#and every day there's a new headline about someone else pulling Barrowman from a show
tparadox · 3 years
The Guardian: Actor/producer Noel Clarke has abused his power to sexually harass women in the industry, here's testimonies from 20 women he assaulted and blackmailed.
Industry backlash: BAFTA suspends his membership and an award, some production companies and talent agencies aren't doing business with him anymore.
Old video of Clarke: John Barrowman used to flop his dick all over the Doctor Who set in front of women co-stars a long time ago as an ill-advised prank he got away with at the time by being gay. (he apologized for this behavior in 2008)
Industry backlash: *canceled show* *canceled appearance* *cancelled appearance* *rewriting a Doctor Who theater show with a non-Jack Harkness Torchwood tribute* *canceled show* *canceled audio drama*
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