#and fuck everyone who voted to acquit
Sorry to spam US politics on my dash here, but I am absolutely gutted by the leaked draft regarding Roe v. Wade.  In all likelihood, we are going to lose access to safe and legal abortion nationwide, and go back to a time when it’s determined on a state-by-state basis, which means a lot of red states will flat-out ban it.  It HASN’T actually happened yet, this is just a draft, but it’s likely coming.  And despite all the concerns people have had, somehow, I didn’t really think it would come to this, but it has.  Five judges are going to strip rights away from millions of Americans, and one of those judges was rammed in at the last minute, in the middle of an election, by an out-going president who lost the popular vote (both times).  How the FUCK is this the will of the people?
And honestly, I’m a single cis-woman who is getting to an age where pregnancy is less likely for me.  And I’m not really sure if I would actually choose abortion if I actually did become pregnant, depending on the circumstances.  If there wasn’t an issue of something like rape or grievous health issues, I’d probably have the baby.  I’m not really that concerned about myself.  I’m concerned about the women who will be fucked over by this.  Women in abusive relationships who will find it that much harder to leave, women who will have to have their rapist’s baby, children who are too young to be giving birth, women with health issues who cannot safely give birth but will be forced to anyway, women who will be investigated for miscarriages, women with nonviable or ectopic pregnancies who cannot get the care they need.  Some of this sounds alarmist, but honestly, it’s all possible.  There have been bills introduced in states that include bans on ectopic pregnancies (a completely NON-viable pregnancy that will KILL the woman if not removed) or insist that doctors re-implant the fetus in the womb, a procedure that is not medically possible.  Politicians can talk about exceptions for rape or the life of the mother, but what if the rapist is not prosecuted or is acquitted?  What defines a medical emergency for a pregnant woman?  If a woman has a heart condition that makes it dangerous, but not impossible to give birth, will she be forced to risk her life?  Women are absolutely going to die because doctors in abortion-banning states will have their hands tied with red-tape, and will be taking measures to protect the fetus first.  Because the law will come between women and life-saving medical treatment.
(Btw, I realize I’ve been using the word “women” here, but I also absolutely include transmen, non-binary people, and anyone else who can get pregnant in these concerns.  We are all in a bad situation.)
I’m honestly just quite angry.  To those of you who have been reblogging information or links to activist groups to donate to, thanks for that.  To those of you who are ignoring this and just reblogging silly memes and fandom stuff, I appreciate you guys, too.  I know Tumblr is not activism, and not everyone wants to talk politics (and not everyone is even from the US), and sometimes those silly memes are what we all need to feel better and not despair.
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autie-j · 3 years
My reaction to the outcome of the impeachment trial:
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blipblorpsnork · 3 years
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taramaclaywasaterf · 3 years
Got into a screaming match with my father last night at 1am about the impeachment results. He came home drunk from a fucking bar with his girlfriend despite, you know, the global fucking pandemic, and told me he was celebrating trump's aquital. I just kinda bit my tongue but he kept talking and talking, and finally I just snapped and said that I thought the precedent it just set is terrifying at that everyone who voted to acquit him is spineless.
He then proceeded to throw a fucking temper tantrum that the insurrection was "no different" than the BLM protests and that hundreds of """"antifa""""" have been arrested for instigating what happened at the capital. I said that's bullshit and that its actually the RIGHT who've been arrested for instigating violence at BLM protests AND the capita, and he flipped the fuck out even more and then demanded to see """just ONE!!!"" example of right-wing violence at BLM protests.
He then went on one of his ten hour long rampages that he always does (he'll literally talk for 15 minutes straight and I'm not allowed to say a single fucking WORD the entire time or else he'll scream at me and add another 10+ minutes to his Fox News mansplaining rant) and once he was done, he did the same thing he always does every fucking time: he said that he was done talking about it because we'd already been arguing about it for too long (again, I barely got a fucking word in, so he does this on purpose!) and when I tried to respond, he screams at me that he "just wants to go to sleep" because it's so late (he's the one who fucking came home at 1am and started the fight!!!)
So I refused to let him shut me up, I tried to explain myself, and he interrupted me constantly and huffed and rolled his eyes the entire time. And once I was done, he did that really scary deep, loud, yell that men do and he yelled that he "already told me he wanted to go to sleep" and that I was wrong and blah blah blah. So I said fuck it and went back to my room and stayed up until 3:30 finding videos, sources, etc. of right-wing violence at BLM protests, instances of republicans vandalizing buildings and shooting up police precincts during BLM protests, and source after source proving right wing terrorism is the #1 threat in the country and NOT left wing terrorism, and links to the literal fucking FBI and everyone else saying there's ZERO evidence of """""""antifa"""""""""" being at the insurrection at the 6th. I then compiled it all into a lovely little email with links and quotes and such, and sent it to him. I finished the email by saying "there's a lot more, but it's 3:30 and I can barely keep my eyes open."
I woke up this morning and checked my email. His response? "Kind of like I told you it was 1:30am and wanted to go to sleep?" and nothing else.
I fucking hate this stupid fucking house and this stupid fucking disabilty that makes me stuck here and this stupid fucking government and I especially fucking despise fucking Trump for making my father into this fucking awful unrecognizable bigoted fucking asshole and I'm just so fucking tired and just exhausted I want to sleep for a million years until everyone who ever voted for trump has died out and there's not a single trace of them left. I hate this stupid goddamn country, I want OUT.
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if the GOP could win for real, they would do a lot less cheating
Something you have to understand about recent American history is that the Republican party lost its shit in the 1960s. There are always plenty of reasons for decades-long historical trends, but arguably the core one is that Lyndon Johnson’s administration made a bunch of human rights advances known collectively as the Great Society, the cornerstone of which was a sincere and substantive effort to address the unfinished business of Reconstruction with the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act.
Racist white people who didn’t want to share democracy with everyone else became reliable Republican voters, but they’re nowhere near enough to win an election on their own. Republicans realized that their ideology is a miserable death cult that can’t win a fair fight. They could have gotten better ideas, but instead, they started sabotaging democracy.
I am not here to overwhelm you with a list of all the American right wing’s assaults on democracy. But there is a relatively narrow subset which forms a pattern that has become increasingly urgent: times Republicans have abused, usurped, or radically and unilaterally bastardized the power of American government in order to limit voters’ ability to hold them accountable in free and fair elections.
Because it only includes events backed up by reliable and freely available sources, it necessarily only includes the times times they were ham-fisted or sloppy enough to get caught. It has over two dozen entries and is almost certainly incomplete.
1968: Richard Nixon sabotages peace talks to end the Vietnam War because anger over the war is a winning campaign issue for him. Johnson catches him and calls him out, but doesn’t tell the public. Nixon wins and takes office.
1972: Nixon’s re-election campaign, the Committee to Re-Elect the President (or CREEP, because these people are fucking Bond villains) goes on a crime spree which includes multiple break-ins at Democratic National Committee headquarters in the Watergate Hotel.
1992: President George H.W. Bush asks British Prime Minister John Major’s government to dig through official archives for anything compromising on his rival Governor Bill Clinton from Clinton’s time at Oxford University.
1992: A political appointee at the Bush State Department has Governor Clinton’s passport files searched for potentially embarrassing information.
1992: Bush’s Attorney General William Barr pressures federal prosecutors in Arkansas to make some public movement on a white collar crime case tangentially associated with Governor Clinton.
2000: The Florida state board of elections does a racist voter purge, targeting largely Democratic communities of color.
2000: A mob, mostly Republican congressional aides, force election officials in Palm Beach County to shut down its recount.
2000: Five Supreme Court justices appointed by Republican presidents shut down the Florida recount in an unsigned opinion so specious and nakedly partisan that it irreparably damages the legitimacy of not only the Bush presidency but the Supreme Court itself.
2004: Republican election administrators in Florida attempt another racist voter purge, only abandoning it when they get caught.
2006: The Bush administration leans on federal prosecutors to influence the midterm elections with bogus investigations into Democratic politicians and prosecutions of non-existent “voter fraud” cases. After Republicans lose the midterms, several attorneys who resisted the pressure are fired.
2010: Five Supreme Court justices appointed by Republicans, in an existential fiat, reclassify money as speech, opening the floodgates to swamp every level of politics with dark money.
2013: The same five Republican Supreme Court justices gut the Voting Rights Act, specifically and explicitly because it has been relatively effective in preventing racist voter suppression.
2010s: Republicans in various state legislatures pass a bunch of laws to suppress the ability of voters to hold them accountable.
2016: Associates of Trump consigliere Rudy Giuliani loudly and unprofessionally conduct numerous bullshit investigations into Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. They successfully pressure FBI director James Comey – himself a veteran of the corrupt and politicized Bush Justice Department – into several improper and decisive actions against Clinton.
2016: Donald Trump conspires with Russian intelligence and business interests to sabotage his opponent in a presidential election.
2016: Republican Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell blackmails the Obama administration out of explaining the Russian government’s sabotage of the presidential election, leaving state boards of elections and the general public vulnerable to the assault.
2017-18: The Republican administration sits on evidence that Russian military hackers have penetrated state voting equipment.
2018: Republican Georgia secretary of state Brian Kemp insists on overseeing the election in which he is running for governor. He squeaks out a “win” after purging thousands of voters, arbitrarily closing or refusing to equip polling places, and baselessly accusing his Democratic opponent of trying to hack the election.
2018: A Republican congressional campaign in North Carolina hires operatives to defraud local senior citizens who were attempting to cast absentee ballots.
2018: Republicans lose the governorships in Wisconsin and Michigan, but keep control of the state legislatures due to gross gerrymandering. Before the new governors can be sworn in, they cram through laws stripping power from the incoming Democratic governors.
2019: Trump administration officials try to warp the data which will be collected in the 2020 census in a way that will enable future gerrymandering by undercounting largely Democratic constituencies. When they get caught and stopped, they try to justify themselves by lying to the federal courts.
2019: Donald Trump privately tries to extort the president of Ukraine into announcing bullshit investigations into prominent Democrats during the 2020 election.
2019: Donald Trump publicly pressures the government of China into opening bullshit investigations into prominent Democrats during the 2020 election.
2019: All but one House Republican opposes impeaching Trump for his extortion of Ukraine – until that one guy is pushed out of the party. Therefore, no House Republicans vote to impeach Trump.
2020: With one exception, every Republican in the Senate validates Trump’s attempts to rig the 2020 election by voting to acquit him.
2020: Republicans dig in their heels and refuse to take easy and obvious steps to keep voters safe from COVID-19 at the polls.
This is just the list of things that I could remember off the top of my head and could find receipts for with relative ease. It doesn’t include things that are plausible but unproven, like the allegations that Reagan’s 1980 campaign staff tried to repeat Nixon’s first stunt by working to prolong the Iran hostage crisis because it was a winning campaign issue for him. It doesn’t include dirty, bigoted campaigns that you might call awful but lawful, like the racist “Willie Horton” ad campaign in 1988 or the repulsive homophobic ballot initiatives that were engineered to bolster George W. Bush’s 2004 reelection campaign. It doesn’t include the wide array of brutalizations of a constitutional small-d democratic system which aren’t specifically and concretely about elections – everything from eroding the credibility of scientists, experts, and reporters to packing the courts with proto-fascist hacks to lying the American people into war in Iraq.
It really doesn’t matter whether or not I think Republicans win elections legitimately. It’s extremely important that Republicans do not believe they can win elections legitimately.
Now think for a second about their cherished “voter fraud” trope. All this time, Republicans have been screeching that SOMEONE was out there trying to steal elections FROM THEM. It is absolutely correct to focus on and be upset about the racist history and intent of this particular conspiracy theory. I would simply argue that white supremacism is not the only unforgivable aspect of this nonsense trope. The other is the way those claims make it impossible to deal with actual threats against legitimate elections.
This is similar to what psychologists call projection, or the tactic domestic violence experts refer to as DARVO. It is not unrelated to “swiftboating” or the phenomenon students of genocide refer to as the “accusation in a mirror.” It is the axiom small children cite when they say “he who smelt it, dealt it.”
I don’t know the ONE WEIRD TRICK to make it not work. I just know that it – maddeningly – does work, not least on the Very Serious Experts whose ONE FUCKING JOB it is to know better.
So I’m sorry to disappoint if you were expecting a “many bad people on all sides” disclaimer about who does political dirty tricks, but “both sides” is not operative, no matter how desperate the hot-take-industrial-complex is to make fetch happen. It hasn’t been operative for twenty-five years, and it’s really not operative for the next six months. You can bury yourself deep in literature about asymmetric polarization, but you don’t have to do all that to understand what’s important here. Democrats support democracy and want to stop the plague, Republicans support the plague and want to stop democracy, and you should be extremely skeptical of anyone who claims not to know the difference.
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Conservatives operate under the assumption that learning about something makes you believe that thing.  They just mindlessly say and do whatever random shit they want with zero introspection because they’re afraid that if they actually tried to understand anything The Enemy™ believes, they will be brainwashed by it and succumb to it.
In their eyes, the words “communism” and “socialism” don’t actually mean anything, they’re just synonyms for “The Enemy™.”  Everyone who is an enemy is a communist, even if it’s a capitalist megacorpration like Disney.  Everyone who is an enemy is a socialist, even if it’s a mainstream conservative like Mitt Romney or a hardliner like Mitch McConnell.  Mitch Fucking McConnell!  These people are saying that Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr is secretly a liberal actor because he has momentarily stopped sucking Trump’s dick (despite having voted to acquit him anyway).  McConnell is the only reason they have 6-3 on the Supreme Court, he’s their golden fucking goose and they’re turning on him because their OTHER golden goose isn’t adequately convinced of his loyalty, not to the party, not to the ideology, but to himself personally.
If you asked a conservative to explain what socialism is, they wouldn’t know, they’d just say something about authoritarianism, which in is decidedly non-partisan (Hitler’s Germany and Stalin’s USSR were functionally identical).  And yet they refuse to actually, I dunno, google it is because they’re afraid that they’ll become socialists.  I’m not saying that socialism is some perfectly logical ideology and that everyone who learns about it will have no choice but to adopt it, because it’s not and they don’t, I’m just saying that’s what they think it is.  They think it’s a hivemind, some forbidden corrupting knowledge; these are the people who think that watching certain TV shows can make you gay, they’re so insecure in their beliefs in everything that they have to self isolate for fear of changing their minds.  And it’s not like they even would change their minds if they did know what it meant, they’re stubborn people!  There are plenty of legitimately smart conservatives who know things, so it’s not like education is partisan.
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Murderous Love Chapter IV
(WARNING: This fanfiction has themes of Suicidal Ideation, Suicide itself, Self harm, Sexual Assualt, Murder, Extreme Bullying and Humiliation and a lot of Mental Illness related content and is NOT appropriate for children and the faint of heart. If you are under 18 or may be triggered by the content of this fanfiction please do not read this.)
Motochika’s POV
Myself and Mitsuhide were relaxing in our mini studio apartment that his parents made for us so that we can live independently while we are minors.
Tomorrow our fight to get Da Ji charged and convicted of sexual assault and distribution of Child Pornography and Loki and Ares charged and convicted as accomplices to Da Ji begins.
I knew Odin and Zeus would not take us putting those three in jail laying down. Mitsuhide was scared, he knew his life would become worse if those three are acquitted of those charges. Thankfully Dousan, Noh’s father is the best lawyer we have and has given us a no win no fee guarantee because he knew that due to Zeus and Odin being rich bastards, we may not get the outcome we want.
I hugged Mitsuhide tightly while singing to him, hoping that my singing would soothe him. I then noticed that Mitsuhide was not calming down at all, he then looked at me saying
“Hide the blades, medication and long cords. Now.”
When I heard that I let go of Mitsuhide and went to do so. I’m so glad Mitsutsuna taught me what to do when Mitsuhide ends up having a manic episode or a depressive episode. I then looked at Mitsuhide asking “Anything else?”
Mitsuhide nodded “My wallet.”
I nodded and hid his wallet as well. I then walked to my beloved and hugged him “I love you, I won’t leave you, you’re a god amongst men, you’re the strongest guy I know, you’re an absolute badass, you’ve survived so much and you’re still here, I’m so proud of you”
Mitsuhide rested his head on my chest smiling. I wasn’t told to tell Mitsuhide nice things about him, I just added that to combat the intrusive thoughts that might come up as he deals with this episode, such as feeling unworthy of anything great in life. He looked at me smiling
“I’m so sorry for having that episode.” He spoke,
I looked at him weirdly before saying “Don’t be sorry for something that is not in your control.”
Mitsuhide looked down “No one wants to hire me so I can’t get a job and I don’t want to rely on my parents to get my medication…”
I soon became worried. I looked at him before letting go of him “I just need to ask your father when dinner is ready”
I then walked out of our studio apartment and towards Mitsutsuna saying “Hey sooooooo I found out why Mitsuhide is having these episodes. He doesn’t want to rely on you to get his medication, even though he knows that you and your wife are more than happy to help him…”
Mitsutsuna froze “Wh-What? O-Oh my god!”
He then picked up his phone and called Ritsuko (Mitsuhide’s mother).
Mitsutsuna then said “So, Mitsuhide has not been taking his medication for his bipolar and his depression…
He doesn’t want to rely on us to get it for him…
I know we had that conversation with him that we’re his parents and if we can’t get him the medication he needs then we don’t deserve the honour of parenthood…
Please just get the medication for him, I’ll have a chat…
Motochika managed to get him to talk about whether or not he’s getting his medication…
Okay, I’ll do that for you”
He then hung up the phone and looked at me saying “Thank you so much for telling us this.”
I nodded “It’s okay, if we can at least get him on his medication for the duration of the Trial we can manage his condition as the trial goes on.”
I then walked back to our mini apartment, Mitsuhide looked at me saying “You told them didn’t you…”
“I’m sorry honey, I had to, they want to help you, please let them help you.” I replied.
I hugged him tightly before Ritsuko arrived and handed me the medication. “Thank you Motochika, I think you’re the man that my son needed.”
I nodded and accepted the paper bag.
It was the day the trials of Da Ji, Loki and Ares began.
I stood by Mitsuhide’s side as we made our way into the court room. Da Ji glared at us as the evidence was presented.
Soon it was Dousan’s turn to present evidence. He walked to the whiteboard and projector and turned it on soon revealing the Instagram post made by Da Ji that had the photo of Mitsuhide naked lying on the dingy bathroom floor.
Loki, Ares and Da Ji were held back as Dousan revealed the evidence and explained the statements given by myself, Mitsuhide and the school staff who found us in the bathroom.
The trial lasted for about five days and Judge Orochi sent the Jury out to discuss what the verdict is going to be, as we waited for the verdict Loki looked at Mitsuhide saying
“Now you’ve fucking done it, how much attention do you fucking want you whore!”
I blocked Mitsuhide’s ears when Loki opened his mouth to talk.
We then saw the Jury enter the courtroom again and the jury Forewoman Tamamo was asked if Loki was guilty or not guilty.
Tamamo replied “Loki and Ares had the majority vote of not guilty of all charges. While I have voted guilty I believe there has been some form of bribery going on that I do not know about. As a result for the sake of the members of the jury who are sympathetic towards the victim the least the courts should do is grant him the restraining order.”
“OBJECTION BITCH!” was heard, I looked in the direction the voice came from to find that it was Loki, he then looked at the judge saying
“Your Honour, I do not believe that Akechi Mitsuhide should be applying for a restraining order against myself and Ares, the three of us are all minors and there is no need for a kid to be applying for a restraining order against other kids, I believe he is doing this for attention, he imagined everything, that Instagram post is fake and we will take legal action if you allow the restraining order to go through!”
Orochi slammed the podium saying “ORDER IN THE COURT! Mr Loki Asgardian you have spoken enough, do not argue with our jury members again. Tamamo, my apologies for the interruption. Do you find Da Ji guilty or not guilty of the Sexual Assault charges and Child Pornography Charges?”
Tamamo replied “We have found Da Ji guilty of Sexual Assault and Production and distribution of child pornography, however, the majority recommends mercy.”
I saw Tamamo roll her eyes, I could tell that she has tried to get us the justice we deserve.
Orochi looked at everyone saying “Loki Asgardian and Ares Olympus are acquitted of all charges and I sentence Da Ji to four months in juvenile detention” he then grabbed the hammer and hit the hammer puck to make the sentence final.
Mitsuhide soon started crying but these tears are not happy ones, they’re tears of sadness and anger.
Orochi looked at me with a sullen look saying “I’m sorry, this is the best I can do…”
Four months for raping Mitsuhide then taking a photograph of him in the nude without his consent and posting it on the internet is unbelievable! What do we get!? Stuck with the trauma and having those assholes smiling like fucking crazy because they got away with it.
“Mr Chosokabe?” I heard that which brought me back to reality, I turned around still carrying Mitsuhide bridal style.
The person calling out to me was Tamamo. She walked to me and handed me a folder “Here. I have made it a rule that any communication between the prosecution or defence and the jury must be screenshot and sent to me. If you do anything rash that could get you in bigger trouble with the law these might help you justify it. These are all of the messages from the defence bribing the majority of the jury to give a not guilty verdict or if it has to be a guilty verdict to prevent suspicion recommendation of mercy.”
Mitsuhide took the folder while I had tears in my eyes said “Thank you so much, you’re so sweet”
Tamamo giggled saying “Don’t thank me, thank Kaguya, another juror for bringing this up. She was suspicious of the defence for a while and was a bit annoyed that she wasn’t the jury forewoman, I told her that if she needed to talk to me about what was happening in the court I am happy to listen. This was what she presented. Good luck taking matters in your own hands, I will be supporting you from afar.”
I nodded as we walked to the car. I placed Mitsuhide in the middle back seat, he put his seatbelt on as I sat next to him.
Hades was driving us as he was given a note by Mitsuhide’s parents stating that they are unable to bring us to the courthouse. When Hades got in the car he then screamed loudly “FUCK YOU ZEUS YOU PIECE OF SHIT! I FUCKING HATE YOUR GUTS! YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE WHY THE FUCK MUST THE WORLD LET YOU BE SO PRIVELEGED THAT YOU COULD JUST FUCK UP A FUCKING TRIAL LIKE THAT YOU FUCKING PERVERTED PLAYBOY ASSHOLE I HOPE YOU FUCKING ROT IN HELL!”
I blocked Mitsuhide’s ears as Hades screamed. When he was finished Hades looked at us with tears in his eyes saying “I’m calling your parents and asking if I can take you two somewhere for icecream and shopping to cheer you up.”
He then did so, explaining the situation, thankfully both my and Mitsuhide’s parents approved of this before we could leave a guy with silver hair and aqua streaks in his hair got in the car and looked at Hades and kissed his forehead saying
“Hey Hades, baby, what’s wrong?”
Hades looked at the guy saying “My younger brother is a privileged asshole Yang Jian… he made my mental health client lose his court case…”
Yang Jian kissed Hades’ forehead again saying “I’m guessing a repeat of us when we were sixteen? Everyone pulled the ‘they didn’t know better they’re only little’ garbage?”
Hades nodded he then said “I have asked my client and his boyfriend’s parents if I could take them out for ice cream and shopping to cheer them up. If you want you can go somewhere else while I do this”
Yang Jian looked at Hades saying “which client is it?”
“Akechi Mitsuhide” Hades replied.
Yang Jian replied “You referred Mitsuhide to the place I work for and they chose me to be his mental health support worker. This is the perfect opportunity to get to know him, even if I spend the entire time with him in silence, building rapport does not require talking at the first instance.”
Hades nodded before turning on the ignition and driving to the next town over. I’m willing to assume to keep us away from Ares and Loki so we can have some time to breathe and be happy before we get thrown through the gauntlet of bullying for trying to throw people in jail.
When we got to the mall Yang Jian looked at us asking Mitsuhide “Hey, is it okay if we just spend time together just you and me? Hades will look after Motochika for you.”
I looked at Mitsuhide who replied “O-Okay b-but if we see those two no ifs, whats or buts, I’m finding Motochika and staying with him.”
Yang Jian nodded “I understand, I want to make sure you’re comfortable and safe.” Mitsuhide put the folder in my satchel, grabbed his Lapras plush doll and his handbag and went with Yang Jian while I stayed with Hades.
I looked at Hades asking “’A repeat of us when we were sixteen’? Are you saying that this has happened before!?”
Hades nodded sadly “Yes. Not to this scale, but my parents never approved of Yang Jian, they acted like Yang Jian was a bad influence on me. I wanted to pursue a career in mental health, so did he.
My parents wanted an accountant. But because of the fact that my parents hated Yang Jian, Zeus gets to be a dick to me and not get in trouble for it.
Which sucked… and it also sucks knowing that he gets to get away with letting his son and his friends do what they want with light consequences…”
I nodded and we went to a musical instrument store because I wanted to get a new shamisen.
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Worry about and fix your own shit country first. Out here talking shit about America’s issues like Canada isn’t just as bad in a fake-polite package.
Yeah, we suck too, I never said we didn't. But I'm not out here bawling piss that Biden hadn't given me money yet, while it's currently working it's way through your political machine that the other guys are busy trying to throw wrenches in. At least I can say that we don't have any politicians up here who sent people to attack our own fucking Parliament.
We have several parties which actually reach common ground all the time, and y'all got two parties who hate each other, only one is being run by cartoon villains who twirl their mustaches as they vote to acquit a dude and then admit that he was guilty.
Canada sucks in a lot of ways, but I've never had to worry about Trudeau staging a coup, or had to vote against my conscience, or had to worry my power company is gonna charge me ten fucking grand a kilowatt hour.
And what makes you think we're sitting on our thumbs up here? We're going to have the vaccine rolled out to everyone who wants the shot by fall, early winter. Other than Alberta, we're pushing towards green energy. We're actually charging people who commit race crimes. We don't have school shootings twice a week. Like, let me know what you think we're not doing. I'll get Parliament on it.
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luckyredeyes · 3 years
Anyway fuck #45 and everyone who voted to acquit him for starting the Capitol riot
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idairsauthor · 4 years
This Fcking Impeachment, Episode 5: If You Go After The King
PLAIDDER: Hey, Conn.
CONN: Hello, stranger.
PLAIDDER: Leave me alone. I’ve been busy.
CONN: You’ve been hiding.
PLAIDDER: OK, fine. I’ve been taking a break from all...this. I don’t think I’ve really missed anything. 
CONN: How can you say--
PLAIDDER: For the first week, you know, I thought it actually would matter how things went in the impeachment hearings. And maybe it did, some. But not enough.
CONN: You were waiting for your Republicans to turn on him, weren’t you.
PLAIDDER: No. But I thought public opinion might shift, or something. Now, it’s just...you know, I don’t expect a lot of surprises at this point. The House will impeach and the Senate will acquit and the Russians will collude and this son of a bitch will be reelected in 2020 and that’s the end of the American experiment.
CONN: Please don’t tell me you regret your Nancy Pelosi’s doing this.
PLAIDDER: Oh no. No, not at all. We had to.
CONN: That’s a relief.
PLAIDDER: You know, they say, if you go after the king, you better not miss. But you understand better than most that sometimes--
CONN: Sometimes, you just have to go after the king. 
PLAIDDER: No matter what.
CONN: No matter what.
PLAIDDER: What actually depresses me most about all this, Conn, is watching everyone second-guess what the Democrats are doing. Everyone wants to be the one to have found the flaw in the strategy that will have led to the final defeat. This is what frustrates me about the mainstream media--the “good” media, the ones that actually try to be factually accurate and halfway responsible. There’s always this narrative, where for a while one side is up, and then that side is down and the other side is up, and so no matter what’s actually happening, you think you’re winning one week and the next week you’re plunged into despair.
CONN: Our repeater chains really aren’t that sophisticated.
PLAIDDER: I didn’t want them to be. Your country’s never going to have social media; you already have telepathy.
CONN: So this week, the story is the Democrats are down, eh? 
PLAIDDER: Yeah. Knowing that this is the narrative somehow doesn’t protect me from it emotionally. But all week it’s been “what the Democrats should do that they’re not doing” or “what the Democrats shouldn’t do that they are doing” or “why the whole process is broken and our country is fucked up beyond all repair” or...and I’m sick of it. 
CONN: Do you really think they could be doing a better job with this?
PLAIDDER: No. I don’t. This is what drives me nuts. When Pelosi was staving off impeachment, everyone I knew was like, what is this weak sauce, what are they waiting for, he gives proof of impeachability every day, this is what we always do, we keep our powder dry till it’s too late to use it, this party will never do anything right as long as they’re taking money from corporations, etc. etc. etc. Now we’re actually doing it, and everyone wants to talk about why it’s not working. 
CONN: How is it not working? All the evidence--
PLAIDDER: I know. I know. They have no evidence, they have no logical or coherent defense of him, they have nothing, everything during the Intelligence Committee hearings went our way. But to the people who support him, it doesn’t matter what the evidence shows. It doesn’t matter what the law is. It doesn’t matter what the Constitution says. If he does it, it’s right. 
CONN: And you don’t understand that.
PLAIDDER: I have never felt that way about any politician. When it comes to politics, I don’t fall in love.
CONN: Not even with your Mr. Obama?
PLAIDDER: Look, I’m not gonna say I was immune to his magic, or Bill Clinton’s either. But when Bill Clinton was accused of having an affair with a White House intern, I was like, well that’s not implausible. I hoped he was telling us the truth about that, but I was ultimately not really surprised to discover that he wasn’t. Obama promised to close Guantanamo and he didn’t. Obama deported all kinds of people. Obama was fine with undeclared drone warfare. Nobody’s perfect. Nobody’s ideal. Nobody’s a hero.
CONN: None of that stops you from wanting them to be. That’s why you get mad at them, when they inevitably betray your hopes.
PLAIDDER: My point is, Conn, Buttercup came into this presidency with about 35-40% approval and that’s where he’ll be when he finally leaves it, no matter what happens. And 35-40% approval is good enough to keep the Congressional Republicans fawning around him licking his boots. It’s disgusting. It’s depressing.
CONN: Well then why did you want this impeachment, if it doesn’t matter?
PLAIDDER: You can be a real pain in the gleacha, you know that?
CONN: Maybe, but I’m cheaper than your therapist.
PLAIDDER: Yeah, all right. We had to do it. Because you have to do what you CAN do, even if it doesn’t matter. Before you get to the...scary shit...you have to exhaust the constitutional remedies.
CONN: Exactly.
PLAIDDER: If we hadn’t done this, we’d always have told ourselves that was our mistake. Now we’re doing it, and whatever happens, at least we don’t have to beat ourselves up for not having been willing to take the risk.
CONN: And may I remind you that you don’t know what’ll happen.
PLAIDDER: I think I do, Conn.
CONN: You didn’t predict how the shutdown would end. 
PLAIDDER: Yeah, you were closer but you were wrong. They didn’t vote to override his veto.
CONN: Because he realized it was a danger and decided not to give them the choice. If he comes to think there’s a real chance he will be removed, he’ll run. He’s not a brave man.
PLAIDDER: But there is no real chance of his being removed-
CONN: --yet.
CONN: Friend, I can see you’re upset, but let me tell you: you don’t know. Nobody knows. People have opinions but they don’t know. Did anyone know that your Mr. Giuliani was going to go to Ukraine this week to continue soliciting bribes and propagating Russian disinformation while the hearings were going on?
CONN: Your Rep. Matt Gaetz, he of the Great SCIF Sit-In, is on record saying that it’s “weird.”
PLAIDDER: So what. Buttercup will tweet at him and he’ll walk it back.
CONN: But did you expect that?
PLAIDDER: No. No, to be honest, I did not expect that.
CONN: Your Senator Kennedy can’t seem to decide whether he’s all in on the propaganda or not. He keeps going back and forth. 
PLAIDDER: What does that get us?
CONN: Nothing tangible. The report on that investigation your William Barr started into the Mueller investigation is due to be released today. Have you read it?
PLAIDDER: No, they haven’t dropped it yet. 
CONN: Why not?
PLAIDDER: I don’t know, maybe they got held up at Kinko’s.
CONN: You don’t think it might be because they’re desperately trying to massage it into a vindication of Trump’s “hoax” narrative even though they know they can’t?
PLAIDDER: Of course it might be. Or it may be they’re planning to dump it at 5 after the impeachment hearings are over.
CONN: If it’s going to vindicate their man, wouldn’t they drop it now and pull focus?
CONN: YOU MADE ME RESILIENT. You MADE ME an optimist. YOU made me capable of preserving my faith in democratic institutions and diplomacy through EVERYTHING. Through imprisonment and mindforcing and torture. Maybe I SHOULD stop hoping but I can’t because you made hope unkillable in me. Why are you yelling at me? I am who I am because you need me to be that way.
PLAIDDER: I know. I know.
CONN: And I say, do not throw yourself into a pit of despair just because he has not been defeated YET.
PLAIDDER: All right, Conn. Point taken. 
CONN: They’re doing what you want them to do and what you know is right. They’re going after the king. No matter what.
PLAIDDER: No matter what.
CONN: The consequences will be what they will be. But this was the right thing to do and they’re doing it. Can’t you celebrate that?
PLAIDDER: I guess I can try.
CONN: That’s the spirit!
PLAIDDER: All right, Conn, thanks for coming in. See you next episode.
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artielu · 4 years
I cannot even begin to express just how fucked up this is. Trump is literally getting away with crimes including actual fucking corruption, and the GOP is totally fucking complicit.
What the fuck kind of "trial" doesn't have documentary evidence or witness testimony?!?! A fake one.
Everyone needs to show up to vote in November. Vote for whomever the Democratic presidential nominee is. Vote for whomever is the Democratic nominee for your Senate and your governor. It doesn't fucking matter who they are, as long as they're Democrats because the GOP actively works against facts and truth.
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jerseydeanne · 4 years
Looks like Trump wins again with this impeachment scam.
Nancy Pelosi can hold onto her articles of impeachment forever for all anyone cares
By David Marcus
This week’s impeachment of President Trump came and went like a sun shower on a warm spring day. It was a slight annoyance, but once it passed, the country got back to its picnic of jobs, record stock-market highs and consumer confidence. For all of the Democrats’ pantomiming about the gravity of the moment, their party line vote had all the impact of a beanbag. So now, the articles of impeachment will move to the Senate for a trial. Or will they?
The latest twist in this reality show is that Speaker Nancy Pelosi is now not sure when or if she will send them to the Senate. She, along with the anti-Trump media, seems to think that by withholding them they can force Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to cave and demand that White House officials testify. A puzzled McConnell tried to explain that you can’t get leverage by refusing to give someone something they don’t want.
Let’s be clear. Senate Republicans would be thrilled if Pelosi just shoved the articles into the back of a closet in the speaker’s office next to a disregarded carton of Camels left by John Boehner.
The GOP-held Senate has become a well-oiled conservative-judge machine, churning out jurists like a factory assembly line. It has no desire for an impeachment coffee break to vote on a matter everyone has already made up their minds on.
But the president, progressives argue, is desperate for a trial. He wants his victory lap when the inevitable acquittal drops. This is supposedly Pelosi’s vaunted leverage.
Unfortunately, that’s based on a naïve reading of a trolly Trump tweet. Here’s what he said: “So after the Democrats gave me no Due Process in the House, no lawyers, no witnesses, no nothing, they now want to tell the Senate how to run their trial. Actually, they have zero proof of anything, they will never even show up. They want out. I want an immediate trial!”
Many in the media are latching onto that last phrase, “I want an immediate trial!” as evidence that Pelosi has him right where she wants him and can extract demands from the Senate to call witnesses.
Yet this is a deep misunderstanding of who Trump is and where he comes from. Trump is from Queens, where insults are the coin of the realm; this tweet is not about demanding a trial, it’s about calling Democrats cowards.
Note that just a few minutes later, Trump tweeted this: “The House Democrats were unable to get even a single vote from the Republicans on their Impeachment Hoax. The Republicans have never been so united! The Dem’s case is so bad that they don’t even want to go to trial!”
This is the political equivalent of a guy in Astoria saying, “I’m here, you wanna throw hands?” during an argument over a parking space.
The important thing to remember here is that this is a win-win situation for President Trump. Would he like to be acquitted by the Senate? Sure.
But arguably better for him is a scenario in which no trial takes place and his impeachment becomes an asterisk that is all bluster and no bite.
If Pelosi sits on the articles, it’s a massive win for the president. It is in essence an admission by Pelosi and House Democrats that they did not make the case for impeachment, and that not only will the Senate not convict but the American people will continue to roll their eyes.
Mitch McConnell is about as likely to bend to Pelosi’s demands as David Mamet is to write a play without cursing. That is to say, some things never change. The speaker, as the saying goes, can pound sand. Her and Sen. Chuck Schumer’s wishlist of witnesses for their fishing expedition will not be doing any star turns on the Senate floor.
So the Democrats have two choices: send along the articles or fold their hand. If they do the former, Trump’s vindication will be complete with his acquittal. If they do the latter, he will be vindicated by their cowardice. Both of these are great results for the president and Republicans.
Impeachment has become a field of landmines Democrats buried for themselves, and they are in the middle of it. There is no way out that doesn’t go boom and leave them charred and scarred.
David, Bravo for a great and entertaining piece, He’s right this is a win for Trump as much as we like to see the trial and burn their delusional asses. 
How can the Dems claim victory, it’s never a victory when you hold a gun to the heads of moderate democrats that wanted to vote no on impeachment.  We heard about the threats they gave members. Hell, we heard from Tulsi how bad her party treated her for not toeing the line.  Marianne Williamson was poorly treated too. 
Impeachment was a bust George Soros, I guess your shredding evidence as we speak, I think the Patriots are coming for you!  Your plans to rule the world are bubkus, you delusional fuck!  The EU is starting to wake up and declare, We can’t stand it anymore! Taking to the streets to tell you what they really think. The Great Awakening! It’s a beautiful thing.
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brainpickings · 4 years
Updating Some Fascist Bullshit on the Trump Pandemic
The following timeline has been posted on several fascist website as proof that Trump has been doing a good job in protecting America from the Trump Pandemic or COVID19. By my account and research I believe that 54% of it is false or misleading. So I went though it and added some key missing information. The original postings have the American date stamps and my research and comments are in italics and European date stamps
Here is the factual timeline for the Trump administration's handling of COVID-19. Might want to keep this handy...
Dec 31: China announces they are investigating a “pneumonia outbreak” in Wuhan
1 January 20 – CDC to check flights from Wuhan to downplay SARS rumors
3 January 20 – CDC is alerted to the Wuhan pneumonia
3 January 20 – Trump learns about COVID19 from intelligence officials
3 January 20 – Trump holds a rally in Miami
4 January 20 – Trump plays golf
4 January 20 – WHO reports on social media that there is a cluster of pneumonia cases with no deaths in Wuhan
5 January 20 – WHO publishes a technical paper on what China has reported about the cluster
5 January 20 – WHO begins to monitor the outbreak
5 January 20 – Trump plays golf
6 January 20 – WHO reports that China tells them there is no evidence of human to human transmission and that SARS is not virus
Jan 6: CDC issues travel advisory for Wuhan. (this is wrong it was a travel NOTICE) (There is a difference between a notice and an official advisory.)
Jan 7: CDC established an Incident Management System (just 7 days later) (The CDC can do this without a president telling them to)
8 January 20 – CDC issues an official health advisory about COVID-19
9 January 20 – Trump goes to rally
10 January 20 - Former Trump Homeland Security Advisor Tom Bossert warns that we shouldn’t “jerk around with ego politics” because “we face a global health threat…Coordinate!”
Jan 11: CDC tweets about corona related “pneumonia outbreak in China” Jan 14: WHO Tells Everyone Don’t Worry Because China Says Coronavirus is NOT Contagious (This is false WHO warns that this new virus could spread and warns hospitals worldwide.)
14 January 20 – Trump goes to a rally Jan 17: CDC sent 100+ staffers to specific US airports to screen travelers who have been in Wuhan (only to three airports in NY & CA)
18 January 20 - After two weeks of attempts, HHS Secretary Alex Azar finally gets the chance to speak to Trump about the virus. The president redirects the conversation to vaping.
18 January 20 – Trump plays golf
19 January 20 – Trump plays golf
19 January 20 – first US case is confirmed Jan 21: CDC activated its Emergency Operations Center (just 3 weeks later) Jan 21: First case in US for someone who traveled directly from Wuhan.
21 January 20 – China confirms human to human transmission of Wuhan virus, WHO announces emergency meeting.
21 January 20 - Dr. Nancy Messonnier, the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Disease at the CDC tells reporters, “We do expect additional cases in the United States.”
22 January 20 – a reporter asks if there are “worries about a pandemic” Trump’s response; “No. Not at all. And we have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s – going to be just fine.”
22/23 January 20 – WHO Emergency Committee tries to “assess whether the outbreak constituted an” international “public health emergency. Independent members from around the world could not reach a consensus based upon the evidence available at the time.” Jan 23: WHO again says NO human to human transmission outside of China. (Completely false, see January 21 statement)
24 January 20 – Trump tweet: China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out will. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi! Jan 27: WHO raises alert level but is still saying China has it contained. (No creditable sources for this statement, no major newspapers or the WHO timeline carry this statement however at least six fascist websites carry this statement)
27 January 20 - Top White House aides meet with Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney to encourage greater focus on the threat from the virus. Joe Grogan, head of the White House Domestic Policy Council warns that “dealing with the virus was likely to dominate life in the United States for many months.”
28 January 20 – Trump goes to a rally Jan 29: President established Presidential Task Force--BEFORE THE THING EVEN HAD A NAME (It has a name, see trump tweet on January 24, what it does not have is an official scientific name because science takes time.) Jan 30: State Dept issued a Do Not Travel warning to China. (still less than ONE month after initial announcement from China). Jan 30: WHO announced the Coronavirus is a public health emergency of international global concern. In short, BEFORE the WHO even announced its “global concern,” the administration was working on his response for almost a month, and had already established a Presidential task force.
30 January 20 – Trump goes to a rally in Iowa saying; “We think we have it very well under control. We have very little problem in this country at this moment – five…we think it’s going to have a very good ending for it.” 31 January 20 – Trump issues his Proclamation on Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Persons who Pose a Risk of Transmitting 2019 Novel Coronavirus Jan. 31: To the left's cries of “RACISM!”, the President proactively suspended entry of foreign nationals who’d been to China in the last 14 days. (The proclamation does not apply to, lawful permanent residents, alien spouses, alien parents, alien children, any alien traveling as a nonimmigrant, or any alien coming at the request of the government, therefore only Chinese citizens coming to visit America will be restricted. So yeah, it’s a bit racist because it doesn’t quarantine everyone who needs to be quarantined.) Jan. 31: The president issued quarantines, and through Secretary Azar, declared a public health emergency for the entire nation.
1 February 20 – Trump plays golf 2 February 20 – Trump tells Fox News host Sean Hannity, “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.” Feb 4: President Trump talks about coronavirus in his State of the Union address; Pelosi rips up every page. (I read the speech twice and never saw one mention of the virus.) Feb 5: The Senate votes to acquit President Trump on both articles of impeachment, 52-48 and 53-47. (I thought this was supposed to be a Trump/COVID19 timeline) Feb 5: House Democrats FINALLY take up coronavirus in the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia.
5 February 20 – Democratic Senators propose emergency funding bill  to prepare for the virus, Trump’s administration says no thanks. Feb 5: Chuck Schumer in a tweet continues to call Trumps’ travel ban from China “premature.” Feb 5: Democrats, media, Biden calls Trump xenophobic over reacting racist starting war on immigrants, fear mongering
7 February 20 – Trump praises Pres. Xi response to the virus and predicts that China will stop the outbreak. Feb 7th Both Pelosi and Deblasio calls Trump racist for ban, encourages people to go to Chinatown, use subway, and go to concerts. Feb 7: White House’s Coronavirus Task Force gives press briefing. Feb 9: White House Coronavirus Task Force meets with all governors regarding virus.
10 February 20 – Trump goes to a rally Feb 11: WHO named the virus COVID-19. LET THAT SINK IN.(One more time for those on the short bus, science takes time, a virus knocks on the door and then science checks it, double checks it, triple checks it and then tells the world. Then the world starts checking it and until a international consensus is reached it doesn’t get named.)
The Trump administration’s first response --- a week after the initial announcement---was when the virus had NOT even been named by the World Health Organization yet. It was NOT named until Day 42.  Meanwhile, the CDC, NIH, FEMA, FDA, HHS, the DOD, and All the agencies of OUR scientific community have already been working feverishly to sequence the RNA of the virus to get its proteins, its messenger RNA sequenced, and get a vaccine going. Feb 12: CDC waiting for approval from Chinese for CDC team to travel to China... China says No (Gee I wonder why? Could it be because Trump has been extremely critical of China multiple times? For no reason other than political gain.) Feb 12: HHS announces partnership to develop vaccine.
14 February 20 – Trump tells the Border Patrol Council; "We have a very small number of people in the country, right now, with it. It’s like around 12. Many of them are getting better. Some are fully recovered already. So we’re in very good shape."
15 February 20 – Trump plays golf
19 February 20 – Trump goes to a rally says “it’s going to work out fine”
20 February 20 – Trumps goes to a rally in Colorado Springs Feb 21: Italy identifies its very first case in their country. (wrong just wrong, Italy confirms its first death on this day) Feb 21: CDC tweets that it is working with States for preparedness. (correct)
21 February 20 – Trump goes to a rally Feb 24: Trump sent letter to Congress asking for $25B for virus effort. (wrong, the request was for $1.25B) Feb 24: Nancy Pelosi made a stop in Chinatown and encouraged people to “please come and visit and enjoy Chinatown.”(At this point, so fucking what, there is no national stay at home order & San Francisco won’t issue such an order until March 16th.) Feb. 24: The President unveiled the initial plan. (Redundant read the second statement up)
24 February 20 – Trump tweets: The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me! Feb 25: There is still no reported community spread in the US!!! (Per CDC tweet.) 
(The full tweet; “Currently there are very few cases of #COVID19 in the US & no reported community spread. But as more countries see community spread, successful containment becomes harder and the CDC is preparing for community spread in the US. (in other words…it’s coming motherfuckers)
25 February 20 – Trump at a news conference in India says that the virus is “well under control” and that there are very few people with it.”
27 February 20 – Trumps says “One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
28 February 20 -  Total countries with confirmed cases 56, total number of cases 84,090, deaths 2,874
Yet, according to the leadership of the other party, Our President has failed us. Following OVER A MONTH of response—they’re accusing our president of failing us. Yes, TDS is real... Feb. 26: President Trump appointed VP Mike Pence to head the whole of government response. That appointment is in keeping with the 2015 Obama-era Blue Ribbon Panel on Biodefense.
26 February 20 – Trumps says “Within a couple of weeks it will be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done.” Feb 27: First community transmission in US. (actually it was on the 26th) Feb 27: Trump appoints Pence to coordinate efforts. (I thought he did that yesterday?)
28 February 20 – Trump goes to a rally Feb 29: 60 days after the Chinese announcement, the US sadly lost its first victim to COVID-19.
2 March 20 – Trump goes to a rally in Charlotte
9 March 20 – Trump tweets: The fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, is doing everything within its semi-considerable power (it used to be greater!) to inflame the CoronaVirus situation, far beyond what the facts would warrant. Surgeon General, “the risk is low to the average American.”
7 March 20 – Trump refuses to talk with Pelosi, so she works with Mnuchin to craft a relief bill
7 March 20 – Trump says; “No I’m not concerned at all. We’ve done a great job.”
7 March 20 – Trump plays golf
8 March 20 – Trump plays golf
10 March 20 – Trump says; “and it will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.” March 11: WHO declares COVID-19 to be a global "pandemic." 11 March 20 – Trump in an address from the Oval Office FALSELY says that the health insurance industry has “agreed to waive all co-payments for coronavirus treatments.” In reality, getting tested would be free, but treatment would not be covered. This is the first time he admitted that COVID19 might be a problem.
13 March 20 - 121 countries have confirmed cases totaling 142,095 with 5,373 deaths
13 March 20 – Trump declares COVID19 a national emergency and says “No, I don’t take any responsibility at all.”
18 March 20 – Trump declares himself a “wartime president”
29 March 20 – Trump says; “If we have between 100,000 & 200,000 deaths we’ve done a very good job.”
So, 53 days BEFORE the US lost a single life to this disease, The Administration was already working diligently to protect our country... (Diligently? Perhaps the deep state government was working diligently but not Trump at best he jumped onto the bandwagon on March 11, 2020. Also this post begins on December 31 and ends on March 11, 2020 so unless my math is wrong it would be 62 days before the first US death.) Sadly the U.S. WILL lose lives to this virus--but as noted by an Obama appointee and former director of the CDC Tom Friedman, “had the President NOT responded so quickly, we would not have been prepared as we are, and more lives would’ve been lost” (I cannot confirm this quote to either Thomas Friedman the NYT moron or to Dr. Thomas Frieden the actual former CDC director. Dr. Frieden it must be noted has been very critical of the Trump administrations response to COVID19. I have however found this quote on several conservative blogs leading me to believe it’s a bullshit quote.) It is helpful to look at the actual timeline. All of this happened BEFORE the 1st death in U.S. (wrong, the first US death from COVID19 was on March 1 in Washington state.So not all of this happened before the first US death but most of it did like 86% of it.)
most of this info are from CDC tweets so anyone can look it up to check for accuracy. (most of this information is not from the CDC tweets, I read them.)
There were many more actions in between, I just took some highlights. Fact check it to see how accurate this is. Nobody's excusing anyone, just checking the timeline.
 Brainpicking Notes: Most of my sources where: CDC twitter account, CNN Coronavirus timeline, thinkglobalhealth.org, vox news, Politifact.com (verified with second sources), WHO timeline, covid19-archive.com, whitehouse.gov
 On March 30, 2020 Trump told Fox News that “We inherited a broken test" for COVID-19.” Really? How? Since no test existed before this virus jumped to humans and every country in the world entered a race to develop one who in the fuck could you have inherited it from?
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olympus-summit · 4 years
Learning Is Fundamental | Evren | Re: Ryu, Menai, Nezumi, Mitsu, Adelina ATTN: Everyone
With this group, it really shouldn't be surprised that everything takes the turn it does. Evren watches in uncomfortable silence, for the most part. Nothing here really sits right with him, not a bit of it, and the way people are reacting and speaking doesn't help. Some of them seem to be suffering from selective hearing, others have decided this is now a philosophical debate, god he kind of wishes Sabine had successfully offed Nezumi just so the case would be straightforward. And how awful is that.
Ryu's blunt statement that he'd suspected him fails to get any reaction beyond Evren rolling his eyes, unsurprised and unimpressed. From the moment he'd seen the glove in the trash can he'd figured he'd be on the list of anyone else who'd seen it. Hell, Rusty had given him the side-eye right then and there, hence his promptly offering himself up for examination. It doesn't matter now anyway. All that matters is solving this, if that's even possible. At least Menai seems to get what he was trying to say, and he gives them a nod of appreciation for that. Solid head on their shoulders, that one. Nezumi says... a lot of words. Lotta words comin' out of that guy right now, and Evren can't help thinking he'd be making his case better if he wasn't being such an absolute douchewaffle about it. Like, it's not even that there isn't an argument to be made it's that his vibes have gone from 'Sketchy and Unpleasant' to 'Profoundly Putrid' in no time flat. His whole attitude is inviting the knee-jerk reaction to disagree with him no matter what he says, exclusively on the basis of his being a slimeball. So Evren can't really fault Tenko for what she says, even if it's kind of at odds with the reality of the situation. Which feels like it's getting more bogged down by the second. Evren listens, he watches, he frowns when Shinobu says something that hints at... stuff, probably, he doesn't know what and this isn't the place to ask.  At least Adelina saying 'bullshit' is kind of a bright spot in the darkness. Evren will cherish that moment. 
"Okay so. Not for nothing but it kinda feels like Nezumi's biggest defense here is that he can't have murdered her because he's too smart not to get away with it if he did. Like that's literally his argument, just that he would've done a better job of clean-up, except that doesn't... actually work, because this wouldn't have been a pre-meditated murder on his part. He didn't plan it, he got caught by surprise, allegedly, and once he got stabbed there's basically no way he could have avoided being implicated no matter how good his clean-up job was. You can't un-stab your hand. And please no one bring up covering it with make-up again because unless you're an expert make-up artist that's not gonna work too well and also smearing make-up into an open wound is a great way to get a staph infection, don't fucking do that, gross. Anyway, we should also consider that if he didn't think Sabine was actually dead or dying, he would've had no reason to clean up - but that doesn't necessarily mean he didn't intentionally give her the head wound. We've all just been assuming the saxophone fell on her when she bumped into the rack, but we don't actually know that. We only have his word for it. Could just as easily be the case that he picked it up after it fell and walloped her with it when she wouldn't stop getting stabby at him. I'm not actually saying this because I'm biased, maybe he's telling the truth, he could be, my point is just that we don't know."
And they have no real way of finding out. God he wishes he'd thought to stage some recreations when they had the chance, but he doubts the Fates would let them go run a few now. He grips the arms of his throne tightly, shooting a tired look around the room.
"By the way, just so we can avoid accidental issues like this as much as possible in the future, let me give you all a little Head Injury 101. First, if someone is knocked out by a blow to the head, they have a concussion. Period. Yes, always. Media has lied to you, I'm sorry you had to find out this way. Second, concussions are serious injuries. Always. Again, media has lied to you, I'm sorry. A concussion is literally an injury to your brain. There's no such thing as 'just' a concussion, there's a reason you're supposed to go to a hospital any time you get one to be examined and monitored. If someone has a concussion severe enough to have knocked them unconscious, there's a pretty good chance they could die. Really cannot overstate how badly movies have downplayed this."
There, hopefully people would keep that in mind if anymore of these physical altercations went down.
"Also I got no idea what people are talking about with this something being burned on the stove thing. Didn't notice anything like that when my group was in the kitchen either, and frankly Nezumi refusing to say what it is doesn't sit well. But like neither does anything else that's come out of his mouth in the last hour, so whatever." He sighs, heavily, and rubs at his forehead. God it has been. A supremely exhausting morning.
"Okay, so, maybe I'm just tired but... Mitsu is actually making sense. If Nezumi really only acted in self-defense, then despite him being an obnoxious clown, he shouldn't be considered guilty. That doesn't mean the Fates would agree, who even knows what their warped reasoning here is, but yeah, in an actual real trial, he'd be acquitted. I don't trust him for a second and I don't really like the idea of risking my life for him, but here's how I see it...
If we vote for Nezumi and he's guilty, he gets executed. That's not really fair since Sabine attacked him first, but it is what it is. If we vote for Nezumi and he's not guilty, one of us gets executed. Ditto if we vote for Sabine and she's not guilty. But. If we vote for Sabine and she is the right answer... Mitsu's right, that's the best case scenario. In three out of these four options, someone dies. And at this point I'm still not sure what the actual right answer is. I don't trust Nezumi, I don't trust that everything went down the way he said it did... but either way I don't think he should die. Go to fucking court mandated therapy for sure, but not die. So if there is a chance that Sabine is who our benevolent arbitrators hold accountable, we should vote for her. Guess I wasted a lot of breath getting to that point. But I'm there now. Here we are. Cannot fucking believe it."
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yourpharma360 · 4 years
How Ambien Works ?
The Ambien defense was also utilized in the event of Julie Ann Bronson, a flight attendant from Texas.  Bronson took a few Ambien to help her sleep.  She went to bed early, and was drinking wine earlier in the afternoon.  She awakened in jail, still in her pajamas, barefoot and terrified.  She was horrified when she had been told that she had run such as an 18-month-old woman who suffered severe brain damage as a result of the mess.  "It was surreal.  It was just like a bad dream."  In May of 2012, Bronson pleaded guilty to the felonies of intoxication assault and failure to stop and render aid.  "I did the crime but I never planned to do it," she testified.  "I wouldn't hurt a flea.  And if I would have hit on somebody, I'd have stopped and helped.   Ten decades bronson faced, but as a result of this Ambien defense, she will serve six months in prison and have ten years of probation.
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It was only in Patrick Kennedy's 2006 middle-of-the-night vehicle accident and explanation to arriving officers that he had been running late to get a vote the eccentric side effects of Ambien began to receive national attention.  Kennedy claimed the sleeping aid had been obtained by him and had no recollection of those events and Buy Ambien Online Overnight .
On March 29, 2009, 45, Robert Stewart, stormed to the Pinelake Health and Rehab nursing home in Carthage, North Carolina and opened fire, killing eight people and wounding two.  Stewart target was his estranged wife, who was employed as a nurse.  She hid in a bathroom and was unharmed.   Though there was evidence that Stewart's actions were premeditated (he allegedly had a target), Stewart's defense team successfully argued that since he was under the effect of Ambien, a sleep aid, at the time of the shooting, he was not in control of his activities.  Instead of the fees Stewart was convicted on eight counts of second-degree murder.  142 -- 179 years was received by him.
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As a result of this Schweigert verdict, an attorney used the Ambien defense by asserting his client's arrest had been shifted six months following by the drug's labeling to overturn a 2006 DWI conviction for a New Jersey woman.  The court agreed, stating it would be an"injustice to hold her accountable for the side effects of a popular and readily available medication that she was lawfully prescribed and properly handled." Not many prosecutors will consider the Ambien defense, and its position within criminal rules that are established is tenuous.  It doesn't actually fall under"voluntary intoxication," in which somebody is responsible for their intoxication and some other events that happen as a consequence of that intoxication.  The Ambien defendants took the medication, but they weren't aware they were drugging themselves in a means that could produce anything other.   The defendants knowingly took the medicine, because they're recorded as potential side effects in the information, and also the responses weren't unpredictable.  In the end, there's the"unconsciousness/sleepwalking" defense, where the individual is not responsible for the crime if he did not intentionally cause the sleepwalking or unconsciousness.  So that this defense does not really apply the whole motivation for taking Ambien at the first area is to create unconsciousness.
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After its approval, Ambien Dose rose to dominance in the sleep aid industry.  Travelers declared by it to fight jet lag, and girls, who suffer more insomnia purchased it.  Sanofi, the French manufacturer of Ambien, made $2 billion in earnings in its summit.  In 2007 Ambien's generic version was published, Zolpidem, and in less than $2 a tablet, it remains among the most prescribed medications in the usa, outselling painkillers such as prescription and Percocet strength ibuprofen. Not everyone who engages in bizarre behavior of accepting Ambien as a result ends up in trouble.  And a few people today enjoy the large they get from the drug so much they are willing to miss the blackouts and effects that result.  Recreational users started out taking the drug to treat insomnia, but discovered that if they fought the sleep-inducing effect of the drug, they could get really high.  "It's like having that drink in the pub when you realize you need to go home -- I would combat the pill's effects and stay up, often telling my friends mad things like how to turn the light inside the room in energy, or the way that paintings of forest scenes in their walls were actually drawings of mermaids bathing themselves into blood," writes one young woman whose dependence on Ambien caused increasingly bizarre and alienating behavior.  She continued staying awake regularly until one morning she awakened with a cut and two black eyes across her nose and taking the pill.  Her cushions were bloody, and a stranger was, wrapped in a rug, on her floor and naked.   This situation jarring, was not sufficient to get her to give Ambien up; the high was too good.   It wasn't until she was discovered wandering the Brooklyn streets in the middle of the night, almost nude, that she managed to give it up.
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Ironically, you are likely to succeed with the Ambien defense should you injure or kill someone than if you crash into a car or a tree.  DWI laws just need the prosecution to show that the defendant got and was loaded into a vehicle to drive.  There's no requirement.  When someone is hurt, nevertheless, it is up to the prosecutor to demonstrate that the suspect was conscious enough to become guilty of the crime.  It's hard to claim that they have knowledge of their actions, if people on Ambien are behaving in an automatic, or unconscious state.  That's why people prefer Lindsey Schweigert get permits while Donna Neely, that was sleep-driving on Ambien and murdered a mother of 11, was acquitted of vehicular manslaughter. Tiger Woods was also famously associated with Ambien when one of his mistresses claimed that she and the golfer could have"crazy Ambien sex"  Ambien reduces inhibitions and erases memories, an perfect combination for someone who's cheating on his spouse.  The buzz created by the drug seems to boost sex.  One girl described feeling"quite relaxed and sensuous" when she had sex on Ambien.  "I suddenly have floaty energy.  .  I am tired, but lively.  It's almost like I'm at a state.  I could compare it somewhat to weed, but nothing I've done really contrasts, in all honesty."
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Lindsey Schweigert took one Ambien Sleeping Pills  prior to getting into bed at 6pm.  She woke up with no idea how she'd gotten there.  In the following weeks, Schweigert pieced together the events of the night.  She'd gotten out of bed, drawn a tub, and left the house.  After leaving her house she began driving to a local restaurant but crashed shortly.  She was explained by police as glassy-eyed and swaying.   The flipside to Ambien's supposed attributes is the fact that it's becoming increasingly used as a date rape drug.  Actually, the single case of"sleep-sex" that appeared at an 2008 medical journal review of case reports on Ambien-related sleep behaviors involved the Ambien taker being raped.  The identical absence of inhibition together with amnesia which makes it possible for people indulge in behavior that is dishonest, to commit offenses, and also have sex on Ambien is an ideal formulation for a sexual predator.  Ambien is also readily accessible and more widely accessible than rohypnol, the drug related to date rape.
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Schweigert had.  She had never been in trouble with the law and was scared of losing her job and having a criminal record.  Prosecutors initially wanted to inflict a six month jail sentence as well as other punishments, but Schweigert's lawyer contended that Lindsey's bizarre behaviour on the night in question was a result of a drug which cautioned right on the tag that"After taking AMBIEN, you may get up from bed whilst not being completely awake and perform an activity that you do not understand you are doing.   In fact, the attorney argued, Schweigert must have been taken to jail, not to a hospital.  Prosecutors dropped the charges and enabled Lindsey to plead to the lesser charge.  
Shortly Ambien users resisted Sanofi because of eccentric behaviours while.  Based on attorney for the class action suit, Susan Chana Lask, folks were eating things like buttered eggs and cigarettes, complete with all the shells, while under the sway of Ambien.   He blames Ambien, but for lapses in his memory within five decades and an extended period of writer's block.  "...a great deal of my memory is gone.  If you've ever taken Ambien, I don't know, but it's kind of a memory-eraser.  This shit wiped out five decades of my life.  People might tell me stories, and it's like,"I did that?"   Eminem has maintained a few of his writing from this period, confessing to Rolling Stone that"It fucking out me...Letters all down the page -- it was like my hands weighed 400 pounds.  I have that shit.  As a reminder that I don't ever wish to go back."
Final Words
A part of the category of drugs known as hypnotics, ambien, was accepted by the FDA in 1992.  It was designed for short-term use to fight insomnia and was a welcome change in the prevailing sleep aid at the moment, Halcion, which had been implicated in psychosis, suicide, and addiction and had been banned in half a dozen countries.  Ambien works by activating the neurotransmitter GABA and binding it at precisely the exact same place as the benzodiazepines such as Xanax and Valium.  The extra GABA action triggered by the drug inhibits.  To put it differently, the brain is slowed down by it.  Ambien is effective at initiating sleep working within 20 minutes.  Unless it's taken in the release type, it does not, however, have an impact on sustaining sleep.
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ilovebooksnanimals · 3 years
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#Adamkinzinger joins #lizcheney W democrats to find out what happened jan6 n where did everything fail Everyone knew sht was gonna pop off sht there was signs all over the Internet yet it was missed While #KevinMcCarthy n #MitchMcconnell didn't want the bipartisan committee to investigate but they do wanna blame #NancyPelosi they fucked up cuz she has been asking for a investigation into jan6 unlike them #KevinMcCarthy who got together w trump to pick the judge n jury but all of congress r witnesses sht American public r witnesses we all saw it happen just like we saw 9/11 happen N we had the 9/11 committee to look into that so that it could never happen again Sn who gets together w the person who maybe behind jan6 to get there stories str8 that's like Bin Laden getting together with 9/11 committee to discuss what made him do it n to defend with them the terrorists Ijs https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rawstory.com/amp/adam-kinzinger-2653957192-2653957192 https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/07/21/politics/fact-check-jim-jordan-nancy-pelosi-january-6-security/index.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/news.yahoo.com/amphtml/mccarthy-opposes-911-jan-6-capitol-riot-commission-144151040.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_60a52b9ae4b03e1dd39182c4/amp https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/mitch-mcconnell-speech-transcript-after-vote-to-acquit-trump-in-2nd-impeachment-trial/amp https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/kevin-mccarthy-speech-transcript-as-house-debates-2nd-trump-impeachment/amp https://www.instagram.com/p/CRw05y0MoJs/?utm_medium=tumblr
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