#ana pro
fat-ana · 7 months
zero calorie alcohol would be something id invest millions in
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𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔹𝕒𝕣𝕖 ℕ𝕖𝕔𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕖𝕤
By: @Chocolate-Root-Beer-Float2000
For Health/Fasting Health
You could always take multivitamins & call it a day. Though, here's what to do in the means of being thorough.
Vitamin C: Vitamin C helps with skin, hair, & most importantly bowel function. Something about it just gets your whole body a jolt to just fuckin function.
Vitamin K: Vitamin K helps with blood circulation & bone health. K2 can also do this though it is more protein & metabolism based.
Vitamin B12: Speaking of metabolism, B12, it can help with metabolism most importantly brain function and energy.
Magnesium: It's great for fasting, because in the state of ketosis your body goes into during a fast, it looks into your body specifically to produce its own natural energy. Because of that, it can go by quickly. I mean, w/your whole body needing it to function & all. So taking the added supplement will help.
Probiotics: This supplement is good for keeping in healthy bacteria & getting rid of the bad bacteria to really help your gut function as properly as it should..instead of storing icky stuff it doesn't need.
Omega-3: Omega-3s are good for keeping your blood clean & liver healthy along with so many other health benefits that you can have fun looking into.
Vitamin D: Helps keep your body strong. Literally, it's like the glue to keep in your bones from deteriorating.
Iron: This is for blood production. Gotta keep that heart going for that body to keep working; & it helps with dizziness as well as natural body temperature.
Iodine: Last but not least. This is your thyroid's biggest cheerleader. It's there to keep it or put it back into proper function; it helps to prevent brain damage as well. Just like B12, at least in that aspect.
Things To Help Avoid Cravings during Fast/Binge:
Keep your body moving even if it's 15 minutes, a day 30 minutes, a day or an hour work up to it if you have to. Though again, I'm not your parent, so up to you.
Drink up to a gallon of water a day, even if it's tea. Do what you have to do after all.
Try not to stress. I know it's easier said than done, though that's what practice and keeping our own boundaries are for. Stress is the biggest factor to obesity these days because it puts your body into a state of stress to where it holds onto fat! Crazy.
If you're like me and fall asleep on caffeine, drinks with electrolytes, like Gatorade, can help a lot with balancing your blood sugar and the dizziness you may feel when overworked or standing up too fast.
That's it, that's all I got for now.
Remember, I can only recommend healthier alternatives.
Never force anyone to do something they don't wanna do.
Bon chance!
P.S: If there's any misspellings or any information you believe I have wrong, let me know! I'd be happy to fix it.
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moonlighthobi · 7 months
someone asked my dad if i was sick because i've lost weight.. the euphoria i felt is insane
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d1etc0keluver · 26 days
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I really wanna start this tomorrow 😊😊
Should I?????
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sissi696 · 5 months
Kiedy ja przestanę żyć złudzeniami? Niby uważam, że jestem niezależna i radzę sobie sama. Tyle razy zawiodłam się na ludziach, a jednak wciąż tli się we mnie jakaś głupia iskra nadziei, że skoro ja o kogoś dbam, myślę o jego potrzebach, to ten ktoś zadba o mnie. I znów zonk, może nie taki wielki jak za kilkoma ostatnimi razami, ale jednak 💔 Siło przybywaj, będziesz mi potrzebna.
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majciaezez · 1 year
Jakieś fajne Napoje 0 ?? Totalnie przepiła mi się już cola 0 i herbata nie mam pomysłów
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edrecovery2021 · 2 years
fuck i ate more than 100 cals NOO SHIT i MUST workout :))
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caffeinatedloser · 4 months
I suck at this disorder
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fading-2-perfection · 5 months
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Same bro 😭😭😭
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fat-ana · 1 year
anyone else binge eat for a solid 6 months, and now look like a chunkalunk or is that actually just me👁👄👁
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I love it when my husband puts on kitchen nightmares for me so I can see the grosspo.
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moonlighthobi · 11 months
🕯️🕯️manifesting to lose 5 kgs in 5 days🕯️🕯️
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d1etc0keluver · 3 months
i NEED to be 186 by my next weigh in on Sunday so I gotta keep fasting til Wednesday and make sure to only drink a protein shake to break fast also I'mma be riding my bike a lot this week so that'll help a lot
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sissi696 · 5 months
Jprd, ludzie nie rozumieją, że osoba uzależniona od jedzenia czy słodyczy jest tak samo uzależniona jak alkoholik czy palacz. Niee, takiej osobie można spokojnie podkładać pod nos słodycze, podsuwać ulubione przekąski i drażnić się " no zjedz, co Ci szkodzi, to tylko ciasteczko"
Już widzę jak na jakieś rodzinnej imprezie, gdzie wszyscy wiedzą że ktoś jest niepijącym alkoholikiem, krewni ciągle mu polewają i namawiają "no wypij, to tylko jeden kieliszek". Nie, to byłoby chamskie i niekulturalne. Obrzydliwe. Ale że słodyczami czy żarciem już spoko. Bo co to zaszkodzi? No nic, poza tym, że po zeżarciu takiego małego kawałeczka ciasta wyląduje zaraz w Biedronce i kupię kilogramowe pudło ciastek i je zeżrę przed powrotem do domu 😡
Droga do chudości będzie drogą przez mękę...
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majciaezez · 1 year
Znowu jesz ? Ogarnij się
Nie zawiedź any 🦋🦋🦋
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edrecovery2021 · 2 years
am i sick enough??? im really happy after tonsillitis removal bc i can’t eat AND i can easily say that my throat hurts lol
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