saywhat-politics · 9 months
An overwhelming majority of Ohio voters back a state constitutional amendment that would guarantee access to abortion in the state.
A new USA TODAY Network/Suffolk University poll conducted among Ohio voters found that 58 percent supported the abortion rights amendment that is likely slated to appear on the ballot next November while 32 percent opposed it and 10 percent were undecided.
This number includes one-third of Republicans polled as well as 85 percent of independent women.
Nearly two-thirds of women supported the proposed amendment while about half of the men surveyed did. Support was also the strongest among young voters, with nearly 70 percent of those aged 18 to 34 supporting the measure.
Support for the measure was largely divided along party lines, with 81 percent of Democrats in favor of it and 32 percent of Republicans in favor. Nearly 70 percent of independents also supported the measure, the poll found.
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kny111 · 10 months
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Do World Powers Engage in Subtle Systemic Slavery or Overt Systemic Slavery? It doesn’t Matter. Slavery is Slavery & It Will Never Be Needed Especially Not As A System.
The United States along with other world powers and those that serve them have created this ‘using us, yet against us’ system. We need to change this. The fire James Baldwin spoke of, the very merited rage those enslaved have against this system, is well overdue.
Those who serve a government that knowingly allow for enslavement still and lie to people about it being abolished when their own amendment backs daily institutional and systemic enslavement when it allows “slavery is abolished except in punishment or crime“. This does nothing to remove slavery as a systemic feature from this governing system and you are implicit.
                                                                                                by - K, Blog Admin
What happens when we as a community repurpose the instruments of science and evidence gathering and focus on the 13th amendment? This piece of document literally allows for enslavement. What has been created in its wake? Here’s the thing, when colonial imperial powers in Europe said okay when issues occur we’re gonna call them ‘crime’  they meant it as a word to account for social norms being breached and a sort of “holler if you hear me“ approach to solving those issues was laid out institutionally which included neighborhood watch people that could process this. They later became police. Between that time and the present 2023, legislature and policy reshaped crime and policing, as well as the defending of issues through military, crime became systemically synonymous with prisons/cages/slavery to solve those issues. From the Trans-Atlantic slave trade and its bolstering of these pro enslavement laws to this past historical investment in this strange notion of punishing others so physically, violently to the benefit of a system, a legalized market of slavery was formed and continues to persist with similar legislative and political play on words as they did with the 13th amendment’s clause: The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."
When you specifically write into law and action that amendments create and actualize the means to the system we use, what are you enacting when you pronounce through this same mechanism that “no slavery shall exist within the united states or any place subject to its jurisdiction - EXCEPT as punishment for crime“? We need to, as a people really inspect this slowly and carefully because science has yet to produce any evidence that says punishment at that level and method is required to solve these issues so where is this evidence that says that type of punishment is even needed for the people to “fall in line”?
Secondly, isn’t it evident that processing issues as merely ‘crime’ is factually bringing us more structural issues than not because not every issue can be generalized to crime and often times the word crime itself just doesn’t do nearly enough to account for the disabled community and many other far reaching issues.
These aren’t assumptions, these are educated deductions based on statistical data provided by the errors of the running system. Again, it has yet to produce reputable convincing evidence that establishes prisons, crime, and cops/ slave patrol systems they synergized with as effective means to solve the issues we as a society constantly face. And with this same lack of adhering to scientific facts are we supposed to feel comforted by these slave industry agents, legislators and policy makers that allow for that amendment to exist as is because they know it buys them that much time to not worry of their implicitness in enslavement of others? I implore everyone watch the documentary by Ava DuVernay 13th available for free on youtube from NetFlix due to its educational merit. This documentary is like a course 101 on understanding just how much of an issue enslavement systems are and how synonymous prisons and cops are to slave markets and patrols. It gets right to the problem of slavery, what scriptures did they use to embed it into our social mainframe? did it exist back then? Yes, Is it gone? No, it let’s us know it’s still active and strategies by white supremacists and slavers then benefit their lineages and communities now.
They have a lot of control over the systems that try to govern us. Reconfiguring, inspecting and enacting amendments at this level will be required for us to do something meaningful against this oppressive system and its unsustainable, inefficient amalgamation with slavery markets as a resource system.
Reparations for those harmed by these systems as well as systemic decolonization strategies will be commonly needed. We need documentaries like this and similar subject media to help the public understand the necessary steps to abolish prisons and repurposing the military that serve them away from the rich’s interest and focus on the people. Since all defending this slavery system are implicit. 13th by Ava DuVernay is available now on YouTube for free via NetFlix along with other educational documentaries
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whenweallvote · 28 days
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“Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.”
Today in 1972, the U.S. Senate passed the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), sending the legislation to the states for ratification. For an amendment to officially become part of the U.S. Constitution, at least three-fourths of the states must vote to adopt it. 
In January 2020, Virginia became the 38th state to ratify the ERA — and members of the Congressional Caucus for the ERA are still working to officially recognize and publish it as the 28th Amendment.
🎨: Refinery29
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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On December 6, 2001, an amendment was made to the Constitution of Canada to change the province’s official name to Newfoundland and Labrador.
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govtshutdown · 28 days
Senator Lee's Amendment to the House message of concurrence to the Senate Amendment to H.R. 2882
Senator Lee (R-UT) is trying to block an app used to schedule immigration court appointments. Vote now underway.
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nothoward · 2 years
Why, what's changed? Those who embrace and nurture their need for firearms are probably blaming people like me... guilty as charged. I have long held that people with guns kill people. Cockamamie, I know.
If the god-given right to feel better about yourself through ownership of firearms is so important to you, what's changed?
The slaughter of innocence will continue unabated. Because not only has my opinion on the subject remained the same for as long as I can remember, I foresee no change. No wiggle room. And I foresee no change in you.
To varying degrees, we are all collateral damage resulting from this debate. Guns kill people. The republic style of government represents our consensus. We as a nation, need to kill people. No exceptions. This is our decision. We need guns. Guns kill people. People will be killed. We the people retain such rights and responsibility. We kill people.
As much as we suffer degrees of consequences, we retain responsibility resulting.
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rwby-redux · 1 year
Aura: Semblances
a·po·thym·e·tics /ˌæpəθɪˈmɛtɪcs/ n. the study of Semblances. [Ancient Greek ἀπο (apó), apo-, derived from, + θῡμός (thūmós), -thym-, soul, + ικός (ikós), -ics, pertaining to]
If Aura is the physical manifestation of a person’s soul, then a Semblance is the form that manifestation takes. Apothymetics, the study of Semblances, is a subdiscipline of pneumatophysics (the study of Aura). Broadly speaking, a Semblance is a skill or ability that enhances or transcends a person’s biological limits. These abilities draw upon a person’s Aura reservoir as their source of power, and over time, that reservoir is gradually depleted through usage. Scientists and historians alike attribute the advent of Semblances, along with the discovery of Dust, as the catalyst that turned the tide in the abiding conflict against the Grimm, and brought humanity back from the brink of extinction. Semblances are widely regarded by researchers as pneumatophysical adaptations—evolutionary responses of the soul as a result of Grimm predation. The staggering variety of Semblances supports this claim, as the diversity of Grimm would have created the necessary selection pressures to trigger a similar apothymetic diversity in humans and Faunus.
Despite numerous scientific advances made in the last few decades, even some of the most fundamental questions about Semblances remain unanswered. Pneumatophysics, along with rhizology (the study of Dust) and archotherology (the study of Grimm), belong to a group of sciences historically known as the Profaned Arts. As recently as three centuries ago, academic inquiries into any of the aforementioned topics were considered stigmatized at best, heretical or blasphemous at worst. All three subjects directly or indirectly pertain to the soul, and thus formed a recurring pancultural trinity throughout Remnant’s past. Pervasive superstition and religious influence often stymied scientific progress, and in some cases this crusade took on more extreme forms, such as destroying physical research, or executing the people that conducted it. While a decreased religiosity led to paradigm shifts in modern culture, the influences of past stigma can still be felt across the four kingdoms where soul research is concerned. In particular, the Kingdom of Atlas, the world’s foremost leader in pneumatophysics, still receives criticism from those who feel that its work sacrifices ethical constraints in favor of “mutilating” the soul.
Estimates on just how many people have discovered their Semblance are notoriously vague. Census data compiled over the last century (starting ca. 2 AB) suggest numbers from as few as 0.25% to 4% (875,000—14,000,000) of the global population, though pneumatophysicists point out that this figure could be substantially lower. Predicting which demographics are most likely to have Semblances is an imprecise measure at best; that being said, Huntsmen, and people living in extraregnal settlements, tend to disproportionately have higher-than-average Semblance discovery rates.
Activation Criteria and Auratic Plasticity
The only prerequisite for discovering one’s Semblance is to have an unlocked Aura. Very seldomly, a person may simultaneously unlock both their Aura and their Semblance, under extreme conditions.
The pathway to unlocking one’s Semblance, while outwardly unpredictable, does seem to be determined by certain factors. Intensive, routine physical activity tends to be the most reliable way to trigger Semblance discovery, although intense emotions have been suggested as another. The type of Semblance a person has, and the circumstances under which it’s gained, are dictated by a mechanism called Auratic plasticity. Auratic plasticity is the ability of the soul to generate a Semblance based on either an individual’s personality (innate), a scenario-specific survival method (adaptive), or a “genetic” trait that’s repeatedly selected for due to its “inherent fitness” (inherited). These three categories are determined by a variable called hierarchical prioritization—the soul’s ability to decide which Semblance-trigger gets precedence.
It’s agreed by the scientific community that there’s an order to Semblance-triggers: inherited > innate > adaptive.
If, for example, a person hailed from a lineage of summoning Semblances, then that person would acquire summoning by default. When a person doesn’t come from a family of inherited Semblances, then they would receive an innate Semblance that aligns with their nature. The last type of Semblance-trigger, adaptive, only occurs when a person is confronted with a life-or-death scenario, and the soul “overrides” the default order to generate a reactionary Semblance tailored to their immediate survival. In the case of an adaptive trigger, a person from a line of summoners could gain an unrelated Semblance, and break the chain.
The discoverer of these mechanisms, Ilere Koya-Hark, famously tested their theory when they went out into a thunderstorm, and induced an electrokinetic Semblance. This experiment laid the groundwork for what would become the field of dilonometry.
It should be noted that any Semblance can be innate, adaptive, or hereditary. There’s no distinction between a hydrokinetic Semblance inherited over generations, or a hydrokinetic Semblance that emerged in response to a near-drowning.
While adaptive and hereditary Semblances are easy enough to understand, innate Semblances are a little trickier. Researchers agree that innate Semblances in some way relate to one’s personality, but it’s debated to what extent—whether a Semblance pertains to a singular, immutable trait, or to one’s overall disposition. And even then, it’s hard to define what, exactly, an innate Semblance says about its user. Does a speed Semblance always mean that a person is hasty? Can it be interpreted as someone who’s limitlessly altruistic, and rushes to others’ aid? Or perhaps it signifies a person that’s energetic and enthusiastic. If innate Semblances can represent multiple traits, then two people with the same Semblance might have drastically different, overall personalities, further muddying the debate.
For now, the consensus is that an innate Semblance is in some way a reflection of one’s soul. Anything more specific than that typically devolves into arguments and fistfights.
It’s been disputed just how many Semblances there actually are, and how best to go about divvying them up into neat, consistent headings. At multiple points throughout history, the very idea that Semblances could even be organized into categories was debated, under the belief that “no two Semblances are alike.” This mindset stemmed from a philosophical approach rather than a scientific one, rooted in the idea that souls were so unique as to not be identical, and therefore neither could their Semblances.
Of course, with the benefit of hindsight, that’s not actually the case.
The system currently used for classifying Semblances was devised by Cerise Maida, the archivist of Fort Nubuck, roughly seven decades ago. There are 14 recognized categories each defined by unifying criteria, such as how their powers are expressed, or how they affect the world around them. While far from a perfect system (and not without its criticisms), it’s helped streamline the process for identifying Semblances. More importantly, it allowed apothymeticists to not only clarify what Semblances can do, but what they can’t do.
Absorption Defined as the ability to store physical damage as a form of potential energy, and later release it in a single burst. As the user’s Aura shielding sustains damage, the depletion of their reservoir is “converted” into a latent power that increases over time. This buildup is proportionate to the damage that the user receives. When released, the gathered energy is channeled into a motion—such as a kick or a punch—that drastically amplifies the impact behind the next attack. With enough buildup, a skilled practitioner can deplete an opponent’s Aura in a single hit.
Alteration Defined as the ability to temporarily alter certain qualities of matter, such as temperature, color, tangibility, volume, and opacity. The effects of alteration Semblances can either be self-imposed or directed upon another person or object, once the user initiates contact.
Cloaking Defined as the ability to conceal oneself from the Grimm. There are two varieties of this Semblance: Aura-cloaking and emotion-cloaking. Each has the ability to interfere with a Grimm’s two primary senses (pneumatoception and algeaception), by masking either a person’s Aura signature or their emotional state. Although highly effective against lower-ranking Grimm, the success rate tends to decrease against more dangerous species. Ideally, the Grimm becomes “blind” to the user and cannot distinguish them from ambient sensory data. Under less ideal conditions, a Grimm becomes alerted to the user’s presence but can’t pinpoint their exact location.
Elemental or Kinetic Defined as the ability to generate or manipulate certain expressions of matter/forces. This category contains a diverse range of elemental powers, with common examples including pyrokinesis (fire), hydrokinesis (water), gyrokinesis (gravity), ferrokinesis (metal), electrokinesis (electricity), terrakinesis (earth), and aerokinesis (wind).
Enhancement Defined as the ability to exaggerate or heighten certain physical attributes to an otherwise superhuman level, such as speed, strength, or endurance.
Illusory Defined as the ability to create visual illusions. This power calls false images into existence and projects them into the user’s surroundings. Although these illusions are of a high fidelity, they’re intangible, and lack the mass necessary to be interacted with. With training, the user can increase the complexity or scope of their illusion, and even selectively choose who can or can’t perceive it.
Interference or Modification Defined as the ability to influence another person’s Aura. There are several recognized varieties of this Semblance-type—amplification, bypass, transfer, and suppression—that each directly modifies the target’s Aura when the user touches them. Amplification Semblances allow the user to donate Aura to a recipient from their own reservoir. Bypass Semblances enable the user to disable their target’s Aura shielding. Transfer Semblances allow the user to redistribute Aura between multiple people, by acting as a conduit. Suppression Semblances nullify the target’s Semblance for a brief window of time.
Manifestation Defined as the ability to physically manifest a person’s Aura as extensions of multiple body parts. When activated, the user envelops their limb in an Aura “sheath” that then assumes the function of that body part. From there, the Aura sheath can be manipulated to perform various functions. Examples include forming long, whip-like tendrils that extend from the shoulders, or sharp spines on the soles of one’s feet for traction or increased stability.
Metaphysical Defined as the ability to interfere with the mind. Statistically the rarest Semblances, this heading is often regarded by apothymeticists as a “wastebasket” because of how dissimilar many of the Semblances in this category are from one another. Each interacts with a foreign psyche in some way, be it remote communication (telepathy), temporary episodic wiping (memory repression), or polygraphic intuition (lie detection).
Mimetic Defined as the ability to perfectly mimic body movements and speech patterns observed in others. This Semblance-type is unique in that it doesn’t require the user to have any prior experience in the actions they’re attempting to replicate. A person with no gymnastic training, for example, can still accurately mimic the backflips they once watched someone else perform. This temporary skill acquisition can let the user do things as mundane as copy another person’s handwriting, or imitate an unfamiliar accent.
Probability Defined as the ability to manipulate variables within one’s immediate surroundings to create cause-and-effect changes that either directly benefit the user, or disadvantage others. Also informally known as “luck” Semblances, these are by far the hardest to study in any capacity, given the sometimes-random nature of their effects.
Replication Defined as the ability to create copies, or “shades,” of oneself. Considered one of the more demanding Semblances to master due to its higher Aura requirements, but it’s undeniably powerful to have. The user sacrifices a chunk of their Aura and imparts it upon a copy of themself. Although the copy doesn’t have the ability to use Aura, it does have some considerable bulk and can withstand a specific amount of damage before being destroyed. Copies retain physical mass and are visually identical to their user, making them useful for ganging up on opponents, or deceiving them. Skilled replication users can create an upward number of nine copies; anything beyond that has never been recorded.
Summoning Defined as the ability to conjure apparitions, or thralls, of Grimm that have been defeated before. These spectral creatures share a link with their summoner, and will act in accordance with the user’s will. The user’s proficiency dictates both how many thralls they can summon at once, and what species they’re able to conjure.
Teleportation Defined as the ability to transport a person between locations at will. In order for this Semblance to work, it requires the user to have physically visited the destination at least once before.
Alteration, elemental, replication, and enhancement Semblances are the most commonly-occurring. By contrast, illusory, interference, probability, and metaphysical make up an extremely small percentage of unlocked Semblances.
Active versus Passive Semblances
It’s a generally-accepted fact that Semblances require conscious choice on the part of the user. That being said, there are cases where a person doesn’t always get a say.
The term passive refers to any Semblance that is involuntarily engaged, and runs in the background at a much lesser intensity. Studying them has been notoriously difficult to do, in part due to their rarity and the stigma associated with them. While technically any Semblance can be passive, in theory, certain categories disproportionately represent that number (namely elemental, cloaking, alteration, and probability).
It’s not well understood what causes a Semblance to be passive as opposed to active. One tentative study found a potential correlation, where age and environment were considered factors. A number of study participants who had passive Semblances either unlocked theirs when they were younger (< 9 years old), or as they grew up in unstable home environments. Given the lack of childhood autonomy, it’s been suggested that passive Semblances are formed during adolescence as a coping response to stress.
Just like an active Semblance, a passive Semblance requires Aura in order to function. In exchange for being constantly running, passive Semblances deplete Aura at a significantly decreased rate, and their effects are disproportionately “lesser” than those of active Semblances. With training, a person with a passive Semblance can learn to “direct” it and momentarily bolster its effects.
The impact of a passive Semblance on a person’s quality of life can range from mildly inconvenient to outright debilitating. Some individuals manage by tailoring their daily lives to accommodate their Semblances, whereas others resort to cataspin to keep their Auras (and thus, their Semblances) in a permanently-suppressed state. Doctors typically advise against the latter due to potential negative side effects.
For those reasons, passive Semblances are generally considered a disability.
While Semblances can push the boundaries of natural laws, they too are beholden to limitations. Known as Maida’s Four Laws, these limits were described shortly after the establishment of the Semblance category system.
They are defined as such:
A Semblance is restricted to one per person.
A Semblance cannot be used without Aura. If a user’s Aura is inactive, depleted, or suppressed, then the Semblance will fail to work.
A Semblance, once manifested into its current power, cannot change.
A Semblance cannot transfigure a user’s form, or convert matter into a new substance.
Needless to say, these laws have been indispensable to pneumatophysicists in debunking previously-accepted historical accounts. Claims of people transmuting objects into gold were attributed to alteration Semblances, that temporarily made objects gold-colored. Other claims of Semblances turning people into animals were dismissed as folklore.
Similarly, the myth of those with multiple elemental Semblances are now seen as exactly that—a myth.
Regulation and Legal Oversight
Compared to post-war legislation, older laws were far more restrictive.
One such example included the impositions of the Mistrali Empire, which expressly forbade private citizens from unlocking their Aura. Anyone found to have done so—whether accidentally or intentionally—was either forced to enlist (as a guard, ranger, or soldier); was required to pay a monthly tax; or had to take medicine made from Aura-suppressing bellicyclate-rich plants, prescribed by a state-authorized physician.
These measures were meant to serve as deterrents, and discourage anyone from activating their Aura (and by extension, their Semblance). The explanation given under imperial law was to preempt Grimm aggression and encroachment, by reducing the amount of stimuli that their pneumatoception could perceive. It’s been proven that Grimm do, in fact, prioritize targets with unlocked Auras over targets with dormant ones, and that Aura signatures more strongly attract them.
However, historians now accept that the then-given reason was a guise. The Mistrali Empire likely implemented these measures to prevent secessionists from gaining a means to fight back. While anti-Aura and anti-Semblance restrictions weren’t unheard of in other polities, Mistral’s were undisputedly the most authoritarian.
International law passed during the Vytal Summit guarantees considerably more freedoms, regarding one’s Aura. The ability to pursue Semblance-acquisition is considered an inalienable right, and no person may be penalized for doing so. Likewise, Semblance disclosure is considered voluntary (and in many places, is reinforced by cultural taboo). The only demographics legally required to do so are academy students and licensed alumni, who must register their Semblance with their alma mater. Individuals employed in a military or law enforcement role are held to the same standard.
The only time when private citizens are required to disclose the existence of their Semblance is when they’re arrested for criminal charges.
In Non-Humanoid Species
Although all animals have the ability to unlock their Aura, only two species (humans and Faunus) have been observed using Semblances. Researchers in the field of pneumatozoology have suggested that it’s theoretically possible, although it’s not currently known what criteria—if any—is needed to achieve this.
Reception to the idea of animals with Semblances is mixed. Some groups, like Huntsmen, favor the possibility of using a familiar with increased combat aptitude. It’s this same combat aptitude which also garners detractors, who fear that an animal with a Semblance could become a nuisance or a hazard.
For better or worse, apothymetic laws have yet to preclude the possibility.
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worldwatcher3072 · 8 months
"Constitution Matters"
The Eighth Amendment's Role in Upholding Justice and the Warning Against its Erosion"
Welcome once again to "Constitution Matters," where we delve into the core principles of the United States Constitution and the significance of its amendments. In this segment, we continue our exploration of the Eighth Amendment, a cornerstone of justice and human rights, while also considering the warning it carries against potential erosion.
The Eighth Amendment: A Pillar of Justice and Humanity
The Eighth Amendment, found within the Bill of Rights, stands as a testament to our commitment to justice and human dignity. It reads:
"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."
This amendment, concise yet profound, plays a pivotal role in shaping a just and humane society. Here's a recap of its critical importance:
1. Protection Against Cruel and Unusual Punishment:
Central to the Eighth Amendment is its prohibition of "cruel and unusual punishments." It serves as a moral compass, preventing the abuse of power and ensuring that our criminal justice system respects the inherent dignity of every individual, even those who have committed crimes.
2. Curbing Excessive Bail and Fines:
The amendment also addresses the issue of excessive bail and fines, ensuring that financial penalties remain proportionate to the alleged offense and that bail is not used as a tool for punishment rather than securing a defendant's appearance in court.
3. Adapting to Evolving Standards of Decency:
The language of the Eighth Amendment adapts to changing societal standards of decency. It reminds us that what was once considered acceptable punishment may no longer align with our contemporary values of compassion, fairness, and respect for human rights.
4. Upholding Human Rights:
Beyond its legal implications, the Eighth Amendment underscores our commitment to upholding fundamental human rights. It sends a resounding message that, even in the face of criminal actions, we stand firm in our values of compassion, fairness, and respect for the dignity of each person.
5. Challenging Injustice:
The Eighth Amendment empowers individuals to challenge harsh or degrading treatment within the criminal justice system. It provides a legal pathway to address punishments that cross the boundary into cruelty, holding authorities accountable for their actions.
6. Encouraging Rehabilitation:
By discouraging excessive punishment and cruelty, the Eighth Amendment encourages a focus on rehabilitation within the criminal justice system. It acknowledges that our goal should be to help individuals reintegrate into society as responsible, law-abiding citizens.
A Warning Against Erosion:
While the Eighth Amendment stands as a beacon of justice, its interpretation and application have been a subject of ongoing debate and legal scrutiny. Perhaps even more concerning is the growing call by some to amend or weaken its protections.
Such attempts to "amend" the Constitution to eliminate or dilute these essential protections should serve as a clear warning. These actions run the risk of undermining the rule of law, eroding the principles of justice and human rights that our nation was built upon, and compromising the very essence of our Constitution.
In conclusion, the Eighth Amendment is not only a pillar of justice but also a reminder of our commitment to upholding human dignity and the rule of law. It carries an unequivocal warning against any attempts to weaken its protections, urging us to defend these fundamental principles that form the bedrock of our society.
As we continue our exploration of "Constitution Matters," let us remain steadfast in our dedication to justice, human rights, and the preservation of our constitutional safeguards.
Join us in our next installment as we delve further into the enduring significance of our Constitution.
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Puberty Pardon - Time Off for Transfolx for Surgery and 2nd Puberty
It has come to my attention that I have not been utilizing all of my reach on social media platforms. I will now be doing daily shares here as well.
I am a trans man. I am twenty eight years old. I began HRT (testosterone injections) on January 27th of 2022 at the age of twenty seven.
HRT is not an overnight fix. It is a life long commitment. It isn't something you do for a couple of days, months, or years and just stop. Unless, you find you've reached a point in your life in which you are comfortable with doing that. Typically, you do not just stop doing HRT.
Changes take time. Just like first puberty. You will not wake up the day after your first dose with the voice, face shape, fat redistribution, etc that you have always wanted.
Puberty is different for everyone. Just like first puberty.
You may see those changes quicker than others. You may not.
For example:
1/28/22 -- I experienced a spike in my previously near dead libido. I used to only be able to get off if the conditions were right and I hardly ever had the urge, but that all changed on this day. The day after my first dose. I suddenly had THE URGE. It was unnerving and unsettling and all kinds of weird, but also, nice in a way.
But that's not always how it goes.
Some people may not even experience a spike at all in their libido. It doesn't mean that it isn't working or you're broken. Some people just don't have much of one to begin with. That's alright. We support our ace bretheren in this household just as much as we support everyone else.
As glorious as those effects may be that you're so excited to get and have, there is a less glorious side to it all. Like with pregnancy. It doesn't mean it isn't worth it. It just means there's ugly parts that people don't like talking about.
I experienced night terrors as well as hypersomnia and insomnia. All at the same time. I was working. I couldn't function well. My concentration dipped out, my numbers dropped, my manager and trainer had damn near weekly talks with me about what they could do to help.
They didn't understand that it wasn't about work. It was about sleep and the quality of it.
If I was able to sleep at night, it was interrupted horribly by night terrors or nightmares. If I slept during the day, it was the same interrupted sleep that left me feeling angry at the world when I woke up.
I was a zombie. A horribly moody zombie with a cracking voice who couldn't do anything to help himself aside from taking time off of work to try to catch up on elusive sleep.
I tried taking melatonin, sleep aides over the counter, lunesta, and some other prescribed drugs. Nothing helped.
I just had to ride out the phases.
Jobs don't understand that. Employers don't get it. They never will. I worked for a unionized EOE. I told them on 1/30/2022 that I had begun my medical transition. They didn't understand in February or March.
I needed time. Grace. To get through the first stages of puberty again.
Everyone forgets what it's like to go through puberty. It was so long ago for everyone. They forget that teenagers have a right to be so gripey and moody. Teenagers need more sleep, but schools don't accommodate that and they should. People going through puberty need more sleep.
No one accommodates that as they should.
This is what Puberty Pardon is for.
Puberty Pardon is there to allow you the time you need to adjust during puberty. Through the night terrors, nightmares, hypersomnia, insomnia, migraines, etc. You should be allowed time off just like a pregnant person who is experiencing changes due to hormones. They get covered under The Family Medical Leave Act, why not us?
Not only that, but trans folx should be able to feel secure in their jobs if they choose to have a surgery done. Yes, we should also build up time for the surgery and recovery times, but we should also have some grace the same as pregnant people do with their time off.
That's what Puberty Pardon is about. Please sign, share, and support so that we can get this petition off the ground and start getting the attention of those who we need to send this off to.
Thank you for your support.
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don-lichterman · 2 years
California Governor Proposes Amendment to Protect Abortion Rights - Tweet | U.S. News®
California Governor Proposes Amendment to Protect Abortion Rights – Tweet | U.S. News®
(Reuters) – California governor Gavin Newsom said on Monday that the state will propose an amendment to ‘enshrine the right to choose’ in the state’s constitution, after Politico reported a leaked draft suggesting that the U.S. Supreme Court is set to overturn abortion rights in the country. “We can’t trust SCOTUS to protect the right to abortion, so we’ll do it ourselves,” Newsom said in a…
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projectthauma · 8 days
this is a post to let nyaaroncito know his g'raha app has been updated. happy crystal hatchday boy.
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dixiedrudge · 1 month
The Original Meaning of the 14th Amendment
Help Dixie Defeat Big-Tech Censorship! Spread the Word! Like, Share, Re-Post, and Subscribe! There’s a lot more to see at our main page, Dixie Drudge! From the Abbeville Institute: On Friday, March 15, the Abbeville Institute hosted a webinar on the legal scholar Raoul Berger and the original meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment. Brion McClanahan hosted legal scholars Allen Mendenhall, William…
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yoggybloggy · 3 months
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govtshutdown · 28 days
Senator Budd's amendment fails
Motion fails 47-51. Now finally moving to final passage. I'm going to bed and will post the roll call in the morning.
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seemabhatnagar · 3 months
"Empowering Women: Progressive Amendments to CCS Pension Rules 2021 for Enhanced Family Security"
A. Protecting the Financial Interests of Children:
The amendment may prioritize the financial well-being of children in cases of marital discord leading to divorce proceedings or legal cases under acts like the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, Dowry Prohibition Act, or the Indian Penal Code. This ensures that the children continue to receive family pension support even if there are legal disputes between the parents in precedence to the spouse.
B. Gender Equality and Empowerment:
The amendment may be seen as a step towards gender equality by allowing female government servants or pensioners the autonomy to decide the beneficiary of the family pension, particularly in situations involving marital disputes.
C. Autonomy for Female Government Servants/Pensioners:
The amendment empowers female government servants or pensioners by allowing them to nominate their eligible child/children for family pension after their demise, instead of the spouse. This provides autonomy in deciding the beneficiary based on family circumstances.
D. Vulnerability of the Women:
Recognizing the potential vulnerability of women in situations like divorce or domestic violence, the amendment may provide a mechanism for them to secure financial support for their children without being dependent on the husband.
E. Alignment with Gender Equality Policies:
The change aligns with the broader policies of gender equality, echoing initiatives like Permanent Commission to Women in the Armed Forces and the Women’s Reservation Amendment in Parliament.
F. Streamlined Process for Family Pension Distribution:
The female government servant or pensioner can make a written request to the Head of Office, specifying the preference for family pension distribution. This process provides clarity and a formalized mechanism for the nomination.
G. Consideration for Various Family Scenarios:
The notification outlines scenarios where a widower, children, or both may be eligible for family pension, taking into account the age and status of the children. It ensures that family pension is disbursed according to the family composition and circumstances.
H. Continued Support for Children:
The amendment ensures that even if the female government servant or pensioner passes away during divorce proceedings or legal cases, family pension will be disbursed according to the nomination made.
I. Additional Reforms in Women-Centric Policies:
Other reforms, including eligibility for family pension for a divorced daughter, expedited family pension for families of missing employees covered under NPS, and enhanced rates of family pension in specific cases.
J. Promoting Work-Life Balance for Women:
The Minister highlights efforts to increase the representation of women in Central Government jobs and introduces amendments related to Child Care Leave, Leave Travel Concession, Special Allowance, Special Leave provision for sexual harassment cases, and Special Maternity Leave.
Seema Bhatnagar
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