#and also julian killed his own father
delicatenerdbluebird · 3 months
My Random Takes on The Secret History (contains spoilers)
The biggest tragedy that comes with being Richard Papen coded is you need a group like Julian's Greek class to feel normal about yourself because the rest of the world makes you feel like a misfit.
That Richard and Camilla scene where she reveals being physically abused by Charles... I feel that scene is a strong criticism of abusive households. Like Richard was used to seeing his mother getting beaten by his father and sometimes he was also a victim of his violence. And in 'that' scene, he fantasizes about doing the same to Camilla and worse. This shows it's a never-ending cycle no matter how you see it. The kids are gonna end up developing fucked up fantasies if their exposure to fucked up things is constant.
I strongly believe Henry was gonna make Richard the scapegoat had something gone sideways. And honestly, it makes perfect sense. Richard insisted on joining their class. He was an outsider. Henry could have easily made up something like Richard was envious of their group, he was jealous of his and Bunny's closeness and so he ended up killing him, something along those lines that Richard wanted to be accepted and we would not accept him instantly, naturally because of our prior history. Knowing how Henry was good with words, he could have made Richard an obsessive, disturbed freak to the FBI for all we know. Remember how Henry saved him from getting frozen to death? This incident can be perfectly used to portray him as a mentally disturbed person who would rather freeze to death than go back to his home to a normal eye.
Now Julian. Oh, Julian I knew was the red flag the moment it was mentioned he does not accept students who have different ideas than his. But to think that fucker would turn out to be the biggest crankiest bitch?!! I mean I am soo mad he was the one who fed those Dionysiac ideas to them and in the end, he just ran away?! I was baffled by how he treated Henry during that confession scene he did not even listen to him completely... Henry does not stutter HE WAS STUTTERING and Julian shoved the letter back to him... I mean the disrespect! This scene (for me at least) was a reality check that no matter how loving, cool, caring, and impactful you might think your teacher is, at the end of the day, they are gonna be a teacher and you are gonna be just a student. It destroyed my heart when Henry said he loved Julian more than his own father 😭 The worst thing you can do is take advantage of the vulnerabilities of someone who not only respects you but also loves you dearly. This mf can move mountains and I would still hate his old rat ass!
Charles and Camilla Idek what to make of them. Charles turned from a pitiable character to an entirely disgusting one for me. I accept Francis' theory that he wouldn't have made that much fuss about his interrogating situation if Camilla and Henry weren't a thing. Remember when Camilla and Henry had some secret code and he got mad why he didn't know about it? I do think camilla and henry were always a thing before it became apparent to everyone. Besides the book is from Richard's perspective, and he does seem oblivious at times.
I am not aware of the popular takes in the fandom so I don't know if this is gonna be a hot take or not but Camilla gave pick-me-girl vibes. She did not have any girl friends and looked down upon Judy (I am not asking them to be besties exactly but a little respect won't have killed) Judy only developed a weird impression about them during that party scene when Camilla dropped her drink onto her and did not apologize (or was it the opposite? i dont remember exactly but the point is Judy is not the type to judge others for no reason...she judged them after that party) Camilla's attitude could be attributed to the fact that Charles was controlling but idk
The Secret History reminded me of The Hollow Men by T.S. Eliot (some of the verses below):
We are the hollow men
    We are the stuffed men
    Leaning together
    Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
    Our dried voices, when
    We whisper together
    Are quiet and meaningless
    As wind in dry grass
    Or rats' feet over broken glass
    In our dry cellar
    Shape without form, shade without colour,
    Paralysed force, gesture without motion;
So basically I am yapping here because my friend hasn't finished tsh yet and I just needed to let it all out 😩
Not to mention I absolutely love my expensive gossip boy Francis 🥺 ☕
(Thank u for reading it this far!!)
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spineless-lobster · 10 months
Okay but like can we talk about how tragic all the ghost’s relationships have been?
Robin probably has it the easiest since he’d fuck whoever he wanted and raise the children as a community, but also he fucked his sister and I have to hold that against him
The plague ghosts all had to watch as their loved ones succumbed to the plague only to join them days later
Humphrey and Sophie couldn’t even speak the same language and Humphrey gave his own life so she could have a better one
Mary loved her husband but he died in a farming accident 3 years after their wedding. She was then blamed for that accident which caused her to be burned as a witch
Kitty couldn’t go to the ball due to her sister, then she (presumably) died too young to ever actually fall in love
Thomas loved Isabelle, but due to his cousin he was murdered, and then possibly had to watch from beyond the grave as the love of his life married said cousin who got him killed
Fanny was forced to get married to George and then found him having affair with two men, only to be murdered by him shortly after
The Captain has his (possibly) unrequited love with Havers, plus he couldn’t even love who he wanted due to the time period
Pat loved Carol and had a happy marriage but that’s only because he didn’t know that she was cheating on him with his with his best friend
Julian was constantly unfaithful to Margot and on top of that is also an absent father
Like oh my god PLEASE just let my darlings love and be loved please they deserve it they’ve all been through so much
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thatgordongirl · 1 year
Ghosts Season 1 References to the ghosts’ lives
Finally got through the first season on all the references and inferences to the ghosts’ lives, hope everyone likes the results?
Episode 1 - Who Do You Think You Are? 
Fanny is Heather’s Great-Grandmother
Mary could make baskets and died in a witch trial
Kitty ate and dislikes eggs
Julian mentions his by-election victory speech from 1991- very inspiring, very long, and a few smutty jokes. This particular by-election occurred after the death of a conservative member on 20th September 1991 in which a labour member took their place. Whether it is altering that by-election to insert Julian or if it is completely unrelated all together is unknown (Take with a grain of salt, I am an Aussie who doesn’t know the intricacies of British politics) 
Robin lived on the land first, but Fanny owned the house 
Both Alison and Captain love gardens/garden views 
When Thomas was alive, he heard a rumour that a plague girl could be heard singing in the pantry
Julian is wearing two rings: his wedding ring and presumably his Cambridge ring 
Fanny was pushed out of the window by her husband George
George was having an affair with two other men 
Mary could milk a cow
Episode 2 - Gorilla War
I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General was written in 1879, so Captain most likely heard it when he was alive 
Kitty sings The Lark in the Morning, dating back to 1778
Julian is a first from Cambridge
Once, a bear was able to see Robin
Julian references compact discs, but also seems to have some knowledge of technology
Robin references a cousin 
Julian claims to have, as a lead envoy, solved the Arabian crisis in 1991 by starting a war 
The plague ghosts know how to fix the old boiler, they were most likely there when it was fixed previously
Not a living thing, but Pat calls Thomas Tom in this episode and it’s adorable write that down
Julian refers to the Watney MP having sexual relations with horses (That’s right, plural) 
Julian references a liberal in a sailor sauna (And he was not there to learn about boats) 
Thomas most likely read Romeo and Juliet when alive
Episode 3 - Happy Death Day
Pat was killed when teaching his scouts archery, in which Keith accidentally shot him. He died calling out for someone to call his wife and driving the bus into a tree. (Self-explanatory, still horrified me)
Captain references a speech made by Winston Churchill
Robin talks about fighting with rocks and sticks and bears (recurring theme apparently)
Kitty thinks her father is dead, which may imply he didn’t die on the grounds 
Kitty’s sister Eleanor told her that people made babies by pressing their ears together 
Captain references The Blitz, a German bombing campaign that occurred during WW2, and the Luftwaffe, the German airforce 
The east wing’s drainage was put into the house in 1894
Pat’s death day was October 27th 1984
Julian mentions extending the Bramptons in 1986, he ran it through the MP expenses 
Robin has a flea in his ear and worms 
Julian shot fish in a barrel once at a Party Conference in Bournemouth
Pat’s family come every year on his death day to the tree that he crashed into, which came down after the storm of 1987
Pat has a son, Daley, and a wife, Carol
His best friend Morris had his own set of keys to their house
Pat came home one Sunday from camp and found all Morris’ clothes on the floor, he and Carol had an affair
Captain mentions the Western Desert campaign and Bernard Montgomery
Thomas had probably eaten figs and drank wine
Julian has taken part in a ‘Norwegian picnic’ and ‘Himalayan Campsite’ 
Mary says that when you saw a swan in her town it was the devil at play 
Julian is wearing a watch on his left wrist
Daley had (what I think to be) beige pants, he’s an accountant, he’s happy 
Carol is busy with the bowls club, Morris is sweet but very small
Pat’s grandson is named after him, and has Pat’s legs 
Episode 4 - Free Pass
Julian remarks that he was never fond of cornflakes 
Thomas liked eating an egg atop a cutlet, a thin slice of meat from the leg or ribs of mutton, veal, pork or chicken
Button House is from the 15th century, 1469 to be precise 
The facade is mid-16th century 
Captain assumes the actors will be dressed in loincloths, oiled up, and kissing each other. I don’t know if that’s a Tim period thing or if Captain’s just seen freaky stuff 
Henry VIII dined in the banqueting hall, he had swan, hog, dumplings and figs and stank out the privy (I’m dying rn)
Mary is from the Stuart era, Humphrey from Tudor, and Thomas from the Regency
Pat dislikes veggie sausages 
Julian likes to bet on horses 
Julian’s free pass was Samantha Fox
Both Julian and Margot had lists, Margot’s included Wolf, Cobra and John Fashanu from the 1992 show Gladiators 
Thomas’ rivalry with Lord Byron is mentioned 
Pat references video cassettes 
Thomas believes that Lord Byron stole one of his verses 
Robin asks why Toby is doing a rain dance 
Julian remarks that the free pass wasn’t a joke in his marriage 
Episode 5 - Moonah Ston
Fanny falls from the east wing window, and is notably dressed in grey
She’s Edwardian. This era is placed between 1901-1910, but some say it ended with the beginning of WWI in 1914. As Fanny mentioned having a ticket for the titanic, this would place her between 1910-1914
Julian met Barclay at a party fundraiser at Button House
Julian heard a funny story on a golf course involving Bruce Forsyth-Johnson, a British entertainer
Pat loves dogs so much he’s willing to get sick, bless him
Julian references The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde
Fanny possibly ate turtle soup, oyster rissoles and pheasant 
Captain is unsurprisingly able to shoot a gun
“Gleaming bundook op from the civvy” and “boshing jerry” is Captain just saying that the civilian is good at shooting and he’ll be out fighting Germans in no time 
Mary knows how to properly prepare a pheasant
Robin had his own site on the grounds that Stonehenge apparently copied, and he remembers the ritual reading 
Fanny is disgruntled by the cutlery and says they should be on the outside, which was how she was taught 
Fanny also seems to have knowledge on Barclay’s family 
Kitty says she’s wearing what she died in, pretty self-explanatory there
Thomas is well aware of techniques for public speaking such as dramatic pauses, but clearly wasn’t good at using them
Thomas references Saint Cuthbert
Pat references Betemax 
Julian is aware of Barclay’s poker ability and his bank account in Fiji 
Robin’s connection with the moon is rooted in it being the only thing that’s been around as long as he has 
Captain mentions light pollution, which only began getting addressed in the 1950s, though he could’ve learnt about it earlier or later
Episode 6 - Getting Out 
Robin liked eating cooked meat
Julian likes fondue 
The house was worth a thousand pounds in Fanny’s era 
Julian has committed fraud to get money 
The plague ghosts have had falling outs before, but they’ve never lasted longer than 20-25 years
Pat describes having music on the go, unaware that it already exists 
Fanny hid an Arabic jewel in a box under a floorboard, it was given to her husband by Queen Empress Alexandra. He pawned it. 
Captain has ear hair 
Captain’s limbs creak, it is a joke of course, but canonical so my hands are tied
Kitty likes to talk about balls and eligible men
Robin has seen many people come and go from the house
The plague ghost skeletal remains are under the house 
Captain was aware of the bodies in the basement 
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eco-lite · 1 year
Some mostly out of context funny/sweet/heartbreaking moments from Una McCormack’s Enigma Tales:
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[Text ID: “Renel took the other chair and the two guls, both big men, perched awkwardly together on the sofa. Garak had asked for the sofa’s dimensions to be just slightly too small to comfortably seat two adult males. His cruel streak always found expression somehow.” End ID]
Garak forcing stuffy military men to squeeze onto a tiny sofa together. Utterly diabolical.
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[Text ID: “My real pride is, of course, my garden. I have worked hard here. Parmak helps, although he has a tendency to kill plants on touch—worrying in a doctor (previous sentences underlined in red by me). He can’t do too much damage. The plants are hardy, the flowers have their own agenda, and not even Parmak can kill dry stone monuments.” End ID]
I love that in The Crimson Shadow, it’s implied that Kelas takes care of Garak’s garden while he’s away, yet here we learn that he’s actually terrible at it. First of all hilarious. Second of all, very sweet that Garak trusts him to keep trying.
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[Text ID: “’There might be another route to Garak,’ Alden said slowly, at last. ‘Ambassador, what do you know about Kelas Parmak?’
‘He is the castellan’s close friend,’ said T’Rena. ‘Probably one of his closest advisors—not officially, but certainly they are often together.’
‘Are they lovers?’ said Pulaski.
‘I don’t know,’ said T’Rena. ‘I do know that Parmak was interrogated by the Obsidian Order in his youth, and that Garak may have been involved.’
‘Damn,’ muttered Alden, ‘this place is twisted.’” End ID]
Pulaski just assuming that Garak and Kelas are lovers. A perfectly valid assumption--it’s the same assumption I make myself. Also, Peter Alden pointing out how it is frankly fucked up that they should be lovers considering the circumstances of their past encounter. He’s not wrong... Kelas is just a forgiving angel of a man.
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[Text ID: “She picked up the parcel she had brought with her. ‘Hey,’ she said. ‘I’ve got to go now. I hope it’s been good to see me. But I brought you a present. Well, it’s not really from me. Several of your friends got together and found this, and when they heard I was coming they asked me to bring it with me. I hope there’s no injunction on importing livestock. I think I got away with it.’
He was hardly going to unwrap the gift, so she pulled at the paper, revealing the small brown bear inside. She reached for Bashir’s hand again, lifting it and pressing it against the toy, in case the touch stirred some memory. She pressed it against his cheek too, so he could catch the scent. Smell and memory were closely intertwined; smells took you back to places more than anything else. Then she put the bear upon the windowsill, half looking out at the city, half looking back at Bashir. She smiled at it; this little guy had been loved, she saw, and someone had done some stitching that would make a surgeon proud. She reached out and rubbed its ears.
‘He’s an old soldier, isn’t he?’ she said. ‘He’s been through some wars. We’ve all been through some wars.’ She stopped and kissed her lost friend gently on the brow. ‘Come back, Julian,’ she said. ‘We miss you.’” End ID]
Pulaski bringing Kukalaka to comfort the comatose Julian are you kIDDING ME? This scene is so bittersweet.
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[Text ID: “’My father would say, all the time, how much I was wanted. How much he wanted me.’
(Next paragraph highlighted red by me) Well, he had wanted something, Garak thought. Telek’s father had not wanted the child he got. And that hurt, as Garak had cause to know; yes, that hurt very badly.” End ID]
Hahahahaaa ouchie.
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[Text ID: “Garak realized that he was still holding the phaser. He slipped it back into his pocket, for he would no doubt need it again one day, and then he rested his head against the cool of the window. My poor Julian, he thought. He let himself tremble for a while, allowing his body to process the shock. He might have allowed himself some tears then, too, in the dark while nobody could see, for all that had been lost, for all that he had done; for everyone that he had harmed.
Everyone that he had been unable to save.” End ID]
Despite everything, Garak is a very compassionate person. He very kindly talked down Telek, who was about to kill him, and was sensitive and remorseful that Telek’s Bajoran genetics had been eradicated as a child, at the insistance of Telek’s Cardassian father. And then immediately after that assassination attempt--a moment in which you’re surely allowed to think selfishly--he instead thinks of “My poor Julian,” another man whose father did not want him as he was. And that’s not even acknowledging all the other shit Garak is going through here. It’s a lot.
Love to end on a sad note. But seriously, everybody go read this book! These are just a few great moments among many. Lots of angst, lots of tenderness.
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samiwife · 6 months
Hi again can you do Headcanons and Preferences for Julian Casablancas ? I never found nothing about him, I would really love + the way you think and write it's perfect!
Of course! I love doing these. By far my favorite things to write! Also thanks for the support and request!!!! <3
Headcanon and Preferences 𓆩⟡𓆪 (Ft: Julian Casablancas)
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𓆩♡𓆪= Smut
ੈ✩‧₊˚= Fluff
⋆ ★= Angst
𓆩⟡𓆪 = Headcanons
Always sings for you
Tries to take you on tour but you always say no
Playing with his hair is a constant
You wear his leather jackets
He always wraps his arms around you
He's unbelievably funny
He's also very wise and mindful
You could talk to him for HOURS
Sleeps face down like a corpse (haha, I'M SORRY)
He's insecure about his lips (thinks they're too thin)
He always snuggles his head in your chest
You make fun of his style a lot
Gets jealous easily
Pouts when he's jealous
He doesn't know it but he has MUSCLES
Radiates gentlemen vibes
Does everything for you like opening car doors, carrying you to bed, etc
He makes funny faces when alone with him
Speaks so many languages
Loves touring
Eats so little (it concerns you)
He drinks and smokes (which you hate)
Wears nice black boots with tank tops
When he wears belts, it kills you
Chugs energy drinks
Draws a lot but also writes song lyrics a lot
His smile is everything
Flirts with his fans
Has the funniest stares when he looks at you
You sometimes help dye his hair
Very medium-sounding moans during sex
HOWEVER, he is very good at doing oral
His tongue is a skill
Him fingering you drives you crazy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
He sings when he's alone
Gets slightly embarrassed when you hear him sing
Has a lot of vintage music stuff like a CD player and records
Would wear fake mustaches to make you laugh
He loves to make you smile or laugh
Holds your hand when you're scared
Piggyback rides are common
He may be insecure about his lips but he is a good kisser
Loves eating dessert
Would choose sweets rather than an actual meal
Loves comedy films and watches them with you all the time
Hates studying and books (thinks they're for nerds)
Also hates going shopping but does it for you
He can be very mean sometimes
He makes fun of you like how you make fun of him
Playfully pushes you and hits you
Always fake cry when you slightly hit him
He always wears funny T-shirts
Also loves Disney movies
Has an undying love for Mickey Mouse (LMAO)
Makes his own loom bracelets
You mock him for having a shirt that looks like a mechanic would wear
His morning voice is so hot
Rides his bike but he sometimes falls off it
Great with babies but terrible with kids
He tries to act like an older brother in front of kids
He acts like a father with babies
Overpacks while traveling
His nails are always clean and neat
Has crooked teeth but it's okay
For some odd reason, he loves playing golf
Hates cold weather
Always looks like a grandma when the weather is cold
He gets sick easily
You steal his necklaces and bracelets
His favorite vacation spot is NYC
Speaks fluent French
Speaks French to confuse you
He's kinda dumb but you always teach him
He loves music class
Has strong political views
Loves learning about philosophy
Loves learning about space and planets
Has glow in the dark stars around his bedroom
Has the weirdest decorations in his room like a rocksalt lamp and stalker-like pictures of you
His favorite animals are lizards
He tries to skateboard but he keeps falling
Lastly, he kisses you a lot on the lips, cheek, chest, and much more. He also tries his best to make a better life for you. He talks about marriage a lot with you.
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bijoumikhawal · 11 months
Also, since I mentioned it but haven't talked about it, let's examine "with sentiments like those you wouldn't last 5 seconds on Cardassia" through the Garak as mixed race reading we get from A Stitch In Time- and, because Julian's there, and I can't really talk about this interaction without it, reading Julian through a Jewish lens. (CCing: @nebulouscoffee as they asked the inital question)
Background contextualization once more: in the play The Nexus, there is an interaction which frankly, reveals itself as deeply cruel and mean-spirited. And, heads up, I will be discussing antisemitism and my criticism of the Federation.
BASHIR: When you were truly free. We so often only ruminate on the sad memories. When, if ever, have you felt like Elim Garak? GARAK (warms as he remembers): I used to perch on the edge of a dirt cart, drinking cool Ribexa, watching my “father” - Tolan - gently knead the soil around newly transplanted orchid bulbs. He used to talk to his patients, softly reassuring them that they weren’t lost or in danger. He was completely oblivious of me - but it didn’t matter. I lived through him, Doctor, and I lived through those orchids, imagining that I myself was being carefully tucked into my own bed. When all the talk was of war and mayhem, I would wait till all was quiet in the house and go sit beside the planted bulbs, digging my toes into the moist earth, looking up at the stars… BASHIR: Like your regnar. GARAK: Mmm? BASHIR: Transforming yourself, becoming at one with your environment. Isn’t that what happened to you in your early training at Bamarren? When you leaned to be somewhere without being noticed. GARAK: I was sent to Bamarren to learn how to kill...cleanly, dispassionately. To be part of a team that kills without question. But that tiny creature was my lifeline. Literally, my line to life. Through Mila, this regnar, I could still remember what it was like to be alive for life’s sake. BASHIR: L’chaim! To life! An old earthen sect called Jews used to say l’chaim to salute each other in celebration. No one says it anymore. GARAK: No, I’m sure they don’t. The Federation don’t approve, do they, Doctor? Sectarianism is divisive, is it not? How ironic. How Cardassian! Everyone surrenders their individual culture for the greater good of the whole. BASHIR: It evolved out of our choice, Garak. We have freedom of choice, and choice has kept us free. GARAK: Of course you call it choice. Coercion would have been too Borgian, certainly not the Federation style. Assimilation by consent is much better. Keep the grass green on my side of the fence and simply wait for everyone to come on over. Sometimes, Doctor, choice is the last thing we need. Ask any child to make a choice, and he or she will invariably make a regrettable one. We’re all such children. BASHIR: Considering your support for democratic principles on Cardassia, I’m rather surprised to hear you say this. GARAK: You wouldn’t be, my friend, if you saw how some people are using these democratic principles. But perhaps they’re simply following the Federation example. Perhaps Federation democracy is the most subtle, the most devious tyranny yet conceived.
This is a very long section, but I feel the whole of it is relevant. Let's break down the major takeaways I have:
Garak is at a point in his life where he very openly is criticizing Cardassia's policy of cultural assimilation and supremacy. He could not do this before without facing extreme legal and social reprocussions, and even though he's still doing this to Julian- someone who wouldn't care- the kind of person he is during the show would not do this.
The Nexus is presenting the Federation as a logical conclusion of a specific permutation of anti-theism popular with certain "progressives", and in my opinion the Federation has expressed characteristics of European Secularism (see: Bajorans being made to remove their earrings while serving in Starfleet while others in Starfleet are allowed to wear other items of cultural significance).
Julian is putting forth the company line on that front, which is suprising given he and Jadzia are the more respectful members of the senior staff towards Bajoran religion.
This whole scene must be contextualized in that gardening/connection to "soft, green" things and Tolan, are connected to Garak’s sense of Hebitian identity, and that Garak is criticizing Cardassia and the Federation from the perspective of someone coming to terms with his Hebitian identity, and that that is an oppressed identity.
On my first reading, I'll be blunt: I completely despised this line from Julian and was willing to pretend I never read it. It does, on some level, make sense for him without adding any extra dimension of cultural context beyond what we're explicitly told, but it is a very nasty belief to espouse. However, upon receiving the trivia that the actor who plays Julian's father is Jewish, I found myself turning it over in my head again, and a question that I think is very relevant to Julian: what does it mean to assimilate and how does it fuck with you? Regardless of what you believe, what is it safe to do (Orthodoxy vs Orthopraxy)? Both are also, relevant to talking about Garak and what it means to be Hebitian.
and let's return to the scene in the show that we're examining.
GARAK: It all comes down to a question of loyalty. My dear Doctor, Yiri had to choose between protecting his brother and protecting the state. He chose the state, as would I, every time. BASHIR: I suppose that's one way of looking at it. But then again, before you can be loyal to another, you must be loyal to yourself. GARAK: And who can we thank for those misguided words of wisdom? Sarek of Vulcan? BASHIR: Actually, it was Bashir of Earth. GARAK: With sentiments like those, you wouldn't last for five seconds on Cardassia. BASHIR: Would you? GARAK: Fishing again, Doctor?
The script adds a direction before Garaks last line here: "Garak is a little taken aback. Bashir's question cuts right to the heart of the cat-and-mouse game that the two of them have been playing for months."
Obviously with the biracial reading from ASIT the joke is: no, Garak wouldn't. He didn't. Once he stepped too far out of the line, that was betrayal, and you can draw a straight line from his betrayal to his exile (though we never actually get an explanation for why he was exiled, and are left to draw our own conclusions). And the precise reason he didn't last is arguably BECAUSE he was crossing the line of self loyalty, bringing him out of step with loyalty to the state. He didn't chose the state. You can even directly point to him contemplating turning in the Oralian Way meeting in ASIT and not doing it as a parallel to the situation the two are discussing. He had the choice to protect the group or the state, and through inaction, ultimately chose the group.
And the joke with the Jewish reading brought on by the Nexus: Julian isn't loyal to himself, and his disloyalty makes him more loyal to the Federation. Julian is of course, a walking disloyalty, he's an Augment. And because this is a reading based on very little information, we can't say why he's disloyal to himself. Are his parents assimilationists? It wouldn't be suprising: he talks with a much more posh, distinctly British accent than them both (Amsha doesn't have a British accent, to my ear, and Richard's sounds more working class), which potentially indicates they put effort into him not talking like them. Was assimilation a choice to avoid already being seen as odd and disloyal in an attempt to avoid examination of background and discovery of his Augmentation? How does the Federation talk about Jews, educate about them, how is Jewish history viewed?
No one says it anymore- but you, Julian Bashir, just said it. Where did you learn it? Did your grandmother still say it? Did you read it in class? Did you seek out reading it yourself? Was it in a play, a movie, a novel? Did you ever say it before now? Did you say it to your father?
Were you told the lie that the second exodus of SSWANA Jews during the mid 20th century was gleefully undertaken? Were told to be relieved, as Garak implies, that yet another vector of sectarianism was gone? Were you told to be relieved people could not be made to suffer through that avenue anymore? Were you told to think of it as a mercy killing? You were certainly told it was a choice, freely made.
We end up with a scene where a man who chose loyalty to himself and was punished (would have always risked punishment because the requirement of loyalty is against something he was born as) denies he ever made such a choice, and a man who is not loyal to himself calling self loyalty a pre-requisite for loyalty to a state he inherently cannot be loyal to, while questioning the first man what called his state loyalty into question. Men in intersecting lines.
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Code Blue Pt. 29- Hungry Like The Wolf
Summary: Ethan and Johnny converse. More shocking revelations come to light. Elizabeth is cornered as Johnny's dark side arises. Jo and Lee get steamy. Orlando becomes detached and makes plans.
*Warnings* DARK! - language, angst, mentions of murder plots and death, smut, sexual gifs,
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
Chapter characters: Lee, Josie, Ethan, Johnny, Elizabeth, Orlando
Salem, Massachusetts
February 28, 2023
6 pm
As Ethan rested on the couch in the high rise of the Metro Court, drinking scotch after scotch to numb his pain, Johnny paced about on the phone trying to do damage control with his mob boss and father, Anthony Zacchara.
"Yes, understood. Look, I can handle Ethan. He's not going to be a problem with things. Yes...yes I know but...ok but...if you would just list...."
Johnny scoffed as his father hung up on him and gave Ethan a not so pleasant look.
"What man? Let me guess. Anthony's pissed."
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"Oh he's more than that. Luckily I was able to get you covered on that shipment, but my father is more than concerned about the reason you weren't there."
"Dude, I got my ass kicked if you haven't noticed. I can barely walk let alone handle business at the moment."
"Yeah well, that's exactly it. From what you told me, you got your ass handed to you by your own brother because you handed your other brother's ass to him and it was all over a man you can't have, a man who happens to be dating Jason Morgan's sister, who's ex fiance is a fucking cop. You see, in case you've forgotten what went down with Morgan, this don't look so good for you. You're too close to a potential problem."
"Dude man, Jason's dead. What does he have to do with my personal issues? No one is going to know what happened. Especially that bitch."
"Is that so? Funny you say that because you also have seem to of forgotten that Julian Jerome was found swimming with the fishes after the explosion...and we all know who was responsible for that...Corinthos, a mutual enemy of the Jeromes. Jason has everything to do with it. He was not only Sonny's right hand man but his best friend as well. Sonny found out Jerome was involved and you can bet your ass it's only a matter of time before he will find out we were too. You need to stay away from that girl and anyone she's involved with, most importantly that doctor. I can only defend you so far when it comes to my father...and Sonny."
"Look man, Julian set that bomb off, not you, not me."
"Do you really think that will fucking matter to Sonny?? We organized it! He's out for blood and he's going to take any he can get. And if you hurt that girl, he'll come after you for that too. Cut your losses man before you get us both killed."
"Can't do that man. They're both going to pay for turning my brother against me AND for putting me in fucking jail. There's no way Lee and his barbie doll could ever know I was involved anyways."
"Yeah, well it would seem you brought all that on yourself and you should take it a huge lesson before the reaper comes calling for you. Your brother Luke, I know who he is and what he does. He let your ass off easy. Having him AND Sonny Corinthos on my ass is not my idea of a good time."
A knock sounded upon the door, making them both jump. Ethan then laughed.
"That's what you get for talking about reapers and shit. Calm down, it's only Lizzy. I texted her when you were on the phone."
"You what?? You brought Lee's ex here after what I just fucking told you?? She's a loose end with her involvement!"
"Dude, her and I are good on that and she's a fucking nurse. I kinda need some help man."
"Un-fucking-believable..." Johnny huffed as he reluctantly went to get the door.
"Elizabeth, wish I could say it was a pleasure.." Johnny quipped as he let her in.
"Johnny Zacchara, long time no see." Elizabeth riposted.
"Not long enough. Take care of him and be on your way. I don't need this shit right now...or ever."
Elizabeth went straight to Ethan and sat down, pulling out her stethoscope to listen to his heart.
"EEEooowww! Ow ow! easy!"
"You're such a baby."
"Yeah, well not when you're pushing on something that's broken."
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"It's not even broken. Maybe cracked ribs, but there's nothing I can do about that. All I can do is give you pain meds and some peroxide for your facial wounds."
"You brought her over here for something I could have done? Nice." Johnny reeled.
"What's your problem Johnny?" Elizabeth snapped.
"My problem?? It's you. In case you've forgotten, I know who you're ex is, both of them actually and I don't associate with anyone that had had dealings with people close to Jason, which includes you."
"Wait huh? Lee don't even know him." Ethan asked in confusion.
"Maybe not, but he's fucking his sister yes? Close enough...."
"Johnny, what the hell does Lee have to do with anything??" Elizabeth retorted.
"Are you really asking that question mommy dearest?? For starters, Lee is part of the reason Ethan here is in the shape he is in....and now Ethan wants revenge on him and that girl of his."
"So? Let him get his revenge. Lee deserves it. You know his petty ass cut my seatbelts to make some statement to me about Jacob? And I don't care about who he's fucking. SO what if she's Jason's sister?? I can't stand her either or that friend of hers Britt aka the britch who both think, like you, that my business is theirs."
"Ahhh yes. Britt Westbourne, Jason's love interest that you were insanely jealous over because he wanted her and not you, which aided in your decision to help off the guy. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned....If I can't have him, no one can.... Hello Ethan! Just another reason Elizabeth shouldn't be here. Not to mention... Britt is her boss! You're the entire reason Elizabeth ever even knew Jason in the first place... And yes, your son Jacob...I am sorry to hear about what happened to him by the way. Poor kid didn't deserve what happened to him. Such a tragic accident....or was it....Lizzy?"
"Would somebody tell me what the fuck is going on here??" Ethan shouted. "Seriously, what does that poor kid have to do with this and why did you say something like that to her about him?? It's bad enough Lee blames her."
"Don't go getting all sentimental now Ethan because we both know that's not you....Goes to show how much you really know your Lizzy here. I think Lee had just cause to blame her."
"Shut up Johnny!!" Elizabeth shouted. "My son is none of your business and has nothing to do with this!!"
"Doesn't he? Do tell Ethan here who little Jake's real daddy was..."
Ethan winced in pain as he swiftly stood up. "What the fuck is he talking about Liz?"
Elizabeth went to pour herself a drink and knocked it back, then slammed the glass down.
"I don't know what you think you know, but you are sadly fucking mistaken Johnny Zacchara."
"Am I? You really shouldn't drink so much Elizabeth. It's how you're secret was revealed in the first place one night on the Haunted Star, you know, Jason's yacht his father left to him. The same boat that held many gambling events that Ethan and I attended and will soon again. But, back to the matter at hand...Ethan...your bff Lizzy here...I overheard her spilling her drunken guts to Jason during an argument they were having, telling him that he was little Jakey's papa. I never spoke of it to anyone because I actually understood Jason's reasoning for keeping it unknown considering his lifestyle, you know, to protect his son and well, I'd do the same if I had a kid... but I suppose the secret don't matter now just between us. With that said...Jason still chose Britt and so Lizzy Borden here decided to punish him, but she didn't use an axe no...she simply just didn't buckle the kid's seatbelt and then purposely started a fight with Lee while he was driving to make him wreck on that dark stormy night. Of course, she had her belt on though. Maybe Jason's ghost decided to recently cut yours because he knew what you did?? I don't know Lee, but from what I do know because of Ethan, it just doesn't seem his style. Just my theory on it anyways from the talk that went around...I mean, Liz here did conspire to off Jason with us, although we had different reasons for wanting him gone. You never did say why Elizabeth. Did Jason figure out what you did and so you killed him before he could kill you?? Because we all know he would have. Tell me, Elizabeth, am I getting warm??"
Elizabeth turned back to the booze with her hand shaking as she poured another drink, feeling like a caged animal being prodded with a stick.
"Jesus Lizzy?? Is that fucking true???" Ethan fumed as he went over to her. "Tell me you didn't do something like that to Lee and his boy, or your own son for christ's sake."
"Hence why I referred to her as mommy dearest earlier in case you didn't catch that." Johnny jested as he casually paced around with his drink, loving that he had the upper hand.
"Which now brings me to the other ex I mentioned... whom she also has a kid with, can you believe that??. What, is she four now? Almost the same age as Jacob was. Hope that's not an omen. Got married and popped her out right after your son died. You wasted no time eh? Blaise...is that her name? Perks of my profession. I know things. I do my homework. The marriage didn't even last a year. He probably realized what a psycho bitch you are. I know who your ex is...so do you Ethan....so did Jason. In fact, he and Jason were extremely good long time friends. Probably how he had the misfortune of meeting Casey Anthony here. Parker ring a bell? Crazy huh, how big Salem is and yet how small it is."
"P..Parker...oh hell, you don't mean...Craig??" Ethan asked after he sprayed his drink from his mouth from the incredulous shock.
"Do you know any other Craig Parkers that knew Jason?" Johnny sarcastically asked.
"I know I haven't seen you in ages since I've been away Lizzy, but...it would have been highly nice to know that's who you married AND had a kid with...are you fucking kidding me??"
"If that's even his kid as well." Johnny quipped. "Now do you get it Ethan?? He's one of Corinthos's boys. Everyone's tied together. Lee, Josie, Jason, Sonny, Gerry, Craig, you, me, HER! Shit, we may as well add Britt in there too..I mean shit, she lives on the floor above me....hell, even Luke could be an issue. But it seems to me, only one of them could be a real problem and I'm looking right at her."
Johnny's face fell into something sinister as he walked towards Elizabeth.
"Oh come on Johnny. I would never say anything. It would incriminate me." Elizabeth assured as she backed away from him with wide eyes.
"Oh, of course you won't because that would mean I would relay all your secrets as well. Even without proof, they would be quite believable and valuable to a lot of those said people...and then, I'd have to take care of you if Sonny didn't first. Maybe I should just do that right now because I really don't like loose cannons or links...and you are both of them."
Ethan then stepped in between them as Elizabeth hid behind Ethan, clinging to his waist. "Oh come on man, you aren't going to get rid of her??? She has a kid man..."
"That kid has a father to raise her, so your point is invalid. She'd be better off without a mother like her. What part of that did you miss??? I can make it a lot prettier than what Corinthos will do to her. Get out of the way man."
"Jesus Johnny, are you...serious??" Ethan reeled with out moving an inch.
"As a heart attack, which is about what she's having right now."
Johnny pulled out his gun from the back of his pants and aimed it at the two of them. "Move Ethan. It's your only warning. I'm not above collateral damage."
Urine began trickling onto the floor from the bottom of Elizabeth's pants as she hysterically begged Johnny for her life.
Johnny's brows narrowed for a moment, then he spun the gun back in his hand and put it away as he chuckled.
"I'm just fucking with ya. I think I've made my point. Now get the fuck out of here before I change my mind...and don't come back now, ya here?"
Elizabeth scrambled to get her stuff and ran out in tears as Johnny raved, pouring himself another drink.
"What the...fuck man. I really thought you were going to...god. My ribs, I can't breathe..." Ethan panted and drank a huge swig of scotch straight from the crystal bottle.
"Nah...didn't have my silencer handy or I just may have. Now...is she the only one I have to worry about?"
"What's...that supposed to mean?"
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"Oh Ethan...you didn't hear much of what I said tonight at all, did you? I know things....such as...a girl you're fucking named Megan....Jason's other sister...."
The Farm- 7 pm
You sniffled as you gently freed yourself from Lee's loving hold to look at him.
"I...I also worried about if, that I could have children...would you...even want or could you love...another child after...Jacob."
Lee stroked your cheek with the back of his fingers as he sweetly smiled. "How could I not? He or she would be a part of you...ok, well that was just stupid to say considering. Jo, if someday, it ever came to thinking of something like that, there are other options. There are plenty of children that need a home or there's surrogacy etc etc etc...I would love any child I would have with you, no less than Jacob. I'm just so glad you trusted me enough to tell me but I'm sorry it had to come out this way. Jo...is that what was wrong that night when Dash was at the house? When he and I came inside from goofing around in the backyard, you just..seemed different and then later you became all upset and left and...."
"And I left you all alone wondering what you did wrong...god Lee...I am so sorry! Yes...seeing the two of you...you were so good with him and I don't know...it just triggered me I suppose, knowing I could never give you that. I... I should have just told you. God, I wanted to...I was..."
"Afraid I wouldn't want you anymore...I know. That could never happen, trust me, I had tried once to stay away from you, thinking that you were better off without someone like me. But nope. Epic fail. Couldn't do it...didn't want to. I want YOU Jo...that's all I have ever wanted. Just you."
Your face crunched up into a frown as you began to cry. "I'm sorry." you squeaked.
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Lee stroked your hair as his own eyes teared up. "Shhhh....don't be sorry my girl. You have nothing to be sorry about. Come here."
He softly placed his lips over yours, making you cry more. You brought your hands to his face and gazed deeply into his glassy blue eyes.
"I...I love you so much...so fucking much..."
You kissed him again, intensely, wanting to be with him again so bad, it hurt.
"Lee...please...take me upstairs. I...I need you so much..." you lightly panted through your tears.
His dilated eyes spoke the same words and he pulled you up to stand, then reached behind your thighs and hoisted you onto him, kissing you all the way up to his room.
Things became instantly heated as he carried you through the doorway. You stripped your shirt off and, then helped him remove his. Lee spun you around so fast while kissing you, that your phone flung out of your pocket and your foot hit a vase, sending it crashing into pieces on the floor, but that didn't stop either of you, nor did the beep of a text.
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Lee laid you back on the bed and yanked your leggings and panties off as you both laughed, then you sat up before him and his very prominent arousal.
You teasingly undid his button and zipper with a grin, then slowly pulled his jeans down, revealing his beautiful erection. You could only imagine the look upon Lee's face by the sound of his deep hard gasp as you took him into your mouth, for he certainly was not expecting that.
Lee's head arched back and his fingers entangled into your hair as he groaned your name with a few f bombs inserted before and after, only making you go deeper on him. His scent was invigorating, partly of his cologne that was traced in the small patch of hair that laid just below his happy trail and a fresh clean soapy aroma clothed his cock, but his taste...it was so natural and you couldn't get enough.
As your hand gripped his base, you began to slide your lips faster, His panting became more intense and his cock rock solid.
"Jo...Jo baby, you gotta stop...I can't..."
You could taste his precum, so you reluctantly took him out of your mouth.
Your phone beeped again, annoying you. "Let me shut the volume off."
Quickly, you went to get your phone, but Lee grabbed you from behind and pulled you to the ground, spreading your legs wide open and taking his turn.
You whimpered and mewled as he wasted no time thrusting his warm smooth tongue into you and twirling it about. His thumb massaged your clit, making your hips shake and twitch as you laid on the cottony soft rug.
"Lee...oh my god...." you panted as you clutched his hair in both fists. "I...I want you now...please....god please..."
Your begging for him drove him mad and he happily gave you your wish. Lee shoved into you, both of you releasing exuberant gasps as your nails dug into his back. His thrusts became harder and harder as he gripped you tightly between his strong arms until he was fully inside of you. He then began rocking his hips so gently as his moans of hot breath plunged over and over into your ear.
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You didn't want it to end. They way he felt inside of you was indescribable. A perfect union, not only of your bodies, but of your souls. A feeling you had never felt with anyone through intimacy...but it was going to end because he was he soon found your spot and you couldn't stop it if you tried.
"LEEEE!!!! AHH...I....I'm going to...."
"Me too baby..." he grunted and sped up, sending you into a shaking and screaming starlit climax.
"God!!! Ahhh!!...fuck...ahhh!" Lee harshly shouted as he released. It was so strong, you felt every vigorous pulse.
Lee cupped your face as you both gazed in each other's eyes, softly panting.
"I love you Josephine Leeann March. You will truly never know how much."
"Right back at ya babe." you grinned and kissed him deeply.
Lee chuckled. "Maybe we should try the bed next time. I don't know what came over me. I just had to have you right here and now."
"I'mmm not complaining." you giggled. "This...this was amazing. YOU are amazing."
It happened again...the smoke alarm went off.
"Shit...the pie!!!" Lee shouted and flung up to his feet. You tried not to laugh, but failed as he almost tripped stepping into his pants and hopping to pull them up.
"I'll meet you downstairs." he chuckled and ran out.
You laid there in absolute bliss for a few moments, taking in how real he was, that he was no longer just some dream.
You then remembered your phone beeping, so you got dressed, then check it. There three of them...from Orlando. Apparently, Luke kept his word and got him a phone.
"Josie, it's me, Orlando. Text me when you can."
"I'm home now. Just wanted to talk for a bit. I heard you came to the hospital."
"Where are you?"
You quickly replied so you could go help Lee.
"Hey. I'm so glad ur home. Are u ok? I'm at Lee's farm. Sorry, we were making dinner." you slightly lied.
You then went downstairs and told Lee about the text, then sat at the table to wait and see if he would reply. Meanwhile, Lee was trying to save his pie by scraping the burnt pieces off the top while cursing under his breath.
"I think it's official baby. We cannot have food cooking while we are...enjoying each other." you laughed, trying to cheer him up while thinking about the bacon incident. He had worked so hard to make that pie for you and you felt bad.
"Ya think?" he chuckled. "I think it's salvageable. You ready to eat sweetheart?"
"After all that, I am famished."
You helped Lee set the table with a candle lit in the middle, then you both sat side by side and enjoyed the pot roast, potatoes, carrots and salad with more wine....and after that, some slightly overdone homemade cherry pie in which you both ended up picking all of the outer crust off of. The begging dogs sure liked it though.
An hour went by and the storm became stronger. Still, there was no text back from Orlando, so Lee called him, but still, no answer, so he left a voicemail.
"Hey banando. Jo said you're home. I'm glad to hear that. I see you texted me too. We were...uh...cooking." Lee grinned as he looked at you, then continued on. " So...call or text back. Let me know how you're doing and if you need anything. I hope Luke or your mom is there. Talk soon. By man."
"Well...we were cooking, were we not. Just not in the kitchen." Lee jested with a curled smirk as he came over and kissed your forehead.
"That we were." you laughed.
"Come on babe...let's go down to the basement so you will feel more comfortable. Movies and more wine?"
"That sounds perfect."
Orlando sat at a desk in his dimly lit room, living inside of his messed up mind, while his mom and Luke were downstairs making them dinner and both not pleased that Orlando had left the hospital. He could hear them talking about him, so he cranked up his music to block their condescending voices out.
He saw your text and listened to Lee's voicemail, but became even more frustrated to know you were at the farm with him, so he didn't respond. It only proved to him once more that he would never be with you. Instead, he downed some beers while he carved the word "father" with his left hand into the wooden handle of a small sledge hammer as he blared the song "Hungry like the wolf."
As he finished up, he then mumbled two words. "My turn...."
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40 notes · View notes
okay so just a random dump of thoughts because i've been reading others' discussions on tsh
what if the mysterious fifth figure at the bacchanal was the farmer?? at least at times?
so some have the theory that the Gang didn't kill the farmer and if that was the case, perhaps just the thought of the possibility of them killing the farmer was enough to drive them all into the deep end. like perhaps we all have this 'evilness' for lack of better term inside of us and it's just a matter of how well we keep in caged inside
also the Gang + Julian are all so allergic to doing anything that makes them even the slightest bit uncomfortable. its kinda hilarious
judy is the best character and i love her
i think a key part of tsh is how we contruct ourselves to appeal to others. from richard wanting to impress his other greek students to whatever is going on with henry and bunny to the grief of everyone to bunny's death (i mean that man's father is something else entirely). and i also think that if everyone's grief was genuine then i think it would be interesting that richard would be projecting his own conformist and chameleon-like behaviours onto everyone else bc i think we can all agree he has a Problem
also it would be so much more useful if the way my brain is turning for this book transferred to the books i ACTUALLY need to study/revise for
my priority should be on uncle vanya and the remains of the day NOT tsh
213 notes · View notes
mort lore (from the Madagascar movies)
I have to say some quick things.
if you have never watched “all hail king Julian” go watch it you will regret nothing it is a masterpiece.
and also mort lore is fucked.
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that is death, he is death or some sort of primordial ooze given form,
mort is both man and woman, he is all genders and all sexualities, he is crazed from blood lust, and crazed from devotion to the feet.
he is wood chips, and starfish, he is his own wife and ate his wife.
he is every instance of himself throughout the multiverse, he is immortal and unkillable.
he is his own father and own mother, he is both light and dark, yin and yang.
he is evil and just, he is life and death.
he is an unkillable god that walks among man (lemurs).
he is truth, and he is lies.
he is genocidal and he is savior.
he is everything and nothing, all and nought.
mort is an enigma, he is the true chaos incarnate.
everyone had been fooled to his true nature but by the end they know who he truly is, a monster. A god among men.
he is all powerful and all knowing, he is the great equalizer.
he is himself and the parts he’s absorbed, he is made of wood chips and blood.
and he is a force to be reckoned with.
anyway!! Sorry for getting all weird, his character is genuinely so fucked in the head and amazing.
all hail king Julian is a must watch, purely for mort lore.
you think I am joking!
but NOPE, mort is probably the most powerful character in fiction actually. And can kill the unkillable.
mort loreeeeee
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lewis-winters · 5 months
Going insane over your director’s commentary and the artworks listed (Ivan and his son is one of my favorite paintings ever) and also: Roe is catholic but he’s Cajun, which has its own brand of folk catholic, with many practices outside of the Roman Catholic tradition. He in canon mentioned his grandmother was a traiteur, which. Woof when you think about that in connection with a more Jesuit perspective on catholicism (which you said would be finding God in all things)…. That would track on well to Roe’s beliefs, who said that his grandmother has a more profound connection with God, made physical through her traiteur work. Also traiteur believe that their abilities are a direct gift from God, echoing Roe’s lines. Just. Ough. Also Cajuns (both traditionally and probably still do!) had a weekly boucherie, a communal slaughtering of an animal to share between everyone…. You can understand the symbolism. (A more lighthearted aside, now I’m thinking of Roe riding capitaine or co-capitaine in a Courir de Mardi Gras, and how happy he would have been to restart the tradition after it being on pause during the war… and how sad it would be to know so many of the young men he chased chickens with in his teen years would never be there again) Also this importance of Roe being Cajun Catholic really rears up in my mind when he wraps a tourniquet string around his finger and utters his prayer, repeating lines he finds important (‘With all my heart’) which is a deeply Cajun way of prayer (also, rosaries we’re often placed around the neck of sick children to heal/protect them, something Roe would no doubt be familiar with, what with his family history). ANYWAYSSSSSS Sorry, special interest in Cajun culture rose up and I had to infodump
Not necessarily about the weekly boucherie + the rosary around the neck thing (in the Philippines, we have something similar except in the form of a talisman called the anting-anting. I talked about it a little bit in my answer to you about the Black Nazarene on my main blog some time ago!! but yeah, same same principle, different execution!), but about how different Eugene would see these events and how he'd then react to/accept it. Folk Catholicism is always more open to mysticism than Regular Catholicism is, and the best part is you don't need the Canonization from the Vatican to just say. Hey! This is a sign from God! This comes from God! because Folk Catholicism allows a closer proximity to God than usual. Almost like it eliminates the middle man. So when Eugene experiences these things (again, phantasmagorical: did he actually experience the world pausing for one damn second for them to actually find Julian's body, or was this a case of shared delusion?) that would take several Vatican Councils to canonize as a Honest to God Miracle, he doesn't think: oh, this is wrong. He thinks. No. This is exactly how It Is Supposed To Be.
But he NEEDS to convince Babe of that. Babe, who does not see his Faith the way Eugene does, but who (Eugene thinks) desperately needs to, otherwise his guilt and self-disgust will swallow him whole. So he thinks; who else will convince him? Oh. Father Maloney.
Tangent but: another thing I forgot to put in but... in episode 6, after the Homily Eugene rolls up to and just before the start of the Patrol that kills Julian... watch Babe closely. He hugs Father Maloney before he leaves. Eugene sees it. Which is also... what made me think. Hmm. There's a relationship there that Eugene could have...... thought to capitalize on.......
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lovecatsys · 5 months
Tag/Brian Cruz Appreciation Post
Brian is the only Academy X character from the main two squads who never got any real character work in the main title, he remains pretty strictly a background character in Weir/DeFilippis and is quickly killed off in Kyle/Yost. But it's clear that before they were kicked off the book, Weir/DeFilippis were going places with him, and we can see it in the New X-Men: Hellions mini and in House of M.
(more under the cut)
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In this miniseries, the Hellions squad are all granted wishes by a villain named the Kingmaker. Julian's wish was for fame and glory, and pretty quickly his wish was granted when he stops the assassination of a governor, and the press is immediately all over him. It's later revealed that the journalist who spoke to him also works for the Kingmaker, and Brian was in on this and helped him out by directing the questions to her so that Julian could look good to the public.
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Later on, Brian is acting as an agent for Rockslide, who's wish was to become a pro wrestler. He reveals that his wish was simply to help his friends with their own wishes, and doesn't seem to have any problem with this at all. We know that his original wish the Kingmaker thought was dumb, so he changed it to this, which Julian is a bit bewildered by.
Brian is clearly a very selfless person, he is committed to getting his friends what they want and doesn't seem to care that much about what he wants for himself. I'm very curious what his original wish was, presumably it was something that he actually wanted for himself, but was okay with giving it up.
Weir/DeFilippis have talked about the direction they were taking Brian on their blog, where they stated that he had no sense of self outside of his friends. (x) This is definitely what I have analyzed from this mini as well.
We can also think about the fact hat Brian's powers are really specific and not exactly the most helpful in a combat situation. Pretty much every time he uses them it's shown to have a really short term effect. Compared to the rest of his teammates, with Julian and Sooraya being ridiculously powerful, Santo being very strong, Cessily's powers being very combat effective and Kevin's deadly touch, he probably feels very outclassed and useless. If having a sense of self is something he already struggles with, this must be a huge insecurity for him. In fact, part of the reason he might want to help his friends out so much with their wishes could be that he wants to feel useful for once.
In House of M, Brian is in a very different place as a character. Instead of being Julian's best friend and part of the Hellions, he's actually part of the "New Mutants Academy" along with Prodigy, Wallflower, The Stepford Cuckoos, and Quentin Quire.
Quentin was not a part of the Academy X class at all since he was a Morrison character and was comatose throughout the history of the book. However, since House of M was an alternate universe where a lot of dead people were shown to be alive, and a lot of wrongs were righted and "greatest wishes" came true, Quentin is here and appears as he did before the riot at Xavier's - his hair still brown and still looking like a nerd.
And case in point, everyone at this school seems to hate him, except for Brian.
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Brian consistently sticks up for Quentin when other students are being rude to him, though Quentin dismisses Brian each time he does. This is very in character for Quentin, but it's interesting that Brian doesn't have any (negative) reaction to the way that Quentin treats him.
Later, at the end of this issue, Quentin is forced to commit suicide by Laurie because he finds out via his telepathy that she and her dad are working for S.H.I.E.L.D.
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Brian eventually finds Quentin's body, and refuses to believe that he would have committed suicide. He also says that he was planning on hanging out with Quentin that night. Laurie's father, who is a therapist then comes in and lies that Quentin had been seeing him and was struggling with suicidal ideation, to cover up his and Laurie's tracks. Brian refuses to believe this as well, claiming that he would have known and that Quentin was his friend.
Heartbreaking as this scene is, despite the fact that Quentin was shown to be rude to Brian in front of others, it appears they were actually close friends. We can assume that Quentin either was much nicer to Brian when they were by themselves, or simply doesn't know how to be kind to his friends. My money's on the latter, and that Brian knew this and was alright with it. Brian is shown to be a very emotionally intelligent person, and Quentin struggles in relationships with others most of all.
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Brian later is confronted by the Cuckoos, they offer their condolences and he lashes out, angry at them for being rude to him. They agree with Brian that they don't think he was the type to commit suicide, and Brian thinks more on this and begins to suspect Garrison's hand in Quentin's death because of his pheromone powers.
It's clear that Brian feels bad for Quentin, that all the other students hated him and didn't care to understand him. He was all Quentin had, and now Quentin is gone.
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Later on, Karma catches Brian going through files to try to find evidence against Dr. Garrison, she doesn't believe him at first, but it still sets a bit of doubt in her that leads her to getting help from Doug Ramsey, using his powers to go through Dr. Garrison's computer and finding out that he's a deeply undercover agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Garrison then comes in and is about to kill them with his powers the same way his daughter killed Quentin, when Brian in turn uses his powers to save the teachers.
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Brian accidentally ends up making Garrison kill himself by jumping out the window of the building trying to "get away" from himself. Brian feels awful about this, he didn't want to kill someone. But he saved Doug and Xuan's lives.
In this alternate universe, Quentin almost replaces Julian as Brian's best friend- the friend that he attaches himself too. Unlike his situation with the Hellions though, Brian doesn't have any friends outside of Quentin. It appears that the fact that he's Quentin's one true ally has made him an outsider at the New Mutant's Academy. Yet instead of feeling lonely and sorry for himself after Quentin's death, he is still thinking of Quentin and trying to prove that Quentin didn't kill himself. He cares deeply about Quentin, just like he cares deeply about Julian and the Hellions in the regular universe.
One thing I think is also very interesting about Brian is how in both examples, with both Julian and Quentin as his best friends, he joins in on them being rude, or even straight up bullying others, but when he is alone with either of them he's just a very sweet kid. This goes hand in hand with the fact that he's tied his sense of self to his friends.
I mentioned earlier that often times in House of M certain character's situations in the alternate universe are based on their "greatest desires." I have a theory about how this could apply to Brian. Weir and DeFilippis have stated that though they weren't planning on it, they did have an idea in their heads for a future arc where Brian falls in love with Julian. (x) This wouldn't have worked out for him, since Julian is in love with Sofia and presumably straight. However, Quentin Quire is a character who has always had a queer aesthetic and has had queer subtext as well. In House of M, it's possible that Brian's wish was being able to date his best friend and this has come true, with Quentin instead of Julian. This is just a wild theory though.
So yeah, though Brian didn't get any character work prior to House of M and the Hellions mini, just these two stories set him up for what could have been a really interesting arc, and hint at who this kid is on the inside. It makes it all the more devastating that Kyle and Yost killed him off, and he is very unlikely to get a story ever again. But, I can dream. I love this kid, and I wish there was more appreciation for him out there in general.
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egg-emperor · 6 months
Hey Julian, I just wanted to say, do you think the scene where eggman holds sage hand is ooc? I genuinely believe that this scene damaged eggmans character, for me at least. Eggman is an evil cruel megalomaniac, who wants to kill children and stuff animals inside robots, to me it doesn’t make sense in the story or character-wise. I was pissed at this scene, and I just want to know what your thoughts on it are? To me it damages his character to the fandom and only reinforces soft uwu eggdad.
No, I don't think it's OOC at all. Just like with the main story, the only thing that bothers me is the way the uwu wholesome eggdad lovers will misinterpret it and try to use it as reasons why it's totally what they're saying it is. But because I understand the reasons behind it, I think it's the best way they could've had Eggman go about it and I really like the actual canon now.
I talked about that scene and the reasons I like it in depth in this post. It's important to consider Eggman's specific reasonings for his side of the dynamic in the first place that the pure wholesome uwu fans want you to ignore and forget, don't let them win XD His side isn't wholesome and pure like Sage's side, which is the perspective we see from the most in the cutscenes. His praise is conditional and selfishly motivated.
The Egg Memos, that are specifically from Eggman's personal perspective that tells us exactly how he thinks and feels about it in private, in his own words, gives us all the context we need. And combining that with everything we see between him and Sage in the animated scenes, they all make perfect sense for his character and only emphasize his ego, selfishness, and self-centered. His side is an example, not an exception to.
Keep in mind how it clearly motivates his entire side, as he'll snap at her when she doesn't do exactly what he wants in the way he approves and is only nice and praising when she does exactly what he wants and that's why all the "cutest" moments between them happen where he says he's proud in the main game, and when he holds her hand in the ending of the Final Horizon because she just helped save him and the world he wants to rule, both of which she stated in the beginning. It takes all of that just for the smallest feature of him holding her hand while looking away very reserved lol
It's always about what's in it for him/because he got something out of it. And he likes how Sage is specifically trying to fulfill that, just like he created her to. It makes sense to praise that and appeal to her desire for his approval and praise when she does what he wants, because of course he'd want to encourage it to make her keep it up. And he can also do so by appealing to her desire for him to be her father, but on his side it's really about taking pride in her for being an impressive scientific artifical creation and taking credit in her accomplishments and skills by being her creator/father.
I don't look at any single moment without the bigger picture in mind. That way it becomes much more interesting and compelling. Evil doesn't always appear as blatantly violent, deadly, and malicious. Evil can appear nice, sweet, safe, and secure. That's how manipulation works. I think it adds a darkness to it that wouldn't be possible if the dynamic was portrayed as blatantly messed up as it does with his other creations. Having a golden child in itself compared to how he treats the others also has a lot of potential for messed up scenarios of Sage being pressured to keep it that way.
So yeah, I like both the circumstances behind his actions, demeanor, and body language in that scene and what it says about his character, and that's something I go more in depth in the posts I linked. He hasn't stopped being the cruel evil megalomaniac he's always been and will stay, and his dynamic with Sage is only an example with his twisted perception of family and "love" is compared to hers. I love the scene and Frontiers Eggman in general, the fandom may misinterpret it but I love what they were actually going for in the game, it's really interesting and I look forward to seeing more!
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azulashengrottospiano · 7 months
I have no idea who or what lucio is. Explain it to me like I'm 5 or something like that
hes a character in the arcana that half the fandom hates with a passion and half the fandom adores. hes done some fucked up shit umm i dont even think i remember everything
just realizing that i wouldnt have sworn so much if i was explaining this to a five year old oops
he's a really immmature goat man that ruined the lives of hundreds of thousands and has also killed countless people with his blade and poor decisions.
he ruined muriel's life by forcing him to fight in the arena thing for his entertainment, imprisoned asra's parents to force them to make his golden arm, he traumatized julian who is a doctor during the plague that HE brought to vesuvia, he made a bunch of really bad devil-powered deals that he DIDNT FOLLOW THROUGH WITH for power, killed his own dad because he felt entitled to the power his father had, he acts like an entitled manchild and is super immature???
so yea hes a bad person. and his route could have been handled better, because theres a scene were hes lamenting about his past and you have to choice to say "i forgive you" or "this is a lot to unpack" or something and to get the UPRIGHT ANSWER (aka the good ending) YOU HAVE TO FRGIVE HIM????? i pick the "this a lot to unpack" answer EVERY TIME BECAUSE ARE YOU SERIOUS???
but yea yk thats lucio and also hes bisexual so yay but they all but lucio actually had an affair with that wine sipping fella i think so yk
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comic-sans-chan · 1 year
Finally got up to Our Man Bashir and right out of the gate, the premise is so interesting. Garak alludes to Julian having a secret. Garak stares at Julian strangely as he's explaining the James Bond holoprogram. Julian is so hostile the entire episode. It really feels like Garak is telling Julian, "I know you have a secret. Why are you so obsessed with spies, anyway? Do you feel like one? Is that why you like me, because you relate to me? Why is that, I wonder?" and Julian, who does have a secret that could not only bomb his whole career but also potentially get him murdered, just shuts down. He's so blank, like he's been washed of all his color. I thought this was supposed to be a fun, silly episode but when you have the full context, it's just intense.
Of course, there's also how excruciating it is to watch someone explain James Bond, with his fancy suits and beautiful apartments and sexy assistants, to an actual ex-spy with the backstory of: bastard child, abusive father who won't acknowledge him, brought into the business young, lost all sense of his identity to his authoritarian cult planet, trained to have emotional attachments to no one but the organization that couldn't care less about him, is haunted by all the killing and torturing he's done, feels like an irredeemable monster. Outside of the context of Julian just trying to cope with his own deeply fucked up life, IT'S SO CRINGE. OH MY GOD, IT'S PAINFUL. HOW DID ANYONE STOMACH THIS EPISODE BEFORE THEY KNEW ABOUT JULIAN'S BACKSTORY? OUCH OUCH OUCH.
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adamsvanrhijn · 5 months
what i, tumblr user maudbeaton, actually want to happen with the gilded age character maud beaton and oscar van rhijn (part 1/?)
Ok. so.
I made a post a few days ago just talking generally about my thoughts on the theory that Maud is scamming Oscar, which then boiled down to, "I do not think the scam explanation is more compelling or necessarily makes more sense than the straightforward explanation".
Even after 2.06, this is still my feelings on the situation overall: to me, it is more interesting if Maud isn't simply scamming Oscar, and if there is truth to what we have heard from/about Maud and the people around her.
However. What I want to happen only very rarely aligns with what Julian Fellowes wants to happen. Nothing in this series of posts is intended to be perceived as a prediction or as me debunking a common fan theory. I won't be surprised if Maud does turn out to be a scam artist at this point! I'm not even saying I think she isn't, we'll get there... If anything this might convince you even more that she IS scamming who knows!
I'm only saying that my hope is that ultimately what happens is more complicated than that, and here's why.
Meeting Maud
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Let's take everything we heard about Maud (from Maud herself and from Aurora Fane) in 2.02 at face value for a moment. Maud has been living in Europe ("Paris mostly") since the death of her mother, who was born a Stuyvesant - old money New York family. She's heard of Mrs. Van Rhijn, because she was just talking to the Drexels in Newport - but she's not staying with them in Newport, she's staying with other friends. She now lives in New York with a sort of paid companion. Her named father, John Beaton, is dead. She is rumored to be the biological illegitimate daughter of Jay Gould, who has taken an interest in her, and she has lots of money at her disposal.
Jay Gould is an incredibly prominent figure, the archetypal robber baron. He has obscene money and influence (like George), and he amassed this wealth through being a ruthless businessman who undercuts and ruins the businesses of others (like George). This is Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk levels of publicity, with comparable buying power. People do not like Jay Gould. Jay Gould is not easy to deal with. That line from him in the first episode about hiring half the working class to kill the other half? A quote that has been attributed to him IRL and that lined up pretty well with his own actions. His one known soft spot was his own wife and children.
Realistically, Maud being rumored to be an illegitimate daughter wouldn't be good for her socially, let alone being rumored to be Jay Gould's illegitimate daughter.
We have a precedent for this in the show, because Marian brings it up about Cissie Bingham (the "niece" of Henry Flagler, rumored to be his daughter, whom Raikes later marries) the previous season in 1.09:
Raikes: We know New York now, you and I. There's a life to be lived here, and a good life. But two penniless strangers from out of town could not have hoped to live it. Marian: But Miss Bingham can make sure of that life for you? Well, why not? She won't suit the old crowd, but she'll do well enough with the new, and her fortune is more than ample for both of you.
(Just for fun, I will also call out that it's the Drexels' box at the Academy of Music where Aurora spots Bingham and Raikes in 1.09.)
And Aurora calls out that people do talk about Maud—in the same breath as saying that she goes everywhere and is nice, and as we see Maud speaking to a nameless background character.
Oscar thinks this is great. "Suitable and charming" he says! Oscar is a fortune hunter who wants to marry a rich girl for her money. He's also closeted and wants the social stability that would come with marriage to a woman — especially a pretty, popular woman who is liked (if not, in Maud's case, universally well regarded).
Here's the thing:
From when we first meet her, Maud is already too good to be true.
...but it's not because the information we have about her doesn't make sense on its own. It's because Oscar's conclusion doesn't make sense based on that information.
At this point all Oscar (thinks he) knows is that this woman is an orphan living with a paid companion who says she knows the Drexels and has friends in Newport she's staying with and lived in Paris and looks down on Parisians, and whose father might actually be Jay Gould, and that's why she can spend all the money she does. That all adds up! Not unheard of, it makes sense that a young woman with no living legal guardians might be supported by her wealthy biological father even if he hasn't claimed her.
What doesn't add up is that she would retain any of the wealth she has access to after she married other than a dowry. It doesn't add up that she would continue to be supported by a man who has no legal responsibility toward her once there is a man with a legal responsibility toward her: a husband. That's the case for girls with alive legitimate biological fathers, too—and in 1.03, Charles Fane calls out that it's not a good look or feeling to be a penniless husband relying on your wife's father for financial support.
There is no reason to think, with the information that Oscar has, even taking that information completely at face value, that Maud is an heiress to or of anything.
Even if we assume everything that Oscar has been told at this point is true (and it's already been presented to him as rumor!), the most straightforward explanation here is that Maud's biological dad doesn't want her to fall into poverty after being orphaned and it's a drop in the bucket to him, not that she's secretly an heiress to Gould money. Oscar is making an assumption based on what he wants to be true, without all of the facts.
Yes, Maud has plenty of money at her disposal... but is it hers?
Oscar is not bothering to ask that question. He is already setting himself up for failure.
(part 2)
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amchara · 11 months
i love the specific situation when i see you reblogging things and i immediately think it's tsc without looking at the context and then immediately spiral into a tornado of confusion and/or horror before the moment of clarity washes over me and i realize it's fate the winx saga
you have no idea how many times i've seen fairy-esque discussions on your blog or drama-adjacent things and I'm like "WHAT HAPPENED TO MARK AND KIERAN WHAT DID I MISS oh wait-"
Hahaha, I do feel a slight pang of guilt sometimes for TSC fans who followed and are still here. I mean- I am still into Shadowhunters! But I mix it up a lot more these days.
But more importantly- you made me spiral with your question of WHAT HAPPENED TO MARK AND KIERAN... that I had to think, what does happen to Mark, Kieran and the Blackthorns and Emma in a Fate universe context?
SO- buckle up, we're going fusion with Fate and The Shadowhunter Chronicles.
I'm going to stick mainly with The Dark Artifices characters for this but I do have to do a shout out to the fact that we do have some direct parallels but mainly TMI related.
Sky = Herondale with Jace's weaponry skill and daddy issues, James' gentlemanly behavior hiding a dark side, and Kit's jacket + sarcasm. That boy suffers beautifully, as all Herondales must.
And Bloom = Clary Fairchild, independent red-head discovers hidden world of magic and finds a close knit group of friends who help her save the world. Though the narrative punishes Bloom a lot more than Cassie ever did to Clary.
Therefore Bloom/Sky roughly equals Clary/Jace
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Fate: The Winx Saga actually fits the mold of original flavour TSC quite well even if the other character archetypes don't exactly align with the Fate characters.
But... if we get to The Dark Artifices and the more morally grey Blackthorns and add in the Unseelie Court, this is where I had to stretch the imagination. Not because it can't be done but I had to shift a couple things to fit into the Fate context.
So, first of all- Emma is clearly a Specialist in this 'verse. Trains all day, weapons fan and a drive for revenge? Absolutely she'd be an awesome Specialist. Her background in Fate is that her parents were killed by Burned Ones - and they were also part of Rosalind's elite squad and so as a consequence she's brought up at Alfea by Silva, alongside Sky. She's Julian's Specialist partner.
Julian is a Mind Fairy. I considered all the other elements and nope, we've got to acknowledge he'd be a fucking powerful mind fairy, and he'd be a protege of Headmistress Farah Dowling. When Rosalind inevitably returns... she'd sense his power and there would definitely be attempst to push him to give in to the more manipulative side of his powers.
The Blackthorn's 'dark secret' in this 'verse is that Mark and Helen's mother was a Blood Witch, in a time when there wasn't as much division between fairies and Blood Witch.
We keep Julian's dark past in that he had to kill his own father when he was younger, who was possessed by a Blood Witch trying to get revenge for the Aster Dell massacre. In this battle, Julian protects his younger siblings but Mark is taken by some of his mother's relatives and goes off to live with the Blood Witches. Helen is a Specialist and has been banished by Queen Luna to the wilds of Eraklyon to check the Barrier (and her fairy partner Aline goes with her).
Anyway, when our story starts, Mark's just been returned to Solaria, through some backroom negotiations by General Bavani, and he's causing a stir at Alfea, as most people don't trust him due to his background. Oh, and he's an Air Fairy nominally but learnt it through Blood Witch practice, which makes his magic super erratic. He and Julian are trying to get back to their old bond but it's hard and there's the whole point of Julian trying not to admit he's in love with Emma because... okay, there's no parabatai issue but let's go with the idea that Mind Fairies can't be in relationships with their Specialist partners because if they get hurt/their partner gets hurt, it makes the magic go Kaboom or something, so it's Highly Frowned upon). But obviously Mark has no issues with this so we can keep the Emma-Mark-Julian triangle from the first book.
Kieran, as some kind of son of an important Blood Witch clan- maybe even still a Prince, shows up undercover (ala Beatrix's background), but in this 'verse, clearly Mark knows. So he's trying to out why Kieran is there without getting Kieran in trouble. So he and this other Specialist he's been getting close to- Cristina Rosales - are investigating and trying to figure out Kieran's ulterior motives. And of course, the OT3 still develops. 😌
Whew... going to stop here before I write a full-blown AU but thank you for spurring on this ridiculous fusion post. Hope you enjoyed and once you've watched the pilot, maybe even know some of the names I've been throwing around. 😀
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