#and ruki holding on to save hime
mysterylover123 · 3 years
Mysterylover watches Bleach episodes 160-161: Rukia Feels Fest
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1. OK so back to Rukia vs Not!Kaien. Not!Kaien’s attack name sounds like an STD and looks like something straight outta Lovecraft. Why did Rukia pull the creepiest one.
2. Wow it’s gonna be seriously cool when Rukia beats this guy. He’s basically a thousand warriors in one mutated body. Somehow I still think Ruki’s got this one.
3. I’m noticing all 3 of our leads (Ichi, Hime, Ruki) have a death in their past that they need closure on (Mom, brother, Kaien). And damn Ruki don’t accept defeat! Hime needs you to save her remember?
5. We get lots of flashbacks to remind us what a great guy Kaien was in life. And apparently RukiBro was super cold to her. Damn RukiBro. (Byakuya, I mean)
6. Rukia is so literal she thinks her ‘heart’ is the physical heart. Kaien explains ‘nope it’s the power of friendship/love/whatever”. Shonen TPOF time Ruki.
7. “Never die alone, promise?” asks Real!Kaien. “Entrust your heart to your friends!” God he was so great. Listen to him Ruki. The real one that is not the evil one.
8. Oh hell yeah Ruki’s fighting back. Impaled or not. Shonen heroes just be like “Tis but a flesh wound”. And she reforms her sword and STABS THE GUY IN THE HEAD.
9. WOWSA RUKIA. “Kaien lives within me” How much older than Ruki was Kaien? Like, if he was close to her in age I may have to start shipping them. She seriously cares about him so much.
10. And the Lovecraft guy is dead. Yay Ruki! And the monster is screaming like a baby for Aizen to save it. Yeah DaddyAizen ain’t coming kiddo. 
11. Hime you wanna come bursting in right about now? Ruki could really use a healer here. We get a nice montage of Ruki’s friends as she struggles not to die. AND ORIHIME IS THE LAST ONE, AS IN ‘MOST IMPORTANT’ AFTER RENJI, BYAKUYA AND ICHI. YAS YAS YAS. 
12. “DON’T WORRY ORIHIME I’M COMING TO SAVE YOU” Holy crap she’s dragging her impaled body across the ground to save Hime. Like Renji was doing to save Ruki in the last arc actually. The RukiHime is strong with this one.
13. So now we’re cutting back to Renji’s fight. Is this so he can sense that Ruki’s in trouble? Or are we just gonna leave Ruki on the ground bleeding out for x# of episodes?
14. Apparently Renji has some kinda history with this guy’s brother. OK but OH THANK GOD WE’RE CUTTING BACK TO RUKIA. I DID NOT WANT HER TO BE OFFSCREEN FOR TONS OF EPS.
15. We’re being introduced to two new villains, the girl of whom is basically naked. And possibly a kid so this is really uncomfortable.
16. Renji also gets cut up in his fight. Damn I hope he’ll be ok. 
17. Ulqui gets the news about the guy Ruki killed, which means he’s onscreen for a few minutes. When are we gonna find out what this guy’s deal is. 
19. WHOA WHOA WAIT UP ICHI AND NEL RAN INTO ULQUIORRA?!!? YES ULQUI. You’re fighting the MC now that means you’ll have some character development.
20. YAS YES Ichi vs Ulqui. Let’s get this party GOING. And Ulqui also be claiming Ruki is dead. I’m pretty sure she’s not. But hey let’s let that news piss all her love interests off. 
22. Um Ichi? “You haven’t hurt any of my friends yet?” Ulqui please tell him all your evil deeds. And like boom, the minute he says that Ichi tries to kill him and gets pissed. Ichi and Renji trying to make up for how in love with each other their girlfriends are by getting super defensive. 
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mysterylover123 · 3 years
Mysterylover watches Bleach episodes 267-268: “RivalFlirting to the Max”
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1. New OP again! Just when I was getting used to this one. This one is thick with Ulquihime vibes, BTW.
2. Ichi vs Ulqui, go! Or cut away to Renji I guess. Thats OK. I’m not mad or anything. 
3.  OK a  Rukia fight! I can deal with that. If we must delaythe inevitable more - IMMEDIATE CUTBACK TO THE MAIN FIGHT OK GOOD THIS ARC HAS MADE ME PARANOID.
4. Ulqui is good, BTW. Doesn’t take him long to land a hit on Ichi. I mean, you know. Penultimate boss. He’d have to be good.
5. More of Renji and chad. I mean, I like you guys but you’re not fighting Ulquiorra and I came for Ichi vs Ulquiorra so let’s GET BACK TO THAT.
6. Good, we do. Ulqui is all ‘why so strong’ and spits out a lot of the usual reasons, including ‘Orihime’, which is probably it. He calls her “One of us” which is interesting. Like, dude she didn’t jOIN you.  Are you just hoping to recruit her?
7. Ooh he’s getting into Ichi’s head and making him wonder if Hime turned on them all! Mind game Ulqui. Anyway Ichi basically says what I said, that it’s Hime’s power, kimi no chikara janai ka and all that. 
8. They trade some more badass blows, both looking absolutely gorgeous while doing so. Surprisingly Ichi holds pretty well. He’s moving fast and actually gets him! Nice!
9. Ichi speculates that Ulqui is either turning more human, or he’s turning more hollow. The former observation really pisses Ulqui off. 
10. Also  both of their shirts ripped open. Just, because apparently. Anyway THIS ISN’T EVEN ULQUI’S FINAL FORM APPARENTLY so the fight’s gonna continue. OR OMG WHAT. ORIHIME TAKES A HAND. SHIELDS ICHI HOLY CRAP. NOW THAT’S A CLIFFHANGER.
11. The recap for 268 tells me the shirt opening thing was because Ichi sliced Ulqui’s shirt open. Um. What. Anyway back to Orihime saving the day.
12. Ulqui is getting inside Hime’s head, damn. But fortunately Ichi cuts him off and thanks Hime. Thanks for being our matter-of-fact protag, Ichi. 
13. “You’re quite talkative. I thought you were more silent” says Ichi. That’s true, he is pretty chatty. And also gets to stand there in wind billowing from Ichi’s attack with the sexy open shirt and billowing hair, because why not. Anyway FIGHT GOES ON.
14. Hime gets fucking kidnapped outta nowhere by, i think the evil lady from before? Damn, don’t take her away from the plot!
15. Uryu rejoins Chad and Renji. I think as long as they’re together I’ll call them the Three Stooges. 
16. Evil Lady is calling Hime a ‘monster’, holy shit. Ichi notices and tries to help but Ulqui has other ideas. He tells Evil Lady #1 that he wasn’t saving them. And LOL Ichi saves Move! and Ulqui says “MAKE ME”. Wow Ulqui. Poetic. 
17. Evil Lady #2 refuses to hurt Hime! Yay! You’re downgraded from Evil Lady #2 to Anti Villain! She’s grateful to her for saving her life, nice. (Also you two don’t see the contradiction in injuring someone with healing powers?
18. Evil Lady #1 is unclear if she’s planning to kill Hime or make out with her based on her pose.  Ichi gets hurt trying to help her by Ulqui. 
19. We cut over to Rukia again. Ruki ILU but this had better be good. Anyway we do rejoin them, but add in some weird big new Espada who is nowhere near is intriguing as Ulqui. 
20. Ulqui apparently agrees with me because he tells him to eff off. Please listen to him dude. I need my Ichi vs Ulqui Showdown. Oh and he tries to kill Anti Villainess and calls them ‘bitches’, so he’s effing cancelled and I want him to effing die.  
21. Like, I don’t even like Evil Lady but he beat her up now and so I want him off my screen.  Thankfully we get some  drama between Hime and Evil Lady as a result. Hime heals her because she’s The Best. And even shields her. 
22. EVIL LADY SAVES HIME?!!? OK NOW I WILL CALL HER HER ACTUAL NAME. LOLY. She’s cool now. (Is she like  Hime’s version of Grimmjow? I think she is.) She does the Vegeta thing of “Only one allowed to defeat her” about Hime and transforms. AWESOME. 
23. The Giant Asshole sadly oneshots her. Dammit. Just die already you’re interrupting the plot. We get more angst between Hime and Loly, which is starting to become RivalFlirting. 
25. And he’s trying to kill Hime too. URYU TO THE RESCUE THIS TIME! WOW. Did not see that coming but hey, it’s welcome! He and Ichi engage in some rival flirting of their own to close us out.
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mysterylover123 · 3 years
Mysterylover watches Bleach episodes 190-192: “Nel is Hot  (+ grown-up) Now, Apparently”
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1. Skipping over a giant swath of filler episodes to see what Hueco Mundo has to offer next. Which means: NEW OP! Tho honestly this one’s a bit underwhelming. It’s just kind of a lineup of the cast and lots of walking cycles. 
2. For all the gushing I did over Ichi/Hime in the last ep I still don’t exactly ship them. Just not my speed. Anyway Ichi picks Hime up to carry her  and Nel hits him for some reason. 
3. HOLY CRAP GJ’S STILL GOING AT IT? Damn dude. I guess the fight’s getting a To Be Continued. Or not? He’s back to normal mode but with his hair all mussed up. Which is still hot, just less pretty.
4. Ichi’s NOT HAVING IT. He’s giving GJ the Shonen rival speech and all. I wonder what kinda character development GJ’s gonna get outta this? He’s immediately slammed from nowhere by some dude. Dammit I was hoping Ulqui was back in business.
5. OK his name is Nnoitra and GJ is annoyed with him. I am too, though less so when Ichi jumps in to protect his rival. NOICE. OK now I’m on board with shipping them. 
6. And we’re cutting back to Renji and Uryu, who are running to go find Hime. and Renji is thankfully remembering that Ruki is basically dying. Please go save your girl Renji. 
7. Renji and Uryu are fighting the same guy again...this is getting kinda old. Tho Uryu just casually skewering the guy is pretty cool, even if it doesn’t work.
8. Damn pink hair is creepy AF. Just flat out eats a guy to regain power. I mean I guess Tiger GJ did the same thing but it’s less unsettling when a tiger does it than a person. (BTW is GJ’s true form the Tiger version? Cause that’s gotta be the most adorable villain true form in SJ history. Usually they’re nightmare fuel.)
9. I don’t have much to say about this fight with Renji and Uryu. I guess they’re just not fighting an interesting enough villain. Go fight Ulqui, Not!Kaien or GJ guys and then we’ll talk. 
10. PinkHair’s final/2nd/whatever # form looks like a creepy octopus thing. God this is making Ruki’s Lovecraft boss look cute. Also EW it’s making creepy doll versions of Uryu and Renji. God that’s gross. 
11. OK back to Ichigo’s squad! Let’s go! Ichi’s still fighting this Nnoitra guy. I need a nickname for him. All that’s coming to me is ‘Ugly As Shit guy”
12. Hime is sadly being held hostage and not doing things. C’mon Hime I wanna see you own these idiots some time. The guy holding her is saying she can’t beat him. But can’t she play on the fact that Aizen says they can’t kill her? Dammit apparently not. 
13. They’re looking for poor Nel. Damn are we finally gonna learn what Nel’s deal is? Apparently so. Ugly AS guy recognizes her
14. NEL’S A FORMER ESPADA HOLY CRAP. THEY LET A 6 YEAR OLD BE AN ESPADA? (OK obviously she’s not really 6 but still) 
15. OK Nel so what is your deal? Apparently she had fun hanging out with the crew (don’t blame her for that, they are fun) but now things’ve changed. 
16. Aw she’s begging Ichi not to think she tricked him. She’s so fond of him. And Ichi jumps in and saves her while smirking. Damn that smirk looks good on him. 
17. Apparently this ugly dude broke Nel’s head open. Holy crap. Ichi’s taking damage BTW. At this point I just assume he’s made of titanium though.  
19. And she’s POWERFUL. Holy crap fast, strong, kicks ass and hot are apparently requirements for being an espada. She thanks him for protecting her. And now she’s gonna KICK SOME ASS. OMG. 
22. Hostage guy lets Inoue go like a dumbass. Damn team up Nel’s destructive Power and Hime’s healing and you’ve got an unbeatable girl power tag team 
23. Nel gives Ichi a great big hug and now that she’s grown up she’s so strong she’ll kill him with her strong arms. Poor Ichi you’re surrounded by too much girl power. 
24. OH SHIT NNOITRA you were supposed to be dead. Are we gonna get that Nel/Hime teamup I was hoping for? Nel’s gonna fight this guy again. Saving that for next week!
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mysterylover123 · 4 years
Mysterylover watches Bleach Episodes 114-115
1. Since calling him “Not L” is getting awkward I’ll refer to Ulquiorra by name from now on.
2. Hime angsts over not being strong enough to protect Tatsuki. Ichi is a good friend by her and tells her “no need” then does the flashy shonen power up thing. (I want these two to kick ass as hero douo so badly”
3. Also Damn Hime looks good in this scene. (and of  course she gets told to run off by Ichi. Dammit I thought we were done benching her!)
4. Ulqui just basically stands on the side and analyzes how Ichi is Going Over 9000 and shit. Wow this really is the Saiyan arc. But with Ichigo’s HollowSona twist! OMG! It’s coming. Holy crap.
5. Hime gets smacked down, I’m assuming so that Ichigo can go “How dare you that’s my HIME” and flip out on these guys. (that’s the last Dragon Ball ref I swear)
6. Yoruichi and Urahara show up! Yay! Mentor duo. Go save them. And Yoru takes him on like the BAMF she is. Good, I was worried the ladies were gonna get benched again. (And WOW she really is tougher than our lead isn’t she? She takes NotNappa down in like 3 kicks.)
7. Ulqui just standing there with his hands in his pockets being utterly unflappable and cool. And Yoru goes and takes care of Hime. Aw! (And Ulqui is now fed up with his dumbass sidekick and like “screw this we’re outta here.” Oh yeah we like him.)
8. Oh Damn Ichi covered in bandages and looking just defeated. And clearly done with Teddy Bear Mineta’s shit. (as am I). We’re in the Ichigo Has Angst arc now aren’t we? (and aren’t you cold, dude? Lying around in your underwear while it’s raining outside?) 
9. ORIHIME IS SERIOUSLY INJURED?! Holy crap. Her Harem is worried about her. Tatsuki is brooding. Ichigo is worried about her and tries to make her feel better. Hime tried to make him feel better but he’s mad at himself for not protecting them. I’m kinda impressed that he’s not immediately running off and doing something stupid in response to this. The typical Shonen protagonist schtick is not gonna cut it here.
10. RENJI IS HERE RENJI IS HERE RENJI IS HERE HOLY CRAP YAS YAS YAS YAS. And the Boob redhead + Discount Saitama + Hitsu + Pretty one. YAY reunions. AND SPEAKING OF REUNIONS RUKIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11. And she immediately kicks Ichi in the face while Renji holds him. The couple that fights together...beats Ichigo up together apparently. Also this Soul Reaper Squad is hilarious. 
12. LOL Ruki riding on Ichi’s back like he’s a horse or a bike or something. And her Hollow Radar locates one immediately.  Which instantly activates Ichi’s HollowSona. I get the feeling that Ichi’s just gonna have to lean into it from now on. 
13. Hm, Rukia is doing a good job helping Ichi get over his Hollow Angst. Over great music. BROTP at the very least. I think this may be the  first time I’ve really gotten some inkling of why the fandom is into these two as a ship rather than just as friends. Like, cause Ichi was so down and she effortlessly got him out of it. 
14. RUKIA AND ORIHIME MEET UP AGAIN TOO. Oh and these two are also flirting like crazy. Damn everyone in this gang has such great chemistry. 
15. Redhead girl’s boob shirt is really distracting. And they keep having camera closeups on them just to remind you. We have a Big Boob girl in the cast now, just in case you forgot. 
16. OMG and of course their conversation sounds like they’re talking about his dick, freaking out Ichigo’s dad and sister. And wow Karin is so freaking gay, the way she’s talking about Tatsuki and Orihime. 
17. RENJI’S ALSO HERE. Along with the gang, who somehow snuck into Ichigo’s ceiling. Why did Ruki take a normal route and the others didn’t. 
18. Renji and Ruki sit on the bed to give exposition together of course. “I was closer to Rukia than most” gee you don’t say Rukia’s future husband?
19. So the Arrancar are gonna attack with really dangerous hollows and their leader is Glasses douche. Dammit why couldn’t Ulqui be their leader? He’s so much cooler (so far at least). And the top powerful hollows are OP apparently so we should have some cool battles coming up. 
20. Ooh final scene Ulqui and NotNappa meeting up with a bunch of shadowy figures and Glasses Douche. (I so hope Ulqui gets a klingon promotion this arc.) And Glasses Douche has abandoned his glasses so I guess I have to call him by his name now dammit. 
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mysterylover123 · 4 years
Mysterylover Watches Bleach Episodes 55-57
1. Man I am hyped going into this next set. We’re getting into the climax of this arc and I’m hoping for some serious action! 
2. So Ichi starts the episode by taking out all the redshirt Shinigami Lieutenants without even using the sword, because he’s boss mode now, before RukiBRo jumps in. So I’m guessing most of this will be the Mono v Mono between ichigo and Byakuya
3. “Even if I did explain the principle, you’d never understand” what the principle of being a massive prick? Yeah I think we can all understand that. (I’m sure eventually he’ll be likable, because Shonen. Just right now he’s a real massive douche and I’m having fun hating on him)
4. More RenRuki bickering and Ichigo/Renji bonding in flashback. And ichigo and Rukia friendship stuff. This trio is amazing. OOH AND RENJI IS GONNA DO THE MIGHT-UING THEN? YAS!!!!!
5. “Share that burden with Ichigo and with me” OOH. FRIENDSHIP TRIO. POTENTIAL OT3. SHARE THAT BURDEN RUKI. YOU HAVE THE BEST FRIENDS. And she grabs his heart while he’s bridal carrying her. These two make a damn fine couple. 
6. And Yoruichi is here to kill Evil Bob Cut Shinigami girl in time to save her friend or something. YAS PLEASE ASSEMBLE THE WHOLE CAST RIGHT NOW. I need Hime to make a dynamic entrance with her crew at some point and save everyone’s butts like shonen characters tend to do
7. OOH THE PRETTY BOY ONE. He was with Orihime’s Squad. Please let her show up soon.
8. There’s a lot of Shinigami character drama that I really have no comment on. Like, I’m watching it, but the whole time I’m thinking “please cut back to Ichigo vs Rukibro or Orihime or Ruki and Renji right now”.
9. OOH ask and you shall recieve! A bunch of people were healed by Orihime and they’re of course instantly joining her fan club. Because who wouldn’t.
10. Yoruichi apparently has a rival, which is cool. Lady rivals! (to sum up this conversation: Shinigami girl: “When I left you I was but the learner. Now I am the master.” Yoru: Only a master of evil, hon. And Hot damn Yoru is badass
11. Yori and her ex pupil have some dang hot chemistry. Like there are some anime fights that don’t have “just make out already” chemistry but many of them are totes “get a room already” and this one has that energy.
12. Damn she seriously fucked her up tho. And THERE’S THE BUTTERFLY HOLY CRAP. FROM THE OP. NOW I KNOW. and of course Yoru is still cool AF and doesn’t give a crap. She’s amazing
13. Guess I’m going for 3 eps this time. This fight between master and former apprentice is badass
14. And some backstory on the two. Damn they are super shippable. (Does some searching) Ooh YoruSoi is actually pretty popular? OK THEN I’M ON BOARD. New ship! 
15. Desperate emotional “I must protect her” vibes. Holding each other while practicing. Staring up at the full moon while sakura petals fall around them. Yoru’s head in Soi Fun’s lap. Damn get a room you two. 
16. So how did this go wrong? Yoru disappeared. Basically ditched her girlfriend for no apparent reason. (”you vowed we’d always be together” such subtelty such heterosexuality)
17. AND WE’RE FINALLY BACK TO ICHIGO VS RUKIBRO. This is what I expected the ep to be about but instead we got Shinigami antics. Huh. Oh well I assume we’ll get this next time. 
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