#and I'm torn as to what's the most terrible choice for Nightingale
leupagus · 3 years
Please put in replies what the most hilarious ringtone is for Peter to have for Nightingale's number
From a future chapter of It's Complicated, which I am finishing before I start on twink Nightingale:
My Rock-Paper-Scissors with Guleed over who accompanied the suspect back to the nick and who got to grab at least a few hours’ sleep was interrupted by my mobile. 'Good morning, Thomas,' I said around a yawn. Guleed made a truly hilarious face.
'Where the devil are you?' said Nightingale, irritated the way he is when he can’t find his keys. 'Molly said you didn’t come home last night.'
'I got called out to a murder in — where are we again?' I asked Guleed. She rolled her eyes and stomped off, which is what is known as non-responsive. 'London, I’m somewhere in London.' I yawned again. 'Besides, I told you I was going to be working late.'
'It’s well past late,' he chided, 'And has now become early.'
I grinned incredulously, grateful that he couldn’t see me. 'Were you worried about me?' I asked.
'You’re attempting to track down a known associate of the Faceless Man who is, herself, potentially dangerous,' said Nightingale, sounding defensive. 'Some concern is warranted.'
'I’m fine, Thomas,' I said, and it sounded… odd, saying it like that, so I added, 'I'll make it up to you, we can go have lunch this afternoon.' That sounded worse.
'After you get some sleep,' he stipulated. 'And not in the car.' Before I could say something even worse, like was he going to supervise me, he hung up. Thank God, really.
I went to find Guleed and resume our contest, but she’d already gotten in her car. She rolled down the window as I strolled up. 'As punishment for being the one with an actual functional relationship,' she said, 'You get our suspect processed, and I will go home and get my beauty rest.'
'If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were trying to sabotage my actual functional relationship,' I said, stifling yet another yawn.
She curled her lip. 'Please — a nuclear bomb couldn’t sabotage it. Which is horrifying on so many levels.' And she drove off.
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