#and like it’s fine to not like Python obviously
brokehorrorfan · 15 days
6 Things I Learned from the Lisa Frankenstein Commentary
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We don’t get movies like Lisa Franeknstein often, which is a shame because it’s endlessly charming yet delightfully twisted. While it disappointed at the box office, it has "cult classic" written all over it.
The coming-of-age horror-comedy is out today on Blu-ray and DVD. Among the special features is an audio commentary by Zelda Williams. Here are 6 things I learned…
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1. Catch Me If You Can inspired the opening credit sequence.
The opening credit sequence, which briefly depicts the Creature's love story from his previous life in the style of Victorian shadow box art, was inspired by Catch Me If You Can.
"We wanted to do something interesting with the credits in this bit. I was really inspired by Catch Me If You Can, which I thought the opening credits were particularly interesting and helped establish the story before we ever got to it. And because Creature doesn't speak this whole movie, I wanted an opportunity to show what his life would have been like."
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2. The film was originally intended to be rated R.
Although Lisa Frankenstein pushes the PG-13 rating as far as it can go, it was originally intended to be a hard R. Williams cites the party scene, in which Lisa originally smoked a laced joint rather than drinking a PCP cocktail, as a difficult revision.
"This is where stuff got a little complicated when we were going from R-rated to PG-13. Originally there was a coated joint they were passing around. This is one of the only scenes that I'm not sure I'm as fond of in comparison to the joint stuff. Most of the rest of the changes were fine, but this one I find very strange. It's just a very different reaction and interaction than what used to be there. However, these are the things that happen when making a movie."
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3. Creature is an homage to Day of the Dead's Bub.
Not only Lisa is seen watching George A. Romero's Day of the Dead in the film, but the Creature is an homage to its iconic zombie, Bub.
"Creature for me is definitely an homage to Buster Keaton, but he's also an homage to the zombie you just saw on screen, Bub, who was in Day of the Dead, a Romero movie that I'm very fond of. It was an incredibly emotive and a very intelligent zombie and ended up getting revenge against the asshole in the movie. It was one of my favorite monsters ever made, so when I could put that on screen during the movie, it made me very happy."
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4. Zelda hid a tribute to her father, Robin Williams.
Williams is the daughter of Robin Williams, and she included his 1983 comedy album, Throbbing Python of Love, among the records scattered on the floor in Lisa's living room.
"Oh, there's Dad! We used one of Dad's vinyl albums because we had to scatter some across the floor." She refers to it as "a little, mini Easter Egg for me."
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5. The police officers are named after John Waters.
The police officers in the film are Officer John (played by Walker Babington) and Officer Waters (Sylvia Grace Crim) — named on a whim in honor of cult filmmaker, John Waters.
"They asked me to name the cops, because obviously they needed to have name tags, so I named them Officer John and Officer Waters." She thought no one would notice since they're so small, but a viewer pointed it out at a test screening.
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6. The film is sprinkled with movie references.
Williams wore her influences on her sleeve with her directorial debut, and she pointed out several references on the commentary:
A Trip to the Moon (clip featured in Lisa's surreal dream sequence)
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (stylistic inspiration on the dream sequence)
Weird Science (the party scene)
Suspiria (red lighting during drug sequence)
My Boyfriend's Back (camera shot from inside a grave looking up at characters)
Kill Bill (weapon point-of-view shot)
E.T. (a boy on a bike — played by Diablo Cody's son — at the end)
Notting Hill (reading together on a bench at the end)
Lisa Frankenstein is available now on Blu-ray, DVD, and Digital via Universal.
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autisticlancemcclain · 7 months
Keith knows, truthfully and entirely objectively, that his life has improved since he started dating Lance. Obviously. There is no disputing this fact if nature. His attitude has mellowed, his days are brighter, his nights are even better, his crops are watered his skin is clear et cetera et cetera. (Literally, on that last one, since Lance is sneaky with his product).
There are setbacks.
Like right now, where he’s been pushed so far to the edge of the bed that he’s actually holding his breath to avoid being squished against that wall like a new coat of paint. So.
He loves his boyfriend. Seriously. He’s slept more in the months they’ve been seeing each other than he has in his entire life combined, actually. It’s insane. There’s something about Lance pressed up against his chest, arms wrapped tightly around his ribs, nose barely peeking above his shoulder to let in some air (seriously how does he do that; Keith has watched him and he has, like, maybe one nostril available for oxygen intake. The rest of his face is smooshed against Keith’s upper arm and pec. And he’s got the blanket up to his ears, too. Does Lance not need to breathe for long periods of time? Like a dolphin? Keith will have to ask) that just makes sleeping actually relaxing, for once. Like maybe he doesn’t have to stay half awake, like maybe he can actually trust himself to be safe in his own bed. It’s an incredible feeling, to finally feel well-rested in the mornings.
He does. However. Feel the ittiest, tiniest bit like he’s sleeping with a corset on. And being hydraulic pressed into the corner of the room. If he has to pick something to be nitpicky about, he means.
“Lance, c’mon,” he mutters, exhaling finally. Lance, who is mostly asleep based on the growing puddle of drool Keith feels wetting his sleep shirt, takes the opportunity to squeeze tighter like a goddamn python. “Can you move over a little bit? I’m up against the wall, I got no room to breathe —”
The human corset suddenly lets up, and Keith can breathe again.
So he does.
Perhaps a touch dramatically, with the bug gasping inhale or whatever.
(Look, he’s not perfect. He’s quite comfortable blaming Shiro’s influence, actually.)
“Thank you,” he huffs. He takes a few deep breaths, feeling the twinge in one of his ribs; tender from an injury he has yet to admit he has. (It’s fine. He checked. It’s barely even bruised mostly, he’s good. It’ll handle itself or become a Future Keith problem, so.) He curses under his breath as he stretches a bit, taking advantage of the space.
He frowns. “Wait, what?”
He sits up, confused as to why his spider monkey boyfriend is not in his immediate presence. It takes a second for his bleary eyes to adjust to the half-light of their bedroom, but eventually he manages and looks over and Lance is — Lance is on the goddamn floor. The blanket is with him. And four pillows.
Keith bites his lip. This is either a bit or a very delicate situation, and if it’s the latter and he laughs then he’s very much in the doghouse, and for all his complaining he would much rather spend the night suffocating than alone. Much rather.
“Aw, Lance, come on.”
Unfortunately, his voice shakes, and he can’t quite tamp down his snorts and giggles, as much as he tries to muffle them.
Lance doesn’t speak, but Keith can almost physically taste his frown. His pout practically has its own atmosphere, it’s so potent.
Keith gets to his knees, half-shuffling across the mattress. He leans over the edge, closer to Lance’s curled up form, and raises an eyebrow, amused. “Leandro. You are not being serious right now.”
The silence continues to grow. Keith can almost feel an actual chill, there’s so much iciness leaking from Lance right now.
(He also has the only blanket, but whatever. Tomato tomato.)
“If you never want to sleep with me again that’s fine,” Lance says tersely. Keith rolls his eyes, head in his hands. “The floor is lovely. I’d rather be here than anywhere near your stinky mullet anyway.”
Keith sighs, long and heavy, steeling himself for the inevitable back pain he is going to have tomorrow morning. The things he does for love.
“You are the most dramatic man alive. Scoot over.”
Caught off guard, Lance uncurls, looking over at Keith in confusion.
Keith grins. “There are those pretty brown eyes.”
The pretty brown eyes in question are still squinted in suspicion, but Keith was expecting that. He moves as casually as he can manage, even trying his luck by humming something Lance was listening to earlier, picking up the edge of the blanket and sliding in behind his boyfriend, flat on the floor, arms winding around his waist and head bent at the junction of his shoulder. Lance is still tense, but allows Keith in his space, thankfully. Keith was half worried he’d stomp away to go sleep with Hunk.
“‘M sorry,” he mumbles, pressing a kiss to Lance’s neck and lingering there, making his boyfriend shiver as his lips tickle his skin. “Didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. Just feeling a little claustrophobic.”
Lance softens, but only barely. “You can tell me to back off, you know. I will.”
There’s still an undertone of hurt to his voice, a backing of insecurity. Keith tightens his grip, shaking his head.
“No. Don’t want that.”
Lance makes a frustrated noise. “Well, then what do you want, Mr. Mixed Signals?”
“You.” He traces an invisible line down the side of Lance’s neck with his mouth, kissing and biting slightly, relishing in every little twitch of Lance’s shoulders. “Duh.”
“No, not ‘duh’,” Lance argues, but his voice has gone weak. “You’re a pain in my ass. Do you want to be cuddled or not, Red?”
Bingo. Keith fights a smirk at the nickname, knowing he fails when Lance sighs, but the slide of his hands to rest on top of Keith’s bely his amusement, his fading irritation.
“Course I do,” Keith promises. His kisses the back of Lance’s neck again, but it’s softer this time; no underlying motives. An assurance, a promise. “I just. You know. Would also like twelve percent more space to inflate my lungs, if that’s okay.”
Lance snorts. Keith grins.
“You’re such a goober.”
“You’re the goober, actually. The pile of drool on my shoulder proves it.”
He feels more than sees Lance’s neck go red. Keith snickers. Lance hates when Keith brings up the drooling and for that he will literally never ever stop.
“I hope you wake up in agony.”
“Oh, I will, thanks to your hissy fit.”
Lance kicks his heel into Keith’s shin because he’s a shithead. Keith takes it without complaint because he’s the biggest whipped loser of all time and he’s well aware of it.
“We can go back to the bed, you know,” Lance offers eventually, although he makes no effort to move.
Keith yawns. “Nah.” He rests his head on the top of Lance’s spine, tangling their legs together. “I’m good where you are.”
based off this post
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What, in your opinion, is the best snake for chilling with. Obviously like, this is a hypothetical situation where the snake is not in danger from you and you are not in danger from fhe snake and everything is fine
Short-tailed pythons are my favorites to just hang out with. They're big and heavy-bodied, and they just like to sit still and chill. Just a snake you can sit on the couch and watch TV with.
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raggstorice · 8 months
Incorrect Quotes Part: 2!
(using the Incorrect Quotes generator)
(ft: Idia/Malleus, MC, Cheka, & Farena)
(Dorm dinnertimes.)
Ruggie: Jack, can you pass the salt?
Jack: Throws Leona across the table
(Leona and Jack sitting in jail together)
Jack: So who should we call?
Leona: I’d call Ruggie, but I feel safer in jail
(during a dorm party)
Leona: Who thinks I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?
Jack: You’re a hazard to society
Ruggie: And a coward. DO TWENTY.
Leona, pouring milk directly into the cereal bag: And you thought I could help?
(HC: Leona can cook he just lacks motivation)
Leona: I told Jack their tail wags when they lie.
Ruggie: Why?
Leona: Look.
Leona: Hey Jack! Do you love us?
Jack, holding their tail: No.
Ruggie: You have to apologize to Farena.
Leona: Fine.
Leona: 'Unfuck you' or whatever.
Leona: While I’m gone, Cheka, you’re in charge.
Cheka: Yes!!!
Leona, whispering: Ruggie, you’re secretly in charge.
Ruggie: Obviously.
Leona, probably about like- Idia or Malleus?: They stole from me first!
Jack: Mhm.
Leona: Stole my heart...
Ruggie: It is still illegal to commit murder.
Leona: What's a word thats a mix between 'sad' and 'mad'?
Jack: Disgruntled, miserable, desolated-
Ruggie: Smad.
Farena: Come on, I wasn’t that drunk last night.
Leona: You were flirting with (Insert Farena wife name here.)
Farena: So what? Shes my Wife.
Leona: You asked them if they were single.
Leona: And then you cried when they said they weren't.
Leona, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him
Jack: You did WHAT–
Ruggie: William Snakepeare
Leona, talking about his lack of motivation: Sometimes I even drink milk straight out of the container!
Jack: The cow???
Leona: What?
Ruggie: Jack, W H Y?
Leona: I’m kind of crushing on someone, but I’m worried about telling you who it is, because you’re not going to like it
Jack: Just rip the bandage off.
Leona: It’s Idia/Malleus.
Ruggie: Put the bandage back on.
Jack: What time is it?
MC: I don’t know; pass me that saxophone and we’ll find out
MC: Plays sax loudly and extremely out of tune
MC: It’s 2 am
Cheka, texting Leona: Unca! Help I’m being kidnapped
Leona: Where are you?
Cheka: I’m with some strange person. In a car. Help.
Leona: I’ll call Farena.
Farena, answering their phone: Y’ello?
Leona: Where’s Cheka? They texted me that they were being kidnapped.
Farena: Cheka? Whaddya mean, they're right next to me-
Farena: I’ll call you back. hangs up
Cheka: WHO ARE YOU?!
(playing a card game like trial by trolley or something)
Jack: If Ruggie and I were drowning, who would you save?
Leona: You two can’t swim?
Ruggie: It’s a hypothetical question, Leona! who would you save?
Leona: my time and effort.
Ruggie: We need to get through this locked door. Leona, give me your credit card.
Leona: Here.
Ruggie, pocketing it: Thanks. Jack, kick down the door.
Authors Note: I didn't know any other love interests besides Malleus and Idia soooo
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legacyshenanigans · 1 year
Hello there! 💚
I was wondering does Rerek like MC?
Since Marvolo seems to have feelings for her, does Rerek find her sympathetic too? Does MC talk to him from time to time when she visits Marvolo?
Helloooo~ 😊
I really like this question, I'll do a little HC and a little script on Rerek. 🐍💚
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Rerek is a 14ft Golden Child Reticulated Python. He was a gift from Aleister(father) to Marvolo when he was younger and has played a huge part in Marvolos life. He was named after the Egyptian demon of chaos, who had the form of a serpent. Rerek feeds mainly on Muggle bodies that Marvolo brings home from the illegal torture den business. If no such parts are available, he has quite the taste for Nifflers and Puffskiens, but he's not fussy with his food really.
Rerek rarely likes anybody truth be told, it doesn't matter if Marvolo likes them, Rerek will not, though he'll leave people be on Marvolos command of course, but it doesn't stop him from being a sassy little bitch, which is one of his BIG personality traits.🤣
MC with Rerek🐍
MC: *wanders in to Marvolos room* Hello *playful smile*
Marvolo: *small smirk from across the room* Good afternoon..I'll be done in a moment *continues sorting out some papers at his desk*
MC: Sure. No problem *walks off towards a chair and sits down near Rereks Vivarium*
Rerek: *raising his head to look at MC*
MC: *smiles at him* Hi Rerek *reaches out to pet him*
Rerek: *quickly moves his head away from MC's hand*
MC: *flinches back*
Rerek: *speaking to Marvolo (but it just sounds like deep hisses to MC)* Your whore just tried to touch me..Tell her I'll strangle her if she EVER puts her hands on me again without your permission..
Marvolo: *chuckles*
MC: *confused, looking between the two of them*
Marvolo: *parseltongue* Be nice..Let her pet you..
Rerek: Fine..But I don't like this..
MC: (???)
Marvolo: *gestures for her to pet Rerek*
MC: *looks over at Rerek*
Rerek: *glaring at her and is obviously not happy about it*
MC: Maybe I'll just leave him be..
Rerek: a wize fucking choice...
Marvolo: *laughs and speaks back to him* Rerek stop being a bitch!
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centipedelightning · 1 year
Hello, one was hoping to request separate headcanon sets for Tommy and Python who are in QPRs with a gn reader who has Somniphobia + Nyctophobia! If not, one understands!
One thanks thou for taking the time to read this!
do you use like?? old english pronouns? Bc if so that is so incredibly cool.
Mafiafell Sans & Papyrus x gn!Reader w/ Somniphobia and Nyctophobia || queer platonic || comfort
no cw/tws || not proof read sorry :/
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He gets the nyctophobia thing. Being a mob boss doesn’t really lend itself to restful sleep.
Hate to tell you that both humans and monsters need to sleep at some point though, so Tommy makes it his mission to get you to bed as easily as possible.
If your relationship is the type where you sleep in his bed with him, be that every night or just some, he makes sure to keep his room as comfortable for you as possible.
You got nice lamps giving off a very low ambient light. You got a bed overflowing with nice, soft blankets and pillows perfect for you neck.
He only does this for you btw, that man could sleep on a cement floor like it’s the queen’s bed.
Hell, he tries very hard to be home more often to help you get to sleep. If your somniphobia stems from a sense of safety (or lack thereof) there’s nothing safer than one of the scariest boss monsters and mob bosses around.
He’s willing to do damn near anything you ask if it’ll help you sleep. Massages, stories, he will even sing for you if he knows it’ll help. He’s not great at singing for the record. Fine, good even, but not great.
Hint: ask him to hum instead <3
On nights where you just can’t sleep no matter how hard you both try, he’s prepared to stay up with you to keep you company.
If you live with him, he installs nightlights and ambient lights in every room so you can walk around at night. If you don’t live together, he does the same thing. He just gets more obnoxious about checking them because he’s not over every moment of every day to make sure none of the bulbs blew.
You want a man you can bond over having a sleeping fear with? You got him right here. Python is a Don. Can you imagine how bad his anxiety must be?
At first, your mutual sleeping fears will blend into a cesspool of anxiety and paranoia. It. Sucks. After you two have a heart to heart about how the other looks like garbage and has been barely functioning, y’all will come up with solutions.
Python has massive safety/security fears that makes it hard to sleep. You two come up the idea to install a state of the art security system that’ll alert Python the second there’s trouble. You explain your specific issues and you both come up with the most perfect, foolproof solution.
Naturally anxiety and phobias are by definition irrational, so this isn’t a perfect fix. That’s what you have each other for! Python makes some delicious teas, so on nights where one, the other, or both can’t sleep, he’ll get up and make some.
He’s definitely more of a wait until the fear passes enough to sleep kind of guy, but if you express that you aren’t and want to get to sleep, he does his best to help. In a similar, if not more stilted manner, Python does some similar stuff to Tommy. He’s willing to talk and tell stories. If you need him to just drone on so you can sleep, he will. You will hear about budgets, and territories, and resource allocations. It’s some of the most boring stuff in the world, but whatever helps right?
Nyctophobia he gets in theory.
Like, yes he understands that you have a fear of the dark and he even gets that there’s a lot of things that could stem from. But honestly? He’s so used to working at night and he’s able to handle himself that it’s never been a real concern for him.
He obviously is willing to help though. He offers to buy a nightlight or dim lamp to keep in your room. If you two sleep in the same bed ever, he’s gonna grumble about it.
Python is the kind of guy that needs absolute darkness to sleep. He gets you a nightlight no matter what, but he will also treat himself to a Very Fancy sleep mask.
He will never tell you that he’s been practicing acclimating himself to sleeping with more light because he wants to make sure you are as comfortable as possible. No way.
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godsofhumanity · 9 months
Do you mind writing about Artemis's relationship with the Olympians?
haHA!! fine. only because you asked nicely :)
i'm aware of interpretations where Artemis is considered to be one of Zeus' favourite children,, but personally, i don't really see this as being the case.
i think Zeus loves Artemis (and Apollo) the way he loves all of his children, and maybe he gives Artemis a little extra as tribute to Leto-- this is related to my hc that Leto breaks things off with Zeus because she knows that Hera is meant to be with Zeus, not her. so like, its compensation kinda.
one thing about Zeus is that he respects all the decisions of his children; so like, Artemis choosing to go chaste and solo is not something he ever questions about, or tries to get her to change her mind about-- he's just like, "yep ok sweetie, that's cool with me", and i think he actively tells the rest of the gods, "my daughter is off limits".
i think Zeus is probably one of the first people Artemis runs to when she's in trouble.. i guess she's a bit of a daddy's girl.
they hate each other.
Hera hates how "not like other girls" Artemis tends to come across, and Artemis hates Hera because of how she dislikes Leto and sent Python to attack them.
after Zeus brought Artemis and Apollo to Olympus as Olympians, Hera kinda isn't really able to actively pursue them, but she still glares at them a lot.
Apollo, at least, isn't actively rude to Hera, so she kinda tolerates him.. but Artemis will straight up ignore Hera or just be incredibly curt.
it's always awkward.
ah. you'd think that since both women choose to live outside Olympus on their own, they'd have a lot more in common.
but honestly? i don't think they do. this is probably partly because Demeter and Hera are so close.. i can't imagine that Demeter is over the moon about Artemis, or Leto for that matter.
they're not rude to each other, but i don't think they interact much.
a mother-type of figure to everyone. i think Hestia is just a supportive goddess on the side that everyone can kinda trust i guess.
of course, Artemis already has Leto for a mother, so yeah.
they DON'T get along.
Poseidon has a baddd track record with women. i think everyone knows this. i can see Artemis keeping WELL away.
Poseidon doesn't really care about Artemis. she's just another one of Zeus' many kids... i don't think she sticks out too much to him.
again. they're civil. but not much interaction.
they actually do have a similar personality; particularly in that they can be silent and brooding and cold.
a little hc i have is that, when Persephone comes to Olympus for the first time, and everyone's all excited that there's finally another young goddess BESIDES Artemis (Athena isn't born yet), Artemis immediately is like "you should join me and my hunters".
i think she's a little disappointed when Persephone very politely declines, but they remain very good friends.
like i said in the previous post, they get along well.
they have a similar personality, and i can't think of any myths where they're rivals.
obviously they're tight as siblings. maybe a little too tight.
i like the idea that Apollo and Artemis keep each other in check.
Apollo knows how important it is that Artemis keeps true to her oaths of chastity and remain with her hunters.
things get complicated when Artemis meets Orion-- and Apollo is very aware of the danger he presents to the hunters.
so, i actually do like the idea that Apollo is the one who tricks Artemis into killing Orion.. or he sends the scorpion to kill Orion.. i can't decide.. but Apollo was definitely the instrument behind Orion's death.
and for the longest time, Artemis hates Apollo's guts for doing this. they don't talk, she doesn't even look in his direction.
but eventually, she comes to terms with it. she knows it was the wrong thing.
Artemis is also the one who kills Coronis when she cheats on Apollo... and i think Apollo would've been pretty distraught about that, but yeah. that's what they do.
so i think they "look out" for each other in that way-- it's always a bit dangerous when you love someone so much you'd kill for them, but i think that's the way their sibling-relationship is (do NOT read into that as romance please!!!!!!!!!!!).
they get along nicely.
they have a pretty regular sibling relationship.. not to the extent that it is with Apollo, but you know.. they make fun of each other, they pull pranks on other people together. the usual.
many gods push Ares to the side. but i like the idea of Ares and Artemis being especially close.
she has a completely different fighting style to Ares- she's long range, he's short range. and i think this makes them a good fit.
i like the idea of Artemis and Ares going hunting together. even though Ares has a pretty lengthy list of lovers, his stories are never like Zeus' or Poseidon's or Dionysus'.. there's no trickery or deceit. and i think that makes Ares a little easier to trust.
he wouldn't hang out with Artemis' hunters, but i can see him participating in her hunt on occasion.
not much of a relationship. they're very cordial and polite, but most importantly- Hephaestus makes Artemis' hunting equipment.
i think there's also a version of Hephaestus' myth where Leto is one of the goddesses to help raise Hephaestus? i don't agree with that version, but in tribute to that relationship, i can see Hephaestus and Artemis getting along.
hm. i think it would be the same as with Hermes.
surprisingly, i think they actually get along decently well.
i think this is because Ares and Artemis are close, so since Aphrodite is Ares' wife, they get along well.
i have a hc that when Aphrodite first came to Olympus, before she gets a grip on her domain and her role, she sees all the other young Olympians and how they can fight really well, and wants to learn to fight as well- and Artemis, at Apollo's recommendation, is the one who trains her.
so yeah, all in all, they get along well.
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static-wyvern · 29 days
Wyvie's Blog Masterpost
(about time I made one of these)
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Greetings, dearest entity! Welcome to my strange little corner of the internet. I'm gonna put a ton of info under a read-more so it doesn't take an eternity to scroll past this post haha
-28 years old, born January 25th (an aquarius, you can tell can't you? haha)
-Cis Female, but any pronouns are fine with me!
-Introverted, don't handle one-on-one conversation well, and also quite shy in general
-Panromantic Asexual
-Furry for at least 16 years
-Left-Handed, both a blessing and a curse
-Could be autistic, could not. The jury's still out on it.
-My voice has remained pretty much unchanged since my early teens. Puberty, my ass!
-If we're talking and I refer to myself in the third-person, please don't point it out; it started as a joke in reference to the khajiit from the Elder Scrolls and now it's a bit of a habit.
-Chao! (the little guys from Sonic Adventure) I've been obsessed with them since they first appeared and all chao are my babies (yes, even yours.)
-Dragons! I love dragons! All sorts of dragons!
-Skunks! They're so chubby and I love their colors and their tiny ears and big noses!
-Snakes! Danger Noodles! I wanna pet ball python so badly!
-Self-Shipping! Hoo boy... Might make an f/o list, might not. It'll be a bit lengthy, that's for sure.
-Junk Food! I love salty foods, but I'm off the caffeine at the time of this post.
-Cold Weather! Born in the cold, thrive in the cold.
-Worldbuilding! Got my own little species with their own little language on their own little planet all in my head!
-Rude People, self-explanatory
-Horror, I'm a huge wuss and even old-school obviously-fake blood freaks me out
-Loud Noises, I'm jumpy enough even without them
-Spiral Notebooks, more a nuisance than anything. I'm a leftie and flipping the notebook just seems extra-cursed.
-Rice. Just never liked it.
-Hot Weather makes me feel like I'm dying
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ssplague · 2 years
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Chapter 8
Mature audience only
‼️Trigger warnings‼️Sex, oral sex, manipulation, toxic relationships, yandere, drinking, a bit of classism if you squint, degradation, brief mentions of kidnapping and assault, delusional thinking, tiny bit of animalistic predator/prey kink, gas lighting.
**From here on out Y/BF/N=Your best friends name! It was easier for me using her/she so yeah…**
@angie-1306 @wolfunderthetree @marifujioka @im1nobody @atmyhet @elaineplayz @girlwithnokatsuki @rainstorm22 @bi-polar-pandas @itadakimasu @ss-akii @winchescumberholland @po3ticb3auty @lizethecookie01 @maggiecc @lordmypantsaresocool @shoslutt @presidentmonica @venussakura @villaness-noble-girl @comfycozy @lilmad13 @lunamoonbby
🐇 🤝 🐺
It’s about 9:00 Friday evening, and thanks to “Old Man Bakugou” and his religious bed time; The two of you are ensured privacy for the rest of the evening. So neither one of you is in a big hurry, it’s a mutual decision to take your time on one another.
Exploring the body of the only person in the world that has mapped out your flesh so throughly. Topography at its most expert level, maps aren’t actually needed for this erotic venture. Finger tips leaving invisible trails over perfect curves, and well built muscles. An occasional sigh being the only sound other than lips smacking together in sloppy kisses.
This is love, it absolutely has to be love in its most raw and sensual form. Words don’t even have to be exchanged anymore, eye contact and body language are the only forms of communication needed here. Fingers take the place of sore feet as you approach this secret sought out destination.
Your lips meld together once more as large hands are getting a good grip on your breasts, now your hips. Legs wrapped themselves around a slender waist like pythons putting the death grip on their prey. He’s positioned at your soaking entrance now, slick is like quick sand coating his skin and sucking him further down into the your depths. Your mouth falls open and the most angelic sound pours out of it.
Then the god forsaken generic apple ringtone blares loudly, the offending sound bouncing and reverberating within the room. Successful In shattering this erotic illusion you’d both lost yourselves inside of.
Katsuki curses, but makes no effort to pull out of you and soon you both let out a sigh of relief as the room quiets down once again.
“Now where were w-“
The ringtone starts up again but this time from a different part of the room, it’s your phone this time.
You put pressure on your angry lovers chest, you already know how this will go down if you don’t answer, and you aren’t interested in repeating the same scenario over again. He growls in frustration but relents and you pull on his shirt before picking up your phone.
Mom would like to FaceTime
You make sure you’re smiling before accepting the call. Once you do, you’re greeted by the sight of Mitsuki Bakugou looking into her vanity mirror.
“Y/N! I knew you would answer if I called, unlike my worthless son! Dunno why I even bother with him!” She sneers, briefly glancing at her phone before grabbing for a small glass jar off screen.
“Oh fuck off you old hag!” Katsuki shouts as you join him back on the bed, “The fuck are you pestering us for anyway?”.
“Katsuki!” you exclaim, obviously you are used to their relationship and it’s fucked up dynamics but you still hate when he insults his mother.
“I wanted to know if you two were going to come home for the weekend?” She asks, dabbing some sort of cream beneath her eyes.
Katsuki talks over you before you can reply “I never come home for the weekend unless it’s a holiday you force me to attend, and I ain’t starting to see you any more than I absolutely have to!”.
“Fine, Y/N can come home and you can stay at school, that’s a better idea anyway!”
“She doesn’t go anywhere I’m not going! So hell no!”
The two of them continue arguing, you start thinking of a resolution to this problem, all the while their volume increasing.
You’d honestly been contemplating how nice it was living with your boyfriend and his parents quite a bit since school had resumed. You like that you got all of Katsuki’s attention, you missed the evening talks you always had in the back yard with Masaru, and you liked the sporadic “Girl time” activities Mitsuki always managed to rope you up in.
“I’d like to come home for the weekend”
They both went silent after your announcement.
“HAH?!” Katsuki bellowed, mouth agape, red eyes wide open staring you down in disbelief. His mother was beaming at you, happy you agreed with her.
Katsuki was the one in control of your relationship, that was obvious and you seldom attempted to disagree with him. However; When you really wanted something you knew how to work him—for the most part. So to help smooth things over and avoid any fallout, it was time to do a little damage control.
You propped the phone up on a pillow so both you and Katsuki were in frame now. It would scare a normal, self aware, person how easily you could slip into this role, you don’t even really have to think about it. Like a well worn mask, the best nervous expression you could muster fell perfectly into place, you securely wrapped your arms around your middle, and last but not least made sure to shrink in on yourself.
A perfect replica of the most docile, doe eyed, co-dependent, girlfriend. Katsuki hates that his mother can see you two right now. He doesn’t know wether he wants to coddle and kiss you breathless, or bully his dick into you as he bites your lips and makes you cry.
“Dont you remember that everyone was making plans for tomorrow? The girls were all going out to Karoke, and the boys are going to the arcade…” you bit your lip, obviously anxious, before continuing “I..I don’t want to go out somewhere like that without you, what if something happens-“.
“Shit you’re right! I forgot about that…” he mumbles, surely shitty hair and dunce face would be harassing him for missing a “boys night out” or whatever the fuck- and he doesn’t want to hear their shit.
“Okay fine dammit, we’ll come home!” He relents and you make sure to hug him and give him the dazzling smile he loves so much.
“When should I pick you two up?” The older woman asks, now giving you both her full attention, skin care routine temporarily forgotten.
“You’re coming to get us? Why?” Katsuki asks but you interrupted him “Could you be here around ten? I think everyone is leaving sometime after eleven so that way we don’t have to hear any complaints saying we ditched them”.
“Ten sounds good, I’ll see you two then, good night!”
“Good night mom, see you in the morning!”
You set your phone on the night stand beside his, then pull his shirt back over your head and toss it off the side of the bed. Laying back down you innocently glance up at him, throwing his words from earlier back at him;
“Now where were we?”.
You’re lucky that you look so alluring splayed out beneath him, otherwise you’d be in trouble for sassing him. The sliver of moon light sneaking in through the curtains was illuminating your features in the best way. You looked ethereal, like some erotic goddess.
His dream girl…
The following morning you and Katsuki exited the elevator into the common area just five minutes before you were going to be picked up.
“Hey, good morning you guys!” Kirishima is the first to greet you both with a smile (as usual). That smile quickly turned into a frown when he noticed the over night bag that Bakugou held tossed over one shoulder, “You guys are leaving? But what about going to the arcade this afternoon-“ he’s cut off by Mina appearing beside him “Y/N I wanted you to be my partner for karaoke!” She whines.
“The old hag needs us home for something this weekend, besides you’re going with all the other extras, s’not like we’re really needed anyway” Katsuki says dismissively before looking at you “Ready?”.
You nod happily, “Sorry Mina, next time for sure! See you guys on Sunday!”
Both of your friends sigh defeatedly as the two of you exit the building.
“They’re pretty much inseparable at this point” Kirishima says thoughtfully.
“It’s not healthy for the two of them to always only spend time together, they’re isolating themselves” Mina says, frustrated at the red head’s failure to see things for what they truly were.
He cocks his head to the side, curious to why pinky is once again bothered by something he isn’t able to perceive.
“Just forget I-“
“Excuse me?” the pinkette is cut off by someone else’s sudden appearance.
“How can we help you? Don’t think I’ve see you around here before” Kirishima asks, friendly smile in place and eager to assist the newcomer. “I’m actually in general studies…my name is Y/BF/N, I’m actually looking for Y\N? Pretty sure this is the right building…” the girl glances around the common area in hopes of spying a familiar face.
“Unfortunately you Just missed her, she won’t be back until Sunday evening” Mina informs the newcomer, who instantly looks crestfallen. “Oh…well okay, thanks anyway” y/bf/n says, hanging her head as she’s turning to leave. “Wait!” the sudden exclamation stops the sad girl and she turns back towards the other girl who shouted after her.
“How do you feel about karaoke?”
Katsuki notices the small smile you’d had since waking up this morning is still on your face and it makes his chest tighten; “You haven’t stopped smiling, everything okay in there?”. He taps your temple, you huff and shove him, taking mock offense to his question.
“Well I was happy I’d finally have you all to myself for once but now…” you trail off as the two of you stop at the curb. “Oh shudup” he growls, pulling you against him by the waist. Placing a kiss to your temple and now smiling himself at the series of adorable giggles he’s rewarded with. A second later a familiar SUV pulls up infront of the two of you and your doting boyfriend opens the door for you.
You were coming along perfectly, Katsuki thought before hearing a shrill “Hurry up brat!”. That rare smile was instantly replaced with his signature grimace reserved only for his mother, as he joins you in the back seat.
“Where’s Pops?” He asks, not even bothering to properly greet his mother.
“One of the top ten heroes had a baby recently and she Insisted that your father be the one to shoot her reintroduction and the baby’s introduction to hero society” Mitsuki explains as she pulls away from the school, seamlessly maneuvering the car onto the cross town freeway on ramp.
“Where are we going mom?” You ask curiously, not resisting when Katsuki pulls you across the bench seat towards him. “One of our friends is entirely clearing out their showroom for new arrivals, so-“ Katsuki cuts her off “So we get to take our pick of all the stuff they have before it inevitably goes into the incinerator so no one “unworthy” gets ahold of it”. Narrowed red eyes give him a death glare from the rear view mirror, which he returns with his own identical glare. “Oh umm..wow that’s cool…I think? But what do you mean by unworthy?” you ask, concern evident in your voice. “Don’t listen to him y/n, you know how he is…Some designers choose to dispose of their left over stock differently than others, they don’t want their employees reselling things or to end up having their brand in a discount store, that’s all” the older woman is good at putting your nerves at ease. You relax, temporarily slouching from the added weight of Katsuki’s arm around your shoulders making you lean against him.
You and Mitsuki talk most of the car ride, with Katsuki occasionally giving his input in the form of insults or sarcasm. By the time the car stops you are extremely relieved at the brief respite from the wandering hands getting more and more brazen in their exploration of your body. The handsy young man growls as you slip out from underneath his arm and hop out of the car. He’s quick to get out and round the vehicle to grab you around the middle.
“Told you before princess” he squeezes your sides before whispering “You won’t ever get away from me”.
You squeal as the merciless tickle attack begins, “Okay Okay I won’t try to escape! I surrender!” You say between fits of giggles. Mitsuki watches the two of you as she gets out of the car, suprised by her son’s out of character behavior. She hasn’t seen a smile that wasn’t mean spirited, on Katsuki’s face since he was small.
Maybe there was hope for the brat after all…Ever since you came along you’d gelled so well with their family, it was obvious why her son was beyond enamored with you. She stealthily snaps a picture of the adorable scene and stowed her phone back inside her purse.
“Katsuki, leave the poor girl alone before you end up hurting her! You always have to be so rough, I didn’t raise you to become such a brute!”
Hearing his mother’s voice popped the little bubble of joy that had surrounded you and him. Straightening himself up and scowling once more, he merely huffs, shoving his hands back in his pockets. You quickly smooth out your undoubtedly ruffled clothes and hair, face still burning as you work at catching your breath.
As the three of you begin your walk down a side street you realize something; “Hey, isn’t this the place you took me to the first time we went out together?”.
“Yep, sure is” the older woman stops and knocks on a random door in the alleyway, “Too bad we have Katsuki with us, we could have had another fun girl’s day if it wasn’t for him”.
“Hey!” the aforementioned boy snarls, and you are quick to place a dainty hand on his shoulder, sliding it down to rub his back and smile up at him. His frown shifts into a goofy grin as he wraps an arm around you.
Y/n has the magic touch apparently.
“You told me and I almost didn’t believe you! Now I’m seeing it with my own eyes! Little Katsuki is finally growing up and settling down!”
The exclamation ruins the love sick exchange you seemed to keep getting caught up in. You turn to see Mitsuki standing beside an equally as pretty older woman with long silver hair. Both of them look like harpies, smirking at the two of you. Beckoning you to her side, Mitsuki gives you an introduction; “Y/N this is my good friend Haori, we’ve known each other since design school”.
“Oh she is definitely just as gorgeous as you said” Haori says with a nod as she looks you up and down “I saw you at the fashion show, but all those bright lights kept me from getting a good look at your face! You did amazing by the way, everyone has been talking about you ever since!”.
“Thank you, it’s so nice to meet you!”You extend your hand and she accepts it, giving you a good natured hand shake “I don’t understand why anyone would be talking about me though, I’m not a big deal or a big name”.
“Look at you being so modest! Here I am being a horrible host, Come inside you guys!” Haori leads you into the large show room. There are racks and tables scattered throughout the entire room, all filled with different articles of clothing.
“My assistant is out on an errand and Im just dying for a shot of espresso, so we’re going to the cafe up the street” the silver haired woman explains as she pulls on her cardigan and points her clutch in your direction, “Katsuki, Y/N, the two of you can start looking through all of this, whatever you want, it’s your’s!”. As the two women head out the door you’d originally come In from, Mitsuki pauses yelling “Katsuki you better not use your quirk at all while we’re gone!”. Waiting for his angry exclamation of agreement before slamming the door shut behind her.
“Hopefully they’ll get fuckin’ lost somewhere or somethin’ “ Katsuki sneers, already feeling the oppressive weight that always comes with his mother’s presence, beginning to dissipate. Intent on copping another feel or two, he turns around only to see you already have crossed the room.
You move from a smaller rack, to one of the many cluttered tables. Watching how you timidly look through the piles; Occasionally holding something up by pinching the fabric within your dainty little fingertips, makes the normally brooding boy smile.
Don’t you know how adorable you are?
Five minutes pass and the “cute aggression” you’ve spurned, has grown too much for the aspiring hero to continue ignoring it.
The sudden bout of manhandling you are subjected to, has you jump and let out a squeak of fright. Before you can activate your quirk a familiar hand covers your fist.
“S’okay lil bunny, no need to be afraid it’s jus me” the signature rasp in your ear and breath tickling your neck has you sagging back into his chest.
“That’s not too reassuring coming from a wolf, you know?” You joked, cocking your head to the side as he replies;
“That’s right, my kind eat adorable little things like you don’t they?”.
His eyes darkened and his hands squeeze you, your pulse quickens from immediately sensing foreboding on the horizon. “Awww that little bunny heart of yours’ is going pitter patter now, you scared? Scared the wolf might just devour you?” his voice is deep and menacing. Chills run down your spine and you shiver nervously, the sudden growl he emits gets a whimper in response.
Before you know it, you get shoved down on the table you’d just been looking at. The oversized T-shirt dress you’d wore is pushed up above your chest, and you see your panties being slipped into your boyfriend’s pocket.
“Katsuki! We cannot do this here! No no no!” You exclaim, thrashing around in attempts to get away.
“The beast is hungry princess, be a good girl and wet his appetite, hah?” The last word accompanying a puff of warm air over your mound. At the moment your lover does look incredibly beast like; What with his darkened ruby irises currently being overtaken by blown wide pupils, how his staring up at you from between your legs is effortlessly keeping you locked in place. He wordlessly dares you to try stopping him, but it only succeeds in bringing forth that sticky sweet ooze from your innermost depths. If he doesn’t get a taste of you right this second he might just lose his mind.
The first lave of his tounge over your lower set of lips has your adorable mewl echoing his guttural groan. A glimpse of movement catches in the corner of his predatory eye, and he’s quick to notice two of your cute little fingers moving in a tip toe like fashion as they encroach upon his territory.
You know better.
Just as he’s about to snatch your wrist in a firm grip, the tip toeing fingers slip in between your sticky lips to part them. You are obviously embarrassed; Studying the wall, refusing to look at him as you chew your bottom lip.
Now Katsuki can lap at your delicious cunt without obstruction. It’s so adorable to see the occasional twitch from your swelling bud, he ignores that special spot on purpose. Only after he’s tongue fucked both of your precious holes, does he reward your desperate whining. His flattened tongue slowly brushes up against your sensitivity, causing your entire body to jerk. Teasing the pearl with sucks of his lips, and nibbles with his teeth. He knows you’re about to cum and he wants his tounge buried in your cunt when you do. You don’t even have time to cry for the loss of contact, as a sparking fingertip presses itself down on your clit.
Time stops as both your mind and body seem to have short circuited, thus triggering an emergency shut down.
Metaphorically speaking of course.
Only a few minutes have passed since your short, but now your body’s natural electric currents are all kinds of fucked up, and out of whack.
When you do finally come too, you notice that your T-Shirt dress is back in place. The dark haze that had previously invaded the showroom has disappeared; Sunlight streams in, effectively and immediate to scourge its presence. Realizing where you are, you quickly get up off the table, and instantly regret it as your legs buckle beneath your weight. You don’t even touch the ground as those familiar strong arms wrapped around your waist. “Careful dumb bunny, you shouldn’t be scampering around just yet” Katsuki says with a nip to your ear.
“Ow! Sukiii stop, I’m not a dumb bunny anymoreee” you whine as he shifts you from side to side.
“You are whatever the hell I say you are baby, get used to it” he smirks at you expectantly.
“Yes Katsuki” you force yourself not to sigh.
☕️ 🫖 🧋
“Geez, I thought we were best friends…How could you have kept me entirely out of the loop for this long?” Haori says with frown, fully expressing her displeasure with the woman seated across from her.
“Don’t give me that shit, you’ve been just as busy as I have, I dont like telling you bits and pieces of a story when I have a few minutes here or there, I’d rather spill it all at once” Mitsuki huffs, evidently exasperated.
“She’s a sweet girl, I could tell that right off that bat…As well as the fact she has a great deal of respect and admiration for you, and seems to be quite taken with Katsuki” the silver haired woman pauses to lightly sip at her latte with double shots of espresso, “Seems like a promising new addition to the Bakugou family, any thoughts on who you want to design the wedding dress?”.
“Is that your way of offering your services?”
“Hmmm, I was thinking we could do it as a collaborative piece, it’s been awhile”
Both women smirk at each other before sharing a laugh.
As the two of them start the walk back towards the showroom the conversation shifts.
“So what ever happened with the girl he was so obsessed with a while back? I know that was a pretty stressful time for you, but you seem to be in better spirits now…Did you pay her off or something?” Haroi jokes, probably one of the two or three people that are allowed to do so with the easily angered blonde woman.
During all the drama her son was causing, Mitsuki often times ended up confiding in her oldest, most trustworthy friend. She hadn’t even mentioned the situation to her own mother. Haori has obviously watched Katsuki grow up, she’s always been a doting auntie to her best friend’s son.
“He’ll never get married, no woman could put up with that boy! I’m just praying he’s smart enough to not end up with some trashy baby momma on his back constantly, selling lies to the press” the sad mother had lamented after the two of them had polished off a third bottle of whine.
Or end up in jail for stalking or kidnapping…
Haori didn’t vocalize that thought, hopefully it’s just a phase the boy will grow out of. Then again….
She’d had a front row seat to the unnerving, development of the shit show courtship between his parents, and Katsuki did seem to take after Mitsuki. Hell, only three letters made the difference between their names.
For all intents and purposes; The two adults seemed to have a loving relationship, even if things started out kind of psychotic rough. Returning from the kitchen, the silver haired woman dismissed the uncomfortable train of thought.
It’s time to play the supportive aunt/friend.
With a noncommittal sniff, she opens the fourth bottle of whine;
“Don’t say such things, Katsuki is a good boy…He‘ll figure out social interactions eventually”.
The pop the cork made drowned out the sob of her best friend.
“That girl is who you just met”
Mitsuki takes another step before realizing Haori wasn’t beside her.
Instead, she stood stalk still, “W-What did you say?” Her voice shook as she spoke. With an irritated huff, Mitsuki turns around and the two women lock eyes.
This was the exact conversation/confrontation she’d hoped to avoid.
“What about this one princess?” Katsuki asks cheekily, holding up an artfully cut off tank top that looked like it would barely cover the bottom of your tits, “Wouldja wear this for me if I asked you to?”. “Aren’t you technically asking right now?” You smile over your shoulder at him. “Well I’m adding it to the pile either way” he says, tossing the shirt in with the rest of your guy’s combined things.
“You don’t think we may have went a bit over board?” You ask, now that you are finished going through everything.
“Like I said earlier, all of this stuff is going in the incenerator anyway! So it’s a good thing we got so much, ya know? Waste not, want not, all that bullshit” his arms are around your waist and his prominent jaw is poking into your shoulder as he holds you from behind. Katsuki Is silently enjoying your scent and the warmth you emit, unknowingly to you he’s just basking himself in everything that makes up your aura.
“I’m surprised mom isn’t back yet…”
The mention of his mother is always quick to ruin the mood.
“Fuckin inconsiderate hag, had I known she was gonna take her sweet time id of actually fucked you” he growls, biting your neck harder than usual.
You Yelp at the sudden pain, quick to try and pull away but as usual he doesn’t allow it, “No No baby, you can’t escape me, remember?”.
Taking your silence as submission, his hands start wandering down your hips.
“Came so hard for me earlier, just think if I could have pulled another two or three outta ya?” He rasps in your ear, kissing the bite mark he’d just given you, taking care to lave his tounge over the sore spot before kissing it again.
“Got my balls so full princess, fuckin’ aching to fill you up just how you like” you whimper softly as the crude words sink in. He knows you’re already slicking up again, once his fingertips reach the edge of your oversized shirt they immediately slip underneath it.
“You Gonna be a good girl for me once we get home?” Katsuki toys with the edge of your panties as he poses the question, you shamelessly press your ass against his clothed dick, “This perfect little princess cunt is going to drain me dry isn’t it? Should I put one nut on your face, or empty both of ‘em into that greedy lil pussy of your’s? Hah?!”.
The shout of his name was originally supposed to be in surprise of such vulgarity, but a sharp smack to your wet pussy lips stings.
Now his hand is around your throat, lightly squeezing as a warning,
“Don’t pretend for one second you aren’t MY depraved little cum whore, you were begging for it the first time I ever fucked you”.
A sudden realization dawned on Katsuki after that last statement left his lips. If you would have seen the look on his face you would have been frightened,
“I just figured something out, you should know you can’t keep secrets from me by now…”.
He sounded too happy, always better to keep him that way. Before you get to hear the reasoning behind his newest delusion, you can hear two female voices quickly approaching.
“Hags are back” your enlightened lover sneers, and you’re finally released from the over bearing, bear’s hug.
“Are you brats all finished?” Mitsuki asks as both her and Haori re-enter the showroom. You gesture towards the neatly folded piles behind you, “Hopefully it’s not too much”.
“My dear it’s more like; It’s never enough!” the silver haired woman pats you on the shoulder “The two of you can consider this an early wedding present from your favorite auntie!”.
You hear spluttering from somewhere across the room, followed by a loud “HAH?!”.
With all of your new things safetly put away inside, Katsuki slams the trunk shut. “Watch it!” Snarls his mother from where you stand with the two older women. “Thank you again for your generosity! I appreciate it more than I can describe!” You continue your tirade of gratitude with another bow.
“Dear, It’s really not a big deal…” Haori says, attempting to wave you off.
“That’s just how she is; The poor thing was reduced to tears the first time I took her shopping, such a thoughtful daughter I have to make up for my terrible son!” Mitsuki smiles at your embarrassment from her admission.
“So I’ll make sure to have my assistant call your’s to remind you about our next get together, we’ll let them sweat those details”.
You thank Haori one more time before bidding her farewell and going to join a brooding Katsuki in the car. The two women talk for a few minutes more before giving one another a hug.
Maybe you’re mistaken but it almost seemed like there was something off between them when they got back earlier…Hopefully it’s not an issue that could cause lasting damage to such a lengthy and cherished friendship!
The thought saddens you when your own damaged friendship comes to mind. When’s the last time you’d even talked to y/bf/n? It’s been awhile. Ever since you and Katsuki got together she’s had nothing but negative and hurtful things to say about it. You refused to listen to any naysay, especially after she was one of the main people that got in your ear and influenced that first break up.
Why can’t you just be happy for me?!Someone finally let me know I’m worth loving, it was so devestating to know I almost destroyed my chance to experience what real love is like all based on the accusations from you and the others!
Y/N how could you even say that I don’t want you to be happy? You are my best friend, I love you and want what’s best for you! Bakugou is not good for you, in such a short time he’s already done such awful things to you! He r-
I don’t want anything to do with you until you are willing to set your biased feelings aside…Until then, I’m no longer your friend!
Replaying the memory of the last time you spoke to y/bf/n now had you feeling more angry, than lonely or sad.
How ignorant! I bet she would come up with some excuse for what my family did, or even go so far as to tell me that my family didn’t really abandoned me last summer! Then subject me to how it wasn’t appropriate for me to move in with Suki and his parents! Or try to claim they have ulterior motives or something equally as horrible!
You look over at your boyfriend and appreciate his handsome side profile; Unable to stop yourself from running your fingers through his unruly blonde spikes. He feigned annoyance at the action; You know it’s a farce, so it’s no surprise when you feel yourself being pulled across the back seat and pressed into his side once more.
You let out an audible sigh of contentment and begin nuzzling him with your cheek. It’s rare for you to be so affectionate with him, but the same feelings of satisfactory pleasure are coursing all throughout Katsuki’s mind once again. He’s really starting to believe that he’s reprogrammed you into what you were supposed to be all along.
Mitsuki notices how quiet you two are and chances a glance in the rear view mirror. She smiles at the adorably innocent scene taking place behind her. How could Haori have possibly thought this was all Katsuki’s one sided obsession with you? To even suggest you were somehow forced into being with him…Thankfully she’d been able to make the other woman understand that wasn’t at all the case.
Once again the mother chances a glance in her rear view mirror. She hasn’t seen her son so happy and at peace since he was a small child. Somehow you’d brought a sense of peace to their family unit as a whole, maybe with you now apart of it, they could heal and repair those broken bonds.
For a long time now the matriarch of the Bakugou family has had an empty space in her heart. No one other than her husband is aware of what happened to put it there in the first place….Maybe now it just might be able to be filled.
You belong in their family, and as your new “Mom”, Mitsuki was going to make sure you stay apart of it, no matter what.
Katsuki’s head rests atop your’s that’s on his shoulder, both of your eyes are closed and identical smiles adorn your faces. A smile of her own appears on the proud mother’s face, her teary eyes focusing on the road ahead of her once more as she decides;
It’s all for the best.
🎶 🎤 🍹
Hours later, in a karaoke bar stationed in the heart of downtown; Mina and y/bf/n belt out the last few lyrics of their FIFTH song of the evening. Applause fills the room as the rest of 1-A’s females cheer each other on. Stumbling over to a small love seat in the far back corner of the room they both plop down. The pinkette would argue with a mother hen MoMo that she and her new bestie were not anywhere near drunk…just enjoying a nice buzzzzzz. Which the sober female immediately disregarded as she forced two cold water bottles into each of their hands and walked off.
“Thanks for coming out and being my partner! Since my original partner ditched me!” Mina exclaims, hugging the girl beside her.
“N-No problem…Th-Thanks for inviting m-m-m-e…m-m-mi-Mina” y/bf/n stutters in attempts to fight off an onslaught of tears.
“Aw honey! What’s wrong?”
Noticing the tears now falling down the other girl’s face.
“Y-You c-ca-can’t t-t-tell any-anyone what ima say okayyy? Promise?” The crying girl rubs at her eyes and extends a pinky to the pinkette holding onto her.
“I promise”
Ochacko and Tsu’s terrible rendition of some god awful pop song drowns out the sobs and storytelling taking place in the back of the room. Mina doesn’t know if it’s the liquor or things she’s being told that are making her stomach churn as she listens to y/bf/n spilling her heart out.
“-Then she told me that she wasn’t interested in being my friend anymore…Not unless I accept him and her being together…I just don’t understand it Mina, some of those things I told you I speculated were happening, but the other things I’m positive he did to her! But when I’ve tried to talk to her about any of it, it’s like she has no recollection of what I’m talking about, it’s like none of it ever happened…” a hiccup follows her finishing sharing.
Mina gives the other girl a hug, whispering praises in her ear.
When she promises to help you and set things right between you and your once best friend, her fingers are crossed behind her back.
A/N: I feel like this chapter is integral to the storie’s progression. We gotta get the set up for that dark turn of events, right? Lemme know what you guys think.
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rainesol · 2 months
How I write Naga characters! (LONG post)
I need somewhere to lay out Ksho’s anatomy and fit it into the lore, so here’s how I personally write half-snake characters. This version is to fit into the TWST lore, but it can work anywhere. I’m not at all an expert, but I am an animal sciences/zoology student, so I hope this is at least interesting o7 Feel free to use these headcanons lol
As a disclaimer, I am writing this about a character based on an Indian rock python, but I’ll leave little notes here and there on how this would work in general. Etymology wise, I will be referring to the character as a Naga, as the character I am writing for is South Asian. The name Lamia could be used for Greek or North African characters :D I will be referring to the ‘human half’ as the anterior body, and the ‘snake half’ as the posterior body, as my character is obviously not a human OR a snake.
To start with, I don’t consider Naga characters to be beastmen, and instead belong to their own classification that includes centaurs, cervitaurs and any reptilian or mammalian ‘merfolk’. They are a convergent species to snake beastmen and humans as a whole and have no real relation. I’ll be starting from the head and working down to the tail.
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Ksho only has hair on his head, eyebrows and eyelashes, as is typical for his species. This is implied to have evolved from something similar to feathers, as he uses the serpentine idiom ‘Do feathers still grow from your skull?’ However, it is fine to not explain this. After all, if a platypus can lay eggs, a fictional reptile can grow hair. He can’t grow any other kind of body hair. His pupils are vertically slit. This DOES NOT mean he is venomous!!!! This means he is better suited for dark environments. He doesn’t have visible heat pits, but is written to ‘see’ heat in a way similar to a human seeing heatwaves off of a hot car, by his own description. This is left mostly unexplained 🥲 He has pointed ears with scales on the back, and he has a forked tongue and a vomeronasal organ.
Dentition wise, he has long thin teeth. These teeth curve back into the mouth, and get longer the further in they are. He cannot chew. The back teeth move forward and back as he opens his mouth to make room. His ‘dimples’ are actually the points where the skin on his cheeks can stretch back to. Like snakes, he can’t actually unhinge his jaw. The two halves are not fused, and merely stretch out. His anterior rib cage, collarbone and pelvis also all stretch very far, which he demonstrates in book 3 by pulling his ribs out, much to everyone’s disgust.
Snake teeth are shaped like this to guide food back and to hold prey still, but the addition of opposable thumbs is vastly more helpful. I imagine that the other ‘sharp’ teeth, such as the leech twins can chew to a certain extent, but will typically just swallow manageable bites, like an eel would.
The anterior body is mostly oesophagus, but it also contains the anterior heart and the first lung, similar in size to one that a human would have, the heart slightly larger. They provide oxygen and blood flow to the brain, arms and extremities. They have no nipples or breast tissue! They are reptiles, eat solid food from birth, and hatch with all their teeth. There is never a reason for them to drink milk. There’s also no visible navel, the area covered by belly scales in a pattern similar to stomach hair to make the transition easier. (The area where the yolk connects is further down) The scales wrap around the hips, and can range from only going slightly up the anterior body, to all the way over the shoulders.
Snakes shed all at once. Naga bodies will shed the posterior scales all at once, and the scaleless skin will shed similar to peeling off dried glue 😬
Moving on to the posterior body, the majority ‘leg’ portion of the body and some of the body on the ground is stomach. He also has a posterior lung and heart, which is much larger. He can hold his breath for around thirty minutes without issue. The liver is a little further down, leading up to the gallbladder and small intestine. Then it’ll lead up to the kidneys, reproductive system and the rest of the digestive system. (I’m sure nobody wants me to go on and on about snake anatomy lol)
Like snakes, they are cold blooded, and are susceptible to different illnesses due to this. Their movement is quite reliant on the CNS, meaning sudden movements can lead to injuries, as they could lunge on instinct. They’re very androgynous as a whole, though the females are typically bigger. Constrictors don’t focus on removing the ability to breathe and actually are strong enough to constrict blood flow to the heart. However, with an intelligent species capable of hunting with tools, this isn’t necessary. That sensitivity to vibrations is still very handy though.
Pythons move by pulling themselves straight forwards by ‘walking’ with their ribs. I divert from this, as I imagine Kshoshurankha moving in the swaying side-to-side way. It just better matches his personality, and works better with the humanoid part imo. He moves forward straight when ‘dragging his feet’ or tired
The posterior body ends with the vent, and like snakes, Naga also have spurs residual from evolution. (They’re little protrusions on snakes that are the residual legs from evolution on either side of the cloaca.) After that, the ACTUAL tail begins. Most pythons tails are able to hang on and hold its whole body weight. The fact that the organs go through the whole body gives me the belief that they would not be able to take human potions like the merfolk would, as it would be too big a change and send them into shock. (I imagine the leech twins are around 10-15ish feet, the majority of which being tail, and the most vital organ systems ending at the mid ‘thigh’ area)
This isn’t at all gospel for Kshoshurankha’s lore and was mostly written due to my special interest in anatomy and zoology. I’m 100% open to any questions! (or suggestions) I’ll probably make a second post adding on to the life stages and other random trivia anyways \o/
Kshoshurankha (the character I reference multiple times) is 17 and in high school. Any asks about him that are genuinely disturbing, gory or in anyway unsavoury are not welcome.
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gacmediadaily · 3 months
Dan Merchant is a veteran writer, producer, director best known for SyFy’s Z Nation and his documentary feature Lord, Save Us From Your Followers. His latest series Going Home is produced in association with Sony AFFIRM Originals for Great American Pure Flix. 
We don’t like to talk about death in America. Oh sure, we’re fine with death in our entertainment so long as we don’t have to talk about it. We sit entranced as our favorite TV doctors valiantly battle the ultimate foe with Hail Mary surgical procedures and impassioned cries of “Get me 10cc’s of morphine. Stat!” Every existential threat is met with aggressive, decisive action rather than contemplation for as every TV viewer knows there is no greater shame for the TV doctor than to lose a patient (especially one portrayed by a featured guest star). 
That was my conclusion, anyway. Now, my family didn’t do any better when it came to acknowledging death. We didn’t talk about it, even when people died. I grew up going to church and I’d heard talk of heaven but the “Auntie Marge is in a better place now” party line was contradicted by the sad faces and somber mood at her funeral. Puzzling. But at the age of 8, television provided valuable illumination when PBS aired Monty Python’s “Dead Parrot” sketch: I soon understood Auntie Marge was “no more, has ceased to be, expired and gone to see her maker.” She was, indeed, an “ex-aunt.” Eavesdropping on Michael Palin and John Cleese as they debated death was oddly reassuring and, on quiet nights, I still catch myself “pining for the Fjords.”
Fast forward to present day, I now have the pleasure of talking about death at work every day. The conversations are startling, refreshing and deeply meaningful. I should explain I’m not a grief counselor or a mortician, I’m the creator/showrunner of the tender drama Going Home which follows hospice nurse Charley Copeland (Northern Exposure’s Cynthia Geary) as she walks her clients “home” to their final reward. 
Now in our second season on Great American Pure Flix, Going Home may be the only medical drama in TV history NOT trying to save the patient and that is a surprisingly beautiful thing. At Going Home we talk about death a lot – and not just on screen. We talk about death in the writer’s room, at the table read, after the rehearsals, between takes, at the grip truck, in the make-up room – it seems everybody has a story to share, obviously. We’ve all lost loved ones.  
And while it may sound counterintuitive, Going Home’s hospice stories give life. These stories of hope, grace and compassion are deeply rooted in our shared human experience which is, I think, why they’ve connected so profoundly with our audience. I feel humbled to be telling these kinds of stories, the ones that remind us that we are all the same. I once interviewed SNL legend and former U.S. senator Al Franken for a documentary and he told me: “I like to make entertainment that rewards the audience for understanding how human beings operate.” A worthy goal, right? 
After watching season five of Fargo, I think Noah Hawley would give an “amen” to that. Have you seen the finale? Damn! Spoiler alert: the closing thirty minutes is among the most impactful faith-based content I’ve ever seen. Deeply moving. Hawley earns it too, building all season to this inspiring, scandalous act of “turn the other cheek” forgiveness. The beauty is simply stunning, but that’s what stories of redemption do. Thanks Noah, well done.  
Now, I wish there was a better label than “faith-based.” It’s not very nuanced, which is a shame because it’s been a terrific season for faith-based entertainment; from the box office bonanza of Jim Caviezel’s Sound of Freedom to Dallas Jenkins’ The Chosen debuting their fourth season of the first-ever television series about the life of Jesus IN THEATERS (and THEN going to streaming and THEN to broadcast because, well, give the people what they want) and, finally, Amazon Studios has just announced a bold partnership with Jon Erwin’s The Wonder Project to create “universal stories of love, triumph and spirituality.” 
So, what does Amazon know? Amazon knows everything! They have dimensional consumer-based analytics and those analytics have affirmed what some of us storytellers already knew: there is a huge audience hungry for stories of love, forgiveness, reconciliation… and even death. These stories of hope put life into the world and remind us of who we are to be and, please remember, at the end of the story, love defeats hate. I know it’s true, I just watched it on a television show.
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lilybug-02 · 1 year
Well, we gotta know the aerial(?) 7ft rat snake story- omg what-
Okay okay.
So this was around 3rd or 4th grade. My mom was an elementary teacher at the time and the school district had given out class pets for teachers to rent for a year. She got a yellow Rat Snake. Correction: after rethinking it, it was actually a Yellow Burmese Python Snake! A still harmless snake. He was a big boy, about 7ft. ((Might have been smaller, I was really young at the time so it could have just been 3-5ft?))
Anyways, I absolutely loved reptiles back then and I had enough experience to handle him correctly. The big problem was that one of my unnamed “friends” (one of my mom’s students) also wanted to handle him. This was after school when not many people except my mom were around. I agreed and put the snake on him, which I realized was a big mistake as he started stressing out and squeezing it. Obviously the snake did not like this and was wriggling.
The boy freaked out and, in a state of panic- grabbed the snake and THREW IT ACROSS THE ROOM AT ME. The poor snake bit my forearm MIDAIR and fell to the ground. Thankfully I wasn’t bleeding, but after all the panic, I was the only one brave enough to pick up the snake and put him back in his cage. The snake was fine and didn’t receive any injuries.
Overall one of the most insane stories I seem to always forget. I still love snakes though ❤️
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ooihcnoiwlerh · 1 year
Watching Glass Onion
My thoughts below as I watch (I was spoilered in advance and knew what would happen.  Still enjoyed it.)
-Lionel, the smartest of the Disruptors who stabbed Andi in the back, seems to think Miles is a genius when he’s clearly not from early on.  Also, Miles definitely faxes snippets he hears from other conversations and none of them are original.  Or they’re just weird brain farts that succeed only because Lionel’s able to make something salvageable out of them.
-I bet Kate Hudson had a lot of fun playing Birdie.  Her character/dynamic with Peg is like something straight out of BoJack Horseman.  (”No, they’re all in my pod, it’s fine.” and her being so deliberately obtuse/ignorant/immature.)
- Dave Bautista playing an Andrew Tate type is kind of funny in a meta sense because as far as I’ve seen, he (thankfully) doesn’t hold any of those views in real life and is just the opposite.
- Claire’s an ultimately unlikable/irredeemable character but I do like seeing Kathryn Hahn getting snarky.  Cute surprise Yo Yo Ma cameo.  I worked with a guy who cooked for him at a restaurant in DC who said that he’s really nice.
- Love the hard cut from the Disruptors getting really excited for “Miles’s” puzzles and working to solve them together to Helen looking at the puzzle, deciding “Nope.  This man and this puzzle are not worth my time and I’m not going to give him the satisfaction” and proceeding to smash the shit out of it with a hammer.
-I haven’t seen Knives Out yet (although I definitely will after this, and it had been on my list for a while) so Benoit Blanc’s accent is new and hilarious to me.  It’s the Southern equivalent to the French accents from Monty Python and the Holy Grail; ridiculous and over-the-top and funny.  More cameos
-”You’re not in the bath again, are you?” “....No.”
- The movie says so much with the different characters by how they approach wearing masks.  Blanc correctly wears a cloth mask that coordinates with his outfit.  Lionel the scientist wears a medical grade mask, also correctly.  Claire the politician wears a mask out of courtesy/image but not correctly.  Peg’s masked up and doesn’t want to hug anyone but also doesn’t say anything about how her boss Birdie is wearing a useless decorative mesh mask.  Duke and Whiskey don’t bother wearing masks at all and both they and Birdie refuse to respect social distancing.  “Andi” is holding a mask as she gets out of the cab, implying she wore it during the ride, but takes the mask off so that the other Disruptors can truly see her full image and whoever the potential murderer is doesn’t get any doubt as to who this is and, let’s be honest, other than perhaps Helen, Blanc, Peg, and Lionel, they don’t seem concerned with the pandemic.
- Either Miles Bron has and is hoarding some kind of covid cure that can be used as a throat spray or the more likely answer: it’s a placebo because he wants to get away with being careless during lockdown even more than he and the Disruptors already are and is just trying to appear like he cares about other people’s health.  It’s interesting that Blanc questions the spray and its effectiveness more than the literal scientist.  Also, another fun cameo.
-It’s subtle enough that it won’t be distracting for the audience but will amuse people who do notice that Blanc clearly doesn’t have a gag reflex, and in fairness it did make me chuckle.
- “Is that a Banksy?”  “Piece of shit.”
- That’s either not Paul McCartney’s guitar because it’s a right-handed guitar and Miles is lying about it to sound impressive or he had it re-stringed just so he could brag about owning the guitar on which Paul McCartney recorded Blackbird.  And then he unceremoniously drops it like it’s worthless after making a point to gloat about how priceless it is to Birdie.  Amazing character intro, I hate him already.
- Of course it’s the MRA meathead guy who looks the other way in regards to his girlfriend very obviously cheating on him with Miles/pimps her out to Miles so she can secure better job opportunities for him.
- Knowing the ending already I love how Ed Norton played Miles’s shock and horror and complete incomprehension at seeing “Andi.”  You see him having absolutely no idea how to process what’s going on and how despite the fact that he and Andi had known each other for ten years and he had to have known Andi had a twin sister, he clearly doesn’t think that could have anything to do with it and just thinks, “I guess I didn’t kill Andi hard enough and need to do it again?”  
- Janelle Monae looks so regal and beautiful in that dress with that “dressed to kill” poise Helen’s trying so hard to keep up despite how scared and uncomfortable she is.
-Peg and I have the same reaction to hearing Miles say “inbreathiate”
- Blanc being bewildered that everyone’s just leaving their luggage on the beach until he realizes the Disruptors just take it for granted that “the help” will do everything for them.  Not sure if that’s part of the act but still a nice touch.
- Miles Bron, barefoot, calling his fifty-person staff-estate a “commune for creativity” as a robot butler collects everyone’s luggage is probably a hard reality but it’s hilarious; also him giving people rooms “based on chakras” and Birdie being into that
-Am a little fascinated with Miles telling “Andi” that he’s glad she’s there and her reacting coldly.  Is he trying to act contrite for her “attempted” murder or trying to seem like he’s innocent and realizes that Andi isn’t falling for it?  Like, I want to know the conversation Ed Norton and Janelle Monae had before filming that interaction and ask what they felt their respective characters are thinking in that moment.
- I like how Benoit Blanc is a renowned detective but the moment he starts playing “dumb” and pretending to be naïve, Miles, who knows that Blanc’s a renowned detective, immediately falls for it.  
-For such a closely-knit friend-group, these people really don’t like each other.  The only Disruptors who seem like they’re still actually friends are Claire and Lionel.  
-HOLY SHITBALLS BLANC’S SWIM OUTFIT.  A FUCKING FULL-BODY STRIPED SWIMSUIT WITH AN ASCOT?  FUCKING FASHION ICON.  Oh, and him just standing chest-deep in the pool while holding a drink?  What an icon.  Love this guy.
-I can’t wait until Miles’s condescending speech gets used against him, especially since he throws Andi under the bus as he makes his redpill speech.  I will relish it.  
- Birdie, how many times do you need to get the hint that Blanc’s not interested and you’re making him uncomfortable?  (And he’s canonically gay but he doesn’t owe her that explanation.)
- Peg looks at “Andi” with open admiration/potentially lust and honestly, same.  Also enjoy Peg’s reaction shots.  She clearly loathes these people, including Birdie.  Really wish she’d cut her losses and quit.   
- Birdie, Blanc isn’t calling you dangerous.  He’s calling you shallow, insensitive, and careless.
- This movie, while it has some dark/dramatic moments, really is funny.  The asscheek statue, the hourly dong, Blanc panicking and throwing his cigar into the water.  
- The movie does say a lot without getting too much into it the contempt everyone has for anyone considered working class or “the help.”  Peg’s been Birdie’s loyal assistant for about a decade, has been to these get-togethers, and knows Miles and yet not only does she not even get to drink out of a glass (even if it’s not a personalized glass) he makes her drink out of a plastic cup like she’s at a frat party instead of a multi-billionaire’s estate, and has never bothered to learn her name.  And Birdie sees this, is aware of this, and doesn’t see the problem or treat Peg as a human being, either.  After a decade of putting out all of her many fires and baby-sitting her.  Lionel and Claire both have a brief blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment earlier in the movie in which they acknowledge/are nice to her but see how badly Birdie and Miles treat Peg and don’t challenge it.
-Maybe it’s because I watched Mrs. Fletcher, in which Kathryn Hahn’s character’s alcoholic beverage of choice is white wine with ice and maybe it’s because I wait on/bartend a fair amount of reasonably affluent/wealthy women who have specific instructions on how they like their white wine, but was a little amused at how Claire specifically likes “room temperature Pinot Grigio.”
- Just realized Miles probably poisoned “Andi’s” drink and it’s only because Helen is a teetotaler and also wants to keep a clear head for the evening that she survives.
-While Miles is not a mirror of every nepotism baby who has no true friends and no original ideas, it has to mean that he comes from money in that his mother took him the Louvre at the age of six when he’s an American?  I’m an American myself born in ‘93 and both of my parents worked full time but there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that they could’ve afforded a family vacation to any location in Europe let alone Paris. Miles was likely born in the late 60s, early 70s and still would’ve had to have to have been born to fairly well-off parents.  Two of my best friends who are former roommates and international military brats were both born in ‘69 lived, briefly in Europe, and never saw the Louvre.  Also the audacity to override the Louvre’s security measures so he “doesn’t have to look at the Mona Lisa behind glass.”
- Lionel and Claire are horrified by Klear but still sign off on it for money because they’re too deep in and they keep acting like they’re the voice of reason but they  still agreed to this and even though I know the ending I keeping hoping they’ll be better than their greed.
-I could feed off of Miles’s pouting resentment and sulking both times so far Blanc has “accidentally” insulted his intellect first by calling the first-scene puzzle  “a child’s game” and for solving Miles’s murder mystery within two minutes of hearing about it and with no clues whatsoever.  It’s especially funny since everyone’s praising Miles’s intellect when it’s made explicitly clear that he didn’t design the puzzle nor did he write out the murder mystery and yet still is so entitled he acts as though his intellect, which is nonexistent and he didn’t lend to either of these things, has been undermined.  And that Blanc, still playing the naïve and socially inept goof, is well aware of the fact that his comments and intellect bruise Miles’s narcissistic and yet fragile ego and is probably having a lot of fun doing it.
- Janelle Monae having a couple of moments where you hear a little bit of Helen’s natural Southern accent when she’s really upset as she’s masquerading as Andi is *chef’s kiss* and Andi probably also had a little bit of a hidden Southern accent that probably came out in small doses during emotional or vulnerable moments so it’s not surprising that it wouldn’t be a tell.
- “I want the truth!”
-Miles did in fact hand Duke the drink that killed him.  Also, a bit fitting that a man with a deathly food allergy to a common food item insists on keeping a gun on him even when swimming but never bothers to carry at least one epi pen.
-Miles literally murdered a man and is shocked that a detective thinks to call the cops this is incredible.
- I appreciate how, except for his girlfriend who didn’t even like him very much, all of Duke’s friends are more concerned for how it will look for their reputations to be associated with his death even as an innocent standby than the fact that he died.  And once again, the moment anything doesn’t go exactly his way, Miles panics and goes on impulse instead of thinking anything through and only kind of stumbles onto something afterwards.  Also, him scampering off the moment anyone other than Benoit approaches Duke’s corpse.  He’s so bad at hiding anything!  It’s incredible he gets away with so much
- I was prepared for this but it really is delightful that Blanc has a posh English husband played by Hugh Grant who spends quarantine making sourdough starter.  Also a cute little costuming detail that Blanc gets fully dressed, complete with a necktie to meet with Helen, but still wears a bathrobe over his clothes.
- Janelle Monae’s consistent, realistic Southern accent as Helen that does sound like it’s from one specific region from the South vs Daniel Craig’s hilarious, all-over-the-place Foghorn Leghorn Southern accent.  Let’s discuss.
- “Heavens.  The dog ate the caviar again.”
- Helen is so goddamn brave and I love her. 
- The fact that Miles is such an inept and clueless murderer who only gets by on privilege and luck that Blanc doesn’t suspect Miles as Andi’s killer because it would be too inept and dumb of a murder, though
- It does kind of make me wonder--did Lionel and Claire want to be a positive force in the world once?  Were they better people before easy money from Miles made them take ethical shortcuts or were they always weak and corruptible people who just wanted a meal ticket?  They’re clearly more conflicted about Miles’s actions than Duke and Birdie and feel more guilty about betraying Andi, but they still chose money and convenience over ethics.  I mean, that’s a big message of this movie; these morally questionable/bankrupt people at times wanted to do the right thing, but chose greed and corruption over their conscience.  But I guess I liked Leslie Odom  Jr’s and Kathryn Hahn’s performances so much that I was curious as to their approaches to the roles and how they took their respective characters’ corruption.
- Helen being  terrified because of the high risks as well as getting seasick as well as accidentally getting tipsy because she didn’t realize the kombucha she was drinking had alcohol in it and still managing to mostly confuse everyone is amazing and shows not just her intellect and quick thinking but the love and commitment she has for her twin no matter how uncomfortable the situation gets.  Blanc says himself that she has a natural talent for sleuthing.
- “That is hahd kamboocha!  That is Jared Letos’ hahd kamboocha!”
- Oh heavens, the foreshadowing.
- the detail that Serena Williams is one of the world’s greatest living athletes and Miles still hires her to do nothing except do personal training if someone is there did get a chuckle out of me
- “If I ever meet Jared Leto, I’m gonna whoop his kombucha-brewing ass”-Helen realizing she accidentally got tipsy off of his kombucha and also I would watch Helen beat the living shit out of Jared Leto
- I know the only redeemable characters in this movie, realistically, are Helen, Andi, and Blanc but I do feel bad for Peg.
-”Birdie...please tell me you did not think sweatshops are where they make...sweatpants.”  *Annoyed, unapologetic shrug.*  “Oh my Go-o-od.”
- Andi’s notebook indirectly saving Helen is apparently a parallel to Knives Out, in which a prop shows the heroine surviving killing odds because of someone who loved them.  Again, I need to watch Knives Out.
- “Miles Bron is an idiot.” “No one tried to kill you, you vainglorious buffoon.” 
- A bit depressing that Peg and Whiskey, who didn’t actively stab Andi in the back, are still imbued enough with the Disruptors that they also ignore any kind of conscience they have for greater opportunities, but not surprising.
- Miles looking at Helen, again, undoubtedly knowing that Andi had a twin sister, and clearly thinking, “What the fuck, is Andi a terminator?  How many times do I have to kill her??”
- Miles is so reckless, egotistical, and fucking dumb.  He specifically asked for people’s food allergies and killed Duke in front of their friends with  his own food allergy and only succeeded because Duke was too proud to carry a couple of epi pens in case of an emergency.  This is on top of the fact that he murdered his high-profile former friend and business partner all because he just assumed it would be covered up because he’s a multi-billionaire and he thinks everyone is as much of an idiot as he is.  “No!  It’s just dumb!” indeed.  It doesn’t even occur to him that it’s Helen who’s alive in front of him until Blanc spells it out and you can tell from his reactions.
- Speaking of which, Ed Norton eats in this movie.  He’s amazing as a sleazy, smug, greedy, narcissistic scumbag.  I love to hate him every moment he’s on screen and he’s always great as a villain but especially in this.
- “Heavens to...you dimwitted, brainless jackass!  Your one murder with any panache at all, and you stole the whole idea from me!”  
-  Miles doesn’t even get the idea to burn the napkin on his own.  Lionel, completely and justifiably mystified, goes, “You didn’t just...burn it?”
- Oh, but how cowardly the Disruptors are when they think Miles will win everything even though they know he’s a monster and are horrified by what he did.
-”Totally circumspective evidence”--Benoit rolling his eyes.  Same.  Also, apparently Miles Bron is not based on Elon Musk and their similarities are coincidental but Elon Musk stans saw this dumb fucking loser and went, “This talentless, unoriginal, evil person is definitely my precious boy” and that is amazing.
-Oh, but how incredible it is, that moment in Helen’s eyes that go from heartbreak and grief and anger, knowing she’ll never get proper justice for Andi to that moment of, “But fuck it.  Revenge is also a viable solution.”  I could live in it.  That switch in which she’s like, “He’ll never be held accountable for literal murder.  Time to burn it all down” and in fact does.  
-Also turns out I was wrong about the poisoned whiskey soda theory--she drinks it and then raises hell.  Miles is just so dumb, impulsive, and reckless I didn’t put it past him.
-I also like that Blanc realizes that proper legal justice is futile but also that Miles deserves every negative thing coming his way and knows when to let Helen take the reigns.
- “You would lie for a lie but you wouldn’t lie for the truth?”
- No, Whiskey.  You don’t get to try to kill Helen and screw her over and act like you’re friends and comrades.  Same goes for the rest of you shitheads.  And yet the fact that these people never truly liked Miles shines through makes them all feel empowered up to a certain point until they realize that their cowardice and greed and association with him will cost them personally and then they become cowards again.
- Self-fulfilling prophecy, Miles, you motherfucker.  Also the transition from him being completely unfazed (both by Helen breaking the ugly glass sculptures and the fact that everyone joins in at first and that none of his friends actually like him) to horror is deeply satisfying to watch. Everyone goes, “But you went too far” as if Miles didn’t literally murder Helen’s sister after stealing credit for her life’s work.  No, actually.  She’s the only real disruptor here
-She fucking blows up the Glass Onion!  (also Blanc just handing Klear to her like, “I won’t, but you should.”)
- Is Daryl meant to be a metaphor for Covid?  He enters the picture with a case of Coronas going, “I’m not here” and is there when Helen blows up the Glass Onion because no way is the throat coat actually going to protect any of these people from, Covid and chances are Birdie (and Peg, by association) Duke, Whiskey or Miles (or maybe Claire) infected everyone.
- His one-of-a-kind car that follows him everywhere is ruined too.  Good.
-I can’t tell you how hard I laughed when Miles realizes that he rented the Mona Lisa and it’s on fire so now he’ll forever be known as the man who destroyed one of Europe’s greatest paintings.  Also I know there’s discourse on whether or not it’s the actual Mona Lisa.  For the sake of this movie I’ll say it is; the Louvre was that impressed with Miles’s money and that the catharsis is that, in the Knives Out universe, that Miles ruined his own image by ruining the Mona Lisa.
-I know it’s a movie but Helen running on broken glass while wearing sandals freaked me out for a moment, even though it is pretty urgent.
“You’ll forever be remembered in the same breath as the Mona Lisa.”
- Oh wait Helen had to point out to him that he’ll forever be known as the guy who destroyed the Mona Lisa.  Amazing.
-This has been pointed out before but I did see what you did there: Cassandra predicted the fall of Troy despite no one believing her and Helen precipitated it.
- They’ll all burn him to save themselves now that he’s not their sugar daddy, which is obvious.  I’m kind of curious to see how they’d try to salvage their careers after this, but I’m pretty sure we won’t find out.  Benoit Blanc movies so far work like Mad Max movies, and he’ll be the ally/helper to another working class woman who exposes a corrupt and greedy wealthy group of people and any Helen/Marta fanfics will be strictly on AO3.  And here.  Also I’m here for it.
-Miles Bron you fucking idiot.  You piece of shit.  Hell’s bells you really actively planned to murder your former business partner/best friend as you sent her a puzzle invitation to celebrate a murder mystery-themed party.  I...incredible.  Not in a good way.  In a “bought the Mona Lisa on a whim and let it burn to the ground” kind of way.
- Okay, I know the look on Helen’s face is meant to be a million things, because it evokes the Mona Lisa but still.  As far as she knows, since she wasn’t there to hear that the Disruptors have agreed to burn Miles in court, she didn’t really get to clear her sister’s name and that’s probably the biggest source of pain for her.  That  said she did get to obstruct a deeply dangerous fuel source by the incompetent piece of shit that murdered her sister and ruin his public image.  It’s probably a mix of catharsis and a lack of it.  Either way, I enjoyed the movie and will watch it again as well as Knives Out.
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Do you have any thoughts on “reptilinks”, reptile sausages made of ground up whole prey (including fish, rabbit, quail. Chicken, and frog) , as a substitute for frozen thawed carcasses or live prey as snake food?
Reptilinks are cool, but they're still so new I'm not comfortable endorsing them as a staple.
According to Reptilinks' nutrition page, their links are both more calorie-dense and much higher in calcium than feeder rodents, and there's just been no research done on how they would affect snakes who are fed nothing but Reptilinks. I'm also wary of their frog links specifically, which are made with just the frog legs - they'd be fine as a treat, but not anything more. Snakes need to eat whole prey, so just the legs aren't sufficient.
I like Reptilinks as treats! I get them for my kingsnakes for variety, and I actually adore their scenting juices. They sound great for people who couldn't handle feeding f/t rodents in theory, but aside from the fact they haven't been around long enough to know if they're a good staple, there are two big problems with feeding them as your snake's sole food source or even as a primary option.
The first one is that snakes might just not want to eat them. The shape doesn't intuitively read as food for many snakes, and even absolute garbage disposal feeders like kingsnakes can take some convincing to give them a try. Pickier snakes, like a lot of ball pythons, might never be interested in them no matter what you do. The second issue is that, if Reptilinks goes out of business and that's all you're comfortable feeding your snake, that's obviously going to be a problem. Even if your snake takes Reptilinks without an issue, I'd never recommend people who are interested in Reptilinks because it would allow them to avoid feeding f/t rodents get a snake unless they'd be comfortable feeding rodents if the company did go out of business.
Reptilinks are a cool product, and I like them as treats for lizards and as variety for some snakes. They just haven't been around for long enough for me to know how they'd work as a staple.
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CFWC Writer of the Month - Inlocusmads
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Each month CFWC highlights one of our many talented fanfic writers and this month’s writer of the month is @inlocusmads! We hope you will enjoy learning more about her and her work below! Writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page.
BLOG: @inlocusmads
How do you want to be known on Tumblr? Just Mads is fine!
1- When did you start playing Choices? What's the first book you played? 
I started playing Choices back in 2018-ish (??) after getting recommended by a friend to play Visual Novels. My first ever book was Most Wanted and from then on, set a pattern in me getting absolutely obsessed with action/adventure books. You can imagine my disappointment after I found out, 2-3 years later that MW 2 is cancelled.
2- When, and why, did you join Choices fandom?.
I joined the fandom officially in April/May of 2022. But I was familiar with a Choices “fandom” way back at the height of the pandemic. I just didn’t find the reason to join and chime in and just read meta discussions and commentary on Tumblr & Reddit. But after Crimes of Passion was Wide-Released, I was so invested that I had to join and write my fics. I was happy to know that I wasn’t the only one who found CoP so refreshing from the other books.
Back then, I was only interested in writing theory posts and reviews, but then the whole fanfiction obsession took over and I just went with writing it instead.
3- How did you pick your url name? 
Inlocusmads is my Tumblr User. Locus is a mathematical term defining a set of points following some specific equation in geometry. I picked it because it translates to “In Mads’s territory/set of points” (in-locus-mads) AKA, my blog being a culmination of my works in one place.
4- Go back to your archive and tell us about the first post on your Choices blog. 
My first post was an introduction one! (Link) And I remember being so enthusiastic like a kid on the first day of school. It still gives me that vibe. I even promised to write WTD (Wake the Dead) fanfiction, because WTD was finally wide-released, and people were talking about it. Back in May, I had my exams too, so I had absolutely no idea how I managed to juggle exams and fanfiction.
I do not recommend mixing academics with hobbies under any circumstances lmao. But it all worked out! 
5- How long have you been writing fanfiction?
Since I was 6 years old. I know, crazy, but back then I remember our elementary school teacher reading us stories and I wanted to write one. So I picked up an Aesop’s Fables book and adapted a story from that on a piece of paper. I never knew it was called “fanfiction”. I just liked it!
My official “start” to writing proper fanfiction was in middle school, when I wrote a Harry Potter “Next Gen” AU spanning 40k words. Never finished it and it’s been 6 years since then.
6- What is your favorite Choices book to write about?
Crimes of Passion! It’s the one book I’ve written consistently about. Obviously I will expand to other books (Like ES, OH, WTD) in the near future, but currently, I operate from this home base, if that makes sense. Crimes is awesome!
7- Share the first fanfic you wrote with us. Do you still like it or would you change anything about it?
My first fic is no longer on Tumblr because I took it down. It was called Bulletproof, and I didn’t like various aspects of it, especially how I handled emotions (They’re definitely not my forte). I didn’t want it to be the first impression I give people. My second fic was Something Like Love (but isn’t), and it is so much better than the first thing I wrote! I would never change anything about it. 
8- What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Trystan Thorne & The Holy Grail! It’s got everything I love- chaos, pointless action for a pointless reason, Nora facepalming for the 100th time, coffee drama and I remember staying up all night to watch multiple Monty Python skits to jazz up my humour-writing a bit. Of course, all the stuff I’ve written so far are some of my favourites, but this takes the cake!
9- Do you have a fic that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to be, but it could use a little more love?
It has to be my 2-part series on Nora’s Bisexuality - titled Nora’s College Stories (Angler On A Boat ||  Waiting For A Train). I was afraid that I’d not be impactful with my writing and pass it off in a humorous style, but I’m glad it didn’t turn out that way! I’m proud of the positive feedback it has received since then.
As for the stories that could use some love, fortunately, I’ve never had such an experience. I’m so grateful to have wonderful readers. It blows my mind when people reblog my work with memes, gifs, and “asasdfghj!!”. I don’t mind if a fic has 3 or 15 notes, as long as people who’ve read it enjoyed it enough to use a ton of heart emojis and memes. (Looking at you, Max! You’re the best!)
10- What is your specialty as a fanfic writer?
I would say it has to be action/adventure or something more adrenaline-y. Most of my works involve a sprinkle of simulated gore, a bit of dry humour and some peak self-deprecating jokes. I don’t have a proper style or speciality yet, but taking into account my past fics and my overall trend of writing things, it has to be something that’s thrilling to read and write. 
Sometimes the thrill is executed poorly. Sometimes it radiates pure power and heaps of fun. I wouldn’t know if I didn’t write it down. 
11- If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? 
Ugh, this is hard! I would say out of these options, I’d write fluff. Fluff is comforting, like “oatmeal, which sustains you” (B99 reference!) and I think it is a fandom classic at this point- a norm in any community of writers. Fluff is also miscible and adaptable in any situation and there is no one way to write it; while angst and smut are both unidirectional, in my opinion.
12- Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MC’s or in your writing?
I would say I don’t. Nora and Jane and my future MCs aren’t based on me, nor do I write them after my personality. But the one thing I did incorporate into my characters’ personalities has to be their love for novelty and adventure. I love some novelty in my life, and I hate mundane days. Nora expresses her love for that by taking on challenging cases, and Jane loves rapid change in her life to learn to let go of old wounds.
13- What element of writing do you struggle with most?
Emotion. Especially romance. Don’t rotten-tomato’ me-to-the-face just yet! I’m still getting the hang of writing romance besides incorporating it in action and treating it as a separate entity. As a hobbyist writer who wrote a lot of original works, I never really thought to include romance. It was just a lot of bantery friendship and casual mentions of romance. I do want to get better at it! But, of course, as usual, the journey can be quite difficult.
14- Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
Currently I have a now-untitled (but previously called “Dr Whodunnit”) project with a crossover featuring characters from OH and CoP. Most of you will most likely be familiar because I advertised it as my “biggest project yet!” and didn’t live up to it. Sorry, guys!
I took it down with the sole intention to improve the writing because I found it rushed and hasty in several places. I don’t want to give out a tentative date just yet, but it’ll most likely be revised in about a month or two : around August of 2022. 
I love my readers so much and I want to give them my absolute best work possible. 
15- If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to read your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you recommend they read first?
Sure! I mean, none of my works are extremely explicit. I would be embarrassed because fanfiction-writing is usually frowned upon/heavily stigmatised, but I will recommend them to read anything that interests them. If they’re into romance, maybe A Second Chance and if they’re into friendships, I’d direct them to my general fics that only feature some good old teamwork!
16- Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing?
Growing up, I read a lot of Neil Gaiman, Rick Riordan and Lemony Snicket and I loved their writing styles a lot. Recently I’ve taken a liking to screen-writers and producers (I know screenwriting ≠ actual writing) but it takes a lot more effort to translate written work to a full fledged production. 
There’s Baran Bo Odar and Jantje Friese, the creators of Dark .The writers behind Brooklyn 99 and Parks & Rec. Erin Kelly and Chris Chibnall, writers of Broadchurch. I’ve always wanted to blend longform writing with exciting conceptual-style building-up and some of my favourite shows and the writers behind them have inspired a lot of my works.
Some of my favourite shows such as Adventure Time, Gravity Falls and Gumball have such a fun and innovative way of expressing unique, chaotic ideas. I’ve always looked up to that!
17- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series? 
Definitely my untitled-formerly-titled-project-named-”Dr Whodunnit”. I think it’d make up a fun crime TV show. 
18- Do you write original stories?
I definitely have, in the past! I wrote a time-travelling story and I guess one about engineering humanoids. There was also a really, really old work of mine featuring dragons and young teens battling an evil Dark Lord. So yes, I do write original works, but at this point in time, I’ve taken some time off from them.
19 -  What other hobbies do you have?
I play a lot of online chess, read books and solve puzzles- be it Sudoku, crosswords, (even my very morbid obsession with Wordle) or solving a Rubik’s Cube. I’m also a tired student, so most of my time is either writing fics or catching up on academics. I also bike. The lockdown has clearly converted me into a couch potato, so I could definitely use some daily exercise. 
20 - What’s your favorite emoji? 
This one: 🐍 Nora’s birthday falls in January 1989, aka the Year of the Snake and I sometimes sprinkle it across my fics and headers so much that I got attached to it really quickly. 
21: BONUS - tell us anything you’d like (if you want to).
A huge huge thank you to the team at CFWC for this wonderful opportunity! I absolutely love the initiative of conducting weekly events and bringing more fics into light. It’s so heartwarming to see a diverse pool of fic writers, and I’m very fortunate to interact with all of them.
Shoutout to Max from @pixelatedhayes (go check out Max’s art!), Lin from @ofmischiefandmedicine (Laura Levchenko for the win!), Kate from @quixoticdreamer16 (Incredibly supportive and such a shining gem to this fandom!) for being super supportive and tuning in to read my works and literally every other reader/creator/fanartist/fic-writer out there on Tumblr, contributing their part to the fandom. 
If you’re there, I’m so happy and please keep doing what you love.
I’ve heard that the community has grown smaller since the early days and I’m glad that even though there are a few of us, we’re doing our part to support each other.
To quote Captain Holt and sum it up: “Every time someone steps up and says who they are, the world becomes a much more interesting place.” Thank you so much :) Hope you have an incredible day ahead!
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1800duckhotline · 10 months
do your ocs have any pets?
I forgor to answer right away but! Some of them do indeed!
Recently I did sort of a "hoveraul" of my OC kaede and I decided she's going to have a siamese cat called Sesame. the kitty is a darling little boy and it is the light of Kaede's life. she's a huge cat lover so obviously he's both a companion pet and sort of a therapy cat as well.
I think most egregiously out of my OCs who I haven't revamped/doesnt need it the most distinguishable pet-owner among all my ocs (most of them would be horrible at taking care of one, ngl) is Kei. Kei is an assassin and a huge pet lover of both generic domestic animals and more exotic pets as well, and farm animals too. They have:
a pet chicken (Japanese Bantam) called “Scorched, Burned and Over Fried Chicken Nugget that Fell on The Floor but I Will Still Eat” - shortened in Nugget;
a leopard gecko called Dark Demonic Overlord;
a calico bobtail cat called Screamer;
and a pine bald ball python called Snowball.
Despite their profession Kei is a GREAT pet owner and does very thorough research for each of them. if it wasn't literally their life's purpose to kill people for a living (raised by a family of assassins) they would've probably gone in the veterinarian career. Alas, their passion for pets is for now only limited to owning a few of them. but they're a great pet dad (and dont worry they own a little place with a garden where Nugget can frolick)
Another is Morena, she "owns" a generic American Toad as a pet that she called Mrs Daisy. Quotations because she basically kind of just rescued the poor thing from certain death a couple years back in her lifetime. And ever since then she just kind of... learned how to take care of her lovely little toad. she's SMITTEN for that beast (positive, affectionate)
Tisha kind of ... "has" pets? Or rather the pets Have Him. he is somehow extremely good at communicating and bonding with crows and over the years he's managed to befriend at least a couple of murders of crows without even trying too hard to. He's a crow magnet and that's fine by him. he loves those birds. By correlation Adele has a similar thing but with ravens. Though the ravens don't act like they're her pets, they actually tend to treat her like she's just another raven, which is very funny
Salice doesn't own any animal and doesn't like most animals (especially birds) but if she could she would love to have some kind of personal anthill/terrarium for ants. Her favorite animals are the ants. idk what to tell you
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