#also yeah i thought it besg to wait until after valentines since this did not seem appropriate for the mood atm
eileenguy · 2 years
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i am smitten by the affection of the hunter//although the strength to flee remains
-couplet by mirza ghalib
(ID in alt text, and an explanation below the cut)
The word “sayyad”, which means “hunter”, is very commonly used in urdu poetry to mean the poet’s beloved while the poet is (their) prey. The most basic interpretation of the couplet is that the poet is so entrapped by his beloved that even though he has the strength to flee he cannot or will not. But sufi poetry and ghazals have a history of using common themes like love, infatuation and intoxication to also be applicable, on a larger scale, to God and religion.
For example, if a qawwal's (singer of Qawwali) song includes themes of intoxication by wine, it can be applicable also to gaining divine knowledge. The wine here represents the divine knowledge, the bearer of the wine goblet is God and the meaning conveyed then is wanting to devote yourself to the attainment of divine knowledge. I just think the two contexts of reading Sufi poetry (secular and religious) extend so well to Castiel and his falling from grace and finding a new cause in Dean and in humanity.
I haven't really thought much beyond "Dean is Castiel's new God" and "omg 'hunter' just like dean" and am not a voracious poetry reader or someone who is largely familiar with Ghalib's body of work so i cannot be certain that the metaphors work too well here. I just read the couplet and instantly thought of Deancas and could not rest till i posted this.
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