they meet there is a lot of 😬 tension. trixie doesnt really remember her behavior under heat but thithi does... so trixie is confused at the cold shoulder that thithi gives her and thithi wishes she would leave her alone. maybe time can heal this relationship despite the intensity of the taboo....
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alienaiver · 8 months
also ever since i bought the shinsou figure ive had shinsou brainrot (did it ever really leave?)
shinsou whos a pro hero invited to a galla - hes supposed to bring a plus one, he wants to bring a plus one, but hes having gripes about inviting you, his disabled best friend. itll be a standing up for long hours, socializing and smiling kind of event; putting you through that hurts him to just think about.
but he's also so very much in love with you, and sees this as an opportunity to gradually show off his romantic notions towards you and not just to his mirror that he pretends is you in the long hours of the night.
to his utter surprise, you actually accept with clear and obvious excitement. you plan an outfit that matches one of your canes (the purple, foldable one shinsou once got you) and wear something longer fitting thatll cover your comfortable shoes with the good insoles.
it goes well, you handle everything with ease and you even hold his hand multiple times. the romantic gestures from both of you are through the roof and shinsou's dizzy with emotions. kaminari more than once winks at him and sero makes a kissy face once or twice. he gives both of them the finger discreetly while scratching his forehead. they both stick out their tongues in retaliation.
it's not until you're in the cab home that you almost collapse onto shinsou. your breathing's heavy and you seem tense from head to toe. you mustve strained yourself even if you promised him you wouldnt. he rubs soothing circles (or so he hopes) onto your palm and kisses the crown of your head.
you sleep over at shinsou's place so often that he has an extra futon just for you. you're on the couch, nursing a glass of late-night wine as he sets up your bedding, your feet raised onto a few throw pillows to alleviate the pain. you haven't said much to each other since you left but it's comfortable, quaint.
he settles on the couch with you, moving the pillows and situating your legs on his lap instead. you hand him his glass of wine but he takes it only to put it on the coffee table. he starts rubbing your feet and you can't help but laugh, its oddly intimate even if hes doing something hes done a million times before after youve walked more than your pain scale usually allows.
"pain level?" he asks and you hum before you reply, "six."
he nods and presses a little harder, works the muscle a little throughout. "distress level?" he then asks and it doesn't even take you a moment, "only two, this is pain expected after these kind of activites."
he smiles up at you, "you're really beautiful right now."
you throw your head back and bark out a loud laugh, "now? after my makeups splotched and my feet are swollen and itchy?"
his lovestruck smile doesnt change at your reaction, eye contact clearly maintained, "youre always beautiful to me, but these moments that only i get to see... theyre my favorite."
you hide behind your wineglass but steals a timid look through the glass, "youre being bold tonight."
he hums as his hands find their way further up, giving your calves a much needed squeeze, "sometimes im made brave by those around me. today especially, you sparked it in me..." he looks away for the first time, suddenly overwhelmed by the weight if his own feelings, "im in love with you. i want more moments like this."
you sit up so that you can lean into his space, your hand raising slowly to cup his cheeks, "theyve always been all yours, brainwave."
the hero name you helped him pick in high school makes him blush. hearing it from your lips always sounds more loving, more inviting than from anyone else. when he chances a look at your lips, you lean forward the rest of the way despite your shoulders and backs protests because kissing him is more important than your chronic pain right now.
shinsou knows you though, so he wastes no time in maneuvering so that you're comfortably settled as hes hovering over you in an awkward angle. he will always do that for you, put you first in ways that makes your head spin. your needs will never be a bother to him, but a comfort he will always happily oblige to, because supporting you is all he needs to retain happiness.
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dyketubbo · 2 months
deleted a few posts mostly because after thinking about it some more i do still think that theres a focus from many of these creators on having a sort of clapback response where they denounce wilbur but dont actively support shubble (i dont know if shubble is fine with people who arent her friends using her actual name so im just saying shubble) and while its good to denounce wilbur i dont think they should be praised when they havent put in the effort to publically show support to shubble.
at the same time, shubble is clearly touched by the responses and they clearly feel supported by their friends who had also, on a surface level to us, seemed to just be responding to wilbur without uplifting shubble. i do think theres a need to stay critical. some of these creators do very likely care more about dunking on the abuser than they do actively supporting the victim and making sure you dont fall into blindly supporting anyone who can make a snappy comeback is good
at the same time being critical means realizing theres a lot more to this than "anyone who waited for wilbur to say something must not have believed shubble and mustve been complicit" considering responses like billzos and sophies, as well as shubble themself saying that "not wanting to" is not why she didnt name wilbur. billzo admits to being scared of wilbur. sophie said wilbur made her feel small. theres clips of wilbur hurting and scaring his friends and making light of how he does so
a part of what sophie talked about was how wilbur would make light of how he abused her. he wasnt worried that he was hurting her, and he even pointed out that it looked like abuse. shubbles incredibly brave for speaking up. but that doesnt mean anyone else who didnt until now was complicit.
a lot of wilburs "jokes" look worse in retrospect because.. thats what happens when you go through abuse, or when you have a shitty friend. you start to realize more and more how they were hurting you and got away with it because they shrugged it off either as a joke or just as part of who they are (shubble actively pointed out that wilbur would dismiss his behavior as "just who he is")
those who just want to get a dunk in shouldnt be praised. those who really do stay quiet or do the bare minimum should be scrutinized. always keep an eye out for suspicious behavior no matter where you go. lexie talked about her own abuse within that circle of creators and the very fact that there were two people being abused within the same circle is horrible. but keep an eye out for any creator. keep an eye out within any community, even your own. its not just the men in brighton. its not just minecraft creators. abusers and toxic friends are everywhere, and silence can be complacency but it can also be fear
dont blame yourself if you didnt see the signs before. but take it as a sign to keep an eye out. and remember we cant see everything behind the scenes. you never really know everything going on. its getting increasingly clear that wilbur mistreated a lot of people in his life and like. idk im making an emotional post because this shit sucks a lot and like weve said before this is a topic very personal to us as an abuse victim and one whose had many toxic friends
shubble feels supported. she has a community and ultimately it is still amazing to see how many people are denouncing wilbur and its amazing to see the people who do show support to shubble herself. support for lexie is slowly but surely getting there as well. i think this is a sign that while horrible things will always happen that the community is slowly but surely getting better at responding. and i hope anyone else who was scared of or mistreated by wilbur is able to think back on that and realize it was awful and find their peace as well.
i think its good to be critical to anyone who may have genuinely been complacent, especially those like phil and tommy and even quackity who have been extremely close to wilbur and as of writing from what i know have yet to publically respond. but i dont think there should be a place for outright cynicism and accusing everyone who didnt speak until now of secretly being complicit. theres more to it than that. theres always more to it than that
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haemosexuality · 9 months
memories i have of being a child and a lesbian:
-first week of 3rd grade, i walked in class and thought "ok i need to pick a boy to have a crush on this year". i thought that was just what you did. picked one bc i thought he had a cool haircut, proceeded to never have a conversation w him
-thinking "girls are naturally so much prettier than boys. this is common knowledge"
-being really jealous of the Cool Girl in my 4th grade class that was One Of The Boys. she played football with them. she sat really relaxed in chairs. she doesnt care about being pretty. isnt that just so cool? starts consciously trying to imitate her. also, even before that i always made sure to INSIST that my favorite color was blue and i did NOT like pink!!!!
-playing barbies with my cool, older cousin (she mustve been like 11? 12? i was around 8). her barbie was a mess because she had just broken up with her other barbie. i was confused. she explained to me what lesbians were (i knew men could be gay, but not women). immediately after that every single doll i had was a lesbian in a relationship. after figuring that it was probably a bit weird i was so obsessed with making my dolls lesbians, i came to the conclusion i would "probably like girls when i grow up". decided to tell my other, deeply religious cousin about this. she went "WHAT" and i went "HAHA JUST KIDDING IT WAS A JOKE" and never thought about it again
-a year later me and the deeply religious cousin were making ever after high dolls fuck. i was the one that came up w that idea (i also didnt know women could have sex at that point, i thought i had invented lesbian sex) and this haunted me for years bc i thought that that cousin had become homophobic after we grew up. recently found out shes also gay, good for her
-being just Really obsessed with marceline from adventure time for some reason. whenever i saw her on tv my heart would beat really really fast. wonder whats up w that 🤔
-being grounded for like, 5 months when i was 10 because my mom found out i was watching youtube videos from a lesbian couple. and also some videos with sex jokes. i wish i remembered that the lesbians channel was so bad
-i also watched lubatv. hes a brazilian youtuber famous for being openly gay. he introduced me to the concept of shipping, because ppl shipped him with another youtuber, t3ddy. he (plus facebook, and the cool older cousin from before) also introduced me to social activism
-asking permission from my parents to put a rainbow filter on my facebook pfp, in support of gay people. i thought i was such a good straight ally. i dont remember what happened but i think something negative mustve bc a lot of ppl were doing that in 2015. wait fuck now that i think about it that mightve actually been in 2016 because of pulse
- (we are still in 2015 im still 10) watching clips from Steven Universe Season 1 Episode 53 Jailbreak on youtube. they were (badly) subtitled bc i didnt speak english yet. i was absolutely shocked and could not believe they would show two girls kissing in a childrens cartoons, not bc i thought that was bad but bc i was like. would cartoon network really allow this??? i proceed to memorize the entire episode (again i didnt even speak english. and i watched it so many times i memorized it anyways lmao)
-being 11, and having my friend introduce to me this cool new thing she had found online, "fanfics". she linked me a college au fanfic of marceline and bubblegum from adventure time. it had a fade to black implied sex scene. i was hypnotized
-i was a very anxious child and every morning before getting to school i would prepare step-by-step what i would do when entering class. one day my internal monologue went "walk in, say good morning to teacher, kiss [previously mentioned girl best friend] on the mouth, say hello to- wait. where did that come from". start wondering if i was really Just A Really Good Straight Ally
-few days later, me and my friend group were discussing gay people. one of them asked "like i wonder if any of us are gonna be gay?". i thought for about 2.5 seconds and said "i think im bi", being the first one on my class to come out. they were all p chill ab it. i am not bi but its the thought that counts
-cutting off 30 inches of my really long hair and shaving one side at 11. my dad was mad at me for a week and he told me "i dont understand why you did this. you're looking like a dyke". originally i had planned to cut all of it really short "boy style" but the hairstylist insisted on at the very least letting half of it be longer. i did think half shaved hair was Cool so i was fine with that
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