#and lyme disease isn't a joke
textless · 8 months
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When I first spotted these clumps on tall grasses in Olare Motorogi Conservancy, in Kenya, I thought they were some kind of insect eggs. (My vision isn't as sharp as it once was.) But when I touched a piece of grass, the tiny specks started moving... because they were thousands of baby ticks!
There is no Lyme disease in Kenya, but there is an illness called African tick bite fever that is no joke. I didn't see a single mosquito during my trip - it wasn't their season - but these little guys made me glad to have hardcore insect repellent on hand.
So. Many. Ticks.
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thelypteriiis · 1 year
i wasnt sure if i wanted to put this here bc im lazy but its been poisoning my brain for the last 24 hours so here we go @ejunkiet im tagging you bc you asked about the long essay im sorry if you didn't mean it literally
ok tldr: dump should have an empowered equivalent to the CDC to monitor and prevent disease spread in empowered humans specifically shifters. shifters should probably also practice some tick safety. how is this something we havent gotten a lecture from david or damien about???
so i posted this on tiktok and it started as a joke but i ended up taking it way to seriously lol the original question was: are shifters affected by lyme disease/ticks in their nonshifted form if they are exposed in their shifted form? psa ive been told lyme disease and ticks are generally not a huge worry in California (where dahlia is set) but we're continuing with this nonetheless. also dont get me started on the redacted medical care conversation this prompted i had with a friend on discord ill be here all day
so if a shifter is bitten by a tick while on their romps in the woods and infected with lyme how does that work? especially if they are a non wolf shifter (which im pretty sure have been confirmed?? idk) bc they have higher exposure rates to ticks (mice, voles, shrews, etc) like i know they are biologically human but when shifted they are essentially the animal they shift into right? when shifted they cant talk, dont have opposable thumbs, etc. morphologically they are the animal they shift into. so while humans cant get lyme from the infected animal if they literally are that animal would they get it? my guess is yes. mostly bc at the end of the day they are human and we know that magic can't fix everything (ex: david's parents, bright and fred, etc) im guessing something like a chronic illness cant be wiped away with magic plus magic doesn't like boost their immune system or anything.
so a possible solution would be tick collars! maybe not specifically collars since i think only ash would be down to wear one but tick prevention somehow? like a similar concept in jewelry maybe? clothing? clothing would be cool since we know (at least for the shaw pack) they can shift with their clothes on bc of the games.
this also brought up the possibility of other zoonotic and interspecies diseases. how would rabies affect mammalian shifters? could shifters contract giardia from consuming contaminated water while shifted and how would that affect their nonshifted form? what if a deer shifter (if they canonically exist) came in contact with chronic wasting disease (you might have heard this called zombie deer disease)? while we arent sure it affects humans it should certainly affect their shifted form right? could a bat shifter contract white nose syndrome? that is decimating bat populations across the us so how would it affect shifters.
if an illness affects them how are they managed? how are they monitored so there isn't an outbreak within packs/clans/etc? there's gotta be some form of a CDC type organization. one that at the very least gives out some kind of illness prevention right? pre exposure rabies vaccinations, tick collars, medical attention for those exposed to whatever they come across. if college is free in the redactedverse there's gotta be some good as medical care and prevention too right?
this also brought me down the path of how does in injury in their shifted form translate into their nonshifted form? most animals have a similar enough lay out but nothing exactly the same. wolves are not built the same as humans. our skeletons dont match up exactly neither does the musculature. its gotta be a general thing right? it cant be hyper specific to the literal place of injury. wolves have more teeth than people, right? if it was hyperspecific an a shifter injured a tooth that doesn't exist on the human body what happens? they luck out? or it is price is right rules (whatever is closest)? just like injured foot in shifted form means injured foot in nonshifted form. how does one seek medical care for that? especially if its an injury a human couldn't sustain just bc we dont move like certain animals do. this brings back the empowered cdc/dr organization
im also not an expert on any of these things. i have a broad wildlife degree so we briefly covered a ton of stuff. we didn't have an in-depth epidemiology or anatomy class so if anything is wayyyy off please lmk!! also i dont ever expect answers to these questions. it was just a fun little thought that i hyperfocused on.
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disabledwarrior · 2 years
For some reason I can't get this moment out of my head
When I first started treatment Years ago they rlly fucked me up majorly and as a result i retreated in almost every sense and avoided my siblings bcus I didn't want them to see me like that if they could help it yfm
Often I feel like an emotional burden along with a general burden which isn't smth to unpack rn but anyways
I can't stop thinking abt a long while ago I was talking w my mom in the kitchen and made a joke abt my lyme as I'm prone to doing and my older brother happened to enter the kitchen and was pouring a drink when I did
My older brother and I have very similar senses of humor bcus we're extremely close in age i think they call it Irish twins so what I really expected was him to respond w a joke
He didn't make a joke that time though and I remember so vividly the honest fear when I just heard him silently say "lyme disease is scary" and I was just sorta taken aback and my mom responded "yeah, it is" and me and my brother just had this Moment before things chugged along back to the typical programming of how we interact
I think abt it often, it gives me a melancholy feeling in my chest just knowing how my brothers worry about me and I wish they didn't have to
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Gimme Love, 7/9 (Miz Cracker/Blair St Clair) - Grinder
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AN: Sorry in advance, but this chapter is kinda short. But we do get more conflict, more drama. 3 more chapters! Who's pumped? No one.
TW FOR THIS CHAPTER: Brief blood mentions.
Remember how I said I was on a journey towards happiness? In the beautiful world of Brianna Caldwell, life said, "Nah."
The next day, it was apparent that things were only getting worse.
"Ed Sheeran is still on board," Joey stated matter-of-factly. He crossed his arms, the safety visor making a rustling sound as he did so.
He was joined by Nina, Alex, and Michael. A few of the lab team were at their desks, trying to ignore the current confrontation, including Jujubee.
She looked as if she wasn't paying attention to the ordeal, but I knew Jujubee like the back of my hand, and she was listening. I couldn't help but want her to speak up and help me out here. But she hadn't spoken to me since the day before.
"Yeah, he is." I put my hands on my hips, standing at the front of the lab, while Joey and his friends sat there and looked up at me.
"Why, though?" Joey continued to question.
"God, we already had this discussion," I spoke quietly, looking to the side for some sort of distraction.
"Yeah, but you said you'd figure something out." Nina input.
"Yeah, you did." Alex joined in. I glanced at Jujubee in the hopes she'd join the conversation. Her eyes remained on the chemical she was working with.
"Why did you choose him in the first place? Why not…" Michael paused, deciding to join the argument, "Bill Nye...or someone who actually has an interest in Space and Science."
"Yeah, for real. Like, you do realise that in years to come, when kids read about 'Neil Armstrong - the first man on the moon, they're gonna flip the page and see 'Ed Sheeran, confirmed the first man to enter another dimension.'" Alex added.
"Like, how do you even explain Ed Sheeran as a choice?" Nina held a hand out in questioning.
I finally found a crack and slipped back into the conversation, "Because your project manager is a disaster when she's drunk and makes stupid choices without even thinking."
"We know, Brie. You were drunk." Joey rolled his eyes like he was tired of hearing the same story.
"Maybe you should stop drinking." Alex squinted his eyes.
"Yeah, we don't wanna go there, but maybe this is a problem," Michael added to the point.
My eyes were becoming wider with every word they were saying. This was absolutely ridiculous. Again, I was hoping Jujubee would argue back, but she remained silent.
Nina, however, was the one to interject, "Jesus, guys. You're taking it a bit too far." She stood up and gathered her lab coat, "Look, we all do dumb shit when we're drunk. She's not a mess, OK?"
Joey laughed. I held back from calling him out for the time that I caught him hiding in the closet playing Candy Crush for an hour.
"Well, even so, she should take this into consideration," Alex suggested.
"And do what?" I unfolded my arms and held them out by my side, "call him and say 'JK, Ed. It was just a joke, Ed.'"
"Girl, you're the one who got us into this mess. You figure it out." Alex raised his voice. How very fair of him. I was the one who had to deal with this problem, yet they were the only ones who seemed to care.
"Mess is a bit of a harsh term." Nina pointed out.
"Exactly, there is no mess here. Juju and I have already figured this out," my gaze shifted towards her again, hoping the mention of her name would cause a reaction. Nothing, "So I'd appreciate it if I could stop getting all this flack. I don't need flack from you," I pointed at Joey, "I don't need flack from you," next, at Alex, "or you," then Michael, and I moved my finger in Nina's direction, "or...Jesus Christ, you're having a nose bleed."
Nina's hand flew straight up to her nose, pulling away and examining the red liquid. "Oh, my Lord!"
She tried wiping it. But more blood poured out like a faucet that had been slowly turned on.
"Can you just...get out of here and get that cleaned up?" It sounded bitchy. But I was panicking. I never did well with blood. Therefore I looked away and hid my face.
"Thanks for helping, boss." Joey practically snarled, handing Nina a bunch of tissues. Like hungry wolves following the scent of the blood, the 3 men followed her out of the room, Joey still scorning at me as he left.
It was just me and the other scientists left in the room.
I turned and moved to one of the counters, picking up screws and bolts as if I was actually interested in them. But I couldn't ignore the presence of my best friend.
Hearing shuffling, I turned. She was standing up and gathering her things.
"Juju." I approached her.
She only quickened the packing up process.
Reaching her bench, she was already turned in the direction of the door, "Juju, are you just gonna ignore me all day?"
Finally, she looked at me, adjusting her bag strap, "There's nothing to say."
"Oh really? Well, you can decide to drop me as a friend, but you're still working for me, so we need to communicate."
"OK," Jujubee shrugged, "Well, what do you need to discuss with me that's work-related?"
She got me there. Licking my lips, I breathed out with a quick sigh. "OK, look, last night, we didn't end on a good note. I'm not saying I was wrong, and neither were you. Can you just please set that aside and talk to me?"
She squinted her eyes. "So, I'm supposed to just let the problem keep building?"
"Juju!" I briefly raised my voice, a few of the other scientists glanced in our direction. Jujubee looked uneasy now. So I lowered my tone again. "OK. I'm just gonna say it. I fucked up. I fucking...wrote her a creepy message, and I don't know what to do, and I have no one to talk to about it."
She let out a sarcastic laugh, "You're still looking to use me as your therapist. You learned nothing from what I said, Brianna."
I was silent, incapable of speaking anything else.
She looked away to the ground, "This is taking up my lunchtime."
And with that, she moved to the door, the sound of her heels like a clock ticking down.
"Juju, what can I do?" I held my hands out by my sides. "How am I going to make you satisfied?"
With a hand opening the door, she was frozen for a moment. I thought she would have walked on and ignored me. But she looked over her shoulder and said, "When you realise she's not the one who cares about you."
She left the room, pulling the door closed. The noise caused me to flinch.
I turned around her words in my head.
Two of the scientists were whispering, one glancing at me. I felt my chest become tight. "Hey. This isn't a social gathering. Get back to work."
Despite their astonishment, they moved away from each other anyway.
I instantly felt like a bitch. Technically yeah, it was my job to keep everyone working. But I rarely raised my voice.
I left the room, seeking peace and quiet.
Sitting in my chair, I held my hands in my head, staring at the redwood desk. Moments like these should have felt like a luxury, just sitting there, relaxing. But my mind was racing with too many thoughts.
I had no idea what I could do to make amends with Jujubee. But I could try and sort this Ed Sheeran problem.
Loading up my emails, I opened the thread with Ed Sheeran (which was actually only 3 messages and most likely with his manager).
I hit reply and started typing.
'Listen, Ed. There's been an issue…'
'Dear Mr Ed Sheeran, we regret to inform you…'
'Hello, Ed. It's Brianna from…'
'Ed, big fan of the work, but…'
I squeezed my eyes shut, already feeling exhausted, like each press of the backspace button represented a loss of a brain cell.
For all the achievements I had earned throughout the years, for all the accomplishments, why the fuck was this so damn hard?
The telephone rang, causing me to jolt. A sigh left my lips as I tried to breathe. Pressing the speaker, I said, "Jackie, what's up?"
Jackie, my receptionist, spoke, "Hey, honey. Your Mom's on line 2."
My hand clenched around my pen, already feeling that familiar sense of dread.
"OK, thank you," I spoke quieter.
I hesitated for a moment before finally clicking line 2.
"Hi, Mom," I uttered.
"Hi, baby." She said quietly. "How are you?"
"Fine." I lied. "Nothing really new here. How about you?"
"All good…" she sighed, then paused briefly, "Actually no. Things aren't good. I...lost my job. The usual, they found someone better. And I've been trying so hard to find a job."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"Yeah, and on top of that," she sighs again, "Brie, honey, there is no easy way to say this; Piggie's sick."
My breath caught in my throat, but I tried to remain calm. "What's wrong with him?"
"They said it's Lyme disease, Brianna. I...I don't know what's going to happen." Her voice cracked.
"Look, don't worry. I'm gonna send you money right now. It should cover the bills. He'll be - -"
"No, I didn't call you to ask for money." She said quickly, "I was just wondering...I know you're busy and everything…"
Fuck. My eyes squeezed together, hand tightening around the phone.
"But...I would love to see you. It's been nearly a year now." Her tone softened.
And immediately, I wanted to say no. Considering the circumstances, a visit would fuck with my head. Seeing Piggie, my emotional support through teenagehood would crush me.
"You there, baby?" She asked.
"Yeah," I whispered.
"I just...I don't want to be alone. What if the medical treatment fails? I'm gonna have no one, Brianna. I don't want that." She pauses again, and my chest tightens, tears filling my eyes. "Brie, baby, please come."
I can hear the pain in her voice. But I can't help but feel that sense of fear, the anxiety.
"Don't leave me alone to deal with this, please. I'm at my lowest. And I don't know if I could do it all by - -"
I hit 'end call'.
I put the phone back and rested my head in my hands.
I knew this was my fault - our strained relationship. I could only see that now, how emotionally unstable I was. That sounds like a joke, right? I just didn't expect it to be this bad.
Nothing was getting better.
I threw my bag in the back seat before climbing in the front. My hair was soaked from the rain. I literally just ran from the school to Mom's car, not even outside for that long, yet so much rain.
I said nothing, only rubbed my hands together to keep warm.
"So, the schools flooded?" Mom asked.
"The whole school?" She looked past me and to the building, an eyebrow raised. "It doesn't look that bad."
"It's just the shop classes and cafeteria, to be honest." I put my hands between my thighs to make the warming up process happen quicker.
"That's a bit unnecessary to send you all home."
"Yeah, well, I'm not complaining."
Mom fired up the engine, and we were set for home. There was a moment of silence that fell among us. Nothing out of the ordinary.
But when she turned the radio down, I knew we were in for a discussion.
"That's not the only thing the school called me about today." She started.
"Oh?" I looked out the window. I don't know why but I assumed they had finally exposed me for smoking around the back of the building. But it was doubtful as I had stopped during the Summer.
"They're concerned about you, Brie." And so was she, now that I could hear it in her tone. "Your grades have only gotten better the slightest amount."
"Well, I can't just go from a C to an A in a matter of days." I still looked out the window. "And besides, I'm staying behind every other day for extra studying."
"Are you sure you're not just flaking and hanging out with Jujubee instead?" There it was, the accusatory tone.
I looked at her now. "No? And if it makes you feel better, you can call her Mom and ask. How's that sound?" I scoffed, "God, I don't need this. Not like I'm dealing with enough at school anyway."
"Well," she was silent for a moment as if daring herself to speak again, "Not that I'd know, I mean, you don't really open up to me about school."
"Yeah, because there's nothing you can do about it." Was I wrong? What could she do? Barge into the school with a gramophone and yell, 'Stop picking on my daughter!'
"About what?"
I rolled my eyes, "Doesn't matter. I don't wanna talk about it."
I could practically feel the way she held back from rolling her eyes.
"Well, the only other thing I can think of is that you're too focused on all this space stuff." She sounded more irked now. "You need to focus on your future, not all this make-believe crazy conspiracy theory shit."
"Oh, that crazy conspiracy theory shit that my Grandpa enjoyed?" My tone was slowly raising.
"I didn't mean it like that. I'm saying your Grandpa didn't make a living sitting around and fantasising about all of this stuff. He knew the difference between having a career and having a dream."
"Well, God, not like my interest hasn't got a thing to do with my future prospects, Mom. No. Who would have thought." The sarcasm was thick in my voice.
"Whatever it is you're striving towards, it sounds more like a dream to me. You need a more stable plan." Mom flicked the indicator quite aggressively.
"Oh my God," I laughed, "That's hilarious. You have no idea what I'm striving towards. You can't even tell me what it is."
"Does it matter??"
"Just shows how much you give a shit about me, right, Mom?"
We pulled up to a red light to Mom's delight because she pulled the handbrake.
"How dare you." She seethed, "How dare you speak to me like that. I have done nothing but give a shit about you all these years. I have been there for you, every nervous breakdown, every time you wanted to cry but wouldn't, every time you needed your Mother the most. I was the best Mother I could be because I know that deep down you were hurting." Her voice cracks. "I know that you struggled for so long, what with your parents and all, but I've done all I can to give you what they couldn't. I held you. I loved you. But now, what I'm getting back is this...attitude. All I did, Brie, was express my concern, and you immediately went on the defence." She paused again before lowering her tone, "And I know you want to hold on to this space stuff, so you don't lose someone else. And I know you're in pain. But is this actually what Grandpa would have wanted??"
We held each other's gaze for another moment before the light finally turned red. She started driving again.
But I wasn't done. "Really? All of that and for what, Mom? God, you have no idea what Grandpa wanted for me. If only you knew what he asked of me when he was lying in his deathbed."
"And what was that?" She raised a brow.
"It doesn't matter." I crossed my arms and was back to looking out the window.
"Of course." She stated.
"Just...stop, please. My grades will be better. Now, we're done having this conversation."
I could feel her seething, the heat of her anger radiating through the cramped vehicle. But she said no more.
Not even for the rest of the night.
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