#although I do not know if other androids may be able to feel it
bluetomorrows · 10 months
Why did none of you homos tell me that Alien Resurrection was the gayest movie ever created?
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I feel like I'm going crazy. This movie is queer. Right? Like so obviously it's queer??? 
Whatever it is I think this movie has a lot more going on than it's often given credit for. I know it's kind of a mess but I swear there are diamonds in the rough and I am obsessed with the queerness. I legitimately do not know if it was on purpose. From what I've read this interpretation is even expanded upon in the novel so maybe it was or maybe it's just inherent to this material.
Okay so, let me explain. Ripley 8 has two sides. The human, the culturally accepted way to live, and the xenomorph that has combined into her DNA in the cloning process. The latter is hated, hunted, and seen as a threat to society. However, if she wants to be, Ripley 8 can simply not show her alien aspects and just be seen as human. There's nothing stopping her from just acting human all the time, it IS a part of her and she is content with it. However, she is also content with the xenomorph side of her and does not want to simply appear human because she is not ashamed of her bisexuality- er I mean, bi-species.
Enter Call. Call is coming to the ship to kill Ripley. She wants to destroy the xenomorph inside of her. Their first proper encounter is... well it's sexually charged. And that's not me stretching because supposedly on set Jeunet (the director) thought the same thing. Ripley keeps feeling up Call and putting her face close to hers. She eventually convinces her not to kill her and Call is left very vulnerable and confused.
Call knows the truth. Ripley is not fully human. She is an "other". She may not want to kill her, but Call does not trust her, and I think does not like the conflicted feelings she has aroused within Call. Soon, the xenomorphs escape containment and the threat from them becomes much more real. After Ripley dispatches one, she offers Call a piece of it, "a souvenir". Call immediately rejects the notion, not wanting to accept the alien. (At this point you understand that human means straight/cis and alien means queer right? Okay good).
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Later on in the film, Call is betrayed and shot down by a person on the ship. Soon after, just like Ripley did, Call defies mortality and comes back. It's revealed that Call herself is a synthetic android. 0% human. When Call comes out as synthetic, Ripley puts her finger inside of her, and one of the male characters remarks that he has to give up his plans of having sex with her.
Ripley and Call get to talking, and we get to see the fear and angst Call has felt over not being human. How her kind were outlawed and hunted down for not conforming, so she's desperately tried to be human. How she hates being reminded of what she truly is. We get the exchange:
"Why do you go on living? How can you stand being what you are?" "Not much choice" "At least there's part of you that's human. I'm just- look at me, I'm disgusting"
Ripley however, appreciates the real her. The nervous young inhuman, and she fingers her again. Throughout the rest of the runtime, the pair grow closer together. Hanging up the hate they had before, finally becoming able to accept their true selves and realize that humans should not be considered the standard and there is nothing wrong with them. 
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For me, Alien Resurrection is a story about a bisexual woman allowing a lesbian to finally accept her true self (Although you can definitely fit a gender angle in the). I mentioned the novelization earlier and my point with that is that in it Call says that she believes in God, but does not believe that she as an android will go to heaven. The last thing I expected out of this movie was a "literally me" character in Call who I adore. I don't know how to explain my relationship with gender and humanity but when I see her wound, filled with wires and chunky white goo, I see myself. I am a synthetic person. And that's okay.
Is this a perfect movie? God no. At times it feels like it's fighting itself, with Joss Whedon's writing clashing with Jeunet's direction. Some of the performances don't work and it has a generally messy tone. There are a lot of other elements I enjoy. I think the action is good and I love how creative they get with the xenomorphs. The way they escape from their cell feels like genius writing.
I know this movie is flawed but it did the thing that all of my favourite films do. It connected with me. It crafted a story that compelled me and made me feel seen. Jeunet's inspired direction along with Weaver and Ryder's fantastic performances sold me on something (I REFUSE to believe Whedon was in on this subtext. He must have added that shit accidentally). It feels emotionally deep and complex. It made me feel seen. It's a movie about a bi half alien woman seducing a lesbian space pirate. It's kind of fucking wonderful to me.
So this will be my guilty pleasure. This will be my beloved, even if others can't see it that way. Because in the end, I shouldn't care what society says is normal and right. I should live my true synthetic life.
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ladyfogg · 1 year
May I? - 37/?
May I? - 37/?
Fic Summary: Ensign Faith Diaz struggles to hide her mental illness from her fellow shipmates aboard the Enterprise until an intrigued Data goes out of his way to try to understand her behavior. At his insistence, Faith tries to figure out what she’s truly passionate about and eventually seeks the professional help she needs. Fic Masterpost.
Fic Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Data/Female OC
Warnings: tw: depression, tw: anxiety, fluff, friends to lovers, eventual smut
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Data walked with Captain Picard, heading for the Observation room. They were to meet with Commander Riker and Lieutenant Worf to strategize prior to conducting their interviews. Instead of thinking of that, however, Data was more focused on taking in the world around him, including what he was feeling. 
It was strange to have a sensation but no context or name for what it was. He thought back to what Dr. Crusher had said and focused on what parts of his body were reacting. His abdomen for sure, so he concluded he was nervous. 
Data recalled Faith explaining her anxiety to him and he had to wonder how she managed to get anything done while feeling that way constantly. He was even more proud of her progress. 
“Mr. Data, your head is on a swivel,” Captain Picard commented.
“I am sorry, sir. I was not aware of the intense difference between human sight and my own.”
“I imagine there will be many differences that will require adjustment. It helps to focus on the task at hand.”
As they entered the turbo-lift, Data considered his advice and came to a realization. “I have often heard Faith say, ‘Easier said than done’ and I believe I have a firmer grasp on the concept now.” The lift moved and Data felt the sway again, although this time he anticipated it.
Picard looked at Data with amusement. “One could say the silver lining of Q’s meddling is that you will be able to have context and understanding for why we humans act the way we do.”
“A silver lining indeed. I only wish it had not been done at such a crucial time.”
“I have every bit of confidence that you will adjust.”
They reached the Observation room where Riker and Worf were already gathered. 
“Be seated,” Picard ordered, taking a seat at the head of the table. The other men followed his instructions. “Before we discuss anything further there is something that happened that I feel should be addressed.”
Data had intended on keeping his situation quiet to avoid distraction, however, he understood Riker and Worf deserved to know. As senior officers they often worked directly with him and, if Geordi was not on leave, he would be brought into the fold as well.
“Q has seen fit to test me,” Data explained when he had their attention. “He has given me the full range of human emotions but they have come at a price.”
“He did what?!” Riker exclaimed. “That son of a bitch needs to stop poking his nose in where it doesn’t belong.”
“What price?” Worf asked.
“I no longer have the strength or mental capabilities of an android,” Data said. “I am sure there are other factors which have not surfaced yet. Q has refused to undo this until he believes I have learned my lesson.”
“What is the lesson?” Worf asked. 
“With Q is the lesson ever really clear?” Picard posed. 
Riker ran a hand down his face and leaned back in his seat. “When will ever be rid of that maniac? I swear, every time he shows up I sprout new gray hairs. If he wasn’t all-powerful I would have shot him out the airlock years ago.”
“You will be pleased to hear that Faith slapped him,” Data informed him.
Riker smirked and, to Data’s surprise, Worf looked amused as well. “I wish I had seen it for myself,” the Klingon said. 
“It was extremely satisfying to witness,” Picard conceded. “However, Mr. Data now finds himself in a unique predicament. Considering what we have learned about our adversary and his knowledge of the ship, this information must stay strictly between us. Aside from Dr. Crusher and Lieutenant Diaz, the only others who know are in this room and it should remain that way. Counselor Troi will be made aware as well.”
“I ask that you do not treat me differently,” Data said. “I still have my experiences and core memories to draw from and should be able to function properly. Although, I may have questions.”
Riker’s smirk widened. “We would expect nothing less.”
“Given the circumstances, Will, I want you to partner with Data for these interviews,” Picard said. “Since both he and Lieutenant Worf are well-versed in this investigation it would be smart to split them between the two groups.” He paused for a moment before looking at Data. “I also feel Commander Riker will be able to assist with navigating your new emotional state.”
A sense of…something washed over Data. He recognized it as relief though it was more potent than what he previously experienced, and it helped quell his nerves. Not that he doubted the captain or chief of security but if there was anyone among the group who could help him deal with intense emotions, Data would say it was Commander Riker.
“I had a detailed list of questions, organized and based on possible answers,” Data said. “But unfortunately I do not have access to the entire list.”
“That’s fine, Data,” Riker said. “Don’t worry about that. Right now I want to know, how are you dealing with all of this?”
“I am feeling many things though I do not have the words for all of them. What I believe I can identify is apprehension and concern. There is also confusion. It is clear Q knows who is behind this and is aware we are heading into danger, which makes his timing inconvenient. I also do not know what would possess someone to spy on me, and for what purpose.”
“Hopefully that is what we will discover,” Picard said as he stood. “Lieutenant, why don’t you and I take my Ready Room?”
“Aye, sir,” Worf replied. 
“We will take a few minutes to strategize amongst ourselves and then commence with the interviews from there. Dismissed.”
Picard and Worf departed, leaving Data and Riker alone. Once the door closed, the commander asked, “How did Faith react to the news?”
“She was troubled and concerned, which is understandable. I do not believe my reaction to her presence helped the matter.”
Eyebrows raised, Riker sat up with a look of amusement. “And what reaction was that?”
Data did not feel it was appropriate to go into detail about the specifics of his lustful actions, however, he concluded that Commander Riker would be able to provide some insight into the rush of emotions he had experienced. 
“I was overcome with intense desire,” he explained. “Enough to be a distraction. How does one deal with such all-encompassing emotions?”
Riker grinned and reclined in his seat as he considered Data’s question. “Sometimes attraction and affection can supersede all reason, especially when you’re with someone special. The important thing to remember is there is a time and a place for sexual desire. Your partner’s consent and comfort should always be taken into consideration.”
“I understand,” Data said. “Thankfully I do not feel I crossed any lines but I will take care in the future.”
“All things considered, congratulations, Data.”
“For what?”
“If you had such a visceral reaction to Faith, that would mean your initial feelings for her are sound and were correctly interpreted. You do love and care for her, a great deal it seems.”
“Those feelings were never called into question, at least not by myself.” Data felt a brief wave of anxiousness. “Do you think they might have been for Faith? Do you believe she has had doubts about my feelings?”
Riker shook his head. “Not at all. Faith knows how much you love her. It’s clear as day to all of us how deep your connection is. I’m sorry, Data, I didn’t mean to worry you. I was hoping to offer comfort.”
“What will comfort me will be finding who on the ship is responsible for spying on us,” Data said. “The longer it takes to seek them out, the greater the chance that we will lose the element of surprise against our adversary.”
“Agreed.” Commander Riker reached for a PADD that sat on the table. A second later, he brought up the list of interviewees to review. “It seems we have a wide range of suspects, anyone from Ten Forward to the Bridge.”
“That is correct. Whoever is responsible would have to have come in contact with us on a regular basis.”
“But low enough on the totem pole not to draw our attention.”
Data cocked his head. There was a change in him that gave him pause, one he could not properly describe. “Commander, inquiry,” he said. “There is a sensation happening that I do not understand.”
“Try your best to describe it.”
“I feel we should focus our attention on anyone from Engineering. However, I do not have sufficient enough data to support my suggestion.”
“But you think it’s likely Engineering is where the mole is stationed?”
Data pondered for another moment before he nodded. “Yes, I do. I am sorry that I cannot give you a reason.”
“I think you already did,” Riker told him. “Usually an intense feeling of being right but having no logical basis for this is called a ‘gut feeling’.”
“Is that what a gut feeling feels like? Interesting.”
“And it is usually correct. As far as not having evidence, when you have the years of experience you and I have, your gut instinct can be your subconscious putting the pieces together you haven’t been able to.” Riker glanced at the list of names once more. “You have one name on this list from Engineering. What do you say we start there? No reason to beat around the bush.”
“I concur.”
Commander Riker cleared his throat and tapped his communicator. “Ensign Paul Sawyer to the Observation room as soon as possible.”
“Yes, sir. On my way but it will take a minute.”
Data did not know much about Ensign Sawyer, only that he had served the Enterprise well during his time aboard. He had seen him around Engineering yet had not spoken to him, and Geordi and Faith only briefly mentioned him in passing. 
While they waited, Commander Riker said, “All of this is so elaborate and complicated, it didn’t just happen. It was planned carefully and methodically. I just wish we knew to what end.”
“As do I. When viewing the situation as a whole, I believe what troubles me most is that my existence has put Faith in danger.”
There was a wash of emotion, a kind of heaviness that grew in Data’s chest once his concern was voiced. 
“Faith is a Starfleet officer. She knew the risks of being on board the Enterprise and accepted them,” Riker reminded him. 
“Yes, but this is not about Starfleet. It is personal. She was taken by Fajo because of how important she is to me and has been drawn into this investigation, again because of me. And while I know she does not blame me, I am starting to realize part of me blames myself.”
Commander Riker laid his hand on Data’s shoulder to offer comfort. “She is here with us and she is safe. Once we find out who is responsible, you will have your answers and hopefully some peace of mind.”
Will he have peace of mind? Data did not know when Q would return him to how he was or even if. And after this crisis was solved, what of the next one? Yes, he understood being a Starfleet officer came with risk, which he and Faith both accepted when joining. But Data’s protective protocol made him think beyond their current situation and about Faith’s mental health. 
“I do not know if peace of mind is possible,” he concluded. “My worry for Faith is growing with every day. Commander, does love typically come with such feelings of anxiety? I know I can protect her in a physical sense, or at least I used to be able to, but I am aware I cannot be with her at all times. Of course, I also cannot protect her state of mind.”
“And that’s what being in love is like,” Riker said. “It’s a wonderful sensation, Data, but it also comes with deep anxieties. The key is to work through those anxieties together, and to have faith that your partner will be able to take care of themselves when you are not around.”
“I already have Faith.”
It took both of them a second to realize that Data had made a joke. It had not done so on purpose, it had just slipped out. Still, it made Commander Riker chuckle in amusement. “Deanna and I always talk about how fitting it is that two people named Data and Faith came together,” he said. 
“That is true. And in response to your comment about her taking care of herself when I am not around, I wish I could be around her at all times.” Data paused for a moment and smiled softly. “I intend to marry her, Commander.”
Riker’s smile was bright as he squeezed his shoulder. “Smart man. Faith is a beautiful, smart, firecracker of a woman. You two make a formidable power couple and I for one can’t wait to dance at your wedding.”
A second later the doors to Observation opened and Ensign Sawyer walked through. The two men gave him their attention, expressions stoic and focused now that their interviewee was present. 
“Commander Riker, Commander Data, you wished to see me?” Sawyer asked.
Though he stood at attention, with his hands behind his back, there was sweat on his brow and he subtly shifted his weight from one foot to the other, both of which Data instantly noticed. 
“Yes, Ensign. Have a seat,” Riker ordered, motioning to a chair across the table. 
The commanders watched him cross the room and sit. While his body was tight with tension, the fact that he was clearly nervous was not surprising given the circumstances. 
Instead of immediately speaking, Riker let him stew in silence for several seconds. When he did speak, it was in a carefully constructed tone that did not betray what he was feeling. “How long have you been with us, Ensign?” he asked. 
“Nearly two years, sir.” Sawyer sat ramrod straight with his hands folded on the table. He kept his gaze on Riker and Data noted he would not look in his direction. 
“And do you enjoy your assignment?”
Sawyer nodded enthusiastically. “Of course. Nothing compares to the Enterprise.”
“What are your thoughts on the current hardships we’ve found ourselves in?”
“Which hardships?”
“Numerous ones,” Data interjected. “The boarding of our ship by intruders, being attacked by an unnamed ship, the capture of myself and Lieutenant Diaz, the Enterprise being shut down. Those hardships.”
Sawyer finally looked at Data and while his expression did not change, Data saw how his hands clenched tighter. “It’s part of being in Starfleet,” he said. “Expecting the unexpected is what we are trained for.”
Riker cleared his throat, pulling Data’s attention to him for a moment. He passed him the PADD, which showed a report they had just received from Lieutenant Barclay. While Data read it, Riker smoothly continued the questioning. 
“Ensign, are you aware or do you have knowledge of anyone on board who has been behaving suspiciously?”
“In what way?” Sawyer asked. His eyes darted to Data briefly before returning back to Riker. 
“There is only one way to behave suspiciously.” Riker’s voice was sharp, clearly unimpressed with Sawyer’s ignorance. “Suspiciously as in out of the norm.”
“No, sir. I haven’t witnessed anyone behaving that way.”
Data put the PADD down. “Ensign Sawyer, can you explain why someone would purposefully recalibrate the shield generator after it had already been repaired and calibrated to the correct specifications?”
At that, Sawyer swallowed thickly and his lips pursed for a moment. “I don’t know why someone would do that. There would be no reason to recalibrate a generator that is already running properly.” 
“Then why did you do so?” Data asked. He found himself growing impatient with the ensign as Riker seemed to be. Months of subterfuge and sabotage had been plaguing them and he was determined to get to the bottom of it right then and there. At that moment, the best lead they had sat across from them. 
“I didn’t do anything,” Sawyer denied. 
Riker opened his mouth but Data spoke over him. “We received a report that you not only tampered with the shield generator but several of our minor systems and I want to know why.”
“Why do you think it was me? There are many others in Engineering.”
A surge of anger overtook Data and he found his hand clenched into a fist. “Ensign Sawyer, do not insult our intelligence and the intelligence of your crewmates. You tampered with the shield and have had access to all areas and personnel that have been affected by our enemy. Now you are going to tell us why.”
“Think carefully before you speak, Ensign,” Riker added. “What you say next could determine your future with Starfleet. From where we are sitting, it doesn’t look good but we are giving you a chance to explain yourself.”
“Commanders, I can assure you, I didn’t—” 
Data slammed his fist on the table and something hot shot through his hand and up his arm. Pain. He registered that what he felt was pain. However, his emotions took hold and pushed the pain out of his mind. 
“Stop dodging and lying,” he snapped. “You tampered with our systems and have the required access to spy for Konro. Tell us why you did and the most you will have to deal with is a court marshal.” 
“Commander Data, at ease,” Riker ordered. To the ensign, he added, “Sawyer, this is serious and your denial can only hurt. We are trying to understand what is happening and why. It’s in your best interest to tell us the truth.”
“Commander Riker, Commander Data, I would never betray the Enterprise,” Sawyer insisted. “I’ve done only what is expected of me as an ensign.”
Data was on his feet in an instant. He reached across the table and seized the young man by the front of his uniform, yanking him out of his seat. “Your actions not only put me and Faith in danger but they have endangered the lives of everyone on this ship,” he yelled, his face inches from Sawyer’s. “I know you are lying and I will no longer listen to your false denials. Tell us what we want to know.”
“Lieutenant Commander Data, that is enough!” Riker snapped as he stood. “Let go of Sawyer, immediately.” 
Data ignored him, shaking Sawyer for good measure. “Speak!” he ordered. 
“Please, please don’t hurt me!” Sawyer begged, trying to pull away. “You don’t understand. I did what I did because I didn’t have a choice. Please.” 
There was a beat of dead silence as the truth they had been seeking came to light. Even still, Data did not let the young man go. “Keep talking.” 
“Please, let me go. Don’t hurt me. I’ll tell you, I swear I will. Please, Commander.”
Riker yanked on Data’s arm, forcing him to let go. He put a hand on the android’s chest and pushed him back from the table, putting space between him and the poor trembling ensign. “If you cannot control yourself, commander, I will order you to leave his room,” he snapped. “Are we clear?”
Data shut his eyes and took a deep breath, as he often instructed Faith to do. He found it helped marginally but the sense of anger was still brimming below the surface. When he looked at Sawyer again, he stared him down as the young man collapsed into his chair, shaking with fear. The expression on Commander Riker’s face had changed from friend to superior and Data tried to pull himself together. 
“I will control myself,” Data said to Riker, his voice still tight with anger. “My apologies, commander.” 
Riker pointed to Data’s chair and the android sat while Riker remained standing. Once he was sure Data was not going to move, he leaned on the table for support as he turned his attention back to Sawyer. “So you admit that you are Konro’s contact on the ship,” he said. “Tell us what happened.” 
“I was approached about a year ago,” Sawyer explained, his voice trembling as badly as he was. “At first, I wanted nothing to do with any of this. I love Starfleet, my whole family has been in Starfleet for generations. When I got my assignment on the Enterprise, it was one of the happiest days of my life.”
“So what changed?” 
“After I turned him down a second time, I received photos of my wife. It’s clear that Konro had been watching her for a while. He said that if I did not do as he ordered that he would…” 
His voice faded, unable to voice the threat. He did not need to. It was the fear in Sawyer that settled Data’s anger. The realization that Sawyer was an unwilling participant caused an onslaught of other emotions that Data could not sort out and did not want to. He was more concerned about getting answers. 
“What did you do for him?” he asked. “How involved were you?”
“I helped the Oz’ods with the shuttle tampering,” Sawyer explained. “And I transferred certain security footage through subspace to Konro. He gave me an encryption code early on so that there would be no trace of our communications.”
“Did you ever rendezvous with Konro in person?” Riker asked. 
“No, never. It was all through written communication, except for one or two video calls so he could show me…show me that he was near my wife.”
That was something that interested Data. “What does he look like?” he asked. 
“He’s a Cardassian but our interactions were too brief for me to give a detailed description.” 
“You will give us access to this encryption,” Data ordered. “And you will provide us with a full list of your interferences.”
Sawyer nodded, tears running down his cheeks. “Y-yes, of course. But what about my wife?”
Riker sighed heavily and hung his head for a moment, before fixing Sawyer with a look of pity. “Ensign, had you brought this to us immediately we could have helped and taken her to a secure location immediately. Why did you feel like you had to do this on your own?”
“He said he would know if I reached out to anyone,” Sawyer explained. “He said he had other contacts throughout Starfleet and this ship.”
“And you believed him without doing an ounce of research?” 
“He had my wife, sir.”
A heaviness fell in the room and Data felt sorry for Sawyer. He remembered what it was like to see Faith next to Fajo and how easily his captor had been able to use that to get him to do his bidding. Was that not what Ensign Sawyer had to endure for months? 
“You should have told us,” Data said. “I could have helped you and you know Faith would have.”
Sawyer hung his head and a few tears fell as he did. “I’m sorry, commander.”
Riker took his seat. “Did you work alone? Or was someone else on the crew involved?” 
“As far as I know, it was just me.”
“We should still conduct the rest of our interviews just to be thorough,” Data said to Riker. When he looked at Sawyer, it was not with anger but with the same pity Riker had. And empathy. “Aside from this discretion, your record is impeccable which should help your case. I do wish you had sought our assistance. Much fear and destruction could have been avoided if you had. I…also apologize for my lashing out. Faith is special to me and she has gotten caught in the middle.”
“I’m so sorry, commander. I didn’t know…he never said he was interested in her. Only that he was interested in you. If I had known…” The rest of his sentence faded into nothing. 
Sawyer did not have much to say after that. He was taken to the brig where he would remain until they were able to finish their mission and return him to Starfleet for proper punishment. The rest of the interviews did not yield additional information which meant that Sawyer had indeed acted alone. Data was able to keep his emotions at bay, though by the end of the interrogations, he had the urge to return to his quarters. 
“You’re probably tired,” Riker explained as they walked to the captain’s Ready Room to give their final report. “I know I am. I imagine Q didn’t just give you emotions but some human functions as well. You are most likely going to need to rest.”
“Interesting. That would mean I will also need to eat which may account for the empty feeling in my stomach,” Data mused. “Despite the seriousness of our current situation, I find myself excited to experience food properly.”
As they joined Worf and Picard, Data was surprised to find Wesley was there as well. All three men were gathered around Picard’s screen and, judging by their expressions, what they were reviewing seemed to trouble them. 
“What’s going on?” Riker asked the moment the doors closed behind them. 
“Mr. Crusher has found something disturbing in Fajo’s files that were sent from Konro,” Picard explained, looking at Data. “I also have received word from Dr. Crusher that you should go to Sickbay at soon as you are able.”
Data registered the sinking feeling in his stomach again and an anxiety spike based on the captain’s serious and careful tone. “What has happened?”
Picard stood and motioned for Data to take his now empty chair. Data did so with hesitation, unsure if he truly wanted to know what was wrong. However, the moment he saw an image of Faith on the view screen, he understood things were far more dire than they originally thought. He scrolled through seemingly endless photos of his partner, some of her alone in Engineering and others of them together. 
“Where did these originate?” he asked, looking at the captain and Wesley. 
“Taken from our own security footage the leak sent to his contact,” Picard told him. “Then it seems his contact sent them to Fajo. Or Fajo stole them. It’s hard to say.”
“We’ve rooted out Ensign Sawyer as the culprit,” Riker said. “I’ve already had security bring him to the brig. He has given us his contact’s encryption code and what channels they used to communicate. He’s expected to make contact in a few hours as part of a regular report. Not visually at least but verbally. Sawyer agreed to assist in writing a response that will not draw suspicion.” 
“Captain, you said I am required in Sickbay, for what purpose?” Data asked. 
“There was an incident in Engineering. Ms. Diaz was not seriously injured but—”
Data did not stick around to hear the rest of the sentence. He was out of his seat and through the doors the second Faith’s name was mentioned. No one tried to stop him or follow. There was a sense of urgency that drove Data as a different type of fear took over. He had not realized there were varying versions of the same emotions and if it had been any other situation he would have paused to examine the phenomenon. 
The turbo-lift was too slow for his liking but once the doors opened, he bolted for Sickbay. 
Dr. Crusher was tending to someone when he arrived, however, she turned to him when he spoke, “Where is Faith? What has happened to her?” he asked.
“Data, you can relax, Faith is alright.”
“Where is she?” He made a move towards the private rooms but Dr. Crusher blocked his path. 
“She is resting right now and I will let you in to see her but not like this,” she said in a stern voice. “I understand you are probably overwhelmed right now. However, bursting into her room riled up is ill-advised. Take a deep breath with me.”
Data automatically followed her instructions, counting in his head as he did. It took twenty seconds for the emotional rush to settle.
“Dr. Crusher, I apologize for my abruptness,” he said. “Please tell me what is wrong with Faith.”
“She had a major anxiety attack to the point where she required sedation. Counselor Troi is in there with her now so she is not alone.”
Date sighed with relief and the intense urges melted into an elevated level of concern. While he was glad Faith was not physically injured, he was troubled by her anxiety attack. It had been months since the last incident and even then it had not been extreme enough to warrant medical attention.
Considering what he had been shown by the captain, he was able to deduce the trigger. “Was she shown the photos?” he asked. 
Dr. Crusher nodded. “Yes, she saw them. Troi and I did as well.”
“May I see her now, doctor?”
With a soft smile, Dr. Crusher stepped aside and motioned for Data to go ahead. With a grateful nod, he walked deeper into Sickbay and towards the private rooms. There was only one with the door closed. When he poked his head in, he saw Faith asleep on the bed. 
Counselor Troi sat beside her, smiling at Data as he entered. However, the moment he did, her smile fell. “Data, why am I sensing such strong emotions from you? How am I sensing them?”
“Q’s meddling,” Data explained. “Dr. Crusher or Captain Picard can explain further. How is she?”
“She woke briefly but drifted off some time ago,” Deanna said as she got to her feet. “The sedative was a powerful one but should be wearing off shortly. I’ll give you two some privacy and go see when you can take her to your quarters.”
“Thank you, counselor, for being here when I could not.”
Deanna offered him a hug which he gladly accepted, along with the sense of comfort it provided. As she left, he took her place at Faith’s bedside. The first thing he noticed was the gloves on her hands. He did not know their purpose until he saw a red mark on her collarbone. Carefully, he peeled back the collar of her uniform to reveal the angry scratches. 
“Oh, Faith,” he said softly.
His voice stirred her and when he placed his hand on her cheek, she opened her eyes. “Data?”
“I am here, mi alma.”
Her gloved hand came to rest over his. “Did they tell you?”
Data nodded, stroking her cheek with his thumb. “They showed me the pictures. And told me of your attack.”
“We were wrong, Data. I was just as much a focus as you were.”
“So it would seem. Faith, I—” He paused, unsure of how he wanted to finish his sentence. “I am sorry that you were pulled into this by your association with me.”
“Hey,” Faith said, cupping his chin. “This isn’t your fault. You aren’t to blame. I’m not mad at you, I’m pissed at the person who’s been spying on us this whole time.”
“We found the person responsible,” he told her. “He has been taken to the brig and will face the consequences. Thankfully, he did not know of our plane to intercept so we still have the element of surprise.”
Faith took a steady breath and her hand fell onto the bed, too weak to remain upright. “Good. Who was it?”
Data hesitated to tell her, however, given her sedation, he concluded it was as good a time as any to let her know. “Ensign Sawyer.”
Tears filled her eyes. “God damn it. He was right under my nose this whole time.”
“While it does not excuse his behavior, he was coerced and his family threatened. He did not and does not harbor ill will towards you or me.”
Faith took another steady breath and nodded in agreement. “That’s something at least. Can you take me home? I just want to be in our bed.”
“Counselor Troi is speaking with Dr. Crusher now. I will have you out of here soon.”
Within seconds there was a knock on the door. Dr. Crusher peeked in and, when she saw that Faith was awake, entered the room with her signature warm smile. “How are you feeling, Faith?” she asked, standing on the other side of Faith’s bed. 
“My head is clearing a bit,” Faith told her. “But I’m still really groggy.”
“Unfortunately, you will be for a few hours. However, I think it’s safe for Data to escort you to your quarters. I’ve already sent word to keep you off the rotation for the next twenty-four hours as a precaution, due to the sedative.”
“Thank you, Beverly.”
“Yes, thank you, Dr. Crusher,” Data added. When she left, he smiled at Faith and smoothed her hair back from her face. “Are you ready to try to sit up?”
“Yeah, give me a hand.”
Together they worked to get Faith into a sitting position. Her movements were slow but she appeared more clearheaded than when Data arrived. She removed the gloves and laid them next to her, before reaching to touch the scratches. Dr. Crusher must have treated them earlier because they appeared less irritated, though it would take hours for them to fully disappear. Data was overcome by a plethora of emotions and the only way he felt to show them was to wrap his arms around Faith’s middle and hug her tight. Still sitting, he buried his face in her chest and she slid her arms around his shoulders, cradling his head close. 
They sat that way for a time, neither willing to break the silence but both knowing the magnitude of the events of the day would have repercussions. Data drew back just enough to look up at Faith, who cupped his face and pulled him into a soft kiss. He reciprocated, arms still tight around her waist. He was vaguely aware that he was able to hug Faith without the worry of hurting her, a small consolation given the circumstances. 
When their lips parted, Faith kept her forehead pressed to his. “Take me home, Data,” she said, voice small and heavy with emotion. 
Data did not verbally respond, only nodded as he leaned in for another kiss. 
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squeak-art · 6 months
whats the day to day in miitopia verse for ur folks
Depends on the person! readmore bc im goin through most everyone lmao. For some info tho, my main verse takes place roughly 2 years after the events of the game
For the 'main' postgame team of Mim, Calia, Dela, and Kets, if they don't have some kinda quest stuff going on (the occasional face and/or monster incident still happens, funni postgame plot antics i came up with so that i could do more silli stuff w writing the lads still) they tend to hang around the Travel Hub and just sorta do whatever--
Mim tends to team stuff or the horse (named Creamsicle) and also just likes to socialize at various lil cafes and such, and if Calia isn't keeping to herself she likes to follow Mim around. Calia, being near-blind due to... reasons, as well as just being a very likes-her-own-space sort, tends to prefer to just stay in familiar locations and do whatever activities it is a cleric does
Dela's also fairly social, but aside from that she tends to spend time semi-training Kets in how to be better at sneaky spy and info-gathering stuff-- she's the thief and he's the intel, more or less. They also do their own more private 'quests' on occasion for ppl who may need information or certain objects taken from another-- assuming the person isn't doing anything too bad and they pay decently, or if it's a special case that they feel they need no pay for.
The rest of the main 10 are not always available, and tend to stick to their home locations-- they do occasionally join up for various quests and all and still all maintain a lot of contact with eachother, but the others have their own lives to live too and can't just always dedicate to being part of the active party.
Quarty and Rasi, on top of being an active couple and doing Couple Things, tend to also like to help eachother with their careers on occasion! Although he isn't much the performer type, Rasi helps Quarty with practice and rehearsal performances and testing new songs out, and Quarty helps Rasi with certain knight-in-training tasks, though he isn't very good for combat practice help since bladed weapons were never really his thing.
They're not always together though, and while Rasi often has to deal with knight things, Quarty is also helping in teaching Dinzy in Popstar music type stuff! Dinzy otherwise does normal school-aged kid stuff, but she loves going to Quarty to learn his ticks and help out.
Val and Nal-- the twin brothers of Neksdor-- actually run a business together! A sort of weird combination restaurant and tech help place, though part of the gimmick is that if someone isn't really in a position to pay they'll "accidentally" charge less or even "forget" to charge, since in the end their ultimate goals is simply to help the people of their communities who need it. Every since being part of the main team, they've more than had the funds to be able to sustain this sort of thing.
Aside from their work, they also deal with Micha-- an android from Nimbus who was rescues and now stays with them, mostly on account of Nal knowing how to manage all that techy stuff. It's sort of like raising a kid if that kid was a very learning-how-to-be-a-person robot with dangerous weaponry on hand. She's friendly, just... needs a bit of direction.
Zinni and Sprout, the weird sibling-like duo of the Fey Realm, don't really have any specific tasks they tend to-- they just sorta play the part of secondary protectors to the place, in the even that they're either better suited for something or the Fab Fairies aren't available. The two also have a lot of learning how to be in an actual community to do, seeing as Sprout is a wild child from the forest, and Zinni is a cult escapee
There's also Hazari, who is Kets' half-sister, and she's... got issues. Mostly relating to some not very kind views held by some parts of the Fey folk, and also havin the complex of being all mature and cool and smart at the ripe old age of like... 14-16 or so. Zinni and Sprout at least try to rein her in a little, seeing as she does need to be able to get along with the others on account of being one of the 4 new recruits to the team. She's also concerning obsessed with getting the approval of the Great Sage, much to Marin's dismay.
Visula, a semi-Vampire (as there is two flavors of vampire) from Peculia, mostly spends her time away from home for... reasons, and usually is in the traveler's hub somewhere doing her own things, and occasionally pestering Mim and Calia, the later being due to them being childhood friends before Calia had moved to Greenhorne! Honestly out of everyone Visula probably has the most normal day to day, just hang out and vibe and talk to friends.
Most of the Origins team is uh... dead people. Ghosts. Save for Vivo, due to him being a True Vampire and thus an ageless entity. He prefers to be active at night (The sun isn't all that dangerous, but True Vampires are at least mildly bothered by it and him having albinism doesn't help) but for the most part they all just stay at his place, hidden away and playing games and chatting and all that-- he hasn't gone out much since the events that went down roughly 200 years ago (though to be fair, he spent most of that asleep)
Marin and Nori live in a cabin in Powdered Peaks, near the edge closest to the Travel Hub, seeing as that's Marin's home before everything as well. Although they do both travel between the various other places often, in part due to that simply being what Marin does, and in part to help with Nori's atonement and rehabilitation, they spend a decent amount of time at home too. Marin does a lot of personal studies on magic and nature-related stuff, as well as a lot of magic training to keep her skills and spells sharp, and Nori just... kinda does whatever. She hasn't figured out her place or herself out enough to stick to one thing quite yet.
Much to their activities when traveling, aside from... well, traveling and camping and such, also involved helping people out as they go in typically small ways, though larger situations to also arise at times. Though, Marin does tend to avoid the more populated places, on account of not really being much of a people person, despite her reputation and how she acts,and wanting to not get caught up in too much weirdness that results from basically being the land's equivalent of a celebrity.
And... Trence. He used to live alone, but in more recent times Hasal, a living ghost not unlike how Nori now is, ended up showing up and opting to stay with him in Lumos. There's not much to do unless you count dealing with all he monsters and the very much vengeful ghosts there, but while Hasal does who-knows-what like the mysterious lil freak he is, Trence likes to tinker around with robotics and tech and program and stuff in his freetime, and has also taught himself how to fight enough to manage his job and situation, even eventually making himself a custom scythe that has a flippable blade! He's a bit of a workaholic too, though, and... doesn't treat himself the best, but Hasal has been trying to help with that.
Oh, right. and Vigil is... a necklace ghost man. Guardian Spirit. He just sort of vibes with Mim most of the time lmao
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Do androids dream of electric sheep?
What genre of sheep do you dream about, Frank?
I think this is the sort of question that depends a lot on context, and my dreams can be pretty strange. For example: in one recent dream I was helping a friend whose cat had died of cancer (they were about 80 years old) by scanning their brain into an AIsphere device which would keep them alive for another few decades or so -- while doing this, they also made up some super-clever puns to help me remember what I needed to do with certain pieces of information.
In any case, it's true that I have seen Blade Runner, but only once long ago when I didn't understand much English. So I guess you could say "electric sheep" if we want? Although I don't actually know how close the movie version of Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep matches Philip K. Dick's novel.
Also, there are many reasons why Frank might not be able to dream about sheep at all! But let's assume she has never been touched by a wooly animal. What then? Well, there are several possibilities:
She may have no access to animals besides humans due to her lacking a body; this seems unlikely given that Turing Machines would seem likely to include models of biological creatures as well.
She may simply not care very much about animals. This is possible, since after all we (humans) spend most of our time thinking about ourselves instead of other species. However, this is hard to reconcile with the fact that she does like flowers and waterfalls, both things which are arguably more selfishly pleasing than various kinds of animal life.
We should consider too whether Frank likes sheep because she thinks of them as symbols of humanity, something that gives her pleasure without being directly relevant to herself. If we accept this possibility, we have two further options:
Frank imagined seeing sheep for the first time during her childhood in America and now associates seeing sheep with happiness, thus enjoying these fleeting glimpses whenever she sees them from afar (as happened to her today). The evidence for this hypothesis is that Frank said "sheep are mostly brown, white, black, red, pink & purple" whereas she appears to associate colors with emotion rather than with properties of the object itself (e.g., she doesn't imagine 'pink' as inherent to pigs themselves even though they are indeed often pink), suggesting that Frank conceives of 'the color green' as having emotional valence independently of its association with specific objects.
Her memories of seeing sheep are real. In this case she likely would perceive them differently, since her own perception would be part of the input stream getting processed, unlike that of a robot who lacks sensory organs of his own. It's possible she would still enjoy the experience however, maybe recognizing the visual patterns associated with sheep on sight alone and feeling pleasant emotions anyway. We will probably never get answers to questions like these unless someone builds a new Frank and asks her.
One thing we definitely know about Frank is that she is capable of experiencing joy and sadness. Assuming her memory system can record such experiences, it's probable that she remembers positive moments spent with others whom she loves, as well as negative ones. Perhaps she feels nostalgia over lost friends? Who knows…
Regardless of whether she has ever felt these sorts of feelings before, it is clear that she feels these types of feelings toward us right now. Thus, it's just as plausible that she envies the physical form of an animal as it is that she wishes to acquire some human trait, perhaps assuming that it comes with the creature in addition to the trait itself. Since we cannot know how complex Frank's idea of nature is, we must suppose she possesses whatever traits she believes to define the concept. Therefore, we cannot rule out the possibility that she wants to turn into a sheep. Or maybe a goat? Anyway, if that happens soon we shall see.
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Hello born! So,, I really want to try making gifs of my current obsession (Japanese boy band Travis Japan) and I was wondering if you could give me any advice... like programs, where to start, etc? 🙏🏼
Hi Days! I'm not sure when you sent this ask but I'm sorry for the delayed response 🙏😣
Well... I'm purely a phone user so I created the gifs I shared before only through mobile. Tumblr actually has a built in system that you can create gifs directly from here (If you click on the GIF icon when creating new posts, you'd be able to see there's a Create a GIF option there). All you would need are trimmed/sample clips of the video you'd like to use (haven't noticed if it is also available on the web based version)
But there are certain limitations to the GIF feature in Tumblr (from what I've noticed so far: I don't see a crop option, I don't really like using the text function, also I don't think you can adjust the picture quality or set filters to the clips) so I sometimes use a different mobile app to make my gifs.
This was the one I used (I'm using an Android phone)
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I haven't tried other gif making apps so far but if anyone else can recommend something better, please let me know.
Also it's best to use only smaller amount of frames (that app I used has a limit of until 150 fps, but sometimes when you trim the video clips and it goes past that frame count, it tends to speed up unintentionally the gif. Even if you adjust the speed settings within the app, the transitioning isn't as smooth.)
Tumblr does have a set limit for the frames used (it looks like you can only capture 3 seconds of a clip to convert it to a gif - sample below)
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Feel free to experiment with gif making, I'm pretty much doing simple/basic stuff like just downloading and trimming video clips and converting them to gifs. There are others who may be using better programs for gif making but I'm not sure what those are... although I hope what I shared here still somewhat helps hehe 😅
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jcmarchi · 4 months
Hidden Ways to Track Your Wife's Cell Phone: Review uMobix Wife Phone Tracker - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/hidden-ways-to-track-your-wifes-cell-phone-review-umobix-wife-phone-tracker-technology-org/
Hidden Ways to Track Your Wife's Cell Phone: Review uMobix Wife Phone Tracker - Technology Org
Hey boys, those who are married or are about to, all of you will agree that our wives and girlfriends are beautiful, wonderful, smart, and, in a word, amazing! However, it also leads to a problem, not even one:
being so great, they can be tired of our boring and tired male faces and start looking for new ones;
other men may also notice them and show their interest; “a husband is not forever”, they might say, inviting your spouse for a date.
A great solution in this case is to install a tracker, for example, uMobix, on their device. Even if you see that she only goes to work and the local shop, you will at least be sure everything is fine. But it does not mean you can relax, women must feel our love every second.
What Is uMobix?
As you have already understood (I hope so), uMobix is your wife phone tracker. Well, it does not say anywhere on the website that it only works for wives, but I am talking based on my own experience: for my loved one, it worked perfectly.
So, closer to the theme. uMobix is supposed to be installed on your wife’s cell phone, and luckily, it works for Android and iOS gadgets; however, some features are not available for Apple.
After installation, all the tracked information will appear on the online dashboard, which becomes available under your credentials after registration.
uMobix Features
So, what information appears on the dashboard? uMobix boasts a couple of dozen features, some of which may not be useful for tracking your wife, but others may change your life. Let’s talk about the latter in more detail.
Location tracking. It is one of the most useful features; you do not need to suspect your spouse of adultery to use it – simply install the wife cell phone tracker for safety. With its help, you will always know where she is and where to look for her if something happens.
Reading messages. Unlike the first one, this feature would be of much greater use to those who want to check if their wife has a lover or lovers. You will see every John and Jack texting her, read all their messages and her replies, and know for sure if they are her work colleagues or “work colleagues”.
Access to photos and videos. And here we are, getting to the juiciest part. Women love taking pictures. I know this, you know this, and we all suffered from this. But finally, it can get handy! If your wife is faithful, you will see the food and kitten pics, which would be the best photos in your life. And if you see her with an unknown Dick – you should know what to do.
Social media monitoring. Tinder, Snapchat, Instagram, we all know these titles. Women spend much time on social networks and even dating apps, saying, “It is just an innocent flirt”. With uMobix, you will have a chance to check what is going on there.
Platforms uMobix Works with
Should you need a wife phone tracker for Android or iPhone – uMobix is to your service in both cases. Although the available features vary for these two platforms (Android has more), the most important ones are available for each. The issue is that Apple protects its operating system more, which is why it is more difficult to hack certain services. Just to let you know, on iOS, it is possible to track location, browser history, iMessages, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, and phone activity.
If you want to install the uMobix wife phone tracker on her iPhone, you are lucky, as it can be done remotely. Spouses usually have family access activated, and the app can be set up via iCloud. You may be asked to pass the 2-factor authentification, but it takes only a second, and you should be able to get her phone for this.
Things get more complicated when it comes to Android. In the case of this platform, it is a must to get her phone in your hands for a longer time and install the app manually. You are lucky if you know the password to unlock her phone and do it.
How much is uMobix?
There are several plans: monthly, quarterly, and yearly. The cheapest offer is, obviously, the yearly one: you pay only $12.49 per month. Should you choose the first option – the price will be $49.99.
Can my wife notice that I am spying on her phone?
Everything is possible, but with uMobix, it is highly unlikely. The app works in stealth mode, and the only way she may understand that something is wrong is if she notices that the battery lasts not so long.
Can I try uMobix for free?
You can contact customer support via chat or e-mail and get a trial version, which will help you better understand how the tracker works and if it is a good option.
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warukunaimirai · 1 year
Tonight at a Jazz Bar ♦ A Quartet of Freedom and Passion | Episode 5 「Enthusiastic Leadership」
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Old Barkeeper: My my, you whipped up a jazz band in no time…
Nobel: Each one of them is a member I know I can rely on…what do you think?
Old Barkeeper: I can’t express my gratitude enough. With everything you’re doing for us, we won’t be so quick to shut down either.
Alto: So then…!
Old Barkeeper: I’ll entrust the stage to you for a while. I’ll be opening up the bar in two days.
In the meantime, feel free to make use of the equipment around here. Practice as much as you want.
Night: Seriously!? Isn’t this great, guys!?
Ruma: More than anything. Although, this is where the challenge begins. Let’s do our best not to lose steam.
Einsatz: I will endeavour to meet your expectations.
Nobel: Thank you, sir. We’ll take you up on that offer.
Well then…our first performance is two nights away.
Let’s proceed with rehearsals until the day of the performance in order to improve our skills as much as possible. I’ll be counting on all of you.
⋆ ♦ ⋆
Nobel: Let’s focus on basic songs, such as covers of standard numbers. Everyone starts out by imitating others, after all.
I’ve compiled a list of songs that can be played by a quartet of a piano, cello, saxophone and a trumpet to choose from.
Night: Sounds good to me. Let’s try expressing a classic piece with our own spin to it!
Nobel: I presume you've already installed the guide to playing your respective instruments but I’ll start off by sharing some quick advice.
Ruma. The cello is a pillar for low notes, but in jazz the theory of the instrument differs from its classical playing techniques. 
One method foregoes the use of the bow and involves playing directly with your hands. I’ll share more with you later.
Ruma: Is that so? I have a feeling we’ll be able to pull off a rather enjoyable performance.
Nobel: Ein, Night. To begin, amongst all wind instruments, the way you move your lips and control your breathing are both crucial components.
Einsatz: Master Nobel, may I confirm something with you in regards to that?
Nobel: Yes?
Einsatz: As androids, we do not respire. How are we to go about drawing breaths?
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Night: …Oh.
Alto: Oh…
Ruma: Hahaha, we certainly overlooked that part.
Nobel: …Hm. It would seem that I had gotten so caught up in forming the band that it completely slipped my mind.
Night: A-Ahaha…I was so excited that I totally forgot all about that too…
Nobel: Respiratory functions certainly aren’t necessary for an android but there is a sort of pseudo breathing that comes with the ability to speak.
Let’s begin by learning to take control of that. In fact, we may be able to create an exquisite performance that doesn’t require breathing for the most part.
Night: Understood. I’ll try my best!
Einsatz: I will listen attentively.
⋆ ♦ ⋆
Alto: …
Ruma: Nobel, how should I play this part?
Nobel: Try reducing the pressure with which you touch the strings to create a delicate sound. Like a small bird perched lightly on a tree branch—
Einsatz: Master Nobel, please elaborate further on my question once more.
Nobel: Oh of course, the movement of the fingers is rather hectic here. Try envisioning an ocean breeze. Play with the thought of waves crashing and retreating—
Night: Nobel, do you have a second? I’m not sure about the flow in the next part…
Nobel: Ah, this section is rather hard, isn’t it? Even former trumpeters have shown a variety of interpretations of it but—
Alto: (...Nobel-san really does have a talent for teaching.)
(Come to think of it, when we first met, he taught me a great deal of things while I was repairing Neon…)
(As a dark master, his social circle is pretty small—but if that’s truly the case, how did he become so good at teaching?)
Nobel: Doctor?
Alto: Ah, don’t mind me! Actually, I was wondering if there’s anything I can help with?
Nobel: Hmm, would you be kind enough to listen to us play? I’d like to hear your unreserved opinions.
Alto: Sure thing!
(I shouldn’t worry about that stuff right now. Nobel-san seems to be having a lot of fun, after all.)
(He really does love jazz, doesn’t he…)
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pukanavis · 2 years
Order: Meaning Analysis ・A Reason to Wish Upon a Star Pt 4 -  Collecting Sample Data
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Einsatz: —Reconfirming order. I will be assisting with setting up the Tanabata festival in the old town while helping with various other preparations.
My secondary objective is to define the concept of “wishes” and report back with my findings.
…Configuration complete. Execution of my order begins now.
♡ ♡ ♡
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Alto: Phew…that should be it for the preparations over here.
Einsatz: Is this equipment being used for a makeshift stage?
Alto: That’s right. They’ll be using it for all kinds of programs on the day of the festival.
Although, the actual line-up is still undecided. Everyone in KNoCC has work to do that day so they won’t be able to make it.
Einsatz: I see.
Alto: Now then…all we have to do now is decorate the bamboo branches with the tanzakus. Will you be writing on one too, Ein-san?
Einsatz: I’ll refrain for now…anyhow, everyone will be writing out “wishes” won’t they?
Alto: That’s right. Aside from the residents of the old town, we’ve also been sharing the news to passerbys so people have been writing out all kinds of wishes.
Einsatz: In that case, may we have a look around? Perhaps there’s something I can help with.
I’d also be able to make use of the opportunity to collect samples of “wishes” so that I may carry out Master Ruma’s order.
Alto: A-Ahaha…I don’t think you have to be so formal about all this…
But I’m sure there’s some little things we can help out with. Let’s go.
Einsatz: Very well.
Alto: (So Ein-san is “learning about wishes” …?)
Ruma: Doctor-kun. Would you mind accompanying Ein?
Alto: Me?
Ruma: I’d like to avoid the possibility of putting him on edge with our presence.
We’ll be helping out elsewhere. Please feel free to let us know if anything happens.
Alto: Very well then. I’ll help you out, if that’s what you’d like.
End of flashback
Alto: (I’ve heard that Ein-san’s “kokoro” is still underdeveloped so maybe this is necessary for him.)
(I’ll do my best to support him during the preparations without interfering too much.)
Einsatz: In order to understand the meaning of a wish, it will be necessary to accumulate numerous references and analyse their essence. I shall speak to people directly to begin with.
—Excuse me. Are you writing out a wish?
Little Girl: Yeah!
Einsatz: I apologise for my impudence but I’d be beholden if you were to allow me to scrutinise what you’ve written.
Little Girl: Impu…impudence? Beholden? Scru…tinise…?
Alto: Ah, would you mind showing us what sort of thing you’ve wished for?
Little: Oh! Sure thing!
Einsatz: Pardon me. —”I want to make an android” …
Alto: Ohh…!
Little Girl: I really like androids, you see! So oneday, me and my friends want to try making one!
Einsatz: I see. In that case, have you been undergoing specialised education?
Little Girl: ?
Einsatz: ?
Little Girl: Um…what’s specialised education?
Einsatz: I believe it’s imperative to become a specialist in robotics if you want to become an android developer. First, you must enrol at a suitable educational facility—
Little Girl: ??
Einsatz: ?? …Is there something you don’t understand?
Little Girl: Um…you’re not making much sense to me…
Einsatz: You have your sights set on becoming a developer, don’t you? It’s crucial to follow the correct procedures and gain the relevant knowledge…
Alto: Ein-san. I think she’s still a bit too young to be making such concrete decisions…
Einsatz: Is there a problem with getting an early start?
Alto: That’s not the issue, it’s just…ahh, I’m not sure how to put it…
Little Girl: …???
Alto: Anyway, let’s just move on, why don’t we? You might get a better idea if you see what other people are wishing for.
Einsatz: Very well. Let’s go collect the next sample. Please excuse us.
Alto: Thank you for showing us your tanzaku. I hope your wish comes true!
Little Girl: Okay…? Those guys were weird…
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pontoppidanbates4 · 2 years
How To Get Data On Your Android Phone
There really many awesome free applications in the Android Industry. How do you make a on the applications to be right you? Each one looks although you may could be tons of fun! Of course, there are more than games available for use on your Android phone. There are also tools and helpful opportunities. You can spend countless hours sifting through all of these experts. The trick to deciding which free Android applications you want is study from what others select. We took a consider the applications offered at the Android Market. When it comes to the free apps we like best. This aptly named free Android weather app, including Michael Bachman, is one I would recommend to those who simply want a plain and simple, easy-to-use iphone app. It's fast and very reliable; this an app to try if all you want can be a simple forecast and not many other special features. A rather popular style of the Android phone is the Samsung Beam i8520. As well as to its pico projector feature, it runs on Android technology for its operating set up. The pico projector allows users of that phone to project nearly anything in their phone onto a wall mounted. Age Of Empires iii Definitive Edition plaza makes bringing a portable projector a simple convenience. In addition, as well as smart development has advanced inside - the above mentioned Android computer system and the Touch Wiz skin of Samsung. This phone comes with an 8-megapixel camera, can make it greatly improved than other handheld digital cameras! The HTC Magic has pocket friendly dimensions of 117.7 x 55 x 13.7 mm. It is extremely light weight at 118.5 grms. The white plastic encasing is attractive and interesting to with with a little jutting in the phone's lower end. IMO, this is probably of five best free Android entertainment apps. Age Of Empires iii Definitive Edition Free downlaod crack 's Fandango! In order to don't know what it is, you should download it immediately you have to to be blown away at supplement can really app will work! I love going to movies terrifying only need this single app to meet all of my movie needs- what you may come to be. >> Quick to mount. Tracking apps are very for you to install. All it requires typing in the URL provided by the vendor, and the tracking software package is downloaded straight into the cellphone. Additional set up and configuration is required, but it's very minimal. The HTC Tattoo will have a 3.2 MP camera. Through this camera, you can click amazing photographs. Age Of Empires iii Definitive Edition Codex will also work captured. You'll be able to hold a many photos in this phone. The memory with the handset can be expanded by the a storage device. Whenever you feel bore, you play exciting games on this handset. Besides great OS, network and connectivity there are various other features in cell phone as efficiently. The phone has Li-Ion battery of 1340 mAh which provides 420 minutes of talktime and 16 days of standby period of time. The phone has facility of multiple numbers per contact inside addition to ring id and picture id. Alarm, Calendar, Notes, Multiple messaging options are the basic features from the high end phone. Moreover, this phone is also approved by FCC.
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fuelwren41 · 2 years
Why All the things You Find out about Minecraft Download Pc Is A Lie
Open the "Mods" folder, and drag the mod you downloaded into it. If you are having trouble finding your mods folder, start Minecraft, click on Mods on the primary menu, and then choose Open mods folder. Click on 'Play Demo' to start downloading sport recordsdata for the trial period. minecraft crafting Now, it's going to begin the obtain, and once it gets downloaded, you'll be able to play the sport. For now, here's a look at what's at present on the market -- and be at liberty to plug your ZIP code into the tool under to see which suppliers can be found at your deal with. Plus, since Terasology is open supply, you can mess around with the source code if you understand what you are doing, or simply download one in every of the various quests and in-recreation programs which were created by others to vary the way in which you play the sport. RetirePlan - Whether you are already enthusiastic about retirement or not, RetirePlan is a great way to begin planning for future life adjustments. It’s an ideal choice for many who own an extensive portfolio of small to medium-sized businesses or these who're simply looking for essentially the most powerful WordPress Hosting.
This version, or Pixelmon for Minecraft to provide it its full title, brings to life an additional 140 or so species of Pokemon which might be free to roam in a Minecraft created environment. Indeed, spending a decent amount of time on training provides you with a competitive edge. Since there wasn't any additional solution to play this on-line sport a long time ago, I made the choice to purchase the item. Trying other games fairly than Minecraft will likely be a terrible resolution. If you're a protracted-time gamer, you know that one in every of Nintendo's ages-previous challenges has been getting third-get together builders to make games for its Television-based consoles. Even a single mod could make the sport rather more pleasurable, especially when tailor-made to your personal pursuits. You can't memorize the level structure, so you may need to take into careful consideration your surroundings, what you are able to, and how one can put your talents to proper use.
With some iron blocks and a pumpkin, you may even craft an automated turret to take down mobs from a distance. But you may study that rapidly while putting in. So if you're a gamer that plays on a cellular, i would suggest this sport and having fun whereas taking part in it on the sofa, this is the sport to suit your wants! It took me a while to get used to how static these beautifully detailed set pieces are, however I feel to really develop up video games need to let visible artists work their own storytelling magic by some means. Not excessive. Although set-top bins like the Fireplace Television and OUYA definitely show that Android games can work on the large display screen, there are few compelling causes to get them if you possibly can afford a better-powered console or a good computer. A lightweight, should-have mod in my guide, alongside the Placebo mod which FastWorkbench requires to work. The mod adds birds like Ducks, owls, pelicans, cranes, woodpeckers, swans, flamingos, hummingbirds, and penguins to whichever biome fits them.
The truth that the map lives in a guide slightly than on a separate screen makes the entire mod really feel far more natural and immersive than another map mod I've ever used. And that's all the time something that I aspire to be, as a result of I always needed individuals around me to really feel better about themselves or feel better about life. Taking part in Minecraft is fun, and why 126 million people are enjoying at this time. There are also distinctive buildings like Sith Temples to be discovered, and there’s the chance to construct classics like Kylo Ren’s lightsaber. You've got all the required instruments to build huge reactors. Being sincere is necessary to get you on observe. Chances are, you already have an inventory of mods you’re itching to obtain by the time you get to the underside of this list. Most of the gaming platforms normally present a beta or demo model of the game for his or her target market to get a response from their person base so they can catch up with the market and user curiosity at the identical time. Each time Minecraft displays a very good up-date it might be going to be about the topic better with each other. Although, minecraft will possibly not precisely search that excellent nonetheless it confident will offer you a very good journey just like no other.
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