#and she wasn’t a nerd girl who needed a makeover
zootplayz · 3 months
The Trouble With Gnomes
When we left it was Gnome Fest. Wait I mean Harvest Fest. At the time my game was broked and I couldn't actually cook a grand meal so it was technically Gnome Fest for me. Eventually, I did fix the game by finding the non-updated mod and returned Harvest Fest back to normal. But due to the Pancakes disaster with the gnomes I did actually create a Gnome Fest holiday. Therefore, BEHOLD, the origins of the gnomey holiday!
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We are now the Gnomes! Since the girls eliminated the gnome opposition they decided to cart the look of the gnomes to prove their dominance.
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Everyone at the family get-together knew who the true gnomes of the day were and respected the girls' new position.
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However, there were others not so impressed by the girls' new self-confidence.
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Graham, my second-generation Fox heir and founder of the Super Sim challenge clan had to show the Pancakes exactly who was in charge in this world. Of course he went after the main perpetrator, Theresa.
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I can't even be mad. Graham's got to be at least 200 years old and this is the first time he's attacked one of my other legacies.
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He has every right to look as proud of himself as he does. He is the dominant sim in this world. Though I wonder if he wasn't bought off by the gnomes themselves. Bridget got off relatively easy after the gnome night (after all she was just an innocent bystander - dancing in the carnage doesn't mean anything!) So she was further able to pursue her romantic life.
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Darling must have awakened something in her because, in a relatively short time, she wanted to make things with Darling official.
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Considering how long she was with that other girl and nothing rolled it must be fate. Of course, I immediately moved Darling into the home so she could start aging and they immediately got extra frisky.
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All the townie families in my game have a pet because I needed more pets to work on at the Fox clinic. In Darling's case she had an adorable kitty named Kira.
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Who I naturally totally love as I do Darling's new makeover.
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With Darling joining the house some major things happened. I could no longer stand the sight of that eyesore of a house I built and got the girls a much better home off the gallery. So if you're looking at the backgrounds of these pics and thinking I don't recognize this place, that's why. Now that I think about it, I was initially going to give this house back to a Disney Princess but considering these sims are the only ones to officially live here I think I'll let their family stay here. It'll make more sense for when I get to Tiana claiming her family hasn't accomplished anything. - ramble over Anyway since Bridget has herself an official significant other now it's time to officially cut Andrea loose.
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Listen chica this relationship wasn't going anywhere, Bridge just wasn't feeling it. Go enjoy story progression.
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Yeesh, someone does not take rejection well. Good thing you got out of that relationship Bridge. Don't let her insanity get to you.
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You have the amazing Darling who has some big news for you now that you're officially all theirs.
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Seriously, they rolled to marry Bridget almost immediately after Bridget cooled things off with Andrea.
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I do love these two together so much. My favorite couple in my legacies at the moment. I find the unflirty sims are the most romantic and devoted once they find the right person.
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So when I got control of Darling and saw that chief of mischief aspiration I had to change it. It just did not fit her personality, I felt, so I chose nerd brain. It just screamed Darling to me.
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Though the handiness skill definitely needs some serious work.
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That's gotta hurt. Darling is an absolute coffee fiend. If there's none in the pot you better be sure they're brewing some up.
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However, a contributing factor could be the silly girlfriend's love of snow.
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He's missing something... I know! Pancakes! And her insistence everyone else enjoy it as much as her.
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Part 01 Part 03 Read the full article
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clonecaptains · 2 years
finally saw encanto last night and it meant more to me than i can explain that the lead had glasses
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sepublic · 3 years
Through the Looking Glass Ruins!!!!!
         SO! Onto other things first…
         WRATH IS BRAXAS’ FATHER!??!!? HOLY SHIT, Wrath is a canonical dad, I’d always expressed my… OH MY GOD WRATH IS DAD! And of BRAXAS, that sweetie… How is Braxas such a sweetie with a father like HIM, also-
         Wrath was in casual wear? Either he has a day off, or he got fired by Belos/Kikimora after drawing Luz a map to Eda in Young Blood, Old Souls! Either way this guy has a sudden new level of NUANCE that I am reeling from, and yes I checked, that really is Wrath according to the credits! Dang this puts everything in a WHOLE new light…!
         She looks so BEAUTIFUL and I love the kind of foreshadowing with the bookends of our first shot of Amity having her hair down, and now it’s changed! And she looks adorable and EMIRA AND EDRIC BEING GREAT SIBLINGS I LOVE IT SO MUCH! This… THIS is everything I wanted! I was resigned to not much of them but HELL YEAH they’re being good siblings and we get a look at their rooms, we see them doing MAKEOVERS together this is everything from my favorite fanon content and MORE,
         Also Edric has a date?! Emira says ‘their’ mom… Unless the Golden Guard has a mom, DARN! Not gonna lie, I half-expected a big twist at the end that Edric was dating the Golden Guard, who was doing some sort of reconnaissance as his unrecognized normal self and/or screwing around with the Blights even further, but in a GENUINE sense… But then who knows Kikimora could be posing as GG’s ‘mom’, this is a stretch anyhow-
         JUST HELL YEAH Blight Twins! Blight Twins being sweet and mischievous and supportive of each other, Blight SIBLINGS being siblings, Emira being an older sister and giving advice! And AMITY, Amity mentioning how much Luz has changed stuff, I love that they acknowledge it openly how her life has completely shifted, and now… NOW…!
         No necklace! Red leggings! PINK HAIR?! Is this why Amity in the intro hasn’t been updated yet… She was getting TWO updates, so the animators decided to only animate a change after this final update?!
         King and Gus are also friends it seems, and they even recorded some fun together! I’m surprised at how much Bria and the others mock Gus’ illusion skills… Obviously Belos is kinda terrible but like; I don’t think he’d set aside an entire subset of magic into Illusions without reason! Also that nightmare trip… I LOVE IT, I love Gus applying the creativity of illusions in their ability to completely warp and distort someone’s sense of reality! And I called that dragon-thing being an illusion!
         A graveyard… I wonder if the Gallderstones (is that how it’s spelled) have any relevance or if they’re just neat? I hope Mattholomule and Gus help hide the Looking Glass Graveyard… Damn, that’s another Death reference with Gus, huh! Is it culminating in his respect for the dead, or will it continue further with Gus being a necromancer, or an Oracle who can commune with the deceased, and he has their respect as someone who treats them properly?!
         Also not to get dark but… What if all those Illusionists are dead because of Belos? I’m JUST SAYING…! And not gonna lie, every time someone insulted Illusions, I kept imagining the Illusion Head just suddenly waking up and feeling like there’s a disturbance in the force, as well as a weird compulsion to beat up some Glandus kids. It’d be even funnier if he had beef with the Construction, Plant, and Abomination Heads as well!
         Speaking of which, more confirmation on Construction Magic being related to earth! Glad to see Bria give us a look into that, which furthers my idea of Belos using construction magic… Also dang, Bria and the Glandus Kids really are the parallels/foils to the Detention kids! You’ve got the short ‘nice’ girl, the tall lanky kid, the furry… But the Glandus Kids start off looking nice and cool, but turn out to be rather nasty!
         Meanwhile the Detention Kids seem like bad news and delinquents, but no! They’re just demonized and actually very kind and chill! The Detention Kids are looked down upon, the Glandus Kids are appraised… The Detention Kids are dual-track, the Glandus Kids are singular; Glandus Kids from, well, GLANDUS, Detention Kids from Hexside… One’s ‘mischief’ is actually very neat and cool, the other’s is literal grave robbing.
         I guess that’s how the bleeding statues got past the censors- It’s technically just an illusion! Also more insight into how Glandus works with its Survival of the Fittest mentality, I wonder if we’ll get confirmation on which coven heads came from there, how that might influence them as adults…
         What is Glandus like, is it more whole-heartedly accepting of Belos’ rule, hence its harsh ideals? Was it made after Hexside? Does Bump hate it for being so cruel like that, or is it just school bias? And dang poor Mattholomule, I always had a feeling he sort of felt and knew that he wasn’t much, so he accepted and compensated by deliberately doing whatever he can for power…
         They confirmed he’s from Glandus, and I appreciate this new look at him! This new leaf turned… Hot take but he’s honestly not as bad as Boscha, his stint with Gus was a one-time thing that Gus was able to live with! And that seems pretty good to set them up as friends! Speaking of Boscha, Willow was injured by pixies? And the last time we heard of pixies, they belonged to Boscha and caused the school to get shut down… Did BOSCHA DO THIS I SWEAR SHE IS DEAD TO ME-
         (Also she’s mentioned in the credits for this episode but I don’t remember hearing her? I might’ve gotten distracted with so much other things.)
         Gus! I like the insight into his relationship with Illusions, and I appreciate how he’s considering other forms of magic… But this hesitation might just serve to reaffirm his believe in Illusions, which is okay! It’s all about choice… And yeah, it seems Gus also has a case of impostor syndrome like King, no wonder they get along so well! I love the glimpses into Gus’ house and the confirmation that he has a library card, no Perry though alas…!
         I appreciate how Gus feels overlooked, like he has no real substance, which is how his Illusions reflect a desire to draw attention, but also the idea that there’s nothing real beneath them… Again, very much like King! And Gus, he’s not a powerhouse like the rest, he’s SKILLED and smart, but strength isn’t his forte, it’s not brute force he operates on, but cleverness! Trickery, I like it…! It’s a nice callback to his last A-plot episode, SVSF, where instead of fighting Mattholomule physically, Gus’ solution is to think outside the box and pull the alarm!
         You go kid, not relying on brute strength but showing that some clever tricks and thinking are just as valid! Kinda wonder if this episode is lowkey a discussion on masculinity for young boys, especially with Gus growing older with puberty, though the latter is mostly because his actual VA grew… But maybe the writers rolled with that and incorporated it, or it’s just a very neat coincidence! Also, it is me or did Mattholomule’s voice change? And the gag that Gavin’s dad looks identical to him, even moreso because he’s NOT supposed to have a moustache… That’s great!
         Malphas! Love this reference to a classic demon, I wasn’t sure if Malphas was the librarian with glasses whom I’ve always headcanoned as a father figure to Amity… But maybe it’s actually this bird dude! He seems adept in Bard magic, and I love the reveal of his true crow appearance… Guess those theorists were right that the one-eyed figure is from the Forbidden Stacks! Also Malphas NOT COOL with Amity, but I’m glad Luz changed his mind, and I wonder how that adventure looked…
         Which- DAMN, the RSD with Luz! She looks so UTTERLY BROKEN when Amity mentions doing stupid things, and she didn’t mean it like that, but Luz just looks so completely shattered and you can tell she wants to cry but instead she bottles it up and tries to take it in stride, and that plays into her trying to overcompensate for her mistakes AGAIN… SOMEONE GET IT TO HER HEAD that she doesn’t need to! I’m scared for Luz, and I was SO scared this episode would end on a bad note…
         This is EVERYTHING I ever wanted!
         What an AMAZING episode with wonderful characer beats and reveals! Again, Amity’s growth as a character, that brief insight into how Luz as a person is very chaotic and sometimes frustrating for Amity and forces her to reevaluate, but ultimately it’s good and Luz DOES try her best, and Amity clearly wanted to make things up for Luz and apologize, they’re BOTH doing things, just the little moments!
         Also, Alex Lawther voices Philip Wittebane! He has long hair and a vaguely british accent, he’s… He’s Belos isn’t he? And they got a new VA because having him voiced by Matthew Rhys would be really spoiler-y right? He’s got the long hair and he’s a nerd… And with how he talks of finding a way back home, maybe Belos really DOES just want to return home, after all? He talks of making a way back home…
         And we see a glimpse of the Portal, so it might’ve brought him there? Or did Philip succeed in making it, and that was his blueprint designs? Did he arrive by Titan’s Blood? What happened to the portal if it brought him there, or if he made it? Why the scar, why near Eda’s house, partially buried?
         Was it lost before he could finish his work, and Philip got side-tracked into something else… Perhaps going on a crusade, on behalf of a curse/demon that possessed him? A demon that killed King’s father…? Was the portal broken and he had to discard it, but then it naturally healed- Or did it just need to recharge, maybe Philip DID make it back home, WHAT IS THE ANSWER?! Is there some sort of doppelganger for Philip, is BELOS his doppelganger?! What is THIS WHAT-
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mystical-flute · 3 years
I Got Chills, They're Multiplyin' (SFWeek Day 4)
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Red String Of Fate/True Love or Movie Of Your Choice AU
AO3 || FFN
Her senior year was not going the way she had thought it would.
When she had stumbled upon Neal Gold at Storybrooke High School, after thinking she would never see him after their amazing summer together, she had thought her senior year, despite it being in a new place, was going to be one for the books.
Well, it was turning out to be one for the books, but not the good books. No, it was part of the bad books, where the protagonist thought she had made good, true friends and then everyone was writing terrible things about her in the bathroom stall, or thinking she was too easy…
Or too much like Sandra Dee…
She resented that - she didn’t even like any of Sandra Dee’s movies, nor did she think she looked like her!
She supposed the biggest problem was with Neal’s friends - the T-Birds. None of them seemed to like that she wasn’t anything like Lily, or any of the other not-typical girls.
It was because of them that she didn’t think she understood what it was Neal really wanted from her, or if he still had feelings for her like he’d had on that beach during the summer.
The Pink Ladies had been… kind enough, she supposed. All but Lily, had been welcoming to her, and had invited her to sleepovers, even if the one had ended badly.
Still, Emma needed to make a decision, and she needed to make one fast. The senior carnival was coming up, and it would be her last chance to make an impression on Neal.
And she knew, even though she wasn’t sure if they were even friends, Emma could only turn to one person: Lily.
There had been whispers about Lily, ever since that night at the drive-in, but Emma didn’t pay them any mind. Yes, it would be a bit… unorthodox if Lily was pregnant, but Lily was a good person, and really, what happened in her bedroom was none of Emma’s business.
“Lily?” Emma asked, catching her in a hidden alcove of the school. “Oh! Are you okay?”
Lily’s eyes were red, like she’d been crying, but her mouth was pulled down into the frown she always seemed to have. “What’s it to you, Emma?” she asked. “You come to rub it in my face that I’m a harlot?”
“What? No! Of course not! Who’s been saying that about you?” Emma felt anger begin to burn inside her.
“Half the school, but never mind that. What do you want?” Lily tossed a makeup-streaked tissue in the nearby trash can.
Emma chewed on her bottom lip, before taking a deep breath. “Well… the school carnival is coming up and I - I really want to ‘wow’ Neal.”
Lily let out a watery chuckle. “I think you’ve been ‘wow-ing’ Neal all year, Sandra Dee.”
“Stop calling me that!” Emma snapped. “And even if I am wow-ing him, he’s really not responding to it so I - I want a makeover. Like... more your style.”
Lily tilted her head. “Like me, huh? Well, I ain’t got nothing else to do today, so I guess I can give it a shot. How do you feel about leather?”
Leather? Emma had never owned anything leather aside from a purse and shoes, but she smiled despite her nerves. “Well… whatever you think will work.”
Lily smirked. “Good. C’mon, we can walk to my house from here.”
Emma nodded, picking up her book bag.
Goodbye Sandra Dee, hello Emma Nolan.
Varsity sweaters were so much more itchy than Neal Gold had ever thought they were.
Dorky? Yes, but he never imagined they were so itchy.
Or maybe it was just his nerves getting the best of him. It could be hard to tell, especially since he’d never been nervous before.
He hoped Emma liked the sweater. She always seemed to wear a sweater, even when it wasn’t particularly cold outside.
Unfortunately for Neal, it wasn’t cold outside. In fact, Maine was having some sort of freak heatwave, and he felt more gross with the sweat than he ever did while working with August on Greased Lightning.
Speaking of August…
“You look like such a nerd, Neal! What the hell were you thinking?”
Neal scowled. “Look, I just wanna impress Emma, alright? I wanna show her that I’ve changed - that I can be soft like her!”
“Ha! You wimp. There are plenty of other girls around that won’t make you change. Why do you keep trying with her?”
Neal frowned, tugging on the sleeve of the sweater. “She’s just different. You wouldn’t get it, seeing how you and Lily have blown up.”
“That’s not fair!”
“Is it?”
“Hey Neal.”
He jumped, startled, and turned around. Standing before him was Emma… he thought.
Instead of a slicked back ponytail, her hair lay in waves around her shoulders.Her iconic white sweater had been replaced by a red leather jacket and black shirt, and instead of a skirt, she wore tight leather pants.
“Oh - uh h-hey Emma. Gee, that’s a new get up!”
“Tell me about it, stud .”
He would jump her right now if there weren’t people around. She looked so good in that outfit but… he stopped, looking down at the sweater.
It wasn’t her.
“May I escort the lady through the hall of mirrors?” he asked.
She chewed on the end of a candy cigarette. “I suppose so…”
“What’re you doing wearing that?” he asked with a frown when they were alone.
“What are you doing wearing that varsity sweater?”
“I lettered in track! I thought you’d like a guy who lettered in some sorta sport, since you were a cheerleader and all.”
Emma paused. “And I thought you’d want a girl who wore all leather.”
“Nah, Emma… you’re the one that I want,” he said. “Just the way you are.”
Her arms wrapped around his shoulders. “Are you sure this is what you really want?”
“What I really want is you.”
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definitive VERY SERIOUS ranking of MCU characters, best to trash
Gamora and Nebula - tied for first place because prickly, traumatized assassin women? that’s my shit. prickly, traumatized assassin women working through their issues TOGETHER and growing closer as sisters? YEAH, babey! that’s the shit! I love them and they deserved arcs that loved them, too. biggest injustice in the MCU.
Thor - absolutely excellent. amazing work. distinguished slut vibes and a radiant beam on sunshine in this shithole world. again, never saw Endgame, but he deserved better.
Sam Wilson - going strong since 2014, babey. just an all-around great guy, good for him finally getting his own show. will I be watching it? absolutely not. not a force on god’s green earth could make me care enough to pirate a marvel television show in this the year of our lord and savior 2020, even if he is a very cool dude with wings. 
Bucky Barnes - all the fun of Steve but no moral quandaries because everything bad that he did happened when he was being controlled by nazis and he feels really bad about it uwu
Peter Parker - yes OBVIOUSLY the movies did Peter dirty, we’ve all seen a fucking essay about it, making him Iron Man Jr was wack and being poor doesn’t look like that, but he’s cute and fun and I like Tom Holland, who was the emotional anchor who forced me to keep giving a sliver of a shit during Infinity War. Far From Home was pretty not good but would I see another Spider-Man movie? fuck, maybe.
Steve Rogers - idk I just think he’s neat. really love how he’s shaped like a dorito and hates nazis.
James Rhodes - I don’t think Rhodey’s ever said or done anything that wasn’t iconic and for that he deserves to be exactly one spot above his idiot best friend.
Tony Stark - I hold possibly the most unpopular opinion on Tony Stark on this entire hellsite, which is that he’s just fine. he’s fun sometimes, he’s irritating sometimes, he made some points during Civil War. he should probably lose more points for being a former war profiteer but if I started digging into comic book logic too much I’d have to change my url because Batman cooperates with cops and endangers children, so idk.
T’Challa - I don’t remember a TON about T’Challa’s actual personality because it’s been like 4 years since Black Panther came out and he had like 2 lines in Infinity War, but he’s a powerful nerd/jock multiclasser who spends most of his time surrounded by women who are very smart and dangerous and much cooler than him and I really respect that.
Natasha Romanoff - Natasha is difficult to rank because for a long time her dominant defining characteristic was being The Girl One, which means she has a different personality in pretty much every movie, and it was never interesting. if Marvel had rubbed two brain cells together and given her a solo movie between 2012 and 2015 she might have fared better, but alas. press F in the chat for Nat’s potential.
Groot, Rocket, Drax, Mantis - I love these funky socially incompetent aliens. more of them, please.
Bruce Banner - only interesting in Ragnarok when he’s Thor’s anxious comedic foil and boyfriend; thank you for that small gift, Taika. I never saw Endgame because I love myself, so I don’t know anything about professor Hulk and I don’t want to.
Peter Quill - fun in theory but loses points for being such a painful walking embodiment of the extremely heterosexual “idiot manchild gets hot competent gf by virtue of being white cishet protagonist man.” shut the fuck up she’s way too good for him.
Wanda Maximoff - despite all of Joss Whedon’s best efforts I really liked her in Age of Ultron and then my love for her just decreased with each subsequent appearance. like Natasha she was increasingly a different character each time; by Infinity War she didn’t have her accent anymore as if Elizabeth Olsen realized nobody else on set would remember or care about Wanda’s previous portrayals. on god I liked her so much that I was even down to root for her and Vision but then the majority of it happened offscreen and lost me forever. 
Pietro Maximoff - mmm watcha saaaaaay
Hope Van Dyne - cooler than Ant-Man but not by much. should have been a lesbian and kissed Pepper Potts in the moonlight. 
Carol Danvers - fuck dude idk, I’ve never seen a movie she’s in lmao
Ant-Man - the recurring joke with this bitch seems to be “haha can you believe he exists? that’s dumb!” and it is. it is dumb. why did we need him? it could have all payed off with him crawling up Thanos’ asshole and exploding but we didn’t even get that. bullshit. 
Vision - man, fuck, I tried to put him higher on the list than Peter Quill and I couldn’t make myself do it. that’s how goddamn boring Vision was. and you know what? fuck it, we’re putting him lower than Pietro, too. and even Ant-Man! we’re scraping the bottom of the barrel here and he deserves it because I can’t think of one thing this dude did that I enjoyed other than being bad at cooking when he was trying to impress a girl.
Doctor Strange - I’m not going to make a Benedict Cumberbatch joke because that’s low hanging fruit but all I know is that this is the dude who’s mean to Tony in a horny way for five minutes of Infinity War. I never saw his movie, heard it was racist tho. and they didn’t even learn their lesson before they made Iron Fist! smh bombastic colonialism.
Clint Barton - last place because in the absence of a personality or interesting character arc I’m forced to judge him on the fact that Jeremy Renner radiates bad vibes and that in Endgame he gets a makeover that makes him look like he’d call me slurs for telling him to stop hitting on 16 year old girls at a gas station.
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ls-mcmilkshake · 2 years
The Fyres Household
I have been playing Fyres household for the last few months, and here's my progression with the girls and their pals. Personally, I see the Renegades as a troubled yet sincere attempt of the search for self. I liked every character and their backgrounds from the group!
For the Fyres household, I did some background makeovers for parents, in which I assigned Moira as a lawyer who is obsessed with making her office in San Myshuno a jungle, and Dominic as an experienced high school history teacher—you know the drill, that one cool teacher who can’t stop talking about cool trivias during the class! (I headcannon them meeting in their college days at the Debate Guild, UBrite...an intelligent and angelic law major and a keen, efficient, bit-of-a-nerd history major!) For the children, I did a makeover to represent their mixed heritage better. I also altered their traits a little bit; Siobhan as a Family-oriented, Outgoing Perfectionist who now works as a lawyer, and Morgan as a Good, Outgoing, Unflirty sim working as a mechanic. Morgan gives me a big demisexual lesbian vibes which I like and relate to very much!
This is the first time I post any stories about my TS4 saves, and I would greatly appreciate feedback including grammar corrections!
Moira Fyres is a successful lawyer, a sweet mother, and the dearest wife to Dominic Fyres, who is also successful as a high school History teacher and loves his family from bottom of his heart. As well as being incredibly responsible to their duties, they enjoy their hobbies on weekends with lots of friends—they really live their lives fully! Currently, their prominent daughter Siobhan is studying law at UBrite, following in her mother’s footsteps. Her sister, Morgan, has grown up well, too. She is just as sweet and smart as everyone—maybe more than anyone, her family says—in the house, although it is overshadowed by her rebellious attitude. Problem is, Morgan has been distant since the start of her teenage years. The Fyres family doesn’t know why, because she used to be really attached to them and now she is suddenly distant with no explanation or whatsoever. Can they break free from the tension and mend their bonds?
Strong, bold, rebellious...Morgan Fyres was a bit of a troubled teenager. She belonged to the Renegades, skipped school to hang out and occasionally to make a mess with them. Being a handy, scientific person herself, she would help Max with the formula of the notorious toilet bombs and influenced him to pursue his career in the science field. She was the “strong one” in the group, all dressed up in a pair of heavy black boots and a leather jacket.
She was, however, struggling with herself behind the tough facade. She wanted to be a “normal girl” just like her big sister, Siobhan, who she had been admiring ever since they were little. No,  Morgan did not want to behave like Siobhan—pink lipsticks and skirts? Ew, that’s so Paragons!—she wanted, no, needed to be like Siobhan, to be happy.
Unlike her sister, and possibly all of her classmates, she wasn’t quite a fan of boys and romance and all the sweet stuff surrounding the world. The reason why she avoided her happily married parents was not merely an angsty phase of a teenager; her mind, her body, could not proceed what the “normal” lover would do--kissing, hugging, and possibly woohooing. Even the idea of it made her cringe, no matter how happy it was represented by her family, by her classmates, by the society itself. She once tried to date Wolfgang in a desperate attempt of teenage integration, only to get rejected almost instantly. He was insensitive and ill-tempered, but that did not mean he would exploit his friend’s struggle. The incident left a strain on their relationship, which resulted in Morgan distancing from Renegades, secluding herself further.
Then a girl came along. A girl with a small pointy nose and an...”unique” sense of fashion. Hailing from Mt. Komorebi, the girl, named Waka Hanaoka, gradually sneaked into Morgan's juvenile heart. They would chat in the school commons for hours and hours—Waka helped Morgan with her Simlish writing assignment, in exchange of Morgan teaching her how to do algebra. Waka was an epitome of the school demographics Morgan would never really associate with—she was clumsy, goofy, and yet incredibly smart. Their unlike friendship somehow seemed to have a chemistry nonetheless. Morgan started to turn up to school once a week just to see the girl’s stupid face, then twice, and it went on and on. She felt a tingling warm sensation in her chest whenever she saw that toothy smile Waka put on when she taught her that her calculation was incorrect, or when Morgan “unintentionally” complimented her freshly dyed hair. Still not knowing how to name the lingering feeling, she would spend hours of night thinking about all the time they shared in the otherwise quiet, empty hall. Oddly enough, though, she did not—at all—feel repulsed from their shoulders brushing  or the girl’s hand gently touching her on the back.
It was Morgan’s senior year that everything came back from stagnation. Siobhan, being a prominent law student at UBrite, broke up with her long-term boyfriend Sergio over the feud about their future career choices. The thing was, Sergio wanted her to be a stay-at-home wife, while Siobhan did not want that sense of safety in her life. Having believed they would accomplish big things in business together, Siobhan was dejected—but she bounced back stronger, making her way into the success as a lawyer in San Myshuno just like her mother did. That was the moment Morgan realized she didn’t necessarily need a prince to lead her own fairytale, and that it was her last chance to get rid of the years of strain with her family before Siobhan moved out to the big city, not to come back for the next few years, or possibly forever. One night, Morgan decided to turn up to her dorm room with a brief “Hey Siobhan, I think we need to talk” call, and sit down to have a conversation after years of avoidance and small arguments here and there. She confessed her feelings--something that had confused and tormented her for her entire puberty—towards physical interactions and heterosexual romance. It turned out Siobhan was extremely supportive, despite Morgan thinking it would never work out so well. They made up for their lost time together, mending their bond in the breezy spring weather of May. As well as being supportive, Siobhan gave her some interesting information; that love is not always a boy-meets-girl, that for some sims, love needs little to no physical intimacy.
After that night, Morgan suddenly turned to a new leaf--not fashion-wise, of course; she seems to like leathers whenever she heads off to party! She began to study harder than ever, so hard and efficiently that even her teachers were surprised. She also spent after school time with her parents, confessing and processing her feelings little by little. She came out as demisexual lesbian to her family and the few closest friends of hers including Waka. By the time she came out, Wolfgang started to notice something with his sexuality too...but more on that later.
She was still good friends with Waka, or maybe, a bit more than friends. When they visited Foxbury together and she said she would major in psychology there, Morgan couldn’t help but say “Can I be with you? I mean, can I, uh, go to the uni with you, like as a roommate?”, to which Waka replied with an unusually shy “Yeah, why not?”.
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Morgan decided to major in physics, while Waka studied psychology to become a professor. They both studied at Foxbury, slowly developing their relationship over the course of living together as “roommates” (oh my god, they were roommates!). To both parties’ surprise, Morgan successfully proposed at the very night of their graduation, and now they have been happily married in Waka’s hometown, Mt. Komorebi. Their relationships with the Fyres family are at an all-time high. Since Siobhan got married and had two beautiful daughters (Cordie and Paige Fyres), they've been treating them like their children—and now they are planning on adopting a child of their own someday!
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So yes, this is the brief story of Morgan Fyres, a demisexual lesbian. I really like playing her story and I get really attached to Waka as well!
I also gave some stories for some of the Evergreen Harbor residents (Jeb Harris and Knox Greenburg are married, and I headcannon Gideon Harris as being trans-nonbinary...I’m also thinking of Franchine one last romance with her high school lesbian sweetheart!) and for the Landgraabs and other members of Renegades.
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Oh, and how Siobhan found the love of her life while also accomplishing her dream—I hope to share some of her journeys in the future as well!
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silver-wield · 3 years
Karens need to recognise it and stop trying to argue that Tifa's not Asian. She's clearly Asian coded, as if Yuffie, as is Tseng, as is Zack, heck I'd say all the characters in any FF Game are Asian coded unless it's stated otherwise, as this is a JRPG game...why would they not be Japaness ? People need to really stop trying to western everything and white wash these characters. [ sorry eng is not my first language. ]
That annoys me too, like wtf is wrong with characters being different ethnicities? Rep matters, and Tifa being a heroine who's also Asian coded is a great thing. Girls used to only have white rep, hell even just getting a non blue eyed blond who wasn't a nerd needing a makeover to be anything important was seen as a major achievement, and that was with fictional women like Lara Croft and Tifa already in the market.
More rep is good. Only racist asshats self inserting to bang the hero get pissed at more rep.
I love Tifa, she's a fantastic character and represents breaking a lot of different stereotypes about women. She's an empowering figure and anyone who tries to undermine that is just a pathetic loser threatened by women or a salty dumdum self inserting who wants to fuck Cloud and can't imagine being Tifa cause they hate her.
And nothing they say matters cause them hating Tifa won't change the story that Nojima wrote cause he loves Tifa, and, lil tip, it's not clever to make racist comments about a character who is the same ethnicity as the person in charge of the entire story. People trash Tifa and Asians in general and then say Cloud will be with Aerith.
Are you all stupid or something?
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shinidamachu · 4 years
Summary: The stakes are high. The water's rough. But this love is ours. Word Count: 10.816 Genre: Fluff? Angst? Who’s to say? Certainly not me, the author. Fandom: InuYasha Pairing: Inukag Format: oneshot AO3 Link: 🌹 Fanfic.Net Link: 🌹
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“Sota, put this thing away. I won’t ask you again.”
“Fine!” The teenager let out in exasperation, putting the phone back into the confinement of his pocket.
His grandpa was making him lose his mind. In the interlude of fifteen minutes, the old man had managed to rant about how kids these days always had their faces stuffed into some kind of screen twice.
The bit about damaging the sight and going blind by the age of thirty-five because of it? A lecture all of its own.
“In my time,” he began, making Sota fight the urgency to groan, “we treated the elderly with respect and behaved at the table. It’s a sacred moment!”
“We’re not even eating, anyway! Kagome and her stupid boyfriend are late.”
“Sota! Manners!” Intervened his mom. “We don’t want InuYasha to think Kagome’s family is made up of inconsiderate barbarians, do we?”
Sota rolled his eyes, but remained silent. It was gonna be a long night.
There they were, in Earth’s lamest restaurant, waiting for his sister to arrive with her new boyfriend, who, going with the odds, was probably a goody-two-shoes nerd, just like that Hojo guy.
There was no one his age within the radius of a mile.
He was starving.
And to top it all off, bored to death.
It wasn’t like Sota didn’t love his family. He really did. Besides, seeing Kagome again was something he was looking forward to. Since she had moved out for medical school, they hadn’t spent much time together and although the boy would never admit it, he had quite missed their daily bickering.
He just wished they could met at home, in company of his TV and video games, where he could actually avoid his grandpa’s constant scolding in the holy peace of his bedroom.
“Look! Look, look, look, look, look.” As if on cue, the man in question elbowed Sota’s arm, coaxing him to eye the restaurant entrance. He silently snorted, wondering why his grandpa felt the annoying need to repeat the same word grumpier and more demanding each time. Didn’t he know Sota could hear him just fine from the first one? Nevertheless, wanting to get it over with, the boy did as he was told. A silver haired gentleman stayed awkwardly in the middle of the entryway, his attention torned between the salon and the outside. Even from afar, his demonic heritage stood out, but the dog ears crowning his head wasn’t the only remarkable feature he carried. “See his arms? What a disgrace, to dishonor his own body like that. I pray you, my boy, that you never inflict such disappointment on your old grandfather. I couldn’t bear the pain of seeing my only grandson grow into mafia scum.”
Sota didn’t respond the overdramatic affirmation. He was wonderstruck.
In spite of the anxiety the guy irradiated, he still looked pretty cool, dressed on dark jeans and an elegant white shirt. He had his sleeves rolled up to the biceps, displaying an impressive amount of tattoos. They covered all of the skin, from his wrists to his forearms, possibly ending at the shoulders. It was hard to make out the different shapes, given the distance, but every single one was drawn in black ink.
“Stop staring, you two.” Sang his mom. And Sota was about to obey.
But then, in entered his sister.
Kagome clung to the tattooed, supposedly criminal man, causing him to relax on the spot as her gaze scanned the room.
When the girl finally found them, her face lighted up in an excited smile. She said what, reading her lips, Sota interpreted as ‘there they are’ before taking him by the hand and heading right to their suddenly silent table.
It seemed that the night wouldn’t pass by without its share of emotions, after all.
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“InuYasha,are you ready? I don’t want to be late!”
The hanyou sighed in front of the mirror. Did she mean finished with dressing up ready or psychologically ready? It didn’t matter. The answer was no for both.
InuYasha had tried on almost every clothe he had. It served him right for letting piles and more piles of worn-out band t-shirts compose his wardrobe.
His mother had a point. He could definitely use a little makeover.
Every piece felt either too ordinary or too odd, so InuYasha gave up and went back to the button-down shirt he had put first — one of the few decent things he had to wear.
Now closed in their bathroom, determined to pay his mother’s atelier a visit as soon as possible and obsessively aligning the outfit, he couldn’t help but think the reflection staring back didn’t look like him at all.
“Actually, can we reschedule?”
“No way!” Squeaked his girlfriend, her steps louder and louder in her approach. “We’ve been postponing this for too long. Okay, I’m coming in!” She announced, opening the door at once.
“Whatever happened to privacy?”
“It moved out when I moved in.” His girlfriend threw him her best heart stopping smirk and walked in his direction. “Don’t you look gorgeous?”
“Keh. You always say that.” And he had yet to hear it without blushing.
“It’s always true.” Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck. With the extra inches the heels provided, she was nearly his height and her rose lips hovered temptingly within the reach of his. “Won’t you get hot on this shirt, though? We’re in the middle of summer.”
“I’ll be fine!” InuYasha burst out before he could bite back his tongue. Kagome considered him attentively, her narrowed eyes growing wide in realization.
“You’re hiding the tattoos, aren’t you?”
InuYasha looked away.
“I want them to like me.”
It was a difficult enough task to achieve. Being a half breed, he was despised by demons and feared by humans — apparently his ears, fangs and claws, not to mention the unusual color of his eyes and hair, were a lot for them to take in. The absolute last thing InuYasha needed was for her family to think he was some sort of delinquent too. Which, of course, they would.
He figured, since people would be afraid of him either way, he might as well took it to his advantage and do whatever he wanted, consequences be damned. As a result, whoever wasn’t scared of his demon blood sure pissed their pants at the sight of his tattoos, taking him for a criminal. InuYasha couldn’t care less. There was a good amount of fights against human opponents he won that way.
But that was before her.
Not caring is easier when you have nothing to lose.
InuYasha didn’t doubt his actions would blow up on his face, eventually. It was all they ever did. But never, not even in a million years, he could have predicted Kagome. Now consequences were here to bite him in the ass.
Her folks had plenty to unpack the way it was. At least with the tattoos he could do something about.
“InuYasha…” Her slender fingers caressed his chin, demanding his focus entirely for herself. He complied. “You don’t have to do this. I want you to be yourself.” She grabbed his right arm and rolled the sleeve all the way up, revealing the intricate mosaic of figures, doodles and forms he collected along the last decade. “They are going to love you.”
“Easy for you to say, now that my family worships the ground you walk on.”
It had only taken a mild sunday lunch. By the end of it, Kagome had Mr. and Mrs. Taisho eating from the palm of her hand, just like she had their son. That was the day his mother had furtively handed him the engagement ring she inherited from her mother, claiming Kagome was the one he should give it to when the right moment comes. There was no falter from his part.
A month had passed, Kagome and his mom texted one another on a daily basis, and the damn thing still weighed deep inside his pocket. InuYasha carried it with him everywhere, waiting for the perfect occasion and concerned that she might find it if he left it lying around.
“Well, worship is such a strong word...” Said Kagome, doing with his left sleeve the same thing she did with the other, but this time allowing herself to trace the black marks of his arm, lingering on the newest, the little sakura flower InuYasha had gotten solely for her. He raised his eyebrows. “Okay, maybe your parents do it a little bit, but your brother hates my guts. You gotta give me that.”
“Nah, Sesshoumaru hates everyone. You ain’t special.”
“Huh… Thanks?”
InuYasha smiled at her adorable grimace, but it was short lived.
“What if they don’t? Like me, I mean.”
Both of them knew it was a real possibility.
If they were being honest, they hated each other at the beginning themselves. Most of it, undoubtful, due to repressed sexual attraction. Still, they were constantly jumping at each other’s throats before starting to jump at each other’s bones.
Attracting and repelling like magnets, they have been through a crazy amount of screaming, crying and slamming doors. Once it was clear that what they had was much more than sex, the need had risen to protect that love at all costs.
They had to.
Every odd was against them.
He was a half demon. Most people hated him at worse and tolerated at best — and that had a lot to do with his family’s money, Kagome being one of the uncommon exceptions. In fact, she was the exception to essentially every rule he had.
She was also a human. No, not only a human. That would be too easy. The girl was a priestess. Her family was responsible for a fucking shrine.
Their relationship was the epitome of taboo.
So they had kept it on the low for as long as they could, adopting a discreet profile even after she moved in with him. They didn’t want to risk it, didn’t want to jinx it. It wasn’t worth it.
Their love was theirs and theirs alone, too precious to fall into the cruel claws of the world.
It was a shame it couldn’t stay that way forever.
Sooner or later they would have to leave the safe heaven inside those walls and he was terrified of finding out whether or not they could take it.
Kagome’s kindness, her unprejudiced beliefs... They had to come from somewhere, and she affirmed it was from her family. How would her folks react, however, once those beliefs were put to the test? InuYasha learned from experience that, sometimes, people struggled to stick to their morals the second they stopped being convenient.
“Then it will be just another bump on the road. What’s one more?”
Her hands flew to undo his top button — and nothing more. Tensing involuntarily when her digits contacted the exposed skin, InuYasha let out a shaky breath as she retreated to explore his chest over the shirt, shamelessly going lower.
“Weren’t you the one in a hurry just now?”
“I am.” She defied.
“I’m not.”
InuYasha placed his hands on her waist and pressed her against the nearest wall. He couldn’t help it, not after the things she said. Especially when she said them with that dress on — light blue, contrasting with the darkness of her hair, the skirt hugging her waistline, widening at the bottom. No sleeves. Only provocative, unbelievably thin straps. So different from her everyday white clothes.
It was his favorite and he had no doubt it was intentional.
Her mouth was off limits. InuYasha knew better than to mess up her makeup mere minutes away of such important event. Her neck, on the other hand…
“Don’t you look gorgeous?” He asked, nose burying on her skin.
“Uh, uh. D-don’t you sweet talk me.” Kagome tilted her head, giving him unrestrained access and grabbing a handful of his hair as he hooked her leg around him, fingers lifting her skirt up, venturing further and further.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” She was limp in his embrace. InuYasha recognized by instinct when his body was the only thing preventing hers from melting to the ground.
“We… We’re doing this.”
“I know.” He eagerly kissed her collarbone, downing to the start of the cleavage. 
“It’s just a harmless dinner...” She was panting now, nails traveling through his back, applying sufficient pressure to make quite the damage had he been naked. InuYasha went up her throat, his tongue wandering free.
“...And then… T-then we’ll go... to my childhood house.” Kagome paused and he knew it was to hold back a moan as he relentlessly kissed his way up to her chin and jawline, finding destination at her earlobe. “You’ll get…” He bit it. “... T-to see my old bedroom,” bargained her. InuYasha smirked.
“I’m listening,” he whispered, returning to her neck. InuYasha had every intention to suck on the inviting flesh until it left a mark, but restrained himself. Something told him her family wouldn’t be fond of it.
His resolve not to claim her lips, though, were increasingly fading. Whatever. Better beg for her taste now and for her forgiveness later.
Reading his thoughts — as she often did —, Kagome gently pushed him away. Good. Their proximity, allied with the escalating scent of her arousal, wasn’t making them any favors in the ‘getting out of the house’ department.
“Come on,” she tapped his hand, subtly pleading for him to release her leg, a lead that InuYasha followed with extreme reluctance. He observed as his girlfriend regained composure. The fingers that not long ago were mapping, grasping and scratching every inch of him now fixed the dress strap he had no memory of pulling down. To a newcomer, it would look as if nothing had ever happened. “We’ll have a wonderful time.”
“To be fair, I was having a wonderful time just now.”
“Oh, I can tell you were. That’s exactly why we better get going.”
“Fine.” InuYasha sighed, letting himself be dragged out of their bathroom as she giggled at his less than thrilled disposition.
And there was something about her laughter — so vibrant and carefree — that, combined with the welcome comfort of her hand on his, made InuYasha feel invincible. Having Kagome by his side was like entering the boxe ring already ten points ahead.
“Do you want to go through the basics again?”
Crossing the living room, InuYasha recited his mental notes without missing a beat, the perfect picture of an A+ student, even if for the most part of his life, he had been a solid C+.
“Don’t swear. Don’t bring up your father. Don’t mention we live together.”
“Good! Unless...” Kagome stopped and turned to him. Half hesitant, half hopeful. “Do you think I should tell mom I moved here?”
InuYasha was conflicted. It was only fair that she did. His parents had heard the news the day she brought all of her stuff in. And in spite of knowing he’d give her the world if she so wished, Kagome never asked for much.
Yet, he was scared. Scared that Mrs. Higurashi disapproved the arrangement. Scared she would tell her daughter to leave.
What, then?
He had forgotten how his apartment — their apartment — used to be before the bright colors and pout-porris. Before the plants, the second toothbrush on the sink, the pictures frames and the intoxicating scent her body left all over the sheets.
And he didn’t want to remember.
According to Kagome, however, her mother was an understanding, open-minded woman, who put her children’s happiness above everything else. Which certainly  worked in his favor, since InuYasha had turned making Kagome happy into his daily mission and, modesty aside, he believed to be doing a pretty damn good job so far.
InuYasha starred at their fingers, still interlocked, and reminded to be brave.
“If you feel like you should...”
“I do! I honestly do. We used to tell every little thing to each other. I miss that.”
“Then go ahead.”
“Really?” She thanked him with a tight hug, her palpable excitement coming off her in a giant wave that almost washed all of his doubts away. Almost. 
“What about the others?”
“Sota is a child, it’s not of his business.”
“And your grandfather?”
Kagome moved within his embrace, revealing pursed lips when she did.
“Yeah... He’ll definitely need more time. Let’s give it three to five years!”
A surprised laugh left his lips when he saw the truth behind the joke.
“You’re freaking out about telling him, aren’t you?”
“Am not!”
“You totally are!” He said, deflecting from the fact that he, too, was panicking and that waiting five years or more to have that talk was actually a very appealing idea.
“It’s just… He can be a tad traditional sometimes.”
“Awesome!” InuYasha said, with every drop of sarcasm he could gather. “We both know I’m all about traditions.”
Smiling, she reached for his hand again.
“Shall we?”
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They call it ripple effect. It’s the situation in which one event produces a certain impact, inevitably spreading and producing further consequences. The concept usually comes with the classic example of throwing a rock in a steady pond, which InuYasha thought fitting. Whenever the half demon first stepped into a crowd of strangers, he pretty much felt like that rock.
Heads would turn straight to him in cascade. Surprise. Terror. Disgust. Condescension. Pity. As years went by, he had gotten it all.
Be as it may, soon enough the staring would abruptly get directed anywhere else and be replaced with whispers they didn’t know he could hear. Eventually, the waters would settle, but after the initial contact, the pond could never go back to the way it was. Neither could the rock.
His father had taught him to keep his chin up no matter what. The hatred of lesser men was an irrelevant price to pay for being unique. He should be proud of who he is. His mother had told him not to seek validation from others when he already had people who loved and cared for him unconditionally. Those were the guidances InuYasha religiously lived by. Still, sometimes, the hanyou wished he was allowed to just be. 
That night was surely the case.
The restaurant was crowded. It should be, in such a busy hour. The habitual glaring didn’t go unnoticed by InuYasha when he walked in — it bore holes on his flesh and broke into his bones. As usual, he brushed it off.
His focus oscillated like the flames inside the ornamental lanterns that provided warmth to the place in shades of red, orange and yellow.
Before him, undistinguished buzz raised above the background music and the pervasive smell of food served as a cruel reminder that he hadn’t put anything in his stomach since lunch. The lights, the sounds, the people, the scents. It was an overwhelming sensation to contemplate it all. In another day, in a calmer state of mind, he would have spotted her family in a heartbeat. Kagome, the loving daughter she was, had shown him enough pictures of them for the task to be a child’s play. Still, he didn’t dare to look. Not yet. Not when he was so unsure of what he might find written all over their faces. The same phrases on different pages.
Behind him, a delighted Kagome chatted in the staircase with the woman she had introduced as her middle school history professor. InuYasha had promptly forgotten her name. In no mood for engaging the conversation and wanting to save all of his small talk for dinner, he had politely excused himself, opting for walking ahead while the two of them reminisced.
Obviously, he had underestimated her communication skills, because a considerable amount of time had passed until Kagome caught up to him. Her arm tangled up with his quite easily. All at once, everything was gone, reduced to the speck of dust they were. There was only Kagome, searching the room in concentration. And there was only him, dazed by the smile that accommodated so well on her face, by the colors dancing on her cheeks and lights glittering on her eyes.
“There they are!” Kagome announced, breaking the spell.
His throat went completely dry. On his brain, sirens ran off, telling him to run for his life. How disappointed would she get if he grabbed her and fled? InuYasha also wondered, in vain, what the opponents he had faced would think, if they discovered what a coward the man who had ruthlessly knocked them out truly was. Kagome guided him towards the table where her family awaited, dispelling the intrusive thoughts away.
“Sorry we’re late!” She sat down and so did InuYasha, taking the free spot by her side. “We got caught up in traffic.”
“That’s alright, honey.” Mrs. Higurashi reassured with a tone as sweet as her smile. “I’m just glad you’re here now. We’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too. So much!” She replied, drinking each component of her family in, as if to carve their features into her memory so she might have something to hold onto until they met again. After a brief pause, Kagome kicked off the introductions. “Everyone, this is InuYasha. InuYasha, this is my family.”
Her grandfather was a perfect materialization of the pictures InuYasha had seen, with his wrinkled skin, grey hair and stoic expression. Her mother, too, matched up his expectations. The woman portrayed an effortless type of beauty, all dimples and heart-shaped face framed by wavy, short brown hair.
It was Sota who surprised him the most.
From Kagome’s descriptions, InuYasha was under the impression the boy would be way smaller than he actually was — although he was small, considering he was still a child. The half demon couldn’t decide if Kagome was oblivious to Sota’s growth due to her crazy student schedule or if it was her big sister bias that affected her judgement, but it was clear that Sota was gonna be taller than her in the near future. The boy also looked very clever for his age — even to someone in InuYasha’s case, who knew little to nothing about kids — and stared at him with something suspiciously close to expectancy.
InuYasha cleared his throat.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you all. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“The reciprocal is hardly true.” Whipped a dissonant baritone, so rigid it cut the air. “I haven’t heard much of you, that’s for sure and certain.”
There was no naivety left on InuYasha to believe the lack of reciprocity the man mentioned had anything to do with whether Kagome had told them detailed stories about her new boyfriend or not.
Apparently, Mrs. Higurashi had picked up on how shallow his last sentence sounded as well, because she was quick to swoop in and smooth things over.
“You were, indeed, a mystery, InuYasha.”
“I told you why.” Intervened Kagome, in an apologizing tone. “We were still figuring things out.”
“Well, if you two are done with figuring things out, can we please eat?” Sota retorted. InuYasha had no complaints there. Unfortunately, the elderly man interrupted them with the unapologetic conviction of someone who wasn’t aware a conversation was being had, or that simply didn’t care.
“Are you a Yakuza member?”
It didn’t go unnoticed by the hanyou that the man had addressed him twice without calling his name once. Nonetheless, the question was absolutely directed to InuYasha. Even if the word ‘Yakuza’ wasn’t instantly associated with the tattoos he carried, there were other indications. The abrupt silence that followed, one step away from a cliff of awkwardness, for instance. Or the hawk eyes of Kagome’s grandfather, studying his every move.
Luckly, he had warned his girlfriend in advance something like that could happen. More often than not, it did. To the point where he was used to it. And as much as she didn’t like it, he resolved to brush it off, at least for the night.
“Because of the tattoos?” He asked, playing dumb. “I get that a lot, but no. I just think they’re cool.” InuYasha shrugged, then felt the uncontrollable need to over explain himself: “The tattoos, I mean. Not the mafia.”
That earned him a laugh from Sota and a chuckle from Mrs. Higurashi. Kagome and her grandfather didn’t find it so funny.
“Grandpa, tattoos are very common thing all around the world! Don’t you think if everyone who had one was a Yakuza member, we’d be in serious trouble by now?” InuYasha observed her spit the acid comeback, thrown off to see their parts inverted. Usually, he was the one starting fires left and right and she was the placid source of water that always put them down. Again, the man ignored it.
“Then what do you do for a living?”
InuYasha almost smirked. That was precisely the sort of cliche interrogatory he was expecting — no, that he was wishing. After walking on so many eggshells, they were finally entering known territory and, as he felt the firm path of a parents pleaser answer forming under his feet, his confidence boosted.
“I’m majoring in business administration. My father wants my brother and I to learn as much as we can, if we’re gonna run the family company someday.”
It was extremely satisfying to watch the guy trying and failing to come up with any judgemental thing to say. His mouth sealed into a thin line.
“But what InuYasha really wants is to be a boxer.”
His head snapped to Kagome, astonished that she would turn him in there and then. The girl was not kidding when she demanded him to be himself.
“No way!” Sota exclaimed the words in the precise way his sister did when she was excited.
“Isn’t this dangerous, dear?” Mrs. Higurashi was genuine concerned. Her cinnamon irises studied him carefully, as if already searching for wounds. It reminded him of his own mother.
“Actually, InuYasha is undefeated.” Kagome replied for him, not bothering to hide the pride tone in her voice. 
So it’s chill when you brag about it, but when I do, I’m a cocky jerk. He amused, simultaneously deciding it sounded better when she did, anyway.
“Awesome! How come I have never seen you fight on TV?”
At Sota’s crescent interest, InuYasha answered in a bursting of atypical modesty.
“I didn’t get there just yet.”
“I’m sure it’s a matter of time.” Encouraged Mrs. Higurashi. Kagome’s grandfather scoffed. “I must ask you, though: how did you two met?”
“My sister isn’t the most athletic of girls.” Agreed Sota.
“I can’t believe I missed you.” The girl fired back.
“That’s true. But I can tell you first hand that she’s got a mean right hook.”
Her brother was thrilled. Her mom, not so much.
“She punched you?”
“Oh, my.”
“No! I gave her a couple of self defense classes, that’s all.” InuYasha hurried to explain.
“Oh!” Mrs. Higurashi seemed visibly relieved her daughter didn’t walk around purposefully breaking the criminal code. “Well, in that case I really appreciate it. Thank you, dear.”
“So that’s how you met? Self defense classes?”
“Not quite.”
The self defense classes came way later, in what InuYasha labeled as the ‘denial’ phase.
It started on a random night. They were arguing over something stupid, for a change. Things escalated rather fast and, against his better judgement, they had angry sex on her couch. He hadn’t thought much of it back them, telling himself they were just blowing off steam, that it wouldn’t happen again.
Only it did.
Over and over.
It was useless to fight it. No way to escape it. After a while, InuYasha had stopped trying and accepted the fact that every road lead him back to her bed. What he couldn’t, wouldn’t, refused to acknowledge, however, was that somewhere along the way, an invisible line was crossed and, as animosity gave space to awkward cordiality and awkward cordiality gave space to unlikely fondness, Kagome became much more than a mind-blowing fuck, even if at first he was too stubborn to say so.
And so, InuYasha came up with socially acceptable excuses to spend more time with her without it coming off as a big deal, hence the self defense classes. They were perfect for them, once it was something he mastered and it involved lots of physical contact. Besides, the half demon slept better at night, knowing Kagome could throw a proper punch at anyone who got too handsy. It wasn’t part of the ordinary self defense program, but then again, she was no ordinary girl. Although her spiritual powers assured no youkai would lay a finger on her, the priestess was on her own in terms of human threats. What InuYasha did was making sure that was enough.
They’ve been inseparable ever since.
“We’ve met through Miroku long before that.” Kagome clarified, conveniently leaving the petty behavior and childish arguments they had that first day out of it. “InuYasha is his roommate. Also, Sango has been friends with him since he was ten.”
“Oh!” The table nodded in understanding, working the math for themselves. It wasn’t a difficult calculation to make.
Miroku was a close friend of her family. Quite literally, given they were neighbors for as long as the bastard could remember. His family was spiritually gifted like no other and took to themselves the responsibility to help little Kagome Higurashi to improve her abilities to the fullest. As a result, they grew up together. People often confused them for siblings and at heart, they were.
InuYasha met the nuisance of a friend several years later, when both of them entered college. Graduation certainly wasn’t his biggest goal in life. Far from it. It was more like a boring thing he had to do in order to conquer his deserved space in the real world. Regardless, the half demon was eager to enjoy his first shot at independency.
He found a great place right outside campus, but the extent of time he could afford it without resorting to his folk’s pockets was limited. Doing all of the domestic chores by himself wasn’t appealing, either. He needed a roommate.
A river of candidates flooded his inbox — it was truly a fantastic deal — Miroku stood out for being the only human to reply to his advertisement. Curious, InuYasha booked an interview. The man was clearly a womanizer, appreciated a good booze and was the farthest thing from what he claimed his family to be. Or from what InuYasha looked for in a friend.
And yet, to his total bewilderment, they hit it off right away.
How was he supposed to know Miroku would fall for Sango?
His best friend Sango. 
The same Sango who helped him to train under the correct and outraging pretext that she had always been faster, that his defense was pathetic and that she would hate to see him get his ass kicked.
Gorgeous, confident, heart of gold Sango…
Yes, standing back from it now, InuYasha was a fool for not seeing it coming, since that was the obvious part.
The not so obvious one was that the two lovebirds would engage into a very loving, very serious relationship and that when Sango’s turn came to move out for college, Miroku would suggest an old friend to fill the vacant roommate position in her new apartment. A freshman as well, named Kagome.
And so InuYasha’s undoing began.
An unplanned dinner with mutual friends was hardly the most remarkable way to meet someone, but whenever InuYasha thought about the exquisite series of coincidences, about all of the incidents bound to happen in order to put them face to face in that distant autumn night… Well, he couldn’t shake the feeling it was meant to be, even if he had never had much faith in destiny, soulmates or any of that corny crap, there was no denying that suddenly every love song started making sense.
Flash forward and Miroku switched places with Kagome to better attend the living situation for the four of them. And that was that.
“What a… Delightful turn of events.” The venomous remark of the Higurashi patriarch brought the hanyou back to the present. This polite facade was what bothered him the most and InuYasha wanted the man, just for once, to say what he actually meant to say.
“Isn’t it?” Said Kagome, her enthusiasm palpable. If the girl had noticed the sarcasm hidden in that comment — and InuYasha was willing to bet so —, she made a point to disdain it, landing one hand on his knee, a discreet act of support.
Her grandfather clenched his jaw.
“InuYasha, you mentioned your family owns a company.” Mrs. Higurashi changed the subject unapologetically. “Any chances we have heard of it?”
He clung to the distraction like it was a life jacket.
“Probably, yeah! Taisho Inc.?”
“As in Toga Taisho?” Sota asked, his chin dropping. “Toga Taisho is your dad?” 
“And Izayoi is his mom.” Kagome added, fixing a knowing gaze on her own mother, whose bewilderment now mirrored her son’s.
“The Izayoi?”
“The one and only.” The hanyou nodded, accustomed to the heated reactions his distinguished bloodline got him. For better or for worse.
“Oh, her brand is fantastic! I read somewhere every clothing collection is environment friendly. And they’re so affordable, too!”
“Mom, you’re jabbering.” Interjected Sota.
“Sorry.” She said. More to be polite than anything else. “I’m a huge fan of her work!”
“So I’ve been told.” InuYasha glanced at Kagome, who stared at him right back. It was all it took, and he would be able to draw a meticulous picture of what she was thinking: both their mothers, chatting and enjoying a cold cup of tea under the setting sun like long date friends. Knowing his mom — and now Mrs. Higurashi — that was quite a possible scene.
“I’m sure the two of you will meet at some point.” Proclaimed Kagome. “Anyway… You won’t believe who InuYasha and I bumped into when we arrived—”
“Miss Kaede.” Sota and Mrs. Higurashi simultaneously answered, and at Kagome’s questioning expression, the boy shrugged. “She saw when we got here and came to say hi.”
They ordered minutes after.
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The meal was hot and tasty, one of the best InuYasha had ever had. It helped that having dinner with her family, as it turned out, had been an overall pleasant experience. Light. Breezy. Sota and Mrs Higurashi did a wonderful job at keeping him comfortable. InuYasha would go as far as saying they had liked him, and for that he was insanely grateful.
Kagome’s grandfather, however, was a whole other story. The guy despised him and didn’t lift a finger to cover it, but he had spent the rest of the night relatively quiet about it, so InuYasha labeled it as progress.
He had offered them a ride home and they had accepted, just like Kagome said they would. It was funny, the speed in which he grew accustomed to their dynamics. Kagome and her brother mindless bickering, their mother pretending exasperation while secretly pleased, the drive filled with childhood tales and life updates, a innocent joke every now and then. It was decidedly something InuYasha could be a part of.
Their property was a rustic piece of land inserted between one urban construction and the next, refusing to be touched by modern convenience. Kagome’s enchantment for the place was justified. Growing up in there couldn’t have been anything less than magical.
“It’s not much,” Mrs. Higurashi apologized, “but it’s home.” She opened the door and turned on the light.
The house seemed bigger on the inside. Not fancy big. Cozy big. On every wall, past and future merged themselves in harmony. The decoration, simple and of good taste, spoke anecdotes of the merry family living there.
As they entered the living room, a movement alarmed his senses, and in a quick motion InuYasha dove in just in time to grab the falling ornamental vase before it hit the ground. The responsible for the almost disaster meowed and jumped off the glass shelf, making a point of stepping on InuYasha with indifference to then greet the others.
“You must be Buyo.”
“Nice catch!” Congratulated Sota.
“Oh, my! Thank you, InuYasha. This vase is very dear to me.” He handed her the adornment, which was immediately restored the its rightful spot. “Kagome, why don’t you show your boyfriend around?”
Obediently, her daughter let go of the purring cat and played the role of guide, giving him a comprehensive tour through her former home. Truth to her word, she saved the best for last.
“Before we get in, I want you to remember I was young and didn’t know any better.”
“I’ll be the judge of that.” He established, gesturing for her to rush and turn the knob.
Her bedroom was a gleeful explosion of pink and purple. From the roof to the floor, most of the surfaces were bathed in different shades of the combination. Sheets. Teddy bears. Carpet. Alarm clock. Curtains. Posters that could now pass for vintage. InuYasha was impressed. Despite all reason, the aesthetic actually worked.
He barked a laugh.
“What did you have against the other colors?”
“Shut up, I was five!”
InuYasha ignored her in favor of snooping around. Objects that dared not to stick with the pink or purple agenda were inevitably highlighted by it. He went after those first.
“So many CDs!” InuYasha contemplated, inspecting her collection attentively. Music was a passion they shared. Even though she was a pop kind of girl and he fell more into the rock line, they had been able to find common ground, eventually. Like Rihanna. Or The Beatles. “Are you kidding me?”
Kagome acknowledged his raised brows and the copy of a NSYNC album he was holding with a giggle.
“I stand by it.”
Books also filled the room. For starts, there was the Biology ones, piled up on her writing desk in a greater amount than what could be considered healthy — and more worn out than the math editions. On the main bookcase, he ran his claws through the good stuff. Jane Austen. J.K. Rowling. Stephen King. He wasn’t much of a reader, himself. His relationship with literature came down to the bedtime stories her mom lulled him to sleep with and A Song of Ice and Fire, which Kagome was currently reading because of him, albeit they had binged Game Of Thrones together.
Among her personal, reduced library, there was one book that gave the impression not to belong. It was larger, made of aged, tawny leather and no inscription was printed on the spine. Curious, InuYasha pulled it out, discovering the item to be a photo album. He pointed to its cover. 
“Can I?”
“Knock yourself out.”
She paid no attention to him as he sat on her bed and cautiously flipped through the pages, too lost in her own nostalgia.
The compilation began at a hospital room. A younger Mrs. Higurashi exhibited a teary smile to the chubby newborn nestled against her chest, the arms of an equally jubilant man involved them in a hug. Mr. Higurashi had elongated traits that narrowed his chin and pronounced nose in a gentle manner, like time had purposefully left his boyish attributes untouched. He resembled Sota. In everything except his wavy, dark hair. InuYasha grinned. Kagome had her father’s hair.
The photograph below showed three pair of legs, lazily lying on white sheets. A woman, a man and between them a baby, the size difference contributing to make the latter even cuter. Next to that, a picture of baby Kagome old enough to sit up, dressing onesie pajamas and chewing on a pacifier. Her grandfather appeared every now and then, feeding her porridge, kissing her tiny palm, exasperated at the paint mess she had done on the hall.
InuYasha watched her grow up the deeper he advanced. From crawling to standing behind Mrs. Higurashi, wrapping her little arms around the long skirt of her mother as she did the dishes. From that, to climbing onto a chair to help her father with the baking, covered in flour in front of the kitchen table while he proudly cleaned her up. Picnics. Beach trips. Birthdays. Every milestone was documented. After her first day at school — a big red ribbon on her hair —, new characters came to scene. Miroku, by her side on the backyard, one of his teeth missing and autumn leaves sticking to the two of them everywhere, twin wide smiles on their lips. Buyo, only a kitten napping on her lap as they sat on a tyre swing. She was wearing a beautiful dress and sneakers, her feet inches away from the ground.
There was a significant passage of time when InuYasha turned to another page. He knew it because, abruptly, Sota was there too, even though Mrs. Higurashi had been pregnant just a few images ago. The subtitle read Kagome, giving her baby brother a bath. In reality, she had used shampoo to pin all of his hair up. Her growth was perceptible as well.
There were no pictures of Mr. Higurashi anymore.
Instead, Sota, Miroku and some other friends conquered a little more of space, as Kagome got closer and closer to become the woman InuYasha came to know. The final picture was of her high school gang. Ayumi, Eri, Yuka.
And Hojo.
She had dated him back then and they were friends to this day. Naturally. Because Kagome was fundamentally a good person. And the fucker was unabashedly still into her.
The worst thing was, he couldn’t even bring himself to resent the guy. As a matter of fact, the hanyou pitied him. If InuYasha was in his shoes, he doubt he could ever move on from Kagome. Be that as it may, he much would have preferred they had held a grudge, blocked each other on social media and called it quits. Like normal people did.
Kagome was staring out the window by the time InuYasha shut the album and returned it to its shelf. He let his face fall into the curve of her shoulder — a flawless fit — in the process of embracing her waist. She leaned her head to him, her fingertips caressing his forearms.
Out of respect, they had left the door open, but it was just for show. His keen senses ensured they could get away with innocent displays of affection without having to worry about unexpected interruptions.
“What are we lookin’ at?”
“The Goshinboku.” The view of her bedroom was composed by a stunning garden, a mighty tree standing tall in the center of it. “When I was a little girl, there was a tyre swing attached to it. My dad built it for me. And grandpa almost had a heart attack because the tree is supposed to be sacred.”
The fresh memory came rushing back, of a lovely girl, her sleeping cat and a tyre swing.
“He sounds like a good man.” InuYasha let it out, mentally kicking himself at the same time. Don’t bring up her father, remembered his inner voice, a second too late. Damn it, he thought, I was doing so well. But they were alone. And Kagome was the one to raise the subject.
“The best.” She agreed, the longing painfully distinguishable in her timbre. “The colors are his fault, actually. He let me pick them and insisted I’d help him painting, saying it was my room and therefore I should be an active part of its making in order to truly look my own. I felt like such a grown up, with that brush in my hand! It wasn’t until years later I realized he had done most of the heavy work, of course. My enthusiasm about the colors decreased with time, I gotta admit. But I never wanted to change it, because whenever I see them, I’m taken back to that day.”
InuYasha was at a loss for words.
In one night, Kagome had shared more about her father than she had in their entire relationship, the topic always a delicate one.
To measure her pain, he tried to imagine what would be like. His life without Toga Taisho in every step of the way, with his goofy jokes and thunderous laughter, teaching him how to shave, talking about girls, buying him his first pair of boxing gloves. Cheering him on. Most fathers wouldn’t be as supportive of his career choice. Especially when it meant stepping down from the family empire.
InuYasha couldn’t even began to understand.
Unexpectedly, he was assaulted by the crushing need to hug his old man.
“He’d be proud of ya. You know that, right?”
“I do.” Kagome sighed. She was at the verge of crying, he could tell. “I wish he had met you.”
“Yeah. Me too.”
“So...” Kagome bravely pushed her sorrow underneath, recovering the cheerful temper that was so typical of her. “Did you find anything good in that photo album?”
“Oh, yeah!” InuYasha nodded, taking her unsaid ask for distraction for what it was. “Miroku won’t hear the end of it.” She laughed and he relaxed at the sound. “Come on, let’s go downstairs. Your grandfather is getting distraught.”
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“How did you do that?” Sota watched the TV screen in awe as their characters fought. InuYasha had just released a powerful blow, inflecting several damage on his opponent.
Sota pressed the combination and as soon as he did, his character recreated the attack, hitting InuYasha back full force. The kid learned fast.
“Sweet! You gotta teach me more of this stuff! Can I come over to your place sometime?”
“Sure!” He answered, in autopilot. Kagome quietly pinched him in the tigh and the half demon realized his mistake. Don’t mention we live together. What an idiot he was. InuYasha wouldn’t have to mention anything if her brother saw it with his own eyes. “I-I mean, if that’s cool with your mom. It ain’t a quick drive.”
“For real?!”
“Yeah, just… Text me first.”
“You got it!”
InuYasha shrugged apologetically to his frustrated girlfriend. It was the best he could do.
“Kagome?” Mrs. Higurashi swiftly called from the kitchen. “Can you help me with the desserts, please?”
Involuntarily, his ears twitched to follow her trail of noises. Steps. Crockery getting handled. Whispers.
“Alright: your honest opinion. Go!”
“Oh, I think your opinion is the one that counts.”
“It’s the one that counts the most. It’s not the only one that counts.”
“In that case, I must say you make a lovely couple. InuYasha caused an excellent impression on me. The way he looks at you… Your father used to look at me just like that.”
There was a pause.
Out of habit, InuYasha kept hitting the right buttons, but his interest was far away from the game.
“Now, what else are you wanting to tell me?”
“How did you know?”
“A mother always does. What is it?”
“InuYasha and I… We’re living together.”
“I had my suspicions.”
“And you’re okay with that?”
“Are you happy?”
“The happiest.”
“Well, then. That’s all that matters to me.”
“Thank you! I love you so much!”
“I love you too, honey. But it might be wise not to let your grandfather know for now.”
“I figured as much.”
“One more thing.”
“Are the two of you using protection?”
“What? It’s a fair concern.”
InuYasha had darkened multiple shades of embarrassment, all of them red. Sota took advantage of his temporary stupefied state to deliver the final blast, settling their score.
“I totally let you win.”
“You wish!”
The two women walked into the room, dessert glasses on their hands. Sota accepted the one his mother offered him while Kagome sat on her previous spot by InuYasha.
“This candy is a family recipe.” Mrs. Higurashi explained. “It’s also the reason why we didn’t order a dessert at the restaurant.”
InuYasha hadn’t complained. In terms of food, sugary snacks were hardly his favorites. He opened his mouth, planning to decline the treat in way that wasn’t too rude, but his girlfriend beat him to the punch and sticked a spoon full of the stuff inside his mouth. The flavor outburst on his tongue was unprecedented, caramel being the base of it. The kickoff was undeniably sweet, pursued by a salty ending that assured a refined balance.
“Holy f… ork.” Don’t swear. At least this time he managed to caught himself before the failure.
“I’m glad you liked it.” Said Mrs. Higurashi, as InuYasha grabbed his portion from Kagome’s grasp and ate the whole thing in eager spoonfuls.
“How come you never made me one of those?” He threw Kagome an accusatory glance.
“I’m sorry, I just don’t think our relationship is that solid yet.”
InuYasha was formulating a sly remark when he heard her grandfather struggling to carry a heavy wood box.
“Sir, wanna some help?” He volunteered, already jumping to the rescue.
“I’m old, not invalid.”
“It wasn’t my intention to suges—”
“Grandpa, please don’t be dramatic.” Intervened Kagome. “We don’t want a broken hip, do we?”
Grudgingly, the elder turned his burden over to InuYasha, who followed him out into the storehouse. He was serenaded by the crickets and the constant instructions of the wrinkle bag, urging him to be careful.
“Where do you want this, sir?”
“There.” He pointed to the left corner of the room and InuYasha accomplished the task without breaking a sweat. Or a priceless relic. “Thank you.”
“Anytime.” The temptation to spin on his heels and exit the building was tremendous. For Kagome, though, he had to make an effort. “I guess is safe to say you don’t like me or my tattoos very much. That’s alright, I get it. You just met me. But I promise you, sir, I would never, ever, do anything to hurt your granddaughter. I’m a hundred percent committed to Kagome. In fact…” InuYasha fished the ring off his back pocket and presented it to him. “I intend to propose to her in a near future. You don’t have to answer right now, just know it would mean a lot to her… To us, if you could give us your blessing.”
The man glared at the ring as if it was a viper ready to strike.
“I wasn’t aware this relationship of yours was that serious.”
“Well… It kinda is. I… I love her.”
InuYasha felt naked, so very naked, under the somber gaze of that man. However true his words were, he wasn’t the type to pour his heart out, let alone to someone he had met for less than the duration of a night. Vulnerability was something to be avoided. Let your guard open, you get knocked down. A lifetime of boxing will teach you that. Still, Kagome was worth way more than his stupid pride. 
“I see. In that case, you must end it at once.”
“I held my peace because I was convinced, the moment my granddaughter introduced you as her boyfriend, that this was bound to break. Do not take it personally. I can’t possibly be the first one to point it out and chances are I won’t be the last. You are far from the man I imagined her future husband to be. Yet here you are, speaking of marriage. It is up to me, then, to open your eyes and remind you the implications of it.”
“The implications of it.” The hanyou half repeated, half questioned. The superior tone in which the man expressed himself was enerving and the fact InuYasha had no idea of where he was trying to get only worsened the tension.
“Your mother is human, is she not?” All of the pieces fell into place right then. He would rather they hadn’t.
“Yes, she is.”
“Then you better than anyone must know of the hardships she had to endure as a result of her lifestyle.” 
InuYasha was numb. Completely anesthetized. It was to be expected his stupor would soft the pain of the bad memories. It didn’t.
Romeo and Juliet got nothing on his parents. His mom had told him the story time and time again. They had met each other on a tropical storm. Her car died and of course he was there to help. She kept his coat. He kept her phone number on a piece of paper that accidentally was ruined by the rain. When their paths crossed again, he was a divorced father and she was engaged. They managed to get it right anyway. Timing was a comical thing. It never worked with rationality.
Both families were against it. Strongly against it. His mother was no longer welcomed in the house. They had burned to the ground any evidence she once belonged to that place. The only thing she took with her was the ring of her deceased mother that InuYasha now held inside his clenched fist. She wasn’t allowed in the Taisho mansion either, but it just meant his father wouldn’t set foot feet there as well.
There were grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins InuYasha didn’t have the chance to met. Because they didn’t want to. Other than from Sesshoumaru and his mom, that was it for him in the family section.
He used to resent it. When he caught a homesick Izayoi crying. When his father yelled at the management of some restaurant about their anti-human politics. When she was denied entrance because InuYasha was in her arms. When the family tree of the other kids in school was so much more complex than his. Fortunately, he came to terms with it. Family had little to do with blood.
“It wasn’t her fault and it wasn’t your father’s, either.” InuYasha heard him go on. “Regardless, this is the way things are. The way things have always been. And pretending otherwise is to believe in fairytales. You can not blame me for wishing a better fate upon Kagome.”
“Kagome is happy. I know she is!”
“For now. What would be of this so called happiness in the long run? Keep in mind Kagome is a priestess. What if this union causes her to lose her spiritual powers? Even if she doesn’t, a child born out of it would carry demon genes. It can not be avoided. It can affect their reiki greatly.”
“W-we haven’t talk—”
Kids. The subject was never discussed between them. It was not a secret Kagome wanted to have children. She should have children. Motherhood suited her. InuYasha, on the other hand, didn’t give the topic a lot of thought. He just accepted that, taking in consideration the lengths he was willing to go to make her happy, babies weren’t even that bad.
Now, his treacherous brain was plaguing him with the forbidden images. Another aged, tawny leather photo album, theirs to fulfill with pictures of a raven haired, golden eyed toddler. Kagome, pregnant with his child. It wasn’t bad. It wasn’t bad at all.
“Listen close, boy. I take no pride in that, but when cancer took my son away… It tore this home apart. Kagome? She was the one to put it back together. It was an unfair burden, for someone so young to take. And it meant countless sacrifices from her part. My granddaughter had to grow up too fast too soon. She deserves the luck of an ease love. You seem like a decent man, tattoos aside. That is why, if you love Kagome the way you claim to do, you will let her go.”
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“I’m talking to you!”
“I’m driving!” Even to himself, the excuse sounded weak. For fear Kagome would pick up on his bullshit, he opted for diplomacy. “Can you repeat what it was?”
“My family! Did you like them?”
“Yeah, they’re great.”
She could sniff it out his lies from miles away, one of her many infuriating talents. It was a good thing InuYasha wasn’t lying, then. Her mom and brother had won him over without even trying. Her grandfather was difficult, to say the least. But ultimately, he only had Kagome’s best interests at heart. How could InuYasha not hold someone like that in deep appreciation? They shared the same priorities, after all.
“I’m glad.” Kagome sticked a palm out of the window, to cut the chill night air. Not even that diverted his concentration from the road ahead, hands sweating at the tigh grip on the steering wheel. They let the silence set, until her profound exhale disturbed it. “Do you miss your motorbike?”
Before Kagome, a classic black Harley used to be the love of his life. He had saved every penny he ever gotten in order to get it. It was the first significant thing he had ever bought with his own money. Sadly, the maintenance was pretty expensive and by the time they started going on double dates with Miroku and Sango or Koga and Ayame, an average car proved to be the obvious, more practical choice. It had its advantages. Convenience. Economy. Illegal activities on the backseat. His mother was radiant, too. She had somehow convinced herself owning a motorcycle was a creative way of signing his own death certificate.
He didn’t regret it.
But he couldn’t chase the wind in a car. Kagome wouldn’t hold him for dear life in a car.
“Me too. Maybe we can afford to buy it back, someday.” His stomach sank. There would be no ‘someday’. Not for them. “InuYasha?”
He turned the radio on and neither of them talked the whole way home.
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Water was pouring down, warm and nice against his skin. InuYasha stood under the shower far more than the necessary. His hope was that if he stalled long enough, Kagome would be sleeping by the time he left the bathroom. It was an act of pure cowardice, but it was for the best. If she was awake, he would be tempted to take her one last time, and what kind of monster he’d be by the morning, when they would have to say goodbye?
Kagome was sitting on their bed, waiting for him with his AC/DC shirt on. InuYasha should have anticipated she wouldn’t be entirely oblivious to his internal turmoil. He hadn’t done the neatest job hiding it and she knew him like no one else.
“Alright, what is wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong.”
“Just who do you think you’re kidding?”
“Can we please do this tomorrow?”
“No! You’ve been acting strange since we left. I tried to give you space, but I won’t be able to sleep unless you put my mind at ease.”
From all the scenarios he had ran on his head of how this conversation would go, this was without a doubt the worst one. He didn’t want to end their relationship in the middle of the night, dressed only on his sweatpants, risking her to storm off that late. He owed Kagome more than that. Massaging his temple, InuYasha realized his hands were tied. She wouldn’t let it die. He sat by her side and ripped off the band-aid.
“We should break up.”
Her reaction to the news was a mystery InuYasha wasn’t dying to find out. She could cry, she used to do it for less and his ego would appreciate it. She could scream at him, it was totally understandable. She could slap his face, he probably deserved it. She could leave. He wouldn’t blame her.
“No.” Plain and simple.
Whatever he expected her to do, that wasn’t it.
“That’s right.”
“What do you mean ‘no’?”
“Exactly what I said.”
“We’re breaking up!”
“No, we’re not. Are you in love with someone else?”
“Well... No.”
“Have you stopped loving me?”
“That’s… That’s not the issue.”
“Then what is it?”
“I’m bad for you, Kagome! Can’t you see that?” His ferocity made her quiver and cursing himself, InuYasha counted two heavy breaths to try and tone it down. “Can’t you see everything you’ll miss out just to be by my side? I can’t do that to you. I won’t. What we have… It can be easy here, but in the real world...”
“Did my grandfather put you up to this?”
His startle gave him away. It was pointless to deny.
“He only said what we already knew and were too stubborn to accept.”
“How dare he?!”
“He’s right, y’know? This is the best thing for you.”
“How dare you?” She poked his naked chest, her fury unleashed like InuYasha hadn’t seen in a while. “Who are you to make this decision for me?”
“I’m someone who saw his mother be casted out and humiliated on a daily basis over it!”
“Have you ever asked her if she would do it again? Because I’m pretty sure I know the answer. And mine is the same.”
“What about children? You wouldn’t have to worry about whether or not they would inherit your spiritual powers if you had ‘em with a human.”
“I don’t care about the stupid bloodline tradition! It’s not like demons and humans are at war anymore. Any child we might have will be loved, powers or not powers. I refuse to let outdated morals dictate how I live my life, I refuse to let them get in the way of my happiness. And I can’t believe after everything we’ve been through you would give up of me that easy.”
“Easy?” InuYasha hissed. Kagome didn’t back down one bit at his rompant. “You think this is easy for me? This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do and if it’s possible you’re making it even harder. For once in my life I’m being selfless. For once in my life I’m putting someone else first. Because I fucking love you!”
Finally, finally, her lips crushed into his. It was a long time coming, as if every single event since he had seen her in that blue dress earlier were building up to that moment. He welcomed her touch like was second nature, greedly pulling her close to devour her lips. The taste of mint toothpaste flooded his senses and suddenly the whole universe shrunk to the shape her mouth. Her slow hands went from his cheeks to his wet hair, tangling on the messy strands and inducing the nape ones to rise up.
Only then InuYasha understood.
He was fooling himself.
Selfish. His love for her always was and always would be selfish. He could try to stay away, he could try to shut her out. In the end of the day, all she had to do was snap her fingers and he would be running to her. There was no escaping it. She wanted him, he was hers.
Little by little, InuYasha broke the kiss, their foreheads still connected as their hearts restored their normal pace.
“I don’t want to make things difficult between you and your family.”
“I’m sorry about tonight, InuYasha. I was so excited with the idea of you and my family getting along, I forgot to be more careful and pushed it too far with grandpa. Let’s give it time, okay? He’ll come around. If he doesn’t, you are not the one making things difficult. He is. People tend to be afraid of what they don’t know. It doesn’t matter. It’s not theirs to know, it’s ours. And we shouldn’t allow their opinions to interfere. No prejudiced beliefs can take me from your side. As long as you want me, there are no deal breakers. So what do you truly want?”
“What I truly want…” He got up and went to their wardrobe, reaching the depths of the drawer where he kept his jeans for the hidden ring. He found it and fell into one knee in front of her. “It’s to spend the rest of my life with you.” She gasped, hands flying to cover her mouth as her eyes overflowed. “This might be crazy soon, but it has also been a crazy night. Kagome, will you—”
She knocked him down in a hug that turned into another kiss, tender than the prior. They had time to pleasantries now. They had all the time in the world. InuYasha wanted to laugh at the expense of his unplanned rebellion. There he was, making the exact opposite thing her grandfather had ordered him to do. And he was still a bit unaware as to how.
“Will ya let me put this thing on your finger or what?” He questioned when she pulled away.
“In one condition.”
“Which one?”
“Don’t you ever break up with me again.”
“It won’t be a problem.”
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A/N: this is for the brilliant @dyaz-stories​ who requested “The stakes are high. Tthe water's rough. But this love is ours” + “And any snide remarks from my father about your tattoos will be ignored. Cause my heart is yours” for the lyric game.
I hope you don’t mind the “my father” to “my grandfather”change, but I thought it was more fitting, given the circumstances. Sorry I made you the bad guy, grandpa, but someone had to be! Also, I know the lyrics say that the snide remarks about the tattoos would be ignored, but no matter how hard I tried to stand by it, Kagome refused to be silenced.
About the tattoos: I’ve read somewhere cherry blossoms mean female beauty, love, happiness, renovation and hope. They symbolize the end of winter and beginning of spring… which is pretty much everything Kagome represents to InuYasha.
That being said, happy Inukag Week! Yes, I do celebrate it as if it was a hollyday. No, I do not think I’m obsessed. I like this couple a normal amount. And this fanfic just happens to fit the prompt “acceptance” from day one, so here you go @inukag-week​
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harleyhua-archive · 3 years
it’s elle again! took me longer than I thought it would, but i’m here with the bio of my second son, harley. he’s my newest oc; i’ve had him for about a year, but i didn’t get to rp much during that time. i’m fluent in asl, so harley has a special place in my heart. usually my gifs that include him signing won’t actually match the signs up to what he’s saying, but this one does. he’s signing ‘hello, my name is....’ so it felt like an appropriate intro post.
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[ chella man, genderqueer trans man, 21, he/him ] did you see who just walked in? it was that JUNIOR, the ╳ + HARDWORKING AND  - DISORGANIZED ╳  one? you know, the one who lives at SONTHENA HALL, HARLEY HUA! i heard they are majoring in ART and they can’t wait to get out of here to BECOME AN ILLUSTRATOR.  crap! stop staring, here they come!
name. harley hua hometown. detroit, mi major. art (illustration) birthday. may 27th, 2000 gender. trans man, genderqueer orientation. pansexual religion. jewish languages. english, asl, some cantonese and french hobbies. cheerleading, drawing, comic books
[ BIO ] [ tw. gender dysphoria ]
harley was born hard of hearing, although it wasn’t discovered until he was six. his audiologist discouraged his parents from teaching him sign, saying he would stop talking and stunt his language skills, so he grew up using his hearing aid and filling in the gaps with lipreading.
his yearly hearing tests showed he was gradually going deaf. he kept getting stronger hearing aids and being able to catch less and less of what was happening around him. the expectation was that he would get better at reading lips, but that only got him so far (only 30% of the English language is visible on the mouth!)
he had been a social kid, but he slowly withdrew into art. there, he could create anything he wanted. he often drew superheroes, or just ‘regular’ civilians (usually men). for a few years, harley took a sketch book and at least three graphic pencils everywhere he went.
in middle school, harley was eligible for a cochlear implant. his parents urged for him to get implanted, but decided to let him make the decision himself. he found a way to compromise with them; he agreed to get the surgery, but in exchange his parents agreed to pay for him and his brother to take ASL classes.
once activated, the implant was an immediate change. the world sounded different through it than what harley remembered, but he could understand his teachers and classmates better than he had in a very long time. he was able to join in again, and went from the kid scribbling in a notebook alone to being very outgoing. once he was able to use an ASL interpreter in classes, his confidence and grades shot up.
in high school, harley was very popular. it didn’t take long for his friends to give him a makeover, convincing him to throw out his baggy tshirts and most of his jeans, in favor of more feminine pieces. mini skirts, heels and crop tops (at least, when he could sneak them past his parents). he grew out his short hair to better hide his cochlear implants, smiling and nodding when he couldn’t keep up in conversations instead of drawing attention to his deafness. for the first time in his life he fit in, and he didn’t want to remind people that he was different.
(tw: dysphoria) but something was different, and it wasn’t his cochlear implants or the fact he was one of the only asian kids at his predominately white high school. something about the way he looked bothered him. he would often stare at himself in the mirror, and he knew the girl staring back at him in the mirror was pretty, but he couldn’t connect with ‘her’. she felt like a completely different person, almost like a mask he wore despite not understanding why he ‘needed’ to wear it or why he felt so numb to his own body.
the huas weren’t really hurting for money, but sending two teenagers to college only a year apart would be tough for any family. harley didn’t want to put that kind of stress on his parents, so he focused on cheerleading scholarships. he toured suffolk because it has one of the best cheer programs in the country. it was a dream school, but he doubted they’d want him on their team, let alone offer him enough money that he could afford to attend. yet that’s exactly what happened, so harley accepted and moved to boston.
during his freshman year of college, he realized nobody cared what he looked like in college. many of his classmates showed up to lectures in their pajamas. he started experimenting with his clothes, trading out the feminine pieces he’d been wearing for the past four years and wearing the things he wanted to; androgynous and masculine pieces. at first he wasn’t so sure why it made him happy, he just knew it did.
(tw: dysphoria) harley had never paid much attention to the trans community. he certainly never thought of himself as trans or genderqueer. sure, he often felt like an alien stuck in someone else’s body, but he assumed that was normal - something every girl secretly felt. after joining his college’s gsa and meeting trans people for the first time and hearing their stories, it began to click. harley came out towards the end of his freshman year of college, and started transitioning a few months later. his parents didn’t try to stop him, but it’s clear they don’t understand. a small part of harley is bothered by this, but he doesn’t let it get him down. it took a long time for them to accept he was deaf, too, but they eventually came around. they’re just slow to accept changes. between that and their refusal to learn ASL, harley isn’t on the best of terms with them, but he doesn’t stop to let this get to him. 
overall harley is a very happy kid. he’s at his dream college, living his best life and preparing for the future he’s wanted since he was a kid
not wanting to take much money from his parents, harley works as a bartender three days a week at a popular bar near campus
if he’s not at work or in class, he’s either practicing cheer, working out at the student rec center, or at one of two coffee shops (one being the starbucks in his building, the other being an independent mom-and-pop cafe not far from campus)
he’s basically a jock villager from animal crossing. as stated before, he’s really into cheerleading. since getting his top surgery last summer he’s fallen in love with swimming. he also lifts weights and goes running a couple times a week with nadia.
harley is very busy, and his schedule is constantly fluctuating between working late nights and practices at any time of day. he’s pretty much always sleep deprived, and lives on an insane amount of coffee (he doesn’t like energy drinks).
harley’s preferred method of communication is asl. he uses interpreters in class and is involved with the deaf community in boston. but since most people on the squad only know a limited amount of sign, and other people he knows on campus don’t know the language at all, he often relies on the combination of his cochlear implant and lipreading to communicate. if he can’t hear with his cochlear implant (dead battery, too much background noise, etc) he won’t be able to understand enough by reading lips. but on the other hand, if he’s using his implant to communicate, watching the other person’s mouth helps him fill in the blanks.
teammate // they do cheer together, so they spend a lot of time with each other
asl friends // harley prefers asl, so it would be great for him to have people to sign with!
regular customer // your character hangs out at the bar harley works at. conversely, they’re a bariste at one of the cafes harley is at multiple times a day
workout buddies // they lift weights together
rainbow family // in the queer community, they say you make your own family. harley doesn’t have a great relationship with his parents, and his brother is attending school on the west coast, so harley could use some lgbtq+ family in boston
comic book nerds // harley loves comic books. they were a major escape for him growing up and how he got into drawing in the first place. so maybe your character is also really into comic books, or they just share a passion for the mcu movies
That’s all I got, but I’m open to almost anything with him. Looking forward to getting to explore him more here!
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noonaduck · 4 years
Sexd (sex ed) pt. 11
Pairing: BTS OT7 x reader genre: Fluff,smut, angst, non idol Au Warnings: angst, thigh riding, blowjob, cursing Words: 8531 A/N: I want to thank everyone who has gone trough this journey with me. I have enjoyed a lot writing this series and I hope that you gain your answer with the final part. ps. it took me so long with getting this out that there still might be some huge errors if so please let me know :) Summary: Y/N  is a woman who is inexperienced in anything when it comes to relationships and sex. Luckily her friend Jimin along with his six other friends decide to show her what she has been missing. 10. < 11. last part.
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[Gifs belongs to their rightful owners]
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You were barely able to sleep on previous night while hundreds of thoughts were spinning in your mind. You wouldn't have guessed in your wildest dreams that you would end up in a situation where you were now.  Now laying in your room looking up to the ceiling you replay the memory from last night. Your friends had had a secret meeting about you and you didn't know how to feel. After you had hid in to Jin's bedroom you had waited holding your breath that would someone show up and expose that you had been secretly eavesdropping the conversation. Luck had been on your side for once and you were able to sneak out from Jin's room and hide in to yours without further drama. You had no idea how you would manage for the rest of the day, after all you wouldn't be leaving the villa before the evening arrives. 
You played with an idea of calling a taxi and sneaking away without saying a word but you were quick to reject the idea. You weren't that scared and insecure teenager who ran away and hid when difficulties rose. You could remember your first love interest from when you were fourteen or if you could call it even that. It was a more of silly crush to be a honest, you were just a little nerd hiding behind your too large hoodies and round glasses covered by messy bangs. When you had left your hometown you had gone through a major makeover. You had changed the shapeless clothes in to more flattering ones, learned basic make up and cut your hair. You did all that for yourself, to be better and braver version of Y/N. Your start in the big city wasn't easy. At first you had worked on gas station and doing job as a waitress on the side before you landed a job in the local theater. You had always had a soft spot for arts, it didn't matter was it acting, dancing, music or something else creative, you thrived from artistic people. You as a person were still far from an artist, you couldn't draw even if your life depended on it, music notes looked like an alien language in your eyes and you had coordination abilities of five years old.  You didn't let the lack of skill set to hold you back and picked of pieces of culture where ever you could. 
Your mind returns back to present and you glance towards your phone laying next to you on your bed. You felt like your phone was a hot potato that would make your fingers burn if you even brushed it lightly. Jimin's text haunted in back of your mind and you haven't touched your phone after reading the words on the screen. Words… Suddenly you remember the unopened letter which was among the flowers. You get up from your bed like a spring and rush towards the closed bedroom door. You hesitate for a little when you hear voices coming from the living area but you are able to gather yourself together and pull the handle down. You see Taehyung and Jungkook deeply focused on some movie coming from the television and you decide to try to sneak past of them. Like you can ques that didn't work like you wanted, perhaps you had used all your luck earlier. 
''Why are you sneaking?'' A familiar voice whispers to your ear and you freeze on your tracks right next to the couch where Taehyung and Jungkook were sitting.
''Shh! Get down.'' You hiss to Hoseok and pull him to hide behind of the furniture with you.
''You didn't answer my question, are you avoiding our Kookie and Tae here?'' Hoseok asks with low voice tilting his head curiously towards the duo.
''No, I'm not specially avoiding them, I tried to avoid everyone.'' You hiss back and you blush after you realize what you just did reveal to Hoseok.
''Oh, why is that?'' Hoseok asks raising his brows amused. 
While you are panicking inside you haven't noticed the two heads appearing over the back of couch and looking at you curiously.
''Never mind, it is nothing honestly.'' You stutter when Hoseok leans closer to your face.
''Hmm, I think it got to be something, your face is heating quite badly.'' Hoseok teases and pokes your forehead.
You back  away from Hoseok’s presence your face now even more redder if possible. While you stumble you look up and finally notice the grinning guys.
''Sup?'' Taehyung asks smirking alongside of Jungkook. 
''Ho-how long you guys have been staring at us?'' You ask your eyes wide in horror.
''Enough to hear that you are hiding something, am I right Kook?''
''Yup.'' Jungkook smirks arrogantly. 
''What's the noise is about?'' Yoongi complains and merges from his room. He seems have recently woken up, only wearing a loose t-shirt revealing his collarbones paired with a loose basketball-shorts and his hair looking like a messy bird’s nest.
''Y/N is keeping secrets from us.'' Taehyung pouts and Yoongi raises his brows amused.
''Is she now?'' Yoongi asks and walks to you squatting down to your level. ''Now tell me what are you hiding kitten?'' Yoongi asks taking gently hold of your chin so you can't avoid his eyes piercing through your soul.
You try to shake your head in denial but Yoongi's grip prevents you from doing so. You slightly note  a patter of footsteps somewhere nearby but you are too focused to Yoongi to any more attention to it.
''Y/N, answer for him.'' Taehyung's lips brushes your ear and you shiver. 
He must have moved next to you on the floor while you were occupied with Yoongi's eyes. 
''Yeah, Y/N don't keep us waiting.'' You hear a husky whisper from Jungkook's lips who is still watching you from his spot on couch. The awkward atmosphere is turning quickly in to more heated one and you shiver slightly.. 
''Yoongi she said that she is trying to avoid all of us.'' Hoseok tells and isn’t definitely helping your situation. 
It seems like whatever bickering they had earlier between of them has disappeared and they were working as one unit to make you break. Couldn't they have worked their problems little later? You mean you weren't even doing anything bad, just trying to sneak Jimin's note to your room where you could read it in peace without anyone noticing and getting upset. Now the situation was turning more difficult for you by the minute. Oh, how you wished that Jin would magically appear and save you from the mess but now you were sure that you had ran out of your luck completely.
''I think that a cat got her tongue.'' Taehyung sighs after your too long pause. ''Be a good girl and show your tongue to us that I can see it is still there.'' Your eyes widens even more if possible and you glance Taehyung with horrified side eye.
''Well, what are you waiting for kitten, show him that pretty tongue of yours.'' Yoongi tells and finally lets go of your chin.
 Everyone is waiting impatiently you to obey and you turn slightly towards Taehyung opening your lips slowly. Only the tip of your wet tongue peeks out from your lips but that is all Taehyung needs, he takes your tongue between his thumb and index finger and tugs it to get it more in to view. Rest of the group stares you and Taehyung with heated eyes and you can hear even someone to moan quietly. 
''Yep, it is still there, no cats have been around.'' Taehyung grins happily.
You suppress your urge to roll your eyes for Taehyung's silly words. A loud cough from a doorway interrupts you and Taehyung lets go of your tongue in surprise. Namjoon in standing by the doorway his hands folded on his chest and he is looking the scene in front of him his brows arched. 
''I never knew that you would be in to gangbang.'' He chuckles lowly.
''What? No!'' You panic and glance the men around you. 
''what you mean no? After all you were earlier up to threesome.'' Namjoon keeps going and you notice how Yoongi and Hoseok freezes simultaneously.
''What the fuck is wrong with you?'' Yoongi hisses and gets up from the floor. 
''Nothing. I just stated a fact.'' Namjoon rolls his eyes.
''There you go and act all high and mighty even when we know that you are whipped like rest of us.'' You haven't ever seen Hoseok so angry, all the sunshine is gone and a storm is taking over his features. 
''Yeah, and if I remember correctly you were the one last night who wanted us to play fairly and not make Y/N feel guilty.'' Taehyung peeps in.
You fish you were anywhere else than here, the guys were talking like you weren’t at present. ''That's it, I can't take this anymore!'' You yell and get up from the floor. ''I never wanted to ruin your relationships with each other. I even tried to believe that I could be friends with you guys even after gaining several confession, but it seems that I was wrong.''
''Y/N look I'm sor-'' Namjoon begins feeling regret but you stop him with a harsh glare.
''Save it, I know now why Jin wanted me to hurry with my decision, you guys are impossible to handle right now. I will go to my room, pack my bag and call a taxi. When I'm coming out from that room again I hope that any of you isn't in sight.'' With that being said you march to your room and slam the door shut after you leaving a bunch of guilty looking guys behind. 
You are in middle of throwing your clothes in to your bag when you hear a careful knock from your door.
''what!''' You yell angrily and Jin peeks in. 
''Hi, do you mind if I come in. I hear that you won't see any other of the guys but I thought that you would at least see me.'' Jin smiles carefully.
''Oh, it's just you. Of course you can come in, in fact I think you are the only one I can stand right now.'' You tell with a sigh and pull your fingers through your hair. 
Jin steps in and closes the door after him, he walks to your bed and sit on the edge next to your luggage. ''I was thinking that I could give you a ride back to the town so you don't have take a taxi. I mean if you are truly leaving.''
''I'm, I need space after everything that I have been through and I would be a grateful for a ride if you truly mean it.'' You stop your packing and flash a grateful smile towards Jin. 
''Well before you go I want to give you something.'' Jin reaches to his pocket and pulls out the envelope that has caused your last mess. ''I swear I haven't read it.'' Jin assures you and hands the letter to you. 
''I didn't even think that you would.'' You assure and turn the letter around tearing it open with impatient fingers.
Jin follows in silence when your eyes slides over the words.
Dear Y/N,
I'm sincerely asking you forgive me after all I have said to you. I know that this small token of mine won't be even near enough to make you forgive me but I thought that I have start from somewhere. I'm not really good with words but I'm going to try. I was a total dick who wasn't at first aware of my feelings towards you. I always took you as a granted, you are my little town girl who I am proud to call as my friend ( at least I hope that we are still friends). When I noticed that my friends took liking of you it made me pissed, why they would like you? You were my friend at  first place! I thought like a fool that if I made you feel bad about getting close with my friends you would  take distance of them and focus only at me again. Only at the moment when I saw you running away in tears I realized that I loved you. I say it again, I love you Y/N so much it hurts and I can't lose you even if you only accept me as a friend. If you are ready to forgive me please come tomorrow evening around the sunset to the cliff nearby Taehyung's grandparents house (I'm sure that Jungkook and Taehyung knows which place I mean if you ask them) I will be waiting for you.
Yours truly,
The fool,  Park  Jimin.
You are barely able to figure all the words in the small card but after you have gone trough of them twice you are stunned. Your fight with Jimin feels like a distant memory even though that much time hasn't passed. 
''Well what does it say?'' Jin asks after he can't take your silence anymore. Wordlessly you hand the paper back to him. ''So what you want to do?'' Jin asks after reading the note and putting the letter down on your bed.
''I think, I think that I should meet him. I miss him a lot.'' You admit sniffing. All the events of the past few days is taking toll of you and soon you find yourself crying freely in Jin's lap. 
''Shh, it is going to be okay. Everything is alright.'' Jin kisses top of your head whispering sweet nothings to your ear and swaying you gently on his lap. 
You two sit in silence for a long time only noise disturbing the space being your quiet sobbing. After you have felt like all your tears have dried down you finally look up back to Jin who is smiling gently.
''Better?'' He asks and you nod answering to his smile with your own.
''Thank you, I really needed to let it all out.'' You tell with raspy voice, you clear your throat and continue. ''I think that I have to use Jungkook's tactics now, there is no chance that I'm able to go to work if I will wait for Jimin.''
Jin chuckles lightly to that and you grin as well. ''So what do you wanna do with others? Are you trying to talk with them again?''
''Oh right, I forgot.'' At least I wanted to for now... 
''I can keep them out of your way till your meeting with Jimin arrives.'' Jin suggests.
''How are you going to do that?'' You ask curiously.
''I think that the upstairs need thorough cleaning, its least what we can do repaying Taehyung's grandparents.'' Jin winks.
        Jin is keeping his word and you can hear even in to your room’s closed door, how he demands your friends attention.. 
''Guys we are going to clean the upstairs!'' He states voice full of cheerfulness. He is being extremely loud on purpose so that you can hear him speaking.
''Are you fucking serious, why we would do that?'' Jungkook complains loudly. ''I get that we need to clean mess we made but when you talk about cleaning you mean a whole different thing.
''I'm busy.'' You hear Yoongi to add in his protest.
''Being a sleep on couch doesn't mean that you are busy.'' Jin tells being sassy. You can imagine him rolling his eyes to Yoongi. ''Now get your butts up and visit the cleaning closet and after that march to the upstairs.'' 
After that you tune out the whines and complaints but from the amount of noises and cursing  they are obeying him regardless. Soon you hear distant sound of thumbing bass and you relax. You hope that Jin is able to keep them busy until the evening. 
You pace back and forth in your room feeling impatient. You had tried to read a book to take your mind elsewhere but you had find yourself reading a same page over and over again. 
You even went through social media but there isn't anything to peak your interest. The arms of the clock feels like they are mocking you and going extremely slow.. Finally the sun is setting and turning the sky into different shades of pink and orange. You look peek out from your bedroom doorway and sigh in relief after you see no one in sight.
''Why you want me to dust all these books, can’t we skip that?'' You hear Taehyung whining loudly over the music playing on background noise of their cleaning.
''Have you ever helped your grandparents with cleaning? You should be grateful, they borrowed their home to us and even filled the fridge to the prim.'' Jin screams back. 
You chuckle lightly to their yelling competition and head to the front door. You put your sneakers and jacket on and make sure that your phone is in your pocket. When you are sure that you have everything you take a step outside. You are glad that Jungkook had told you about the cliff yesterday or you should have been forced to go through with awkward conversation either with him or Taehyung for directions. You head for the now familiar path and instead turning towards the small pond you take the other option. You don't have to walk for a long until the trees steps aside revealing the cliff. You find Jimin standing alone looking over the cliff in his thoughts.. He hasn't come without gifts to ask your forgiveness. On the ground is large fluffy looking blanket covered with pillows and next to it is resting a large picnic basket. The whole cliff is covered with small red candles that are forming a big heart around the nest that Jimin had built. You stare the view in silence without knowing what to say. You aren't sure is the whole scenery more breathtaking or is Jimin the one who is taking your breath away. You are only seeing his backside his face towards the view. Jimin is wearing a black leather jacket hugging his figure and pair of washed jeans. 
''Jimin.'' You call softly but he is able to hear your voice  and he spins around quickly. Now you are sure of it, Jimin is the one who is making it hard to breath for you. Underneath his jacket is white shirt with small cuts exposing his skin here and there in tasteful manner, his hair is slicked backwards with gel and a lonely silver chain is hanging from his ear. 
''Y/N you came.'' Jimin sighs in relief and hurries to you. He takes your hands in to his but then he remembers that you are mad at him and tries to pull away but you end up stopping him and squeezing his hands tightly in to yours.
''I would be the fool if I wouldn't have came, I mean look at all this!'' You tell amazed.
Jimin smirks lightly to your reference to his letter but then his face turns more serious.
''I'm truly sorry about all the things I said. You aren't any of those thing I said you were. You are kind and funny and beautiful and...'' Jimin stutters and you stop him with shaking your head lightly.
''You are thinking too highly of me.'' You tell blushing.
''Nonsense! You are amazing.’’ Jimin pauses. ’’Uh, do you want to go to sit down, I mean I kind of went through lot of trouble and would hate to see it all go to waste.'' He smirks awkwardly.
''Of course!'' You tell excitedly and follow Jimin to the picnic still holding his hand in yours.  You feel like there is more words left to clear things completely between you and him but you are ready to get there slowly. The most important thing was that you were here with Jimin and you were making the effort to make things right. 
Jimin watches when you get yourself comfortable and then reaches for the picnic basket. He pulls out sandwiches wrapped in tight cling film followed by two glasses and bottle of sparkling wine, bowl of strawberries dipped in chocolate, grapes and delicious looking chocolate chip cookies.
''I hope that everything fits you my lady.'' Jimin smirks and struggles with the wine bottle  opener. You chuckle lightly to Jimin's focused face and he grins happily back when the gap bops open.
''Look at all of this, it's way too much!''
''Nothing is too good for you Y/N, specially after everything I had done.'' Jimin's tone turns rather serious when he pours the drink into your class and hands it to you carefully. 
''Jimin...'' You start but it's Jimin’s turn to silence you.
''Please just let me speak and explain myself some more. I feel like if I don't do it right now I might lose my courage.'' Jimin's voice turns rather nervous and all the earlier confidence seems to slip away. You nod slightly and take a sip from your drink the bubbles tickling your mouth slightly. Jimin smiles gratefully and his eyes fill with determination. 
''When I was in high school I dated a girl named Hannah. She was my best friend alongside of Jungkook and Taehyung. All the times I didn't spend with the guys I spend with her. She was my first in everything, my first crush, my first kiss and eh... you know first partner in bed. I just felt complete with her and thought that I would spend rest of my life with her. I know that High school romances are little bit cliche but that is how I felt. We had dated almost two years when first signs of her not being okay appeared. She was a part of girls soccer team but suddenly she had difficulties to breath after little bit running or climbing up stairs. She was quick to brush my worries of and even made me laugh about them. Then came loud coughing and she finally agreed to meet a doctor. I was truly hopeful after a doctor had said that she might be suffering from an asthma but her symptoms turned worse. She started coughing blood and she was taken in to more thorough tests.'' Jimin takes a shaky breath and continues. ''They found a tumor in her lungs and told that it had already send  metastasis in other parts of her body. Her parents pulled her from school and decided to home school her instead. I was there in every free moment I could and Taehyung and Jungkook was there supporting us. She get more skinnier, refused to eat and her fever was more often present than not. Doctors decided to put Hannah under chemotherapy and I was there watching how life was leaving her, her hair was falling, her skin got thinner and her body weaker. Soon she was in so bad state that she had to stay at the hospital.'' Jimin is now crying freely but he keeps going with his story. Only thing that you could do for him was listen in silence and squeeze his hand in yours. ''Doctors even went through one surgery to remove some parts of the tumor but sadly it didn't change the things in better. In cold day of October I got a call that she wouldn't live for a long. I rushed to spend her last moments with her and I was able to hold her hand when she took her final breath and passed away. She was smiling when I was holding her hand and her parents standing on the other side of the bed.''
''I'm truly sorry that you had to go through something like that.'' You tell your eyes leaking. '' I don't even know what to say.'' You feel useless while looking Jimin's broken form. 
''Thank you, but my story isn't quite over yet.'' Jimin smiles sadly and reaches to put a escaped lock of hair behind your ear. The small brush of his fingers makes you shiver. 
''I didn't go to her funeral and that is the one thing that I regret the most in my life. I shut down after Hannah was gone, I didn't eat or sleep and it was my turn to go to hospital after weeks of hunger and exhaustion. I'm in dept for Taehyung and Jungkook being there for me on my journey of getting better. When I was able to get somewhat back on my feet I had made my mind, I wouldn't ever love again. There was no one for me after Hannah. Hannah had written a letter for me before she had died but I wasn't able to open it until we had our fight. After reading her words I felt like I was allowed to love again'' Jimin ends his story voice full of desperation. '' Tell me it's not too late for us.'' He begs and caressing your cheek with his thumb. 
''I, I don't know what to say. I mean of course I don't want to lose you! But there has been so much going on and....''
''It's okay, you don't have to answer right now. I know that what I just told is lot to take in one bite. I will wait for your answer.'' Jimin's eyes are glistening with hope and excitement ''To be honest I was scared to death that you would reject me from straight hand and that you would  cut all of your ties with me but you being here now makes me so happy.'' Everything happens so fast so you don't have time to react when Jimin leans in for a kiss.
You have lost count how many times you have dreamed about this moment way before the whole "let's teach Y/N about sex thing" and you react by instinct answering his kiss. Jimin's lips against you feels like on the day of Taehyung's party but at the same time it feels like a whole new experience. Your first kiss with Jimin was indeed awesome, you can't lie, but it lacked emotion. Now your lips locked you could feel everything, hunger, desperation and other emotions that Jimin had held back. Somehow you have ended up sitting Jimin's lap, you weren't sure which one of you moved first but it didn’t even matter. All you could sense around you was him, his scent, his velvet lips against yours and his body against yours moving in sync. 
You return to the house holding hands and both smiling from ear to ear. Jimin is carrying the picnic basket in his free hand swinging it like it weighs nothing. When you asked could you help him with carrying the stuff he had bought he had brushed you of and said that happiness made him stronger. You had just shaken your head in amusement and dropped the subject. When you finally leave the forest and step into the backyard you look the house confused.
''That's odd, all the lights are off.'' You say worried.
''Yeah, I thought they would at least wait for us, I mean you, after all they came with you. Let's see if the cars still here.'' Jimin answers and leads you to the front side of the house and indeed Jin's Volvo and Namjoon's sleek black car were missing.
''Are you serious? All my stuff is inside and I have to go to work tomorrow'' You groan in disbelief.
''Don't worry I know where the spare key is, still I cant believe the guys...'' Jimin mumbles and you follow him by the porch.
Maybe the guys were getting tired of you and this was their way to tell you? You hated how insecure you felt but you couldn't disagree with your inner voice. After all you didn't give any of them answers about your feelings. But what about Jin? He didn't seem to be crushing after you? Maybe he was also tired of you being around and causing chaos in his friend group. You were almost in full panic mode all your happiness from earlier gone when Jimin's happy cheer pulls you out from your head.
''I found it!'' Jimin dangles a single silver key in front of your face.
You sigh in relief when Jimin turns to open the front door. You step in with him and there is no sight of rest of your friend group. Jimin turns the light switch on and then you see a note taped on the wall opposite of the front door.
Hey guys, we all had suddenly some urgent errands to do so we couldn't wait for you. Y/N your stuff is still in your room. make your time count.
Jin + five dwarfs ;)
''Huh, that seems fishy.'' Jimin says confused and rubs his ear.
''Indeed, it is hard to believe that all of them had suddenly urgent plans when they didn’t seem to be in hurry earlier.'' You agree with him. 
''So what you wanna do?'' Jimin asks and puts the basket on the floor. 
''I don't know. I think that mature thing to do is pick my stuff from the bedroom and start driving back to home. Wait, Jimin how did you get here?''
''Uh, I took a taxi.'' Jimin smiles awkwardly.
''Oh my god, it takes at least and hour one to get here and another to be back in the city.'' You groan and suddenly another unsettling thought comes in to your mind. ''I forgot to call my work that I can't make it tomorrow.'' You feel desperate, how things are going so suddenly so wrong after everything had worked out with Jimin?
''Oh shit, I didn’t call the theater either. I guess we both are in trouble.'' Jimin smirks awkwardly and you really want to say something not so ladylike about his carefree attitude but you decide to ignore it. Jimin's seems to notice your bitter look and hurries to pat his pockets. ''I will go to call the taxi.'' He tells hurriedly and slips away from the scene. 
You sigh and head to the room which has been yours for a couple of few days. Your luggage is laying on the top of your bed and all your items are already inside. You bet that this detail is thanks to Jin being helpful. 
''So I called a taxi.'' Jimin tells from the doorway and steps in to the room. 
''Hmm? That's good.'' You mumble lost in your thoughts.
''I used to always pick this room too.'' 
''What?'' You ask confused and turn to look at Jimin who is closer to you than you thought.. 
''When we were younger and we're spending our weekends here with Tae and Kookie I always slept in this room.'' jimin explains grinning happily. He seems to be in extremely good mood after you made up.
''Oh, that's nice.'' You don't know what else to say when Jimin's breath tickles your face. 
He is so close to you at this point that you could count his eyelashes if you wanted to. 
''Mm'h. You have something on your face.'' He tells.
''What, where?''
''Here.'' He says and presses his lips against yours. It seems that Jimin can't have enough of you now when he has finally allowed himself to feel.
You really can't complain. Your hands find their way in to to Jimin's hair and you tuck his neck hair gently causing him to shiver. Jimin's lips moves against yours telling a story that you are eager to follow. You slide your tongue gently along his lips and Jimin lets a small puff of air out between his lips. You bite Jimin's plumb lower lip and he moans. You shudder, the sound is going through your body and settling in to your belly. You part panting and look each other in to eyes. Jimin's eyes are swirling with untamed hunger and you are sure that your eyes are reflecting the same emotion. 
''We have still time.''
'' Time for what?'' You seem to be really lost with Jimin's words today.
''Before the taxi arrives.'' Jimin grins and you realise what he meant.
''Oh.'' You sigh realization. 
You weren’t even able to dream in the same morning that you could want Park Jimin ever again but here you were, your hands on his neck and your bodies pressed against each other. You can feel the electricity between two of you and everything goes in to motion. Jimin pushes your luggage on the ground and pulls you sit on his lap your face facing his and your legs parted open in both sides of his thighs. Your lips finds each other again and Jimin's hands start to roam all over your body with fever. He wants to feel all of you at once and he isn't sure where he wants put his hands. He slides his hands over your shoulders, to your back and finally stops at your rear. 
When he squeezes your butt you moan in to the kiss closing your eyes. Your hands finds Jimin's neck again and you pull him even tighter against your body if it's even possible. You are able to feel his hardening member against your clothed womanhood and by sudden boldness you grin against it causing Jimin to stop kissing you and groan. 
''You are going to be death of me.'' Jimin whines and you smirk proudly. You were happy that your sex education has given you a confidence that you never could even imagine before. 
''Have you-'' Jimin gulps when you grind against his clothed member even harder. 
''Have I what?'' You tease.
''Have you ever ridden anyone's thigh before?'' Jimin asks with raspy voice. His question gets you out of guard and you stop your torturing motions.
''I'm not sure what you mean.'' You admit awkwardly and Jimin's face brightens.
''So I could be you first in that experience, okay wow. So basically you umm, put your legs on both of sides of  one of my thighs and grind against it.'' Jimin explains and you are quick to follow his instructions eager to feel pleasure.
You put your hands hesitantly to Jimin's shoulder for support and begun to make the same grinding motion which you had made earlier against his clothed member.
''I don't see how this is supposed to feel go- Fuck! Jimin!'' You can't end your sentence when Jimin's hands finds your hips and pushes you extremely hard against his thigh. You can feel the friction against your clit and you shudder. Jimin grins satisfied and flexes his thigh muscles along your speed. You have to close your eyes when the sensations takes over your body. You feel the familiar knot tightening and your panties soaking with your juices. 
''That's it baby. Make yourself come undone only with my thigh.'' Jimin pants hard like he was actually the one gaining the pleasure. 
If someone asked him he would say that he could get of only by looking at your tightly closed eyes and parted lips that were giving out small noises of pleasure. You begin to near your high and feel how your inner muscles spasms waiting you to get your high. Jimin senses the change as well, your breathing is getting more rapid and you are squeezing his shoulders so hard that the imprints of your nails is going to stay there for a while. All it takes is Jimin squeezing your hips so tight that they are going to leave some bruises there. Extremely well timed flex of his muscle underneath of you makes you finally to snap. You moan loudly and shake on Jimin's lap almost collapsing on top of him. You never knew that something like riding a someone's thigh would tip you over the edge.  When you come down your high Jimin is lazily drawing patterns to your lower back with his fingers. You sift and only then you notice that you have soaked through your pants and made a quite mess on Jimin's pants. Your face turn bright red like traffic light and Jimin chuckles.
''Don't worry about it.'' Jimin tells reading your mind and kisses top of your head gently. The gesture is quite innocent one compared to what you just did. Jimin coughs awkwardly when you keep staring at down to his thigh cover in your mess and you finally look back at him. 
''Do you think that, perhaps you could go some more.''Jimin sifts underneath you  feeling uncomfortable  and your attention returns to his still hard member.
You nod slightly and get of his lap instead kneeling in front of him. Jimin looks at you surprised but you grin sheepishly reaching for his belt. ''I didn't meat that you have to suck me of.'' Jimin says awkwardly ''There is other things that we coul- Okay never mind!'' Jimin's voice rises in the end of his sentence when your mouth finds his still clothed dick and you move your mouth on top of the denim. 
You gain more confidence and return to continuing to open his belt. You feel impatient and that's why you are little clumsy while taking the belt out of it loops making the time used to it more longer that you wanted. When you are finally able to free Jimin's hard dick from its prison you smile in victory. His member isn't longest among the men you have seen so far but his shaft is absolutely the thickest one. Jimin's dick stands proudly in front of you begging your attention. You part your lips and your wet muscle peek out ready to taste the treat in front of it. You finally lean closer and lick the tip gently. Jimin falls backwards on the bed his hands now supporting his weight. You continue with your small kitten licks along his shaft, slowly up and down and back up again. 
''Please Y/N don't tease.'' Jimin whines and you feel yourself getting even wetter. Who could have thought that you would have Jimin begging underneath of you. In one moment he is the one making you grind against your thigh and in another he is submitting to you. You stop your movements completely and Jimin groans displeased.
''Beg for it.'' You demand and Jimin look at you in shock.
''What?'' Jimin blurs confused.
''I said that beg me to relieve you, baby boy.'' You add the pet name in impulse and you can see his dick visibly twitch in front of you. 
''Please! I need to feel your lips against me.'' Jimin obeys with desperation and you glee with satisfaction.
''Only because you asked so nicely.'' You gave in and quickly part your lips taking him between your lips. 
Jimin sighs in relief when you begun to bop his member slowly in and out of your mouth. You grace his shaft slightly with your teeth and you feel the taste of his precum on your tongue. He tastes salty but you gulp down like you are tasting the sweetest nectar. Jimin Groans when your throat tightens around his member and squeeze it like a wine. You had had little difficulties earlier while giving a blowjob but because Jimin is shorter that your earlier encounters you feel him slipping deeper in your throat rather easily. You swallow again around his member and Jimin buckles against your mouth making you gag. You pull away from his dick and look him unhappily. Jimin is biting his lip hard his eyes closed and he is barely holding himself up but when he feels you stopping in middle of his pleasure he forces his eyes slowly open. 
''I'm sorry.'' He hurries to say. ''Please don't stop.'' 
''Tsk Tsk, only good boys can come Jiminnie and good boys can keep still.'' You don't know where your confidence is coming but you are fucking loving it.
''I'm a good boy.'' Jimin hurries to assure you and small smirk rises to your lips. 
''I'm not sure about that. Hmm, how about I give you a hand job instead. You don't seem to be ready to feel my mouth against you yet.''
''Please, just do anything make me come.'' Jimin straightens in his position and begs you with his eyes. 
Instead of answering your hand curls around his shaft and you spit on top of his member to move along it more easily. Instantly Jimin’s head lulls backwards and wanton moan leaves from his lips. You move your fist up and down on his member and squeeze tightly on his base while your free hand moves to fondle his balls. Jimin’s panting is getting louder and you can feel how his legs shakes in front of you. You pinch the tip of his member and  Jimin comes finally undone with his hips buckling up and his hot seed making a mess. You don’t wait Jimin to recover and instead hurry to the bathroom to pick up a wet towel. 
You help each other to clean yourself. You pull quickly your soaked pants and and panties away and change in to fresh pair but Jimin has to be satisfied just to wipe himself clean and tying his jacket to his waist to cover the mess of his pants. You have just finished changing when Jimin gets the call that the taxi has arrived. You get in the backseat of the car holding each other hands while you both are red faced while the taxi driver is oblivious about what has occured between you just seconds ago before he came to pick you up. ~ You haven’t ever skipped work if the time when you had ran out after fighting with Jimin didn’t count. Last night the taxi had dropped you at first to your apartment even though Jimin  would have wanted to come inside with you. You had told him that you need time to sort your feelings out specially after what you had done previously with him. You were grateful that jimin had accepted your reasoning and you were able to go through your mind in peace. You couldn’t understand how Jungkook was so quilt free and skipping his work all the time when you were close to breaking. Sometimes you had to make hard choices and you had made one that could cause you lose your job. you weren’t surprised at all when you received a angry phone call from your boss demanding for a reason that you were away. Luckily you were able to save yourself because your boss saw you as a reliable worker and it was your first mistake while working at theatre. You sighed in relief when you survived with warning and texted jimin to tell the good news only to hear that he had gained an angry call as well. Luckily the theater didn’t want to fire their maid lead in most popular act at the moment and he was able to survive with warning as well. Surely there would had been an option to both of you to pull through of the work day despite the lack of sleep but you had given permission to yourself to rest after the emotional rollercoaster you had been through. At the same evening you were sitting on your bed your phone in your hands and your nerves going wild. You had made your decision after going through your mind and feelings for countless times all of it what was left to tell your choice for the gang. You were pacing nervously back and forth in Jin’s livingroom after you had asked him that you could use his home at meeting point. Jin’s livingroom was spacious, two big windows were heading to the east and in front of it was a comfortable grey couch full of plushy pillows. On the right side of the couch was a matching loveseat and on the right was empty armchair. The floor was made of light brown wood and big light pink carpet was covering almost the whole space. Jin’s big flat screen TV was on opposite wall of couch and blushies from Super mario were sitting neatly on the sides of it.  Jin was quietly watching your pacing from his seat while you were collecting your nerves. ‘’Do you think that everyone will hate me after tonight?’’ You ask for a hundredth time in the same hour and Jimin lets a deep sigh escape from his lips. ‘’I don’t think the guys could ever hate you at least I know that I couldn’t.’’ Jin tells from his spot. ‘’But what if…’’ ‘’Y/N relax, I’m sure that things will sort out.’’ Jin stops your pacing taking a gentle hold of your wrist while you walk past of him once again. You stop and Jin pulls you to sit next to him to keep you calm. You aren’t able to relax for a long time when you hear a doorbell ring. Your whole body freezes and Jin looks you with pity. ‘’Do you want that I go open the door?’’ ‘’Yes, please.’’ You tell quietly.  Yoongi is first to arrive and he smiles you softly when he sees you curled in couch. ‘’Hi.’’ ‘’Hi.’’ You greet him back. ‘’How are you feeling?’’ Yoongi asks carefully and sits on free arm chair keeping his distance which makes you feel grateful. ‘’Nervous.’’ You admit. Before you can continue your conversation any longer Jin returns to the living room followed by Namjoon and Taehyung. They both carried mixed emotions when they finally saw you and sat on the love seat near the couch. ‘’Hi Y/N, I’m sorry about what happened on Sunday we were all acting like bunch of dicks I mean I was acting like a dick.’’ Namjoon opens his mouth changing his position on his seat nervously. ‘’Yeah I can agree to that, we were idiots.’’ Taehyung agrees next to his older looking guilty. ‘’yeah.’’ Yoongi also mumbles in agreement. ‘’Well, uh I have to admit that we all were kind of idiots. You guys while pressuring me and I when I didn’t reject or accept anyone clearly.’’ You fidget your fingers nervously and look to your lap avoiding everyone’s eyes. Jin is able to sit on his seat only for a second when he has to go open the door once again this time rest of the gang is following him. Jimin looks the most nervous of them all after everyone has taken their seats and Jin has returned to your side. The room is so quiet and full of nerves that you could hear a pin to drop on the ground. Jin squeezes your hand to signal to go on and you take a deep breath. “There has been lot of tension between of us lately ever since the whole date Y/N thing begun. I’m grateful that you guys decided to show me how it feels like when someone cares about you and is there for you. I also can’t ignore the intimate aspects that I experienced with you guys and I’m grateful that you were so patient and understanding with me when I didn’t know what I was doing.’’ ‘’Hey, all of us has been virgins at some point.’’ Jungkook interrupts you and you smile grateful to his remark. ‘’Indeed.’’ You look awkwardly to smirking Jungkook and Jimin punches Jungkook’s arm lightly to keep him quiet. “Well anyway you guys aren’t here to analyze my sex life here with me even though I finally have one thanks to your guys.’’ You get light chuckles for an answer this time and you can’t help yourself but to join as well. You look through all the men who you have come to known in different ways along the journey of your sex education and you feel the warmth to leak in your chest. ‘’Jimin you were the one who made the gears go in to the motion. You are the first guy who made me feel strong feelings and safety.’’ You continue while looking the male straight into his eyes who remains listening you quietly. ‘’Jungkook you were my first teacher and you taught me how to make out and you were my first date partner ever.’’ Jungkook grins to you when he listens to your words and you smile back at him. ‘’Taehyung you took me to the aquarium and i saw new sides of you, your passion towards the ocean and how behind all of that goofiness can be a serious and caring man.’’ Taehyung smirks. ‘’I made you came under the sea.’’ ‘’Tae!’’ You hear others around him to groan and he chuckles lightly to his own joke. You decide to ignore him and continue. ‘’Hoseok you took care of my mothers car and maybe also me on the side.’’ ‘’I thought it was other way around when I walked in and-’’ ‘’Shut up Yoongi, don’t ruin this from me.’’ Hoseok glares at his friend with anger but soon his stare turns in to satisfied grin. You seem to have accept that the guys can’t stay quiet during this part of your speech and you continue with sigh. ‘’Yoongi you made me love myself and my body and not to be ashamed of myself.’’ ‘’I tried my best.’’ Yoongi smirks. ‘’Joon you were there for me when I was feeling extremely sour and made me forget my worries. ‘’Yeah after that stunt Jimin pulled.’’ Namjoon mumbles and glares man in question angrily. ‘’Hey we made up so calm down.’’ Jimin defends himself. ‘’Yes we did so I would be grateful that you guys wouldn’t carry a grudge towards him because of me.’’ You look Namjoon strictly into his eyes and his eyes soften ‘’I will try my best.’’ He gives in and you smile gratefully to him. ‘’And even you Jin taught me lot of things about myself and people around me when I wasn’t sure which steps were the right ones for me.’’ You look the man sitting next to you and it's your turn to squeeze his hand.’’ ‘’Well Im lot more than just a pretty face.’’Jin sighs dramatically. ‘’I know.’’ You agree even though his vanity makes you slightly gringe inside. ‘’I wanted to tell all these thing for you because after I have told my decision I don’t want that you  blame yourself or each other from what I’m about tell you next.’’ You feel how the nerves goes wild and you tighten your hold of Jin’s hand making him whine lightly, but you don’t even notice. You feel the impatien stares in you face and look at your lap. ‘’I have decided to date…’’ You mumble the end so quietly that even Jin isn’t able to hear what you say. ‘’I’m sorry but can you say it again.’’ Hoseok is brave enough to ask and you take a deep breath and look up your lap this time repeating your answer more clearly. You repeat your answer even though you know that everyone won’t be happy but you have to be honest to yourself, after all it was your answer.
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cherryblossomshadow · 3 years
Wonder Woman 1984 review
Long, rambly, and spoilery. You’ve been warned. 
I saw WW84. I had thoughts. Let's talk about it. 
I want to preface with the fact that it's amazing that we have another female-led superhero film! I loved Patti Jenkins' work with the first Wonder Woman (and this one too) and I'm so glad she's back for this one. There's obviously a lot to pick through, but first, a couple reminders.
No film will ever be "perfect."
Not every film is made specifically for you. 
It is okay to vibe or disvibe with something. But that does not make it trash. 
Also, please, keep in mind, what I'm expressing are my opinions. I'm entitled to mine as you are entitled to yours. I hope you have a lovely time on the internet, and I hope you wish the same for everyone you interact with. 
Oh, and spoilers obviously. 
Okay, with all that out of the way, let's dig in. 
My overall experience with the film is positive! I had a great time watching it, it got me emotional, and I definitely want to watch it again. That said, I don't think it's better than the first one (although that would have been quite a feat), and that's ok. It's a continuation of a story we've already started, and it doesn't need to outshine the first. 
Okay, after all the hyping up and disclaiming I've done, let's dig into what I didn't like about the film. 
Number one is pacing. The storyline felt very erratic to me? Part of that, I feel, is because we have three (four?) main characters, and we jump between them pretty abruptly. 
Number two is the themes. Now I do like the themes of WW84 (truth and sacrifice), I just don't think they were worked into the film as cohesively as I would have liked? 
Number three is perceived character changes to Diana. And really, some of this is kinda circumstantial, I just thought it deserved its own bullet point. You'll see what I mean. 
So, on Pacing.
We jump between Diana (and Steve), Barbara, and Maxwell pretty frequently. And before I talk about that, I have to talk about my view on the characters. 
a. Now, I love the Mandalorian, but I was not personally invested in Maxwell's arc at all. Again, this is my take, and I know people disagree. Many people feel like Pedro Pascal carried the film on his shoulders. That's cool. He's a great actor. I'm glad he was in it. I just kinda checked out of every scene he was in (when he wasn't with his kid) because I wasn't invested in him. He played a sleazeball on purpose, and it worked. I was sleazed. So the movie kinda dragged for me whenever the camera panned to him. 
b. I loved the focus on Barbara. I don't know Cheetah from the comics, so this is from a movie-only perspective. But I know one of the criticisms of the first film was that Diana didn't really talk to women after she left Themyscira (even though there was a perfectly good villainess sitting right there for her to converse with and have morality debates/fights with! Even Steve Trevor got to talk to Dr Poison!), so I thought it was great that 1) they set up a villainess for her to fight and 2) it was a villainess that she knew, she had talked to, she had formed a relationship with. It honestly surprised me that Barbara was helpful for so long (bc I had seen the trailer and got spoiled that she would become a villain), but I love that she genuinely did want to help Diana, up until she hit her hard limit (giving up her powers). Now, that being said, the Nerd Girl Makeover has been done a thousand times. I knew what her vague trajectory would be from the second she appeared on screen with frizzy hair. I did like that her motivation was not solely "pretty people are mean to me, and I want revenge and/or for this hot guy to like me," but specifically, "I want to be like this really cool girl" and then "I don’t want to be like anyone else; I want to be the best/number one" for myself." But I felt like the absolute inattention that she was shown at the beginning and the absolute worship Diana and later Barbara would get was ... highly exaggerated? And I know this was another criticism of the first film, that yeah "Diana did so well in the real world because SHE'S HOT and that's actually not empowering to women" or something. But like. Watching that part made me uncomfortable instead of seen. Pandered to, instead of impacted. Showing how looks change how society treats you is important, but not to this caricaturized degree. 
c. (and d?) And lastly, Diana and Steve. Or more accurately, Diana and Steve's soul or memories or ??? that has been transplanted into some random man's body with absolutely no one's consent (I don't believe that Diana "consented" when making the wish, because she didn't know 1. That it would even work or 2. HOW it would work.). So ... Yeah. The first problem with this (chronologically, not by importance) is that it's really unclear what's going on? Some rando is reciting Steve's lines from the first film, then all of a sudden he turns into Chris Pine? (Fun fact: my aunt actually recognized the actor from Hallmark 😂 Could you imagine being the guy who gets replaced by Chris Pine for half the movie? Like "yeah, I played Steve Trevor, but they had Chris Pine do all the important parts" 😂😂😂). So, Diana and Steve finally figure out that he's inhabiting some engineer's body because of the wish she made. And then they bang. Or do they bang before they figure it out? Either way, yikes 😬. Not a good look. 
To be clear, the yikes part is that Steve is inhabiting Engineer Dude's body without their consent (without his own either tho so that part's not really his fault), but then he chooses to do things sexually with that body that Engineer Dude didn't consent to (because he's like, literally not home. Whether he's been subsumed into Chris Pine or taken out or dormant or whatever). Oh, and then like, probably doing death-defying stunts with his body is also yikes. I'm not really sure what the rules around body possession are. Cuz you know. 
Anyway, that is a huge issue that is literally not addressed. At all. 
Again, I think they may have been trying to address some criticisms from the first film about Diana "getting rid of the dreaded V-card so quickly in Wonder Woman and then pining after Chris Pine (lol) for the rest of her long life" and how that sets back female sexuality and stuff. Which I get. They actually lampshaded it in WW84, how Chris Pine wants her to move on because "the world deserves her." Which I know what they were going for in the scene, but I feel like they didn't flesh out the journey from Hippolyta's "the world doesn't deserve you Diana" to Steve's "the world deserves you (to date them)" enough. But I digress. 
I'm gonna talk a little bit more about the possession and that "the world deserves/doesn't deserve you" line in my Themes section, but honestly? From the previews, I assumed that Chris Pine was revived from the dead via time travel or something. Body possession was NOT in the the trailers. I think the Dreamstone could have created a body for him out of nothing. Or like "time-traveled" him into the future. So like. Why didn't they? Why introduce body possession at all? So they could make fun of the dude's clothes? 
Okay, back to the pacing part of the pacing section. These three (four?) characters have completely different things going on in their lives (I actually forgot to talk about Maxwell, but he wants to "be the best," and he's gonna do it by giving people what they think they want (maybe) and then taking from them whatever he wants. Yeah idk). And all three do interact at the beginning (brownie points) even if the attempted seduction of Barbara by Maxwell makes me want to throw up. But the themes aren't worked in as cohesively as I would have liked, and the tone changes were jarring, as the film switched between them all. 
Another facet of the movie is that the Dreamstone is kind of a mystery. And that was a deliberate Choice™, not a mistake. We're guessing at what the rock is doing and how and why and by who and all that stuff, and that's on purpose, but that makes for a confusing experience. Their approach is to throw something confusing at you and then explain it later. Which is great for worldbuilding. But not always for the Movie-Watching Experience™. So to recap, we're switching tracks and characters with their own separate stories while also setting up several confusing plot points that take a while to unravel. This all contributes to the Experience™, good or bad. 
Honestly, I wonder how much Covid affected this movie? My dad felt like a lot of scenes probably got cut for various reasons, and it probably affected the flow of the movie. If so, it could have affected thematic coherence, too. Speaking of... 
So, Themes. 
The themes that I got out of this film were Truth and Sacrifice. Maybe I missed some; I'm not an experienced Media Critic™. But these are the ones I noticed. 
And actually, these themes are really strong. Universally applicable, and used in all three character arcs. It's just tied in a bit ... erratically?
So working backward, knowing that the Dreamstone is giving you a lie, you need to renounce your wish and accept the Truth™. This is echoed in Diana's flashback, where she needed to accept that she didn't win. 
Working backward again, Sacrifice was a big part of the story for all three characters because Diana was willing to sacrifice her power to keep Steve, but he wanted her to sacrifice him so she could save the world. Barbara was willing to sacrifice her "humanity" or "empathy" or whatever she lost for the power and influence she got by emulating Diana, and she was unwilling to sacrifice that to save the world. Maxwell was willing to sacrifice time with his son to "become the best," but he did sacrifice that to save his son's life. 
And then, full circle, he confessed to his son that he wasn't the best, he's actually a filthy liar. Which, yes, kudos for the themes, be honest with your children, but you can still sanitize it a bit. That speech alone would have traumatized the kid. 
Speaking of speeches, Antiope's speech confused me in a similar way? Like, she stops Diana from "winning" the tournament after cheating, and goes on this weird rambly rant which goes from "accept that you're not a winner" to "cheating is bad and so is lying." Which yes, cheating is bad, but it's weird that she wouldn't have been disqualified at this point for not shooting that last target? Like, did she need to be tackled? Idk, I felt like they came up with the line they wanted Antiope to say first, and then just made her say it. (And also, in other stories, Diana would have been praised for being "clever" and "never giving up without a fight." So like, I needed a bit more preparation for which take they were going for, because the anti-cheating spiel felt jarring to me.) 
And again, I wonder if this is a response to a criticism of this first film. (Warning: WW17 rant gearing up) 
When Diana has her big motivational flashback during her fight with Ares, she thinks about Steve, this dude she just met a week ago, saying he loved her. When she could have been thinking about literally any of the women who had raised her. I personally think it would have been cool to hear some of Antiope's words at that point. Since they set up Hippolyta and Antiope to have conflicting ideas over whether Diana should fulfill her humanity-saving destiny, it might have been cool to see her saying something about humans and how they need her or how she should help them or something. They could even have done the whole thing with not being able to hear Steve's last words, but with Antiope since she dies earlier in the film and doesn't finish speaking. I also think it would have been cool for them to expand Hippolyta's earlier line about "They don't deserve you, Diana," here to like "They need you, Diana," or something. And then Steve's line in WW84 could have been something like "They're with you, Diana," or "They could get to know you, Diana," and her character arc could have been about actually living among society and maybe getting to know these humans that she's saved so many times (which they kind of alluded to when she and Barbara had their little date at the beginning of the film). But I digress. 
So, yeah, I found both of these speeches to be ... Not great? Like I can tell what they're going for and how they tie into the themes, but they're so heavy-handed and they don't actually fit in too well to the moment they happen in. Like as soon as the speech starts, you realize that they started going meta on you. The character isn't really speaking to the other character, they're speaking to us, and they're telling us how this scene ties into the greater themes of the film. 
Oh and they have this great quote from Antiope "greatness is not what you think" and then Maxwell's son wishes for him to be "great." And they do nothing with it :(
As promised, I want to talk about the body possession a little bit more. So again, one of the recurring themes is Truth™. Which is a great choice for Wonder Woman, what with her Lasso of Truth. 
But it's tied in a bit haphazardly. They force it into a conversation about cheating in a flashback at the beginning of the film. And then they talk about how you need to accept the Truth™ in order to defeat the Dreamstone. I already talked about the cheating, and how the "accept that you're not a winner" was kind of a weird path to take to get your point across to a ten year old girl. 
But the Dreamstone. Oh, the Dreamstone. I said before that the movie is a mystery. It shows you things but doesn't explain them. Well, this is a bit of a problem. Because they never actually explain that the Dreamstone is giving you lies. To my eyes, the Dreamstone is changing reality. Steve is back, Barbara is powerful, and Maxwell is doing whatever he wants with the powers of the Dreamstone. THIS DOES NOT LOOK LIKE A LIE TO ME. THERE IS NO "TRUTH" TO ACCEPT, JUST YOUR NEW REALITY. And that made the film less thematically strong (to my eyes, anyway. Other people probably picked up on stuff I didn't). But I feel like this might have been an easy fix? Like you already have Chris Pine in someone else's body (oh! So that's why they chose body possession! Because he's a Lie™! ... Still don't like it) I still think he should have manifested his own body or something but whatever. Barbara's appearance hardly changed at first. If they had people reacting to her as if she was hot when she really looked the same as she always does, then I would have bought your "but the Dreamstone only gives you lies." Instead, Barbara gained the power to walk in heels and then hotness and then the literal power of a God™ (a la Diana) which makes me think the Dreamstone is changing reality. Not bringing lies. 
Oh, also, they could have had Diana's Lasso of Truth stop working for her. I thought that's what they were going for at first, but it turns out that Diana is just losing her powers. They also started with "the Dreamstone will give you what you want most," but then Maxwell started using it to clear traffic? Which by the way, is NOT an illusion. That is reality-bending. 
There were just so many ways to make it obvious that "the Dreamstone is giving you lies," but they didn't use them. Or at the very least, they didn't commit. I felt like they used a little bit of "be careful what you wish for" (mostly on randos that Maxwell is duping), a little bit of "what are you willing to sacrifice," and a little of "you can have what you want, but it won't be real." All of which are valid ways to take a Dreamstone kind of story, but if they wanted to rely so heavily on Truth™ as the main theme, then I feel like more of the wishes should have been showcasing that. Instead, it felt like a jumble of all the kinds of messages we're used to seeing with Wish-Granting Objects, with no emphasis on specifically the "it's all a lie" part. 
Ugh, I'm actually mad now, because I'm trying to think of a story I've heard where this magical thing is granting wishes but they're Explicitly Not Real. Like all the money gets turned back to leaves or whatever (kinda like Cinderella's pumpkin lol). Oh, Aladdin does this, too, because yeah Genie is granting wishes and changing reality, but not permanently? Like, almost all of the stuff he uses magic to do dissolves as soon as we're looking away from it or gets fixed by the end of the movie? And the film is very very clear on the fact that Aladdin is not factually a Prince. 
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But this film doesn't do that. They make it seem like the Dreamstone can change reality, then berate the characters for not Accepting the Truth™ about themselves. Maybe if they had made a bigger deal out of Steve coming back in someone else's body, it would have been 1) less confusing, 2) less icky (provided they don't do the sex in Engineer Dude's body), and 3) more thematically coherent. 
Lastly, Diana's perceived character changes. 
This one is probably the most subjective. Diana, as a character, in the first film was very morally grounded and motivated. The Diana in this film felt ... different. Again. Subjective. And also circumstantial. 
Diana is still morally grounded in this film. But she's also willing to sacrifice the world to keep Steve Trevor around. Which feels like a jarring change from her characterization in the first film. She was so idealistic and optimistic in that first film, I couldn't imagine her making that choice. It just felt like such a tone change for her character. How did we go from "Who will I be if I stay?" to "Why, for once, can't I just have this one thing, Steve? ... I can't give you up. I can't. So I won't."
Also, her motivation in this film seemed to center around her loss of Steve Trevor and wanting him, and less around "save the world." Which, to be fair, I'm all for women being selfish in film. Give me women of all motivations and desires. I don't want Diana to be Perfect™. I just want her to be consistent. And I didn't think this characterization was as consistent as I expected. Was her life so terrible without Steve (even though they only knew each other for a short time)? Not to say this couldn't be a valid take on Diana (reminder: I haven't read any comics, so maybe it's not in character at all 🤷‍♀️), but if that's what they were going for, they should have developed the journey from naive idealist to jaded romantic more in order to justify this character change. 
Also, the body possession thing. She's really okay with her boyfriend possessing somebody else's body. I did like the "All I See Is You" line, since it's romantic, but up until that point, we as viewers aren't really sure why Chris Pine and Hallmark Dude are both playing this guy. Then we find out in a romantic line that Chris Pine is just Wonder Woman's view of him. He still looks like Engineer Dude because he is Engineer Dude. At first, I thought that they used a different guy for the first meeting because Diana didn't recognize him. That this was her perception of him until she realized who it was. (I thought this was supported by Chris Pine's more rugged look in this film. But actually they were probably matching him to the body he was inhabiting, since the character really didn't look like himself). Leverage does a similar thing in the Rashomon Job. All the characters saw each other at the same event, but they didn't know each other back then, so they had different actors play their parts until it's slowly revealed that actually the random people at the event were the characters we know and love. It's great. Anyway, that's not what they're going for here, and the ambiguous framing along with Diana and Steve's chemistry is supposed to make you forget that he is possessing someone else’s body! Against their will! (Again, Steve and Diana didn't consent to the initial possession either, but they absolutely consented to what they did together. Engineer Dude did not.) 
Yikes  😬
I will say, she didn't kill innocents this time. One of my critiques of the first movie was that she was so willing to kill Germans. And I get it, Nazis are usually an "acceptable" target in American media. But as a character, she believed that they were innocents who had been manipulated by Ares. And yet, she was slaughtering them en masse. But, in this movie, they're really careful to make sure that she's nonlethal. 
And yeah, that's it.
Asteria was of course awesome. That bonus credit scene was 👌
I'm glad they got Linda Hemming back for costuming after the disaster of Justice League. Unfortunately, being set in the 80's, the outfits are not quite so modest as the first movie. But the important thing was the lack of male gaze in those shots.
The movie definitely hit me in my emotions. I cried three times: first during the tournament, watching the Amazon's being awesome. Then during Diana and Steve's fight, and when Steve convinced Diana to let him go. 😭
As I said, I definitely plan on rewatching. It makes me sad to see how much negative press that the movie is getting when it's one of so few female-led blockbusters. A lot of people are comparing it to the original or to the comics or TV show, when those are just not valuable comparisons. Comic books and TV shows are completely different mediums. And a successful sequel CONTINUES a story, instead of rehashing it. And also, not all films are created specifically for YOU. A lot of the 80's references went over my head, but that's ok. They weren't for me. I don't begrudge their existence just because I don't vibe with them. 
Again, no film is perfect! I think I talked through a lot of its weaknesses pretty thoroughly, but I still think it's a strong film, and I want it to succeed. 
Anyhoo, I hope you had fun watching the movie (even though it's not perfect) and I hope you had fun reading my commentary. 
(Fun fact: I actually ran out of space in my notes app and had to stretch it across two notes)
8 notes · View notes
appledashieeus · 4 years
“We don’t talk together” - Heize but it’s about Rainbow Dash’s feelings for her crush.
At Sweet Snack Cafe...
Sunset: So... How are you guys doing?
Rainbow: Nahh I’m doing just as awesome as usual
Applejack (smirk): Huh? Ah’m good. So how about you Sunset?
Rainbow: Yeah, how are you AND Pinkie doin’?
Sunset (darting her eyes away from the girl, replying shyly): We’re alright.. I guess.
Sunset: Talking about relationships, how are you and Rarity? Didn’t you two decide to get back together after that ​Starswirled Music Festival​, right?
Applejack (awkwardly): Yeah, righ- ah mean... things are really not that clear yet. *blushing hard, and immediately gulped the water in her glass to relieve her awkward state*  Rare said she needs more time but ah’ think we’re doin’ alright?
Sunset (confused): But didn’t you two spent major time together at that festival?...
Rainbow (thinking in her head): Not all the time
Sunset:...You even rolled her sushi...
Rainbow (muttering): She makes food for everyone.
Sunset:...you made her mud-mask...
Rainbow (still muttering):She didn’t, it was real mud tho
Sunset:...And that Ponygram’s video ya two made together about camping must have, it has like, millions heart icons in it!
Rainbow (keep muttering but smaller volume): Rare likes heart icon, that’s all.
Applejack (thinking about it and start blushing): A-ah’ guess yall did have sum point.
Sunset (smirk in champion way): Hah, see.
AJ *smiled nervously while her cheeks turn in beet-red*
Sunset (notice RD’s gloomy face): So how about you Rainbow? How’s your relationship status?
Rainbow (startled): Oh.. um am alright. Too busy being captain of all the sport team in school at the moment, no time for that mussy love thing *acts careless*
Sunset: Hmm.. I see. But how about Fluttershy, don’t you take care of her a lot? Like whenever were hangin’ out you’re always with her, and last summer your fam and her fam even went on vacation together, right?
Rainbow: There is n-
Applejack: There is no way RD and Fluttershy having anything for each other ah’m tellin’ ya *chuckle* They are childhood friends, more specifically they parents are friends, even tho they don't seem like they have anything in common but Fluttershy’s parents trust RD a lot. They asked her to look after their daughter, am ‘ah right sugarcube?
Rainbow (smiled nervously): Yeah, that’s everything Sunset. By the way Fluttershy already has a crush on this tree-nerd, what’s her name again? Ahh yeah Tree Hugger. Don’t you know about that?
Rainbow: Besides, she isn’t my type anyway so yea, that kind of relationship is impossible for us. We’re more like sister if you ask me tho *placing the straw in the cup she was holding on her lips, drinking her cool rainbow ice-blended to dispel the tense*
Sunset (confusion): Ah yeah, right, Pinkie might mentioned it before but I wasn’t paying much attention haha *chuckle shyly*
🎶 Get in the group, you bring that dancing shoes~ I’ll bring that attitude, you bring the crew so we can move~ 🎵
Applejack (startled): Ohh that was mah phone. *pick up the phone* Yea Rarity?....
Sunset looking at RD’s frowning face , “there must be something wrong here” she thinks.
Applejack (hang up her phone): Uhm.. Sorry you guys, it’s time for me to go to Rare’s house. Ah’ promised her ah’ll build her closet-room today. And ah gonna post it on Ponygram so remember to check ‘em out *chuckle shyly*
Applejack (pack up her thing and finish her apple smoothie): Okay ah’ gotta go now, see yall later.
Sunset: Yeah take care AJ
Rainbow (back to earth): Ah right, bye AJ see you around.
Sunset (waving): Have fun!
After Applejack left, The atmosphere became dull for the Speedster. Dashie’s face formed a noticeable gloom which Sunset recognized.
Sunset: Hey Rainbow, you alright?
Sunset: Heyy *wave her hand at RD’s face*
Sunset: (do and say random thing) Back to earth Rainbow Dash
Sunset (lose her temper): RAINBOW DASH!!
Rainbow (startled): Huh? I’m here am here. Oh it was you, Sunset Shimmer. You don’t need to shout that loud you know. *takes a sip from her ice-blended*
Sunset (pats Rainbow’s shoulder): Is there anything wrong Dash? *she said in a worrying tone*
Rainbow (sigh): It’s nothing Sunset, I just...
Sunset stopped for a moment and thought about the conversation the three of them had earlier. Not long after studying the moment shared, Sunset finally realized what the actual problem really was
Sunset (slightly serious voice): You have a crush on AJ don’t you?
Rainbow (got startled, nervously looking around while quickly uses her hand to shut Sunset up): Wh-what? What are you saying! pfft.. tsk.. I don’t have feelings for Applejack, Sunset.
Sunset (takes RD’s hand off her mouth): Ugh.. Chill out Dash, It’s not like Pinkie’s here today to bounce and talk non-stop about this. Gummy caught a stomach ache, she had to bring him over to Fluttershy.
Sunset (looking around): And it seems like there is no one we know is sittin’ in. So Rainbow Dash, calm down.
Rainbow (finally making herself calm down a bit and sitting down): Yeah you’re right *sigh, looking down* So you know my secret huh? Now what, are you going to tell everyone about it?
Sunset: No Dash that’s not what I mea-
(The original was in Korean but I decided to use the translation. Suggest yall to listen to this song while continue reading)
🎵~ Do you feel the same now? It’s strange
This night we’ve been walking a long time ~ 🎶
Rainbow Dash froze upon hearing the song. She knows this song. She felt her heart clench inside her chest as if it was stabbed with a sword
Sunset sensed how uneasy her rainbow headed friend had become and as her friend. she scooted closer to show comfort
Sunset (patted her friend’s back): Hey RD, I know that you feel uncomfortable about all of this, but if you need someone to talk to.. I’m right here you know? I’ll be all ears.
Rainbow (looking at Sunset then look down at her ice-blended , her voice got softer than ever): You see Sunset...
Sunset: (listening)
Rainbow (sigh): I did something I shouldn’t. I have a crush on my best friend, and that friend is even DATED my other best friend. I’m a real mess ain’t I. *dugs her face in both of her hands releasing a heavy breathe of sigh*
Sunset (surprisingly and hesitantly): Dash i-
🎶~ Without any fear
I don’t know, I don’t know
Maybe back then 🎵
I just relied too much on Believing you would comfort me ~ 🎶
The feels that Rainbow Dash is feeling right now, she hated it.
Sunset (still patting RD’s back in comfort): You know RD, there is nothing wrong with you or your feelings. At all.                                                                           It’s something natural and you can’t just abandon or run away from it. I’m sure those feelings are reasonable same as everyone else’s
Sunset: Again, I am here if you need me.
🎵 ~ ​I know
We love each other 🎶
We don’t talk together I’m always yours
Why don’t you? 🎵
I don’t want to admit it Why don’t you?
🎶 I can’t send you away ~
RD’s shoulders trembled, her tears began to flow down her face
Sunset (surprised): Rainbow i-
Rainbow (slightly sobbing): Sunset I don’t know anymore. I shouldn't feel this way but I just can’t stop it. I love Applejack... a lot. *her voice getting weaker and sobber* It’s way too hard for me to control this damn feeling, I just think about that girl every time, every-freaking-second. Like, even when I play my game, if she doesn’t show up i’ll get distracted because i keep thinkin’ why or what happened. It’s too much for me Sunset, way too much.
Sunset got surprised, she never expected this, that one of her cool tomboy and stoic friend could be this soft and fragile. It... makes Sunset remember her past, she feels empathy.
Without saying anything, she continued on stroking her friends back.
Rainbow (still sobbing): Y-you know Sunset...
Sunset (starled): H-huh? *she just got back from her thinking space*
Rainbow (raises her face up, using a napkin to wipe the tears on her face away): AJ is something, she truly is something special, to me. I love a lot of things about this cowgirl. She’s the only person that could be as awesome as I am. Oh no offense Sunset.
Sunset (slightly smile): Non taken. I get what you’re saying, I thought that kind of way about Pinkie too.
Rainbow (finally giggle a bit): You see Sunset, me and AJ do a lot of things together. We’re even friend before I met the other girl, well not Fluttershy since my parents know her for a long time already. But yeah, Applejack and I spent most of the time together since we have tons of common interests, we shared the same hobbies and we’re always doing silly competitions together.
Sunset (giggled a bit): I can tell. But is that the only thing makes you trippin’ for Applejack that hard, I think there is more? *leaning her back to the chair*
Rainbow (chuckle a bit): You’re reading my mind aren’t you
Sunset (shrugs): I’m not touching you tho
They both stopped for a moment and then cracked smile together.
(I recommend yall to listen to “Some” by BOL4 or “Honey” by Kehlani while continue reading Rainbow’s thought on AJ)
Rainbow: Yeah yeah you are right. It’s not the only thing.
Rainbow (starts blushing): Well... I love Applejack because she is who she is. I love how she’s really responsible you know? She’s completely the exact opposite as I am. She’s smart and dependable to everyone… she knows how to handle her friends, family and... (blushing harder while muttering) me. She’s really strong as well, both physical and emotional, you know after what happened to her parents.
Sunset (nodding): I can tell.
Rainbow (takes a big gulp of her ice-blended and continuing): Okay this is awkward and idk what you think but Applejack is *shyly blushing* the apple of my eyes.
Sunset (interested face): Ooooo
Rainbow (embarrassed): I-i mean she is pretty tho, like nature pure pretty. She don’t even need any of that Rarity’s makeover thing *sarcastically voice*.   
She’s just naturally gorgeous.
Sunset (drinking her juice and raises her eyebrow): Hmm... I see.
Rainbow (blushing shyly): Like, have you seen those freckles on her cheeks, they make AJ looks so freaking adorable. Her voice is funny and beautiful at the same time, I don’t care what other think but her country puns are hilarious and I like it when she called me “sugarcube” or “hun”, yes I do know she say that to everyone but still...
Sunset: (chuckling secretly)
Rainbow (continuing): And gosh, her emerald eyes are something unreal for sure im tellin’ ya, they are so mysterious, deeply and shiny like the aurora light in Arctic. I don’t know why but her looks for me are somehow so powerful, especially when she raises her eyebrow. It’s like she’s reading every ounce of me making me can’t lie to her.
Sunset (nodding): I gotta agree with you on that, Applejack’s look truly is something powerful tho.
Rainbow (sign and smirk in sarcastic): Yeah, she can easily tell when someone’s lying, but couldn’t tell how much I’m going nuts over her
Sunset: Woah RD, it sounds hurtful when you say it that way.
Rainbow: It is what it is.
Sunset (curiously): But now AJ is single, why don’t you just go hit on her?
Rainbow (hide her nervousness): Seriously Sunset? Aren’t you the one who just brought up all those Rarijack moments to Applejack and makes her blush as heck? *sarcastically voice*
Sunset (feeling guilty): Oopsie! Sorry Dash, I didn’t know...
Rainbow (sign): It isn’t your fault anyway. If anyone is at fault here, it’s me.
Sunset: No Rainbow, why would you even think ‘bout it that way? It doesn’t sound like the awesome Rainbow Dash I know at all.
Rainbow (smirk): I could be awesome at a lot of things, but in this mussy love thing Sunset. I am a loser, a betrayal to my friendship with Rarity and Applejack...
Sunset (pity voice): Dash...
Rainbow (chuckle in sarcastic): Isn’t it funny Sunset, fallin’ in love with my best friend who is taken by my other best friend, how much of a jerk am I?
Sunset: Stop Rainbow, you are being negative. Besides, AJ and Rare broke up for a while now. Hey, if that Ragamuffin Rare met on the spring yatch have social media, they’re probably dating by now. And remember one thing, Rarity is you best friend , she’ll understand.
Rainbow (looking at Sunset with surprisingly then looking down at the table again): B-but what if the two of them actually still have feelings for each other… You’ve seen how blushed AJ was when you brought up Rarijack stuffs to her...
Sunset (sign): RD-
*Tingg* (coming from Sunset’s phone)
Rainbow: Is that Pinkie?
Sunset (check her phone): Yeah, her appointment with Fluttershy just finished.
Rainbow (playing with her straw): Yeah you should probably go pick her up
Sunset: Dash i-
Rainbow (rest her chin on her hand): Don’t worry for me I kinda need to head home too. Go take care for your little ​chaos.
Sunset (chuckle): Yeah yeah you’re right.
Sunset (pack up her things): I was actually surprised, RD. It’s not about your feelings for AJ, more like because I’ve never seen that soft part of you like this, at all. Not until now, that’s ju-
Rainbow: Uhm... Sunset Shimmer, talking about that...
Sunset: Yea?
Rainbow (hesitantly): Can you keep our conversation today as a secret, especially to AJ or any of the girl, or just anyone we know. You see, it’s not just  because I don’t want anyone to know about my feelings..
Rainbow (sheepishly): My reputation is kind of at stake too you know? Who would want to know that the ever so awesome Rainbow Dash being like this when it comes to this lovey-dovey things *smiled nervously*
Sunset (slightly smile. sign): I get it Dash, your secret is safe with me. Pinkie promise.
Rainbow (lightened up a bit): Thank you Sunset, for everything. I really appreciate that.
Sunset: No big deal RD, I'm glad that you shared with me too. Hey if you need a company, just know that I’ll always be ready for *sarcastically voice but in a good way* mussy love talk, okay?
Rainbow (giggle): Yeah yeah, I will. Now you better go if you don’t want to keep your pink cotton candy waiting for her *sarcastically voice but in a good way* mussy girlfriend.
Sunset (chuckle): Chezz Rainbow Dash, okay see you tomorrow *waving and leaving*
Rainbow (waving back): Yeah see you ‘round
To be continued...
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
The Casagrandes Reviews: Croaked!
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Halloween Havoc rolls on as we shine a light on the other beloved holiday on October 31st, Day of the Dead! Sid and Ronnie Anne’s well meaning plan to help Sid’s sister Adelaide move on from her frog’s death ends up convincincing the small child she has power over life and death. I’m sure all big sisters do that at some point. More about the whole being dead thing under the cut. 
I’ve hyped this one up in both previous Casgrandes reviews, so as you can tell i’m excited for this one. As i’ve mentioned before but will repeat for anyone new here, I absolutley love this episode and when I did a binge a month ago for labor day of this show, it was one of the standouts by a wide margin. I only held off so long because why should Halloween be the only holiday I cover during spooky season huh? I mean yes it’s in my halloween coverage’s title but  there’s always room for incusivlity. Like jello or Wolverine. 
As for if i’m covering this show’s paired episode, the show’s episode for halloween itself...
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Yeah I have nothing against the episode ITSELF, it’s just.. eh. I mean we do get bobby as a dracula and sid as a lobster, a cute dance sequence and Stanley griping about not getting to wear his costume at work, which is valid, and then wearing said taco costume at the end... it’s just wrapped around your standard “character blows off a family engagment for something that turns out to suck” plot, the only diffrence being Bobby being the best brother ever is supportive of Ronnie Anne going to a 6th grade party and gladly helps salvage the night at the end. And it wasn’t a plot I liked to begin with, so it had that going against it. And I Know, I tend to zero in on i’ve seen it before a lot.. but that’s because .. it’s OKAY to do a tried and true plot tha’ts been done a million times as long as you can do something entertaining with it.  Both She Ra and Avatar the Last Airbender are about a world tha’ts long been conquered whose long lost savior comes to turn the tide of the war.. but that’s about as much as they share in direct comparison and both are fucking fantastic for diffrent reasons entirely.  But as rehashes go that episode wasn’t BAD , just eh, and i’d rather focus on things I can write more about frankly. 
Speaking of which, yeah I love this episode, and like “Mexican Makeover” it comes from Lalo Alcaraz of La Cucharacha fame, a comic strip writer whose also the show’s consultant for mexican culture, and is part of why the former episode disapointed me: because this one was REALLY fucking good. So enough hype , pitter patter let’s get at er.  The episode opens with Rosa setting up a day of the dead altar for her Father, with Sid and Ronnie Anne wondering what’s up, with Sid out and out wondering if Day of the Dead is mexican halloween something i’m ashamed to admit I thought of it as for years and years, because i’m as white as I am dumb, and most cartoons didn’t go much beyond “the dead come back for a day” and get into the more metaphorhical aspects we get to here. I assume Coco is the exception, as is the book of life I just still need to watch both. And yes you may boo me over this, I certainly deserve this.  I do however like this line as it’s a common misconception, and gives a  lot of kids likely thinking the same about the holiday in the audience a surrogate.
Ronnie Anne also wonders what the altar’s for. Rosa, while minorly annoyed at the two is happy to edcuate explaning it’s a day for honoring your loved ones and inviting them back, metaphorically though the metaphor was lost on young me since both Mucha Lucha and El Tigre had the dead literally come back, via an altar with offerings of their favorite things. It’s a nice bit that not only explains the holiday for those in the audience who either forgot a lot of that (raises hand) or didn’t know any of that, and also helps explain how the holiday is metaphoircal, something I didn’t think about before because as we’ve established i’m kinda dumb. The point is I like it.  Sid however gets an idea: Her sister Adelaide has been down in the dumps since her Frog, Froggy died, likely named after Big the Cat’s frog but this Froggy’s penchant for running off probably just got him ran over since Adelaide lives in the city and Frogger is sadly inaccurate, as George Costanza leanred the hard way. 
So our ambigiously gay duo visit Addy, who being a 6 year old who just lost her pet is bawling her eyes out. So our duo tells her about day of the dead and they set out to get froggy’s faviorite things: From shoelaces to the hoppit, a frog themed version of the hobbit I both wish is real and belives is probably better than the second two hobbit movies, flies (with help from a dirty diaper because this show and it’s sister can’t resist poop jokes.. go with your audience I guess), and a lilypad. The result is this. 
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I”m.. not going to ask why a 6 year old’s frog has the frog equilvent of a naked burt renoylds on a bearskin rug photo, froggy’s sexy secrets died with him. But unfortuntely nuance is lost on a 6 year old, so Addy assumed Froggy was actually coming back and just grieves harder now. So Sid comes up with Plan B B: bring froggy back from the dead at the old pet semetary. Though since they don’t want to defile his body they try a dead ally cat first instead.  
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One Zombie Test Cat later, they decide sometimes dead is better and just go with plan b: Sid once had a goldfish that died and her parents got her a replacement, and since it worked on her, and apparently still works on Bobby, they decide to pull that. They rent a frog from the pet store. And if your asking “wait pet stores , even fictional ones, do that” and suprisingly.. no they do not, but Pete, the guy at the pet shop which is also named after him, likes Sid’s mom’s tour. Okay two questions: one is that little pete from the adventures of pete and pete all grown up? I mean I know what happend to his actor... 
But in universe we have no idea. And Brendon Small, the character and the actor, showed up on Clarence so it’s plausable. And secondly where can I get the job as owner of my own pet store near melissa joan hart doing a gator show. I may have a career goal now. 
So they sneak in subsittue froggy, and we get an adorable montage of Addy hanging out with Froggy the Second: Getting some son, eating flies (though Addy spits her’s out. She’s not Lana.), and watching the Hoppit.. as I wish to one day. I mean we see a trippy bit of it but not the actual thing.. I guess I can add seeing a full version to my small list of things related to this franchise that I only I want along with my a diffrent world-esque spinoff show following Lori and Bobby. 
Addy happily sleeps after that giant ball of adorable, and Sid and Ronnie Anne take Froggy 2 back to Creepy Guy at the Pet Store.. I mean Pete.. I mean Future Me. So Sid pats herself on the back metaphoircally for the plan.. which this being a sitcom, naturally has kinda snowballed. Now Addy thinks she has power over life and death. Guess she has the same Christmas LIst as Crow
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As not to break a small child’s heart for the second time in two days, our heroines decide they have to bring back her wish list: Great Aunt Milly, Old Mr Woodburn, and Abraham Lincoln. 
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Since they don’t have a time traveling phone booth, they’ll have to go with the next best thing, my boy Tio Carlos. Seriously why they don’t use this adorable nerd more is beyond me. But Carols being an adorable history nerd gladly agrees to play LIncoln for what he thinks is a play.. I mean greanted they could just tell him the truth. He’s a dad, he gets this kinda thing. Meanwhile our girls dress up like said aunt milly and shenanigans insue. It’s a really funny scene.. until it falls apart with the mr. woodburn impersination, revealing it was all a hoax, and sending Addleaide crying to her room understandably not wanting to talk to either of them. Still we got Carolos as lincoln. That’s not nothing. 
But yeah having made things worse by accident, the girls go to Rosa for help who while understandably annoyed at the mess they made, is more than willing to come with and help. Because Rosa is fucking amazing ,that’s why. She sucessfully coaxes Addy out and then takes her down to the Casagrande’s place to show off her altar and explain the true meaning of day of the dead: Thinking about your loved ones.. keeps the memories alive. Thinking about who they were, what they loved, what they meant to you.. it’s not raising the dead.. but honring them. It  not only made the real value of the holiday sink in for me but i’ts a good message for kids, and a good way to teach them about a holiday most probably didn’ know how it worked if they even knew at all. It’s a really sweet powerful moment, and the combination of alcaraz’s writing and Sonia Manzano really brings it to this scene. It’s easily the show’s best. Good stuff. 
Froggy II interupts the scene.. turns out a trail of bacon bits, that we saw left earlier, lead him back, and Pete’s been following him the whole way and is winded because of course he is. We’re in the same blobby shape I get it man your fine. So with Addy already liking the second froggy, and having fully come to terms with the first’s death, Sid offers Pete tickets to her mom’s show in exchange for Froggy II, whose named that in this scene and who we saw in uptown funk. As long as it’s the splash zone he’s fine with it and Sid knows her mom enough well enough to know Becca would probably gladly trade a ticket for her daughter’s hapiness. Plus it’s easier to get someone to willingnly sign the wavers about getting gator blood on them when they already want that so win win.  We end on a Day of the Dead party with the whole cast in day of the dead makeup, eveyrone happy.. except Carl who’se subplot of spreading marigolds everywhere I missed and he ended up at the Loud House. Why this didn’t lead to a crossover I dunno. I mean if Steve Urkel can jetpack into the family from step by step’s yard,  why not? I know the 90′s were a diffrent time but this was a missed opportunity. Funny gag anyway. And scene. 
Final Thoughts: I was pretty transparent with this one: I think it’s a wonderful, heartfelt, and well done look at day of the dead tha’ts educational without cramming the education part down your throat, like any good cartoon that teachs you something should do, and it’s also really funny and endearing.Not much else to say, it’s just really good and I was glad to highlight it and if you haven’t seen it, please do it’s perfect viewing for the season. If you want more Casagrandes I have two reviews under the nick tab on my blog, and will be covering the second batch of Halloween/Day of the Dead episodes later this month, along with the new loud house halloween special Ghosted. And if you can’t wait for either of those, monday i’ll be covering the new ducktales halloween special. Until we meet again, viva la muretos. Play us out Nimoy...
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Not Your Angel
Diego Hargreeves X Reader Fanfiction (Smut)
Requested: Yes, by anonymous.
“Could you do a nsfw Diego x reader where she’s been trying ages to get his attention but she’s usually shy and he doesnt know she’s interested. Cue Klaus giving her a Sandy Style makeover so she goes from sweet retro sundresses to head to toe leather.”
Summary: Sick and tired of Diego seeing right through you and your shy, soft-spoken demeanor, you come up with a plan to embody his wildest dreams. With Kaus choreographing your transformation, a casual drinks with the Hargreeves siblings makes the night incredibly hard for Diego, pun definitely intended.
A/N: I actually have no clue who Sandy Style is so my work here is used on one Google search and my imagination.
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Pairing: Diego Hargreaves X Reader
Word count: 2,385.
Warning: Smut, kissing, grinding, drinking alcohol, mild language.
Taglist:  @wh3n-1t-ra1ns-1t-p0urs   @imultifandomstuff @w0nder-marie @chloemac86 @theladywholivesonthemoon   @hemogobllin @pansexualpaperdragons @gorgeourrific-nerd  @purplezebra68 @vividholland @bands-and-shietz @onlydeanandjensen @slither-in-a-half @reblogserpent @missscarlett1802 @lovelyheadrush   @mrsdiegohargreeves  @mrsdiegohargreeves   @katylovescats @vividholland @lilithsweetghost @ynm1505 @siriusjohnpotter @ratfuckb0y @energy-for-fandoms-not-your-shit @writingsbychlo
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“Can you please take my dress off,” you begged as your best friend, Klaus pulled yet another cotton sundress over his body.
“Don’t mind me, you carry on, writing Diego on the last page of your journal.” He turned to admire the neckline on his chest. “Don’t forget to change the dots to hearts, love.”
“Klaus! Can we be serious here for a minute? I am trying to get him to devour my body, not walk right past me like you occasionally walk through Ben.”
Or at least acknowledge my existence, you thought to yourself.
You were beyond frustrated, just because  you were shy and didn’t make efforts tp openly seduce him, didn’t mean that he could treat you like you were a formal acquaintance. His indifference ended tonight and you were hatching a plan with Klaus  (and Ben, but Klaus refused to give him any credit for his ideas) to make him what he was missing out on.
Five hours had passed before you stumbled back into your house, armed with shopping bags and a giggly Klaus.
“What’s so funny?” you asked.
Klaus walked up to you and bopped you on the nose.
“He’s going to be in so much trouble tonight. Don’t worry, I’ll make myself scarce.”
You ignored him and started dolling yourself up for the night, quelling the nervous thoughts sneaking up on you.
The air was vibrating with the beats from the music flowing from the speakers. You entered the club with Klaus already grooving to the music. You laughed as you lost him the crowd of grinding body. You walked over to your regular table where you met the Hargreeves siblings every weeks for drinks.  The hush that fell over your table made you mentally pat yourself on the back. Vanya’s eyes seemed to be glued to tiny sliver of skin exposed at your midriff, while Luther was trying to look anywhere but your chest. Diego’s reaction had made the whole thing worth it, he was frozen mid-sip as he drank you with his eyes instead. A slight blush crept up your cheek.
Allison broke the spell over the table and walked over to you to pull you into a tight hug.
“You look beyond stunning. Every single man and most of the women here are looking at you,” she whispered as she pulled back to take in your outfit. You were dressed head to toe in leather, a halter top clothed your upper body, pushing your breasts upwards and together while your lower half was covered in shorts and thigh high leather boots complete with silver ornaments studded on its side. This was definitely a new territory, but it was time to pull out the big guns.
You settle down while Klaus sauntered with a tray full of shots. He sat down beside you, trapping you between himself and Diego. You tried not to press up against his side, but sneaky little Klaus had other things planned. With an arm wrapped around the top of the seat, you fit quite snugly with Diego.
Surprisingly, you weren’t the only one fighting to suppress your body’s reactions. At six feet tall, Diego caught quite an eyeful of your leather-bound chest. A shiver ran up your spine as you noticed his breath hitching in his throat. You looked at him and he busied himself with his glass.
“Shots! Shots! Shots!”
Klaus in his characteristic fashion was trying to get everybody drunk as soon as possible. You downed your drink and before you had time to completely absorb the burn down your throat, Klaus pulled you to your feet and on to the dance floor.
Wrapping an arm around your waist, his body moved in sync with the music. You laughed and shook your hips in tune with his.  “Number 2 looks like he might fling a knife at me any minute,” he whispered. You nearly looked over your shoulder, but thankfully Klaus transitioned that into a dance move.
“Have you lost your mind? He chases you tonight, doll. You just relax and break hearts on the dance floor tonight,” he said with a wicked smile.
He left to grab a couple of drinks for the two of you and all the men within reach looked like Christmas had arrived early. A man in denim jacket and clear glasses approached you. “Dance with me?” He smelled faintly of jasmines and a deeper scent you couldn’t quite place. It was nice. You thought for a minute before you placed your hand in his outstretched hand. Maybe a little jealousy was all Diego needed. In any case, you weren’t going to pass up the opportunity dance with this gorgeous specimen.
A new song began and he went along, not overtly close. A few beats later his hand landed at the base of spine. You were slightly surprised at the touch of his rough thumb on the exposed skin at your waist. You were well on your way to losing yourself to the music as he spun you around, your back flush with his chest. You placed your hands over his where he gripped your hips. You were now facing the seating area. You shushed the voice in your head that asked you to close your eyes and ignore the eyes on you, but tonight was about more than a physical transformation.
You took a deep breath and locked eyes with a certain dark-haired, knife-carrying Hargreeves man. You shimmied your hips against your dance partner. You teased him for the duration of the next song. Your hands travelled up to your partner’s neck as his travelled up your sides till he flipped your over one shoulder. You winked at Diego and turned your back to him.
His hands slid down your back. He was an inch away from cupping your butt and your heart started racing, wondering if you had bitten off more than you could chew.
“You don’t have a boyfriend, do you?” he asked nervously, moving his hands off your hips and landing it on your waist.
You didn’t get a chance to answer because Diego had already grabbed his hand twisting it off your body.
“That’s enough dancing for a night. Take a walk,” Diego nearly growled at him, his arm wrapping around your waist.
Once he was out of sight, Diego said,” Dance with me.”
It wasn’t a question, it was a command.
He pulled you to him, your palms landing flat on his chest, his hand firmly planted on your hips. You ground against him, making him sigh.
“What happened to you? What’s with Sandy style makeover?”
“Why, are you complaining?”
He smirked at your reply, delighted by the fireball grinding against him.
You gripped the hair at the nape of neck, “To answer your question, maybe I got bored of the florals and the whole sunshine and cookies act, the shy girl next-door had to go.”
He tucked your hair behind  your ear and bent leaned towards you, his lips blowing near your exposed neck, making you shiver.
“I am glad you made this choice,” he whispered in your ear.
His lips were so close to your skin; you wanted nothing more than him placing them on your body.
“Oh yeah? And how exactly do you plan on expressing your emotions?”
Diego placed his hands on your cheek. “Like this,” he said and placed his lips firmly on yours.
Your lips moved with his, almost as if this was a century old dance for your lips against his. He took control, burying his hands in your hair. You opened up to him, his tongue drawing a moan out of you, the vibrations going straight to his cock. You broke the kiss, both of you clearly out of breath. You slid your fingers through his. “Let’s get out of here,” you said entwining your fingers with his.
You walked out the back door. The moment Diego walked out and stepped into the back alley, you pushed him against the exposed brick wall. Running your palms over his covered biceps, you captured his lips in a searing kiss, teasing his bottom lip and tugging it into your mouth. Your kisses travelled to his ear and you sucked on his earlobe. Your tongue continued getting acquainted with his erogenous spots, duly noting the points where he hissed and sighed.
Your fingers gripped the first button on his shirt, popping it open. You moved on to the next button, but he grabbed your wrist and pulled it behind your back while he took over the kiss. One hand firmly locking your arms behind you, the other grabbed your face, softly biting your bottom lip before pulling it into his mouth. You squirmed with pleasure and the result was you rubbing your leather clad breasts against his chest. He nipped your earlobe and a fresh coat of enthusiasm enveloped you.
You broke free from his captivity and unbuttoned the next one. You placed a wet, open-mouthed kiss on the center of the smooth expanse of his chest while your hands went to his belt.
“Umm, what are you doing?”
You gave him a questioning look. Diego took your hands off his belt and brought them up to his lips, kissing your knuckles.
“Let’s get out of here. As much as I’d like to ravish you right here and right now, I’d rather do it properly.”
You lived closer to the club and within ten minutes you were trying to unlock the door to your apartment. It was turning out to be an arduous task with Diego’s hands cupping your breasts and his lips teasing your neck.
You finally managed to get the door and both of you stumbled in. He locked the door swiftly, the protector in him peeking out. You landed on the couch, hair fanned out under your head like a goddess. He settled between your legs and picked up your left leg. He stripped of your leather boot at an agonizing pace, lifting up your calf and placing a kiss to it before repeating the same thing on your right leg.
His calm exterior flustered you because the anticipation nearly wrecked you. Months of longing and pent up desire was resurfacing and you needed more.
So much more.
He bent to kiss your slender neck and you gripped the back of his shirt with both hands.
“Take this off. Now”
Diego chuckled at your command and whipped of his shirt. You stopped him from bending and pushed him into a sitting position and straddled him. You internally patted yourself on this new found confidence and returned to the breathtaking man under you. He pulled your face towards his, this new position exciting him as much as you and kissed you with fervor.
Wetness pooled between your legs and you soon started craving friction. Placing yourself on his clothed crotch, you experimentally rocked against him. He let out a low groan that encouraged you to do it again. His hands moved to your hips and he rocked you harder, a pace that nearly brought you to an orgasm, despite several layers of clothing between you. You grabbed his shoulders, biting your lip.
“Baby, I am going to come.”
He came to a sudden halt. He picked you up and helped you on your back as he settled between your legs.
“I want to be inside you the first time you come.”
Shy Y/N popped out for a second and your cheeks heated up instantly.
He made quick work of his pants and rolled on a condom. He undressed your lower half, whispering promises of giving each square inch of your body the attention it deserves. Your hands started unbuttoning your top when he stopped you.
“Keep that on. I want to fuck you when you look like a leather rock goddess.”
He lined up with your entrance.
“Ready, love?”
A quick nod from you and he pressed his tip in. Your thighs tensed around his waist as he went deeper. Diego’s forehead rested on yours as he was fully inside you.
“You’re so tight.”
“You’re so thick.”
He smiled and placed a soft kiss on your lips, giving you a moment to adjust.
“I really need to move, baby.”
You answered with your body, linking your ankles behind his back. He rocked slowly at first, gaining momentum with every moan and whisper you made. You chanted his name in varying tempos while he pounded into you.
He felt your release approaching and his fingers went to your clit. You shuddered at the touch and clenched around him.
“Hold on a second, baby. Let’s do this together,” he said through gritted teeth.
Your insides were screaming for releasing and so were you. His hand continued to rub circles on your clit while you held on to his back. Your vocal encouragement and the sharp sting of your nails in his back pushed him to release.
“Fuck! Yes, Y/N, fuck.”
His release triggered your own and you came on his thick cock, quivering under him, holding on to him for dear life.
It took a moment for both of you to come around and he pulled out of you and disposed his condom in a nearby trashcan. He lay down beside you and pulled you over his body. You rested your head on his chest as he kissed your hair.
“Round two?”
You looked up and he winked.
This was going to be a long, delicious night.
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Imagine Sasha and Max being friends tho.
(i’ll be real this whole thing took multiple hours to type please somebody actually read this or I might die tbh-)
Like I know they had one episode together but think about them a c t u a l l y being friends.
(below are a ton of headcanons for a friendship between them)
- Obviously they have a bit of respect for one another because of their alliance of convenience, but their friendship would probably be forged on laughing at someone else. Whether it's their friends fucking up or Pikeman's general incompetence or whatever else. I can imagine now their camps are competing or something but the stakes don't matter to them, so Sasha and Max just end up shit talking everyone else and watching the show.
- Since their friendship was forged on calling people out they'd kinda just start hanging out specifically to rant and gossip about the shit that goes down around camp. Like Max'll get fed up with how idiotic the campbell campers are and come to vent to Sasha and she'll be here for it, because of course she is or Sasha ends up getting ditched by Tabii and Erin again and just kinda goes to Max to talk about how annoyed she is.
-  Sasha keeps pointing out things like the circled under Max's eyes and other facial discrepancies and eventually he'll just be like "well how do you look perfect all the time?!?" because it's not fair. Sasha gasps super loud and immediately goes full makeover mode. She immediately shoves a ton of makeup onto him and prescribes him a skincare routine and Max isn't sure about it but he's actually kinda self-conscious and Sasha's like "do you wanna end up looking like Pikeman?" so Max follows her instructions to the letter and he looks amazing.
  - After that they kinda just end up doing each other's makeup all the time and stuff like that. Max usually just uses like concealer and stuff because he doesn't want it to look like he's trying, but occasionally Max'll give Sasha permission to put some eyeliner on him or something and he'll never admit it but he l o v e s the way it looks. They start hanging out even more of course because it's not like Max can go to anyone else about the whole skincare/makeup thing and honestly Sasha loves her other friends but it's relieving to hang out with someone more willing to gossip with her (even if she's slightly salty that Max doesn't have enough hair for her to mess with like Erin and Tabii do)
-  Sasha forces Max to watch a ton of shitty highschool movies and Max doesn't really like most of them but he'll put up with it because he (although he'll never admit it) cares about Sasha (and is a little intimidated by her when she's upset). He doesn't like them but occasionally Max can also coerce her into watching a horror movie with him so they're even in his books (even if the poor thing has to watch way more of her movies than he makes her watch)
- They actually end up being r e a l l y protective of each other. Like most of the time, they'll let people fuck with their friends (so long as no real harm is done), yknow? But if anyone says a word about Max and it gets back to Sasha they'll literally end up the laughing stock of Lake Lilac by the end of the day because Sasha's a bitch who can spread a rumor like wildfire. Alternatively, Max'll sick Nikki and Neil on anyone who fucks with Sasha (which won't end up pretty). And that's if they're lucky because that kid could do so much worse if he's got the right motivation. They try to hide the fact that they're acting in defense of one another and justify why they're screwing over whoever it is they're screwing over, but it's honestly just vengeance for their friend.
- All the gossiping makes the two more unstoppable than they were before tbh. Like Max always had other Camp Campbell camper's secrets tucked away for blackmail purposes and Sasha needs to know everything going on in her turf so of course she's got dirt on all the Flower Scouts. And it's not exactly hard to figure out the Woodscout's. So with their swapping info constantly both of them end up knowing everything about everyone and being able to screw them over in a heartbeat. Basically, hanging out together makes those two terrifying.
- They're also more confident as a duo than most other times. Like don't get me wrong, they're both pretty sure of their capabilities, and they trust their individual friend groups to have their back, but they know that the other person is competent in manipulation and incredibly cunning and they value each other's skillsets because they're super similar. When you're confident in yourself, having somebody who's like you around only makes you doubly confident. They feel super badass whenever they team up in something and it's great.
- Most of their arguments are probably petty tbh. Max calls one of Sasha's favorite movies dumb (she bases her life around highschool stereotypes and dumb cliche movies, of course, she gets pissed when he insults them) or Sasha makes one too many comments about Max's physical appearance (the girl is obsessed with looking good and as much as Max is willing to listen to her advice, it gets to him when she comments on his weight or how he needs to sleep more because the circles under his eyes are getting harder to cover up. Like, he has depression, do you not realize that weight changes and bad sleeping habits are a symptom of that?!?). A common source of disagreement is how used to being in charge they each are. Like yeah, they know they don't always have to take the lead, but it's so ingrained into them that they struggle with it. Max watches Sasha's dumb movies all the time and took her advice on skincare and stuff so she occasionally forgets that she's not his boss like she's in charge of her other friend's and of course he's willing to compromise on some things but he doesn't take well to being treated like a lackey and she's too stubborn to admit she's wrong half the time.
- Their fights get bad. Despite normally being over small things and the person who's in the wrong normally realizing they're the one who's wrong, both Max and Sasha are very stubborn people and they will die on this hill no matter how petty the whole thing is honestly. They'll scream and throw things and once or twice they've even wound up physically fighting. Usually, if it comes to an actual physical altercation they'll stop there because actually injuring your friend is super fucked up. Once Max threw a book at Sasha without thinking and it gave her a black eye. Another time Sasha literally slapped him and it left a bruise for like a week. They both felt like shit after. When Sasha gave Max a bruise she literally cried and he forgave her on the condition that she help him cover the bruise with makeup (He said he'd dealt with worse and something about the way he said it made her uneasy. She can't place why). The time that Max hit Sasha with a book he froze up completely and refused to even look at her for like an hour. Partially because he felt guilty and couldn't verbalize his regret but it was honestly more than that. You don't shut down and practically disassociate for an hour because you don't know what to say. There was absolutely something wrong with the way he shut down after the whole thing but she didn't push for answers and he apologized and they just decided to forget it ever happened. They never aim to actually hurt one another, they just don't have many ways to actually get out their frustrations. They never once actually physically hurt the other more than once each. It's just not something either of them wants to go through again, honestly. If their arguments don't end with one of them going too far and the two felt like shit and making up within seconds one of them will eventually storm off and they'll both get super petty. Making sarcastic remarks at one another whenever they see each other, pointedly ignoring the other, the occasional mean prank. Usually, they forget all about it within a week, though, because as stubborn as they are something dumb happens to one of them and they'll need to vent. None of their fights are ever serious, as nasty as they are, so it's easy to get over and never gets mentioned again.
- They had one serious fight that actually put their friendship in danger. Tabii had ended up crying to Sasha because she was devastated over being rejected by Neil. Like, she was super broken up about how he doesn't love her and it's probably because she's ugly even though Erin told her she wasn't. Sasha wasn't happy about it. At all. Like, she normally just rolls her eyes and brushes it off whenever she sees Tabii going after him, but she watched so many stupid cliche high school movies where the girl got the guy if he was good and anyone who rejects the protagonist is an asshole. So Sasha, going by movie logic, was pretty sure that Neil was insulting Tabii by rejecting her and was a terrible person. She also failed to realize that Tabii's whole attitude towards pursuing Neil was kinda creepy and stalkerish to begin with and she already had a low opinion of him since he's a nerd who called her a cunt and hangs out with Nikki, who she also hates. She did not like seeing one of her best friends in the world (who's basically like a sister to her tbh) cry. So Sasha, with a burning rage towards Neil, wound up spilling the whole thing to Max. And he wasn't happy with her for insulting his friend either. Max basically cussed Sasha out because Tabii's behavior was creepy and it was making Neil super uncomfortable, which he was not cool with. He told her she was a moron if she saw nothing wrong with how Tabii acted but thought that Neil was out of line for rejecting her. Sasha didn't take well to being called a moron or to her friend being accused of being creepy, and she said something along the lines of "It's not my fault you hang out with a retarded nerd and a girl who can't even be a girl properly". Max basically called her an ignorant bitch and told her to go fuck herself, then he left. Normally their arguments are long and wordy and even violent but this time he just cut it short and stormed out. Sasha still thought she was right, of course, because that boy who Max was friends with had made Tabii cry and he was a moron for not liking her! And yeah maybe the insults to Nikki weren't exactly called for but every word was true, right?  She just kinda expected Max to get over it eventually but a few weeks passed and he never really did. The fact that Max had called her ignorant kinda stuck out to her more than anything. That's the same thing Neil had called her, isn't it? Why would they both use the same insult? It's not like that was a go-to thing to call somebody. The whole thing drove her crazy and eventually when she confronted him about it she got a long lecture about how romantic relationships work, the fact that bullying a girl over dressing or acting slightly differently from her is a shitty thing to do, and that calling Neil 'retarded' is offensive because he's actually mentally ill and even if he weren't, the word's still terrible. She didn't quite understand all of it but she got enough to feel guilty and she apologized. Sasha still doesn't really like Nikki and Neil much and it's not like she's stopped shit-talking them, but she's eased up a bit because she doesn't want Max that angry at her again, and in a way she can see how she maybe...was a tiny bit wrong.
- They don't normally get super sad or deep on each other. Neither really likes to be emotional or open up so they wouldn't exactly initiate any sort of depressing dialogue. However, they are both observant people so they notice things anyway. Max notices how Sasha talks a little too much about her weight and thinks anything over one hundred pounds is horrifically obese to the point where she diets incessantly. He notices that she cares too much about looking young and pretty too. Damned highschool movies. Sasha, on the other hand, notices that Max doesn't trust adults at all and that he flinches when she gets too loud (even if he tries to cover it up) and that he either doesn't sleep at all or sleeps way too often...amoung other things of course. They don't talk about these things out loud but they've both deduced that the other isn't healthy.
- Max practically forces Sasha to eat every time they see each other and refuses to watch a single movie with her that even mentions dieting in a positive light because she is ten years old and shouldn't be counting calories and refusing absolutely all fat. He'll insist on doing her makeup and will make sure to do it lighter and lighter every time because as much as he himself appreciates makeup and uses it to cover parts of his skin he doesn't like, she needs to be more confident and he can't in good conscience let her go on the way she's been going on. Sasha, on the other hand, if she ever notices he's having a bad day and isn't functioning well, will let him hide out with her all day even if she has other things to do and he should be at camp. Occasionally she'll even let Nikki or Neil in her room if she or they feel Max really needs their support (he can't just stay at his own camp, he'd never be allowed out of activities all day). She doesn't exactly understand why he's sad and tired and angry and has a hard time with sleep but she won't ask. Sasha has some theories on why he doesn't trust any adult and flinches when she yells but she doesn't like thinking on that one too long (his comment when she slapped him 'i've had worse' comes to mind). They're not always great at it and they don't always understand but they try to help each other even if they have an unspoken rule not to ask questions.
- While they normally spend their hang-out time watching movies or doing each other's makeup/hair/nails or talking crap about other's behind their backs, they've occasionally had adventures of their own. They typically leave Lake Lilac for these, honestly. Sasha couldn't care less about anything going on at Camp Campbell and Max isn't about to get involved in Flower Scout politics so if they're ever inclined to go on an adventure it's in town or even the big city. And usually involves crime one way or another tbh. Once they accidentally managed to get Max elected mayor of the whole town and Sasha as treasurer. Money was embezzled, fires were set, and they're now banned from muffin tops for life. That's the kind of adventure those two have whenever they're compelled to do anything at all. Go big or go home, basically.
- They're actually super honest with each other. The general light-hearted nature of their friendship and the fact that they gossip and chatter about pretty much everything that pops into their heads means they don't exactly stress about getting judged or anything like that as long as they aren't confessing to horrific sins or anything.
- They love to fuck with Pikeman. Like they normally just sit around at the Flower Scout's camp or out in town or the city or something like that but occasionally they'll screw him over because they both can agree he's an incompetent asshole who deserves it.
- Sasha flipped her shit when she realized that Max knows how to bake, cook, sew, and knit (he definitely can knit and sew we’ve seen him do it in the show and I headcanon he’d have to learn to cook and stuff cause his parents don’t feel like doing it for him) She nearly died and made him sew/knit her a bunch of stuff for her and decided they had to bake together and she was just super happy about it. Once upon a time, she would've judged him for it because of gender roles and stuff and she wasn't used to guys doing any of those things, but after the whole incident where he called her an ignorant bitch she wasn't gonna push it and besides, she was happy to have her gossip and makeup buddy also be able to do those other things with her. Like she can do those things with Tabii and Erin too but Max kinda gets her and she needs a break from the two sometimes.
- Most people don't actually know they're friends. Nikki and Neil are vaguely aware they hang out but they don't see much besides the occasional banter when the Flower Scouts and Camp Campbell interact as a group. Max doesn't talk about Sasha much around them since he knows they don't exactly like her. Sasha doesn't dare mention their friendship around Tabii and Erin because they'd freak out completely and probably assume they're dating since those two don't realize guys and girls can actually have platonic friendships. She doesn't want that drama. Their friendship is kinda a secret, which is surprising since they may not talk about it but they visit each other and chat enough when they cross paths that you'd think people would realize. But they're kinda glad. Lake Lilac is a chaotic place and when they're hanging out it's one of the only times they even have the option of just relaxing.
(imma be real I literally came up with the idea of those two being really close friends because I watched the episode where Nikki hung out with Dolph and Nerris and I thought 'Max have other friend too? :0')
Literally, ANY input is welcome. I spent multiple hours on this so if you have anything to say you know I'm down for a conversation about it
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futile-latty · 4 years
Never Leave These Eyes (Part 1)
It was a word so short, yet held many different meanings. Music could be soft and sweet, music could be loud and hard, maybe even both. Music wasn’t just something people listened to, it was a belief collected together to create something catchy and interesting. Of course, no one really notices the complexity and intensity of music. The lyrics that send shivers down people’s spines are overlooked, the interesting noises that spark new creative flows are too.
However, no one understood music more than Peridot Redwood.
Named after a gemstone, Peridot was a rather interesting piece of humanity. Short, messy and triangular blonde hair laid upon a short body (4’7) equipped with lime green eyes, fair skin and curves: her appearance caught anyone’s eye. However, what truly gets people thinking about Peridot was her personality. A perfectionist at heart with ambitions so impossible you’d call her crazy if you ever met her. Who wouldn’t? She was just a rambling, complex brat with a mighty ego. But then again, she had the one thing keeping her going. Her passion, her love, her life was all for the thing she adored the most. And that was music.
Unfortunately, today was not the best day for Peridot. More importantly, London was not the best place for Peridot. Coming from St Austell, a small town in the south west of Britain, she wasn't used to huge crowds with a heavily diverse population. Back in her home, she was used to people looking the same. Pale skin, brunette or blonde hair and bodies just as tall as her. Now, there were people from all different shapes and sizes. Well, if she was moving in, she had to get used to it.
She was newly crowned as an adult a few weeks before, finally reaching the age of 18. Now that the celebration was over, a new wave of hellfire had to flood her soul and burn her back into depression. University. After this, she could go back home, and live out her life peacefully and the exact way she wanted it to. She wanted to be a musician. Bassist, drummer, guitarist, vocalist; she didn’t care what she was gonna be, considering all the instruments she played anyways! She just wanted to play what she wanted to play. However terrible this part of Britain was, it was going to help her life substantially.
Deciding to dress up casually, she put on a white, unzipped hoodie with navy blue jeans and a red shirt. Outside the university were thousands of students, all cramming through the gates and into the main building to sign up for clubs, retrieve their room keys and numbers, and say goodbye to their parents. Waiting in the car by herself, she envied the kids with parents that actually cared. Her mother wouldn’t come even if she tried to convince her, and her dad… Her dad isn’t to be talked about.
Having saved up after retrieving her full license, she bought a small black Vauxhall Corsa to get her from A to B. She never used it much, only really using it for long distance journeys, like this one. However, it seemed broken and thrashed compared to some of the other cars in the parking space. A red Ferrari with wide lights that just screamed “Buy me! Buy me!” to anyone that came across it. Of course, coming out of it was a posh, short girl with a dress so tight Peridot feared for her life. The girl, unlike Peridot, seemed rather excited about heading into what should be the worst few years of her life. Right behind her was a businessman, with slicked back brunette hair and a tall - definitely 6 feet - body that made Peridot seem like an elf. Looking back at the entrance, she decided now was the time to get off her ass and face this new challenge in her life.
As she opened her car door and took a deep breath, she remembered what she was told by her friends.
“Don’t give up, Peri. We’ll believe in you, no matter what.”
Their belief would fuel her.
Oh god, the stress was astounding. Voices - SO many FUCKING VOICES - and bright lights to light up the already well-lit hallway. She could barely hear the introducer talk to her and pass her key. How tall were people in London? Was she just an oompa-loompa?! If it weren’t for coffee, she would be so dead. The dark, bitter taste soothed her body: it was as if some sort of rich liquid was hugging and relieving her body from the pain from the past hour. But then she had to put the cup down and mess her feelings up.
The apartment complex she was staying in was the lowest quality of them all, with scratched oak floorboards and random holes at the bottom of the walls (probably from rats). There were two bedrooms, one bathroom with a single shower, toilet and sink, one living room with an already working TV and a kitchen right next to the living room. It wasn’t perfect, but it was affordable, and that’s what matters. Two bedrooms… That meant she had a roommate. Someone who, for the rest of her time here, she was going to be with. God, she hoped for a nerd like her. Someone who rambled on about Camp Pining Hearts and complained about Bethesda’s lack of new quality games. Someone she could relate with. In fact, the person she related to the most had just sent her a message, causing her to immediately open her phone.
“Peri!” Her phone rang, reminding Peridot of who she was talking to.
“Hey Amethyst.” She smiled, thankful that her best friend had remembered to contact her in this desperate time of need.
“So, how’s Uni so far?”
“Horrid. And I haven’t even had my first lesson yet.”
Amethyst chuckled at that, releasing that adorable snort she always executed so cutely when she laughed.
“Hah! Wait, when do your lessons start?”
“In 2 days, on Thursday.” Peridot grunted, deciding to move from her current position to the bedroom. On the way, she tripped on one of her two suitcases, landing face first on the bed. Her already messy blonde hair only worsened. She turned to meet the phone, and got a good look at Amethyst’s new makeover. Brown skin, purple eyes and dyed white hair. Amethyst was nearly the same height as Peridot, however, she was much thicker and attractive than the other slim girl.
“Alright then. Looks like you’ve got your hands full at the minute, so I’m gonna leave you to unpack. Sorry for the short little call. Bye!” She waved, before hanging the call up.
“A-Amethyst, wait!” Peridot shouted, before realising she was too late. Immediately, she grunted and slammed her fist on the comfortable single bed, leaving a mark from the impact. Once again, her joy was gutted like a fish. Could anything good happen to cheer her spirits? Oh, wait a minute, what was she thinking? She had something good right underneath her!
Jumping off the bed, she immediately grabbed one of her jet black suitcases and ripped it open, revealing a stash of the things that matter most to her:
Her books, the ones she hadn’t read yet
Her PlayStation, something especially close to her
The musical instruments she had promised to master: A keyboard, disassembled drum kit, acoustic guitar and bass guitar.
She didn’t have the time for the drum kit, however, she could try and tune her guitar. She picked up the large wooden structure and let her fingers strum the 6 strings, telling her which notes were out of place. After some loud strumming, she switched to a chord. Then another. And then another. The chords fused with each other perfectly, creating a smooth yet melancholy tune for her, and only her, to enjoy.
In fact, it was so immersive, she never realised that the apartment door had opened.
A body monolithic compared to Peridot came through the door, revealing her black “Avenged Sevenfold” hoodie and blue sweatpants. Very short blue hair covered up the new woman’s eyes, but that didn’t stop Peridot from looking closer at her face. She stopped playing as she focused more on the girl’s body, ‘She’s… Stunning’ she thought, not noticing the girl’s glare headed straight her way. Panicking, she hid away her guitar and stood up, walking up to the entrance of the home.
What could she say? Peridot was never very good at socialising, which is why her struggle was so prominent in this situation. ‘For fuck sake, just speak before she thinks you’re a weirdo!’ She shouted at herself in her head, finally deciding to spill something out.
“Peridot.” She exclaimed, putting out her hand for the girl to shake. “My name’s Peridot, and I’m gonna be your new roommate for as long as we’re here. It’s nice to meet you.” She added, rather monotonously.
“Lapis.” The other girl quietly let out, taking Peridot’s hand before walking away to the other closed bedroom, suitcases being dragged behind her. Peridot stood still for a few moments, not expecting the woman to release such a condescending glare at her. She wanted more information - no, she needed it. Not only was this new ‘Lapis’ an absolute stunner, she was strangely shy and blunt. The lack of clarity of this new girl was astounding, and it filled Peridot with dread. What if she was sharing an apartment with her, only to find out she’s crazy, or weird, or all of the above! But then again, she didn’t seem like the most sociable person. Maybe that was just her personality, and Peridot was looking too far into it. She decided to take action, walking to Lapis’ room.
She looked into the open door, seeing the blue-haired beauty bend down to unpack her things onto the bed. Very dark clothes, Peridot noted. She fake-coughed, capturing the much taller woman’s attention.
“Do you need help with anything?” She asked, her lips trying to smile and failing. Lapis only shook her head, showing signs that maybe she just wanted to be left alone. Not wanting any of that, she stepped closer into the room, causing Lapis to jump slightly and turn around to face the shorter blonde.
“Listen, I don’t need your help with anything, okay?” She angrily yet quietly told the now guilty nerd beneath her. “I know you’re trying to make friends, and that’s fine, but I never really wanted a roommate. So, please, if you could just refrain from talking to me, that would be great.” She huffed, arms crossed and shoes impatiently tapping on the floor. Peridot gulped, intimidated, then nodded, turning so she could walk away. Lapis turned around, getting back to what she was doing previously.
Peridot just felt terrible. She was acting clingy to a stranger. A fucking stranger. If the loud, violent voices didn’t make her feel bad, this certainly did. The mysterious Lapis now haunted her, and apparently was leaving her too, since she was walking to the door. Just before witnessing the exit, Peridot spotted what seemed to be a pained expression on her roommate’s face. The door slammed shut as Peridot laid back into the bed, hearing the footsteps slowly fade. She wanted to get things right, she wanted redemption.
No matter what, Peridot Redwood was going to find and eliminate the problem with Lapis.
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