#am i projecting my speech impediments??? absolutely
wutheringmights · 1 year
"We’ll Meet Again (Some Sunny Day)” - Unfinished Bonus Links Draft
Over half a year ago, I swore that I was going to write a story based on @ezdotjpg​‘s @bonus-links​, which I never finished. This is in part due to a) me being absolutely devoured by CTB, b) me realizing that this story was gonna take 20k to tell at a minimum, and c) me being struck with a wave of insecurity; in short, I got really worried that I was not writing War and Spirit correctly and was projecting too much CTB onto them.
I had resolved to wait until I see them in the comic so that I could get a glimpse of their dynamic in action, but that might take a while. So in the meantime, here’s what I have.
Some Notes:
Obviously, this is just a draft so the writing/editing may not be up to snuff
I tried my best to gleam mannerisms and personalities from some posts Em made way back when, which I am unsure is still canon or not
Spirit signs in order to work around a severe stutter for these sounds: B, S, Th, Ch, St, G, W; I based a lot of how he talks around that stutter on how I deal with my own speech impediment (which is not a stutter) (so take it with a grain of salt)
War has a cockney accent that, in the worst decision of my life, I attempted to write out phonetically; he then switches to something more posh and British sounding
Official Summary For The (Completed) Story:
Spirit and War have always haunted each other.           
(Or: Spirit can see ghosts. War treats him like one.)
Spirit crouched before the engine, oil drenched up to the elbow when the bell over the workshop door chimed. Alfonzo typically took care of the stray window shopper who didn’t realize an train garage wasn’t a store, but Alfonzo was out on a run that took him to the farthest reaches of the Snow Realm. By all accounts, it was Spirit’s job to greet the shopper.
But Spirit was precariously balancing about six different wrenches, trying to keep the loose cogs in place as he fixed one of the engine’s inner mechanisms. He almost had it too. He couldn’t abandon it now, not even to return his workshop to its tranquility.
“S-sorry!” he called out, swearing when his gloves slipped on the largest wrench, causing the cog it held to slip out of place. “Just g-give—hold on for a moment!”
The customer didn’t say anything, but they didn’t leave either. Spirit could hear them meander around the messy space, observing the walls covered in framed pictographs and the shelves brimming with engine parts. Spirit did his best to ignore then, but his attention helplessly narrowed on the faint clinking of chain mail and the soft intake of breath from someone who was surprised.
Spirit didn’t necessarily hate noise. Trains were loud. But it was easier to concentrate when he was the only one making a ruckus.
Admitting defeat, he began tightening the cogs and screws until he could safely remove his hands. He sighed as he stood, wiping the sweat off his brow. Belatedly, he remembered the oil on his hands, and grumbled as he shed his gloves and pulled a handkerchief from his overalls pocket.
He blinked. Sometime between starting this project and now, the morning sun had disappeared in favor of velvety night. Yet, someone had turned on the oil lamps, dousing the garage in suffused orange light. The shopper must have lit the lamps.
Slowly, he turned hands already rising to sign his question. But before his fingers could start the first sign, he was met with a man too pretty to be real.
Pretty really was the best way to put it. He was a decent height, but not necessarily tall—not that Spirit, having not grown an inch since he hit double digits in age, didn’t need to crane his neck to make eye contact. His lashes were long, curtaining half-closed eyes as he bent down to the base of the last oil lamp. A match glowed between his fingers, the flame bursting when it caught the gas. The lamp lit up.
The stranger stood upright. Eyes bluer than the ocean flickered to Spirit. His face held a sophisticated gauntness that made even the act of blowing out the flame elegant.
Spirit fidgeted, suddenly self-conscious of how dirty he was in comparison.
The stranger was dressed to the nines in a well-kept green tunic, with a blue cape draped around his shoulders like tinsel on a tree, pinned in place by an opulent broch. Even his boots, the ones that had echoed around the workshop, were shiny with fresh polish.
A man like this wouldn’t normally look twice at him, even when he washed the oil away and put on his castle guard uniform. But this one smiled so brilliantly that the ornaments on his body couldn’t compare. “It heaven and hell is ya,” the stranger said, flicking the match away. His accent was thicker than molasses. It made every word sound long and chewed out. “It looks like ya kept yer promise, conduc'aw.”
Spirit stared. “I’m sorry?” he signed. “Who are you?”
The stranger’s face fell. His boot scuffed the ground in an aborted step back.
Spirit frowned. With the handkerchief, he scrubbed the oil from his face. Seems like this stranger really thought he was too good for the likes of him.
The stranger cleared his throat. “Pardon me,” he said and, like that, his accent was totally different. Each vowel and consonant was crisper than fresh laundry, each syllable perfectly creased into place. It threw Spirit through another loop. “I seemed to have been confused for a moment there. Are you perhaps the Royal Engineer they call Link?”
Spirit nodded.
The stranger seemed to study him for a moment longer.
Spirit scrubbed his brow again, trying to get the oil off his skin. Just who was this guy?
Finally, stranger smiled. “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” He held out his hand. It was pristine. Even his nails were finely filed. “I am also named Link, but I am called the Hero of War. Tell me—are you prepared to perform your duty as a Hero of Hylia?”
Spirit stared. “What?”
Line Break
The Hero of War said to call him the captain, or perhaps sir if Spirit wanted something more succinct. But that last part was said with a rakish smile, so Spirit rolled his eyes and settled on captain.
From there, War’s good humor disappeared. Face drawn, he explained everything he knew, which wasn’t a lot—portals had appeared in his time, and someone named Lana had handed him a map detailing where in Hyrule’s convoluted history they led to (actual Hyrule, not a reinvention like New Hyrule). War didn’t know why the portals had appeared, but he had been in a conflict many years ago that had a similar mechanism.
“Get your personal affairs in order and make your goodbyes,” War said when his explanation was done. It was a weekend night, and chatter of couples and friends finding entertainment for the night drifted through the workshop’s windows. “Take your time, but we should leave before the new day.”
“Who said I’m coming with you?” Spirit signed.
War arched a brow. His lips quirked into something that was almost amused. “Because you wouldn’t let anyone walk into danger. Not even a stranger.”
Spirit scowled and signed, “What makes you say that?”
“This is far from my first encounter with another sacred hero.” War meandered around the shop, making tiny faces at the hodgepodge of half-made machineries. Whatever congeniality he had built up soured the moment he realized there was black residue on his fingers. He pulled a worn, red handkerchief from his pocket.
Spirit’s attention narrowed on it. It was frayed to the point where little flecks of broken thread fell from it like rain. If there was ever a print on the fabric, it had long been drowned out by noxious black stains. The captain didn’t seem to notice them, primly wiping his fingers clean as he said, “We are all beholden to the same virtues.”
“I’m not a hero,” Spirit signed. “I’m a conductor.”
“I know a hero when I see one.”
“You’re looking for someone else.” Spirit marched over to the door, turning around so that War could see his hands. “You need to leave.” He ended on a curt jerk of the hand before yanking the door to the garage open, gesturing for War to reenter the bustling streets of Castle Town.
War frowned, but something else in his face shifted as well. His charm had disappeared, and Spirit heard a warning in the back of his brain as War folded up the handkerchief and stuffed it into his pocket. “You are Link of Aboda Village. You have always been able to see spirits and ghosts, though you ignored your sixth sense in favor of apprenticing as a conductor and train engineer. Through hard work and study, you became New Hyrule’s youngest ever Royal Engineer.”
War walked up to him, ever footfall a punch to the gut. “However, your first months as the Royal Engineer were put on hold when the Spirit Tracks disappeared as well as the Princess Zelda. Luckily, your senses allowed you to see that she too had become a ghost when a dark demon ejected her from her body.”
Spirit’s hands shook too much to sign. They became fists at his side as he stuttered out, “St-st-st—”
“You fought the Demon Malladus and rescued the Princess Zelda. You restored the Spirit Tracks across Hyrule. You were given charge of a sacred train as well as a sacred sword. You are the successor of the Hero of Winds and an incarnation of the Hero’s Spirit.” He stopped right in Spirit’s face, close enough to make Spirit feel insignificant. “And you dare to tell me that I have the wrong person? Rest assured, Link of Aboda. I know more about you than you realize.”
Spirit stuttered over a few more syllables. Forget that. Without bothering to vocalize or sign, he pointed out the door. Get out.
War stared down at him for a moment longer. The corner of his mouth twitched the way Zelda’s did whenever she didn’t want anyone to know how mad she was. But his eyes were a different story. They softened, losing their intensity so quickly that it threw Spirit off kilter. “I’ll leave then,” he said gently. “If that’s what you desire.”
He stepped back, giving Spirit a little space. War managed a little smile before miming the tipping of his hat. “Good day, conductor. May the Spirits of Good guide you.”
His blue scarf trailed behind him as he left, entering the dark streets of Castle Town.
Spirit slammed the door back shut and pulled his gloves back on. He was retired from the  hero business, thank you very much. If Zelda couldn’t convince him to join the Castle Guard, then War couldn’t convince him to drop his entire life and go on some cross dimensional adventure.
But staring at his abandoned engine, Spirit couldn’t muster up the enthusiasm to pick up his wrench and get back at it. All he could see was the gleam of the pommel at War’s side, how genuinely hurt he seemed when Spirit had turned him down.
How did War know his story? The only people in New Hyrule who knew everything about Malludus was himself and Zelda.
Did that even matter when War seemed like the type to throw himself into battle headfirst, heedless of whether he lived or died?
Spirit groaned and tossed the wrench aside. Barely grabbing his keys, he ran out of the workshop. Under the streetlamps, drunkards emptying the taverns glowed gold. Spirit stood on the cobblestone street, searching for the long blue scarf in the crowd.
“Hey.” Behind him, War leaned against the side of the garage. His arms were crossed over his chest, and he chewed a piece of candy on the side of his mouth. He grinned. “Changed your mind?”
Spirit frowned. “Give me three days,” he signed. “I need to make preparations.”
War almost choked on his candy. He banged a fist on his chest and spat it out. “Three days? We can’t wait that long!”
Alfonzo was due to return from his run by then. It would also be enough time for Spirit to finish his project and arrange replacements for the runs he was already scheduled for, as well as contact Niko and Zelda. He didn’t think War would understand that, but he hardly signed, “I need to get some things done” when War sighed.
“Well…” He mulled over it for a moment. “I have no choice but to agree. Three days it is.”
Line Break
Spirit was no stranger to ghosts. There was one now that frequented his apartment a few blocks from the workshop. It was the lingering spirit of the old woman who lived there previously, and she hated how dirty he kept his space. She seemed determined not to move on until Spirit learned some housekeeping. It was easier to just sleep at the garage.
But War couldn’t sleep at the garage. There was only one bed and it was harder than a sheet of steel: unbefitting of a man well-acquainted with the finer things in life. So Spirit had to take him home. He had half a moment to be embarrassed by the number of dishes he’d left to mold in the sink as well as the pile of oil-covered clothes and half-finished projects he’d left strewn about before War sighed and unpinned his scarf.
“Of course,” he muttered. “Of course, of course, of course.” He folded it nearly on the table, then added his sword and shield next to it. Then he rolled up his sleeves and started picking up the mess.
Spirit stuttered his own swear before rushing to help.
“Sorry I’m such a bad host,” Spirit signed when War did the dishes.
“Nonsense. It’s not as though I had given you any warning.” War scrubbed at a plate like he wanted to do much worse to it. “I remember when I first began living alone. It took me quite some time to master my own space. Speaking of which, how old are you?”
War paused. “Oh.” He set the plate aside. “You are much too young—to live alone, I mean.”
Spirit clicked his tongue and signed, “And not fight some evil?”
War barked a laugh. “If anything, you’re much too old for that.”
Spirit didn’t know what he meant. So while they did laundry under the midnight moon, War told fantastical stories of a hero who had fallen from the sky and the children who followed in his footsteps—their progenitor, their legacy.
The next three days were spent
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Waiting for Hello Hello(Sneak Peak)
Words so far 1401
Summary: this one shot is going to Chronicle the events of Violet Borg the final signing of the divorce papers up until she meets Honeysuckle her second husband along with the antics of her son Victor.
Important bit of backstory regarding my Borg Siblings:This is meant to readjust things in her Canon with my group of Borg Siblings as there was an unfortunate tie that needed cut after the separation and falling out irl.
To clarify Violet's now ex husband wasn't mine they were created by another and at that time of separation I had already created Victor their son so this was the only way I knew how to amicably separate the pair so that way he never has to be mentioned other than the ex-husband when necessary, as such Violets ex-husband will never be mentioned by name it will always be Redacted this is out of respect for that character's creator.
Also if the Creator reads this do know that Chloe is also going through a major adjustment from good to sort of anti-hero hacker called The Chameleon her story will be posted later on so she is no longer in my Canon head of security so that is completely fine on your end. Along with major appearance adjustments to Rebecca as I myself rather prefer her being small gremlin like instead of being large. The rest are relatively staying the same. You do not need to change the other unless it is a personal choice she is fine as well from my viewpoint.
I will be releasing the day that Victor was born as I did write that however it will be in memory form and I will make sure it is just *she remembers her ex-husband standing behind her* as an example. I am already working on asjusting that it'll just be from Violet's perspective. Thank you for this understanding and patience at this time I really do appreciate it.
If the Creator amicably wants to communicate if anything is wrong or crossing lines, I will treat it like a workspace and business because we are still sorting out on both ends,I know this and understand this.
Now that that business is over
Hope you all enjoy this sneak peek I've been working really hard on it
I Violet Genesis Borg do divorce
Tears welled up in green optics as she signed that last line, the final nail, curled up on the bed, legs tucked underneath her. It felt all so sudden. One moment hopelessly in love the next…. total strangers.
He had signed a no contact only speaking through his lawyer, it almost seemed empty as the last letter went down. She tossed the pen down before pulling the manilla envelope over the sheets tucking the papers inside.
She'd filed divorces before but it was a completely different feeling when it was your own, finally she used the bed to pull her wedding ring off and also tuck it inside, it belonged to him after all. She didn't need the money or anything so she was not going to put up a fight.
She thought of all the major changes that had occurred as of late. Chloe had left to live with Simone, leaving Felix as the only one left at the tower, Felix healing from his car accident that had left him with a permanent speech impediment, her siblings and her so busy with unexpected changes… she finally got up wiping away tears. She also noticed how silent her entire world had gotten but she knew it would be loud again, as she eyed a photo the one it showed would soon make her world explode in sound again,
It was her beautiful son Victor. He was beaming as he clutched his cotton candy. They had gone down to the local New years festival his dad held him, walking over to the photo, one that would be stored away because of Victor's father being in it, if Victorwanted to look over the photos later on in his life then he could, she wouldn't stop him. Fortunately she had a good photo to put in its place. The Nindroid went and plucked it from its packaging that it had been sent in by her father, 
It was him, holding Victor as her son helped the inventor work on a project, the little boy absolutely entranced. Cyrus was grinning looking down at his grandson pride glittered in his eyes, 
Smiling, she took the other frame, placing the new frame in the old one's place. Victor had hardly noticed his father's absence, he had had his moments of anger but otherwise nothing, she honestly didn't know if that was sad or was an actual good thing.
As she walked through the apartment her thoughts wandered to what had lead up to this. Her ex-husband would get so passionate that he would let his emotions harm others and when genuinely hurt he would ignore her calling him out. Perhaps this was one of the earliest nails in their marriage she had missed. It didn't help she was unbelievably stubborn and couldn't let things go until they were right.
It was amazing to think 2 years ago they'd been planning more children after having her father update her and her husband with the NANITE program, she had caught so easily afterwards that the day Victor was born they had been talking about more in the future,
Oh how things had changed so quickly, tucking the manilla envelope under her arm looking at the time 2:15 pm. She gave another sigh, they were going to meet one last time today at 3, but he'd probably send his lawyer instead. Coward, she'd even offered to bring Victor, but the man was so prideful he couldn't own up to leaving his son cutting off his own child from himself to at least see Victor one last time obviously he had declined her offer through Evan his lawyer. 
Grabbing her keys after tugging on her jacket making sure she had the envelope and her purse before walking out of the apartment.
Stepping outside she took a deep breath, looking up, a small smile gracing her features, she'd be alright and maybe if the Cloud Kingdom had it in the cards she'd find another husband. A genuine father to her little boy but that would be after some therapy and time.
She headed for her car and set her purse and folder into the passenger seat. Grabbing her ear piece she placed it in her ear as her phone rang, she rolled her eyes as ex husband's lawyer crossed the screen she pressed the button to answer as she buckled in
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rossefinchmoved · 2 years
anyway  i  am  absolutely  giving  into  the  cosette  has  a  speech  impediment  au  for  my  own  sake  &  because  recently  i’ve  really  needed  to  project  that  onto  a  fictional  character  .  hopefully  a  meta  will  be  coming  to  you  in  the  near  future  .
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the-squeege · 2 years
3, 5, 11, and 15 for Tex... Also 28 about Ramov! Give me all the details (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
3. What does your oc’s voice sound like? Can they sing, whistle, or roll their rs? Do they have any speech impediments or noticeable dialects/accents?
Oh!! I was really hoping someone would ask this for Tex specifically so big thank you! Since he’s my DND character, I have to voice him, so I have a really good idea of what his voice sounds like. The great amazing wonderful thing about Tex that you wouldn’t know unless you were in my campaign is that he has an Australian/borderline Kiwi accent…he is so wonderful I’m so happy I can share this information…
As for the other stuff in this question, he does not have a very graceful voice so if he tried singing it would not sound good. Tex cant whistle because I cant whistle, so there’s that…also for his general speech mannerisms, he swears casually a lot. He usually talks really quickly and cracks a lot of jokes and isn’t very serious. You can tell he’s being serious because his voice lowers and softens significantly, usually he’s pretty harsh and loud. He also doesn’t swear as much when he’s serious…also since Tex is a big drinker, when he gets drunk he slurs his words a lot and sounds really goofy.
5. What kind of clothes is your oc most comfortable wearing?
Tex is most comfortable wearing stuff that’ll cover him up…he prefers to wear many layers of clothes. See, he’s really insecure about how fucked up his body is…I’m not sure if I mentioned this here yet because I’ve been trying to avoid any of my party members accidentally getting spoiled, but they know this stuff now so it’s cool. The cyber he has on him was forced onto his body in a series of experiments, so a lot of it really isn’t pretty…under his clothes, he’s mostly cyber, with any skin left being heavily scarred or littered with miscellaneous cyber shit. So yeah, long story short Tex is super insecure about his body so he hides it under layers of fun clothes. Also since I based him off of myself a good bit, he would absolutely wear tacky button up shirts shirts…actually I think one of the designs I have for him has him in a shirt that looks like it’s straight out of an old bowling alley lol
11. Does your oc have any interests/hobbies that they hide from everybody? Why do they hide these interests?
Oh he absolutely does, this actually ties into the previous answer a bit too. Outwardly, Tex presents himself as someone who’s really cyber oriented. For context, in the world he lives in, cyber and magic coexist, but they don’t mix. That’s actually why he was experimented on, Tex used to be a magic user before he got all the cyber forced onto him…he really doesn’t like to admit that though, so he usually keeps his interests in magic on the down low.
15. What’s your oc’s morning routine like?
Most mornings, Tex wakes up hungover so he tends to start the day pretty slowly and painfully. If he’s with the rest of the party, they usually end up getting coffee somewhere. Not to get too off the rails with this answer, but by far his favorite thing to happen in the morning (which has only happened once as of yet) is when he wakes up to a certain NPC that he absolutely does not have a big gay crush on giving him an A+ cuddle.
28. What’s your favorite thing about this oc?
Oh boy…I have a lot of things I could say here for Ramov. I think my favorite thing about him is how comfortable/familiar I am with him. He’s like my iconic character, my little scrungly! He’s been with me through a lot and I’m really proud of his story, a lot of which is unfortunately big fuckin spoilers for projects I may or may not get around to actually doing. I will let one little thing slip that I absolutely adore about him though…his whole character arc is spread across all the different stories that take place in his universe, whether he’s present for those stories or not. Oh also! His full name, Knms’m Ramov, was made through the use of keyed ciphers, and it translates to something pretty funky. He’s just really neat! A character I’ve put a fuck ton of thought and time into.
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reddogcollar · 3 years
Then speak friend!!
trust me its impossible to shut me up about anything ever and none of the things I'm about to say will connect
I have unfortunately watched multiple episodes of the spinoff show emperor's new school which shows kuzco going to high school and it felt like like a slow slow decent into madness I recommend it entirely because I want someone else to have this mark on their soul
far more fortunately I am now watching the owl house finally and I am on but the second episode and I think I am losing my shit? eda sounds exactly as I assume she would. a cat man just disintegrated in front of my very eyes
since multiverses are just a thing its so very possible that instead of landing in hell for 30 years ford could up on mewni or smthng from star vs the forces of evil and get his hands on dimensional scissors and fall out of a hole in the fabric of everything onto his basement floor next to Stan like "hey" "what the absolute fuck"
words like supernatural and extraordinary are the worst kinds bc they describe things that are the exact opposite of their structures (super natural implies extra normal stuff but describes things that don't occur in nature and ya know) and I hate them so so much
I am still obsessed with how shifty is just like deadass stanfords fucking son what in the name
one or all of the pines's should have some kind of speech impediment specifically cuz I struggle with talking and project often ❤
invasion of the body snatchers is a neat movie I watched it like in October or something
I am now on the third episode of toh and this kid freaking out over stepping on a flower is like same. this other kid having an abomination in a pot is also like same.
I often think about ghost aus and should finish writing (or just rewrite cuz it sucks now qkxnwksnws) the one that I have
au where stan never breaks the project but they drift a part anyway and its just really very bitter and sad and stuff
similarly au where things just like work out that night and the point of it all is stanford ends up in gravity falls still and often calls up stan at unreasonable hours to infodump about the weird shit. this concept is important to me for no real reason I just like the thought of ford getting to be happy about things
luz rising out of a pot saying "I'm an abomination" is like same
mlp characters seem to be animated with forward facing eyes? which is concerning. you could say they've evolved past the need for field of view over depth perception due to being like sophisticated and stuff but their world is also full of way dangerous monsters that maybe they as prey animals might want of field of view for. especially pegasai. no bird or horse has front facing eyes.
I am incompetent. that thought was going somewhere about like idk repeatability to some characters due to basing self worth on accomplishment and humor alone but it just stopped there.
I peel skin off my hands and lips all the time and idk why really it hurts a lot but also I cannot stop
bag tho by danny gonzalez with pacifica. consider it.
alligator skin boots and/or blue eyes like the devils water by mcafferty with stan. consider it. 
in atots stan is shown to sit upside down and no straight person has ever sat like that I would know bc I sit like that and I am not straight
I do not know who rick sanchez is and I am not able to find out because I find it hard to consume new media
I am incapable of deciding whether I want to be hugged or if anyone touches me ill die and its an issue
I have so many overdue lessons but when I try to do them my brain shuts off completely and I just end up clicking through the tests and I am a straight f student and its stressful as hell 
its 4 am I shouldn't be awake
one time before we got together my ex directly told me, word for word, "I want to kiss you on the lips" and somehow I took that as platonic until she told me she had a crush on me and I think about that a lot
the owl house is just good. doesn't matter that all the twists have been spoiled for me I don't care its good
that's like all the nonsense I can pull out of my brain I am sorry and good bye
I swear and apologize too much
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Give me some delicious autistic headcanons for this crazy duck family
A LOT of them are autistic. Like, So Many. Namely...
Huey, Dewey AND Louie (they’re identical triplets and Huey is obviously autistic, so it only makes sense that they’re all autistic lmao)
Maybe also Donald and Della??
Canonical symptoms:
Webby: Stims a lot, socially awkward, special interest in the McDuck family, can become just as fixated on people *cough* Lena *cough* as she does with special interests, scarily good at like everything except socialising (fluent in who knows how many languages, probably knows like 8 different martial arts and is a black belt in all of them), is just absolutely feral like I was as a kid
Huey: Will have an aneurysm if proved wrong, follows the Junior Woodchuck guidebook like it’s the bible, special interest in basically anything science-y
Dewey: See Della, since he’s basically baby Della
Louie: Lack of empathy, analytical mind, good at recognising patterns, seemingly “aloof” due to his slightly detached nature, was the only one who saw Della through a more objective and critical lens (ie, what she did with the Spear of Selene was very irresponsible) while everyone else was just glad she was back
Fethry: Special interest in marine biology, will happily live completely isolated from other people, communicates very well with animals (like his shrimp squad) but not people
Donald: Speech impediment, anger management issues, accident-prone (idk abt you but I am VERY clumsy and I’m pretty sure it has something to do with my autism and this may be the real cause of Donald’s bad luck)
Della: Thought “’Sup, party people?” was an appropriate way to address her family after she disappeared in a cosmic storm and was presumed dead for 10 years, doesn’t know when to Stop, maybe has a special interest in aviation, TAUGHT HERSELF ROCKET SCIENCE
On top of that, I have more neurodivergent headcanons:
Dewey has ADHD (hyperactive type)
Louie has ADHD (inattentive type) or just ADD depending on whether or not you think ADHD and ADD should be separate things
Huey might ALSO have ADHD (hyperactive type)?? He may not be bouncing off the walls (unless he eats a lot of sugar), but the cogs in his brain are constantly whirring and that’s a Big Mood
Donald and Della also have ADHD, but Donald is inattentive type whilst Della is hyperactive type
Webby is easily the most hyperactive character in the show, of COURSE she also has ADHD (plus, she’s an honorary fourth triplet)
Lena has complex PTSD and depression
Gyro is also very autistic
Launchpad is living proof that not all autistic people are geniuses and his special interests are planes and Darkwing Duck. He also probably suffered from brain damage in his first plane crash and that’s why he’s... well, Launchpad.
Violet is even more autistic-coded than Gyro
Fun fact: I have most of the conditions listed above and am projecting
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subzeroiceskater · 3 years
Tumblr media
“I thought you liked girls! Didn’t I see you swooning over Pride and Iris?”
“Netto-kun, I was what, eleven? Twelve?”
Bisexuality? Not that compulsory heteronormativy isn’t a thing but. Well, personally speaking, I’d just like to have it acknowledged and not be the binary of “you’re either straight or gay”.
“His name is Jomon Teruo.”
“As in Japan’s Jomon Electric megastore?” Rockman chimed in.
“That’s it. His grandfather is the CEO.”
… Now, on top of that, he was beholden to some snotty rich kid. The spawn of one of the country’s most affluent name-brand families, in fact. They’d probably ride off into the sunset together in a luxury sedan, flocked by enough maids and servants to make Yaito-chan jealous.
I wonder if Teruo was chosen just because he’s canon rich to serve this role. Yeah, I’m just skipping to the parts where he gets mentioned.
“My counsellor recommended I check out Japan Club. That’s where I met Teruo-kun. He was super welcoming, and we planned all sorts of cultural events together to promote awareness.”
That’s actually pretty sweet. Good on you, Teruo.
The geek delivered a chaste kiss to the now-standing Tohru’s cheek, an act which caused Netto discomfort. “C-cancelled. S-so I flew here instead.”
“H-hi there, I-I’m Jomon Teruo.”
“Hikari Netto.” They shook hands, and the seated one noted the latter’s stutter.
So this was the wolf himself. Not what Netto imagined. The freckled hafu wore a baggy newsboy hat, rimless vintage pink sunglasses, long-sleeved shirt with circle of iron filings splaying the front and lightning bolts running up the arms, white slacks, and utility belt. He looked more like a mechanic or a rock and roll delinquent than the grandson of an electronics magnate. The only overt indicator of his wealth was his one obnoxious pierced ear, flaunting a diamond earring.
To be fair, this is probably more canon and in-character than everything I’ve ever done with Terry. BUT this is just straight up pulling from his game appearance from the mentions of “geek” and the stutters. This is just straight up his canon design as well, which, in my opinion, is A Look.
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Although, I’m assuming if they’re older in this fic, they’d somehow dressed differently? The author is mixing game canon into the anime one (which I’ve never seen. To be honest, if Terry had ever appeared ONCE I would’ve watched the whole thing a million years ago, lol favoritism).
Although, hafu? Where did that come from? Terry's not said to be half-anything in the text or anywhere else in canon--absolutely nothing wrong if he was but this is the only place that mentions it for some reason?
That’s not really based on any canon thing at all. Is it because he was renamed Terry in English? That won't make sense in the Japanese setting of this fanfic? Like, even Terry could just be a nickname from Teruo. Teri is even still a a Japanese electric term.
N-not at all. L-lemme tell ya, robots are fascinating. A-and you’re apprenticing under Aoki Makoto? S-she’s a legend in the robotics community.”
“You should let Teruo-kun have a look at what you’re working on,” Tohru proposed. “Robotics are his specialty.”
“Q-quit it, Tohru-chan.”
Drat. He was modest too.
Teruo’s actually pretty cool with this? I’m anticipating the heel turn any time now but this is pretty nice. Based Teruo, loving and supporting robotics, female scientist and his fiancé.
Putting together Terry and Copybots is such an obvious thing that I'm mostly glad someone else did that!
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A genius who could match pace with Tohru’s intellect, wealthy and reputable, with a sturdy career. Netto had nothing to offer. Teruo was everything he couldn’t be.
Well, yeah, Terry/Teruo’s shown to be good with robotics and have a rich grandpa but, seriously, Netto. This is a little too much, pfft. Although, that is the point of a pining romantic fanfic, I suppose. I’ll be honest, I haven’t read fanfics for a long time. It just feels more like the plot is leading the characters on and slotting them into types instead of letting the IC personalities and motivations arise naturally or speak or whatever.
And now I’ll turn into about myself. Am I any better with my own stuff? Nope! Author did this the same reason I do my own art—coz it amuses ‘em.
“His boyfriend is rotten! A scoundrel! The heavenly bodies foretell it!”
Yep, it’s definitely not me Netto-kun likes. Teruo-kun wouldn’t harm a fly! Tohru relished the garlic in his dumplings.
The powwows a directionally inadept Dingo held asking his tomahawk for counsel locating Maha Ichiban’s customers came to mind, and Netto justly grew skeptical.
What? Err… You know what, I’ll just concentrate on the Teruo parts. For my own peace of mind. I don’t want to get legit mad again.
Tohru was entitled to the world. On Teruo’s lanky arm, that attitude represented a concrete, dynastic legacy. If the cost of that felicity was that he himself would fade, amen! Tohru’s contentment justified the tribulation. He could take it. For his beloved, he could learn to suffer the grief.
Yeah, this kind of thing. It feels more like Teruo is just an obstacle for the eventual realization of Netto’s true love. Like any trope, it’s not that’s necessarily bad but this is a little too on the nose and a little too overwrought for me. xD Maybe Netto was too different in the anime but I don’t really hear Lan thinking or talking like this, even as a grown up or in love. It’s just stuff like the author is blatantly going “hurry it up and get together” but at the expense of the story. It’s…well, “fanfic” writing.
I’m not explaining myself very well. This is why I don’t write fanfic myself, lol.
“Based on the evidence, we’ve secured a warrant to take Sparkman’s suspected operator, Jomon Teruo, into custody”
“Now that you mention it, Teruo did express a dubious interest in our research. Gah! Romeda-san was right!” He smacked himself, realizing the phony psychic’s prediction had come to fruition. “The jerk is shady!”
He’s a robotics guy who’s interested in robotics stuff. He seemed perfectly normal when you talked to him. How is that shady.
His vilification of Teruo abruptly gained legitimate weight.
😈 😈 😈 To be clear, I’m not mad or anything. This is actually a lot more fun than I expected it to be. It’s more funny than anything. Like, here’s Teruo being an okay dude who’s being guiltily vilified by Netto…but no, he was right, all along!
“Even though I’m not worthy of your love, even though I’ll never be able to give you the things he can, that doesn’t change the fact that I will protect you, Tohru-kun! No matter what! You may hate me for it, but there’s no avoiding it anymore!”
Teruo’s a shit Netbattler. You’re one of the best. Go beat his ass netbattling or something, Netto.
He located Teruo immersed among the gizmos in his lab. Untidy as a hoarder, blueprints and tools lay disorderly, necessitating Tohru dance around the innumerable hazards to his feet. His grease monkey boyfriend was hunched over a project, welding. Blue embers licked the metal as he mended a garish scar begriming its surface.
Okay, I can’t believe how cool Teruo is in this fic. I mean, he gets to do robotic-labs shit, even if just by implication. What the fuck.
“Yo, Tohru-chan!” Teruo jerked his helmet up.
He was tinkering with a robot. A Copyroid.
“What have you done?”
“My oh my, that Hikari Netto did a number on you, didn’t he?” Teruo patted the Copyroid. “I rewired it. Optimized its destructive capability. Rebooted it without those pesky inhibitors. No safety parameters. I’ve accomplished what Aoki Makoto was afraid to do.”
The loss of the Jomon family successor’s stutter unnerved him. Was it all a ploy?
Like, this is legit cool, man. Teruo’s legit badass. Haha. Based. And he’s giving orders to the neo-WWW? Like, some kind of Dr. Wily analogue? So cool, even if just implication.
Oh, by the way, that’d be welding mask, and not helmet.
“Gramps is holding out on me. Reassessing my status in his will. He dissed robotics and threatened to sever my funding, the geezer! When I caught wind on an Undernet BBS that these lowlife goons were planning to bust out the Professor, I extended my services. In exchange, the Professor lends me his soldiers. It’s a hostile takeover, baby!”
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Fuck yeah. I actually love this. This is pretty much his scenario from the game but extended a little more villainously.
“After everything we’ve been through! It was a lie?”
“Never. I do love you. Gonna give you the world, Tohru-chan. Picture it. Us, unlimited coin, and a controlling interest in the organization!”
“You can walk away! I’ll speak to the Net Police! We can hammer out a plea bargain!”
“Aww, how swell of you to defend me. When this is over, you and I are due for a heckuva holiday. Hmm? The Southern Isles?”
And it turns out he genuinely loves Tohru? Like, in his own earnest way? Based.
“You ain’t gonna win! No siree!” Teruo taunted, priggishly unhinged after having been liberated of his tiresome fake speech impediment and goody two-shoes public persona.
The duplicitous jerk! He really was the spoiled rich kid Netto thought!
Okay, but I wanna argue that I don’t think that Teruo (Terry in BN4) was faking—the stutter at least. Terry’s thing is at his heart, a coward. The stutter was him being a scaredy-cat because he was nervous trying to trick Lan and him getting a confidence boost was thinking he’s succeeded. There’s the heel turn I’ve been waiting but the whole way getting here was so fun (and honestly short) so I don’t mind as much.
“Bourgeois slime, I’m gonna enjoy pixelating that disrespectful runt of yours!” Teruo spat.
I was gonna say how weird for him to use bourgeois as insult when he’s the richer one but I just looked it up and this usage is correct: bourgeois relates to the middle-class. Whoops. I also just found out that I’ve been understanding the slang “bougie” wrong all this time. Educational!
Neither Teruo nor Sparkman abided by restraint. Divorced of commitment, they cut loose, exactly as Teruo stipulated, with “extreme prejudice.”
And Teruo completes transformation to vaudeville villain. He’s still fun, though.
Teruo threw caution to the wind. Resorting to cheating, he spammed Extra Codes to push Sparkman to the limit, mashing his PET like his life depended on it. “Take this! And this! And this! Heh heh heh!”
Can it really be called cheating if this was never meant to be a fair legit fight in a contest with rules. Teruo’s just being a poor sport in general. Which is still canon characterization, btw.
“Garbage!” Sparkman was literally falling apart. “You may excel at repairing machines, but you sure stink at Navi operation!”
“Sue me! I’m a robot specialist, not a NetBattler!”
Rockman mocked, “Arguing? Trust between operator and Navi is key!”
“You’re such a hot shot! Why don’t you fix this useless robot body?”
“I oughta sell you for scrap!”
Yeah, this is just from the game. Although, Teruo should be able to do something about the Copyroid body. Okay, you know what, I’ve always want a Full Synchro between them. What’s that? The point of Terry’s story was how he’s so bad at Netbattling and he couldn’t get along with his Navi?
Well, more reason for them to overcome their differences and finally be true battle buddies. Honestly, that’s part of the whole “Terry gets a friend, learns to be less of a terrible shit and gets his life on track” fanfic idea I’ve had since I played his game.
Anyway, he gets arrested. And…hired an assassin to try take Netto out? Lmao, still badass. That’s it for him. I tried looking for that time travel thing but, nothing. I think from context, this is just because this whole story was the time travel thing? Well.
That was more entertaining than I thought it would be. I’d have to wonder why Terry of all people but it may be as simple as he was a rich jerk who never appeared in the anime and so good for a retelling. He was far more important in this story than pretty much anything else I’ve ever seen, outside of my own stupid doodles, hahahaha.
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sky-scribbles · 7 years
Introducing Enaras
I’ve talked a little already about my Dalish Warden, Enaras Mahariel, but now I’ve finally finished his playthrough it’s time for my customary eight facts about him. Under a readmore so those who want to can just skip my babbling.
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1. His name was created via some research into Elvhen on the Dragon Age wiki and the naming guide on the wonderful Project Elvhen (an amazing conlang-creation project) on A03. It comes from the words ena, meaning 'to emerge', and ras, meaning 'shadow.' So his name means something like, 'emerging from shadow' - which aside from being, in my opinion, rather cool, is also fairly symbolic, since his personal story is one of character development from doubt and insecurity into confidence. 2. Enaras was kinda created so that I could choose some of the less moral options in the game without hating the character who picked them. His defining trait is his absolute terror of taking risks, a habit that came about from a traumatic incident in his youth, when he was a hunter in Clan Sabrae who hadn't even earned his vallaslin yet. Wandering the forest one day with his friends Tamlen, Merrill and Sora - the last of whom being a spirited young girl who Enaras had a bit of a crush on -  they encountered a group of human hunters. Enaras suggested spying on the hunters to see what they were up to - a choice he has regretted for the rest of his life. The hunters became alert to the young elves' presence and attacked, hitting Sora with an arrow. The wound became infected and despite the Marethari's best efforts to heal her, she died soon after. Enaras blamed himself for her death as much as he blamed the humans, and thereafter he utterly lost faith in his own judgement, and simply backs out of taking risks... 3. ... until some character development comes along, of course. Enaras's early missions involve some choices my more moral characters would never dream of doing - killing the werewolves rather than breaking their curse (Enaras just wanted to pick the securest way to protect Zathrian's clan), siding with Harrowmont (because even if his platform will bring better change, Enaras was too afraid to trust a man like Bhelen), siding with Branka (because that seemed to be the safest way of securing dwarven support, since he didn't think anyone would believe him about Caridin's fate.) But gradually, as he learns to let go of his clan and find purpose in being a Warden and comfort in the support of his friends, he starts taking risks - like sparing Zevran because he felt sorry for a fellow elf who'd been sold in a market like an animal, and sparing the Circle because he thinks the human attitude towards mages is ridiculous... and, most importantly, falling in love with Morrigan. The fact that these risks pay off - Zevran becoming a close friend, the mages becoming allies, Morrigan finally falling for him too - convinces him that he can trust his own judgement and doesn't always have to play things safe. As he matures and grows in confidence, Enaras looks back in horror at some of his earlier choices, and does what he can to amend some of them. For example, years later, when Branka starts causing chaos with the Anvil of the Void, Enaras secretly leads a covert mission into Orzammar to find and destroy it. 4. Enaras starts of rather bitter and resentful towards all 'shemlen' - on top of the natural prejudice Dalish elves tend to have towards humans, he has them to blame  for Sora's death and those of his parents. So he tries to be prickly and resentful of the humans in his party, because he feels he has to... but instead he finds he respects Morrigan's closeness to the wild, can't help but like Alistair after everything they go through together, is impressed by Leliana's willingness to confront her own prejudices about the Dalish and happily sings along to 'In Uthenera' with her. After a while he mentally throws up his hands and decides hating the shems is more trouble than it's worth. 5. He wears Ghilan'nain's vallasin, because it looks so pretty - ahem, I mean it's because Enaras, nervous soul that he is, felt he could do with some aid from the goddess of guidance. His disposition is also rather like a halla, Ghilan'nain's sacred animals - he's jumpy and nervous, but also stronger than he seems, and a true creature of the forests and wilds. 6. Unlike most Dalish, Enaras wields a sword and shield. Of course he learned to hunt using the bow, but he'd always carry a short sword and light wooden shield out on hunting missions with him, just because having a sturdy piece of wood between him and any potential threat made him feel safer (and as mentioned, he's obsessed with doing the safe thing.) Once he joins the Wardens, he ditches the bow altogether and gushes - as much as someone like him can gush - over heavy armour. 'It has metal over my vital organs! This is a good idea and I am never taking it off.' 'Even to sleep, Enaras? To dance the Remigold in? To go to the privy?' 'Stop being clever, Alistair.' 7. Though actually, the above dialogue would be a bit less fluid, because Enaras has a speech impediment, in the form of a stammer. He's had it ever since childhood; it's natural, but made far worse by stress. It never quite goes away, because I rather doubt that Thedas has speech therapists, but once he's saved the world, matured and learned to have faith in himself, gained a gang of friends, rebuilt the Wardens, and ventured through the Eluvian after the love of his life, he isn't under permanent stress anymore, so it becomes a bit less pronounced. 8. Enaras's greatest desire is to have a home - though for him, this doesn't mean a permanent settlement, it means a place where he feels safe and loved. He protests violently about leaving his clan, and originally resents having to join the Wardens. Things change when he visits Zathrian's clan - he went there first, hoping to feel comforted by the familiar scene, but instead he found it all felt different. His experiences at Ostagar had changed him, and he knew he could never belong in the Dalish way of life again. To his surprise, his band of travelling companions started to become a home to him  - they even started jokingly referring to themselves as 'Clan Mahariel' - and it pained him deeply when they all had to go their separate ways. But after passing through the Eluvian, Enaras found a home once more: alongside Morrigan and their son.
Technically, I’m supposed to tag people for this... @smartarsedlittlefcker, could you give us eight facts about Hetty Shepard?
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