#and like buddy if id been 16 id already have a leg over
hypnoidvoid · 5 years
UhHhHHH platonic or romantic stozier finding a hurt bird on a bike ride
A/N: Okay so this deadass turned into a oneshot. Stozier is my fuckin’ brotp so here I come with the FEELS. Also, for those of you that read my Reddie fic Key to the Jungle, I wrote this to be an additional out of storyline excerpt/blippet of the highschool versions of Stan and Richie in their junior year. Ecologist!Richie and Ornithologist!Stan are best friends and have been forever and now I’m crying, thank you and have a kickass day. I love adding on to this universe.
[Title: Neapolitan Bird Bath]
[Friday, April 16, 2010]
The sun, as much life as it nourished with its light and warmth, disappeared behind thick clouds as only a disfigured apparition. Rays reflected, yearned to bust through, but could only try its best to light the naturally shadowed town of Derry, Maine.
Rain collided with the glass from outside of the classroom. It pounded hard, making music of its own along with the monotone voice of their AP biology teacher lecturing about the differences in photosystems. Richie half listened, and half paid attention to different couplets of raindrops, making bets in his head as to which one would run faster down the glass. The one he always bet on seemed to be the losing raindrop unfortunately; good thing he didn’t wager any money. It was also a good thing he sat pretty far back in the classroom, otherwise the teacher may have heard his quietted hums of the Speed Racer theme song.
Richie knew every detail the teacher was talking about. Transcription blah blah, NADPH+ blah fucking blah, cytochrome this electron flow that, more blah blah. Not even with cockiness, he just already knew the information from reading as much as he did. He’d probably be able to teach the material better than the teacher, even at seventeen years of age.
“Why the fuck would they keep it photosystem I, if photosystem II comes first. Just rename that shit,” Richie whispered with annoyance after leaning into Stan’s ear, who sat in front of him.
Instead of verbally responding, Stan tore a piece of paper out of his spiralled notebook and wrote in masterful cursive ‘to make us miserable’, and indiscreetly passed it to Richie behind his back.
Richie took the pencil resting atop his ear, twirled it twice in his fingers and scribbled back, ‘must have been the same dude that took Pluto away from us. i fucking miss Pluto’.
Stan snorted, and wrote ‘don’t we all’.
Doodling a frightening sad face next to Stan’s response, he continued on the next line, ‘id rather die than have to spend more time listening to this george bush lookin motherfucker. me tHinKs we know more than he does’.
Stan admitted in his delicate text, ‘even you probably have more brain cells than he does’.
Richie muffled a snigger, writing back ‘you wrote that on paper staniel, im going to get it published. you dun fucked up’.
In big, bubble letters where he used a yellow highlighter to perfectly color in the lines, Stan admired his work that depicted ‘FUCK YOU’.
As he passed the piece of paper back to Richie, their teacher became aware of their note passing. He scowled, clipped his lazer pointer pen back into the stained pocket of his button up shirt, and slowly stomped towards the two.
“Boys, would you like to share with the rest of the class? These notes must be much more important than paying attention to my lecture.”
Nervously speaking up, Stan panicked, “It was about homework, sir.”
Looking between Stan’s jittery composure and Richie’s smug smile, he was unconvinced by the lie.
“Is that so gentlemen. Well let me see then, hand it over-”
Richie quickly crumpled and shoved the scrap piece of paper into his mouth. The class burst into laughter, as well as Stan. He chewed the awful tasting inked paper quickly and swallowed, bearing a guiltless smile at the teacher without another word. That infamous, toothy, Tozier smile flashed that his father also sported on occasion.
The teacher pinched the bridge of his nose and wagged a reprimanding finger in Richie’s face, “You’re lucky you have the highest grade in the class, Tozier. Another stunt like that and it’s detention,” then craned his neck to meet Stan’s anxious gaze, “You too, Mr. Uris.”
“You got it, teach’a man,” and Richie used two fingers to salute him. Exhaustedly rolling his eyes, the teacher returned to the front of the class and lectured for the remainder of the period, which was only about fifteen minutes. Before the bell signalled dismissal into the weekend, all of the students were promptly packed and itching to flee the classroom. They sat on the edges of their seats buzzing with excitement.
“Don’t forget to read chapters seven through-” But the teacher’s demands were drowned out by shuffling feet and giddied shrieks as the class stormed out into the swollen mist of rain.  
Swinging his patched backpack over one shoulder, Richie threw the hood of his rain jacket over his head and turned to Stan on their way out with a devilish grin, “You’re welcome.”
Stan blankly positioned his folded bag over the front of his body, “Yeah, okay. Deal’s a deal, what flavor you want this time?”
Richie looked into the sky letting droplets hit his freckled face, and pondered for a moment, “Neapolitan.”
“Neapolitan it is then.”
“With sprinkles. And fudge. And Oreo bits.”
“Don’t push your luck,” Stan chided, briskly shoving Richie’s shoulder. They unlatched their bikes that had been chained next to each other from the bike rack and peddled south of town.
They had this agreement that if one of them ever got the other, or both, out of trouble (detention, arrested, whatever) then they owed a serving of ice cream. It’s a simple enough compromise. Stan religiously ordered butter pecan, but Richie’s choice was always a gamble. Detention was a waste of fucking time, even for Richie who had spent more than enough hours there, and if they could avoid sitting in silence without doing anything for god knows how long, they rewarded each other. It’s what best friends did.
Pumping hard with his feet, Richie swiveled up on his bike alongside Stan and exclaimed, “Did you know kangaroos have two uteruses?”
Stan chuckled and shook the rain off of the top of his curls with a jolt, “You reading animal porn now?”
“The males even have two dicks to match, can ya believe that? Nature is fuckin’ craz-”
Stan abruptly yanked the brakes of his bike with enough force to slide and create a minor tire mark in the middle of the street, where Richie shut his trap and followed Stan’s lead. He was wildly confused, but mirrored him nonetheless, for Stan always had reason behind his actions. Always. Richie would never admit, but he believed Stan to be wise beyond his years, and when Stan did something unusual it was best to pay attention. Richie was smart, brilliant even, but Stan possessed a superpower of intuitive awareness.  
Face stern and focused with calculation, Stan tipped his hooded head in different directions to pick up on a sound Richie failed to initially acknowledge. All Richie heard was rain.
He pushed midnight curls aside to frame his thick glasses, “Stan?”
Pressing a strict finger to his lips, Stan shot him sharp eyes, “Shhhhh.” They listened.
Then he heard it. Little chirps echoed off of the asphalt; a peculiar place for bird noises to be coming from, especially during a storm of this severity. How Stan was able to pick up on the muted cries flashing by on a bicycle astonished Richie. It was indeed a superpower.
Zeroing in on the location of the bird, Stan hopped off his bike and propped it gently against a tree to stay upright. Richie carelessly threw his bike down on the soaked grass lining the sidewalk.
“That’s a black-capped chickadee. A distress call,” Stan informed with concern, Richie trailing close behind.
Stan strutted to a close American elm tree, scaled his eyes up the trunk, and saw a nest. It didn’t titter, make noise, it only rustled with the passing winds of the storm under its protective canopy of leaves. He circles the tree’s trunk and on the other side, in the unmowed grass, a petit bird hobbled, desperately alerting for help.
Richie’s expression was one of bewilderment, “Holy shit, how’d you-”
Bringing his knees to the ground without care of getting grass stains on his khakis, Stan expertly picked the chick up and evaluated it. He stretched out its wings, made sure there was a healthy pulse, and strategically bent certain limbs to check for breaks. Richie just watched with magnified eyes.
Grunting, Stan seemed to have found his answer, “Rich, got anything hard and flat?”
As much as Richie wanted to make a disastrous joke, he refrained.
With Stan gingerly holding the young chickadee’s foot cradled in his palm, Richie innately understood his inquiry. Chucking off his backpack, Richie found a popsicle stick that he had neglected to throw away days ago and snapped it in thirds. He offered a piece of it to Stan’s free hand.
Stan continued, “Get the bandaids out of the front button in my bag too.”
The chickadee had a broken foot. It was nearly shattered from presumably falling out of the tree, needing adjustment and splinting to heal properly. Correcting the bird’s mangled digits, Stan flattened out its foot (even though it nipped his hands and drew blood in places), and used the bandaids to wrap the appendage atop the piece of popsicle stick to keep it straight. While the bird seemed angry with him in the process, it eventually relaxed, and cooed chirps of comfort rather than distress as it was being wrapped. It realized it was being helped and not under siege by a predator. This was a friend.
Richie admiringly observed, sitting cross-legged next to his best friend with a warm smile, “That was amazing, buddy. You’re going to make a great ornithologist some day. I know it.”
Stan only responded with a creviced, dimpled smile. He shed the sweater under his raincoat and made a ‘nest’ in his bag to transfer the chickadee safely. Instead of heading for the ice cream parlor, they rode their bikes back to Richie’s house to care for the young bird and make it a temporary home until it was healthy enough to release back into the wild.
Ice cream could always wait.
Tags (for Key to the Jungle): 
@noahschnapp @speakslowtellmelove @richiefuckfacetozier@notsugarandspice @ellomello16 @neonohe @chairsocks @was-i-even-reddie@addimagination @guacfinn @skeletonscribbles @reddies-spaghetti@iamworried7 @reddietogiveup @yes-dillman-yes @jazzydork @liliemm @notfergusmom @beepbeepdickie @kaspwitch @im-alover @youtubequeens@spotted-plant @loser-hobbs @eds-kas @tozier-boy @thatgazebobullshit@honeybeehanlon @richietoaster @edstozler @bitchbrak
@edstozler @kaspbrak-eddie @noahschnapp @richiefuckfacetozier @reddies-spaghetti @tozier-boy @eds-kas @thatgazebobullshit @honeybeehanlon @constantreaderfool @reddie-for-anything @s-tanleyuris
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bloomvroom · 3 years
vent poetry
anger issue stuff/vindictive fantasies due to cptsd regarding abuser
trigger warning for violence & gore I guess _ Youve been hanging around for a while now, its been some years since you raped me Its been some years since you begged me not to leave you since you asked me “Do you really want to throw all we are away over this?” right in the same day that you raped me
And I hoped id never see your face again after I cut you out of my life and I tried to heal but you wouldnt leave me alone Dragged you inside my mind to school cuz you stalked me outside my house always in presence, moved on my fucking street and you dont like letting go of me And you tore into my family, but yknow they already hated me cuz they didnt wanna believe my dad sexually abused me they already desperately wanted to call me a liar for sure, all to keep their blissfull facade of things being all fine, they just couldnt bring it over themselves to call a 13 year old little girl a liar right back when I cut my dad out of my life too cuz he tried to fucking rape me that one weekend in his new flat after mom left him Yeah youve been the chance they waited for, if it happened more than once, surely the girl is fucking lying right? You gave them the push they needed so they finally could set themselves free from pretending like they give a damn, so they called 16 year old me a liar, oh and you told them you raped me on accident, oh but like theyd have prefered it if you had that left part out but they made do with what you gave, I did some sorta roleplays with you, so you couldnt differniate, right? Doesnt matter that they never asked for my version of the events, or that you raped me out of nowhere, no sexual activity prior to it at all, no roleplay, nothing at all, they took it from there and came up with more excuses to explain away how obviously traumatized I am, my aunts husband said my mom didnt stop me from watching violent manga porn in my childhood and thats why im so fucked up now, I have no fucking clue where he got that from, for sure, but its quite of concerning that he knew I saw that sort of media in my childhood, but for real, my dad was the one actively telling me to go look up this sort of porn, after hes been showing me lolicon anime cuz he tried to groom me with it, after he instructed me to masturbate to hentai cuz he liked watching me, ah but whatever, they dont care abt that, do they?
Cuz they only care about the way youve came into their life and gave them the blessing of finally getting to call me a liar out loud, oh youve given them what they wanted, youre so buddy buddy now, and they never wanted to question how fucking creepy it is for a guy to actively befriend the family of a girl that has claimed shes been raped by the guy, how fucking weird it is that this girl went to a lawyer to get help cuz the guys been stalking her, and how they might be part of that stalking too, oh but why would ever question anything? anyhow? why would they?
They even let you move in with them, yeah why would the guy that shes accused of having raped her and stalking her wanna move in with her family after shes refused any sort of contact with him no matter how much he pushed for it? What kind of guy would do this knowing its gonna hurt her? its gonna devastate her? Yeah, what sort of powerhungry guy would - hey what again is rape most of the time motivated by? A hunger for power? A thirst for control? Mh, I wonder - I wonder how long you can hold your breath wasting your life creeping on me, over your inability to get over that I had the audacity to leave your ass after you raped me, thinking that id just move on and not leave u for it, oh for someone that obsessed about me for such a long time its like you barely even knew me,
And I know I should feel like crying when I think of it but all I feel is the shivering in my arms and legs from the adrenaline, and the waves of rage and violent urges that wash over me when I remember what the world let you get away with, when I remember my pathetic family and their farce when I remember how much of a dissapointment youve turned out to be, You should have really known so much fucking better than that, your own mother liked to get to close to you for comfort in your own childhood, you know what it feels like to be preyed on, yet you continued the cycle of abuse its pathetic, cuz I trusted you so much, trusted you in a world where barely anybody understands what its like if a parent sexually abuses you as a child, and you knew what its like, cuz it happened to you too, I trusted you to want to be better than that, I trusted that you wanted to heal and recover just like me, but boy was I wrong
You acted out on me, got triggered for sure, but you cant heal from what you refuse to see yourself as victimized of, you never liked accepting that what your mom did to you is really that bad, you held me so tightly and told me youd never let me go now that you know that I wont judge you for what youve been through, you cried in my arms that day, when we still were a couple, and you said somewhere you know what your mom did really counted as sexual abuse but you just cant let go of the illusion that she loves you, cant let go of the illusion that it wasnt even that bad, that it didnt count cuz only women can get victimized but that it feels so good to finally get to feel vulnerable, and youd never let go of me, and you do everything to make sure what happened to me never repeats
few months later you raped me’ and now youre crying out loud for gods sake just leave me the fuck alone, I cant cope with the amount of urges to murder you I get, but sadly enough I know thats sorta what youre getting at here, I know deep inside you just hope I snap and kill you cuz you cant get what you did out of you, cant get what she did to you out of you and now youre turning it around on me, and you hate me so vehemently hate me for leaving you, hate me for having been kind to you before, yeah, hate me cuz you cant have me, hate me cause you hate yourself, hate me cause youd like to end your miserable life cuz you know you cant take back what you did, well ive no sympathy for you You can beg, and you can threaten and all I do is fantasize about gutting you like a fish, I wanna cut the skin on your back open and unfold it so you can be the angel youve always wanted to be, I wanna stitch that lying mouth of yours shut, I wanna break all your fingers so you regret having ever touched me with them in those ways, I want to step on your body as its bleeding out, I wanna crush your bones with heavy shoes, I wanna hear you break like you tried to break me that day, I wanna stuff your throat full of white feathers so you can know what it felt like to be called “purity in person” too, try coughing up how you really feel, Id like to see you try, put you on a pedastal like you put me with a noose round your neck so you can know how graceful this fall is’
Purity isnt something you can steal, you shouldnt have tried to from me, Purity is something thats not as real as people pretend it is, the childhood innocence you miss, you should admit to why you feel that way, but im out of patience to give advice, youll only obsess over, like you used to, Im saying it now, the only fantasies ive got with you anymore are those in which I torture and kill you for every day you overstayed, for every day you sabotaged me and my life, when you came into my life, and when you left me bruised and more broken than ive ever been before, sabotaged the way I tried to go to school and graduate, stalking me like you did, I tried my best to succeed in life even as you kept trying to drag me down, I kept going anyway, and I did good in my own way, I kept going slower, slower, slower, but I still went my way you could slow me down, but you could never get me to stop never get me to give up, This is one hell of a sick game youve been playing with me, why cant you just accept it? You raped me and theres no second chance after that, You can deny it, try to act like you didnt, but I know you hate yourself for it, dont make it my issue, it makes me so sick when you think I could ever feel anything more for you at this point, more than the urge to grab a knife and slice your throat just to finally put an end to this, an end to this you and me havent been a thing since we’ve been sixteen, but you feel me with such violent shine when my mind goes dark cuz youve been trying to trap me in my own room full of fear cuz you keep reminding me of the way you raped me, oh and I feel like a tiger in a cage, like a tiger in a cage and im about to rip you open with my teeth, But theyd never understand the amount of damage youve dealt to me, would they? Id be the “bad one” So why dont you do me a favour and just kill yourself? You keep clinging to a possible future you had envisioned with me, but I never agreed to that, I always told you if you do something that hurts me, ill leave ya’ and you didnt even think id really do it, I promised you to stay with you for life unless you do something thatll hurt me real bad, you promised you never would, looks like you broke our promise and yet your the one crying out loud feeling the need to make me feel just how angry you are cuz I had the audacity not to stay in an relationship with my rapist
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doggonneit · 6 years
The Last Red Scribble | Part 2/2
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Pairing/Characters: Kuroo/Tsukishima, Shimizu
Rating: T for Teen
Warnings: Abortion reference
A.N. This is the final part of the KuroTsuki Gift Exchange 2017, written for @moonislander on Tumblr. Hope you enjoy!
Italics is Tsukishima. Bold is Kuroo.
[Read on AO3]
Tuesday PM
(11:02) so i might be dumb
(11:05) If you have the mental capacity to figure that out, you paradoxically can’t be that dumb.
(11:06) i might not play in the match on thurs (11:06) i punched a guy
(11:07) Why the fuck would you do that.
(11:08) im a rational guy (11:08) but when things happen (11:09) they happen
(11:10) I changed my mind. (11:10) I’m not letting Tobio anywhere near you. You are the worst role model for him.
(11:10) hear me out (11:11) its good i swear
(11:12) …
(11:12) so at practice this newbie kept staring at akaashi (11:12) creepy but harmless (11:12) but then the dudes hand started wandering (11:13) so i socked him in the jaw (11:13) gotta keep the bros boyfriend safe right
(11:15) I’m sure Akaashi appreciates it.
(11:16) nah but bokuto did lololol
(11:16) The question is, how many laps did your coach make you run?
(11:17) dude i ran till i hurled (11:17) make me feel better? (11:17) *sad face emoji*
(11:20) The newly discovered dinosaur fossils in China have changed the way scientists understand the evolution of feathers.
(11:22) huh (11:22) not quite what i had in mind but cool
(11:23) It’s my job.
(11:23) youre a geneticist who collects dino dna from amber (11:23) YOURE GOING TO BRING THEM BACK
(11:23) I’m a research assistant.
(11:24) doesnt mean you dont know how
(11:24) Amber DNA is too deteriorated for any type of resurrection.
(11:24) but if you could (11:25) would you
(11:25) Yes.
(11:26) million dollar question which dino though
(11:27) Velociraptor, duh.
(11:27) not a t rex?
(11:28) T-rexes were lumpy potatoes with useless arms. (11:28) Velociraptors had claws on their hind legs for disembowelling prey. (11:28) You tell me which one’s superior.
(11:29) youre so fired up its great (11:29) keep talking dinos to me
(11:31) I would but I have articles to type up before tomorrow.
(11:31) what an aDULTY ADULT (11:31) doing his JOB AND HAVING PROSPECTS
(11:33) Do you mock young and successful people because it temporarily alleviates the worthlessness you feel on a daily basis?
(11:35) savage af
(11:35) :))))
(11:35) i never shouldve went to uni (11:36) dietetics then sports med? (11:36) regret tastes like ash in my mouth (11:36) fucking murder me
(11:37) That was very poetic.
(11:38) you like poetry?
(11:38) I don’t mind it.
(11:39) hypothetically (11:39) could bad poetry seduce you
(11:40) Hypothetically (11:40) No.
(11:40) damn
(11:41) I bet you’re the type of person to fall for sappy crap like that.
(11:41) damn right (11:41) in elementary school a girl wrote me a poem (11:42) we dated all the way from recess to lunch
(11:43) Your longest relationship, huh?
(11:44) all from a shitty roses are red poem (11:44) i bet you can do better (11:45) seduce me o seductive seducer
(11:47) Congratulations, I have literally never been less turned off in my entire life.
(11:48) to reiterate (11:48) 1. i am dumb (11:48) 2. regret tastes like ash in my mouth
(11:49) Mmm. (11:50) You know what else tastes like ash? (11:51) *image attached*
(11:53) oh baby (11:54) you could never taste like regret (11:54) now take that cigarette out of your mouth
(11:54) Yes, daddy.
(11:55) hjlfkllkkl (11:56) okay i need you to stop fucking with me its bad for my heart
(11:56) :)))))
Wednesday PM
(8:13) tsukki you cant just do that
(8:14) Do what?
(8:14) i almost rolled into an early grave
(8:14) I have no idea what you’re talking about.
(8:14) do you know what its like to turn around and see the brightest blueberry eyes in the entire universe
(8:15) Oh, you mean Akiteru taking Tobio to the recreation centre?
(8:16) Tobio said he had a lot of fun. (8:16) I’ve never seen him so animated before.
(8:17) your son is adorable (8:17) i dont have favourites but hes my favourite
(8:17) Don’t spoil him.
(8:18) no promises (8:18) your blueberry son is everything that is good and pure in this world (8:18) im so proud of you
(8:19) Me??
(8:19) well you made him
(8:19) You must’ve slept through Biology in high school because making a child is a two-person job.
(8:20) clearly tobio got his good looks from you
(8:20) We literally look nothing alike.
(8:21) are you telling me tobio has two beautiful parents (8:21) lies (8:22) pics or it didnt happen
(8:22) ...
(8:23) i just realised how that sounded (8:23) and i in no way meant to ask you for a picture of you sleeping with tobios mother
(8:27) I have never (8:27) Laughed so hard in my entire life (8:28) I choked on my fucking tea.
(8:28) whoopsss
(8:29) But since you asked (8:29) *image attached*
(8:29) please dont tell me thats actually a pic of you two fucking (8:29) because i would be really weirded out
(8:30) That’s not a picture of us fucking.
(8:30) im trusting you okay (8:31) OH MY GOODNESS (8:31) AHAHAHAHAH (8:31) SHE IS SO BEAUTIFULLL
(8:31) She gets that a lot.
(8:32) im having a hard time trying to figure out if im jealous of you or her
(8:32) No point. We’re not together.
(8:33) i figured if you were you wouldve said something earlier (8:33) so let me guess (8:33) she cheated on you
(8:34) No.
(8:35) you cheated on her
(8:35) No. (8:35) Do I look like a cheater?
(8:35) hey i dont stereotype
(8:35) There was no cheating. Just unfortunate circumstances.
(8:36) one night stand accidental baby?
(8:36) Yeah, close enough.
(8:37) thats tough (8:37) it happened to my older sister too (8:37) but she ended up marrying the guy (8:37) they were like fuck yeah lets be a family (8:38) so now im the proud uncle of a literal ball of snot
(8:39) That was Akiteru when he held Tobio for the first time. (8:39) He couldn’t stop crying. (8:39) It was gross.
(8:40) dude was holding the future in his hands (8:40) of course he was crying
(8:40) You cried when you held your literal ball of snot for the first time, didn’t you?
(8:41) You need to be a level five friend to unlock my tragic backstory.
(8:41) well okay (8:41) what level am i at now
(8:43) Zero.
(8:44) what (8:44) how can you say that (8:44) we had an anniversary (8:44) your brother loves me (8:45) your son adores me
(8:45) My brother what now.
(8:45) did i forget to mention?? (8:46) we bonded over vball (8:46) now were texting buddies (8:46) we talk about you ALL THE TIME
(8:48) You’re lying. (8:48) Akiteru would never do that to me.
(8:48) you had a dinosaur nightlight until you were eleven
(8:49) … (8:49) Excuse me. (8:49) I have a murder to commit.
(8:49) tell akiteru i said hi!!
Thursday AM
(9:24) You’re… Bokuto. The Bset Freind Foreber.
(9:25) Even after he punched that guy in the face?
(9:26) I’m impressed. Good job.
(9:26) WE’RE RARIGN TO GO (9:26) LOOK AT US WE LOOKS O GOOD (9:27) *image attached*
(9:27) Yeah, you blurs look really good.
(9:27) OKAY OKAY WAIT (9:28) *image attached* (9:28) AKAASGHHI TOOK TAHT ONE (9:28) AWESOME AYYY
(9:29) Are those (9:29) Sleeveless red jerseys (9:29) ?  
(9:30) *image attached*
(9:30) ...
(9:30) I
(9:31) LOOKGNI SEXY SMEZY RIGHT (9:31) ;)))))))))
(9:32) No.
(9:32) Go warm up before your match.
(9:32) IM TELLIGN KUROO!!!!!!
Thursday PM
(3:16) a lil birdie told me (3:16) youre into (3:16) BICEPS
(3:17) It’s a lie.
(3:17) so this does nothing for you (3:17) *image attached*
(3:17) ...
(3:17) oikawa and akaashi (3:18) slender and toned specimens (3:18) 7.5/10
(3:18) You have got to be kidding me.
(3:18) dont be shy no judgement here (3:18) *image attached* (3:18) terushima and ushiwaka (3:19) terushimas built but ushiwakas got power going (3:19) 8/10 and 9/10
(3:19) I can’t believe you right now.
(3:19) *image attached* (3:19) these are bokutos (3:19) amazing right my boy is STACKED (3:20) 10/10
(3:19) Please stop.
(3:20) the real killers though (3:20) *image attached* (3:20) IWAIZUMI (3:21) look at that (3:21) he could choke me and id thank him 12/10
(3:22) Are you done with the meat parade?
(3:22) just one more (3:22) *image attached* (3:22) ME (3:23) what do you think??
(3:23) I’m not stroking your already inflated ego.
(3:24) i know for a fact youre not a blushing virgin (3:24) now stop being shy and rate me
(3:24) You’re ridiculous. (3:24) Fine. (3:24) Solid muscle. Good definition. (3:24) 9/10  
(3:25) only 9?? (3:25) im hurt im insulted (3:25) would it make a difference if i used a filter
(3:26) Why not.
(3:26) *image attached*
(3:26) Superb musculature, clearly the result of endless hours of hard work. (3:26) 10/10  
(3:26) i knew it (3:27) i gotta go rub this in oikawas face (3:27) he will rue the day he ever thought he was better built than me (3:27) text later okay
(3:27) Kuroo.
(3:27) yes dear
(3:27) You forgot to tell me. (3:28) Did you win the match?  
(3:28) YEAH LOL
(3:28) Congratulations.
(3:28) thanks babe (3:28) the thought of you kept me going strong (3:28) *heart eyes emoji*
Friday PM
(10:23) i wondered what’d gotten tsukki so riled up (10:23) and then i saw all the biceps (10:23) loolllll  
(10:25) im intrigued (10:25) who is this mysterious person with tsukkis phone
(10:25) ahh i’m yamaguchi (10:25) tsukki’s best friend (10:26) i may or may not have borrowed his phone when he wasn’t looking  
(10:26) devious (10:26) i like it
(10:26) ur going to like this a lot more
(10:26) oho?
(10:26) it’s friday night (10:27) which means it’s karaoke night (10:27) with everyone from work  
(10:27) there wouldnt happen to be (10:27) alcohol (10:27) involved would there
(10:28) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(10:28) you bring great news friend (10:28) so what do i need to sacrifice to get a vid of tsukki (10:28) doing a drunken rendition of my heart will go on
(10:29) that’s a big request (10:29) tsukki hates performing (10:19) especially to cliches  
(10:30) okay but you do have the ability to make him to do so
(10:30) that depends on what ur willing to sacrifice
(10:30) you ARE devious (10:30) all right what do you want
(10:32) ur number and ur firstborn
(10:33) im devoted to tsukki just saying (10:33) firstborn no problem
(10:33) i want ur number bc i want to keep u accountable (10:33) not bc i’m interested in u, u loser  
(10:34) i can see why you two are best friends
(10:34) we have a deal??
(10:34) fuck yeah lets go
(10:34) gimme fifteen minutes (10:34) tsukki’s already tipsy on strawberry daiquiris  
(10:34) this is gonna be so good (10:34) lets go lets go lets go
(10:53) i am (10:53) a GOD (10:53) *video attached*  
(10:57) AHAHAHAHA (10:57) this is (10:57) the second best day (10:57) of my life (10:57) omg is this real its beautiful
(10:58) he is SO BAD, RIGHT
(10:58) is he better sober
(10:59) no but he can rap sober
(11:00) are you fucking with me
(11:01) nopee
(11:01) what do i need to sacrifice to see that
(11:01) u couldn’t afford it (11:02) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  
(11:02) worth a shot (11:02) youre a true bro anyway
(11:03) why thank yoyiijkpll
(11:03) you okay bud
(11:03) What teh fuck
(11:03) tsukki?? (11:04) babe (11:04) so me and your bestie bonded too
(11:04) Waht the actual fuvk (11:04) I’m too drukn to typpe (11:04) You fuckign pick up whenm I call  
(11:05) wait what
Mysterious Phone Man Tsukki is calling…
“Uhh… hello?”
“I… I am going to… gouge your eyes out.”
“Holy shit, you’re slurring. You’re soo drunk.”
“Hi, Kuroo!”
“Shut up, Yamaguchi.”
“Sorry, Tsukki!”
“Kuroo, you shit. I sh… should’ve known you’d do something like this.”
“Hey, Yamaguchi was the one who filmed you!”
“Ohh no, don’t blame me, you enabler!"
“You know what, I’m not even sorry. That was wicked. Oh my god, I’m definitely in love.”
“What a complete dick… hole.”
“Aw babe, you’re so eloquent when you’re drunk. What did Yamaguchi give you, hmm?"
“Fucking disgush-- disgusting.”
“Then why’d you drink it, you dork?”
“Don’t forget you owe me, Kuroo!”
“Gonna kill you both.”
“I dare you. Come to Tobio’s practice tomorrow and we’ll have a fucking throwdown.”
“I’m going to be so hungover.”
“I double dare you.”
"Fucking… fine.”
“Wow, Kuroo. You’re really good at riling Tsukki up, you know that?”
“It’s a special talent. Now you boys enjoy the rest of your night. I’m going to watch that rendition one more time and laugh myself to sleep.”
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
“Aww, you guys.”
Saturday AM
Mysterious Phone Man Tsukki  is calling…
“Uh-oh. Am I in trouble?”
“I fucking hate you.”
“Soo… your head is pulsing, your throat is parched and you want to die in a hole?"
“I was unconscious. Unable to feel pain. Now I’m back in the world of the living.”
“Don't be mad. If you drag your ass down to the rec centre, I’ll get coffee for you.”
“Is that a yes?”
“Large black.”
“Black coffee? Are you serious?”
“It matches my soul.”
“O-kay, anything else?”
“Strawberry muffin.”
“Your soul confuses me.”
“And something for Tobio.”
“No shit, duh. Akiteru?”
“He can starve.”
“Still haven’t forgiven him for telling me about the dinosaur nightlight, huh?”
“And I’ll never forgive you if you bring it up again.”
“Bring what up again?”
“Good boy.”
“Can we revisit that conversation about kinks again?”
Saturday AM
(9:47) ive got coffee and muffins (9:47) hot chocolate for tobio (9:47) and a latte for akiteru bc im not an ass
(9:52) Fuck.
(9:52) i know youre mad at akiteru but no need to get hissy
(9:52) It’s not that. (9:52) We can’t make it to practice anymore.  
(9:53) ????
(9:53) Tobio’s mother is here.
(9:53) whoaa what
(9:53) I’m really sorry. (9:53) Especially since you bought breakfast. (9:54) I’ll pay you back.  
(9:54) dont worry about it lol (9:54) ill share it with the other guys
(9:54) Are you mad?
(9:55) kinda disappointed but not at you (9:55) its not your fault
(9:55) I really am sorry. (9:56) I need to go, but I’ll text you later okay?  
(9:56) no need to stress (9:57) practice is about to start anyway
Saturday PM
(1:28) Are you free to talk now?
(1:29) kuroos sperm bank (1:29) you squeeze em we freeze em
(1:29) That is disgusting.
(1:30) tsukki its time for the talk you never got when you hit puberty (1:30) what you must realise is that masturbation is healthy and natural
(1:30) We are not having this conversation. Ever.
(1:31) babe dont be embarrassed (1:31) one day youll have to have the same convo with tobio lololol
(1:31) Please don’t remind me.
(1:31) you doing okay
(1:32) I’ve had a shitty morning.
(1:33) id also be in a bad mood if i were hungover and my ex showed up uninvited
(1:33) She’s not (1:33) Whatever.  
(1:33) not... your ex?
(1:34) She can’t be my ex if we never went out.
(1:34) idk you had a one night stand with her
(1:34) It’s complicated.
(1:35) have i reached level five friend yet
(1:35) …
(1:35) im here to listen
(1:37) I guess you might be a level five friend.
(1:37) hell yeah
(1:37) I can’t believe this. I don’t even know you.
(1:38) im hurt (1:38) you just blessed me as your level five friend
(1:40) I don’t know where to start.
(1:40) lets start small (1:40) howd you meet her
(1:40) Shimizu was my senior in high school. (1:40) We weren’t close but we kept in touch after she graduated. (1:40) Study tips and stuff like that.  
(1:41) thats cute (1:41) sounds innocent
(1:41) It wasn’t ever anything more than that. (1:42) We just (1:43) There’s a lot to learn about yourself when you’re a teenager. (1:43) And we thought we could help each other out.  
(1:44) seems like you two trusted each other a lot
(1:44) We did. (1:44) Do. (1:44) But there was never a relationship. (1:45) We slept together but neither of us really wanted it.  
(1:46) what do you mean?
(1:46) I’m gay. (1:46) Shimizu’s ace. (1:46) We both cried afterwards. (1:47) Pathetic, right.  
(1:47) i dont think thats pathetic at all (1:47) you bared your vulnerabilities to each other (1:47) and learned something about yourselves in the process (1:48) it takes a lot of courage to do something like that
(1:49) I guess.
(1:50) so tobio was the result of that huh
(1:50) Yeah. (1:50) It was bad. (1:50) Our families were so pissed at each other. (1:51) They talked about abortion and marriage and all that shit.  
(1:51) i dont envy you at all (1:51) that mustve been a complete shit storm and a half
(1:51) Shimizu and I considered a platonic marriage. (1:52) But we didn’t want to do something neither of us wanted again.
(1:52) so wedding nay but baby yay
(1:52) Tobio lived with Shimizu. (1:52) Until she got a job offer in America. (1:53) She thought a new country would’ve been too much for him. (1:53) You know how that turned out.
(1:54) stomping sandcastles and chucking buckets (1:54) i still think tobios a champ
(1:55) Dickwad.
(1:55) i love you too babe (1:55) but seriously you and tobio have been doing a lot better (1:56) hes talking to you and his teacher said he was playing with other kids
(1:56) Tobio had (1:56) He’d settled. (1:56) He’d looked at me. (1:57) But one glance at Shimizu today and (1:58) It was like I didn’t exist again. (1:58) Fuck. (1:58) I can’t do this.  
(1:58) hey hey hey (1:58) tobio was just excited to see his mum (1:58) four months right (1:59) he wouldve missed her like crazy (1:59) he wants kisses and cuddles (1:59) doesnt mean hes forgotten his old man
(2:00) First of all, I’m not old.
(2:02) ... (2:02) second of all??
(2:02) I don’t have a second of all.
(2:03) LOLOLOL
(2:03) Shut up, I’m emotional right now.
(2:03) naww babe (2:03) youre just overthinking things (2:03) talk to tobio (2:03) hes five but he understands shit (2:04) tell him you love him just as much as his mum does (2:04) then throw in a vball reference or something idk
(2:04) You’re so helpful.
(2:04) even if tobio doesnt understand everything (2:04) verbalising will help sort out your emotions
(2:05) I thought you were doing Sports Medicine, not Psychiatry.
(2:05) i am an old man with decades of wisdom
(2:05) There it is.
(2:05) what?
(2:06) i cant believe (2:06) i walked right into that one
(2:06) Lol.
(2:06) feeling better?
(2:07) Yeah. (2:07) Thanks for listening to me vent. (2:07) It did help clear my head.  
(2:08) thats what level five friends are for
(2:09) I’m still sorry about missing practice this morning. (2:09) Can I make it up to you?  
(2:09) how about (2:09) lets do this properly (2:10) and go on a real date
(2:11) I (2:11) You want that?  
(2:11) youre intelligent witty and hilarious (2:11) you love your son and would do anything for him (2:12) plus youre the most beautiful person ive ever seen (2:12) theres no reason i wouldnt want to
(2:12) Wow.
(2:12) thats a very lacklustre reaction
(2:13) No, I’m just (2:13) Surprised.
(2:13) good or bad surprised?
(2:13) Good surprised. (2:13) I didn’t expect you to be so straightforward.  
(2:14) i have literally been calling you babe and sweetheart and dear
(2:14) I thought flirtation was an integral part of your personality. (2:14) Am I wrong to assume you flirt with everyone?  
(2:14) well no (2:15) i joke around a lot (2:15) but i mean it with you (2:15) youre amazing in every way
(2:16) I really don’t know what to say to that.
(2:16) how does this sound (2:16) you me and tobio (2:16) at the park tomorrow (2:16) picnic and volleyball
(2:18) You’d want Tobio there?
(2:18) of course hes my favourite (2:18) and also because hes important to you
(2:18) Nice save.
(2:18) so picnic?
(2:18) Yeah. (2:18) I’d like that. (2:19) Tobio’s excited too. (2:19) He says he’ll help make riceballs.  
(2:19) Kuroo.
(2:19) uhh (2:20) wrong number (2:21) fuck it NO REGRETS
Sunday AM
(9:12) Hello, is this Kuroo?
(9:15) yeess (9:15) whos this
(9:17) My name is Shimizu Kiyoko.
(9:17) wait as in (9:17) tsukki and tobios shimizu??
(9:18) Yes.
(9:18) uhh hey (9:18) not that i dont want to talk to you (9:18) but why do you have my number
(9:19) I took it from Tsukishima’s phone. (9:19) Our last few conversations he mentioned your name and it piqued my curiosity.
(9:19) tsukki talks about me?
(9:20) He doesn’t think you’re a nuisance. (9:20) That’s very rare.
(9:20) what can i say (9:20) im charming when i want to be
(9:20) Tobio is quite taken with you. (9:21) That’s also very rare. (9:21) You’re the exception to the rule; I’m sure you understand why I’m curious.
(9:22) i guess but i dont know if theres much to say (9:22) we all just like volleyball
(9:22) Your influence helped smooth out their relationship.
(9:22) it wasnt much (9:22) i just mentioned vball and things went from there (9:22) it was all them
(9:23) You helped them find common ground in their lives. (9:23) I know how difficult it was for them beforehand.
(9:23) they wouldve figured things out eventually (9:23) theyre amazing as they are
(9:24) You sound fond of them.
(9:24) i am (9:24) tobios a good kid (9:24) and tsukki makes me laugh (9:24) mostly at my own expense (9:24) but i like that he doesnt hold back
(9:25) Tsukishima holds you in similar thoughts. (9:25) He’d never admit it but I know him well enough.
(9:25) so this conversation (9:25) are you basically sussing out whether or not im a piece of shit
(9:25) Yes.
(9:25) how am i doing so far
(9:27) You’re fine.
(9:27) oh thank god
(9:27) I don’t understand. You sound relieved?
(9:27) well youre tobios mum (9:27) and tsukki has a lot of respect for you (9:28) so your opinions pretty important
(9:30) I’m surprised. Not many others would consider that.
(9:31) idk it makes sense
(9:32) I’m glad Tsukishima found someone who accepts our unusual circumstances. (9:32) I was afraid my decision to keep Tobio would affect his future relationships.
(9:32) tsukki wouldnt care about people like that anyway (9:33) hed give tobio the world before he gave it to anyone else (9:33) but who wouldnt for a kid like that
(9:35) I think the same, but I may be biased.
(9:35) tobios earnest and hardworking (9:36) determined to challenge himself (9:36) you raised a good kid
(9:36) Thank you. That means a lot to me.
(9:36) its the truth (9:36) so i have passed your inspection or nah
(9:39) There’s a lot I want to say but I’ll keep it brief for both our sakes.
(9:39) yikes
(9:40) I care for Tsukishima and Tobio so much more than I can put into words. (9:40) I hope it means something that I think you’re good for them.
(9:41) oh (9:41) yeah (9:41) yeah it does (9:41) thanks (9:41) im not eloquent enough for this (9:42) but i care a lot for them too (9:42) and ill take care of them (9:42) for as long as theyll have me (9:42) for as long as youll let me
(9:44) I can see why Tsukishima and Tobio like you.
(9:44) tsukki only likes me for my biceps
(9:44) Funny. (9:44) Tsukishima is actually reading this over my shoulder.
(9:45) uh oh (9:45) is he sulking now
(9:45) A little bit. (9:45) He does have a weakness for muscles.
(9:46) I KNEW IT (9:46) AHAHAHAHAHA (9:46) hes never going to live this down
(9:47) Oh, I shouldn’t have let that slip. (9:47) Tsukishima’s mad at me now.
(9:47) bless his sensitive soul
(9:47) He’s telling Tobio to spike a ball into your face.
(9:48) what
(9:48) Tobio might actually do it.
(9:48) shimizu (9:48) i know were merely acquaintances (9:49) but help
(9:50) Strawberry shortcake. (9:50) It’s Tsukishima’s favourite.
(9:50) thats adorable (9:50) i owe you one
(9:50) Then take care of them. (9:50) Or I’ll take care of you.
(9:51) wh
(9:51) Have fun on your date. (9:51) Tobio will tell me all about it. (9:51) :)
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thejonlife · 6 years
1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, 25, 26, 32, 33, 36, 42, 47, 49, 56, 57, 59, 62, 63, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 78, 81, 83, 85 (Wanted to pick them all but I picked the ones that are better....... no pressure!)
vaguely nsfw asks
1. Are looks important in a relationship? To an extent of course but theres way more important stuff :]
2. Are relationships ever worth it?
3. Are you a virgin?
4. Are you in a relationship? i am not.
5. Are you in love?
6. Are you single this year?
7. Can you commit to one person? As much as i joke about wanting to be a hoe i dont think i can?
8. Describe your crush Shes an old co worker shes blonde nerdy and sweet to me.
9. Describe your perfect mate :oh i have no idea but i hope shes nice cool thinks im cute and is a nerd in her own way.
10. Do you believe in love at first sight?
11. Do you ever want to get married? Honestly i dont know i dont love marriage as an expensive social construct but i always imagined dying with someone you know?
12. Do you forgive betrayal?
13. Do you get jealous easily? Sometimes if her friend is taking up my attention ha but im understanding. 
14. Do you have a crush on anyone? Yes an old work buddy and a couple tumblr crushes :]
15. Do you have any piercings? Stretched ear lobes but i lost my left one in SF
16. Do you have any tattoos? No but im trying to set up an appointment today actually 
17. Do you like kissing in public? Definitely as long as its not intense PDA but im affectionate for sure. 
20. Do you shower every day?
21. Do you think someone has feelings for you?
22. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
23. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat? Of course im not a cheater.
24. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
25. Do you want to be in a relationship this year? This year compared to last year i would like to put myself out there but i believe in things happening organically.
26. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you? Yes but im not sure how serious those words were and or they were back then.
27. Has someone ever written a song or poem for you?
28. Have you ever been cheated on?
29. Have you ever cheated on someone?
30. Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body?
31. Have you ever cried over a guy/girl?
32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love? I was so in love in my last relationship that i couldnt tell she wasnt on my level so yes but thats life and that happens. 
33. Have you ever had sex with a man? I havent and i dont think i could but i know tons of great looking guys.
34. Have you ever had sex with a woman?
35. Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends? No actually and im lucky for that but i had a crush on a middle school friend because she always went out of her way to give me a hug :]
37. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?
38. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?
39. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone?
41. Have you had sex so far this year?
42. How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander? Less than a minute if we know each other already but i am restrained if weve just met.
43. How long was your longest relationship?
44. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?
45. How many people did you kiss in 2012/2013?
46. How many times did you have sex last year?
47. How old are you? My birthday was this last wednesday and i turned 31 but ive been told i look younger than i am so thats great.
48. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?
49. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her? im single AF
50. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?
51. Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for?
52. Is there anyone you’ve given up on? Why?
53. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?
54. Is there someone you will never forget?
55. Share a relationship story.
56. State 8 facts about your body I have a beard i wear glasses I am 5′7 i have brown eyes i have been told i have a nice nose i like my legs/thighs weird but theyre muscular kind of my ears are stretched and i wish i had bigger hands?
57. Things you want to say to an ex: I hope youre well.
58. What are five ways to win your heart?
59. What do you look like? (Post a picture!) I will do this later but bear with me im terrible at selfies :[
60. What is the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners?
61. What is the first thing you notice in someone?
62. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you? Im a sucker for just touching period especially any that makes me feel manly.
63. What is your definition of “having sex”? Insertion?
64. What is your definition of cheating?
65. What is your favorite foreplay routine?
66. What is your favorite roleplay? I have never lol but itd be cool to pretend to be a sick patient and have them be a nurse.
67. What is your idea of the perfect date? Brewery trip or a museum after we grab food and we go for a drive or a walk and we talk :]
68. What is your sexual orientation?
69. What turns you off? Mean or pessimistic or dirty people.
70. What turns you on? Nice legs and a sense of humor or a great smile
71. What was your kinkiest wet dream? I wish i could remember ha ha ha ha but god those were awkward ill say if i remember eventually.
72. What words do you like to hear during sex? Moaning and i was called daddy once and i didnt think id like that but i do also being called papi. If you just exclaim fuck thats super hot too.
73. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you? Fill out this form and or just text me to say hi or invite me out to drink or have dinner.
74. What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for?
75. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you? A friend of mine just recently bought me one of those SNES classics :] my birthday sucked but my friend bough that for me months ago and i had no idea :0
76. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone?
77. What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships?
78. What’s your dirtiest secret? Im almost certain i might be depressed or have some mental ailment because im always going through sadness but im okay right now oh and i ghosted somebody once and i felt terrible about that. Oh i also once accidentally broke somebodys drivers side mirror but karma got me last year. 
79. When was the last time you felt jealous? Why?
80. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
81. Who are five people you find attractive? Famous people? Gal Gadot Chrissy Teigen ashley graham and tons of other awesome people.
82. Who is the last person you hugged?
83. Who was your first kiss with? Ha ha ha im lame but my first kiss was my prom date senior year.
84. Why did your last relationship fail?
85. Would you ever date someone off of the Internet? I have a crush on some people i follow on tumblr so of course :D ;]
Send me asks pls I'm bored : )
Why not?
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