apocalypticavolition · 4 months
Let's (re)Read The Great Hunt! Chapter 27: The Shadow in the Night
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I couldn't find any Trolloc puppets so this is what we're going with I guess. It seemed better than pictures of real life fireworks accidents where I wasn't sure if maybe someone got seriously hurt or not. I'm pretty sure that no one got hurt in this episode of Star Trek; the Gorn lived. But I can't promise that about this book series, so if you don't want that kind of spoilers for Wheel of Time, or really any kind of spoilers, it's best not to click keep reading.
This chapter has the Trolloc triptych since we will be getting Trollocs in Cairhien.
The street was empty save for one of the big puppets, a goat-horned Trolloc with a sword at its belt, coming toward them with five men working the poles, but sounds of merriment drifted still from other parts of the Foregate, where the halls of entertainment and the taverns stood. Here, doors were already barred and windows shuttered.
Presumably this is the work of the undescribed man who saw Rand awhile back. I suppose that if Fain is going to defy fate, he might as well defy narrative convention as well.
Instinct brought the sword out of its sheath in a flashing arc. The Moon Rises Over the Lakes.
Honestly the motion I picture when I think of the sword form's name is a bit more complex than a flashing arc, but it gets points for being such a great name.
“Loial, we have to get back to the inn. Hurin’s alone, and they—” He grunted as he was lifted into the air by a thick arm long enough to pin both of his to his chest.
Rand's Shadowspawn Senses still don't seem to have kicked in yet.
The Power. That could do it. How, he did not know, but he knew nothing else to try. The Trolloc had its sword half unsheathed. When the curved blade was bare, it would kill Loial.
I love it when a hero is forced to use an undesirable power because the escalation of the narrative has left them with nothing else.
Driven by a distant desperation, he tried again and again. And again and again there was only the taint.
Of course, that really only makes it all the more hilarious that Rand isn't capable of channeling consistently yet.
“I’m sorry you had to do it, Loial, but it would have killed both of us, or worse.” “I know. But I cannot like it. Even a Trolloc.” Pointing toward the setting sun, the Ogier seized Rand’s arm. “There’s another of them.”
Funny how this bit of work towards Perrin's arc is here in Rand's, considering how many dead Trollocs this boy will be making even in Zen Mode.
He pulled Loial along to the next corner and turned toward the nearest sounds of laughter and music, but long before they reached it, another group of men appeared ahead of them in the otherwise empty street with a puppet that was no puppet.
Rand has something in common with that Trolloc, I suppose. There are some parallels of course - the puppeteers are far less dangerous than the "puppet"; they control it only to the degree that it's convenient for the Trolloc, everything is being done out of sight and in the shadows - but I'm sad to say that I'm at a blank for any deeper meaning.
Sometimes, here where there were no eyes to see, a Trolloc stalked alone. More than once he was sure it was one he had seen before. They were closing in, and making sure he and Loial did not leave the deserted streets with their shuttered windows.
I really like that the Trollocs are still terrifying at this point.
“I don’t have it with me,” he snapped, “and I don’t know how it could help if I did. The dead heroes are not supposed to come back to save me from Trollocs. Selene, you have to get away. Now!”
This is (very likely unintentional) irony, since the Horn isn't blown in the Last Battle until a young boy with no other options has to be saved from Trollocs.
“Seek the Oneness, and be calm. One who would be great must always be calm.”
This is also ironic, since Lanfear has the chill of a blast furnace on the surface of the sun.
Selene cut him off. “If he wants to go in, alantin, he needs a door. Such as that one.” She pointed to a dark patch a little down the wall. Even with her telling him, Rand was not certain it was a door, but when she strode to it and pulled, it opened.
If it weren't for the fact that the far side of this wall had brackets for a bar, I'd half think that Selene had some incredible forgotten weave for turning walls into doors.
At the worst, humans had to be better to deal with than Trollocs. He might be able to talk the Illuminators into letting them go; Trollocs did not listen before they killed.
Rand of course will forget this lesson much later in his dealings with the Seanchan.
The woman’s dress, worked elaborately across the breast, seemed a pale green, and her hair was done in a multitude of short braids.
Hi Aludra! Sorry about what happens to you for the next six books or so. (Also hi Tammuz I guess? Apparently you're technically a recurring character. Good luck with that; I barely remember you from this chapter and I only reread it seven hours ago.)
In any case, fireworks were too expensive for the Village Council to have allowed anybody unskilled to open one. He could well remember the time when Mat had tried to do just that; it was nearly a week before anyone but Mat’s own mother would speak to him.
I'm pretty sure we hear about this story again. I'm also pretty sure Mat will finally open a firework next book.
Rand was just breathing a sigh of relief as they approached the low wall—and the alleys and buildings behind it—when Loial brushed against another rack, standing right beside the wall. It held ten soft-looking sticks, as long as Rand’s arm, with thin streams of smoke rising from their tips. The rack made hardly a sound when it fell, the smoldering sticks sprawling across one of the fuses.
It's like the Illuminators were asking for their chapterhouse to be burned down, frankly.
“Sometimes,” Selene said quietly, “if you are very still, no one can see you at all.” She did not sound the least bit worried.
This is both a useful observational fact about life and clearly a good weave.
“I am not to blame for this, Aludra,” the man protested. “I have been sure to put everything where it belonged, and the punks, they were—”
Sorry Tammuz, I'm absolutely blaming you.
“It is said great men make their own luck,” Selene said softly.
Lanfear: Just because I'm pretending to be a helpless noblewoman doesn't mean I'm not going to expect credit for every secret thing I do to help you.
“Your greatness will make me happy.” Despite the words, Selene sounded angry. “Perhaps I should leave you to find your own way for a time. If you’ll not take greatness when it is in your grasp, perhaps you deserve to die.”
I can see why she hooked up with LTT in the first place and why the dude dumped her the second he had a chance with a slightly more chill woman.
“You let me worry about the Trollocs.” Three of them. I might do it, with the void.
Of course, Rand is finally embracing the greatness she wants anyway. Doesn't even realize it.
It tilted, started to fall over, and he caught the square wooden base; the tube pointed straight at the Trollocs.
Hence the picture above.
Blinking, Rand staggered to his feet, coughing in thick, acrid smoke, ears ringing.
Jordan should have added tinnitus to Rand's list of agonies because it is a bitch and the boy damages his ear drums way too much not to end up with it.
“An old woman, my Lord. Not a quarter of an hour gone. A servant, though she did not say from what House.” Cuale smiled as if inviting confidences.
Definitely Lanfear in disguise. She's not too vain to try and fool Rand this way as we'll know from later, and the difference in age is more than enough for Mr. Idiot here not to suspect that the Obviously Magic Woman following him around improbably might have left the letter herself.
Think of the glory. “I wish Ingtar would come.”
Rand would have been a great hornblower, since he always slides right past the glory in favor of the salvation.
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aludrakijurorin · 1 year
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Finally finished this little meme <3 I technically have two open slots, but most of my older mutuals aren’t active on the site anymore. Thank you for the opportunity and support to do this, @havethetouch <3
From top to bottom, left to right:
Lou, the 'sona of @donnerhall-art <3 Mort, the precious panda bab, belonging to @anxitasy, and August belonging to my friend @pilotu!
Second row we have Viktor belonging to @zelendur! Then, pirate bab Siti belonging to @havethetouch, and Azimuth the alien belonging to @bandidangerous.
Last but not least, is the crafty fox Nathan who belongs to @mollydastoertchen =D
These were all a treat to work on, and I'll be uploading their larger, individual images soon with a bit more detail about working on each one ;w; 
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queenofmalkier · 8 months
Violent, violent urge to now write Aludra disguising herself as male because it makes life less complicated. But sometimes she goes about as herself to investigate sneakily on behalf of the guild.
I'm thinking Twelfth Night levels of shenanigans.
(Add in very confused Mat for good measure.)
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wishkasstuff · 9 months
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I've been in homestuck fandom so long but actually ocs never by my area of interest, maybe because of some dickheads in community idk, so, as of now, when homestuck is dead I feel free
maybe hiveswap is responsible as well
get to the point
that's my homestuck oc
Aludra — bore midblood who actually Light Yagami kinnie a bit
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izzywhisker · 1 year
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Gravity page 2
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Ella marches angrily down a corridor at school and storms into the headmaster’s office. She throws her bag onto the guest chair before patting her butt down and sitting. She asks of the headmaster, “All right. Who’s gonna be my new teacher after Mrs. Neybus?”
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sachi · 2 years
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☆ Aludra // Chain Chronicle ☆ 1/8 / Alphamax ☆ June 2015 ¥13,800 ☆ Sculpt 2%
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iliiuan · 1 year
My pick:
Izuka Hoyle as Aludra
(I was pissed her character - some random darkfriend - had all of one episode in the show. She deserved a better role.)
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ask-third-circle · 1 year
Hey! Just found your blog! Looks pretty cool, and I'm interested in looking more into it..
But where should I start? I got a bit confused with the chapters and such, I'm sorry
You're cool! Thank you !!
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Hello! Sorry for the confusion, you seem to have found the project i dropped :D
The story is starting properly and is ongoing in the Gravity comic. Unless something drastically changes, this is just the ask blog for my stories.
You can go and read Gravity in written form I guess, chapters 1 and 2, but this won't be completed 'cause I'm doing a comic instead.
H-Zone is kind of related to the Gravity universe but far, FAR in the future. Chapters 1 and 2 serve as a good introuction to the H-Zone part of the story, but will be in the Gravity comic also (after about 10,000 pages)
In short, read the comic, don't read the written chapters, but you have free will or whatever.
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kosmogoniehq · 9 months
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OOC: +18 NOME: Luke Choi PRONOMES: ele/dele DATA DE NASCIMENTO: 15/09/1997 (25 anos) ETNIA: Coreano LOCAL DE NASCIMENTO: Detroit, EUA SER: Filho de Zeus FACECLAIM: Johnny, NCT
TRAÇOS POSITIVOS: Observador, racional. TRAÇOS NEGATIVOS: Egoísta, pavio curto.
OCUPAÇÃO: Aluno CHALÉ: Aludra TWITTER: luke_kgn
Não foi uma questão de dívidas, vício em drogas, ameaças, salvar a vida de alguém ou preciso-alimentar-minha-família. Em algum momento, Luke descobriu o roubo de carros. E que era bom pra caralho nisso.
Na real, era melhor nisso do que em ir à jantares executivos, sorrir e posar como filho do CEO. Talvez, porque fosse só isso mesmo: posar como filho do CEO, aquele que fazia questão de chamá-lo de bastardo e dizer que sua mãe era uma puta morta de fome quando a encontrou.
Não estava errado, mas também não poderia se importar menos com aquela história. A mulher foi esperta o bastante para se casar com um cara podre de rico, mesmo grávida de outro. E quem era esse outro? Aparentemente, Zeus. Ou qualquer merda dessas, tanto faz, Luke não dava ouvidos para tais loucuras.
Quer dizer, Luke tentava não dar ouvidos a tais loucuras, até o dia em que no meio de mais um roubo — dessa vez, mal-sucedido — e sendo perseguido pela polícia, como se a situação não pudesse ficar pior, viu seu carro capotar ao tentar evitar colidir com algo que viu rápido demais para conseguir entender. O bicho arrancou a porta do veículo como se fosse papel e depois, o próprio Luke de lá de dentro, o jogando no ar como um boneco de pano.
Foi aí, que sentiu o corpo ser atingido por uma descarga elétrica; um raio vindo direto do céu. Quando abriu os olhos, estava em um tal acampamento meio-sangue. E bem, as loucuras não eram tão loucas assim.
Superioridade: Por ser parente divino do deus representante da soberania, transmitirá uma áurea acinzentada que pode fazer com que os outros te achem superior. Qualquer ser vivo estará sujeito à superioridade, sentindo-se intimidado e em alguns casos coagido a obedecer. Funciona de modo passivo, portanto o semideus só precisará dizer algumas palavras para que qualquer um perceba. O poder tem um efeito nulo sobre filhos dos 3 grandes.
Eletrocinese I: Como filho de Zeus, o semideus adquire imunidade a qualquer quantidade de eletricidade, podendo também gerar descargas elétricas e raios com as palmas e pontas dos dedos. Como não cria eletricidade, é necessário uma fonte de energia.
Senso de Direção: As proles de Zeus sempre sabem onde ficam os quatro pontos cardeais devido à polaridade da Terra. Eles nunca se perdem em labirintos, são aptos em caminhos de matas fechadas e florestas, assim como auxiliam semideuses que estiverem perdidos ou até mesmo aos que precisarem de localização.
Perícia em batalha: Assim como o pai, o semideus se torna um guerreiro hábil e um estrategista nato, ficando atrás apenas dos filhos de Atena.
Esferas Elétricas: O filho de Zeus pode disparar pequenas esferas de energia elétrica no adversário. Não é fatal, mas é útil, principalmente para fazer com que o adversário hesite.
Olhos Nebulosos: Permite ao filho de Zeus enxergar completamente bem durante dias nublados e com chuva fraca.
Sensibilidade Aérea: O Filho de Zeus tem uma percepção notável sobre a movimentação do ar ao seu redor em uma área de 20 metros.
Atmocinese: Consegue controlar o clima, podendo gerar tempestades, direcionando raios e manipulando o ar. Isso tudo em um raio máximo de 1km. As tempestades podem ser iniciadas, mas não paradas, portanto tem tempo variável podendo durar de poucos segundos até no máximo 4 horas.
Clarividência limitada: Ocasionalmente obtém visões de acontecimentos futuros próximos em seus sonhos. É totalmente aleatório, não controlando quando terá tais visões.
Eletrocinese II: Torna-se capaz de gerar eletricidade e controlá-la a partir do próprio corpo, mas com um alto desgaste de energia que pode dificultar o controle total.
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hauntedmoors · 9 months
wheel of time written by nuclear engineer robert jordan is actually about nuclear anxiety and the consequences of the development of new technology aiding and abetting unchecked usage of weapons of mass destruction. in this essay I will -
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sixth-light · 7 months
thinking about Aludra and how unusual she actually is as a character (a woman in her late 30s/early 40s who is a politically savvy survivor of dangerous situations* and a highly competent technical expert, and whose main plot function is to BE a technical expert/inventor, but who also gets to casually hook up with a much younger man on her terms) -> thinking about how Mat is the only PoV male character who consistently hooks up with/finds older women** hot -> wondering why that is -> slightly awkward realisation about the whole 'Mat is RJ's self-insert character'/'RJ married an older woman when she was in her early 40s' thing
*seriously though coming back to Aludra, it is fascinating to me that she is written not just as smart and creative in a our-world 'masculine' field, but that she is EXTREMELY thoughtful and savvy about the consequences of her work and who she wants to have control of it. Mat gets all the credit for gunpowder warfare but he has nothing without Aludra! underrated characters of all time! and in general the fact that women get to be ENGINEERS in this series is super-underrated, how often does that even happen in fiction
**excluding Morgase, Siuan, and Leane on the grounds of the whole 'channelers don't age and they look 20 actually' thing
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aludrakijurorin · 1 year
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Watching a friend do a Pokemon Nuzlocke, with randomized pokemon and items. He has an overpowered Victreebel, and two pokemon with the Pickup ability grabbing nuggets (and blackglasses) like they’re potions. I love it =B Pea is the Victreebel, Easter Egg the Meowth, and Value City the Zigzagoon.
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alectology-archive · 1 year
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okay that finally made me crack open the book, lol - I can’t really read it until later this month but this made me smile.
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locitapurplepink · 1 year
Thanks to @ladykagewaki for making doodles with one of my ocs, Lilah. If you guys interested, you can request her as well.
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Taglist : @oldmanwithashield , @smolbendyhorn , @girlzrok-99 , @aesira-of-orion , @luminalightsverse
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highladyluck · 4 months
more Tuon Posting
uh Tuon/Aludra, that could be fun
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I have a hard time imagining Tuon/Aludra directly—not enough raw hatred or uncanny parallels to really dig into—but a consensual polyamory thing with Mat where they’re platonic metamours who chat about him? Mmmmmmm YES
They can kiss each other with mouths full of blood tho, I’m not a monster
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izzywhisker · 1 year
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Gravity page 3
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The headmaster is a monkey plush 8 inches tall, with a missing arm and an eyepatch. He wears a tie.There are rumors that he is a war veteran.
Dr. Mink: “..... Did somefing happen?” His manner of speaking is not unlike LOLSPEAK.
Beginning to tell the story, Ella says, "She was like --"
Mrs. Neybus: "You are not coming into this classroom with that hair. Go to the headmaster's office."
The picture of Mrs. Neybus has been covered in graffiti by Ella. She has been given horns, a goatee, and forked tail. The words EVIL and WITCH have been written, as well as a bunch of arrows.
Ella (with pained expression): “Trying to interrupt a teenage girl's self expression ... Curse her!!”
Dr. Mink replies sternly, "Ella listen. she's right" Ella: what
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