#and i was just talking to eva about it
beatcroc · 3 months
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homest[ar/uck] posting. this was meant to be supplementary to the gerome comic as him 'explaining the joke' but i uhhhhhh forgot.
i'm not much for crossovers in the the traditional sense, but it IS one of my favorite character exploration exercises to just go like 'if x media existed in this universe, who would and would not be a fan of it?'. and these ones are pretty notorious and always very fun to mess with for that and so here we are
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meirimerens · 5 months
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just smile and nod y'all
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not to make angst out of a fucking gag but also thinking about the silly au rei in the final episode makes me think about how different rei would be if she didn’t have literally the worst dad ever. like, no, she probably wouldn’t have been the upbeat adhd whirlwind in the high school au lmao. but it does just make me think. because while all the pilots lives are incredibly marked by trauma, rei's the only one to have never had access to any sort of normal life. her entire personality and worldview is shaped from being isolated, groomed, and taught to see herself as a tool and not a person. and then i just get so sad that she never had any chance of a normal life where she could discover herself and what she is. she went from being abused and manipulated by gendō (which is made even worse with the implications certain scenes leave about their relationship) to becoming god. she never had any chance of living a normal life. and just like. fuck.
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tomaturtles · 4 months
I'M SO GLAD YOU ASKED Campus Apocalypse (also known as Gakuen Datenroku) is an Evangelion spinoff manga!!! It has 4 volumes and 22 chapters, and it's basically an AU series with an action-y shonen feel to it.
It retains a lot of the cast and some elements from the anime, but for the most part does its own thing with the lore! Instead of piloting giant robots, the kids fight angels using these magic-y weapons (Shinji has a gun, for example), and the angels themselves are very different from the main series too. It can be odd at times, but it's a pretty fun and interesting take on the series imo!
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The plot gets a little wild at times and the ending is sadly pretty rushed (I think it got cancelled?), but it's a fairly quick read and has enough neat concepts along the way that I feel it's worth checking out! :] (i am of course biased, but y'know)
What Personally makes me so fond of it is that it has more of the main 4 kids as friends, as well as features Kaworu as one of the main characters and introduces him right at the beginning! He gets to interact more with Rei and Asuka, as well as has more time with Shinji, and I really really love how his and Shinji's relationship is developed.
It's not as explicitly Romantic as in the anime (CA mostly focuses more on the friendships; there's some ship tease and it occasionally leans towards Shinji/Rei, but the romantic stuff is vague enough that you can see what you wanna see for the most part imo), but it's still very sweet and meaningful all the same. The development of their friendship is a significant part of the story, and it's not that hard to view it in a romantic light. It's like. Friends to lovers kawoshin. To me
IN SHORT: Campus Apocalypse has a different vibe from the anime and has some interesting stuff, but it may be just kind of average as a whole. BUT it does some specific things really well imo and said things are like catnip to me. If you too enjoy seeing the main four interacting and being friends and Shinji and Kaworu's relationship being able to take more time to develop, it may be worth checking out!
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rosesfox · 8 months
it's curious to me that as soon as jacks kisses tella she starts showing signs of dying. jacks slows down her heartbeat so she doesn't die right away, but she is dying. she is literally dying until legend helps. and out of nowhere, she feels jacks heart beat and assumes she is his true love. for me this proves little because many things could have crossed his path until the moment his heart starts beating again, but tella just assumes that it's her (something of her kind character and not self-centered at all).
stephanie really wouldn't need to keep tella as jacks true love. she could use MANY ways to explain this, and one of the things that would make the least sense would be keeping tella as his true love
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sysig · 2 months
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Rosawatts, from memory (Patreon)
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fancyshooting · 1 year
[All machine translated. Taken from MGS3 scenario book. Comments in square brackets were added by me.]
距離はかなりある。 スネークをザ・ボスと間違う程。
The distance is considerable. So much so that he mistakes Snake for The Boss.
早撃ち。 撃つごとに肘を曲げ、リコイルの衝撃を吸収する。 (オーバーアクションにみえるが、高等テクニック)
Rapid firing. Bends his elbow after each shot to absorb the shock of recoil. (This may look like overacting, but it is a high level technique)
オセロットは大佐から聞いているので、ザ・ボスだと思っている。 オセロットの言葉「伝説の ボス」の意味には気づいていない。
Ocelot thinks he is The Boss because he has heard it from the Colonel. He is unaware of the meaning of Ocelot's term "The Legendary Boss".
「なんだ? その構え方? その銃は?(麻酔銃か?)」
"What the hell? What's with the way you're holding yourself? What's with the gun? (Is that a tranquilizer gun?)"
目の前にマガジンとジャムっていた運命の弾丸が落ちてくる。この弾丸を本編では首からぶら 下げる事になる。いつも弾を弄るのが癖。
The bullet of fate, jammed in the magazine, falls in front of him. This bullet is to be hung from his neck in the main story. He always has a habit of fiddling with the bullet/playing with bullets.
Ocelot, who had never lost, can't believe it. Self-esteem collapses.
Snake, muzzle pointed at Ocelot, speaks coolly. Like an instructor.
「(見真似で流行りの技術を使おうとする若者を見て一言いいたくなった) 初弾を手動で排していたな。 考え方はおかしくない。 だが、聞きかじっただけ の行為を実戦で試すもんじゃない。だから弾詰まりなど起こすんだ」
Snake: "(I wanted to say something when I saw a young man trying to use trendy technology by imitation.) You manually ejected the first bullet. The idea is not strange. But you shouldn't try out in battle what you've only heard about it. That's why you get jammed bullets."
オセロットはこの時の強烈すぎる屈辱でスネークに惹かれる。 またこの時のセリフをMGS1 のATで言う。
Ocelot is drawn to Snake because of the intense humiliation/disgrace at this time. He also says the line at this time in the AT [?] of MGS1.
[惹かれる - to be charmed by; to be attracted to; to be taken with; to be drawn to]
Snake: "But the quick shot was brilliant... good sense."
Ocelot: "Good sense..."
Ocelot, upset, faints there.
[動揺 - disturbance; unrest; agitation; excitement; commotion; turmoil; discomposure; feeling shaken]
[Couldn't find anything very interesting here but included some lines anyway.]
ヘリ内(ハインド)のカーゴ内には大佐とオセロット、 山猫部隊。 オセロットは元気なく、ジ ヤミングしたマカロフと弾丸を見つめている。
In the cargo of the helicopter (Hind) are the Colonel, Ocelot, and the Wildcat Unit. Ocelot is in low spirits, staring at the jammed Makarov and bullet.
Colonel fires. Ocelot is shocked by the madness of the Colonel.
Ocelot: "(Looking happy) That's the stance, that's the stance (I wanted to see)." He is quite happy to see Snake. Ocelot is ecstatic; EVA twists and turns to escape.
「確かにいい銃だ。だが、その彫刻は何の戦術的優位性もない。実用と鑑賞用は 「違う」
「・・・・・・ (かなり傷ついた)」
Snake: "It's a nice gun, to be sure. But the engravings have no tactical advantage. There is a difference between utility and appreciation."
Ocelot: "... (quite hurt)."
リボルバーには残弾がなくなっている。マカロフが8+1なので6発で空撃ち! マカロフに
The revolver has no more ammo left. The Makarov is 8+1, so 6 rounds and empty! He was so used to the Makarov that he was careless.
Snake continues preaching.
Two blunders and a bitter face. He likes Snake even more.
Snake controls EVA with his hand. Snake: "Wait! (He is starting to like Ocelot.)" EVA: "Why?" Snake: "He's still young."
実はザ・ボスはCQC時に発信機を付けた。 コブラ部隊はこの発信機のおかげで先回りしている (発信機情報を頼りにオセロットや蛇軍団は待ち受けている)。
The Boss attached a transmitter during CQC. Cobra forces are ahead of him thanks to this transmitter (Ocelot and the Cobra Unit are waiting for him, relying on the transmitter information).
「やはり来たな。 ザ・ボスの情報 (発信機)は確かだ」
Ocelot: "I knew you'd come. The Boss' information (transmitter) is solid."
―顎でスネークの背後を示す。 と、スネークの背後(エリアの入り口) 山猫部隊が塞いでいる。 山猫部隊が見張っている。つまりはスネークとオセロットのタイマン勝負の環境を作っている。 山 猫部隊はスネークにAKを向けている。GRUの一般兵士、 コブラ部隊に邪魔されない、通れないように見張っている。
He indicates behind Snake with his chin. And behind Snake (entrance to area), the Wildcat Unit blocks. The Wildcat Unit is keeping watch. In other words, they are creating an environment for a one-on-one match between Snake and Ocelot. Wildcat Unit has AKs pointed at Snake. General soldiers of the GRU, watching to make sure they are not interfered with or passed by the Cobra Unit. Editor's note: In the production version, the signalling has been changed to a cat meow. In addition, the Wildcat Unit should be positioned to guard Snake and the GRU general soldiers to guard the entrance to the forest.
スネーク、戸惑う(銃を抜かない)。 オセロット、見事なガンプレイで銃をホルスターに戻す。かなり銃が手に馴染んできている。 オセロットらしさが光る。
Ocelot: "Twelve shots... Okay, twelve shots this time." Snake, confused (does not draw his gun). Ocelot, with excellent gunplay, puts the gun back in its holster. The gun is becoming quite comfortable in his hand. Ocelot's character/essence shines through.
一蜂の大群が来襲! 蜂は暗雲となり、空を包む。辺りをすっぽりと包む。夜のように暗くなる。 山猫部隊パニックに陥る。ここではまだペインは出さない。蜂が山猫部隊に襲う。 スネーク、姿勢を低くして蜂の来襲に備えている。 オセロット、たまらない!
A swarm of bees attacks! The bees become a dark cloud and envelop the sky. It completely envelops the area. It becomes dark as night. The Wildcat Unit panics. The Pain is not released here yet. The bees attack the Wildcat Unit. Snake, keeping his posture low, preparing for the bees to attack. Ocelot, irresistible!
Ocelot: "(Damn, damn, ei, ei, etc. breath to repel bees)
[I think えい is onomatopoeic. One website says this: (1) *son of a bitch!*; (2) *shriek* *aiiee!* Yelled when getting down to serious physical business.]
Ocelot, dodging bees with gunplay.
The Boss: "Don't do anything rash (in the crevasse)." The Boss shows the revolver to Ocelot. The Boss: "We'll take care of him (Snake) with our Cobra Unit." The Boss returns the revolver in his hand in pieces. The Boss faces him. (Mother and son.) Ocelot, leaving angrily (entering the base).
Colonel: "There is always a spy on the inside." Ocelot: "I don't doubt my comrades (since I am a Khrushchevite spy)."
「(うっとりと。つい本音を言ってしまう) さすがだ・・・・・・」
右手でリトルジョーを回している。 大佐、 オセロットをキッとにらむ。
Colonel: "CIA dog!" Colonel: "Only The Fury remains... The legendary Cobra Unit is easy..." Ocelot: "(Enraptured/absentmindedly/in a daze. I can't help but say how I really feel.) As expected..." He spins Little Joe [The Fear's crossbow] with his right hand. Colonel, glaring at Ocelot. Colonel: "Are you in love?" Boss, approaching on white horse.
オセロット 「ん?」
「ふむ(思い出せない) ••••••」
バイク用のブーツ、左足の甲がバイクのシフトペダルでEの字にかすれている? 乗り方が荒 いので激しいキズ、または特有のシフトチェンジ癖で独特の形になっている。オセロット、去ってゆく。ほっとするEVA。
Ocelot, looking bored, went into the base. And, trying to pass behind EVA, stops. Ocelot: "Hm?" Nose twitching. EVA, nervous, takes a step back. Ocelot: "(sniffing sound)" Ocelot: "Perfume? (I've smelled it somewhere before.)" Approaches EVA and stares at her. He is twirling Little Joe with his right hand. Ocelot: "Hm (can't remember)..." EVA is wearing laced up motorcycle boots. She didn't have time to change. Or she could wear goggles around her neck. Little Joe's arrow tip is pointed squarely at EVA's neck. Ocelot. "Nice boots. Make sure you polish them properly." Motorcycle boots, the back of the left foot is scratched in the shape of an "E" by the shift pedal of the motorcycle? The back of the left foot is scratched up into a distinctive shape due to rough riding, or a peculiar shifting habit. Ocelot leaves. EVA is relieved.
戸口にオセロットが立っている。 恨めしい表情。
ザ・ボス、 オセロットと目が合う。
目をそらすオセロット。 ザ・ボス、去っていく。
The Boss, turning away, leaves the room. The sound of Snake being struck echoes from the room. Ocelot is standing in the doorway. Reproachful expression. [恨めしい - reproachful; hateful; bitter] The Boss makes eye contact with Ocelot. Ocelot looks away. The Boss leaves. Editor's note: In the production version, The Boss does not make eye contact with Ocelot. She leaves as if avoiding his gaze. Colonel's assault continues. Snake, faints, FO [?].
大佐、スネークに身体に電流を流す! 震えるスネーク。
Colonel, applying an electric current to Snake's body! Snake trembling. Snake: "(screams as he is hit by an electric shock)" Ocelot, unwilling to do anything about it. But he is drawn to the electric torture of the colonel. [惹かれる to be charmed by; to be attracted to; to be taken with; to be drawn to]
「耐え抜いた奴を見て初めてわかった。 (拷問も)悪くない」
Ocelot: "You survived the Colonel's torture." Ocelot: "I didn't understand until I saw the guy who endured it. (Torture) is not so bad." Ocelot: "It's the ultimate expression."
スネーク 「! (意を決し、飛び込む気合)」
オセロット 「スネーク!(やめろっ!)」
Snake: "! (Determined and ready to jump in)" Ocelot: "Snake! (Stop!)" Ocelot, not wanting to lose Snake, cries out in sorrow. [悲痛 - grief; sorrow; extreme sadness; heartbreak]
Ocelot boasts to Snake. Ocelot: "It's the smell. I could tell by the smell." When Snake tries to open his mouth, Ocelot stops him. Ocelot, with his nose twitching. Ocelot: "It smells like gasoline. It's for motorcycles. The woman had the smell of gasoline all over her."
Ocelot, overwhelmed. [感極まる - to be overcome with emotion] Ocelot: "I've waited for this moment... I've been waiting for this." [待ちわびる - to be tired of waiting; to wait impatiently]
As he leaves, he looks at Snake and does a small guts pose so that the Colonel can't see him (Just do it!).
["Guts pose" is the gesture Ocelot does throughout the game.]
近道するために大ジャンプ!! EVA同等のハイテク!
He jumps on a motorcycle (without sidecar) that was there. Big jump to take a shortcut!! High tech on par with EVA!
ロケットブースター全開! ターボ音が轟く。
思わず、米語で口走ってしまう。 やや道をそれるオセロット。 またしても遅れる。
The Colonel flips "a switch". Shagohod, transforms to rocket booster mode (phase 2). Rocket boosters at full throttle! The turbo sound roars. Colonel knows Ocelot is near the booster. The combustion booster is right on Ocelot's head as he tries to catch up. Ocelot: "(screams)." Ocelot getting burned. Curses! The Colonel smirks (payback for the confrontation). Ocelot: "Bitch! (American) Instinctively, he blurts out in American English. Ocelot slightly off the road. Delayed again.
Ocelot confesses calmly/quietly. Ocelot: "I want to have a final match/play a final game with you." Ocelot, pointing to the jammed bullet hanging around his neck. Snake, understanding. Snake: "Alright."
騎士道を感じて、名前を聞くオセロット。 Ocelot, feeling chivalrous, asks his name.
[If you choose the loaded gun but don't fire:]
Ocelot: "Why didn't you shoot?" Ocelot, pure smile (friendship). [友情 friendship; fellowship; camaraderie] Ocelot: "...Well, okay."
[If you choose the loaded gun and fire at Ocelot:]
「空砲だ。 楽しかった」
オセロット、ピュアな笑み(友情) を浮かべる。
Snake shoots. Gunshot smoke rises from the muzzle. Ocelot is fine. Ocelot raises his hands and laughs. Ocelot: "Blanks. That was fun." Ocelot, pure smile (friendship). [友情 friendship; fellowship; camaraderie]
[Radio conversations in the original Japanese script don't seem to vary much from the official English translation but some lines have direction notes that add some extra info.]
【On the Admonitory Speech to Ocelot】
P-Medic: "What was that sermon you were giving earlier?" [Included this because of the word "sermon", which hints at the dynamic between Ocelot and Snake. Snake is also described in the second Rassvet encounter as "preaching".]
「彼は敵でしょう? どうしてそんなアドバ イスをするの?」
「...... (本当になぜだか分からず考え込む)」
「(意味のわからないことを言い出したので ちょっと心配になった) スネーク、あ なた大丈夫?」
P-Medic: "He's the enemy, isn't he? Why are you giving him advice like that?" Snake "...(pondering, not really knowing why)" P-Medic: "Snake?" Snake "...I don't know why. I couldn't leave it alone for some reason..." P Medic: "(I was a little worried when he started saying things that didn't make sense) Snake, are you alright?" Snake: "...Hm... (still pondering)"
【Letting Ocelot Escape】
「……そうかもしれんな (本人もなぜ助けて
EVA: "By the way, Snake, why did you let Ocelot go?" Snake: "I told you." EVA: "Because he's still young?" Snake: "Yeah." EVA: "That's not an answer." Snake. "Really?" EVA: "Yes." Snake: "...Maybe so. (I'm still not sure why I helped out, either.)"
「スネーク、「荒野の用心棒 (For a Fistful of Dollars)」って知ってる?」
「(怪訝) イタリアの? さしずめマカロニ・
「でもあんなに格好いいんだもの。きっと 観られるようになるわ。 スネークも必ず観てね」
P-Medic : "Snake, have you ever heard of 'For a Fistful of Dollars'?" Snake: "No, I don't know it." P-Medic: "It's an Italian western." Snake: "(Puzzled [怪訝 - puzzled; perplexed; quizzical; dubious; suspicious]) Italian? It's a macaroni western [spaghetti westerns are called macaroni westerns in Japan]." P-Medic: "It's cool. Especially main character's gunslinging." Snake: "Gunslinging...(reminds me of Ocelot)" P Medic. "I saw it in the UK after the Major told me about it, but it hasn't been released at home yet." P-Medic: "But he's such a cool guy. I'm sure you'll get to see it. Make sure you watch too, Snake." Snake: "Hm."
【Food Missing From Equipment】
「あなたと同じものを食べてみたかったらし いわ(スネークにあこがれるがゆえの行動)」
「......??? (全くわかっていない)」
EVA: " He wanted to try the same things you did (actions due to longing for Snake)." [憧れる - to long for; to yearn after; to admire; to be attracted by] Snake: "What do you mean?" EVA: "Don't you understand?" Snake "Hm." EVA: "[朴念仁 - 1. quiet unsociable person​ 2. obstinate person; blockhead]" Snake: "...??? (I don't understand at all)"
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miahasahardname · 8 months
*sighs dreamily* gwen and noah… cody and heather….. team e-scope…… raj and wayne……..
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goldenlandfiascos · 11 days
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pixpirs · 28 days
i keep talking about it on xitter but seeing end of eva in theaters was genuinely amazing, like the sound design and the quality...the way that the movie ends and everyone is just There...i used to just like the movie and thought it was a bit overrated, but now i think it's one of my favorite films ever
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padfootastic · 1 year
thinking of jealous sirius black.
sirius, never really caring much about the things he has growing up because he takes them for granted. but sometime between his family slowly icing him out for being different and his explosive gryffindor sorting, he realises their love and affection and regard is conditional. and that’s where it begins.
enter james potter. who wholeheartedly accepts and adores sirius, no questions, no ifs and buts. it’s absolutely glorious for someone like him who’s always had to negotiate love, to be as he is and not have to change himself to be accepted. and he just becomes so possessive of this relationship because he knows how good james is, how he looks at him like a man dying of thirst in front of a glass of water.
james potter is like the sun, shining almost too bright, and sirius wants to hoard all of it for himself. he knows what it’s like to be without light.
of course, most people don’t have the kind of trauma he does, or any kind of exposure to him to know otherwise, so the way his behaviour comes off to others is like that of a jealous boyfriend.
- some dude’s flirting with james and sirius just fully drapes himself over him from behind, arms circling his collarbone and face planted in his neck, all casual-like.
- or like. someone giggling around james and sirius is just. glaring at her with literal thunder clouds over his head.
and you know, so on and so forth, never once realising how he portrays himself, and not caring much once he does either. as for james, well. has anyone ever complained when sirius black is plastered chest to toe against them?
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no1ryomafan · 9 months
Not to make another mecha rant at unholy hours about something particular that isn’t shocking and only shocking to me bc my autistic ass learn stuff so slowly but I think after enough observation I finally clocked why people are so hard on mecha: Nobody realizes robots are the appealing aspects but can still be used as story telling tools.
People think mecha fights diminish character development when that’s far from the truth. A mecha in a show is a secondary vessel to the protagonist. It has a connection to them, a relationship, even if it’s not sentient. It is an extensive of their own sheer will power and most mecha fights can be seen just like any anime fight: driven by its pilots determination and it’ll overcome the obstacle. Being in a big robot over fighting hand to hand with super powers doesn’t change this.
If shounen can prioritize cool fights but still tell interesting stories, why do people think mecha can’t do the same? When it being in the realm of sci fi opens up even more deep story possibilities? Why can’t people realize you can have “WAH COOL ROBOT” but also a deep narrative? Why do people always pick one or the other?
People who don’t realize this end up making mechas that don’t fit into both appealing categories because they think having more character focus over robot fights is better story telling, but why would I watch a mecha if the thing it IS isn’t present? Why strip mecha of its identity? Why not just make a media in a different genre if you aren’t going to respect what it is?
There is no “deconstruction”, you simply refuse to watch the actual influencers of this genre. You pick at something you don’t understand and don’t want to learn from because you think you know what you’re doing. You think you know what you’re talking about when you only watched maybe one show and put it on a pedestal without actually trying things.
It’s fine if you did try and don’t think it’s your cup of tea, but most people don’t. They just assume. This isn’t even asking to watch more mecha but to be OPEN MINDED. To LISTEN to people at least when they mention it and be aware of what the genre actually is, and not the fabrication you made up. Learn. Don’t refuse.
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technocipher · 7 months
Some may wander onto the church balcony, barely sparing a glance at the rolling rack of plants. "They're just plants. Who cares? Doesn't Eva grow flowers over there?" Sure, there's a scant number of plants growing there. Nothing seems to support the existence of the flowers she grows. No signs of vegetables from those seed packets we give her, either.
(In all likelihood, the developers probably thought that nobody would pay attention, and didn't flesh out that balcony with more plants.)
What many don't realize, however, is that many plants carry medicinal properties within them. Consider that, the next time you pass by pots of herbs at the grocery store. Common thyme, for example, is antibacterial and can be steeped as a tea for sinus infections. And that's just a small fraction of what it can do.
The central shelf on the rolling rack carries rosemary, and some type of gangly plant I couldn't ID. Just generic, silly nonsense, right? Right??
Wrong. Rosemary is more than just a kitchen spice. It's a great stimulant for the brain!
It acts as a brain stimulant
Aids with memory
Aids blood circulation to the brain
Aids with treating early onset dementia/Alzheimer's
Acts as an antidepressant
Acts as an antiviral
Aids with concentration
Has anti-anxiety properties
Where the revenants are concerned, that's a pretty damn vital herb! With bottles of alcohol able to be scavenged, and properly sterilized jars and lids, there's potential for rosemary tinctures to be crafted and traded! (In the absence of sterilization, possibly even whatever they can use that can store the mixture and prevent oxidization from occuring, which can weaken a tincture pretty badly depending on its severity.)
Of course, whether water is still consumed or not is not mentioned in the game (and if it is, I haven't encountered it yet, and I've played since the game launched). Tinctures can burn the mouth if applied directly under the tongue, and if the revenants can manage a bit of water for this medicine, then that's a little less frustration to deal with. The bottles of blood bead cells scattered around the bar may allow for a couple drops of rosemary tincture, as well... if our favorite revenants can stand to hold the first sip of blood for at least ten seconds.
The uppermost shelf has some seemingly decorative plants. The smallest one is parsley, growing out of a generically-labelled Harney & Sons tea tin. Parsley? Really?
Parsley's got quite the high vitamin content, though. There isn't much I've seen on whether or not revenants require vitamins the same way humans do. But, if you factor in maintaining the preservation of the host body, vitamins likely do serve a much higher purpose. Whether or not the BOR parasite benefits remains to be seen, but for now, we're talking the fun stuff.
What the heck does parsley do, anyways? Well...
It's got stupid amounts of Vitamin K, which is good for your bones, and has a lot of other important vitamins and antioxidants
It acts as a diuretic
Helps with eye health
Probably not that big a deal in the grand scheme of things. But it could help boost regeneration. The game kinda flip-flops on how regeneration works in-universe, and for gameplay purposes it muddies further (for obvious reasons). Could parsley help increase the number of regeneration times, or even the amount it heals? Possibly. It can also be consumed as a tea, and there are some herbs whose effects come out best in teas.
Though I can't quite identify the other plants on the rolling rack, that doesn't mean those don't have benefits, either. There are some flowers that can be eaten, or used in medicine. Calendula, for example, is an edible flower that can be used for wound healing -- and it's such a bright and cheerful flower, why not let a couple flowers remain after processing the other ones? Another one is chrysanthemum, which is another edible flower and can help with eye health. (Do not consume the store-bought ones, as those are treated with poisonous chemicals and can really do a number on your body if you consume them. The best way to get around that is growing it by seed, and ensuring that it's non-neotic, at that.)
And if the parts of the plant above the soil aren't safe for consumption, then the roots can be used. Makes a mess, but even the roots can have medicinal benefits. Dandelion is an example -- somewhat of a poor example, because the entire dandelion is edible and not every plant has that classification. Dandelion root is bitter, but it acts as a potent liver detoxifier. Should it be roasted, it tastes just like coffee.
Even if revenants aren't using these medicines themselves, consider how much it would benefit the humans living in the shelters. If we really gotta split hairs, the medicinal benefits could be carried over through blood donations. Entire categories of enhanced blood could be produced by the shelters and distributed where needed. Even then, encouraging more positive trading habits may be more beneficial in the long run. It isn't just "standard" food being grown, but something with a great deal of potential.
Just a little more that makes living in the Gaol of the Mists more bearable.
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mazojo · 1 year
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strawberrus0da · 1 year
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samssims · 2 years
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unlocking all them characters
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