#anatomy wise and otherwise for sure
bijoumikhawal · 4 months
Bite the Hand that Starves You: Chapter One
(originally posted 12/5/23 on AO3)
Fic as of chapter contains: discussion of abortion, references to drug use, intersex and trans characters
Julian shouldn’t have been in the infirmary at this hour. His shift ended quite some time ago, but while he was up eating a middle of the night snack, he realized he’d forgotten a personal padd down here with a book he’d been reading on it. He certainly could have replicated a new one. But the excuse to get in a decent walk and enjoy the quiet of the station at night had convinced him otherwise.
Vusora wasn’t up and about the main room of the infirmary. More likely than not a patient had called for her- over-nighters were moved to private rooms, if possible. Ishiha either was also helping a patient or had been allowed to rest early.
Julian felt a bit uneasy, though this was all normal.
His unease grew when he heard a slight sound from near the back.
Quietly, he walked towards it. Maybe it was a nurse. If it wasn’t, he didn’t want to tip them off.
He heard another scuffling sound, and he was close enough to determine it was the pharmaceutical closet, normally locked. Then silence.
When Julian had the inside in his direct line of sight, it was hard to describe what he felt.
“Oh, Garak.”
Garak didn’t turn to face him, simply holding still like he was contemplating the possibility of melting into the shelf.
Julian sat down across from Garak in his office. "Alright. Why were you attempting to steal from the infirmary stores?"
Garak had gone along with him without struggle, but was petulant as expected. "Why do you think? Surely you remember the last few months."
Julian rested his chin on his hand. He certainly did. After Garak claimed to be recovered, there naturally were aftershocks. He reluctantly submitted himself to checkups- for a week. Then he abruptly refused to see just about anyone, working on alterations from his quarters and only having his shop open for two hours each day, primarily to allow customers to pick up their orders and do final fittings.
That bizarre behavior had ended a few weeks ago… not too long before the incident with the Dominion simulation.
"I'm just curious, if you are looking for a high, whatever made you think this would do it." Julian held up the vial, having slipped it into his hand while ushering Garak out.
"I'm curious as to why you haven't called security."
Julian continued, ignoring him. "Perhaps you were reaching for something else?" He rolled the vial in-between his fingers before putting it on his desk. "Because this is a Rigellian abortifacient. And while I'm not certain, the information I do have leads me to believe taking any significant dosage would likely give a Cardassian liver damage." It was a 77.6 percent likelihood based on current data, his brain provided helpfully.
Garak looked at him balefully, saying nothing.
Julian tapped the top of the vial. "I would've hoped you had learned not to hide this sort of thing from me, Garak."
"Yes, yes, you're very clever, doctor. You simply know about every sneeze on this station the second it happens." Garak said with a sneer.
"Are you pregnant, Garak?"
Garak retreated again. "Don't be absurd."
"What's absurd about it? I haven't done that kind of examination, of course, so I don't know your personal anatomy, and that makes it a very fair question."
His mouth was held in a firm, thin line.
"Garak. I'm not judging you, or whatever it is that made you think stealing medication was a wise course of action. I just want to help." Julian paused. "And if you are, even a Bajoran medication-"
"-Is still not suited to my biology and has similar risks to what you have in your hand right now. I decided acute liver failure was preferable to cardiopulmonary damage."
Julian didn't smile. "Alright. I'm fairly certain it's less likely, but that would be a risk." He made a mental note that Garak might have a family history of heart and lung problems.
Garak seemed put out that by saying such, he had admitted to the issue. He also just- seemed tired. Some of his hair had escaped the hold of the styling product he normally used. There was redness in his eyes, too, and though the implant had been deactivated months ago, he still looked somewhat ill.
Julian leaned forwards. “I’m not currently planning on reporting this.”
Garak scoffed. “I guessed as much. You should, you know.”
Julian closed his eyes and inhaled. “Which of us is the doctor, again? You seem to have come under the impression that it’s you.”
“When it comes to me, I should think we’re evenly matched.”
Julian didn’t rise to the bait. “As I said, I just want to help. Unfortunately, my knowledge is limited in this area.”
Garak’s hand settled on the desk. Julian picked up the vial again.
“Give me two months.” Julian said. “And if I don’t have a better option, I’ll administer the dose. I’ll do everything I can to mitigate the side affects- anything you need.”
Garak was death-still, gaze tilted downwards.
Julian cautiously reached out, resting his hand on Garak’s upper arm. He could feel his muscles stiffen, then relax under his touch. “I would think this goes without saying, but I will speak of this to no one on this station. And if you need someone- to talk to, to help you, to-“
“I understand.” Garak said, in the tone of someone who just wished you’d stop talking.
Julian gave his arm a squeeze.
“Is this something you offer for all your patients?”
“You’re my friend as well as a patient.” Julian keyed his office door back open, standing at the door to let Garak know he could leave like a dvarapala. “It's late- you should head home, get some rest. I’ll call you when I’m more prepared to help you with this.”
Garak didn’t need much encouragement to go. Julian went back to his office to mark down some notes. And when he left, of course he almost forgot his padd again.
Nothing was quite as humiliating as getting caught while doing something he should have been perfectly capable of. And worse, he wasn’t even in trouble for it, because it was such a pathetic thing to be caught doing.
Garak kicked the wall of the turbolift with uncharacteristically unrestrained violence. Of all the things that could compound the situation here, this was the last thing he’d expected. It was a possibility, yes- but it had slipped his mind entirely in the years he'd spent as the only Cardassian on the station, which was unforgivable.
And of course, of course Dr. Bashir had been understanding about it. Garak wished he had called security. There were rules, and so there were consequences. That all made sense. Mercy! What was mercy- foolishness, a tool of confusion, a lapse in duty!
Everything was so sharp without the wire.
He wondered to himself, if Dr. Bashir was relieved that he hadn’t been trying to get high, or if he was confounded by him having yet another medical issue. Probably not the latter- challenges were met with eagerness and a cocksure attitude that a solution could be found. Dr. Bashir was still early in his career, after all, and even doctors with decades of experience…
He needed an auxiliary plan. Certainly, Dr. Bashir had said he’d administer the treatment himself, but he’d only said it, and even if he’d offered to make a record of it, he was free to change his mind. It was a privilege of expertise.
He wondered what all got reported back to the Order about him these days, if they had surveillance on the infirmary, and if Tain was thinking on him with disgust already.
A moment of anger seized him. If Tain thought so of him, he had no one to blame but himself. It was his “tactical decision” that had gotten Garak unto this mess, a simple “no” on his part, or even stating that he didn't care what Garak did, and this never would have happened. Or even-
Garak breathed. Counted. Centered himself.
Allowing such thoughts to fester would only worsen his chances of no longer being exiled. No use in bitterness over the past. He had enough to deal with- and it was almost more than he could handle.
Ideally, when he exited the turbo lift, no one who may be watching noticed anything was amiss. Aside from him perhaps seeming tired. A particularly kind person might’ve asked, “late night?” he imagined, if the corridor to his quarters was not silent save for his own footsteps.
The difference between the temperature in his quarters and the rest of the station was such that opening the door felt like a wall of fire coming to meet him. He had limited the impulse to tamper with the environmental controls in previous years- but when he felt his out of season mating cycle coming on, well. It became necessary. And when it ended abruptly, he hadn't the sternness to turn it back down.
A shudder went through him at the thought of how necessary it’d become if this wasn’t dealt with.
That wouldn’t happen. He would make a plan of his own if this fell through.
Julian summoned him to his office a week later, still in the late hours when Garak had first gotten caught. He phrased it as “a follow up for your implant, to set my mind at ease”.
Garak had (painfully) skipped their lunch that week, so this would be the first time seeing him since that night.
The corridors were just as empty as they’d been last time. It wasn’t quite as late as it had been then, but even Quark’s was closed.
Julian was sitting in his office. When Garak closed the door behind him, he immediately began fiddling with a small device next to him, and sat it down on his desk once he was satisfied.
“A signal jammer? Why, doctor, I’d think having recordings of your patients in general was a major ethical violation.”
“It’s not for me. But you know that.” Garak did- he knew that Odo and the good doctor had come into rather major disagreement over the former’s desire to install recording equipment in the infirmary.
Julian also had a pad of paper and a pen sitting on his desk. Off Garak’s look, he said, “You can’t hack paper. I assume you’d prefer this is kept… relatively off the record.”
A correct, though complicated assumption. All of this was already “on the record”- logs of doors being opened and turbolifts being used, security camera footage (Garak was reasonably sure he’d avoided that until he got caught last time, but hadn’t bothered after that), and so on. Julian had provided some cover by having his communication obscure the nature of his late night visits, but Garak felt somewhat doubtful he would be able to keep it that way- no matter how much he wished it, that the only evidence in the end would be memory.
“First. Are you certain you’re pregnant?”
Garak glared at him. “Do you think I’d try to steal from the infirmary on a suspicion?”
“I need to know where we’re at, Garak, and that includes asking questions you may find stupid. How did you find out? How long ago do you think this happened?”
Garak looked down to his hand, which had located a loose thread in the chair upholstery and was spinning it between his fingers, feeling the slubbed texture. “It happened a little over a month ago. There were some… unexpected behavioral changes, and certain biological processes didn’t quite happen as expected since.”
“I would prefer specifics, if you can.” Garak’s eyes slowly met his. Julian held up a hand.
“I did say if you can. I don’t doubt you’re certain based on the information you have, but I’m not familiar with this area of Cardassian healthcare, and with any patient I’d rule out any chance of false positives before proceeding.”
“How can you rule out a false positive if you don’t know?”
Julian tapped his pen against his desk. “Why do you think I waited a week before asking you to come for a preliminary appointment?”
The knowledge that Julian already likely knew specifics of why Garak might be reticent to be detailed made him no less embarrassed. Let him put the pieces together, if he knew so much. “I've had an increased need to be warm, a dramatically increased appetite followed by a low one, sluggishness, worsened mood, and pheromone changes.”
“You can sense your own pheromone changes?” Julian asked as he scribbled notes.
“You can smell when you sweat, can’t you?” Garak replied. “Among other… things, the latter in particular makes me quite certain of what’s going on.”
Julian opened a desk drawer- how clever of him, Garak thought irritably, keeping things out of sight until he needed them- and brought out two sets of a swab and a container. “If you don’t mind.”
Garak tilted his head to the side, allowing Julian to rub each swab over his jaw glands. “Out of curiosity- how do you plan to test those if this is “off the record”?” he asked, distracting himself from his increased heartbeat at having to adopt the posture.
“I’ll say I’m testing the equipment. It doesn’t get logged in patient records, so anyone you’re worried about wouldn’t immediately think to look there, it’s a separate indexing system, and I schedule tests on a regular basis. I can claim that I think there was an error and retest within a few days if that makes you feel better- bury the data somewhat.”
“I don’t think that will be necessary.”
Julian put the swabs away. “Are there any particular medical concerns you have?”
“Other than the obvious?” Garak had managed to tear the thread out by now, and his spinning was making it twist into a little ball. He dropped it.
Julian looked at him, trying to be compassionate- Garak hated it. And he hated that he was aware the reaction wasn’t founded on anything he had actually done to offend Garak, not really. It was evidence to Garak’s- problem.
“I don’t want to be pregnant. That’s all.”
Julian nodded. “I understand. There’s a few more questions I’d like to ask, if you would.”
Garak leaned back in the chair with a sigh.
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twistmusings · 2 years
Savanaclaw - Heats, Ruts, and mating seasons.
CW: Discussions of non-human anatomy and heating/rut/mating cycles and how they impact the boys. (It is of note because I know this come up for mating cycles a lot in fiction, but there is no talk of nonconsent in this at all, if that's a concern.)
Note: All characters are depicted as being in their mid to late twenties in this!
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Leona Kingscholar
In the traditional sense, Leona doesn't have a heat or a rut. From a science perspective, Lion beastpeople follow a pretty similar mating routine to their wild lion counterparts: lioness beastpeople don't follow any set ovulation schedule and ovulation must be induced by the act of reproduction. This means that there's no ruts for Leona at any time of year.
Instead, what largely dictates his sex drive is going to be his partners. He has a pretty low sex drive on his own, but he can also smell their arousal on them which will help put him into the mood.
That being said: his partner might not be the only thing that dictates his sex drive, though. Biologically his brain won't register just when his partner is horny, but when mating season for other species are happening too. If he comes in close contact with someone going into a heat or a rut, he's probably going to be hot and bothered by it and that will, in turn, come out in the bedroom with his partner. (He doesn't really explain this to his partners if they aren't beastpeople, so it can seem pretty out of the blue when he asks them if they would like to get in the mood, lol. Suffice to say that if you aren't aware of it, his sex drive definitely spikes at certain times of year during mating season even if it isn't his own mating season.)
Talking anatomy-wise: his dick is not barbed the way that most felines are. It doesn't, however, look the same as a human penis. It outwardly resembles a human dick in shape, except the entire shape is tapered and there are a few keratinized bumps rather than barbs. They aren't sharp, and they function to induce ovulation in lion beastpeople, but of course otherwise they just feel like small bumps or ridges. It does not have a sheath and doesn't retract into his body the way it does on wild lions.
Since his biology and mating cycles don't dictate it any particular way, Leona doesn't really cater to any specific role in be bedroom re: top/bottom or dom/sub.
Ruggie Bucchi
Hyena beastpeople are similar to lion beastpeople: they don't have a set time of year that they rut. AFAB hyena beastpeople have ovulation cycles throughout the year, though most matings happen during the period from April until June. Ruggie does not experience a rutting period at any time during the year.
Like Leona, Ruggie can also smell his partner's interest. He does have a sex drive in itself, and will pursue his partner if he's in the mood, but will similarly usually get interested if they are aroused and he can smell it on them.
I feel like it's important to say that... hyena beastpeople have extremely unique anatomy when it comes to mating. TLDR: all hyenas have a penis or a psuedo penis that's function is to ensure that the AFAB hyena beastpeople have to be consenting for mating to occur. This is to say: Consent is hugely important to Ruggie. He will always be very upfront about asking his partner if they are interested and there will be a lot of foreplay involved because he needs to make sure that they're in the mood before he proceeds.
Again, similar to Leona, his brain is wired to get in the mood when he smells others in heat or rut. During peak heat and rut seasons, he will sometimes seem to get randomly horny, but unlike Leona, he will explain to a non-beastperson partner why he gets so hot and bothered during other species' mating seasons. He gets a lot of awkward as fuck boners, though, so forgive him if he gets hard when it's not entirely appropriate.
His dick more or less looks human. Maybe just a touch more pointed at the tip and narrower at the base of the glans, but you would be hard-pressed to notice it.
His biology does sort of dictate how he approaches his partner for sex. If he gets horny because he can smell that his partner is in the mood (or if his partner is a beastperson entering rut/heat), he's a lot more submissive with his approach. He refers to it as being 'mating brained' and it just means he will follow whatever orders his partner gives him in the lead up to sex and will be cautious to listen if they revoke consent or seem displeased.
When he's the one who gets horny first, though, he doesn't really have much preference for dom/sub or bottom/top. It really just depends on how it goes.
Jack Howl
Jack does have a rut. It usually hits between January and March each year, and it really, truly embarrasses the hell out of him. Heats also happen in wolf beastpeople at this time of year, so biologically it tracks that's when his rut will peak.
He is monogamous through and through, so him being unfaithful will, quite literally, never be a concern when it comes to Jack.
Now him being a horny, pathetic mess? Yeah, no, that's a very real worry. He gets it super bad, random boners, fevers, weakness of his muscles-- all of it.
Smelling his partner turned on will turn him up to a 10 immediately. He's still Jack, though, so this is going to fluster him and he's not going to know exactly how to approach asking for sex until he's fully settled into a relationship and very comfortable.
Jack's dick is probably the most different from a humans out of everyone here because he does have a knot. His knot won't be able to tie him to someone unless they have anatomy to clamp down on him or just have some amazing muscle strength to flex down around him. His knot is visible when flaccid and hard, and when he gets close to climax it will swell. If his partner is a beastperson with the anatomy to clamp down on his knot and tie... well you're going to be cuddling for a while. Probably around 20 to 30 minutes while you wait for his knot to stop swelling.
His rut is wild. It's amazing both how uncharacterisitc it is and yet at the same time he's still very... Jack. He is nearly constantly flustered because he has no control over his dick and he gets hard at the drop of a hat. He gets irritable and horny and miserable for hours at a time and if you're lucky you might catch him rutting against his pillows or bedding out of desperation. He is extremely shy about asking for a hand with it even if he does have a long-term partner, so they will probably have to approach him about wanting to help him through it first.
If his partner does want to help him through it, he's got some pretty incredible stamina and a super low refractory period during his rut. He will more than likely need several rounds a day to keep him from being miserable. As I said, he's shy about asking to do things, so if his partner wants him to knot them or tie them, they're probably going to have to ask.
His rut lasts around two weeks, give or take, but only happens once a year.
If his partner does stay with him through a rut, he's going to be extremely affectionate towards them throughout and after. He isn't good at putting it into words, but he really appreciates the help.
Bonus: Chenya
Chenya does have a rut, but it's not as intense as Jack's is. His is moreso an increased sex drive from early spring to late fall each year. AFAB cat beastpeople don't have set ovulation cycles and are instead induced throughout the mating period, so, in turn, Chenya doesn't really have the intense, urgent need to mate.
Like the others, Chenya can smell the arousal on his partner. It turns him on, and he will definitely use it as an excuse to tease and play with them a little, at least until they ask him to sleep with them outright.
He also can get turned on by other peoples ruts and heats, so he will experience a slight increase in his sex drive during certain parts of the year, but since his own mating period is so long it's hard to notice.
A key difference with Chenya is that when he can smell that his partner is aroused in public, he will get hella territorial. He will be antagonistic to anyone else who approaches his partner, and is very protective of them.
His dick resembles Leona's-- tapered and has keratin bumps or ridges but is not barbed.
When it comes to sex, he can get kind of rough during his rut season if he's particularly excited.
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bunnystalker · 4 months
bunnystalker ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ ᰔ (18+)
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆ kori/bunny | bunnystalker | he/they/it | masterlist ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
⚝ my name is kori! this blog is 18+ only! ageless + minors will be blocked for your safety.
⚝ requests* are not open unless specified but feel free to leave ideas if you have them and would like to share! this blog is mostly spam posting fics as i write them because i'm down bad for wesker whups.
⚝ i mostly write afab but occasionally i write amab. i love writing both, i'm just more comfortable with afab anatomy!
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ trigger warnings below ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
ʚɞ i write; noncon, cnc, dubcon, somnophilia, hemophilia, dacryphilia, dumbification, objectification, stalking + more
ʚɞ individual posts will have content warnings (abbreviated as cw;) so if you see anything that might trigger you, please do not read it. i'm not responsible for what happens if you ignore the trigger warnings. they will always be italicized, in subtext, and the text will be red. any sexual acts will also be tagged in the content warning section, as well as angst or fluff.
ʚɞ i also tag pet names if they're used for either the reader or character, i.e; pet names used; baby (reader receiving)
༺☆༻ hard limits ༺☆༻
જ⁀➴ i absolutely will not write incest, stepcest (because that is still a form of incest y'all are fucked in the head if you think otherwise), scat, piss, gore porn, ddlg/ddlb/mdlb/mdlg etc. or any kind of ageplay, pedophilia, any form of necrophilia i.e. fucking a zombie or corpse, the list goes on and i will update as i think of more.
જ⁀➴ if you ask me to write any of these things, expect to get shut down and blocked. i refuse to explain my hard limits, use your brain to figure that shit out.
☃︎ asks/inbox rules! ☃︎
𐙚 my inbox is usually always open! i try to answer all the asks + messages i get within a timely manner so i appreciate y'all's patience.
𐙚 as stated above*, if you ask me to write something in specific, i will most likely shut you down because i don't take requests (and won't until i'm more confident in my work)
𐙚 that being said... i love giving my opinions on things i.e scenarios etc. i'm a yapper that's for sure. i love learning stuff too so i will absorb any sort of fact or piece of information given to me.
☠︎︎ and finally... me! ☠︎︎
𓆙 i'm 19, i love resident evil, criminal minds (not finished w/the show though so no spoilers please <3), legend of zelda (3ds games specifically), playing cards, skyrim, potc, cats, that 70's show, twilight (twilight renaissance 4ever), the yakuza game series, death note, etc.
𓆙 music wise i looooove old bring me the horizon, pierce the veil, fall out boy, asking Alexandria, slipknot, deftones, sleep token, bad omens, affinity affliction, etc. (there's more genres i love other than emo but... being emo is my brand irl so...)
𓆙 i don't bite. always looking for new friends + mutuals to geek abt my interests with!
(all kaomojis found at Heart Kaomojis | ♡ ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ ⋆𐙚… | Copy & Paste (emojicombos.com) !)
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tea-and-finalfantasy · 6 months
some mk1 underwear preference hcs & dick hcs
content warnings and other notes at top, just below cut
post discusses genitals, underwear, nonhuman anatomy, sex (mentioned briefly for the most part). breeding and eggs are mentioned for the last two characters as they're non-human but it's more in an informative way than a kink way. like i'm explaining how their parts work to some degree, not getting into raunchy details
+ i skipped size descriptions unless i had a particular thought/generally everyone's average size wise unless it's stated otherwise bc we love all sizes here. like i considered making a small to large graph but i feel like people would assume i put some characters in certain places for like? joke reasons? like haha he has the smallest dick of (x group of characters) but it's just a personal hc and i love small dicks so i just skipped it so people wouldn't assume i think it's a bad thing
+ i imagine all of them in some elaborate polycule (+ the girls too) so any mention of a ship here is also with the intention of p much everyone else being there too lol/don't feel boxed in if i mention a ship you don't like bc you can either ignore it or add it in addition to the ship you do like
probably the only circumcised one of the group? it's not as common where the other guys are from--even considering the czech republic vs the states/it's more common in the US--so that's what i'm going with i think
def waxes his body hair for the most part but when he does more directing than acting or has a break in contracts, he just trims it
has a bit of a natural tan and will sunbathe on his property nude so the tan is even everywhere. doesn't do it as often or at all post... everything bc he's like i had four random visitors to my mansion, i'm not risking having that happen but having my cock out for it
has a single mole on one testicle
used to wearing compression underwear and or a cup for films/stunts so it's a common part of his wardrobe
prefers jockstraps (like i hc most of these guys to have worn jocks for athletic things but johnny also prefers them outside of that) but wears loose leg boxers around the house/in the mornings before he gets ready or chills in them all day if he's not going out
some freckles below his belly button
def has a hanabira-style of scarification right above the cock although i'm not set on the design
most likely something that'd go with his tattoos so it could fall into the category of plants/flowers but i can't make out his tats super well LOL so i'm not sure what would work
suchin is thai so she wouldn't have a family symbol for him to use but i think it'd be cool for kenshi to have something inspired by her almost signifying concealed but true devotion to her vs visible but false devotion to the yakuza
trims his pubes but struggles with it more after becoming blind because (hc abt how ancestor's sight work) yeah he can whip out sento but he reserves that for fighting or for like. staring at johnny/needing to see his or someone else's facial expression, not for every everyday thing (like he'll use a cane to walk around in public, he gets captioning for films, he asks people to describe things, johnny's place is redesigned so it works better with his needs, etc)
plus i like to hc that yeah he can see with it but sometimes it's outlines, sometimes it's flashes of vision that can give him headaches, and even if it were perfect sight, he can't have sento in public for the most part
hairier than the others (minus kuai liang) and always has stubble on his face but is still closer to average
in comparison to johnny wearing loose boxers around the house, he'll just go for sweatpants which seems like the more conservative option until johnny catches him--known modest dresser kenshi takahashi--shifting the waistband and johnny realizes he's not wearing underwear at all
really does like going commando but only really does it alone or around partners--usually sticks to long leg boxers instead
please god though, give us a reason to imagine this man in a fundoshi
trims, doesn't have a lot of body hair anyways
real pretty, decently long and girthy, real smooth--a cock that really fills the senses (the whole mouth, musk in the nose and sinuses, taste sticks around for a while)
inexperienced in using it though which is totally fine but he feels especially embarrassed having such a pretty cock with heft to it--like he feels like he should be an expert on sex or else it's wasted (which like. dude that's ur cock it's ur body, that's it lol)
prefers briefs bc he's cute
Kung Lao
trims but doesn't have a lot of body hair anyways
some nice veins, girthier than Raiden but slightly shorter. no dick measuring contests here but definitely a lot of handjobs between best bros so they know each other like the backs of their hands. like the insides of their hands. like the hands they use for handjobs
like i don't really care to write in dick size envy in here anyways but he sees raiden freeze up in sexual situations and is comfortable with having a more average size in comparison without the fear of expectation tacked on to a larger size lol
wears short leg boxer briefs when working, wears nothing when not working
Liu Kang
i wanna say hung like a stallion but also he does so many backflips he 100% wears compression underwear. and anyone who asks is like oh is it bc ur a god that u have a big dick? and he's like ah no i just look like this. he's shy about it
i can't find any accurate info on chinese underwear without western influence so hey it's compression underwear while fighting and nothing the rest of the time i guess
i write Tarkat AU wise to be like Mileena's where it's not always noticeable or flaring up SO if i keep with that hc, i can see him having some scarring, as he does everywhere else (think if Mileena's mouth switched between the Tarkat style teeth and a slit-mouth style scarring on her uninfected face) so there's that kind of lumpy scarring and the associated pain with it but (again if we go with Tarkat flaring up, like a chronic pain situation) he's able to have sex and not be in pain sometimes, other nights it's not as possible
think a jacob's ladder piercing would be really cool on him!
loose leg boxers are ideal as it keeps off the skin (i feel like Tarkat is supposed to be blood-related or fluid-related? like the risk in battle would be blood contact BUT we're shown ppl itching a lot--like ok i know it's not explained at all but i can see him having skin sensitivity so loose fitting garments would be most comfortable for him)
foreskin stays on tight even when hard
really sensitive frenulum
thin-ish cock
trims his pubes, has a bit more body hair than, say, kung lao and raiden, but generally is average or slightly lower than that in that regard. like more than tomas too and it's more noticeable on him than on someone like johnny but kenshi's hairier
prefers shorter leg boxers, closer to briefs
Kuai Liang
so much of him is covered in hair (sideburns, always has stubble, thick hair on his head whereas bi-han's is thinner, chest hair, noticeable hair on the fingers/toes whereas it isn't for bi-han or tomas) and this is esp true below the belt (thick happy trail, pubes extend between the legs,)
dick specific, has a prince albert piercing (still accounting for foreskin though). a secret joy
doesn't trim the majority of his body hair (only keeps his face shaved and even then, he always has neck stubble + neck pigmentation + shaving scars there too) but also notices how prevalent it is and is shy about it if he thinks too hard about it
prefers longer leg boxers and long, thermal ones in winter--generally goes the modest route unless encouraged to branch out (cough cough hanging out w johnny hc where johnny goads him into wearing a jock he's like uh? does it suit me alright? and jc is like -lowers glasses- uh yeah i--Damn)
really soft skin, maybe a nice vein or two
hair is not super visible due to the color and he's smoother than the other two anyways
prefers briefs as the resident european man. definitely opts for like, swimming trunks though in a beach situation and the guys are def like (aw i wanted to see him in a speedo :/)
the softest skin, small cock (smallest of the group too) and perfect, round balls
nice to play with the shaft between two fingers as it's a really compact, neat size
yeah in his zaterran form, he gains some length and size, making knotting + egg laying easier/more possible, but he's still not as well-endowed as other zaterrans/his human form is still him so small dick it is!!
plus, when he shifts form, he can almost rotate between options? he can have a cock only, a cock/vagina combo, a cloaca instead of anything else--pretty much any combination of things he wants depending on how he wants to play it
doesn't like a lot of fabrics so unless he's staying with company and will wear loose leg boxers, he doesn't wear anything under his clothes
i think he'd look especially good in a thong but considering how that item fits (always manages to get in the crack of your ass, doesn't have to be super tight but might not always be the most comfortable bc of how it falls) i think he'd have too many sensory issues to wear one
i give her shapeshifting powers too and always hc that with that, anything someone shifts into will be like, what suits their body? like she can't change the heft/length as it's predetermined sort of? the shapeshifting part is in the changing of type, not the appearance beyond that? like syzoth can shift but it's between two predetermined forms. like that
is the biggest, thickest, and heaviest out of everyone. she's not human and it's apparent in the shape, pattern, function, etc.
matte black with tan spot patterns, has three bulbous swells? ridges? at the end which aids in the production of fluid and eventually the shaping of eggs
she initially can't lay eggs but is researching this like magic (like how smoke could learn practical magic--it's not impossible) to breed syzoth
he doesn't get that experience as a zaterran due to being cast out (i can see any zaterran switching between breeding and being bred when it's mating season) so while he can breed others to some extent, although it won't take unless they're another zaterran, he can't be bred in that way by anyone
he experiences some grief in missing out on that exact experience either in breeding someone with the intent to have kids (like he doesn't want a family rn but does want kids eventually and it hurts not knowing if it'll ever be possible with any of his partners) or being bred either for fulfilling a heat or for having kids
so ashrah kind of spearheads this search towards like. is there a way for me to do that for him, how would that work, how can i involve the others in on this whether it's through moral support/vocal support/comforting presences or using magic to SLIGHTLY AND TEMPORARILY morph their physiology in some ways (not eggs in this case but knots/girth)
it's curious and fun and interesting and a longer discussion for another post ^^;
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mothprincess · 1 year
do you have any tips for someone who wants to get into writing? i feel like i'm too stupid no thoughts head empty kind of person but i still want to attempt it because i want to create something i can be proud of (& i need a creative outlet bc my life is falling apart). i guess this is too broad of a question but maybe you can recommend some books on writing or just books you loved in general? <3
stupid people don't ask such good questions and seek out advice ♡ write without shame or embarrassment write without thinking about what a poem (or prose, but i will focus on what i have the most experience with) should look like write about what the wind sounds like (does it sing? does it warn you of something? is it cold and blistery?) or how you feel about someone in your life (is your heart warm? like it's about to burst? is it cold? cold like what? vanilla soft serve that runs down your knuckles?) write with honesty and introspection (conversely, make shit up whenever you want if it makes the story more interesting) allow your mind to be spontaneous. you don’t have to write about roses or depression. you can write about how it feels in bio lab, how your heart is like a test tube i like to tell people to make their brains as fluid as they can. if you’re at a lack for words, try reading something well-regarded that may expand your vocabulary and scope of knowledge my writing takes inspiration from the following authors and works: PROSE • sputnik sweetheart by haruki murakami • norwegian wood by haruki murakami • the wind-up bird chronicle by haruki murakami • deathless by catherynn m. valente • comfort me with apples by catherynn m. valente • the virgin suicides by jeffrey eugenides  • the bell jar by sylvia plath • cat’s eye by margaret atwood • bunny by mona awad POETRY & OTHER • ariel by sylvia plath • the unabridged journals of sylvia plath • les fleurs du mal by charles baudelaire • the anatomy of being by shinji moon • dream work by mary oliver • the wild iris by louise glück • love, death, and the changing of the seasons by marilyn hacker • the letters of vincent van gogh • the letters of vita sackville west to virginia woolf ^ these are heavily magical realism and/or with psychological and introspective themes. if you want to feel inspired but aren’t sure where to begin, you may start with shakespeare, emily dickinson, or sappho. classics tend to be safe choices that are full of rich vocabulary 
does anything excite you? use that as a compass. if nothing excites you, perhaps explore why. excitement need not be high energy. even an unexpected bouquet of flowers can bring about excitement and romanticism, at least for myself i did not learn to write poetry through formal education or classes. it is strangely intuitive and one may always write free verse poetry. anne sexton started writing poetry at the suggestion of her psychiatrist, for example. if you are interested in learning how to write, i really like skillshare for learning new things (this is my referral code, if you or anyone is interested: https://skl.sh/3Proh0p) otherwise, i own mary oliver’s a poetry handbook but am yet to have read it, myself. i haven’t read much on how to write but it would be wise to look at the syllabi of college poetry and writing courses, like this one and this, where you can find several suggestions anyway, best of luck to you, anon. please feel free to share what you have written with me when you do write something ♡
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depressedhouseplant · 14 days
🔞 In Darkness I Found You 🔞
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Chapter 11
Tags: Mentions of miscarriage, mentions of parental death
A/N: The movie referenced is Silver Bullet based on the novella by Stephen King.
“Time to go,” two guards approached Yoongi’s cell. He’d gotten so out of control that they’d relegated him to a cell at the end of the wall of beds. They let him out for 3 reasons - to give birth, to walk around if the doctor said he needed to, and to go to the pen. He wasn’t pregnant.
Yoongi stepped back and snarled when they opened the door. Omegas didn’t snarl. Alphas snarled. Omegas didn’t bite unless they were mating. Alphas bit if they were provoked. If his anatomy hadn’t declared otherwise, Yoongi was behaving more like an Alpha than an Omega. In reality, he was a cornered Omega who knew he was about to suffer. If he was going to lose the fight, at least he wouldn’t act like what they thought Omegas were supposed to act like. The guards had wised up and wore leather gloves after he bit 2 or 3 of them. They threw the hood over his head and cuffed his wrists behind him.
As he was being shoved down the hall, Yoongi heard the clatter of a bed being rushed by.
“I think he’s miscarrying,”
“Get him to the hospital wing now,”
The clattering kept moving and out of earshot. Yoongi kept stumbling down the hall as the guards shoved him in the shoulder periodically. He knew they thought it was fun. It was the only time they knew he couldn’t fight back. He knew how many steps it took to get to the door of the pen. He never varied the length of his stride even when they pushed him.
One hundred seventeen he thought.
They pulled the hood off his head.
“He’s not ready,” one of the head guards said. He was referring to the Alpha who had paid for time in the pen with Yoongi. Yoongi stood with his head down, but he’d learned to use his peripheral vision almost as well as his forward vision. He could hear crying. He looked over and saw one of the younger Omegas on a hospital bed curled up around his stomach and crying. That must have been the one he heard them taking down the hall earlier. He also saw a door. It looked like it led to the pen.
What if…
“He’s ready,”
“In you go,” they shoved him in.
“Yoongi, honey, wake up,”
Yoongi opened his eyes and Hobi was holding his upper body to his chest. The pup was squirming and kicking like crazy in his belly.
“It was...it was…” he breathed.
“You don’t have to tell me anything, love. Just try and catch your breath,” Hobi said.
“The pup…” Yoongi was on the verge of hyperventilating. Hobi put his hand on Yoongi’s belly.
“Hey, little one. Omega daddy had a bad dream. No need to get all worked up,” Hobi gently rubbed the bump. He could feel the pup kicking. “Everything’s okay. Can you settle down for Omega daddy so he can go back to sleep?”
“I don’t want to go back to sleep,” Yoongi said.
“That’s fine. We don’t have to,” Hobi pulled up Yoongi’s pajama top and rubbed his bare belly. He got behind Yoongi and rested him between his legs.
“You can go back to sleep,” Yoongi said.
“You think I’m gonna let you two stay awake while I’m asleep? Ain’t happening,” Hobi replied, kissing the side of his mate’s head.
“Can you get Tae down here?” Yoongi asked. “Please?”
“Sure,” Hobi leaned over and texted his brother. He was down to their room almost immediately.
“We heard the noise,” he said.
“Can you check please? I know it’s probably okay, but…” Yoongi began.
“Will do,” Tae put on gloves and Yoongi assumed the position.
“Alright little one, did Omega daddy just scare you?” Tae checked around and the pup was still wiggling. “Slow down.”
“Breathe. You’re home. You’re safe,” Hobi told Yoongi. “Everything’s fine.” Yoongi tried to slow his breathing.
“There we go. That’s better,” Tae said. He felt around for another minute or so. “I think you’re fine. It was just a little freaked. You’re far enough along that I’m not nearly as concerned as I was before.”
“Okay,” Yoongi breathed.
“It should settle down as you settle down,” Tae took off the gloves and tossed them in the trash. He helped Yoongi get dressed again.
“Thank you, Tae,” Yoongi said.
“Of course,” he grinned. As he was leaving, they looked over and saw Jungkook peeking in the door. Hobi looked down at Yoongi.
“You can come in,” Hobi said. Jungkook scooted into the room looking slightly guilty.
“I still don’t like being left alone,” he said.
“I understand,” Yoongi said. “And I do remember you.”
“You do?” Jungkook questioned.
“It was when I first figured out that it was possible to escape. You were miscarrying and they left me in the hall long enough to see the door. And you, unfortunately,” Yoongi said.
“That was my second pup,” Jungkook said quietly.
“I’m sorry,” Yoongi replied.
“I dunno if it would’ve been better if I’d been able to stay pregnant,” Jungkook said.
“You still have to be there if you’re pregnant. They still keep you locked up most of the day. They let you walk around more if you’re pregnant. The ones who behave really well get to walk around more. Jin was one of those,” Yoongi said.
“They left me to die,” Jungkook dropped his head.
“I almost let myself die,” Yoongi put his hand over Hobi’s. Tae and Hobi looked horrified as Yoongi and Jungkook described their experiences. Tae had reached out to hug Jungkook and was gently grooming him even though he was taller than Tae. Hobi kept rubbing Yoongi’s belly as the pup settled down.
“Your lives…” Tae began.
“Are better because you saved us,” Yoongi said. “We’d both be dead without you two. I collapsed in the right yard and Jungkook was dropped off at the right hospital. Now I’m going to have a pup to call my own and Jungkook won’t have to go through another miscarriage. I know I’ll have nightmares about that place for the rest of my life, but I have a home now.”
“You’ll always be safe here,” Hobi told him. “No one will ever hurt you again.”
“Ditto,” Tae said. Jungkook buried his face in Tae’s neck. “I don’t think any of us are getting back to sleep tonight.”
“Who’s up for a crappy horror movie?” Hobi said.
“The pup just settled down,” Yoongi said.
“It’s not, like, actually scary,” Hobi said.
“Oh no, not the werewolf one again,” Tae said.
“You think it’s funny. Don’t lie to me,” Hobi said. Tae rolled his eyes.
“Fine,” he huffed.
“We’ll watch it in here because I don’t want to wrestle the dogs and pup just quieted down,” Hobi told them. Tae and Jungkook got on the bed and Hobi put on the movie. Despite insisting he couldn’t go back to sleep, Yoongi dozed off halfway through in spite of all the shrieking. Jungkook had curled up in Tae’s lap and fallen asleep. The brothers were still awake, but Hobi turned down the volume.
“You think we could ever find the place and get it shut down?” Tae asked.
“Namjoon’s been there. Maybe he would remember how to get there,” Hobi replied. “We can’t ask them to help us.”
“Definitely not,” Tae looked at Jungkook sleeping in his lap.
“You gonna do anything about that?” Hobi asked.
“I dunno. We both want to, but it’s been so hard for him. I think the cyst is also starting to bother him,” Tae replied.
“He’s got to get it out no matter what, right?” Hobi asked.
“It’ll only keep growing and hurt him more. If he wants to get pregnant then it absolutely has to come out,” Tae replied.
“You want this for yourself?” Hobi grinned and looked down at Yoongi.
“I think so, but only if he wants it. He cries when I have to go to work. At least you could switch to online consultations. It kills me. I know he can’t help it because he’s still afraid of being left alone. I’m trying to figure out a way to get my shifts arranged to make it easier on him. It helps that he has you and Yoongi, though,” Tae started grooming him again.
“Can you imagine? The two of us mated with pups. If Mom & Dad could’ve seen it,” Hobi said.
“They wouldn’t believe it unless they did,” Tae said.
“I miss them,” Hobi said.
“Me too,” Tae agreed.
“Miss who?” Jungkook yawned.
“Nobody. Let’s go back upstairs,” Tae said.
“Okay,” Jungkook sat up and rubbed his eyes. Yoongi was still asleep between Hobi’s legs. Jungkook looked at them then back at Tae.
“What?” Tae asked.
“I want the cyst out,” Jungkook said. “I want that.”
“You’ll have to go back to the hospital. I can’t do it here. I’m not even qualified to do it. You’ll have to heal, too. I don’t know what it’ll do to your heat cycles,” Tae said.
“I understand,” Jungkook replied.
“You’re sure?” Tae asked. Jungkook kissed him deeply and Hobi swatted his brother in the shoulder.
“No fucking on my bed and no waking up my mate,” he said.
“Sorry,” Jungkook said, trying not to blush.
“You’ve got a bed. Go use it and keep it down,” Hobi told them. Tae smiled at Hobi.
“Maybe the impossible will happen after all,” he said.
“Maybe it will,” Hobi smiled as they got off the bed and practically ran back upstairs. “Or it already has.”
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yeenybeanies · 8 months
I’m trying to write a Hybrid Au of my own! I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind giving me some pointers or your definition of hybrids yourselves as a starting point?
Most hybrid AU’s I run across simply slap cat ears or a tail onto their characters and call it a day without explanation or detail to manifestations such as having the hindquarters of their species (like saytrs but not limited to goats/deer and related species). Nor do they go over the laws, care and the societal debates over how hybrids should be treated and what constitutes them as a subclass species/race.
I apologize for even asking this, I’m new to writing and really struggle not to run on with my sentences or get so wrapped up in every tiny detail I end up with a novel just for a description of a species.
hey, sure! id be happy to offer some help!
so, i will say, just from the very beginning: don't get too hung up on finer, unimportant details if you're going to be writing some sort of story. it doesn't really need to be explained in excruciating detail exactly how a hybrid works. otherwise, things can just get bogged down & it can take away from the story itself.
so, for my hybrid au specifically, my hybrids start off as grown military personnel that undergo extensive genetic alteration, wherein a host animal's DNA is spliced in with their own so that they start expressing certain animal traits (physical capabilities, senses, physical features, etc.). i personally don't have my hybrids growing wings, tails, extra sets of ears, or anything like that, nor do any of them get digitigrade legs. but that's just my personal preference. it seems more realistic to me that my hybrids would retain the basic human shape, as any drastic changes to the anatomy would probably be ungodly painful, & would probably result in a dead soldier.
but! that's just how it works in my mind. & i rationalize it like that because, as i said, my hybrids start off as adult humans.
now, if you were to have hybrids that were born, either because maybe that's just A Thing in your world, or because something made them that way, then, in my opinion, you could get a bit more flexible with expressed animal features. tails & digitigrade legs & whatnot.
or you can really just disregard everything & do whatever you want lol. it's fiction, after all. like i said: you shouldn't let the minute details bog your story down too much. often times just acknowledging that something is the way that it is is enough to help the audience suspend their disbelief. handwave the more technical stuff.
i think the how might be less important, narrative-wise, than the why. why do hybrids exist (if they were created at all; what purpose do they serve)? what do they do that distinguishes their service from humans?
& then, yeah, thinking about worldbuilding stuff like legalities & societal reception & all that. really, it's kinda up to you how you want to handle it. my hybrids are controversial. their existence & the procedures that created them are very frowned upon. the process itself is illegal in most of the world. people (both military & civilians) tend to be wary or downright afraid of hybrids, & it's not unusual for them to be treated as lesser. they technically have the same rights as everyone else, but things get kinda dubious with them. they're usually considered more military property than people. hybridization hasn't been around for all that long, either, so advocacy for their rights is still a work in progress.
but, again, you can really kinda just do what you want lol. what fits your narrative? what kind of story are you trying to tell?
idk if this is helpful at all lmao but!! let me know if you have any questions!
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pretty-little-pink · 2 years
What's plant Author like? :3c -🐄
i was thinking of texting you a couple times the past week or two LOL
anyways plan author. similar to slime author he was turned against his will but this time at least he knows what happened haha
i'll probably describe his new anatomy in the third chapter ima write BUT ur an exception cus ur cool so author has two things growing in him. one is a fungus that's covering his brain and kinda made the top of his skull a bit cracky so that things can grow on top of his head -the mycelium keeps it all good though. but yea the fungus has changed his perception about whats happened to him so it doesnt bother him at all. also changed how he perceives some pains heh and then theres a seed of the plant that used him thats taken root in his womb. it cant grow into the same plant that had taken him due to no room obviously, but its essentially growing into his womb and replacing it in a way. his wombs gonna be a bulbous plant thing.
he does produce his own seeds, but theyre not especially big. they'd need some semi-constant "feeding" to be able to grow for him to eventually "lay". he could insert them into someone else, though thats more so if his body is desperate / hes met with someone who has a womb. the plant in him would produce its own living vines to dispense the seeds into someone if need be
also his cunt for sure looks funky now because i really want it to look not human haha
other than body wise he's still author but just more plant
he drinks lots of water. he only drinks still water and otherwise drinks without bubbles (like sodas have bubbles but if its flat he'll drink it). he also primarily needs sugar now to survive. yknow like plants. he can survive off of just sugar and water, but he can also eat human foods though he dislikes fatty food, and doesnt care for meat/fish anymore. not really vegan boy but he has little need for most things humans need. he loves honey more than anything tho haha
hes sunbathing a whole lot now, and he likes to bury himself in moist soil a little. he also likes to just soak in water. he still writes but not a lot at once anymore cus its not so important to him anymore
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saintfromkrypton · 3 months
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When it comes to influences, my Clark has many. The first iteration of Clark I witnessed besides the comics I treasured as a child was Christopher Reeve's Superman. So gentle, so kind, so witty, & so ethically desiring to do the right thing, Reeve's Superman inspires me so greatly. The switch from Clark to Superman - wonderful.
Secondly, Tom Welling's Clark from Smallville inspires the most, as well. The interactions within that show absolutely melted my heart, and so, that is why Tom Welling is picked as my faceclaim for Clark. He is who I think best embodies Clark Kent & Superman.
The Animated Superman Series from 1996 also serve as a huge personality influence, and I adore the animation.
Though there are many influences, I will not pull from a distinct canon for my portrayal. I will mash up things, but Smallville will have the most influence for sure.
Please note that this chart will be very extensive.
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Character Chart
Character’s full name:
Clark Joseph Kent (Earth)
Kal-El (Krypton)
Reason or meaning of name:
Clark (Wise and intelligent scholar)
Joseph (God will give/add)
Kent (Edge or bordering of a circle)
Kal-El (Star-child)
Character’s nickname:
Reason for nickname:
Because he was a star quarterback for the Smallville Crows before he was recruited for the Central Kansas A & M.
His musician alias.
Birth date:
February 29th (on Krypton); found on June 18th in 1987.
Kryptonian (appears human)
Body Structure
Almost everything except brain structure and cellular structure is shared with humans of Earth. This means that his anatomy and bone systems are similar to humans. Sugar does not impact his teeth; he gets no diseases and has otherwise perfect health.
Brain Structure
Clark was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder when he was sixteen; he identifies as neurodivergent. His brain is simply different as he is a Kryptonian.
Cellular Structure
Clark's body is able to process radiation from stars, and he does not need to eat, sleep, or breathe.
As per the earth's yellow sun or other types of stars, Clark's power changes (unless a thread occurs after he has been enhanced by Genesis). When enhanced by Genesis, Clark has some permanent abilities that make him different.
This section is heavily inspired from this amazing post, which details a lot of different aspects of Clark's power levels. I will go into detail about Krypton here in a separate post, as I feel that when a Kryptonian gets introduced to a higher energy star, it permanently enhances their abilities + energy absorption to a degree.
A Red Star causes him to have no superhuman powers: if Krypton hadn't exploded, and he had lived there, then he would be just as smart or physically capable as Jor-El.
Kryptonians are empowered by the light of a Yellow Star: this power level is seen mostly in typical Superman canon, and comprises of all abilities that develop naturally upon Earth. These include: - Superhuman (almost godly) stamina, speed, strength, + Clark is able to do or survive things that would kill a normal human fifty times over. - Invulnerable to almost everything, with the exception of magic, red sunlight, and Kryptonite. - Highly enhanced senses to the point they can defy things like the speed of light; he can hear heartbeats and be familiarized with them, he can see events and perceive things even when using his superspeed. He can see the entire known Electromagnetic Spectrum, but he has to focus his abilities. He can even see into the Emotional Spectrum, and can sees individual's "auras," or their emotional state. - He also have a magnitude of other vision abilities: Heat Vision, X-Ray Vision, Microwave Vision and Gamma Vision. - Freeze breath, strong lung capacity and his exhales can create gusts of wind that can lift people and cradle them safely, through just air alone. - He can fly at FTL speeds, and has been known to keep pace with the Flash, or see him coming. - He can survive in the vacuum of space, as he does not need oxygen to survive. He also does not feel cold from the chill of space, either, as the stored energy from Yellow Stars keep his body warm, in a semblance of homeostasis. - He doesn't need to drink, eat, breathe, or sleep. He simply does it because he likes it and it makes him feel human. - He can modulate his vocal cords so he can speak at frequencies that can be heard by those with enhanced hearing like other Kryptonians in the vacuum of space. He can also throw his voice to the point that he can sound further from his body (almost with a range of 1,000 feet) or he can whisper to someone privately without anyone else knowing. - His body generates a type of unknown aura that allows him to grab falling planes in a single point and not have them falling apart around him. It's that aura that also allows him to fly so easily with other people by simply grabbing a small part of their body. Take for example those cases when he's flying with someone just holding one of their hands. That aura also protects his clothes that are closest to the skin. - Beyond genius intellect and intelligence! He can memorize huge amounts of information and retain that knowledge for the rest of his life. Remembering it perfectly. He has a true photographic and eidetic memory. He can process information at faster than light speeds. Clark is highly skilled not just in writing, but the medical field, as he can set fractures or heat up implants in the body to shatter them.
A Blue Star enhances all powers of a Kryptonian to the point that they are massively overpowered. All of the Yellow Sun powers are enhanced, and if another Kryptonian is powered by a Yellow Sun attempts to fight a Kryptonian powered by a Blue Sun, the Yellow Sun Kryptonian is no match for the Blue Sun powered one! Neutron Stars and Quasars are said to enhance his power level to what was described as unimaginable levels. We can assume that with that unimaginable power level comes also unimaginable power. - Super-Vision, a power that enables Clark to give Kryptonian powers to other people temporarily. - Advanced Telepathy - Advanced Telekinesis - A form of Technopathy - Teleportation - Matter/Energy manipulation - Red Solar energy doesn't depower him, nor does it weaken him. In fact he can recharge his powers even from red solar energy. - Mostly immune to Kryptonite. Kryptonite could pierce his invulnerability but it couldn't kill him as it would a Yellow Sun Powered Kryptonian.
One time when exposed to the energy of a magical powered yellow sun, he received magical powers based upon that sun.
Genesis Enhancement: Superman was exposed to Warworld's Genesis-powered "white" sun. Genesis is the crystalized blood of an Old God. The mineral's energy enhanced his existing powers and granted new abilities. Superman claims that concepts like weight, distance, temperature and even spacetime have largely lost their meaning for him. These effects are permanent.
Energy Construct Creation: Superman can expand his bio-eletric aura to create a giant construct of himself from Genesis energy.
Mechanokinesis: Superman was able to freeze Lex Luthor's Warsuit with a thought and cause it to break apart with a touch through his bio-eletric aura
Teleportation: Superman is able to instantaneously travel across interstellar distances. When teleported away by Lex Luthor, Superman was able to quickly travel back to Lex though a rift in space.
To get familiar with his full extent of powers, please check this source.
Sensory Overload
Solar Energy Dependency (dependent on if he is augmented with Genesis or not.)
Kryptonite (dependent on Genesis augmentation); as he gets older, he has more of a tolerance against it, and can even use his powers at times
Genius level intellect
Hand-to-hand combat, featuring: boxing, jujitsu, krav maga, wrestling, stick fighting & swordsmanship
Indomitable Will
Journalism (he won a Pulitzer)
Chi Manipulation
Using a telescope
Playing Football + coaching Football (being a skilled quarterback)
Special Kryptonian Techniques
Torquasm Vo: Torquasm Vo is a Kryptonian discipline that Superman uses sometimes. It is basically a means of focusing one's mental discipline to help fight adverse effects such as mental domination. It can be used to manipulate someone's mind. Superman used that ability during his fight against the Eradicator. It was used to create an illusion to let Superman enter inside the Eradicator.
Torquasm Rao: A heavy-hitting martial art from Krypton. Allows him to tap into his instincts and separate himself from his body. Makes him able to prevent others from manipulating his mind and allows him to fight on the astral plane.
Physical appearance
How old does he appear:
In his prime, around his 30-40s
225 lbs
Body build:
Very muscular, but a healthy muscular where muscles are not dehydrated
Shape of face:
Heart shaped
Eye color:
Blue with a green ring around the pupil
Glasses or contacts:
Wears glasses for his public identity
Skin tone:
Distinguishing marks:
Mole on right cheekbone
Mole on left cheek, near jaw
Mole on left side of neck, on his pulse
Mole near his ear
Predominant features:
Icy blue eyes that are very expressive; with the ring of green surrounding the pupil
His trademark Superman curl that swoops onto his forehead. Clark hides this by brushing his hair to the side
Large smile with dimples
Hair color:
Black (or dark brown, depending upon the light)
Type of hair:
Wavy, thick, and indestructible but can be pulled
Unkempt OR swept to the side.
Tenor, with a reverberating and husky quality; can come across as very authoritative
Overall attractiveness:
Usual fashion of dress:
Professional wear when at work, flannel or simple cotton shirts and jeans when at home, his Superman suit when he is on patrol
Favorite outfit:
His red flannel with a denim jacket, blue jeans, and his comfy tennis shoes
Jewelry or accessories:
A watch that he wears on his left hand
Black glasses
Good personality traits:
Very idealistic and morally good
Very smart
Bad personality traits:
Can be quick to judge at times
Attempts to always find the good in people
He does not believe in killing someone, even if that person can cause millions of deaths. He always attempts to find what he calls "a better way."
Has a temper
Habitually late
Mood character is most often in:
Sense of humor:
Losing his loved ones
Losing his powers
Not fitting in
Hurting others
Character’s greatest joy in life:
His son, Jon Kent, & his best friend/partner, Bruce Wayne. Krypto is also included.
Character’s greatest fear:
A loved one dying due to knowing his secret.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?
The death of Jonathan or Martha Kent.
Character is most at ease when:
He has a notepad and is scribbling down ideas for articles, or he is flying.
Most ill at ease when:
He is under the effects of Kryptonite.
Enraged when:
A loved one is in danger.
Depressed or sad when:
He ruminates on those who have been hurt because of him.
To save loved ones + save lives.
Life philosophy:
To be compassionate + kind above all else. To help humanity.
If granted one wish, it would be:
To save Krypton.
Character’s soft spot:
His loved ones.
Is this soft spot obvious to others?
Greatest strength:
Believing in the good of humanity.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness:
Feeling like he doesn't belong.
Biggest regret:
That him and Lana can no longer be around each other; he has long since processed the end of their romance, he just misses her friendship.
Minor regret:
That his secret often puts others in danger.
Biggest accomplishment:
Saving Earth whenever he can.
Having a wonderful son.
Minor accomplishment:
Winning a Pulitzer.
Past failures he would be embarrassed to have people know about:
He failed to save both Zod + Lex Luthor.
Character’s darkest secret:
He sometimes looks over his memories of when he was under the effects of red Kryptonite, and feels fondness for some of the events that occurred.
Drives and motivations:
To become a good writer
To keep people safe
To provide a good life for his loved ones
To support those he cares about
Immediate goals:
Keep people safe
Publish his articles by the deadline
Long term goals:
Make sure the Justice League runs efficiently
Find out how Alfred makes such good tasting tea
Smallville, Kansas
Type of childhood:
A good one, though there were money difficulties at time, and Clark had to do hard farm work. He was enriched + nurtured by his parents, and taken care of by them
Krypto the Superdog
First memory:
Getting lifted out of the rocket by Jon Kent
Most important childhood memory:
Meeting Krypto for the first time
Childhood hero:
His parents, especially his father, Jon Kent
Dream job:
Be a quarterback in the NFL or become a reporter.
Smallville High
Central Kansas A&M (journalism) - Bachelors
Metropolis University (Writing) - Masters of Fine Arts
Makes about $35,000 a year.
Current location:
split between Metropolis and Smallville
Currently living with:
Jon Kent (custody trade off with Lois Lane), in an apartment in Metropolis that is a few blocks from the Daily Planet
Krypto the Superdog
Reporter at the Daily Planet
Makes $60,000 a year
Martha Kent
Relationship with her:
Amazing; they are very close. She nurtured him so well.
Jonathan Kent
Relationship with him:
Good; his father was hard on him at times, but Jonathan and Clark are very close, and Clark loves his father a lot.
Birth Parents:
Jor-El & Lara-El (nee Lor-Van), whom he met through the Fortress of Solitude
Kara Zor-El (who is his cousin, but is like a sister)
Relationship with them:
Bruce Wayne (gothamsaved).
Jonathan Samuel Kent (through ex-wife, Lois Lane)
Other important family members:
Krypto the Superdog, who he met when he was twelve, after Krypto's pod crashed into one of the Kent cornfields. Krypto had secretly been with Clark when he first landed in Smallville, but the dog ran off and only returned in his own pod twelve years later.
Baby blue
Least favorite color:
Rock N' Roll
Hot dogs
Bacon and eggs
Horror, historical fiction, essays & biographies
Form of entertainment:
Reading a good book or watching Wheel of Fortune
"Oh, golly."
"Gee whilickers."
"What the actual fudge."
Mode of transportation:
Most prized possession:
His Pulitzer.
Plays a musical instrument?
No, he sings.
Plays a sport?
Played American football in high school + received a scholarship for college.
How he/she would spend a rainy day:
Watching Wheel of Fortune
Spending habits:
Clark penny pinches, and doesn't like to spend too much because of his upbringing. If he spends at all, it is usually for others and not himself.
Other drugs:
What does he do too much of?
What does he do too little of?
Believe in himself.
Extremely skilled at:
Writing + using his powers.
Extremely unskilled at:
Arriving on time.
Nervous tics:
Bounces his leg, plays with his hair.
Usual body posture:
Hunched, drawn inward as to not be a threat (as Clark)
Standing tall, with hands on hips (as Superman)
Very awkward in speaking, can stutter or stammer at times, unsure or uncertain of himself (as Clark Kent)
Very confident, assured, clearly speaks (as Superman)
Changes his mannerisms when he is a superhero versus his civilian identity, while also wearing glasses or using clothes that hides his physique in some cases.
Optimist or pessimist?
Introvert or extrovert?
Introvert/slightly Ambivert
Daredevil or cautious?
Logical or emotional?
Blend of both
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?
Organized chaos
Prefers working or relaxing?
Thinks a blend of both is proper
Confident or unsure of himself/herself?
Unsure, but attempts to be confident
Animal lover?
How he feels about himself:
He tends to have a low opinion of himself at times, and can be very hard on himself.
One word the character would use to describe self:
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self:
"I am different than others. Though I live among humans, I feel as if I do not truly belong among them: I am a visitor here, and do not think I will ever connect with Earth the same way that humans do - my planet was destroyed, and I feel as if I am so alone in the universe."
What does the character consider his best personality trait?
His compassion.
What does the character consider his worst personality trait?
His impulsiveness.
What does the character consider his best physical characteristic?
His smile.
What does the character consider his worst physical characteristic?
He dislikes how blue his eyes can be, as he feels they may cause people to be scared of him.
How does the character think others perceive him:
That he is strange, different, possibly unwanted.
What would the character most like to change about himself:
So he can fit in more.
Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general:
Typically positive, Clark tries not to look down on others, as he isn't human.
Does the character hide his rue opinions and emotions from others?
Clark is someone who typically hides himself often, so he may mask his true opinions or emotions while acting as Clark - but it depends upon the situation. If it a moral thing that will cause an incident, Clark will handle it with care.
Bisexual. Discovered in 1999 when having two simultaneous crushes on Lex Luthor & Lana Lang. Accepted by adoptive parents.
First crushes:
Lana Lang. (disintegrated due to Lana having to no longer be around Clark)
Lex Luthor. (disintegrated due to Lex's villainous path; Clark cannot believe that he once had a crush on Lex Luthor)
Person character most hates:
Lex Luthor (former best friend).
Best friends:
Bruce Wayne (gothamsaved).
Krypto the Superdog.
Lois Lane.
Diana Prince.
Close friends:
Jimmy Olsen.
Childhood friends:
Love interest:
Pete Ross.
Bruce Wayne (gothamsaved).
Past romantic relationships:
Lana Lang. Clark's first love. They could not be around each other after Lana absorbed Kryptonite.
Lois Lane. Clark's second love. Lois and Clark eventually realized that they were better off as friends than they were lovers, when a lot of moments of stress came about.
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RE8 Ladies + S/o with chronic pain HCs
Type/cause of chronic pain is kept ambiguous, but some of the hcs might seem geared towards migraines, since that's the main thing that I personally struggle with (and these are very definitely comfort hcs). Features Alcina, Bela, Cassandra, Daniela, Donna, Mother Miranda, and as a 'lil bonus Ava. Not particularly long, but the combined length of every character is enough to be put under a read-more (About 2,500 words in total).
It’s difficult for her to know that you are suffering, but be unable to deal directly with the source of the problem. Chasing off unwanted nuisances or hunting down threats to the castle was one thing, trying to solve complicated medical issues was another thing entirely. If only she could tear your condition asunder without tearing you asunder.
That being said, she’ll still support you endlessly, however she can. It doesn’t matter how expensive or hard-to-access possible treatments are. If there’s something you haven’t tried, and are interested in trying, she’ll find a way for you to get it.
The biggest, and arguably most helpful, thing that she does is set up a space for you within her office. She spends quite a lot of time there for her family’s business, but doesn’t want to leave you alone on bad days. So this was her idea of a nice compromise.
There’s a very comfortable sofa that folds out, a cabinet filled with the softest blankets, and several pillows of a few different sizes. Servants are instructed not to interrupt Alcina’s work without good reason, but she has a couple who ensure your snack cabinet is always well stocked.
If there are certain environmental factors to your condition, such as sensitivity to light and sound, she does her best to reduce their effects. Lights remain dimmed (or she’ll rely on candlelight), her music will be kept quiet enough to be soothing, and she’ll refrain from taking any calls while you are with her.
To think that Daniela once tried to claim that Bela would “never need to know any of that (medical) stuff”! Sure, there haven’t been many people who have needed (and received) treatment from her, but that didn’t mean the skill was useless. Admittedly, she doesn’t know enough to replace one of your doctors, or try to create her own version of a cure, though no one really expected that much from her.
Still, she knows enough to help soothe your pain. Obviously there are different techniques for different kinds of pain, and she does research before trying anything specific. Bela’s also aware that you’ve been dealing with this for far longer than she has, meaning that you probably wouldn’t be pleased if she came in, acted like an expert, or assumed that you hadn’t really thought about the most popular remedies. So she’s tactful with how she approaches things, always checking if you’re familiar with a subject before she tries to explain anything.
Bela ends up surprising you with a lesser-known skill of hers: Massage. Studying anatomy has given her a decent idea of the body’s more sensitive spots, and the rest she’s figured out through her own, ahem, experiences. Regardless of where you’re in pain, your girlfriend can help reduce your suffering. Okay, well, if your pain is more internal than external, it’s a bit harder for her, but she can still help you relax.
One of her favorite things to do after giving you a massage is to just pull you in close for some cuddling. Preferably you’ll be in her lap, with her arms around your waist, her chin tucked on top of your shoulder. Then she’ll do her best to whisper you praises, reminding you how strong you are, and that she’s incredibly proud of you.
She’s, uh, not great at this. At least not at first. Maybe she’ll never be more than good at it, though. But she’s definitely trying! And learning! By Jove, that’s something, right?
First things first, she’s always ready to try to distract you, primarily through kisses and gentle touches. Fingers softly trailing over your skin, lips tickling your neck, featherlight in all the right places… It’s not inherently sexual (though it can quickly go that route if you ask), just intimate. It’s harder for your brain to process pain when you’re also processing pleasure, so there is some science behind Cassandra’s methods, even if she herself isn’t entirely aware of that.
While she’s not great with words, there are certain things that she manages to articulate well enough. For one, she makes sure you know that you aren’t a burden. Taking care of you- no, helping you take care of yourself- is a labor of love, if a labor at all. More than that, she knows full well that you probably don’t like feeling pitied, or coddled. That, over time, being sick ends up being beyond frustrating. She never wants you to feel like your condition defines you, or like it puts any strain on your relationship.
That said, she’ll avoid telling her family any specifics unless you do first, and ensures that the staff know how to accommodate you (without telling them why, because it’s none of their fucking business, and she’s their boss, and for fuck’s sake it’s their job to do what she tells them. Maybe she gets a lil bit overzealous with it). At no point will she ever complain about helping you, or otherwise indicate that your needs are “troublesome”.
At the end of the day, the best comfort she brings you is her presence, simply being near you, endlessly loyal, tireless in her affections. Especially considering she gets clingier the worse your symptoms get.
Hope you enjoy cuddling. Seriously. There’s nothing Daniela loves more than curling up with you, and that goes double for bad pain days. Some adjustments will be made position-wise if you need, but she’ll still hold you as close as possible, for as long as you need. Although she might eventually fall asleep (because damn are you comfy), she’ll play with your hair or run her fingers along your scalp until she eventually dozes off.
If you want a little more from her than light snoring, or if she feels like going above and beyond, or honestly just if she’s thinking about how much she loves you (so all the effing time), she’ll do something she’s always loved in movies/books: Reading to you! She’ll pick special books that neither of you have read before, so you can experience them together on your sick(er) days. Which does, of course, mean that it might take months to finish even a single one. Surprisingly, Daniela won’t even briefly consider reading any without you. Even if the plot is really good.
But, uh, if you wanted her to read to you on a day where you aren’t bedridden? Hell yes, my friend, she’s absolutely down for that!
On days where she’s too busy to spend hours upon hours in bed with you, or days where her ADHD is just particularly bad, she tries her best to leave you with a “substitute”. AKA a massive fucking teddy bear, in a reddish brown color, with a green bowtie. Custom ordered (The Duke did not dare tease her for it). There’s a heart stitched onto the stuffed animal’s chest, which features your first initial alongside a D for Daniela.
Additionally, she has a blanket she only brings out for you, which she periodically sprays with her favorite perfume. That way you can hold it close when she’s not around, as if you were cuddling her. For her sake, though, don’t hold the teddy bear or blanket too tightly when she is around. Homegirl here will get jealous of inanimate objects, even ones that she gave you.
“I think I have a tea for this…” Damn right she has a tea for this. Donna has a massive garden, with dozens if not hundreds of different plants, including a variety of herbs/spices. At least one of them has to be a little helpful for you. Whether it relieves pain, helps you nap off some of your misery, or just distracts you by tasting bloody-well delicious! Besides, few things make you feel quite as loved as holding a cup of freshly brewed tea in your hands, knowing your lover made it just for you. Like a hug in a mug, it is!
Similarly to Alcina, Donna will also try to create a comfortable space for you, but isn’t likely to put it downstairs with her workshop. Instead she’ll let you take over one of the larger guest rooms, customizing it to suit your specific needs. There will be some easy to care for plants for decoration (ones that won’t mind potentially missing out on natural sunlight), a couple relaxing paintings, and a shelf near the bed with things to help you pass the time, mainly books.
Furthermore, she’ll do her best to keep you company as often as possible. She’s naturally a fairly quiet person, so you won’t have to worry about sound if that’s something you’re sensitive to. While she prefers using a sewing machine, she’ll do things by hand while you’re in pain, just to reduce the chances of you getting irritated by the sound.
Speaking of potentially irritating sounds… by god can Angie be difficult to be around when you’re ill. Thankfully, Donna is perfectly understanding of this, and, as the only person Angie ever listens to, makes sure to give the doll a stern talking to about your health. To your immense surprise, it actually works. You’re not exactly sure what was said, but Angie certainly becomes a lot more compensating afterwards. She’ll keep her antics to herself, and usually even on another side of the house from where you rest, but only for as long as you’re tucked away in your room. As soon as you set foot outside, her restraints are metaphorically removed. All hell breaks loose (as is her universe-given right as the physical embodiment of both Chaos and Entropy).
Mother Miranda:
If the two of you weren’t lovers, there’s a decent chance you would completely misinterpret her actions. She might come off as irritated, like she has bigger concerns than your health, you fragile little human. After all, she is a goddess (well, practically). But the truth is that she’s aching inside every time you have a bad pain day, knowing that (for once) she cannot cure your ailment. Maybe if she had infinite subjects with the same condition as you…
But, at the end of the day, that’s the problem. There’s only one of you. One of her beloved, her little human darling, so dangerously fragile in comparison to the scale she works on. Even with all the time in the world, which she most certainly has, she cannot cure you without taking incredible risks. With your life at stake… It is a gamble she refuses to take. You are hers, and while she hates to see you suffer, the truth is that she’ll always be selfish enough to let you endure on your own.
That doesn’t mean she doesn’t help, though, just that she doesn't do a full-out experiment on you. Instead, she keeps notes. She’ll track your activities, bedtimes/when you get up, dietary habits, when you have pain, what you do to treat said pain, how effective the treatments are, etc, etc. All of this can be very useful in establishing patterns (a skill she’s gotten very good at, in her many decades of being a scientist), which can in turn lead to less pain days.
(For example, many people with migraines find that certain foods seem to trigger a migraine, or at least increase the chances of getting one. Though admittedly they don’t always end up cutting the food out of their diet. I mean, come on, you want me to give up chocolate? You want me to drink normal milk, like an adult? Kidding, kidding, I don’t have any food triggers. Nor do I particularly enjoy chocolate milk, nor do I dislike it.)
Moving on! While her work seemingly takes precedence over your condition, Miranda is not heartless, and she does do some things to lend you more direct comfort. Specifically, she tries to work in the same room as you when she can, normally while making electronic copies of physical documents, or while looking over the details of a finished experiment. She’s not always one for cuddling, so she won’t often get in bed with you during the daytime. But at night? Yes, fine, she will wrap her arms around you, maybe one of her wings too if you like how soft they are.
Just don’t think that she secretly loves every second. It’s not like she’ll spend half an hour whispering about how sweet and adorable you are as soon as you fall asleep, or anything like that. It’s twenty minutes at the most.
Bonus!Avaskian Caldwell:
“Oh, fuckin’ mood!” Followed by a solid thirty seconds of pure regret. Seriously, though, Ava has spent xer entire life (starting at age 10) dealing with chronic migraines. For a while xe also dealt with POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome), which meant lots of chest pain, but that (thankfully) faded as xe grew into an adult, as is fairly common with the condition. If anyone in Castle Dimitrescu understands unrelenting, unexplainable pain, it’s xer.
That being said… Ava never really managed xer chronic pain, at least not when xe was at xer worst. Xe had to drop out of school because of it. Hell, xe didn’t have a “real” job until xe was almost 23! Didn’t have a chance until things just calmed down for xer. So xe gets anxious whenever you talk about your health, worried that things are (or will at some point be) as bad for you as they were for xer. Other than that, though, you might initially think that xe doesn’t care, or didn’t understand the conversation.
Truth is, xe knows how absolutely fucking ANNOYING it can be to have to explain your health to every new person you meet (like the dozen different doctors you’ve met over the years, possibly every nurse who takes your pulse and thinks it’s a little bit high). So xe did a shit ton of research on your condition, in order to reduce how much you need to explain. Sure, xe will still have questions, and there are always aspects that only you can tell xer, but it’s a nice gesture.
As for helping you destress, xe’s pretty much a mix of Bela and Miranda. You’ll get plenty of massages (because Ava has learned from personal experience what sort of touches help with which sorts of pain), but also some scientific insight on any noticeable patterns. Lots of holding you close and telling you that you’re the coolest person in the world, and that Ava feels beyond lucky to have you.
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soft-boi-eli · 3 years
Tommyinit x pregnant! reader
Tw: teenage pregnancy, mentions of r*pe, female anatomy, otherwise wholesome
Pronouns: they, them, their
I didnt know what to do. They caught the culprit, I took the cautionary measures, yet I didnt feel right. I felt sick, I was a bit more moody then normal, and after about two months I didnt have a period. My parents were just as concerned but they thought it was stress.
But I knew other wise.
I decided that it was time to go to the family I choose. With my best friend tommy and his parents. They were quite understanding and quick to help me normally.
So when I went knocking on their door and Tommy's mother answered I felt comfortable. The baggy clothes draped over my shoulder and legs were different from the slightly more fashioned sense ones.
"Oh! (Y/n)! Come in please."
Her soothing voice brought some comfort.
"Something must be really bothering you. Hun what's wrong?" She caught onto my concern fast.
"I havent had my period in about two months. I'm so scared." Quickly bringing me into the house she lightly draped her arm over my shoulder.
"Let's get you sorted out hun. If anything happened you are welcome here. We'll help you with whatever you need."
She pushed me into the bathroom and came in there with me. "I'm going to give you something. It's going to help tell if what you think is happening is true."
With a quick shuffle in the cabinet she pulled out the test.
It was a slow 5 minutes. The clock never ticked slower.
But when I flipped over that test my heart dropped and I couldnt stop crying. It was positive. Dropping it I only wanted to hug my best friend. I wanted him to help me.
Rushing to his room with tears flowing thickly down my face I rushed in there, not caring if he was streaming. I rushed over to where he was sitting at his desk. Hysterical at my discovery.
Tommy froze up quickly, turning his camera and deafening on both his stream and the call he was in.
"That fucking arsehole knocked me up." His arms quickly wrapped around me. Rubbing my back as he tried to comfort me.
"I dont know what to do tommy. I'm afraid." He was silent for once in his life. His hand lightly rubbing my back.
"Keep it. We'll raise them. Unless you dont want to. If not I'll be with you every step. But if you do keep it I'm here every step of the way. My mother and father will too. They dealt with me. They will be able to deal with anyone." His comforting words brought me back to the ground. It felt nice.
"I dont want to get rid of them. They're technically my child. But If I keep them then I might get kicked out."
"Then I will make sure you are taken in. Like hell I'm making you do something you dont want to. It's your fucking choice." He pulled away and put his hands on my shoulders. "You are like family. So like hell you'll live on the street."
His words were bringing me comfort. Protection.
Sitting there I placed my head in his shoulder. "I'm sorry. I ruined your stream."
"Dont even dare. What's happening now is more important."
Ending the call and stream he gave me a hug. "We'll get through this together."
Moving back a bit he gave a smile, "alright."
Wiping the tears I gave a light smile "alright."
I'm sorry I wanted sad wholesome. Here you are.
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Omg I’m def ignoring my anatomy and physiology lab to send this but your headcannons are open! So this is more important clearly lol. I wanna ask for Mattsun because I’ve already declared my love for him to you in other asks. Honestly what ever comes to your mind I love everything you write you’re extremely talented. Hope you’re having a good day Kasey💜
Oh yes, daddy Matsukawa is always more important than work 😳 thank you, that’s so sweet 😭 I’m so happy you enjoy my writing. I really hope that you enjoy this as well!! I love to write for Matsukawa 🤤💙
So for this, I went with some soft headcanons! And ended it with a couple NSFW headcanons as well.
To start off, Matsukawa is a big cuddler, but he loves it when you curl into him. He really enjoys weekend nights where the two of you will get takeout and snuggle up on the sofa, eating with you sitting between his legs, your back pressed snugly to his chest, maybe a blanket over the two of you if it’s chilly, otherwise his arms around you and hands innocently resting on your thighs or lower stomach is enough to keep you warm with him. He often rests his head on yours and presses a few kisses to your head like this.
When you can’t sleep, he doesn’t mind it if you wake him up. He would talk to you for awhile, sit with you on the sofa and stargaze out of the window if it was dark enough where you lived or cuddle with you. Sometimes you wake up because of a nightmare, you’re stressed and have a lot on your mind, or you just can’t seem to find the exhaustion. Whatever you want to do, he’s more than willing and would let you lay on top of him and massage your back if it would soothe you. He may fall asleep mid-sentence a few times or end up falling asleep with you on top of him, but he does help you soothe your mind before he falls asleep.
Matsukawa is a very teasing boyfriend. He loves to playfully poke fun at you. He’s never mean, he knows the line and stays far from it, and if he hurts your feelings he will apologize, however there’s always fun-loving teasing between the two of you. He treats you sort of like Makki— you are one of his best friends, however he’s much nicer to you. He loves to make you laugh, playfully feigning offense when you tease him back. In fact, he loves it when you play along with his teasings and don’t take things too personally. Additionally, he’s the kind of boyfriend who teases you and pokes fun at you all day, but is immediately offended if you won’t cuddle with him when you’re home.
He loves pets, but since he often works long hours, if you had a busy working schedule as well, the pet that would work best is either a rodent, fish or a cat. He adores dogs, but wouldn’t want one because of how busy he is and wouldn’t have enough time for them. But if you two got a cat, he loves that cat. You often walk out of the shower on weekend afternoons and find him snoozing on the sofa with the cat on top of his chest, snuggled into him or gently kneading at his chest. It’s such a sweet sight you have to snap a quick photo.
Matsukawa is a warm blooded man. His hands are always warm, so if you have cold hands or it’s freezing outside, he’s more than willing to hold your hands in his. Matsukawa’s hands are very large and he can easily hold them both in one if he’s holding a warm coffee in the other. However, because he’s naturally often warm, he doesn’t end up sleeping with a lot of blankets and may push them off of you both in the middle of the night and leave you clinging to him for warmth, especially if you’re typically cold. Sometimes the blankets end up getting pushed onto you and you may wake up sweating in the middle of the night when you’re very hot (look-wise and body temperature-wise) boyfriend is laying on top of you and all of the blankets are on you as well.
In the summertime, he has some allergies and typically ends up sneezing a lot, so you have to be careful with opening windows, keeping things dusted and clean as well as making sure your cat doesn’t shed everywhere. However, he’s a trooper and even on his worst days, he doesn’t seclude himself from things he knows will make his allergies flare up. He still goes on walks with you if you ask and will not leave the household chores on only you just because he’s sniffly.
Now, onto more NSFW things… 😏
Of course, Matsukawa is big. You always knew he was going to be, but what gets you is how good he is with it. Some men don’t know what to do with their size— he does. In fact, he’s the best you’ve ever had and has you coming back to him for more every time. The way he stretches you out and presses deep inside of you leaves you feeling so good you’re certain nobody else could ever make you feel this way. Adding on your love for each other only makes the sex that much better while he kisses your neck and puts you in blissful positions.
Matsukawa is a big tease. Edging you to hear you whine in complaint, verbally teasing you about how you can hardly fit all of him in your mouth or inside of you. He likes to embarrass you, to make you flush and avoid eye contact with him. One way he does that is ironically with intense eye contact whether it be while he’s pushing deep inside of you or it be while he’s between your legs, often reaching up to hold your cheek and force you to look at him or completely stopping until you meet his eyes. He can wait all day.
He’s a messy man in bed. He tosses your clothes off carelessly, the bed spread is always kicked aside, the sheets bunched up and a mess, pillows tossed around and pushed quickly out of the way. Most of all, messes that he makes with you and how he makes you squirt until you’ve soaked the bed. There have been occasions where even after a nice shower where the two of you take your time and possibly a snack the mattress was still wet and needed a hairdryer to be brought to it as you flush and he teases you for making such a mess— one he only intensified and told you to make in the moment.
He isn’t a big fan of listening to music while having sex. In fact, Matsukawa is the kind of guy who would make fun of people for “Making love to music,” however if there’s someone else in the house and things need to be a bit more muffled or if there’s already music on in the background, he can tolerate it. In fact, the music is the last thing that he’s listening to when he’s trying to make you whine and squirm for him.
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i-did · 3 years
hi hello i couldn't sleep last night so i was scrolling thru all ur asks and stuff and ur opinions and analyses are so interesting!!! and then afterwards i was thinking about what u were saying about mlm smut and i'd also been thinking about such things a little bit recently bc like.....at a certain point it becomes quite clear that the vast majority of smut-writing is just imitation. like there's the sex noise verb list and all and the whole general mechanics of the sex and those things just .... replicate over and over. and the whole thing w people writing mlm vs wlw smut regardless of their own sexual orientation..... like i feel like a big part of that is just a self-perpetuating thing. like if u have not had sex and u r getting all ur (pleasure-related) sex ed from fandom (even if u do watch porn, that doesn't rlly tell u how to describe stuff? idk) regardless of What fandom , the majority is going to be mlm smut. which is itself majority imitation of other mlm smut, imitating and imitating back to whoever knows what the first smut fanfic was etc. there's just way More to mimic than there is on the women side of things. which then becomes a self-perpetuating thing, bc the mimicry continues and generates more and more. and---if there are fundamental misunderstandings of anatomy involved---those self-perpetuate as well. and maybe even exaggerate. and yeah. does this all make sense? idk i was just thinking about it. like all the stereotypes and stuff continue bc writers are getting their inspo from other writers rather than their own brains. or something. idk!!!!! it's just all... divorced from reality? bc words. or something!! i hope u get what i'm trying to say. just thoughts i've been thinking. anyway i think ur thoughts are cool. and ur writing. ok bye have a good day!!
Okay yeah this is kinda messy but hope u see this, uhh yeah I think you're right about the echo chamber effect fr about stuff. I think it's a mix of projecting too sometimes. talk more under the cut and also link to a video essay since I love video essays.
Here’s a video that sort of touches on this topic: 
“Gay fanfiction” by Sarah Z. (has CC)
This video begins to talk about fetishization at the end, but also… not really. The words “gay fanfiction” is used as a catchall, when really gay fanfiction is largely mlm written by non-mlm.
Fandom is a largely women's space dominated by the female gaze in a media industry world that is dominated by men and the male gaze. I'm really glad women have this space to explore creativity and queerness, and I don't expect the female gaze to go away, but I am still ultimately bummed out I can’t read most fanfic or interact with most fandom spaces without having fetishization in my face. 
So about 80% of fandom is women, and most of those women aren't straight, but 90% of those women prefer mlm ships. Why don’t they prefer wlw ships? Well definitely part of it is the fact that queerbaiting is centered around white straight men, and then there is also the fact that women tend not to be written as well charcter wise. But the fact still remains that you get jerjean getting priority over Layla and Alvarez who are in canon just as much and are a canon wlw couple who actually interact as well as Alvarez could likely be a woc because of her Hispanic last name. Korasami doesn’t get nearly as much hype as zuko and saka, despite the fact that they are 2 fully dimensional characters who canonly kiss and hold hands, something the creators fought for and ended up having to sacrifice another reboot for. 
I do believe the fandom echo-chamber is largely responsible for… a lot of things, like you're saying. But what's interesting is that the complaints I've heard about visual porn from non mlm in the fandom space is that they can’t get off to it because its for the male gaze and misogynistic usually. But they also don't seem to notice how the mlm smut circles has the female gaze and is also… almost always mlm. If it was a pure anatomical not knowing thing, I get that, but I also think that leads to the question of “then why the male body for porn, and not your own? The one you know and are familiar with?” 
I know some people want to get outside of their own body for porn and don’t want to think of their own anatomy at all, but overall I'm still uncomfortable. If an anglo said “well I watch porn of only Mexicans so I don't self insert” I'm gonna be like … hhhh in a similar way. I understand people “like what they like” but I wish they also noticed said patterns in the first place. I understand the t4t tumblr porn circle, and how it's different from cis people who only watch trans porn. 
I actually wished that instead of fandom focusing on mlm ships where some asshole guy hits on bottom troupe charcter for top troupe character to save, was instead… a wlw character experiencing said shitty getting hit on and other wlw swooping in. what's interesting is fandom writes a lot about misogynistic experiences without often realizing it. Ive read fanfic where guys get called sluts for sleeping with people or called bitch for speaking their mind, these arent things men usually experience, but rather women. Fandom has a lot of internalized misogyny and also queerphobia imo. Women characters often get pushed to the sidelines and men become the canvas for female fans to project onto. 
There is this natural inclination to mlm. When people are talking about “gay shipping” or “gay books” or “gay feels” or even just “gay” mlm is what’s largely in mind. I honestly am kinda saddened by this because if gay fanfiction was really solely about writing more to feel represented, then you would see a lot of bi and ace and lesbian rep, but this isn't the case. Queer women are seriously underrepresented, and I want to hear their stories and read them in fanfiction as well as published. 50% of lgbt literature is mlm, and of that its largely written by women. Becky Albertalli, Rainbow Rowell, Maggie Stiefvater, are the YA big names and are all women writing mlm. Red white and royal blue is written by Casey McQuiston and Captive prince (which is not YA) is written by C. S. Pacat, who is non-binary, but is also TME and not mlm. These are all the big names in mlm lit, behind them is some gay men, but honestly their stories aren't preferred, they're not the right “flavor” for the consumers usually, who are largely women. In general YA consumers and authors are women, but I wish that they… just wrote about women too. I think there is a certain… snowball effect to the overrepresentation of mlm representing the whole LGBT community that leads to fetishization, as well as misogyny playing a factor in: less women characters being written well to write fanfic on, when they are written well they're taken less seriously or the audience struggles to relate to them, they're less marketable then men. 
Idk I never feel “seen” or “represented” by any of the books above, which don't address boyhood and manhood and queerness intersecting really, and AFTG doesn’t either. I relate to AFTG as a trauma victim who has experienced a lot of what many of the characters go through and have gone through in the EC as well as them just overall being very well written characters, but I don't relate to it as a mlm really. I've never seen like.. gay voice or being straight passing or femphobia or how boyhood can be affected from a young age by those around you sensing you're ‘other’ or if you didn't experience this you feel outside the mlm community. Let alone sub cultures like bear and leather and pup, at most you see the word “he's such a twink” in fandom which... i fr hate non mlm using that word because it's usually used to replace the f-slur essentially, used derogatorily or to call him “such a bottom” and stuff like that. It’s like a joke or an insult.
Long story short, idk mang this was a ramble and I think I'm coning down with something. I wanna see more queer women rep and women authors writing about being a queer woman too. I think it's a complex web of fetishization and a bit of forbidden love yaoi culture (or it used to be in the BOYXBOY days) as well as misogyny on an industry level, creator level, as well as reader/consumer and fandom level. I don’t think it’s inherently wrong to explore other peoples stories and what we read has to be segregated, “only mlm are allowed to read and write mlm, only wlw are allowed to read and write wlw,” but I also think author’s intent and audience and background is telling, as well as overall statistics. Like about an hour ago I was looking for cookbooks in spanish or in english, and I was looking for some mexican food cook books, but I had to look for them using words in spanish because otherwise what came up was a bunch of “fiesta party, easy as uno dos tres authentic cooking!” and I was like… hm. Since I could tell they were marketing to anglos. (also the author’s last names were like michelle smith, james cooper, and this could be for a variety of reasons, but I trust Hispanic names more tbh and deadass would look at the authors pictures and if they had other books in Spanish or what their specialties were.)
anyways. not sure how to end this. uhm if anyone has any book recs (my to read list is like 500 books tho no joke) preferably not YA white mlm written by a white lady, hopefully queer women written by queer woman, LMK, I need more wlw and queer women stories on my list. I have a decent amount but always looking for more. I kinda wanna link my goodreads or my storygraph but I also don't want to get doxxed and it has my legal name on it so.
Also, I'm dyslexic and using spell check but if there's like some wild typos my b.
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3laxx · 3 years
In Your Dreams - Chapter 2
After the accident, the waiting begins. For the shock to fade, for the everyday life to set back in, and for Luz to wake up.
Hi everyone! Welcome back! Since I want to keep this a short story and Lumity-centric, I will not really go into detail about other characters like Eda, King, or the Hexside students. So this chapter is Amity-centric! How does she cope with Luz having been injured that badly, and how does she act since then?
Ao3 / FF.net
Amity couldn’t go a step walking through the school without being watched. Of course, everyone had gotten word of a horrible accident on the grudgby field but the important thing to them was her freak-out. She didn’t know who had told anyone about that, because neither Willow nor the grudgby team had said anything – mainly because Boscha and Skara hadn’t been in school for the past few days. Amelia had immediately approached her when she had gone back the next day not to miss any classes because she needed the normality to function, and told her that someone had apparently heard her screaming from inside a classroom, and attracted by the noise, then seen her being caged by Amelia.
The girl had said some other things, probably about how they had wanted to stop Boscha or how she hadn’t told anything, or how she had said that she hadn’t heard from the grudgby captain either, but Amity hadn’t cared anymore.
She had just solemnly nodded and continued with her day.
It had been five of them by now, and Luz still hadn’t woken up. The first few days had been very scary, because Luz’s condition hadn’t improved at all. The healers hadn’t been sure what was wrong and there was one jump scare when Luz’s heart had momentarily given in again. But they had managed to save her and bring her back to a healthier rhythm by magically helping her heart pump. Amity wasn’t really interested in how they had done it because she was just glad that she hadn’t been there to see it. After that, Luz had just slept.
The first time Amity had seen her in the hospital bed she had thought the human was dead. Her usually brown skin had been grey and pale against the white sheets and she had looked horrible. Well, health-wise, because Luz could never look horrible to her.
Sighing, Amity sat down in the abomination classroom when the lecture started.
The young witchling had visited Luz and Eda every day after school, from morning until evening on the weekend, but her condition hadn’t improved yet, which was why the healers were hesitant to lift the sleeping spell.
They weren’t sure about human anatomy, but they did know that humans healed slower than witches and that they took injuries harder. Which was why Luz had gotten hurt by that ball in the first place. A witch would have felt the burns as well, obviously, but after getting hit they could’ve gotten back up again and the burns would’ve been gone within a day.
The bile sac and the magic in their blood helped massively with that. Especially responding to magic treatment was way easier with magic already residing within the patient. A human had no magic so it was apparent that Luz would take some time longer.
But Amity didn’t want to wait. She had to talk to her, make sure she was okay. She had to hear her talk again, desperately.
The day stretched infinitely. Normally, she was interested in the abomination professor droning on and on about their craft and their coven, but her head wasn’t in it. Her thoughts went back to Luz, her in a Healer’s bed, her in her own blood. Boscha being so concentrated to save her.
Amity’s eyebrows furrowed while she looked outside.
Boscha had been right to restrain her, Amity would’ve just attacked. And Amity had also known that back then, she hadn’t created an abomination to free herself. Instinctively, she must’ve known that she’d lack the physical coordination to treat Luz safely. And if she was being honest, Boscha had reacted faster than her and had kept a cool head.
Amity probably would’ve accidentally hurt Luz more. And put her in one of those wheely chair thingies that Luz had explained to her when she had shown her a picture of the human realm and Amity had spotted a person sitting like that.
She didn’t want to think about that. Rendering Luz unable to move for the rest of her life.
Boscha had reacted correctly by locking her up. And she hadn’t even acknowledged her when she had screamed insults at her. Amity had to give it to the grudgby captain, if the situation was serious she could focus on the task at hand.
Still… The picture of Luz on the ground, and Boscha above her, barking instructions, wouldn’t leave her mind. Groaning, Amity shuddered, then she tried to take some notes again but her pen almost immediately sank.
She had just tried to be her idiotic self. Taking Willow’s place, to be Boscha’s punchbag. Why hadn’t Amity taken that place? She had at least known to defend herself, but Luz had been glyph-less. She had just run in, head first without thinking, as usual, just screaming.
Amity smiled to herself.
She had said that when they were running from the Otabin monster, tied to a magical book he had used to trap friends. Amity still felt her heart beating faster when she thought about her adventure with Luz in the library, at night, and all alone. A small blush rose to her cheeks when she imagined that. She’d probably become a stuttering mess if she spent a night with Luz alone these days.
Finally, classes ended and she was free to go to the Healer’s Coven. Breathing through, she wandered through the woods, and finally, she could relax. The whole school was going crazy ever since the accident and she was gossip topic number 1.
As much as she had hated that back then, she hated it even more now.
Taking the scenic route, she decided to clear her head a little before actually arriving at the Healer’s Coven. The fresh air blew her head free of thoughts and she could finally relax for the first time today after feeling stares in the back of her head all day long.
Maybe today was the day. Maybe the healers would finally wake up Luz today. Amity sighed.
She just hoped the human was going to be fine.
The forest remained silent and beautiful while she wandered through the small path that had been trampled down by generations. That was a change from the usual, normally there was at least one unpleasant view. Maybe it was just Amity’s head, though, because she didn’t even focus on the environment around her. Her head was empty and light, making her lose the tension in her shoulders that she had held all day in school.
It was hard, being the center of gossip, especially when it was about this topic. She sighed.
They didn’t know better. They hadn’t seen what she had seen. What she had felt.
The crushing fear that maybe, Luz wouldn’t get up again. That they’d have to say goodbye. That there was nothing left to save the human. That she’d never told her how she felt.
Amity didn’t like the thought of that.
Another Breeze luckily knocked that right out of her head, though, and she managed to spend the rest of her walk just humming thoughtlessly.
A little later, she knocked on the door to Luz’s room. She had managed to get Luz and Eda a private room, thanks to pulling the Blight card even if she hated to do so, but since it meant getting Luz a better treatment, she hadn’t even hesitated.
Eda hadn’t gone home the first few nights until the healers had urged her to, but she had been right back once visiting hours had started again. Now, thanks to the private room Amity had managed to get them, Eda could stay the nights again. But only after promising Amity that she’d contact her as soon as Luz showed any sign of waking up.
So far, Eda had just texted her that Luz’s condition had steadily improved since this morning, but not much more. Amity stepped in at Eda’s call and her gaze immediately went to the unconscious girl on the bed before nodding at said girl’s mentor.
“How’re you holding up, kid?”, Eda asked from the table where she was playing some Hexes Hold’em with Owlbert. She didn’t even look up when Owlbert’s deck defeated a few of her cards.
“… I’m good.”, Amity managed. Eda just nodded at that, probably figuring that Amity didn’t want to talk about it. After all, the public freak-out she’d had hadn’t only caused rumors at school. That the human had gotten injured had made its rounds in the whole of Bonesborough, and apparently, the youngest Blight offspring caring so much for the human that she had to be restrained had spread like wildfire. Amity had just gotten around to being grounded because the twins had jumped in and talked their parents down. She was just lucky she had granted the twins eternal mocking permission, otherwise, they probably wouldn’t have bailed her out.
Now, Amity sat down by the bed on the chair Eda had placed there and softly took Luz’s hand, sighing when she relaxed. Luz’s face had a normal color again and her cheeks showed a slight blush, finally. After 5 days, her condition was improving, even if the bandages on the girl’s arms and head stayed. Her hand felt warm and soft and Amity rubbed across the back of her hand and played with her fingers when she started talking. She didn’t mind Eda sitting in the corner and playing cards.
They had determined that whatever Amity had to say to Luz was too important not to be spoken out. She had bonded so much with Eda that she’d also tell her everything she’d tell Luz. Okay, maybe not everything.
But they certainly had built up quite a sweet relationship, especially after Eda had met Odalia again for the first time since graduation while she was picking up Amity because she had missed her curfew. Eda had later expressed her shock to Amity, when the Blight kid had snuck out of the manor with the help of the twins to return to Luz, about how coldly her mother treated her.
Ever since then, Amity had a feeling that Eda had secretly adopted her like she had adopted Luz.
“Hey, Luz… Today in school they all talked about your accident again. We’ve been calling it an accident because Boscha didn’t mean to hurt you and because she’s super sorry. I haven’t seen her in a while, but she let me know she was okay just today, and that she was taking a break because of what happened. I think that’s very mature.”
Amity breathed through again, then she smiled.
“Willow and I have been getting along better now. She really helped me back then, and I feel much better now. We actually spend quite a lot of time together, whenever I’m not here. Which is basically just in school or when she visits.”
Eda snorted from the corner and Amity slightly smirked at that.
“Anyways… I was really freaked out about what happened, but Boscha reacted right. The healers say if she hadn’t helped you that you’d-… Be somewhere else now.”, the young witchling slightly gulped at that, then she continued, “Uhm-… Gus finished his tunnel beneath Hexside, by the way. He told us about that today. I’m still not so sure if that’s particularly legal, but Willow said she could strengthen the walls with roots, so we just assume it’s fine. He was so excited about that that Willow and I couldn’t stop him.”
Amity chuckled, then she lowered her gaze and continued playing with Luz’s fingers, softly examining each one of them.
“I miss you, you know…? You should wake up soon…”
Eda gave another snort at that, nodding slowly.
“Yeah, that’d be amazing, Luz, you hear?”
They sat in silence for a little while until Amity joined Eda for a game of Hexes Hold’em, a little tradition they had started ever since Luz had been admitted to the Healer’s Coven. Owlbert dozed on Eda’s shoulder and her staff leaned against the wall. King was snoring on Eda’s bed. Amity couldn’t imagine a place more peaceful than this one, honestly. Even if Luz was technically missing, she felt more at home here, in a Healer’s Coven room, than she did at her actual home. Because here, she was surrounded by friends. Not only friends. She found herself starting to see the Owl House residents as her family. Eda never grew tired of spending time with her here and King warmed up to her as well, even if he still called her the “Cupcake-Killer”. But she heard the bite in his voice vanishing time by time, and it had become a common occurrence for Amity to pick up the little furry demon and place him on her lap while doing her homework, without him objecting.
The evening came and the sun went, coloring the sky a dark orange and rich red outside, before letting the Boiling Isles slowly sink into darkness.
Just before her curfew, Amity bid Eda and King a good night and to sleep well, then she made her way back up to the manor. Thanks to Eda’s influence, she was always a few pleasurable minutes late, not enough to drive her parents mad, but enough to be noticed. Amity started to like the little act of rebellion.
Ed and Em asked her about Luz’s condition, her parents chastised her for coming home late, but she dutifully just gave her father her homework to check it for mistakes, nodding at her mother droning on about punctuality – she would never let her know that she was punctual, she was just punctually a few minutes late, on purpose – and then going up to her room after getting her homework back. It was spotless as always.
That night, Amity felt a lot better. Luz’s condition was improving, Willow and Gus were her friends and she had gotten a text from Boscha that she’d return to school the next day. Things were looking up for the youngest Blight, for the first time in years.
Thankfully, ever since Luz had stumbled into her life, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.
And she couldn’t wait for the moment when Luz would open her beautiful brown eyes again and smile again and-
The young witchling had already fallen asleep at that, unable to finish her thought.
Thank you guys so much for reading! <3
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