#and join me in trying to manifest more hand holding scenes for these two
oldkamelle · 8 months
ok so there's this sculpture, and i know nothing about sculptures save like the very famous ones, and i like it a lot.
(this is me just free flowing my thoughts as they come. it got kind of long, so open at your own discretion i guess.)
so the piece is called "lamentation over the dead christ". in christian art they do that thing fanartist would do back in like 2015 where they'd draw a specific moment from a gameplay video. same thing here, but with the bible instead. think the crusification of jesus, all the different paintings and sculptures of that. or pieta, the scene where, after taking him off the cross, mary is holding and cradling jesus' dead body. that's what "la pieta" by michelangelo is depicting. anyway,
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this piece by niccolo dell'arca shows jesus after he's been taken down the cross and has been rid of the wooden stakes. he's laying down on the ground surrounded in a half circle by a group of figures who are expressing horror over the death of the son of god, y'know, it's a big deal and whatnot. so you have this half circle which creates a really nice flow for the piece, for the composition, but also, more importantly, for the flow in emotional depth in the figures.
you start of with this guy, joseph, who's equipped with tools in both his belt and his hand, so it's implied essentially that he's the one to have removed the wooden stakes from jesus' hands and feet. he has this poised and composed look, held together strongly. he's the only one staring out, towards the viewer, almost pushing you to bare witness to the death of jesus and what that means. i'm not religious, but its still interesting, y'know the thought behind details is always a fascinating part in art. next to him you have this woman, salome, i don't know who she is either. she has this pose of buckled knees, fingers spread and digging into the thighs. her pose alongside mary's, who's next to her, are really fucking nice. mary's especially is my favourite between the two, with her clasped hands pushing towards the chest, elbows pointing outwards, as this sorrowful expression with the mouth open mid-cry. just.. aughh. seeing depictions of such human poses, mundane, no embellishments, i live for that shit.
next is saint john. he's a guy. a dude, even. y'know how back in the day women would do these shows of hysterics, with loud cries and begging, at someone's death/funeral (they still happen sometimes today, i know, but it's rare), and men were of course forbidden in divulging in anything of the sorts. they had to remain composed, strong, like my guy joseph at the beginning. but its so cool with this fucking guy, john, because you see him physically trying to adhere to that social norm, hand on face trying to conceal, to forcefully compose, nostrils scrunched up, eyebrows furrowed, you see the physical, the muscles strongly in play trying to hold back the grief of witnessing the dead son of god. and even his overall pose kind of shows that, right? the pull back with the shoulder, this contrapposto, it's another manifestation of physically trying to hold back the grief. of course, he's failing. you see his face and it's almost like he's mid cry, swallowing it down. this entire piece is made in terracotta, which had become like a trend back in the renaissance, as it was pretty cheap and allowed for far more detail, like thin strands of hair for instance. terracotta could also be painted. you can see the remnants of the color in john's shirt, joseph's sleeves, kinda. so all these figures were at one point fully painted, bringing another layer of life to the piece. the point was to really make the scene feel as though real, the anguish, to prompt the viewer even further into fully engaging and joining the figures in the grief. its just really fucking cool to think about.
back to this shit. the piece de resistance, the last two figures: mary of something and mary magdalene. when looking at this piece, especially for the first time, your eyes will immediately go towards them, and its natural of course. they hold the most amount of dynamism in the piece, not with just their expressions (remember the intensity of physical grief is ever rising in the piece), but, as you see for yourself, their poses as well. now these two are fucking amazing; like i said, they hold the dynamism, the biggest displays of horror but they also hold a beautiful contrast.
both marys are running towards jesus with these wails of denial, right. but the mary of something else is trying to stop her galloping, her rush towards the body, a repelling denial of "no this cannot be true." she's in a semi contrapposto; we see and feel all the energy of her run trying to maintain the push forward in its moment, what with the way her front knee is holding the weight of the body, the way her hands are splayed out in front of her, trying to desperately block this truth, the pull-back of the upper half of her body, the cloth draped on her shoulder billowing in place with the abrupt stop in motion. look at the cloth on her head! ughhhhhhhhghghghgh.
speaking of cloth, mary fucking magdalene. my brother in (dead) christ, mary magdalene.
the hell do i even say, lads. she's running full sprint, horror perfectly etched on that open mouth scream, fingers spread open wide. both these gals are saying "this cannot be true" but magdalene's is the denial of rectification. it's as if she's ready to drop down on the ground and change reality to what it should be with those anguished hands, full of frightful energy. it's, it's fucking harrowing looking at her. the flow of wind coursing through her clothes, the fanning-out motion of it, oh brother, its so beautifully captured. look at the wave of her head scarf!
and all for a motherfucker in a "i had to do it to them" pose
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(pic credit: https://medium.com/@alejandro.orradre/lamentation-of-christ-niccolò-dellarca-b74c8e6f10a7) the lighting is of course adding a lot to the drama of the photo, kind of achieving a sort of a chiaroscuro effect maybe, but goodness gracious, look at this!
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(second pic credit: https://medium.com/@alejandro.orradre/lamentation-of-christ-niccolò-dellarca-b74c8e6f10a7) this is mary's expression. you can almost hear the wails, perhaps the short bursts of grieving songs between the wails, just oh man.
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look at this freaking guy. the wrinkles on the side of his nose as his face scrunches up in an attempt to save face. his lower eyelids, that careful look over the grim reality on the ground.
the amount of emotion depicted throughout this entire piece is kneecap breaking, it's beautiful. i've kind of run out of steam at this point, but yeah, this is a banger sculpture (group of sculptures?), i really like it. if you have any favourite sculptures that are not that well known, please tell me, i want to see more art.
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hdawg1995 · 2 years
Scalla experiences three rare waves this war- two that the devs made, and one that i made.
wonder if the Hero will get their own Vonya and if so, who would it be?
The muffled sounds of fire, energy, and ice clash and explode in the distant expanse. As the silence settles the stars move and the void opens, revealing the orange and black hero. She takes strong sure steps, head held high and waits as her unexpected ally joins her.
Scalla’s mind had been a mess of anxiety, stress, and pain. Chaos and entropy made manifest and consumed her mentally. When Remthalas trapped her in her mind, this dream scape, the manifestation greeted her like the misunderstood creature it was. It’s lanky body slithers on the multiple legs as it inspects the new battle arena with sensitive eyes and ears. Scalla watches, a bit amused.
Her instincts mutated into Fear, Pain, Loneliness, and Angst. It looks like a dragon sometimes, other times a playful tog. The dark, dry blood colored fur and scales match the details on the helm and sword Scalla cannot change or remove, it’s eyes the same sickly yellow that glows behind her visor. Being in the same space as it, not over shadowed or drowned in it, the creature makes sense and on some level that’s comforting.
The creature bares it’s teeth, locking onto the next enemy.
“Alright, lets see what Remthalas has instore for us!” Scalla smiles and brings her shield up. The pair march forward only to stop abruptly.
Scalla gasps and her entropy stands tall, flaring it’s fur out to appear larger.
“Oh, whats this…?” Remthalas’ voice whispers in the void. “Destiny has not been kind to you…”
It was Tomix. Scalla knew this would happened eventually- the thought of seeing him one more like to ground her if the nightmare got too much like Vonya did for Unaatha had been on her mind- but the way it happened… her entropy cries out like its been struck, the sound felt in her very soul.
He is standing in the spot she had a sinking suspicion was the spot he wanted to tell her but couldn’t. his face is gone, just like his hands. They’re the blackened purple of his corrupted soul threads but the way they jut and spin tell her Remthalas is at fault. The entropy tucks it’s head into the cruck of Scalla’s neck and she sighs.
“Its not him. Come on, lets-“ Scalla starts.
“You were too late.”
The sound is accurate enough to bring the dragonlord to a full stop. The dream comes up and lashes into them with his soulclaws and that is also accurate. Scalla slides back and holds her shield up, teeth bared much like the very dragon-like form the entropy has taken. She charges with a shout and slams the dream across it’s non-existent face. It blinks out to be Tomix’s face and she stops again.
Her entropy sinks it’s teeth into the dream and he shouts in pain, clawing into it, trying to pry himself free. The entropy growls and thrashes as Scalla is still stood in her spot, stunned. Its too accurate, its too Tomix to be a dream, this… this fight is going to be difficult.
The entropy tosses him aside and he stumbles. “don’t let me fall!” the dream reaches out to Scalla and against all her better judgement she grabs his hand.
Her clawed boots dig in to the void to stabilize her as Tomix dangles off the edge, feet on the cliff but one arm flailing, trying and failing to regain balance.
“If you save him… will the pain stop?” Scalla’s entropy whimpers from behind her, carefully stalking the scene. “Will it stop?”
She doesn’t know. She stares into the facelessness of Tomix and it blinks in and out as his face, the same baggy eyes and sickly expression she started to get to know on the void ship. This was Scalla’s dream, right? Like unaatha and her dream, she was able to over come Vonya with the dragonlord’s help and she is stronger now, stable now. Maybe… if Scalla wants it..
“you- you can’t prevent this from happening again.” Tomix says, eyes sad but smile as honest as it had ever been in any memory.
Yeah, this is her dream. Scalla can make this what ever she wants, she can save Tomix and the pain will stop.
The pain of seeing him fall, of knowing she could have stopped Envy –“bastard” her entropy growls at the memory- from possessing him. She isn’t sure she could have totally saved him, but he could have gone out on his terms, could have defeated Envy and banished him, what ever consequences of doing so be damned or embraced on Tomix’s terms. She adjusts her grip on the… hand(?) that she is holding and pulls him closer. She smiles as he flails but steadies himself against her and they take a few steps from the edge. Her heart feels light, tears of joy prick at her eyes. Yes, it feels like the pain is ebbing away, like its finally allowed to heal. Scalla turns to ask her entropy how its feeling-
“Join Remthalas and you will understand.” Tomix smiles, resting his hand on her shoulder.
The Entropy stares, eyes angry and wide as more and more open and appear along it’s large body as if to emphasize just how upset it is. Scalla slowly turns to face the dream. It no longer blinks in and out as Tomix’s face, its just Tomix- but his hair is read and eyes are blue.
It’s the Tomix she never knew, the Tomix described to her by the man when he was still a boy. He smiles and its too impish, too much like Remthalas. He opens his mouth to say something and Scalla…
Scalla kicks the dream off the edge. She watches as he falls, face exploding into the same shattered fragments that Vonya had, large central eye staring up at her as he falls.
There isn’t a sound when it finally falls but when she can no longer see the corrupted dream she straightens up and turns to her entropy. It shakes like a frightened animal and every eye pours out rivers of tears as it breathes heavily from what it saw. Scalla feels the visual in her very soul. It hurt, but she wasn’t going to let Remthalas do that to her. She comes up to and tucks her entropy into her chest, the creature growing small enough to be held.
“I know.” She whispers. “But he wouldn’t have wanted that.” Her voice wobbles.
Her entropy shakes it’s head. “Cait-Caitife tried to do that. W-With Serenity.” It sobs. Scalla nods.
“Yeah, yeah she did. And it didn’t work then, and it work now.” She presses a comforting kiss to her instincts, anxiety, angst. “Come on. Lets meet back up with Unaatha and get back to it.”
The bundle in her arms shutters, grows to the size of Draco when he is in titan form, and claws at the void until an opening forms.
 Scalla isn’t surprised when she never runs into Tomix again… and she hopes he is proud that so much weight has been lifted from her heart.
The dragonlord was taking a break in the manifestation of Serenity’s inn, her entropy stalking the edges of the dream scape. More fighting, more fragments, and more sheep.
“How are you feeling?” she asks the amorphous creature.
It tilts it’s head at almost a 180 degree angle before righting and turning to her. “I don’t like that Remthalas is poking into memories.”
That was fair. Tomix would have really been difficult, might have even killed her, so they were lucky his actual memory helped them survive the encounter. A shiver runs down Scalla’s spin as she thinks about what other horrors Remthalas could cook up. She took a calming breath and stood, the imagine of a corrupted Ash Dragonblade fleeting but concerning. she pulled the visor down and nodded towards her entropy.
"The faster we get though this, the less time Remthalas has to be swimming where he shouldn’t.”
When Scalla opened the inn door she saw a similar sight the when Tomix appeared, but the warm light and blue eyes that greeted her told her who exactly Remthalas was trying to use against her.
She doesn’t even hear the abyss elf’s voice as she rushes forward. Her entropy sores beside and around her, the two colliding with the shadowy figure taking the shape of Serenity, Scalla’s shield bashing into the dream’s face.
“Jokes on you, fish!” She snarls as her sword comes down and slices the dream in two. “Serenity told me herself- I am free to forgive myself!”
Remthalas says something though Serenity’s voice but it doesn’t reach her ears. She raises her sword into the void, imbuing in with energy.
“Serenity wanted me to move on, she asked me to move on, she gave me PERMISSION!”
As lightning strikes the area the jagged edges of her sword shifts. A golden wing bathed in light with white feathers blinks in and out with the strikes. The entropy wraps around the dream and consumes the dream, which is fair because Scalla was too busy to stare blankly at her sword.
When the blade was lowered it was the chaos edge, but she knew it had turned into Serenity’s Courage.
“No pain…” Scalla looked up to see the entropy watching her. “…no more pain…” it sounded so confused.
She watched the creature for a moment and looked back at her blade. Closing her eyes she tapped into the old magic, the magic shes held within since she was born. She imagined the blade forged in her memory and when she opened her eyes, she saw Chaos Edge. Her shoulders slump and she wants to scream.
“No…” her entropy comes up, shifting awkwardly like it doesn’t know how to take the shape its seeking. “No pain here.”
It takes a few moments, but as the entropy looks more and more like a teenage boy with spikey hair she thinks she gets it. There isn’t any Tomix pain anymore. But why would defeating that poor excuse for Serenity do that?
The entropy collapses into it’s tog like form and holds it’s head. Scalla tilts her head and reaches up to her helm.
Yup. Still there. Black horns, dried blood red plating, and entropic spikes that act as her hair.
“Come on, we’ll get our heads on straight after a few more waves.” She reached out and petted the manifestation of her instincts and trauma.
As they leave, they don’t see the two figures try and follow, proud smiles as they nod to each other and seem to find a different route. Scalla never encounters “Serenity” again.
Scalla stops keeping track of where she is, she just focuses on the momentum of the battle- leaping into the middle of possessed hero bones and sweeping them into fragments of depths and madness, summoning fire, light, ice, and energy to devastate everything in between, her entropy bolting in and out of Murmurs and clashing with incomplete creations- and feels the thrill of making progress, of feeling like every wave she defeats is doing something. She stops to catch her breath in a new scene.
Its just outside of oaklore, or maybe falconreach. The distortion of the memory fusing with the dream has her confused but after wandering around and seeing no enemies, she grows tense. This is another person Remthalas is drawing from her memories to torment her, it has to be. Her instincts go on high alert, the ears growing long like a moglin’s as it bounds and scans the territory.
“Remthalas I don’t know what you’re doing but I hope you’re willing to pay in full for this.” She says aloud, sure the abyss elf is listening in.
“Oh, I am very willing. Unlike you.” Yup. There he is.
Scalla continues to walk in this strange area she can’t place. The sun signs brightly and the sound of a fountain finds her.
“Maybe she can convince you…” Remthalas sneers as Scalla’s eyes land on a tea set.
“No…” she whispered.
“Hello, Scalla.”
To her horror the voice was off. It was slightly different and she could hear why. It held the edge of a faded memory, an echo of the actual tone and pitch. The woman slowly approached the table before taking a seat and gesturing to the open chair.
“Won’t you join me for tea?”
“No.” she says. “You’re not Lady Celestia and I will not be hearing anything you have to say.”
Scalla took a fighting stance, shield up and visor down in an attempt to ignore the way her entropy has hesitantly started lapping at the tea being poured for it. This feels just as painful as Tomix but Tomix… that wound was fresh. Lady Celestia… this wound had healed and scarred over, all but forgotten.
The dream nods with a frown. “I know, you’re busy. Just like when you let me die.” She took a sip of her tea.
That wasn’t fair. That Wasn’t FAIR. The world was being attacked, she had lost so many people at that point, she was fighting to save Lore, Falconreach-
“You had to save yourself, I know.” Lady Celestia set the cup down. “There was no way for you to be at the grove while fighting Sepulture.”
“I didn’t even know you were in danger!” Scalla finds herself saying. “I found out after! After Sepulture-“
Scalla cut herself off as tears fell. This wasn’t fair, this wasn’t real, this was… this was what Remthalas wanted. Her entropy seemed to finish the tea and receive a few calming pets. Scalla bared her teeth in frustration because That Would Be Nice. Just one more cup of tea, just one more day with her. One more day with Tomix, Serenity, Lady Celestia-
Scalla screams and brings her sword down on the table the tea set. Her entropy growls at her and she growls right back. The dream stands, a disappointed look on her face, the frown pulling at her cheeks in such a way she seems older than shes ever appeared.
“Scalla, that was very inappropriate.” She turns to the dragonlord and shakes her head.
“Shut UP.” She swings, blindly. The sword makes contact with something other than the dream…
Her entropy.
It stands on sturdy hindlegs, strong arms catching the jagged chaos edge. It looms over her, dragon like face morphed with that of a loyal werewolf. Scalla feels her wings curl and press into her back as the creature growls low.
“Don’t. Fucking. Hurt. Her.”
“She isn’t REAL!” Scalla shouts as rivers of tears stream down her cheeks. “That isn’t Lady Celestia! YOU KNOW THAT!”
The entropy lifts Scalla by her sword, the woman yelping and bringing her second hand up to grab the handle. She shouts again as she is tossed aside, landing hard into a rock that blinks out of existence, causing her to fall to the ground. She lies prone as the thundering stomps of all her pain and fears rushes towards her. He grips her with heavy claws that dig into her, past the metal and Brigandine. When it pierces her skin she doesn’t feel physical pain, but the pain of when Lady Celestia died. When she was kneeled at Sepulture’s feet and a baby fire dragon came up to them. She feels what it was like to just KNOW Lady Celestia was gone. Another person she cared about was GONE.
Scalla is tossed up in the air and caught by teeth that shred her armor and inject her with the poison of self-doubt. She couldn’t do anything to save Lady Celestia, she couldn’t do anything to stop Sepulture. It was her fault Akriloth was dead, that fire had gotten weak, that Xan was able to turn the fire wyrm into a dracolich and kill Lady Celestia- Lady Celestia, who had been nothing but kind and motherly to her. That was how she repaid the woman, but letting her die!
Scalla cries out as the entropy thrashes it’s head, clawing into her for good measure. The Hero of Lore reduced to a chew toy for her own inner chaos and misery.
Lady Celestia watches the carnage, watches as Scalla crumbles and surely should die. Instead, her wounds heal and she tries to crawl away, only to be dragged back into the one-sided fray.
“You could end this, Scalla.” She calls out. “I know you couldn’t help me before, so help Remthalas.”
The dragonlord groans as wave after wave of old memories wash over her. Meeting the priestess for the first time, learning how to raise a baby dragon, becoming a dragonlord.
Did she even deserve to call herself that anymore?
The entropy roars as it rises on hindlegs again before bringing all it’s weight down onto the hero. The weight isn’t physical but Scalla is winded by the blow none the less. Instead, it’s the weight of her title, Hero, crashing into her. Every person she failed to save, all the people The Rose have hurt, the clawkin and sneevils who are being chained, Tomix’s brother… does she deserve to call herself a hero? After all her failures and mistakes is it a title she deserves?
“You could change all of that, Scalla.” The memory of Lady Celestia’s voice rings in the dream.
Remthalas said something about changing reality when she first met him. Maybe she could change the past… stop Akriolth’s reign of terror some other way, evacuate Konnan’s family while she had the chance, let the ice orb get stolen since there was no way to stop that and guard Lady Celestia.
“Join Remthalas, Scalla.” the memory says. “Do it for me. Please?”
Scalla is dropped into a pile of crumbled armor and bones. Moving hurts and she sobs at all the memories- Tomix, Serenity, Lady Celestia- as they choke her with the pain -too late, too late, too late- of knowing she failed.
“I’m so sorry…” she whispers, her broken body healing. “Lady Celestia… Serenity… Tomix…”
“We’ll forgive you Scalla.” The memory kneels beside the broken hero, resting a soothing hand on her exposed shoulder. “But first, you have to join Remthalas.”
“Speak for yourself!” Scalla’s eyes snap open as she is suddenly, Shockley, surprisingly aware of two other people in the dream scape.
They’re at the edge of her vision, running towards her and her entropy. One gets there first, obviously, because he dashes and teleports. She barely registers the man gathering her up in his arms and then being several feet away from Lady Celestia. Her body aches from being broken and healed and broken again, but he holds her gently and protectively.
The second, a woman, finally catches up. Scalla’s entropy snarls in warning but eventually whimpers and pants as she pets it. Her hands card though the fur and glide over the scales, Scalla’s instincts press into the touch and the angst calms under the blonde woman’s palm. Scalla feels the calm and they both almost fall asleep as her entropy nuzzles the woman and breathes in the scent of bread.
Lady Celestia takes several steps back, her face grim and eyes flashing blue. He was so close- he was THIS CLOSE to having Scalla- and then these… these…
“What are you?” Lady Celestia looks between the weaver and inn keeper.
Tomix kneels and sets the drowsy hero down. He keeps a hand- not a soulclaw, a hand- on her arm as he addresses the dream.
“Tomix Danao. Or at least what he wanted Scalla to remember him as.” The memory’s hand shifts to rest on her head, a shit eating grin gracing his face.
“I’m not Serenity, that’s for sure.” The blonde woman gently lowers the entropy’s head to the ground. “But Scalla needed someone to comfort her after your awful trick.”
Lady Celestia takes a step back. Manifestations. One is a memory of a dead man and the other is the emotions associated with a dead woman. Easy to manipulate and take control of. Remthalas drops the Lady Celestia dream, her face erupting in shards of memory as he dives for Comfort.
The woman catches him in an embrace. That… That wasn’t supposed to happen…
“So, you’re Remthalas.” She says, stroking his hair. “You’re being very mean to Scalla, you know.”
Yes of course he knows! That’s the point! She wasn’t cooperating, she refused to help him! He needed HER and she REFUSED! This is her fault, this is her choice, she is supposed to suffer, she is being punished!
“Isn’t Scalla your friend?” Comfort asks, confused, as if… as if the answer is obvious.
Of course she isn’t! if she was, she would have joined him! She would have helped him! He doesn’t have time for this- he wiggles out of the woman’s grasp and turns to Tomix. He did it once, he can do it again. Tomix had a better chance at converting Scalla than Serenity did anyway!
“Try it. I dare you.” The Memory smirks. “Tomix wouldn’t let you get within ten feet of Scalla so neither will I.”
He sounded way too confident for a figment within a dream. A dream HE controls. He snaps his fingers and The Memory flickers- Remthalas’ hand burns, white hot pain. He recoils and clutches his hand to see his fingers are broken. The elf hisses in pain and wills the digits healed.
“Hey, I can do that too.” The Memory smiles as he holds up his own hand. He snaps his fingers.
Remthalas stares at him confused before five different soul woven swords pierce him. He cries out as they vanish and he is left clutching his wounds. What the hell? What are these figments and why can’t he control them? Why can’t he affect them? And why is one of them kicking his tail???
“Your Lady Celestia might not forgive Scalla, but I know Tomix doesn’t blame her in the slightest.”
His eye twitches. How can a memory know that? Tomix is dead, Scalla saw him fall, so he isn’t somehow in the dream.
Remthalas flinches when he sees The Memory take a step towards him. The man sees this and makes a mock charge at him, causing Remthalas to flee the dream scape. What the hell? WHAT THE HELL?
The two stood still, waiting for the dreamfairer to return but when he didn’t they let out sighs of relief.
“I don’t feel like I could have been any more useful there.” Comfort smiles sadly. “I wonder if Serenity’s memory could have given me an edge in combat.”
“I think you did fine.” The Memory assured before stooping down beside Scalla again. “She looks bad. REAL bad.” He placed a hand on her forehead. Because he could. Because the helmet was chewed up and barely hanging on.
It took some work but the figments were able to move the hero to a softer, less open patch of grass. Comfort tried her best to soothe Scalla’s aches but the hero just wouldn’t wake up. Maybe this was a good thing, she was resting, she had a lot more fighting to do.
“Tell me again- why are you here?” Comfort asked after a few minutes of Tomix sitting and carding his fingers though the hero’s hair.
“I’m not sure. It was like the will of some dead guy urged me to find her.” He says. “Honestly, he probably just wanted to do this at least once.” He gestured to the petting he was doing.
“I don’t think Serenity ever touched Scalla’s hair either.” She tilted her head. “I feel its rude we aren’t asking first.”
“We?” Tomix laughs as his fellow figment reached out and played with a lock of the woman’s hair.
Scalla shifts in her sleep, a soft happy hum leaving her and her entropy in unison. This could have gone worse the figments figure. Tomix is content to wait for the hero to awaken before he leaves, Comfort entertains herself by petting the entropy.
“Its weird knowing I’m not him.” The Memory muttered as he absently twirls of lock of hair. “He probably wouldn’t be happy about this- petting playing with your hair while you sleep.” He looks down at the hero, his name sake’s friend. “Not that he would complain honestly. People have a strange fixation on your hair, you know.”
The dream lasts longer than anyone intended. Entropy wakes first, small and orange with black claws and scales. It tackles Comfort who hugs it tightly, petting it and calling it things like Instincts and Survival. Scalla wakes but frowns, curled up in the crook of Tomix’s arm. The look on her face reads as “this sucks” and the way she looks up at him after he clears his throat tells him she really wishes this wasn’t happening.
“Good morning.” He smiles.
“No.” Scalla tucks herself against him and closes her eyes again.
The laugh that bellows out The Memory prevents her from falling back into whatever sleep it was she could have in a dream. Scalla groans and sits up, body heavy and as her mind catches up, remembers what happened- and what almost happened- she tears up. She doesn’t remember the last time she cried this much. Actually, she isn’t sure shes ever cried this much. She sobbed at Tomix’s funeral, cried herself sick when Serenity died, but she had never cried herself raw, eyes sore and face streaked with blood and tears. The Memory rubs her back all the way though, Comfort arriving shortly after with the manifestation of her angst all curled up like a cat. Its too much- a perfect scene of her best fucking friend in all of lore and the kindest woman she has ever known comforting her because they’re both done, because she was weak and almost gave in to something awful. Eventually there just isn’t anymore tears to cry. She wipes her eyes and stares at her hands. Her hands, not her gauntlets. Her hands.
“How are you feeling, Hero?” Tomix asks and she shakes her head.
“I don’t deserve that title.” She mumbles as she watches her fingers flex.
“He thinks you do.” He pulls her into a side hug. “Come on, you’re only human.”
Scalla takes in a shaky breath and closes her eyes. She nods. “I’m only human.”
“Aaaand…” Comfort sits on the other side of the hero. “…you’ve grown a lot stronger because of this.”
“How?” Scalla half laughs half coughs. “If you two didn’t show up I would have… would have joined him.” She stares up at the sky. “That… That almost happened.”
“you’re stronger from this because this-“ Comfort holds up her entropy. “-is not my handy work.”
Scalla blinks and stares at the cat sized bundle of orange and black. She careful takes the creature into her arms and it purrs. “…Huh?”
“Vonya made Unaatha strong, right?” Serenity’s voice asks. Scalla nods. “Well, I think we made you stronger.”
“speak for yourself.” Tomix yawns. “I just wanted to play with her hair.”
“…Tomix never played with my hair.” Scalla squinted.
“He always wanted to. Ajax too- hey! Do you think Remthalas will try and throw Ajax at you?” Tomix sits up, ready to get up and rush out of the dream scape.
Scalla goes wide eyed and stands. “The tole is already getting pretty high. I don’t know what that would do to me.”
“Or what you would do to him?” Tomix stands too.
“Well, what did you tell your entropy before?” Serenity cuts in with that signature smile. “The faster you get though this, the less time Remthalas has to swim where he shouldn’t?”
Scalla nods and takes a moment to look herself over. Her armor is all but nonexistent, her sleep clothes exposed and simply will not due for protection. Tomix taps her shoulder –“If I may?” he offers- and weaves a new set of armor. It looks just like her old stuff, but there are hints and traces of the weaver in the design- bobbles and collars that match the master soulweaver robes he had once made for her and the jacket that Tomix wore. He wings flap experimentally in their guards and her helmet hits perfectly. Its still the Warrior of Chaos helm she has been cursed with but now the dry blood red is the warm orange of her armor. Her shield, she notices, has the weaver’s signature claws.
Tomix crosses his arms and admires his handy work. The look on the figment’s face is fore lone yet happy. Nostalgic. Serenity claps excitedly.
“That’s enough rest for a while!” she says and hugs the hero a moment later. “Go save the world, Scalla.”
The dragonlord returns the figment’s hug tightly and pulls away. Its strange. She knows they aren’t actually them, but… just like Vonya comforted the elder hero… these two are comforting her.
“Are you coming with?” Scalla asks.
“Do you really have to ask if Tomix would want to go on one more adventure?” The Memory dashes off ahead.
“I think I’ll stay here, but if you ever need me I’ll come find you!” Comfort assures as Scalla turns the chase after The Memory.
Scalla’s entropy sits at Comfort’s feet, watching as the figment and dreamer leave. “No more pain.” It says before curling up for a longer, hopefully endless rest.
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cowboycakes · 3 years
Chapter One: Memories
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x fem!Reader
Synopsis: You are a Marleyan warrior who holds the Jaw Titan, tasked with infiltrating Paradis and destroying it. But what happens when love causes you to betray your mission?
Themes: NSFW, 18+, action, betrayal, multi-chapter series.
Warnings: Female bodied reader, explicit sex (penetration/riding, gentle and fluffy, Levi is a virgin), violence/severe injury and blood/battle scenes, threats, mentions of death. Profanity. Spoilers seasons 1-4.
Word count: 2.7k (recently edited to make it flow a little better!)
Note: This story contains spoilers for all seasons of aot (not the manga). It is canon divergent (reader has the jaw titan rather than Porco and reader is on the mission with Reiner and Bertholdt.) Some scenes differ/are more rushed than the scenes they line up with in the actual show. This first chapter is set in season 3.
The most important lesson you'd learned on this journey was that you couldn’t help who you fell in love with. Love would strike you like a viper by surprise, sinking its fangs deep inside of you and injecting you with lethal poison. Your poor soul was so torn.
The viper in question manifested itself as someone quite inconvenient. A raven haired man - the strongest, most cunning, most selfless man you’d ever observed. And all the while, he was still an island devil.
You were supposed to strike back at the viper, sinking your much larger set of jaws into his heart. Your mission - and specifically your mission - was to end him and his kind. The remaining Ackermans were dangerous. They were a threat to your and your comrades’ titan powers. The goal was to get close to him, to find his weaknesses and strengths. To know his ins and outs like the back of your hand. And then you’d have the advantage. Then you would kill him.
That plan had obviously backfired.
You stood on top of the wall now, alongside Reiner and Bertholdt after they’d just exposed the entire mission to Eren and the others. You could feel the static in the air from a few yards away. They were about to transform.
That wasn’t the problem, though. The problem was that the duo was looking right at you, waiting for you to slash your hand and join in. To rush to their side and eat Eren while you had the chance. Then you could all go home and be celebrated as heroes.
Instead, you were staring back at them - a big, sweaty, teary-eyed, nervous mess.
It was time to betray your homeland.
“I’m sorry Reiner, Bertholdt…” you sob, pulling your hand to your mouth, “but my loyalties lie elsewhere, now.” You rip your teeth through your hand.
Three bolts of lightning shake the wall simultaneously. You emerge in your strongest form - the jaw titan. Your titan had a hardened face like a skeleton with an elongated jaw that stuck out like a wolf. Sharp ridges lined your mouth like fangs, and bright red orbs glowed through your eye sockets. A mane with a color that mimicked your hair grew down from your neck.
You were terrifying. Which is why you needed to get the hell away from these scouts before they decided you needed to die.
You had no interest in defeating Reiner and Bertholdt, that was Eren’s problem now. You were more concerned about the captain on the other side of the wall. He could certainly handle himself, but Zeke had quite the throwing arm. Things could go south very quickly.
You launch yourself down the wall, using your giant talons to slow your fall. You scan the field as you descend, trying to find any sign of Levi.
A voice booms your name to the left of you as you reach the ground.
It’s Pieck in her titan form.
Pieck was like a sister to you. It’s been so long since you’d seen her. You feel a tinge of regret now. Pieck was never going to see you the same again.
You narrow your red eyes at her and charge with full force. Your jaws snap at her heels as she whips around and runs full speed across the field. You finally see who she was running to - Levi and Zeke. Zeke was cut out of his titan form and being held by the hair in Levi's hand.
You pick up your pace, grazing Pieck's legs with your sharp teeth. She stumbles when the two of you go over an indent in the ground, only a few yards from your destination. Her mishap allows you to sink your teeth into her legs. She turns around to bite your neck in response, crushing your weakest spot. You jolt your head, flinging her away from you.
She gets up fast after hitting the ground, continuing at full speed toward Zeke and Levi. You are quick to go after her again, but slow down once you see Levi drop Zeke and bolt out of Pieck's way.
Did he really just give up Zeke that easily?
Suddenly, you feel someone cutting through your titan's nape.
Your vision goes dark.
Out of the darkness, you’re thrown into an old memory. Ah yes, you remember now. All of it is so vivid, right in front of you again.
You’d sneak away to the Captain's office at night frequently. You’d tell yourself these visits were for the mission, to aid you in knowing your victim a little better. His weaknesses could certainly reveal themselves in the comfort of his study. But they certainly weren't for your mission anymore. You’d started to simply crave his company.
You’re walking down the dim halls when you hear two sets of footsteps approaching, quite rapidly. You’re met with two giant bodies slamming into you from behind, grabbing your arms to keep you from running.
“You know, Y/N, I’m getting worried about these visits of yours,” Reiner says, tightening his grip on you. You yelp. “There’s only so much you could be talking about in there with him. There’s only so much shit you could be making up about yourself. He’s going to catch on.”
“He isn’t!” you struggle, “And I’m more clever than these sluggish devil bastards! I’m getting all the information I need!”
“Guys, keep it down!” Bertholdt whispers, frantically looking around to make sure no one was eavesdropping.
Reiner let’s go of you as you topple to the ground in front of him, your hands and knees landing on the cold brick floors below.
“Kill him faster,” Reiner whispers. The two of them make their ways back to their rooms in silence.
You finally stand up when you can’t hear their footsteps anymore, dusting your knees off and collecting your nerves.
You were the oldest titan shifter on the mission from Marley, quite a bit older than Reiner and Bertholdt. You were supposed to be bossing these little shits, not the other way around. But it seemed they were always calling the shots. You deserved to carry out your particular mission however you pleased.
Levi's door is cracked open a bit further down the hall, allowing some faint light to spill into the hall. And inside, there he was as usual, sitting at his desk with a tea and reading some boring literature that you could never understand.
“Long day?” he questions without looking up from his book.
“Yeah,” you sigh, plopping your body down onto a leather sofa near his desk. You lean back into it, reaching your arms up to stretch out. “Thanks for always letting me join you in here. It helps me de-stress.”
You had made a routine of coming in here after a fateful night in the dining hall, after you and Levi realized you could click really well in conversation. You two had shared your entire life stories with each other by now - yours obviously contorted to fit a reality that didn't consist of you being raised in Liberio. You'd grown very close to him, way closer than you had with anyone else in the Scouts. Even though he'd never met the real you, you could relate to him - his struggles and his past especially. His cynical personality had a strange and almost addicting way of brightening your day, and you'd always make sure to tease him for it. Not to mention how handsome he was. He'd catch you stealing glances at him sometimes, but you had a feeling he secretly liked the attention.
If you didn't know better, you'd think you were falling for him.
Your favorite stories of Levi's were of the Underground. It was such a peculiar concept to you, even though it faintly reminded you of life in Liberio. You realized that the people living in the Underground were lucky, in a way. They were oblivious to the world above, secluded from wars and titans. If only every other circumstance of theirs wasn't so unfortunate.
You smile at him as he finally looks up from his book.
“Your tea’s over there,” he says as his eyes dart to the coffee table.
You quickly grab the tea and move it to your mouth.
It was way too hot.
You feel titan steam shoot up from your lips. It had really burned you that badly. You slap a hand over your mouth before the steam could escape, the sound echoing off Levi’s office walls.
“What’s the matter? Tea’s gone cold?” Levi questions, his voice dark. His eyes had been on you the whole time.
“Hmmph?” you say through your hand.
Levi gets up and advances across the room, stopping just in front of you. You’re still frozen on the couch.
“I said, what’s the matter?” His hand meets the one still clamped over your steaming lips.
“Is there something you need to hide under there?” Levi’s finger slips under one of yours, forcing it away from your face. Then another.
Oh shit.
This was a setup. He was actually on to you.
Shit! Regenerate! Faster!
Another finger is forced away from your face. You close your eyes tight, focusing all of your energy to your lips.
This may be it. Right here. Reiner and Bertholdt were going to kill you.
The final two fingers are pried away at once. You open your eyes to look up at him innocently, no steam in sight.
“Uh…” you stutter.
He sighs.
“Sorry. Just trying to keep tabs on who my enemies might be.”
“So you… burned my mouth? Dickhead,” you laugh. You needed to come off as clueless as you could.
Levi’s eyes delicately scan your dewey face. Your lips were still throbbing and swollen. You always wondered if that’s what had compelled him.
He leans down, kissing you softly. Your eyes were wide and your face was motionless for a moment. Then you returned it, cupping a hand sweetly around his jaw.
In a flash, you’re transported to another memory.
You're sitting down on a wooden bench on the outskirts of the combat training arena. You remember being so tired on this day.
You lean your head back and close your eyes, letting the sun soak into your sweat-covered skin. Eventually, a shadow blocks the light shining on you.
You open your eyes to see Levi.
“Want to spar?” he taunted.
“Hell no,” you pant, still limp on the bench.
“You sure? Might be fun to have your ass kicked three times in one day.”
You chuckle at him.
Levi sits down next to you, leaning forward to support his elbows on his knees. The two of you sit there quietly, your ears filled with the sound of summer insects and a cool breeze through the trees.
Your eyes eventually wander to Levi again. He looks upset all of the sudden.
“I’m sorry for kissing you,” he states.
You’re shocked he’s actually bringing it up. After the kiss broke, he just went to sit down at his desk. He acted like none of it had ever happened.
“No, don’t be. I kind of liked it,” you confess, leaning forward to be at his level.
“This can’t continue.”
You feel a tight sensation in your chest. You’re hurt.
“Tell me about it,” you sigh, putting your head in your hands and thinking back to your real duties for once. You were only making things more complicated for yourself.
Of course, it did continue. The two of you avoided each other for a couple of lonely weeks until you nearly ended up in a titan’s mouth on a mission. It had you gripped tightly in its hand, completely helpless to it in your human form. You were about to transform when Levi swooped in and sliced its nape.
He helped you to your feet once the titan hit the ground and scolded you for your carelessness. You just stared back at him once he was quiet again. And he stared back at you. For a bit too long.
That night, you ended up in his office again and performed a teary-eyed confession about your feelings for him. It was in those moments that you discovered you didn’t care about the mission anymore.
You’re thrown into another memory.
This one was so intimate. So special. You never wanted to forget it.
“I’ve never,” Levi pants underneath you, “done something like this before.”
You’re straddling his thighs, tracing circles into his abs with your fingers.
“That’s ok, I’ll guide you,” you whisper.
Candlelight glows off of both of your naked bodies in Levi’s dimly lit bedroom. A surprise make out session led to Levi being curious, and the both of you taking all your clothes off in a rush and throwing each other onto the bed in desperation.
You move your hand from his stomach to his erection. Levi lets in a nervous breath once you make contact.
“Hey, you’re gonna do great,” you say sweetly, “you still wanna do this, right?”
“Yes, I do. Just nervous I’m not gonna… do it right.”
It was ironic to see humanity’s strongest so nervous about what was between your legs.
You shush him quietly as you move your lips down to his tip, slowly taking his length into your mouth. You drag your lips up and down as he lets out tiny grunts and bucks his hips up slightly to meet you.
Once he’s warmed up to your touch, you scoot up over his legs until you’re almost straddling his length.
You look up at him to see his eyes wandering over your bare body, lingering in your more intimate spots.
“You’re really beautiful. I’m not sure if I’ve ever told you that,” Levi murmurs as he moves a hand up to glide over the side of your waist.
“You too,” you smile at him. “Are you ready?”
He nods.
You lift yourself up gently before easing him into you. The perfect sensation of him pressuring your walls made your breath hitch. You feel him let out a huff of air once he's fully inside.
You start to rock your hips up and down rhythmically as you lean forward to place your hands on his collarbones. He gently thrusts back to meet your hips. His mouth was parted, his face was flushed and sweaty. He grips the sheets in his hands as you continue riding him.
Everything felt so warm and wet. So gentle and passionate.
Both of you let out little whines as you speed up.
"How can I," he moans, "make you... finish."
You grab his hand from the sheets and move his finger to your clit, pleasuring yourself with it for a moment.
"Just like that," you whisper. "You're doing so good."
The two of you continue rutting against each other on the bed - two wet, tingly, whiney, pleasure-filled messes.
All of it felt so right. It was honest.
The memory gradually crumbles in front of you, plunging you back into the darkness.
It wasn’t the intimacy, the long talks, or the sex. It was none of that.
It was the fact that he was a brave and honest thing in your world full of lies. It made you fall for him.
Levi made you rethink your entire role in this war. What right did you have to come and destroy people’s lives? These people were innocent for all you knew. They were the victims. But they had spirit, guts, and passion that no one on Marley did. You related to them. You loved them.
So whose side did you really belong on?
And why were you being shown these memories?
And what was this bloodcurdling noise suddenly ringing in your ears?
It sounded like… your screams.
You finally enter reality again with a gasp, coughing up leftover fluid in your lungs from your titan form. You look down frantically at your body to see all of your limbs severed. Someone had cut you out of your titan form.
The culprit was crouched right in front of you.
Hi guys! I've been sitting on this fic for awhile, unsure if I wanted to post it or not - I sort of wasn't confident abt it. But I hope some of you like it! I will be coming out with another chapter soon. Also, if you left a request, I promise it will be up soon! Lots of love - Shep
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nyx-aira · 3 years
Hi! I was thinking of a young Agatha Harkness x reader fic//one shot where after her fight with the coven, Agatha finds a cottage in the woods to wait out the aftermath, but it turns out reader lives there? I love your work btw!
End my suffering
Requested by @booklovinbi and @midnight-lestrange
Request #2: Hey, can you please do where y/n has kinda the same powers as Wanda, but her color is blue, and she has a fight with Agatha (for who she has feelings, because they were getting close/same for Agatha) During the fight y/n loses and maybe gets seriously injured and waits Agatha to kill her, but instead Agatha kneels and carry her back home, where she takes care of y/n. In the end Agatha kisses y/n and then Agatha is ready to leave but y/n takes her hand and pulls closer for the kiss. Could you write it?
Summary: Agatha is accused of breaking the rules of the coven. As things spiral out of control she injures you badly. What is she going to do now?
A/N: I mixed your requests, I hope that was alright. I didn't follow them exactly but I still hope you like them. Also thank you so much for 200 followers guys, you're amazing.
TW!: Angst, mention of violence, brief mention of blood, brief description of injuries (let me know if I need to add anything)
Tag list: @escapetodreamworld @midnight-lestrange @king-star @ynscrazylife @booklovinbi @mysticfalls01 @adorkwithaplan
The coven had been your home as long as you could remember, growing up there and learning magic as the town folk had cast you out after they killed your mother, falsely accused of witchcraft, it was quite ironic if you thought about it, sending the one away that was actually a witch. You owed the coven your life and you were endlessly grateful for that, loyal until death.
That's why you didn't question it when you were told to meet up by the waterfalls at midnight. Waiting with your sisters you heard her before you could even see her, pleading with the witches dragging her through the forest, fear clearly visible on her face, Agatha. She was brought onto the platform and bound to the stake, magic bonds restricting her movements. Struggling she looked around, scared, terrified. You hid your face under your hood, averting your gaze, you didn't like this but you had faith in the head witch, believing there must be a good reason for this.
And so the trial began.
"Agatha Harkness, are you a witch"
"Yes I am a witch."
She still struggled against her bonds, fear visible on her face but there was something in her voice, something that made your skin crawl and hands shake.
"Yet you have betrayed your coven."
You gasped at that, growing angry, how dare she betrayed your sisterhood. Revealing yourselves you caught her gaze, shock and hurt crossing her features as she recognised you but you only sent her an icy glare.
"I have not."
"You stole knowledge above your age and station, you practiced the darkest of magic."
"I know..I know nothing of these crimes."
She was becoming desperate, you could hear it in her voice, pleading with the head witch for her to believe her.
"I..I swear it."
"Enough deception!"
At these words Agathas demeanour changed, she stopped struggling against her bonds, straightening up to her full height, all the fear gone from her face, replaced with something you could only identify as pride.
"I did not break your rules. They simply bent to my power."
At this she smirked, watching with delight as the faces of your sisters fell in shock, bathing in the feeling of recognition and fear. You stared at her, unbelieving of what she just said. You knew Agatha, you knew her very well, she was power-hungry and malicious but you could have never fathomed that she'd ever do something like this. Seeing your shocked expression she straightened up a little bit more, the mischievous glint in her eyes glowing brighter.
With a nod of the head witch your sisters began chanting, slowly at first, growing louder every second.
Agathas confident smirk vanished at that, getting replaced by tremendous fear as she realised what was about to happen.
Her pleas were ignored as they continued the chant. Feeling the familiar rush of magic surge through your body you focused on the task at hand, ignoring the little voice in your head that told you to stop, not wanting Agatha to get hurt.
"No. I can’t control it! I..."
The chanting grew louder, drowning out the desperate cries of the chained witch.
"If only you would teach me! Help me! Please!"
Agatha tried to catch your eyes, you could feel her staring at you, her desperate cries making your heart clench in doubt, a single tear running down your face. Your feelings threatening to break your concentration you pushed them away, ignoring the pain it brought you.
"Mother, please."
You looked up at these words. Mother. You didn't know that. Hadn't been aware that Agatha was the daughter of the head witch. Dread started to settle in the pit of your stomach, you knew how this was gonna end and you found it hard enough already to even think about it. But Agatha was her daughter....
"Please! Mother!"
Ignoring the desperate cries of her daughter the head witch join in the chant. Horror manifested on Agathas face, screaming for help, pleading, but nobody listened to her. It dawned to her that this was the end, she was gonna die.
A guttural scream tore itself from her body as she was blasted with the spell. Screaming her lungs out, her cries so loud they must be heard from miles away, her body shaking under the force of the energy, knees buckling, only the chains holding her in place.
Tears streaming down your face as you continued to focus your energy on the screaming witch, the sounds of her agony making you sick, you never wanted this. But your loyalty was to the coven, no matter how hard it made your heart ache and break in two.
You realised something was wrong when you saw the frightened look on her mother's face.
Agatha grunted, her pained screams turning into something else, the blue energy turning purple, capturing you and your sisters, holding you in place. Agatha looked around, seemingly surprised at the new development, her face changing from agony into something more sinister, something more Agatha.
You felt her magic hit you as you screamed out in pain, falling to the ground, ending the chant in an instant. You robbed away on your knees, coughing and panting, your whole body felt like it was burning and you had trouble breathing, everything becoming a blurry mess.
You couldn't see what was happening but judging by the pained screams of your sisters and the dark magic in the air it wasn't good. You groaned, getting up to your knees, a scream getting stuck in your throat when you looked into the dead face of one of your sisters, her lifeless corpse laying in front of you. Scared you looked around to see all of them dead, turned into corpses, no more than rotten flesh and bones.
Your head whipped around when you heard another scream. Looking at the scene that played in front of you, you saw mother and daughter facing each other.
Agatha was getting burned by her own mother. The head witch flying high in the air, focusing all of her energy on Agatha, trying to kill her. But it wasn't working, the blue energy turned purple, the head witch grunting as she started to crumble, turning older until her corpse hit the floor, the lifeless body dropping down not far from you.
You watched as Agatha looked at her hands, seemingly surprised by the sheer power of her magic. Shrugging it of she grasped the end of her dress as she ascended the stairs of the podium, looking like the dark goddess she was.
You held your breath as she crouched down in front of her mother, taking the brooch from her neck and pocketing it. She got up to leave when she caught a glimpse of you, still moving, alive. Her face darkening she marched towards you, hands igniting with purple magic, eyes pitch black and full of hatred, she was angry.
Your eyes widened in horror as she stalked towards you, frantically trying to get up. Your head was pounding, everything was spinning and you just felt sick. You're whole body burning like it was on fire but at the same time shivers rocked your limbs, making it impossible to move, not taking your trobbing leg and hurting ribs into consideration. It was quite possible that you had broken a couple of bones when you were slammed against the tree. Your head was starting to ring as you tried to stay conscious, the pain intensifying, you felt like you were burning on the inside, your body aflame.
In an weak attempt to protect yourself you tried to bring up an energy field, a spike of agony shooting through you as you tried. It felt like you were being ripped apart, your magic attacking you, hurting you. A feral scream tore itself from your throat, tears blurring your vision even more, feeling something drip down your nose you realised it was blood. The torturous sensation continued to move through your body, stealing your breath, making you feel like your organs were torn apart.
Black spots started to appear on your vision and you dug your nails into your thighs, trying to stay awake, trying to distract yourself from the hell you were going through. It wasn't working, the pain becoming too much you let out another strangled gasp, forcing some air into your lungs, everything was on fire, your body burning from within.
You didn't realised you were crying, tears mixing with the blood on your face, you couldn't take it anymore.
You heard footsteps move in your direction. In your pained agony you somehow managed to open your eyes, recognising the familiar silhouette of Agatha and her purple magic.
You stared at her for a long time, laying bloodied and bruised on the ground, dying. You took all of your strength to say the next words, feeling like knives slit your throat as you did.
"Please...just end my suffering..please.."
You pleaded with the other witch, your voice nothing more than a whisper, bringing you immense pain just from speaking. You wanted it to end, you couldn't take it anymore. Waiting for Agatha to bring you mercy you didn't realise she was crying, crouching in front of your broken body, not knowing what to do.
She had hurt you, she had done this to you, it dawned to her. Horror prominent on her face, this was her doing. Agatha let out a wrenched sob, clutching her chest, this was her fault, she had hurt you, had cursed you.
And now you were so scared of her that you were pleading with her to kill you, seeing it as the only option.
In your fragile state you realised that she was moving towards you, expecting the final blow you shut your eyes, praying that your pain would end.
Instead you felt gentle fingers on your forehead, soothing your pain and caressing your face. You instinctively leaned into the touch, seeking the feeling of calmness and peace that emitted from Agatha. She carefully turned you around, pulling your head in her lap, laying her hands on your chest she began chanting a spell you weren't familiar with, purple glow surrounding both of you, a familiar feeling surging through your body. The pain became less prominent, the feeling of burning up inside turning more into a fever than actually hurting you. Your head cleared up as well, still fuzzy but you could form a coherent thought again without screaming in agony.
After what seemed like an eternity the purple glow faded, leaving you exhausted, tired and still in a lot of pain, groaning as you felt your definitely broken ribs.
Agatha laid a soothing hand on your cheek, whispering comforting words as she shifted her position, a jolt of pain moving through your body at that. She apologised immediately and in your hallucinating state you could have sworn she pressed a short kiss on your cheek.
Gently hoisting you up she picked you up bridal style, whining at the movement your head lolled to the side, burying it in her neck.
The last thing you remembered was Agatha tightening her hold on you and the rush of wind, then everything went black pulling you into blissful nothingness.
When you woke up everything hurt, your head was ringing, your chest was hurting and you were sore, everywhere. You groaned, trying to sit up but a gentle hand pressed you back down, the scent of lavender and magnolia hitting your nose. You abruptly open your eyes, staring at Agatha who sat perched on the edge of your bed, still holding your hand, a concerned look on her face. You looked up at her in panic and saw silent tears running down her cheeks, her lip quivering.
"I'm so sorry angel."
You wanted to answer her but your voice was raspy and it just hurt using it, in fact everything hurt, making you feel tired and exhausted.
Agatha passed you a glass of water, gently holding your head as you greedily gulped down the liquid, spilling a little bit on the covers. She placed the glass back on the nightstand and checked your head for your fever, sighing in relief as it had gone down significantly the last couple hours.
Starting to shift in bed you let out a horrified gasp as you saw your body. You were only wearing a long linen top and the sight that greeted you was horrifying. Your whole torso was covered in cuts and bruised, bandages wrapped around your chest and left leg, your skin a mix between blues and purples.
"I tried to heal as much damage as I could, love, you have to believe me but even my magic has its limits, I'm so so sorry."
You could hear the sadness in her voice, the guilt and the pain at seeing you like that. Agatha was devastated and she didn't try to hide it.
The next days passed in a similar manner. Agatha taking care of you, making you food, reminding you to drink and changing your bandages. You still didn't know where you were or how exactly you got there but as you could barely move from the bed you decided that answering these questions could wait.
You were still very weak, dizzy spells hitting you out of nowhere and your limbs still sore. You were tired all the time, spending most of the day either sleeping or somewhere between conscious and the alluring darkness that sometimes threatened to overcome you.
Agatha was at your side most of the time, not comfortable with leaving you alone since you had passed out on day three, giving her a major scare. She would often sit by your side, reading some kind of spell book or practicing some easy spells. Her presence had a calming effect on you, her magic pulsing through the air and sparks of it landing on your skin. It felt different than before, darker, more powerful but not with an ill intent behind it. It was more of an old friend, welcome you back, it was alive and dangerous and you found yourself more often than not captivated by the powerful witch next to you, weaving spells through the air, her dark magic singing to you.
Your magic had changed as well, what had been blue energy before was now orange with a hint of pink. You didn't understand it, neither did Agatha but something had happened, something had changed inside of you, inside both of you and it was showing.
It was another stormy afternoon, rain hitting the windows and wind howling outside. You were feeling better now, able to walk around the cabin which was located in a part of the forest you've never been before. You're broken bones had been healed completely, curtsey of Agatha who had been going through all the spell books available to find the right healing potion. The dizzy spells were gone as well but the darkness lurking in the corner of your mind, luring you to follow it was still there, still prominent and it was tempting. Your magic did not return to its original colour, it also changed in its appearance, more of glowing whisps than the crackling blue energy it was before. You also felt different, more aware, more awake and most importantly, you could feel Agatha. Her emotions and feelings, tickling the corners of your mind. She was a mess. Guilt and sadness still dominant, feeling responsible for you. There was also something else, something you couldn't decipher but it left you feeling lighthearted and giddy.
You were sitting by the window seat reading one of Agatha’s spell books, more complicated than any spell book the coven had ever allowed you to read, you found out that you liked Agatha’s method of learning way better. Trying out a new spell the coral mist weaved around your hands, turning into an energy ball and then back into the unassuming whisps that always followed you around. You couldn't stop it and Agatha didn’t know why either. You figured you didn't mind, it was as if your magic was protecting you, always following you around if the need to defend yourself should arise. Putting the book back on the shelf you looked around your little cabin, it had become your home in the last few weeks, deeply hidden in the forest, surrounded by so many protecting spells you had lost count. You liked it here, the quiet of the forest and the closeness to nature, it was peaceful.
Agatha was out collecting some herbs and flowers, you had offered to go with her but she was still fussing over you, always making sure you were okay, having her hands on your body in any way, shape or form. Holding your hand while you were sitting together and reading, sitting close to you when you were having lunch, her leg brushing up against yours, an arm around you if you were taking a small walk, almost as if she'd expect you to fade out of existence this very moment. You didn't mind if you were being honest, you liked the way she cared about you, like she genuinely cared for you. It made you feel all fluttery and giddy but you dismissed the feeling as just being happy you weren't alone.
Roaming around the cabin you searched for something to pass the time as you waited for Agatha to return. Settling for reading some poetry you walked back to the window seat, tucking your feet unter your body you started reading, listening to the sound of raindrops hitting the windows as the rain started to get heavier.
You didn't hear the door open or Agatha stepping inside, too focused on your poems. That's why you let out a shrill shriek as you felt her cold hands on your neck. You whipped your head around to see her smiling down at you, a mischievous glint in her eyes. You both started laughing and had to take a moment to calm down again.
Wiping tears out of your eyes you looked at her, the rain had made her hair somewhat curly, a rosy tint to her cheeks from the cold outside, her hooded cape hiding most of her dress and corset. You found yourself lost in her baby blue eyes, the colour reminding you of the stormy sea and the rainy sky, you were mesmerised by her beauty. Shaking your head you came back to reality, Agatha looking at you with the same look she had on her face every time she looked at you. There was this feeling again, the feeling you couldn't decipher, not even with your newfound powers.
"What are we making for dinner today?"
Your voice seemed to snap her out of her thoughts and she took of her cape, placing the basket with flowers and herbs on the counter. She had also brought some vegetables from your little garden outside the cabin. You've always had a green thumb and magic didn't limit you to seasonal vegetables and berries which was useful if you were living in a cabin in the middle of nowhere.
Walking over to the fireplace you looked at what you had to work with, Agatha stepping right behind you, her hand draped around your waist.
"See something you can work with hun?"
The nickname made you blush as you sorted through your ingredients, seemed like today's dinner was gonna be vegetable soup and some of the bread you had made a couple days ago.
While Agatha was magically cutting vegetables you were hearing the fireplace, lighting it with a flick of your hand, the coral mist protecting your hands from the orange flames. Preparing dinner together you and Agatha whirled around the kitchen, the other witch always touching you in some way, whether that was her just "passing by" or needing something from behind you, brushing your hand when she passed you something. Her actions made you smile, the fluttery feeling returning to your stomach and you couldn't brush it of as easy anymore.
As you waited for the soup to finish you cleaned up the kitchen and Agatha set the table, moving plates and glasses through the air, the familiar feeling of her magic present. You felt two arms wrap around you waist and you gasped in surprise as you felt her warm body pressed against your.
"Take a seat dear, I'll handle the rest."
Ignoring your protests she stirred you to the table, pulling out a chair for you and making you sit down. She squeezed your hand and gave you a short kiss on the head, rubbing your arm as she continued to clean the kitchen, making a show out of it to make you laugh.
You were wheezing from her dance number with the broom, Agatha dramatically giving a bow in your direction and shooting you a not so subtle wink.
She brought over the tray with the soup and bread, the tray floating besides her as she gracefully took a seat, placing down the food in front of you.
She was telling you about her walk in the woods, how she had seen a baby fox and the beautiful flowers she found near a cliff. You were mesmerised by her voice, wanting to listen to her for hours, just hearing her talk made you feel at peace. Made you feel at home.
As the sun set the two of you moved to the living room, cuddling close to each other as the cold of the night started to set in. You both had your magic to keep you warm but this didn't stop you from laying your head on Agatha’s shoulder, shuffling closer to her side as she began to read out of your poetry book you had spent the afternoon with.
You felt yourself getting tired as she continued to read, burying your face in the crook of her neck, her fingers absently stroking your hair as she recited old poems about love and passion.
Agatha smiled down on your sleeping form as she put the book away, careful not to wake you. She looked at your relaxed face, a little smile on your lips. You were beautiful. She had always thought you were but with her strict mother and the coven she had always pushed these feelings aside, having had more important matters at hand. But now, now there was no denying that she had fallen for you, had fallen for you a long time ago. The last couple of weeks had shown her that, she loved waking up to you bustling around the cabin, always finding new things to do. She realised that she never wanted to live without you ever again. The reason why you were here reminding her that her perfect little world could easily be crushed. The images of you laying on the forest floor still haunting her dreams sometimes, making her want to climb into your bed and hold you close, never ever letting you go. She had sworn herself that she would protect you, no matter what she had to sacrifice for it.
Gently getting up from the couch she picked you up, carrying you to your shared room, carefully placing you on your bed, tucking you under the covers she gave you a quick kiss on the cheek.
Getting up to go to her own bed she felt your hand grasp hers, looking at you she saw you half asleep looking up at her with a loving smile on your face.
"Stay please."
Your request caught her off guard but she quickly caught herself as she climbed under the covers, you body cuddling close to her the minute she did. Wrapping her arms around you she pulled you closer, savouring the feeling of your body so close to her. She felt you bury your head in her chest, mumbling something that sounded an awful lot like I love you, her heart starting to pound faster at these words. Tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ears she closed her eyes, feeling happy and content as you fell asleep in her arms.
"I love you too angel, I love you too."
You woke to the sun shining through the window, grumbling you flicked your hand to draw the curtains when you heard a slight chuckle from behind you. Agatha. You remembered last night, how you had asked her to stay and how good it had felt to fall asleep in her arms, giving you the feeling of safety and home. You turned around to see her proped up on her elbow, a beautiful smile visible on her face.
"Good morning sweetheart."
"Have you been watching me all this time?"
Her cheeks started to turn a scarlet hue at your question. She nervously looked down at her hands, playing with little whisps of her magic.
"I didn't had the heart to wake you, you were sleeping so peacefully dear."
Now it was your turn to blush, your cheeks turning the colour of your magic that always surrounded you. It wavered around your hands, like the fog that surrounded your cabin in the mornings.
You looked at Agatha, messy hair framing her face, piercing blue eyes staring at you as if you were the single most important thing in the world, purple magic swirling around her hands. She looked like a goddess.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a hand caressing your face, you looked up to see Agatha hovering over your body, holding your hand, your faces so close you could feel her hot breath. You gave a her a short nod and at that she closed the gap in between the two of you.
Your hands tangled in her hair, pulling her closer, her body flush on your. This kiss was everything you dreamed it would be and so much more. You felt like your nerves were on fire, the only thing you could feel was Agatha and her magic. It curled around you, making your skin tingle and cheeks flush, melting together with your own magic, intensifying the experience. You felt Agatha deepen the kiss and you let her, pouring all your emotions into it, never wanting it to end. You could feel every single emotion of the witch on top of you, happiness, adoration, joy, passion and love, so much love. You could feel her, feel her soul spark with joy as she finally had found you, finally had found the missing piece, her other half, her soulmate.
When you broke apart the room was basked in purple and coral light, your magic swirling around the room, connected with each other. You looked at Agatha who had a loving smile on her face. She pulled you up and you were basically pulled into her lap. Cradling your face you could see some tears in the corner of her eyes. Wiping them away she speaks, her voice not more than a whisper.
"Please tell me this is not a dream."
You shake your head and take her hands in yours, absently drawing small circles on them.
"No definitely not a dream."
At this Agatha smiles, crushing her lips on yours for another passionate kiss.
You knew the future wasn't gonna be easy but together you were unstoppable.
You had found your missing half, your soulmate.
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bitter-sweet-coffee · 3 years
Sonic Twitter Takeover fic prompt? Well, here you go:
Their breath was fogging up the glass. The wind which expelled from their lungs could not pierce that invisible barrier, so it clouded instead. How do pilots steer through clouds? Did it hurt when they flew through them?
Cotton candy is sticky, and it smells like blood.
"I don't think this is going to work Maria, we never heard back from them," the hedgehog mumbled, fidgeting with the girl's robin-coloured sleeve that hung from her stiff arm. Despite his concern, Shadow couldn't suppress the glimmer in his eye as he watched his sister tidy up the control panel that she had been toying with.
Maria simply laughed and shook her head, and faded gold strands of hair unwound from her scalp. The cleaning staff was always puzzled that the creature didn't shed, but the human girl manifested tumbleweeds that plagued the barren ARK like it was the wild west.
"They communicate with the planet all the time Shadow, it's definitely possible! I just had to rig this so it could transmit anywhere, and our shuttle is arriving tonight so we'll know for sure if it worked," she explained, before elaborating in words that her alien companion couldn't follow.
Instead of asking questions, he simply nodded as his mind wandered elsewhere. He would go on to regret this in about 50 years though, when his memories of her become sparse.
Maria continued to cover up their tracks, stifling a laugh at the visibly inattentive Shadow. She would never tease him for his lapses in focus, aware of how overworked the poor hedgehog was. "Let him rest," she had insisted with the project coordinators and grandfather but they seemed unconcerned.
"It's the Ultimate Lifeform, if it needs rest then the specimen can always withdraw and accept its termination," someone had told her. The cuts on her palm had yet to heal from the wrath of her jagged fingernails, and the insides of her cheeks were raw as always.
They'd leave, they just had to be patient.
Before Shadow could open his mouth to change the topic to something more comprehensible, an alarm began blaring from the intercom, startling the hedgehog into his sister's side. He was never a fan of loud noises, but Maria's hands were already over his ears— they were used to this series of events.
Just another few days weeks months never before they could get the hell away from this.
Maria was about to shut the panel off and deal with the intercom, but a rhythmic beeping was being transmitted that required her attention, head snapping back down to the source.
Unable to write things since her hands were preoccupied with muffling the shuttle alarm, the girl began tapping on Shadow's forehead, which made the hedgehog wrinkle his nose and squirm.
"Focus on this instead, I need you to double check with me, okay?" Maria whispered calmly, pulling Shadow a little closer to her side.
He did as she instructed and let the morse code beeping merge with her fingertips, the sound of the alarm fading away. When the transmission ended, the alarm truly was gone.
"No fucking way... it worked!!!" Maria cheered, scooping Shadow up and swinging him around, gripping him tight so he didn't get flung across the room like last time.
The hedgehog yelped from the sudden movement but it eventually devolved into giggling, his fists ramming into her back as he shook with laughter.
Shadow eventually regulated his amusement and pulled back to look at the girl, expression faltering when he saw the strain in her smile, eyes glazed. He quickly let go and landed on his feet, steadying Maria as best he could.
"You're not supposed to move that much Mar," he reminded, but she was a Robotnik after all— the stubbornness was genetic.
Maria shrugged and began stumbling out to the hallway, headed for the first floor; "Do you want your pizza or not? C'mon, I want to try cheese and the best way to have it is when it's still stringy!" she cheered, doing her best to mask the whistling from her lungs with her heavy footsteps.
When the hedgehog didn't budge, she looked back with a smug grin, "I know you're curious what crust tastes like, you're not subtle... I see you looking up toasters in the catalogue. If you want the crunch, then follow me, okay?"
Rolling his eyes and growling in defeat, Shadow followed the girl as best he could, their bare feet slapping the ground hard enough to warrant echoes.
Arriving at the main deck, the two snuck their way onto the shuttle that just arrived, taking note of the uncanny box that was haphazardly thrown on top of the better preserved food shipments.
The ARK had its own garden, so produce was never difficult to obtain. Meat seldom lasted and dairy was uncommon, so what was sent up would be primarily starches and other low-moisture foods for budget reasons.
Pepperoni pizza however, was not a dry, meatless, dairy free starch. However, this didn't stop the pair from contacting GUN before the food shuttle left to demand a pizza.
Shadow still worries about the poor intern that was spammed with morse code transmissions until they did what was instructed by the mad scientist and her loyal henchhog. They probably got fired, but that means they got away from GUN, so he considers it an improvement.
Maria snatched the box and grabbed Shadow's hand, ducking behind the pallet of saltine crackers; "Can you chaos control us back to my room?" she whispered, as the unloading team approached their hiding spot.
"I um, well I'm still not good at taking other people, are you sure it's safe?" the hedgehog asked warily, pulling away to adjust his inhibitors.
The girl shrugged, grabbing Shadow's hands back with her free one, "Let's go."
He nodded firmly, and with a quiet chaos control, they were safely pulled away from the crime scene and back in Maria's room, flopping directly onto her bed.
Shadow beamed at his success, but his sister was too busy melting into her comforter with glee, sighing.
She wasn't usually allowed in her room since it wasn't sterile enough according to her doctor. While usually kept immaculately, the duo would leave behind a never-ending generator of crumbs on that bed.
Shadow thinks they're still there today, but he won't go check. He hasn't been back in that room since.
After stuffing themselves with the foreign food, the siblings learned an important lesson on introducing new ingredients into their diet, and how having multiple things you're not supposed to eat at all or in large quantities... has unsatisfactory results.
"Do you think we shouldn't have done this?" Maria groaned, sprawled out and hanging halfway off her bed. Shadow was face first on the floor below her, and merely offered a pathetic thumbs up.
The girl giggled weakly, swallowing the fear that this would cause internal bleeding, and worried that if she cracked for just a second, the fun would be over and she'd be put in isolation again.
Fortunately, this wouldn't be the case, though she'd still bleed a week later as bullets were fired into her back.
"I'm sorry I asked for this, now we feel like shit," Shadow groaned, using his limited strength to roll over and stare up at Maria, a pained expression on his face.
The girl shook her head; "We've been so patient this whole time, what's the harm in waiting a little less for something?" She shifted back towards the wall and patted the open space on her bed, prompting Shadow to join her.
Smiling, the hedgehog crawled up and wiggled under the weighted blanket, sighing into Maria's lavender-scented pillow as she placed a hand in his quills, scratching gently behind his ears.
"Even if we feel gross now, we still had fun, and the pizza tasted good! Even if we're a bit sick now, it proves that sometimes waiting pays off," Maria assured, looking down at her hedgehog as he began to drift off.
The Ultimate Lifeform may have been too tired to say anything back, but both of them knew he agreed— they were used to waiting for freedom anyways.
"So... was it worth it?" Sonic asked, holding his slice of pizza between his fingers like a cigarette.
Shadow eyed his untouched plate, almost tempted by the still stringy mozzarella that he remembered throwing at Maria before remembering that it looked like her entrails.
"Should we keep ordering illegal foods until we can go down there for real?" he asked.
Maria laughed but shook her head, "No, I think we're done for now! We'll be experiencing the planet together soon anyways, I don't want to ruin the surprise. Plus, you never know if this stuff tastes better there, so I don't want to ruin everything with a space bias! We'll just have to wait a little longer, it'll be something to look forward to."
"No," Shadow admitted, "it wasn't worth it."
What he failed to communicate was that it wasn't the fact they did it, but the fact they never did it again.
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herparadisekiss · 2 years
I have theory, questions and thoughts after thinking a bit more on WOT episode 7, someone help me figure this out if you have ideas as I continue to think for the next 5 days till the finale drops
(show spoilers below ofc)
First off after the second rewatch I have this feeling that Egwene knows it's Rand after the Trolloc in the Ways and and here's some visual evidence in previous episodes
Her first channeling only sent a tiny spark towards Valda the Whitecloak. It should be impossible to suddenly blast a Trolloc off the edge
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Also her reaction is shock and disbelief right? Probably in her head she can't understand how she did it as her second channeling. She channeled, but nowhere was it strong enough and it was encircling herself as a protective barrier than projected outwards (which was Rand's) right? Also she was focused on staring at her hands before speaking up and claiming she didn't mean to channel in the left corner of the frame
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To me this scene is also a giveaway that she's hinting to Rand she knows and she will be here for him, once they go and make it back after (;_;)
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And I think this will be part of the beginning of episode 8 after we left off Egwene, Perrin, Nyneave and Lan realising the two were gone, she may mention to the rest that Rand can channel. So that everyone in the gang knows before they dash to the Blight to join them in the fight
Also my question about Rand (or 2): at what point did he (a) realise he could channel and (b) start doubting if he is the dragon reborn? I'm a little confused so I went back to try and figure from the few bits we had
On (a), was it the door in ep 3 or the trolloc blast in ep 7? When he channeled (presumably for the first time) to break through the ironwood door, has he seen or felt the power moving around him? This makes a huge difference imo because he would have started to question himself from that point? Is it established that those who channel can see the power, since this was part of the reveal in his thoughts/flashback...? Thus when Rand channeled to protect Egwene, was it a realisation OR a confirmation that he can channel? (My bet is a confirmation, because if it's just a realisation that's a relatively rushed decision within less than a day to run off with Moiraine)
On (b), I wonder when Rand started doubting because his questions to Moiraine, whom he distrusts, kinda feels like a probe for answers. In Ep 6 he asked whether if Mat is not the dragon because he can't/hasn't channeled, it is also to eliminate Mat's possibility in his mind. If Moiraine gave an affirmative answer, it would have confirmed for Rand that a man who can channel = higher possibility of being the Dragon. He was also the first to cut in and question Moirane about not knowing who the Dragon is, because he is also grasping for more information at this point (presumably if he already realised he could channel)?
Also Rand was staring at Moiraine as everyone was resting in the Ways and I read this as him thinking if Moiraine is withholding any information because its the second time she's leading the whole gang and to doom
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Bonus incoherent thoughts:
I'd love for Moiraine to reveal in Ep 8 that she suspected Rand was the one, or at least share some of her actual thoughts instead of keeping it close to her chest and say that the Dragon reborn could manifest in any way. Gimme detective Moiraine flashback shots or something while they walk through the Blight!!!
Because I'm pretty sure she would have eliminated Nyneave (because of her age, not matching the other 4, it was said in earlier episodes) as well, even with the demonstration of Nyneave's power twice so far. Otherwise she would have just confirmed it there and then!
I just believe she is smart and she suspects but she isn't the type to reveal too much information unnecessarily to anyone because she's a Blue Ajah yeah. We've seen her hold back information so much and only dish it out when necessary or dodge it seamlessly
There must be something between her and Rand for her to fit a final puzzle piece or have conclusive evidence that he is the DR. Maybe more details from the Prophecy? The one in episode 1 is truly vague at best lol
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wrightaboutthat · 3 years
Proposing a Duel ~A Narumitsu One-Shot~
Summary: Finally, after years of pining, years of waiting, is Phoenix prepared to propose to the love of his life. But with someone he parallels so intensely, nothing can ever be straightforward.
Tags: Marriage Proposal, Idiots in Love, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Arguing, Childhood Memories, they're so dumb, and bickering 5ever, but they're so incredibly in love your honor, and deserve intense happiness like this, also this is probably set in the aa5-6 timeline somewhere but Who's Counting
Additional Notes: Hello everyone! Finally managed to tackle and finish one of my 20+ Narumitsu drafts lol. I recognize that this is quite the common trope/plot with these two, but I'm of course shooting for a "yay, two cakes" situation! We simply cannot have enough proposal fics, and these two deserve all the happiness/sweetness in the world quite honestly. They're tired- let them REST.
Anyway, super excited to share this with you all, and I hope you enjoy!
You can also read the work on AO3 here [x]
It felt different. He felt different. There was a certain and light sweetness that seemed to be lingering in the air. There was a tender warmth that seemed to be burning between two forms. There was a magnetic tug that seemed to be pulling harder than usual.
Perhaps it was finally pulling towards the inevitable.
Phoenix’s breath caught in his throat at the very consideration. It had been so long after all. The entirety of his life had slowly led up to such a thing. But even still, he doubted his readiness, doubted his ability to proceed.
Though, looking at the man beside him easily dampened such doubts. Fear melted away into giddy nervousness, and worry softened into warm tingles.
Because it was Miles.
A man who had evaded him for years. A man who had changed him for the better. A man who had beautifully fought for betterment all for his sake. A man who he’d do anything for.
A man he wanted to marry.
The direct utterance within his mind manifested a flushed smile, his head going woozy with adoration. Inevitable indeed; it felt so right to consider, so...perfect. He of course hoped his proposal would follow suit, that it would declare such deep admiration to the receiver. He wanted it to be just as wonderful as the very man-
“What is it?”
The murmured baritone snapped Phoenix from his honeyed thoughts, startling as he returned to the present.
Though Miles’ stare remained trained ahead, Phoenix could still pick up on the tenderness that washed over his facial expression.
“You were staring quite intently, darling.”
The term of endearment, the tonality of his boyfriend’s voice, and the ginger facial expression did nothing to help his blush. The defense attorney’s cheeks were fiery, though his growing smile aided in the distribution of heat.
“Is that anything new? I always struggle to take my eyes off you.”
He watched with amusement as color struck Miles’ face to match, his expression crinkling into something of embarrassment.
“Nngh...” he quietly groaned, earning a chuckle from Phoenix before he continued, “Well, at least I’m the one driving then.”
“Thank God for that.”
They ventured back into comfortable silence, but affections were still reciprocated. Miles slipped a hand off the steering wheel and laid it palm-up on the console, an invitation that Phoenix immediately took. He gave his boyfriend’s hand a soft squeeze, contentedly sighing as his thoughts began to wander once more.
Hand holding wouldn’t feel the same for very long after all. There would be an even deeper connection with it, a deeper unity. Soft skin and sturdy fingers would be bordered with precious metal, a glistening reminder of their utmost promise to each other...
The tanner man jerked back to the present once again, though not as harshly as before.
“You’re uncharacteristically quiet.”
“Are you saying I’m normally loud, baby?”
The slight rise of his boyfriend’s brow was enough to draw forth a laugh, the deeper implications plenty visible in such a mere gesture.
“More talkative than I, yes,” Miles huffed, though he quickly ventured back towards a more solemn air. “Is something on your mind?”
“Ahh...no.” A lie. And it was very dangerous to offer a lie to the man who sought nothing but the truth in every regard. So Phoenix very quickly covered with a genuine statement, a true explanation indeed. “I just...get lost in how much I love you sometimes.”
Heterochromatic eyes had averted with such a statement, and his other hand had taken purchase upon his neck. The silence that followed however, drew his gaze back towards his partner. But, following the pattern of comfort, any and all apprehension was doused by the prosecutor; the intense blush and bashful furrow on his counterpart’s face triggered giggles.
“Darling...” Miles muttered in disdain.
“It’s true!”
Silver eyes briefly flitted sideways, before the opposing man heaved a large sigh. Years ago, such a statement would likely earn some manner of reluctance or coldness. In the present though, and to Phoenix’s delight, it slowly drew forth a gentle smile once more.
“If I wasn’t speeding down a highway, I would perhaps have to kiss you,” Miles eventually murmured.
“Just perhaps?” Phoenix laughed.
The prosecutor readjusted their conjoined hands, and better gripped Phoenix’s, gently bringing it to his awaiting mouth.
“Assuredly,” he said, sealing the word with a tender kiss.
It was the defense’s turn to be bashful, flushing and giggling and crumpling in on himself. It was without fail; close to proposing, and yet rendered so useless by his beloved. He doubted that would change, even well into their marriage. It hadn’t for years and years after all.
When Miles lowered their hands back to the console, Phoenix heaved a breath, easing into conversation before thoughts hoisted him away again.
“Where are we going anyway?”
There was an odd pause, coupled with what sounded like a shaky inhalation. The prosecutor did indeed answer, but through vagueness only.
“You’ll see.”
“Are we close? Because I perhaps have to kiss you too.” Just as Miles has done, he brought their hands upward, gripping the prosecutor’s just so and returning the gesture with warm lips. “Hands don’t really cut it.”
“Yes, dear. Shouldn’t be much longer.”
Phoenix grinned, and pressed a plethora of short kisses to the other man’s hand- so much so that he earned a soft whap of disdain to the face. He broke into giggles then and freed the prosecutor from his onslaught, simply opting to sit and wait for their arrival, albeit anxiously. He hoped it was a proper location. He hoped it was someplace fitting. He hoped it would be a date worth turning into something more. He wasn’t sure if he could stand the idea of having to push things back any longer; the ring had already been in his possession for one day too many.
The car finally slowing down brought him from his thoughts, and he blinked as he attempted to process where they were. It didn’t seem to be a fancy restaurant or anything typical of Miles; in fact, it seemed like they were just in some random part of the city. And yet, there seemed to exist an odd sort of...familiarity to it all, a sense of dejavu gnawing on his mind.
Regardless of the swirling thoughts, he snapped to action the moment they stopped. The second Miles parked the car, he was leaning across the center console, following through with his previous statements and tugging them both into a proper kiss. The pair sighed and melted against each other’s mouths, sucking and gliding and caressing.
When Phoenix attempted to slide his tongue betwixt his partner’s lips however, did the prosecutor lean back and break their connection.
“Not so fast, Wright,” he tutted, though his brow was playfully cocked, “Can’t have you sullying this date.”
“Me? You’re the one who’s irresistibly gorgeous.”
Miles rolled his eyes, causing the tanner man to chuckle, before he poised himself to depart the vehicle.
“I rest my case.”
Phoenix continued with his mirth, but had no further objections; no, he didn’t need to sully their date at all. There would be plenty of time for intimacy, but only one chance to present such a momentous inquiry. So he exited after his boyfriend, and walked around the car to be by his side.
Gazes were soft once more upon meeting, and the prosecutor offered a hand for Phoenix to take. He did so happily, and allowed his partner to lead. In doing so however, perplexity joined the mix, his wavy brows furrowing as he continued to try and place...where exactly they were. It wasn’t exactly a park, or a restaurant, or any discernible destination at all. It merely seemed like Miles was leading him down a sidewalk- and was his hand...trembling?
His face scrunched with further confusion, the two of them continuing to wind through buildings. Soon however, buildings opened up to a very particular scene. Rounding a corner stopped him dead in his tracks. Gazing upon the openness before him smacked his brain with a plethora of memories. He saw many a picture, heard swaths of innocent laughter, and felt rushes of old warmth...
“Remember this spot?”
Miles’ murmur managed to reach him, but his composure still swayed. Tears almost pricked his heterochromatic eyes, his nose tickling with the threat of their manifestation. Because yes, he absolutely did. The small canal, the grassy hill, the surrounding quaint homes, the sunset...
It was a scene from their youth. It was a place they had frequented together as grade schoolers. It was a place where dreams had been discussed, and bonds had been formed.
And God, was it perfect for taking said bonds even further.
Phoenix had to keep a hand over his mouth for a few beats, attempting to keep his composure at bay. Breaking down in front of Miles wouldn’t be anything new necessarily, but it would produce suspicion.
Thankfully, the prosecutor didn’t seem to notice- at least, not yet. For he simply snickered and tugged, softly beckoning with their conjoined hands.
“I take that as a yes. Come on then.”
He led them both down the old path, strolling in the golden light of the setting sun. Phoenix could almost see flashes of their grade school selves as they happened along, laughing and shoving and playing. And, through the sparkles in his vision, could he also picture the glistens of precious metal, of gemstones shining with promise and love.
He had to bite his cheek to keep himself in check. When would be the proper time to ask anyway? It felt so close, but so very far. It felt so perfect, but so out of reach. Maybe it would just come to him. Maybe the stars would align. And if Miles’ hand was still oddly trembling, he could no longer tell; his was too.
The prosecutor slowing down pulled him from his running thoughts, but made the situation all the more real. He allowed Miles to lead him into the grass, onto one of the slopes neighboring the sidewalk. Mismatched eyes rapidly blinked to shoo away tears; it was such the perfect parallel. It was such a beautiful nod to their roots.
“Love, I didn’t think you remembered this!” he strained out, beginning to beam immensely, “It was so long ago.”
“Well of course I do. You were the better part of those years after all.”
“Miles...” Phoenix heaved a breath, his smile beginning to rival the light shining upon them. “You’re such a sweetheart, you know that? This was so thoughtful.”
He watched with delight as the opposing man flushed something terrible, his silver eyes averting and his grasp retracting.
“Ngh...” he softly groaned, before dismissively waving a hand and moving to sit, “It’s merely a trip down memory lane, that’s all.”
“Yeah but...” Phoenix couldn’t help but laugh, latching on to some teasing for a bit of emotional respite, “Esteemed Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth sitting in the grass for me?”
Miles seemed to stiffen a bit, coupled with another crawl of red across his visage.
“Is that really such an oddity?”
“A bit, yeah! It’s different than what we normally do.” Phoenix snickered a bit more, before he lowered himself to the ground as well, sitting flush against his partner. The mirth departed his voice then, his tone traveling back towards a more earnest warmth. “So it’s just...It’s really sweet. And meaningful.”
And utterly perfect for what he had planned.
He watched as Miles’ face immensely softened, though silver eyes averted once more. Phoenix took the opportunity to press a quick kiss to the offered cheek, before moving to nestle his head against his boyfriend’s shoulder. He sighed a contented breath upon doing so- particularly when he eventually felt Miles’ head snuggle against his.
Part of him was anxious, what with a brewing proposal swirling around in his depths. But another part hushed him, and told him to simply enjoy the scene for a moment. It was a lovely contrast against their usual life; just getting to take a few moments of calm hush with his beloved, in a place that meant so much to them. The sunlight was warming, his partner’s body was soothing, and the air was enticing.
Mismatched eyes half-lidded, and he hummed amidst the quiet. He wanted it to continue. He wanted to stay in the moment forever. But the other half of him began to cry out for attention. The other half drove him to speak, to drive the peace towards partnership.
“God, Miles...How did we even get here?”
“It’s been a long road, hmm?” the prosecutor murmured after a few beats.
“Yeah. Crazy to think I’m here with you like this. It was always a dream of mine.”
“I concur.”
“So proper,” Phoenix snickered, moving to press another kiss to the opposing man’s cheek.
“Hush,” he huffed. Before Phoenix could nestle back downwards however, Miles turned his head and captured their mouths for a proper kiss. And just as soon as the kiss started was he rising to stand, stoically and handsomely staring out towards the departing sun. He seemed to let out a shaky breath, before he continued in solemn tones. “As children, when I sat with you here, I...couldn’t help but look to the future, and imagine what could be. To think that it’s realized now, and far more than I ever pictured...”
He heaved again, and seemed to look downward at his feet.
“And to think that it could continue...”
Phoenix’s heart leapt into his throat; how was it that Miles was perfectly setting him up? How was it that he was meticulously laying the puzzle pieces out? It was almost like he knew, like he was aware of the ring burning brightly in his pocket.
It was time. Oh God, it was time. It was like some divine forces yanked him upward, piloting him towards the start of a new beginning. He no longer questioned it. He no longer felt apprehensive. He only felt entirely driven to begin.
“-Miles, I adore you,” he blurted, butting in and rambling without much control, “I love you so much. I can’t imagine being with anyone else but you. You’re gorgeous, and amazing, and so important to me, and...”
He could feel his partner’s eyes on him. He could feel the burn of their bodies. He could feel the very question hanging in the air between them. His chest tightened, his eyes watered, and his extremities quivered...Yet he still managed to reach for the life changing box in his pocket, and poised himself to get down on one knee.
“And so I have to do something I’ve thought about since I met-“
“-Hold it!”
The sudden objection from his boyfriend startled him, causing him to crash down upon his knee as opposed to a gentle descent. He winced a bit at the impact, but physical pain was quickly replaced by emotional; Miles looked...appalled. Phoenix felt his chest squeeze immensely, coupled with a croaked utterance of the prosecutor’s name.
“Wh- Miles?”
He watched with further horror as his counterpart backed away, heaving and wringing his fists a plenty. Miles even went so far as to pinch the bridge of his nose with a hand, sighing and straining a cursed sentence.
“I cannot believe this...”
The defense lawyer trembled, the words piercing a crack in his heart. He had been wrong. He had been overzealous. He had pushed Miles too far. He had backed himself into an unlovable corner yet again.
He opened his mouth to speak, to question, to beg for answers, but all that escaped was a quivering breath. Oddly enough, the sound still managed to reach the prosecutor, because he looked back before...miraculously softening?
“-Wait wait, no. Apologies. I...” he said with a raised hand, before pulling it back in and freezing.
They both were silent for several beats then, the air immensely tense and thick. Though Phoenix felt slightly better that his beloved no longer appeared...disgusted, his heart still ached something terrible. He was confused, and downtrodden, watching his boyfriend closely for any further reactions.
React he did; he shifted more into the typical tense nervousness, pulling at his shirt and avoiding eye contact. Numerous deep breaths also heaved from the prosecutor, the exhalations sounding surprisingly shaky. Though it was likely only seconds, the quiet felt like hours, Phoenix clambering for any sign he hadn’t just made the worst mistake of his life.
And it was a wonder he doubted his partner so. It was crazy that his anxiety still got to him. The traumatic scars really did run immensely deep. But regardless, Miles finally provided, looking back and turning the situation around.
“My darling,” he began, his silver eyes interlocking with heterochromatic, “I am...so sorry for startling you. I just...have no idea how we possibly managed...”
With that, the prosecutor reached into his own pocket, and presented something that connected all the glittering puzzle pieces together.
Every ounce of apprehension washed away. Every bit of discomfort fizzled into nothingness. Every drop of sadness evaporated into thin air. And all was replaced by the most dazzling, incredible warmth Phoenix had ever experienced.
Because it was a box, much like the one he still had in his own hand.
Suddenly, everything made sense. He had brought him out here with identical intentions. He had sweetened his tongue with the same question. He had been preparing to go down the same road, and was startled by the abrupt change in plans.
They had both tried to propose to each other. They had both tried to ask for each other’s hand.
Phoenix wasn’t sure whether to laugh or sob, and subsequently settled for a mixture of both. His free hand clapped over his mouth, and he quivered from tears and mirth alike.
“Miles? Miles?!”
Through the glaze, he could see the prosecutor shaking his head. And over his trembling vocalizations, he could hear the strained quality his boyfriend’s voice had taken.
“Always throwing me for a loop, Wright.”
“Oh my God!” Phoenix laughed, rubbing at his eyes with a hand as he attempted to compose himself. He was overwhelmed, so delightfully overwhelmed. Because two opposing rings meant they were on the exact same page. Two pieces of beautiful metal signaled each other’s answer.
His laugh choked off with more of a sob, and he peered through his fingers to get a look at his boyfriend. Miles had his head turned away, a hand grasping his face once more. Was he crying as well? Or trying not to? Whatever the case, the very consideration sent further tears down the tanner man’s cheeks.
“I...I love you,” he rasped.
“I...” Normally smooth and cool vocals were shaky and taut, the prosecutor clearing his throat before attempting again. “I love you too, dearest.”
The situation beautifully plateaued, the two men taking numerous beats to compose themselves. Neither moved. Neither said anything. Neither made any sort of advance with such a dear connection woven between them.
Phoenix continued wiping his tears and blowing out cleansing breaths. He slowly became aware of the fact that he was still on one knee, still poised to officially pop the question. Though, how was he to go about it? And with an opposing ring in the playing field? He felt inclined to inquire.
He watched as the prosecutor straightened, smoothing out his dress shirt and composing himself something proper. It looked very much like how he recovered in court after a sudden blow, scrambling back from an emotional edge and easing back into stoicism.
“Yes?” he answered after a few beats, though his voice was still thickened.
“What...what do we even do now?!” Phoenix laughed, his free hand traveling to rest upon his neck.
“Well,” Miles began after heaving another cleansing breath, “If we’re getting into technicalities, I’ve had this planned for months.”
The sheen in Phoenix’s eyes flashed with a new spark, the tears glistening with fire. No, not just an opposing ring- a rival ring. It seemed that old habits died hard.
“So? I’m the one on one knee right now! I beat you to it.”
“And? I don’t believe you had any sort of plan regarding this.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“I’m trying to marry you, Phoenix,” Miles said matter-of-factly, tapping his bicep in the normal way, “Ergo, I know you better than perhaps the back of my own hand.”
The tanner man wanted to laugh at the courtroom persona his partner had suddenly adopted, argue with the points being brought to the table, and melt at the fact that Miles Edgeworth wanted to marry him. Unfortunately, he was incapable of anything of the sort; the truth was a little too on the nose.
“Ahh...” was all he sheepishly managed, his free hand grasping his neck harder.
He watched as Miles cocked a brow and gave him a knowing look, furthering the blush that gripped his cheeks.
“Out with it then.”
“Okay...Maybe I was about to start winging it...”
“Mm, as always.”
“But so what?” Phoenix exclaimed, “I’m always ready to get into how much I adore you, and why I couldn’t imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else, and-“
“-You are not about to advantageously segue, Phoenix Wright.”
The defense attorney burst out laughing, finally standing back up and closing the distance between them.
“Miles!” he comedically whined, giving his boyfriend’s chest a gentle shove, “Dammit, you do know me a little too well.”
“Indeed. Which is why I feel more than apt to be the first one to proceed.”
“No! I was ramping myself up towards a big speech and everything.”
“As was I. I’ve dreamed of this since I was young.”
“And you think I haven’t?!”
The prosecutor’s face devolved into more of his usual scowl, his arms lacing across his chest. It was quite the sight really, what with his eyes still containing wisps of moisture. Still, the strange contrast didn’t cease the pair’s argument.
“We seem to be at quite the impasse then.”
“A bit!” Phoenix snorted.
“Is your stubbornness really going to stop us from getting engaged?”
“Is yours?”
Miles let out a harsh sigh, his annoyance becoming more and more noticeable.
“You’re being ridiculous. Why does it matter who proposes to whom anyway?”
“If it didn’t matter so much, you would have let me go for it!” the tanner man pointed out.
“You’re incredibly obstinate.”
“Haven’t you always admired that?”
“Phoenix,” Miles hissed.
“Besides, so are you!”
“Tell me, do you have a better comeback besides mirroring what I’ve just said?”
“I could always tell you to shut up and let me get on with it.”
“Oh, so romantic and well spoken,” the prosecutor snapped, throwing his hands with exasperation, “Truly makes for the sweetest memories.”
“Says you! You’re the one who started all of this. I could have proposed already!”
It was then that Phoenix’s eyes glinted once more, this time with a spark of mischievous stubbornness. In knowing him so well, Miles appeared to pick up on it, his body twitching and his brow furrowing.
“Don’t you dare-“
The prosecutor’s snarl cut off as they both leapt for the same conclusion. Knees crashed to the ground together, and boxes were hastily grappled for, the two racing for that beautiful spot.
And then something tickled Phoenix once more.
Maybe it was the way the love of his life was kneeling and fuming before him, holding a precious box in such a seething manner. Or maybe it was the way they were both treating their rings as weapons, like they were drawing them for a duel. Or maybe, it was the way they were arguing over a damn proposal.
Regardless, the tanner man was powerless, and began laughing again without much control. The sudden mirth seemed to slap the prosecutor; out of the corner of Phoenix’s eye, he could see his partner stiffen something terrible. It was likely striking even more of a nerve, but he couldn’t help it. It was so...stupidly them, and so amusing as a result.
He bent over from the force of his giggles, instinctively placing a hand on Miles’ bent knee to steady himself. The voice of reason in the very back of his head screamed danger, as an angry prosecutor could easily shove it off. But just as the situation continued to unfold in an odd manner, as did motivations. For Phoenix felt a gentle hand come to rest upon his own, squeezing as opposed to throwing.
“What’s...so funny?” he barely heard his boyfriend ask, his hesitant voice drowned out by the seamless mirth. He had to take numerous beats to sharply inhale, to attempt to get some air, before he could even consider replying.
“...This!” he gasped, wiping building tears with his free hand, “Us!”
To both his surprise and amusement, he heard what sounded like a cheerful huff from the prosecutor. Maybe he was being pulled down into the fun as well? The thought tickled the tanner man even more, and he rode another wave of giggles before fighting for further conversation.
“Miles...Miles...What the hell are we even doing?”
Yes, the prosecutor was definitely laughing now; Phoenix could hear the chuckles blending in so well with his own. It sent him into another fit, made worse by what Miles said next.
“Being...Imbecilic I suppose.”
The pair took a few moments to laugh together then, completely replacing the annoyance in Phoenix’s system with honeyed warmth once more. How typical of them. How beautiful of them. Riding an emotional rollercoaster was something of wonderful normalcy, even in what was supposed to be a special moment. Though, perhaps it actually made the moment all the more meaningful, all the more memorable.
“God! We’re so stupid...We’re so damn stupid...” the defense eventually wheezed, continuing to wipe at his eyes.
“Speak for yourself,” Miles huffed, slowly standing back up and brushing himself off.
“We’re- hey!” Phoenix laughed, erecting to give his boyfriend’s chest yet another push, “You’re an ass.”
“Oh, will the loving talk ever cease?” the prosecutor sighed with a roll of his eyes.
The tanner man continued to giggle, before he stepped even closer, nuzzling his nose tenderly against Miles’. The pair softened immensely, and the defense attorney took advantage by offering yet another kiss.
“I love you so much,” he whispered when their mouths parted.
“I love you too.”
The pair took a few beats of tender silence then, stepping down from the nonsensical energy that had been their argument. It was Miles’ turn to take advantage then; he reached with a hand to brush black hairs back into place before gently framing a damp cheek.
“I do still intend to go through with this, you know,” he murmured, before mildly cocking a brow, “Even though the mood has been thoroughly soiled now.”
“I do too. I-“ Heterochromatic eyes widened slightly, the tanner man starting like he had reached a brilliant conclusion in court. “Hey, actually...”
“Hear me out on this, okay? Going back and forth is totally our thing, right? We kinda just proved that.”
A huff and eye roll from the prosecutor drew another shaky laugh from the defense. Still, he continued.
“So what if we...propose together? Back and forth?”
He watched as a strong swath of red spread across his boyfriend’s cheeks, coupled with a furrow of his brow. Silver eyes flitted off to the side as well, a sign he was either flustered or objecting.
In fearing the latter, Phoenix quickly interjected. “-I know, I know, it’s weird. And not exactly traditional. But it’s...us, you know?”
“I suppose that would indeed solve our problem after all.”
The tanner man heaved a multitude of cleansing breaths, attempting to pull his composure back to the proper place. But with the element of surprise gone, with two rings in the vicinity, and with the love of his life staring through sparkles of unshed tears...He couldn’t help but shakily laugh, intense emotions swaying all over the place.
“Whew, I...Dammit! I can’t focus now-“
“-Shh,” Miles cut in, suddenly leaning closer and nestling their foreheads together, “Come here then, dearest. I believe we need to...take a moment.”
The defense’s breath caught at the proximity, but he nodded, allowing himself to get ushered away by the man before him. Nestled so close, aggressively ricocheting emotions had no choice but to settle; for there was nothing quite as soothing as snuggling up to his beloved. His mind whited out with the gentle, floral scent of the prosecutor, and the soft warmth his being provided. Though his heart was still pounding, and his eyes were still watering, it did indeed effectively walk him back to a more composed mentality. Perhaps because it reminded him just how much he adored the opposing man, and just how much he wanted to marry him.
“Better?” Miles eventually whispered.
“Yeah...” Phoenix replied, before blowing out a few more cleansing breaths. This was it. This was really it. “Okay. Okay okay...”
He leaned back then, intertwining both stares and fingers. The two shared a look of love, of reverence, of happiness, before stepping fully into the light.
“Phoenix Wright...”
“Miles Edgeworth...”
The tanner man watched as his beloved opened his mouth, but stiffened when no words followed. The tender visage furrowed back into a scowl, but thankfully, Phoenix wasn’t left in apprehension for too long.
“Curses. I had been so ready!”
Phoenix found himself laughing once again; composure was still a beast, it seemed. But somehow, by some damn graces, were words poised on his own tongue. So he gripped his love’s hand a bit tighter, and allowed them to fall.
“Well here- I knew I wanted to marry you from the moment I met you.”
The furrow on Miles’ face didn’t ease- it only turned incredulous. Naturally, Phoenix laughed even harder, and gave the prosecutor’s hand another squeeze.
“I’m serious! Even at nine years old, I could recognize my soulmate.”
Miles seemed to consider the statement, or allow the words to blanket over him. Either way, after a few beats, did he find his stride as well, steering them both towards a more solemn air.
“From the beginning, you enraptured me,” he murmured, silver eyes trained off to the side, “I felt safe around you, happy around you. And there was a deeper sort of calling that I recognized too- something brilliant and pure that I haven’t experienced with anyone else.”
“I think it was so strong and beautiful that I didn’t know what to do with myself,” Phoenix admitted.
“Indeed. It frightened me, and you know this. I denied its call initially. Or perhaps I didn’t deem myself worthy of standing hand in hand with such an incredible, intelligent, wonderful man.”
“Miles...” Phoenix murmured, his voice and face coated with disdain.
“Especially after all I’d done. So, I of course stepped away from that gorgeous light you cast.”
“But I had no intention of losing you. Still don’t.”
The two squeezed hands, before monochrome eyes slowly crept upwards to find mismatched once more.
“Nor I you,” Miles whispered, “When your hand was presented, I could only avoid its reach for so long. There was only so much running before that warmth enveloped me. No longer could I deny the deep and complex feelings you evoked within.”
“I didn’t know how to go about it, you know. Once I had your hand, I didn’t know what to do. I stumbled a bit trying to figure it all out.” Phoenix looked downward at their connection then, a warm, tearful smile overtaking his face. “All I did know was that I was so incredibly in love with you.”
He heard Miles’ breath catch, and subsequently offered a few caresses with his thumb. The prosecutor softly cleared his throat, before he managed to tenderly continue.
“I...knew I was in love with you too. The second you found me, the second you reached me, I could feel it.”
“Yet somehow we danced circles around each other,” Phoenix shakily snickered.
“I just couldn’t comprehend it. I struggled to find mutuality. Because, I of course just wanted to see you happy. I wanted nothing but the best for you. And I wasn’t sure I fit that bill.”
“You did. You do.” Phoenix softly broke their connection for the purpose of framing his partner’s face, tenderly holding and intently staring. “God, Miles, you do. I don’t think I could love someone as much as I love you. Maybe I couldn’t even wrap my head around it either.”
“And we both experienced hardships of course.”
“Yeah. But you were there for me. You took my hand as well. You guided me and made me a stronger, better person. I wouldn’t be who I am today if not for you.”
“I of course can say the same about you. You are...” Miles heaved a shaky breath himself, before reaching to mirror the touch. “...the dearest thing in my life, Phoenix. You are my light, my guidance, my foundation, and my truth. You are so incredibly important to me, and I love you more than I ever deemed possible.”
Phoenix had heard his partner speak soft sentiments before. He had experienced the deeper, more vulnerable side of the prosecutor a handful of times. But whispered in a spot from their childhood, proclaimed as they sought to strengthen their bond...
It amplified his tears tenfold, his bottom lip wobbling as awed cascades poured forth.
“I...M-Miles...Dammit...” he croaked, leading to a playful eye roll from his partner.
“Mm, so eloquent,” Miles softly huffed.
“Shh! I...” Phoenix hesitated, overwhelmed and overflowing with adoration. He felt there wasn’t much to say to top what had just been murmured- and he also knew he dangerously close to falling apart. Consequently, he softly tugged his partner closer, and locked them in a tender kiss. He couldn’t help but whimper against the prosecutor’s lips, but he hoped to instill every bit of honeyed warmth he could manage- at least until he could properly vocalize.
“You’re my home, my warmth, my dream, my everything,” he eventually murmured, his mouth ghosting against his partner’s, “I love you more than humanely possible. You make me so so happy. There is no one else I’d rather spend the rest of my life with. So you’re kinda...stuck with me forever.”
“I would have it no other way. You have me, always.”
“Always. I’m yours.”
The two men stared at each other for numerous beats, glassy eyes peering deeply into each other’s souls. Tears ran down Phoenix’s cheeks, whereas Miles remained unshed and unbroken. But regardless, the intense emotion was palpable, the next step dangling right there for both to grab.
“So then...” Miles whispered.
“So then...” Phoenix quietly returned.
In mirroring each other, in being on the same plane, the two simultaneously lowered to one knee, far slower and less chaotic than the previous time. Instead, it was purposeful, devout, the pair entirely interlocked as they continued. They both presented their respective boxes once more, and shakily prepared for the final step.
“Phoenix Wright?”
“Miles Edgeworth?”
“Would...would you do me the extraordinary honor...and privilege...” Miles started.
“...of becoming my husband?” Phoenix finished.
It was then that he opened his box, with Miles following closely behind. And again, did he come incredibly close to breaking. Again, did he nearly lose hold on reality.
Because of course he and Miles continued to parallel. Of course they both ran with the same idea: The ring the prosecutor was presenting glistened with blue, just as the ring he presented glistened with red. They were gifting each other’s aesthetics. They deeply recognized each other, nodded to each other, and such an element would likely switch the next time they gifted rings.
The next time they gifted rings...
“I’ve waited so long to marry you, Miles...” Phoenix managed to gasp.
“I’ve pictured no one else...”
Phoenix was barely breathing, barely thinking. But still, did the words roll off his tongue, like they had been poised to do for eternity.
The preciousness finally broke the nigh impenetrable glass, a single tear rolling down the prosecutor’s cheek as he returned the deepest sentiment.
Phoenix choked out a pitiful sob, and couldn’t help but tug them both upwards, his mouth finding Miles’ the second they were standing. And it was a wonder how their kiss almost immediately felt different, tasted different. It was sweeter, purer, and more profound. It was like their lips connected in a way they hadn’t before. It was something gorgeous, something new.
Perhaps it was because they were engaged. They were engaged.
Miles Edgeworth was his fiancé.
Another heaving sob from the defense attorney forced the kiss apart, and he opted to simply bury himself against Miles’ neck, beaming and crying all the while. He snuggled as close as he could possibly manage, and relished in the feeling of hands embracing him tightly. There, he attempted to compose himself, but naturally, the opposing man didn’t make things easy.
“Pull yourself together, Wright,” Miles softly jested, his voice thick with moisture, “You’re yanking me down with you.”
“I c-can’t,” he half-laughed half-sobbed.
“Mm...Perhaps I should take advantage and christen your finger with a ring first then...”
Sobs leant more towards laughter then, the defense attorney tightly hugging the prosecutor before leaning back in the embrace.
“N-nice try! We’re still doing this together.”
“We need both hands, silly,” Miles huffed before cocking an amused brow at his partner, “Though, judging by our differing composure, I relinquish my previous statement and deem it appropriate that you go first. Before you collapse on me, that is.”
“God, I love you...” Phoenix laughed, “And yeah, no promises...”
They both snickered, before turning their attention downward. Eyeing the two rings almost choked Phoenix up something terrible, but he managed to hang on by a mere thread. He focused on the band he intended to gift, the essence of his partner, fixating on completing the beautiful tradition. With a hand, he removed the precious ring from its box. And then shakily, softly, reverently, did he grab Miles’ hand with one of his own, and slip the band onto his finger with the other.
He shivered at the sight, at the ring finally resting in its proper place. But he barely had time to process before Miles began to mirror, slipping the opposing ring onto his tanner finger in return.
And then red truly danced with blue. Blue completely intertwined with red. Two colors dazzled and sparkled beside each other- just as they had for years, and would continue to do so for the rest of their days.
Phoenix could do nothing but stare for what seemed like an eternity, his trance only broken by Miles bringing their hands upward. Once more did he press soft kisses to Phoenix’s fingers, the weight of which was far greater now. The defense had no choice but to articulate.
“I’m...I’m going to marry you.”
Phoenix let out another round of gasping breaths, and was sure his smile was going to split his cheeks as he uttered the dreamlike phrase once more.
“Oh my God...I’m going to...marry you, Miles...We’re engaged.”
“We are...” the prosecutor quietly reaffirmed.
Shivering laughs trembled both bodies, before Phoenix gently pried his hands free. He immediately reached to frame Miles’ face, and the new glisten to his finger forced further cascades down his cheeks.
“We did it...” he laughed.
And the expression that had washed over his fiancé’s face was like nothing he had ever seen. It seemed to carry a level of adoration he didn’t even know existed. It seemed to be comprised of more warmth than that of the sun on the horizon. It seemed to be an expression entirely reserved for him.
All of which told Phoenix that he had, in fact, made the best decision of his life. Though, the following murmured word from his beloved hammered it in, cemented them fully on the unified plane.
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067supremacy · 3 years
Trigger warning: this entry features the reader being followed and grabbed at knifepoint. If this is something that will make you uncomfortable, then please don't read it!!!!
So, I wrote this about a month before Resident Evil Village came out. As you can probably tell as this includes ideas of my own; and missed out some obvious problems that now show after playing the game. It was fun to imagine what the character was like at the time, from what we had to go on! :’) (also, I originally wrote this for the blonde who was rumoured to be called Daniela, but Daniela doesn't get enough love!!)
Living your life at night had become your new regular. Your girlfriend Daniela is unable to live her life during the day, and despite the hardships, it came with, you were more than happy to give up the daylight to be with the woman you love.
Living with a vampire had its ups and downs, but you wouldn't change her for a second. You had been something of a stabilizer for her. When you first met her, she was stuck in her crazy gothic look. She was deadly and bloodthirsty, but you had a way of calming her to a tranquil state. Daniela had two different looks that were determined by her mood. When Daniela was calm, she was a natural beauty. Her Red hair was long and healthy, she had clear skin, and her attitude was caring. But when she was upset, Daniela was utterly different. She was full of anger, covered in black from head to toe, the surrounding area of her mouth was covered in crimson red, her fangs would grow through frighteningly sharp, and wasps would manifest seemingly out of nowhere.
You knew the dangers of living with a vampire, but it didn't matter to you. You trusted Daniela with your life. The first time you slept in the same bed as her, you couldn't help but worry about the possibility of her biting you. Little did you know that she could sense your worry and had even decided to tease you about it by resting her face in the crook of your neck. Daniela was in love with you. And deep down, she feared that one day your time would come. After all, she would be here long after your demise. The conversation of turning you was something she had yet to do, but the thought was always there. She had come close plenty of times to ask you to be with her for life, but her idea of rejection led her to remain happy with what she had.
It had just gone 1 am when you left 7-Eleven in a hurry. The pitch-black sky was unnerving but relaxing at the same time. There was a lot to enjoy about the night-time. Like, how quiet the streets were, how empty the store was, and how the sleepy nightlife was stunning to look overhead. The stars lead you home as you silently walk by yourself, you curse at the fact you left your headphones at home, but at least you could enjoy the walk back.
The dim streetlights ahead offer little visibility, but they give you absolute comfort. You come to the end of the high street where fast-food restaurants end, and the streets get much darker. With no cars going by, it's hard to tell what's up ahead when you turn right into a second street in which should be a straight shot to your apartment. You notice a man traveling just a few steps behind you. You felt uneasy about it but pushed the thought to the back of your mind. You speed up slightly to put some distance between you. The way the world was nowadays, you couldn't trust this situation; it is sad but true.
You decide to do a full circle through an alleyway and back out to the street out of curiosity. Sure enough, the shadow figure follows your every move, and that's the last that you were going to play with this. You pull out your phone and call Daniela with shaky hands. The phone rings once, and the voice you love so much answers cheerfully, but you can't even remember what she said as you were blinded with panic.
"Dani, I think someone is following me," you say in a hushed tone as to not alert the shadow figure following you. Almost as quickly as you finished the sentence, you can hear the familiar sound of wasps manifesting in the background. There is no time to be wasted in Daniela's mind. You can already hear the change in her voice as she asks for your location.
It's like you can feel Daniela's heart aching at the thought of your discomfort, something inside you doesn't feel right when Daniela gets like this, and it's ultimately why she agreed to stay calm in all circumstances.
"Just keep walking home, baby. I'll come and meet you." Your vampire girlfriend replies as you hear the phone fall to the floor and the raging hive leaves the apartment. The sound goes quiet, and you're left with your thoughts, but not for long as the footsteps get closer and louder. You can feel the presence on your heels. Before you know it, a large hand had taken you by the arm and directed you into the closest alleyway.
You yelp at the tight grip on your arm, the groceries you had from shopping had been sent to the floor, but you clutched your purse for dear life. The shadow figure was around 5ft 10Inches tall. The person was stocky in build, rugged looking. They wore a black hoodie and a black balaclava. The only thing you could see was the person's eyes. They pierced through you, you couldn't tell if they held hostile intent or if they were just trying to scare you, but that didn't matter. The person pushes you to a corner and unsheathes a small blade.
A man's voice, deep and resonant, shoots out from his mouth. "I'm gonna need that purse and whatever jewelry you have on you," He waves the blade before your eyes, almost teasing you that he had the upper hand.
Your fears boil over as the tears start to stream, and you feel powerless. You fold your arms over your purse in an act of defiance. The man in front of you seems to be getting impatient already, but you manage to bumble out a small plead, "Please, just let me go," The man chuckles at your plea.
"Just give me your shit, and then you can go. I won't even hurt you," the man jokes dryly. At this point in time, the tables had turned, "You can go now, and you won't get hurt," you confidently claim. Your confidence comes from the single wasp that crawls up the sleeve of the man's hoodie, but the single wasp was soon joined by another one, and then two more.
"I'm not fucking playing around now, give me your th- "he's cut off by the sting of a wasp on his neck. The few on his hoodie fly to the end of the alleyway. A woman's laugh surrounds the area, an angry hive of wasps come together and begin to form the silhouette of a tall woman. Your woman.
The man takes a step back in fear, which gives you the chance to storm toward the love of your life. You smoothly run straight past the form of Daniela, something that the man tries to replicate, but the swarm of wasps begins to surround him. They trap him within a tunnel. You knew what this was and where it was going. Daniela was manifesting into her proper, vampire form.
"the man screams and thrashes around, attempting to swat the wasps away from him, but his attempts were futile. The manifestation of her form becomes complete when she pushes him to the floor. Her movement is quirky but calculated. The wasps cocoon the two in a small dome. Keeping him grounded, Daniela laughs at the man's terrified figure. She taunts him with her newfound power.
"She gave you a chance, oh darling, you should have listened to her." Daniela spits her venomous, spiteful tone at the robber. The man attempts to slash at Daniela, and he catches her with the tip of the blade, but her form sheds more of the wasps surrounding the two instead of blood. She laughs demonically as she picks him up with effortless strength. She shoves him against the wall and prepares to end him.
From behind her, you force your way through the hive and touch her shoulder, which has a visible effect on her. She lets her grip on his shoulder loosen slightly. You assure her that you were unharmed, which seems to sway her, but you can still feel her rage within you. You use the power that you hold over Daniela by commanding that she let him go. She's come too far in her time with you to collapse into her bloodthirsty stage again.
And so, she lets the man run, he quickly flees the scene looking like he had just seen a vampire....... Daniela carefully watches the man disappear into the night. The second he is gone, her walls break down, and her softer side comes back out. The crazy gothic vampire look is gone without a trace. Daniela pulls you into her and crushes you into a tight hug. She couldn't lose you. The thought broke her every emotion as she held you. You could hear her breath hitch as she let it all out. Daniela was crying on your shoulder in a dark alleyway at 1:30 am.
"I love you, Y/N. I can't lose you; it would destroy me. I need you safe. I need you alive." She continues to unload every emotion. You reciprocate everything. The massive hug is filled with love and passion. Before you break the hug, you lean into her ear and whisper, "I love you too, Dani. I'm not going anywhere; nothing is going to happen to me. Not when I have my Guardian-Angel protecting me,"
I'm planning on doing part two, where Daniela has the talk with the reader about turning them into a Vampire. P.S I absolutely love the idea of her being like a normal looking girl when she's calm, but you piss her off........ Game over.
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angstsfordays · 3 years
Beautiful Pain (4)
Chapter Four- Now or Never
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Enhanced! Reader
Summary: Post-Blip, you started to feel lost when most of the Avengers team are gone. Coping with your loss, you still find hope in the connection with your remaining friends. However, it is not easy as everyone is trying to figure their lives after the Blip.
Having a long history with Bucky ever since you both saved each other from Hydra, you were still glad you had Bucky after all this time. However, as you try to give Bucky space to find himself after being pardoned for his past, you start to wonder if you should ever cross the line of friendship before it’s too late.
That thought might have to be put on hold though, when you, Sam and Bucky find yourselves having to deal with threats that continue to rise in a post-Blip world.
Chapter synopsis: Your supposed ally leads you to an unlawful nation where danger lurks at every corner. Bucky starts to see you in a different light.
Warnings: Sexual objectification. Very bad undercover work. Calling Sam daddy. Sexual innuendos.
Word count: 4.8k
Notes: I am very humbled that people have been enjoying the story and liking it so far! This means to me a lot as a novice writer! ☺️
I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, felt like I got more to expand for the Madripoor episode. I love to know what y’all think of it so far! 😘
The tag list is still open! Let me know if you want to join with a message or comment in the chapters!
Previous: Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three
Next: Chapter Five
As Zemo made arrangements on his end, you did not know what to expect. You, Sam and Bucky were brought to the tarmac of a small private airport, your attention was brought to the private plane that Zemo was leading you towards.
Sam made a comment on Zemo’s wealth and the latter explained that he was practically royalty before the Avengers destroyed his country. Touché.
You took the seat right across from Zemo and you couldn’t help but put your guard up around the man. He could sense the tension all over your face and offered champagne to which you declined. You wanted to make sure you were fully sober around this guy.
As you looked on at the exchange he had with his steward, he almost looked decent for a moment. You wouldn’t have thought of this guy to be a manipulative and scheming man that caused that chain of events many years ago.
“You don’t know what it’s like to be locked in a cell.” Zemo started off after having a sip of his champagne. He then paused in his actions as he looked over all of you and corrected him.
“Oh that’s right, you all do. My apologies.” Rolling your eyes, you crossed your arms as you leaned into the comfort of the plush aeroplane seat.
Sam tried to get Zemo to start talking but the baron brushed it off for a moment as he looked at a book in fascination. As Zemo brought up a familiar notebook, he asked who Nakajima was.
Your eyes perked up at the familiar name and you immediately turned to look at Bucky who instantly pounced on Zemo and grabbed him into a chokehold. Bucky warned him not to touch his notebook or he would actually kill Zemo, probably with his bare hands.
As Bucky settled down in his seat once more, you gave him a knowing look but he averted his eyes to avoid eye contact. The conversation then took a more light-hearted turn as Sam tried to describe how Steve noted down his suggestion of the Trouble Man soundtrack in the notebook that now was passed onto Bucky.
Sam asked if Bucky liked it too and the super-soldier replied that he liked 40’s music to which Sam look almost offended that Bucky didn’t share his taste in music. Bucky looked like he didn’t even want to bother but he clarified that he indeed liked it just to get Sam to back off.
Zemo decided to join in the conversation and put his two cents. Sam was surprised at how Zemo managed to eloquently describe the music style. Afterwhich, Sam went on to say how everyone loved Marvin Gaye while Bucky agreed that he did too.
Sam added that Steve adored the singer too. Hearing this, Zemo commented that Bucky must have looked up to Steve very much.
Yes, we all did. You wanted to add that in too.
Zemo, however, then took the liberty of giving his view on Steve. He talked about how dangerous it could be to idolize super soldiers like Steve and start to disregard their flaws, thus allowing him to not be held accountable for the repercussions that stem from his actions. Even if that meant the formation of movements, the fighting of wars, the loss of innocent lives.
Sam gave him a warning to better stop talking but Zemo continued on. When Zemo noticed how you started shaking your head in dissatisfaction, he gave a light chuckle before speaking directly to you.
“Miss Y/N. Contrary to my own personal views on enhanced individuals, I do find you fascinating, The files I read on you only make me more curious. Can I ask some questions?” You could feel the attention being put on you in the room and you grew slightly uncomfortable.
“What do you want?” Hoping to act nonchalant to mask your nervousness, you crossed your legs and leaned back into your seat.
“You have no family history. You grew up in an orphanage, am I right?” Nodding at the facts he laid out, Zemo carried on.
“You couldn’t have possibly been experimented on. You have gotten into any accidents?” You shook your head in response.
“Chemical exposure, radioactive bites, cosmic ray exposures….those are the possibilities that an ordinary person could obtain superhuman abilities according to the theories online.” Unimpressed, you continued to shake your head at him.
“Tell me. I’m curious.” You couldn’t entertain the likes of him but seeing how he was leaning in to wait for your answer, you gave an indifferent expression before speaking.
“It appeared out of nowhere. Someone committed arson in the local convenience shop where I was at the time. I was trapped with the elderly shopkeeper and I thought we were both going to die. A burning beam was falling onto us and I thought that was the end. I suddenly emitted a burst of energy that managed to put own the fire and incinerate the beam into ashes.” As you retold your story, memories of your fear from that time came back.
“The shopkeeper lost consciousness but I saw everything. I wasn’t sure if it was me but I ran away. I couldn’t’ return to the orphanage because I was afraid the police would find me. I lived on the streets for a week before my powers manifested again.” Your eyes fall to your fidgety hands, cracking your knuckles as it gave you some sort of relief.
“A kid was crossing the street without his mum knowing and a car was speeding on the road. I tried to reach out and pull him back in but the car was just inches away from us both. I caused a scene that couldn’t be ignored. S.H.I.E.L.D managed to find me and took me in.” Zemo’s eyes were tracking your every movement and expression in a way that Bucky didn’t like. As if you were something up for display and Bucky put his foot down.
He was getting protective of you and did not want Zemo to harbour any hidden intentions. Who knew what Zemo was thinking of?
Zemo spoke up before Bucky had the chance.
“Fascinating just fascinating. It’s like your powers had been dormant inside you all along. Are you even human?”
“Last time I checked, my blood is still red.” Your sarcastic response earned a laugh from Zemo and he stroked his chin as he continued to observe you quietly. Sensing he had more thoughts in his mind, you returned the questions back to him.
“You hate enhanced individuals so much, would you get rid of me if you had the chance?” Growing a smirk, Zemo wasn’t expecting you to ask him that and he was more than eager to give his reply.
“I am undecided, but you’re different. I can see you are more discreet than the others, just like Bucky over here.” Zemo made his final remark before he moved on to talking about the location that you were headed.
His words sunk in and you kept on thinking about how he hit the nail on the head.
Yes, you had to be more discreet. You could never proudly show off what you had, instead, you had to keep yourself hidden in order to protect yourself.
Recalling your S.H.I.E.L.D days, you remembered how you were told to keep your powers on a low profile by Director Fury himself.
Your lab results came back and it was discovered that you had a special gene in your DNA that could be identified. There weren’t any references or connections to existing research and findings so you were viewed almost as an abnormality.
It was then later discovered that your powers were connected to your life force and if you ever over-exerted yourself, you could possibly die. That almost happened back during the civil war between the Avengers. It was the first time you ever used your powers on a larger scale and you had even passed out at the end of the battle.
You remembered waking up in a hospital bed on the raft.
When you found refuge in Wakanda, you got to learn more about your powers with Shuri’s help. She believed as long as you trained your stamina and built up your strength, you could control your powers without ever worrying about being drained. That’s how you found yourself the privilege to receive special training with the Dora Milajae under King T’Challa’s request.
You definitely owed the Wakandans big time.
Seeing how you were uncharacteristically down, Bucky wanted to check in with you out of concern. However, he chose to restrain himself, thinking that you probably one to be left alone. He wished he could do more for you like you do for him.
Before you knew it, you landed in Madripoor. An island nation that was lawless and dangerous, yet home to the darkest of black markets and underground businesses. Zemo said that all of you could not go in as yourselves and had to basically go in undercover.
You couldn’t hold back your laughter when Sam changed and came out in a fancy printed suit. He was to act as a real life promiscuous and rich man who really could have been his doppelgänger when you saw a picture of the man.
However, you weren’t one to laugh when Zemo asked you to act as one of Conrad Mack aka Smiling Tiger’s fling for the night. When you first received your outfit, you threw it back in Zemo’s face.
You were not the most comfortable with sexy and revealing clothing personally so you couldn’t imagine yourself wearing it at all. Zemo tried to convince you that Smiling Tiger’s women were all of a certain type so you had to go through with it in order to fit in.
Letting out a groan, you snatched the little champagne dress with an open keyhole back. The front was designed to give a loose look that shyly reveals your cleavage. The dress held onto your shoulders with thin straps and it overall gave the impression of a silk slip dress.
When you put it on, you wiped your clammy hands on the silk material and grimaced at how it barely covered your ass. You were grateful that the shoes you received had thick block heels as you had forgotten how to even walk in high heels anymore.
Swiping on the red lipstick for the final touch, you took a deep breath to calm your nerves as you looked in the mirror. You got this.
Stepping out of the changing room, you were met with the full attention of all three men and you put a finger up to warn them of making any unneeded comments.
“Damn Y/N. I mean this in the nicest way possible but this is an entirely different look for you. In a good way, of course.” Sam tried to compliment you seeing that you weren’t fully into your outfit.
“Thanks, Sam.” You knew his intentions were always pure and good, so you didn’t mind it much. As he and Zemo went off to discuss something, you saw that Bucky was still looking at you intently. He must think you look weird, you thought.
In all the years that Bucky have known you, it was the first time he has seen you looking like this. You always had gone for casual and comfortable looks in your daily life. The only time he has seen something different was when you put on your tailored suits for formal events.
He had to do a double-take when he saw how the little dress number hugged your figure in the right places.
Bucky knew he shouldn’t continue looking but his eyes fleeting quick glances when you were looking elsewhere. He always felt that you were one of the most beautiful people he knew on the inside, the fact that you could look past what he did and accept him for he was. He never felt that he had to pretend to be fine when you’re around because you were there to accept him for better or worst.
Seeing you now stirred up a different feeling inside of him. Why did you suddenly seem so attractive this time? He did not want to be that guy who viewed women differently because of the way they dressed. In fact, he was never the kind to like someone because of the way they look but more of how they make him feel.
However, observing how bashful and shy you look in front of him, Bucky suddenly felt rather nervous himself. He saw you taking a step towards and he swore his breath hitched as his mind was registering this scene in slow-motion.
Your hands came up to put his dog tags inside his black shirt before going for the zipper of his jacket. Your eyes fleetingly met his for a moment before you started saying something.
Bucky wasn’t able to process it as he was entirely focused on how you were casually helping him as you normally did, but his mind can’t help but think of it as an intimate gesture.
You continued to buckle up the belts of Bucky’s harness and couldn’t help but to relish in the act of caring for him. This was probably the only time you could fulfil your feelings of wanting to be close to him without crossing the line.
“All done.” Once you have adjusted the straps on his shoulder to make sure they were comfortable, you glanced to see Bucky looking down at you in a daze.
“Hey Buck, you there?” Calling for his attention, Bucky snapped back to reality as he saw you staring at him with a curious doe-eyed look. Clearing his thought, Bucky scrambled to recall what you had said and just continued looking at you in question.
You went on to ask if the straps were comfortable to which he nodded curtly. You grinned in satisfaction for a short moment before it fell into a tight-lipped smile.
“Bucky, are you really ok to go into character? I know how hard you worked to get away from all of that.” Implying how he had to act like the Winter Soldier for this undercover mission, Bucky took a deep breath before answering you.
“I’ll be fine. It’s just for this mission.” You just silently nodded at his words before signalling that you two should get a move on.
All of you were heading to Low Town as Zemo named to find his informant, Selby. Zemo reminded everyone to stay in character regardless of the situation, if not the mission would be compromised and your lives could be at risk.
Zemo gave you a personal warning to avoid using your powers if possible. If your powers were revealed publicly, there was a high chance you were at a bigger risk than the rest because people would want to take you for their own.
It was not every day an enhanced individual with superpowers walks into Madripoor and you would definitely become a prize to be coveted.
You were first greeted by the hustle and bustle of the nightlife crowd. The neon signs lit up the incredibly dark streets followed by the loud booming music that could be heard from some of the places that you passed. Your eyes were focused on Zemo’s back as he led all of you to the location, refusing to make eye contact with anyone else.
Entering the crowded bar, you could hear Zemo speaking Russian to Bucky. You weren’t familiar with the language but you could make out one world, Soldat.
Sneaking your arms around Sam who was caught off, you gave me a pointed look that told him that the undercover work starts now. He gave you a brief nod before rolling out his shoulders and you pressed yourself closer to him, putting your acting face on.
All of you stood by the bar where the bartender greeted all of you.
“Hello, gentlemen. Wasn’t expecting you, Smiling Tiger.” The bartender nodded to Sam. His eyes moved over to meet yours before greeting you, Miss. You gave your best smile in return.
“His plans changed. We have business to do with Selby.” Zemo told the bartender. You could see the shift in his eyes and saw someone from out of the corner of your eye moving away. Shifting your stance, the bartender didn’t acknowledge Zemo’s words and glanced back to you again.
“New face?” His comment was directed towards Sam but seeing how Sam was hesitating, you realised that he hadn’t had much experience with undercover work at all. He was a military man not a spy or agent after all.
“Hopefully, the last.” You giggled shyly and looked up to Sam with an affectionate gaze before giving the bartender a wink.
The bartender nodded curtly before asking Sam (Smiling Tiger) if he wanted his usual. Sam nodded silently in an efforts to prevent himself from doing anything out of character.
You caught Bucky looking at you as he leaned sideways on the counter. Your silent exchange was a way for you two to check in with each other and a brief smile mirrored on both of your faces before you turn to see the bartender taking out a snake from a big jar.
Trying to control your expression at the disgust coming up your throat, you subtly swallowed heavily at the sight of how the bartender slit the snake open. Sam who had his back turned for a brief moment was shocked to see what was presented on the counter in front of him.
Zemo tried to continue to put on the act and acted like it was nothing out of the ordinary. Your global knowledge and several visits to Asia made you realised why this was the Smiling Tiger’s favourite. Snakes infused into wine was touted to be an aphrodisiac to help a man increase, ahem, stamina.
Bucky felt almost bad for Sam and looked away briefly. You could see Sam gulping down nervously when the bartender added the finishing touch to the drink and you gently rubbed his arm for emotional support.
“I love these.” Sam managed to say through gritted his teeth and clinked his glass with Zemo. Your own bile almost resurfaced and you quickly turned your head to hide your nervous gulp.
Putting up a thumbs up awkwardly, you wanted to facepalm when the bartender looked back at Sam with a dubious expression.
You knew you needed to do something so everyone’s covers won’t be blown. Putting on a sly smirk, you let a hand move up Sam’s chest slowly and sensually before resting it where his heart was.
“Looks like you and I will be in for a long night.” Adding a slight giggle, you pretended to act shy after you spoke your words. Sam was trying his hardest to not look bewildered at your act while Bucky was trying to suppress a sudden wave of annoyance that washed over him.
He knew that this was an act but he still didn’t like it for some reason. He had to admit that he was not expecting you to get into character so well, seeing that this image you were presenting was the furthest cry from who you actually were.
The bartender looked slightly less suspicious of all of you before he went away. You could feel Sam heaving a sigh of relief beside you and you did the same alongside him.
Another man came up to Zemo, telling him of how he was unwelcomed in the area. Zemo putting up a cool façade, explained he had no business with someone named the power broker. Zemo restated his business here once more before the guy left.
Zemo explained that the power broker runs Madripoor and it was best you all stayed under his radar. Moments passed before another guy came up behind Zemo and Zemo turned to Bucky talking in Russian once more.
The instant the man placed his hands on Zemo, Bucky went into winter soldier mode. Everyone’s attention was directed to the scene happening. The whirling sound of Bucky’s vibranium was heard clearly as he was nearly crushing the man’s hands and went ahead to knock him over.
More and more people started to gather fool’s courage to take on Bucky. You saw how he easily took down everyone with barely any sweat.
“Didn’t take much for him to fall back into form,” Zemo commented to you and Sam, and in all honesty, you wanted to choke him like what Bucky was doing to another guy on the bar’s counter.
Hearing the continuous clicking of guns from everyone in the bar, your senses were now alert at the possibility of having to break character and use your powers.
“Stay in character or the whole bar turns on us.” Zemo whispered into your ear and grabbed onto your hand before you could even think of doing anything.
Zemo got Bucky to back down and the bartender told you all that Selby was ready for your visit. Sam checked in with Bucky to which he responded with a curt nod.
As you made your way along the back end of the bar, you could see the stacks of cash all over a table and the armed guards that filled up every corner of the room.
“You should know, Baron. People don’t come into my bar and make demands.” Selby turned out to look like what you would imagine her to be. She sat comfortably on her couch with a dominant presence and seemed like she was not someone easy to deal with.
Zemo tried to reassure her that he was making offers not demands to quell her mood. Selby asked how Zemo was able to escape from prison and Zemo replied smugly on how people like them always found a way.
As Zemo tried to shift focus onto the order of business, Selby wasn’t still into it. Making a comment about Sam’s taller than usual height, Sam not knowing what to respond just nodded in silence.
She even purred at him teasingly before her eyes landed on you.
“Who’s this pretty little thing you have here? Where are you from?” Selby’s eyes narrowed in as you sense everyone starting to look flustered by the unexpected question. You were just meant to play a background character but didn’t expect the sudden attention.
Biting your lips into a furtive grin, you snaked your hands around Sam’s biceps. “Daddy picked me up from the club that I was working at. He says I am his one and only now.”
The men all tried to stop their jaws from dropping to the floor at your sweetly coy act. Who were you?
“Hmm…” Selby hummed while she looked you up and down. “You can do better, sweetie,” Selby remarked smugly before giving a subtle gesture to herself.
Lips forming into an ‘o’, you feigned a surprised reaction at the flattery. You tried to send a flirtatious look back so that Selby would be in a better mood.
Your act was rewarded when Selby grinned wider and asked Zemo for his offer. In exchange for information on the super-soldier serum, Zemo was willing to trade Bucky in pretence. He added how he would give Selby the codes word to control Bucky, treating him like an object.
A wave of anger started rushing through you as the scene unfolded and you glanced to see how Selby became more intrigued.
“Hmm, I have plenty of strong men already working for me. What else can he offer?” Zemo was taken aback by Selby’s words, thinking that she would already be interested in Bucky.
As the men were grappling to come up with a good response, you went on your first instinct and spoke up.
“Well he is rather handsome, isn’t he?” Everyone’s focus turned onto you and you took a breath to continue as Selby gave you an expecting look.
“Not as handsome as my daddy here but-” Walking around Sam, you headed towards Bucky who was trying to look unbothered but dying of curiosity on what you were about to do.
“He seems like fun to play with.” You purred as you gazed at Bucky’s profile. You gestured for Bucky to face you and could see how he was still staying in character. Running your fingers down his five o'clock shadow, your eyes glinted as you batted your lashes flirtatiously before looking over your shoulder back at Shelby.
“You can’t help but imagine having a good time with him. Super soldier serum should have some perks, no?” Your hidden innuendo was loud and clear to everyone in the room. If this didn’t appeal to Selby, you didn’t know what will.
Sam was trying his hardest to maintain his expression as he couldn’t believe his ears. Never in a million years would he think the sweet and innocent Y/N he knew actually dared to speak like that.
Bucky did his best to tighten his jaw and continue his stoic facade to hide the shock from what you had just said.
Never did he thought you would take the situation to such a turn. Your improv was unexpected and he couldn’t believe the woman in front of him was actually you.
Your sudden bold and cheeky persona was doing something to him. Your innuendo about him started to make him feel hot in his ears. Bucky had to clench his fist tightly to get himself to hold it together as he felt his heart racing out of nowhere.
He didn’t know what was happening to him but he knew you were having some sort of effect on him.
“Of course, that’s my silly opinion.” Turning to face Selby with a mischievous smile to keep up your character, you noted her looking at you thoughtfully as she rubbed her chin.
“Not just pretty but you’re witty, aren’t you?” Selby noted as she grinned like a Cheshire cat. Satisfied with your input, Selby then revealed what she knew about the super-soldier serums.
Apparently, there was a doctor, Dr William Nagel who has been helping the power broker to create the serums here in Madripoor. When Zemo tried to probe further about Nagel’s location, Selby decided that Zemo was overstepping.
In the very next moment, you could hear a vibration of a phone and saw Sam reaching out to his jacket.
Great, all of your covers might be blown. Selby demands that Sam answered it on speaker. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife. To carry on the act, Sam reluctantly proceeded to answer the phone.
A woman’s voice came up and in the next sentences spoken, you realised that she was his sister, Sarah. Oh boy, this wouldn’t end well. You closed your eyes in prayer as you hoped it can go over smoothly.
Taking a sharp intake of breath, you looked to see Bucky glancing down in shared unease. Sam was doing his best to make sure his cover won’t get blown. You thought all was going well but when you heard Sam’s name from Sarah, you knew you were all toast.
Selby immediately called for all of you to be killed and in that moment, all hell broke loose. Selby got shot in a blink of an eye and her guards were up in action. Bucky pushed you behind him protectively as he fought off Selby’s men.
Once all her guards are dealt with, Zemo called for weapons to drop and you took the back exit.
Making a swift escape, all of you tried to play it cool while taking long quick strides. The sound of the first gunshot made you jumped and sprang into a run. You saw Zemo took off in another direction but you didn’t have time for him.
You, Bucky and Sam decided to sprint ahead. “I can’t run in these heels.” Sam cried out and you retorted in annoyance.
“How do you think I feel? Mine’s twice as taller than yours!”
Bucky reached over to grab your hand and interlocked your fingers together. His super-speed was practically lifting you off the ground, dragging you like a rag dog.
"Hey! What the hell man? What about me?" Bucky ignored Sam's whining and focused on not letting your hand go.
Not knowing where you are headed, a sense of dread started pouring on you and you grew anxious by the second. People on motorbikes were starting to drive up behind you three.
You were wondering if it’s time to not give care and actually use your powers for real this time. All of a sudden, the two people on the bikes behind you have been shot by someone from above and you stopped in your tracks to locate that individual, fearing you were next.
Zemo reappeared from the shadows and claimed that you all might have a guardian angel.
“Drop it, Zemo.” The familiar voice brought relief as you matched it to the face that emerged into your sight.
Your smile at the thought of a friendly face faltered when she continued pointing a gun towards all of you. Sharon didn’t seem as pleased as you were. Turns out she had to fall off the grid and found herself in Madripoor after the turn of events many years ago.
"Y/N, is that you?" She took a double-take on you, probably not used to seeing you dress up like this.
"Hey." You awkwardly replied. The moment didn't last as Sharon trained her eyes on the men and continued to be hostile.
Your heart dropped as you hear her telling of how she was unable to be in contact with her family anymore. She had become a fugitive and still is. An immense amount of guilt washed all over you when she retorted about how she wasn’t backed by the Avengers.
You weren’t batch mates with Sharon back in S.H.I.E.L.D academy but you became friends when you crossed paths during work. You could not believe you haven’t reached out to her all this time.
Bucky pleaded with Sharon for her help and Sharon gave a thoughtful look at all of you. When she saw you with your uncomfortable expression, she gave a sighed and stated that she wasn’t done discussing the topic.
Offering refuge in her place at High Town, all of you accept it.
You sat beside her in the front and the two of you exchanged silent looks before she started the engine. What were the odds of seeing her again in Madripoor?
You hoped to be able to get a chance to talk to her later.
Tag list: @tanyaherondale @spookycereal-s @cataves @conflicted-noxsirius
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I just about managed to get this little story written for Loceit Week! :D I enjoyed writing it, and I can't wait to write more for the rest of the week! This is for the prompt 'Hobbies' and it's a pre-romantic/confessed feelings for the pairing :)
Anyways, it was a little rushed, but I hope you enjoy it! <3
Writing taglist: @psychedelicships @jwillowwolf @red-imeanblue @lost-in-thought-20 @the-duke-of-nuts @writerwithtoomanyships
Read on Ao3!
Crossword Confessions
Logan Sanders and Janus Sanders
Janus loved peace and quiet. His favourite hobby was to read his classic novels, but if he wanted to explore every page and embrace every word, he could only read in the company of one person. He had to constantly explain the story to Patton who would try to read over his shoulder, then he would always have to practically run away from Remus because he would try to either draw pretty… rude drawings on the pages; or rip the pages out completely. Thankfully, Roman and Virgil didn’t care enough about classic novels to bother him so at least there was that bonus.
Logan was quite literally his savior; his hobby was another silent type. Janus always smiled when he saw Logan coming to join him with the newspaper in hand. Logan was the smartest man Janus knew, and their debates over literature and philosophy was enough to make his heart pound and his head spin. So the fact that he was invested in crossword puzzles wasn’t a surprise to Janus. The sound of the pen scratching on the paper was surprisingly comforting, and Janus always knew when Logan was stuck on a clue. He laughed every time because when Janus asked if he could help, Logan would stubbornly insist that he could work it out on his own… before shuffling closer to him and placing the newspaper delicately on top of his book, silently asking for his help. The thing that Janus loved the most though was that Logan wouldn’t move away after they had worked through a clue together. In fact, they ended up sitting even closer together and Logan would take to leaning on Janus’ shoulder long after the crossword was finished. Janus happily rested his head on top of Logan’s and slowly moved the book so it was in the middle of them, and he could feel Logan’s eyes steadily reading the pages with him.
He tried to lie to himself, he didn’t have feelings for Logan… no. Absolutely not, what a ludicrous idea! He laughed to himself as he ironically got to the heartfelt confession scene in the book. So, Logan makes him smile, he makes him laugh, he makes him think more in depth about literature and philosophy, and he’s the one person who always makes time for Janus no matter how busy he is. Never mind the fact that he is the most talented, smartest and stunning guy he has ever met. So yes, no feelings at all.
Janus sighed and slammed the book on the coffee table… great. Now he couldn’t focus on his book, Logan had taken over his mind. To top it off, Logan had just walked into the room looking to see if Janus was there. He was holding his newspaper and smiled as he saw that Janus was sitting at the table with his book, he walked over and Janus’ heart skipped a beat. He couldn’t help but smile when he sat down much closer than usual.
“Well, well, well. Is there something I can help you with?” He smirked as he saw Logan smile and look down, staring at the crossword intently.
“… Yes, you can. I hate to admit it, but I can’t solve this clue… I’ve been trying for half an hour, and it’s starting to annoy me.” He had a neutral facial expression, but the tone of his voice showed a playful side with a hint of nerves that Janus couldn’t help but smile at.
“Aww you’re asking me for help? This must be an incredibly hard clue if you’re immediately asking me to assist you…” He gasped in fake surprise and shuffled even closer to Logan, he leaned over the newspaper and scanned through it trying to find the clue. Surprisingly, it was the only one left unanswered.
“Urmm, Logan? Not for nothing, but it’s only four letters… You’re practically the smartest person I know, apart from me of course… You really need my help with a four-letter answer? Are you feeling okay?” He chuckled lightly as Logan looked perplexed and titled his head to the side.
“I’m perfectly fine, but it’s an important clue that I need you to solve for me… Please?” He smiled brightly, the nerves in his voice from earlier were gone, replaced with a confidence that Janus added to his mental list of things he liked about Logan. He finally stopped gazing into Logan’s eyes and finally looked at the clue again.
‘Affection that counts for nothing at court…’
He wracked his brain trying to work out the answer, and it didn’t take long for it to manifest. He held out his hand and Logan immediately placed the pen in his palm. He felt the spark as Logan let their fingertips linger for much longer than usual. Janus missed the contact when their fingertips finally separated. He clicked the pen and slowly filled in the gaps with the letters ‘L, O, V, E’ then looked up at Logan with surprise but also hope.
“Janus, ever since we started sitting together with our separate hobbies. I knew I felt a connection between us. When I took that first step and starting the conversation about your books, which went on for hours… I couldn’t deny that I started to develop stronger feelings for you. I spend so much time making excuses to find you reading so I can join you. Being in your company makes me feel safe, calm and happy. I know that it’s not love that I feel yet, but I can’t deny how much I like you. I hope in time though, it could turn into love… That is… if you feel the same way.” Logan smiled as he placed his hand gently on top of Janus’ as he spoke in such a delicate way, as if he was talking to a piece of glass. His heart pounded a million miles a minute and he did look around quickly to make sure there was no-one around waiting to jump out declaring this some elaborate prank or something. When he was certain it was just the two of them, and only them, he knew he needed to give Logan an answer.
“You have no idea how much I was hoping that we would end up feeling the same way. I like everything about you, Logan. I enjoy talking with you and helping you solve the crossword puzzles. This. This is my favourite thing, just being here with you, sitting here and just being together. I agree with you. My feelings for you are undeniably strong, but it isn’t love yet. If we give it enough time though, I would really like it to become that.” He smiled as Logan’s shoulders relaxed at the sound of their feelings being mutual. He wrapped Janus up in a warm hug and they held each other for what felt like a lifetime.
They decided that they would go out for coffee the next day; and call that their first official date. Logan joked about bringing some crossword puzzles with him, but Janus decided that would be a great idea, and the perfect excuse to sit close to each other for the whole date.
This was not how Janus thought his day would go, but he was sure of one thing now. Thanks to Logan; crossword puzzles were his new favourite hobby.
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All In
F/M Pairing: Fem!Reader x Chan x Changbin (SKZ)
Genre: Established Relationship AU
Warnings: Oh. My. The Smut!! Language, alcohol use (minor), and please let me know if anything else needs to be tagged.
Word Count: 8.5K
Summary: Where you find yourself quite literally in the middle of Chan and Changbin, your two boyfriends who sometimes fight over what’s best for you.
A/N: Inspired by these asks from a lovely anon: here, here, and here!! Also, nobody on this Earth can tell me that they wouldn’t love to have both Chan and Changbin as their boyfriend.
Tagging @skzwriternet​
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There were less than one hundred words to type for your latest freelance assignment, but you were bored with the project - a mundane piece about the effectiveness of self-driving cars.
But you always had two people who could brighten your afternoon, and you just so happened to stumble upon your most recent text conversations with Changbin while scrolling mindlessly through your applications. You smiled at the message you had composed for him, knowing that he wouldn’t take well to your teasing:
To Changbin:
Binnie, I’m wearing the lingerie you bought for me.
You giggled at the obvious flirtation, but you also figured that Changbin was too busy to respond, and you were ready to put your phone away when an unexpected message flashed across the screen.
From Changbin:
Show me.
You swallowed hard at the request. Did he really mean that? Could you sneak away from your writing and snap a few pictures for your boyfriend?
Of course you could. It wouldn’t be the first time that you entertained Changbin’s demands to see you all dressed up for him. And in consideration of the all the nice things he did for you on a regular basis, you could sacrifice a few minutes of writing time to indulge his fantasies.
Plus, since you were home alone, you had no issue taking off your t-shirt and sweatpants, exposing the saucy lingerie you wore underneath - a cute black thong and matching bralette that complimented your figure. It was clearly everything that Changbin loved to see on you according to his preferences, and you experimented with different angles, holding out your phone as your spread your legs across the couch, giving Changbin a perfect view of the tiny piece of fabric cupping your heat.
And after your impromptu photo shoot, you scrolled through the snapped pictures, picking the best ones, and nodding in satisfaction at your careful selections before sending the images to Changbin’s awaiting inbox.
From there, it only took five minutes for him to respond, and you glanced at the delivered message from him and shivered:
From Changbin:
Oh, princess, I’m gonna ruin you.
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The message held all sorts of ominous implications, and you made sure to greet Changbin at the door because he was inclined to give you the cold shoulder if you ignored him.
You smiled at him as he removed his coat and tie, allowing him to corner you against the wall, accepting his eager kisses as his hands dug into the meaty part of your thighs. “Come here,” he said, crooking his fingers at you while you proceeded to follow him into the living room like a well-trained dog.
You watched as Changbin took a seat on the couch, patting his lap to show you where he expected you to sit, and you were more than eager to straddle his thick thighs, wrapping your arms around his neck as he reconnected your lips. The taste of him was like the literal embodiment of passion, and you were moaning across the seam of his mouth while Changbin hiked your skirt further up your legs, groaning when he spotted a flash of black, hands kneading your ass as he rocked you against his hardening erection. “That’s a pretty sight,” Changbin said, and he connected your lips once more, kissing you with all the romance and care that defined Changbin’s affectionate side. 
It reminded you, however briefly, that Changbin’s demonstrations of love had always stood in stark contradiction to Chan’s rough and aggressive treatment because it was often very difficult to even beg a compliment from your older boyfriend. “Your mind is somewhere else, princess,” Changbin interrupted your thoughts, tapping his fingers against your forehead to bring you back into the moment with him. “What were you thinking about?”
“You, of course,” you told him, running your hands down his shirt-covered chest, feeling the buttons as they crossed your palms.
“Good,” Changbin growled while he managed to successfully tuck your skirt around your delicate waistline, leaving you almost fully exposed where he clearly wanted you the most. “You sent me those pictures in the middle of my meeting,” Changbin continued, and you gasped when one of his fingers defied the barrier of fabric contouring your lower half, sinking into your warm heat with a sudden penetration.
“Changbin,” you whined, burying your face against the spot between his neck and shoulder, moving your hips to fuck yourself down against his finger because it was becoming clear to you that it would be all you were getting from him - a punishment for your earlier actions. “M’ sorry,” you said, breaths coating his skin with a thin sheen of perspiration while you tried to take him further inside, sitting down and enjoying every bit of friction as he scraped his nail against your sensitive walls.
“We’ll see how sorry you are,” Changbin said, latching his lips against the front of your throat to suck the skin between his teeth, determined to leave a mark. 
And you would’ve complained about the red blemish that he was going to leave behind had it not been for the sound of the door opening as your other boyfriend returned home. But he was earlier than you expected, not that it deterred Changbin in the slightest who didn’t even seem to notice that Chan was standing in the entranceway to your shared living room. Eyes narrowed as he took in the scene of you being split apart at the seams.
“You both knew better,” Chan said, and it was an unusual greeting that prompted you into attention, realizing that something was wrong when Chan tossed his expensive leather briefcase onto the counter before rolling up his sleeves - something he only ever did when he was trying to be more intimidating. “Did you forget our plans for tonight?”
You gasped and froze in Changbin’s lap, suddenly feeling every bit like a bolt of electricity had just run through your entire being, switching off your arousal-addled brain even while Changbin seemed to be on a totally different wavelength, adding yet another finger and filling the room with loud squelching sounds. 
It only served to piss off Chan even more, and you squealed when he interrupted Changbin to lift you up beneath your arms, tossing you over his shoulder with your thong-clad ass still on full display. 
“Hey!” Changbin protested, fingers shining with the evidence of what he had just been doing to your poor throbbing pussy.
“You both knew that we had dinner tonight,” Chan called back over his shoulder, and his tone carried an obvious warning. 
But Changbin wouldn’t be the one to suffer the consequences, and you were already dreading whatever Chan had planned when he dumped you unceremoniously onto the mattress in the master bedroom.
“Bend over,” Chan growled, and you whimpered but obeyed him, bracing yourself higher using your forearms for support. His hand twisted itself into your hair, turning your face to the side so that you were forced to look into his eyes. “What do bad girls get, Y/N?” 
“No, Channie,” you whined because the thought of going to this expensive dinner tonight with a sore ass was not high on your list of priorities.
“No?” Chan repeated, and you hated to hear him so furious, landing a hard smack to your backside without any prior warning. “Do you want to try that again?”
“I’m sorry,” you cried, wincing at the sting. “I forgot about the dinner.”
“You forgot?” Chan scoffed, and you knew that you had just dug yourself into an even deeper hole, wrestling against Chan’s hold even as he allowed three more firm hits in quick succession. “Why is that, baby? Did it slip your mind when you were letting Changbin finger-fuck you into oblivion?”
“It’s not her fault,” came a much-needed interruption from the man in question, and Chan turned around with a glare to look at Changbin who had joined the two of you in the bedroom. “I forgot about it too.”
Chan scoffed in disbelief, running a hand over his face with a growl. “Were you both ignoring me for this entire week? Or, did you think I was just making up stories about the dinner that my office was hosting for our big case?”
“Lay off, Chan,” Changbin muttered, and you were only slightly relieved when you felt him soothe his hand across the burning skin of your ass. “We only have an hour before we have to leave.”
You watched as Chan paused, looking at nothing in particular, but it was something Chan always did whenever he had to begrudgingly agree with Changbin, even when it meant interrupting whatever punishment his sadistic mind had concocted for you. Because Chan hated to be interrupted, almost as much as he hated being left out or forgotten. He always made these things into a much bigger deal because he had a rough past where he was frequently neglected and ignored. It manifested itself into bouts of frustration that evolved into situations like this with you hunched over in place, praying that Changbin had gotten through to Chan and your boyfriend would forget all about your stupid mishap.
“Hurry up,” Chan eventually conceded, and you breathed a sigh of relief when he left the bedroom.
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Chan was a big, fancy lawyer upstate with a bunch of older partners who had willingly taken him under their wing when he graduated. However, back when you had first met Chan in college, he was much quieter and withdrawn, and you couldn’t even imagine how he would ever become a successful lawyer. But he changed, much like most people do during those formative years.
Chan was a lot more confident in several aspects of his life, including his job and the relationship he had joined with you and Changbin. But you might never get used to how he exerted himself around others, with a degree of self-assuredness that spoke to his accolades. For example, Chan’s introduction of you when one of his colleagues opened the door to their fancy penthouse suite, examining you and Changbin with scrutiny while Chan offered your names and proceeded to make you both seem far more important than you really were...not that Changbin’s office job was anything to be ashamed of, but Chan would really play up the two of you when he was looking to impress.
“Your girlfriend is beautiful,” the man at the door offered, eyeing you with an interest that you didn’t appreciate, especially when Chan tried to tug you away from Changbin and closer to himself....and the pig eyeballing your chest.
Which is why you hesitated, clinging even tighter to Changbin’s arm, but Chan shot you a warning glare, and you reluctantly offered your hand to him which he held in a firm grip. “Hello,” you said to the Senior partner who smiled and forced a wet kiss to the back of your outstretched hand.
“It’s a pleasure to have you here,” the man continued. “Come inside, we have plenty to drink.”
Chan laughed at the rather unfunny quip, waiting for the older man to head back further inside before turning on you and Changbin. “Behave,” Chan snapped, looking between you and Changbin with a fierce glare. 
“Whatever,” Changbin grumbled, which you could tell that Chan didn’t appreciate, but he withheld the urge to argue.
Instead, Chan led the two of you into the outlandishly decorated penthouse, and you swallowed hard at the appearance of a golden chandelier hanging down from the ceiling - perfectly affluent in every means of the word. “Damn,” Changbin whispered, and you could tell that he was just as impressed as you.
And your open-mouthed wonder of the lavish space persisted throughout the rest of the evening - every time you tasted the sweetest champagne, nibbled on the most extravagant finger foods (caviar???), and indulged in the sweet little chocolates as they passed you on the trays of the smartly-dressed waiters. It was good enough to keep you entertained while Chan flitted from person to person, eventually leaving you and Changbin behind in the living room to go outside onto the balcony and enjoy a pricey cigar with some “very important” people.
Changbin sighed as he caught sight of Chan outside, craning his head back in laughter and smoke exhaled from his nose. “I don’t get why Chan wants to impress all these assholes,” Changbin said, tipping back his champagne to finish off the rest. “That old bastard over there in the corner? He hasn’t stopped looking at your tits since we sat down.”
“Changbin!” you hissed, incredulous that he would say something like that aloud.
“What? I can’t blame him,” he said, eyeing the swell of your breasts with obvious interest. “How fast can I make you cum from playing with your tits if we snuck away into one of the bathrooms, princess?”
“Chan wants us to behave,” you replied, even though you were very much weak for Changbin’s lips wrapped around your sensitive nipples.
“He won’t even notice,” Changbin grumbled. “But at least he’s in a good mood. It’s a nice change from hearing him bitch all the time when he comes home from work.”
“It’s a stressful job,” you tried to defend your older boyfriend, but you and Changbin both knew that Chan was taking the extra work on purpose, hoping it might land him a promotion.
“You hate it just as much as I do,” Changbin argued, snatching another flute of champagne from a startled waiter, downing the contents in two sips.
“It makes him happy,” you said, shrugging while playing with the hem of your dress - an adorable satin present from Chan for your birthday this past year.
“So, we can’t be happy?” Changbin asked, and it was a fair question considering the amount of arguing that your boyfriends had been doing for the past several months. Everything from serious issues like buying a new apartment, to something as inconsequential as the quality of your kitchen silverware.
“This promotion thing can’t last forever,” you pointed out, ever one to be optimistic even when things seemed less than ideal.
“I just want to get out of these clothes,” Changbin complained, pinching at the tight material hugging his thighs. “I wear suits to work everyday, and I hate being forced to keep them on for shit like this.”
“Well, I’ll make sure to take it off for you when we get home,” you purred into Changbin’s ear, brushing your nose across the lobe.
“You better keep that promise,” Changbin growled in return, and you were thrilled by the look of lust in his gaze. Even more so when Chan finally returned to you both with a bright smile and glossed-over eyes, clearly the result of too much alcohol.
“Ready to leave?” he asked you both, and you had never seen Changbin more impatient to escape a party.
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Once you were home, it didn’t take much to convince your boys to join you in the master bedroom - a few stray touches over clothes, whispered filtrations, and a quick flash of the expensive lingerie you wore underneath your dress before you found yourself kneeling between them on the bed.
Changbin had taken the initiative, kissing you like he was picking back up from where the two of you had left off from earlier that afternoon. And with some convincing, Chan agreed to share you tonight. Even though he still seemed grumpy about the fact that he couldn’t have you all to himself, but you were just glad that Chan was in a better mood, mouthing at your neck while Changbin unzipped your dress and drug it down your spine with his fingertips following the same direction.
“So good for us, princess,” Changbin said, taking a moment to look at you while Chan groped at your breasts through the thin material of your bra, nodding furiously when Changbin unlatched it from the back.
You allowed it to fall down your arms, leaving your entire upper half completely bare while you let Changbin drag you down onto the bed so that you were lying on your back with Chan dragging your panties down your legs. And Changbin had wrapped his arms around your torso, thumbs circling your nipples while he held you in an upright position, touching his lips against your shoulders.
“You made a mess, baby,” Chan remarked, and he spread your legs wide so that he could fuck into you with a grunt, starting an urgent pace from the second the head of his cock split your tight walls around him. 
“Oh!” you gasped, loving the rough handling from the very start, feeling yourself press back against Changbin with every thrust, nipples brushing across Chan’s abdomen as he held himself over you. 
It was pure heaven to be trapped between these two men, strong arms adjusting you to their liking, and thick cocks reaching places inside of you that had never been accessed before. 
“Does he feel good?” Changbin asked you, collecting the tears streaming down your face as you savored the glide of Chan’s cock between your folds. 
“Yes,” you managed between moans, reaching down to knot your fingers through Chan’s curls while your legs wrapped themselves around his waist, holding on for dear life as he used you to get himself off as quick as possible, cum dripping down onto the blankets underneath you.
And you came at the same time as your boyfriend, gasping for breath as Chan pulled out with a groan, supporting himself back against one of your pillows while Changbin brought you into his lap for his gentle touches, kissing the wet skin under your eyes and patiently waiting for your permission before he took his turn. 
Oh, but you never minded these nights when your boyfriends were compliant enough to share you, taking their turn fucking you until you were barely coherent. 
“Changbin,” you whispered to him, reaching down for his hard cock and giving his thick erection several strokes before guiding the tip to your entrance. 
“Green?” Changbin asked, checking in with your colors because he was always so considerate whenever the three of you had sex.
“Green,” you confirmed, and he was using raw power to lift you off his lap, biceps straining, moving you up and down his cock without any resistance.
“Oh, fuck, princess,” Changbin groaned, looking down at the place where his cock disappeared inside your pussy with longing. “Even after Chan fucked you...how can you be this tight?”
You whined at the comment, bracing your hands on his shoulders as he powered his cock between your pulsing walls, swallowing his cock and urging him to take you even deeper, kissing the head of your cervix with a delightful prod of his tip.
Changbin was built so strong - after all, he worked out every afternoon - but it was almost ridiculous how easily he handled you, forcing you along his cock with complete ease...like you weighed absolutely nothing. But it was unbelievably hot, and you could feel your thighs straining with the effort of holding yourself up in place, even if he was doing most of the work.
But he was hitting all your best spots from this angle, and you had almost blacked out after Changbin started furiously stroking your clit, sending you into another high that pushed your head right through the clouds. 
His cum joined Chan’s inside your sore pussy, and you could feel him softening despite the fact that your walls were still milking him for everything you could get.
“Greedy pussy,” Changbin panted, and you were almost proud of the fact that he looked just as exhausted as you did from your insane round of sex.
You were still breathing hard after your second orgasm of the night when you could feel the bed shift as Chan’s fingers dug into your hips, trying to force you away from Changbin. You whined in complaint because you weren’t quite ready for another round, squirming away from Chan and burying yourself even closer to Changbin’s warm chest.
Chan growled at your aversion, and you hesitantly glanced back over his shoulder to see that he wasn’t very happy with your unwillingness to let him have his next turn. “Gentle,” Changbin chided, and you whimpered when Chan’s strength won out and he manhandled you onto all fours, mounting you from behind before fucking his cock back inside without waiting for your compliance.
“Yellow, Chan,” you said, hoping that he would slow down, but it only seemed to spur Chan on even more, and he was practically bending you in half, pressing down on your lower back as his hips slammed against yours with every thrust.
“Stop,” Changbin snapped, and he shoved against Chan’s shoulder who wasn’t expecting the sudden weight, falling back onto the bed as his cock slipped free. “You’re being too rough,” Changbin said, and his eyes were narrowed at Chan as he pulled you closer, wrapping you into his arms and shushing your whimpers.
But Chan was even more pissed at Changbin’s interference, and you could only imagine the nasty look on his face as he spoke up from the opposite side of the bed. “You coddle her too much,” Chan said. “I know our limits.”
“Really?” Changbin snorted. “What kind of world do you live in where yellow means faster?”
“I would’ve stopped if she asked me to,” Chan said, and you were panicking on the inside because this sounded like the beginnings of another infamous fight between Chan and Changbin, and the two men were both stubborn and proud which meant that they could hold a grudge for weeks after an argument.
“Fuck, you just let her get away with whatever she wants,” Chan huffed. “She needs discipline!”
“She needs affection!”
“What the hell ever,” Chan snapped, and you watched him from the corner of your eye as he snatched his boxer shorts from the ground. “I can’t stand to look at you anymore tonight.”
“Good, maybe Y/N can have some peace without your negligent ass in the same room,” Changbin said, frowning when Chan shot him the middle finger over his shoulder on the way out, slamming the door to the bedroom closed with enough force to shake the entire apartment.
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It wasn’t the first time that Chan and Changbin had fought with each other, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. But that didn’t give you any solace in the present, especially when fights between your boyfriends meant that your time was increasingly monopolized towards making sure that they didn’t do anything they might regret.
Of course, coming home after lunch with a friend, you weren’t expecting the detailed spreadsheet taped to the door of the master bedroom where you had been hoping to take a much-needed nap. “This is new,” you sighed, studying the worksheet outside the bedroom where a strict schedule dictated which of your two boyfriends would be sleeping with you - probably a product of Chan’s analytical brain.
On most occasions, whoever happened to fall asleep first would end up sleeping next to you in the bedroom, which had lately been Changbin because Chan often stayed up late to finish his work. However, given Chan’s competitive edge, you had a feeling that the two fought over this as well, resulting in the strict schedule that they would just expect you to accept.
“Chan!” you yelled, snatching the paper from the door while trying to track down your boyfriend. 
You walked out into the living room, discovering Changbin standing next to the large sliding glass door which led outside to the veranda - glass of wine in hand. “Probably in his office,” Changbin muttered. “He’s had a stick up his ass all day.”
You rolled your eyes, even though you thought you had gotten used to Changbin’s dramatics. “Are you really drinking before noon?”
“I needed it,” Changbin whined, holding out an arm so that you could slide into place next to his side, snuggled against his broad chest. “I think it’s fine to celebrate a day off from work with wine.”
“Let me taste,” you said, allowing Changbin to tilt the glass against your lips, swallowing down the grape-flavored liquid, until the sight of Chan walking around the corner had you choking around your mouthful.
“Careful, princess,” Changbin chuckled, frowning when he met Chan’s gaze.
“You called me,” Chan said, holding a bag in one hand, and using the other to snatch you away from Changbin, pulling you down onto his lap on the couch as he kissed you fiercely, keeping Changbin within his sights.
“Yeah,” you said, gasping for breath when you were forced to part from him. “I found this on the door?”
You held up the spreadsheet, arching one brow in question, but Chan merely shrugged and ignored the piece of paper as he reached into his pocket for something. “Look what I got you,” Chan said, opening the velvet box to reveal a gorgeous diamond necklace inside.
“Channie,” you whined, allowing him to fuss with the clasp as he hooked it around your neck, letting the diamond fall against your collarbone. “You shouldn’t have.”
“Why not?” Chan asked, pulling you even closer when Changbin sat down his wine glass on the side table. “I wanted to do something nice for you, baby.”
Oh, so this was the version of Chan you were getting? The one who demanded all of your attention in a petty attempt to keep you away from Changbin. Too bad your younger boyfriend didn’t get the message, looming over the two of you as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Are you done?” Changbin asked. “We had an agreement.”
“Duh, I’m not an idiot,” Chan snarked, keeping a smile on for you even as his shoulders tensed in anticipation of another brush with Changbin. “I’m with Y/N right now.”
“But it’s my night!” Changbin argued, and you felt like the metaphorical toy animal being torn in half by two less than willing siblings.
“The fucking sun is still up, smartass,” Chan said, sneering at Changbin as he dug his fingernails into your hips - a possessive gesture.
“You’re the one who thought making that stupid schedule would fix everything,” Changbin returned. “Y/N is mine!!”
“Boys!” you finally shouted, startling both of them as you forced yourself from Chan’s lap. “We’re not going to start this shit again, okay? I hate it when you both do this to me!”
“Princess..” Changbin whined, but his refusal to see reason wasn’t stopping your tirade, putting your foot down and ending this stupid argument before it got even worse - and it always did before there was any chance of it getting better. 
“No, Changbin,” you said, keeping your tone stern. “Last night was everyone’s fault. We know better than to just walk out without communicating - you both agreed to talk to each other whenever you disagreed on something. And I’m not just gonna sit here this time and watch you two treat each other like shit until someone breaks down to apologize! This fight is pointless, and I’m not about to let the two of you dictate my time because you can’t get along! Fix this shit now or you both sleep in the living room!”
You exhaled loudly at the end, taking deep breaths because you couldn’t remember the last time you had felt so agitated. But that’s what your boyfriends brought out of you in situations like this, and you left them behind to work whatever problems they had between each other before barricading yourself in the bedroom with a cold bottle of water and some ibuprofen.
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You didn’t cry over them this time; after all, plenty of their arguments in the past had driven you to tears and you were tired of it. Instead, you ruminated in silence, staring up at the ceiling of the master bedroom while waiting for the day’s exhaustion to finally catch-up to you.
However, you certainly didn’t anticipate a knocking at the door, followed by the sudden penetration of light from outside as Chan and Changbin both entered the bedroom while wearing matching looks of shame. “We’re sorry, princess,” Changbin said, keeping his head down as Chan sighed.
“You’re right about us fighting,” Chan said, and he walked over to the edge of the bed, brushing his fingers across your arm. “We talked about it, and we both know that it was a stupid fight. You didn’t deserve to put up with our mess.”
You snorted in agreement, patting the bed on either side of you as Chan and Chan eagerly snuggled against you from both sides, even if it was a tight fit on your queen-sized mattress. “S’ okay,” you said, allowing them both a kiss. “I went overboard too.”
“Not as much as us,” Changbin said, and his hand was gripping tightly to one of yours. 
“I’m used to your fights,” you said. “I just wish they wouldn’t happen.”
Changbin whined while Chan sat up a little to look down into your eyes. “You’re right, baby, and we’ll do anything to make it up to you.”
“Maybe even right now,” Changbin said, and his fingers teased the hem of your nightgown. “I think Chan and I can prove to you that we know how to play together.”
“I don’t know...” you trailed off, knowing full well you would eventually relent, especially once they started touching you - Changbin skimming his fingers across your thighs while Chan found your clit between the silky fabric of your gown. “Do you want me from both ends?” you asked, and you could tell that they both liked that idea.
“Let’s make sure you’re ready for us, princess,” Changbin said, and you moaned when his fingers disappeared under your gown to fill your pussy so well, working on stretching you for his impossible girth.
“Good boy,” you said, just to see Changbin blush while Chan worked hard to remove his clothes, fisting his cock as you let them both move you into position, helping Chan kneel down in front of you so that you could wrap your lips around his cock, tasting the precum already beaded on the tip.
Chan threw his head back with a groan as you bobbed your head up and down his cock, trying to ignore Changbin from behind you as he opened the bottle of lube, applying a liberal amount to his fingers before inserting his fingers again, moving along the walls of your tight cunt. 
“I love your mouth, baby,” Chan said, staring down at where you were hollowing your cheeks, taking him so well as the tip of his cock repeatedly hit the back of your throat. You tried not to gag, even as saliva pooled from around your lips, dripping down your chin and Chan’s cock.
“Are you ready for me?” Changbin asked, and you whimpered when Changbin’s cock penetrated you as you sunk down on him, groaning as his thickness stretched you to the point where you felt like he was in your stomach.
Chan was surprisingly gentle as he waited for you to adjust, only moving his hips at the same time as Changbin, and the three of you fell into a rhythm: once Changbin thrust his cock into you, Chan pulled you even further down his own erection, stuffing your mouth to the point where you couldn’t even hear yourself moan.
They used you like you were pliable, simply existing to satisfy them as you moved back and forth between the two men you loved. “You like this, don’t you, princess?” Changbin asked, grunting low in his chest as he started to pick up the pace, making it even harder to handle Chan’s full length in your mouth, sucking on his pulsating erection like your entire life depended on it. 
“She does,” Chan replied for you, since your mouth was full of him, but you could tell that he was close, supporting yourself against his thighs as you waited for him to spill down your throat.
“Touch her clit,” Changbin said, holding your hips to help piston his cock at just the right angle, and you were barely coherent when Chan instantly obeyed - bringing his thumb down to rub circles on the little bud that always brought you the most pleasure.
Full at both ends, with your clit and g-spot being stimulated just right, you were barely hanging on by a thread. But you didn’t want to cum first; thankfully, Chan came just before you failed to keep yourself together, emptying his release down your sore throat before focusing entirely on getting you off. And when Chan was determined to do something, he was always successful.
“Channie!” you cried, reaching a bombastic orgasm that had you nearly blacking out because Chan was still working your clit while Changbin continued to pound your little ass, working himself to fill you up with his cum.
“Changbin,” you gasped, trying to hold on so that he could release where he wanted, and it only took a few more pumps of his hips before his cum was filling you to the brim, leaking down your thighs as soon as Changbin pulled himself free, collapsing next to you on the bed.
“Fuck that was amazing,” Changbin said, and both he and Chan helped clean you up before holding you as best they could between one another on your too-small bed, but the lack of space did nothing to deter the fact that it still was the best aftercare you had ever experienced. 
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But here’s one argument you could prevent in the future: who gets to sleep with you at night without forcing everyone to deal with a cramped space.
After your night of passionate lovemaking, you convinced Chan and Changbin that it was time to invest in a bed big enough for all three of you to share at night. Which is why you found yourself in the middle of a furniture store, perusing the endless options while Changbin quipped about the music selection playing overhead.
“What about this one?” you gasped, falling in love with the mahogany-colored wood frame, running your hand along the smooth surface before falling down onto the mattress, giggling when Changbin joined you.
Chan sighed as he scrutinized the display sign while you and Changbin rolled onto the bed together, stretching out your limbs because the king-sized mattress was enormous! “It’s amazing,” you continued, trying not to scream when Changbin started to dig his fingers in your sides playfully.
“You’re gonna get us kicked out of here,” Chan said, ever the responsible adult between the three of you.
“Well, we have to see if it works,” you pointed out, patting the space behind you as Chan rolled his eyes but crawled in next to you, warming you from behind while Changbin nuzzled into your neck. “This feels nice,” you said, allowing your boyfriends to spoon you from both sides.
“I like it too,” Changbin commented, smooching a kiss across your lips when you weren’t expecting it, whining because it was wet and messy.
“It’s a little out of our price range...” Chan ventured, but all you had to do was turn to look at him with your best pleading expression, and he was breaking down with a muttered curse while reaching for his wallet.
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The next morning, you woke-up with Changbin holding you from behind, frowning when you realized that Chan must’ve stayed up late to finish his cases.
It defeated the purpose of waking up together, but at least you had fallen asleep with both of your boyfriends, and that was as fine of a start as any you could imagine. Hopefully, when Chan managed to calm down at work, you could enjoy those mornings you were imagining, smiling at both Changbin and Chan as you exchanged kisses and cuddles under the warm blankets.
“Mmm,” Changbin hummed from behind you, squeezing your waist while trying to open his eyes. “What time is it?”
“9,” you said, pecking his nose as he reluctantly let go of you, realizing that he had to be at work soon.
“Shower with me?” Changbin asked, and you hardly needed any convincing to join your muscular boyfriend underneath the warm pressure of the water, allowing him to run a bar of soap over your body, lingering around your breasts and the needy heat between your legs.
Afterward, the two of you walked into the kitchen together, and you discovered that Chan was already waiting with breakfast displayed on your finest plates. He watched you both as Changbin sat down at the table first so that he could perch you on his lap, holding you close while reaching for one of the croissants from the center basket. He started breaking off little pieces, bringing them up to your mouth to feed you while Chan seethed at the affectionate display.
“You’re being too nice,” you commented, allowing him a single kiss before he continued to dote on you, ignoring Chan who was mumbling about how there was a perfectly fine chair that you could sit on.
“Anything for my princess,” Changbin said, and you sighed because it was incredibly cheesy, but that was an endearing part of Changbin’s flirtations.
“Thank you, Binnie,” you said, puckering your lips for another kiss while you heard Chan muttering a curse from across the table. “Shall I clean up?” you asked once both men had their fill, grabbing the dirty dishes and carrying them over to the sink so that you could take care of them later.
In the meantime, you thought it might be nice to sit with your boyfriends for a while before they left for work, but you soon realized that a pleasant conversation was the last thing on Chan’s mind. And you gasped when Chan turned you around, bending you over the table and pulling your panties down your legs, spreading your thighs with his feet as he worked on his belt.
Changbin simply smirked at Chan’s actions, reading over the newspaper that he had stolen from Chan while sipping at his coffee - like it was just another casual morning in your shared household.
Perhaps it was true, but you couldn’t help the first moan that slipped free from your lips when his cock filled you with a pleasant stretch. “How does that feel, baby?” Chan asked taunting you with little rolls of his hips that were far too teasing for your liking.
“Faster,” you begged him, and he seemed to be in one of those moods where he ignored what you wanted, pulling out slowly and repeating the sensual motions over and over again at a snail’s pace, keeping you just dangling from what would drive you to the edge. 
But Chan was being petty after putting up with Changbin’s doting, refusing to just give-in and pound you onto his cock like you knew he could. Instead, you could tell that he was punishing you for not sitting at the table earlier, forcing him to watch you swoon over Changbin. And jealous Chan was a greedy lover, which meant that every time Changbin so much as glanced in your direction, Chan was trying to shield your body from his gaze, burying his face into the side of your neck as his cock stroked your insides so well.
“Don’t get cum on the floor,” Changbin said, peeking at you from over the top of the paper. “It’s hard to clean.”
It was a throwaway comment, but Chan didn’t take well to Changbin’s interruption, and he started moving even faster, forcing more moans to leave your lips as he started hitting your g-spot perfectly on every thrust. “Like you haven’t done it before,” Chan growled in return, hands holding your hips so tight as he pummeled you against the table, bruising your hips on each stroke that forced you to collide with the rough wood.
It felt so good, even the pain from his touch and the table, and the added stimulation of Chan’s fingers moving messily around your clit - everything was guiding you by a string to the precipice. And you were more than willing to follow that string to the end, falling off the edge with an explosion of ecstasy, coming around Chan's cock with a stuttered gasp of his name. 
Your boyfriend grunted when you squeezed his cock so good, lips pressing against the back of your neck as he came inside, and you both remained in that position for a few moments longer, savoring the delicious release, until Changbin slammed down the newspaper and stood up to get you both a towel.
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The remainder of the day progressed uneventfully, and you were still preoccupied with your freelance work by the time your boyfriends came home.
Chan must’ve went straight to the office, but you followed your nose to Chanbin who was standing in the kitchen over the stove. “Are you cooking tonight?” you asked Changbin, leaning into his weight as he smiled and offered you a gentle peck in return.
“Well, it was supposed to be Chan’s night, but I didn’t want to bother him when he got home,” Changbin explained.
“He must be in a bad mood,” you remarked, keeping yourself perched on the counter-top next to Changbin as he grilled.
“Go check on him,” Changbin suggested, giving your ass a teasing slap when you hopped down from the counter.
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But it was far too quiet when you stood outside of the office, holding your breath once you knocked and received no response.
“Chan?” you asked, opening the door to the office so that you could step inside the room.
You frowned when you discovered that Chan was sitting at his desk, eyes glued to the computer screen as his fingers made a mess of his curly locks. “Are you okay?” you asked him, and the sound of your voice interrupted whatever strange reverie he must’ve been locked inside.
But the look on his face sent a shiver down your spine. “What did I say about interrupting me while I’m working?” Chan growled, forcing you to bend over his lap as he pulled up the hem of your t-shirt, exposing your ass to him. 
“Y/N,” he replied, and you relaxed when you realized that his tone wasn’t angry - he was just looking for a way to relieve his frustration.
“I’m sorry I came in here,” you said, playing along with his charade.
“It’s too late for apologies,” Chan said. “How many do you think you deserve?”
“Ten?” you asked, wincing when Chan hummed in response and started to rub his hand over your ass.
“I think that’s sufficient,” he agreed before giving you the first slap - a sharp stinging pain that went straight to the wet arousal decorating the front of your panties. “Make sure you count for me.”
“One,” you whispered, closing your eyes and relishing the closeness to your boyfriend’s evident excitement - erection already straining through his jeans.
“Good girl,” Chan said, and the next three hits were much harder than the first, filling the room with the sound of skin-on-skin and your stuttered counting, gritting your teeth through the pain laced with something erotic.
You wondered if Changbin was curious about your absence, or if he just assumed that something like this would happen: you stretched out across Chan’s lap, his cock digging into your stomach, while he imprinted his hand across your ass. 
“Ten,” you eventually exhaled, sucking in a sharp breath when Chan grabbed you by your hair, curling his fingers through the strands while forcing your head to look at him, colliding your lips together in a messy exchange of tongue and teeth.
“Look at you,” Chan said when you broke apart for air, hoisting you higher on his lap to bring your back against his chest, shoving his hand down the front of your panties to run his fingers through your wet folds.
“Right there,” you gasped when he inserted an index finger to the knuckle, using his thumb to canvas rough patterns of circles against your throbbing clitoris.
“I’ll finish you off, baby,” Chan growled into your ear. “But I expect you to return the favor.”
“I will, Channie,” you promised him, whining when he pulled his fingers from your panties, gripping you beneath your underarms to help you turn around on his lap.
“At the same time,” he said, reaching down to unbuckle his pants and free his engorged length. 
You moaned when he held himself at the base of his erection, rubbing his tip against your clit, stroking himself with a tight fist while you used one hand to ground yourself against his shoulder. 
Eventually, you took over from him, pleasuring his cock so that he could return his attention to your needy cunt, inserting two fingers this time and giving your clit the pressure you needed to cum spiraling out of control, dropping your head against his chest as you finished him off - feeling his release drip down your hand.
“Y/N,” Chan grunted, and you managed to look at him when he kissed you again - something sweet and soft that melted you. Because kisses like this were rare from Chan, and you figured it had something to do with the fact that Changbin wasn’t around to tease him. 
“I think dinner will be ready soon,” you whispered against him, leaning back to offer him a smile since the one you received in return reached every warm part inside of you.
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When you and Chan emerged from the office, Changbin made a grand ceremony out of his latest concoction - some kind of stew that was meant to be really healthy.
But the smell was questionable, and Chan grimaced after his first bite. “Uh, what the hell is this supposed to be?”
“You don’t like it?” Changbin asked, looking at you for a second opinion, and you forced a smile while taking another bite.
“It’s good, Binnie,” you reassured him, and Chan frowned at your blatant lie while Changbin smirked in that self-satisfying way of his that always promised a good time for you later on.
Still, the three of you managed to have an amiable dinner, talking about everything from Chan’s work to your latest freelance projects. There was a good atmosphere following the end of your meal, and you promised Changbin that you would help him clean-up, following him into the kitchen with a smirk.
You both started on the dishes together, but you made sure to tease him at every opportunity, brushing your hands and fingers together when he handed you a plate, or rubbing your chest against his back whenever you walked between the counters.
Eventually, Changbin gave-up on his practiced indifference, looking at you with a playful gaze. “Is there something you want?” Changbin asked, and you didn’t even need to say anything as you dropped down onto your knees in front of him. “Did you like dinner that much?” Changbin chuckled, but you ignored him while working down the zipper of his jeans, reaching inside for his half-hard cock before giving yourself a taste of his beading precum.
Changbin inhaled at the first touch of pleasure, bracing his arms back against the counter while he watched you work your magic with hooded eyes. “Was this your plan all along, princess?” he asked, but you knew that Changbin was a big talker whenever it came to one of your legendary blowjobs, and you continued to ignore him while taking as much of his girthy length as you could manage, feeling your lips part around him as you relaxed your jaw and throat.
“Can I takeover?” Changbin asked, and you gave a quick nod before one of his hands was coming down to grab your hair, thrusting his hips to force the rest of his length into your warm mouth, forcing you to gag at the sudden intrusion. “So good,” Changbin whispered, throwing back his head with a moan. 
It made you feel good too - knowing that Changbin was taking so much pleasure from your mouth, tongue tracing the slit at his tip because you knew that he was extra sensitive there. And Changbin reacted just as you thought he would - growling out your name as he lost all control and jerked his hips back and forth to get the most out of what you were offering to him.
You would have a killer sore throat in the morning, but it was worth it to see the blissed-out look on Changbin’s face, watching him cum with a mumbled curse around your name.
“I guess I’ll have to cook more often,” Changbin remarked, pulling you up onto your feet to kiss away your tears.
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Later on, you sat between your sated boyfriends on the couch, watching some sort of Christmas movie on TV while disregarding the popcorn that Chan had made.
But your eyes were starting to grow heavier, leaning more of your weight against Changbin as you tried not to fall asleep. It was starting to get late, and you knew that Chan had noticed the signs of your exhaustion when he turned to look at you for a moment before looking back at the film. “Bed, Y/N,” Chan said, still staring at the TV and ignoring the way you cuddled even closer to Changbin.
“She can stay up until the movie ends,” Changbin said, carding his fingers through your hair.
“She’ll feel like shit when she wakes up early in the morning,” Chan retorted.
You frowned when you sensed another argument between them. “Let’s have a bath together,” you suggested, breathing a sigh of relief when they both reluctantly agreed.
“But then you’re going to bed,” Chan inserted, and you rolled your eyes but agreed with him.
It was just Chan’s way of looking after you, and the three of you walked to the bathroom together, Chan working on getting the water to the perfect temperature while you and Changbin made a big show of taking off the other’s clothes, running your hands across bare skin and kissing him with tired eyes.
“Go ahead,” Chan said, starting to remove his own shirt and pants while Changbin sunk down beneath the water first with a groan, holding out his hand for you.
“Thank you, Binnie,” you said, feeling nothing short of affectionate as you offered him another kiss before you sensed Chan making himself comfortable behind you.
You squealed when Chan wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you against his chest while Changbin reached for your discarded razor from the sink, supporting one leg against the tile while he started to run the blade across the expanse of your skin. 
“Comfortable, princess?” Changbin asked, and you nodded your head in agreement.
“We should do this more often,” you said, smiling when Chan started to massage some of your shampoo into your hair.
“But not too late,” Chan reminded you, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to be annoyed by him; after all, he was only trying to take care of you - they both were - and you could think of no better ending to a chaotic afternoon than the situation you found yourself in - enjoying the presence of both your boyfriends as they showed you just how much they loved you. 
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wesimpforxiao · 3 years
Inception: Chapter 7
Regardless of your persistence to avoid Childe, you noticed that he intentionally walked along the same paths to 'run' into you just as you intentionally chose different paths to work every day to avoid seeing him.  To be honest, it was a bit stalker-ish.  But one fierce glare from you, and his confidence deflates like a balloon as he gives up on the idea to talk to you.  He was just as stubborn as you though, and would continue this pattern every day despite your continuous rejection.  You still hadn't said a word to him since that day in Mondstat.  
At one point you discovered a new tactic to keep him at a distance; walk around areas of Liyue where Fatui are most prominent.   Childe would almost immediately be called over or consulted over various matters from his underlings, and you were able to lose him for the day.
It was late one night when you finally left the funeral parlor; you didn't need to stay so long, but working on filings diverted your mind from the present occurrences.  Your footsteps were quiet along the dimly lit streets of Liyue as you made your way past Liuli Pavilion. Despite it being the middle of the week, there were several Fatui agents drinking and making a ruckus at the outside seating area--laughing, cursing, and a bunch of slurred gibberish you couldn't quite catch.
That was when your stomach growled and begged for food that it hasn't gotten all day.  By the time you'd get back to your apartment you wouldn't have the energy to cook, so you decided it'd be best to get a meal-to-go from the Pavilion despite the annoying customers blocking the door.  You reluctantly made your way up the steps when one of the drunkards called out you.
"Hey! Waitress! Where's our damn order?"  The man impatiently slammed his pint onto the table out of the corner of your vision.  He had to be the least sober of the group.
"That's not the waitress, dumbass.  She's clearly a customer."
"No," interjected the third.  "That's Master Childe's woman."  Apparently Childe's coworkers had picked up on your relationship with the harbinger much sooner than you figured out his true identity.
You finally reached the door handle and twisted it open, but a hand slammed above your head to keep it shut.  "Childe's girl, huh?"  
"Kliment, you know better than to screw with Childe's shit," the third man warned.  "You continue with this, he's gonna kill you."
"I'm not his girl," you spat, meeting the devilish crazed eyes of the man pinning you against the door.  "Back off, I'm starving."
"Not his girl," Kliment scoffed with a lopsided smirk as he glared down at you.  "You hear that, Charlie?  This is the chick everyone's been talking about. The one that's got him slacking off on our missing agents and that stupid vigilante that's still running around."
"You've got the wrong chick, asshole."  This seemed to agitate Kliment, and he leaned in way too close for comfort.  
"I don't give a damn whether you belong to Childe or not.  Since there's no getting through his thick skull, maybe this will get him to do his job."
"Kliment, what are you saying?"  Charlie, the second agent, shifted uneasily in his seat.  "Leave the girl alone. You're drunk."
"All I'm sayin' is a little rough-up would get Childe to take his responsibilities seriously.  An eye-opener, if you will."  Kliment raised your head to look at him by putting a thumb beneath your chin.  "Though if you have any valuable relics on you, which I doubt, you may sway me from hurting this little face of yours.  I really do just care about money; this matter doesn't interest me."
Your stomach sank when you remembered your empty pockets.  Your vision sat at home in your kitchen drawer tonight, so there was no way you could fight the three of these guys with your pyro energy and you'd lack the fire resistance it provided.  You never relied on it anyway; with your combat skills, you might be able to take them out somehow.  There's silverware on the table...plates, knives, forks, even the empty pints that lay strewn about.  And there'll be witnesses that might jump in to help.  
But most of all, you were angry.  This is how undisciplined Aja--Childe's men are.  You were right all along; there are no 'good' Fatui; that'd be an oxymoron, impossible, senseless.  So when Kliment threatened you with his foul alcoholic breath burning your nostrils, an almost devilish smile stretched across your face.
You leaned in and whispered in a low voice so that he'd be the only one to hear you.  "Valuables?  You mean like that precious Fatui mask of yours?"
The gears turned in his head for a few seconds, then his expression of confusion switched to disbelief, and finally to seething anger.  "You--!  You're the bitch that stole my mask--!"  His hand flew to your throat and squeezed.
"Kliment! What're you doing?!"  Charlie bolted upright before charging to get him off of you.  "You're gonna get us in trouble! Cut it out!"  Before he could reach the two of you, you landed a strike to Kliment's throat that loosened his grip and sent him gagging.  "Klime--"
Your attack apparently prompted the third agent to get up from his seat and he proceeded to launch himself not at you or Kliment, but at Charlie.  The two collided and crashed over another table where a romantic dinner was taking place.  The nameless agent was yelling incoherently about Kliment being right while they threw punches.
I guess those two will take each other out?  Your attention refocused on Kliment, who was now able to inhale a decent amount of air to lunge at you full force into the pavilion door.  Your head slammed into the wood with an unsettling crack, but the adrenaline made it impossible to tell if it was the wood or your skull making that awful noise.  You blocked a punch directed at your jaw.  He drove his knee to your stomach, but you swayed just enough so it slid past your side and into the door.  Your elbow jut into his ribcage, then his kidney, then you pulled his head down hard onto your knee.  He crumpled to the floor.
The shouting of the patrons, waiters, and other staff were quiet compared to the heartbeat drumming in your ears.  They stood and gawked at the damage the entire group was making, but they did not dare to intervene.  You scanned the surroundings for those other two Fatui. The one named Charlie was knocked out cold.  "Where--Ngh!"
A fist held your hair tight at the top of your head and drove you face-first into a table to your left.  "You're definitely Childe's woman if you can hold your own against an agent.  You have my respect for that...But this needs to be done to get his head out of the gutter!"  Another slam against the table, and white clouded your vision.  Somewhere in your peripherals Charlie had snapped out of his daze and scrambled to his feet to leave you and the rest of the pavilion behind.
Looks like that agent learned a lesson from going against the flow of the Fatui and abandoned the idea of helping you.
Your fingernails clawed into the agent's gloved fist to no avail.  You couldn't even kick at him with how he pinned you to the table, but luckily he decided to pull you upright and throw you to the ground.  There's a chance to strike him now.  
Or at least, there was.  Just as you flipped over to kick him away from you, his boot crashed down on your face hard.  The sickening crack of your nose against the force made your vision darken completely.
Childe was just about finished with his work for the day and nodded farewell to the secretary behind the front desk of the Northland Bank.  He barely reached the exit when the double doors burst open and an injured agent began blabbering about something while out of breath.
"...Ha...haah...fight...Agent Kliment...your...girlfriend..."  Charlie managed to wheeze out the most important details first and didn't miss the cold expression that enveloped Childe's face.
"Excuse me?"
"--The Pavilion! Hurry!"  The words barely got past his lips as Childe bolted out the door.  Charlie chased after him despite his lungs begging for air.  He could barely keep his superior in view.
The chaos that greeted the pair sent a chilling thrill down Childe's spine.  A few additional agents had joined the scene and were trying to keep the others at bay while others aided so that a Liyue citizen was the sole target.  Childe had no problem reminding his agents of their place in the food chain and that they were more expendable than the innocent, but the glimpse of your face getting kicked in made something snap inside him.  He was still several feet away from the scene and many witnesses were yelling for the fight to stop.  It wouldn't be long before the Millileth would arrive.
Childe held an unreadable air about him as a single hydro blade manifested in his hand.  He spared none of his strength when he threw it at the man that towered over you.  The man let out a strangled cry as it impaled his shoulder into the wooden door.  "Now now," a cruel empty tone left Childe's lips as he approached with a deadpanned expression.  Everyone stopped throwing their punches when they recognized the voice.  "I don't suppose there's a reasonable explanation behind this, is there?"
"M-Master Childe!"  The Fatui agents bowed over and saluted the harbinger while the bystanders parted for him.  "This is--"
Childe ignored their stutters and made a beeline for the half-conscious girl on the floor.  He knelt and lifted your chin slightly.  Sorry girlie, but there's no way I'm just going to let you walk home from this no matter how much you hate me right now.  Your lips were busted and swollen, your nose red and bloody, not to mention broken...The tears that obscured your vision made it difficult to see him, no doubt.
A cold, chilling anger like Snezhnaya's weather washed over the harbinger while he estimated your condition.  Then he stood up and announced with a voice almost too quiet to hear at first.  "Every agent here is to report to my office immediately."
"But Master Childe, she was--"
"--She started--"
"I tried to stop them from hurting her--"
Childe faced them with a death glare.  "My office.  Now."  Everyone gulped in fear.  "And if any of you decide to run off and hide, I will hunt you down.  Go."  The bystanders were whispering things amongst themselves as they watched the agents sprint for the bank.  Then, the harbinger faced the man that was still writhing against the wall.  "What's your name?"
"Hongqi--GAH!"  Childe violently ripped his blade out as he looked the agent in the eye.  
"Well, Hongqi, you've made quite the first impression on me.  Unfortunately for you," Childe swiped his fingers across the blood that coated the blade, "it was the bad kind."  Hongqi nodded and shuffled to the direction of Northland Bank.  Childe watched him before giving one last glance to the bystanders that were directing the Millelith in this direction from across the street.  
A small wheeze from his feet grabbed Childe's attention and he knelt beside you once more.  "...leave me...alone."
"You know I'm not the kind of man to leave a beaten girl alone on the streets."  The touch of his fingers grazing your cheek made you wince.
It was only when you caught the sight of the authorities drawing closer that you raised your voice.  If he wouldn't leave you, this called for a more drastic approach.  "H...Help!  Help!"  Despite your injuries your arms flailed about in an effort to push Childe away from you.  This earned a confused yet hurt expression from Childe, but you couldn't care less.  Why should you?  
This was his fault.  These men are under his supervision.  He failed you.  Again.
Despite your weak attempt to get away from him, Childe scooped you up in his arms and disappeared from the scene as quickly as he had appeared before the Millelith could catch up.  Somewhere along the way you lost consciousness, and Childe was able to get into your apartment thanks to the keys that were in your jean pocket.  He lay you down on your bed as carefully as possible before finding and wetting a towel to clean your wounds.
"I'm gonna need you to lie still while I do this," he warned before pressing the damp cloth to your bloodied lips.
"...can do this myself.  Get out."
"I never said you weren't capable of handling the aftermath yourself, girlie.  But that doesn't mean I'm going to let you do it yourself."  He brushed the hair out of your face and continued to wipe away at the blood and dirt on your skin.  The ticking of your wall clock was almost aggressive in filling the silent room.
"This is all your fault."
His movements slowed if only for a moment.  Was that really what you thought? Was it really his fault?  His men were always disciplined, or at least they were to the best of his knowledge.  But tonight proved otherwise, and it proved yet again that he's still hurting you.   The missing men, the rowdy behavior of the agents, even the bank heist...something doesn't add up.  They're connected somehow, but where was the connection?  
"Rest assured they will be thoroughly punished."  This earned an eyeroll from you that he pretended not to notice.  "Your nose needs to be reset, but I'm assuming you'd rather do it yourself."
"You're finally catching on."  
"I need to return to my office now.  Don't hesitate to get ahold of me if you need anything."  It was unnecessary to say so since he doubted you'd need him anymore, but he said it just in case.
"Good riddance."  Your gaze followed his movements past the kitchen and to the door.  Childe's hand hovered above the doorknob for a second.  You weren't able to hear whatever he mumbled next and were too stubborn to ask him to repeat himself.  Then, you were met with only the sound of your wall clock ticking the night away.
"Master Childe!"  The secretary to the Northland Bank greeted the harbinger at the door.  "What happened?  A few men came rushing in with injuries--Should I get medical aid?"
"Don't bother with them."  The cool anger was so obvious upon his demeanor that she clammed up and nodded.  "Their injuries are not severe enough to require medical attention.  They're a waste of resources."
"Y-yes, sir.  Is there anything I can get you?"  She closed the doors once he entered.
"A room alone with them would be excellent."  The lady scampered away.  When Master Childe is angry, it's best to leave him to his own devices and keep quiet.  No one wants to be in the way or make him any angrier since he already has a problem with his temper...
"Master Childe," the troublesome Fatui agents bowed their heads and knelt before him.
"I want a full description of what incited your unsightly actions."  Childe scanned their faces one by one until he landed on Charlie.  "You.  Speak."
"Everyone was drunk beyond belief, sir."  He was still bleeding from behind his ear as he spoke and ignored the tickling of the blood that trickled down to his neck.  "Kliment thought that woman was a waitress, but then Hongqi said she was your girlfriend."
"That bitch admitted to being the person that's been inconveniencing us the past few months and stealing our property!"  Kliment jumped to his feet and faced the harbinger directly.  "If she's really your girl, it'd explain why you haven't done anything to catch her!  You're a disgrace to the harbingers, to the Tsaritsa, to--"
BAM.  A fist collided with Kliment's jaw and he stumbled backwards onto his butt.  Blue eyes as pale as ice stared him down.  "I don't remember asking for your input.  Seeing as though you still haven't sobered up, I have reason to doubt whatever comes out of your mouth.  Hongqi," Childe's glare flicked to the agent that knelt to Kliment's left, "why were you beating a defenseless woman when she was already down?"
Hongqi was putting pressure on the arm that had been impaled by Childe's hydro blade.  "I don't care about whether she's involved with those acts of vandalism, but I do share Kliment's view about you.  You've been slacking off, sir.  I thought this would send a clear message--"
"Let me get one thing through your thick skulls," the harbinger interrupted with an edge in his voice.  "That girl and I are not involved with each other.  And I don't condone senseless violence against the innocent."  His gaze was sharp like that of a predator scouting his prey.  The sound of his footsteps pacing across the tile floor filled the silence between sentences.  "Thanks to your carelessness I'll have to clean up the mess you all made.  What do you think the Millelith will do when they hear details of this incident?  What do you think the Qixing will make of it?  We're already scorned as it is."
"No thanks to you and Osial," muttered Kliment.  A pointed look shut him up quick.
"It's become clear to me tonight that the Tsaritsa doesn't need you to complete her mission.  Hongqi, Kliment, you're dismissed.  Don't show your faces to me again."
"W-What?! Sir, we--"
"You're not my harbinger anyway.  I'll just go tell the Fair Lady about your pathetic actions," Kliment growled through a clenched jaw.  
"By all means, go ahead.  Of course if you have this much of an issue with your punishment, you could always take me on in a fight.  Well?  What'll it be, gentlemen?"  Their silence and averted eyes gave him the answer.  "That's too bad.  I've been itching for a proper workout.  Get out of my sight."
"Sir, what shall I do?"  Charlie's voice was hesitant and barely audible after he watched his former comrades vacate the bank in an uproar.  Careful, now.  Wouldn't want to say anything that could anger the man further...
"Relax," Childe briefly flicked his gaze to the agent with a sly smile.  "I have no need to punish you.  In fact, you seem to be the only one here that has their head on straight.  You have my gratitude for bringing the matter to my attention and standing up for that woman."
"Of course.  Don't let it get to your head, though.  An inflated ego will only work against you on the battlefield."
"Hey.  Kliment."
"Can you believe that, Hongqi?  He just threw us out like we're the bad guys! I swear to the Tsaritsa I'll show that loser a piece of my min--"
"Yeah about that.  Shall we get away from the prying ears of Liyue?"  Hongqi nodded to an alleyway that was to the left of the stairs that led up to the Northland Bank.
Kliment scoffed and pinched the bridge of his nose.  "What, now you're self-conscious of sharing your opinion on Childe?"  Yet he followed the man's lead anyway until they were both obscured in the shadows.
The silver eyes of Hongqi almost appeared to glow in the dark as he faced Kliment in a serious manner.  "There's a certain group of Fatui that have grown weary against the Tsaritsa.  This group is planning something big, and their goal is to uproot the Fatui's reputation first in Liyue, then they'll move on to Mondstat.  I happen to have a few connections."
"A group of unfaithful Fatui?  What are you talking about?"  But then it clicked.  "Wait, you don't mean..."
"Those who've gone missing in our ranks have simply created a new organization tasked with creating chaos to ruin the Fatui's reputation until it disintegrates into dust."  Hongqi sent a quick glance to the lighted street outside of the alley before returning his attention.  "Seeing as though Childe has disrespected us both, there's a chance we could get back at him for his tyranny.  The leader of the group is quite rich and compensates his members like there's no tomorrow."
"Huh. I didn't know you that well even in the ranks, but I think we could be great friends, Hongqi."
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Summary: In a post-snap world, the reader and Steve are falling apart.
Rating: R
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: Talks of death, talks of a dead child, infidelity, depression
A/N: this kinda just a fucking bummer. Sorry.
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Almost an entire lifetime ago, Director Fury himself had told her that marriage and children only complicated life. At the time, Y/N had brushed it off. She was going to be an SHIELD agent, so she wasn’t going to have time for a spouse and children. And she was completely fine with that at the time.
Now, a part of Y/N wished that she had listened to her boss as she glances down at the shiny granite headstone.
Y/N didn't mean to fall in love with her teammate. Steve and her had a great friendship and it just sort of transitioned into an equally great relationship. Life happens and all that. They had gotten married shortly before the Accords caused the team to fall apart. A year into Steve, Sam, Natasha, Wanda, and Y/N being on the run, a smaller, tinier person joined the team.
Steve and Y/N were over the moon about the new addition to their family. Their son James (named after Steve’s best friend) was the sweetest little boy and had both of his parents wrapped around his tiny finger. They quickly adjusted to being parents, managed to balance their new roles and being on the run almost effortlessly. Sure it wasn't ideal, but they had to make do with the situation they were in. Things were fine and the little family was happy.
And then Thanos showed up.
Everyone had lost someone the day that Thanos snapped his fingers. No part of the universe was left untouched. Both Y/N and Steve were still reeling from the losses of their friends and teammates as they rushed back towards the royal palace. They had left James with Queen Ramonda and both of them needed to make sure he was safe, needed him to be okay. Death and destruction was all around them and dust hung in the air was they moved their legs faster and faster.
Instead they were met with the Queen Regent's sobs and a pile of dust amongst James's toys. It was an image that would be ingrained in Steve and Y/N forever.
Once both of them settled into a new apartment in Brooklyn, Y/N had joined a group for mothers who lost children in the Snap. Upon entering the meeting for the very first time, she was met with the glares of every mother in the room. Each one of their gazes seeming to scream at Y/N "This is your fault. You're the reason why our babies are gone.". The leader of the group took Y/N aside and asked with faux sincerity if the Avenger could leave. She couldn't blame them. Y/N would ask herself to leave too if she was in their shoes.
Y/N never told Steve what had happened. She knew he wouldn't understand. No one would ever turn Captain America down, no one would feel uncomfortable by his presence. Y/N on the other hand? Well she wasn't a cherished hero. She was just on the team.
Y/N didn't mean to distance herself from her husband, but it just happened. The day that James turned into the dust, a part of Y/N died. It was hard for her to put her feelings into words when everything just hurt. Y/N tried to talk about it, but her throat would just tighten with emotion as she tried to gather her words. Her days would blur together and Y/N would find herself unable to leave her room. She tried not to sleep, knowing that if she did all she would see is that pile of dust amongst his toys. Steve was patient at first, letting her take her time. Yet as one year without their son turned into two, his patience grew thin.
Y/N was trying her best, she really was. Sure it didn't seem like a lot of progress to just leave the house for short amounts of time, but it was just so hard. She’s lost people before, but none of those losses made her ache in such a way. Her arms felt empty with no child to carry and she felt so alone. Everything reminded her of James. A child laughing, the bounce of a ball, the crunch of the leaves underneath her feet as the seasons changed-everything reminded her of her son. She couldn't even look at her husband without her heart aching in her chest because their son looked just like him. She knew that Steve just wanted her to find a way to get through it and get over it. He had given up on helping her, spending more and more time at his meetings. Y/N just kept telling herself that they were helping him, so it wasn't a big deal if he was gone for most of the day. If he wasn't here, they didn't fight.
Before Thanos, they really didn't fight. Sure they would argue about stupid little things and make up almost immediately, but now? They fought about everything. Y/N asking if Steve could handle grocery shopping for the week would turn into a three hour long screaming match. Steve got pissed off about every little thing she did. Fighting with Steve was exhausting because somehow he always found a way to make Y/N feel shitty about anything she had and hadn't done. There wasn't anymore making up after their fights, no sweet kisses and I love yous. Only doors slamming shut and a lot of words that shouldn’t be thrown around so carelessly.
She tried to ignore it when he'd leave their apartment after they had a fight. Tried to ignore how loud the door would slam, how'd he'd mutter something under his breath as he grabbed his coat and keys. She even tried to ignore the smell of a perfume that wasn't hers when he'd come home, slipping under the covers without bothering to shower. Y/N even  tried to ignore it when he left her alone on Mother's Day, stuck in the apartment surrounding by images of the son she had lost while he was out doing whatever he did before coming home smelling like that perfume.
Y/N knew exactly what he was doing and she didn't know if had it in her anymore to fight with him. She tried to pretend like it wasn't happening until she just couldn't anymore.
"He's cheating on me, Nat." Y/N told her friend over their weekly coffee date-a sign of her progress. Natasha was stunned by the confession and was even more shocked by her friend's tone. Y/N said it like she was talking about the weather, her voice lacking any sort of emotion. The red head sitting across from her slowly put down her cup of coffee.
Y/N has been trying to tell Natasha since it started, but she just didn't know how to say it. Steve was one of Natasha's best friends and Y/N didn't want to tear them apart because of what Steve was doing. However, Natasha was Y/N's friend too and she had no one else to talk to. Y/N was at a crossroad and both of them ended in disaster. It just finally got to the point where she just had to tell Natasha and Y/N knew she shouldn't feel guilty about finally saying it, but she did.
"What do you mean?-I-Are you sure?" Natasha questions as Y/N keeps her eyes down, just nodding in response. Nat's eyebrows furrow together as she continues, "When-When did it start?"
"Two months ago. He-He started to leave after we'd fight and he'd come back smelling like perfume. It's more frequent now. No fights needed." Her tone is so matter-of-fact that it makes Natasha's heart ache. There was no anger in Y/N's words, no resentment. Natasha hates how her friend has come to terms with Steve's infidelity. To Y/N, it felt cathartic to finally say what has been happening. She didn’t want Nat to go and knock some sense into Steve or anything like that. All she wanted was to finally say it aloud, to tell someone what was going on, even though it just made the whole situation real. Y/N turns her head to look out of the window, letting out a shaky breath as Natasha reaches out to hold her hand. Her other hand was left holding her mug of coffee, the gold wedding ring seemingly weighing a tons
An hour later, Y/N sees them as the cab she is in pulls up to the curb. Steve and a young brunette laughing and smiling as they walk out of the apartment building and it feels like Y/N is being stabbed in the chest. Ignoring the pain she's in, Y/N forces herself out of the cab, some sadistic part of her just needing to get out. The other woman sees her first, eyes widening. It takes a second for Steve to realize what had happened, the smile dropping from his face.
The three of them stand there for what feels like an eternity, Y/N still holding onto the cab door. Steve opens his mouth and closes it, not even knowing how to work his way around this.  Y/N was seething, sadness quickly turning into rage. It was one thing for Steve to be sneaking around at night, for him to be hiding the fact that he was cheating. It was another thing entirely for him to be walking around with the other woman, not caring who saw.
Y/N knows that grief manifests itself in different ways, but this is straw that broke the camel's back. Steve had found a way to completely forget about their son and his wife, distracting himself with his stupid little grief circle and a young mistress. Y/N wants to scream at him and make a scene, but she just doesn't have it in her. Tears fill her eyes and as Steve moves to take a step forward, Y/N slips back into the cab, shutting the door behind her.
There's a chill in the air as she walks through the cemetery, wrapping her coat around herself a little tighter. It was freezing out and Y/N knows that she should've gone somewhere warm, but here she was. Her feet carried her where she needed to go, working on pure muscle memory. The hero comes to a stop in front of a small stone headstone.
Their therapist had told them that having a place to visit James would bring them comfort in a way. She had also said that burying him would ease some of the pain and help with the grieving process. Y/N didn't want to say that burying that tiny box filled with the dust they had gathered had only made her feel worse. Steve and Y/N had tried to visit as much as possible, even decorated his grave for each holiday, but then Steve stopped showing up.
There's a bouquet of wilting sunflowers in the little hole by his headstone, which she had left for James on Thanksgiving. They'd be replaced in a week or two by bright red poinsettias to signal the change of seasons and holidays. Another Christmas without her baby boy would turn into another year without him. Y/N's throat tightened as she realized that James has been gone longer than he was alive.
As she stood there, the cracks in their relationship became apparent. Y/N knew Steve wasn’t the perfect partner, but all of their big issues had been washed away by all of the good things. When they were dating, everything came before Y/N, which she understood at the time. Saving the world comes first and all that, but as she looks back on it, it wasn’t just saving the world. Others were just put in front of her and she had just chalked it up to Steve just being selfless. He’d miss dates and anniversaries, always giving her a half assed excuse and that thousand watt smile. Steve would always come apologize, holding a bunch of red roses. Each time, he’d look down at the flowers and say that he gotten her favorite flowers. She never had the heart to tell him that her favorite flower was peonies. When they were married, the search for Bucky always came first. Y/N hadn’t minded at the time because she knew how important Bucky was to Steve, but that mess quickly turned into the Accords.
Steve never told her that Bucky had killed Tony’s parents. Hell, he didn’t even really discuss choosing Bucky over the team with her. Steve had just assumed that Y/N was going to stick with him regardless and because Steve had assumed it, so did everyone else, so she was just forced to go along with it. She had been forced into a pair of restraints while Steve jetted off to Siberia with Bucky. Steve never asked if she even wanted to go on the run with him, once again he just sort of assumed. Y/N just fulfilled her role of the dutiful wife
When Y/N found out that she was pregnant, she wanted to take a plea deal like Scott and Clint did. A life on the run of was no life for a baby and Y/N knew it. She was on the brink of reaching out to Tony when she had told Steve that she was pregnant. The thought of her child having a normal life immediately disintegrated as Steve told her that they were going to make this work. The cracks just keep getting bigger and bigger, spreading further and deeper into their relationship. While she had originally thought there was just a few issues suddenly turned into dozens and dozens of red flags.
Time seems not to touch the cemetery, so she doesn't know how many minutes or hours have passed when someone walks up to stand beside her. Y/N knows who it is immediately, but she doesn't bother to greet him. Instead, her eyes just stay on the headstone and they stand in silence for awhile, Y/N slowly coming to terms with what she was going to have to do.
"I'm not doing this anymore, Steve." Y/N finally announces, forcing it through the emotion that currently strangling her. Her  glove covered hands are shoved into her pockets, her wedding ring burning her flesh as she continues, "I want a divorce."
"Y/N, I-" Steve starts, his body turning towards her. Y/N simply shakes her head. She’s utterly exhausted and doesn’t have it in her to fight with him anymore. She feels like she’s aged three lifetimes in the past few years. Y/N loves the man beside her, she truly does, but she knows that she can’t just let this cycle of hurt continue. She couldn’t just forgive Steve and pretend like he hadn’t been cheating on her because there was just so many things wrong in their relationship. Their marriage was damaged beyond repair and Y/N couldn’t find it in herself to fix it. Somethings just don’t need to be fixed and somethings-well somethings shouldn’t be fixed at all.
"Don't. Not here." Y/N tells him cooly, not wanting to fight with him in the last place that is left untouched by their deteriorating relationship. Her eyes study the small Virgin Mary engraved on her son’s grave. They had so many choices of what to put on his headstone, but something had told her to choose Mary. A remnant of her Catholic upbringing, she had told herself at the time. Now she just hoped that the Virgin was watching after her son wherever he was.
“You can keep the apartment. I didn’t even want it. I-I’ll stay upstate with Nat.” She’s leaving no room for arguing, so Steve just nods in response, putting his hands in his pockets. Y/N wanted to tell him to leave, that there was no reason for him to be standing there with her, but James was still his son too, no matter how little he seemingly cared.
So the two of them stood in silence as the cold afternoon turned into an even colder evening in December, the sky darkening quickly. Lampposts flickered on in the cemetery, covering everything in dim, eerie glow. Their breaths came out in small clouds and their toes went numb in their shoes, but they continued to stand there, looking over their son until the sky tuned black above them.
238 notes · View notes
minart-was-taken · 4 years
Linkverse writing?? I guess??! It’s a tad simple and rough around the edges, but hey, isn’t everything if you look close enough? I’m proud enough of it to share, so that’s a win in my books!
Title: Tree Trekking Characters: Twilight, Sky, Time, and Wild No warnings for this one (Although highly vague twilight princess spoilers?) “Tags” First meetings - the start of bonding - Sky being a good boy - Time is a little bastard - Twilight is tired
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“Those look like rain clouds…” Link signed, dreading the thought.
“Ah- I think you’re right.” Feathers replied the same way.
Link winced, but gathered himself quickly after, making sure his adventure pouch was properly attached to his belt. They didn’t need a member of the group complaining AND also him having a loose adventure pouch.
...He sounded like a dork- Goddesses, he was panicking a little wasn’t he? Rain wasn’t a big problem, but on top of everything else it felt like a slap to the face.
He had been snapped to another world, teamed up with two strangers who were also him, apparently, and now it was going to rain.
The little guy had nothing to say either, but that wasn’t anything new.
Taking leading action, Link gathered himself, found his posture and signed to the Link whose Hyrule this apparently was. “Do you know anywhere we could find shelter?”
The little guy turned to look at him, with an expression that made it seem like he had insulted his entire family. “It’s just rain.”
Link sighed. “We don’t have much on us, a town with an inn and a shop to purchase a bedroll or two seems like a good idea.”
The little guy was quiet, before turning around and walking off. By this point Link knew that was his way of saying “follow me.”
He quickly checked Feathers, who with a slight stumble and a check on his items was on his way to follow as well.
With the small one in the lead, followed by Link and Feathers, the day continued like the past few had.
It had been strange, suddenly ending up here with a bunch of strangers like this. With Feathers it had been easy, the guy seemed to have a good heart. However with the little guy it was a different story. He seemed to speak the minimum possible, and didn’t especially want to stay as a group- Making it a daily battle to convince him to keep helping them navigate this hyrule.
Still, they were managing.
“We should probably try to get you a sword too.”
Feathers seemed taken back by this, before smiling awkwardly: “We’ve not run into anything, though, have we? Besides, you two seem quite used to wielding yours.”
“I don’t trust this situation.” Link confessed. “Something is bound to go wrong.”
Feathers gave him a sympathetic look.
“I’m serious.” He insisted. “The air doesn’t just crack and cause people to teleport through time and space. Something bad is in the air.”
Feathers seemed to want to say something to deny it, but couldn’t. He turned his head forwards again, facing where they were going. “I have other weapons.”
Link still felt unsure, but accepted it for now.
A bit more traveling, now down what seemed to be a dirt path, Link felt the silence beginning to grind on him. He clenched his hands to fists, and released them, repeating this action a few times to calm his nerves. When it wasn’t enough, though, he shook his head and fastened his walking pace.
This way he caught up to the small guide, and signed: “Can you share the route with me? I’d like a better understanding of what to expect.”
The kid looked annoyed again, but after a moment replied: “Kakariko is down this road, to the west until we reach a big rock, and then down the road next to it.”
“Thank you.” He said, breathing with purpose to calm himself, as he fell back behind to walk next to Feathers again.
It had been a long time since he had panicked like this last. It had been at a cell, in a strange body and shackled to the floor. It had been when Midna’s hold on his fur had weakened further as he tried to be faster despite the pain. It had…
Link sighed. He’d survived all of those, he had been hurt, but he survived. He could handle yet another journey to an unknown world. This is fine.
The little guy disappeared in that second.
Link blinked.
The kid had genuinely disappeared- One moment he was there, the next he wasn’t. 
This was not fine, actually.
“Where did he go?!” He signed frantically to Feathers.
“I don’t know!” Feathers responded, equally bewildered. “Did I see that right?! Did he-”
“Did he vanish…?” He signed as well, turning to look at the spot again.
“Maybe-” Feathers, panicking much more clearly than Link was: “Maybe he got sent to another world, like we were.”
“That beats him being dead.”
Feathers was shaken by that addition, but Link ignored it in favour of walking over to where the kid had been and looking around. It was of no use, of course, but he felt powerless and not doing anything felt wrong.
Not again- Not again-
There was a loud crack inside his ears, and the space between him and Feathers looked like it was cracked glass. This strange scene lasted as long as it took it to arrive, and in the next moment: instead of reality looking broken, there was another boy.
This new stranger took a hitched breath, taking a quick step backwards, Having immediately noticed Link. The step however lead him right into Feathers, which caused the stranger to yelp and manifest a blade twice his size from blue light.
Feathers threw his hands in the air, panic filled eyes looking between the armed boy and Link.
Link breathed in and out, as he moved to walk around the newcomer and next to Feathers, with his hands up in the air as well. He hoped that moving from behind the stranger would make him realize he didn’t care for that tactical advantage, and was looking for peace.
The stranger watched, the weapon still in hand, but took no action.
“Are you-” Link signed: “L-I-N-K?”
The stranger’s eyes grew suspicious with each letter, and Link figured he had made a mistake of some sorts.
Quickly trying to bridge the miscommunication, he added: “So are we.”
The stranger shook his head, which wasn’t ideal.
“No?” Link signed. “What do you mean no?”
To that the stranger didn’t seem to have an answer for. Simply shrugging like it was obvious.
“He’s being honest.” Feathers joined in. “We’re both Link, the hero of courage.”
After eyeing the two over like they had lost their minds, the stranger sighed. “I don’t believe you.” He signed. “But I’m also not sure where I am.”
“That’s fair.” Link supposed. “We’re willing to share our information.”
“Spill it, then.”
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After explaining their understanding of how they got here, and what they were doing, the stranger sighed and agreed that going to a town would seem smart in his eyes as well.
However he chose to walk behind Feathers and Link, which Link couldn’t blame him for. He had his own fair share of paranoia of the situation, after all.
Besides, he’d know if the kid tried to approach with a blade in hand, he was awfully good at keeping an eye on his surroundings.
Not good enough, though. Despite following the route the first angry kid had given: they somehow got lost anyway. Sure they found a big rock, but there was no path near it that led to anywhere other than more wilderness.
“Did we misunderstand?” Feathers asked him.
Link furrowed his brow, unsure of the answer. He was quite sure they had gone the exact route the kid described.
The newcomer whistled suddenly, causing the two older to turn and look at him.
He seemed annoyed, and signed: “Is this a trap?”
“I mean, if it was we wouldn’t tell you.” Feathers signed back, at which Link elbowed him.
“It’s not a trap. This is neither of our Hyrule, so we don’t know where things are. The person who gave us instructions either forgot something or we failed to follow it right.”
The stranger crossed his arms, and pouted. Suspicious.
Link, wanting to hit his head against the trees until he could disappear from this situation, tried to breathe in and out and figure this situation out before anything worse happened. “We can probably try and find it on our own.”
“Oh, true.” Feathers replied, smiling again.
“Alright.” The newcomer accepted, still tense.
“Great.” Link responded, tired. “What does everyone here know about scouting?”
Feathers looked a bit flustered, and admitted: “I spent most of my life on a single island- In the sky.”
“Ok.” was all Link could muster.
“I’m okay at it.” The newcomer said, looking a bit less confident than before. “I know what signs to keep an eye out for.”
Link nodded at this. Back in the day he could’ve asked Midna to change his form so he could simply smell the strange scent that towns had, but that stopped being an option a long time ago.
He could still manage with human senses. He had done so for the majority of his life.
So after they pooled their knowledge of what to look out for, they began trekking forwards. Although it was more the two actually experienced people describing some basic things to the one from the sky.
After one man-made path diverged into two, the tired air of the group only grew worse.
“So- Which way?” Feathers asked, trying to not cause anymore tension with the question, by smiling gently.
The newcomer lifted the strange slate he had on his belt, and used it to get a better look forward. It wasn’t enough, though: “The foliage is too thick, I can’t see where either of them leads.”
Feathers pouted.
Link, quite frustrated at this point, signed simply: “Just one thing we can do, then.” And proceeded to scan the area for the tallest tree.
Feathers looked in mild curiosity as Link walked up to an alright specimen, and proceeded to climb it with almost no trouble. Branch to branch, and a good grip on the wood while still being mindful of it’s well being.
From high up he could take a far better look around the area, and found his nerves eased as he spotted smoke from further on and down the right path, as well as the gentle breeze that flowed freely up there. He smiled, despite himself, and climbed back down.
Once he landed with a gentle thud, he let Feathers know what he had seen, before turning to look at the newcomer.
He had stayed by the path, unlike Feathers who had gone to wait for him at the trunk of the tree, and was looking at him with what Link would describe as surprise.
“I was raised on a farm.” Link stated, feeling actually a little up for joking, before he started walking down the right path.
The journey went alright, and although the smoke turned out to be from but a small cottage, it meant they weren’t entirely on the wrong track. Someone was able to live here, so it would mean a town could exist nearby as well.
The newcomer, who hadn’t said much, spoke up another few minutes into the walk, as they tried to decide between three paths this time. “I could climb this time?”
Link was a little surprised, but nodded and gave him a supportive smile. “Go for it.” It was nice seeing the hostility gone, and in its place a want to help.
What he saw then, was… Unexpected. The newcomer proceeded to pick a tree at ease, and then climb at a speed Link had never seen before. It was extremely impressive, and somewhat terrifying.
“Woah.” Said feathers.
Link nodded, slow and stunned.
When the kid returned to ground level- With a thud and an expert landing to boot -he explained that with the zoom on his slate he was able to spot a town. He wasn’t sure which path would lead to it, but if the rest were fine with just going to that general direction until they got to it, he’d be able to lead them.
Feathers and Link approved of the plan, and now followed after the newcomer who was walking forth, at times checking the slate.
Feathers began to talk to him about beacons, apparently something on the slate reminded him of his adventure. Link tuned it out due to not really getting it, and breathed in the forest air.
This was all very strange, but it was nice that no-one was being a grump for once.
At sunset they reached the town, and having moved along with the rain cloud, it only caught up to them at the village gates.
Link gave the newcomer a pat on the shoulder, which surprised him. “Good work.” He signed before heading forward to look for an inn.
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The rain only caught them when they had a roof above their heads, as they had moved in the same direction as it had been heading.
Sitting in a shared room, there was that strange snap-crack again, and the other kid was back. Strange face markings as clear on the face of annoyance as always.
The newcomer didn’t disappear, so their three person room had just become crowded.
“Oh.” The kid commented, looking at them all, including the newcomer. “You made it.”
“...Were we not supposed to?” Link asked.
“I gave you the wrong directions.”
Link blinked. He was stunned, having trouble processing the situation. Not because it was so unexpected, but because he hadn’t seen it coming despite how obvious it was this kid wouldn’t help them properly.
“I didn’t want you to find the town.”
“Again, why?”
“I don’t trust you.” The response was instant.
Link sighed, it wasn’t a reason he could exactly fight.
Giving up, he sat down on one of the beds. This was going to be a stressful adventure, wasn’t it? He lent back a bit, looking at the ceiling. He couldn’t deny the truth of that question, but a part of him wasn’t entirely bothered. It had been a while since he’d slept in a room with another living being.
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fantasydaydreamers · 4 years
“Happy Ending” Bakugou x Reader
Summary: Being a single top pro-hero is stressful and is the leading cause for stiff muscles. After a taxing villain fight and reaching his breaking point with bold fans, Bakugou goes to a spa resort to hopefully solve his problems. Pent up and sore, what he didn’t expect was the cute masseuse assigned to him work out all of his stiffness.
Words: 3,756
Warnings: Smut
Author’s Note: Happy Birthday, Bakugou~ I love you so much. He is an adult in this fyi...like late 20s adult so he’s mature-ish. (also happy 1 year anniversary to my succubus fic~)
Bakugou rolled his shoulders back, wincing as he watched police arrest the villains they just took down. "You okay dude?" Kirishima and Kaminari walked up next to him, each limping or bending over slightly in pain, trying to disguise their injuries from the news cameras. Bakugou scoffed but didn't answer, glancing at the wreckage around them, smoke hovering over the rubble littering the ground.
He couldn't understand why his back was sore; he worked out often, stretched when he was supposed too, and ate healthily. What pissed him off the most was that his back pain managed to slow him down during the fight. Part of him had the looming thought in the back of his mind that his age was starting to show a bit, but he quickly shoved that aside, reminding himself he wasn't old.
Paramedics came quickly, rushing over to the three pro-heroes, asking questions and guiding them over to the ambulance while getting their medical supplies out. Bakugou reluctantly followed although he was sure he just had strained muscles, he received a nasty blow during the fight, a bruise starting to form on his chest.
"Ouch!" Kaminari openly cried out, bending over from the blooming pain in his stomach. Kirishima was next to him, his leg propped up, gritting his teeth as the medical staff tended to the wound. "I need a day off..." Kaminari whines again, recoiling back from the nurse's touch. Kirishima goes to chuckle, but it comes out as a wheeze as he starts coughing, nodding his head in agreement.
"Ground Zero, Red Riot, and Chargebolt were the first heroes on the scene tonight as multiple villains crashed through buildings near west Tokyo, causing a few fatalities. The heroes were quick to react, getting the rest of the civilians to safety as the villains were seized in an all-out brawl-"
One reporter was too close for Bakugou's liking, reminding him how he wasn't fast enough to save the few fatalities. The camera was aimed to show the three of them in the background as she continued to recite the minimal information police told her. Quick to react, huh? He tuned them out and lifted his shirt as the nurse who was working on Kaminari finally came over to him. Bakguou had insisted the two of them go first since he wasn't in bad shape.
At least, that's what he kept telling himself.
Holding his breath as the nurse rubbed ointment on the bruise, he tried to calm himself from lashing out at her to hurry up. The touches got softer and more teasing, causing his irritation to spike. Looking down, he saw the nurse staring at his chest with a bright blush covering her face, pupils blown wide with lust.
Bakugou harshly stepped back and away, shoving his shirt down, causing the nurse to snap out of her trance in embarrassment. "Oh! I'm-" She started, but Bakugou walked away before he could hear the rest of it, forcing out a rigid 'thank you,' the stern tone stopping her from finishing.
As a top pro-hero--a single top pro-hero--he was constantly being asked about his love life or flirted with, making this part of the job vexing especially when he was on duty. Bakugou wasn't all that concerned with girls; he knew he had the sex appeal and could probably have anyone he wanted, but no one has managed to capture his attention. There were days he did dabble in his bachelor tendencies which he always regretted in the morning because they never wanted to leave.
He began to walk over to the police, avoiding the mob of microphones being held out to him, questions being thrown his way. Shouts blended together but he was too exhausted and annoyed to even bother deciphering as he walked towards the police chief, ready to give a brief statement of the situation.
Soon enough, Kirishima and Kaminari joined him as they gave any details and information they received during the fight to help investigators. The background sirens and noises all faded into a blur as Bakugou felt the years of being a hero settle in, the constant cycle never-ending. What seemed like a lifetime of fighting was actually the built-up stress resting heavily on his shoulders.
He needed a break.
Bakugou woke to his phone beeping, the alarm startling him out of an on-coming sex dream. Sweat rolled down his skin as his boxers strained beneath the sheets, making him groan softly. It's been a while since he had a release, caught up in work as he tried to avoid falling back into his one-night stands.
He reluctantly reached out for his phone to hit snooze on the alarm, the dream already fading. As he lifted his arm, a jolt of pain shot through his joints and down his side, making him grunt, eyes screwing up in agony. I can't fucking move.
Slowly moving his body to where he thought it wouldn't hurt as much, he gritted his teeth just barely grabbing his phone. Moving back in his original position, he took a deep breath as he shut off his alarm. As much as Bakugou took his work seriously, moving did not seem like an option today. The amount of pain he would be feeling soon once the drowsiness wears off, there's no fucking way he can function.
Just as he was about to call the agency and let them know, his phone rang, Kaminari's name popping up. Bakugou squinted at the bright flashing screen and answered, slowly bringing his phone to his ear not trying to move as much.
"Hello?" His voice came out raspy, his eyes closing tiredly as the room darkens again.
"You up?" Kaminari's equally hushed voice said, his voice a bit lighter than Bakugou's. Just then Kirishima's wheezed laughter came through the line, making Bakugou realize he was brought in a three-way call.
"He picked up, Kami. He's awake." Kirishima said, a grin obvious through his words.
"Well excuse me, I'm still half asleep," Kaminari cleared his throat weakly, "so listen, I talked to Sero earlier because I called out today and he told me about a spa retreat by Mt. Fuji. Apparently, it's a small secluded resort but it's really good. They take pro-hero clients and have a private section for them so they won't be bothered by other guests."
Bakugou listened quietly, letting out a hum when Kaminari had paused for his reaction to let him know he was following along.
"Anyways, I called to tell Kiri finding out he called off too and asked if he wanted to come with me. Which of course, you're also invited, but I told Kiri you take work to seriously to even bother coming along-"
"I'll go."
"See? I told you, Kiri, he's a hardass-wait what?" Kaminari paused, realizing what Bakugou had said. "Really?"
"I can't fucking move, Sparky. If I could, I would be at your place by now beating your ass for that 'hardass' comment." Bakugou growled, raising his other hand slowly to rub at his eyes. A choked sound could be heard from Kaminari.
"Great! We're getting up now and leaving soon before the streets get busy. It's going to take an hour or so to get there and we're planning to stay overnight. Pack a bag Bakubro, we're taking a small vacation." Kirishima confirmed, relieved that they could get away from work for a while.
Bakugou grunted and hung up without another comment knowing one of them would send him the location details. He eased himself up in a sitting position trying to hold back the garbled groans crawling up his throat, his body screaming in pain. Forcing himself to pack a small overnight bag, Bakugou left his house on his way to the resort.
"We have three heroes arriving soon who will be staying overnight. (Y/n), you're going to be assigned to one of them." Your manager calls out to you from her office, seeing you pass by with a stack of towels.
"Okay!" You call back, hurrying to finish stacking the hot spring towels before getting ready to see your client. Meeting the hero clients always made you excited, no matter if they were a returning customer or not. Being assigned a hero meant that you were responsible for their massages and overall care during their stay at the spa, leaving them entirely in your care.
As thrilling as it was, you prayed for the day Ground Zero would come through the front doors in all his sinful glory. What can you say other than you've admired him for so long and to just be in his presence would be like heaven on earth. His muscles?! God took the time!
Placing the towels in the cabinet by the changing area, your mind drifts to the many thoughts you've had of him before shaking yourself out of your trance. That has to wait for later, right now I have to get ready for work. Just as you were walking back to the lobby, you heard commotion letting you know the guests were here.
Stepping back through the threshold, you pause in your humming seeing Ground Zero, Red Riot, and Chargebolt standing at the front desk, the two latter chatting excitedly. Wow, my mind. I called it. Manifestation baby.
"Ah! Perfect! (Y/n), come here please." The manager sees you standing in the doorway and motions you over but your eyes don't leave the pro-hero as his red irises flicker over to you. Gliding over to him, you swallow dryly, flustered already by his intense stare. "You will be assigned to Mr. Bakugou here," she motions to him gently, a wide smile on her face that screams: don't fuck this up.
Resisting the urge to roll your eyes, you throw a fake smile back and nod, watching her analyze the response before walking away in approval. Dropping the smile, you turn to Bakugou and bow shyly introducing yourself. "Welcome! I'm (Y/n), and I will be your personal masseuse during your stay." 
Straightening back up, you're about to show him to his room when a flash of yellow fills your vision. "We get personal masseuses?! Dude, I don't want to go back to work ever!" Chargebolt had been listening to your introduction as he was still waiting on his own assigned masseuse. Bakugou tsks, shoving him aside and you see him wince, his face screwing up in pain before slowly lowering his arm. Ouch.
"Let me show you to your room so you can go straight into the hot springs." Making sure he was following you, you lead him outside to a separate building the had executive suites. All of the separate hero buildings held their individual massage rooms within the bedroom which proved to be more convenient instead of having the heroes walk around.
You stood politely in the hallway as Bakugou opened his door and dropped his bag on the bed. "Do I need anything?" His deep voice carried over to you, making you swoon.
"No, but I need you in me like yesterday," you mumble softly, regretting ever wanting him to come here because he was becoming a major distraction.
"What?" Bakugou's eyes narrowed and for a second you thought he heard you but you played it off, flashing him a bright smile.
"No, There are towels already over there. Take as long as you want, I'll be in this room when you get back to give you a full body massage." Motioning to a door next to the entrance, you step into the bedroom and open it, revealing the large massage table and a counter filled with oils and lotions. The lighting was dimmed and a few unlit candles were placed throughout the room.
Bakugou grunted and lifted his shirt above his head, throwing the fabric on the bed. Seeing his sculpted chest suddenly revealed made your cheeks flush vibrantly as you turned away to avoid gaping at him. "Y-you don't have to do that here! There's a place for your clothes by the hot springs. We also provide robes so when you finished you can come back in that-"
A deep chuckled sounded from behind you making you jump. Bakugou walked past you to the door, a small smirk on his face, his back muscles flexing as they moved almost making you sigh out loud. "I'm teasing you."
With that, he left the room leaving you leaning against the wall for support as arousal flooded its way to your core.
Bakugou was gone for a while and you weren't surprised. After seeing him wince sharply in the lobby by such a simple movement, you don't doubt the hot water felt good on his sore muscles, easing some tension. Also, you knew he was close with Red Riot and Chargebolt so they probably met up and got to relax together, not something they could do often with all the hero work.
In the time Bakugou was gone, you set up your massage room and picked out all the necessary oils to use for when he comes back. You lit a few candles to the already dim light to make it more peaceful. By the time you heard the door open again, you were finished and walked back out to greet him.
What you didn't expect was to see him only wrapped in a towel around his waist, no robe in sight. Bakugou sees you walk out and smirks, flicking his damp hair out of his face. "Ready for me?"
The question makes you gulp as you nod, motioning inside the room, taking note of the huge bruise covering the left part of his chest. "Do you want your back done first or your front?" You ask, clearing your throat. It looks like Bakugou is thinking it over before turning and climbing on top of the soft covered table, laying on his stomach. He positions his head in the pillow and limply lays his arms next to his body.
You shuffle around a grab one of the oils you picked out which helps ease aches and pains, pouring some on your palms to warm it up. The scent of peppermint fills the air as you place your hands on Bakugou's back, his skin warm to the touch. Evenly coating his back at first, you begin to ease your thumbs into his muscles, starting slow so you don't hurt him.
A heavy groan falls from Bakugou's lips making your hands falter as they run slowly over his taut lats, moving down to his lower back and back up in the same movement. Feeling that he loosened up a bit, you roll your knuckles in between his shoulder blades, making another sharp intake of breath echo in the room.
You lost track of time, moving around the table while focusing on the most impressive form of human anatomy you've ever seen. The noises that escaped Bakugou whenever you hit a certain spot broke your concentration making you bite your lip. 
Strong shoulders bulged under your fingertips as you traced the outline of them, leading to his neck where you thumbs rubbed at the knots you found. From there you ran your thumbs along the length of his spine, making goosebumps appear on his arms.
Since you witnessed his pain earlier, you spent extra time on his back before moving on to his legs, massaging firm calves and up to where his towel ended. It landed just above his knees, which you were grateful for because your mind began to wander again.
You poured another oil on your hands when you got to his arms, knowing these might hurt a lot too because of his quirk. Pouring some lavender oil on your palms, you smooth it over his arms, massaging them gently as you worked your way down to his fingers, his natural body heat making you hot with the added candles in the room.
"Okay, you can turn over now." You whisper out in case he had fallen asleep. However, Bakugou shifted and limply rolled over, adjusting himself to get comfortable. You could tell he was relaxed by the way his body seemed heavy from moving. 
Seeing the bruise again made your breath catch as you grabbed some frankincense oil, specifically applying it to that one spot, rubbing it in gently instead of massaging it. Finishing the left side of his chest you pick up more peppermint oil and focus on his lower abdomen, his abs flexing constantly beneath your hands.
Deep in thought, the sudden upward thrust of his hips brought you back to reality. You had just brushed your thumbs along his waist, massaging his sides when a moan was caught in his throat. "Sorry, did that hurt?" You pull back a little bit, only to notice a tent in his towel. Mortified, you glance up at Bakugou seeing a light flush covering his face as he avoided your eyes.
Something about seeing one of the top heroes flustered underneath you sent a wave of confidence through your veins. "This isn't that type of spa Mr. Ground Zero," you mock whisper, going back to massaging his sides and up the right side of his chest.
"Fuck if it is, it's your fault." Bakugou's raspy response sent shivers down your spine. His hand reaches up and grabs your wrist bringing down just above his towel. Your fingers twitch in his hand as he brushes them against his clothed member making him smirk. "Teasing me with touches like that, look, you know you want too."
With his other hand, Bakugou undoes the side of the towel, the fabric now loose on his lap. He lets go of your wrist, placing his arm behind his head to prop himself up. You saw the lustful challenge in his eyes, no longer embarrassed by the situation. The cockiness in his expression stirred something within you, butterflies erupting in his stomach.
Meeting his gaze with a fake-innocent look of your own, you pull the ends of the towel eyes widening at the sight of his cock. Long and perfectly shaped, it curves up towards his stomach, a few veins running along the shaft. A gasp left your lips, eyes lowering as you hand grazed the underside of his cock, making it twitch slightly.
"Fuck." Bakugou's hips jerked again as your oiled hand wrapped around him stroking him lightly. The weight of him in your hand further encouraging you to rub along his length. Heavy pants and groans filled the room, making your thighs squeeze together for relief. 
"You're so stiff, Bakugou," you tease. Trailing your hand up, you run your palm over the head of his cock, this time drawing a growl out of him the sound making you moan softly. His free hand closest to you reaches out and smacks your ass, making you bend over in shock, your face directly in front of his cock.
"Hah-I bet your pussy is dripping right now feeling me up like this. Wouldn't that oil just make everything so much better?" The suggestive words drip from his mouth in taunts making you pull your hand back. The many thoughts you had of being fucked by Ground Zero in his strong arms now coming true, sent pulses of heat throughout your body.
Bakugou was about to retort another comment until he saw you stripping out of your clothes, his hand moving to grip his member stroking himself as your breasts were revealed. He followed your hand lower, as the took off your pants as well, leaving you panties on. 
Not being able to wait, you climb on the table, you straddle his hips as he pulls your panties to the side teasing the head of his cock along your slit making a low whine escape your lips.
"Please, Bakugou," you moan out, not caring if anyone heard. The slick movements along your slit stopped as Bakguou aligned himself with your pussy, his cock easily going in. Gasping at the feeling of being stretched out, your eyes meet Bakugou's as he bottomed out inside you.
"I haven't had such a good pussy in so long time...massaging me like that. You are good at this." Bakugou grips your hips tight, his hips starting with slow shallow thrusts before becoming more erratic. Your hand flies back to grip his thighs for support, meeting his thrusts with your own as the tip of cock kisses your cervix sending you into a quick orgasm, clenching around him tightly.
His thumb suddenly lands on your clit, making you cry out again tightening around him, as he prolongs your orgasm. A loud growl rips from his throat, his hips stuttering before stopping inside you, filling you up with cum.
Loud pants filled the room as the two of you caught your breath. Bakugou's eyes were closed and the sudden realization of what just happened washed over you. "I'm so going to get fired." You whine, moving to get off one of the top pro-heroes in the world and do the walk of shame, only to have Bakugou tighten his grip.
"You're not going anywhere and I'm not done with my massage, (Y/n)." Bakugou reached over and poured some peppermint oil on his hands bringing them up to massage your breasts. "I'm staying the night at this damn resort so you better make it worth my while."
"I just gave you a happy ending." Pouting at the arrogant tone coming from him, you gasp sharply as your nipple was pinched.
"Oh this isn't the end, babygirl. I'm still a little 'stiff.'"
For the rest of Bakugou's time at the resort, he made sure you tended to all his needs and you made sure you met them, relieving his soreness and pent up tension. By the time morning came, you woke up alone to an empty bed a single note left to you from Bakugou himself.
'I'm usually don't do this so ignore how shitty this sounds. Thanks for the service, my back feels better today as well as other things...Call me when you get the chance, I'll show you around Tokyo sometime. xxx-xxx-xxxx B.K.'
Feeling sore, you roll over at the irony and make a mental note to text him later. Closing your eyes as another wave of tiredness comes over you, the thought of being official with a pro-hero crossed your mind, your heart skipping a beat. Maybe there are more happy endings to come. You giggled softly at your own joke before falling into a deep sleep.
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More Stuff from Betrayer
[While on the topic, I want to show the various humans out there a very interesting scene out of Betrayer.
Two, technically, but one that's a bit longer than the other. Image IDs will be provided at the end of the post, cause there's going to be a LOT.
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Some interesting insights into how Lorgar views Chaos and a bit about the Emperor as well. I always find this scene to be fascinating, especially since he's borrowed the astropathic choir of the Conquerer to listen to worlds dying across Ultramar while he muses on this.
And then there's when Angron walks up.
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Some interesting, albeit a bit morbid, banter between brothers. I do like how Angron even greets Lorgar on the way in, and Lorgar is just standing there stunned. The insights into how Angron views the Devourers is also neat, and it is to be expected at this point. Lorgar trying to argue for them and trying to get Angron to stop ignoring them outright is another neat touch.
The two begin talking of Ultramar, and Lorgar reveals that Nuceria is going to be the capstone for his ritual. Angron asks why, and the following is said:
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I like this passage for a few reasons. Firstly, how Angron "dreams" has always been something of interest to me. Because I doubt he ever really gets much rest and respite. Here we get some insight into this, although this also was already expressed a bit earlier. This passage also leads into Angron's recollection of the Night of the Wolf, but I wanted to focus on this.
Lorgar and Angron's "bond" is something that's always intrigued me. It definitely feels more one-sided, with Lorgar seeking for brotherhood that isn't really there, but there are a few moments to make it feel a bit more genuine. However, there is still something missing from these interactions. I can't really describe it other than a barrier between two primarchs who will never see eye-to-eye. Lorgar does, to his credit, try to be understanding and patient throughout, but I can also definitely feel his annoyance coming through at certain places.
In a way, I can almost feel a similar sort of vibe to how Magnus interacts with some of his brothers. Namely with Perturabo in one of the opening chapters of his primarch novel. However, the bond between those two is still very different from the one Angron has with Lorgar; those two actually do have a deep connection, while these two don't. There's a misunderstanding and underestimation coming from both sides in certain aspects; Lorgar in almost sounding condescending to Angron, and Angron still thinking Lorgar a weakling.
TL;DR, Betrayer good.
Image IDs below the cut:
Image ID 1 & 2: A scene from Betrayer where Lorgar is standing and listening to worlds burn. It reads:
Serving as conductor for an astrological orchestra was more taxing than he’d dreamed, though his blunter, more militant brothers would struggle to grasp the finer points of his efforts. Exhaustion left him wondering, even if only briefly, whether absolute peace would create a stellar song as divinely inspired as absolute war. Fate had played its hand and Chaos was destined to swallow all creation whether or not Horus and Lorgar raged against the Imperial war machine, but if what if they’d stayed loyal to the Emperor? What then? Would the Great Crusade have shaped a serene funeral dirge, to play behind the veil as humanity died in a defenceless harrowing?
Therein lay the fatal flaw. The Emperor’s way was compliance, not peace. The two were as repellent to one another as opposing lodestones. It didn’t matter what enlightenment the Imperium stamped out in its conquering crusade when obedience was all its lords desired. It didn’t matter what wars were fought from now into eternity. The Legiones Astartes would always march, for they were born to do so. There would always be war; even if the Great Crusade had been allowed to reach the galaxy’s every edge, there would never be peace. Discontent would seethe. Populations would rebel. Worlds would rise up. Human nature eventually sent men and women questing for the truth, and tyrants always fell to the truth.
No peace. Only war.
Lorgar felt his blood run cold. Only war. Those were words to echo into eternity.
He didn’t trust the Ten Thousand Futures the way Erebus claimed to. Too many possibilities forked from every decision made by every living thing. What use was prophecy when all it offered was what might happen? Lorgar was not so devoid of imagination that he needed the warp’s twisting guesswork to show him that. Anyone with an iota of vision could imagine what might happen. Genius lay in engineering events according to one’s own goals, not in blindly heeding the laughter of mad gods.
More than that, Lorgar sought to keep one thing in mind above all else. The gods were powerful, without doubt, but they were fickle beings. Each worked against its own kin more often than not, spilling conflicting prophecies into their prophets’ minds. Perhaps they weren’t even sentient in the way a mortal mind could encompass. They seemed as much the manifestations of primal emotion as they did individual essences.
But no, there was a wide gulf between hearing them and heeding them. Gods lied, just like men. Gods deceived and clashed and sought to advance their own dominions over their rivals’. Lorgar trusted none of their prophecies.
Image ID 3-5: A series of screenshots from Betrayer. Angron comes into the scene. It reads:
Angron entered the basilica, armoured in his usual stylised bronze and ceramite and with two oversized chainswords strapped to his back. He even wasted time with a greeting, raising his hand in the first time Lorgar could ever remember such a gesture from his broken brother. The Word Bearer tried not to let his amazement show at his brother’s new consideration.
‘Lotara says you stole her astropathic choir.’ Angron’s lipless smile was a ghastly thing indeed. ‘I see that she may have been correct.’
‘Stole is a strong word. “Appropriated” seems much less ignoble.’ Lorgar spared a glance for the skies above the cathedral, as the Lex ripped onwards towards Nuceria.
‘What do you need them for?’ Angron asked. His wounds from being buried alive had already faded to scrunched scar tissue pebbling his flesh, just another host of scarring to overlay the last.
The Devourers lurked behind him, stomping into the cathedral without the primarch sparing them a glance. To be one of Angron’s bodyguards was no honour, despite how fiercely the World Eaters’ champions had fought for it in the first, optimistic years. Angron ignored them no matter where they went, never once fighting alongside them in battle. In their Terminator plate, they’d never managed to keep up with their liege lord, and they were as prone to losing control as any other World Eater, meaning any hope of them fighting as an organised pack was a forlorn one at best.
Lorgar watched the Devourers – those warriors who’d spent a century learning to swallow their pride and pretend they weren’t ignored – speaking amongst themselves at the basilica’s entrance.
‘Hail,’ he greeted them. They seemed uneasy at being addressed, offering hesitant and wordless bows.
Angron snorted at his brother acknowledging them. ‘Bodyguards,’ he said. ‘Even their name annoys me. “Devourers”, as if I’d named them myself – as if they were the Legion’s finest.’
‘Their intentions are pure,’ Lorgar pointed out. ‘They seek to honour you. It’s not their fault you leave them behind in every battle.’
‘They’re not even the Legion’s fiercest fighters, any more. That rogue Delvarus refuses to challenge for a place in their ranks. Khârn laughed when I asked him if he’d ever considered it. And do you know Bloodspitter?’
‘I know Bloodspitter,’ Lorgar replied. Everyone knew Bloodspitter.
‘He beat one of them in the pits, and carved his name into the poor bastard’s armour with a combat knife.’
Lorgar forced a smile. ‘Yes. Delightful.’
Angron’s face wrenched again, at the mercy of misfiring muscles. ‘What primarch ever needed guarding by lesser men?’
‘Ferrus,’ Lorgar said softly. ‘Vulkan.’
Angron laughed, the sound rich and true, yet harsh as a bitter wind. ‘It’s good to hear you joke about those weaklings. I was getting bored of you mourning them.’
It was no joke, but Lorgar had no desire to shatter his brother’s fragile good humour. ‘I only mourn the dead,’ Lorgar conceded. ‘I don’t mourn Vulkan.’
‘He’s as good as dead.’ The World Eater smiled again. ‘I’m sure he wishes he were. Now, what are you doing with Lotara’s choir?’
‘Listening to them sing of other worlds and other wars.’
Angron stared, unimpressed. ‘Specifics,’ he said, ‘while I have the patience to hear such details.’
‘Just listen,’ Lorgar replied.
Angron did as he was bid. After a minute or more had passed, he nodded once. ‘You’re listening to the Five Hundred Worlds burning.’
‘Something like that. These are the voices of the freshly dead, and those soon to join them. The mortis-moments of random souls, elsewhere in Ultramar, as our fleets ravage their worlds.’
‘Morbid, priest. Even for you.’
‘We’re inflicting this destruction on them. We mustn’t consider ourselves distant from it. It may not be our hands holding the bolters and blades, but we are still the architects of this annihilation. It’s our place to listen to it, to remember the martyred dead, and to meditate on all we’ve wrought.’
‘I wish you well with it,’ said Angron. ‘But why steal Lotara’s choir? What happened to yours?’
‘They died.’
It was Angron’s turn to be surprised. ‘How did they die?’
‘Screaming.’ Lorgar showed no emotion at all. ‘What brings you here, brother?’
Image ID 6 & 7: Two screenshots from later in the previous scene, when Angron asks 'Why Nuceria?'. It reads:
‘The metaphysics are complicated,’ said Lorgar.
That had Angron growling. ‘I may not have wasted days in debate with you and Magnus inside our father’s Palace, but the Nails haven’t left me an absolute fool. I asked the question, Lorgar. You answer it. And do so without lying, if you can manage such a feat.’
The Word Bearer met his brother’s eyes, and the rarely-seen palette of emotions within their depths. Pain was there in abundance, but so was the frustration of living with a misfiring mind, and the savagery that transcended anger itself. Angron was a creature that had come to make his hatred a blade to be used in battle. He’d weaponised his own emotions, where most living beings were slaves to theirs. Lorgar couldn’t help but admire the strength in that.
‘We’re going to Nuceria,’ he said, ‘because of you. Because of the Nails.’
Angron stared, and his silence beckoned for his brother to continue.
‘They’re killing you,’ Lorgar admitted. ‘Faster than I thought. Faster than anyone realised. The rate of degeneration has accelerated even in the last few months. Your implants were never designed for a primarch’s brain matter. Your physiology is trying to heal the damage as the Nails bite deeper, but it’s a game of pushing and pulling, with both sides evenly matched.’
Angron took this with an impassive shrug. ‘Guesswork.’
‘I can see souls and hear the music of creation,’ Lorgar smiled. ‘In comparison, this is nothing. The Twelfth Legion’s archives are comprehensive enough, you know. Your behaviour tells the rest of the tale, along with the pain I sense radiating from you each and every time we meet. Your entire brain is remapped and rewired, slaved to the implants’ impulses. Tell me, when was the last time you dreamed?’
‘I don’t dream.’ The answer was immediate, almost fiercely fast. ‘I’ve never dreamed.’
Lorgar’s gentle eyes caught the warp’s kaleidoscopic light as he tilted his head. ‘Now you’re lying, brother.’
‘It’s no lie.’ Angron’s thick fingers twitched and curled, closing around the ghosts of weapons. ‘The Nails scarcely let me sleep. How would I dream?’
Lorgar didn’t miss the rising tension in his brother’s body language – the veins in his temples rising from scarred skin, the feral hunch of the shoulders, no different from a hunting cat drawing into a crouch before it struck.
‘You once told me the Nails stole your slumber,’ Lorgar conceded, ‘but you also said they let you dream.’
Angron took a step closer. He started to say ‘I meant…’ but Lorgar’s earthy glare stopped him cold.
‘They give you a serenity and peace you can find nowhere else. Humans, legionaries, primarchs… everything alive must sleep, must rest, must allow its brain a period of respite. The remapping of your mind denies you this. You don’t dream with your eyes closed. You dream with your eyes open, chasing the rush of whatever peace the Nails can give you.’ Lorgar met Angron’s eyes again. ‘Don’t insult us both by denying it. You slaver and murmur when you kill, mumbling about chasing serenity and how close it feels. I’ve heard you. I’ve looked into your heart and soul when you’re lost to the Nails. Your sons, with their crude copies of your implants, have their minds rewritten to feel joy only in adrenaline’s kiss. Those lesser implants cause pain because they scrape the nerves raw, thus your World Eaters kill because it gladdens their reforged hearts, and ceases the pain knifing into their muscles. Your Butcher’s Nails are a more sinister and predatory design, ruining all cognition, stealing any peace. They are killing you, gladiator. And you ask why I’m taking you back to Nuceria? Is it not obvious?’
End Image ID.]
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