#and ive been meaning to get smth for nip play
calekinnieplus · 2 months
I mean, when someone asks you how your life has been its pretty obvious that's its an update they want lol
I'm personally slowly being coaxed into reading weapon creator by my fyp but that's neither here not there.
I've got exams coming up and I'm all out of passion to study so I'll just be stress studying this week and maybe get an ulcer while we're at it lol
Is there any song that always personally reminds you of a Fandom you're in? To me, the gta 5 theme reminds me of lotm, specifically gehrman ^^
and Billie eillish's cover of hotline bling reminds me of the fool
Wellll ok, that's fair lmao
Never heard of weapon creator. Sounds intriguing... Although, novel-wise, I'm being tempted by Author's POV. Show-wise, I have yet to watch the Percy Jackson TV show. I read the books when I was younger and I've heard good things about it!
Rip for the exams. I get ya. Thank goodness I finished LOTM before mine started, or else I would've been positively fucked haha... GOOD LUCK WITH YOURS THO! Do try not to die ;)
Hmmm while reading LOTM, there were some specific songs I played on loop, but now, whenever I put "Pyramids" by Frank Ocean, I just get reminded of Gehrman Sparrow, cuz I was listening to THIS song when I got to his introduction. You know, with smashing people's faces in? Ah, good times...
And there's this song that reminds me of Trash of the Count's Family. "Ever Now" by Gesaffelstein. It played during the time Cale was making preparations for all his plans and (spoiler) for the war. The build-up and the fear nipping at the heels for everyone was intensified by the music, it was a greaaat time :>
(I remember I was reading this part at like 3 am lmao. I was just such a giggly mess, trying not to wake up my roommate hahah)
OH and since u mentioned GTA, the GTA IV theme reminds me of John Wick (saw an Epic edit with it, dude), but also Gehrman, cuz it was part of that reading playlist.
Maaaan the hotline bling cover. It's on my "I'm reading smth sad rn. Make it worse by playing sad music" playlist ahaha... I do like to make myself suffer, huh :>
How'd ya get into LOTM? Like, I just finished TCF around then, which was a big gamble on my part, since if I slowed down in reading it, I would most likely drop it. Which I didn't. And that gave me confidence to pick up LOTM. Makes me curious if other people were like, "Oh, 1432 chapters? PFFT A BREEZE. I EAT THIS FOR BREAKFAST" or "hm? It's still going, I thought- wait, wdym 1432 CHAPTERS?? I THOUGHT PAGES-" or a secret third option hehe
Either way! Curious, curious!
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boyflower · 3 years
i got a gift card so someone help me decide which toy to buy myself
rabbit vibe (its PINK!!!)
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nip clamps
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angelinuhh · 5 years
adms from krps shouldn't feel like they need to put more race in their rps bc they are literally playing a whole ass rp with a race that died and still die in the hands of americans
(pt 2) ive come from a place where asian people are hated for absolutely nothing and they suffer from racism everyday, so claim that krp are not diverse is just bullsht, fuck whitey rps not asian rps! we should have a wakanda based rp or smth, but don’t go after krps like that. asian people are not white people for gods sake. and when it comes to sexuality it’s incredibly diverse in the country i play rps tbh no one is straight
(pt 3) you must be those whities who thinks that asians are white ugh just say you’re racist and go
Hi. So this anon was kind enough to give me three messages. I’m going to be responding to all three in this fun last one. 
But first, let me tell you a story about me. Because I hope no one ever fucking comes in with this stupid ass horseshit reasoning ever again.
(tw mentions of death, the vietnam war, racism)
I never met my uncle. He died in the Vietnam War when he was barely 18, a soldier for a war that I don’t know if he believed in. In every home that I’ve ever lived in, a picture of him sits on the altar—a reminder of all we left behind.
I never met my cousin. He was just a baby when he died. My aunt had just had him when she became a refugee from the country she loved. And though she lived to come to a new country and find a new home, he didn’t. There are no pictures to remember him by.
I am luckier than them.
The first time I really knew that I was asian, I was in kindergarten. There’s a clapping game we used to play. It involves saying something like “Chinese, japanese, dirty knees” whatever. The point is part of it is about using your fingers to make your eyes slanted. Someone told me that I didn’t have to do it, because my eyes were slanted enough. I didn’t understand. But, when the teacher came over and saw everyone with their faux-slanted eyes and me sitting there, she gasped and yelled at them. And, when everyone started crying, that’s when I knew it was wrong.
When I was in high school, a Vietnam War Vet came and talked to my history class. Someone asked him how he felt about the Vietnamese now. He said and I quote, “I still hate those Vietnamese sons of bitches. I wish I had gotten more of them.”
The teacher apologized to me after class. But that doesn’t matter. It had already been said.
So unfortunately, I am not, as you say, ”one of those whities who thinks that asians are white”. I have not had the privilege to be.
As you so helpfully put it, I am part of a race that died and still die in the hands of americans. I live in a place where asian people are hated for absolutely nothing and they suffer from racism everyday. When they graffitied my house and egged it, when they called me all those names, I never knew. For every microaggression and fetish-y conversation I ever had, when they told me “it didn’t really count that you did well because you’re Asian” or they told me I looked like an anime character or asked me “where are you from” or commented that I “speak English well” when I’ve lived in this country my entire life, I was completely oblivious.
Now that you’ve told me, this changes everything. /s
KRPs can still eat my fucking ass. Just make your fucking RP actually diverse, you racist POS cowards.
Honestly, your argument here is that Asians experience discrimination and, thus, writing them is diverse and good for the community. And I cannot criticize KRPs because I will thus be racist.
The only problem here is that I am well aware that Asians, as most POC do, experience discrimination and bigotry and, unfortunately for you, writing Asians doesn’t open you up to any of that. Just because your muses are Korean or your rp is set in Korea doesn’t suddenly make you part of the family, doesn’t make you understand what it means to be Asian, what people like me and many other have gone through to be proud of their skin. And so, when I or anyone else criticizes the existence of KRPs and KRPers— there is no criticism of Asian people or diminishing of their struggle. Only a criticism of people who feel comfortable enough to perpetuate harmful stereotypes, fetishize a race and continue to disrespect the thoughts and wishes of Asian people.  
All you do is wear the discrimination and pain of my people like a costume, and you defend yourself with it. This shitty defense you’re using?? It is the skin I wear. It is who I am. 
I will never meet my cousin. I will never meet my uncle. My family wrests with the burden of knowing that we are lucky but also knowing that colonization and western interference has taken so much from my culture and my country and my people. To me, that is what it means to be asian. 
This is not everyone’s experience. This is not even close to a general asian experience or even an asian-american one. I am so fortunate to have only experienced what I have experienced. I do not pretend to speak for the group and would never even dream of doing so. But you came into my inbox, so you get to hear my story. 
You can portray a muse of any background, but do it with respect. Don’t presume that you truly understand their struggle. Do not use it as an excuse to not address your own racism and your own problems. On my part, I will try to do the same.
So, in conclusion, make your RPs actually diverse. It’s fun. You’re going to love it.
one, sexuality and gender identity are not the same. i’m asking rps to be more inclusive of trans and nb muns. i don’t give a fuck about how “no one is straight”.
two, I never addressed how anti-poc and anti-black in particular your argument is, so let me do that now. yes, a wakanda rp would be dope. but wakanda is special bc it was made for black people by black people. the nuances are subtle and tbh i’m not going to go into it. but krps are not equivalent to wakanda. most of them are not made by asian people. there is a difference between a space that a poc group makes for themself and one that is run by outsiders. 
Asians are POC. We experience racism. But we also have substantial amount of privilege in most societies in comparison to other POC. Most countries in asia are extremely colorist and most rps reflect the same standards. 
LET ME NIP THIS IN THE BUD. No one is going to force you to play any type of muse or say that you’re racist for not playing anything. If you only feel comfortable playing kpop or Asians fcs, fine!! But when you’re consistently picking light-skinned Asian characters over other types of POC, particularly those that darker-skinned, it might be important to reflect on exactly why.
Asian people have been long regarded as “the model minority”. They are often regarded as “less intimidating” and “more acceptable” by outside culture. If you believe in any of these things, please understand you are only harming actual Asian people. We don’t exist to fit into your narratives.
Please don’t use the KRP label or tag as it reinforces the perpetual foreigner stereotype and is a breeding ground for fetishistic and racist portrayals.
My tag on the topic is HERE, it does showcase various other blogs and posts about KRP is harmful. If you would like further direction, I would be happy to point you in the right direction
And, lastly, NEVER fucking EVER come to me again telling me that  ‘don’t u know Asians experience racism and, thus, the people who write Asian characters also experience it!! And should be left alone. Bitch, I’m vaguely aware of what Asians go through. And, knowing that, KRPs can go fuck themselves.
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