#and sora didnt get that riku meant it was for him but anyways sora is sad that his riku is gone!! and like the little mermaid gets huma
nekobanca · 2 years
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Right on time for Mermay (~‾⌣‾ )~
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crispyapplepies · 4 years
Copy pasta improvised terra-slept-with-joshua-and-ven-is-upset-about-it fic i wrote in a discord chat for any terravens willing to overlook the present tense sketch writing, i hope you enjoy the angsty comedy drama --
so by chance, vens assigned gym partner for the day is joshua~ sora is stuck with roxas in the bg which is also amusing if you wanna know the background noise to this xD ven is an utter sweetie and has no personal problem with joshua so hes happy to pick up his slack on their activities today since he understands some people just dont care for athletics, especially when they have pretty looks to preserve for rehearsal tonight^^ at the end of class joshua offers his coy appreciation to ven who was such a cute gentleman today in getting him through that~ and then he makes some remark about how he never wouldve guessed ven even was that physically inclined given what he thought terras taste in men was~ ven lowers an eyebrow and asks "huh? what does that mean? =o=" and joshua chuckles "oh it was a long time ago, nothing to wonder about now~ i will say this though, you my friend? are one very very lucky bottom ;) keep a close eye on him." and then he saunters off to his next class. ven squints =.= hes a lil grumpy now x)
come lunch time, terra and aqua have already sat down at their usual table, seniors come in first, and theyre settled in with aqua going over some extra terms with terra for their history exam. sophomores finally file in and ven marches over with the tray of food he didnt even look at when he was at the counter. terra turns with a smile to see him and plants his usual kiss hello on his cheek as ven sits down with a slight fwomp, not responding to it. terra asks "everything okay? :o" and aqua looks over to check if hes feeling alright, not spotting any signs of sickness. ven responds almost gritting his teeth "i've been better. =_ =" terra tells aqua he'll help her study in a minute, cuz obviously upset boyfriend takes priority<3 he sinks his fingers into vens hair and asks him if he wants to talk about it. and ven takes a deep breath, trying to resume his usual Good Boi Angel attitude, gently swats terras hand away and says "Maybe later, you and aqua can go ahead and study! 8) I'll even help you if you like~" terra recognizes that this is certainly not over but hes not gonna force ven to talk or anything so he kinda nervously says okay.. and then tells aqua "Wanna quiz me?" and aqua says sure, and starts reading off the list of vocab words only for ven to suddenly smack the table and turn sharply to terra and ask "WHEN WERE YOU GONNA TELL ME YOU SLEPT WITH JOSHUA????" and terra just- O//__//O oops.. and aqua looks at terra all disappointed and grossed out and groans "Oh, terra, you didn't... >~<" and terra is so embarrassed and tries to explain to ven's scowl "i-it was a long time ago! really it meant nothing! :'D... a-and besides it was even before I met you! so.. thats- alright?" and he glances over at aqua hoping for some kind of validation but she just goes "ughh..." in the most smh big sister voice xDDD
ven exhales, trying to cool off and be rational, but his usual sweet happy face just cant help being all =_ = at terra, and he says "I guess its- fine, but- gosh, really? joshua? you didnt have feelings for him, did you? er was this just a fling? how long ago was this?" and terra stumbles to answer saying "i-it was- um... back when i first came out! people were telling me i couldnt say i was bi if i'd never had sex with a guy too, so i- had to prove it! thats all, really, it was nothing meaningful to me, honest<3 :'3 I'm not like that." as he cups vens cheeks playfully, but where theres usually a smile between puffed out cheeks theres still just a >:T ven folds his arms and tries again to collect himself and says "i guess i get it.. i guess xT thats really all it was? no more secrets?" and terra swears with his hand up and his eyes closed "I swear thats all it was v_v." aqua shakes her head and tells terra "Youre gonna owe ven preeetty big after this blows over :/" but before ven can even respond terra has already jumped in to tell her "I'll do anything to make ven happy! theres absolutely nothing to worry about~ :')" and ven is still kinda pissed but he finally says "okay. i'll let it go. here aqua, i can read off the list and quiz both of you" and aqua slides ven the paper to read off while she glares at terra who glares back at her as if to say 'drop it =.='
so thats the end of it for the day, and the next day too, but then the next day is gym again, and whatever sora and roxas are struggling with in the bg is still going on xD and ven and joshua are partners again. ven is still not comfortable with the idea of his terra sleeping with joshua, the twink incubus of the school fdkjgh but hes a nice boy so hes going to continue being nice and get joshua through this "drag of an hour, and not even the fun kind" pff joshua can kinda tell ven is pretty tense today though, unusual for him since ven is always the nicest kid in the whole school next to maybe sora. so finally near the end he asks if something's on his mind and ven realizes ack, what am i doing? there is no reason for me to be such a jerk. so he tells joshua "im really sorry, I mean it, I have no business acting like this;; i just- when i found out you slept with terra i was kinda.. uncomfortable about it to say the least, but i have no reason to be, youre perfectly nice :) besides, it was before he even met me so it doubly doesnt matter~^^" but thats where joshua raises an eyebrow. "oh? i think youre a little mixed up there cutie pie~ terra and i had sex together last year. some time after you transferred. I was amazed at the offer, really, i honestly thought that once he met you, none of us other cuties had a chance. but it looks like he landed you in the end, so it is of no matter. but i do certainly hope that you and he are happy, terra is quite the catch and we'll all be quite jealous of you til the end~ catch you around ;)" and thats the end of that conversation. ven. is. livid. 8)
so ven actually skipped lunch with his friends 8) terra looks around curiously, he still isnt showing up and hes not texting him back either. aqua asks him "doesnt ven have gym today?" and terra answers like its a dumb question pff "yeah? its thursday, everybody has gym today. its gym day." and she shakes her head at him and says "I think you should give him some space. im pretty sure i know where he is. :/" terra looks uneasy tho. "do you think hes okay?" and aqua says "oh... im sure he will be." terra grips his arms and tries not to think about it 8)
senior gym class is last period and they start filing in as the juniors file out. terra fist bumps riku on his way in xD terra is practically exempt from whatever is on the activities list cuz hes.. terra and gym class is honestly childs play pff he finishes everything in 2 seconds anyway. so usually the coach just lets him bench press for a while. highschools are bullshit xD aqua has that privilege too but she considers it a warm up before her practice later and does them anyway. terra takes his time prepping the bench, saving himself the trouble of dealing with the crowd in the locker room, and once they all run out he yoinks his gym bag up to his shoulder just to be extra pff and marches on in there to change. weird that everyone is snickering at him on their way out though... he walks inside, humming mindlessly to himself cuz gym class is his chance to relax after school before his practice. and then he half screams in surprise as his gym bag falls to the floor. ven is sitting right there in front of the lockers with the angriest look on his face terra didnt even know he /could/ make jhdfgl ven "sings" out "hello, terra. >8(" and terra just- run kdjfhglhdfsg
terra runs back to the bench as if he can just- run away from reality kdjsfhgljkdfs xDDD and start bench pressing cuz he doesnt know what else to do sdklfjhglsdj im having too much fun with this i love dumb ass jocks and soft cuties xDDD ven launches himself on top of terra pushing down on the weights terra was about to pump up and yells "YOU SLEPT WITH JOSHUA WHILE YOU WERE COURTING ME?!?!?!?!!!!"
(everyone in the gym is cackling quietly to themselves at the display sdfkjgh this AMAZING xD) terra looks up at ven in fear and stutters "I-I didnt think i had a chance with you! you didnt seem interested D:!" ven yells "OF COURSE I WAS INTERESTED YOURE JUST SHIT AT FLIRTING!!!!!!!" terra tries to calm him down "youre gonna break the bench press, ven! D:" the coach comes over at all the yelling and yells at them "HEY, break it up--" only to be shut right up when ven glares at him and growls and terra looks at him utterly terrified dfkjhg and motions for him to leave them alone. the coach is both very scared of ven xD and also doesnt wanna lose his quarterback so he smiles and holds his hands up in surrender and says "hey, you know what? why dont you two work it out amongst yourselves?^^;;; maybe somewhere that isnt my expensive bench press though?" ven yells "FINE." and grabs terra by the wrist and drags him back to the locker rooms using a scary strength terra didnt know he had dkfjglh O_O;; aqua pauses her stretches and shakes her head and mumbles "it was nice knowing you, terra. :/" and then resumes her work out xD
well ven flings terra into the locker room and shuts the door with a slam and chews him out. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW HUMILIATING THIS FEELS?!!! YOU SLEPT WITH THAT LITTLE HORNDOG AFTER I CAME HERE AND THEN YOU LIED TO ME ABOUT IT SO I HAD TO FIND OUT FROM THE HORNDOG HIMSELF?!!! GIMME YOUR BEST EXPLANATION FOR THAT, TERRA, JUST TRY ME!!!! >8UUUUUU" terra reaches out his trembling hands bravely to try and calm ven down, before he pulls his hair out and he cries out "I'm SORRY, i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry, okay, I didn't do it to hurt you!!!! It was just a small thing-" "AHAHAH IS THAT WHAT IT IS THEN??? WELL IF IT WAS SUCH A SMALL "tHinG" THEN WHY WOULD YOU LIE TO ME ABOUT IT, WHAT OTHER SECRETS HAVE YOU BEEN KEEPING?!!! DID YOU SLEEP WITH RIKU TOO? ANYMORE CHEERLEADERS I DONT KNOW ABOUT??? OR MAYBE JOSHUA AGAIN AT SOME POINT????!!! >8'DDDD"   ven is about to lose his mind sdjfhg terra is starting to feel upset too ;~; "No, I don't have anymore secrets, after we started dating I havent even so much as THOUGHT of anyone else! I mean that! :'U" he pleas, finally managing to place loving hands on vens shoulders as he prays for forgiveness dkfjhg ven finally just cries it out letting himself sob into his palms and terra steps in closer, hating to see ven cry, and this is much worse knowing hes the cause of it ;-;
ven glances up again, terras scent hitting him and that warm chest right in front of him that he loves and he just buries his face in it not knowing what else to do dkfgh terra holds him, stroking his back, mulling over in his head how many ways he could apologize for this but then ven pushes himself away again, hes still so upset >~< and he sniffles "why. did you lie to me about it." terras face goes red and he fishes for his words "because i- i care what you think ven." ven scoffs, but his frown hardens and he wipes his eyes "you care what i think, and so you LIED to me? what am i supposed to think?" terra replies quickly "i dont know :'u i guess i just didnt want you to think..." ven holds himself and turns away. terra supposes he has to just- be honest then, its worth a try if  it keeps him from losing the love of his life. "Look, I- I lied because the way you look at me matters to much. I care what you think of me more than anyone else, ven." ven sniffles, his back still turned to terra "oh yeah?" and terra glides over to turn him around and look at him, taking vens hands in his. "yes! ven youre the nicest, kindest, most pure hearted person i've ever met. i cant even imagine there being a darkness in your heart. who even says "slept with" and "courted" anymore besides a sweetheart like you? youre like an angel to me, but i- dont have the best reputation anymore. and the number of partners ive had seemed to disgust you. it broke my heart the way you looked at me the other day knowing that id slept with joshua. like you thought i was- i dunno.. im sorry i did it, i really am. i never wouldve done it if i'd known you really did want me too." ven reaches up and places a hand to terras cheek promising "Terra, I think the world of you. i wouldnt be with you if i didnt think you were a great person. the best even! you know how much i admire you. i just- was I just a fling? how do i know im not the next joshua or shiki you sl- have sex with and drop?"
and terra leans down to kiss his forehead and chuckles "because you're you, silly." that gets ven smiling again, the cornier the better with him<3 he presses his nose to terras chest and slides his arms up over his back for a tight hug and terra is so relieved they got through that dkfgjhdjl f ven tells him "I'm sorry for making you feel judged. i was way too rash about that whole thing." terra tells him its alright, imeanididlietoyouafterallahem.. ven goes = _= for just a second, cuz yeah that sure wasnt cool dfkjgh but he removes it cuz mostly hes back to smiling and he pulls himself away to look up at terra again, admitting with a blush "i guess i'm still in disbelief that youre really mine. maybe in 5 years or something i'll believe it" ven chuckles at his joke, but terra smiles down at him very sincerely and says "then i'm counting the years with you til then~" and that just tickles him and he jumps up to give terra make up smooches for a while<3 eventually they emerge from the locker room, ven clearly looking like hed been crying but smiling away again, even feeling okay enough to go to class now, cuz hes a good boy who wouldnt just ditch at that point like i would xD terra looks relieved too. aqua breaks formation when she sees them come out and runs up to ven to ask if hes okay and hug him if he needs, but ven says "everythings fine :) thanks aqua~" and aqua looks up at terra to double check that and terra nods affirmatively that yes, everything is fine. ven nudges aqua "see you at practice today~" and waves at terra too, knowing he prefers not to smooch in front of the other seniors;; but terra tells him to hang on and he runs over to give him a smooch goodbye and all is well after that<3 and axel snarks "tchh- drama queens :/"
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p-artsypants · 5 years
Rage Awakened (3)
@chachacharlieco @violetstar-writes (If anyone else wants to be tagged in updates, please let me know!)
Ten years ago, Terra, Aqua, and Ventus lost their fellow apprentice, Sora, in Deep Jungle. Now, they are to return with two new students, Riku and Kairi, to lock the heart of the world. All the while, something watches from the trees. Feral!Sora AU
Ao3 | FF.net
That night, Kairi laid awake, thinking. She couldn’t get the strange boy out of her head. If he really was Sora, what were they going to do? Take him back with them?
But ten years alone in the jungle would change a person. Did he even know how to speak? Could he still summon his keyblade?
Would they just have to leave him behind? That didn’t seem fair. Even if he wasn’t Sora, being all alone in the Jungle just didn’t seem right.
When he looked at her, his expression held a lot of emotion. Fear, curiosity, and lot of wonder. How frightening it must have been to see another creature like him, and yet so different.
From her sleeping bag, she looked over at her teammates. Everyone was asleep and all was calm. The fire was still going, though only bright enough to cast a soft light on the immediate area. Crickets and strange animals hooted outside the treehouse, where the moon shone blue light through the windows.
Kairi loved nights like this. It was so different from her days in Radiant Garden, where even the nights had noise of the city, of clanking and whirling machines. In the Land of Departure, the nights were nearly silent from her window high in the castle. This though, this was just perfect. She had been to so many worlds in the last year, traveling with her teammates. Nights like these, where the darkness retreated at the light of the moon, and life persisted.
It was relaxing and comforting. Though the Jungle held many mysteries and dangers, this was a haven.
Suddenly, she heard the sound of feet hitting the floor, though very gently. She glanced to the other end of the treehouse and saw a silhouetted figure, crouched and crawling towards them.
Kairi didn’t move, though she prepared in case he meant harm. Eraqus once said she had a problem with naïveté, and that she often trusted people too quickly. Still, she felt like this stranger meant no harm, for if he was the same boy she had seen earlier, he easily could have left her to die out on the field.
The boy slowly tracked through their camp, his steps imperceivable over the sound of the crackling fire and Terra’s snores. He curiously dug into the first pack he found, which belonged to Ventus. He pulled out a shirt, feeling the fabric and turning it over to examine it. When it failed to interest him, he shoved it back into the bag.
Then he slowly and hesitantly leaned over Ventus himself, studying his face. Then he moved onto the next person.
He peaked in everyone’s luggage, pulling out interesting items to sniff or taste. Though he didn’t actually take anything. Then he sniffed each of her teammates, touching their hair and any armor that was nearby.
It felt like she had been watching him for an hour before he finally made his way over to her. She closed her eyes, pretending to sleep.
She heard him shuffling through her clothes, then heard him sniffling near her ear. She stayed extremely still, keeping her breathing even, as his face drew closer to hers.
It seemed his evaluation of her would be different from the others, since she felt the softest skin against her lips.
Her eyes fluttered open in shock.
Those blue blue eyes stared right back at her, with all the wonder in the world.
She didn’t scream this time, just stared back at him.
Had he just...kissed her?
His eyes widened slightly as a smile took over his lips. He seemed thrilled that he had awakened her.  
Carefully, since he was only inches away from her face, Kairi sat up. He remained close, but followed her movements.
He flicked his eyes over her body briefly, now that she was in pajamas, but continually met her eyes. Likewise, Kairi looked over him, now that he was close and not about to leave.
He had a large leaf on his arm, held in place by mud. It looked like a primitive bandaid. She frowned, and threw off her blankets.
The boy didn’t like the action, and whimpered, thinking she was leaving.
Instead she stood and quietly walked over to their first aid kit. She opted for a potion, so as not to startle him by summoning her keyblade. Then she took her canteen and a rag.
All the while, he watched, curious as to what she could be doing.
Finally, she smiled at him and beckoned him to follow her outside.
He did so eagerly, ever interested in her world.
Outside the treehouse, on the balcony, Kairi knelt and wetted the rag with the canteen.
The stranger was quick to crouch in front of her, immediately in her personal space.
She reached out, her hand hovering over his arm.
He tilted his head, looking at her expression, and then where her hand was. Then he leaned that arm towards her.
Carefully, Kairi peeled off the leaf and began to wipe off the mud. A potion would heal up the wound just fine, but it would have to be clean first.
The boy hissed suddenly and ripped his arm away.
She dropped the rag and held out her hands in a calming way.
Seeing she meant no harm, he slowly reached his arm back out, letting her finish.
Once clean, she offered him the potion.
Instead of taking it, however, he reached his hand out and touched her face ever so gently, then leaned in, unaware of how uncomfortable he was making her.
She couldn’t help but laugh a little, mostly out of nervousness. “Haven’t you looked at me enough already?”
His eyes widened at the sound of her voice, and he gave a silent laugh, like a dog panting, and danced on his toes.
Again, she offered the potion.
He sniffed it, and then gave it a withering glance.
“You drink it,” She pantomimed drinking, and encouraged him to do the same.
So he did, but screwed his face up after at the bitter taste. But then he blinked, feeling the pain in his arm gone. Glancing down, his wound was completely healed, and there wasn’t even a scar. He did his little dance again.
“See? All better!”
He showed his appreciation by swooping in and nuzzling his nose with hers.
She crinkled up her face in response, not expecting the action.
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Then he backed off a few inches, his eyes bright, and pleasant grunts coming from his throat.
“Uh, you’re welcome?” Kairi laughed.
He tilted his head to the side. “Wel...come?”
“You can speak!” She clapped her hands in joy.
He mimicked the action. “Speak!”
“Ah, but not very well, I guess.” Still, she touched her chest, right above her heart. “My name is Kairi.”
He glanced at her hand, then her face, and mimicked the action, hand on his chest “Kai...ri?”
“Close.” She took his hand and placed it on her chest, “Kairi.”
Realization hit him. “Kairi!” He patted her heart. “Kairi!”
“Good! Now...” she placed her hand on his chest, right over the ‘X’ scar. “What’s your name?”
He looked at her hand, frowned, and without another word, leapt over the railing and into the darkness of night.
Kairi was left alone, only able to wonder. She touched the tip of her nose, then her lips, and blushed.
The next morning, over breakfast, the group talked over their plan for the day. They decided they would split up again, same groups, and travel East and West this time.
Kairi was barely paying attention. After the boy left, she finally was able to fall asleep, even though he had only given her more questions than answers.
“Kai?” Riku asked, noticing how quiet she had been.
“What world’s did Sora like?” She said suddenly.
Terra and Aqua stopped eating and pondered the question.
“Why do you ask?”
“I just...wondered. Maybe there’s a way to find out if it’s really him by bringing back some old memories.”
Aqua considered, “Gosh, I don’t know if there was a world he didn’t like! He was so friendly to everyone...almost to a fault.”
“You know the most important rule of keyblade wielders?” Terra asked.
“We mustn’t meddle in the affairs of other worlds.” Quoted Ventus, like a good noodle.
“Well, he loved to meddle. He always found a way to get in people’s business. Usually, we helped solve problems, but mostly Sora just stuck his nose where it didn’t belong.”
Aqua pondered, “But a favorite world, specifically? Well, he liked The Caribbean. He loved being a pirate and the big ships.”
“He also liked Neverland and flying.”
“And oh! He liked Halloweentown!”
“For Santa?” Asked Riku, like it was the obvious thing in the world.
“Of course for Santa.”
“Aqua, do you remember what world he talked about for weeks after we came back?”
“Um...gosh, we went to a lot of worlds back then. Which one ware you thinking of?”
“Enchanted Dominion.”
“Oh yeah!”
The other three just looked in question. “Where?”
Aqua sighed sadly. “It’s one of the early worlds that fell into darkness. Princess Aurora and Maleficent’s world.”
Riku groaned loudly.
“What’s crawled up your butt, Riku?” Asked Terra at the reaction.
“I hate that bitch so much.” He shook his head. “Sorry for the language but…she’s just the worst.”
“I thought Princess Aurora was nice.” Said Ventus, innocently. Since her world had fallen into the darkness, she had been living in Radiant Garden, along with two other Princesses, Snow White and Cinderella.
“Not Aurora! Maleficent! Geez…”
“She was the one who made you succumb to the darkness, isn’t she?” Kairi asked.
He rolled his eyes, “yeah. Anyways, that’s in the past now. What did you guys do in Enchanted Dominion?”  
“You guys know about Aurora’s curse, right?”
“Let’s say I don’t…” Ventus cringed.
“When she was an infant, Maleficent cursed her to die at the age of sixteen, after she would prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel. Only because of the good fairies did the curse change from death to sleep. And with true loves kiss, the spell would be broken.”
“Well, it must not have come true then, given we saw Aurora a few weeks ago.”
“Oh, it did come true. When we arrived in the world, the curse had already come to fruition. Aurora was asleep in the tallest tower, and the fairies had put the whole kingdom to sleep as well, so no one would worry.”
“That had to be weird to walk into,” Said Riku.
“Extremely.” Deadpanned Terra.
“We wandered around for awhile until we found the tower that Aurora was sleeping in...well, Sora found it. He tried waking her up by tapping her shoulder and going, ‘excuse me ma’am.’ Then the good fairies found us and explained the curse, and that Aurora’s true love, Prince Phillip, was being held prisoner in Maleficent’s Castle.”
Terra laughed, “when Fauna explained that Aurora needed a kiss to wake up, Sora said ‘well, I’ll kiss her!’ He just didn’t understand why it had to be this one guy specifically. It was hard to explain without using the analogy of a key to a lock…considering he’s been able to unlock any door he’s wanted with the same key his whole life.”
“So what did you do?”
“Well, the fairies asked us for our help, since they didn’t want to worry the kingdom, and they led us to the Forbidden Mountain. Sora at least stayed behind at the gate, but he insisted on being part of the adventure. So Terra and I snuck into the fortress and freed Prince Phillip, but we had to fight our way out. And just as we were about to reach King Stefan’s Castle, Maleficent appeared.”
“And she was pissed.”
“I know how that is...” Riku said under his breath.
“The fairies had given Phillip a sword and shield, so he wasn’t completely defenseless...but it wasn’t much help. She turned into this huge dragon!”
“Oh wow, she can do that?” Ventus asked, horrified.
“She’s a witch with the powers of darkness. There’s no telling what all she can do.”
“So you fought her as a dragon?”
“Yeah, and she put up one hell of a fight. And Sora fought valiantly, well, for a...I think he was five at the time?”
“You let him fight?!” Kairi shouted, aghast.
“We always did. How else was he supposed to learn?”
“I don’t know! Somehow less dangerously!?”
“So, what happened?” Asked Riku. “Maleficent is still prowling around, but Aurora is awake. Homeless, but awake.”
“Well, Phillip dealt the finishing blow.” Aqua said.
Terra quoted, “‘Sword of Truth, fly swift and sure. Let evil die, and good endure!’ At least that’s what the spell was supposed to do.”
“But we were all surprised to hear she was back. She’s like a weed that won’t stop growing. We led Phillip up the tower to Aurora, and he kissed her. She woke up, and so did the rest of the kingdom. And they all lived happily ever after…until the darkness came.”
Kairi hugged her legs to her chest, totally invested in the story of young Sora. “So, when you guys came back, he talked about it a lot?”
“Mostly the dragon,” Terra explained. “In our downtime, we would play this game…” He trailed off, and then sighed, remembering.
Aqua laughed. “Oh my god! I remember! We would play this game where…” she caught her breath, “where one of us was the ‘dragon’, one was the ‘Prince’ and then the other was the ‘Princess’. It was basically reenacting what had happened in Enchanted Dominion.”
“Honestly, I loved being the Princess,” Terra said, unabashed. “I actually just slept.”
“The catch was that the ‘Prince’ had to wake up the ‘Princess’ with a kiss. Usually on the cheek or forehead.”
Terra sighed, “yeah, but there was one time where Sora was the ‘Dragon’ and I was the ‘Prince’ and he insisted I kiss Aqua on the lips.”
“Did you?”
The treehouse was quiet as he said quietly. “…yeah.”
Riku and Ventus laughed loudly at his blushing face.
“I know it must hurt,” Kairi said, once things calmed down. “Talking about him again, but it’s really nice to hear about him.”
Aqua smiled, forlorn. “Yeah…full disclosure, if this wild stranger ends up being him, I am going to cry.”
“I had forgotten a lot of this until we started talking about it.” Terra admitted. “It was just…easier not to think about it. I still remember him declaring, quite proudly, that one day he was going to find a Princess like Aurora, one that would wake up with his kiss. I told him it was inappropriate to kiss girls while they were sleeping and he retorted,” he made his voice high pitched and whiny, “but all the other Princes are doing it!”
Something about that statement made Kairi’s heart ache.
“That was over ten years ago, but it doesn’t feel like it.” Aqua said, raising to her feet. “Well, we have a jungle to search, and two things to find now.”
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mellz117 · 4 years
Part 4 of my little word based commentary.
Check out part 1, 2, and 3 if you haven't.
Oh btw the Kingdom Hearts collection is coming to XBone sometime in 2020! I dont have to buy a whole ass PS4 just for that!
I started collecting stuff so I can get that secret ending. Whatever is left requires me to visit Hollow Bastion and progress a bit. And I completed the Hercules Cup a couple times too to spite it and get some shots of Cloud.
I took a nap after all that and had a dream that Merlin's little hovel had diegetic music, coming from a little crackly radio. What a boring ass dream.
---I have 3 pages of the Hundred Acre Wood to go through. I cannot stress enough how much I hate these minigames. How the hell am I supposed to track Tigger's tree stump jumping when the camera does a fade in at every single platform? It's hard to understand what's going on. Why not a static overhead shot?!
On to the Hollow Bastion. I would like to think I can finish this game tonight.
"There can't be two Keyblade masters" OH RIKU. Honey. If you only knew!
---Rose: I don't understand Riku's motivations".
Well you see he's a weak-ass ho with no autonomy or critical thought. He gets that later. In all seriousness he wanted to expand his horizons, when he was taken away from his home he latched onto the wrong people. His heart was weak and his faith in Sora even more so.
There really needs to be some invisible walls in the outside area. I'm tired of falling down to the waterway during battle
I swear to christ the waterway is going to drive me to drink.
*leaves the world just to go back and pick a different area because I'm just that fucking over this shit*
Why did Riku-Ansem... Ransem... release Maleficent's dragon form when she had the ability to do it herself in her movie?
Ha! Suck my Keyblade, Ransem! I didn't die once! 10 years of absence did me good!
---little heartless babu skittering by
So close to finding all the puppers. 101 spotty doggos.
---Oh so it's the next day and I havent finished the game yet.
So I got all the puppies, but there's still some left to do to get that special ending so thatll be.... fun....
The Behemoth is the cutest Big Boy in this game.
I forgot Cid is a pilot, you know the dude who knows pretty much everything about gummy ships. Duh lmao. I just sealed the last keyhole, before end game I'm gonna do some last minute grinding and such.
Got defeated in the Hades Cup just once. Against Cerberus. Hades was pretty easy, Rock Titan was a cinch. And here I was worried about it.
---At the End of the World now. I remember it, but I don't remember all the little battles on the way to Chernabog (a.k.a Big Daddy). I don't remember alot of this world...
The end just drags on and on doesnt it? How many battle phases with Ansem are there?! Theres so much I don't remember.
Wow after all that fighting we should have just LET Ansem open the door to Kingdom Hearts since the whole ass thing is pure light, it would have destroyed him anyway! We didn't actually have to do anything! Good job team, GG!
Oof, all those levels ups and abilities I just learned and no New Game+... Rip.
It's over! God Utada Hikaru's voice is just 👌 Good shit. Iconic.
I like how Sora asked Pluto if he knew where Mickey was, as if Pluto can talk. Well I guess Goofy gave him that impression.
Secret ending! I knew about this scene but didnt know it was A. even IN KH1, and B. although being meant for KH2 it teased what ended up being a big moment in 358/2 Days. So the Organization was established before CoM with this ending. How much about sequels is actually planned out before game development is finished? Was the girl at the end supposed to be what they were thinking Kairi might look like? She looked more Final Fantasy than normal.
I actually did miss this game a bit. Didn't miss the Hundred Acre Wood stuff, didn't miss the platforming stuff. Going from KH3 straight into KH1 on PS2 was ROUGH my dude. Chain of Memories on PS2 is up next.
In that one and from now on I think I'll try to add pictures for context. As I make these parts I make it them multiple long posts with --- to separate days or events so I'll have time to put pictures in before posting.
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koukoupepia · 5 years
i posted this on twitter but i might as well post this here too, somewhat aimless rambling about the destiny trio in kh3 and how it did them dirty under the cut. beware, its kind of long. kh3 spoilers, obviously
this isn't my thoughts on kh3 as a whole, its more of a kairi/destiny trio rant. this isnt entirely coherent either. god ok im sorry for all the kh3 talk but i dont know how long its going to take me to stop being pissed about what happened with kairi when for a long time they were building her up to be a character who Does Stuff now. she gets her keyblade in kh2! it was revealed she's be joining the 7 guardians in the ddd secret ending! she's talking to yen sid with riku at the end of 0.2! and when we were let down i saw people saying "well, what did you expect? it's square." like its not common knowledge kh doesnt have the best writing but i dont thing its unrealistic to have expected better than THAT. a cardboard cutout who got fridged for manpain. like kairi wasnt always the best character, certainly wasnt very well treated, but i cant believe that fucking kh2 treated her better than kh3 did.
anyway i keep thinking about how it makes me sad that the destiny trio is really not a trio, but also that their relationship progression... doesnt make a lot of sense. when info came out about kh3 having a theme of relationships changing, i wondered if they were actually going to be leaning away from the romance angle (still too much to ask for, but god.) i wondered if sora and kairi were going to realize they weren't as close as they used to be, since they have spent SO much time apart with no contact. and sora and riku continue to be very tight, because every game since kh2 has woven them together like the tightest knit sweater. i like the idea that sora & kairi have puppy crushes on each other in the early games - -in kh1 theyre very sweet. i wouldve been happy with canon sokai if their friendship continued to be as sweet as that. it's kind of interesting how in kh2, when sora sees sally and jack dancing, he imagines himself and kairi dancing together, but it's his current self and a younger kairi, because it's how he last remembers her. at that point he still feels closest to kairi and his relationship with riku is strained.
kh2 changes the dynamic when sora and riku finally reunite and they make up in a very healthy way (catch me crying about the scene on the dark margin, ive never seen two characters mend their relationship in a way that made me cry that much.) sora leaves the islands again, but the scene where kairi regifts the charm she made him after he gives it back is important because it shows that they both have faith that they'll continue to be friends no matter how far apart they are, and they'll find each other again. by Days you see the utter dedication that riku has to sora, he basically treats living a waking nightmare with the single goal to make sure sora wakes up safely as atonement. sora doesnt know the extent of this but you, the audience, do. the series REALLY emphasizes their relationship and their closeness and their dedication to each other, how they support each other in the ways they need. re:coded has the journal decide that riku was the best form to take to protect information about sora's journey. ddd shows riku as the only one fit to dive into sora's heart to wake him up. (and as of kh3 we know that dives to the heart exist in a place where the line between sleep and death is very thin -- aka, riku really risked his whole ass life AGAIN for a CHANCE to wake sora up.) when riku is told he passed the mark of mastery, sora is too busy being happy for him to feel sad for himself.
the relationship between riku and kairi.... is very minimal. but i think it's interesting that in kh1 when maleficent manipulates riku's feelings of jealousy to draw him further into the darkness, he thinks "oh god i have to get kairi. sora can't abandon her, too." i like that in kh2, kairi is able to tell that it's him immediately and she refuses to let him walk away without reuniting him without sora. in kh3 they dont interact at all, its weird as hell. it's like they dont know each other and kairi is sora's friend only.
i was disappointed at the minimal interaction between riku and sora in kh3, and i know that it's partially because this is the first game where their individual goals and motivations dont revolve around each other somehow (sora's goals in this game are all over the place in a bad way but that's a different post) but i was really hoping for a good chat and/or heartfelt moment between them like almost every other game has, since their relationship is probably the backbone of the series. one of the things that irked me about how they treated kairi is that sora actually thinks about riku on multiple occasions throughout the game and wants to talk to him, and the part where he thinks about how riku thought he had to push him away to protect him re: elsa was an "oh shit they really did go there" moment for me. on the other hand sora did not think of or mention kairi even once before their first conversation -- they didnt even have him wonder how she was doing, or wish he could call her, or have anything remind him of her. between the end of kh2 and ddd he and kairi dont interact or contact each other once, because nomura only cares to stick kairi where she can be a romantic prize for sora and doesnt treat her like theyre actually friends.
then the actual first scene they have together is so damn jarring. this was 24 hours into my playthrough of a game that took me ~30 hours to complete. theyre on their usual spot on the paopu tree, kairi points out that riku is by himself, which is not ooc for riku, but when they have her use that moment to pull out a paopu fruit and go "heysoraiwannabetogetherforeversoletssharethese" my reaction was "where did this come from suddenly and why is it happening so fast." theres NO buildup to this scene whatsoever. and then sora's attitude completely changes after that in a really weird way, like kairi is suddenly the Thing That Matters Most when he's never ever acted like one friend meant more to him than another. nomura if you revisited your damn games you'd know sora loves everyone intensely and indiscriminately. when everyone fucking "dies" in front of sora and he's following a light that he calls riku's name to and it turns out to be! surprise! it's kairi for some reason! when i think about it, it hurts a little but i don't know why. i like that she did actually find a way to protect him, but i dont like that it had to be this weird deus ex machina that has no explanation (is this part of kairi's unexplained powers? is this just a plot device?? who knows.)
dont FUCKING get me started on xemnas kidnapping kairi in front of sora and xehanort killing her in front of him in a scene that reduced my enjoyment of the game by a solid 25% because it's BULLSHIT and FRIDGING WOMEN FOR MANPAIN IS SO ORIGINAL AND NOT CHOCK-FULL O' MISOGYNY.
sora saying kairi's the reason for his whole journey is blatantly not true (ATTENTION NOMURA REVISIT YOUR FUCKING WRITING) so he should go look for her alone while riku is standing right fucking there and riku just. lets him go??? like kairi's not his friend too??? what the fuck??? the last scene where it pans up the paopu tree to kairi and sora holding hands and sora fades away while everyone else, including riku, is just having a good time???? what the fuck???? you know sora /would/ drop everything to go save a friend but i dont like that suddenly he acts like kairi outweighs every other person in his life simply because theres some romantic interest there. with someone he was never written to have an actual relationship with. in a game about friendship. and like, shipping aside, sora and riku have one of the most SOLID friendships ive seen in any media and riku just gets ejected out of his own damn trio because of a hamfisted romance AAAAA
in conclusion: Not My Destiny Trio
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revengerevisited · 5 years
Thoughts about how weird the redemption-esque scenes are in kh3 (negative rant)
i’m not emotionally prepared to talk about vanitas yet so this isn’t about him. 
rather, i want to say this off the cuff about the other characters, namely xehanort, eraqus, saix, ansem, and er... ansem. i haven’t gone back through any of the cutscenes with them so i might get some stuff wrong. this could be considered bashing so just know there are going to be negative things said about these characters. (i’m not going to tag their names just in case). i don’t necessarily hate them, some like ansem sod are just villains who served their purpose and role in the story. (because i hate having to say ‘seeker of darkness’ or ‘the wise’ every two seconds let’s just call ansem sod ‘ansem’ and ansem tw ‘diz’, shall we?)
im gonna start with saix cause he’s the easiest. basically, i was actually hoping for saix to get a redemption arc and join the sea salt trio, however, he didnt really get a redemption arc yet showed up with them anyway? and now is palling around with everyone on the beach? like i get no one had enough screen time and character interactions, but it’s like we don’t even get to see him apologize to axel roxas and xion? especially xion? like when i say redemption arc i don’t just mean admitting that he was jealous and then everyone just accepting him, i need at least an “i’m sorry.” (maybe he said one and i just don’t remember).
speaking of apologies, what’s with ienzo apologizing to diz and then diz is like “heh it’s good to admit when you’re wrong.” i can’t remember exactly what ienzo did but wasn’t he like 7-8 years old? i totally get him blaming himself and apologizing but the way diz reacted was kind of weird and borderline dickish? idk i might have misinterpreted that entire scene. of course, it’s also coming from the guy who apparently experimented on (tortured?) CHILDREN apparently. not to mention how he treated namine and roxas and kept telling them that they were never meant to exist. and i get that he helped out in kh2 with that magic space gun or whatever (i know it’s called the kingdom hearts encoder) but still, the way he spoke to ienzo there just rubbed me the wrong way. (EDIT: ok i rewatched it and he does basically apologize 👍)
also it’s real funny ansem calling diz out for hurting children when he tormented riku for a year and has terra chained to him as his guardian for years and is xehanort’s heartless and therefore has xehanort’s heart, the guy who abused and neglected 12 year old vanitas for 4 years (and before anyone says that the bbs novel isn’t canon, i. do NOT. give a FLYING FUCK.) and then riku is like “i’ll miss you” like, really? you’ll miss the guy who possessed you and made life a living hell for a year? like i didn’t mind the rest of his farewell but that bit with riku really didn’t sit well with me. maybe it was sarcasm that just flew over my head, idk.
i guess i have to talk about xehanort now, huh. ok. xehanort is a good villain. dude wants to know too much about hearts and darkness and the keyblade war and starts going too far and it ends up hurting a bunch of people. wants the x-blade and kingdom hearts so he can make a new world, presumably one where he has godlike powers or something. or at least that’s what i thought he wanted. now remember, xehanort is a lying liar who lies, and therefore could be 100% lying about wanting to ‘create a world without darkness’ or whatever he was saying to sora. but if he was telling the truth then i just,,, uuuuurrgh. because it almost sounds like a... not a redemption attempt... but just a way to make him seem not so bad? this guy who is the cause of the torment and deaths of tons of people, (assuming people who’s hearts are taken by the heartless die). the dude created vanitas, abused him, a child, for years, then used him as a weapon/tool/ingredients for the x-blade, and when that didn’t work, a sacrifice along with the other members of org13 to make the true x-blade, AND, on top of all that, wants to make a world of pure light where vanitas couldn’t even exist?! and yet, after all that, after tormenting terra both during bbs and keeping him as the guardian, he still gets to turn all young and go to heaven with his bff? are you FUCKING kidding me?! like young xehanort and eraqus are cute and all but every time i see them i’m just like “oh hey it’s the guy who abused vanitas and possessed terra and the guy who tried to kill ven and terra” because there’s one more person on this chopping block and his name is ‘square’ spelled backwards.
eraqus. i like eraqus. he’s good as the failed mentor type character. i legitimately enjoy him. however, he tried to kill ven and terra. he actually straight up thought terra was going all darkside of the force because he was protecting ventus. now granted at the last second eraqus realized what he was doing was wrong, but still he forgave xehanort for using/researching the darkness, even forgave him nearly burning his face off, but the second terra shows any darkness, even to save his friend’s life, he goes for the kill? when he said terra is like a son to him? wow no wonder his best friend is xehanort, sacrificing your children for the “”””greater good”””” is something they have in common :U then we have terra ven and aqua’s reaction of him coming back as a ghost which was, let’s be real, absolutely in character for all three of them. i know some of you guys want them to be wary of him but let’s be real, of course they would be glad to see him again. he’s been their father figure for the past 4 years at least. what i don’t like is how ‘meh’ his apology is, which basically amounts down to “i put you through a harrowing experience” which, yeah almost being murdered by your father would be pretty harrowing. how about you ((and yen sid don’t think i’ve forgotten about you, you’re not on this list but i see you over there, parting the heartless sea ain’t gonna get you outta sitting on your ass for the past decade and not trying to help aqua)) apologize for letting xehanort run around unchallenged for years when you knew for a fact he was after the x-blade and then inviting him to the mark of mastery are you kidding me?! *sigh*
ok i think that’s enough for now i’m starting to get a headache thinking about this. redemptions, apologies, forgivenesses... all just kinda weird in this game to be honest. i didn’t even talk about vexen but honestly i remember so little about that character i don’t even know what to say about him. i do like him more now than in chain of memories. i guess a lot of the org13 members had semi/mini not-quite-redemptions, which i actually kinda liked.
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