#and in other cases things have to be UNREACHABLE to be seen as 'better' 'higher' 'of more quality'
sonicringbond · 3 years
Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey: Scene 35
Welcome to the second half of the series’ first 2-parter. A shame I don’t really have anything very witty to open with for this one. Perhaps it’s because I find it a pretty light scene🤔 Regardless, I’ll let you decide for yourself after you read...
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    Draw was a talented child all things considered. Though a child far from adulthood, he lived his life as a golem hunter and was generally successful. With the speed granted to him by Mote, it was likely he could best any number of golems and easily live a life dedicated to his occupation. However, his reliance on bow and arrow meant he was limited in how much damage he could do to a large number of golems in a short amount of time. If he were by himself this would be far from a problem as he was quite adept at making his own arrows, and they were frequently reusable. The only problem was retrieving them. A simple task with Sonic like speed, but it meant in this case leaving Rosy’s side.
    “Get away from her you stone dummies!”
    Trying his best to shoo away any golems that floated up over the ravine with his bow, Draw was pushed to his limits trying to collect his arrows. Challenging his efforts was an army of golems that covered the ruins and mountainside. The most troublesome however were the ones that drifted through the air, stone eyes that could fire beams of light at Draw more easily than he could return fire.
    “Why did you have to get sick now of all times, you weirdo girl!” Draw cried out in anguish as he gave up trying to do too much at once. Picking Rosy up as best as he could, he ran for all he was worth. “You’re way to heavy!”
    Had Rosy heard the complaint, she might have had a choice comment or two for the struggling koala, but her mind was far from her surroundings. The fevered sleep that held her fast from consciousness assured she would remain oblivious. Though it perhaps heightened other senses as her fever dreams provided her a unique opportunity, she was not quite sure how to handle.
    ~I’ve dabbled in so many different types of fortune telling because of how fun it is, but reading dreams is always kind of tricky. When people tell me about their dreams there’s always something missing to complete the picture. It’s not their fault of course, it’s hard to remember your dreams. It’s why reading my own are so hard too. Bu~t, hee-hee! Well, I’ve never had a dream like the one on these mountains.~
    “Hello?” Rosy asked the rolling fog before her in hopes that someone might have hid within. It did not answer her naturally, but a soft blue glow within caught her attention and she walked towards it.
    The fog swirled around Rosy as she walked, the blue glow seeming to stay just beyond her reach. “Maybe it’s moving away from me?”
    Lifting her head from where she had tilted it so that her finger pressed into her cheek, Rosy upped her pace. As she still failed to catch up, she puffed her cheeks up in frustration and pushed herself even harder. Still the glow eluded her, and she closed her eyes for a moment to touch on that golden glow within her. That semi-tangible representation of her Ring Bond with Sonic.
    Her intentions were to touch the source of her speed and bolt forward as fast as she possibly could, but as she opened her eyes, she instead had to dodge an attack.
    The entity that attacked her was no larger than Sonic, but it had massive arch forming arms and a trail of light for a body. Had the blue glowing entity possessed a green gem where its arms met Rosy would have presumed it a golem. It had the same shape as one, bar a lack of legs making it resemble an anchor more than a biped.
    “What’s your problem!” Rosy asked it as she jumped back from another attack. A crackling of electricity behind her warned her of another attack from behind and she dove out of the way.
    “I didn’t do anything! No reason to be so mean!”
    Her frustrations served to redouble her efforts, and after rising to a three-point runner’s stance, Rosy shot forward for all she was worth. Her rapid acceleration created a vacuum in her wake and the fog was pulled into the space behind her.
    “Woah! It’s beautiful!”
    There was little time to marvel as more of the glowing anchor golems moved to intercept her, but with the fog behind her Rosy could plan a path forward. The shadowy mountain landscape seemed unreachable though, save the aroura-like road of light marked by columns of unending lightning. Covered in golems it was far from an idea choice, but Rosy could at least see herself making progress as she sped along the road.
    Higher and higher she climbed, and Rosy soon realized the mountains were beneath her. “This is weird. Am I dreaming?”
    A bolt of lightning tore through the heavens in the moment of her question and Rosy froze in place as she felt her life was clearly in danger.
    “Maybe this isn’t a dream… But I was with Sonic, Draw, and Mote. They’re not here, so this has to be–”
    “Come on big guy! Is that all you’ve got!”
    Sonic’s voice cut Rosy off and she turned to call out to him from wherever it was he was running.
    Her voice was cheerful, but Rosy’s smile soon fell as she could not see Sonic anywhere.
    “Sonic?” Rosy questioned her surroundings and studied the darkness for any signs of Sonic. “Where are you!”
    Starting to run again, Rosy tried to wipe away the shadows and reach out to Sonic. As she feared though, the darkness was impenetrable, by herself at least.
    A bolt of lightning descended from the shimmering blue aurora above her and for a moment she saw Sonic and the ruins he traversed. The motes of golden light that marked where Rings had been, and Sonic’s own transparency marked his signature Light Speed Dash, and she knew she missed actually seeing him. Before she could determine where he went however, the darkness flooded back in.
    “Hey! Don’t come back now! Sonic!”
    Turning to and fro, Rosy sought out any signs of him in the darkness but none could be found. “Come on! I just want to see Sonic!”
    Turning pleading eyes to the aurora above, Rosy’s silent prayer allowed her to see the shimmering figure of blue light that towered over the mountains. Instinctually she raised her hands to protect herself. She was not the skeletal giant’s target however and the next bolt of lightning it cast down from the aurora again illuminated Sonic.
    As it turned out, Sonic was not faster than light and he was tossed through the air by the impact of the lightning bolt. He was left unharmed for the most part however as the Rings he carried scattered about having absorbed the damage meant for Sonic.
    “Sonic!” Rosy yelled out and covered her mouth. But the darkness took him from view again and he was nowhere to be seen. Upon the aurora road it was only her, the golems that still floated up in pursuit of her, and the towering skeletal figure of light. As that was who summoned the lightning…
    “Hey! Leave Sonic alone!”
    With courage she always had to protect her friends, Rosy wasted no more time and sprinted full speed towards the towering entity. “You better not hurt him! I won’t forgive you if you do!”
    “The medium?” the entity asked and surprised Rosy as it turned to look down at her with eyes so much bluer and brighter than its body of light. Intense as they were, they did not obscure the wonder of the crystal rose held within the gyroscopic, clockwork device in its chest. “So weak a medium, yet you would manage to see me from your slumber, and with no catalyst.”
    “I don’t care about any of that!” Rosy yelled at the entity. “Just leave Sonic alone! You better to! I really won’t forgive you if you hurt him!”
    Rosy’s shouting and arm flailing seemed to not reach the attention of the entity. Instead, it held a hand to the device in its chest and turned its gaze towards the heavens higher than it.
    “Or perhaps this is your doing, Yoluku.”
    “Yo-loo-coo?” Rosy tried to pronounce the odd name and came to a stop, her eyes tracing up the entity and towards the highest heavens. There, as though hung like a jewel from the perpetual red bolt of lightning that arced from horizon to horizon, the little planet that always watched her hung in the sky fixated on her.
    ~Even in my dreams I can’t escape that dreadful little planet. It’s why I haven’t been sleeping. I just can’t with it always watching me. It’s so creepy! I wouldn’t even want Sonic looking at me like that. Tee-hee~♥ Though I wouldn’t mind if Sonic looked at me all the time! Though I probably couldn’t sleep then either.
    ~But this dream was maybe more special than I realized at first. It wasn’t just weird, it actually had a name for that little planet. It’s kind of hard to say though, so I’ll just call it Yolk for now! Maybe I’ll practice saying it properly, but… Hee-hee! It still creeps me out. But with a name, I’m sure once Sonic and I catch up with Tails or Zooey that we’ll be able to look it up and learn all about it! Even then, just knowing it has a name means I can tell it to let me sleep!~
Scene 35 · CLEARED Sonic & Rosy, to be continued
And there we go, Rosy has learned the name of the planet in the sky and has decided to just call it Yolk XD. She’s so mature XD. Perhaps this scene was a little more than light, but I guess action scenes are kind of like that. I just hope it was enjoyable and that everyone will look forward to next time! Thank you!
Special Thanks to Cutegirlmayra Story by @JoshTarwater/SonicFanJ Inspiring Song – One Last Kiss – Hikaru Utada – From Neon Genesis Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time
Fair Use Disclaimer
Sonic the Hedgehog and all affiliated characters and logos are the express property and Copyright© of SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS used without permission under Title 17 U.S.C Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 in which allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. “Fair use” is use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be considered copyright infringement. The Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey alternate universe (AU) consumer written work of fiction is a non-profit transformative work primarily for personal use and can and will be taken down without warning or prior notice at the request of the copyright holder(s) should it not be recognized under “fair use”.
*Sonic Ring Bond logo created by DEE Art – twitter.com/daryliscute.
Sonic Ring Bond AU and Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey are the creation of Joshua David Tarwater/ynymbus/sonicfanj/@Joshtarwater and is to be, including all contents herein considered for all legal purposes the property of the Sonic the Hedgehog intellectual property (IP) and copyright owners, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS. All story contributors via prompt, suggestion, written scene, art, and all and every other contribution acknowledge that all contributed material is forfeit for legal purposes to SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS upon official request from SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS.
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thetrashbang · 6 years
PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds Needs A God
No multiplayer game gets to live in a void for long. No matter how hard you may try to bleed yourself of troublesome concepts like context, or backstory, the reality is that people like to speculate. People like to tell stories. Doesn’t matter how goofy or outlandish; the creeping tendrils of narrative eventually wrap around the foundations of even the purest, most context-free experiences. Why are we bombing these crates? Why are we stealing that flag? Why are we fighting? Why are we here?
Somebody will come up with an answer. It’s the human thing to do.
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But for PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, it feels like that answer has yet to come. One hundred players parachute onto a deserted island, where the average density of firearms per square meter exceeds even the most deranged fanatical NRA wet dream, and a slowly constricting hemisphere of crackling blue energy forces them to mercilessly gun each other down until only one is left standing. It’s an absurd, nightmarish premise; a theoretical scenario seemingly engineered to turn people into rabid beasts, fighting tooth and nail merely for the privilege of living a few minutes longer. Who would orchestrate such a competition, and for what purpose? Is it an experiment? A ritual? A blood sport? Is some Silicon Valley bazillionaire sitting in a darkened room somewhere, surrounded by monitors, cranking his sad rubbery hog to every rifle crack and arterial splatter? Nobody seems to know, or care.
Ordinarily, I wouldn’t either; PUBG is fun enough without framing. And yet, tonight’s winds bring an uneasy chill, carrying whispers of restlessness, indignance and fury. You feel it, don’t you? There’s a philosophical schism in how we approach Pubguh—the very concept of ‘battle royale’, even—and the hairline fractures are beginning to show. Players whine and gnash their teeth at the red zone, esports organisers desperately attempt to harness the format for views, and the proverbial chicken dinner seems to attain a more and more mythical, trophy-like status by the day; a reference to back-alley gambling now ironically viewed as a badge of ultimate prowess. This isn’t a healthy relationship. This isn’t a healthy attitude.
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What Plunkbat needs, friends, is a god.
Well, okay, not necessarily a god god. Divine power is optional. I’m not asking Brendan Greene to start wearing a white toga and chiselling his patch notes into stone tablets, as much as it would set an entertaining precedent. The job requirements are flexible: I’m simply asking for someone vengeful and capricious, with unfathomable intentions, inscrutable thoughts, and—at least within the bounds of the playable space—immense, unassailable power. Like any god, you need not supply scientific proof of their presence; you merely have to attribute sufficient existing phenomena to them, and change people’s collective perception of the world. Ooh, got’em.
See, battle royale games represent an important shift to me. I’m a competitive person by nature. It’s etched into my mind, irreversibly chiseled by years of test scores and parental praise and all the other ego-stroking bullshit that you were subjected to if you were a certain kind of ‘gifted’ child. “You’re the best. You should be the best. You should be winning. Why aren’t you winning, what the heck is wrong with you?” So it bleeds over, into hobbies, work, and of course, online shooters, in which I regularly demonstrate that I have an innate… whatever the opposite of aptitude is. I react slowly, I zone out, I bean myself on the head with my own grenades, and if you exert the slightest bit of pressure, I’ll empty half the magazine into a wall and drop my weapon through a gap in the floorboards. I’m not good, and yet some unreachable, fundamental part of my conscious will never be satisfied with that knowledge.
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You would think, then, that Pubby-G would only serve to exacerbate this mindset. And yet, in a world of delicately tuned esports that are built from the ground up to be pure, unfiltered tests of skill, it feels like the only game to grant a genuine absolution of responsibility; a kind of freeing fatalism. There’s a sense in a lot of classic multiplayer experiences—like, say, Counter-Strike—that every outcome is more or less deterministic; a product of a series of controlled variables and actions. With every failure comes the overwhelming impression that it could have been averted, given enough competence, foresight, and concentrated guarana. By contrast, a porridgey cocktail of chaos flows through the veins of battle royales, surrounding you with factors that are not only impossible to influence, but—in many cases—impossible to know at all. You are swept up by the gusts of a hundred butterflies’ wings, tossed to and fro by the whims of the random number generator, bombarded with unavoidable risks and squeezed into unmanageable situations. It’s easier to go with the flow, accept that at any given moment you may have your head unceremoniously taken off—by somebody lying flat on a distant hill, or hiding behind one of the game’s ten thousand trees, or concealed in a shrub on the far side of the Moon—and concentrate on all the minute actions you can make to ever-so-slightly nudge the odds in your favour.
But it’s not always clear that this is the reality of Puhburger. With its vast scale and often languid pacing, encounters can feel like isolated incidents, detached from the cascading series of events that led up to them, despite being anything but. Anyone can parse the map for circles of safety and non-safety, and understand that their arbitrary placement gives certain players an advantage; it’s less apparent that the figure in that upstairs window might have had their sights trained on the area, or seen you first, shot first, picked up a better weapon, obtained a better vantage point, or some other action, because of a dizzying permutation of astral alignments that neither of you could even begin to grasp. So we get futile attempts to establish a level playing field, find meaning in accomplishment, divine fair elements from unfair, and generally make things needlessly stressful for everybody involved. Except the infuriatingly smug yours truly, of course.
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How do you make that clear, though? How do you concisely impress upon people that their fate is almost entirely out of their hands, in such a way that they adopt an attitude of acceptance? Blaming the roll of the dice doesn’t come to mind as swiftly when you never see them rattling around, nor the way their innumerable ripples propagate across the map. Furthermore, as current events have taught us all too well, it’s a lot easier to ascribe fault to individuals than to an invisible, fundamentally hostile system. So what do you do?
You give the system a name. And, if you can, a face.
Allow me to momentarily slam us into reverse. When Valve released Left 4 Dead way back in 2008 (oh god, it’s going to be ten years old this year?) they made quite a song and dance about the game’s AI Director; an invisible, unknowable entity that would dynamically dole out items and zombies in a manner consistent with the tenets of dramatic tension, ensuring players were subjected to a “fast-paced, but not overwhelming, Hollywood horror movie”. While the opacity of the AI Director’s machinations always made me a tad sceptical of its mechanical effectiveness, giving people a name to pin the blame for all their earthly woes on was a masterstroke. Notorious video game jokesman Yahtzee Croshaw—the one with the hat and that trendy 00s cynicism, remember?—reported that he once witnessed someone praying to the AI Director, and I bet you all the pipe bombs in the world that players’ personification of it didn’t stop there. Short of making a catastrophic error, I never saw anyone get chewed out for not pulling their weight, and when tones got heated—as they inevitably do, when you’re throwing yourself against the frigid slopes of the higher difficulties—they were directed in the vague direction of the director: for its expectations, for its lack of pity, for being unfair. Awareness of our lurking orchestrator changed our perception of the experience, even though we couldn’t entirely prove it wasn’t just somebody sitting in a black box, disinterestedly flipping a coin over and over.
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So, why not do the same for a game that does? Put a face on the system that holds a fundamental grip on who lives and who dies. You don’t need to change a thing under the hood; you need only introduce the vague implication that the evolving state of the battlefield is a consequence of a thinking, feeling, mysterious overseer. A bloodthirsty oligarch watching from their lavish observation zeppelin, a dystopian TV network broadcasting a deadly future sport, an amoral team of government agents sealed away in a bunker control room, an inexplicably sapient Shiba playing with a selection of levers, or indeed, a literal deity. People will take the faintest contextual cues and run amok with them, ascribing everything they can to the will of the one who set this conflict in motion: item drops, circle position, all the way down to the subtle spread of their bullets as they sail through the air. Yeah, maybe it’ll start off as a running joke; an ironic indulgence, the “thanks Obama” of Puddlebounds. But that’s the thing about ironic behaviour: get enough people doing it at once, and you’ll cultivate sincere participants without even realising it. We will learn to absolve ourselves of responsibility, and engage in the unhinged pandemonium of battle royale with the mentality that befits it.
There’s just one problem: you need to be able to keep a secret.
I’m still working on that part.
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blueimmersion-blog · 4 years
Technical Diver Courses
Technical diving is a problem. It's troublesome and doubtlessly harmful, with extra sophisticated gear and security measures than regular scuba diving and a better threat of one thing going significantly unsuitable. Technical diving permits divers to push the boundaries of their sport. It's an adventurous type of diving that enables individuals to see components of the ocean which have by no means earlier than been seen by a diver. Technical divers are among the many final true explorers on the planet, following within the custom of these courageous expeditions that first reached the poles or climbed Everest. There's little or no on the floor of the planet that has not already been explored, however underwater there are infinite alternatives to be the primary to find a brand new web site that may solely now be reached because of the quickly advancing discipline of technical diving. Technical Diver Courses
Along with the eager for journey that drives many technical divers, there are additionally individuals who prepare in technical diving for extra sensible causes. Skilled divers and researchers who want to discover areas which can be in any other case unreachable might have to change into technical divers if they're to succeed in their targets, whether or not it's to discover a new species, uncover a historic wreck or just to carry again images and movie of the distinctive setting that they've been exploring.
In addition to being probably the most adventurous methods of exploring the oceans, technical diving, because the identify suggests, is essentially the most attention-grabbing type of diving for anybody with a ardour for science and know-how. Certainly, it requires some aptitude for know-how and the power to grasp further theoretical and technical necessities with the intention to change into a technical diver. The gear that's utilized by technical divers is extra superior and sophisticated than that's routinely utilized by regular scuba divers. For instance, totally different blends of respiration gasoline could also be utilized by technical divers with the intention to lengthen their keep underwater, or to permit themselves to enterprise deeper beneath the floor. Technical divers additionally have to dive another way. They need to concentrate on the extra dangers that they're taking. Extra security measures are put in place throughout a technical dive, requiring for instance that divers gradual their return to the floor by stopping alongside the best way.
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Due to the elevated technicality and dangers of technical diving, many scuba divers want to stay of their consolation zone and follow the normal varieties of leisure diving. Technical diving is a specialised type of diving that requires dedication and dedication to coaching and experiencing components of the ocean that different divers can't attain. For these with the proper mindset, taking over the problem of technical diving might be extraordinarily thrilling and rewarding, so long as they're prepared to place within the exhausting work wanted to coach as a technical diver.
Utilizing combination of gases, divers discover at higher depths and for for much longer time. The recognition of rebreather diving (know-how the place exhaled breath is recycled, not expelled) is growing.
Technical divers attempt to lengthen their time underneath the water, both by going to extra depth than ordinary with regular air, or by exploring marine life for longer intervals of time. Technical diving isn't any extra an elite sport that ordinary man can't afford. Its recognition grows annually on a large scale.
The margins for errors are slim, so technical divers boldly push the boundaries of exploration and applied sciences. Divers typically function outdoors the vary of rescue, or in environments that should not have direct and clear path to the floor.
The gear for technical diving consists of coloured regulators to point particular gasoline mixtures and wing-style BCD that will increase carry capacity for twin cylinders and cumbersome gear.
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Rebreather diving makes use of a closed respiration loop recycling diver's exhaled breath. The know-how is on the reducing fringe of the scuba diving. Chemical substances are used to switch carbon dioxide from the exhaled air, and on the similar time oxygen is entered into the system to maintain life. Rebreather know-how decreases air consumption significantly, in addition to reduces the alarm susceptible marine life because it doesn't produce bubbles. This sort of diving shouldn't be for a beginner as a result of it includes loads of coaching and cautious gear preparation. So regardless of its recognition it stays a specialised realm for skilled divers.
CCR stands for closed-circuit rebreather gear that recycles one's breath and dumps gasoline solely throughout the ascent. Scrubbling unit has a chemical that absorbs carbon dioxide from exhaled gasoline, on the similar time a mix of air and pure oxygen is pushed into the loop for a breathable and secure inhaling combination.
The work movement of a rebreather unit might be summarized as follows. Breathable air goes from scrubbing unit and again to the mouth of a diver. Exhaled air flows from the mouthpiece into the scrubbing unit by way of a particular hose. Pure oxygen is saved in oxygen cylinder and is added to the respiration loop. It replaces oxygen utilized by the diver. Then an absorbant chemical saved within the scrubbing unit removes CO2 from exhaled breath. Air cylinder holds the air that's launched into the system thus sustaining the amount of gasoline. The rebreather's gasoline content material and toxicity stage might be checked on a pc show.
Practice your self and use superior gear of technical diving to take your interest to the subsequent stage and discover the secrets and techniques of marine life and ocean's depths.
Related Links:
http://blue-immersion.org/courses/iantd-courses/normoxic-trimix-diver/ http://blue-immersion.org/courses/iantd-courses/trimix-diver/
Diving technical colleges are extremely specialised establishments that provide technical diving instruction. There are a selection of diving technical colleges situated nationwide. These colleges present coaching programs for learners, superior, and technical divers. A lot of the prime diving technical colleges characteristic extremely skilled and energetic instructors. Superior coaching, vast expertise, and specialised gear are a number of the requisites to change into technical divers.
Open water diver and open water nitrox are two coaching applications for the learners. Of which, open water programs are perfect for these wishing to change into scuba divers. Superior open water diver, EANx nitrox diver, deep air diver, dive grasp, and leisure trimix are a number of the superior programs supplied by diving technical colleges. Additionally, you will be taught a number of the scuba abilities together with night time diving, drift diving, underwater naturalist, overhead setting, underwater navigation, underwater pictures, deep diving, wreck diving, multilevel diving, spear fishing, and lots of extra.
For technical divers, programs similar to EANx gasoline blender, trimix gasoline blender, superior EANx nitrox diver, normoxic trimix diver are supplied. A lot of the coaching programs give instruction on marine life. On-line diving technical applications are additionally offered in a number of the colleges. Practitioners pursuing an internet course don't get direct supervision from the diving instructors. On this case, multimedia classes and reference manuals are supplied by way of web.
Course charges and the period might differ relying on the course options and schedules. Programs are scheduled throughout night or on weekends to satisfy your wants. Nearly each diving technical colleges supply lodging services, books, coaching supplies, and different equipments.
After finishing the coaching program, college students are awarded a diving certificates that's acknowledged all around the world. SSI (Scuba Faculties Worldwide), SDI (Scuba Divers Worldwide), PADI (Skilled Affiliation of Diving Instructors), NAUI (Nationwide Affiliation of Underwater Instructors), TDI (Technical Divers Worldwide) and YMCA (Younger Males's Christian Affiliation) are a number of the internationally recognized coaching companies.
Related Topics:
TDI Decompression Procedures Courses TDI Advanced Nitrox Diver
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cranesmuir-witch · 7 years
Kiss, Kill, or Marry
I was given the prompt of using the phrases “Right now, I don't know if I want to kiss you or shove you off a bridge.    Can I pick?” by @anoutlandishidea. I hope you like it!
If you’d like to read some of my other ficlet prompts check them out on AO3!
(A big thank you to @awesomeeyeroll, @bonnie-wee-swordsman, @takemeawaytocamelot and everyone who comments and reblogs my fics. I appreciate it!)
Claire Beauchamp was well known in her Advanced Higher program for several things. One was her impeccable promptness. Another was her intense need to get a higher mark than her classmates. Those two facts never surprised people, seeing as she was the only child of professors with multiple Ph.Ds. The one thing she was absolutely shite at was her ability to work well with others. Full stop. She was horrible when forced to participate in group projects. It was in part because she had little control in the situation, which made the back of her head buzz with annoyance. After much deliberation she had, however, concluded it was because she could do a much better job on her own. Unfortunately her psychology professor had refused to listen to her strongly worded persuasive essay.
“Professor, I have nothing against Angus Mhor, Rupert MacKenzie, or James Fraser,” Claire asserted,”It's just that I fail to see the necessity of a team building project if I'm going to be a forensic pathologist.”
“Miss Beauchamp, what you will fail to ‘get’ is a passing grade.” she snapped. “If you refuse to participate in this assignment you will fail my course. You have the school email address for the other two in your group and I expect you to contact them before our next class.”
“Bu-bu-but ma’am!” Claire spluttered. ”I’ve had a flawless transcript since, since, well, forever and my scholarships for postgraduate studies depend on exceptionally high marks!”
“It would seem the answer is simple, then. Isn't it?”
Jamie, Rupert, and Jamie sat in the school canteen, laughing loudly as they shoveled food in their mouths unaware of what was happening across campus. The cousins had been thick as thieves since they were young, usually up to something mischievous. The main problem was that all three were much cleverer than most people expected - Angus, the one who always had some sort of injury. Rupert, chubby boy with mussed hair and charity shop clothes. Last, but not least, there was Jamie, the brash laird's son. A simultaneous beep from their mobiles interrupted a daily discussion on the best in the camanachd Premier League.
“Pardon me!” Angus said between belches. “Wait. Why did my arse vibrate?”
Rupert sighed loudly and Jamie clapped his smaller cousin on the back.
“A Dhia! How did you get the highest score on your SQC?” Jamie groaned. “Most of the time you're dumber than the bawbag you came from!”
Angus folded his arms with a huff.
“You asked me if chili was cold because it sounded like c-h-i-l-l-y. You get Rickrolled by me at least once a week. You put a jumper on your Mam’s laptop because she told you it had a virus. The best had to be when you heard that if you put your mobile in a microwave it would boost the memory.” Rupert recalled. “Shall I continue?”
Jamie turned his attention to his phone. He scrolled through his texts, several from his sister, reminding him it was his nephew's birthday the following weekend and multiple ideas for gifts. When his phone vibrated again, he remembered the reason he had opened his mobile in the first place - the email they received.
“Never mind that!” Jamie interjected.”We got an email from that Claire Beauchamp! I can't believe she's not trying to weasel out of the assignment!”
“Blasphemy!” Rupert and Angus said in unison. They covered each other's ears as their excessively aghast faces made some girls at a nearby table burst into giggles.
“Jesus, Mary, and Bride!” Angus prattled to himself. “That has to be a sign of the apocalypse. War, pestilence, famine, and that Sassenach doing a project that she can't be in complete control over!”
“Death. You're thinking of death.”
“There’s a difference?”
After several emails between them all, a time and place was set to talk over how to set their scene perfectly. Since it would be on stage at the fine arts auditorium they decided to check out the venue after a student performance. They all brought notes,as well as pens to take notes, and their syllabus to read the detailed requirements for what was expected.
The task set before the quartet was not an easy one. They were challenged to set up a crime scene, with the assisting makeup skills of the theatre and multimedia departments, to stump everyone else.
“I've drawn up a plan and chatted with the special effects assistants we've been given.” Claire said. “They should be here any minute now.”
All three boys groaned loudly then voiced their opposition to her self-nominated captaincy.
“This isn't your show Your Ladyship!” Jamie barked. “This affects all of us, so all of us will give our input.”
Rupert scowled at Claire who immediately returned the same look. “We've already come up with a winning scenario that no one will be able suss out.” he asserted. “Just listen to Angus. And be glad he uses his powers for good.”
For once in a blue moon, Claire did as she was instructed without any snarky reply, just a simple nod. She had seen for herself in class that Angus was well read  and only spoke when he knew he could add to the discussion, usually to correct a previous erroneous statement. His emphasis on only proven facts earned her respect more than once so this time she'd expect the same.
As Angus finished his explanation he smiled to see Claire's amazed visage. “I see you approve of my machinations.” he added. “So do I get the golden buzzer?”
Since words were unreachable, she simply nodded again.
This time the cousins cheered at her response.
Over the next two weeks they spent dozens of hours on the best way to set up their tableau. In the beginning, Jamie and Claire had struggled for control over the situation. Then,after a draw in an arm wrestling tournament, they concluded that sharing was the better option since they all had individual strengths. They had even started to spend time together outside of their school assignment which confused Angus to no end.
Their allotted time sped by and it was finally their turn to present the assignment.
Everything had been discussed down to the smallest detail and gone over with four sets of eyes with a fine tooth comb. It was foolproof!
They set their scene on the stage with a made up Jamie as the body, and waited for questions from their peers milling around the stage.
“Nothing like a real life game of Cluedo, right Your Ladyship?” Angus whispered to Claire. He knew full well she despised but it made him giggle when she turned scarlet at its mention.
“I'm so glad that nickname stuck, aren't you Fraser? Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ!” she hissed.
Jamie coughed as he struggled to hold back his laughter.
“He's in a library so he got stung by a wasp. They live in old wooden buildings and eat paper.  Anaphylactic shock. Too easy!”
“You're warm.” Rupert replied.
More guesses were heard, inquiring attempts made, but none had the exact answered. At the thirty minute mark a perfect score looked obtainable until Jamie stood up and promptly fainted as a coughing fit left him gasping for breath.
Claire’s scream echoed through as she ran to his side. “Call 999!”
As soon as he was allowed visitors, Angus, Rupert and Claire arrived with grapes and the results of their assessment. He looked ashen but grinned widely when he saw them.
“Give me the bad news first.” Jamie asked. “Let's get that over with first.”
“I hate to tell you cousin, but you're still a left handed ginger.” Rupert said solemnly. “They say it's a terminal case.”
Jamie laughed. “Thank you, Rupe. What did we get? Please tell me anaphylactic shock was worth at least a ninety five.”
“Right now, I don't know if I want to kiss you or shove you off a bridge, Jamie Fraser!” Claire howled. She smacked his arm as she glowered at him.
“Can I pick?”
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allyinthekeyofx · 7 years
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term3itmedia · 5 years
Complications and Additions - Week 23/30
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Boy, it has been an exhausting week. So much so that I start to wonder if this is even going to get finished. Luckily though, it will be if I play my cards absolutely right.
What I did during the week was making assets in Cinema 4D and then importing them into Unity with their intended behaviour.
What you’re looking at in the picture above is the start of an asset crucial to map design, Stairs.
If you don’t know what stairs are... you need to get out of your house. They are a structure that is used to cross a vertical distance, such as from the bottom floor of a house to a higher one, or to an extremely high area unreachable by other means.
In video games, stairs are often seen in buildings and some outside map design which is used to get from one level to another. If you’re a game designer, they are very easy to forget about them if your game mainly involves not being able to jump.
In my game, they play a primary role in a tower, to get the player up to a higher level.
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Here is a later picture I have taken of said stairs. I have added more treads (which is the part that you step on), as well as a handrail. The handrail is the part that people (who have trouble going up stairs) use for support. If you press too hard on them, you will start to slide, so be careful.
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Stairways are often seen with two handrails, but if one is situated against a wall, there may only be one on the opposite side.
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At the top of the stairway, I have added two connecting ends that make it look like two stairways are joined together on either end. If you are lost, see this picture:
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In this picture, you can see that the stairway turns in a different direction halfway up, but is made safe with a barrier on the right side. At the very top, barrier are put all around the edges of the upper layer, making it difficult to accidentally fall off and cause injury.
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And to make my stairs more futuristic (even though some stairway designs have this trait already), I have put glass into them with a slit halfway up.
So I did a Stairs asset for my game. What next?
Reactor asset
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This is the base of the reactor design, which comprises of two pancake-flat and a super thin cylinder.
For those who don’t know, reactors are mechanical devices that control and contain reactions. I’ll explore them a bit more in a later post.
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At one side of my reactor, I put a stand. This stand is what will harness energy in the game. In the second picture, you can see what I call “the energy absorber”, which will power everything else. In the third picture, I’ve added a bit more realism to the stand by giving it supports. I’ve also added one near the top as well to prevent the entire thing from collapsing.
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And so, with a copy-paste and 180-degree turn, we have this. Why have I chosen to make my reactor like this? Because when I looked at images, they were complicated and I didn’t want to invest the time in making one. So I decided to give with my imagination and make one completely from scratch.
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And I wanted to test how well an Energy Cube (the main no-no in the game) would fit. I put it in, did a 360-degree turn with it and I’m happy with the results.
Now we have stairs and a reactor. Are we done? Not yet.
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This next asset was tricky to come up with a design for, so I took to Google Images and gathered info from there. Six out of the eight images show the right kind of turret I was looking for. I wasn’t going to have a castle in my game, so that wasn’t going to work. And so I began work on my mechanical turret:
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Following my memory of what a defensive turret looks like (because I have played a game involving them, cannot remember which), I have started off with a lot of cylinders to make a base for it.
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Then I added two long cannons on the end by using two cuboids and a very thin tube. It’s not the best look, but I’m quite happy with the result.
So now I have 3 different assets made in one day. BUT we’re not done yet!
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The fourth and possibly most tricky of them all was a sniper rifle. I actually had to “trace” this since the design is too complex for me to learn from memory. I put quotations marks on ‘trace’ because this is a 3D asset. 3D objects cannot be traced, but it is possible to get close if you know most of the real object very well. Since I have never seen a sniper rifle, I had to trace it.
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At this point, I have spent over an hour on it. The tracing was merely made out of cubes, which I could then turn into cylinders and other shapes later on.
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Because it would take too long to make enough detail, and due to the fact you won’t be able to see the back end of the gun in-game anyway, I stuck with what I had.
FOUR assets in only one day. At this point, I needed a rest. So I wrote lore (backstories) for the game.
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This lore all comes from imagination and is written in a way to give a sense of life to the game. If you have played a game that doesn’t include any backstories, chances are that game didn’t sell/do well.
Below the lore, I wrote down a bullet point list of what ideas I could put into the game, such as litter or maybe even radiation particles. These are just ideas though, I have yet to decide on whether I want them in my game or not.
It continued on Tuesday, so I don’t have to explain that.
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On Wednesday, I sprung into action. What you’re seeing here is software known as Adobe Audition, which is an audio editing program. I used it to cut an audio clip short that will be suitable for looping. For now, this is a placeholder sound effect to get me used to how the Unity sound system works. If you’re curious, this is what the sound is:
I might go to Freesound for a sound effect in the near future, but for now, this stays.
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OK, time for me to announce the name of the game: Chaos Uprising - The Last Stand. I chose this name because I couldn’t think of a better one, and it ties in with the gameplay aspect.
What you see in the picture above is a list of different details for each object. The first column is the object name, the second column is how many hitpoints it has (I will look at hitpoints/HP in another post), the third column is where it will be located, the fourth column determines if it can be damaged (yes highlighted in green and no highlighted in red, conditional highlighted in cream (I was lazy, OK?)), the fifth column determines if it can be destroyed (damage doesn’t matter in this case) and the sixth column is how much damage it deals to the player in the game.
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In the game, I was adding in the stuff I had made earlier in the week using Cinema 4D. What you see in the picture above is a giant red disc. This disc is actually meant to be inside the scope of a sniper rifle. However, after doing this and willing to implement the other objects accordingly, I had problems. I don’t have any screenshots of the process, so bear with me while I try to explain in words.
In the game, there will be an option where you can choose the gun you want to use. Making this actually work correctly was a NIGHTMARE. I have added in the gun to layer on top of what was the placeholder gun (which has been kept for selection purposes and good use), and then I went into the script that handles the guns.
Following that, I have written code into the script that allowed the player to switch weapons. When I went to test it, the code did work, but not in the way I intended. What happened was that after I pressed the hotkey that makes it happen, the gun just disappeared and could never be seen again. The other gun didn’t even show up.
I went back to the script and wrote another method that involves the usage of other assets and scripts, but this time, BOTH guns could be seen and not switched. At this point, I’m pulling my hair out a little, and it has been one hour.
For 50 minutes after that, I was trying to get some help via the Internet and tutors, but nothing was successful, even the expert tutorials.
But then, I have realised. What the script does is that when the gun disappears, the other one doesn’t appear since the object isn’t active for long enough to tell it to be visible, hence the endless onslaught of headbanging fury.
So I took to a different asset that was visible all the time and ran some tests with the same script methods. After over two hours and losing count of the amount of times I wanted to cease the project entirely, it FINALLY worked. The guns were swapping perfectly. I followed my victory by loudly shouting “YES!” and having some time out to calm myself down. All I’m doing now is praying that I NEVER have to deal with a problem like that ever again.
From what you can tell, I have been working my hair out. These coming weeks will have a lot of energy sucked out of me faster than a vacuum cleaner sucks up a speck of dust.
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snowkatze · 7 years
Part three of the OS series about Ed Sheeran’s new album ‘Divide’. Based on the song ‘Erase’, lyrics in italics. Also part of @snowbaz-feda :)
Happier, Save Myself
As night fell over the city, the loner crawled out of his cave. Out of the place he'd been staying that day. Tomorrow it would be another place and then another. Places change so quickly, they don't even matter. People change just as fast. What do they matter? The wanderer was lonely as he roamed through the streets. His violin case was his only friend, the memory his enemy. Yes. He remembered different times. When people cared for more than just his money. When there was still love between one another, fragile desperate love. A raw and sharp and human emotion. But, as he supposed, greed and envy, jealousy and rage, were human emotions too.
What about sadness? Was he still human or merely just ghost of the man he used to be? He remembers when playing was still about fun, about compassion, not about business and lies. Isn't it sad? So sad, that you can only make it big through lying. You think, what a cynical man he is, but maybe he has seen things you haven't seen. Maybe he knows things you'd rather ignore when you're dreaming. Where do dreams go, once you've fround them? They're like illusions that fade away once you reach them. I was born inside a small town, I lost that state of mind Learned to sing inside the Lord's house, but stopped at the age of nine I forget when I get awards now the wave I had to ride The paving stones I played upon, they kept me on the grind The smooth wind wirled around his hair and he walked like he could float away any moment. Like gravity didn't work the same way for him as it did for everyone else. Had he always been like that? Or was it just all he'd gone through that dissociated him from the world? He was someone different now. He used to be a dreamer, now he's delusional. It wasn't easy, to be the man he was. He lived in a world now where hearts are being broken, promises are never held, nothing is as shiny as it seems. The world he used to live in was one where dreams are unreachable and the future is bleak. How could he judge which one was better? He wanted to escape from both of these worlds and create his own one. His world is one of nothingness, where there are no people and no things. Where he is united with the nightsky and his music. Where no place is ever the same. It's a lonely world he chose.
So blame it on the pain that blessed me with the life Friends and family filled with envy when they should be filled with pride And when the world's against me is when I really come alive And everyday that Satan tempts me, I try to take it in my stride
Of course, he loved it. Gosh, he loved it so much. He loved the roaring crowd, the ground vibrating underneath his feet. He loved sharing his music with so many people – connecting with them in an almost magical way. There were people out there who understood who he was better than anyone who had claimed to be his friend. Because they were able to feel his music, in the same way that he felt it. Maybe that's why he would never trade it for anything else. But he also hated it. He hated the way people only cared for his money once he'd become a bit famous. He hated not being able to go anywhere without being harassed. You envy him and say he shoudn't complain. But maybe he envies you whose face in the streets is only recognized by friends, not strangers. At least he had the means to be just another guy. He had the means to be a wanderer. The money was enough to last him for years. After all, he didn't need much. Spending his nights in motels and changing cities ever so often, he was free. Except he wasn't. He had to conceal himself as to not be recognized. He couldn't let anyone close to him. He was a changed man. Loneliness was friend enough for him. He didn't need anone else. At least that's what he told himself. It's what he had to believe to get by. The night was calm and beautiful. In a small alley, he found a spot just perfect for him. This was where he'd settle down for a few hours, to be just a guy with a violin. Because that's who he wanted to be. You know that I've got whisky with white lines and smoke in my lungs I think life has got to the point I know without it's no fun I need to get in the right mind and clear myself up Instead, I look in the mirror questioning what I've become
When he played, his mind went still. It was a sad sweet song, it drove him mad. Isn't it nice not to feel? Isn't it nice not to wear a mask? It isn't it nice not to be at all? The music carried him away and he took off into space. That's another way to touch the stars. And this way Baz was able to forget.
A small crowd gathered around him. They listened to him without knowing who he was. He was just a faceless violin player. The music drew them to him, it worked like magic. He was able to summon people just like that and he drew them in his spell. The pain poured in his music and created something so raw and messy. It sounded strangled but to some it was downright beautiful. His music was telling stories. They weren't nice or happy stories, but they were stories that touched the core of the human's soul. I guess it's a stereotypical day for someone like me Without a nine-to-five job or an uni degree To be caught up in the trappings of the industry Show me the locked doors, I find another use for the key And you'll see
As it got later, the people became fewer and when he finally stopped playing, the crowd shattered until only one person remained. It was a young man with freckled skin and blonde hair. He stared at Baz in awe and Baz tried not to let it be seen how nervous that made him. Simon had been on his way home when he heard the song. The music had captured him immediately and he had no other choice but to follow it – to be led to this guy. He was not like anyone else Simon had ever seen. Black trousers, a white shirt with rolled up sleeves, grey suspenders and a black bowtie. Shiny, posh shoes. Black hair framed his face perfectly. Everything fitted together, like a painting. (A really pretty painting.) His clothes made him look like a movie star – or a vampire. Anyone else would have looked pretentious. This guy just looked cool. Well. Except for the sunglasses. The sunglasses were ridiculous.
Simon stayed and listened to all the songs. There was a funny feeling in his chest. A feeling that made him want to stand there forever. He wished for the music to never end. He had never heard anything so painful. He had a feeling that this guy had been suffering. Maybe he had been betrayed, too. 'That,' Simon said when the guy had finished, 'was absolutely amazing.' He didn't look up. He closed his violin case in silence before turning to Simon. Despite the sunglasses, Simon felt the guy's gaze on him, making him shiver.
'It's not supposed to be amazing,' he said. 'It's supposed to be truthful.' 'Can't it be both?' 'I guess.' Then the guy walked past Simon, pushing a cigarette between his lips and lighting it with the hand not holding the case. He seemed to think the conversation was over and walked away. But Simon couldn't let him go. He felt like he had just found something fascinating and precious – he couldn't just let it vanish. So he paced after the guy. 'Are you a vampire?' He stopped walking. 'How?' 'Why else would you wear sunglasses at night?' 'Because I'm Corey Hart? Besides, a vampire would wear sunglasses to protect himself from the sunlight, so it doesn't burn him. Do you see any daylight here?' 'Well no, but- but- you know an awful lot about vampires, don't you?' Simon could practically feel the guy rolling his eyes. 'Come on, I just- I was just thinking...'
Please don't go. The guy hesitated and looked at him for a moment. 'You want to grab a bite somewhere?' Simon smiled at him. 'Sure.'
I'm well aware of certain things that can destroy a man like me But with that said give me one more, higher Another one to take the sting away I am happy on my own, so here I'll stay Save your lovin' arms for a rainy day And I'll find comfort in my pain, eraser 'I think you could become famous with your music if you played somewhere else. You know, like that guy who became super popular through youtube? What's his name again? Pitch?' 'You can call me Baz.' Simon laughed. 'I'm not an idiot. I know you're not Pitch. But okay, Baz. I'm Simon.' And Baz' heart melted a little. Funny. Funny what a smile from someone else can do to you.
'When I was a kid I always dreamed of becoming a popular singer, you know.'
Simon sighed.
'You want some advice?' Baz stomped the cigarette out with his heel. 'Try to look for happiness somewhere else – you won't find it in fame.' 'That's a pretty bitter thing to say.' 'Well, maybe I am bitter. I'm not like you. Maybe my soul is made of darkness and I am pitch after all.'
'Or maybe you're not as tough as you pretend to be.' 'How would you know?' 'Because I'm not as happy as I pretend to be.' 'Why are you talking to me anyways? Just because I'm good at playing the violin doesn't mean I'm pleasant company.' 'I like you.' 'Then maybe you are crazy.' 'I think someone hurt you – and I – I...' 'You think you can heal me, do you?' 'I was hurt, too.' Then he stopped walking and Baz turned to look at him. It was dark but he could still make out Simon's features in the starlight. They were standing in the middle of a bridge over a small river. Simon leaned over the railing. He looked at the trees lining up on the shore. The stars where mirrowed in the surface of the water. 'I wish we could bathe in the stars,' he whispered. Baz was unable to take his eyes off him.
'I feel like we're playing roles in a movie. You look the part, with your weird clothes. You're some sort of gentleman or prince, maybe.' 'You think I look like a prince?' Simon smirked. 'A vampire prince, maybe. You know, if this were a movie, we'd run down the shore now and we'd throw off our clothes and leap into the river. We would be made of magic and there would be pretty sappy music in the backround.' 'Sounds like a really romantic movie.' 'Yeah. It would be.' 'Well, I feel like a character in a movie, too. Or rather, in a horrible soap, that makes terrible jokes all the time and I am one of them.'
'You're not a joke, Baz.' 'You don't know me.' 'I'm starting to.' Simon turned to him and now they were looking at each other. 'If you are a joke, it's only because you're making yourself one.' With that, Simon reached out, so gentle and careful, to grab the sunglasses and he pulled them from Baz' head.
He grasped when he saw the colour of Baz' eyes. They looked like a storm was raging inside of them. Then his gaze fell to Baz' lips and he had an unexplicable urge to kiss them. I used to think that nothing could be better than touring the world with my songs I chased the pictured perfect life, I think they painted it wrong I think that money is the root of evil and fame is hell Relationships and hearts you fixed, they break as well And ain't nobody wanna see you down in the dumps Because you're living your dream, man, this shit should be fun
Baz knew that nothing good wiould ever come from this. He was well aware that he was broken – that he was cracked. When he ran from his old life, he also ran from the man he feared he would become. Someone who cared about all the wrong things. Simon didn't deserve someone like that. What did he talk about deserving? Who had ever said Simon wanted anything from him? To Simon, he was just a way of passing time. As they walked side by side and talked about the universe – not the senseless smalltalk other people used to get to know each other – Baz imagined them being normal people. A couple. Who had a home together where they spent lazy afternoons on the sofa. Maybe they'd have a dog, too, and friends. Real, loyal friends who wouldn't leave in times of trouble.
But he knew that after this day, they would part ways and never see each other again. Baz would never settle down, he would just wander on and never get attached to anyone or anything. That's one way to protect yourself.
Please know that I'm not trying to preach like I'm Reverend Run I beg you, don't be disappointed with the man I've become Our conversations with my father on the A14 Age twelve telling me I've gotta chase those dreams They soon reached a little cavern with dim lighting and ugly furniture.
'Hey look,' Simon said, 'it's karaoke night!' Baz smirked. 'Now it's time for me to prove my awesome singing skills.' Baz could tell that he was only joking. He vanished quickly to announce that he would participate. When his name was called, he got close to Baz ear and whispered: 'Now watch me.' On stage, Simon grinned at Baz as he grabbed the microphone. He stared Baz straight in the eye as the music began to play. Oh no, Baz thought. No, he didn't. Then Simon started to sing: 'I wear my sunglasses at night, so I can, so I can, watch you weave, then breathe your story lines.' Are you kidding me? Simon grinned the widest grin and sang on. Baz liked his voice, though he sang badly and often didn't hit the notes. Baz loved it. He took a serviette off a staple and scribbled something on it, before holding it up so Simon would see. 'I hate you.' 'Don't switch the blade,' Simon sang and smiled softly. Baz' heart was aching. Then he leaned back and decided that he was sulking. 'Oh, I say I wear my sunglasses at night, I wear my sunglasses at night...' Finally, the song came to an end. 'This one went out to my new friend,' Simon smiled. 'Because I think this song speaks to him on a personal level.' Then he got off the stage and walked back to sit beside Baz. And Baz wanted to be mad at him so badly but the only thing he was able to think about was that Simon had just called him his friend. Now I'm playing for the people, dad, and they know me With my beat and small guitar wearing the same old jeans Wembley Stadium crowd's two-hundred-and-forty-thou' I may have grown up but I hope that Damien's proud And to the next generation, inspiration's allowed The world may be filled with hate but keep erasing it now Somehow
'You are a terrible singer,' Baz stated. 'And you're a terrible person, too.' 'You loved it,' Simon grinned. 'You're glad I understand you so deeply.' 'Well. Yeah. Maybe. But.' 'But what?' 'I only wear these sunglasses as a disguise.' 'What are people supposed to think you are? An idiot?' 'No. They just aren't supposed to see my face.' 'Your face isn't that terrible.' 'You are unbelievable.' 'And you are a mystery.' 'Would you really choose to be famous if you could?' Simon hesitated. 'I don't think so. You know, these people live in a different world than we do. I don't think I could understand that.' 'You have a low opinion of famous people, don't you?' 'No, I don't. I thought you had a problem with that? What with the, fame doesn't make you happy, and stuff?' You would hate me if you knew who I am, wouldn't you? After a short silence, Simon's face lit up and he exclaimed: 'Come on, Baz, let's have some fun. I'll have you know that my dancing skills are just as amazing as my singing skills. Maybe even better!' As it turned out, Simon was right. Simon was a bad singer and an even worse dancer. And Baz loved it. He loved it so much. As Simon stepped on his feet and kept mumbling apologies, Baz fell for him. (A little.) (Not a little. Full on.) I'm well aware of certain things that will befall a man like me But with that said give me one more, higher Another one to take the sting away Oh, I am happy on my own, so here I'll stay Save your lovin' arms for a rainy day And I'll find comfort in my pain, eraser And I'll find comfort in my pain, eraser And I'll find comfort in my pain, eraser The hours passed and Baz wished the night would never end. When they stepped out of the building, the first sunlight of the day fell over the city. The morning air was fresh and Baz didn't want for Simon to leave. He tried to come up with a plan to make him stay. Nothing came to his mind. He looked at Simon and his messy curls and pretty smile and he thought. Damn. Maybe I don't feel nothing after all. 'Would you hate me?' Baz asked. 'What?' 'Would you hate me if I were the famous YouTuber Pitch?' 'No. I wouldn't.' 'Would you be able to fall in love with me?' 'I think I already am,' Simon whispered. 'What?' 'Falling in love with you.' 'You must be crazy.' 'I think I am.' Baz stepped closer to him. Maybe it was time. Time to stop running away.
Welcome to the new show I guess you know I've been away But where I'm heading, who knows But my heart will stay the same Welcome to the new show I guess you know I've been away But where I'm heading, who knows My pain, eraser
'I know that you're afraid,' Simon whispered, by now close to Baz' mouth. 'Should I be?' 'Maybe. But I think you should be brave.' And then he kissed him on the lips. The touch was soft and Baz' heart fell. 'I'm not going to leave you.' 'Why not?' 'Because we match.'
And I'll find comfort in my pain, eraser 'Let's not run away today. I'm asking you to stay for just today. And tomorrow I'll ask you again. And every day after. Can you do that for me? Just for today?' 'Okay,' Baz whispered back. 'Just for today.' And the pain was still there. But by now Baz knew that there was no way to get rid of it. The pain had carried Baz to Simon Snow. And therefore, he was starting to think, maybe he liked it. He liked the soft aching of his heart. Holding Simon Snow's hand, he felt like it could spring out of his chest and flutter to the stars.
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fyodorscenarios · 7 years
I also think Fyodors ability is to kill people through touch, but i wonder if it would then be like Dazai's in the sense he can't turn it on/off and it's constantly activated. Do you have any thoughts on that? I think it'd make him a much more tragic character that way,considering he could of accidentally killed people he loved. sort of like rogue from x-men ahah. also might explain why he wants to get rid of ability users? like hating them in general to cover up his his own self-loathing ?
I’ve actually considered the possibility of this multiple times. It’s definitely not something I’d rule out, since from what I can think of, there isn’t any proof against it. I’ll be honest though it would make him tragic as hell and I want him to touch me. Not that I’m opposed to him killing me though…
Let’s just consider this for a second: when do people discover their abilities, and do they only start working at a certain age? If people were born right out of the womb with their abilities fully developed some of them might pose a problem, and some of them wouldn’t. If baby Fyodor could use Crime and Punishment right away for example, and it was constantly active, no one would have been able to take care of him to the extent that a baby requires. He would kill people before they could. I think we can rule this possibility out. That leaves two; Fyodor’s ability is always active but developed later in his childhood, or Fyodor’s ability works at will.
My personal hypothesis is that he can control who he “punishes” by justifying the death of the person he is about to kill and telling himself that he will kill them. This would essentially activate the ability, if that makes sense. My logic being that punishment is never without a reason, or a crime, to back it up. The name may imply that death must be justified, by this I mean his own justification though, rather than unspoken laws governing the ability.
If the ability is some King Midas crap then it would give him good reason to find The Book. I however, like how at this point he doesn’t really have a set reason for wanting to get rid of the ability users, at least from what we’ve seen. I don’t believe that every villain needs some kind of tragic backstory to justify their actions, it’s refreshing to see one without tragedy, but I’m still fine with those types of villains.
I can’t see his past as being all that great though. There’s still a chance that without having the ability constantly activated, he did kill someone accidentally, close or not. It seems that ability users need time and practice to keep their abilities in check, perhaps at one point Fyodor’s ability was out of his control. A high tension moment could have lead to his first use of C&P. I also see him as being a very lonely child, one who felt isolated due to his intelligence being much higher than the other children’s. His bluntness as a child, likely strange personality, and more mature interests wouldn’t earn him many friends. He probably would’ve preferred to be alone so he could read anyways.
Returning to Fyodor’s reasoning, I always like to relate him to Raskolnikov (the MC of C&P), just because. There is a lot of difference between them, but I think some things might make them similar in a way. I sometimes wonder if Fyodor is just simply an intellectual questioning the world’s sense of morality as a whole.
It’s true that deaths are sometimes necessary to improve the lives of the majority. In fact, the world runs like this. The people at the top benefit from the worse conditions experienced by the people at the bottom. There are people that have been celebrated for orchestrating the murder of many for the benefit of their own country or group. I feel like Fyodor believes that there is a chance to improve the world through killing.
Fyodor may consider himself to be god-like due to his ability. He may believe that there is a reason for everything, and that his ability to kill was actually given to him by a higher power specifically to better the world. This in his mind would likely justify his actions. He may feel as if he is meant to do it, but I still think he seems to take great pleasure in it all. You can see it on his face.
Perhaps Fyodor has seen enough suffering and human cruelty to be disgusted with humans and the world. He may associate abilities with these things somehow, or view abilities as something given by the devil to cause chaos. In this case, he would consider his ability the only one given by god, along with the reasoning that god wishes him to destroy the abilities that exist and/or the users themselves.
I feel like there definitely is a degree of self-loathing in him though, like you said. It’s something he would always try to hold back and ignore, but it would linger. Just when he thinks he’s doing fine he might feel it, it would likely be feelings of regret and self doubt.
He would use the god complex he seems to have and proclaimed self-righteousness to ignore it. Fyodor might think that if he can prove that he is godlike his self-loathing might go away.
With him, there would always be a lingering feeling that he should be better, more efficient, more mentally strong, etc. No matter how good he is at something, Fyodor would likely always be striving for unreachable perfection. This is what fuels his work ethic. Being praised as a child for your intelligence tends to instil this in people. You know that you’re great, you’ve been told that before, but at the same time you’ll always feel inferior to someone. Therefore, great isn’t good enough, you’re always pushing yourself harder even if it isn’t necessary. You feel like you must constantly justify to yourself and others that you are still worthy, despite the fact that most already view you as such. Trust me on this, I would know. It’s been my life for a while now.
The finger biting is also for coping. It helps distract him from his feelings and calm him down. Fyodor would also likely do it subconsciously when he’s thinking deeply. The pain probably barely registers with him now that he’s been doing it for so long. I assume that he’s been doing it since he was a child, since that’s when people seem to start.
I guess I got kinda off topic, but it gets like that when I talk about him. Thanks for letting me ramble for a bit, haha. Anyone is free to contribute if they want to as well.  
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dyernews · 5 years
Money at 30: Aspiration Online-Only Bank Review
There was once a time when I thought perhaps I had too many bank accounts. Yet, since then, I’ve only found more attractive accounts to open. One of the latest additions to my roster is Aspiration, where I opened up an account at the end of last year.
As luck would have it, before I had a chance to test all of the features of Aspiration, they made some sizeable changes. So were these changes for the better? And how do Aspiration’s other features stack up against various Internet banking offerings? Let’s take a closer look at what Aspiration has to offer customers and what makes them stand out in the increasingly crowded field of online-only banks.
What is Aspiration?
Aspiration is an online bank with some high, well, aspirations. With taglines such as “Do Well. Do Good.” and “Save Money, Save the Planet,” the company puts as much of an emphasis on charity and ecological impact as it does on personal finance health. In fact humanitarian and Oscar-winning actor Leonardo DeCaprio is among Aspiration’s investors.
There are many areas where Aspiration’s Earth-saving endeavors shine through, such as their Redwood Fund and Redwood IRA products that promote sustainable investing. Additionally the bank donates to various causes and makes it easy for its customers to do the same. However, for the rest of this review, we’ll be looking specifically at Aspiration’s banking features and how they compare to other offerings.
Recent changes
Earlier this year, Aspiration announced it was changing a few things about their accounts. For one, instead of a single account they dubbed “Aspiration Summit,” the bank created Aspiration Spend and Aspiration Save accounts. The biggest positive to this change was that the bank doubled its APY from 1% to 2%. However, to earn this interest, funds would first need to be placed into the Save account. Additionally customers must deposit at least $1 a month into any of their Aspiration accounts (or have a balance of at least $10,000 or higher for a minimum of one day per month) in order to earn to that 2% APY. Failing to do so will, sadly, result in a 0% interest rate for the month.
To their credit, Aspiration has been very accommodating with this change. For example current users like myself were able to keep their current debit cards. Also, realizing that some users may not have been aware that they needed to move funds to their Save account to earn interest, Aspiration actually gave users 1% on their Spend balance in addition to the 2% on Save funds. Presumably this was a one-time thing but it was certainly a nice gesture. I also appreciate that Aspiration has sent reminder e-mails nudging me to make my monthly transfer and score that 2% APY.
What’s Good About Aspiration
Before we go any further, rest assured that deposits to Aspiration are FDIC insured up to $250,000 per depositor just like any other bank. Enough said.
“Pay What is Fair”
Aspiration doesn’t charge many of the fees that traditional banks do. There’s no minimum balance fee, overdraft fees, maintenance fees, etc. Instead the bank asks its customers to sustain them by paying a monthly fee of their choosing — even if that amount is $0. Overall this is a good system that has the potential to save you money versus many brick-and-mortar banks.
Cash back on debit card purchases
Incidentally this is a feature of Aspiration I have yet to use but is definitely worth discussing. Along with the other recent changes to Aspiration accounts, debit card purchases now yield cardholders cash back. That’s already exciting but the way they determine your level of cash back is pretty fascinating.
The bank has developed its Aspiration Impact Measurement (AIM) that evaluates “how a business treats People (employees, customers and community) and the Planet (environment).” If you use your debit card to make a purchase at an establishment with a high AIM score, you’ll earn 1% cash back. In the event the business has a lower AIM score or has yet to be evaluated by Aspiration, you’ll earn 0.5% cash back on your purchase. From what I can find, it’s unclear what constitutes a high or a low score and, like I said, I have yet to experience this myself. Nevertheless cash back is always a good thing.
High APYs
As mentioned earlier, Aspiration recently doubled the amount of interest it pays and is now offering 2% APY on savings. That may not be the highest you can find but it’s still strong. Interest is paid on account balances monthly, allowing some of that sweet, sweet compounding to occur. Considering I joined Aspiration for the combination of 1% APY and the next feature we’re going to discuss, having that interest rate double to 2% makes this banking option even better.
ATM fee reimbursement — even international
Last but not least, Aspiration boasts that it allows its customers to use any ATM in the world for free. No, this isn’t the result of some massive partnerships that span the globe. Instead it just means that the company will reimburse any fees you may incur for using an ATM domestically or abroad.
On my recent trip to Hong Kong I got to try out Aspiration’s ATM fee refund first hand. I have to say I was a bit worried as I approached the Bank of China ATM at the Hong Kong Airport, Aspiration card in hand. Truth be told, I was depending on the card to work as I required cash to take a cab to my hotel. Thankfully, after entering my card, typing my pin, and opting into any fees I might incur (and that Aspiration would hopefully cover), I was able to walk away with $200HKD in hand.
Fairly soon after this transaction, I could see it pending on my account — except it was converted to the sum of $25.53. That’s actually what Google says the conversion should be, so it didn’t seem as though any fee had been applied. Nevertheless, a few days later, a $4.00 credit for “Int’l ATM Fee Rebate” appeared in my account. At first I thought this $4 credit was just a note reversing a separate fee I hadn’t seen but, running the math, it would seem that it actually added $4 to my account. I used ATMs twice more while in Hong Kong, netting similar results.
Looking into this further, I found that Aspiration’s help center notes “International ATM fees are reimbursed at a flat rate of $4.00 per transaction.” They add that, if you’re charged more than $4, you can submit a photo of your receipt to receive full reimbursement. However, in my case, evidence would suggest I was never actually charged an ATM fee and, instead, earned $4 just for taking out money. Now, I have to say that this was not my intention nor do I condone taking advantage of the apparent loophole… but there it is. In any case, my overseas ATM experience — one of the main reasons I was attracted to Aspiration — was quite a success.
The Downsides of Aspiration
About that monthly fee
In the “What’s Good About Aspiration” section, I explained the institution’s Pay What is Fair fee policy. While it’s true that you can elect to set this fee to $0, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Heck, I felt bad enough reducing their initial $5 a month fee recommendation to the $1 I landed on. But here’s the thing: there are other online banks that offer near what Aspiration does that don’t charge any fees and don’t even ask for voluntary payment. I suspect I’m not the only one paying a higher fee to Aspiration than they otherwise would just because of guilt, making this a slight negative to the service. Then again, Aspiration does gives 10% of these fees to charity, so now I’m back to feeling bad that I even wrote this!
P.S. — whether you’re feeling more generous or decide it’s time to lower your fee, you can always do so by going into Settings > Fee Settings and adjusting from there.
Slow transfers
I’m not sure if I’m just impatient but it seems that external transfers to Aspiration take a bit longer than normal. Perhaps that’s because they don’t even display as pending in your account (you’ll have to hit the “transfers” tab to see it, assuming you initiated the transfer from Aspiration itself). This has led to a couple of times where I worried that something was wrong. Of course this fear was only compounded when I got an e-mail from the bank saying one of the transfers I launched had failed. It turns out that was just a glitch that affected a few customers around the time of the big Save and Spend split, but it only made this speed issue more evident.
Few balance details 
Earlier I noted that I wasn’t sure if the $4 ATM fee credits I was receiving were extra money or just leveling me out from a charge I didn’t see. Well part of the reason for the confusion is that Aspiration doesn’t display all of the balance data that other banks would. As far as I can tell, there’s no way to view a running total of how transactions affected your balance. Because of this, I simply had to go all the way back in my transactions, total them up one by one, and see if my math mirrored my current balance (it did, which is how I know those $4 credits were extra money). Eventually I did find where you can download a monthly account statement in Settings, although this wasn’t terribly helpful either.
Quite honestly, since I’m using Aspiration more as a place to stash extra cash and really only use the debit card for ATM access, these quirks aren’t a huge deal. However I could easily see this being a problem for those who intend on using their accounts full time.
No joint accounts
When I opened my Aspiration account, my intent was to make it a joint account by adding my wife. Unforunately it seems no such options exists. Lest you think that adding a  “Trusted Contact” will do the trick, the bank advises it is not a beneficiary but, instead, a “person we will contact in the event you are unreachable when action must be taken on your account.” What’s really odd is that, in account info, there’s a section that says “Account Owners” — yes, there’s a plural!
Poking around online, it seems that Aspiration is working to introduce joint accounts. That said it also appears that they’ve been declaring that for a while. Their latest timeline according to replies on Twitter in March 2019 is “Definitely not longer than a year!”
Final Thoughts on Aspiration
There’s clearly a good reason why Aspiration has been getting so much publicity as of late. In addition to their unique business model and humanitarian efforts, they also offer a number of banking features that can help customers save money. Personally the 2% APY on savings coupled with free ATM access anywhere in the world is enough for me to sing its praises.
At the same time I do wish a little more attentional to detail went into Aspiration’s interface. Their stripped down balance and transaction dashboard could be frustrating for those looking for a blow by blow recap, while slow transfers can cause anxiety when you’re chasing that 2% interest. I’m also still waiting for the day when I can finally add my wife to the account, making it easier for her to contribute as well.
Overall what Aspiration offers is more than enough for me to maintain my account alongside my Discover Bank account and others. Furthermore I suspect that those looking to really make an impact with their money will flock to the online alternative to the “too big to fail” banks. For all of those reasons, I’d say it’s definitely worth setting your sights on Aspiration.
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bestth10base-blog · 6 years
Best TH10 War Base Layouts
On the lookout for a good TH10 War Base which will help you protect your celebrities in Clan Wars? You are at the ideal place!Here you will find the most recent and most powerful base layouts for Town Hall 10 which can allow you to acquire your next Clan War using their Anti 3-Star design.All foundations here th10 best war base anti everything comprise the up-to-date methods in base design to shield well against all popular strikes.TH10 War Base -- General Info 2018Before I will show you the layouts, please Remember that you should always perform some adjustments before using these:Change the trap positions! Rotate the design! This is important not to provide weaknesses readily -- multiple individuals here use the layouts and you do not need them to understand where your traps are.I have been writing more about this topic here: Get Better in Clash of Clans - Better Attacking & Stronger DefendingFurthermore, If you would like to get a notification Once I post new foundation layouts, please subscribe to the free AllClash Newsletter here: Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and we will deliver you our complimentary Strategy Guide that assisted more than 100,000 Clashers so far. Register Greatest War Bases TH10Please mind that some bases are constructed with higher Town Hall accounts, but the buildings used are only those available to your Town Hall Level.
Anti Everything Town Hall 10 War BaseThis TH10 War Base tries the Anti-Everything strategy and it works really well. The Town Hall, the Archer Queen along with the Clan Castle is located in the middle of the foundation and protected by the Air Defenses, Inferno Towers, X-Bows and Hidden Teslas.Grund attacking plans will probably fail because of loads of Bombs around the Town Hall and the Clan Castle is in the middle of the base, it is going to be tough to draw out the CC troops from the base at the start of the assault.ShareClick on the picture or here to download this foundation layout or watch some defensive replays here. TH10 War Base Anti LaLoonianHere we have abase layout that works great against air attacks, espeically LavaLoon -- the Air Defenses have been in radius of the Inferno Towers so Lava Hounds will pop up so quick the Lava Pups don't survive to generate a great cleanup composition.
Without the Hounds the Balloons will even pop really fast and not create a 3-Star contrary to this bae.ShareClick on the image or here to download this foundation layout or watch a few defensive replays here. Solid TH10 War BaseThis foundation here works with dead zones around the Town Hall compartment and a very nasty Air Defense positioning to give the attacker a tough time attacking. The Infero Towers will add an extra layer of Anti-Queen-Walk to the cake and together with all the tiny added pockets on the outside it will not be simple to funnel troops into the core of this base.
ShareClick on the picture or here to download this foundation design or watch a few defensive replays here. Great Anti 3-Star Th 10 War BaseThis base is a hard nut to crack with all the left side a nightmare to construct a proper funnel and the right side together with all the Town Hall plastered with little segments that may break an assault and also make it more challenging to control troops to the center and controlling a clockwise attacking approach.Click the picture or here to download this foundation layout or watch some defensive replays here. I often enough have seen that this base almost even defended the 2nd Star so this is for certain a one you wish to try .This base here is hard to attack if the attacker chooses to use air troops using the Inferno placement and the Air Defenses in line directly in the center of the base.A hard-to-build funnel and the intersectioning make this foundation a Great alternative to the first one above ShareClick the image or here to download this base layout or watch a few defensive replays here. Great Anti 3-Star TH10 War Base Style Let us start with a rather strong Anti 3-Star layout -- it'll force the attacker with Queen Charge to attack in the top due to the unreachable Inferno Tower in Single Mode at the base -- the Hunting Air Mines will create that Queen Charge a short one and in case the attacker utilizes Bowlers he will fail in the middle of the bottom unable to get 3 stars.ShareClick the image or here to download this base design or here to see a few defensive replays of this foundation layout. If your foundation frequently gets attacked by Queen Charge & Bowler or Hog Rider attacks, this base Is Most Likely your best choice This foundation here works great against Valkyries but also other attacking compositions with Golems. The overall layout of these compartments will divide up the troops and take them down merciless one by one before they could even reach the middle.
ShareClick on the image or here to download this base design or here to watch a few defensive replays of this foundation design. Also, the CC is extremely hard to lure as well as also the defending Queen is indeed deep inside the bottom that any suicide attack will neglect to take her down early in the raid.Defending against Queen Walks works very good with this layouts' awesome Air Defense placement -- they are at the place where the Queen can not reach them without moving through the walls but they could still aim the Healers and create a Queen Walk fail.ShareClick the image or here to download this foundation design or watch some defensive replays here. Additionally, The X-Bows are set in locations where they can cover nearly the whole place all the time to keep DPS high on troops while they have to take long distances at the core area of the TH10 War Base Design.Anti Loons War Base Town Hall 10Loons are a big thing at Clan Wars for TH10, so this foundation will allow you to counter them.
Even the Air Defenses are Difficult to reach from the outside and the inside of the foundation will crush Lava Hounds incredibly fast so defenses can target the BalloonsShareClick on the image or here to download this foundation design or watch some defensive replays here. Anti Miner & Bowler War Base Design Town Hall 10This layout works good against Miner or even Bowler with the tactical trap placement they can not avoid running into.ShareClick on the image or here to download this foundation design or watch some defensive replays here. Be Sure to put some air troops like Baby Dragon or Balloons to your Clan Castle, they will shred them also Submit your foundation!
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nchyinotes · 6 years
What is to be done? Games for Social Impact (Cybersalon @ Newspeak House)
January 25 2018
Over 2.2 bln people world-wide will be playing games in 2018. A hit game is fun but also an opportunity for deep learning and transformative experience. As technology, politics and urbanisation makes our lives more complex, games can help us to learn faster about things we need to know to thrive in this new post-truth world. Cybersalon.org will host a panel on how game creatives and social innovators can put spotlight on real-world challenges like state and work surveillance, fake news and anti-democratic practices of modern governments while providing inspiring game experience.
Rich Metson – game designer and OFF GRID co-author. The game reveals the world of surveillance and invites player to explore the avoidance and defense techniques.
Amanda Warner –”Fake It to Make it” US-based web games author and interactive designer interested in fighting propaganda and confusion in Mainstream Media in US and beyond (joining via Skype from US)
Osmiotic Studios – Hamburg-based authors of “Orwell” game, sharing the key points from the development and potential of the game for impact
Ben Greenaway – Cybersalon’s games reviewer who will discuss Anders Norén’s Riot – Civil Unrest and also impact of AI and AR in Games for Change
Simon Sarginson – Senior UX Developer at Splash Damage will review the game “Orwell”
Chairing Rosa Carbo-Mascarell – London-based game designer and Corbyn Run game co-author , Creative Director for Game Jam and Games For The Many
THOUGHTS: I thoroughly enjoyed this event. Attended out of sheer curiosity, as I saw the listing on Newspeak House. I hear about video games everywhere and have heard/watched interesting video game analysis, but have never really played video games or seen the appeal. I’m always interested in different creative mediums used to reach people and engage them beyond just entertainment purposes (while also providing the entertainment, but not letting that dilute the message behind it). So I definitely appreciated being introduced to all these video games that hope to make social impact. I found them all fascinating - I even bought the Red Strings Club! I also got to play a bit of Off Grid afterwards, which was quite cool. Looking forward to when it comes out. The panel was the highlight for me though, I found the discussion about video games as a medium informative and thought provoking.
Off Grid the Game (Rich Metson)
Hacking, data privacy
POV of a technophobe trying to understand political impact
End up doing malicious things for a good goal
Collecting data as you go along, to build a profile
Off grid is “simplistic” (ie. a solution in the game to distract a guard is to hack the radio channel to change it to a sports channel so the guy listens to the radio for longer) to make a point
Read more: http://offgridthegame.com/ and http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2018-01-15-off-grid-is-about-the-principles-of-hacking
Fake it to make it (Amanda)
Targeting people who genuinely believed fake news
Higher level of skepticism + notice/fact check, explain to others/advocate how its spread
Don’t understand that it’s easy to
financial incentives (profitability of ad revenue)
Outcome map - Start with high level (what needs to happen in the world, what needs to support)
Best way for people to gain a deep understanding
Background in training and education
Skill development, behaviour change
Jeopardy: very typical game used in education, but game structure has very little to do with message - the challenge was not connected to learning goals
Game with a goal with defined set of rules to reach it
Power for people to struggle
Integrate skills, behaviours into mechanisms of game
Stories from teachers about impact
Read more: http://www.fakeittomakeitgame.com/ and https://kotaku.com/fake-news-video-game-is-a-little-too-real-1793660926
RIOT (Ben Greenaway)
RIOT, civil unrest (advocate)
Real time strategist for police or rioters
Agency issue in games
Layer of AI/separation/representation (2D/3D)
First person = generally OK
Especially in RT strategy games
How does it feel like i’m actually there?
Model computes a reaction to your input for each game character based on different elements (training, adrenaline, etc)
Friction between intent + reality
Game is produced as response to real world events, testimony of what he experienced
Gamespot blogspot, leonard menchian
4 real world historic events (italy, greece, Spain, Egypt)
Simulation tool: how to have player agency in historical event
Key characters that were photographed in Venezuelan + chile events are baked in to the game
Not historic reenactment - fuzzy rean??, real world rules based
Is there ever a winning police/rioter strategy
Pilots use simulators
Experiments - protein folding, scientific testing
Simulation as prediction
Social change as a game (how its portrayed)
RIOT is documentary + offering new POV
Read more: http://riotsimulator.com/ and https://www.gamespot.com/articles/how-the-worlds-riots-inspired-a-video-game/1100-6405315/  
Simon Sarginson
Visceral effects of digital in political engagement
Exploring ideas in games: 3 games of how we interact with governments
Accessible, not very deep
How we deal with influence + govt
Games used to ask qs or answer (how can)
1) ORWELL (Goal: to find terrorists)
How public info makes you easily identifiable
More invasive
1. You get kind of bored looking through people's lives, demotivation of subject its trying to portray
2. You have a lot of power. People's lives are highly ambiguous, where you choose to surface = hugely important
Uncomfortable tension ran there with narrative of game, you’re working for an evil government
Participating, not just watching (like other art). Your agency in this. You are a pawn of evil!
Politically slanted
More: https://www.vice.com/en_uk/article/bn3m35/orwell-is-a-game-about-surviellance-with-a-major-blindspot or http://www.surpriseattackgames.com/portfolio-items/orwell/ or https://www.theverge.com/2018/3/4/17062366/orwell-keeping-an-eye-on-you-game-surveillance-short-play
2) Papers, Please
Working as border worker
Tension: face horrible choices - if you do moral things, you pay out of own pocket
Mundane, you just want to get through it - it becomes an annoyance
Involved in process, goal: keep family alive
Very visceral way how people can be stuck in this system
More: http://www.papersplea.se/
3) Red strings club
Info broker influencing people with drinks, like big organisations (do?)
Social influence as personal vs traditional advertising
Role of influence in our lives - trans humanist slant
More: https://www.polygon.com/2018/1/22/16911206/the-red-strings-club-review or https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/the-red-strings-club-review/1900-6416838/
Lots of political engagement in other art forms, why not in games?
1930s in terms of timeline (where film was)
games come out of something inherently not political - the arcade, for entertainment, to disappear into something entirely different
language is still in development
only recently have video games been considered art, early times
pressure isn’t yet there from us - i need more from this game, i want you to address real issues, not just fantasy escape
reasoning, political will, game making power hasn’t come together in one package yet
when collabs happen, are often mismatched = entertainment game vibe, not in the most positive way
financial incentives, not well positioned to have independent voice. even movie industry while v large and organisational
you need scale to have political message
(young medium, the market, requires some certain independence from the way we make games)
Is there a way to speed up that process?
make better cameras (like lumiere brothers?)
unity engine didn’t think it would politicise game dev but it has (was to democratise), so much easier to do it.
we actually are able to focus on political content more, and have an ability to enter the market and compete commercially, given enough time.
comes down to tooling - access to toolkit to broader group of people
try to do too much ?
beyond confines of game just for entertainment
interaction = what makes games unique, can expose interesting ways of political process
if a game is not fun, no one will use it (unlike film, books)
harder to get entry levels/newcomers into making something interesting?
knowledge required to do a v complicated simulation = v extensive technical
games is difficult medium to use, bc hard to express politics through mechanics and not everyone can create simulations
How do you motivate existing game makers to do this?
game jams - melting point to do ideas, but nobody actually finishes them (a money thing, staying power needs financial)
paolo ?? short games on oil, drones
consequence of democratisation of more accessibility to making games
if you have a broader set of people contributing content to the field (not CS people), you’ll have different stories told
ie. paperboy falling into pothole into street
politics comes from everywhere - more political games just cause you have more games
Why are society’s most vulnerable people never involved in games that comment on their lives?
south side of chicago - meant to try to engage community in grassroots led basis
maturity of the medium
indie developer without funding, hard to research communities on field (have to just do it on internet)
matty brice, nicky case (coming out) - there are people from marginalised communities making games
channels for conversations to get started
minimal toolkit to get involved, recognising that we need other input (ideation developers, modders, etc)
making games moddable ? modder culture
For Amanda: who is your audience? the people that need the information are not seeking it out
her relatives (lol)
middle of the road people, who are not so unreachable
students - digital literacy in schools
??? GTA ??
speaking up when you think something is a bit heavy handed, voice concern, pressure on studios to compete with you and make something more important / sensitive to issues
star wars battlefront 2 - in game payment system
v bad planning on EA, oversold on promise of game before release (beta & reddit)
debated in EU courts now
so much rooms for games like GTA to explore deeper in to ?? worlds ?? —> will sell more copies of they do
big boys and girls: they don’t absolutely own the market like they used to
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thebackloggamer · 6 years
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon
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I truly love Castlevania, both the newer metroidvaina style games as well as the classic interpretation (albeit to a lesser extent). Although I haven’t played the second part yet, I even have some love for the latest 3D outings like Lords of Shadow.
Naturally, when I learned that mister Igarashi was building a brand new game in the style of Symphony of the Night, I was exited. I’m looking forward to Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night but things got better when, with the help of Inti Creates (from Mega Man Zero fame, which I love as well), IGA and team released Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon, as a smaller appetizer.
This game is very different than RotN. As far I understand it, story wise, it serves as a sort of prequel to the main game. Also, this game is in the style of classic 8 bit Castlevanias like the first and third (Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse) ones, both in structure and visuals; while Ritual of the Night is a modern looking metroidvania.
As far as classic Castlevania goes, I think this game is pretty much perfection. It has all the design elements like hard difficulty, various sub-weapons, slow and deliberate movement and attacks. Much like Castlevania III, It also has four playable characters that the player can switch at any time during a level. Each level also has multiple routes and secrets to uncover. These are often only accessible by one specific character.
All of these features, along with expert level design, tight controls and fun boss fights, come together in a package that, In my opinion, not only breathes new life into a style of game that we haven’t seen in a long while, but also surpasses the games it took so much inspiration from. It learned from the classics and improved on them without deviating too much from the path established by them.
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The bosses are a ton of fun but you gotta have some suspension of disbelief... How’s that puny sword gonna do anything against that monster?
I had a ton of fun playing this game. So much so, that I ended up playing through it four times back to back. The game encourages you to do so as there are multiple endings and ways to play it. And this is the part where Curse of the Moon deviates from what the classic games established and offers its own twist on the genre.
1st Playthrough (Normal)
Here’s how it works. You start the game as Zangetsu, a typical samurai-ish Simon Belmont type that walks and jumps and uses a katana to attack. The katana is a pretty low range weapon (meaning you have to get pretty close to enemies to attack) and, as such, you will need to use your sub-weapons (that are collected throughout the levels) for much needed versatility. As you progress through the game as Zangetsu, you’ll unlock new playable characters.
First of all is Miriam, she’s the protagonist of the upcoming game. Miriam walks at the same speed as Zangetsu but can jump higher. Also, Miriam uses a whip as her weapon of choice which, even though it’s a bit slower than Zangetsu’s katana, it has much more reach. Also, she has access to a distinct set of sub-weapons. Actually, every character has their own set of sub-weapons. This adds to their variety and uniqueness.
After Miriam, you unlock Alfred. He is an alchemist whose main gimmick is that his normal attack is pretty much worthless as he uses a magician’s rod with pretty much no reach or speed. Where this character really shines is with his sub-weapons. For Alfred, every sub-weapon is a different spell. We’ve got good variety here. There’s an ice lance of sorts that is thrown horizontally in front of him and freezes everything it touches. This turns enemies into platforms and also allows one to kill them in one hit, as the ice shatters. There’s also a series of fire balls that surround the player offering protection from most ranged attacks as well as consistent damage if you get close enough to an enemy. There are also a few more spell types that Alfred can use but you get the idea. These offer great options for dispatching enemies and defending, but also serve for exploration when, for example, a frozen enemy can be used as a platform to reach previously unreachable places. Of course, these spells are not unlimited and, as any other sub-weapon for other characters, there’s a meter that’s depleted each time you use one of these attacks. Luckily, this can be easily replenished from enemy drops and breaking stuff (like candles!) throughout the levels.
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This is a mini-boss of sorts and Alfred just one-shots it.
Finally, the last character to unlock is Gebel. He’s an Alucard type dude that attacks by spawning three bats in front of him that move in a curved trajectory upwards. Gebel can’t use any sub-weapon but has the ability of turning into a bat. In bat form, Gebel can fly and reach places that would be impossible for the other characters to reach. While in bat form, he can also move quickly in any direction by doing a sort of charge attack.
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He shoots bats... Yup.
All these characters are unlocked during the first three levels of the game. After that, it’s just a matter of using their abilities to clear the rest of the game’s levels and bosses. Pretty standard stuff but it’s a ton of fun.
2nd Playthrough (Nightmare)
After beating the game for the first time, you unlock Nightmare mode. In this mode, you are able to play as the three unlockable characters from the beginning of the game. That is: Miriam, Alfred and Gebel. No Zangetsu though. Other than doing it just for fun, and for the harder difficulty, there are three aspects that make this playthough worthwhile:
1. Having the extra characters available from the beginning of the game means that, now, you can explore new routes through those first three levels. These are routes that weren’t available during the first playthough because you didn’t have access to the character that would have been able to access said route.
2. There’s an additional final level that wasn’t present in the first playthorugh as well as a new final boss.
3. There’s a different ending.
3rd Playthough (Normal again)
After beating the game a second time, one unlocks nothing. However, there’s another way that one can play through the normal mode which will result in a different ending and overall experience.
How to access this? Well, kill your companions instead of recruiting them. Yup, Zangetsu can become a major a-hole and choose to kill the unlockable characters instead of recruiting them. Other than not having those characters available, the main change that this way of playing the game brings to the table is new abilities for Zangetsu. So, each time you kill one of your would-be comrades, Zangetsu gets an ability from them. Miriam gives him the ability to perform a far more effective and longer reaching jump attack; Alfred allows him to double jump and, finally, Gebel unlocks a dash move where Zangetsu will briefly run forward (or endlessly, if you keep pressing the button).
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Hell yeah!
So, yeah, being a jerk pays off and Zangetsu becomes a lot more powerful. And a whole lot more fun to play as well. These new abilities change the game drastically. They turn good-old tank guy Zangetsu into a speedy ninja dude that jumps around, moves quickly and rains death from above. I really like how these abilities mix up the gameplay and makes everything much more fun, fast and flashy.
Finally, there’s a different ending and a new unlock for beating the game this way: Ultimate mode.
4th Playthrough (Ultimate)
Ultimate mode is basically normal again, but with a twist: Zangetsu retains all his powers from killing his associates. This means that you have access OP, ninja Zangetsu as well as the rest of the characters. The game is harder for sure in this mode but it doesn’t matter. By now, you should know the game pretty well and your party is just too strong. 
But that’s not all, there’s also a new ability for Zangetsu: he can now charge up a sword attack and deliver a devastating blow that’s both stronger and farther reaching.
Playing the game in this mode is incredibly fun. New abilities, all the characters and the fact that, by now, you know the game pretty well, makes things move very quickly and, again, flashy.
Final thoughts
I’ve had a blast playing this game. It is one of those rare cases where the more you play, the more fun it gets (tangent: Resident Evil 4 will always have a special place in my heart for doing this beautifully with it’s new game plus implementation). This is because it’s not just the simple of repetition running through the same game again and again, but it truly makes an effort to mix things up and introduce new mechanics and tweaks to keep things new and fresh.
If Curse of the Moon is any indicative of the quality that Ritual of the Night will show, I can’t wait any longer.
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