#and ngl most women I've met have like...arms
Venison: Sonic Fanfic
//Hello, this is my first sonic Fanfic technically. Ngl, this is sorta a test fic since I've NEVER written fanfiction outside of maybe a few headcannons and such as that but this one is sorta darrrrk? Like...implications dark. Basically this story takes place around after forces where there would be some clean up after eggman's hold on the world and the phantom ruby saga. G.U.N soldiers have been stationed with the Restoration to help out (and to make G.U.N look competent after getting there asses beat) and while some soldiers are pretty nice to mobians others...might see them differently// //TW: Implications of death and murder, and unethical hunting//
The barracks were always empty at this time which was good for taking a shower with less people around, especially prying eyes. Ava walked the halls guiding her hand across the cool metal walls of the building towards the lockers, her boots rhythmically thumping against the ground. The Restoration facilities were actually much nicer than what the human expected. It was especially better than the facilities G.U.N has, hell they had hot water here and they could shower when they wanted. The infrastructure of their space was hospitable, most of the humans that came along had their own space for the most part. The mobians around the Restoration were pretty accurate on how tall humans were compared to their smaller stature. Hell, Ava has never seen a mobain that was above even 4 feet in height though she doesn’t doubt that they don’t exist. She’s met some interesting ones to say the least but, all and all they were kind towards them despite the fact that the only human that most of them know try to take over their town with robots every few weeks.
Ava was about to open the door towards the women's locker room when she noticed something out of the corner of her eye. The men’s locker room door was cracked slightly open and she swore she could hear someone speaking inside. The soldier slowly turned leaning over towards the door curiously seeing if there was anyone in there. “It’s 4 in the morning,” she thought to herself. Maybe someone else had the idea of an early morning shower before everyone else woke up. Ava listened in to the conversation that was happening on the other side of the door.
“Yeah…Uh-Huh..I think I could mount these on my wall if I could find a guy who could do it for me on the down low.…”
Ava reeled her head back from the door. The voice was sorta familiar to her and again most of the G.U.N soldiers here still knew she was just getting to know everyone. The door opened making Ava jump away not realizing that someone was leaving. A young man stood above her holding a phone up to his ear, his icy blue eyes staring at her. He was already wearing his uniform with the name “Hunter” stitched on the front. “Huh..I’ll call you back..” He said taking the phone away from his ear, placing it in his phone in his pocket. Ava crossed her arms, “Huh, I didn’t realize anyone else would be up around this time.” She glanced at the duffle bag around the soldier's chest. “I like the peace and quiet.” Hunter quipped back. “What are YOU doing out here?” He asked, narrowing his eyes, shifting the bag away from her. The bag was pretty beat up with some dirt on the underside of it. Ava noticed a decent sized splotch of a deep reddish brown on the side of the bag closest to his side. “Uhh..Hey, I think you should clean your bag. You might get some of that stuff on your uniform.” Ava pointed at the spot trying to break the awkward tension. Hunter looked down at the bag at the mystery stain and chuckled. “Oh that?” He asked. “Nah, don’t worry about it. It’s just something…special. I picked it up from a friend.” Hunter chuckled. “Might have leaked out while getting it.”
Ava paused for a moment. It was probably something food related. The humans and mobians usually cooked together when it started getting dark in a sorta bonfire-like thing but, deep down, Hunter's smile made her skin crawl slightly. “Ah, right…” she mumbled, turning away from him. The G.U.N soldier raised an eyebrow at her then shrugged. “Yeah, I’ll…clean it when I get back home.. I just wanted to make sure that nothing broke when I was transporting it. “He responded walking away from her. Ava started watching him as he held his bag closer towards his side protecting it from her view. She frowned at the strange encounter with a fellow soldier. Didn’t he say something about mounting something on a wall? Something like horns? She could have sworn that he was stationed with a deer mobain earlier in the day on a mission. But, maybe it was a coincidence?
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boyybites · 5 years
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I’ve been thinking about making a comic with both Sophi and Jinxe as the mains and tbh it’s coming along quite well.
This isn’t apart of the actual comic but it’s more of a look into her actions/behavior that she does get into when she’s very serious about something.
And considering most of my characters are gang related this should be interesting to see what world I build from it.
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