#and like i said i think the root cause is how we've been treated
rainbowsky · 16 days
Hi Rainbowsky, hope you are well. ☺️✨
In the last few weeks there has been a lot of hate, lawsuits, hot trends etc like the usual so/o stuff…nothing new surprise surprise. 🙄 I was thinking maybe if xz or yb made a statement that there is no bad blood between them, (they don't have to come out or make it clear that they are friends privately) but more like "yeah we worked together and are still on good terms" and "please don't attack or make false rumours about the other person" would the hate die down a bit or do you think it will get worse? I know it's not their job to give brain cells to mindless so/os, but maybe it could help newer fans who joined the fandom just so they wouldn't jump on the hate bandwagon because of so/os. It must be exhausting for xz and yb with all the hate, suing accounts, planning how to avoid the other person at award show because of stupid “fans” etc.
These are just some of the thoughts I've been having over the last few days. Are my thoughts too simple? I don't know if xz or yb made a statement already or if you've talked about this before, if so I'm sorry for filling your question box unnecessarily.
thank you for reading my question 🥰 I wish u a beautiful day and enjoy your weekend ✌🏽☺️
Hi Jinniecooky! Thanks, I hope you're well too! ☺️
Unfortunately I really don't see a statement improving things. It would be too risky on various fronts and would likely only make matters worse.
These fan groups are organized, well-oiled machines - especially GG's. The leadership of these groups tells the fans what to do and how to act, they give strict guidelines on what is expected of the fans, and any fan who wants to be included has to stay in line and do, say, believe as they're told.
Part of that involves selling narratives created and perpetuated by these fandom leaders and their corporate black pr embeds. They come up with elaborate stories that cast the star as a selfless, brilliant hero who is in a grand cosmic battle against 'those who want to destroy them', often with detailed claims and photoshopped or misleadingly edited/framed 'evidence' to support those claims.
Fans get sucked into these narratives and believe with all their hearts that the stories are true. They spend countless hours online spreading these lies and battling these imagined foes. They spend all their money on endorsements - whether they can afford it or not - and all their spare time on boosting the star's numbers on every platform and in every way they can.
As a result they have a deeply rooted conceit that they know what's best for the star, that the star owes their fame and success to fans, and that their activities - as hateful as they often are - are nothing less than the devoted, dedicated, selfless, heroic hard work on behalf of the star.
A statement like this would be treated as ingratitude, and would cause a lot of uproar and anger. These toxic fans would lose a lot of face if such a statement was issued, because it would run against everything they've been and stood for up until this point. The fan groups would likely try to recover by turning against the star and their management - making an even bigger mess for the star to clean up.
As I've said many times - toxic fan culture is about power and status. It's about these fans and fan groups wanking over their star being the biggest, best, etc. The bigger and more successful the star, the more of an ego boost these fans get out of it.
Speaking against anything these fans say or do cuts into that power and status in a way that can be very dangerous. We've all seen how people who speak up against them are treated. Trust me - the star and his team would fare no better if they spoke up.
The serious, long-standing fans who are deeply embedded in fan culture - especially the leadership figures in these fandoms - often know 'where the bodies are buried', too. They've made it their business to know all the dirt on their star, all the better to keep his image clean and bury the story. These are not the kind of people a star will want on their bad side.
In many ways, stars are hostages to their fan groups. These are the people pushing to build their numbers and success, and they can be very fickle, demanding and nasty.
Not only that, a statement would only draw more attention to these battles and bring them into the mainstream where passersby would see all the dirty laundry that's currently confined mostly to fandom spaces. It could escalate everything into an even bigger scandal that could burn out of control and possibly permanently damage or destroy the star.
There's also the fact that GG and DD will not want to risk the nature of their relationship becoming a bigger public story.
And that's before we even get into the fact that they've released dozens of statements over the years - especially GG - trying to get fans into line, giving guidelines on fan behavior, etc. and these toxics have ignored every word of it.
Overall, I just don't see a statement helping at all, and would likely only make matters worse.
I've often felt their best bet would be to come out as friends in a setting where fans dare not fuck with things. For example, appearing onstage together at a nationalistic event or in a nationalistic program.
But that's unlikely to ever happen for various reasons. Appearing together would put both of them at huge risk. Such an appearance would inevitably draw a lot of attention and gossip. Even if it was mostly positive due to fans trying not to cause any trouble, GG and DD would overshadow the message and gravity of the occasion. It would make them look bad - at best, traffic stars (images they're trying to shed), at worst, disrespectful or irreverent to the government or serious occasion.
And one would have to accept the possibility that even such a serious occasion under the eye of the government wouldn't be enough to stop fan wars from happening.
At the end of the day, it's just safer for GG and DD to let things run their course and hope that these assholes eventually lose interest and move on. To accept fan wars and haters as just part of the cost of doing business.
Similarly, I think we need to just accept that haters gonna hate, and stop focusing on haters and antis. We're not here for other fans, we're here for GG and DD. If we put our focus there and block and ignore all the toxics, we can enjoy fandom - which is the entire point.
Recent post related to this topic:
GG and DD supposedly collaborating on a new movie
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medialog february 2k24
is it almost april. yes. am i letting that stop me. no. the perfect is the enemy of the good!
she must be seeing things - a 1987 indie about a woman who gets obsessively jealous about her girlfriend's past after discovering her collection of photographs of ex-boyfriends; this movie contained one of the most human-feeling love scenes taking place between two characters in an established relationship i have ever seen, and captured the feel of new york city apartments inhabited by the un-rich in a visceral way. it is also a funny movie about how annoying artists are. i am like sincerely curious as to whether jonathan larson, during the years before or while he was developing rent, caught a screening of this (it had its premiere at film forum, where i saw it), because a story of sexual jealousy between a very professional black lesbian lawyer and her irritating yet captivating white bisexual artist girlfriend... did feel a little familiar to me as a person who could still belt out every line of take me or leave me in my sleep, ngl!
poor things - we've discussed this but: Yes. Me. Absolutely. i wanted to live in the world of this movie forever, it could have been four hours long and i NEVER say that shit. one of those where sometimes i see critiques or queries i think are valid and i nod peacefully and think: ah, but it wasn't for that; it was for me, to have a treat. also one of those where people are saying some bonkers ass shit about it all over the place, as we have also discussed; i do genuinely believe that reading it as in any way interested in or convinced it is describing a story of female empowerment is deeply misguided, and that much of the pleasure of the movie comes from the fact that bella doesn't need to be empowered, because she has been lucky enough to be raised as an experiment rather than as a woman, which is a fun sexy provocation that is of course nonsensical if taken literally but incredibly fun for me (the person this movie was for) to sit with for two hours.
office space - i watched this in high school and HAAAATED it, was bored out of my mind, and then every time it came up in conversation, which it did a lot because this is how things were in high school in 2005, i would say i didn't get it and the person i was talking to would say, "you have to watch it twice." i don't think i've ever had an experience with a piece of media where the response to my response was so reliably uniform. anyway yeah this is funnier the second time. stephen root might be our greatest living actor idk
the heartbreak kid - elaine may's mikey and nicky is one of the most emotionally brutal films i've ever watched, but i think i found this harder to sit through. it's brilliant - i talked about it with a friend who'd seen it sometime earlier who said it was the first movie she could remember seeing that confronted men's fantasies so directly, which is apt - but absolutely excruciating. i never really understood what the film people were talking about when they talked about the use of cuts to build/release tension until the scene at a restaurant where a guy keeps winding himself up to break up with his wife on their honeymoon, and not doing it, and the camera just makes you stay with him until you are begging for relief.
sex, lies & videotape - rewatch with director's commentary. steven soderbergh is definitely on the list of famous people i delusionally believe i could be friends with if the circumstances of life had caused our paths to overlap.
zone of interest - another one that has really Brought Out The Takes, about which i'll just say: no one in this movie is turning a blind eye to what they're doing with the possible exception of the mother, who's happy to join in with some chattily murderous antisemitism but finds the material reality of it too distasteful to stay (in at least one potential reading of a plot point left interestingly ambiguous). personally i thought the film was (1) almost completely disinterested in the question of the banality of evil (2) quite good.
mission: impossible - i talked my friend into going through the series with me and we started off with a double-header; the colors in this movie are sooooooo good. tom cruise at this point has obviously had work done by xenu's finest specialists but revisiting this did remind me that he actually also genuinely always has looked quite young for his age - he's 34 in this but he looks like a baby.
mission: impossible - 2 - i literally can't believe there are people who don't like this movie. grow up
monster midway: an uninhibited look at the glittering world of the carny, william lindsay gresham - i guess i don't know what i expected from a nonfiction book about the carnival by the author of nightmare alley, the great american novel, but it definitely wasn't 300 pages about how the carnival is the most special and wonderful place on earth and the people who've given their lives to it are the noblest, boldest, most magical folks you can find. i particularly enjoyed the section on palmistry as cold-reading, which included a long quote from fake psychic about how really most people just need to be told some basic emotional truths and to believe in themselves, so if she can give them that, that's a dollar well spent, which is tbh hard to argue with.
rosie tucker - tiny songs vol. 1 - rosie tucker came onto my radar through one of dave's mixes, which i'm still listening to - her song "all my exes live in vortexes," which opens "i hope no one had to piss in a bottle at work to get me the thing i ordered on the internet," caught my ear - and while i haven't delved further into her discography, i did love this 12-track, 10 minute album (not a typo!), which gives you the sense of someone spitballing an idea for a song just long enough to start it, then losing interest and moving on to the next one, but in a good way? idk it's fun and weird and only 10 minutes!
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imagineanime2022 · 3 months
Ryomen Sukuna X Reader
Word Count: 1413
Requested: Anon
Request: Heyy, love your fics! Could I request a platonic Sukuna x teen reader who Sukuna considers as a daughter? She's in the same class as Yuuji at Jujutsu tech and she has like a terrible relationship with her parents and sometimes talks to Sukuna. Can it be kind of an angst to confort?? Tysmm
Warning: Bad relationship with your parents (not detailed), Sukuna is OOC I tried to stay as true to him as possible but he probably seems a little OOC
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You had never been happier to know that Jujutsu Tech had on campus dorms, you had never been happy living at home, you had neve gotten on with your parents, they didn’t see cursed spirits the same way that you did so when you were a child they called you a liar or clumsy or an idiot for things that you would say or do, it caused you to recede into yourself, your cursed technique developing the more time you spent alone until one day Gojo knocked on you door.
Your parents were the ones that opened the door “Hi. I’m a representative from a private school in the city. We've been watching a few candidates from your daughter's school and have decided to offer her a place at our school.” Gojo explained. “Our daughter, are you sure?” Your father asked as you curled forward on your desk trying hard to ignore the conversation that you could hear from your window about it, hoping your homework could keep you busy. “Yes, your daughter (Y/N) (L/N).” Gojo confirmed and your father nodded, your head tuned to the curse that lingered around you because of your ability. “Six eyes!” The shill voice called out as you looked at it before turning back to the window, where you could hear your father inviting the man in, you could hear them coming up the stairs and then your door swung open and you looked at the door waiting for one of them to speak. “(Y/N) this is Satoru Gojo, he wants to talk to you about joining his school in the city.” Your father said, when you didn’t answer he gestured for Gojo to enter the room before walking back down the stairs. “Strange of them to want to leave their daughter with a man that they just met.” Gojo muttered under his breath. “They’ve never cared about me.” You answered with a shug. “So they’ve never believed you when you talked about the little guys that you can see?” Gojo asked. “Never… Why are you asking me that? How do you even know that?” You asked. “Have you ever been able to hurt them?” He asked. “Not on purpose, before when I was little, I was able to root around in their minds but the weaker ones seemed to come out of it confused and now they stick to me like guardians, telling me what little they know. They don’t like you.” You explained and he smirked. “Most of them don’t like me, my family is one of the strongest in the sorcerer's world.” He explained. “They call you six eyes, is that why you wear the blind fold?” You asked. “It is but not for the reason that you're thinking, I don’t actually have six eyes, it’s the name of one of the techniques I use.” He answered. “Are you sick of being stuck here?” “There’s nowhere else to go.” You answered. “If you choose to come with me, there’s dorms and you’ll get a job straight out of school you’ll never have to come back here unless you want to.” Gojo explained, you had only dreamed of something like this and now that it was offered to you, you didn’t know what to do, you hated where you were now but it was safe a known discomfort, if you were to leave you’d be in a whole new place and you didn’t know if you could go through that.
It was only a week later that you were properly moved into you dom, you met one of you classmates Megumi Fushiguro and a couple days later you met Yuji Itadori and Nobara Kugisaki, you all became the first years students a small class of great people who treated you better than your parents ever had. The first time that you met Sukuna was on the first night that you had all been watching a movie, you had all fallen asleep in the communal area. You often had trouble controlling your technique in your sleep, and this was no different, the problem was that you hadn’t even realised what you had done, Sukuna was aware of you long before you were of him.
Sukuna had seen you in his domain a few times before he decided to interact with you, his head leant on his hand as he called out “Hey kid! Are you going to wake up!?” He didn’t move from his throne and he had no idea why he had even woken you. “Where…” You mumbled as you looked around and before you could move he was standing over you. “What are you doing here little sorcerer?” He asked. “I don’t know.” You answered, he smiled as he saw the immediate submission in tone and actions as you looked at the floor below you, if you were disgusted by the liquid you were sitting in you didn’t show it. “Your technique is strong, you know you could tear someone apart if you controlled it properly.” He muttered. “I remember your family in the Heian era, they were worth the respect that they garnered.” “You know my family? Who are you?” You asked. “Knew.” He corrected “they’ve likely changed now, your parents are they able to do what you can?” “No. They hated me for what I could, thought I was crazy.” You answered. “Mmm and you believe them?” He asked with a smirk on his face “they’ve broken you, you need someone to build you up again.” “B-build…” You mumbled as you looked at your hands, he lifted your chin, your eyes glazing over with memories of fights he had with your family. “All you need to do is accept my help.” He offered you a hand, you reached up and took it but before anything else could happen you were shaken from your sleep, eyes falling on Yuji as he smiled. “I thought you were never going to wake up.” He laughed, “We have to get ready, we're going to be late.”
The next couple of weeks were filled with you visiting Sukuna and settling into a relationship much like a surrogate father, he told you stories of the past and helped you understand the technique that you had been given. It was only a little while that it started to scare, both your parents had hurt you and you were scared that it was something that you did. You had stopped sleeping as much, short naps didn’t allow for your technique to take hold but Sukuna noticed your absence the first night that you didn’t show, he wasn’t worried until he started to see you deteriorate though Yuji’s eyes. They were all so wrapped up in themselves that they hadn’t noticed so he’d have to fix it himself. He waited until he was sure that Yuji was sleep before taking control of his body, he easily navigated the dorms, completely silently finding and entering your room, you were sitting on the window seal facing away from him. “You should pay more attention to your surroundings.” He said and you jumped. “Yuji-” “Not quite.” He smirked as he moved forward, it seemed to dawn on you what was going on. “Sukuna, what are you doing here? This is because I’ve not been to see you, I’m sorry I didn’t-” “Stop talking.” He ordered, he knew that you mind was reeling and the fact that you were so tired but he needed you to calm down, what he wanted was fo you to rest, he told himself that you were too good of an asset to lose to your own mind, but the truth was far deeper than that, he wasn’t ready to admit that. “Sorry.” You said softly looking down. “Stop that, don’t apologise, why are you avoiding me?” He asked. “I just figured that I was bothering you.” you answered “I don’t have anything to offer you in return for everything, I should stop taking from you.” “Have Iever asked for anything, little one?” He asked. “No but-” “I don’t want anything else, you will pay me back in time, your ability is more than enough.” Sukuna answered. “Come on time to rest, you will become stronger and then when I take the world back you will be the only sorcerer left standing, my chosen child.” “Chosen?” You asked. “Of all I have seen you are the best.” He answered. “Now get some rest.” “Okay.” You answered softly.
Request Here!!
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shuttershocky · 9 months
You know, something funky has just occurred to me.
Fate introduces us to multiple effects that reverse causality or rewrite the flow of time to achieve their desired effect, i.e. Gae Bolg and Fragarach. These effects are rightfully treated as a Big Deal, but that's predominantly due to how dangerous they are in the context of the HGW. They are not, to my knowledge, ever explicitly called out as being phenomena adjacent to True Magic. But when Aoko alters the flow of time to the point of rewriting events retroactively, it's very distinctly Magic.
It's really odd considering that Stay Night and Hollow Ataraxia have the context and vocabulary to talk about Magic, and Mahoyo in its early form did already exist at that point, just not in a form that we could read. So time fuckery surely must have already been established as Magic at least internally. I wonder what the deal is there. Like are we supposed to just accept that of course Noble Phantasms can just casually do things like that by nature of what they are or what
Look, don't think too hard about the hows.
It's the inverse of Fate/Stay Night (and indirectly, Tsukihime) establishing that encapsulating the soul and moving it between bodies without decay is an act of True Magic (it's Heaven's Feel) while Touko's been casually doing it way beforehand and it's not True Magic: don't think too hard about it. Zouken can't live forever without becoming a mass of terrible worms, Roa grows weaker and weaker as he reincarnates in different bodies as a soul parasite, but Touko can just die and revive without issue because she was written before that was well established. In this case, Gae Bolg reversing Cause and Effect is magecraft and not really an act of True Magic even if it sounds like it should, because Nasu was working on an entirely different train of thought by then: Gae Bolg's unavoidable kill success by reversing cause and effect is reliant on the enemy's Luck stat, whatever the hell that actually means (it's only seen on servants and inside Fate).
It should also be said that Aoko's 5th Magic isn't messing with time itself, but the method by which she does it. In Mahoyo, Touko takes the chance to analyze Aoko displaying the 5th Magic and reasons that the 5th Magic could not be Time, as time manipulation could be achieved with the 2nd as well. Since Nasu stated that Goetia's plan was a hint at the 5th Magic's true nature, we can guess that what was actually True Magic is Aoko able to emit energy powerful enough to burn through the fabric of time and manipulate it herself, as that was exactly what Goetia tried to do by incinerating panhuman history.
While we're here, do you know what else was established as a hard rule in Mahoyo? Death's permanence. While there are those who cheat death by moving bodies, once someone dies in a permanent way, they're fucking dead and not even True Magic can truly fix it. Aoko uses clever manipulation to get around that problem so it doesn't actually matter, but she can't erase death itself even with her power, only nullify it by messing with time so that it's not a problem for today.
The concept of Servants isn't truly defying death either. A servant is not /the/ soul of the individual who died, but a copy from the soul inside the throne of heroes then generated into the world. The holy grail can't bring back the dead, only allow a shadow (still a person, still them yet not them!) to continue on.
But someone does cheat that. Akiha can keep Shiki alive even as Shiki is so close to dead that the Root's power is manifesting in his eyes without the origin of emptiness that the other Shiki has, and we still don't know exactly how after 23 years of Tsukihime. No other oni has displayed such power, and we've never seen magecraft that allowed someone to develop the true Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, not even Roa (though he thinks he did).
The "how the hell is she keeping someone on the literal border between life and death alive for years" and the implications it has on Type-Moon lore isn't important to Tsukihime, what IS important is how that is just one of the many ways Shiki is trapped inside the Tohno family, and is symbolic of Akiha's own relationship to the Tohno family.
It's about how Akiha upholds the Tohno's name and societal status, but bears their sins and despises them and herself for it. She uses her very life to keep Shiki alive and gaslights him into believing he's her brother, while she murders her actual flesh and blood brother without a care, because that's what it means to bear the cursed name of the Tohno and the sins of her family.
When it comes to Type-Moon lore, you shouldn't think too hard about the hows, because more often than not Nasu's writing to answer the whys instead.
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fat-butch-dyke · 8 months
Puzzle boys + "that's a lie. that's a filthy lie" + "don't touch me" :DDDDDD
Okokok this came out way longer than I meant for it to and probably makes like no sense forgive my silly smooth brain
For context me and my friend were talking about how sad a reincarnation AU for the puzzleboys would be so this is kinda based on that ajdnsn
I hope you enjoy despite the non existent editing and high word count lmao thanks so much!
Atem felt like the world was shattering around him, delicate glass fading into sand and burying him alive. He could feel the ground swaying under him, his knees wobbling as he took in the sight before him.
Yugi had been forced to the ground, his knees splayed wide in his effort to keep himself from falling fully forward, his delicate robes askew like he'd just gotten ripped out of bed. The mess his curls made around his head confirmed that theory, silk scarf half hanging off them. Big eyes watered as they looked toward Atem, relief flashing through them followed quickly by fear. He still looked beautiful. So beautiful and so afraid.
Atem fought against the nausea welling up inside him, his mind screaming at him to run, to grab Yugi, to flee. But he trusted the people in the room with him, surely they had an explanation for this. It'd better be a good one, seeing Yugi treated so roughly only managed to fan the flames of his anger.
Akenaden glanced toward Atem and he tensed at the coldness he found there, the sharp ice looking down at him. He should be as familiar to Atem as anyone, he'd spent his whole life under his care. But the man before him felt like a stranger, a cold shell of the person who'd taught him how to handle a blade and ride a horse. Was this truly the man who'd stood by him while he'd grown up? The man his father had called a friend? Something about him felt off and his voice was just as foreign as the rest of him, sending a sharp sense of dread through Atem.
"I think we've finally found the root cause of all our problems recently," he said coldly, his eyes narrowing as he glanced at Yugi. The Pharaoh tensed, hands clenching into fists as he watched Akenaden circle around Yugi, like a vulture looking for its meal. Yugi kept his head down, soft curls obscuring his face but Atem couldn't miss the tears that fell down his cheeks and the sight of them made his heart ache painfully. "With each year more of our crops suffer, more animals die, famines caused by your hand." Akenaden reached down to grab a fistful of Yugi's hair, pulling him up and ignoring the pained cry he let out, in fact he seemed almost delighted by the sound, grinning sharply as he leaned in to watch Yugi's face scrunch up. Yugi stumbled, forced to his feet and he tried grabbing the hand that had an iron grip in his hair, gasping painfully. "All because of you. What have you to say for yourself?"
"That's a lie," Yugi choked, his voice shaking as he tried fighting against the hands that held him. He looked so frail, delicate and afraid and he looked toward Atem pleadingly. "A filthy lie, I promise I would never-"
Akenaden scoffed and Atem's eyes widened as cold looking steel was pressed against Yugi's throat. The small whimper he let out sent panic coursing through Atem's body, his eyes widening and he stumbled in his haste to rush toward Yugi. He didn't get far, the tight grip of someone's hand on his arm holding him in place. Atem was too weak to break free from it, only managing to tremble as he stared toward Yugi. His throat tightened and he cursed himself for his cowardice, shame curling in his stomach as his feet stayed firmly locked in place.
"Like we'll believe anything you have to say sorcerer," Akenaden snapped, pulling Yugi's head back sharply. More tears fell down his cheeks and he shook his head, letting out an anguished noise as the blade was pressed tighter against him.
"I didn't! I would never A-At…Pharoah please," he choked, his hand reaching for Atem's desperately. "Please I promise, I didn't do anything I-"
"I know," Atem said quickly. "I know Yugi, you're going to be ok I promise." He stumbled but managed to pull himself away from the person holding him. He didn't know who it was, he couldn't be bothered to look. That blade was moving dangerously closer to Yugi and Atem wouldn't allow it, he had to keep moving. He had to-
Strong hands held him firm, gripping his upper arms to pull him back. Atem fought against them, trembling as more hands moved to hold him, a seemingly unending amount of them. "Don't touch me!" He snapped, trembling at the sudden chills that surrounded him. The room felt frigid and dark and Atem turned his panicked gaze back towards Yugi. "Akenaden! Take your hands off him or I swear I'll-"
"You've ensnared him," Akenaden growled in Yugi's ear, his almost joyous tone sending a harsh shudder through Yugi. Silent tears fell down his cheeks and his grip tightened on his robes, trying desperately to keep them closed. "So you could lead to his downfall, I know you."
"Please," Yugi gasped, swallowing thickly and letting out a weak whimper. A small droplet of blood trailed down his throat, the cool bite of steel making him tremble. "I would never I…I love him. I wouldn't- I haven't!"
Atem froze, the sight of Yugi's blood slowly trickling down his skin making every hair on Atem's body stand on end. More hands tried to calm him, tried to pull him away from Yugi.
Atem fought like a cornered animal, biting and clawing at whatever he could reach in his desperation to get to Yugi. If he could just reach Yugi he could keep him safe, he could take him away. Atem shoved another set of hands off, watching Yugi's face crumble as Akenaden whispered something undoubtedly cruel to him. "Yugi!" Atem choked, shoving the last set of hands off himself and dashing forward. His feet slid over the floor, almost tripping him up but that didn't matter, not when he was so close to- "Yugi!"
Everything happened so quickly after that and yet it almost felt like slow motion to Atem, the world almost freezing around him. Metal sliced across Yugi's throat harshly while Atem stared, sending a sickening spray of blood over the front of his robe. His hands weakly scrambled to grip his throat, trying desperately to staunch the flow as he staggered away from Akenaden. Atem could tell it wouldn't work, the blood flowing between his fingers was enough of an indicator that this was beyond anyone's ability to heal. Yugi looked like he realized that too, fear in his eyes giving way to panic before going soft.
Atem's heart felt like it had been petrified, an aching stone in his chest as he staggered forward. Yugi reached for him weakly as he stumbled and their palms slid together, slick with blood. 
Atem wrapped his arm under him without thinking, choking on a shaky sob and holding him tightly as they fell to the ground together. Yugi was dead weight, his mouth opening uselessly as Atem held him tighter to his chest. He could feel the warmth of Yugi's  blood soaking through his clothes, staining his skin, perhaps forever. 
Yugi trembled in his grip, eyelids fluttering as he reached a weak hand up to cup Atem's cheek. He leaned into it and gasped at the soft feeling of Yugi's thumb brushing under his eye, wiping his tears. He hadn't even realized he'd been crying.
"L…l…lo-ve," Yugi rasped, his lips stained red and shaking. Atem's heart screamed, every fiber of his being quaking as he fought desperately to pull Yugi tighter against himself.
"No no, no no shut up," he choked, his voice shaking as his shoulders curled around Yugi protectively. "Don't you dare say it, you aren't…you aren't going anywhere Yugi, ok? Please don't go anywhere, please I'm so sorry-"
Yugi's finger pressed against Atem's lip softly, warm copper filling his mouth and Atem desperately held him there. 
"L…lo…ve…you," Yugi rasped, his voice weak and fading but Atem heard it. His grip tightened on Yugi's hand, holding him closer as he pressed his lips against his forehead, sending up a desperate prayer to any God that would listen to him. Please, please someone. I'm begging, don't take him away from me.
"I love you," he choked, cupping Yugi's cheek. Yugi's smile felt as radiant as it had always been, barely marred by the ugliness of his fate. Atem could see the light leave Yugi's eyes, could pinpoint the exact moment death took his dearest away from him. Unfair. Cruel.
Atem felt every muscle in him give out at once until he was hunched over Yugi, his body wracked with terrible sobs. They echoed around him and should've pained his throat, should've torn at him and caused him discomfort. He couldn't feel any of that. He couldn't feel anything.
"Now that that's been handled," a cruel voice said behind him. Atem didn't turn toward it, he didn't care. He kept his eyes on Yugi, gently tracing his fingertips over his face, trying to memorize it so he could find him again. Please let me find him again. "You know what to do. Take the Pharaoh's crown."
Atem could sense the movement behind him, he was sure he could almost see the blade still dripping with Yugi's blood being lifted, aimed towards him-
Then everything went black.
Atem's eyelids fluttered softly and he groaned, lifting his arms to stretch before settling back in on the couch. He glanced down with a soft smile, taking in the form laying on top of him with a low hum. The TV droned on and Atem could see Yugi's lips quirk up as he nestled into his chest further, wrapping his arms around his waist.
"Hmm whatcha' watchin'?" Atem asked groggily, gently trailing his hand up Yugi's back. He shifted slightly, practically preening under the attention.
"A documentary," Yugi murmured softly, glancing up at Atem with a warm smile. "About an ancient Pharaoh. It's kinda a sad one though, don't know if you-" Yugi paused, his brow furrowing as he reached a hand up to cup Atem's cheek. "Hey, are you ok? You're crying."
Atem blinked slowly, pulling back from Yugi's hand and glancing at it with a small frown. His tears glistened softly on the tips of Yugi's fingers and he quickly wiped at his face, his brow furrowing tightly as he stared at his damp palms.
"Yeah I…I don't know," he murmured roughly. "I just…"
Yugi stared at him, his smile softening comfortingly. "Were you dreaming?" He asked, leaning up to kiss Atem softly. "Do you want to talk about it?"
Atem shook his head. "I don't …really remember it," he murmured weakly. "It just…it was sad, I think."
Silence stretched between them for a long moment before Yugi sat up, gently taking Atem's hand to pull him closer. The documentary carried on in the background and Atem glanced toward it, his brow furrowing as he took in the ancient tomb being displayed. His heart tightened uncomfortably, something inside him knotting up as he stared at the screen. Yugi glanced toward him, gently tangling their fingers together.
"It's talking about a young Pharaoh," Yugi said softly, lifting Atem's hand to kiss his knuckles. "And his lover. Apparently they were betrayed and…murdered together."
"That's…fuck, that's tragic," Atem breathed, lacing his fingers with Yugi's. 
Yugi nodded slowly, leaning against Atem's arm with a soft sigh. "They were at least buried together," he murmured quietly. "Someone remained loyal to the Pharaoh, or maybe their killer felt some remorse. Hard to know for sure."
Their gazes turned back toward the screen, staring at the set of mummies being shown to them. Something about them felt heartbreakingly familiar in a way neither of them could place, their hearts aching softly as they leaned against each other.
"I hope they're happy together," Yugi said quietly, leaning his head on Atem's shoulder. 
"So do I," Atem breathed, a lone tear sliding down his cheek before he curled over Yugi. "So do I."
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Ragnok's backstory is actually revealed in one side quest where we rescue a student's uncle. He says that when Ragnok was young he came across an illegal dragon camp, and he was impressed with the dragons. He wanted to join the wizards there, and when one of them dropped their wand he saw his chance to give it back to him. But seeing the goblin with his wand angered the wizard and they attacked him. That's why he hates wizards. Also, haven't saw the whole story yet, but there is a goblin character that is on our side, we help him get a goblin helmet for him so he can gain Ragnok's trust. He says he doesn't fully agree with him
You mean Ranrok, right? I'm pretty sure Ragnok is a Goblin from the original books. Either way, that's definitely interesting.
Honestly, that story is a tragedy and it only serves to remind me who the real villains of this conflict are, and it sure as well isn't the Goblins. This is an almost textbook misunderstanding, fueled by bigotry and archaic institutions, that create a situation where Ranrok was just being polite but was immediately treated as a criminal. If one of the other Wizards had picked up the wand to return it, no one would have batted an eye. But nobody trusts Goblins and it's literally illegal for them to carry wands. (Or at least it is 100 years later, but I bet that law is already in place during HPHL.) That's one of the most blatantly racist details about the wizarding community that no one else ever seems to notice. They hold other creatures accountable to their laws, which obviously favor them and exclude said creatures. They have official designations to determine what counts as a "being." Honest to god, it's no wonder the Goblins fucking hate us. Humans really are trash sometimes.
I've gotten way off topic. Everything I've seen of Ranrok makes it difficult to sympathize with him or believe that the game is trying, but I have to admit that this backstory does help. In before Tumblr adopts Ranrok from Rowling and tweaks his character with the proper head-canons. Up to and including fanfics where he's the hero. Wouldn't be the first time we've woke-ified a problematic aspect of the potterverse...(I expect the same thing to happen to Sirona, by the way.)
Glad to hear that not all of the Goblins are depicted as villainous. That's a genuinely good thing, and I also appreciate that he doesn't "fully" agree with Ranrok versus just thinking he's flat out wrong. This does help, a little, but...to be frank, the issues with Ranrok's depiction go right down to the roots and can't really be solved by just including other Goblin characters. Because the Goblins are, deliberately or not (and it's looking more deliberate with each passing day) a caricature of Jewish people. So depicting them as the villains is already difficult to come back from. But, the way they do it is just so...typical.
Stop me if you've heard this one before. The villain of the story actually makes some very good points. They believe themself to be a hero, fighting injustice. Realistically, they're not wrong about anything they say. The only problem is that they're an extremist. By all rights, they could have been a good guy if they weren't causing so much damage in the name of their cause. So the heroes still have to stop them and uphold the status quo. They express disgust with the villain and the story suggests they have become as evil as what they were originally fighting. After the heroes win, they acknowledge how the villain may have had a point, actually....and proceed to do nothing about the injustices the villain brought up.
It's such a classic way of vilifying people who stand up against corruption and speak truth to power. People who take a stand and refuse to tolerate oppression, exactly like what the Goblins are doing. But oh, they're killing people and doing evil things. See? If you rise up against the institution, you're the bad guy. And in this case, villifying an extremist like Ranrock goes hand in hand with this game's antisemitic subtext. He didn't have to be the villain, he shouldn't be the villain. Because the Goblins, for so, so many reasons...should not be the ones we consider the villains of their conflict.
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twelvedaysinaugust · 2 years
Idk if it's just me but sometimes I feel like the line between me loving and hating Louis is.....his closet.
And I know that sounds ridiculous and rough but let me explain.
As larries, all of us, over the last 12 years, for the most part have accepted shitty behavior from Harry and Louis in defense that they're closeted and we have to support them.
Now as a person first, I do like Louis. I feel this way about Harry too but I'm going to focus on Louis today. But I love his music, I like how kind he is and in general I've always rooted for Louis.
But at the same time if I remove the blanket of the closet and Larry, Louis for me is not the kind of person I want to love.
I mean think about it. If Larry was never real and all the "stunts" are real, doesn't that make Louis an extremely problematic person? Think about it.
Sleeping with Brianna, being a deadbeat father, treating Eleanor like crap in public to the point where "conspiracy theorists" harass your gf because you're enabling them by acting cold towards her. Even Harry: dating problematic people, doing stupid things. And let's not forget the most important thing: if they aren't closeted, they are the literal definition of queer baiters.
Now I find it hard to believe that Harry is queer baiting cause I know he's queer but Louis, if he's as straight as he claims and loves Eleanor: his behavior is so not okay.
Pointing to Larry signs when your gf is in the same room. Using larries for your career and enabling them. Actual queer baiting with those secret cryptic queer coding. Those aren't okay.
So on most days, if not for Larry, I have to believe he's closeted because otherwise, I'm not sure how I can stan Louis. We've all used their closet as a defense to excuse anything they do but these last few months are making me realize how gullible we are and how larries never hold them both accountable for this "baiting" that I promise you they're going intentionally and hurting queer people and fans who support you. It's literally not okay.
I'm not sure where I stand rn. And I know a lot of people feel that way. But to me, forget Larry, if they aren't closeted, I've been excusing some pretty questionable and unacceptable behavior.
I feel similarly. At this point, the situation with Freddie makes me really uncomfortable regardless of whether Louis is the father or not. I've said before that the rainbow Apple t-shirt debacle was only forgivable if Louis was a queer person who felt like he was about to be outed. Otherwise, he was a straight dude having a hissy fit on Twitter at the mere suggestion of being an ally (that article was not distasteful; it didn't claim Louis was queer nor did it mention Larry). And there are many examples like that. However, I can reconcile some of these things with Louis being closeted (in fact, it's the only way I can reconcile them), especially when you consider the other ways he's referenced queer culture. But I really identify with your ask. Louis and Harry continue to signal that they're queer and reference Larry. If one or both of those condition isn't true, this is very far in the direction of queer-baiting,
Regardless, I do feel some sympathy for Louis. On some level, he's chosen to present his life in a certain way (girlfriend and son), and fans either don't believe he's telling the truth or openly dislike the "heterosexual" aspects of his public image. If he's closeted, that must be difficult. And if he's not closeted, then I can only imagine how it would feel to have your entire fanbase basically saying: "We want you to be something other than what you are."
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greyjedireylo · 6 years
"and honestly I still think the general bent of our fandom is still negativity from being the brunt of everyone’s jokes and harassment for so long" What do you mean by that, that the Reylo fandom is seen negatively by others or that the Reylo fandom itself is negative because of the harassment?
I mean that a significant portion of the reylo fandom is still afraid to hope for a happy ending for Ben and/or reylo. it’s all managing expectations and not seeing how Ben could happily survive his redemption and panicking about ‘what if JJ doesn’t make reylo canon in IX’ and being afraid that we’re too overconfident. 
(to which I have to say 1) I already wasted the TFA/TLJ hiatus managing my expectations; I’m not doing that again 2) Ben can quite easily survive his redemption and get a happy ending because this is star wars–all it takes is making the right choice and a genuine change of heart in this franchise 3) JJ INVENTED reylo and it’s already canon, and 4) we didn’t imagine reylo into being, we didn’t take for granted that our ship was endgame, we were satisfied with CRUMBS and fanfic, and then, with the opposite of entitlement, we gratefully ate up every bit of canon validation we’ve gotten since early 2017.)
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cruciatusforeplay · 3 years
This is part two of a hella big post. Check out part one here. These are all a lot more recent, so I'm gonna try to be less spoilery, but there are gonna be some.
A not-so-brief history of Hawkeye in Comics Part Two (spoilers below the cut)
A note on events, dying and doubling down on Hawkeyes
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Comics love doing big events, and I'm not covering them in here. Partly because they are huge and complex and to just focus on Hawkeye would be an injustice to the stories, but also because the amount of stuff I would need to spoil would be way beyond just a little Hawkeye. Clint was involved in Secret Wars (1984), which was one of the first crossover events of its kind. Another notable era is 2004-2009, where there is an incredible amount of superhero politics driving big narratives. If you're new to comics, you might not know that characters dying is common and rarely permanent. This is relevant because while I said that I wouldn't talk about events, I think it would be pretty uncool to not mention that Hawkeye dies and is brought back to life (Avengers Disassembled, House of M, New Avengers #26). It's around here that Clint picks up the Ronin mantle.
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This is also when Dark Reign/Dark Avengers is going on. For anyone who'd like some Clint whump from this era, there's a top notch naked torture scene in New Avengers Annual (2009). Clint is involved in several other big events and crossovers over later years, but that's definitely a seperate list.
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In the time where Clint is dead, Captain America is hanging out with a group of newly formed Young Avengers, including archery badass Kate Bishop. Cap suggests to her that she take up the Hawkeye mantle and gives her Clint's old bow. After Clint returns, he becomes initially her mentor, before they form a very close friendship. Clint is initially doing Ronin things, but even when he lays down ninja robes, they decide to be very Hawkeye about the whole thing and both keep calling themselves Hawkeye, despite the obvious confusion this causes.
Hawkeye's ears: Hawkeye vs. Deadpool #0-4 (2014)
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This is a fun little miniseries that you could treat as a Halloween special if you so desired. It's set in the time after Fraction's run and there are a few callbacks, but nothing major if you've not read that. Clint is a little short-tempered and hypermasculine in this run for my personal taste, but it's got lots of grumpy Clint Vs sassy Wade while they vaguely attempt to team up. The thing this run does really well is Clint's deafness, despite the lack of visible hearing aids. There are comments around lip-reading, wearing aids when wearing other headgear, there's some sign language, and this is the run where Deadpool pulls his mask up so Clint can lipread and see his face while he signs (facial expressions are really key in sign language). It's lovely. Otherwise the run gives you a Kate cameo, some Deadpool and Hawkeye disaster/shenanigans, and perhaps most importantly, the return of the skycycle.
Key background: All New Hawkeye #1-6 (2015)
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This run is often overlooked, but the art in the flashbacks is beautiful. We get some key information around Clint and Barney's abusive home situation - with their dad who drank and beat them, and how they ended up in care after their parents died, and subsequently their early days in the circus. There is a definite shift in how Barney is characterized as a bad influence compared to the 2003 run. It parallels with the rest of the arc which focuses on Clint and Kate Bishop working together to get some kids out of a very bad situation. The rest of Lemires run is a little weird and has no major repurcussions for anyone except Barney (which I won't elaborate on because it's relevant to the Fraction run).
Back to your roots: Tales of Suspense #100-104 (2017)
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Seeing Clint cycle back and return to Tales of Suspense is really lovely. This comic is one of my all time favourites. It's incredibly tight story-telling with a great plot and really fun dynamic. The premise is Clint and Bucky teaming up to figure out the body trail being left after Black Widow's death. Clint is obnoxious and a delightful mess, Bucky is sporting a permanent scowl and is hilariously level-headed. It's a lot of fun and it's a lovely build on the tension and teamwork between these two idiots (who I, as an avid Winterhawk shipper, am completely gone for, but even without that, this is a great comic.) It also has some killer covers, and the facial expressions are absolutely hilarious.
Hawkeyes together: Hawkeye #13-16 (2017) and West Coast Avengers #1-10 (2018)
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The Hawkeye run is Kate Bishops run and it has a larger continuing storyline that runs from the beginning of her Hawkeye and way into WCA, but I've listed the issues that you'll want for Kate and Clint shenanigans, and you should be able to catch up without the rest if you don't want it. These comics are ridiculously fun, especially West Coast Avengers, which has Kate leading the team this time. There's loads of jokes, and it strikes a nice balance between Hawkeyes being disasters and being hyper competent. Truthfully, this is Kate's show, and Clint takes a backseat, but their dynamic is killer here so I think is deserves a mention. There are also plenty of Clint related wardrobe malfunctions and Lucky the Pizza Dog is around.
Our most recent boy: Hawkeye freefall #1-6 (2020)
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I haven't read this one yet, but it's been extremely well received by the fandom. As a result, good news: no spoilers! It's a short run, which may have had something to do with it being published during 2020, and specifically around a time when Marvel were experiencing some major distribution issues (which would have led to digital release only and as a result lower sales), but that's all guesswork because I haven't actually researched it. This run has someone dressing as Ronin and letting Clint take the blame for their nefarious deeds (oh no!). Clint makes some classic Clint (read: dumpster fire) decisions, and the art looks fun and vibrant. Can't really give you more without reading it myself 😅 If you need more Clint still, he's also rumoured to be knocking around in the 2020 Black Widow run, but I've not had the money to get my mitts on that yet either.
Notable AUs:
Marvel is a big fan of throwing a well known cast into an alternative universes, so there are a few other places to look for him.
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The Ultimates universe was largely speaking a bit of a shitshow, but they did give us a very dark and gritty Clint, so if that's your jam, ultimate hawkeye is the place to be. Old Man Hawkeye appears alongside Old Man Logan, and they are both, you guessed it, old. It's not the only time we get Clint as a wrinkly dude (the second half Lemire's run also has some timey-wimey stuff happening), but this is a version of Clint who is going blind (granted we've seen that before too, but this is a darker vibe than Blindspot). Wanna know who the greatest marksman is without his sight - old man Hawkeye for you! Finally there's the Zombie 'verse: zombie Clint is a little confused, but he's got the spirit. Clint got zombiefied and then left in some rubble as only a head for 40 years before getting picked up, so he's a little worse for wear. If you need that in your life then Marvel Zombies is your universe. For a full rundown of all the universes including animated and MCU, click here.
Notable aliases:
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Clint's been a few other people than Hawkeye in the 616 universe (the main Marvel Comics universe). He used one of Hank Pyms growth serums and became a giant strongman in Avengers #63 (1969) and stuck around in his Goliath form for more than a few issues. After Cap had died, Clint returned from the dead and tried on Captain America for all of one issue in Fallen Son #3 (2007). He decided (with a little help from Kate) that it wasn't right to wear the uniform, which in turn led to some interesting tension between him and Bucky Barnes when Buck did become the new Captain America. Finally, there's his most well-known alternate persona: Ronin. Clint becomes Ronin after returning from the dead, wanting a break from his Hawkeye persona and an opportunity to become Ronin arises in New Avengers #27 (2007). Clint is not the only person to have used these aliases. Additionally, Hawkeye has been used not only by Clint and Kate Bishop, but also by Bullseye during the Dark Reign.
The things we haven't talked about
Like I said at the very beginning, there is a lot of Clint Barton knocking around in comics and even with all this there's a lot of content I haven't focused on. For instance, I've not talked a lot about his relationships, beyond his marriage to mockingbird (and really I only scratched the surface with that), and honestly once you start getting into interpersonal relationships we're starting to move on from what can be done in a Tumblr thread.
There are also some topic specific threads floating around, which you might like to look at too.
@vaguelyrotten has done a run down of some great dumpster fire Clint Barton comics (some of which I haven't listed) and you can see that here.
@bobbimorses did a great summary of Clint's historical deafness for instance which you can find here.
There's also this little bit all about Clint and Bucky in canon (thanks to @nightwideopen ) and how Winterhawk became a thing (thanks to @1000-directions )
This is slight sidenote, but @clintscoffeepot did a really great comprehensive of Fraction Clint's apartment which is just a really useful writing resource and you can get that here.
There is also this website which I stumbled across fairly far into writing this post which does actually look like it might be comprehensive.
If I've missed anything major, or listed something incorrectly or you just have some Clint related opinions that I need to know about, do hit me up.
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lubdubsworld · 2 years
Hey Shyn! There's something I wanna ask you about if you don't mind? This may get a bit long though so sorry for that and you totally don't have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable!
How do you forgive yourself for making mistakes? Especially when they involve other people despite how much you love them?
I'm currently in therapy for anxiety and habitual overthinking and recently started feeling for guilty for the smallest to biggest mistakes I've made. Especially the ones that involved other people and ones that were not out of the best intentions on my part. I remember there have been times when I've done unfair or wrong things to someone in my life out of my own insecurities, jealousy, frustrations, etc. And suddenly I'm remembering them randomly and I'm realizing how wrong and unfair I was and how I didn't think about their feelings at times. And I can't stop thinking about it.
I've apologised to some sure but it still makes me feel guilty that I thought of them like that or tried to take advantage of someone. Honestly, that person said they don't think it's as bad as the way I see it because they think I'm a much nicer person and that makes me feel crazy honestly because what's good about someone who has done that?
But another thing I realized is the "cancel" culture where we see quotes like "You are not at fault for what they said to you." Or "Its their fault and not yours." And I talked to my therapist about this and she told me that we shouldn't forget that at times its US who's in the bad position or the one who does the wrong. And that made me realise how these quotes on social media send this "message" where we look at everyone who makes mistakes or hurts others as the "bad" person and end up forgetting that everyone has been in that compromising position at some points. It's definitely not an excuse to do something that's wrong but it's about not making people the "villains."
So then how do we not overthink our mistakes? I mean....does hurting others without realizing or even intentionally out of our own negative emotions.....after accepting our mistakes and learning from them, does that allow us to move on from it? Do we deserve to move on from our mistakes after learning from them? Do we deserve to let it go and live on?
Sorry if that was too heavy 😭 I just love your replies to asks so I wanted to ask about something that has been bothering me too for the past week. Thank you 🤍
Ahh anon .. let me give you a big warm hug.
As I grow older , I realise that it gets more and more difficult to tame my feelings and emotions, to not act out impulsively and to not do thing or say things in the heat of the moment. Even here on this blog o sometimes answer asks that I should probably just block and move on but then I've always been a speak your truth kind of person.
I also realise that whether we do it intentionally or unintentionally, the hurt we cause is often the same in magnitude. So yes, when I make mistakes especially involving my loved ones ...I have a very hard time forgiving myself for it.
I haven't fully solved this myself. So I'm not sure if I can help you. I just wanted to tell you that I understand what you're saying and your feelings are valid.
And yes... You're right about not making people villains because we've all been villains at some point. I think the line is between seeing if there's something that makes you behave that way , continuously and to adress the root cause.
Like if you hurt someone in passing in some way then that's fine as long as you apologize
But if your potentially toxic actions have a pattern.... If you continually treat people badly or if there's a particular facet of your personality that makes you prone to treat people in a bad way, that maybe worth addressing.
Guilt of course helps no one. Guilt is alright just to the point of triggering a change or a conversation or an apology...beyond that it just becomes a hurdle...
Sorry for the late response... I have been reading and re reading your ask for a while and it made me think of a lot of things to about myself.
Here's to being better people as we grow older ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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brittnicpan · 5 years
Some thoughts I had on the Sequel Trilogy...
I was listening to a livestream @girllswithsabers did a few days ago, and they really had my gears turning. I've really been thinking about this recently, but until I listened to their livestream, I wasn't sure how to put it into words. And then it all finally kicked. Here's why Reylo is so much more important than just a "ship". It's the heart of this trilogy and the entire saga.
First, all abusive relationships exist on a foundation of a power imbalance. One person has all the power in an abusive relationship. That's not Rey and Kylo. It is impossible for them to be in an abusive relationship because they are EQUALLY powerful in the Force, and Kylo respects her for that. There is a mutual respect, despite opposing ideologies.
They BOTH have things they have to work on and maturing to do before they can come together. Yes, Kylo obviously has done horrible things and he has to come to terms with those things and atone for them, so it wouldn't be good if Rey stayed with him at the end of TLJ. But Rey's greatest strength is her compassion for people. The strongest thing you can do is choose to have compassion and forgive someone who has wronged you, especially if they are taking the steps to change. Any relationship they have will need to come after redemption, and it will.
Snoke and Kylo are the definition of an abusive relationship. Snoke was more powerful than Ben and took advantage of how vulnerable and hurt he was from his family. He made him think that he could rely on no one but him, until Rey came along. Kylo saw that there was someone exactly like him out there who wouldn't try to use him for his powers or his legacy because she is just as powerful as he is. Ben couldn't kill Snoke without Rey, and that's when he found the strength and opportunity to do so.
The biggest point of it all is this: this is Star Wars. It's a space fairy tale meant to be a monomyth not beholden to the laws and morals of our world. Yes, they are based off of real-life problems and scenarios, but it is meant to entertain, first and foremost. It is also meant to have us think about how we can treat people in real life and what happens when we come together as humanity.
Second, because Star Wars is a monomyth, it discussses the relationships between men and women, the masculine and the feminine, like other mythologies do. It does this starting with Anakin and Padmé and how their imbalanced relationship leads to an imbalance in the Force and an overwhelming amount of masculine and not enough feminine.
Episodes I-VI we see that imbalance, even after Vader dies. Nothing in the galaxy was solved. The Sequel Trilogy's sole purpose is to bring balance to the Force. How? By bringing together the Masculine and the Feminine, finally, as equals. It's told from a female gaze because it doesn't just embolden women, but it says that men and women can have both the Masculine and the Feminine and the world can be at peace if we just come together.
Women are also representative of life because we birth babies. It's the men of the Skywalker family that have caused the destruction of the galaxy, and they didn't have an equal woman to help bring balance back to the Force. What does Luke teach Rey in TLJ? That between life and death, cold and warmth, decay and growth there is a balance. Women represent life, men represent death. Both are necessary, both are equal, and both feed into each other. You can't have one without the other. Rey is Light, Kylo is Dark. Too much of either throws things out of balance. The Jedi Council of the prequels, the Empire of the originals.
All of this to say that, from this perspective, that's the story Episodes VII-IX are telling, and that's why it makes sense that Rey and Ben will be together at the end, that they have to be together at the end. Their relationship is deeper than just a romance, and it doesn't make sense for it to go any other way. In fact, if they didn't follow through with it, it would be a waste of a story and a cowardice move. But, as Kathleen Kennedy said, the Force is female! Thank goodness she was overseeing the making of this trilogy. She knows that you need both a man AND woman's perspective when telling stories. We had the male perspective with the other two trilogies. Now it's time for the female perspective.
Yes, a lot of mostly male and some female fans hate Reylo and hate these movies. But Star Wars is trying to shift the storytelling perspective and not only bring balance to the Force, but tell the audience that amazing things happen when women and men come together as equals, that there is peace when done so. And yeah, we are used to seeing romances from a male gaze perspective. We've been watching them for years, and it's hard to enact change. But of all the franchises that can do it and should do it, it's Star Wars because it's a modern mythology.
So yeah, some men and women are going to reject it initially, but the more we tell it the more it'll take root in people and change perspectives. I'm not bashing men at all, just trying to explain why Reylo is important. You certainly don't have to like it, but if you can try and understand why so many women and even men have clung to this trilogy, it's because it's speaking to us this time. And because of that, we can all learn important things from it.
Anyway, Rey and Ben are the Balance, and there is no doubt in my mind that they are going to be together at the end of TRoS. They have to be. From this particular storytelling perspective, it doesn't work any other way. And I suspect maybe that's why Kathleen Kennedy fired Colin Trevorrow in the first place. Maybe he just couldn't see and understand the female gaze story. So really, the fact that we have Kennedy really is the most reassuring reason that we're getting a Ben and Rey happy ending.
Anyway, enough rambling. Whatever your thoughts are on the Sequel Trilogy, whether you love it or hate it, I would encourage you to go in with an open mind in December and really pay attention to what the story is trying to say. Try and understand why so many women love this story, and some men, too!
A HUGE thank you to Girls with Sabers for inspiring this post with their livestream, and for encouraging me to post my thoughts! You should check out that livestream AND their YouTube channel. They have done amazing work, and really they are the ones that started making me think of Reylo from a literary and symbolic angle in the first place. Thanks ladies! 😊❤❤❤
Here's the link to that livestream:
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kyunsies · 2 years
Hello hello dearest Mädch!
How are you? Sorry for taking so long to reply - my turn to apologise for taking so long to reply. Life has been weirdly busy and I've always ended up conking out on the evenings which is when I usually take the time to reply to you :/
How is your ICU rotation going is it going well? I hope you’re really enjoying it and you feel like you are getting everything out of it that you want to. You know I’m rooting for you!
I’m super happy that you really enjoyed my letter from the airport! It was fun to do and I’m glad that it helped you escape a little bit too. Work was super full on when I landed but I did get you something! It’s just a tiny little thing, honestly, but let me know if you are happy for us to message and stuff so that I can find out how to send it to you properly. Hopefully it will just cheer you up a bit put a bit of sweetness in your day and give you something to look forward to.
I love love love love love love love the rose perfume! I think you’ve got me back on checking out perfumes for the first time in a really long time. I've started paying more attention to again. So thank you very very much for that, you’re a super good influence ha ha. I feel like that guy at the counter you told me about is definitely right when he said muted scents are quite a British thing. Like either subdued, or like, I don’t know there’s a bit of depth or, they’re not like obviously dramatic scents, if that makes sense? I’m trying to think of the British perfume brands that I’m super familiar with, and I feel like that’s what they have in common? There's this famous brand called Penhaligon‘s and their scents are really rich, but never like in your face oh my gosh kind of rich? I don’t know if that makes sense. I hope that makes sense! Aha
I am super happy you did well on your most recent exam! And I hope that gave you a boost to feel like you could keep going and keep doing your best and the good things will always happen. Also, because whenever bad things or things not quite as good as you want happen, then you know that the only way to go is up so that’s a really good thing. I really hope you're not being too hard on yourself, you always work so so hard. Also yes #darkhairproblems I cannot if if I leave my leg hair to grow omg :O
I totally get what you mean about treating yourself and how sometimes it is really hard to do properly? ALSO omg thank you for the advice about the coworker I talk to you about. So it turns out, the thing that seems to help it is when she has a job that gives her less responsibility or big decision making? So she seems to be happy when we just give her stuff that is routine and she is not making important decisions. It almost feels like if she has to do important decisions then that’s what stresses her out and causes her to act the way she has? But she’s been just doing small menial things and she seems to be mellowed out because of that. It’s kind of strange. But I’m absolutely going to take it! I don't know if it's sustainable in the long run, but I guess it's sustainable for now, and honestly I don't know if I have the energy to do more about it at the moment? But, we've just got the possibility of a bit bigger support for the company! Like, with luck a bit more funding, and we got to do a thing with a big studio today! So I'm trying to think about that instead of worrying about her too much? I don't know if that's the right thing, I hope it is.
H is your mental health doing? I hope you are still hanging in there and finding good days amongst the days that’s not so good. I have a similar story to you (without knowing or presuming too much from what you've shared with me, ofc) but a lot of what affected me was from my school too. I know there are still things in that time that I haven't let go of as much as I wish I should have. And I have days when I honestly feel really broken, so what you were saying about being faulty? I absolutely and totally get it. I think the strange thing is that being in that place where you feel super happy, it’s always going to be a really hard thing? Like, no matter how well you think you’re doing, they’ll always be a place that is not so good, but it’s more knowing that you are in a content place? I don’t know, I feel like trying to chase happiness or being happy has sometimes caused the issues when actually it’s just finding a way to be able to smile and say things are OK right now? I don’t know if any of this makes sense or is helpful to you :/ I’ve seen a new therapist now, because on our healthcare system I think I told you therapy is free, but we only have it for a finite point in time, so when your allocated sessions up, you have to end up seeing a new person if you want to see anybody again? I really hope that you manage to find somebody that helps you at a time that’s right for you, and that you don't worry too much about what other people think, or stuff like that. I think you have a great intuition, and you'll know when it feels good right for you to try out. Oh ! But also, like confidence is never a finite thing? You know like when I see you talk about all the stuff on Tumblr, to me having the strength to be that open online is still something that is super confident and awesome, even though it doesn’t look like that kind of "I’m a supermodel strutting down the street in high heels" kind of stereotype? Like, I think that’s the brand of confidence that people sell us, but it’s not really confidence, it’s just appearance, which isn’t really the same thing? I don’t know., But I think you’re a amazing person and being confident is just being able to be, not having to like be anything in particular. Just whatever you really are in the moment And you never never broken or faulty I promise, you’re just human and good and having the bad stuff in life means that you are more human than somebody that’s never been broken or turn off or anything, right? I love you lots, anyway.
OMG ok I know what you mean about being alone for a long time. It’s been a really long time for me too, and I can really honestly say that I’ve been happy not having somebody for a while? But maybe that’s because my last relationship was so not good that I’m happier knowing I’m not in that situation then stressed about being with somebody? But with the whole idea of intimacy and fuck it up, I feel you a lot. These days I get really really cautious about who I’m into because I don’t want to get too deep to fuck it up. Or like, I'm bad at reading people so I worry I'll have read them wrong and they're actually an arsehole? Or I don’t wanna get too deep that it gives them space to feel like they didn’t have to care and come fuck it up? I totally am with you though I don’t want to meet my significant other in a way like you said, like tinder or parties, it just really doesn’t feel genuine to me? Funny story, my friend actually got me to try some dating apps, because I said that I felt a little bit isolated sometimes, and honestly after about two weeks of them, I was just like "Yep I am actually even more bored and I absolutely do not wanna do this". You would’ve found it hilarious, I was so dispassionate and disappointed about it ahahah XD. But it really just… Yeah, no. Ha ha ha. But I bet through work and life you will find somebody cause like, the people you find will probably be the people that are really genuine because it’s not just a random hook up or a random thing like that? But legit, I appreciate you for sharing this with me, because I feel a lot of this stuff too and I think it’s like healthy to acknowledge when you feel this stuff, because it's better than going through this when you're with somebody and then more people get hurt because it'll always get more hectic if you deal with the stuff whilst you're with someone, you know?? You are such a loving person though, so I absolutely believe that when you do meet somebody you will know how to love them and the way you love them will just come naturally, because you love your friends and so you absolutely will know how to love the person that is your person. And your person always meant to be your best friend too, right? So that means that you will definitely love them well, even if you love them half as well as you love your friends, and I know you’ll love them so much.
Have you heard anything about your placement yet? I hope you really really get good news, if not please let me know how it goes! An eight hour shift sound so exhausting and I cannot believe you have to wake up so early in the morning. That sounds so strange but I’m super proud of you for being able to get through that stuff, because it would absolutely kill me if I had to wake up that early so frequently.
Things at work in the wend went really well! The project was so huge, like way bigger than I ever ever thought it would be and on the first night I honestly slept about two hours I was so exhausted. Can I be honest and say that I cried a little bit after the first night because of how overwhelmed I was with just the project? Like in a good way, you know? Not in an oh my God, I really hate that I’m doing this kind of way. Just like, positive overwhelmed? But now I'm worrying that I'm peaking lol. Ahhhh, I hope maybe this is a sign for good things coming soon. I need to get that operation stuff done I told you about soon as well… I’ll tell you more about that next time, because I’ve written loads already.
Love you lots and lots and lots and lots, I hope you’re safe and well, and so sorry for taking so long to reply again, this has ended up being such a brain dump, I hope it hasn't been too tiring to read hajsdkashd. I hope you’re doing a super good (super super looking forward to MONSTA X his two albums in the next two months - I literally cannot believe they are putting out so much music, I am so excited!)
Rooting for you always, talk to you soon!
- 💥 xxxxxxxxxxx
hello my sweet !!!!!! this has been in my inbox for 3 weeks or more so i'm really sorry i'm only posting this now okay? thank you for being so patient with my love and i will try t be better :( you really are the best <3
to answer your first set of questions, i'm doing much better !!!!! you sent this to me in the thick of finals and i would have probably said i'm dying in the inside ;____; but since the semester ended i've been in a much better headspace! i'm working for a few weeks before i go back to uni (jan 17 is when i start my last semester) so i've been a little busy these past few days! my ICU rotation wen really well too bub remember how nervous i was to even start that rotation? well, i ended up really liking it! i've seen so many covid patients, i've got to do a lot of stuff that not a lot of senior nursing majors in other universities can say they've done :') my intructor was incredible, she was so caring and she really wanted us to know our stuff. i'm so grateful for her; i truly have learned more this year than i have any other year in nursing school and i'm so happy <3 so thank you for supporting me throughout this semester, bc really it means a lot to me :( i feel like no one really knows how demanding and stressful nursing school really is besides another nursing student, so thank you for seeing how hard i actually work, all the hours i spend in the hospital and understanding the mental toll this program has on me lsakdfjsldkj ;_____; 
and i know it was probably closer to a month ago, but i really did enjoy that little play by play at the airport angel !!!!! i know it was probably really stressful for you ,but if it ever happens again i would love to be the recipient of that hash back again DLFJ it just felt like a vlog  of some sorts and i really enjoyed it <3 i hope that work went well for you during that trip and i hope work has been continuing to treat you well <3 ALSO U GOT ME SOMETHING FOR REAL ???????? ARE YOU KIDDING  i love you so much  ,,,,,,,,,,,,, you thought of me? ahhh love, i’m really gonna cry :( i would love to see it !!! i don’t think i could ever thank you enough for all that you do for me, but if you wish i totally wouldn’t mind you popping in the messages at all !! this is a safe place for you as i consider you my close friend so i can keep your anonymity in public as always, i will be happy to be  available for you in the DMs any time you need it hun <3 again thank you so much :( wow :(
and i’m glad you are still loving your jo malone rose perfume !!!! it’s funny bc i keep on mentioning that i don’t really go for floral scents all that often however there’s something about jo malone perfumes that is always so refined !!!! <3 also LSDKFJ no you don’t understand that guy at the counter was AMAZING like you could tell he was really invested in the brand and he really likes the philosophy behind it and THAT’S WHAT HE WAS SAYING TOO like gosh, idk how to explain it but every scent is so understated but never boring in any way. just super classy !!!!!! and if that ‘s how all british scents are then  i need to expand my perfume horizon  beyond jo malone!!!!!! lol idk if i ever told you but my mom when she was a lot younger she visited London bc she has a really good friend from work who lives there and she really liked it <3 wish i could go with her again to euroe someday :’) anyways, i’ll definitely have to give Penhaligon a try too :) i can’t believe since i have purchased my perfume i’m already almost halfway thru the bottle LOL i need to get another one ,,,,,,,,,,,
hhh  my love i wish i knew what exam we were talking about hhhh :( if i had a guess i would assume it was critical care bc i did fairly well on my exams in there (besides one exam i really did pretty poorly) but !!!!!!! it’s all over now <3 i will say hun about 2 weeks from final i was ,,,,,,, in a State i was so upset. i know i have probably mentioned this before but for my nursing program, we need an 80% in all courses (a B minimum) to pass and move forward but this one class was giving me quite a bit of grief ,,,,,,, it was our home health, community course and it was so hard bc like, it wasn’t specific ?? like there was no way you could study for it bc most of it was common sense but idk you just had to use a lot of background community nursing knowledge which obviously none of us had bc we are only students LOL so it was really hard and everyone was struggling but anyways: one of our last grades was a project i did with my group and we worked hard on it and we were banking on getting a good grade on the project to give us a good cushion for the final but our prof ended up grading it so hard and we only got a low B (82%) on the project so i was sitting at an 84% before taking the final and bub when i tell you i went to bed with my heart racing every night for those next two weeks i really was ;_____; i know an 84%was honestly not that bad and i had a pretty okay cushion but i was just making it up in my mind that i was going to completely bomb the final and fail that class and fail out of nursing school i was so so terrified ,,,,,,,,,, it was my last final before i went home and all the other finals i did well (i got a B on my other ones) and this one i was praying to every god out there to make me be okay DLKFJ and after i took it i was so nervous but flash  forward to when my plane landed and i was home i got my score on the plane and i couldn’t believe i got a 90% on the exam !!!!!!!!!!! and i called my mom and almost started to cry i made such a big scene lol but i’m just so happy i ended the semester well bub  ,,,,,,,,,,,, ahhhhh
I totally get what you mean about treating yourself and how sometimes it is really hard to do properly? ALSO omg thank you for the advice about the coworker I talk to you about. So it turns out, the thing that seems to help it is when she has a job that gives her less responsibility or big decision making? So she seems to be happy when we just give her stuff that is routine and she is not making important decisions. It almost feels like if she has to do important decisions then that’s what stresses her out and causes her to act the way she has? But she’s been just doing small menial things and she seems to be mellowed out because of that. It’s kind of strange. But I’m absolutely going to take it! I don't know if it's sustainable in the long run, but I guess it's sustainable for now, and honestly I don't know if I have the energy to do more about it at the moment? But, we've just got the possibility of a bit bigger support for the company! Like, with luck a bit more funding, and we got to do a thing with a big studio today! So I'm trying to think about that instead of worrying about her too much? I don't know if that's the right thing, I hope it is.
and  about my mental health angel it is much better now that the semester has ended lol like i’m working the same job i did in the summer with human resources but its just busy work and i’m not worried about nursing or classes, it’s really nice, so thank you for asking :( i really feel you though when you said we are always trying to chase happiness :/ esp in nurusing school or uni in general, idk why i feel content when with when my family says i do a good job, or when i perform well on something. and i know i say it all the time to you but bc i still am not graduated working at a hospital yet, i don’t have anything to be super happy about yet ? it’s just funny how in life no matter what stage you are we are always finding acceptance in things like school or jobs or things like that and we definite that as happiness i think! and don’t even get me on confidence lol i still don’t have much of it ;_____; i remember the first day i started ICU clinical and i told my instructor how far in her career did she not feel “pre shift anxiety” anymore bc i have that really bad ,,,,,,,,,,,, she said it took her almost a awhole 2 full years not to feel like this, and i agree that confidence is kinda hard to attain; and i guess the thing with confidence is that you don’t really know you are slowly getting to it until farther in your career youre like, wow, okay i do know this stuff LOL but like i keep on saying i can’t wait until im at the point where i feel comfortable doing this whole nursing profession you know? i love you lots too, thank you for talking about these hard things with me bc not a lof of ppl around me understand my inferiority complex SDLKFJLK
AHHH BUB I TOTALLY FEEL THIS THO !!!!!!!!! about the datig apps lmaooooo i kinda share the same thing with you in that when i go on them i too feel extremely dispassionate and disconnected LOL like i’m so much better to talk to in person i think ;____; i also have this dumb thing in my head like it doesn’t matter which guy i talk to or anything i alwyas get the sense that they think i’m lame or weird just bc i’m not a hoe LSDFJ idk its stupid i feel like guys don’t like girls like me and i’m literally so comfortable to be around in person but i alwyas feel like i have to act differently around guys bc lowkey i’m like actually afraid of them AHHHH LOL why am i like this angel ? but the dating apps just arent for me like i hate trying to sell my personality based on texting alone i guess ;____; 
about my preceptor placement angel unfortunately i have not heard back from them and its driving me crazy but i know the hospitals in the city i applied to usually take a long time to get everything ready so :’) just praying that everything will work out okay !!!!!!!! if im being honest the 8 hour shift really isn’t that bad when you’re busy, this upcoming semester i’ll have to be working 2 eight our shifts and one 12 hour shift at my preceptorship so ,,,,,,, pray for me LSDKFJ ; its not the hours i’m working that’s hard, it’s more waking up at the ass crack of dawn that really kills me :/ i can’t wait to be working full time where i can request night shifts lol i think i’ll like that a lot :’)
Things at work in the wend went really well! The project was so huge, like way bigger than I ever ever thought it would be and on the first night I honestly slept about two hours I was so exhausted. Can I be honest and say that I cried a little bit after the first night because of how overwhelmed I was with just the project? Like in a good way, you know? Not in an oh my God, I really hate that I’m doing this kind of way. Just like, positive overwhelmed? But now I'm worrying that I'm peaking lol. Ahhhh, I hope maybe this is a sign for good things coming soon. I need to get that operation stuff done I told you about soon as well… I’ll tell you more about that next time, because I’ve written loads already.
and lastly !!!!!!! i really hope things are going well for you on your end at work angel :( i know you said for your trip you were crying but not bc of the stress but like, the good overwhelming kind bc you know lots of good things are happening? i hope it has been continue feeling that way and no hiccups are holding you and your team back from doing things ;____; pls update me on all the exciting things that have been happening bc i’m so excited to hear from you :(
again bub i’m really sorry this is like i month too late and i hope maybe you’re not upset with me ;_____; i just needed to recharge after the semester and i always want to respond to these with as much thought as i can :( i love you so much and i really hope you have been doing well <3 im always a message away and im ALWAYS here for you !!!!!!! mwah <3 
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