#amphibia s3 ep 3
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This one has been in the works for a while. Back then I was deciding on if the Trio are able to go back to Amphibia, at first I thought they didn't (and it's why they named their kids after their frog friends and family) but the funny asks and jokes from y'all and the ending of Marcy's Journal sealed it and so they can go back. It was just a matter of figuring out how it happens. What we have here is just the beginnings of building a bridge. It'll still be a while before the Trio are able to set foot on Amphibia again tho'. Originally the ending was just the mail frog (the one from the S3 ep "Sprivy") was supposed to find the letter capsule and walk off but I figured a montage would be a more satisfying end. The reason that Yulivia isn't there however is because I have an idea for a comic where Marcy reunites with her newt moms face to face and so Olivia thinking that Sprig and Polly are playing a cruel prank of giving them a fake letter from Marcy to give her false hope that she'll see her human daughter again made her not go with (plus being a mom of 3, she's already busy).
Timeline wise, this takes place 1 day after the end of the series as stated by Marcy's Journal
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dantevhell · 2 months
Ask you about Amphibia season 3? Okay.
What did you think of the decision to have Marcy in a coma and then possessed for 90% of season 3?
Oooh. Now that. Now that is what I call a sore spot, buddy. Warning: this is gonna be a long post
Simple answer? It was okay-ish
More real answer: it was a disappointment
I genuinely was very excited to see possessed marcy, I was excited for it since the little s3 opening preview after true colors official airing and well... it felt like for me things peaked at olivia and yunnan... and then went absolute downhill from there on.
I love the possession trope, I love possession arcs, I think marcy being possessed would be a very good writing idea bc it represented SO WELL how abuse worked. Like tell me what screams "marcy was groomed by an adult and is being abused" than her after being almost killed, having her bodily autonomy being ripped away from her! It was a good metaphor! It was perfect!
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Olivia and yunnan brought a lot of interesting stuff to the table: how olivia and yunnan felt about marcy (and this is another can of worms to me to rant so let's not even begin), how ANDRIAS felt about marcy, how marcy was healing from her almost death experience and how her body was dealing with it, how she was dealing subconsciously with her guilt, what made andrias and the core think about making marcy the host etc etc! Like so many good stuff! And i felt like after this ep. All these things there were little snowballs that could become an avalanche of events... instead turns into dust.
I HATE how darcy was a character that instead of being used to showcase how marcy feels about all those events and instead of showing MARCY'S emotions about being betrayed ... it was used to showcase andrias emotions and to make him look sympathetic and allow him to have an atonement arc... I hate it so much.
Like don't get me wrong I loved the complexity of him being part of cycle of abuse so intense that it affected all his other relationships, I loved that he cared about marcy! I love that he cared about her because it showcased how abuse is complex! How an abuser can care about his victim but still feel such pleasure in hurting them!
I love these scenes because it shows exactly that:
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And sadistic pleasure:
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Like these scenes were great! The complexity of him loving her but also still torturing her and having a mixed reaction of loving/hating seeing her suffer. Mwah chef kiss! But every scene where he was around darcy was made to showcase how he was regretting his choices and making him look like an poor man who had no other choices then kill and torture this child like...that's obviously not true...
These scenes? Oh I hate these scenes:
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I wished marcy's possession was used to show how MARCY felt about herself and her guilt, about how she felt about her relationship with andrias and his pain towards him, about how she losing her autonomy felt, i wished they showed her escapist fantasy created by the core waaaay before the finale!!!
If yall wanted to show a scene that focused on marcy while still showing andrias complexity why not create a scene of how their flipwart match went? Or any bonding scene from >> HER << point of view? From a scene that focused on >> HER <<
Now at fear of repeating myself too much a resume of everything i said: marcy s3 arc was not truly about her but only a device for us to create sympathy towards andrias, her abuser, and all the scenes of him reminiscing about her and their relationship (like this one)
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Should have been scenes focused on her point of view instead.
The only moments where the core/darcy was used to truly further marcy development/emotions were:
- during the beggining of the end where darcy told Sasha and Anne about how they rejected marcy's interests
- during her escaping her fantasy land
- and in the ending where she told everyone what was the cores intention with becoming the moon
But aside from that? It was wasted potential in my opinion
Ps: (Andrias should've died and marcy deserved to show even the slightly amount of anger towards him as well. As a little treat)
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mdhwrites · 1 year
The Owl House Season 3 Could Never Have Been Great
This isn’t to say it couldn’t have been good or enjoyable. However, the concepts at play and the setups for S3 were flawed so deeply that more S3 doesn’t necessarily mean a better S3 and could have never been something truly special. So why do I think this? Well, first let’s just state the obvious: While we’ve an abridged version of whatever S3 was dreamed by the cast, we have gotten their S3. The Collector exists so the crew’s willingness to abandon ideas and concepts for the sake of their narrative is only display as a firm “No.” After all, if they knew they had so little time, the Collector and the trip the human realm should have been cut. Period. There wasn’t time to make an audience properly care about the Collector or make trip to, or the return from, the human realm satisfying. So I’m basing this mostly off of the structure of the three specials. How they decided to build and lower tension because it’s hard to believe that there was ever a different plan. For some parts, it’s literally impossible to imagine a proper different plan that isn’t just what Amphibia did. Belos was almost always going to be needed for the portal after all and to be something that even COULD challenge the characters in a fight. Kikimora is the only villain in the Isles that has shown much agency of her own and built up at all besides Terra who the kids haven’t already beaten. These were fundamental problems going into S3 that the show wasn’t going to ever have proper answers to because it simply didn’t setup proper answers. But let’s talk about those villains because The Owl House is ostensibly an adventure show. It’s aiming for a big, dramatic, adventure/fantasy show climax as I write this the day before the finale. The first villain of S3 is Belos who at the end of S2 got beat with one poke by the Collector. He also was shown to be irredeemable, racist and an idiot who hasn’t even tried to keep up with what the human realm is like now while waiting for his final plan. He is an evil emperor though who is connected to Hunter and Luz and strong enough to even beat all five Hexide Squad members when together as he proved both in King’s Tide. He is a genuine threat who has no reason to hold back. He is the villain that works... But everything I just described also is why he needs to the big bad. No other villain who is strong enough to challenge the characters has any connection to them.The only person the Collector has a connection to is King. From just a basic storytelling perspective, Belos is the big bad. Is the logical final boss and he’s not being allowed to be that because they want to do the Collector. Worse yet, because of how natural of a cliffhanger going through the portal is, that’s the halfway point of the season. 10 episodes gone to the human realm with a bestial Belos being the only real threat there. So the rest of the human realm stuff would have had to be drama and slice of life while looking for how to get people back home in a realm that frankly should have less answers than the Boiling Isles and the Boiling Isles had few themselves and less that worked when read.
So how well did S2 setup drama and slice of life stuff in the human realm? Well, Amity’s been reduced to being Luz’s girlfriend and her daddy issues, half of which aren’t there and the other half doesn’t appear to be allowed to have actual angst so I guess nothing from her. Willow is barely a character at this point, having been mostly used for other characters and what was brought up in S3 Ep. 2 only works really for one episode. Gus is actually the best Slice of Life character with how his knowledge could be challenged and reactions to realizing how little he actually knows about humans but from a drama perspective he doesn’t have a lot because he’s only been taken properly seriously in two episodes of the whole series. Luz has angst that admittedly could have been pulled back and forth on for if she was staying or going but if they kept the characterization Luz has post Yesterday’s Lie of Luz literally seeming incapable of telling the truth to anyone besides Eda and King, you’re screwed in doing anything with her. She’s not going to actually be tackling the issue so you can’t actually make plots around it. At best, you can bring up through other characters for and against. But, you know, two of those characters are her best friends, one is her girlfriend and Camila is a literal saint who’s characterization would have had to be DRASTICALLY changed in order to make her make cases for staying in the human realm at this point. Hunter is the only point in favor for Luz needing to stay and Hunter’s big character finish against Belos is about how much he prefers the perks of being a good guy over having been an EC stooge so he still reinforces that Luz has done good. This is part of why Luz’s angst over the Collector is so assinine because even if in real life, one can easily ignore that people like them, they’ve done good to others, etc. like that (hi, I have depression myself), narratively is INFURIATING and easily can imply other things about her if not addressed or in a very careful way. I’ve talked about this in both Luz’s character finish and in how Vee kind of fucked Luz’s character by being such a good contrast to her. Speaking of, Vee is EASILY the biggest opportunity for something special but only if she’s willing to actually go against losing the life she’s gained. This is the first life that has been anywhere close to hers after all and having to restart for the girl who ran away would theoretically be crushing for her. But it would have to have a character actually criticize and stay with that criticism of Luz. Or more likely just have an episode where Masha and co find out what Vee is so Vee can keep her friends between forms because that’s easier to do. It also would have made another argument for Luz going back to the Isles because Luz just existing in the human realm is now fucking someone over. Vee covering up Luz’s disappearance also makes any inclusion of government agents like what Amphibia did for human realm stakes much harder because there’s no reason for anyone to be on alert in anyway like when Anne arrived but not her friends. And because I’ve covered everyone else: Hunter has slice of life potential because he still needs to actually become friends with everyone else, Huntlow probably would have a confession happen when he died because it could be built up and frankly it’s very likely that Hunter would feel like the main character of the first of S3 just because he’s simply the character with ANY real potential to do anything. And if you’re thinking “Well, the human realm itself can provide angst and slice of life oppurtunities”, we run into how S2 assassinated the identity of the Isles. After all, in S1 the main point of friction between Luz and the Isles wasn’t that it had magic, its magic effectively replaces technology, but that the Isles was crueler. The laws were more about conformity in a society that was actively hostile to each other than anything else. S2 has shit like “Child Endangerment Laws” and in general just makes the Isles feel like the fantasy complaint of “It’s our world but with more teeth!” So the first half of S3 from a conceptual standpoint is just kind of fucked. You don’t have a villain that can be around much. Your main other option is a gag. Your characters have limited opportunities for growth or challenges because you haven’t given them enough attention or actively sabotaged what potential they did have. You also essentially have to entirely change the format of the show because the new environment offers no threats so you have to lean into pure slice of life and comedy and comedy has been a common weakness for this show. Especially in the specials, it’s often effectively anonymous. Just point and laugh at someone obviously dumb or doing something wrong. ALL the comedy for Amity in S3 feels nothing like Amity, has no logic to it and could be done by anyone else. It’s done by Amity just because she needs to literally do SOMETHING as Luz’s girlfriend but at this point has nothing to contribute besides “Look at me now being comic relief.” This happened to Lilith too so it’s not just a S3 problem and Gus has ALWAYS suffered from being treated more as a joke, especially in S1, than an actual character. But hey, after they get through the portal, they now have the Collector, the Hexide Rebellion and the coven heads to deal with. Actually, scratch that last one. After all, there’s literally no reason for the Collector to be using the coven heads at all and we genuinely have zero explanation, outside of Raeda angst, as to why Darius or Raine are puppets but TERRA ISN’T. Or wasn’t. So we Kikimora and the Collector. Aaaaand scratch the Collector as well. You can’t have the Collector interacting with Luz and company because then his redemption would come too soon or the fact that he is so much more powerful than ANYONE becomes a problem for why they aren’t being turned into puppets. So your narrative potential for a half a season in the Boiling Isles comes down to Eda and Lilith, the Hexide rebellion (most of whom haven’t mattered in over a season at this point), trying to figure out how to free King and stuff with King and the Collector. Now that is actually enough to fill half a season. There is a major problem though. After all... The Collector needs to be redeemed at the end of that season and the last time we saw him before this, he potentially threatened to murder the Hexide Squad so he could play tag. That’s even more of drastic starting point than Hunter had as the Golden Guard. And reminder: Despite Hunter having effectively all of S2 to have his arc... It’s not a good arc. I would argue it’s not an arc. And Hunter had 6 episodes of S2, many of which were ONLY his stuff for the whole episode and he was able to interact with the entire cast. In order for the Collector to still be the dramatic finale, he cannot interact with the cast. He can only interact with King. And King has always been one note through the entire series, usually discarding one note for the next so they’re not getting full episodes. At literal best, the Collector could get 8 half episodes and then a two part finale.Buuuut then we get the problem the Collector had in the second special: The more time you spend with him, the more you humanize him, the less tension there is about the resolution. It becomes increasingly obvious that he’ll be redeemed and redeemed villains can’t actually harm the main characters because then it becomes harder and harder for the audience to forgive them. It’s part of why Zuko being 98% a bastard in the first season of Avatar is important to narrative tension. Not only did it allow him to be a good, early antagonist but it also made it hard to believe that he could turn good. His decision to go back to the fire nation kept that up. Kept you guessing and also allowed AMAZING character as to what was actually important to him. This is why his turn in season 3 is so powerful because you could never be 100% certain until it finally clicked and even then, you understood everything that he was giving up and all the reasons why he would and so even if you doubted, like the characters do, you believe it as an audience and are ready to see him work for forgiveness. There could never be satisfaction like that with the Collector. Going “He’s a child!” forgets the fact that the Titan who imprisoned him has also likely been dead for THOUSANDS of years. Bare minimum, he’s been trapped in his prison for over 400 years. The other Collector we see in Knock Knock Knocking is taller, yes, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the Collector is a child. He simply has a childish personality and outlook on the world which is part of what makes him a terrifying final threat if he were an actual threat. Just because he looks and acts like a child doesn’t mean he is. A lot of that is likely to just use base, human instincts to pave over the fact that an audience wouldn’t accept the arc he’s undergone if he looked like an adult. So the finale is fucked, the first half is shaky narratively but could at least be enjoyable, what about the filler of S3B? Well, little of it could actually progress anything because how do you beat a god? And even if they find a solution, the more that it’s telegraphed that the Collector will be redeemed means the less a solution is necessary so it’s just killing time. So all you have left is dealing with Kikimora and Boscha as antagonists, both of whom have been jokes for over a season, WELL over a season for Boscha, by the time any of this would be happening. It’s even unclear as to what else they could be fighting or doing because how much did the Collector actually change things?
This is why I say The Owl House wanted five seasons, not three, and only could have made this worked if guaranteed from go. That’s the only way the writers would have known they had enough time to properly build up elements into the statements they wanted, at least with the skill and lack of focus they have, and been able to make villains that could be stepping stones up to the Collector while making the finale not feel pointless because the ending was made obvious. And even then, that’s putting a LOT of faith into writers who have the attention spans of goldfish sometimes and a show runner who actively undermines her own world building for the sake of whatever idea or subversion or meta text that she wants to make. But, being fair... A full S3 could have at least been fun. At least properly dealt with some of these issues to make it so Luz didn’t claim she was going to break up with Amity through portal closure and never address it. To make it cute, charming, creative... But those aren’t elements that the show has often been celebrated for. It made too many characters plot devices. It made too many of them one note. It made too many into comic relief. It didn’t put enough thought into its magic or worlds. A lot of what it does is cribbing from better fantasy that knew what it was doing. And I think in general, the longer the show has gone on, the worse and worse these fundamental flaws, flaws that damage the long term execution of something far more than the immediate statements it can make, have become obvious. It’s how a fully fledged, independent, amazing character like Amity is reduced almost entirely to just being Luz’s girlfriend even by the end of S2A. So no. I don’t think a full S3 would have suddenly turned the show into the next Avatar or the like where it becomes a cultural touchstone. And no, I don’t touch on changes to s2 because by the end of S2, for ANY of this to even FUNCTION, the Day of Unity still had to happen. So all the flaws of S2B, or damn near all of them, would still exist because Hunter still needs to be 90% done with his arc to be there to go to the human realm. Belos’ rushed and bad backstory still needs to happen in Hollow Mind. S2B still wasted almost two entire episodes for Elsewhere Elsewhen and Them’s the Breaks, Kid, both episodes where only one plot point in the whole damn thing matters and at best is character neutral for all involved, negative in some cases, including Belos. And Elsewhere Elsewhen only has an important plot point if you think Luz’s angst about helping Belos meet the Collector is warranted at all. Which, no, I argue it’s not. It is an inter-tangled mess that never wanted only three seasons and never was willing to change to fit the time it had. And frankly, I don’t blame Disney for shortening it with these facts in mind. For saying it was too expensive to produce, too complicated to air since it’s not random episode friendly and too scatterbrained to be properly serialized and so they wanted this done. They wanted to be done with it. And since a full S3 couldn’t make it better, why not go with specials and save everyone some money and time then? Which is mean but with the product we got and the fact that TOH can only be claimed as somewhat more successful than Amphibia, a much more cohesive, much more television friendly show, why should a business have decided to dedicate more time to The Owl House? It’s realistic and unfortunate and I would love to be kinder. But my mind likes facts too much and the fact is that The Owl House had an amazing start which it simply didn’t have the planning or focus to make into a great series overall. All we could ask for was the ride to be enjoyable and that’s going to be up to you. ======== I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join! I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead, If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat. And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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jess-the-vampire · 2 years
This might be me, but I wonder if maybe they didn't have Belos and his brother completely ironed out story wise or maybe they changed the original plan for them? I don't know, some of the stuff we see universe is somewhat vague or inconsistent. Granted, we were probably going to get all the answers in a flashback episode in the original plan for Season 3 like with Amphibia, but still.
we don’t really know enough to say one or the other in terms of the bros story
maybe there was an episode about them or maybe they always kinda intended for their story to be played out like this and for us to only get into details after the portrait stuff
we don’t know enough tbh
however, it’s def too important to not address in s3, so i assume at least one of those eps plans to dive into the whole thing, even if it is a shame we won’t get more time to get to know caleb outside of this.
it could make for a potential great comic tho
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mandareeboo · 1 year
What exactly do you mean you thought Anne had dulled at the end of 3B? Also, you don’t consider Anne to be on point with her characterization in the finale? Additionally, considering only 2 s3 episodes were cut, one of which was from 3A/one dealing with Sasha’s past that was cut, I feel like the crew had exactly the amount of time they expected, and so any issues might come more from how the 3B episodes themselves were written.
Between season 3 episodes 11-16. Commander Anne 'till The Three Armies. Name one Anne moment. One. Yes there's the dueling between Sasha and Anne, but it's short-lived and resolved in .02 seconds- and it's more about Sasha's growth. Name one Anne moment of resolve, of snark, etc.
This isn't me being bitter btw. They had a LOT to cover in season 3 and they did the best they could. But Anne got shafted a lot in favor of background floating.
And no, it's not in character for Anne in the finale imo. Or ANY of the girls. Lieutenant Sasha Waybright would not leave Anne on the battlefield knowing she might die. Ranger Marcy Wu didn't escape a hell portal in her mind to return to Amphibia to cry and watch her friend blow up.
And the ending? Man, Anne's biggest strength- and her greatest weakness- is her loyalty. Anne is loyal even when it hurts, even when it bites her on the ass. So many episodes hinge on this facet of hers- from robbing a train to defending the town. I can't imagine Anne just settling into life without the Plantars, or vice versa. Especially when they made a point maybe two eps prior about the Plantars fighting their greatest trauma to save the Boonchuys bc they're what little family they have left. They'd never be happy permanently separated from one another.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 2 years
the tone in season 3 was wayyyy diff from the 2 first seasons. like maybe im looking too much into it but its like the diff between shrek 1 and 4. qnd in general a lot of shit looked like it was made w the hope of ut becoming a meme or trendy. im getting endgame flashbacks hold on😭
Not the Endgame flashbacks.....I keep getting bad MCU flashbacks no matter what lately.
But yeah, the tone shift between season 2 finale to...season 3 really felt weird. We really went from Anne at least being worried a little about Amphibia and such in S3 ep 1...to just a shopping trip for some reason, entering the rest of the filler stuff.
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cometblaster2070 · 3 years
These smiles are so adorable and genuine, I’m going to cry
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luna--dragon · 2 years
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Hey guys, we can only see one of her eyes right now
Wouldn't it be funny if she- if- if she l- she lost- if-
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candydos · 3 years
i’m not the only one worried about how much frog show has on its plate right?
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vrisrezis · 2 years
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Again until I get more non ososan rqs yall are getting self indulgent GARBAGE here is my girl who deserves better <//3 I just want her to be happy with somebody who loves her!
Slight sashanne shipping in here ;p
- first of all imma go with the idea you’re in her little friend group so you guys can go on double dates with Anne and Sasha <3 but that would take place after amphibia LAWL
- thing is, with dating Marcy!!! She’s soooo nervous but excited at the same time! Like she obviously has that habit of rambling on, but this is even moreso with you because she gets so nervous and excited around you!
- he loves playing video games with you too! (And when you’re in amphibia, yknow.. other games like flipwart… she lets you win on purpose and has to explain that and Andrias just smirks knowingly)
- yknow for somebody that’s very nervous she is very physical, seriously! She can often be found grabbing onto your hand, hugging you, she’s always trying to touch you in some way physically!
- she also obviously has abandonment issues but doesn’t always act upon them or talk about them with you? Like she gets really sad whenever you go off on a mission and it’s very noticeable so Andrias usually likes to distract her with flipwart or a new mission of her own but yknow
- she just has a hard time opening up about these things sometimes which causes a lot of bottling up emotions and all that
- lotsa sleepovers like all the time LOL
- also she gets really happy whenever you interact with those close to her and show a close relationship, she gets really happy whenever you get along with Anne or Sasha! Because they’re like her family honestly!
- likes nuzzling you <//3
- cheek kisses too! Loves em!
- usually the two of you go on missions together, naturally you worry about your clumsy gf
- but when you guys meet Anne again it’s a whole lotta fun! Though admittedly Marcy finds herself jealous of Anne because she’s able to get so close and form a good bond with you! She’s always been jealous of Anne’s ability to bond with others, sometimes she feels like you’re closer to Anne..
- but hey some reassurance and hugs go a long way!
- better when Sasha comes back at least, cause Sasha easily distracts Anne’s gay ass
- she does this thing where she just squished your cheeks together and is like “babe. Listen to me.”
- during missions are like the only time she’s not clingy or touching you tbh
- also that one ep where Marcy and everyone else had to dress up . You bet her dumbass just kept blushing and staring at you in your nice outfit, any compliments sent her way and she’s dying!!
- she’s definitely an amity 2.0 btw, her entire face just gets all red when you compliment her, she lets out a nervous giggle and gives you a smile as she tries to come up with some compliment for you
- true colors spoilers as well as s3 spoilers but ;(
- she grabbed onto your hands with those tears in her eyes as she confessed her heart and soul out to you, the truth, her betrayal. She felt so heartbroken when you pulled away, you had never done that before. It hurt her more than words could explain to have you do that.
- but with everything that went down that day, you wished you could’ve helped Marcy in that moment, helped her from getting stabbed by that monster you trusted.
- you wanted to help her, but that big oaf was too strong for you to even get close.
- she felt so horrible about what happened though
- you, along with two gay newts try to help Marcy, but she was just so happy to see you again. She didn’t even think about what happened for a moment in your drunken state, being overly affectionate, telling you how much she loved you. How she’s kinda jealous of Anne sometimes, how she really really wants you all to herself sometimes but that’s so selfish of her.. isn’t it?
- what she did was selfish, but you sympathized with her ;(
- you still had a lot of thinking to do though. You weren’t gonna break up with her.. but you needed some time to yourself
- but you quickly realized you’d get that time.. and not in the way you wanted.. as Marcy soon became Darcy, you watched in horror as you could do nothing. You felt horrible, her eyes bore into yours, a horrified look on both of her faces, hers screaming ‘help me’ and yours screaming ‘I wish I could. I’m so sorry’
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macjaket · 3 years
Amphibia is back!! Time to share my fav moments from s3 ep 1
Spoilers for amphibia season3 episode 1 “the new normal”. You have been warned
The way Anne’s parents react to her comming home
“New legs, you know how it is”
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New outfit!!!!
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“You’re the literal poster child for hating responsibility”
“And as for you, my dear, your part is just beggining” - fuk u i wanna punch Andreas so bad
No way?! The robot can turn invisible?!
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Yellow outfits
“Not so fast you 3, i mean. You four”
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“I gave you a tray!??”
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“Hey i love this song!!!” “Yeah! Its a classic”- i love Anne’s parents already
The Plantars froze
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CALAMITY ANNE!!! - she’s so cool
“Im trying to move my arms and nothings happening”
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The Disney Executives are far more evil than Belos and the Core combined, change my mind.
the fucked up thing is that the last few big animated shows have had their S3s fucked over.
Amphibia wanted a good set of eps but Disney cut that down, they only gave The Owl House 3 1-hour eps and now they cut S3 from The Ghost and Molly McGee even after being approved, all due to a regime change.
Do execs of these studios even watch the movies/shows they own? Or do they just look at charts? I already know that animation isn't respected here in the west but can we at least hope that studios who's entire foundation was based on animation, could also be a fan of the medium of storytelling but no we don't, just more and more soulless cooperate money-grubbing fools who don't see anything but the bottom line (not to mention the shareholders).
I just hope that because it's a marvel property that Moon Girl gets past this apparent S3 curse
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thekingofwinterblog · 2 years
Episode 10 Speculations - Amphibia S3
So, before we get into speculating what this episode is going to be about, let's cover what we know about it.
Firstly, there is the fact that this episode was going to be the final one before the hiatus. It was specifically made with that in mind in fact.
Acording to Matt Braly:
"The upcoming #amphibia holiday special, Froggy Little X-mas was not written as the midseason finale. That's actually the following episode, which is also 22 min. However, FLX actually does work very well as a midseason finale and the ep after does work well as a premiere."
However, Disney, as Disney is want to do, decided that proper storytelling and planning is for idiots, and decided Froggy Little Christmas would do the job instead.
But as for what this episode was going to be about, we don't know much, other than the fact hat while it was specifically designed as the mid-season finale, according to Matt, it also worked as a premiere episode for Amphibia's final stretch. It is also a big episode like Froggy Little Christmas.
Originally, that was where I was going to let it go, and simply await the trailer(if we got one) for Amphibia's final part before I began speculating about what this episode was about.
But then something happened. Disney made another inane blunder and actually spoiled the name of the episodes set AFTER the next episode on Youtube.
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So, the episodes set after episode 10, will be "Sasha's Angels", and far, far more importantly "Olm Town Road", which spoils that this will be the episode that will be all about finding "The Mother of Olms" and through her Anne will discover her destiny.
Now, i think that the mother of Olms will be found in Amphibia itself, but even assuming that is not the case, it seems likely that at the absolute latest, the return to Amphibia will happen during this episode. So either in episode 10, or in 11 B.
Asuming either of these are correct, that means that there is A LOT of plotlines that need to be followed up on, and hopefully completed in episode 10.
Warnings, that everything below is pure speculation on my part about how this episode will go.
Firstly what we know. This was supposed to be the actual mid-season finale of season 3, and was designed with that in mind. However, it also could easily work as a premiere episode.
This suggests to me that while it was going to end on a cliffhanger, it also has an ending that goes right into the second half of season 3 and will be directly continued by "Olm Town Road".
From this, my guess is that Episode 10 will end with the actual return to Amphibia, with the location they end up with being the titular Olm Town of episode 11.
As for how that will happen, let's take a look at the various sub plots and main plot of season 3, and how they might converge together for a bombastic season 3 mid-season finale.
1. Mr.X and the manhunt for the Plantar family by the government.
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2. The promise Terri made to help build a portal to get the Plantars back to amphibia.
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3. Andrias Army looking like it's pretty much finished and ready to begin invading Earth.
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4. Finding the Mother of Olms and through her, Anne discovering her destiny.
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We can scratch number 4 on the list for episode 10, since we know that on Earth or Amphibia, it will be the focus on episode 11B.
Which leaves 3 other plots.
Firstly there is Mr.X and the FBI, which if the invasion really does kick off next episode, will have to step up to the plate now, or never, as the plot moves back to Amphibia and leaves them behind, and of little plot relevance in face of an interdimenaional invasion.
Then there Is Terri, who has promised to help build a portal back home for the Plantars. A task she has to actually be able to do very, very soon for plot reasons.
And finally there is Andrias, who seems to finally be ready to bring Earth to heel through a large scale invasion with hundreds of thousands if not millions of Frobots, all presumably just as strong as Cloakbot.
These are the main plots that has to come to fruition this episode.
But then there is the characters. Anne, The Plantars, the Boonchuys, Terri and maybe the I.T gals.
When interviewed Regarding season 3, Matt Braly noted that before the characters could finish their journeys, they had to go back and confront the world they left behind. The fact that some of the people left behind weren't able to move on at all with their lives, while some literally moved on from the girls.
And to me, it seems like this has come to pass.
Anne has finished her journey, she reunites with her parents, she made up with them, learned to understand them, their origina, and the community she always took for granted. And at the end of Froggy Little Christmas, she was able to emotionally make the first step to make up with Marcy and Sasha by promising their parents to bring them home safely(I don't think she's going to be able to keep that promise, but what matters here is that she was able to commit to it).
It is, frankly, time to move on for Anne. It is time to go back, back to Amphibia to face her destiny.
Which I very much think was the point of Froggy Little Christmas. It was Anne's last proper "Adventure" on Earth.
Which leads me into what i think will happen in episode 10.
Firstly, i think that Anne will get contacted by Terri, who has made some real breakthroughs, and is calling them up to ask them to come check the new portal out(I can also easily imagine that they have the I.T gals helping her with this project off screen.
It is at this point where the other shoe drops. Through season 3, Mr.X has not exactly had a good track record with the Plantars. So if he's going to shine as an effective Antagonist, it has to be now.
And I think that's exactly what's going to happen as the Plantar residence is suddenly under assault from Mr.X and the full might of the FBI.
How did they find them?
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Well, in the last episode there was an event that took place, where the Boonchuys were very obviously in the middle of things and directly involved for all the world to see.
And i think anyone with a brain would be quite interested in knowing why, a giant, robotic santa clause with Laser beams was chasing a simple Thai family.
A bit of low key surveillance later, and bam, Mr.X can finally prove himself as a villain.
Now, i don't think he'll succeed in the long term with capturing the Plantars obviously(Maybe Anne just wipes the floor with the task force with her powers, or maybe they escape later after capture), but that doesn't change one horrible fact.
The Boonchuys are now fugitives. They're wanted people, who the American government will hunt until the day they die for harboring aliens. Aliens that the USA will have a particular hatred very, very soon.
The life that Mrs and and Mr Boonchuy has built up over the course of all these years are effectively over, making all their hard work to fit in and integrate with society all for nought.
And for Anne, it will be a horribly traumatic blow too. She'll blame herself for this, internalizing this as her fault, that it's somehow her fault her family's life is absolutely wrecked now.
It's not of course, but that is how Anne is going to see it. Not to mention that any hopes and dreams she had of actually just settling down as a normal girl would have died just as thoroughly as her parents lives.
She has seemingly lost her entire life. But she hasn't of course. She still has her parents, she has the Plantars, and she has domino. She's still alive. And with that, is possibility for something better, if not what she originally wanted.
Whereas Andrias is stuck in the past of a life he can never reclaim, Anne chooses to go forward to find a new life for herself.
At this point, there is only one thing to do. Escape to Amphibia. Wanted by the government, with their lives in complete ruins, the only safe haven, is the world Anne was spirited away to.
So, it becomes a race between them and the government forces to Terri's home/lab.
It is during this chase, that I think the final player in this drama will make his move.
Andrias, who very, very much wants Anne dead as a doornail, will begin his invasion, and his first priority will be to hunt down Anne, this time with everything he has.
Thus the chase becomes a much, much more dangerous affair, as thousands and thousands of Frobots begin the chase to kill the Boonchuys and Plantars, culminating in them reaching Terri's home, and with it their only hope for survival in her portal.
The end of the episode ending with anne and her companions diving through the portal, as behind them, Andrias LEVELS the place, maybe with a direct laser beam from Newtopia.
He thus thinks they're dead, giving the heroes a bit of breathing room in Amphibia, but Darcy knows better. Marcy has read enough fiction to know that if there isn't a body, they're not dead.
And in Amphibia, Anne and the gang finds themselves stranded in a new, unfamiliar location. The town of Olms.
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poison332 · 3 years
Amphibia S3 Ep. 4: Fight at the Museum/Temple Frogs…
What, love confession? In Season 3? “Who to who” is the better question.
Is Polly part leech?
Huh, Hop Pop really is a Revolutionary.
Anne has SEVERE trust issues!
NOOOO!! HOP POP IS A FLAT EARTHER!!!! Oh why, Hopediah, why?! Welp, time to cancel him, folks. #cancelhoppop
DAMN, Polly, you cultured frog you.
I feel your pain, Anne. About the whole “ten minutes” thing.
You HAVE been missing for months, Anne. You keep forgetting that.
That is one HEAVY-DUTY POT!
Alms or Ohms? Wasn’t sure I heard right.
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maritasdump · 3 years
It's gonna be painful waiting 6-8 months for S3 (HOPEFULLY IT'LL BE OUT SOONER THAN WE THINK PLEASEEE), but luckily I (and others) have TOH to hold me over.- IDFS Anon
Welp I've got my fair share of series (MIRACULOUS SEASON 4 EP 4 AIRED TODAY I'M SOBBING) and I'll watch TOH but will not contribute to the fandom for.... Reasons-
I'll give it at least 6 months. In the meantime SUPPORT THE SHOW AND WATCH AMPHIBIA YOU COWARDS
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cometblaster2070 · 3 years
This will forever live rent free in my head
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Bonus moment:
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