#amishi speaks
skippysartq · 2 months
HQ 2nd gen Story WIP Previews
*Kiyoruu Tanaka - My cousin Amishi*
CW// sl*t shaming and transphobic misgendering
Soon they had start to get close and Tsukishima had become comfortable enough to start walking home from practice together.
One day after practice, some of the team went to coaches family corner shop.
Tanaka and Kiboken had sat outside with the twins waiting for, Tsukishima and Nishinoya to follow out the door.
There were these two girls from a middle school near by, were going to walking in at the same time, but stopped Kadashi in the door.
They all seemed shocked to have seen each other, by mutual the girls faces turn smug, the green hair teen frowned at them as they two began to speak, and "Oh Tsukishima, what are you doing still trying to dress like a boy?" One of them with a bow tied in her ponytail spoke loudly on purpose, like she want people to hear her words clearly.
A panicked look on Tsukishima Kadashi's face, as the three faced each other, he let go of the door letting it close, and he tried to move away from them but the two girls smirk evilly, following and blocking his way.
"Oh you hanging out with so many boys too wow who knew you'd turn out to be such a slut Tsukishima Amishi." The two laughing.
His face red and furious," That is not my name." He yelled through clenched teeth, so much that he could have shattered his teeth. The two girls only kept calling and teasing "Amishi, whose your boyfriend, or did she screw all of you boys already." The other with long wavy hair laughing and pointing.
Kiyoryuu could see the tears shinning in his eyes. "Just leave me alone." He tried to go again, they only stalked closer again until, a quick flash of black and Kento stood in front of the two girls.
"You better leave him alone, Hags!" He yelling in their faces, annoyed and offended by the twins word, the two left not before calling out some more passing comments and misgendering.
Kiyoryuu had been so confused when he heard THAT name being called to Kadashi's face.
Some of the team asks questions about it, but he doesn't answer them.
*Shun Kageyama - Shun meets Kazuya Kageyama*
Shun ended up starring so intensely, that he hadn't noticed Tobio coming down the hall too.
"What your starring at?" Tobio says turning his eyes to the picture of the man on the wall. "Dad, who is that?" Shun asked out loud pointing at the frame, after a moment of quiet.
Tobio smiled a little to himself. His son was starring at Kazuyo, Tobio's Grandpa.
"That's your Great Grandfather, Kazuyo Kageyama." Tobio tells him crossing his arms over his chest proudly. This was the first time either of the twins had even noticed there great grandpa.
"Oh, where is he? Do he and Grandma Yui break up? I don't think we'd met him yet."
It sadden Tobio for a moment, as he thought that the two boys and even Shōyō himself, would never get to meet Kazuyo, Tobio's hero for volleyball. "No nothing like that. But, well there is no way you could meet him anyways, he died when I was a kid." Tobio told his son solely.
"Oh. I'm sorry dad." Tobio frowns, it's been so many years but a part of him still felt sad. "It's alright Shun, it's was so long ago now." Shun just hums and nods.
"So did he go to Karasuno too?" Shun asked glancing over at the taller man.
"No actually, Great Grandpa Kazuyo went to Shiratorizawa, that's why I applied for that High school. Karasuno was my 2nd pick."
"Was he good a volleyball too?" The lil orange haired twin asked looking up as Tobio looks down. "Of course he was good at Volleyball!" Tobio frowns but it wasn't for long as he saw the spark of wonder and admiration for the man who inspired himself too as a kid.
"Wow, cool." Shun says seemingly becoming absent minded. As the gears in his turning. "What are you thinking about?" Tobio asks his son.
'He looks just like Sho back in Highschool. He was so cute!'
"Huh? Oh nothing" Shun shakes his head a continued his way to he bathroom.
"Oh, well Grandma and Mum, nearly got dinner really so wash up and tell your brother too."
"Yep." He leaves with a thumbs up disappearing around the corner.
*Daia Sugawara - Family*
"Hey Daia," the silver haired girl turns to see her 1st year teammates standing with some balls and the ball cart packed up.
The twins and Kadashi scooched past as they all place the equipment in their rightful places in the equipment storage of the gym.
"Why do you call everyone your brothers and sisters." One of them asks, she smiled, continued what she was doing with the clipboard in hand, writing a few things down before answering.
"Because I don't have my own siblings, I'm an only child. I really wanted a little sister, when I was in kindergarten, but my parents couldn't have more kids, so I stopped asking." She said with a smiled with an underling sadness to her tone and eyes, as they looked anywhere nut at them directly.
"And well everyone of you I meet, I feel like we are family on this team." She had continued, well turning back to the clip board. A list if thing to do this next club meeting.
"Aw that so sweet Sugawara." Kadashi grins at her, "Yeah that is nice to know I have a sister out of you, beats been stuck with him for family." Shun states, smacking his brothers back, knocking the ravenette from his trance, confused why the other hit him, Kento punches him right back.
"Hey I thought I told you to call me your big sis Daia, Mister." She laughs throwing an arm around the taller teens neck, bringing him down to her level and ruffling his neat hair, he was startled by the sudden physical contact, gasping worried "No," He says sternly.
While the twins beside them kept hitting each other, a voice from the doors of the gym were heard and the girl looks up. "Hey Daia, you done practice already?" The mysterious voice got closer to the 4 of them. "Oh hey!" Daia's voice bubbly and sweet to the stranger, letting Kadashi go, he grumbles trying to fix his hair. Then she turns to the two boys still throwing hands at each other.
"Oi, stop it now." Suddenly her sweetness turnt sour, her face scary, the two immediately backing off gulping.
"So who is the tall guy, with the long white hair and black tips?" One of the twins asked, curious about the stranger that looked kinda masculine, black slacks rolled up to his knees.
But then again the slacks pulled up to his stomach and lime green mid drift tee, in the corner of tee, the kanji for Miya, in a circle, clung to his curves to be feminine. Topped off with a cute straw hat, a red ribbon tied around it.
"I'm not just a guy." He laughs waving his hand dismissively, they all looked surprised once he spoke. "Woah the accent." The freckled teen mumbled to himself.
"Okay then what are? Transgender?" Shun questions, one brow raised, this seemed to peak the green haired teens interest, now paying attention to the conversation with light in his eyes.
"Uh yeah, I'm non-binary, which means I use They/them pronouns for when you refer to me in like a conversation with others." They say to the group.
"Guys this is my friend Kita Oda-Joben." Daia finally introduces them, now able to put a name to face, the three nod.
"And your future cousin." Oda-Joben winks nudging Daia with their elbow in a teasing manner, making her blush trying to brush them off.
"What's they talkin' bout Daia?" Kento questions with sass, crossing his arms and his hip popped out to the side.
"Oh, Daia has this crus-" their words muffled as a screaming Daia slapped both hand over their mouth. Nervously she tried to explain to them, "Uh it's nothing you need to know right now honestly, not important right this second." the silver haired teen smiles awkwardly turning away from the other, padding one side of her hair down.
Slapping her hand away, Oda takes a deep breath. "Damn you trying to kill me Daia, Masa would not like to hear that." They pout.
"NO NO NO NO DON'T TELL HER THAT PLEASE ODA!" getting all flustered by the situation Daia falls to the ground, looking dead.
"I'm Kidding, you really are weak when it comes it lol." They laugh, shaking their head at her. "Well I better get back to making my delivery rounds to some of the other restaurants in the area."
"Wait you live here?"
"Oh no, I live in the next Prefecture over, Fukushima, my Pa has a Onigiri chain near here and it uses the rice from our family farm in Hoyogo Prefecture where I am from."
"Oh cool what the chain called?" Kadashi asked politely, finally joining in on the conversation. Kento looking at the freckled teen from the side, seeing how excited to hear from the Person in front of them all, seeing the sparkling in his eyes starring intently at the other.
"Onigiri Miya, it was my Pa's last name before taking my ma's of Kita."
Daia had a view from the ground. It was a juicy drama filled view, as she watched the black haired teen starring between Oda and Kadashi talking between themselves.
"Oh just like Uncles Atsumu and Kiyoomi." A dark glint of rage and jealously gleamed in the blueberry eyes, Kento turns to his brother, voice coming out more growled then expected to the whole group, Kadashi glanced over with an eyebrow raised, Kento looked down as they continued. Shun looked like he was going to say something but ignored it.
*Kadashi Tsukishima - Drowning*
about a time when Kadashi was younger and nearly drowned in a pool when his parents weren't looking.
Tsukishima panicked remembering back to Yamas S (referencing my 'Goman'nasai Tadashi' fic a tsukkiyama tragedy)
And CPRs him back crying, Tadashi could see the panic in his eyes and the fear that lingered there.
As his pumped 30 times to her chest, holding his ear to her mouth with the view of her chest.
Nothing so he plug the child's nose giving mouth to mouth, the tears well in his eyes as the memories of his past life had come rushing back into his head. "Amishi, please, stay with us."
It was all he could think about in the moment. I couldn't save you then so I can't loose our child together. 'Was this what he was feeling back on the beach that day... trying to reach to me.'
"Amishi Please! I promised. I promised to protect you! Don't leave me again." The man began to sob as he kept pumping onto her chest.
It must be the hardest thing to see what happened to the love of your live, to then happen to your child of said love.
After once more, and never giving up, hope had shone down on the scared parents.
The little freakle faced girl coughed, water spluttering up out from her mouth, acting fast Kei moved her on to her side the water all rushed out her mouth. Once all out the blond man pulled her into his chest, holding her tightly,
"Amishi! I got you baby, my baby girl, I'll never let you go again!" Kei began to weep squeezing his child in a protective hug.
"Oh gods. Amishi, Tadashi, I love you, I will always love you, please don't leave me ever again please." Tears flooding his cheeks, of sadness and joyful relief.
I might do more of these WIP pres for other fics too. We'll see. cuz I like Do need something to post here.
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thoi2020 · 4 years
okay i love love love folklore and taylor and her music so much. but it’s not always amazing to be a swiftie. others have talked about this and i want to say what’s on my mind too, i believe it’s relevant and it would do this fandom good.
it’s rather disturbing to come to the realisation that taylor’s target demographic is people like her: american, rich, and white girls. they’re the ones who can afford to buy her music and merch and go to her concerts regularly. they’re the ones least likely to criticise her for anything problematic she does. they’re the ones who can see themselves in her the most. because of all these reasons, they’re the ones that might be called her most ‘loyal’ fans— because they don’t have to face any problems that the rest of us face.
i became a fan in lover era, and the swiftie fandom is very welcoming, but as a middle class and international fan, sometimes, it’s hard not to feel excluded. when we can’t access digital downloads because they only work in USA. when we convert from USD to our currency and realise how expensive the american dollar is for us. when shipping is made free for $50 and above, but only domestically, and the international shipping price is almost as much as the actual product.
when you actually can afford to go to her concert, but cannot afford the travel and stay because 75% of the locations are in the US. when only the american leg of loverfest was addressed properly and international fans with tour tickets were left begging for information they needed to and deserved to know. when we’re less likely to be invited to secret sessions, and if we are, it’s harder for us to make it, because they only happen in two countries. when merch is expensive, and yet your love for taylor is seen as proportional to how much merch you own.
when you can't help being haunted by thoughts and fears that she doesn't care about you, at least not as much as she cares about them. no one is perfect, not even taylor, and while it's great to see her learn from her past mistakes, it is a luxury to be able to ignore her past and present problematic actions. a luxury that a majority of her fanbase cannot afford. we cannot afford to love her blindly. we have to acknowledge her flaws, if for our own sake and sanity.
i really hope rich fans understand how lucky they are to have so much money to spend and splurge. i hope american fans understand how lucky they are to be on the top of taylornation's priority list. i hope white fans understand how privileged they are to be able to enjoy taylor's music without being hurt by her actions (or lack thereof) as another privileged white person. i hope they realise how easy it is for them to be a swiftie.
i find it really funny how some swifties who are the quickest to praise taylor for her 'wokeness' and applaud her for simple acts, are the same ones who crap on other swifties for criticising her. the criticism is what tells her to review her mistakes and learn from them, to a large extent. honestly, if you see taylor as a perfect goddess, you need to step back and take a good look at your relationship with her as a fan because it's not healthy.
like all other relationships, a taylor/swiftie relationship is a two-way street. international fans do as much as we can to support taylor, despite difficulties. but it's starting to feel unrequited. she cares for us, yes (i hope so), but only passively. she does not go out of her way for us, as she does for her american fans. it's very disappointing to put in as much effort as everyone else and yet not reap the same amount of love and care as them. and it's even worse when international fans, fans of colour and lgbtq+ fans express their disapproval of taylor for a valid reason, and the 'loyal' swifties try to shut us down and tell us that we're not real fans and that we don't love her, all while we're only trying to help her become a better person.
i cannot do much about taylornation and taylor's marketing and business tactics that hurt a lot of fans not in the targeted demographic, but i can encourage other swifties on here to reflect on this. if you fit into the demographic, check your privilege, and use it to amplify the voices of swifties who don't. i don't know if it will ever become better for us, but it can become more tolerable with your support. we are a very powerful fan base, one of the best, and i truly have faith that it can become a safer space and a louder, stronger voice to make being a swiftie easier for the rest of us.
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neweromantics · 3 years
you needed ass... well, what’s wrong with that!!
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jonismitchell · 3 years
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felt this belonged on my blog x
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starflowers320 · 3 years
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New Romantics (2016) — Taylor Swift
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dpsmusical · 4 years
da asks here we go: the secret history, dead poets society (you know i had to), cigarette, homer, vermont. have fun 💞😌
the secret history: how close are you and your group of friends? how far would you all go to protect each other? how many languages do you speak?
um well see i recently just moved groups, so my group consists of 3 people including me and the other two are twins. so. yeah. i mean i think we’re pretty close because we stick to each other and we have a few classes together, but it will take time for our friendship to further develop to a more intimate level. also i would die for them; they’re the nicest people alive. i’m not sure how they feel about me, but there’s no doubt they’d certainly TRY to protect me, although i don’t know how well that would work out for them.
i speak 3 (ish) languages, but only english fluently. when i was younger i used to be fluent in both cantonese and mandarin, but those both deteriorated when i started school. now i can speak conversational mandarin and little cantonese. it’s sad. i’m also learning portuguese on the side, but i don’t really count that since progress is slow.
dead poets society: do you prefer poetry or prose? do you get along with your parents? do you resist authority or do you deal well with it?
i’d say prose because i only recently got into poetry due to the dark academia aesthetic. both are wonderful though!
i love my parents. they have their moments, as i’m sure all parents do, but they care about me and they support me through my creative and dumb endeavours (aka taking on this musical during my junior year).
i think it’s just a typical teenager thing to want to rebel against authority (see: every single modern ya dystopia ever), but i am really passionate about social justice issues and always have been. going to an uptight school has opened my eyes to issues like these, but i don’t really do anything about it except angrily rant to a friend on the occasion. i would like to emphasise that i am terrible at confrontation, and this feeds into my inability to speak out.
homer: is it more important to be brave or to be kind? do you like to read?
i think it’s more important to be kind. bravery has its time and place ("sucking on the marrow doesn’t mean choking on the bone") but kindness is necessary everywhere. it could also change someone’s day depending on how you treat them. you could save a life, in extreme cases, and never know it.
i love to read! although my reading has definitely declined since childhood, i’ve been trying to get back into reading recently and the da aesthetic has definitely helped with that (by adding to my mounting list of books to read: god help me). i think i’ve always loved reading and the places it takes me and it shaped me into the creative i am now so it’ll always have a special place in my heart.
cigarette: what is your worst habit? do you like drinking? do you party a lot?
my worst habit is probably procrastinating. amishi knows. especially since i’m in exam season currently, my bedtime has just been consistent 2 and 3 ams.
i’m a really boring person (and also underage so i can’t drink) and if you consider 4 parties a year a lot (which i do), then yes, i do. i try to enjoy parties but i end up sitting there on a lonely couch while music i don’t know is blasting and my friends are dancing with people i’m not friends with.
vermont: would you ever go to school far away from your family? are you scared of losing the people close to you?
one of my friends recently moved to another country to a boarding school!she was terrified so i’m helping her through it, and naturally i can’t help but thinking about it as well. the idea of moving away from my family terrifies me, and i know it is inevitable whether i move 10 minutes away or overseas. but right now, i don’t think i could deal with it.
i am terrified of losing the people i’m close to. i think my definition of 'losing' might be different to the one of the question’s — i don’t want my friends to fall out of love with me. since moving to a new friendship group, i’ve felt quite distant from a lot of my old friends, which has its pros and cons. i did it on purpose because i felt i needed a break from them but still wanted to be their friends, and most of the people i’d been closest too had left as well. but it’s been a massive change losing like seven friends seemingly all at once, and it’s left me feeling a little empty, since i’d been with them for four years of my schooling. it will be alright. i’ll get over it. time heals all.
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thelasttime · 3 years
sending in my current ranking of ts albums to save anon's health: evermore > reputation > folklore = red > 1989 = speak now > lover = fearless = debut (no shade to the last 3!! they're not last,, they're all at 5th,, will not elaborate)
the top four albums really shows that you have superior taste 😌 so proud of you amishi
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iceeckos12 · 4 years
blessed are those who see and are silent - 1
Just realized that I haven’t posted this on tumblr yet. it was an idea that I’ve been playing with for a while, because princess mononoke continues to be one of my favorite ghibli movies. title comes from bashed out by this is the kit.
Summary: Ashitaka travels east with the curse of the boar god on his arm and the blessing of the elk god imprinted on his soul.
The first time Ashitaka sees the Red Elk god is when he is three years old. 
He does not remember the meeting. He never will, except in half-formed dreams that creep in and out of his subconscious like clouds on a breeze. 
Here is what happens: Ashitaka is wandering through the forest in that way that children have, where they are in danger but do not comprehend a world that could hurt them in any way. He is crawling through the underbrush, shoving aside leaves and stalks with his meaty fists, when a low, rumbling voice says, “Prince Ashitaka.”
He looks up, all wide eyes and childish innocence. 
Usually, adult red elk grow to be as tall as a human, not including the protruding length of their horns. Their fur is red, but not a true red; it is a red like that of a peach, gentle and diluted, soft on the eyes. They are not stupid creatures, certainly, but they lack the striking intelligence of their human companions. 
So he knows, looking into the eyes of that massive red face, that this is no ordinary red elk. 
It stands twice as tall as any man, its obsidian eye as big as an adult’s palm, made all the blacker by the angry red fur surrounding them. And it’s fur is one that Ashitaka does not even have the words to describe: red like the flashes of anger behind his father’s eyes, red like the sunset when rain is to come. Red like fresh blood spilled into ceremonial bowls. 
The massive beast strikes its hoof on a rock, but instead of a sharp clap of sound, there is only a soft, high ringing, like a struck bell.
“Prince Ashitaka,” The elk rumbles again in a voice like distant thunder as Ashitaka stares on in awe, his mouth a perfect circle of surprise. “You are not supposed to be out here. Do you know how to get home?”
 And just like that, the spell of surprise is broken. Because at the end of the day, Ashitaka has lived with red elk all his life, and they are all different in their own special ways. This one, as tall as a tree and red as fine silk with the ability to talk out loud, is no different. Without hesitating, the boy crawls toward the elk and hoists himself to his feet using the creature’s massive, sturdy leg. 
The god—for that is who it is, Lord Onwa, god of red elks—stares down at the child in a moment of undignified shock. She has never been treated so boldly by a human in her long, long existence. Even the most dense of children can sense her great power, sense the divinity tainting the air like a miasma. She is...uncertain as how to proceed. Normally she would kick the human aside for his insolence, but…
The boy jams his fist into his mouth, clutching the pillar of her leg, just barely taller than the tips of her hooves. He looks up at her with his bright, inquisitive eyes, and there is not a trace of fear. 
Lord Onwa huffs a little, ruffling his dark fur. “You may hold my leg just this once, Prince Ashitaka. But the next time you try, I would kick in your head.” 
Ashitaka gurgles at her cheerfully, completely unconcerned by her threat. Lord Onwa huffs again but only lifts her head, and proceeds to walk the tiny human home. 
(Before she leaves she presses her muzzle into the crop of black fur on the top of his head. “You will be great,” She whispers, her words carrying the weight of her divinity so that they echo in a way no human could ever comprehend.) 
It seems as though the whole village reeks with the musty scent of red elk. 
The residents don’t even notice it anymore, they have lived with it for so long, and they have not had visitors in almost a hundred years. There is no one to tell them that their village is steeped in the deep odor. 
They would not be surprised, however. 
And the truth is, it is not really red elk that people are smelling. Their noses are not nearly as keen as the beasts of the forests, as the wild dogs and predators that steer well clear of the area. No; it is the deep, bottomless scent of the divine protection of a god who just so happens to take the shape of a red elk. It is the scent of a sacred creature which has cast its protection over devoted peoples. 
Protection is not the only gift the Amishi people receive in return for their faith; even during bad years, their fields do just well enough to keep them from starving to death. Sickness is mild and rarely lingers. Their sons and daughters are born strong and healthy. 
It’s strange, though, the way that red elk quiet at the touch of their people, watch them with wide, liquid, trusting eyes at the sound of their voices. 
Stranger still, the way the red elk seem to speak back. 
Ashitaka is eight before he sees the god for the second time, though he thinks it the first. 
He rises from his crouched position, stretching the kinks out of his back from a day’s worth of working the fields with his parents. He is still young, still brimming with childish innocence and naivety, but his eyes are full of new awareness. He knows his role in this village, knows the mantle he must take up one day. 
His eyes scan the treeline absently, a split second of idle observation. He goes to turn away, but—
Ashitaka pauses, squinting his eyes as though it will help him see better into the shadows. He could have sworn that he saw a flash of bright red, but that’s ridiculous; the only thing that could bear true red would be human dyes. 
Then, somehow, his vision sharpens. He is not old enough to understand, not quite yet, but this is no machination of his human body. It is a product of the divinity which has guided him since he was three years old. Ashitaka sees the red again, but more clearly this time; it is a deeper color than he has ever seen, more complex than anything his imagination could conjure. 
And then he sees what the red belongs to. 
It is a massive creature, larger than Ashitaka has ever seen before. It is tall, easily twice as tall as he is, with four legs that end in bright gold hooves. He doesn’t even realize what it is at first, until a head dips into his line of vision. Despite her size and color, she can only be a massive red elk. Yet...she is as a red elk as a dog is to a full grown wolf. He does not have the words to fully describe what he is seeing. 
“Mom,” Ashitaka says faintly. Then, much louder, “Mom, look into the trees!” 
He looks away, picking out his mother’s long hair in the crowd of workers. “Mom, hurry!” 
She glances up at him, looking vaguely irritated to be interrupted in the middle of her gathering. “What is it, Ashitaka?”
“That red elk!” He shouts excitedly, pointing. “In the trees! I’ve never seen one like that before!”
In the distance, his mother freezes. 
Then, as swift as the wind, she is by his side. “Where?” She demands, with an urgency that shocks him. 
He shakes off his surprise, and looks back toward the trees. “There!��� He points, before realizing that the massive creature has vanished. His arm lowers  as he searches frantically, confusion bleeding into his excitement. “It was...it was right there, I swear…”
But his mom doesn’t look disappointed. Instead she grabs his shoulders, her eyes wild, looking as though she’s going to try and shake all the answers from him. “Describe what you saw, Ashitaka. Right now.”
They have attracted a crowd. Eying their curious faces nervously, Ashitaka recounts his story.
Then his mother, her face full of carefully contained excitement, takes him to his father and has him tell the story again. Then, trailing a group of fascinated onlookers, they go to the elder woman, and he recounts the story once more. 
Throughout all of this, Ashitaka has no idea what’s going on. He just feels confused and a bit uncomfortable with all the unwarranted attention. Is it really such a big deal that he has seen a massive red elk the color of freshly spilled blood?
Apparently it is. 
Apparently it’s a really big deal. 
The elder woman explains that he has seen Lord Onwa, their god, the one who has kept them healthy and allowed them to prosper over the years. It has been generations since the god has been spotted, though they have felt her influence through the years. It means that he is blessed, that he is destined for great things. 
(Ashitaka does not know how he is going to accomplish anything in this tiny little village. The highlight of their songs is the one who tamed the red elk, and that was almost three hundred years ago.)
Still, though. It apparently warrants a party that night, as large as they’ve ever thrown. The smell of cooking game wafts through the air, and there is dancing and cheering until late in the night. 
At the beginning of the party, though, the elder woman takes Ashitaka aside and tells him, “You have been blessed by Lord Onwa.”
Ashitaka regards her uncertainly. He has been told this already, many times. “...yes.”
“You must understand what this really means.” The elder woman continues, ignoring his confusion, face grim. “Gods do not so easily distinguish between blessings and curses. You are destined to do great things...but it seems that the greater the hero, the greater he suffers on his journey.”
The thought sends a chill through his body. Journey. Like he’s been bound to leave this village one day. It prompts him to say what he’s been thinking all along. “I don’t want to be blessed.” His desperation bleeds into his voice. “I want to live quietly with my family. I want to protect my people, and help them prosper.”
He thinks that the elder woman might strike him for his insolence, but the grimness on her face only fades to sadness. She reaches out and gently smooths his hair away from his face. “You are so young, for such a burden.” 
Ashitaka feels ...everything, the blessing, the expectations, crash onto his shoulders like a leaden weight. It lies there, crushing him almost to breaking. 
He doesn’t want this. 
Ashitaka is seventeen years old when he shoots an arrow into the eye of a rampaging demon. 
He is seventeen when the demon curses him, lays a stink of corruption over his divine blessing. 
He is seventeen when his future is made clear to him, when his people weep over the exile of their favored, blessed prince, when he is forced to leave and never look back. 
As he is going, though, he looks into the trees beside the road. Keeping pace is a massive red elk, who looks at him with bright intelligence and soft compassion. 
Ashitaka ducks his head in deference as he has been taught, and travels onward. But from then on, he lays bundles of herbs on the rocks beside his camp and burns them. He prays every morning, thanking the gods for good weather and good fortune on his journey east. He did not ask for Lord Onwa to travel with him, but he will not shame his village by questioning her decision. She is a god, after all. Even though he may want to scream at her for doing this to him, for ruining his life, for giving him this divine bullshit blessing—
He will not.
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Story Telling
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“Story telling at its most basic level is a means of transmitting ideas from one person to another”. Stories tend to invoke the imagination, taking listeners to unimaginable places. To enhance the confidence and speaking skill of the students, The Modern School, Faridabad organized a Story Telling activity and competition for the students of Grades P1 and P2, respectively on 6th March 2017, Monday. All the participants came well prepared with very interesting stories with a proper moral conveyed. Some participants also used props to make the story more realistic and effective. They were appreciated for their effort and creativity at the end. In Story Telling Competition, Ananya Goel stood first while second position taken by Priyansh Arora and the third position was bagged by Jasnaam Singh. Reet Narang, Aaritra Jauhari and Amishi Narain, all of P1 had a Special Mention in the activity.
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skippysartq · 2 years
🔞Kadashi Tsukishima - Find Yourself Part 1🔞
She was starting High school in the next few months. And it was an understatement to say she was a bit nervous, because there was one thing that seem to cloud her mind along side the nerves of High school.
You could say she was worried about who she would be going into school as, after many sleepless nights of deep thoughts. Reading about it on plenty of websites and taking quizzes, that would have people who saw her history, question why she was on them to begin with.
It had always been in the back of her mind. Since she was in Preschool. This thing. This feeling of just not feeling like she was in the right place sometimes.
At times she took ages in the bathroom, not bathing, just... Starring at herself naked. She hated what she saw. Not because of body weight, that was fine, she believed it was good to have a bit of weight to keep healthy.
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But what bothered her, the two bumps on her chest. Her breasts. The curves that formed naturally in her body shape and squishy face that was too soft for her liking. Hair, long hair that sat over her shoulder in a loose ponytail.
Her voice, it was always too high pitched and lastly. Down below, her vagina.. That... That is what makes this feeling the worst.
The uncomfortable feelings had hit the hardest when she got her periods and people commented on her maturing feminine body.
She started pushing her chest down with bandages and asking for hair cuts.
After all the searching for the words to describe it, when she found it. She felt so understood, so seen. And that little bit of validation from strangers on the internet, who weren't even talking specifically to her. It still made her happy.
School became harder but she powered through, until the thought of what High school would be like plague her head.
It had been 9 months since she discovered it and thought she had to tell her parents at some point. A few months before High school was okay right? To ask to start the process.
So here she was, after school helping her dad cook for when Pa got home from Practice with the Sendai Frogs. She was nervous as all hell. Their family never really talked about this kinda thing. But she has 2 dad's, it should be fine right?
Although, in this world of Thiers. It was pretty normal for two men to be together, provided they are Alpha and Omega or even Beta and Omega, like some parents of her current classmates.
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Cutting some carrots, beside her, Tadashi peeling some Potatoes, looked over a few times. The air was thick, the tension was heavy on her shoulders and her lips quivered as she ran the words through her head over and over.
Getting ready to finally speak all the thoughts she had kept to herself for the past year.
She could tell her Dad was looking over at her seemingly just as nervous before he finally spoke up.
Reaching his hand over to take the knife out of her hands and hold them in his own. This always comforted her and he knew that. That's why he did it. He could tell something was making her uncomfortable.
"Amishi, are you okay?" Tadashi says to her. This was it. Its time to spill. She didn't say anything for a moment, breathing in to diminish the hesitation. It needed to be said now.
"Dad. I don't want to be a girl anymore." He said finally, not looking at his dad, eyes shut tight, hands clenching at the hem of his pink shirt.
He said it, it's out in the world, to the first person he trusts.
Tadashi was shocked to hear that from his kids mouth. 'Does this mean?... We have a son, not daughter. This is what has been troubling you my love? Not others and friends shaming your body to the point of binding it.'
He had heard some of the comments people would make to his child whether it was just walking in the street or when Amishi was with friends.
"Why are you being quiet?" He spoke again, quizzing wines. "Sorry, I'm just surprised," Tadashi started, scratching the back of his head. "I thought you were fighting with friends." He finished with soft chuckle.
'But this was a serious matter.' He thought to himself. "How long have you felt like this?"
The kid sighs shrugging before saying, "Since that fight in Preschool."
"Okay." Tadashi breaths in. "Is there a name you would rather we call you?" He waited for an answer. It took a minute of thoughtful quiet.
Before, "Yeah. I was thinking of Kadashi."
"Kadashi, huh? That's a great name son."
"Just know, it will take your Pa and I some time to get use to call you Kadashi. We may slip up sometimes so forgive us and we won't try and hide you. Ever, ever."
He really needed to hear this. To have this moment with his dad just accepting him. It made all the confusion so worth pulling through.
"I love you Kadashi." Tadashi pulled his son into a tight hug, planting a kiss on the top of his head. "Now let's finish cooking dinner before Pa gets home, yeah?"
Kadashi chuckled snuggling his head into the crook of Tadashi's neck, taking a deep breath of his dad's scent. It was sweet like strawberry sponge cake.
They talked some more as they finished up cooking. Though in the back of his head, Tadashi held the fear of his husband's reaction. He knew this Tsukki was different from the last, being Tadashi was accepted this life.
But he couldn't shake the thought. 'What if he doesn't accept Kadashi like he did me. I know that Tsukki is in my past life, but just what if ...'
His thoughts washed away hearing the door open and his voice ringing through the house. Their house, the one they built together. The Tsukki in his past life wasn't the nicest and didn't accept him for being in love with him.
But this Tsukki, held him close, Kissed and touched him like Tadashi had always wanted from his past life.
"I'm Home!" The handsome voice that he could listen talk to forever, caught his negative thoughts and burnt them away. Tadashi placed the last plate at his seat and wondered to the front door to greet his husband and the farther of their son.
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"Welcome home Kei." He smiled looking up to see his Tadashi. "Welcome Pa." And his daughter says cheerfully, peaking out from the kitchen before going back. 'I see what ever it was, she figured it out.'
Kei walked over to his husband after fixing his shoes up. "Hello My love Tadashi." He held a hand up to the soft freckled cheeks that tinted a hot pink.
Tadashi leaned into his touch, droopy eyes irises blown wide and the biggest lovey dovey smile Kei had seen from him in awhile. Kei guessed he was probably smiling just as much.
They both leaned in making Their lips connect. It was so sweet and tender. If dinner wasn't waiting the two would have stayed like that for a little while longer.
But they finish as they heard a chuckle from the kitchen. "Hurry up lovebirds I am so hungry!" The two laugh and joined her. On the way Kei pinched Amishi's cheek "Cheeky brat." And ruffles her hair as he sat.
"Alright everyone is sat down."
"Thank you for the food Amishi and Tadashi." Once he finished his word Amishi glaced away smile falling a bit. The air had gonna tense suddenly.
Kei frowned and looked over to Tadashi, who only smiled and placed a hand on Amishi's shoulder tempting her attention back to them. Kei could see Tadashi was just as nervous as she was.
She looked between the two before gulping and opened her mouth. "Hey Pa, there is something I wanted to say about that." Kei kept his eyes on her as she had started twiddling her fingers.
"Oh. What is it?" He asked, waiting patiently for her to speak again.
She was nervous. Wary of what to say to him.
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"Uh, I'm not Amishi anymore." She lets he words out. "Oh?" Kei asked confused as to what that meant. He hadn't a clue.
"Yes, I go by Kadashi now." She started seeming more comfortable and confident then before.
'Kadashi?' he thought to himself.
"And dad is going to take me, to get my hair cut after school on Friday." Kadashi finished looking up to Kei looking hopefully.
Kei realizes what was happening now. "Oh!" Grinning over to Tadashi who looked so proud.
'No longer my daughter, but my Son.'
Kei stood up from his chair smiled at the kid saying, "Come here son." Waving his hand in front of him, beckoning Kadashi to him.
Kadashi let's a breath out standing up in his chair and shuffling over to his Pa.
Kei smiled patting Kadashi's head. "I am glad you found yourself Kadashi my beautiful Son." Then Kei did something he didn't usually with Kadashi.
Kei pulled him in to hug, and placing a gentle kiss on his head. Kadashi squeezed a hug back breathing in. "Thank you Papa."
A few days later just after school, Tadashi had finished work earlier then normal and drove to pick Kadashi up. Tadashi was just as excited as Kadashi was has he ran up to the car.
"Hey Kiddo!" Kadashi got in the passenger side of the car, closing the door carefully not to get the long skirt stuck in the door and he turned to his Dad, who surprised him with an big A4 envelope the was blank.
Kadashi looked at it confused before figuring to take it and looking back to his Dad. "Open it." Tadashi pushed. Kadashi nodded, carefully tearing it open.
And what was inside. A piece of paper. But it wasn't just anything piece of paper though. It was his birth certificate and on it read;
Name and Surname: Kadashi Tsukishima
Sex: Male
DOB: 2nd May 2021
This was his Birth certificate. With the correct name and Sex on it
Kadashi looks up with wide teary eyes, to his Dad who held the biggest proudest smile he had seen.
"Dad." Kadashi's voice trembling and threw him arms around his dad's chest. "Thank you."
"Alright, let get you to the hair appointment yeah. Long hair doesn't really suit you." It might have sounded rude to anyone else, but it is exactly what Kadashi needed to hear from his parents.
There was no doubt that they support him now.
The two got to the hairdressers and as they walked in Tadashi was waved over by a Male Alpha with Blonde hair slicked back. Kadashi was a bit confused as the cheery man greeted them. "Hey Tada-Kun! It's been quite how are ya?"
"Hi Terushima, yes it has, I am good." The man laughs patting Tadashi's shoulder saying, "Please I have been an Ennoshita for about 11 years now, just call me Yuji."
He laughs then noticed Kadashi who instinctively hide behind his dad. "Oh crap is this your Kid now look at Her." He points to Kadashi, "Yeah, we're for a haircut."
"Look at you kiddo. Your so big now! Chika and I haven't seen ya since you were about this big Ami-Chan." He smiled innocently, his hand at his hip showing Kadashi.
Kadashi gulps standing up to Yuji puffing his binded chest out. "Actually sir, it's Kadashi now." He spoke up putting his hands on his hips.
Yuji seemed surprised by the response. "Oh, wait why's that? You can't just change your name." He retorts not really frowning but just a giving a questioning look. Kadashi backed down for a moment when Yuji stood again. But he to stood up taller. "Yeah I did, see." Kadashi says pulling out his newly received birth certificate and shaking it in Yuji's face frowning.
"Okay, sorry about that Kada-Kun. So your here to get all of that," Teru pointed at the ponytail still tired loose over his shoulder.
"Chopped off huh? I can help with that, come sit down quickly before Sorano-san starts yelling at me." Yuiji continued guiding Kadashi, who wore a smile, over to the chair, taking an apron and tying it around Kadashi. "You comfy?" Yuiji asked pulling the long hair to the outside from under the apron.
Kadashi nods looking over at his dad who just pat his shoulder and walked off to the waiting chairs nearby. "Now Kadashi, you wanna tell me a bit about yourself?" Yuiji started.
The two talked a bit after choosing what kinda haircut he wanted.
"So you start High school in a bit, yeah? Where are you thinking of going?" Yūji asks the boy as he snipped and brushed.
"Karasuno, just like my Dad's did. They met in Elementary School and played Volleyball together all the way through to 3rd year High school when the they started dating, they told me." Kadashi answers with what he knew having been told the story of how his Dad's met.
It was such a sweet story. Kei standing up for Tadashi, after Tadashi had pushed one of the kids off of him before they ganged up on Tadashi calling him Pepperoni face.
Weird insults but okay.
"Arh yeah, your dad Tadashi over there," Yūji started nodding his head in the mirror to where Tadashi sat on his phone with a huge lovey dovey smile.
"Actually dated your uncle Chika, My husband, before your Pa though and that's when I met Chika a few years out of Uni and we started dating and a few year later our son was born." Yūji says his face lighting up with a warm grin thinking about the past.
"Woah really? Dad never told me he dated anyone else before Pa." Gave a expression of surprise.
"It wasn't for long but yeah." Yūji chuckled brushing some loose hair out of Kadashi's face.
"You have a son too Uncle Yūji?" Kadashi asked after the quiet moment.
Yūji smiled proudly before saying, "Yeah my Son TameTake, he'd be about a year younger then you, so he will be going into High school in your 2nd year."
"Oh cool." Kadashi nodded.
"You know you might see him and Reiko at Karasuno then especially in the Volleyball club. Do you like Volleyball too?" Yūji stated happily, then called out to the assistant to cleaning the hair on the ground around Kadashi's chair.
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A young man the looked to be just in his early 20s, mid length black hair pulled back into a ponytail, but still enough of a fringe to cover one eye, scrurrys over with a broom. He got closer and Kadashi could feel the slight heat in his cheeks.
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'Oh he is kinda cute.' Kadashi thought to himself.
The kid hurriedly swept before Yūji rests a hand on his shoulder. "Kuroo-kun you don't need to be so fast okay it won't get the job done any better, so it's okay to slow down." Yūji says, Kadashi saw the slight panic in the boys eyes, as he looks over his shoulder to a lady who was with another customer.
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"B-but Sorano-san said t-tha I have to b-be fast." The boy seemed frantic, continued to sweep. "Tetsuhana-kun stop. Breath, your getting too worked up again buddy, take it from me, who was in your position once."
"It's okay if you mess up. It's apart of growing up okay, plus. Didn't your dad teach you about messing up he games for a living he is bound to have messed up hundreds of times." Yūji says patting his shoulder and stepping aside.
"But Ennoshita-Sempai, Dad's work isn't the same as this." Tetsuhana says back visibly biting his lip.
Yūji laughs to himself and shook his head. Then he waved his hand to beckon Testuhana closer to him, crouching and Kadashi still sat in his chair watching the scene.
All Kadashi could think was how this cute man was nervous and crouching down in front of him.
Once Tetsuhana was close enough Yūji put a hand over his mouth and said.
"Between us Sorano-san is just a hardass because she wants you to be at your best for when get to the point of cutting hair. We see from yours nervous your not ready just yet. But your time will come. It was the same for me when I started here too." He waved his hand in front of his face then stands up again lifting the black with him.
"Okay so for now you can breath a bit your not gonna get fired for not being fast and doing a crap job."
The boys lips trembled before he took a deep breath.
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"Ennoshita! Kuroo! Get back to work!" The fifty year old looking lady called from the other chair.
"Sorry Sorano-san, I'm just trying to help Kuroo-kun calm his nervous so he can work better." Yūji tells her stepping out of Tetsuhana's way, leaning on the table in front of them.
"I don't care he should be able to do that on his own." She yells back, Yūji rolled his eyes smirking at Kadashi. Like he was saying,
'Get a load of this. Laughable.'
"Oh come on you old fart I'm trying to be a good Senpai for my kouhai, the same way you did for me back then." He turns to her, she was a little shocked but seem flattered.
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Kadashi locking eyes with the other customer who seemed worried the whole time. It was a girl. With Pinkish brown hair, slanted eyes and she looked to be about two years older the Kadashi.
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thoi2020 · 4 years
tfw there are no songs about academic failures so instead you have your scheduled mental breakdown to break up songs
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neweromantics · 3 years
tonight we are begging for lorde #3 crumbs
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jonismitchell · 3 years
character tormentor (complimentary)
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thoi2020 · 3 years
girl help i’ve been playing badminton for a week and i already hurt all over
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thoi2020 · 4 years
insp credit to @thelasttime​
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thoi2020 · 4 years
starflowers320 → neweromantics
however, i’ll still be tracking #starflowers320 !!
thank you so much to @redsalbum for giving me this, i’m in love 💕✨
mutuals signal boost, please?
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