#and nooooo one will ever know it's me but it will be out there!!!
jessi4fanfics · 3 days
only read this story if you are like REALLY bored and have nothing to do for the next bajillion minutes cuz ITS LONG
Its a mix of Broppy with a bit of Cliva!
I wrote this on Wattpad if you would rather read it there. 😘
"UGHHHHHHH," John Dory groaned as he and the rest of the BroZone brothers fell onto the couch the morning after one of their shows.
They were in Branch's bunker living room, where all of them except for Bruce lived now, though Bruce did live there when he was planning on staying in Pop Village for a while for shows, like this last week.
And there was only one way to describe what the brothers felt now: EXHAUSTED.
"I can't believe we did six shows in five days last week!" Clay groaned.
"I don't think I've slept since Monday," Branch sighed.
"At least we were all together," Floyd suggested. "It's better than when we were all apart, right?"
They all stared at him. It was obvious from their faces that they didn't really agree.
"I miss Brandy," Bruce sighed sadly, taking a picture of his wife and kids out of his hair.
"You always miss Brandy," John said, annoyed. "Why don't you enjoy hanging around us for a little while at least?"
"Because you guys never tell me how much you love me," Bruce shot back.
Floyd touched his shoulder. "Bruce, we love you a ton."
Bruce stared at him, then shrugged Floyd's hand off of his should. "Ehh, it's not the same."
"I'd be concerned if it was." Branch stood up. "Guys, we're all acting weird and mopey. You know why?"
"Because you didn't make us pancakes for breakfast like we asked?" John asked.
Branch frowned. "What? No. I told you; I don't have all the ingredients!"
"Well, I offered to go to the store for you, but nooooo you said--"
"It's because we all need a break!" Branch interrupted. "We've been working our butts off ever since we got back together, which is good, but we deserve a break sometime. Which is why--" He turned and grabbed the BroZone Planner book from off of the breakfast table, "--I completely emptied all of our activities this week." He placed it in front of Clay.
"What?! No way!" Clay opened the planner to the week that it was. It was true. The whole week had nothing written anywhere on it.
The brothers stared at it for a while. 
"Omigosh, yes!! This is what I've been secretly wanting for the past two months!" John gave a sigh of relief.
"That means we can do whatever we want all week!" Floyd smiled. "This is gonna be so much fun!"
"Guys, we should totally go bowling!" Bruce suggested.
John gave Bruce a funny look. "Why?"
"Cuz I haven't been bowling in forever! Last time I went bowling with Brandy, I broke my left pinkie toe!" He lifted his foot to show his toe, which was hanging in a weird way.
"Eww, that is disgusting, put that down!" Branch shrieked, covering his eyes.
"Dude, it's just the way of nature. Things break. Including toes," Bruce explained.
"That doesn't mean we want to see it!" Floyd gagged.
"Okay, okay!! If you put that foot down, we'll go bowling!" John compromised. 
"Okie!" Bruce put down his foot and gasped. "We can call it-- browling!!"
"Haha!! Yes! I love it!" John laughed, nudging him.
Clay had been quiet. His eyes were so wide they looked like saucers. Then he gave a relieved sigh. "Oh my gosh, it is so satisfying to open this planner to this week and see nothing in it."
"There's not nothing in it," Literal John pointed out. "It says 'Valentines Day' right there."
Clay gave him the bro, are you kidding me?  look. "Thanks."
"You're welcome! 🤗" John answered.
"Ahhh, Valentines Day," Bruce gave another sigh, this time full of relaxation and enjoyment, as he sat back. "You know, Brandy and I met on Valentines Day."
His brother turned to him, annoyed. 
"Yah, we know," John grunted. "You tell us every Saturd--"
"It was exactly ten years ago," Bruce began suddenly.
The rest of BroZone groaned. 
"I was new to Vacay Island and the Islanders, and watched them party in the evening of Valentines Day, all partying like they were never gonna stop. I watched sadly, wishing that I had my own Valentine to party with."
"And then that's when you saw her," Branch predicted.
"By the snack stand," Clay continued.
"All alone," Floyd reminded.
"Looking kind of depressed," John finished. "Maybe a bit like us right no--"
"And then!" Bruce didn't wait for JD to finish. "I decided now was my chance. So I walked up to that beauty. Her eyes were shining like bits of heaven itself. Her skin as yellow as a really ripe banana. Her hair as stringy as the cheese in a cheese and spinach ravioli."
"Why do you always describe her like that?" Clay asked. "It absolutely disgust--"
Bruce ignored him. "And I walked up to her and said, 'Hey, you must be today's special cuz you're making me hungry!"
All the brothers winced, just as they always did whenever Bruce got to that part.
"I'm really surprised she didn't punch you after saying that," Branch remarked.
"Oh, she did," Bruce chuckled.
"Wait, what?!!" Clay gasped.
"Dude, how come you've never told us the one interesting part in this lame story?!!" John gaped.
"I don't know. It didn't really matter," Bruce shrugged.
"What is wrong with you?" Clay asked.
Floyd laughed.
"Well, anyways. After I said that, she--"
They all groaned again.
"BROOOOOZOOONNNEEEE!!!" came a high but sweet voice from the hallway.  
Queen Poppy burst into the living room, her face full of excitement and joy. She waved a pink envelope in the air before twirling excitedly in the room. "I'm sorry that I just popped out of nowhere, but I had to tell you--!!"
She stopped, noticing Bruce's mouth open, mid-story. "Oop, am I interrupting something?"
"Nope, you just saved us," Clay said gratefully. 
"Yes, please continue. Even your news may beat Bruce's story," John pleaded. 
Branch smiled and rolled his eyes. He was completely grateful to Poppy for interrupting though. Hearing the same story every week wasn't very fun.
"What'd you want to tell us?" He asked, walking toward her.
"Well, you know how Valentines Day is in two days?" She sang in a happy voice.
"Ugh, don't start Bruce all over again!" John said, alarmed.
Bruce crossed his arms. "I don't get why you guys don't enjoy it. It's absolutely lovely."
"Sure, Bruce. If you say so." Floyd patted his shoulder.
"We were just talking about it," Branch informed Poppy, who looked a bit confuzzled.
"Oh. Well, good!" She grabbed his left arm. "I wanted to invite you all to--"
"Wait, invite us to?" Branch stopped her. "Poppy, I thought I told you, we were taking a break from parties and everything else all week!"
Poppy looked at him, remembered, then blushed. "Oh. Well, uhhh--" she scratched the back of her head. "It's not really a... party."
Branch sighed and took the pink envelope and opened it. Inside the card said:
Formal Dress Required. Snacks Provided! 6pm to 9pm.  
"Popppyyy," he gave long groan.
"I'm sorry, I didn't-- I forgot, you don't have to go!" Poppy's face flushed even more. 
"Another party?!" John moaned, leaning back on the couch.
"But I was hoping to go back home that day!" Bruce said. He sighed. "Well, I guess..."
Clay also gave a sad sigh. "There goes our empty week." He grabbed a pencil and tried to bring himself to write in the planner Valentine Dance.
"For the second time, it's not empty! It already says 'Valentines Day', right there!" John pointed out again. 
"DUDE HOW LITERAL CAN YOU BE?!!" Clay shrieked.
"Guys!" Poppy yelled.
They all turned to her.
She turned back to Branch. "Look. You're right. You told me not to invite you to a party. I thought the ball would be alright since it wasn't really a party, but I shouldn't have taken you so literally, and I'm sorry. You all don't have to go, no pressure." She gave him a kind smile and turned around and left.
They all stared after her.
"That was really sweet of her," Floyd said.
"Wow. Branch. She practically got on her knees, begging for forgiveness, and you just stand there like a doofus!" John said.
"Yeah, Brandy never would never have done that for me," Bruce said, impressed.
"Mostly because she doesn't have knees," Clay smarted.
The Clay and John snickered.
"I don't find that funny!" Bruce shouted.
Branch sat down next to Floyd. 
"Penny for your thoughts," Floyd said gently.
"I think I'm gonna go to the dance," Branch said shortly.
"What?!" John turned to him. "What happened to browling?!!"
"We have all week to do that, it's just one day, guys." Branch shrugged. "Besides, I kinda want to make this Valentines Day perfect for Poppy. The past few haven't gone-- well, very well."
"What do you mean?" Floyd asked.
"Happy Valentines Day, Branch!!!" Poppy held out a Valentine's Day card to a grumpy Branch.
He took it with a plastered smile then stomped on it angrily.
"😱😱!!!" Everyone gasped. 
"Happy Valentines Day, Branch!!" Poppy held out another Valentine's Day card for a grumpy Branch.
He took it and stomped on it.
"😱😱!!!" Everyone gasped.
~~~ONE YEAR AGO (Branch has his true colors now, y'all)~~~
"Happy Valentines Day, Branch!!" Poppy held out her annual Valentine's Day card to a now happy Branch, sure he wasn't going to stomp on it.
Glitter sprayed in his face.
"EEEWW, I GOT GLITTER IN MY MOUTH!!" Branch shrieked. "I THINK IMMA PUKE-" runs away gagging dangerously.
 "😱😱!!!" Everyone gasped.
"Oof, yah, you do owe her a good Valentines Day," Floyd completely agreed. 
"And maybe this is my way of doing it," Branch said. He got up. "I'm going to go tell Poppy. But none of you guys have to go."
"Oh, don't worry, we've got that in mind," John said, annoyed. 
"Poppy!" Branch ran out of the living room smack into--
"Hiii!!" Poppy gave him a giddy smile.
"Poppy, were you standing there the whole time?" Branch asked, lifting an eyebrow.
She shifted uncomfortably. "Mayyybeee."
He couldn't help smiling.
"I was hoping you'd say you would still come! And you did!!" Poppy gave an excited squeal and jumped onto him, giving him a big hug.
"Okay, okay, but I don't think the rest of them are coming," Branch gently pushed her off of him.
"That's okay." She waved her hand carelessly. "As long as you're there."
He grinned.
"Viva and I are so excited, we're planning on decorating it all by ourselves and we're ordering the biggest cake you've ever seen and--" she gave an excited gasp. "Branch!! You'll have to come over tomorrow! I have so many ideas for your tuxedo!"
"Well, I-- uhh." Branch wasn't sure if he wanted to wear another tuxedo in his life. He had worn that all week so far.
"How about around 11am tomorrow?! Okay, good!" She kissed his cheek, not waiting for an answer. "I'll see you then!!!" And she danced toward the elevator.
Branch gave an exasperated sigh. 
~~~ The Next Day~~~
"I'm off to Poppy's to see about tuxedos, guys," Branch said. 
"Ouch, good luck with that." John lay on his back on the couch, covering the whole thing.
Branch rolled his eyes.
"Branch, do you have a mailbox?" Bruce asked from the breakfast nook. "I haven't had mail in forever!"
"Pfft, who'd send mail to you?" John asked. "You aren't a thrilling teenager anymore, Bruce."
"As a matter of fact, I get tons of fanmail, Mister I'm-Jealous-Cuz-I've-Never-Gotten-One-Fan-Letter-In-My-Entire-Life. But I was talking more about my family," Bruce said defensively.
"Mmm." John had no comeback.
"As an answer to your question," Branch finally managed to cut in, "No, Bruce, I do not. Poppy's working on that. I can go get your mail at the post office if you want."
"Ooh, and while you're there," Clay handed him a letter to mail.
"What's this?" Branch asked.
"Well, it's--" Clay began in his I'm-about-to-blab-about-serious-boring-and-important-stuff-for-about-fifteen-minutes voice.
"Ya know what, doesn't matter, I'll take it." Branch was not about to stand here for fifteen minutes. Not when he could be talking to Poppy. "Anything else?"
"Oh! I have a grocery list!" John got up and handed him a five-foot-long list. 
"John, I'm going to Poppy's pod. I'm not going anywhere near the grocery store."
"Well, you asked 'anything else' and I told you!" John went back to the couch. "You're welcome."
Branch rolled his eyes. 
"Here, Branch. I'll go do that stuff." Floyd got up from the breakfast table. "You can go on ahead to Poppy's pod."
"Oh. Thanks, Floyd." Branch gave him a smile. 
"We're off!" Floyd announced.
"They don't care, let's just go before they order us to go pick up something somewhere else," Branch whispered.
"Good idea," Floyd agreed.
They started off toward the direction of Poppy's pod (the post office was on the way).
"Soooo...." Floyd said in a singsong voice.
"Soooo?" Branch asked.
"What's your gameplan?"
"For what?"
Floyd laughed. "Asking Poppy to the dance!"
"What?" Branch gave him a funny look. "I have to ask her? She's not just gonna assume we're going together because we're dating?"
"Well, of course she does. But it's more fun for the girls when they get asked." Floyd grinned. "You know, you'd think you've never been in a famous boyband."
"Yeah, well, girls weren't always my first priority, you know."
"I can see that." Floyd's grin turned into a gentle smile. "Branch, I want you to do how proud I am of you."
Branch shifted uncomfortably. "For what?"
"Getting along. Without us. Even before you had your true colors back. You dealth with Grandma..." Floyd gulped. "Well, you dealt with that all alone. And you still went on."
"Barely." Branch shrugged. "If it wasn't for Poppy, I don't know where I'd be right now."
"Well, it wasn't just Poppy." Floyd looked straight into Branch's blue eyes. "Poppy isn't in control of you changing, Branch. That's almost all you. She may have changed you, but you let her. And that's why you're here now, dating the Queen of the Pop Trolls."
Branch flushed. 
Floyd chuckled. "I remember the day you were born. Clay made ten lame jokes about you right away, laughing at them by himself, Bruce seemed to be grumpy because you had blue eyes when he had always wanted them, and John looked like he wanted to die because he now had four brothers instead of three. But I knew right away, you were something special, Branch."
"I'm not that special," Branch said. But he couldn't stop smiling. "Oh, there's Poppy and Viva!"
They were in front of Poppy's pod, doing backflips in the grass, giggling like crazy.
"Oh, man, they're gonna break their necks!" Branch rushed to them. "Poppy, wait, don't--!!"
Floyd laughed, watching. Then he looked at Viva. She was laughing at Branch as well, giving him a teasing push, and he turned on her and tweaked a blonde curl, grinning, something he had grown to do lately as he as now as close to her as his brothers.
Branch knew a lot about Viva already because he hung around Poppy so much. Floyd wondered if he was close enough to her to be able to jokingly tweak a curl. 
No, definitely not. But it would be fun to have a friend like that. And he hadn't had very many since he went to Mount Rageous. 
Suddenly, an idea popped in his head. It sounded alright. Would Viva think so?
He smiled and walked toward her calmly, on a mission.
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moeblob · 3 months
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New OCs
(briefly, humans and supernatural beings have to team up for building better relations with each other and all the supernaturals can shapeshift and take on human appearances but also have their 'original form'.)
OK so I was GOING to draw fanart today - I had a fun idea and everything! But health anxiety (and anti-anxiety meds) wore me out so I kinda .... slogged through OCs as a treat to me. I am going to go to the doctor tomorrow so HOPEFULLY it's all okay.
#my characters#also kite is the worst socially and says things he thinks are surely fitting for a human conversation#but ends up insulting grady with 99% of the comments and that makes grady not fond of him#but then grady is like super pleasant to others and doesnt know how to act around kite and flubs a lot too#its a disaster and the twins are like oh no this is painful#mr tengu that was so tacky you cant say that to a human#mr tengu you cant DO that to a human STOP BEING LIKE THIS#while callum is just like wow this is hilarious thanks for bothering my younger brother its adding character to his life#and kite is stressed because thats the least encouraging thing to hear ever thank you v much hes TRYING to adapt#but also kite isnt his real name and he doesnt know squat about humans BUT he knows they have the internet#and so hes like well the problem is i dont want to actually say my name to you all because what if i am Online (TM)#and so he asks for a new name and then is like he should name me - the tiny one who wants to kick my ass should name me#so grady is like ....... nooooo...... dont............ and then suggests kite bc he's done google research#and kite is a type of bird and according to wikipedia has some familiarity to tengu so therefore yeah#and kite is like !!!!!! DOES HE ! KNOW THINGS ! and happily accepts the slightly researched name while the other humans#are like grady stop that is bullying the poor guy leave him alone pick a normal name!#anyway not drawn yet but there is a human guy partner for the twins and he immediately is like perfect#i know which is which lets go out and explore the human world for your research#and they dont understand how he knows them apart so fast and none of the other humans seem to tell em apart#but then none of the humans are shocked at the guy who knows so the girls are like sir howst do you know#and hes just v casual oh right yeah younger identical twin sisters - i have Practice ! and they are endeared to him haha#anyway if you read all those tags ty#and yes in his tengu form he does actually have the long nose please do not be mad#i just dont draw noses normally and im too tired to practice rn so#i only drew the second one today anyway - the first pic was done a couple days ago but i didnt wanna post on main#but then here i am posting on main#im sorry
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socksandbuttons · 6 months
loving the response on dadcode and bean bloodmoon comic
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maddy-ferguson · 5 months
i saw someone say they were hoping noah would apologize and it's just kinda fascinating to me...if he thought zionism was sexy on monday (or i guess on sunday probably and for many days and weeks before that) why would he suddenly think it's an awful ideology on friday?
#and like i say: brf slt#i think people found out what zionism was like three weeks ago and think it's a slur or something when like#no it's an actual ideology it doesn't just mean killing and displacing an entire people that's only what ends up happening when you...put#the plan into motion. but yk#i would say zionism can mean one of three things: supporting the establishment of a jewish state. supporting the state of israel#specifically. supporting whatever awful thing the israeli government/army is up to that day#i saw someone get yelled at in the replies of a post because they were saying this when they were literally right? it was a post about noah#so again i'm assuming people don't know what they're talking about because. they don't. lol#and like obviously proudly being a zionist rn and being like zionism is sexy while israel is bombing people in the name of zionism after#killing and displacing people for decades in the name of zionism can only mean that you condone all that. but idk. i didn't like the way#people talked to that person WHO WAS LITERALLY RIGHT when they were probably the same people who were saying no going to israel and saying#you love it there doesn't mean anything at all this summer#and about the apology. lmao. i've seen people say the same thing about timothée chalamet on twitter and like yeah if he thought the hamas#joke was funny on saturday why would he be like omg nooooo this is really unfunny on monday. i'm not saying you can't expect anyone to#apologize for anything ever but celebrity apologies...................lmao. even when they do apologize it's always like i'm sorry#you're offended not i'm sorry for doing it#and explain to me how or why you would expect noah to be like sorry i didn't mean that zionism was a good thing. like what about his track#record would make you think he'd change his mind😭 if he ever realizes how wrong he is it definitely will not be now#and people saying that video should get him fired is like. brett gelman posted something about how if you don't get called a racist on the#internet once a day you're doing something wrong and you think they're gonna fire noah for being around stickers that say 'this ideology we#the creator+producer of the show subscribe to is sexy' and 'this organization we have decided has beheaded 40 babies and we're so#sure of that we repeated the lie in our open letter thanking the president who corroborated that lie is isis'. like they agree with him#i'm not defending anything btw i'm just saying why the fuck would you expect him to be like oh my bad you're right and apologize😭
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yuribalisms · 7 months
Essentially what it is all boiling down to is I have fully realized I am bad at being a person, that will always be true, and I don’t know how to handle that
#I’m going to be depressing and self depreciating in the tags so. fair warning to anyone who reads them#I’ve known for a while now that I don’t know what to do with my life. I’ve thought of a few ideas but none of them seem to be working. and I#think a good chunk of what it’s boiling down to is that I am quite literally just stupid when it comes to an actual useful real life skills.#and it’s frustrating because I can’t even talk to ppl I know and confide in them that I feel dumb and stupid without them being like ‘nooooo#don’t say that! you’re not stupid! you were top of your class in hs!’ (that is their favorite thing to fall back on) but like. the thing is#I wasn’t even smart in hs. sure I did good but that’s because I cheated my way through and got lucky a lot. I never actually learned anythin#I never understood what I was being taught or how to apply it. I was good at English and art classes and that was it those were the only one#I truly felt I knew what I was doing in and grasped the subject matter well. I know I’m good at those two things and smart when it comes to#those subjects. but the thing is. in real life. both of those are useless skills. I can’t make money with them and it is highly unlikely#that will ever change. and yes I know not being able to make money with it doesn’t mean it’s useless but like it kinda does. capitalism#sucks. I know that. we all do. but that doesn’t change that we live in a capitalist society and it’s unlikely to actual change in my lifetim#so I’m stuck to try and figure out how to live in it. but I have no skills I can make money with so I will live my entire life poor and#miserable and working dead end jobs that make me want to kill myself. I’m not good at socialization I’m so fucking bad at it so I can’t work#any kind of job that hinges on networking or sales or human interaction which is MOST JOBS but I’m also too stupid for anything related to#STEM. I tried two different stem degrees and flunked out of both of them because I am a FUCKING IDIOT and I know there’s no point in trying#to go back to school for another one. but no degree in anything I naturally have a knack for will help me find a decent well paying job. ill#just be wasting my money to go to school for something like that. and then like. I don’t even think I’ll ever get married and I def won’t#ever have kids. so I can’t even put any hopeful stock in just being happy with a family one day. I know a lot of ppl who don’t like their#careers but they’re fine with that because they’re happy with their family but like I don’t even have that and I won’t ever have that. I#have NOTHING to strive for and NOTHING I am good at that’s meaningful I’m going to fail at having a career and a family and I know that#doesn’t mean I won’t be happy in theory but by societal standards I am and always will be a fucking failure of a person and since I do live#in this society yeah. it’s kinda fucking true. and I don’t know what to do about that. I’m just tired. I’m tired of being afraid and#struggling and going through patches of wanting to kill myself because of this because like what’s the point. I’ll never have anything#better so what in the actual hell is the point of me existing. and I know I’m being ridiculous and my brain is eating itself and none of#this is probably even true but that doesn’t change that it FEELS like it is a lot of times and esp right now and I don’t know what to do#to anyone who reads this I’ll be fine tbh prob as soon as tomorrow like dw about it I just need to get it out so I stop stewing in it.#I’m just. yeah. not having a great time rn but I left work so I’m gonna cry and then maybe sleep for a bit and hope that helps#kaz rambles
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evilminji · 2 months
You know what would be both Cool(tm) AND Pants Shittingly Terrifying? Eldritch Space Whale Danny!
Except NOT! Because he's not a whale! Just snoozing and Giganto-Fuck-Off HUGE!
Imagine it! Danny. Joint Custody Child of The Ancients Of Time And Space. Space is SALTY AF because their BITCH OF AN EX has used his FUCKING POWERS, AGAIN, to CHEAT. Clockwork how DARE YOU.
You knew he'd be our Son in advance!
Danny? Sitting off to the Side as a Sentient Everything and Nothing made of galaxies and starlight, howls expletives at their Ex, who is being... REALLY snippy back? WOW, Clockwork. I mean, JESUS, man. Danny's from "oh bless their heart" Nowhere, Midwest. And even HE thinks that last one was both backhanded and cold af.
......he should take notes. *continues to eat his popcorn*
Anyway! APPARENTLY, Space Parent has taken him in the divorce. With much huffing. Tucked under their arm Like The Football(tm). And honestly? This is kinda hilarious, so he's cool with it. Byyyyyy~ Clock Dad! See you on weekends~☆!
*Exasperated Time Noises*
It's pretty cool! He learns a lot. Learns he's probably? Gonna be SOME variation of Space Ghost. Might even take over Space's... well, EVERYTHING, should the unforeseeable occur. So obviously, gonna have to learn The Family Business, as it were!
Unfortunately? Still a Halfa. Bleh, squishy need to eat and sleep. Why they get in the way of Hyperfixation? Why no more space dust? Nooooo, don't drag him away from the controls! He can still learn! Sleep is for quitters! Cowards! *whining in Give Me Back My Blorbos, You Monsters*
But, no. He apparently has to "take care of his body" and "not burn out". Eat "real food". A protein bar counts! He probably ate one of those! Give him back his STARS! He doesn't CARE if he sounds like a toddler! That's DIRECT ACCESS TO THE SECRETS OF SPACE ITSELF! He'll BITE, so HELP HIM-! *Is scruffed like a cranky infant being carried off to beddy bye*
Injustice! D:<
But, none the less, body's require sleep. He shovles down his food, washes up, and flops down in his bed. In the nice lil cozy "Safe For My Half Apprentice Who Is Also My Adopted Son" corner. He passes out in that corner. Starts to float, as he has done countless times before, when agitated before bed. Floats OUT of that corner.
That Safe Little Corner.
You know... the place ALL OF SPACE connects too. Where Universe Form and Die. The Grand Recycler. Dust to Dust, from the ashes of old, to the creation of new. Where PORTALS are randomly assigned. So that the Omniversal Ectoplasmic Levels may always be balanced at near to perfect levels, allowing free flow of Souls through the various Reincarnation cycles.
Space, of course, doesn't MANAGE the Ectoplasm itself. Nor the Souls! Different Ancient for THAT, but they DO manage the PORTALS. We live in a SYSTEM after all. Everyone has their "departments" as it were. So really, it's quiet... Danny? Honey? Awful quiet back there! You, uh, fallen asleep, Starlight?
*empty room*
*inhale* AAAAAAAAAAA-!!!!!!!
Meanwhile! He be Snoozin'! And Ghostin'! Ghost Snoozin'! Is extra comfy, cause he weightless and got not booooones~☆!
But! He? Is not a child anymore! Has learned to... for lack of a better term, Let Go. To finally ACCEPT his Death. His inhumanity. His Amortality. Death no longer holds him, can no longer let him go. He is... not immortal. He is disowned, by his own doing and his own choice, at his timeless moment of Ending.
When Life let go of his hand and Death kindly offered theirs, he did not take it.
And that's okay.
It took awhile. Talking to older ghosts. Most vague and vast, near formless. Because it's... it's scary. And it's all you know. All, really, you've EVER known. Inherent to your identity, even after you leave that part you behind.
You are "human". "Martian" or "Xy'xeruian", something else, and you never question it. Even when you've left behind everything ELSE. Your name, your eyes, your history and skin. Yet you fly around and pretend. Still alive, still human.
But is that YOU?
Or just the form you found your start in?
And like? It's okay if it IS! Sometimes, yeah, you ARE. You look down deep and find a "don't know what you were expecting, buddy" sign stapled to a mirror. But more often? It's that last hurdle. The final step in Letting Go.
Everyone mourns at their own pace.
And they are the ghosts of who they were.
It helped. Mourning for the kid he was. Who was fourteen and wanted to be an astronaut. Who died and will never have a grave. The longer he exsists, for he can't technically be called Alive, the more painfully young that child seems.
It was okay.
To cry for Danny Fenton.
Then? To let him go. Let his memory, be memory. And his Past be the grave that child rests in. Loved dearly and remembered, but no longer binding his soul.
He doesn't have to wear that face anymore.
No tributes to the Dead.
He got? Kinda... BIG. Like REALLY big. Spiraling, serpentine, cracking ice, and burning galaxies. Like a fourth dimensional dragon, of ice and stars, somehow forcing its way into a three dimensional space. Atop it all, between two vast, impossible horns? Made of glacial ice coating the warping hearts of black holes, who's shape themselves seem to shift in unknowable ways? There burns, like comet trails, with super novas, compressed to decorative gems beneath glittering morning frost, a Terrible Crown.
He? Thinks? He MIGHT have wings.
He can't tell.
Because APPARENTLY he's a fuckin tesseract! Oh, no, sorry. He might me a Zone DAMNED PENTERACT!!! Is THIS what he gets for hanging out with Clockwork all the time? He just liked the quiet! Now his "true form" is PHYSICALLY PAINFUL for most people to look at!
(You see, now, why Space broke up with him? An ASSHOLE)
So! Danny stays, usually at least, in his "Hi, yes, I am Normal Human Man" Ghost form. But NOW? Now it PINCHS. Because it's TOO SMALL. But hey, that's fine! It's not like he has an ingrained habit of transforming when super tired and stressed! To float sleep for Maximum Restfulness(tm).
Ha ha!
Why does that feel like foreshadowing?
Danny? Snoozing! Space? Has LOST THE BABY! Portals? Have done a Jood Gob in Portalling, something they are vaguely sure they are supposed to be doing! Yay them! They have no brain cells but still enjoy helping! They moved a thing! That's helpful right? Yay! Probably!
And on DC's planet Earth?
They? Just choked on their fuckin coffee. One moment? La dee daa~ oooh~ look! Stars! Deep space! Oh, hiiii~ Watchtower! The NEXT? *every alarm in the building starts LOSING ITS SHIT* Giant World OBLITERATING SHAPE completely takes up the screen.
From near PLUTO.
Obviously? Superman. I mean really, OF COURSE Superman. Frankly, all the Supers. Because we would like to KEEP having a planet, thanks. Only? The more reports that come in? The more everyone is getting "oh fuck. This is a Workd Eater" vibes.
A massive, massive, Sleeping Titan of a Planet Destroying World Eater.
*highly stressed Everyone noises*
And WORSE? Superman? Can't TOUCH it! Oh sure, at FIRST he could! But then he apparently pushed too hard in just one spot! And it felt POKED AT. So now, after flicking superman HALFWAY BACK TO EARTH to make him stop? No one can physically touch it!
But! There is hope!
Because? The creature is GREEN. Bright, luminous, Lantern Green! And Earth's Lanterns have already sent for back up. Combined? The were able to move a... hand? Paw? Something. But! With the combine forces of several nearby sectors of Lanterns? They promise the power to either relocate the creature or at least hold it in orbit until FURTHER forces can be deployed!
They refuse to harm the creature until it proves actively hostile, as it could have been seeking a place to nap and chosen one inconvenient to established planetary life. Frankly? Earth doesn't CARE where you relocate the giant Eldritch Space Dragon. Just NOT IN OUR BACKYARD, PLEASE.
....YES WE ARE SURE! We don't CARE if the scientific community of our planet is begging you to set up an area for them to place an "observation satellite"! No giant Eldritch Space Dragons in our solar system! It might WAKE UP!
Naturally, about half way THROUGH this Highly Delicate Operation?
Danny Wakes Up.
@hypewinter @hdgnj @lolottes @babbling-babull @nerdpoe @the-witchhunter @mutable-manifestation
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star-sim · 3 months
"cheater!" ☆ enha hyungs
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☆ non-idol! bf! enhypen hyungs x fem! reader ☆ summary: that one time you mentioned another guy's name, and he gets jealous (and he's dumb). ☆ genre: fluff, humor, dumb dumb boys, very minor angst/hurt/comfort in jay's part, cross between short scenarios and bullet points ☆ warning(s)? mentions of cheating obv, misunderstandings, ☆ not edited lolz also if ur @/archlstarvlle get off my dick again and stop plagiarizing me (and other authors bruh)
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heeseung ☆
poor guy
you and him were going to a party later
and you were planning on putting ribbons in your hair
except you didn't have ribbons!
time to go to your nearest craft store: michael's.
"Baaaabe," you whined, prying Heeseung's grabby hands away from you. "I need to go."
Heeseung kept his arms wrapped around you, pressing his cheeks into your back. He threw his leg around yours, pulling you ever closer to him.
"Nooooo," he drawled, and you could feel his lips forming a little pout. You were just so warm and soft and comfortable. "Stay."
You chuckled at his childishness. You needed to go buy ribbons for later, since you ran out of them.
"Baby," you pecked his forehead, trying to shake yourself free of your clingy boyfriend. "I need to go to Michael's."
You felt Heeseung's body go frigid for a moment, before his arms loosened altogether around you, allowing you to escape his grip.
When you pulled away, while you continued to happily chirp about whatever was on your mind to your boyfriend, your words fell upon deaf ears.
Heeseung pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, chewing on it pensively.
heeseung was actually going insane
heeseung swears he's never heard you talk of someone named michael, let alone a friend named michael
how could you drop the name of some OTHER MAN so casually???
and the nail in the coffin was what you said next
"Michael's has some pretty cool things," you chatted, your back turned to your boyfriend as you fixed your lip gloss. "So, let me know if you need anything from there.
michael... cool... things....
if heeseung wasn't already fighting for his life, he was now fighting a million wars at once.
you told heeseung that he was cool and handsome and cute and all the words in the dictionary all the time.... and you made sure to let him know that your words were exclusive to him
so for you to say that SOME RANDOM DUDE NAMED MICHAEL WAS COOL?????
"I don't think you've ever been to Michael's, so I think—"
Heeseung abruptly stood up from the bed that he was lying in, in such a sudden and dramatic way that you snapped your head over to him, as he was quite loud with it.
There your tall boyfriend stood, completely still, with a deep frown on his face.
"Babe, are you okay—"
"I'm going with you," Heeseung announced, his voice filled with such a passion and vigor that it nearly shook. He looked so indignant and solemn, you almost felt worried. With finger air-quotes, he said with a subtle eye-roll, "I will go with you to this 'Michaels.' "
You blinked at him obliviously, before a smile grew on your face. You didn't know that Heeseung was so curious about the local craft store called Michael's, but you were not going to question it.
heeseung was just WAITING
he let you take the wheel and while he sat in your passenger's seat he was rubbing his knuckles, WAITING TO THROW A FIST AT THIS MICHAEL GUY
would a black eye suffice? or maybe a broken nose....
he glanced over at you
you were just humming to yourself to the music (you let heeseung take the aux)
sure you looked so cute and innocent right now... BUT HOW??? HOW COULD YOU BE SO CASUAL ABT IT???
heeseung was expecting for you to pull up to a neighborhood, or an apartment complex, ready to feel his entire world crash down before his feet as some guy named michael emerged from the doorway
his heart plummeted at the thought of this 'michael' pulling you in for a hug, with you greeting him back brightly
no!!!! he couldn't let michael win!!!
you were his!!
except, you simply pulled up to a parking lot
to a massive store, with white walls and a giant brown sign
michael's craft store
Heeseung flopped over in relief.
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jay ☆
i think at this point in time you and jay aren't DATING dating, but definitely an exclusive pair that's BASICALLY dating
all your friends know about him and you report to them daily about him (theyre tired)
before you and jay became an actual pair
you used to call him a code name with your friends
the code name in question?
named after your friend's hamilton beach flexcut cordless can opener, aka the first thing that you saw when you were coming up with a code name
Your heart was pounding in your chest.
Today, you and Jay decided to have a study session in the library. Although you knew that he'd be true to his word and would actually help you study, you hoped that the two of you could do something more.
Maybe he'd put his hand on your thigh, or maybe you'd have the opportunity to cut him off with a kiss. Just the thought made your stomach do flips.
As you waited at the library table, with your heart in your hands, your phone rang. It was your friends. Noticing the dirty looks for such an obnoxious ringtone, you stepped out the library to take the call.
meanwhile jay was pretty much shaking with each step he took to the campus library
an entire two hours with you? you, who needed his help really badly? you, who he wanted to kiss so badly? yes please!!!
boy was he excited
but as he rounded the corner to the library.............
he spotted you..... on the phone with someone.....
"Hamilton is so handsome!" he heard you squeal into your phone, and Jay's heart stopped. "I hope Hamilton comes soon, so that I can kiss him."
who is that....
jay knew that you and him weren't officially dating but he didn't expect you to do him dirty like that :(
as you continuted to giggle and coo about this hamilton guy, jay couldn't help but feel his heart ache
he really thought you were the one :(
except he was so caught up in his thoughts that jay tripped over his feet, making you whip your head around to him
Your expression was horrified, which only only confirmed his worst fears. Still, you stepped toward him, your face painted with embarrassment.
"Oh, hi Jay," you said bashfully, unable to meet his gaze.
Jay, even when he was hurt, didn't have it in him to be rude to you. He wanted to run away (and cry), but the way you gave him a small, sheepish grin made his heart flutter.
He planned to sit through this session, and excuse himself after 30 minutes. Keep the relationship civil, he thought.
on your end
you were mortified!!!
did jay just hear you talk about him to your friends?
although you had a code name for him, it wasn't like what you said was completely discreet
you dropped pretty obvious context clues that pointed to who hamilton was
things like "i love hamilton's heart-shaped birthmark on his neck, do you think he'll let me touch it?" and "i hope hamilton takes me out on a date after today's study session"
you were embarrassed
and it didn't help that jay was being quieter than usual... did he think you were weird?
but to jay, that embarrassment translated as the shame of being caught
the entire study session thus far, you didn't even meet his gaze, always looking away
Jay was hurt. Really hurt.
By the way you were acting, he was hoping for an apology, or some quick explanation, even if it was short and half-assed. At least you could've tried. But you said nothing.
Jay himself had questions that he wanted to be answered: how long has this been going on, if you were lying when you told him that you loved him, etc.
His lips moved faster than his mind could catch.
"So, who's Hamilton?" he blurted.
shit shit shit
you felt your neck and cheeks heating up
and by the way he looked solemn, you were sure he was mad at you
You froze, before all of your words spilled out of your mouth.
"Oh my god, Jay, I'm so sorry. You must be feeling so creeped out and disgusted with me and—"
from your body language to the panic in your expression
jay thought that his suspicions were confirmed
the moment that you began speaking he was ready to break down sobbing
but your next words made him stop
"— And I know that you think I'm weird for using a code name as stupid as 'Hamilton' for you, and I'm so sorry for that, but—"
wait a minute............
code name
for him
"Wait, I'm Hamilton?!" Jay cut you off, his face pinching.
You let out a weird sound, an awkward expression spreading across your features.
"I-I mean, yeah..." you hid your face in your hands, "Ughhhh, I'm so sorry, that's so weir— Jay?!"
Jay was slumped over the table in relief, his face buried in his arms. He let out a loud groan, before lifting his head to look up at you. You couldn't help but notice the little glassy sheen in his eyes, almost like he was going to cry.
He quickly wiped the little tears forming in his eyes away, sniffling before sitting up completely, averting his gaze from you.
"It's nothing," he murmured.
He was relieved. No, beyond relieved. He was ecstatic that this entire time you were talking about him. He couldn't believe that he would think of you in such a poor light.
He kept his eyes away from you, too shy and embarrassed to look you in the eye.
You poked him, and he didn't respond, so you poked him again.
"Do you think I'm weird?"
He snapped his head over to you.
"What? No, of course not!"
You frowned. "Then why aren't you talking to me?"
Jay sucked in a sharp breath. "It's nothing."
He finally met your gaze, his lips helplessly cracking into a grin just as the sight of you perplexed expression.
He clutched your chin, tilting it so that you would look at him. He leaned in to give your lips a peck.
"I promise, it's nothing, Baby."
You leaned into him, giving him a peck, too.
"Okay," you nodded, biting back the giddy, lovesick grin that fought its way onto your face.
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jake ☆
one day youre hanging out w your friends
and ygs go to a dog cafe
so cute!!
and theres this one dog that's just practically CALLING FOR YOU
he's just this little maltese named enzo and he's so cute
the two of you cuddling on the floor, giving him good head rubs and laughing as he licks you
you love enzo the maltese!
anyways so you take pictures ofc and post it to your private instagram
Jake narrowed his eyes at his phone.
He was deep.
Deep in the goddamn trenches.
He was excited to see the cute pictures you took of your day out with your friends. When you said that you were going to a dog cafe, Jake was so ready to use a picture of you and a pup (two of his favorite things) as his new phone wallpaper.
But that wasn't going to happen.
Because all of a sudden, his Wi-Fi decided to be poor all of a sudden.
Although he got the notification that you posted something new on Instagram, when he checked your account, none of you pictures loaded. All he could see was a black loading square, and the caption to the post.
at first jake was like
"its ok i can wait" even though he REALLLLYYY wanted to see your pictures
he couldn't see any of the pictures you posted, but he could still see the caption
and that's what caught his eye
you liked to have an individual explanation for each picture in the post, so your caption read as follows:
pic 1: me and enzo
pic 2: enzo kissing me
pic 3: holding enzo's hand
pic 4: enzo and me cuddling
and that's when jake stopped reading
Jake was going to start losing hair, because who was Enzo? And why was he kissing you? And cuddling with you?
He'd never heard of an Enzo. Poor guy, Jake kept refreshing your account in the hopes that your pictures would load, so that he could see this Enzo guy face-to-face. But that didn't happen.
It didn't help that your Instagram notes read, "enzo &lt;3."
jake paced back and forth around his apartment, trying to scroll back in his memory for anyone named enzo
but alas
no one
all he knew was that whoever enzo was, he was about to get a broken jaw
a little frown formed on his face, as he rubbed his knuckles
were you going to leave him from this enzo person?
was enzo better than him?
how come jake never heard of an enzo before?
Jake's head perked up the moment his apartment door cracked open, revealing you. He rushed straight to you, expecting to hear you say, "I'm breaking up with you for another man named Enzo," completely taken aback when you simply threw your arms around him.
"Hi, Jakey!" you simply exclaimed, holding him tight.
Jake stood still, eyeing you for a moment.
Were you not going to break up with him on the spot?
The next thing he knew, Jake was pulled into his room, thrown on his bed, and cuddled up against you.
"I'm so tired," you breathe, snuggling your face against his chest. "I couldn't wait to get home to you."
Jake blinked.
"T-Tell me about your day," he gulped.
and you happily did so
animately, you told all about your day
what foods you tried, what you and your friends did, how much fun you had
you even told him about a cute little maltese that you couldn't remember the name of at the dog cafe...
and at last
no mention of enzo
"How's Enzo?"
Jake didn't know why he asked that, but when he did, you perked up.
"Oh!" you clapped your hands. "That's his name!"
"Wh-Who's name?"
You laughed. "The maltese at the dog cafe! His name was Enzo— He was just the cutest little thing!"
Enzo is a... dog?
Jake suddenly hoisted the two of you up, so that you were laying flat on your back. He plopped his face onto your chest, putting your hand in his hair.
"I don't like Enzo," Jake murmured against your chest. You chuckled, playing with his hair slowly.
"You didn't like the pictures of me and Enzo?"
"No," Jake shook his head, his hair cutely bouncing with each movement. "I don't like a dog trying to take my girl."
You laughed, calling your boyfriend silly, but completely oblivious to the fact that Jake was now making plans to go to that dog cafe to have a man-to-man talk with a dog.
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sunghoon ☆
a man of a few words, gotta love it
this is very niche but you have a habit of making very obscure and dumb and completely nonsensical nicknames for people
like jake becomes jacobsongerald and jay becomes jameslynner the third
one day you and sunghoon are just having a lazy day
It's a quiet morning. Slivers of sunlight are peeking from the kitchen blinds, while birds chirp their hearts out outside.
While you look through the fridge, Sunghoon sits at the kitchen table, notepad and pen in hand.
"Do we need eggs?" he asked.
You glanced down at the egg compartment. "No, but I think we're running out of butter soon."
Sunghoon nodded, jotting down 'butter' on the notepad.
Every week or so, you and Sunghoon liked to have a morning like this, where you went over your grocery list.
sunghoon loved mornings like this
seeing you in your cute pajamas, your raspy morning voice bouncing off the walls as you listed to him what the two of you needed to buy for the week
the way the sunlight bounced off of you just made you look so ethereal, in your early morning glory
"Sungerson, can you write down milk?"
Sunghoon's face contorted immediately.
sunghoon couldn't tell if he was appalled because you just called him the WRONG NAME or because 'sungerson' is actually such a ridiculous name
wait a minute....
sunghoon's heard horror stories like this before
where if your significant other accidentally calls you by another name, it's a sign that they're seeing someone else
"Oh, and can you add canola oil to the list?" you asked, not really checking to see if he was writing it down due to your trust in him. But when you didn't hear any pen scribbles, you turned over your shoulder. "Sunghoon?"
you called him sunghoon just then
and this entire morning you'd called him sunghoon
but then you call him a different name out of no where and act like nothing happened
you weren't seeing someone else... right?
like...... you wouldn't do that to him
the way you acted like nothing happened made sunghoon think that you probably didn't notice your slip-up
You looked confused, your brows furrowing. "What?"
Sunghoon looked up to meet your gaze. "You called me Sungerson. Who is that?"
"Oh." You shrugged. "It's just one of those dumb nicknames that I make up for people."
that made sense
he shouldn't have doubted you
"Sunghoon, what are you pouting about?"
okay, so maybe the thought of you with someone else made him upset
even if you weren't
and reassured him that you weren't
You huffed, shutting the fridge door before coming over to wear Sunghoon sat at the kitchen table. You grabbed his head, leaning down to give his forehead a kiss.
Sunghoon whined, taking your arm as you pulled away from him. He leaned back in his seat, patting his lap for you to sit. When you did, Sunghoon immediately pushed his face into the crook of your neck, whining again.
"What is it, you big baby?"
"You're mine, right?"
You blinked. It wasn't every day that Sunghoon was clingy like this.
You chuckled, flicking his forehead.
"Of course," you said.
"Okay," Sunghoon let his eyelids fall shut, taking a deep breath before sinking into your warmth. "That's good."
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figuerockfaeth · 2 years
anyone else feel like they’re not able to know how they’re feeling until hours or days after the feeling has passed and you have time to compare it to every other emotion you’ve ever felt to label it???
#like I was just looking back on the past week and I was like#wow omg I was like extremely happy that day and wwooowww oh I was super upset and anxious that day#but those emotions Never registered while they were happening#does that make sense#it makes me so angrrryyyy#also it’s not exclusively like this#like in the moment I can usually feel either ‘good’ or ‘bad’#and if a type of situation usually invokes an emotion in me I can tell when it starts#like I know talking to new people makes me anxious#so when I start an interaction w someone I don’t know#or I leave a situation like that and I feel bad#I can quickly go oh ok it’s new person anxiety#also this is Absolutely in contradiction w how emotional I am#bc I always react very strongly and immediately to negative emotions#like something upsetting happens and boom tears start flowing#and when that happens usually it takes that same amount of time#to realize like what about the thing that happened was so upsetting specifically#but that seems normal to me for whatever reason#it’s just like#nooooo one I’ve ever talked to has seemed SO out of touch with their emotions#the way I feel#but I have no concept of how other people actually dissect their feelings so I guess everyone could do this#and It just feels awful and weird#but like for example#my friend and I will be talking about our days or something#and she’ll be able to say like ‘oh today was a bad or good day bc of these three things that#made me feel these three specific ways’#maybe she just has a faster processing time than me?#u know what I may actually be stumbling onto answers in my ramblings#that’s how I’ve decided to rationalize it for now anyway lmao
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embrosegraves · 6 months
𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕆𝕦𝕣 𝕃𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕤
Oscar Piastri x Reader “He’s not my boyfriend anymore.” “You can’t tell people that we’re engaged like that.”
Reader and Oscar announce their engagement on social media through a hilarious (for them) prank. 
I really hope this turns out okay, I've never done a smau before :D
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Liked by yourBff, mickshumacher and 7,274,653 others
youruser We move on… 
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yourBff that’s it! I’m taking you on a trip far away.  → youruser ily
user wait what user where’s oscar? where’d he go? user haha, i’m scared.  f1wags ‘we move on’ what dOES THAT MEAN f1wags im gonna lose me job 😭😭
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Liked by carlossainz55, landonorris and 6,934,627 others
oscarpiastri Moving on… 
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landonorris surely start a jpg  → oscarpiastri no
user where is mother? user mother’s not even in the like nooooo user oh no. they have matching captions f1wags istg Oscar if you and mother broke up
logansargeant ayo? → liked by oscarpiastri
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Liked by yourBff, mickshumacher and 7,274,653 others
youruser it’s been emotional
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landonorris answer my texts  → youruser what texts bro? they’re all literally just “???”
user mother is making music at the cost of not dating oscar 😭😭 f1wags queen are you /j or /srs i NEED to know user no please not like this
logansargeant our boy is sorry, please put him out of his misery → youruser our boy? Far as i’m concerned, we don’t share a boy 
user everyday I am reminded of everything wrong in the world user is no one paying attention to the grid’s comments? → user they’re as desperate as we are for info 😭 → user and logan’s comment? What do you mean you don’t share a boy?!?
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Liked by landonorris, NicolePiastri and 6,934,627 others
oscarpiastri A lot of emotions this week 
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landonorris Oscar please answer my texts  → oscarpiastri the only thing you’ve sent me is ?????
user AGAIN WITH THE MATCHING CAPTIONS f1wags Hahaha Oscar I’m getting really scared now hahahaha user I’ve known not a single day of peace since Y/n’s first post
NicolePiastri what did you do Osc? → user NOT EVEN MAMA PIASTRI KNEW → user noooooooooooooooooooo 
user hey god? I am NOT one of your strongest soldiers user guys neither of them have specified which emotions they’re feeling → user please don’t give me hope → user I’m too far in to believe that they’re happy 😭😭😭
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Liked by youruser, oscarpiastri and 8,428,783 others
NicolePiastri Well this answers my question
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landonorris ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! → youruser this is so funny to me → oscarpiastri hehehehehehe
user EVERYONE CALLED ME CRAZY BUT I WAS RIGHT f1wags I can sleep easy now :’D user they’re laughing. WE SUFFERED AND THEY’RE LAUGHING
logansargeant okay, without me? rude. → youruser oh please, you would’ve spilt at first chance → logansargeant i don’t like you  
user WARRRRR ISSSS OVERRRRRRRR user everyone say thank you Mama Piastri → user THANK YOU MAMA PIASTRI → user THANK YOU MAMA PIASTRI → youruser Thank you Mum ❤️😁 → oscarpiastri Thank you Mum ❤️ → NicolePiastri You’re welcome kids
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AHHHH I hope you enjoyed! first time ever doing a social media au si I'm crossing my fingers that this was good 🤞
Let me know what you think, I might make some more depending on feedback but who knows
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im-yn-suckers · 2 months
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baefy looks so scrumptious here ^^
’babe don't mess up the bed, i made it already’ niki yells from the bathroom. ‘too late’ you smile and lay down on the freshly made bed. niki walks out of the bathroom, turning off the light. he kneels at the edge of the bed, giving him space to grab your legs and pull them. ‘get back here, you messed up the bed’ you grab his pillow and take it down with you, hugging it, making it warm. ‘this random pillow smells so good, dont you think?’ he pokes your sides and lays on top of you. ‘nah this pillow smells the best’ you both calm down a bit, letting silence fall.
‘princess’ ‘hm?’ ‘the light, turn it off’ ‘but you're closer’ ‘i made the bed’ ‘ugh fine’ you get up, turn off the light and lay back down. niki pulls you down and lays on your chest, putting his whole body on you. he kisses any and all exposed skin peeking through your shirt. he bites down on your clavicle, leaving a suspiciously tiny and red mark. ‘ow’ ‘shh’
you slide away, letting nikis head hit the bed. you face the wall away from him. he wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you back to the middle of the bed. ‘dont leave me princess please’ ‘you bit me’ ‘out of love’ ‘what ever, go to sleep’ ‘i cant sleep without my goodnight kisses’ ‘find a way to’ ‘nooooo, please angel please, give me a kiss pleeeeeease’ of course he was the cutest person to ever exist when he wanted a kiss but you couldn't give in that easily. ‘Im so comfy though’
he moves to lay right next to you, so you don't have to move. smart man, no really, he knows your weakness. ‘angel~ kissy please’ he mumbles in between kisses on your neck. ‘nuh-uh you're mean to me’ ‘you literally wont kiss me’ ‘YOU LITERALLY BIT ME??’ ‘like i said, angel, out of love. now kiss me’ you just ignore him, and try to sleep, but knowing you havent kissed him isnt letting you. ‘im sorry baby, come here’ at last you give in. ‘mm-mm you dont love me anymore, no kisses for you’
you use his own tactics against him, now youre the smart one. ‘y/n-’ ‘not my name’ you kiss his neck ‘y/n stop i-’ ‘thats not my name’ this time you kiss underneath his earlobe ‘angel plea-’ ‘thats more like it’ you lay on top of him and cup his cheeks. ‘im sorry baby, now let me kiss you’ ‘hm, now youre sor-’ you interrupt him, RESPECTFULLY and place your lips on his. ‘It wasnt that hard princess, now was it?’ ‘shut up, i kissed you already’ ‘because i ignored you’ ‘blah blah bl-’ he interrupts you this time, connecting your lips once again.
ive been so active these days yall b proud of me
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bkgml · 10 months
sick day
katsuki woke up to the sound of his alarm.
huffing, he rolls over to turn it off.
“alright. come on baby, we needa get up.” he says, wrapping his arms around you and squeezing tight.
“mmmmmph. noooo.” you whine, sleepily.
he laughs lightly, shoving his face in your hair.
“i know. i know. but we’re gonna be late.” he coos.
you squirm a little in frustration.
“please. i need 5 minutes.” you whine.
he sighs turning you to face him.
“fine. but only 5.” he relents, throwing the sheets off himself.
“nooooo. stay with me.” you pout.
“i’ll see you in 5 minutes.” he replies sternly.
he spends his five minutes getting dressed then returns to his bed.
“it’s been 5 minutes, sweet girl. time to wake up.” he says, pecking your lips.
he watches your brows furrow deeply and you feel like you could cry.
“i need to sleep katsu. i cant.” you say and your voice breaks.
his eyes widen at your croaky voice.
“hey. hey. what’s wrong, are you cryin?” he whispers, brushing your hair out of your face.
“oh.” he says as the realization clicks in.
you peel your eyes open, trying to snuggle into his hand.
“what?” you croak out.
his eyes soften and he kisses your forehead.
“you have a fever.” he says.
“explains why i feel so shitty.”
he drags his thumb over your cheek, caressing your face gently.
“stay in bed. i’ll tell aizawa you can’t be in class.” he says lowly.
you whine and he laughs as he feels your hands weave themselves around his neck.
“you won’t stay with me?” you say with watery eyes.
he leans in to press his forehead against yours.
“you know i can’t. i’ll go downstairs and get you some medicine, kay?” he says in an attempt to soothe you.
“be fast.” you whisper and he chuckles before pulling away.
“so clingy when you’re sick.”
when he returns from getting you medicine you’re fast asleep once again.
he drags his hands down your arms before landing on your waist and caressing your sides.
“wake up.” he says against your cheek.
you whimper, opening your eyes the smallest bit to see him sitting on the edge of the bed.
“hi.” you mumble.
“hi.” he coos, exaggerating his voice to sound sickly sweet.
you grab his hand from off your waist and hold it close.
“got you medicine, open up.” he says while grabbing the medicine with his free hand.
you open and he pulls you up slightly, placing the pill in your mouth.
next he grabs the water he brought you and places it to your lips, watching you sip at it.
“good girl. lay down now, okay? see you soon.” he mumbles kissing your forehead and standing from his spot on the bed.
“bye suki.” you smile before rolling over and hugging one of his his pillows close to your chest.
he finishes getting ready before leaving his room and walking alongside kirishima to class.
“hey man! where’s yn?” kirishima greets him, giving him a high five.
“sick in bed.” katsuki grumbles.
“wow. how are you ever gonna get through the day without her?” kaminari pipes in to tease katsuki.
“shut the fuck up, at least i pull.” katsuki grumbles.
kaminaris jaw drops in shock and offence.
“damn. way harsh.” kirishima says, trying not to let his laugh slip through.
the three of them continue to bicker as they walk into class.
“hey, aizawa!” kaminari cheers to his teacher.
aizawa grumbles in response, too tired to respond.
kaminari and kirishima go to take their seats while katsuki stops at aizawas desk.
“what.” he groans.
katsuki huffs, annoyed.
“yns not coming today.” he replies.
aizawa raised a brow in question.
“why?” he frowns, untrusting.
“she’s sick.” katsuki answers, and starts to walk over to his desk, not caring enough about his response.
aizawa huffs at his rudeness but starts to teach the class anyway.
a couple periods go by without you and katsuki’s trying to keep his cool. he knows you need your rest but he misses you.
the period before lunch is when you call.
he steps outside to take it, despite aizawas protests.
“hey, what’s wrong?” he asks, remembering telling you to only call for emergencies.
“kats- katsuki.” you say through your sobs.
“hey baby. what’s going on?” he says, trying to keep you calm.
“it hurts. it hurts so bad i cant-” you whisper through groans of pain.
“what hurts? what do you need?”
“my stomach. i threw up and i think there’s more. i need you. need you so bad.” you whine, more sobs following.
“i know it hurts, sweetness. can you wait until lunch?” he asks, tone still soothing.
you whine and whimper through sobs and gasps.
“i cant. i cant do it. i need you so bad, please katsu.” you beg, clutching your stomach.
“i’m on my way, baby. just try to breathe through it, okay? cryings only makin it worse.” he says and you agree before ending the call.
he walks back into class and aizawas frowning, arms crossed over his chest.
he grabs his bag and heads out the class without speaking, aizawa yelling behind him.
“i don’t get paid enough for this.” he grumbles, pinching the bridge of his nose.
katsuki speed walks to his dorm, opening his door to see that you’re not in bed.
“yn??” he calls out before hearing the sounds of you throwing up.
heading into his bathroom he finds you curled up in a ball on the cool floor, hand reaching to flush the toilet.
you have tears streaming down your face rapidly, gasping for air and shaking.
“oh baby.” he frowns.
you turn your head towards him shakily, tears starting to stream down your face once more.
he watches your hand reaching towards him through trembles.
sitting next to you on the floor of his bathroom he opens his arms, taking your outstretched hand.
you whimper, crawling towards him onto his lap.
feeling his hands come up under your shirt to draw shapes on your back you release a deep exhale.
“what happened? hm?” he mumbles in your ear, pressing a kiss to your temple.
you nuzzle your face in his neck and shrug before bringing your head back up to look at him.
his eyes soften at your teary ones.
“i hate this.” you frown, pout on your lips.
he hums, lifting his hand to brush across your face and tuck a piece of hair behind your ear.
you kiss his open palm before laying your head on his chest.
“can we go have a nap?” you ask timidly.
he doesnt respond but stands with you still in his arms.
as the two of you lay down together he whispers praise and soothing affirmations to calm you.
his hands caressing your thighs and back, sometimes coming up to massage your shoulders lightly.
“mmmm love you.”you mumble sleepily.
“love you, sweet girl.”
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hyperactively-me · 10 months
black tie affair
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He slowly comes up behind you, hands stretched out in front of him, wordless. He grasps your waist firmly, holding you in place as his other hand brushes up against your lower back. You shiver under his touch, body still, unmoving. He was so close. So close.
"oh nooooo the zipper on my dress is stuck, what ever will i do? who would ever help meee?"
zipper is stuck trope. with ghost. lol bye.
also, don’t mind me making stuff up for this fic. don't think too hard about it. let's just pretend!
(asks are open)
happy reading
warnings: none
Tonight was the Special Forces Military Ball. It was a once-a-year event that everyone on the task force looked forward to as an opportunity to unwind from work. A night of speeches, dancing, and drinking was highly awaited. 
You were in a hotel room, finishing applying your makeup in the small bathroom adjacent to the bedroom. The lighting was horrendous, but you persevered. You gently brush on the last touches of your eyeshadow, blinking a few times at your reflection in the mirror. You tilt your face side to side, inspecting every inch of your makeup before pulling back, smiling contentedly at your work. It’s been a while since you last wore this much makeup. A quick sigh escapes your lips as you turn out of the bathroom and into the main room. 
A long, black dress lays across the hotel bed. The dress swishes gently across the floor as you pick it up from the bed and hold it up in front of you in front of the floor length mirror. The sweetheart neckline swoops gracefully, the thick straps of the dress adorned with small silver gems. The skirt of the dress hugs all of your curves in the right places, accentuating your features. 
You start to slip on the dress, pulling it up and around your body, then pulling the sleeves over to rest on your shoulders. Reaching around your back, your hands come up as you fumble around with the zipper, only pulling it up an inch before it stops.
You try pulling it as hard as you can to no avail. Messing with the zipper a few more times does absolutely nothing, the continuous motion of pulling it up and down useless in aiding you. The zipper rests, stuck, on your lower back. 
“Fuck” you groan, annoyed with the stubborn zipper.
You angle your back towards the mirror and stare at it, mostly bare, with a frown. Someone was going to have to help you with this. 
Everyone, with the exception of one person, was busy preparing for the event as you racked your brain about who you could call. 
Simon “Ghost” Riley.
The big guy. 
You grab your phone and scroll through your contacts before your finger lands on his name. You hesitate for a moment, almost already regretting this. Next thing you know, you bring the phone up to your ear, biting your lip as it rings. The phone rings once, twice, then you hear the line pick up. 
“Hello?” the low timbre of his voice echoes from the phone. 
You inhale dramatically, and turn to look at yourself in the mirror. 
“Hi,” you sigh. 
The silence from the other end is overbearing. You grimace a little. 
You speak quickly, “So uh, I need some help.” You hold your breath as you wait for a response, any response from him. 
You hear some shuffling around, and a small cough. You roll your eyes once more. 
“Please,” you strain. 
He hesitates for a moment. “What’s wrong?” 
“This is awkward, but uh, the zipper on my dress is stuck, and you’re the only person I could think of to call and I totally get it if you can’t help me–”
“Which room is yours?” he cuts you off briskly. The shuffling in the background abruptly stopped. 
Your mouth opens and closes for a moment, shaking your head as you try to answer.
“Oh, yeah, it’s room 456, fourth floor…” you trail off. 
He hangs up without a word. You bring the phone away from your ear slowly and stare at yourself in the mirror once more. 
He really is a man of few words. 
You pace the room a few times, waiting for him when a single, brief knock raps your door. You stop in your tracks and turn to the door, then run to the mirror to make sure you look presentable enough. You look through the peekhole just to make sure its Ghost before you pull open the door swiftly. 
You’re met with his chest in your face, and you drag your eyes upward to his face. His covered face. In that skull mask he always wears. He’s wearing a black tuxedo along with a crooked black tie. 
“Hi” he says simply, raking his eyes down your form. 
You immediately grab his bicep and pull him into the room and shut the door behind you, pressing your exposed back to the door. He chuckles quietly at you, raising his eyebrows in amusement under his mask. 
“Thank you so much for coming” you breathe out, wringing your hands together. 
He just stares at you for a moment longer, taking in your appearance unabashedly. He shoves his hands in his pocket and clears his throat. 
“Wow. You look amazing” he whistles. 
Your cheeks heat up, your mouth slightly agape as the air leaves your lungs.
“Thank you.”
Your dress swishes around your feet as you push yourself off the door, brushing past him. “I could say the same for you, Simon.” 
Turning around, you brush a piece of stray hair behind your ear, taking a deep breath. He takes a few heavy steps towards you, his silence overbearing. 
“If you could zip me up, that would be great” you smile gently at him, biting your bottom lip awkwardly. You turn around, your exposed back facing Ghost, and you pull your hair over your shoulder. His breath wavers, eyes roaming the expanse of your back, then finally coming to rest on the small of your back. He slowly comes up behind you, hands stretched out in front of him, wordless. He grasps your waist firmly, holding you in place as his other hand brushes up against your lower back. You shiver under his touch, body still, unmoving. He was so close. So close. His free hand closes around the zipper, hesitant to free it. 
“It’s Simon. Simon, when we’re not on job,” he corrects. You stand up straight. 
“Simon. Are you going to zip me up?” 
He grunts quietly, then pulls at the zipper once, twice, before it's finally freed. You can feel heat radiating from his fingers as he pulls the zipper up agonizingly slow. As he pulls it up your back, his fingers brush against your skin, the small touches making your knees weak. Your cheeks feel hot from his languid movements. You let go of the breath you didn’t realize you were holding when he zipped it up to the top.  
The trance you were in abruptly stops as you hear the small click of the zipper hitting the top. You swiftly turn around, the skirt of your dress bustling around as you take a step back, his hand falling from your hip. 
“Well, thank you Gh– Simon” you say, pushing your hair back to its original place. You rock back on your heels as you inspect his covered face.
His eyes look blown wide, his hands now pulling at the bottom of his tux jacket.
“‘s not a problem” he murmurs, eyes still not looking away from you. His hands wander up to his loosened tie, fidgeting with it.
You notice his tie isn’t properly tied, and you take a few steps close to him, your eyes staring straight at his chest.
“Let me help you with that” you point to his tie. You take his hands in yours and gently pull them to his sides. His hands dwarf your own, and you drop them. His breath hitches. 
You wrestle with the tie, your hands brushing up against his chest and collarbone as you twist it into perfection. You keep your eyes trained on the tie, biting your lip as you concentrate. Simon’s eyes remain locked on you, following your every movement. 
The silence permeates the air, save for the rustling of fabric against fabric. 
You finish tying the knot, and pull it up tight to rest against the base of his throat. He stretches his neck upwards as your hands come to fasten the tie in place. You smooth your hands on the edge of his jacket, straightening out any remaining wrinkles. Your head tilts upwards, smiling softly at him. 
“There” you sigh contentedly, patting his cheek gently before pulling away. 
Before you could fully remove yourself, his hand snakes down to your waist, pulling you up against his body. A small squeak slips out of you as his hands rigidly hold your waist.
“Stop talking.” 
Before you could even process his movements, he yanks his mask over his nose. Your breath catches in your lungs as your eyes trail the features of his lower face. His breath is hot on your face as he leans down, closer and closer. “Can I kiss you?” he murmurs, eyelashes fluttering as he stares at your lips, noses bumping into each other. He’s only an inch or two away from your face, and you can see every lineament of his skin, his cheekbones, the tip of his pointed nose, his lips. He smells like sandalwood and vetiver, the scent peppery and strong. 
You nod your head fervently, heart racing in your chest. 
That’s all he had to hear you say. 
Simon leans in, closing the miniscule gap between you two. He leans down to press a firm kiss on your lips, inhaling sharply at the contact, eliciting a soft sound from you. Your hands wrap around his neck, tugging him down to your height as his hands roam up and down your back. Simon draws your body against his, pulling you flush against him. He begins to nip your bottom lip, tongue swiping over your lip as if to ask permission. You let him take charge, his hand gliding up your body, your breath growing ragged. 
He bites your lip, slowly pulling away as he breaks contact. You gulp in the cool air of the room, studying his face as he slowly pulls his mask down in place. Your ears are red, face flushed. 
“You’re beautiful,” his voice comes out hoarse as he takes your hand in his. He rubs his thumb in circles around your palm, outlining your face. 
“Thank you” you whisper, taking his hand into your own. 
You gingerly pull him out of your room, and don’t let go of his hand for the rest of the night. 
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hvaneyflowers · 5 months
Family *******
Fernando Alonso x femreader! family!
Instagram au | Part 2
Fernando and y/n have been married for 10 years, and for the last 9 years, y/n has been fighting against cancer. Because of this, they can't have children on their own, so they decided to adopt.
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, astonmartinf1, and 400.634 more.
yourusername: First time flying for Matías! ✈️
view all 400 comments.
username55: So, it means we're seeing Matias in the paddock this weekend?
username33: I hope so! I'm dying to meet him!
charles_leclerc: YES! Little Alonso is coming! I'll have his gift prepared!
astonmartinf1: Can't wait to meet our new crew member!
carmenmmundt: yeah!!!!
username65: Do you think Nico's daughter will be there? I heard he is a little bit jealous hahaha
username910: What about K-Mag's daughter? Or Kelly's daughter? Hahaha username1938: a grid of little babies! I love it!
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, f1, charles_leclerc, and 500.000 more.
tagged: fernandoalo_oficial, f1, astonmartinf1, charles_leclerc, lewishamilton
yourusername: First race ever! Matias enjoyed every second of it and was very surprised to find out his new dad was a superstar! Thank you astonmartinf1 and f1 for making this a very special moment for my baby. Also, thank you lewishamilton and charles_leclerc for the gifts! Matias loved them, but he named them lewusoso and charlitosrojo (lewusbear and charlitosred) ❤️🛣️
view all 500 comments.
fernandoalo_oficial: the best fan! Mi pequeño! (my little boy)
yourusername: Fan number 1! I'm number 2 now hahaha fernandoalo_oficial: In my heart, there's enough space for both of you being number 1❤️ yourusername: ❤️
username124: OMG! Look at that cute pie!! He's too cute!
username57: I don't know which is cuter., little Nandito or Lewis and Charles' teddy bears?
username78: Don't forget the names he chose for them!
lewishamilton: what a little boy you have! He's amazing! Very happy for you! Roscoe loved him and me too, he's incredible. Bring him back anytime! pss. I love my new name, I think I'm going to change my real name for that one 😉
astonmartinf1: Loved having little Matias aka future World Champion in our garage! Looking for seeing him around more!
f1: Future world champion in the making! Come back anytime!
danielricciardo: He's too cute! I hope he loved my giraffe!
yourusername: Believe me, he adored it! It's name is Dani. danielricciardo: cool!
username23: I want to know what the whole grid gifted him!! @.yourusername make a post with all the presents!
username98: Yes! I'm dying to know!!!
landonorris: my gift was the best! 😚
carlossainz55: shut up!
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liked by landonorris, jensonbutton, kimimatiasraikkone, and 600.00 more.
yourusername: Because you asked for it! Here are the gifts my baby received from the whole grid, and some more! Thank you for all!! pss. Landonorris Matias crashed the car the first time he used it, sorry.
view all 600 comments.
landonorris: NOOOOO!
carlossainz55: I told ya! hahaha, he's too young to know how to drive! charles_lecler: and that's why a teddy bear was a good idea! alex_albon: and cars, too.
estebanocon: glad he loved the horse!
username44: OMG! Little Matias received so many things! He's so lucky!
username89: imagine going from being a little kid with nothing in the world to having Fernando Alonso and y/n y/ln as parents and the entire F1 grid as uncles? So happy for this little one! username788: he deserves the world!!
kimimatiasraikkonen: So happy for you guys! And glad little Matias loved my gift. Bring him to meet Mintu and the kids anytime!
yourusername: He adored it, but Fernando... he's another story. Anyway, we're hoping for him to meet your kids and Mintu! fernandoalo_oficial: I hate you Kimi. You, and Kevin. Why did you gift him musical toys? He never stops playing them! NEVER. kevinmagnussen: welcome to fatherhood, Fernando. Believe me, you'll get used to it. kimimatiasraikkonen: I second that. maxverstappen1: me too.
username990: I'm jealous of a 4-year-old boy! I can't believe it!
username787: I know! Me too!
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liked by yourusername, astonmartinf1, and 1M more.
tagged: yourusername
fernandoalo_oficial: first date night since becoming mom and dad! Missing our little boy made us end the night very early. Love you nena!
view all 1000 comments.
yourusername: Te amo mi amor!
fernandoalo_oficial: yo te amo más!
yukitsunoda0511: I need a girlfriend, ASAP!
danielricciardo: don't worry little man, I'll help you! yukitsunoda0511: no way! yourusername: don't worry Yuki. I'm sure you'll find the correct one, just be patient. When you find her, you'll know! yukitsunoda0511: ❤️
username88: couple goals!!!
username919: @.yourusername always so sexy!!!
username7188: Fernando has good taste!
username819: power couple!!
username189: Both of them are so good-looking! I hope they'll never break up!
username919: If that happens, I'd never believe in love again!
carlossainz55: a beautiful young woman... and Fernando.
yourusername: Oh, come on! I'm 32! landonorris: you look like a 20-year-old schoolgirl next to Nando! yourusername: come on, gusy! He isn't so old! He's just... 50? fernandoalo_oficial: I'M NOT 50! NEITHER OLD! landonorris: yes, you are. carlossainz55: Yes, you are. You were my idol when I was young, now, I compete against you... do your math, old man! yourusername: OMG! I'D FORGOTTEN THAT! Yes, you're old, baby. fernandoalo_oficial: That's not what you say when I'm on top of you, nena. 😉 landonorris: 😮 carlossainz55: 😮 yourusername: I don't know what you're talking about. fernandoalo_oficial: oh, really? I recall last Sunday when you were screaming my name, "Oh, Nando, please, more, more!" landonorris: 😮 carlossainz55: 😮 charles_leclerc: 😮 danielricciardo: 😮 yukitsunoda0511: 😮 maxverstappen1: 😮 yourusername: well, I need to remember... Do you want to help me remember? 😏 fernandoalo_oficial: of course, nena! I'm heading to the bedroom! roscoelovescoco: 😮
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hotchfiles · 4 months
lover to lover.
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⋅☆⋅ mrsaluado's first xmas event ⋅☆⋅ masterlist
pairing: james x fem!reader.
summary: it's your first gift exchange as a couple and you are both dangerously lovesick.
content warnings: JUST FLUFF. I SWEAR.
word count: 1,4k
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you felt silly, you felt like your gift was silly and felt even sillier for worrying so much about it your palms were sweaty even though it was very late at night and the house was surrounded by the whiteness of snow. this was your first christmas as james' girlfriend and even though you had been to his home before, that was the first time you would be staying the night as well.
to top that kind of pressure, it was the first year your gift to james would actually matter, you couldn't just give him a sweater, or a book or a coupon for free of charge homework help, it had to be good, it had to be meaningful.
and it was hard to do that for someone who had everything. he was the golden boy, not only were his parents generational wealth loaded, they were caring, loving and were always making sure he and his friends had everything they could ever need. how could anything you try to give him compare to that?
nonetheless, you tried your best, and now the party was over, the other three marauders black out drunk in sirius' room from spiked eggnogg mr. fleamont pretended not to see them drink and you on james' bed waiting for him to come back after helping them out.
his smile brightened up the whole room, even though the lights were on and the warmth in his eyes made you forget about any worries that surrounded your mind while he was gone. you stretched your arms to pull him in a hug after he closed the door, though he ignored completely, simply laying on top of you with all of his weight, forcing you to lay down as well. "honeyyyy, i'm so tired." he whined, his cheek touching yours as he spoke.
one of your hands went to his arm, while the other played with his hair, he was such a baby when he wanted to, but you were lovesick, dangerously lovesick, so it was endearing to you. "no gifts today, then?" that made him get up in a jump, excitement filling him with the energy he had lost to sleepiness.
"nooooo, not what i meant." he pouted, batting his beautiful eyelashes at you, you laughed, knowing that would be the reaction, he had been extremely curious by your present from the time you showed up engulfed in green flames inside his family's fireplace, a big heavy something, perfectly wrapped, to jamie written in your handwriting in a heart shaped note that he knew he would keep safe inside his wallet to the rest of his days.
you got the gift from his nightstand and handed it to him, the anxiety coming back again as you started overexplaining yourself to him, "wanted to make something special, but you have so much stuff i... didn't know what... so i asked your mum to help me with this. i know it's like, nothing super unique but... i don't know." you fumbled completely over your words and he looked so deep into your eyes you knew he was able to read your whole entire soul without even trying at all.
"even a rock you find on a road and decides it reminds you of me would be special." everything you do, everything you touch is special, is what he actually wants to say, but he refrains from it, carefully taking out the tape holding the wrapping paper together, refusing to rip it apart. his eyes sparkled when he saw the leather cover, his name golden along with his gryffindor quidditch number.
he opens it, not sure what would be inside, the first page had your handwriting again, written in red and filled with doodle hearts: my quidditch lover boy, know that wherever you play, i will always be your biggest cheerleader.
the rest was pictures, from the first one his mum took of him with a broom when he was still barely a person, his little arms holding tight to his dad. the first time he flew alone to show them. the letter he sent when he made the gryffindor team, his first captain's armband, tickets from matches he went with his father. the last picture was from his last victory, you both kissing with the biggest smiles while sirius covered you both with red paint.
it was a good thing he never pretended to be one of those emotionless guys, because his nose was red, his eyes watering as you heard him sniffing. "this... honey, this is the most beautiful thing." his fingers passed over the picture, with such care it seemed he was afraid to ruin it, he pulled you into a hug and then lifted your chin to face him, his lips touching yours like you were a treasure he needed to protect. you felt the saltiness of his tears and you couldn't help but laugh, it was just too adorable.
james let go of you, but not before kissing your whole face. he found a spot on his desk for your present, where it would be the first thing anyone spotted when looking around his room, and then took a small box and a piece of parchment from the first drawer of his nightstand. "m'feeling a tad inadequate now, mine isn't as thoughtful but... ms. euphemia did help me with it too." you laughed at the way he talked of his mum, "i wanted to give you some sort of jewelry, but everything i chose was simply grim, james darling." he gestured air quotes while trying to get his mother's tone across.
he handed you the velvet box, parchment still in hand as he waited for you to open, you were still stunned by the information he wanted to give you jewelry, you felt like your heart and your stomach were dancing and twirling around inside of you as how official that sounded. opening the box you find a beautiful, seemingly antique, silver ring, it had a red gem on top in the form of a triangle. you were completely speechless as you touched it lightly.
"m'dad proposed with that ring." your eyes widened at that, positive you were gonna pass out at any moment. "it's very old, and it's been in our family for generations, if you look closely you can see a symbol, the triangle one is for my invisibility cloak."
"james, this is beautiful, but... i can't accept this, it's a family heirloom i... it belongs to your family." you couldn't even look at him, you were out of breath, out of words, out of ways to react.
"yeah, that's sorta it. you're part of my family now." he takes the ring out of the box and slides it on your right index finger, so not to pressure you, so you knew it was a present, a promise of commitment, but not an obligation or a way to imprison you to him. "and my mum kept this for years, i had no idea, she says it's adorable, so..." james hands you the parchment finally, and you open it to see the date on top, stating it was a letter from two years before.
a letter he sent to his mum, from hogwarts, talking about you.
he went on and on talking about sometimes he felt like his heart was gonna jump out of his chest when you were around and that wasn't normal, that didn't happen before. and how he could smell your perfume before even seeing you had got into the room.
he was fifteen and down bad for his best friend and was so confused he asked his mum for advice. it was indeed the most adorable thing. and euphemia was so sure something would come out of it she kept the letter. you had to put it down on his bed so you wouldn't wet it with your tears. "you're such a sap oh my god." you said in a mocking tone even though you were the one crying like an absolute baby.
"enjoy it now, next year you're getting a simply grim necklace and a honeydukes discount coupon." james replied matter-of-factly, but his grin and his eyes showed how glad he was that you had enjoyed the gifts that much, "i love you too much, you're gonna wake up one day and m'gonna have inflated and exploded by how much." you couldn't even reply to that with anything other than a loud laugh, your hands quickly going over your mouth when you remembered how late it was.
you felt his weight over you again, but this time before he could be completely over you using you as a mattress, he slides beside you, pulling you closer to him, and closing his eyes. "merry christmas, lover boy." is the last thing you say before falling asleep in his embrace.
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stevebabey · 9 months
surrounded by your embrace
summary: when you get drunk at a party, old memories make steve worry. he really doesn't need to because all alcohol does is make you clingy. gn!reader but mentioned to wear sum eyeshadow, no warnings u and steve are just absolute goobers for each other :D wc: 2k
He goes to the bathroom for five minutes.
Five minutes and you manage to make yourself scarce. The corner you had been previously inhabiting, slurping the lip of your red solo cup while talking to some friends, is completely void of you when Steve finds his way back to it.
Your friends are still there, leaned against the wall and chattering amongst themselves. Steve clears his throat to gain their attention.
"Did you see...?" He jerks a thumb over his shoulder, asking if they'd noticed where you might've wandered off to. You've had quite a few drinks tonight already and Steve's not surprised if it means you've forgotten you're the only one he knows at this party. These are your friends, not his.
One of them points towards the kitchen and he mutters a quiet thank-you, beginning to wind his way through the people to reach the kitchen.
A fraction of unease prickles at the back of his neck. Last time he was a party and his partner ambled off, full of alcohol, it had left a couple memories that cut deep. Steve hasn't ever admitted it aloud to anyone the seeds that Nancy had sowed that night, the little insecurities that had never bothered Steve in the slightest suddenly sprouting up overnight.
Worst is, he can't make himself forget that night. He remembers the spill of red punch on her white shirt vividly. Remembers the sting behind his eyes. Remembers how later on she'd come back in the middle of everything with Jonathan by her side and Steve had just... known.
But you're not Nancy and he knows that. He knows that this is a different party, you're a different person, it's a whole different relationship—
Yet, those insecurities have rooted deep and Steve can feel them shifting painfully inside him as his worries get away from him. Like vines wrapping tight around his ribcage the longer it takes to find you.
You're aren't by the drink station on the kitchen bench and looking out at the sea of people in the living room, you aren't there either. Steve pulls his collar away from his neck, feeling the prickle roll down his skin again. You've gone, something in his head whispers meanly, You've left him and found someone else at this party. Someone without his baggage, someone without his neediness, someone—
Steve scrubs a hand down his face and shoves away his ugly thoughts. None of them are fair to you — you who has been nothing but impossibly and endlessly sweet on him in the one month you and Steve have been dating. He inhales sharply to clear his head and scans the crowd again. Nothing.
Just as he's turning to go bug your friends again, he spots movement out the corner on his eye, someone shuffling about the walk-in pantry. Steve walks closer and peers in. It's you.
Delight and relief bloom together in his chest and he rounds the corner with a shaky smile, leaning up against the door frame. "There you are."
You turn with a little hiccup, clearly startled.
Steve adores how the recognition on your face melts into excitement, steamrolling his anxieties in an instant, and you drop whatever is in your hands and leap for your boyfriend.
"That's me," He says with a smile, arms opening for you to burrow yourself in. You do so, arms twisting around his middle and face smushing against his chest and he welcomes the warmth of you in his arms. He expects you to move after a minute but you stay put, pressed right up against him, hold only tightening.
"I couldn't find you." You whine.
"You were looking for me in the pantry?"
"Nooooo," The drinks you've had have turned your usual drama up to 11. You dig your face out of his chest and rest your chin against it instead, forcing Steve to look directly down to meet your eyes. "S'just went to get water from th' kitchen 'n' then I saw they have a box of Fruit Roll-Ups."
You say this all as if it's incredibly self-explanatory why you're in the pantry while you're also looking for your boyfriend. Steve looks over your head and spies the spilled box on the ground you were holding just a few moment prior. Lo and behold, half a dozen Fruit Roll-Ups are scattered on the ground.
"Fruit Roll-Ups, Steve." You whisper with more emphasis.
He laughs a little, looking back down at you and thinking how pretty you look tonight. There's this blue crystal-coloured eyeshadow lightly smudged across your eyelids and it glitters beneath the low hanging bulb of the pantry.
"Well, I'm sure you can have one." He nods to gesture behind you. "Melanie won't mind, you're her friend."
Melanie, the party's host, had been tucked up and fast asleep in her bed with a big red bucket by her side when he had opened her door trying to find the bathroom. Steve definitely thinks she won't mind letting you gorge yourself of a single Fruit Roll-Up. Or a couple. Whatever, he won't tell on you.
"You think?"
Steve rubs your back lightly and goads you back towards the snack you're clearly hungry for. Your hands slide out of the hug reluctantly but the moment you turn, you're scuttling over to the treats. Steve chuckles watching you plop yourself down, sitting down on the cold tiles. You're in shorts. Steve can see your goosebumps from here.
He takes a few steps and crouches down, taking a seat next to you, leaning his back up against a beam. You're trying to tear into one of the packets but the moment Steve's back in your view, you're pouting and holding it out to him.
Steve pretends to scoff, taking the packet and opening it easily, but really, he loves that you ask him to do those things. Loves doing little things for you. He offers it back to you and you pluck it from his hands with glee.
He assumes you'll sink your teeth into it but you stare at it for a moment before you surprise him, crawling forward and all bout clambering into his lap.
It's rather inelegant, your drunkenness not helping and you push the heel of your hand just two inches from where it would really hurt, making Steve wince in anticipation. He holds his hands up and out of the way and lets you settle yourself.
A quiet revelation makes something in his chest glows hotly. You're always affectionate, always want to be touching him, but this is another level for you — there's a shyness around PDA that you usually carry that seems to have been shed tonight. Anyone could peer in the pantry and see you curled up in his arms and lap and you seem too enamoured with him to even care.
Steve grins and chides himself for ever being worried earlier.
"Hi." You say, finally situated comfortably. Steve's not sure it is comfortable, sitting sideways in his lap with one leg twisted nearly underneath you and one out in front, sorta curled in, but you seem content enough. He places one hand on the small of your back, the other holding just above your knee.
"Hi there. Comfy now?"
"Very. Can you pass me my roll-up please?"
You've dropped it in your wriggle to get closer to him and its rolled nearly under the shelf Steve's leaning up besides. He leans over and retrieves it, thanks God for the wrapper, and produces it for you.
"A gift." He says, drinking in how your face washes over with delight. With the lights haloing behind your head, your hair frizzy from dancing earlier, he thinks you look like an angel.
"That's right!" You take it from him and pull it close to your chest, attention back on him. "I wanted to give you a kiss, to say thank you."
Steve feels his heart flutter, a stutter in the beats at the utter tenderness of your words. He squeezes your knee and turns his face, holding out his cheek.
"Well, go on then."
You giggle and it's the most dreamy honeyed noise Steve's ever heard. You lean in and plant a big wet kiss on his cheek with a happy hum, pulling back with a mwah!
"Thank you for the kiss, sweetheart." He rubs the hand on your back lightly and you soften at his words completely, pure giddiness running rampant across your features.
Steve soaks it all in, unsure of the last time he knew someone who gave him love so freely. You seem to have endless amounts of it for him. You don't even mind when he's greedy with you.
You finally peel back the wrapper of the Fruit Roll-Up and gobble a bit of it down. You chew and swallow and lean all your weight against him, your shoulder pressing into his. You're close, a couple more inches and the tip of his nose would brush yours. A bashful expression flits across your features.
"I like when you call me sweetheart."
"You do?"
You nod enthusiastically.
"That's good," Steve says, fondness coating each word. " 'Cos I like calling you sweetheart, sweetheart."
It's so cheesy that Steve thinks you shouldn't laugh, but you do because you're wonderful. He grins, his fingers on your knee tightening slightly as you look over him, your eyes crinkled up by your grin. The alcohol makes you brash enough to stare and you look at his face intently for a moment before you huff.
“God!” You drop your head back with a dramatic sigh and sink your teeth into your bottom lip to try contain your giddy grin. It doesn’t work in the slightest. “That look.”
"What? What look?”
You tip your head back up and Steve can read the shyness on your expression, pulling at your eyebrows.
“You know,” You say, a little embarrassed, which is even more adorable on you while drunk. You're flustered over your words, like you know you wouldn't normally have said them if you were sober. “You just get this look sometimes, when you’re looking at me—”
Steve frowns for a moment, minuscule, as he thinks of what face you might be referring to.
“—and your eyes get all intense and- ugh! It still makes nervous when you do it.” You’ve drop your head again, forward this time, to hide your face in his shoulder. You pat your tummy theatrically and then clutch it, voice lowering to a whisper in his ear. “These butterflies are your doing, Harrington.”
Steve laughs, entirely too pleased with himself —he still makes you nervous. Ditto, he thinks. “Is that so?”
"Mmhm." You hum and Steve feels you place a soft kiss on one of the moles on his neck. His breath catches and his heart flip-flops. You wiggle a bit but it's just to try get closer to him, your nose nuzzling against his neck. A tired sigh escapes you.
"You tired? Wanna go home?" He asks.
You nod sluggishly but make no attempt to move. Steve chuckles lightly, his hand still soothing up and down your back gently, not helping in the least he knows. Still, he can't help himself; he wants to ply you with love, with comfort, if he can. You sigh happily.
"N' a minute." You mumble. Your words are slurring the more tired you get. "Just wanna be at a party with my super hot and amazing boyfriend for one more minute. S'okay?"
Steve's heart crumples and he can feel his entire body curl up, his legs sliding up an inch, his hands tensing, all involuntarily reactions to try bring you in closer to him. There is an ache in his very core but it's a lovely ache. Steve feels a burn behind his eyes. He blinks and presses a long kiss to your hairline.
"Yeah, sweetheart," He murmurs into your hair. "That's more than okay with me."
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foresdxw · 1 year
niki accidentally saying he loves you
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niki x reader | request | Work has me exhausted, and I don’t want to think anymore, and I just can’t hold back from mumbling I love you into your hair. Uh, sorry. | i'm alive, and unedited!
when niki entered your living room, he didn't say a word.
"hey!" you greeted him, immediately noticing the tired look in his eyes. "are you okay?"
niki simply plopped face-down on your large couch and made a whining sound that somewhat resembled a yes, unmoving.
you reached your hand out to his head and brushed your fingers through his hair. "long day?"
niki sat up, stared at you for a few moments, and then threw his arms around your neck, knocking your from your sitting position and nuzzling his face in your hair as you fell back, partially throwing his legs over yours and trapping you to your couch as if he was a nice, weighted blanket. "Reaally long day," he confirmed.
"aww, i'm sorry." You pat his head and accepted the way he was sort of squishing you. "you didn't have to come over if you were so tired, i know your schedule is busy..."
"nooooo," niki squished you even harder. "i need to come here after... i'm so tired of being around everything all the time and... when i come here I don't have to think anymore."
you felt like niki was barely making sense, but you could tell he needed comforting. "okay, no more thinking. only movie night." you rubbed his back.
niki rubbed his face in your hair and whined again. "i love you," he mumbled. if he wasn't as close to you as he was, you probably wouldn't have heard it.
your hand that was rubbing his back froze. "what?"
you had liked niki for a long time, and couldn't believe your ears. all this time, you had just been friends, and you had forced your feelings for him down as hard as you could because you knew it would never happen.
"what?" niki replied immediately. he was trying to play it cool, but you could feel his body tense against yours.
"what did you just say?" you asked.
niki got off your and sat up-- all the way on the opposite side of the couch. "i didn't say anything. you're hearing things." he took the remote to the tv and glued his eyes to the screen. "we were planning on an anime movie, right?"
"yeah..." you whispered, sitting up and crossing your arms. you couldn't help but be mad-- niki's denial made you feel like he was messing with you, another cruel prank from the mind of a teenage boy-- mess with the girl you know has a crush on you. it was the oldest prank in the book, but you didn't think he would do this to you, his best friend.
"...okay, which one should we watch?"
you shrugged.
niki sighed and moved closer to you. he was mentally slapping himself for slipping up like that. he knew things would be awkward if he ever admitted that he was in love with you-- you brought him the peace and calmness he needed in his crazy life-- yet that was the reason why he was so relaxed around you that he felt like he could be himself and speak his mind around you-- and you and the fact that he loves you tended to be the main thing on his mind, a lot of the time.
the fact that you weren't saying anything was proof of how awkward it would be if he ever admitted he loved you, niki assumed. but still, he hated being apart from you. if he couldn't be your boyfriend, he was going to make sure he remained your best friend.
niki inched even closer to you, to where he was pressed against your side. "how about we watch your favorite?"
you shook your head. "we've seen it enough. it's fine."
oh, no. niki knew that when you said "it's fine", that clearly meant that absolutely nothing was fine. but to be honest, his head hurt to much and he was too tired to deal with this.
"ugh, alright. i love you, okay? but it's nothing. i just don't want it to get awkward." niki admitted. "uh, sorry."
you froze for a second-- before remembering this is niki you were talking about, and rolled your eyes. "seriously, niki, that's not funny. i thought you were tired."
"what? what's not funny?" niki turned to face you, and now you were the one with your eyes glued to the screen, refusing to look at him.
"you can't mess with my feelings like that. i know jake has probably told you how i feel by now." a tear rolled down your cheek as you regret confiding in jake about your feelings for niki. he told you it was okay, but you knew how close they were.
"what?!" niki somewhat squeaked. "you told *jake*? and he didn't tell me?!"
you rolled your eyes and moved to get up. "okay, this is just getting mean--"
niki grabbed you by your shoulders and sat you back down, turning you and forcing you to stay seated and face him. "no!" he moved his face unnecessarily close to yours and looked into your eyes. "i--" niki sighed and cupped your face when he noticed tears were falling, wiping them away with his thumb. "please don't cry," he took a deep breath. "i love you."
you sniffled, trying not to crack under the intensity of the moment. you wanted to believe him, but you couldn't. "in what way?"
"like-- uh..." niki racked his brain for an answer that would make you believe him, but he couldn't think of the words that could possibly describe how feels, so instead, he showed you.
he moved one of his hands to the back of your head, and kissed you, hard, before he could stop himself.
once his lips were on yours-- he realized that there was still a large chance you might not like him back at all and push him away, so he kissed you with all his might, wrapping his arms around you and cradling you gently as he kissed you passionately, hoping you would understand what he meant, and not hate him for it.
his mind went blank-- once again not thinking of anything but you, so it took him a moment to realize... you were actually kissing him back.
you pulled away first, just before the moment crossed the line from kiss to make-out. you panted slightly, trying to catch your breath. "oh."
you tried to fight the smile growing on your face, but niki noticed it, and couldn't help but grin back. "yeah." he shook his head. "wait, you told jake you have feelings for me? when?"
"i started telling him about... a year ago?" you estimated.
"oh my god, i'm gonna kill him." niki turned around to reach for his phone and scream at jake virtually.
now, it was your turn to grab him and pull him back. "please, don't commit murder. i made him promise."
niki totally forgot all about his anger when he looked into your eyes again. "okay..." he grabbed your hand. "but only because i love you."
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