#and i'm talking about Canada here - not just the U.S. which is both worse and better than us at certain things
juuls · 3 years
Yeah, maybe don't try falling out of bed in the middle of the night and then sleeping there (believe you me, it was not my idea) for hours and hours, apparently, based on what my body is telling me. It is also telling me it hurts like a motherfucking bitch because a) Spoonie here, I can just tell when my body can handle something and this--- it cannot; and b) that carpet is literally older than I am and I'm 31 and it is as hard as a rock and I would actually prefer if the floor was lava!!!!
Because I would no longer be around to suffer this, thank god. I mean, I don't think you have any idea how much this hurts and next time you complain about your parent or grandparent falling out of their bed AGAIN with a roll of your eyes, think of me. Think of me shoving you into a volcano.
So, for my next trick, my whimpering self is going to try and take my whimpering dogs outside (they're so sweet; they were the ones who finally found me and licked my hand until I woke up), try not to fall down two sets of stairs---been there, done that, now remember again: I will hunt you down if you bitch about your elderly loved one falling again---and then put myself into bed.
This message is not for those who actually care about their elderly and spoonies (chronic illness/pain sufferers who often need some form of assistance---then often can't get govt help so now their families suffer too). This message is for the jackasses but also for those who are very tired and burned out from helping granny get back in bed again, too often ignoring the aches and pains, let alone the newly developing bruises that can actually be life-threatening.
So just remember: ....the floor is fucking lava and I am coming for you.
After I feel better. *rolls eyes at self*
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