#among us babies
angelysalt · 10 months
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apollo-zero-one · 1 year
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I know the amongus babies trend is probably dead but my little sister just made a hoard of amongus out of clay and they are adorable. She is making little tasks and an emergency button for them too. She is adding enrichment to their enclosure (the clay box)
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caring-for-crewmates · 2 months
if they could, would amongi pay taxes
You look me in the eyes and tell me those things wouldn't commit rampant tax evasion. That's right, you can't.
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bombshaft · 8 months
Are among us babies hostile towards autism creatures? I’ve been considering adopting one but I’m worried my elderly autism creature might be stressed and try to defend its territory
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bluebeerg · 7 months
✍ + 1 amongus
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have 4
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yuyu-bubu · 2 years
whatever happened to the among us babies
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the-amongi-shelter · 2 years
It's come to my attention that people have been adopting more minis lately, from pet stores and breeders- which, if they're reputable, isn't an issue- but they do this because they don't know how big amongi get.
Please remember that the average height of an amongus is 3'6. They don't stay tiny, less than a foot tall, fit in your hand minis forever, and if they are that size they're likely under a year old and will start growing very fast- amongi stop being minis at age 3. So many amongi have wound up in shelters instead of what could have been a loving home because the owner didn't realize they'd be getting a pet potentially as tall as a first grader.
As well, amongi can live for 50 years, and longer lifespans have occasionally been recorded- they really are a big commitment. They're not something to get a little kid for a present like a cat or a dog or a goldfish. They're not something you keep in an enclosure all the time like a reptile. The closest match to a more "traditional" pet would maybe be a bird; birds are much smaller, yes, but they're out of their birdcage frequently, they can get very loud and annoying when they want to, they will make a mess of everything they can pick up (whether it's an impostor sabotaging or a crewmate trying to do a task where there isn't one).
Make sure you know what you're getting into. Please don't buy amongi on a whim, they're an incredible commitment and they're not a cute, small, well-behaved pet you can just put in a cage all day and look at.
-mod imp
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aroarachnid · 1 year
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givemebishies · 2 years
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A small assortment of lidol guys I had sitting on my iPad for a while
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littleguyshowdown · 1 year
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tetrodotoxincs · 2 years
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among us baby has made a friend
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caring-for-crewmates · 10 months
I have what could basically be described as a True vs False question.
I heard that red Imposters are way more common than red crewmates, but is this true?
a related question, are personalities connected to colors?
like, are similar colors more likely to have a similar personality?
Red Beans aren't inherently more likely to be impostors, but people who breed impostors have said that red is the most popular color for an impostor. So they breed more red impostors to deal with the demand.
Experts say that color has no bearing on an amongus's personality, but I'm not sure if I believe that. I think orange Bean behavior is a real thing. All the orange Beans I've had over the years were lovable himbos.
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vriedi · 7 months
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shortcake and zamboni gay people amongi
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agent37 · 1 year
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...fresh harvest..?
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eraserhead baby with its successors
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liverw0rt · 2 years
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・ :・゚ ・ ☆ :・ ✧ ・゚:・  YIPEEEE  ・ :・゚ ・ ☆ :・ ✧ ・゚:・
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