#and complaining about how their kids are home
antiporn-activist · 2 days
The Troubling Trend in Teenage Sex
Peggy Orenstein out here doing God's work
NY Times 4/12/24
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By Peggy Orenstein
Ms. Orenstein is the author of “Boys & Sex: Young Men on Hookups, Love, Porn, Consent and Navigating the New Masculinity” and “Girls & Sex: Navigating the Complicated New Landscape.”
Debby Herbenick is one of the foremost researchers on American sexual behavior. The director of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion at Indiana University and the author of the pointedly titled book “Yes, Your Kid,” she usually shares her data, no matter how explicit, without judgment. So I was surprised by how concerned she seemed when we checked in on Zoom recently: “I haven’t often felt so strongly about getting research out there,” she told me. “But this is lifesaving.”
For the past four years, Dr. Herbenick has been tracking the rapid rise of “rough sex” among college students, particularly sexual strangulation, or what is colloquially referred to as choking. Nearly two-thirds of women in her most recent campus-representative survey of 5,000 students at an anonymized “major Midwestern university” said a partner had choked them during sex (one-third in their most recent encounter). The rate of those women who said they were between the ages 12 and 17 the first time that happened had shot up to 40 percent from one in four.
As someone who’s been writing for well over a decade about young people’s attitudes and early experience with sex in all its forms, I’d also begun clocking this phenomenon. I was initially startled in early 2020 when, during a post-talk Q. and A. at an independent high school, a 16-year-old girl asked, “How come boys all want to choke you?” In a different class, a 15-year-old boy wanted to know, “Why do girls all want to be choked?” They do? Not long after, a college sophomore (and longtime interview subject) contacted me after her roommate came home in tears because a hookup partner, without warning, had put both hands on her throat and squeezed.
I started to ask more, and the stories piled up. Another sophomore confided that she enjoyed being choked by her boyfriend, though it was important for a partner to be “properly educated” — pressing on the sides of the neck, for example, rather than the trachea. (Note: There is no safe way to strangle someone.) A male freshman said “girls expected” to be choked and, even though he didn’t want to do it, refusing would make him seem like a “simp.” And a senior in high school was angry that her friends called her “vanilla” when she complained that her boyfriend had choked her.
Sexual strangulation, nearly always of women in heterosexual pornography, has long been a staple on free sites, those default sources of sex ed for teens. As with anything else, repeat exposure can render the once appalling appealing. It’s not uncommon for behaviors to be normalized in porn, move within a few years to mainstream media, then, in what may become a feedback loop, be adopted in the bedroom or the dorm room.
Choking, Dr. Herbenick said, seems to have made that first leap in a 2008 episode of Showtime’s “Californication,” where it was still depicted as outré, then accelerated after the success of “Fifty Shades of Grey.” By 2019, when a high school girl was choked in the pilot of HBO’s “Euphoria,” it was standard fare. A young woman was choked in the opener of “The Idol” (again on HBO and also, like “Euphoria,” created by Sam Levinson; what’s with him?). Ali Wong plays the proclivity for laughs in a Netflix special, and it’s a punchline in Tina Fey’s new “Mean Girls.” The chorus of Jack Harlow’s “Lovin On Me,” which topped Billboard’s Hot 100 chart for six nonconsecutive weeks this winter and has been viewed over 99 million times on YouTube, starts with, “I’m vanilla, baby, I’ll choke you, but I ain’t no killer, baby.” How-to articles abound on the internet, and social media algorithms feed young people (but typically not their unsuspecting parents) hundreds of #chokemedaddy memes along with memes that mock — even celebrate — the potential for hurting or killing female partners.
I’m not here to kink-shame (or anything-shame). And, anyway, many experienced BDSM practitioners discourage choking, believing it to be too dangerous. There are still relatively few studies on the subject, and most have been done by Dr. Herbenick and her colleagues. Reports among adolescents are now trickling out from the United Kingdom, Australia, Iceland, New Zealand and Italy.
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Twenty years ago, sexual asphyxiation appears to have been unusual among any demographic, let alone young people who were new to sex and iffy at communication. That’s changed radically in a short time, with health consequences that parents, educators, medical professionals, sexual consent advocates and teens themselves urgently need to understand.
Sexual trends can spread quickly on campus and, to an extent, in every direction. But, at least among straight kids, I’ve sometimes noticed a pattern: Those that involve basic physical gratification — like receiving oral sex in hookups — tend to favor men. Those that might entail pain or submission, like choking, are generally more for women.
So, while undergrads of all genders and sexualities in Dr. Herbenick’s surveys report both choking and being choked, straight and bisexual young women are far more likely to have been the subjects of the behavior; the gap widens with greater occurrences. (In a separate study, Dr. Herbenick and her colleagues found the behavior repeated across the United States, particularly for adults under 40, and not just among college students.) Alcohol may well be involved, and while the act is often engaged in with a steady partner, a quarter of young women said partners they’d had sex with on the day they’d met also choked them.
Either way, most say that their partners never or only sometimes asked before grabbing their necks. For many, there had been moments when they couldn’t breathe or speak, compromising the ability to withdraw consent, if they’d given it. No wonder that, in a separate study by Dr. Herbenick, choking was among the most frequently listed sex acts young women said had scared them, reporting that it sometimes made them worry whether they’d survive.
Among girls and women I’ve spoken with, many did not want or like to be sexually strangled, though in an otherwise desired encounter they didn’t name it as assault. Still, a sizable number were enthusiastic; they requested it. It is exciting to feel so vulnerable, a college junior explained. The power dynamic turns her on; oxygen deprivation to the brain can trigger euphoria.
That same young woman, incidentally, had never climaxed with a partner: While the prevalence of choking has skyrocketed, rates of orgasm among young women have not increased, nor has the “orgasm gap” disappeared among heterosexual couples. “It indicates they’re not doing other things to enhance female arousal or pleasure,” Dr. Herbenick said.
When, for instance, she asked one male student who said he choked his partner whether he’d ever tried using a vibrator instead, he recoiled. “Why would I do that?” he asked.
Perhaps, she responded, because it would be more likely to produce orgasm without risking, you know, death.
In my interviews, college students have seen male orgasm as a given; women’s is nice if it happens, but certainly not expected or necessarily prioritized (by either partner). It makes sense, then, that fulfillment would be less the motivator for choking than appearing adventurous or kinky. Such performances don’t always feel good.
“Personally, my hypothesis is that this is one of the reasons young people are delaying or having less sex,” Dr. Herbenick said. “Because it’s uncomfortable and weird and scary. At times some of them literally think someone is assaulting them but they don’t know. Those are the only sexual experiences for some people. And it’s not just once they’ve gotten naked. They’ll say things like, ‘I’ve only tried to make out with someone once because he started choking and hitting me.’”
Keisuke Kawata, a neuroscientist at Indiana University’s School of Public Health, was one of the first researchers to sound the alarm on how the cumulative, seemingly inconsequential, sub-concussive hits football players sustain (as opposed to the occasional hard blow) were key to triggering C.T.E., the degenerative brain disease. He’s a good judge of serious threats to the brain. In response to Dr. Herbenick’s work, he’s turning his attention to sexual strangulation. “I see a similarity” to C.T.E., he told me, “though the mechanism of injury is very different.” In this case, it is oxygen-blocking pressure to the throat, frequently in light, repeated bursts of a few seconds each.
Strangulation — sexual or otherwise — often leaves few visible marks and can be easily overlooked as a cause of death. Those whose experiences are nonlethal rarely seek medical attention, because any injuries seem minor: Young women Dr. Herbenick studied mostly reported lightheadedness, headaches, neck pain, temporary loss of coordination and ear ringing. The symptoms resolve, and all seems well. But, as with those N.F.L. players, the true effects are silent, potentially not showing up for days, weeks, even years.
According to the American Academy of Neurology, restricting blood flow to the brain, even briefly, can cause permanent injury, including stroke and cognitive impairment. In M.R.I.s conducted by Dr. Kawata and his colleagues (including Dr. Herbenick, who is a co-author of his papers on strangulation), undergraduate women who have been repeatedly choked show a reduction in cortical folding in the brain compared with a never-choked control group. They also showed widespread cortical thickening, an inflammation response that is associated with elevated risk of later-onset mental illness. In completing simple memory tasks, their brains had to work far harder than the control group, recruiting from more regions to achieve the same level of accuracy.
The hemispheres in the choked group’s brains, too, were badly skewed, with the right side hyperactive and the left underperforming. A similar imbalance is associated with mood disorders — and indeed in Dr. Herbenick’s surveys girls and women who had been choked were more likely than others (or choked men) to have experienced overwhelming anxiety, as well as sadness and loneliness, with the effect more pronounced as the incidence rose: Women who had experienced more than five instances of choking were two and a half times as likely as those who had never been choked to say they had been so depressed within the previous 30 days they couldn’t function. Whether girls and women with mental health challenges are more likely to seek out (or be subjected to) choking, choking causes mood disorders, or some combination of the two is still unclear. But hypoxia, or oxygen deprivation — judging by what research has shown about other types of traumatic brain injury — could be a contributing factor. Given the soaring rates of depression and anxiety among young women, that warrants concern.
Now consider that every year Dr. Herbenick has done her survey, the number of females reporting extreme effects from strangulation (neck swelling, loss of consciousness, losing control of urinary function) has crept up. Among those who’ve been choked, the rate of becoming what students call “cloudy” — close to passing out, but not crossing the line — is now one in five, a huge proportion. All of this indicates partners are pressing on necks longer and harder.
The physical, cognitive and psychological impacts of sexual choking are disturbing. So is the idea that at a time when women’s social, economic, educational and political power are in ascent (even if some of those rights may be in jeopardy), when #MeToo has made progress against harassment and assault, there has been the popularization of a sex act that can damage our brains, impair intellectual functioning, undermine mental health, even kill us. Nonfatal strangulation, one of the most significant indicators that a man will murder his female partner (strangulation is also one of the most common methods used for doing so), has somehow been eroticized and made consensual, at least consensual enough. Yet, the outcomes are largely the same: Women’s brains and bodies don’t distinguish whether they are being harmed out of hate or out of love.
By now I’m guessing that parents are curled under their chairs in a fetal position. Or perhaps thinking, “No, not my kid!” (see: title of Dr. Herbenick’s book above, which, by the way, contains an entire chapter on how to talk to your teen about “rough sex”).
I get it. It’s scary stuff. Dr. Herbenick is worried; I am, too. And we are hardly some anti-sex, wait-till-marriage crusaders. But I don’t think our only option is to wring our hands over what young people are doing.
Parents should take a beat and consider how they might give their children relevant information in a way that they can hear it. Maybe reiterate that they want them to have a pleasurable sex life — you have already said that, right? — and also want them to be safe. Tell them that misinformation about certain practices, including choking, is rampant, that in reality it has grave health consequences. Plus, whether or not a partner initially requested it, if things go wrong, you’re generally criminally on the hook.
Dr. Herbenick suggests reminding them that there are other, lower-risk ways to be exploratory or adventurous if that is what they are after, but it would be wisest to delay any “rough sex” until they are older and more skilled at communicating. She offers language when negotiating with a new partner, such as, “By the way, I’m not comfortable with” — choking, or other escalating behaviors such as name-calling, spitting and genital slapping — “so please don’t do it/don’t ask me to do it to you.” They could also add what they are into and want to do together.
I’d like to point high school health teachers to evidence-based porn literacy curricula, but I realize that incorporating such lessons into their classrooms could cost them their jobs. Shafia Zaloom, a lecturer at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, recommends, if that’s the case, grounding discussions in mainstream and social media. There are plenty of opportunities. “You can use it to deconstruct gender norms, power dynamics in relationships, ‘performative’ trends that don’t represent most people’s healthy behaviors,” she said, “especially depictions of people putting pressure on someone’s neck or chest.”
I also know that pediatricians, like other adults, struggle when talking to adolescents about sex (the typical conversation, if it happens, lasts 40 seconds). Then again, they already caution younger children to use a helmet when they ride a bike (because heads and necks are delicate!); they can mention that teens might hear about things people do in sexual situations, including choking, then explain the impact on brain health and why such behavior is best avoided. They should emphasize that if, for any reason — a fall, a sports mishap or anything else — a young person develops symptoms of head trauma, they should come in immediately, no judgment, for help in healing.
The role and responsibility of the entertainment industry is a tangled knot: Media reflects behavior but also drives it, either expanding possibilities or increasing risks. There is precedent for accountability. The European Union now requires age verification on the world’s largest porn sites (in ways that preserve user privacy, whatever that means on the internet); that discussion, unsurprisingly, had been politicized here. Social media platforms have already been pushed to ban content promoting eating disorders, self-harm and suicide — they should likewise be pressured to ban content promoting choking. Traditional formats can stop glamorizing strangulation, making light of it, spreading false information, using it to signal female characters’ complexity or sexual awakening. Young people’s sexual scripts are shaped by what they watch, scroll by and listen to — unprecedentedly so. They deserve, and desperately need, models of interactions that are respectful, communicative, mutual and, at the very least, safe.
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wandasfifthwife · 2 days
birthdays ✩‧₊˚
— hockey!wanda x fem/afab!reader
all you’ve ever known is a skipped birthday, a missed celebration. your first birthday since you’ve started dating Wanda rolls around, what would happen if she forgot it too like your mother did?
tw: HEAVY TOPICS, discussions of past trauma (physical/verbal abuse, parental neglect/control, manipulation), established relationship, hurt/comfort, angst w/ HAPPY ending, discussions of thoughts spiraling (r wonders if W loves her anymore), R’s coping style is to separate herself, NOT PROOFREAD
a/n: this is the fic that won from this poll (it “won” at whatever it was at when I checked it after my exam)
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series m.list ✩ ══╡˚2.2k words˚╞══ ✩ wanda m.list
The only time you can remember having your birthday celebrated was at school. It was the closest thing you had to a birthday anyways. The little goody bag your teacher would make and the birthday song sang to you by your classmates. Though your mother never showed up to parent lunch, or gave you presents, or even acknowledged your birthday—you still blindly thought she was a good person then.
If you had done well in school, at practice, and at home—she’d gift you with new ice skating equipment. Something she was going to give to you anyways, but tried to do it as positive reinforcement as a kid. The other positive reinforcement she gave just so you’d get in the ice? A form of alone/bonding time with her. She’d only discuss what was necessary, eyes strayed away from your own.
You were so blind to her manipulation, getting you into the sport only for her to use it as a weapon against you. There were times you enjoyed the sport, but it’s hard not to think of your mother when you enter on the rink since you’ve spent most of your childhood with her on it.
Once she got arrested and you were moved to live with your older brother—he tried to celebrate your birthday. For a few years you wanted to forget about it and you had, you never celebrated it except for your brother’s family leaving notes on your desk when you had stayed with them.
And now today was your birthday.
You had gone to bed with a slight twinge of hope in your heart that a birthday spent with your girlfriend would be different.
It was 7:43AM, in seven minutes Wanda would be reaching to turn her alarm off. You usually don’t wake up this early, used to sleeping in while Wanda left for practice, but today you couldn’t help it. You had been wondering how she’d greet you when she woke up. What a birthday would be like with someone who loved you.
She looked surprised to find you awake after she turned her alarm off, puffy eyes widening just a bit.
“Woah, what’s got you up so early?”
You smiled, “nothing.”
“Hmm,” she pressed a kiss to your forehead before throwing the sheets off of her, “I’m not complaining.”
You felt giddy almost, a childlike joy overtaking you. Would she take you to dinner? You’ve heard that’s what couples do at work. Or would she take you somewhere? Would she give you a gift?
“I have practice until later today, but I should be back tonight—like 1PM?”
“Okay,” you chirped from under the covers, excited to get another kiss from her before she wondered into the bathroom to put her hair back. It only takes her a minute, throwing her jersey on loosely and pulling her bag over her shoulder, her keys jangling as they hang out of her pocket.
“Be back later, love you.”
“Love you.”
It made your heart twinge just a bit at the fact that she got up and left without saying anything. Maybe mornings weren’t the normal time to say happy birthday yet?
You spent time doing work from home, finishing tasks your boss assigned you to do. It made time fly and before you realized it was almost 12PM. You were about to get ready for the day but stopped when you received a text from Wanda, telling you that she won’t be back until later.
That’s fine. She’s probably just picking up something. It felt selfish, all of these thoughts felt self-centered. This day shouldn’t be about you, you shouldn’t expect it, but here you are. So you put off getting ready, wanting to be freshly put together when Wanda came through the door.
1PM turned to 3PM and 3PM turned to 6PM.
You received a few texts from your phone, seeing family and a few work friends wish you a happy birthday. It mattered, but it didn’t satisfy the way your heart was breaking. She would remember, she’s not your mom—she’s above ignoring such a day.
You know she cares, so why in this moment are you beginning to question everything? Heart turning from glass to stone as you recall memories, ones usually sweet, and overthink her words and actions as hatred. Maybe this whole time shes been showing how much she dislikes you but you’ve been blind to it just like how you had been with your mother.
It was dinner time now, and you’ve seen videos on social media and heard on the grape vine that couples go out to a nice dinner on a special event, such as a birthday. This could be a surprise, maybe when she got back she’d be dressed and ready, driving you to your favorite place.
She hasn’t yet called to texted you, giving you the idea that she’s coming home soon like she said she would be. You took the time to get ready, enjoying every minute for once until you were dressed nicely. You found yourself on her couch, waiting while scrolling on your phone.
You checked back and the time read seven.
After watching TV, the time read eight.
Until nine, until ten, until your phone lit up the room with her contact information. You let it go to voicemail, not wanting to let her know about how you’re crying in front of the bathroom mirror.
It’s ugly, dry heaving cries filling the bathroom. Each one making your throat and head hurt just that much more. Your heart ached. You felt naive, stupid to believe someone would genuinely love you. Turns out on your birthday she would leave you alone.
You decide to sleep, guessing Wanda wouldn’t be back until way later at this point. You had hoped to avoid her but by stepping out of the bathroom you walked right into.
You know she can see the glimmer on your cheeks, how your eyes are all puffy and bloodshot. You felt choked seeing her. She’s in a different outfit, hockey back still slung behind her like you’ve become familiar with.
“What’s wrong—?”
“Nothing,” you say, brushing past her to quickly grab the pajamas you wore this morning and shutting yourself in the bathroom again. She had apparently left to take a phone call from her dad, thankfully giving you space to calm down, collect yourself, and crawl into bed. Now lying in her bed feels weird; it doesn’t feel like home as much anymore. Fear grew in you at the thought, what if she’s going to kick you out soon? You’ve heard that happens when relationships fall apart, and the pain you felt thinking that sentence over took you.
You tried to stop the upcoming crying session, pressing your hands into your closed eyes or staring at the ceiling. You’ve had heartbreak, just not one with a relationship, it’s be a new kind of pain. Sharing intimacy with someone only for them to use you in the end.
The door creaking, signaled Wanda’s presence. She sighed seeing how you’ve turned away from her, sitting on her side to lean an arm and rest it on your thigh.
“Hey love, how are you?”
“I’m fine.”
You ignored her attempts to console you, and in a really really strange way you congratulated yourself—you weren’t able to do this with your mother and you saw how that ended up.
But oh how you wanted to turn around and hug her, hear her heart beat as you lie on her chest, feel her press a kiss to your cheek and tell you everything’s going to be okay. Once you hear her breathing even out you let out a few more tears, already missing Wanda even though she’s laying right behind you.
The next morning Wanda’s shocked for a different reason. You wake up at a normal time, but you’re complete off. She’s decided that maybe you need space, maybe something happened that you’re just keeping to yourself and will tell her later. She’s not just decided, she’s hoping because she can’t stand to see how you’ve been. You’re a shell of it. You don���t kiss her back, you’ve stopped engaging in conversation, and you barely look at her.
It’s now been two days since your birthday and Wanda’s grown increasingly worried. You’ve always climbed in bed, back facing hers for the third night in a row and it’s enough for Wanda to pull up your brother’s contact, raising her phone to her ear after hitting the call button.
“Hey, this sounds very intrusive, but has something personal happened within the family recently?”
“Uhh no—why?”
She explains how you’ve been, how sudden and drastic of a change your mood has been.
“Can you tell me what day you remember her starting to drop?”
“Two days ago.”
“I’m not going to assume you did because I fucking hope this didn’t happen. Two days ago was her birthday Wanda, is there—?”
His voice trails off as the room freezes. That’s why you were up early, full of smiles and joyful expressions. That’s why you’ve become distant, looking uncomfortable any time she expressed her love.
“Oh no. No, no, no, no, no—“ she mumbles, tears growing in her eyes, “shit—I forgot. I forgot. I don’t know how, but I did.”
“Shh, hey calm down,” your brother says over the voice, tone stern and light, “this doesn’t take away my frustration with you, but calm down—you’re not going to get anything done with a heart rate of 120. Apologize and make it up to her. You really don’t even have to do much—you can literally just get her a small gift and wished her a happy birthday and she’d be over the moon.”
“No—no, she deserves more than that.”
“She does. The intention of what I just said was to show how low the bar was set. She’s not had a ‘birthday,’ Wanda—so anything you could’ve done yesterday would’ve meant the world to her.”
“It would’ve and I’ve done nothing,” she says and he agrees.
“Yes. But I know your intentions, I know you’ve just forgotten—but she doesn’t. Just make it up for her, be intentional and loving and she’ll come back around.”
So that’s what Wanda set to do. It was late but she still left, driving in her car to the nearest cheapest store to grab decorations. It started with decorations before it moved to gifts before it moved to cake. She set out to create a basic birthday day for you.
It was a sight to wake up to, finding balloons on your ceiling and streamers hanging around her apartment. She was downstairs with your family, your brother smiling and recording you once you’ve begun to walk out from her bedroom.
“Happy birthday.”
You take in everything as best as you can with how your eyes have begun to grow wet, blurring your vision. It looks like the photos you searched on wiki as a kid of what a birthday decorated room looked like. Your brother continues to hold the camera poised on you, emotions overcoming him and his wife. The entire time Wanda’s been standing in the corner, growing nervous when your attention lands on her.
She’s holding her arms out wide when she saw you take a few steps towards her. You’re wrapped up so tight in her hold; your deep cries breaking her heart all the more.
She coos, “I’m so sorry, love. I’m so sorry.”
“You set all this up for me—when did you have time,” you ask, voice squeaking from how sore your throat has become.
“It is all for you, I stayed up late last night to set this up.”
And her efforts didn’t go to waste. You wonder just how much money she burnt through last night seeing what she had bought. Your brother had an itinerary, moving you around to each event.
You had to stop and cry multiple times—feeling grateful and also a little bit embarrassed about being so emotional over something so minor to most people. The whole time they kept validating your feelings, full of understanding and kind words to help you get along. There was your favorite food, dessert, presents, and your favorite people.
Once your brother’s family had to leave—saying something about having to get Tyler to hockey practice since he has a game coming up soon—Wanda pulled out another gift.
“I thought of you when I saw this,” she said, taking out the necklace to place it around your neck. It had the word, “loved,” on it, diamond encrusted and small.
“Why’d you think of me?”
“The man asked me to choose out a necklace with a saying that made me think of you. I wanted you to have something that reminded you of how loved you are.”
You begin to tear up yet again, laughing dryly as you try to wipe away the tears, “I need to stop crying, I’m going to get a headache.”
“I’ll just take care of you if you do.”
“You’re so cheesy,” you laugh more, but you thank her with a squeeze to her arm.
“I’m serious though. I’m really sorry for not treating you the way you deserved on your birthday. I love you, and I’ve never been this serious about anyone before.”
“I love you too,” you say, kissing her back when she leans to kiss you; feeling like your hearts begun to be placed back together when you feel her wipe away at your tears.
series m.list ✩ ══╡˚2.2k words˚╞══ ✩ wanda m.list
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yuri-is-online · 6 hours
Was looking back at your blurb where Yuu is staying at Ace's for the summer (and he promises whatever future they have, he'll be a part of it) and was thinking about how Ace's dad isn't a mage and Yuu bonding with Mr.Trappola over being a non-mage surrounded by mages (Trappola Family vs NRC) and not even realising why he's so giddy over his family being so taken with Yuu. The only fly in the ointment being his mum giving him knowingly smug looks and making comments "like mother like son" about dating non-mages. Just Yuu really hitting it off with the Trappola Family that even without Ace's say, their getting invited round every holiday.
Furbatsu you always have the cutest aceyuu ideas TᴖT
I can see reasons for Yuu to be popular with both Trappola parents. Ace and his brother seem to take after their dad, he's the one who taught them how to do magic tricks, he seems to have gotten Mrs. Trappola through his sense of humor, and I don't know why but I just feel like he's the silly jokester sort of guy. Now that his kids are older though and it's less socially acceptable to be close to your parents and to be a non mage... well maybe he feels a bit isolated from his kids. Mrs. Trappola is less like her kids personality wise, but she is a mage so I can see her liking the extra connection she has with them but stressing over their waning connection with their father.
So when Ace brings Yuu home both of his parents are absolutely ecstatic. Yuu's everything they would have wanted in a partner for their son anyway, them being a non mage is just a happy coincidence. Ace's mom so gives him a wink and a nod while Ace's dad is busy showing Yuu around their house. He's probably got all sorts of stories that Yuu can relate to. He makes sure to keep the magic tricks to himself though, maybe he'll show Ace the ones he did for his mom on their first date? Seven knows the kid will need some help...
The Trappola family is so not subtle about their favoritism. They just straight up add Yuu to a family group chat and make plans to have them over the Holidays there without even asking Ace. He complains about it to them but plays it off to Yuu as him just looking out for them. He does like how everyone joins in on pouting/teasing them if Yuu says they'll be spending a break with someone else though (all in good fun, they'd never force Yuu to come visit.)
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dragonridernoobie · 3 days
hey so for transformers prime how do you think Ratchet, Optimus and Smokescreen would deal with a human reader who is 30 but looks like they’re in senior year of high school and they constantly get confused for a child cuz of their looks and they connect with the kids well? But they’re also able to fully get into adult talks with fowler and the bots and be mature about it. The kids would be the first and be like “You know how school is”. “I haven’t been there for the past decade so no, but keep complaining. It sucked back in my day too”. And the kids are shocked. Some adult human’s calling them kid and reader looks like their age has caught up to them, they look tired of this and they’re like “I’m 30. Do I need to get myself a giant pin that says I’m 30 on my forehead?” Flip side: the rare times someone gets the fact they’re an adult right without being told, reader looks so overjoyed? (I just think this’d be a funny idea. Not every human suddenly ages the moment they hit 30. So how do these three react to human biology and a human’s unique reaction to it).
Sure, this is intresting thing but I will try my best!
So, first things first.
Optimus would immediately think reader is a child because he does know much about human biology.
So when he first met reader after he ran her over
Yes, I mean that.
He wasent paying attention and accidentally hit reader.
Once at base, he would explain that he was sorry and that reader should go home for school.
He would be so fucking confused when reader tells them they are 30.
He dident believe them ar first but when he saw their ID, he would apologize the second time that day.
He will definitely not treat reader as a child.
I can also see him also giving reader more attention.
Reader will always be by his side, helping him when he is stressed.
Ratchet would meet reader optimus brought them back after rescuing them from the decpticons.
He would do scans on reader and be really fucking confused.
Reader looks at 17 but the scan scans said she is 32.
He will ask reader about this and reader explains that they just don't age as fast.
He would be amazed and more confused by human biology.
He would definitely research it more.
He would make sure to correct the children about readers age.
He is secertly happy that there's another human that isn't a child.
He definitely has a favorite human.
Raph has his own place.
Ok, so when smokescreen meets reader, it was on accident.
Smokescreen was only 1 week on earth and he already got his coverd blown 😑
What happened was when reader was walking home from work, smokescreen accidentally hits them.
He transformers and ask if reader was OK.
Que reader passing out, smokescreen panicking, smokescreen returning to base with reader, and getting yelled at.
After everything calms down, smokescreen will call reader "kid" and other things like that.
Reader would correct him and he would think it's a joke.
Intel reader shows him their ID.
Ya, smokescreen is so fucking confused.
Why are humans wierd.
He would definitely ask you to prank people with you're looks.
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fallow-hollow · 2 days
take you home
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…ft! chilchuck tims x male! half-foot! reader
…tags! fluff, pining, confession, dates, mentions of drinking, post-canon
…word count! 1346
…notes! i fully agree with the fandom consensus that chilchuck is a closeted bisexual
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Chilchuck was a pretty prominent union leader on the island, so it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that he’d do the same when he moves back to Kahka Brud to set up shop.
If you’re a half foot in the area, especially one looking for work, it’s pretty much impossible not to know Chilchuck.
No matter your field, he’s a great guy to go to for making connections and financial advice in general.
The first time you talked to him was about negotiating for a contract with a potential employer, but honestly, you’d always sort of admired him from afar. Hard working, sharp-witted, not to mention good looking.
“What?!” You nearly jumped at the man’s exasperated shout, being that he was fairly close to your ear. Chilchuck agreed to help you take a look at one of the contracts you’ve been offered, so you were currently letting him take a look at a copy. This, of course, led to the man peering over your shoulder, which didn’t help your absolutely hopeless crush on him. Not that you were complaining, though.
To make it even worse, he even rested his elbow right on your shoulder to point something out on the paper. “They don’t even include consequential damages litigation here! No way are you going to be tricked into being liable for their lost profits!”
Not turning your head due to your own embarrassment, you merely looked at him in your peripheral vision. “So, what do you think I should do?”
“Wellll….” As he deliberated on your question, the man leaned away from you, allowing you to turn your body towards him more. “If you’re dead set on working with this employer, I’d say negotiate as much as you can. On your own, you can get brushed off easily, but if you need…” he wore a smug grin whilst rubbing under his nose with his index finger. “I can put in a good word for you.”
And if you’re a half-foot, the guy is most likely taller than you. It’s noted that if the entire canon party were half-foots, he’d be taller than even Laios.
By this point in the timeline, I also imagine he’s patched things up with his family, but not in a romantic relationship with his ex-wife anymore. They’re friendly and see each other regularly, and she and his daughters even tease him about putting himself out there again.
From conversations you’ve had with him, you’re more than aware he’s been married before and has kids, and that doesn’t deter you from seeking a relationship with him at all. In fact, if you ever meet his daughters, you’ll likely get along well if you’re as amiable with them as you are with their father.
“I like him,” Puckpatti would declare the moment you left the room. “He seems sweet! You definitely need somebody like that to coax you out of your whole crab apple act, Papa.”
“It’s not like that!” He would instantly retort, causing his two more outgoing daughters to giggle. Even Meijack, albeit not as boisterous as her sisters, had a hint of an amused look on her face.
“Yet.” Flertom winked. “If you ever need some tips to speed up the process, you really shouldn’t be afraid to ask!”
The mere offer turned the man into a stuttering mess. “Stop that or I’ll— I’ll tell your mother!”
For a moment, Meijack’s eyes flitted to her father’s face before retreating back to the side. “She already told us she knew you swung that way.”
Chilchuck would’ve downright screamed if not for your return. “Hey guys, what’d I miss?” He dared not turn around, lest you notice how flushed he’d become in mere minutes.
Puckpatti, with a look so innocent that you could hardly believe she was tormenting her father just moments before, clapped her hands together and grinned. “No, you came at just the right time! I wanted to ask more about how you and Papa met!”
Chilchuck has never dated another guy before, so he doesn’t have a lot of experience in that field. Honestly, since his wife and he were childhood friends, I’m not sure if he’s dated anybody else at all. Most of the guys he knew well were coworkers, drinking buddies, or both, so emotional connection wasn’t always a priority.
Your friendly attitude and respect for his craft already drew him in, plus your little acts of affection drove him absolutely crazy. Give him a hug as a greeting and he’s doing everything he can to resist melting. Could a person really be this sweet with no ulterior motive? Someone like you has got to be even rarer than even the most valuable treasures.
More likely than not, you’d be the one to actually ask him out. You may need to repeat yourself when you ask him, though, cause the man might just die of shock.
Holding up the poster for the ‘couple’s night’ at the bar you frequented together was a bit of a nerve wracking experience, if you were being honest. Watching the other man’s eyes squint and scan over the text, you grinned and asked,
“Would you want to go together?”
For a moment, Chilchuck didn’t really know what to make of your request. You asking him to go out for drinks with him was a totally normal thing between you two, but why were you showing him that ad? After a minute or so of trying and failing to make the proper connection, he grinned and nodded like he’d figured it out.
“Ahhh, so you’re one of those people that’ll pretend to be a couple with their friend to get discounted drinks? Not really a thing I do, but since it’s you, I’ll consider it.”
Hey, why did you look so dejected when he said that? That’s what you meant, right?
“No, I meant…..” your eyes left his face in favor of lingering on the floor. Those words combined with your expression finally made it all slide into place, and the poor man could only blurt out with a feeling of intense guilt,
“Oh, oh, I’m so so sorry, I didn’t know you were asking—!”
You did end up going together that night, and it was pretty fun, too.
As a partner, Chilchuck is focused on providing stability. As much as he can act like a sleaze sometimes, he doesn’t seem like he does a lot of casual dating. He’d probably feel too old for that kind of thing either way.
When you’ve been together for a while, he may even offer to share finances and move in together. He says it would be “economical” and all, but you can also tell he clearly wants to be with you daily, and that makes you happy.
Protective as all hell. When he gets a little tipsy, he may get snappy with anyone he even thinks is looking at you the wrong way.
“Hey!” From beside you, you heard your lover’s voice slur. “You got a problem with my man?”
A sigh escaped your lips. “Chilchuck, he’s just collecting the empty glasses.”
Your words must not have either not reached him or not even affected him, because he continued to glare up at the waiter with a hazy, unfounded suspicion that truly only a drunk Chilchuck could possess.
A hand on his waist pulling him into your collar made quick work of sating him, a smile gracing your lips when he groaned into the fabric of your shirt. “We’ll leave soon, okay hon? Soon we can go home.”
Briefly, his half lidded eyes opened wider if only to look up at your face as if you were an illusion, something too good to be true.
“I get to take a pretty thing like you home with me….?”
Lord, for such a serious person, he really could make you laugh sometimes. It was probably just the lighting, but you hoped that the redness of his face really did intensify at your smile as you gazed down at him.
“You can every single night, Chil. Always.”
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thelesbianpoirot · 1 day
Talking about boy moms for a bit because a post hit close too home. My mom never hugged me as a kid. I still find it strange to give and receive physical affection because she never showed me much. She cared for all my needs but she was so distant. Our bonding included her taking me to a women's clothing store for a couple days every summer to berate me about my weight and refuse to buy what I actually wanted, a black tshirt and jeans. She'd get me to a salon to get my hair painfully braided for school or permed, and badger me for complaining about pain and discomfort the whole time. We briefly watched a few movies and tv shows together, but then she was just so critical of me that I couldn't stand being around her. She'd remark how terrible I was at being a daughter she wanted, and comment on envious she was of other mother and daughters. As if I was to blame.
When my little brother was born and my big step brother came to live with us, I saw her making their favorite foods when they wouldn't eat the main dinner, buying them video games, not letting them clean, hugging them, calling them her princes, etc. She was no where as affectionate with me and my sister, yet she comments on how sweet and affection the boys are, and how all the girls want to escape her, my sister moved out at 16 (for a boyfriend's place) and I left at 17 (for college). I know there are many girls with close relationships with their mothers, but so many more with like coldness or hatred between them. Do you think the homosexual taboo is why some mothers prefer sons and some father prefer daughters. Is it just easier to give affection and love to the opposite sex child because that's what society trains you to do?
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russilton · 3 days
sometimes i get a bit annoyed by people saying "they are all nepo babies" when people try to criticise this issue in f1 (to be fair a lot of it isn't productive or just mean spirited) when lewis and esteban and their families had to work their way up from the very bottom. no they aren't ALL nepo babies and even if they were, it still isn't a good thing.
or even when people say "lawrence stroll's only being a loving father" when there are literally drivers like george on the current grid who had been snubbed in the past and almost lost it all because of him. like okay fine he loves his son but stop pretending its some great and noble act when he has hurt so many people.
You and I are very similar anon, every now and then I hold in complaining about this for too long and end up getting very grumpy about it. Just last night poor @jamesvowles got this text and then I ranted about this exact topic
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I also get very rankled by ‘theyre all nepo babies so you can’t critique mine’. One- I sure as hell can, and I will rightfully critique all of the ways they were given privileged access to a sport. Two —There are also different levels of privilege— things like Carlos and Checo and Mick having parental connections that helped them get a seat are the definition of nepotism- but are still less than Lando’s dad buying his seat (while he did still preform fairly well in f2), or Lances dad buying an entire team for him.
And then theres the fact that some drivers got very very lucky to get access to support from outside funding- they had to get it on their talent providing them opportunities for connections and without it, they would’ve had to stop racing entirely. Lewis, George, Esteban, questionably Alex, and I’m sure theres several others I haven’t done the appropriate research on to site all had this. Lewis getting support from Ron Dennis, George getting support from Toto- these are privileged connections that allowed them to get to F1. They deserved that help, their parents gave everything to get them to that point.
What annoys me a bit about ‘theyre all nepo babies’ and ‘lance’s only crime is having a loving father’ is… those other drivers had loving parents too. Lewis’ dad working something like four jobs so they could afford his karting, George’s dad selling his small business and working two jobs and night shifts for George’s, Esteban’s family selling their home for him— I have opinions about how f1 pushes children and families to chase possible bankrupting and questionable parenting for the chance at being millionaires on the backs of young, young kids.. but you cant argue their parents didn’t fucking love them when they were sacrificing everything in their lives for their son to have a chance at their dreams.
The argument isn’t ‘lance’s dad shouldn’t have supported his children’s dreams’ its that these drivers with connected parents didn’t have to jump through extra hoops to get to f1, they had it paved for them, and the money they brought with them keeps them in their seats, while other drivers didn’t have that, and had their performance dropped, they would have been dropped too. They didnt get a chance to rest or make mistakes or risk losing a sponsor. The argument also isn’t ‘nepo babies can never be wdc’s’. Whether I like it or not, Max’s 3 questionable wdc’s amount to at least one total, your parents dont denote your talent. The problem arises when those parents directly hinder or harm the careers of other drivers in order to push their kid forward. Stuff like Esteban being kicked from racing point to give lance a seat forcing him to go a year without one, or George being kicked from PREMA with very little warning at a time he’s talked about desperately struggling with funding.
Those parents should not have had the opportunity to do that, it shouldn’t have ever happened. But where people get actually upset is when the fans of drivers who get that help don’t acknowledge that privilege, or the drivers themselves (like lando in particular) don’t acknowledge the privileges they’ve been afforded. Stomping your feet and going ‘you’re just mad you didn’t get that’ never diffuses a thing. I, and George himself even, have both said that even as a poorer driver, he got more opportunities as a white man than someone else would have. Both George and Lewis talk about how because they were men they had less to fight against than a female driver. Acknowledging your own benefits kinda kills the resentment you could hold against them for getting that help. Nobody should be expecting 24/7 grovelling realistically, but a mention every now and then would be nice, or just understanding those reasons are valid reasons not to like a driver. I can argue all I want that George doesn’t have a posh accent.. but for some people him being British is too much of a reason not to like him, and thats fine. On god, more George and Lewis left for me.
Yes this is the millionaire tax evader sport. Yes they could still be doing more to better the chances for less privileged drivers. Yes they are racing in countries with horrible human rights records with so little complaint… but ‘everything is fucked so what’s the point’ is a nihilist way of thinking, where as I would rather point at drivers like Lewis and George and going ‘if they can do it, so should you.’ Because that incremental change is what will lead us to a better over all
I am- MORE than sure there are nuances to this discussion I’m not covering here in my very subjective personal opinion on the matter at 11 am on a Monday morning, but rambling about it made me feel lighter and more chill about the whole thing, so I don’t really regret doing it, lol. This isnt a call for action, just a longwinded whinge. I’m British, I think everyone should have a whinge every now and then and they’ll be a lot happier.
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tipsyleaf · 3 days
Guess who’s sick again! For like the third time this month…</3 I think my immune system hates me.
Sick Chris taking care of you…Because I need it! 😣
He’d take a day or two off of work—as soon as you start having that little cough and the sniffles, he’s on the way to the store to get some day/nyquil and ingredients for your favorite chicken noodle soup.
As soon as he comes home, he puts everything away and checks up on you. Using a thermometer to check your temperature, running his hand through your hair to give you atleast some sort of comfort and relaxation. He’d practically become a house husband for a day, packing the kids lunches and sending them off to school, cooking, cleaning, everything you do daily.
You’d definitely get some sick snuggles. You’d snuggle up against him, head on his chest as he just rubs your back while you take a nap. He didn’t care if he got sick, that man’s immune to anything. He never got sick, no matter how many times your kids were coughing and sneezing.
And of course…He’d cook you some killer chicken noodle soup. Spoon feeding it to you like a baby, all while you protested that you could do it yourself. But he wouldn’t give in, you needed rest.
- Anon! 🎀
(Save me pleaseeee what virus is going around this time…</3)
I hope you feel better soon pookie! 😘 Sorry for the delayed response it's been a hell of a morning.
Catch Chris walking around the house spraying Lysol, even on the kids when they leave and come into the house.
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I could picture Chris going as far as to breaking out the vapor rub on put it on your chest. Complaining how it sticks. But he'd just rebuttal with:
"But you can smell it, so you're opening up. That means it's working."
So you'd just pout and let him do it. But spoon feeding you just was the last thing you wanted. Sure, you act like a baby around your husband but being feed like one was just... No.
You let him do it a few times before taking it and just feeding yourself. Glaring at him as you slurp loudly and he just smirks at you.
He'd have you on a routine of herbal teas and medicine for the day for sure. Chicken soup only has so many helpful nutrients so he gives you this herbal tea that actually tastes really good but knocks you out for a good hour or two until you have to take your next set of medicine.
Chris would also be on guard duty most of the day, anytime one of the kids went near the door he'd redirect their attention or physically move them so they won't disturb your rest. At one point he keeps getting Lulu away from the door so many times she becomes "daddy's helper" which meant he just kept finding little things for her to do.
Visit mommy? Clean up all your toys from the living room floor first.
Show mommy a drawing she made for you? Why don't you go check on your brothers and make sure their room is clean?
Wanna play doctor with mommy and make her feel better? How about we just stand in the doorway and talk from a distance?
That house would become a three ring circus for the day but he'd keep everything under control.
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exausta-verytired · 5 days
I'm bringing all of you to the capoeira practice
#also wondering how many of you are only siblings because I'm pretty sure the first place I learnt to throw a punch was at home#I also got in a lot of physical fights because I took no shit with homophobic bullying and cat calling#but but. both football and capoeira in my neighbourhood were important to me growing up because it gave me the knowledge that I could in#fact beat up a man because physical strength isn't the only thing at play#and I do think the fact most boys grow up having very physical games while girls don't plays a huge factor in women being conditioning to#not react#genuinely think the most important thing when you're in a real fight. is how many real fights you've been on before#a lot of men are very weak for pain. you can beat them in endurance. like I understand there's disadvantage but I hate the DOOMY way some#women talk about men being larger/stronger as someone who's successfully fought off many situations#but this is also why I hate most self defense. like regularly practicing martial arts does help. but a 10 hours course will not kick in a#desperate situation where you need muscle memory. my best advice is if you don't know how to throw a punch just DON'T you can do more with#your elbows or slapping. just. a lot of fights it's being willing to let the desperation kick in and go for the throat yk#honestly I KNOW how to throw a punch and even I tend to go for elbows because I'm 160cm and not that strong lol#anyways my worst opinion as someone who works with teens is that I think sometimes we should let kids solve some problems with their hands#will always pretend I don't see gay students or women who get harassed throwing punches#some of you truly should've caused more chaos in your school years#also it's really sad that women were banned from capoeira for a long time some 'tradicionalists' still complain#it's all about being nimble and smarter in order to beat an opponent you ASSUME it's stronger than you. it just feels great#gave me a lot of confidence when I really needed ot
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cheeseknives · 2 months
I got last months electricity bill and it was like 800€ something, whhhaat the fuck
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Nick: (Pacing around the office, recounting several stories about reckless and stupid things Jasmine has done recently)
Ellie Perkins: (Drinking some coffee, nodding along while thinking that the apple hasn’t fallen far from the tree in this case)
Nick: “That’s not even the end of it! I warned that girl about going into the Milton Parking Garage because of the loose whack job who turned the place into a death trap but the more I talked about it the more she seemed to want to go in to catch this guy!”
Ellie Perkins: “Ya don’t say?” (Under her breath to herself) “Sounds pretty familiar….”
Nick: (Holds up a finger) “I turn my back for one second to talk with Preston and the next thing ya know X6 is behind me saying that my kid has just done the one thing I told her not to do and had decide to walk into the deathtrap because she wanted to “investigate” this so called maze!”
Ellie Perkins: (Overly dramatic gasp) “No- really?! Even though it was obviously a trap that had been set up and would most likely lead to her untimely death?!?”
Nick: (Doesn’t catch the biting sarcasm) “Yes! It was a trap laid out clear as day and the kid just moseyed on in there like she owned the place!”
Ellie Perkins: “Mhhhhhmmm!!! Is that so???” (Aggressively sips her coffee)
Nick: (Pinches the bridge of his nose) “I had to kick down the front door and drag Jazzy out by the heels because she wouldn’t come back! And the kid had the audacity to try and wave it off like she didn’t just give us all a heart attack in fear for her life!”
Ellie Perkins: “MHHHHHHMMMNNNN!” (Sips her coffee even more aggressively, almost breaking the handle with her grip)
Nick: (Shakes his head in exasperation) “The kid ain’t invincible and easily mendable no matter how big she talks herself up. One of these days her reckless behavior is gonna catch up to her- and that won’t be a pretty sight!”
Ellie Perkins: (Finally has her big moment after years of built up) “You feel like saying, “You keep laughing in deaths face, one day it’s going to laugh back,” to her to try and knock some sense into her stubborn little head?”
Nick: “YES! Exactly what I-!” (Realizes what she means by referring to that certain phrase and freezes)
Ellie Perkins: (Keeps going to drive in the point) “And it just annoys you to a deeper level whenever she does that confident little smirk juuuuust before she’s about to do something so stupidly reckless-…”
Nick: (Holds up a hand) “Alright, I see your point there, Ellie. I suppose I’m not the one who should be talking here….”
Ellie Perkins: (Grins smugly at him, folding her arms)
Nick: (Heavy sigh) “Yeah, yeah- get it all out of your system why doncha.” (Kicks his feet up on his desk, bracing for impact as he lights a cigarette)
Ellie Perkins: (Slams her hands down on the desk, almost quivering with anticipation) “I’ve been waiting a long damn time for this day to come, Valentine….”
(R.I.P Nicholas Valentine. He’s never hearing the end of this one from Ellie and he’s in for a long lecture)
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the-trans-dragon · 4 months
Y'know it was REALLY goddamn evil and nefarious that the oil fields gave my mom (a single mom working 3 jobs to raise 2 kids) a single $5,000 check in exchange for her signing a nondisclosure to never complain about them.
Of course we fucking took the money. Even with her working 1 full-time job and 2 part-time jobs, she barely made over $1,000 a month. Of course she took the money. We though about moving but we still couldn't afford it. She was so frugal with it, though. It did give us a sliver of financial security for years.
But goddamn. $5,000 is table scraps to them, and they bought her silence with it because she couldn't refuse the chance to slightly lessen the weight of poverty on her family.
#sorenhoots#i remember i was like 11 or something. she didnt know if she should sign it. and its not like we had or knew any lawyers. she had ME read it#over and even i was like “this is a nondisclosure and it means you cant ever talk about anything they do even if they do something terrible”#i recall being very proud of myself for knowing what a NDA was. lord knows where my middle-school self learned that from. she did eventually#have a lawyer of some sort look over it and they said the same thing but.... $5000#it wasnt an option for her. that was more money than wed ever had or saved. she had two kids who would need cars bc we lived so far in the#country. she knew i wanted to go to college. i dont think i ever saw her buy herself clothes before then either. it was money for emergencys#and necessities and birthday presents and road trips and... i often wondered about the person who offered us that. i wondered where they#lived and wondered how much their clothes costed and wondered if their kids got to have art or piano lessons. i wondered if their home was#over 80 degrees in the summer and under 60 in the winter and if they lived in a house that wasnt filled with dangerous spiders (we had nice#spiders too but we did also have Very Dangerous Spiders) and id picture him in his office in a button up and slacks and it would break my#heart that my mom couldnt have all of that. we just had a $5000 check and a vow to not complain.#she still feels earthquakes from it. less nowdays but still. and sometimee it still smells like a jar of hot petroleum jelly. and the attic#smell is worse than ever and the tap water smells like sulfur and wet mold#goddamn what the fuck? jesus christ. she should move.
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haha people who have normal relationships with their fathers where they didn’t grow up being constantly made to feel dumb/unimportant/annoying…. what’s that like babes hahaha
#autism doesn’t make you a bad parent. unmanaged/unaddressed autism combined with a general lack of consideration for everyone around you…#now THAT will fuck your kid up.#autistic people often struggle with eye contact. that’s cool no problem i can still engage in conversation like that.#buuut when you’re four and super exited to tell your dad what you did that day and he literally doesn’t acknowledge your presence??#and it’s that across your entire LIFETIME? your entire childhood and teen years and fuck it even your adult life????? THAT SHIT SUCKS#and THEN the only times you CAN get a conversation out of him it’s an argument where he WILL not stop talking over you#and scoffing at every single word you say#and raising his voice as he tells you how stupid you’re being#ummmmmmmmmm yeeaaahhhh okie dokie. a lifetime of that might ummm… lead to a few issues.#oh wait i forgot the third category of interaction: listening to him complain about something absolutely meaningless. for 20mins.#just killing the mood of any conversation.#you’re watching tv it’s fun everyone’s having fun!! yayyy yippee isn’t this nice#and then someone on tv will say ‘up and down the country’ (goofy but harmless phrase) and suddenly all you can hear is a rant#about the banality of overused idioms and phrases.#LIKE!! can you fucking lighten up for five fucking seconds. please.#idk man. my mum and i spent our whole morning travelling out to some random shop wayyyy out of our way. requires multiple buses to get there#JUST to get him a birthday present. because we thought it was fun and cute and because it’s very personal to him.#like we built our DAY around this. we spent £120 on this. FOR HIM!! because we thought he’d enjoy it!!!!#and we’re spending all day tomorrow wrapping his presents and hand making cards and planning the cake i will be baking for him#and he gets home from work and. IMMEDIATELY starts picking a fight.#like we had a lovely day. we had SUCH a good day. and a lot of it was about doing stuff FOR HIM for HIS BIRTHDAY!!!#which we were HAPPY AND EXITED TO DO!!!!!#and he fucking ruins the whole thing.#now my mum is sleeping on the sofa because she’s so angry at the way he was talking to me and i’m typing this bullshit.#and. he just. he doesn’t care. he doesn’t get it. he literally cannot comprehend why we’re upset at him.#he can’t see anything from anyone else’s perspective. he can’t comprehend the idea that maybe just maybe HE was the one being unkind.
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fiendishartist2 · 6 months
*describing smth that only happens in rich areas* yeah so basically i think teachers need to punish kids more
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thresholdbb · 6 months
Wanting a Star Trek future means working intentionally towards diversity, equity, and inclusion, doesn’t it?
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arthur-r · 7 months
same content warnings for not speaking well im not feeling well and i can’t speak well and im stressed out so in vent content warning but for same as im just continuing talking
and iodnt know anything abkut how people are supposed to work but i think when you’re and somebody is sitting on a bed together you’re supposed to be not talking about the freaking Peter mark roget talking about the thesaurus is not right and for being distracting. and nobody wants to be he wasn’t gonna be when i wasn’t feeling well but i feel bad for having ruined of where im as if i isn’t even don’t like him likenim not but im just not good for i do like him and i think he likes me and i just don’t want to be make everything weird make complicated im not good at being just being normal and somebody that anybody is able to like. i just want to be normal and be ATTRACTIVE but i am busy being sick and weird unloveable. i want for hanging out to be a good thing not where i feel sorry or where somebody had to be had been helping everything and i think i swear he likes me i swear and we were close together and i don’t think im just pretending but i think im gonna ruin it cause im not feeling well didnt being considerate i can’t when i can’t i get stuck distracted can’t think about anything im nkt feeling well but i just make everything turns into about me and it isn’t fair and I just want to be just have normal do anything right feel right have a conversation where i did it right and it didn’t turn around didn’t make all of it opposite where i just i don’t know how to do it im too much autistic and too much sick i can’t do it
came back from the end again im out of tags again im not going to keep doing this im sorry i just im not feeling well and im so frustrated from it’s not being sicks fault i don’t want to be sick because i don’t feel good being i don’t want to be ill because it hurts me. but it’s not sick’s fault for nobody can see me past it, it’s not somebody can still be important valuable im not trying to say i just i don’t want to live inside of nobody can see me anymore i want anybody to know for looking at me and seeing a real person
#im just im not i want to somebody think for who i am i dont want to be hiding but i want for who i am being different not so much hard#nobody can understand for too much complicated. j do t want to anybody doesn’t care all the way of all of it don’t want to know them but i#for me it’s harder to find somebody who does it’s harder for somebody cares about all of me cause all of me is too it’s not the right way#im just a cute little kid or a poor tragic im not a normal person im not i can’t just be an adult#i just want to be an adult make sense have people like me like a grownup not like im some little broken#i want to feel like i have autonomy!!!!! i want to show i do i want to show im a real person#and i can be more than just im not just#i feel like i take it away i take a way the special moment cause of being me#like i can only be a little kid or a martyr i can’t be special or beautiful i just have to be broken and oh poor baby#i just want to be a real person i just want to be a real person !!!!!!#and i just want to say sorry speak to somebody say hey i promise im a fucking i promise im a person i swear#and i feel so stupid saying any of it im right here sounding like for as if i don’t know anything like nothing is#i cant even grow up for complaining of growing up. i feel like i cant be a real person don’t count nobody is gonna think of me for#i dont know i need to call somebody but nobody my roommate is here i can’t#and i can’t i don’t want for somebody has to be has to help me has to save me for in order to love me#i dont want to be so broken anybody who wants to love me has to save me. it isn’t fair i don’t want to be sick iedint want to need help#i cant have help from somebody who doesn’t love me but i ruin the love if i made somebody help me it ruins it so i can’t have i have to pick#i cant have them both at the same time i have to pick and my body is picking for me im ruining everything i have because i can’t even walk#i cant even walk home i need help to walk me home how do you look at me and think im pretty when you’re helping me stay off the ground#i dont want to be fragile pretty either so pretty special needs saving i don’t want that#i want to be me i can’t be the perfect broken dainty it’s not like that. i just want to be me#i want somebody to care about me not be have to help me i just want to be me not a special i don’t want somebody to have to accommodate me#and it’s not i don’t think anybody should change their self i don’t think with other people i don’t think it’s i just i don’t believe#i don’t think somebody is going to look past it somebody who can walk easy talk easy verythjng is so easy and i just#if somebody doesn’t have it they don’t know they can’t look at me past anything else it’s k#im just the different parts i can’t be a person from i just it gets broken it’s not on purpose but i just i can’t i get broken into the same#i get turned into the same person i can’t be me and be sick everyone sees me and sees that im just sick and i wish that i hadn’t told#i wish that i didn’t say anything i just and i just i want to be normal i don’t want to be seen that way#and it’s okay to be sick it’s normal it doesn’t feel good but it doesn’t make me broken it doesn’t make me not be special valuable be myself#but nobody can see me anymore it takes away the rest of me because nobody cares to look i just want people to look
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