#and i actually should be studying instead
utilitycaster · 13 hours
RE: Ruidusborn superstition - It's weird because Matt has had several opportunities to make it about persecution and hasn't. Laura could've made it a stronger point in her backstory with Gelvaan and didn't. This rounding up Ruidusborn and throwing them in jail is a theoretical crime that a bad guy in a cult told them might happen. 
Dealing with the unfair persecution of non Vanguard Ruidusborn in the fallout of this could be interesting to explore, but a) it hasn’t happened yet and b) still entirely the fault of the Vanguard for, ya know, all the crime. I just don’t get why some folks aren’t exploring the actual interesting conflict in front of them (i.e. being tied to something inherently destructive, your parent using you as a justification for her crimes, etc.) and instead make it about some secret twist coming that will totally make Liliana and the Vanguard “correct” actually in order to (I assume?) justify Imogen’s brief consideration of them and dunk on Orym for having the audacity to not be objective about the organization that killed his family.
Hey anon,
This is a very good point re: the actual conflicts present. I know I've been guilty of going hard on Liliana and the thing is I do find her a profoundly compelling and sympathetic villain. I think she was placed in an impossible position by Predathos imbuing her with troubling and at times painful powers; that despite having good intentions with regards to the nature of Ruidus (there is a lot of value in both studying it and in concealing its nature, depending on your perspective) people other than Ludinus were unable to give her answers and so she was easy prey for his cult; and she has since been driven by these motivations so far down the road of the Ruby Vanguard that even when the daughter she has believed herself for so long to be protecting tries to give her an out and asks her why she's doing this, she can't answer but is terrified of leaving. She is very sympathetic. She is very much a villain. And yes, I'll cover Orym in a second.
The following is, by necessity due to the nature of what I want to discuss, going to touch on some real-world politics though mostly in the sense of abstract strategy with very few specific actual positions. I want to note that we are talking about a fictional work here, and while I do have some presumptions regarding the people advocating for the Vanguard, they are just that - presumptions. I will only say that if this is how the people advocating for the Vanguard engage with people in real-world activism (if they partake in that in the first place), this may be a revealing insight into why they are perhaps less than successful.
Every argument in favor of killing the gods ultimately presupposes killing the gods is correct. They are all, ultimately, either tautological (we should kill the gods because they are deserving of death) and assume that the only objective conclusion is "we should kill the gods", therefore anything other than "we should kill the gods" cannot be objective.
I may be repeating myself since I've said this a lot since the last episode but: there as a truly bone-chilling lack of empathy in thestatement that Orym needs to stop bringing up his dead family and get over it and be objective (read: agree with the premise that the gods should be killed). Actually, if you are a person capable of perceiving others as people, you will likely realize that it is cruel and absurd to expect someone to say "this group murdered my family, but because they did so with the correct motivations, I shall stop mentioning it." As you indicated, it's bizarre that Orym is expected to set the wholesale murder - deliberately set up with no hope of resurrection, just to twist the knife - aside, but Imogen is never expected to set aside the (let's face it, extremely tenuous, given that Liliana's been absent for over a quarter-century) feelings about her mother, a person who recruits child soldiers, turned Vax into an orb, and is a general in the death cult that murdered Orym's husband and father. Like, in a real-world scenario, someone in Orym's position very well might have just left over this. Your friends keep failing to consider your trauma? Perhaps it's time to, painful as it may be, find friends who will be sensitive. [I don't want to focus on the shipping or character dynamic aspects with that particularly argument against Orym, but this is a fictional work and I do think another running theme in all sorts of discourse is that you do not need to justify your ships as logical, and when you do, you really do sound like "why doesn't Ross, the largest friend, simply eat all the other friends." There are logical reasons why Orym might not want to talk with, for example, Fearne or Ashton; but also the heart wants what it wants, and again, if you aren't truly ignorant about the way human psychology works you have to acknowledge that.]
Before I move on to other items I want to note I've as of late seen attempts not just to discredit Orym but to pathologize his behavior as self-harming or moral OCD or a failure to get fully over grief (again, an expectation that is not just devoid of empathy but also sets the standard of 'get over grief' as "agrees with me") and not just "hey, this group killed my husband and father in front of me and I understandably will not budge on this particular front. So there's also a growing ableist push, here, because someone doesn't agree with you and will not agree with you and also might want to kiss someone different than whom you want them to kiss.
As of late, the banner of those wronged by the gods has shifted from any of Bells Hells to those of Aeor, and that is a bad sign in a D&D campaign. If you need to set aside the PCs in order to rely on NPCs who have not shown up in the current narrative? You are clinging to a melting iceberg, my man. (More so after invoking FCG as one of the victims of Aeor's demise, rather than someone created to be used for malicious purposes by Aeor; and even more so after they destroyed themself specifically in heroic sacrifice to save the rest of the party from a Vanguard general.). But more seriously, the focus on Aeor feels reminiscent of advocacy for the unborn; or, to take a page from my own personal experiences and move this back into a fandom realm, the way people will frequently more loudly decry antisemitism for depictions of goblins than for, say, the fact that I don't know of an American synagogue that hasn't experienced a bomb threat in the past 10 years. It's very easy to advocate for corpses or fetuses over the living, or for fictional characters over real people who might be less than perfect. Much easier to ensure they never do such inconvenient things as disagree with you or have their own suggestions or be complicated. It hearkens back to some of the conversations I and others had earlier this campaign about a denial of agency because by making characters victims "stripped of choice," (always that phrasing) suddenly they can't do wrong. They make for a shit story, but at least you can feel morally pure about your flavorless cardboard that ultimately means nothing in-world or out. (And if they don't have agency, that means your morality pet can't run away. Or blow themselves up in a stunning rejection of your argument.)
Returning to the Vanguard: an ongoing discussion in activist spaces (and internet ones as well) is that there's a weird ignorance of optics as an important factor in activism. I know it seems frustrating - why can't people just see that this cause is just - but optics have always been a crucial part of any successful movement. I mean, even if you do believe that we need to do more to combat climate change - and I do - my, and most people's response to the environmental activists who keep throwing soup or paint on artwork is "ugh, this again?" I mean, functionally, while the cause is far more just, it's not terribly distinct from the weird-ass He Gets Us ad campaign; most people are going to say "and you're doing this instead of anything helpful...why?" The Vanguard's optics SUCK. Sure, they've fomented some unrest, but it is an unfortunate truth that the vast majority of people will prefer the inherent violence of a stable system that they are used to over violent unrest. For a successful coup or radical change, either you need to strike at the seat of power extremely quickly or you need to show that you are the more, for lack of a better term, civilized option, and the Vanguard has failed utterly in both these. You're going to get a few places like Hearthdell (though, really, how long will that last given that they got rid of the temple without a scrap of help from Ludinus) but you're going to get a lot of places where city dwellers say "ugh, these stupid crystals are so fucking loud, could this motherfucker shut up" and you're also going to get no shortage of places that say "my family member was taken in by this cult" or "these guys murdered my professor". The rightness or wrongness of the Vanguard's politics aside, a lot of people in-world are likely to side with Orym - these people are murderers who disturb the peace and we should stop them. The cause is lost. Is it, in some absolute sense, fair that people will judge you more for how you convey a message than what the message is? No, although if you convey it in rivers of blood, then, perhaps, yes. But it is, fair or not, often true.
Which brings me back to Orym. I think the reason people are stooping so low specifically to malign and discredit Orym is because he brings all of the above uncomfortably to light. He's aligned with Keyleth, who quite frankly until pretty recently was, within the fandom, partly as (understandable) backlash to the hate she received, and partly because she was, if nothing else, always portrayed as someone deeply attuned to the human costs, treated as a morally infallible authority; and she is no friend to the gods yet still believes their demise is far too great a risk to take. Again, thinking of yourself as Exandria's equivalent of the man on the street (Imahara Joe the Plumber?), are you going to listen to "those people killed my husband and father to prove a hypothesis so that they could tether the moon?" or "my mom, who left me when I was two years old and never came back or sent a letter, is one of those people?" And that's assuming Imogen's even going to make that argument, which, as her actions indicate, she's probably not going to. But most of all I think they really don't like that Orym isn't backing down from "That is the blade that killed my father and husband. She is not right." He's kept to this story the entire time, while the positions of others have evolved. And he's telling the truth. Every time he says this, I think anyone who isn't actually a complete black hole of empathy must confront how much of their humanity they are supressing just to make a poorly-argued point about a D&D show and I'd imagine that can't make one feel very good.
I think people are terrified of Orym's conviction, because he has shown, time and time again, that he is not going to be swayed. I don't think, in fact, that he's going to be swayed by seeing Aeor, should that happen, since Aeor was destroyed a thousand years before he, Will, or Derrig were born, and their murders failed to undo that harm in any way. A really good way to turn people away from your cause, even if it's a good one, is killing those they love. And again, it's fine if you see that position as unfair, or ignorant, or even amoral. It's also extremely true. And I think people realize it's true, given that the only defenses I've seen for Liliana have been "well, but she's Imogen's mother" and "well, it's shockingly easy for people to fall into a cult, because this has happened to my family members." Clearly, we agree that people will place personal connections and the pain of those close to them over ideology. Orym's is just really inconvenient for some people, and so he must be discredited.
In the end: the people in the story who at every turn choose manipulation, indoctrination, violence, subjugation, and conquest are saying "This is the way; you just have to trust me." Is it any surprise most people watching the show are saying "No, I don't think I will"?
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pinkie-satan · 3 days
thinking about how not supporting rhaenyra and her claim to the throne makes you a misogynist in some people's eyes
sorry actually i don't support either rhaenyra or aegon because non of them is a good choice. you have those powerful superhuman race people who control the most dangerous weapons in the world and in order to keep that power to themselves they marry within the family which is the reason for many mental issues. how anybody like that sounds like a good choice for ruling over other people's lives?? i genuinely believe eventual targaryen dynasty extinction is the best thing that happened to seven kingdoms lmao
also i generally don't believe in claims and kings and all that. my type of a ruler is a chosen by the people one, if they come from some royal bloodline, well okay then, but id prefer they didn't
im not saying i hate rhaenyra or aegon, on the contrary, i love them as characters. that's the thing unfortunately, those who have the most power are usually the most interesting ones right? they have the means to change the plot, to make things exciting. and watching their downfall is the best part! i love the corrupted by the power and greed trope, i really do. but it has to be done well (not like deanerys or eren lol)
so yeah im here for a good drama not deciding who should wear the fictional crown. instead of supporting them id rather study them under the microscope if you please
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No Word For Hero
Summary: You love him and the way he will always be your protector, but sometimes facing the truth is the most terrifying thing of all.
Pairing: Din Djarin x fem!Reader
Warnings: Nightmares and discussions of death. The one-two punch of angst and fluffiness all in one. This one is a fair bit more somber than my other Mando stuff.
Another trope I will never ever get tired of -- the "having a nightmare while sleeping with your partner" routine! 🥳 Gets me in my feels every time, particularly with a character like Din who (to me at least) canonically also has frequent nightmares. I first drafted this one a couple summers ago as a result of all my feelings after that big moment in "The Marshal", as I'm sure will be obvious.
*Translations of less common words/phrases in Mando'a at the end
It's coming, exploding up from beneath the billowing sands, looming over everyone, titanic, monstrous, ravenous....
...He turns to you, ever so briefly, tilts his head in that meaningful look you know all too well...that damn look that means he's going to play hero again.
Damn his altruism.
When is he going to stop?
You already know that answer, too. It lurks forever in the back of your mind, awake or asleep, always whispering there, a constant venom ever deepening its grasp around your heart until one day the cold reality finally breaks it.
He'll stop when he finally doesn't come back to you.
When he's at last granted the warrior's death you know he desires.
Only then.
You can't even scream as he disappears down the dragon's throat, too frozen with horror to make a sound....
You bolt upright, gasping for breath, damp hair clinging to your face and tears running down, their salty tang sharp on your lips.
Stupid nightmares.
"Go away," you mutter, rubbing harshly at your eyes. "Just stop."
The cot is small, realistically much too small for two adults, and your distress is painfully evident to the man sharing it with you, whose arm has just been violently dislodged from its place around your torso.
"Bad dream?"
He sounds tired. He hardly ever sleeps through a full night at the best of times, and even then it's rarely a deep sleep.
If the old saying "sleep with one eye open" were actually true, Din would be its personification.
You curse your overactive mind a second time, for disturbing his precious few moments of rest along with your own.
"I'm fine." You don't lie back down, instead pulling your knees up to your chest and wrapping your arms tightly around them. Normally you find his quarters chilly, but the adrenaline coursing through your veins makes the room suddenly feel close and stuffy.
He shifts against you in the dark, no doubt to study your posture. "You don't sound fine."
You sigh. "I will be. You should try and get some sleep, Din."
You hear him lean back into the wall, a long exhale betraying stiffness somewhere in his muscles.
You've offered him the side of the bed that's not right up against the wall, but to your surprise he actually likes to be pressed closely between your body and the solidness of metal at his back.
You suspect it gives him a sense of security in a life that holds so little for him.
"I'm sorry I woke you," you add before he can speak again.
"You didn't." His revelation is cool and distant, as if his lack of rest means nothing to him. "I haven't slept at all tonight."
You turn to stare at him in dismay, only to be met with the void of deep darkness. "Why didn't you --"
"What? Wake you up to tell you I can't sleep?" Somehow you know he's shaking his head at you. "That fixes nothing, Cyar'ika. My sleep was disturbed since long before we met." His voice softens as he reaches for you, his large, comfortingly familiar hand stroking down your side. "But when I have you in my arms, listening to your breathing, I can at least find some peace. And that is often enough."
You let out another shuddering breath and gaze out into the dim compartment, the images from your nightmare replaying over and over behind your eyes like a holovid stuck on loop.
"I think I need some air," you murmur.
"Take my shirt, then." You're grateful he doesn't try to stop you; he knows you were taking care of yourself for a long time before you two struck up your partnership. He trusts you to look out for danger.
"Vor'e, Cyare." You slide from the bed, his fingers trailing away from your hip as you break from his gentle touch. He watches as you blindly take his shirt from the pile of clothes left on the floor and pull it over your head, pausing only to grab a vibroblade before exiting his quarters.
"I'll come back," you promise softly.
And the words sting deep down as they leave your lips, knowing that one day, one of you might not be able to keep that promise.
The night is cool and clear on this planet, and the breeze smells like living growth from the thick woods nearby. It's a far cry from the dust and smoke of so many of the worlds you've stayed on before, and soon you start to calm down, heartbeat returning to normal and perspiration drying at the wind's light touch. Everything is peaceful around you, the night birds calling and water flowing somewhere behind the trees.
Not for the first time, your thoughts stray towards the impossibility of trying to stay somewhere like this place, to drop everything you know and carve out a life on a frontier planet somewhere. You and Din and Grogu, living modestly and secretly away from the prying eyes of the Imperials or the Jedi, pretending at normalcy....
There's the key word.
You've played many parts since you lost your buir so many years ago. Dancer in the clubs of the Core worlds, thief, animal wrangler, pilot, hired gun. You could adapt, you feel fairly certain. It's the skill that's most reliably kept you alive this long.
But Din....
He's so deeply entrenched in his upbringing. His honor, and the hunt, mean everything to him. Whatever else he tries to be, he will always be the Mandalorian first and foremost. The Way runs through his veins, thicker than blood, and the fierce heart of a warrior beats beneath the beskar.
It's why he will ultimately always make sacrifices to keep those under his protection safe.
It's who he is. His identity.
The reason that one day he might not emerge from the belly of the beast in triumph.
And you love him, exactly the way he is. You'd never ask him to change.
But Maker, sometimes the knowledge of what that means hurts deeper than any physical wound.
So you stand there at the edge of the woods and let the tears come, let the sobs wrack your body as you bury yourself deeper in his comforting shirt, praying that the day never comes that all you have left are memories and clothes that smell like him.
Eventually, your grief runs its course and you can breathe once again. The crunch of footsteps in the damp grass warrants a side glance, but as you thought, it's only your beroya, come to check on you, no doubt.
"You've been out here a long time," he remarks.
"Had a lot on my mind."
He encircles you in his arms from behind, chin resting in the dip of your shoulder. You're surprised that he didn't replace his helmet to come out here, but sunrise is still a long way off.
"I'm usually the one with the nightmares," he teases softly. "This one must have been rough. Want to talk?"
You find his hands at your waist, interlock your fingers with his.
"I lost someone. Someone very important to me."
Turning slightly so you can rest your cheek against his, you kiss the very edge of his lips. "It scares me, Din."
He's quiet for some time, and you try to imagine the expression on his face.
"I'm sorry," he finally whispers. "I can't give you anything but my word that I will always try my hardest to come back to you. That is what fuels me, ner'kar'ta. The fire in my blood, the strength in my bones, is knowing that I need to make it back for you. But I realize that it is a double-edged blade. Because it also means I would give everything, to keep you safe in the end."
"I know, Din. I remember what my buir used to tell me, you know, how we have no word for 'hero' in our mother tongue, because to be Mando'ade is to risk all for the ones you love. I know I'm so selfish." You turn all the way around at last, hiding your face in his bare chest. "But I accept your vow. And it will have to be enough."
Collecting yourself and finally raising your haunted gaze to his, you manage a small smile. "But I will fight for you, Din Djarin. Death will find one hell of a struggle when it finally comes for you, I can promise you that."
"There's my girl." The fond grin in his voice is audible. "Now, will you come back to bed? It's getting lonesome in there."
You let him lead you back to the ship, and the sigh of the wind now seems to promise to whisk your fears away for the time being.
The door slides shut behind you, and you shiver, realizing all of a sudden just how cold you are. His shirt is a welcome barrier against the biting chill, and you wonder how he was able to get along without it outside.
"Cold?" he asks.
"Yes." You reach out for him, wordlessly begging for his warmth.
He sidesteps you and folds his arms across his chest. "Take it off," he demands, and indicates the shirt with a nod, husky voice brimming with humor and a shade of something hungrier. "Or I will."
You hug the worn fabric closer to your body and shake your head mutinously. "But it's the only thing keeping me warm!"
"So you've chosen the hard way." He crosses the small space in a couple of long strides and starts to tease the garment off of you, bit by agonizing bit. "And how dare you let a piece of clothing do a man's job."
"You're making me cold again," you complain as he pulls you into bed with him, the hunter retreating back to his lair to finish off his fortunate prey.
"Then honor dictates I repair the damage I've caused," he hums, and you surrender to the bliss of being completely enveloped in his embrace. Din has always run hot, ever since you started sleeping together, and his warmth and familiar weight are so much better than any sweet dream of yours could be.
In the here and now, he's still alive, and he's still yours.
There will be no more tears tonight.
"Better?" he growls into your throat.
You run your fingers through his thick curls, sighing at the way he always manages to banish all of your dark thoughts away. And maybe now there will even be time for him to get some sleep before morning as well.
"I am now."
Vor'e = Thank you
Buir = Parent
Beroya = Bounty Hunter
Ner'kar'ta = My heart
Mando'ade = Child of Mandalore
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nunalastor · 21 hours
Slow/dark/non con/ dub con Trans Alastor Fic Idea
I’m sending this in because I am going to try and actually write this instead of letting it die in my WIP folder.
Vox finds a grievously injured Al
treats his wounds.
When he opens up his shirt to check on the wound he sees that Alastor has what Vox would consider the most perfect pair of breasts.
Vox is going to heal him as gently as possible, but Alastor passes out from the pain. Alastor was fighting him and it is better this way.
Vox takes him to recuperate to a house that Vox had bought back when they were friends and he was hoping to be more than that.
The house is at the outer edge of Pentagram city. It cost him a considerable amount of money to buy the scant piece of land that has any trees in Hell but he hoped that Alastor would have appreciated it.
Even after Alastor turned Vox down he never sold the property. Now with this knowledge Vox is convinced that they are meant to be, he just has to play his cards right and not fumble this opportunity.
That is where Alastor wakes up, he is wondering whose house it is.
“It is the house that should have been our home,” Vox thinks
“I own it, don’t worry about it,”
“Didn’t think you had any taste, I’m surprised” Alastor says suspiciously. As Alastor goes through the house he notices that Vox somehow got a lot of his old belongings from before alastor left for seven years.
(Valentino told Vox to get rid of it when they built the tower. Vox did not get rid of it. If everything keeps going the way it is Vox has no problem getting rid of Valentino)
“Did you put your hands on me, while I was unconscious?”
Alastor is waiting for Vox to ridicule him.
“Do you think it matters to me? I care about you, not that? Do you think I am going to lose the only worthy adversary I have? Where’s the fun in that?”
Very slow truce, because Alastor is too weak to leave and his powers are diminished (may or may not be something Vox is putting in the food).
Vox had studied male deer demons behavior to court Alastor and now he goes back to figure out what he should do to make Alastor less resistant to Vox.
“Go back to fighting me. Treat me like your enemy,” Alastor is going to demand when he starts feeling off around Vox
“Not sporting to fight an injured man. I'm trying to help you get better so we can do that” Vox lies, they will never be separated again.
Alastor feels a little better that Vox refers to him as a man.
Vox figures out that Al is using magic to suppress deer instincts. (Heat/rut) But his magic has shifted away from non necessary uses as he heals.
Panicked Alastor trying to throw Vox out when he realizes what he is feeling.
Vox is going to be patient and calculating. He is going to stay nearby and ensure that Alastor has no choice but to call him for help. Make sure Alastor begs for everything that Vox does.
“Let me love you
I thought it was impossible don’t you see that we can be together
Out there, you will always be the Radio Demon, but here with me, you are mine"
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chaikajpeg · 29 days
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day two of "just a quick sketch and i'll do my assignments" (this took me 2h 45min so far)
photo reference: Bej48 - Hu XiaoHui & Qing Yuwen
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why-the-heck-not · 7 months
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30.09.23, saturday
I am a javascript god (me when i’m delusional and also lying)
things done today:
6h of trying to not suck at javascript (got it to work the way it’s supposed to (i’m hoping))
managed to carve out time to actually chill guilt-free (well,, mainly guilt-free, like 70%)
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yeoldenews · 4 months
A mother's word for word transcription of the imaginary phone call her four-year-old made to Santa Claus in 1911.
(source: The Harbor Beach Times, December 22, 1911.)
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Through some outrageous case of serendipity I found a recording of another phone call this same child made 60 years later. Though I have to say his choice of conversational partner is a definite downgrade from the first call.
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krakrac · 5 months
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let the rat man live through shit!
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vse-kar-vem · 1 month
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inspired by the tweet under the cut and whoever came up with the jance nerd x bad boy au here !!! (srry it's 3 am too tired to check)
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kairennart · 1 year
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may i offer yall some gwaine studies
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disdaidal · 3 months
I wanna thank my irl friends who follow me here and also my beloved mutuals as well as followers who still send me kind messages and try to interact with me and my stuff even if I'm bad at doing it myself.
Honestly, things haven't been that great with me lately, so... it means a lot to me. Honestly. <3
#personal#i had to make the tough decision to drop out of school last week#i didn't exactly want it if i'm being completely honest here#but certain stuff was preventing me from getting further so i knew the teachers are gonna ask me to quit over at our teams meeting#i instantly contacted my nurse about my situation. and she got me a doctor's appointment which was yesterday#where i kind of broke down a little. not because she didn't grant me the sick leave i thought i was going to get#after feeling down and sleeping terribly for weeks#but because she actually *got me*. like. she actually listened to me and figured out some stuff and told me that#what i'm going through and what i've been going through for years would make anyone depressed#so i couldn't help but cry a little because yeah. i'm so tired of never being enough no matter how hard i try#because my brain's wired a certain way and it makes me slow and kinda clumsy and inattentive at times#which. you might guess is not ideal at today's work environment. or studying-wise even#so instead of granting me sick leave (she did say we can change that at anytime though) she told me to wait for that phone call#from the unemployment office. which i should be getting tomorrow. or well. later today#and talk to them about this. to see if they can offer some solutions. or if we can figure something out#'cause i'm getting closer to my 40s and not getting anywhere and it's wearing me out and tiring me out#because i clearly can't help myself or change my ways on my own#i managed to get some work last week though. at the local youth house. one shift though but money still#but i haven't been getting those offers a lot during the past few months so it's not enough to support me obviously#so i definitely need something else. and i hope i can get help. that someone could help me#i should finally get tested for adhd next month too. i don't know if i even have it or if it's gonna change anything but#at least i'd know#anyway i needed to get this off my chest. cause i'm kinda crying a little bit even now just thinking about this whole thing#sorry
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rocker-socks · 2 months
not to be insane but Stephanie Brown is so underrated and i really do hate to say its misogyny but. well. It is.
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i can't believe i come back momentarily from the dead and it's with more cancerous memes. Two versions bc god had other plans, none which included not having both of these.
#hand jumper#juni chang#ishaan cha#where my juni enjoyers at#did i ever mention i was the qpr ishjun guy i probably should've hung that up in a sign as a warning in advance#i don't f around with these bros they're my little guys they're the scunkledoodles#they're everything and i'll actually fight you on them if i see something egregious or slanderous of them#they're my children they're my little DSM-5 case studies they're my little sillies i keep in the petri dish#whether they beat each other up or talk crap is up to sleepacross tho they my only hope#the fp got me acting up i'm on the delulu cocaina i need to be shot#shot down or shot dead pick one just PLEASE end my suffering#WHO IS THE CELL 3 MENTOR JUST END MY SUFFERING INSTEAD OF HOLDING CELL 3 CRUMBS OVER MY HEAD#AND IF ONLY JUNI IS OVERSEEING THEM OR THEY'RE GOING IN UNSUPERVISED I'LL EXPLODE#STRAIGHT UP.#SHOOT ME DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWN#AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHH#sighs#i could've been simping over that one panel of sayeon like everyone else#not the mirror one or the sayjin flirting kismesis ass vacillating btw#you guys should fp just try it i swear you won't regret it#use the magical powers.....#share the burden.........#i as your personal demon that makes rounds around your head approve of this please#consider throwing some coins or 28 for even more brainrot i'm like dying in a corner and WILL die in a corner waiting for tuesday#also i have testing next week too i think hj is just cursed like that#we love to see it though
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yogurtlid10000 · 3 months
Currently rereading issue 54 of MTMTE 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏absolutely devastating yippee
I’ve been reading a little bit every night to savor it 🤬
So I was wondering um is Ratchet speaking French randomly something that like is just a little thing that they do that’s part of his character… I think it is? 😎idk someone lemme know also rip skids
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It’s kinda funny he says he’s “scum” because (I sound like a nerd rn) 🤓🤓🤓 iF yOu reCaLL in issue THREE he says his name is scum 💀 OK YEA
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lohtulauluja · 18 days
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Laitetaanpa tännekin Merenkehrä-sarjan toisen osan kansi, rakastan tätä. ❤️ Kansitaiteilijani Anna Makkonen on supertaitava, edelleen.
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elegyofthemoon · 4 months
motivation where have you gone :(
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