#and that doesn't apply for a lot of people who've got this
phantomrose96 · 2 months
Hey not to go all "tumblr is a professional networking site" on you, but how did you get to work for Microsoft??? I'm a recent grad and I'm being eviscerated out here trying to apply for industry jobs & your liveblogging about your job sounds so much less evil than Data Entry IT Job #43461
This place is basically LinkedIn to me.
I'm gonna start by saying I am so so very sorry you're a recent grad in the year 2024... Tech job market is complete ass right now and it is not just you. I started fulltime in 2018, and for 2018-2022 it was completely normal to see a yearly outflow of people hopping to new jobs and a yearly inflow of new hires. Then sometime around late-spring/early-summer of 2022 Wallstreet sneezed the word "recession" and every tech company simultaneously shit themselves.
Tons of layoffs happened, meaning you're competing not just with new grads but with thousands of experienced workers who got shafted by their company. My org squeaked by with a small amount of layoffs (3 people among ~100), but it also means we have not hired anyone new since mid-2022. And where I used to see maybe 4-8 people yearly leave in order to hop to a new job, I think I've seen 1 person do that in the whole last year and a half.
All this to say it's rough and I can't just say "send applications and believe in yourself :)".
I have done interviews though. (I'm not involved in resume screening though, just the interviews of candidates who made it past the screening phase.) So I have at least some relevant advice, as well as second-hand knowledge from other people I know who've had to hop jobs or get hired recently.
If you have friends already in industry who you feel comfortable asking, reach out to them. Most companies have a recommendation process where a current employee fills out a little form that says "yeah I'd recommend such-and-such for this job." These do seem to carry weight, since it's coming from a trusted internal person and isn't just one of the hundreds of cold-call applications they've received.
A lot of tech companies--whether for truly well-intentioned reasons or to just check a checkbox--are on the lookout for increasing employee diversity. If you happen to have anything like, for example, "member of my college Latino society", it's worth including on your resume among your technical skills and technical projects.
I would add "you're probably gonna have to send a lot of applications" as a bullet point but I'm sure you're already doing that. But here it is as a bullet point anyway.
(This is kind of a guess, since it's part of the resume screening) but if you can dedicate some time to getting at least passingly familiar with popular tech/stacks for the positions you're looking into, try doing that in your free time so you can list it on your resume. Even better if you make a project you can point to. Like if you're aiming for webdev, get familiar with React and probably NodeJS. On top of being comfortable in one of the all-purpose languages like C(++) or Java or Python.
If you get to the interview phase - a company that is good to work for WILL care that you're someone who's good to work with. A tech-genius who's a coworker-hating egotistical snob is a nuisance at best and a liability at worst for companies with even a half-decent culture. When I do interviews, "Is this someone who's a good culture fit?" is as important as the technical skills. You'll want to show you'll be a perfectly pleasant, helpful, collaborative coworker. If the company DOESN'T care about that... bullet dodged.
For the technical questions, I care more about the thought process than I do the right answer, especially for entry-level. If you show a capacity for asking good, insightful clarifying questions, an ability to break down the problem, explain your thought process, and backtrack&alter your approach upon realizing something won't work, that's all more important than just being able to spit out a memorized leetcode answer. (I kinda hate leetcode for this reason, and therefore I only ask homebrewed questions, because I don't want the technical portion to hinge at all on whether someone managed to memorize the first 47 pages of leetcode problems). For a new hire, the most important impression you can give me is that you have a technical grasp and that you're capable of learning. Because a new hire isn't going to be an expert in anything, but they're someone who's capable of learning the ropes.
That's everything I have off the top of my head. Good luck anon. I'm very sorry you were born during a specific range of years that made you a new grad in 2024 and I hope it gets better.
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joyce-stick · 1 year
The Beef Stroganoff Song! (arbitrary subtitle discourse edition)
So, you may have noticed here that the subtitles in this clip (from Symphogear GX episode 3) are fairly different from what you're used to seeing when people post this video, and the phrasing in the subtitles is fairly different from what the associated memes often say
For those who don't know, Symphogear got itself released on blu-ray by Discotek, and with that came with a new translation authored by Noelle (@ulsairi on twitter ) who is notable for being the only trans lesbian anime translator I know of off the top of my head.
Her translation appears, in my opinion, really rather polished and very good, and I strongly appreciate the way it's written and how much character it adds to the dialogue by giving everyone distinct voices and adapting things into more natural English. It's also a fair bit gayer. I haven't encountered many people who've seen these subs, but I think most fans of the series would consider these a net positive change. There are some people who are mad about these subtitles, and they can die mad.
Anyway, let's talk about the different phrasing of the beef stroganoff song. I'm mostly going to compare to Crunchyroll's subtitles for reference since that seems to be what most others go off of. Here's a link to that version.
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So right off the bat we can see here that while CR's translation appears to be a lot more, for lack of a better word, functional, Noelle's translation tries to apply more dialectal force "it's beef stroganoff/Yes! It's THAT beef stroganoff!" And generally communicate through the tone how excited the girls are to get started. Additionally you'll see throughout that the latter is a fair bit more lyrical, there's a lot more punctuation and verbal tics and filler phrases written into the dialogue to express that they are singing, which makes sense since Japanese tends to omit a lot of the sorts of prepositions that Noelle threw in here,
Like, Yumi (yes I went and looked up her name on the wiki) just says "beef stroganoffu" because it's obvious from context that it is beef stroganoff, she doesn't need to spell it out, at least, not in Japanese
(We know like maybe ten hiragana and 1 kanji do not trust us on Japanese this is all just basic shit we learned from online guides)
So this probably leads to a rushed translator from Crunchyroll (they are notoriously crunched for time) who's just trying to Get It Done probably not really bothering to throw in extra additional connecting letters to express the tone of the character, only doing so when it's required to make basic grammatical sense in the target language. So they likely didn't think to make the subtitles have flourishes like this that aren't explicitly in the original Japanese. Noelle meanwhile had the time to consider things like this and take such liberties in order to attempt to convey the same tone that was arguably implied by the Japanese, even if not explicitly put forth
And that's about all the things I should not repeat I guess, TL;DR, these subtitles are more fun to read because the translator had more time to think about the best way to make them more fun while still being accurate to the spirit of the original dialogue, who'd have thought!
(In case you're wondering, the Commie subtitles say kind of the same thing here, and y'know, it doesn't seem like a wrong translation, but also I really dislike this subtitle styling, orange on pink with that font and that drop shadow is just kinda bad. I appreciate the effort but like. Come on. Please fansubbers, please think about if the font and colors you chose actually work with the image you're putting them on)
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Moving on!
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horizontal and middle rhyme with each other so you can almost actually sing this, actually let me take a moment to try it right now- never mind, I can't sing. Hahaha. I don't actually think it lines up that well with the melody But I thought it did! Didn't I? That's significant, that this actually reads like plausible lyrics to a silly song someone made up instead of a literal translation of a Japanese song
Anyway, here comes the first major difference!
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So in the Crunchyroll subtitles, Yumi says "it doesn't have to be beef" which in English (in my estimation) sounds a tad scatterbrained, like, "oh yeah sure beef but whatever really it doesn't actually matter," while Noelle's subtitles rather say "Got no beef? Don't you worry!" Which implies something different.
"It is recommended to use beef, but you may substitute something else if you are sorely lacking in beef" as opposed to "Oh the beef doesn't actually matter, zoinks lol!" CR's translation is kind of a bit funnier in how it sorta comes from nowhere without this qualification, which probably lead to this phrase's memeticness, but Noelle's translation seems more reasonable to me so yeah again, tada, yay for sensicalness.
Now here's another interesting change:
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Again, the flat manner in which the CR subtitles say "finish with salt" with rendezvous only being included because that's literally what they said, is sort of absent any stronger emotional implication,
Noelle's translation meanwhile going with "don't forget them, they need it" imparts personhood upon the salt and pepper. The implication being that the girls are saying, "the salt and pepper are in love, please reunite them, they must be in gay love together." Or maybe you think the salt and pepper cannot be forgotten and must be reunited because they are Only Friends.
Whether you choose to believe that this is the salt and pepper getting married, or merely subtext, or an interpretation, or salt and pepper shipping bait, this is a deeply important tonal indicator because it reminds you that these girls are ultimately playing with their food!
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"And there, now you're in for a treat!" I don't think I need to explain this one.
Now, here's an interesting one!
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In the Crunchyroll subtitles, it just says the memetic "boys don't know this." With no context, no elaboration, no clarity, no qualifiers. Boys don't know. Did the boys magically get their brains wiped? Are the boys biologically incapable? Who knows. Nothing is said but that.
Noelle's subtitles, on the other hand, qualify this statement by saying "Boys aren't taught to cook, so they may not know" (And note again how, it says "kno-ow" to emphasize, once more, that they're singing, and also this lines up with the long "ooooo" sound they make at the end of this lyric, so cool)
There is now context! Boys aren't taught to cook! Anime and Japan's culture in general still pigeonholes people into gender roles! And an anime translator just wrote you a hidden translation note about it! You might be a boy, you might know how to cook, but certain boys in another part of the world aren't traditionally taught cooking, so they may not know
They may not, but they could!
Trust a trans person to express gender facts with subtle nuances like this in anime translations.
And with that lovely bit of good translation and good writing and good localization of a thing to make it make sense to people
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artsekey · 5 months
Procreate Dreams
I've been playing around in Procreate Dreams for about a week or so now, and I think I've got enough of a handle on the software to offer a fair review! If you're interested in hearing my thoughts, click the read-more below.
A little context before we get started; I have two degrees in animation, but they're both in 3D. My personal specialty is tech and articulation/rigging, but I think my background puts me in a unique position with Procreate Dreams; I know all of the theory behind animation, but I'm not going into Procreate Dreams and comparing it to a professional-grade software I generally prefer to use (like Toon Boom Harmony, for example).
So, let's get into it!
First Impressions
I hated it. I opened the software, it crashed. I couldn't figure out how to enable onion skins. I couldn't increase or decrease the exposure of my frames. I couldn't figure out how to swap to the eraser. I was confused, I was frustrated, and then I realized that I was expecting to jump in and animate without taking the time to learn the software first.
Once I stopped trying to strong-arm it and started looking up documentation, things got a little easier.
Re-Thinking My Approach
Procreate Dreams isn't comparable to any other animation software I've used before. The UI is different, there's a focus on gesture over buttons, and everything about it is meant to be minimalistic. None of this reflects poorly on the program, in my opinion. It's different. You can't go to Procreate Dreams and get mad at it for not being like the other software out there in terms of how it's used. In fact, I think one area of Dreams that should be applauded is the sheer ambition on display. It's a hybrid of traditional frame-by-frame animation and offers a slimmed down version of some of After Effects' most useful compositing & motion graphics tools. That's just plain cool.
The Good
For those of you who've used Procreate Dreams, you may find it's a little... difficult to see all the good it has to offer through the muddied waters it's launch-day bugs kicked up, but under all the grime, there's a little bit of gold.
Dreams is a one time, $20 USD purchase. That's huge in terms of affordability and accessibility in the software market right now.
The "Perform" option is great, and I think we'll see the longer that it's out, the more creative people are going to get in using it. I've already seen people create gorgeous parallax on their illustrations.
Simple compatibility with Procreate is a huge win. I'm finding my pipeline uses both software together.
The UI is a mixed bag overall, but I find the ability to move between flipnote mode and timeline mode to be great. It keeps the screen free, but I can still access the features I need while doing frame-by-frame.
The move/filters option is a great way to add a little compositing magic to your work.
The Bad
The "bad" here exclusively covers issues with the software as intended. Bugs will be covered under "The Ugly" below.
The lack of a lasso tool is a huge setback. I've seen people saying that it doesn't make sense not to have that feature at launch, especially when it's part of Procreate, but I understand why it may have been difficult to implement in conjunction with the move/perform/warp options. If you save a warp on top of an illustration, then cut and move part of the drawing, how is the warp/local translation data applied to that image? Does the pixel remember it's movement, or is it applied on top of the drawing? There's a lot to consider.
Similarly, the "reference" tool in Procreate would be an excellent tool to add color to layers beneath current layers. "Add Reference Track" would be great! That said, I think this conflicts with the move/warp tools like the above.
The timeline is a time sink. I should be able to adjust the exposure of my frames easily and consistently. As of right now, I have an 80-20 shot of selecting my layer or grabbing the handle for exposure. A small button on the edge of each frame (like a dot) would improve this considerably.
As far as I can tell, you can't mask a group onto another group.
No double-tap on the Apple Pencil 2 to swap to the eraser. This one I'm not sure about; it runs in Procreate, it seems simple to implement here... though it'd be great to see it customizable.
The Ugly
This includes bugs and other issues that are separate from the features (or lack thereof) of Procreate Dreams.
Crashes are frequent. I haven't used the software reliably during any of my sessions so far, but Dreams' autosave feature is extremely strong and very forgiving, so I have lost no work.
My pen pressure become erratic at times, necessitating a restart of the software.
Sometimes my pen will stop working, though other features in the app will continue to run.
The good news is, I think that Dreams is overall a huge win for artists and animators worldwide. Everything that's not working about Dreams will hopefully be resolved in future updates. I'd encourage anyone who wants to try animating for the first time to pick it up-- with the understanding it might take some time to get used to/master.
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ironladders · 6 days
so i had a thought about ashrah and syzoth and i really dont know how to feel about it so i want your input. and keep in mind i am still new to MK lore and dont understand the ins and outs of it like most other people do. but i read that in past timelines at least, demons of the netherrealm were dead bodies reanimated by quan chi. so i was wondering, how do you feel about the idea of ashrah having been syzoths wife in her past life, probably unbeknownst to her. does it make sense, the implications of it, etc.
hi sorry i was in figure drawing when i got this ask & that class lasts 6 hours 🫠 art school was a mistake
anyways: this is so good and yet evil oh my god??????? it probably wouldn't work in canon unless stuff got retconned, but the implications here are so interesting to me regardless and you could do so much stuff character-wise (especially for ashrah) with this concept.....
first off, don't worry about not knowing extensive details about mk lore. it's bound to be confusing for someone new to the franchise, and even then plenty of us who've been here for a while don't entirely know what's going on either. i had to look up half the shit i mention in this post just to make sure i'm not off by a bunch
syzoth would have the biggest mental breakdown ever if this were a thing. poor guy can't catch a break
this would be a lot for ashrah, if she were to find out or otherwise put the pieces together. i mean, her whole thing is wanting to be fully human, and yet in this idea, she's not aware that she once already was human. that would be absolutely wild and 100% turn her entire world upside-down if she were to ever find out that truth.
the angst in this idea would go crazy. I LOVE IT. i think that syzoth would be reluctant to get close in any way with ashrah (at least initially) because, even if he doesn't know about how some demons are dead people brought back to life, ashrah physically resembling + sounding like his dead wife would mess with his head SO much.
poor ashrah, too; she's trying to learn what it means to be human and make friends with all these new people, and everyone in the good-guys group seems to be willing to be open with her--except for syzoth. and she has zero clue why. of course, because of their similar pasts and common struggles, they'd probably be drawn to each other anyways, but it'd be 10x more depressing than in canon
i imagine in this concept, shang killed her and then gave her corpse to quan chi. i don't think shang tsung would've given syzoth's family the dignity of dying in the living forest, tbh, i personally believe he dragged them off somewhere far away to die (which is also how i imagine syzoth went so long without knowing they were dead in the first place. easier to keep him in the dark about his family's fate if he's not aware of where they are). alternatively, ashrah could be put in a similar boat to old-timeline hanzo, who was a vengeful spirit of the netherrealm after being killed by bi-han, and then continuously manipulated by quan chi. i guess she would have to be somehow turned from a spectre to a demon, but i'm sure they can figure it out with magic lmfao
you're sort of right about the reanimated/reincarnation thing, it just doesn't apply to every type of demon. (more lore explanation under the cut bc i rambled a lot and it got a bit long oops) (if you read up on all this already and this information is useless to you i sincerely apologize in advance)
the lots of different demon types in mortal kombat: imps, oni, the enenera, cambions, and other miscellaneous ones. iirc there was also gonna be another class called "elder demons" (like elder gods but not really???? i guess???) in an older game but that was scrapped.
there’s technically a difference between the oni and other demons, because quan chi in the old timeline was an oni before he turned into a demon after mastering sorcery. so i guess oni are like… lower than demons??? or something?????? i’m not actually sure what the difference is between the two tbh 😓
we know that the enenra are created from the souls of slain mortals, so they'd be an example of an undead person coming back as a demon, as mentioned in this very sad scenario. the only enenra that we've actually met in canon is smoke, who was explained to be one after dying as a child via his mk9 ending
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it's really fucked up lol, some cult kidnapped & sacrificed him when he just a kid
so that would be one example of how in this au/scenario/thing, ashrah could've had a human life once and not be aware of it. this tracks pretty well with mk9 smoke not remembering his previous life or death, until his early memories came back to him after so long.
the only issue is that smoke was reborn as an enenra right after he was killed, and after he took out his revenge on the cultists, he woke back up in his human body with no memories of his previous life. so i assume this would apply to any other enenra: they die, come back and do their thing, then go back to their original bodies right where they died with no memories of their old lives. they don't minecraft respawn in the netherrealm, which is where ashrah is from. but if pre-death ashrah in this au was dragged to the netherrealm and then killed, then brought back as a demon that's further manipulated by quan chi's dark magic, i guess it could work?????
(speaking of the enenra: in one of his mk1 intros with ashrah, smoke mentions dreaming of the enenra. so either tomas already died in this new timeline & just isn't aware of it, OR he's gonna kick the bucket soon and come back as an enenra. either way, we should probably prepare his funeral in advance lmfao).
there have also been demons that aren’t enenra, but are still dead people reincarnated by quan chi, as you mentioned. they're really obscure characters -- i had to look them up to make sure i wasn't making this up in my head lmfao -- but in the show mortal kombat: conquest there's siann, mika, and sora. they're undead corpses of the netherrealm that were brought back to life as demons via quan chi's magic
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they lived they served cunt they died
from my understanding (i haven't watched mk:c, i just read their wiki page) they were basically being forced to work for quan chi otherwise he threatened take away their living forms, which sucks. also mika might have a crush on quan chi….. for some reason???
the difference between these three and the enenra, though, is that they seem to actually be aware that they're undead lol. but maybe that's just because quan chi keeps threatening them with being corpses again if they don't follow his orders (again, haven't watched mk:c). who knows! their wiki page isn’t that long and doesn’t give me much info so i don’t have much to go off of 🤷🏻‍♂️
ashrah in mk1 does have a canonical demon type; she mentions that her and her sisters are cambions in an intro with kitana, hence how sareena can seamlessly change between her human-ish and demon form. i don’t thiiiink cambions are “reborn”/undead the same way the enenra would be? in irl folklore “cambion” is used to refer to either a changeling — which makes sense given sareena — or a demon-human hybrid. i really doubt ashrah’s the latter, though, so i suppose she just... spawned into existence as a cambion one day. or maybe she has demon parents running around somewhere. idk bro
i guess what i’m trying to tie together here is that in the “ashrah is a reborn dead person but doesnt know it and unfortunately said dead person is syzoth’s dead wife” nightmare scenario you’ve presented to my inbox, it could go a few ways:
she’s an enenra
same situation as the mk:c girls
hanzo-esque situation (although he's not a demon so. idk)
the second one is probably more in line with what you're thinking of, except that unlike the mk:c girls, ashrah would be kept in the dark that she's a reanimated corpse of a human woman.
and, i said this earlier, but i'll say it again: this would be a wild twist for ashrah character-wise. imagine: she’s fighting for her absolution, fighting to be a human and rid herself of her demonic nature, and then it turns out all along that at one point, there was a time ashrah was human. she had a human life and appearance once, and it was all ripped from her one day and she had no idea. even if her previous life wasn’t related to syzoth or anyone else on the roster, that would still suck. but on the other hand, i think it would give her even more incentive to purify her soul & finally kill quan chi. she'd be hurt, angry, want vengeance for the human woman she once was. the woman that was wrongfully murdered for a sorcerer's selfish gains. the possibilities are endless!!!
i dunno what else to put here or how to end this off, but i've got so many thoughts now... oughh
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fredersen · 5 months
the thing with HRT is that it's a solution to one problem, not all. for people whose main issue was 'i don't like myself because don't get gendered correctly/my body doesn't fit me correctly', then HRT/Surgeries help a lot. These are the people who are gonna be talking about The Joys of HRT, because they have the energy to, the main part of their journey is done.
But then there's the group of people whose issues didn't get fixed with HRT. And this doesn't just apply for people getting HRT tbf, this is for anyone that have thought that they've found The One Solution for all their problems; they still got mental illness and disabilities to deal with. Their work/school/social/living/family/romantic situation didn't get fixed. Barring all this, the most common thing I've seen is that they've become so comfortable in ones own negative headspace due to having lived with it for so many years that instead gets scary to try to get out of it. (This usually goes hand in hand with anxiety and depression).
(i bring this up because it is common to see this; people who are just kinda self-sabotagey, and then think that HRT/a new job/a new partner/a new family member/new friends will solve everything. wake up in a new life as a new person. i've been there, man, i'm still there sometimes because being a depressive wreck who doesn't wanna deal with shit is a lot more comfortable. i've seen friends and partners who've been there. i'm damn sure i've seen parents who are there.)
these people ain't gonna be talking about the joys of HRT. But getting HRT still helps, because it means you've struck one issue off the list, and you can focus on the rest, it just kinda means that you're gonna be a lil' bit too busy focusing on dealing with your life than to partake in online discussions. Sure, being pre-HRT meant feeling dysphoria might have felt the Giant Overarching Issue, because it's one of those issues that seems to kinda take over your entire life. But sometimes, it turns out that right underneath the dysphoria/gender identity layer, there was another giant layer of other problems.
like the world's shittiest onion.
overall though, and to be fair, I have the viewpoint of being someone who does not want to partake in queer communities nor interact with them because they tire me out, queer communities come in two flavours: the group who want to compete in who has the most miserable life, and, relevant to this discussion, the people who have gotten to the point in their journey that all they wanna do is brag about how good their life is now, while staunchly refusing to talk about the other issues that they have going on. this, too, is a form of competition.
(mainly, though, both agree on one thing: there's only one correct experience in being queer, a nebulous concept that no one can agree on what it means, and people who haven't had the same experience simply aren't Queer Enough. Ignore them, and instead enjoy a life with no periods, that's always a good starting point.)
answering this late but i agree with this so much and i feel like it really describes me and my experience with HRT, especially the part about being in a negative headspace for so long that it feels impossible to leave it
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lustbcrne · 2 months
Sexual Traits - Kaeya
Tagged by: Stolen off le Dash​ Tagging: If you want it? TAKE IT
bold - applies always. italic - applies sometimes. Striked = personal notes, can be removed (anything in ‘extra’ can be removed, too)
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is submissive | is dominant | prefers to top | prefers to bottom | likes to switch | identifies as heterosexual | identifies as homosexual | identifies as bisexual | identifies as pansexual | identifies as demisexual | identifies as asexual | enjoys sex with men | enjoys sex with women | enjoys sex with multiple people at one time  | initiates (when he’s most comfortable/more confident) | waits for a partner to initiate (at the start of a relationship) | spits | swallows | prefers sex in the morning | prefers sex at night | prefers sex any time | no sex drive | low sex drive | average sex drive | high sex drive | hypersexual
Extra - He usually prefers to top or at the very least hold a power bottom role during sex because he likes feeling in control of himself and the situation overall out of comfort. He'll relinquish the reins to his partner if he sees they prefer it and/or he is trying to get on their good side, but for the most part, he likes being in the more dominant role. A partner who's built enough trust with him makes it easier for him when they want to take charge.
       Initiating usually involves him playfully testing the waters with the person in question; baiting, teasing and tempting them until they themself close the distance–this way, he can play off any desires on his part with plausible deniability. In a relationship, he tends to hold himself back a lot at first bc he doesn't want to overwhelm his partner with how much he wants them, esp with the extent of his own urges overall. If his partner gives the okay that he's free to initiate whenever, he WILL run with it. Meaning more frequent touches and flirting to distract them, teasing his partner to stir them up on whims, stealing and wearing nothing but their shirts around their place, the works, until he either gets what he wants or they tell him to curb it back. It is admittedly a mix of both desire for them and lingering self-destructive habit he's built up over the years, but the more secure in a relationship he is, it would tend to lean to the former. That said...
       ...even outside his genuine high sex drive, he's quite accustomed to having frequent sex to the point of being quite the regular at the Church for checkups after the fact, using it as a transaction/reward in exchange for info from choice contacts who've requested it of him/he himself offered it to, to stave off boredom & especially loneliness ( low-key takes rejection at these times rather hard ), to fight stress ( esp if he hadn't been able to drink in awhile ), to relieve pain ( chronic, emotional/dysphoric, or acquired on the job )/anxiety surges he gets, or rid himself of excess energy after a Dangerous Situation. It became one of his biggest coping mechanisms and means to an end in one shortly after becoming Cavalry Captain, when he realized just how many people had eyes on him/regarded him as quite the pretty face, and how much more favorably they acted towards him when he playfully humored advances. How much they were willing to give him in return for his time and favors he could do. He admittedly disliked it all at first because he had no idea what he was doing and kept getting roped into things he wasn't entirely comfortable with, but the more used to the arrangements he got, the more he figured out his likes/dislikes & how to manage more uncomfortable encounters, the more he grew to genuinely love sex, even like this. He also quickly took up making a habit of gathering blackmail on potential/current partners as a means to ensure these encounters remain on the down low–he has to protect his and the Knights' ( and in a way, the Ragnvindr family's ) reputations, after all. Though he would never use it to coerce partners into anything otherwise, only ever to ensure they don't try to take advantage of him like some people at the start did. If worse comes to worst, he has and still takes measures to get rid of any person trying to take advantage of him/their arrangement or otherwise going too damn far with him.
small build | medium build | athletic build | muscular build | curvy build | voluptuous build | wears boxer/briefs | wears lingerie | goes ‘commando’ | shaves/waxes | doesn’t shave/wax | cup size a-c | cup size d-f | 1-5" in length | 6-9" in length | 10" or over in length
Extra - Is AFAB trans male, has considered phalloplasty, but he likes his body as is, even if dysphoria does tend to flare up more often than not. Would consider it actually going through with it if a long-term partner would want him too. He is comfortable being referred to by either male, feminine or neutral terms, though he does prefer male ones more. He has a mole just under his ass on his right leg, and various old burn scars on his right shoulder, upper arm, part of his face and on his left arm–his left arm has the worst of the lot ( barring his right eye ) and requires a brace to help with some movement. There are a couple faded scars here and there from old injuries, and a very faded few from stab and gunshot wounds he'd taken over the years that he's clumsily patched up himself to avoid heading to the Church.
       He has had top surgery sometime shortly after Crepus' death, just to reduce his chest to a more comfortable size/shape now that he was more independent and was encouraged to make more of his own decisions. He considered doing more, but he also recognized that was a feature of himself many really liked to see, and thus still flaunts it with his infamous low necklines. He's even a little vain about his chest when it's actively pointed out. ( self-harm ment ) His surgery scars are double incision that somewhat resemble claw marks because he ended up actually carving them worse in a very panicked, Visceral negative reaction after he first saw them after he'd gone home post-op. Had a moment of further panic when he finally snapped back into himself and saw the mess, then deliberately cut more to adjust them into looking a little more 'aesthetically pleasing' to himself before cleaning up the scene. He didn't go to the Church for help patching up again or let Adelinde know what actually happened bc he feared getting yelled at over it. Got yelled at anyways by Adelinde, Elzer, Jean, Varka, and the church staff because he agitated the wounds badly when he tried to get back to work earlier than recommended. ( end ) The scars aren't as faded as they should to have been because he took too long to get them properly treated and a little from lack of proper care overall in spite of Adelinde's best efforts to help, though they have still since dulled decently enough with time. He tends to deflect hard when asked about them in general.
having their hands pinned | pinning their partner’s hands | having their ears pulled | pulling their partner’s ears | being watched (by their partner) | being watched (by a third party) | watching their partner | receiving oral | giving oral | calling their partner ‘daddy’ | being called ‘daddy’ /’mummy’ | giving praise | receiving praise | biting/marking | being bitten/marked | spanking | being spanked | teasing | being teased | having toys used on them | using toys on their partner | giving anal | receiving anal | choking | being choked | dirty talk | being tied up | tying their partner up | being worshipped | worshipping their partner | humiliating | being humiliated | degrading | being degraded | knife play | blood play | being pegged | pegging
Extra - Guaranteed, he loves displaying himself ( though not entirely unclothed ) for his partners during foreplay and make outs, or even deliberately getting himself off in a way where they're sure to catch him in the act–because he knows just how pretty people find him, scars and all ( though tends to like wearing his own/his partner's clothes over himself on more dysphoric days ). But when it comes to actual sex, if he's the one being penetrated, he strongly prefers being taken from behind & facing away from his partners, be it being pinned under them ( if that's what they prefer ) or in reverse cowgirl ( his most preferred position ), etc. Unless he is completely comfortable with his partner, in which case, he'll let them take him from the front/facing them. If he's got the chance to peg his partner, he likes it missionary the most, eager to watch their every reaction with great delight. Or with them facedown, face pushed against the mattress/surface they're on as he fucks into them. Especially if he's able to cage them in and croon things to them as he moves.
       Has sadomasochistic tendencies. He definitely loves pain during sex, especially being on the receiving end of it–biting, scratching, spanking, knifeplay, name it, he'll allow it, so long as the marks aren't so easy to see like on his chest or neck. Is just as happy to indulge his partner if they're into it too, though always carefully measuring their limits. Is a HUGE fan of overstimulating his partners and especially using Visions during sex, but would actually LOATHE feeling any Pyro on him unless he Explicitly tells the person he trusts them & is given ample warning it will happen before they start. Any heat-based play in general is a hard no, unless he has that extreme trust in the person. Or is going through a particularly self-destructive spiral, but that is easy to spot once you know him well enough. Overall, sex that really ups his adrenaline levels in some way is the best in his eyes, especially since it help takes his mind of things and especially his usual touch aversion. Gentler sex tends to make him feel a lot more vulnerable, to the point where he's actually more likely to cry from being overwhelmed than he would if he were knocked around and hurt during sex ( esp considering he's entirely unused to it at ALL ). Has indulged in more extreme fear plays with past partners ( gun play, asphyxiation, kidnapping, interrogation-based consensual nonconsent, etc ), found certain delight in them too, but prefers anything like that to be properly negotiated some time beforehand, unless the person is okay with actually having to fight him a little before he realizes what they're doing & starts playing along. His safeword is Valberry, but also tends to follow equivalent of the stoplight colors system. He is okay indulging most any kink his partner wants at least once, esp bc he likes the idea of discovering a new one for himself.
       Loves, loves, LOVES being degraded and being called names, though ones themed after royalty, 'young master', or using his Captain title are a surefire way to anger him. Either making him stop altogether ( particularly the former two ) or making him extremely ornery and spiteful that his partner's gotta get a firm hand on him to bring him back around if they want to continue. As long as the humiliation/insults given to him don't mention his body type/appearance in a negative way, he's a-ok for damn near anything else though, even being referred to as a girl ( actually finds it funny whenever he is and might even taunt them for it ). HOWEVER if he's being called cute/loving pet names during a rougher fuck, he flusters up and falls apart much faster. He does have very particular names he likes most, but those he leaves his partners to discover on their own. And yes, he does reward them each time one is stumbled on.
       Usually neglects aftercare for himself outside of a relationship, sometimes during one. Will tend to his partners for theirs as much as they're willing then be right on his way. In a relationship, he goes above and beyond with aftercare for his partners, regardless of how rough the sex was on them or who topped/bottomed. Prepping baths, fetching them water or a quick bite, checking in with them, massages, administering first aid where needed, the works, no matter how sore he himself may be. He won't make any moves to ask for anything for himself from them, rather will simply partake in whatever he can share with his partner like snacks or bathing with them. Anything else, his partner would have to bring up or take initiative to treat him to.
is silent/makes little to no sounds | is very quiet | is very loud | grows in volume over time | bites hand/partner/pillow to muffle themselves | calls out partner’s name | curses | fakes/exaggerates | prefers a quiet partner | prefers a loud partner | is turned on by dirty talk | is turned off by dirty talk
Extra - He doesn't tend to muffle up his voice during, especially if he wants to get caught by somebody ( most often like when he’s getting himself off while his partner’s nearby ). He's unabashed with his voice during sex, purring and crooning about how good it feels, how good they are being for him, pitching and trembling, all to look good for them. If he starts trying to stifle his voice behind a hand, chances are it's because he wants to hear his partner plead and encourage him to get louder, particularly because he knows there’s a chance he’ll get praise out of it if he does. That, and he gets off on hearing his partner beg or demand things of him. Or he's trying to rile them up so they can knock him around some, that too. Tends to babble breathlessly when he's close to his own climax, spilling near incoherent curses and pleas before a drawn out whine finally leaves him.
       He doesn't tend to beg, but will get whiny and do so if his partner keeps teasing him or they hold back their own voice, even after he tries to encourage them. Will throw all dignity out the window if it means he can hear how good they feel, no matter how pathetic he's gotta make himself to have it. Loves hearing every crack and hitch of their voices, any growls and gasps that pass through their lips. Praises will drip from his own like honey each and every time his partner's voice gets louder or a particularly delightful sound leaves them. Notably, they could easily shock the brat out of him ( in a good way ) if they snarl right in his ear for him to behave, or near any other sort of dirty talk, especially the more possessive and domineering it is.
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boilingheart · 2 years
i know its not quite the same scenario as navy seal, but ive highkey avoided ever talking about or publicly enjoying poly pirates content for the same kind of reason, but instead bc it involves shipping jay and chip.
like. yes, i know many people (including the jerboys) interpret them as having a more sibling-esque bond. I fully acknowledge it and I can even agree w it!* but i hate how it has been made that any other interpretation is not only wrong but also bad.
idk man like. i just hate how it feels like enjoying any dynamic of poly-pirates outside of fnc is wrong-- bc at that point, what is the point?
*i personally tend to see the two as very close, but the specifics of whether that closeness is platonic/familial or romantic depends on interpretation (whether of the individual, author, etc). they're two people who've found connection and safety in each other and also enjoy ribbing the other for jokes- what specific type of connection that is can vary for me, yknow? the type isnt the Core of their dynamic to me
(sorry the asterisk part got so long i just want to properly explain myself and dump a bit fjkdsjf)
Oh yeah, I'm 1000% with you on this. I mentioned navyseal cause that's my personal guilty pleasure that I am highkey obsessed with but had to keep it on the downlow after twitter decided it was just as bad as inc*st apparently (as someone who is very very deeply uncomfortable and revolted by that type of stuff in genuine, that shit pissed me off!!!), but this absolutely applies to Chip and Jay and polypirates as a whole. Hell, when I first started the show and didn't really have much fandom influence in my first 30 something episodes I was actually way more of a poly enjoyer
Anyways, as a whole I do sincerely think Chip and Jay work better as a platonic bond, I like this interpretation of their relationship better than romantic, but that doesn't necessarily make the ship bad or wrong you know? Literally ditto to everything you said in your asterisk I couldn't word it better myself.
Like bruh it really felt like these characters are stuck being bitchless fr LOL that whole twitter debacle made it feel like the only CORRECT ships were fnc and pistolwhip (as if fnc doesn't Also have some of the same dynamics listed in navyseal and chip/jay!! (although im certainly keeping my mouth shut further on that since people have started gunning to convince people fnc is a Bad Boring Ship, Actually, and it's better platonic (unrelated to the wlw vs mlm take that just happened there, big disclaimer (I spend too much time on twitter can u tell... there's so many shipwars there for no reason...))) anyways yeah there was just too many people trying to police these ships and instead of just being NORMAL and saying "oh X isn't my cup of tea I enjoy a familial/platonic bond between them instead" they start bending over backwards to prove that ACTUALLY it's PROBLEMATIC, SEE? And sourcing the boys' opinions on it doesn't Wholly matter to ships (unless it's in regards to boundaries, in which it Absolutely Matters) cause Bizly regularly dunks on fnc and that hasn't changed anything
This got very long winded sorry LOL I've been holding onto this irritation for a while now, it's one of the reasons why I'm trying to move away from twitter and come back to tumblr tbh. It is simply fandom culture to ship, and while I love fnc to absolute death as my main ship here, it's nice to explore some variety yk? navyseal has CRAZY potential cause of their parallels and their journey of self discovery and how much they deeply care for each other, polypirates is just a lot of fun altogether cause of all their personalities and that shared strong bond, then you have swordfish, fish² and chips, caspian/chip, marshall john/gillion, like, multishipping is FUN dude. Unless it's GENUINELY problematic or Actual Proshipping like twitter Claimed, I don't see the big idea. There is such thing as "Don't like, don't read". There is such thing as muting/blocking words and curating your own experience. You don't have to put down others because their enjoyment of something clashes with your personal interpretation of it. It's fandom bro!!!
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joiedecombat · 1 year
Of all the classes Raine's taken for all the jobs she has, who was the best teacher and who was the worst? Who was her favourite if neither of those.
Even narrowing it down to just the people whose official job it was to teach Raine things, it's hard to point to a single "best." For the purpose of this answer, I'm going with the ones from whom Raine learned the most valuable lessons, above and beyond the skills they set out to teach her - things she's continued to apply not only to one specific field, but in her many adventures since.
I'm also breaking it down between both the teachers of combat skills, and the ones who taught tradecraft.
With that in mind...
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Among the leaders of Eorzea's fieldcraft and tradecraft guilds, H'naanza doesn't stand out as an especially colorful character. She has her shit together and she stays in her lane, focused on training capable armorsmiths and maintaining Naldiq & Vymelli's reputation for quality goods.
Most importantly, H'naanza has no tolerance for needless elitism. She recognizes that skill is learned with persistent effort, not based on inborn natural talent granted only to a select few. Raine learned a lot about professionalism from H'nanzaa, and a few important lessons about not letting perfectionism get in her way.
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Speaking of colorful characters, though... Honestly, Severian barely had the inclination to teach Raine all that much about alchemy, so it's a good thing she had at least some basic education in the field before she came to Eorzea.
However, the great project that occupied Severian's attention over teaching happened to come to fruition while Raine was still struggling to cope with the tragedy at the Vault. The timing meant that Raine was forced to confront some home truths about loss and letting go. It wasn't at all a comfortable or pleasant experience, but it helped her come to terms with some things and it taught her a lesson she's carried with her since.
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As far as tradecraft goes, Redolent Rose is probably Raine's favorite of her many guildmasters and teachers. Textile work was a chore she didn't particularly enjoy - mostly because as the only girl among her siblings, she was the only one expected to devote time to sewing and needlework while her brothers got to be outside doing more interesting things - and working with Rose helped Raine put aside her childhood grudge and recognize what a vital skill it really is. The two of them share a belief about the importance appearances can play in social interactions, and get along quite well.
No few of her tradecraft guildmasters emphasized the importance of listening to the client and understanding their needs. From Rose and their shared travails with Wawarukka, Raine also learned that sometimes the client doesn't know what they want, and often has no idea at all what they need.
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Among the people who've taught her combat skills, Musosai holds a special place. The old man who set Raine on the path of the samurai taught her to take decisive action to confront injustice and stop evil, rather than hold back dithering over whether or not it's her place to step in. He also taught her to be ready to forgive, and to offer second chances when the wrongdoer seems sincere in their remorse and their crimes unlikely to be repeated.
Most importantly, Musosai taught Raine to hold herself accountable to the same standards of justice she applies to those around her, both for her own actions and the wider impact those actions have. And, at the last, he affirmed and reinforced the difficult lessons she had to learn about letting go.
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I've talked before about Ywain and Raine's time with the Lancer's Guild in Gridania, but here he is again. Raine has lingering misgivings about how Ywain handled matters with Folques and the way that whole business played out... but the fact remains that the training she received from Ywain and the Guild has informed her fighting and adventuring style ever since, no matter what weapon she has in her hand.
From Ywain, Raine learned the importance of keeping a calm head and maintaining self-control under pressure. She also learned the difference between true courage, which sets aside fear in the face of danger in order to confront it calmly, and empty bravado which seeks to deny that the danger exists.
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For the worst teacher that she's had, Raine can only have one possible answer: Solkzagyl. Fuck that guy. If there's anyone Raine would fistfight in a Denny's parking lot, it's him.
She found his treatment of poor Constaint reprehensible, and if he'd been the only example she'd had from which to learn how to be a paladin, she'd have hung up the sword and shield ages ago. If she never sees his face again, it'll be too soon.
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As far as an overall favorite teacher, there's likewise no contest: X'rhun Tia remains the mentor Raine feels the closest connection with, and considers a particularly valuable friend. Though they haven't been teacher and student for some time, she's always enjoyed his company and looks forward to seeing him again and hearing what he's been up to since they last spoke.
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aromanticbuck · 1 year
Hi, I just wanna thank you for the way you write Thelma and Mouse's relationship. Not letting mouse just forgive her just because she is his mum. Not letting all the past just go unanswered. Idk so many forms of media are so quick to bring back parents who've abandoned their kids and have them forgiven basically straight away. That's always rubbed me the wrong way. And I just wanna thank you for not doing that. Honestly I'm exhausted and this might have made zero sense but either way just want you to know I really enjoy your writing regardless
Hello, nonny!
I assume this ask was brought about by this post I made last night? If not... that post boils down how I feel about those kinds of storylines, especially the way the movie I watched yesterday did it.
This got long, I'm sorry. This is definitely something I'm passionate and have a lot of thoughts and feelings about. Thank you so much for reading my fics and for sending this lovely message. It made me tear up in the middle of the hair salon this afternoon, and I love it and you so, so much.
Warnings for discussions of emotional abuse and neglect, implied physical abuse somewhere in my ramblings, just generally bad treatment of people in many contexts, mention of death in the abstract.
TLDR;; there are plenty of reasons why I write Mouse and Thelma's relationship (and lack thereof) the way I do in all my fics and why I don't see that trend changing any time soon.
Take care of yourselves however you need to. 💜
To me, it feels like a very unhealthy storyline and idea to perpetuate. Especially if a character has, for instance, gone close to no contact with a parent who hurt them (in any way) and expressed how they feel about their life without them in it positively. There's absolutely nothing wrong with setting those kinds of boundaries and sticking to them. I was still really worked up about the storyline and trope of forgiveness in those situations in general when I woke up this morning, oops. But I just... having a "reason" for what happened doesn't mean the person - parent or partner or friend or anyone - automatically deserves to be forgiven and have what happened forgotten about. And setting boundaries and sticking to them is the best response to have to that kind of harm - abuse, abandonment, manipulation, neglect, all of it. That is something I believe wholeheartedly, and applies to everyone, not just messy families:
anyone who has hurt you or made you feel less than worthy does not deserve a single second of your time or energy, and if completely cutting off contact with them is the way to stop their harm, then absolutely set that boundary for your own comfort and safety
I definitely double down on that when it comes to that kind of mother/child dynamic, and namely in the context of Mouse and Thelma, for my own personal reasons mommy issues because I feel like media is definitely worse about those portrayals in general? We have plenty of stories about toxic romantic relationships and people getting out of them, because there's this moral high ground to countering that kind of abuse, in a way? Shitty romantic partners can be replaced, so to speak, with someone better and kinder and gives the protagonist of the story the kind of love they deserve. But society, and the media and therefore the stories we see on our screens and in our novels, really pushes that idea of "you only get one set of parents" and I myself have heard "you only have one mother" within my own home plenty of times, especially when I acted out as a teenager and pushed back against some of the stuff that I write into my fics with Mouse and Thelma. (did anyone else get the "how would you feel if they were to die right now and that was how you left things?" guilt trip or is it just me and Lifetime protagonists?)
Which I have issues with for a lot of reasons. It feels very centric on this idea of a nuclear family - father, mother, their biological children, white picket fence. It ignores the idea of adoption, or a same sex couple, or even transgender issues. It also completely ignores how much chosen family matters to so many people. As we grow, we lose friends we made when we were younger and form new connections that align with where we are in life. We end romantic relationships and form new ones that serve our goals for life better. And that's totally fine and wonderful and we should continue to that. Why is that different with family?
At least we get to choose our friends and our partners, if we choose to have them at all, but our family... we don't get to choose our family. They don't even get to choose us. We get what we get and we just have to live with it, at least for the first eighteen years. And what if the family we're born into isn't what we need to live the lives we want to? Or even survive the world and everything going on in it? Why is this where we draw the line? Why is one family we had no say in the be all end all of it?
And why, when a character makes that choice for themselves to cut off the family member(s) who hurt them, are we suddenly faced with this ethical dilemma storyline where, if they don't forgive their family, they're seen as a bad person? When they wouldn't be considered a bad person if they never forgive an abusive ex, for example? That kind of pain is just as traumatizing as any other "uplifting" or "encouraging" storyline about escaping abuse, but it's different because they're family. Being related to someone by blood (or legal paperwork, because this obviously isn't just an issue in more "traditional" families, I've seen the foster system in this country and it's a mess and a half) doesn't mean they are automatically worthy of your compassion or kindness. Especially when a family that one can be legally trapped in for almost two decades of their life usually does far more damage than, say, a two year romantic relationship. But it gets brushed off or ignored because "families are messy" or "you only get one, so you better appreciate them" or any number of things. And it's incredibly easy to fall victim to someone who can use "because I said so" as a reason for literally anything from the moment you understand speech. It is so easy to manipulate someone who knows no other life than the one they're being given by their parents, this complete authority over their lives and their autonomy.
If someone hurts you, no matter who it is, fuck them, and anyone who says you have to forgive them or give them another chance. Second chances are for people who earn them, not for anyone who shows no signs of changing their ways.
So, yes, I do have a lot of personal reasons for portraying the messy relationship between Mouse and Thelma the way I do. And I'm generally happy with what I've managed to create and explore when I get the chance to write them and their interactions. And I'm glad that other people appreciate it, too. I did, however, accidentally unlock a memory I suppressed while writing this essay, and I hate it, and I might start crying on the couch, so I'm going to cut myself off.
But, if you or anyone ever needs to talk or vent about anything (messy families, messy lives, shitty friends, literally anything), my inbox is always open. 99% of the time (and as far as I'm aware, the foreseeable future) you are more than welcome to stay anonymous if that makes you more comfortable. Or you can come off anon or send me a private message. My ears (eyes?) are always open if anyone needs anything. 💜
I know that these kind of topics are rough to discuss. Please, everyone, do what you need to do to take care of yourselves, check in with your mental health, step back from anything or anyone who hurts you. And remember, you are worth celebrating.
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
Tell us more about Bridgerton is ruining HR publishing. Also, do you think this extends to the show in that it really isn't paving the way for more HR adaptations?
Lol, I was mostly being facetious because it's actually publishing's reaction to Bridgerton.
And I mean, it doesn't extend to the show--it is the show.
I think I should make this clear. I think the Bridgerton books are pleasant historical romances that serve a specific audience that prefers lighthearted, romcom-y, sexually tame books about largely upper class leads. There are two I really like, but for ME as a reader, they're largely mid. I can say that and also say that they're quite successful. Do I think they were the most successful series in historical romance? Nope. I think they sold very well, obviously, but I don't think they had a gigantic influence on the genre prior to the TV show... Because lighthearted, tamer authors existed before Quinn, and they existed well after. Imo, the idea that the Bridgerton books were influential on HR on the level of like... Judith McNaught or Johanna Lindsey... is a myth the people behind the show kinda push. Julia Quinn has never tried that.
As for the rest:
--The show doesn't pave the way for HR adaptations because a) the female audience will never be trusted and b) the show really doesn't sell itself as historical romance, and isn't one. The fandom doesn't largely give a fuck about HR, which isn't their fault lmao why would they with the way that it's been sold.
--However, trad publishing doesn't currently know how to market without comps. When you're trying to get an agent these days, it's basically obligatory that you go in with comps. "My manuscript is 'The Count of Monte Cristo meets Bridgerton' etc. Your agent will also probably need a comp to sell your MS to a publisher. If you're writing historical romance right now, publishers are often looking for "X meets Bridgerton". This means that you've got a lot of people sending in a similar type of MS: fluffy, contemporary-ish, safe.
--Which also coincides with a preexisting contemporary dominance in romance. Historical romance has not been on top for quite a while. Paranormal romance dropped off some time ago. Contemporary romance is the top dog, and historical romance writers are probably chasing that.
--(This obviously applies less so to authors that were successful before Bridgerton--this issue affects people trying to break into historical romance.)
--The thing is that when you're trying to chase Bridgerton, you're trying to chase something that fundamentally? Doesn't really relate to what has worked for HR for so long, and it certainly doesn't relate to any kind of new edge. Bridgerton sells itself as inclusive, but it's casting people of color in roles that were white in the books, clumsily writing in race, and denying queer people a seat at the table. So, where does that leave historical romance authors who could do something new: writing stories about people of color who are living lives they would in the past, and writing stories about queer people?
--And lmao don't even try to break in with a more erotic or kinky historical romance, because if you're comping to Bridgerton... that show ain't either of those things.
--I speak as someone who reads a lot of new historical romance releases... A lot of what I've seen in traditional publishing lately has been like... even straighter and whiter than usual, and DEFINITELY a lot tamer. Sex? What sex? Lmao, I've even seen authors who've had sex in their books in the past wipe it out of new releases.
--(This doesn't apply to indie or self publishing.)
--And I don't think readers are responding. What it's reinforcing is a preexisting idea that historical romance is a) entirely white b) entirely straight c) less sexy than contemporary. None of these ideas are totally off for the general subgenre, tbh, but there are writers who could move it in a different direction if they just got a chance.
--The sex issue, to be fair, is affecting a lot of romance right now. To be fair.
--As a result of this and.... other things, a lot of new historical romance readers are recommending the same few older, super successful authors over and over. Lisa Kleypas might be selling some more of her backlist, but it doesn't help the people who could push the subgenre forward.
--And tbh? I don't think historical romance should court contemporary readers or romcom readers, by and large. They're welcome, but I don't know that every contemporary reader is going to like HR (and that's okay!). Imo, dark romance readers seem to have a greater affinity for older historical romance (which makes sense--the dubcon, the high stakes, the eroticism, the d/s undertones sooooo rife in older HR) along with PNR readers (again: high stakes, alpha males, a kind of animalistic eroticism in older books similar to PNR).
--To be frank, I think that if HR is going to like... ever be on top again in traditional publishing, the books need to get a lot sexier, a lot more progressive, and a lot wilder. "Miss Bittlesworth is gossiping about how her best friend had her hand held by Lord Crumpet" is not going to get TikTok goin'. "Amelia, the secret bastard debutante who's engaged in an affair with the man who bought her virginity at auction and now they're having sex on a seance table"? Might.
--And like... yeah... Does HR have a long history of dubious consent and alpha males and other controversial issues? Sure. Do I think that some level of intentional controversy is what the genre needs right now? Yeah. Pearl-clutching over shit Johanna Lindsey wrote in the 80s is one thing. Intentional subversiveness (see: Scarlett Peckham, among others) is another. The reality is that traditionally published HR has a weird future ahead if it doesn't push the envelope, so better to ruffle some feathers and sell some books than worry about people being offended by a bit of edginess.
--Basically: the vast majority of Bridgerton viewers don't care about reading historical romance; a lot of people who would like wild historical romance are not being marketed to; and traditional publishers in romance in general are afraid of really courting interesting, subversive, exciting books. In part because, due to capitalism, the idea is always "get bigger" which means courting people who are never going to be interested in any kind of romance, let alone historical romance.
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mandofury · 2 years
Yeah know, I really hope it’s just Jake that has the deal with Khonshu. I don’t know exactly how being a avatar works, but it seems like you have to be willing to be one. And if Marc and Steven said they wouldn’t be Khonshu’s avatar anymore, it should just be Jake right?
I say that because, 1: it wouldn’t be far to Marc and Steven after everything they went through; especially Marc.
2: Khonshu is basically a manipulator and abuser. Would you agree? So for him to find a way around Marc and Steven’s deal like that wouldn’t be fun to watch.
3: (kinda side note?) But I hope Jake is just keeping his deal because that’s the only way he thinks he can protect Marc and Steven. And not because he loves killing or he’s evil or something like that. Honestly that’s not a enjoyable twist, and I’m sure that wouldn’t be good representation for people who actually have DID.
I understand, Marc and Steven, really did get put through a lot. My brain is kinda all over the place so hopefully things come out alright.
I think it will be Jake overall having that deal with Khonshu now. Protecting has always been what he does and with that fact I see two reasons for him willingly working for the old bird.
1. He's doing it to keep Marc and Steven safe. He's always been there to step in when things became to much and completed Khonshu's more ruthless tasks so they didn't have to. Jake is there to handle more of the extreme situations and he's shielding Marc and Steven from having to go through that. The same would apply when he takes the full responsibility of Khonshu's deal.
2. I do think Jake believes in what Khonshu does. He's experienced first hand what it's like for a innocent to be at the mercy of someone very cruel. That's where I think his level of violence comes from when it deals with cruel people like that. He wants to protect as many innocents as he can. Even if that involves lots of bloodshed, he's willing to do it. Prehaps to Jake the people who've done horrible things to others deserve the same cruelty that they inflict. I don't think he enjoys the k*lling, there's probably a satisfaction in knowing those people got what they deserved.
Khonshu is definitely a manipulator, he's strung around Marc like a puppet on a string. When Marc and Steven finally decide they want to cut those strings, the old bird does agree but keeps a few secret strings attached. I agree that it won't be pleasant to see Marc and Steven realize they were never free. As for Khonshu being a*usive I can see how that is.
I honestly hope they don't make Jake the "evil" alter either. Would be a stigma and the DID community doesn't need that. I'm crossing my fingers though that the writers handle Jake's story well.
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hgghgfd · 1 month
Blissed Out: The Raptures Of Rock
(New Zealand)
by Simon Reynolds Sent by Nick White
This essay/interview was taken from the book "Blissed Out: The Raptures Of Rock" by Simon Reynolds (Serpent's Tail, 1990). The interview was conducted in 1988. It can be a bit too earnest and academic (in another chapter, on Sonic Youth, Reynolds applies the theories of Roland Barthes to the music of My Bloody Valentine- gulp!), and occasionally it covers familiar ground. Nevertheless, I think it's very illuminating, and furthermore, it proves that Nick Cave and his work can quite easily absorb and reward academic analysis.
Discipline and Punish
Nick Cave looks the part. Deep gashes of black under the eyes, skin the colour of ashes, a slight wobbliness to his movements. His speech is fastidious, precise in a way that would seem pompous if he were at all ebullient; but with his small, grave voice- sometimes withering, always withered- the impression is of a wary distrust of words and the way they can be misconstrued. But he's much more forthcoming than in an earlier, abortive encounter. Almost affable.
Pardon the ignorance, but what exactly is The Mercy Seat?
"It's the throne of God, in the Bible, where he sits and throws his lightning bolts and so forth. But it's also about this guy sitting on Death Row, waiting to be electrocuted or whatever. It's juxtaposing those two things. A person in his final days, thinking about good and evil and all the usual fare."
So the fallibility and the arogance of human justice is something that obsesses you?
"It's something that interests me a lot. My social conscience is fairly limited in a lot of ways; there's not much I'm angry about that doesn't affect me quite directly. But the prison system- not particularly capital punishment- but the penal system as it is, and the whole apparatus of judgement, people deciding on other people's fates...that does irritate, and upset me quite a lot."
Is that why you got involved in the film about prison life, Ghosts of the Civil Dead?
"It's a two-way thing: I had those feelings long before I wrote the drafts for the script, but the process of writing and research inflamed them. It should be clear to anybody that the basic idea behind the prison system is corrupt and unjust, but the more I worked on the film, the more I understood how extreme the injustice was. This particular film has quite a strong political statement to make, which is something I'm not really known for.
"I was involved in writing the first two drafts of the film, but by the sixth draft there weren't that many of my ideas left. I also had a small part: I play a kind of known provocateur, who is brought into the prison- one of the new hi-tech ones- in order to disrupt the equilibrium. He's a psychotic with some kind of death wish...spends his whole time screaming abuse.
"What angers me about the system goes beyond the unreliability of "proof"... it's that the way criminals are dealt with has nothing to do with rehabilitation and readjusting people who've stepped outside society's norms. The same goes for mental institutions and so forth. But it's also the very idea of someone being judged "criminal" or "insane" because they're unable to fit into what a basically corrupt society considers "social" or "sociable"".
So you take issue both with the very idea of the "the normal" and "normalisation", and with the fact that the authorities don't even bother to fulfill their professed project of "rehabilitation"?
"Yeah, something like that. I did a lot of homework when I started working on the script. The initial plan was to use the prison world to create a certain kind of ready-made atmosphere. But over the eight drafts, what emerged was a particular vision of the whole penal system as almost a plot by the higher powers to perpetuate the whole system of crime, keep it rolling, keep criminals on the streets..."
In order to terrify the population into accepting the existence of the police. All this reminds me of the ideas of Michel Foucault. He looked back to an era (pre-industrialism) before the things we consider "natural"- prisons, asylums, hospitals- had been devised, in order to trace the "genealogy" of pseudo-sciences like penology, criminology, psychiatry and sexology. What he discovered is that these "disciplines" were not really about uncovering truth for its own sake; the "knowledge" they generated was inseparable from and instrumental in "techniques of domination". Later, he shifted his focus from social hygiene (segregation /surveillance /normalization) to study mental hygiene: the ways in which each individual is involved in self-policing. We define ourselves as "normal" by repressing our own capacity for violence or the visionary- just as we suppress and marginalize those people in the body politic who've gone over limits.
Looking back, it's clear that Cave has always been obsessed with this latent other within each individual, that can be catalysed by an extreme predicament. See how he describes his novel And the Ass Saw the Angel:
"It's set in a small valley in a remote region somewhere in the world. A sugarcane-growing valley. It's the story of the people who live there. The fascination of these closed communities and hemmed-in lives, that recur in my work, is that they breed a certain ignorance, can be the breeding ground for very extreme, absurd emotional releases."
In Cave's work, most of the characters are in a sense prisoners- of an obsession, or a claustrophobic environment. But maybe this sounds glib when set against the specific and extreme misery of imprisonment.
"I've been writing songs about prison ever since I started writing songs. But I have a less romantic conception than when I started. The film is in two sections- the population section and the maximum security section. When the film-makers were in America, going from penitentiary to penitentiary, looking in libraries, interviewing people, they stumbled on this amazing story about Marin.
"Over six months, the inmates were subjected to these totally unfair changes of routine, from small things like not getting coffee one day, to next day having their cells raided and all their possessions confiscated. The whole balance between guards and inmates was totally disrupted. The convicts became more and more upset, the guards were afraid, but they kept getting orders from above telling them to maintain these random violations of the equilibrium.
"Until eventually it broke- and a prisoner stabbed two guards to death. This was leaked to the media, who began to clamour for stricter control. Marin was put onto immediate lockdown- which is where no one is allowed out of their cell and all privileges are removed. Twenty-one months later it was still in lockdown.
"The point is that two guards were sacrificed by the authorities in order to achieve this control situation. That's the kind of system you're dealing with.
"The Mercy Seat is about this person in solitary confinement, becoming more sensitive to inanimate objects, and as he sits thinking about human and Divine Justice, finding himself judging these things as Good or Evil."
Some say that The Mercy Seat is the best thing Cave has done for five years, since Mutiny in Heaven. I wouldn't go this far (that would be to devalue all the peaks in the interim)- but the single is stupendous. It's a gigantic, near illegible swirl-surge, a horizontal, disciplined avalanche. With its maddened strings, echo-chamber vocal and the odd filigree of lonesome country whistling, it is vaguely suggestive of the sixties pop-melodrama of Wichita Lineman or Something's Gotten Hold of My Heart. But a sense of the epic driven to such histrionic pitch that it verges on Velvet's white noise and viola hysteria.
"Dignity" is not a word that figures in my lexicon of praise (too redolent of the prattle of soulboys) but with Cave's work since Kicking Against the Pricks, it's unavoidable. A ruined dignity, the courage of someone staring into the abyss with "nothing left to lose".
Here it's the condemned man waiting to "go shuffling out of life/just to hide in death a while". Eventually, the song becomes a real-time simulation of a locked groove, an out of control roller-coaster of dread but also of resilience: "And the Mercy Seat is waiting/And I think my head is burning/And in a way I'm yearning/To be done with all this measuring of proof/An eye for an eye /And a tooth for a tooth/And anyway I told the truth/And I'm not afraid to die." Over and over and over, 'til you think your cranium is set to bust.
From Her To Eternity
Nick Cave surfaced at a time when post-punk's handle on the workings of desire was diagrammatic and programmatic. Punk had bequeathed the idea that demystification was the route to enlightenment. "Personal politics" was the buzzword: the acknowledgment of the "dark side" was always grounded in progressive humanism, the belief that what was twisted could be straightened out, that the shadows could be banished by the spotlight of analysis. The idea was that through deconditioning, unblocking, a ventilation of the soul ("airing your problems"), it was possible to achieve some kind of frank and freeflowing exchange.
Against this view of love as contract, Cave, in The Birthday Party, was almost alone in reinvoking love as malady, monologue, abject dependence, whose ultimate expression could only be violence: the recurrent theme of girl-murder, or at the opposite pole of the paroxysm of desire in Zoo Music Girl, "Oh! God! Please let me die beneath her fists!" Cave was the first writer, in a post-punk climate of positivism, to start using Biblical imagery (sin, retribution, curses, bad seed, revenge)...
"Perhaps I'm kind of emotionally retarded...but basically I've just written about things how I've felt about them, myself, emotionally. Things like revenge, which you talk about as almost an Old Testament feeling, I see as completely now. It's just one of those things this society has repressed, along with any other strong or extreme outburst of emotion. I think there's a certain numbness in the world today...that accepts certain kinds of violence, but is against other kinds of violence."
So you have a kind of ethics of violence? Certain kinds of violence- the crime of passion- have a kind of aesthetic integrity?
"That's one way of putting it...There's something more noble in revenge, than in...sadism, or violence through greed. Maybe there's something more aesthetically pleasing about it, I don't know...I just find those subjects the easiest to deal with: on the one hand, they're the most tangible feelings I have to pull out of myself; on the other, they make me want to make a stronger statement when I ultimately do that.
"I don't deny any feelings of happiness just because I don't write about them. For me, there's just something more powerful in Man's ultimate punishments- whether they're on a humanist level or a more mystical level- than in his ultimate rewards. The rewards of happiness and contentment and security, I see as mostly drawn out of a routine of things. And they have no aesthetic interest for me, or much lasting value.
"But then again, my favourite song in the world is Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong. If any song really chokes me up, it's that one. If there's a song that I would like to do, but would never attempt because I wouldn't know how to begin, that's the one. If I could produce the same effect on other people as Louis Armstrong does with that song, then I'd be really happy. But there's something so unintentionally tragic about that song. Although I'm sure that has a lot to do with the way I listen, Louis Armstrong being this all-time winner and happy guy."
Do you resent the arbitrary power that beautiful people have? Something shallow, unearned, but capable of putting you in thrall. Revenge would seem to originate in this feeling of powerlessness.
"You're asking me if I'm some sort of embittered, wounded animal, who only wants to reach out and break things because he can't be happy or possess them?"
No, more generally than that: the idea of beauty as terrorism. Of possession as the delusion we all run aground on. It seems like there's a negativity at the heart of romantic love, because love is nothing if not the always already doomed fantasy of possession. Doomed because of the flux (growth or decay) that is the loved one. You were talking about life's punishments just now, and maybe the fact that love is doomed from the off is one of them.
"There's lots of different angles you can look at things from. I accept all that. Although I don't think it's impossible that it can't be the other way, that two people can't grow toward each other. I don't particularly believe all love is doomed. But I guess, one is usually kinda suffering from some aborted love affair or association, rather than being a the peak of one. I think it's fairly obvious that a lot more suffering goes on in the name of love than the little happiness you can squeeze out of it. But I wouldn't like to dwell on it. Perhaps you could lighten up a bit."
Condescendingly, like an agony aunt or something, he adds: "There are plenty more fish in the sea."
The Singer
Since the death of The Birthday Party, Nick Cave has steadily made a transition from exhibitionist, incendiary live performer to something more stately and, yes, dignified. The fireball has become an ember. Kicking Against the Pricks, an album of cover versions, marked the key shift from poet visionary of sex-and-death to interpretive balladeer, from torched singer to a croon the colour of cinders, from Dionysiac excess to a ruined classicism.
And on Your Funeral... My Trial, Cave and the Bad Seeds were staging their own dilapidated equivalents to By the Time I get To Phoenix and Something's Gotten Hold of My Heart, in the gently obliterating, slowly gathering, morose grandeur of Sad Waters and Stranger Than Kindness. Cave has influenced other kindred spirits to leave behind self-immolation in favour of The Song.
When did he start getting into what he calls "entertainment music, although some might call it corn"?
"I've just found myself usually more affected by the cliches in pop, in art, in life, than I have by the..."
Wilful difference?
"Yeah. I find that wilfulness in itself is enough to make me turn away from something. When people are attempting to be different for the sake of it, I find it incredibly irritating."
Do you have different influences now than when you started?
"I think I've been through being influenced by people. I don't think that could happen to me now, in the way that it did in my formative years. My ideas are self-generating now, they spring from what I've done before. It's all very inward-looking, and a lot of the time I find myself- it may sound unforgiveable- ignorant of what's going on outside me and the influences that are going around. I don't think I'm fully formed or ever will be, but my basic creative journey is now self-perpetuating."
But musically at least, you've moved from Stooges-meets-Beefheart conflagration to something more classically structured: the songs are like the charred and gutted husks of magnificent pop architecture. And figures like Dylan and Leonard Cohen and Tim Rose have become important to you...
"But not as a matter of influence as such. I only look towards someone like Dylan because I see the things that have happened in his career and the conclusions he's come to and the way he's responded to outside forces, the audience, the press...and I recognize a similarity to how I feel in my career.
I have a vague inkling of why Dylan has progressed the way he has, which I don't have about other people. The particular songs of his which affect me have helped me to understand what I ultimately want to make of my music, and what I'm failing to make of my music. What I've found to be the most inspiring of his work have been the songs which are ultimately almost meaningless in their simplicity."
"Take Nashville Skyline. I found the fact that he made that record much more affecting than, say, Highway 61 Revisited. Nashville Skyline was one of the albums he put out after his motorcycle accident, from which the critics concluded that he must have somehow injured his brain...
All the complexities of his lyrics were ironed out...He made some very basic country records. It's these songs, or albums like Slow Train Coming, which affected me more than Blonde On Blonde. The simplicity of the statement, and the bravery...in a way, it requires more courage than making something more 'experimental'."
So you feel the same enlightenment that happened to Dylan has also befallen you? You no longer want to be marginal or difficult?
"I am still waiting for what happened to Dylan to happen to me. I'd be a lot happier if I could disentangle myself from what I've already done and create songs from a completely fresh perspective."
The Bad Seed
When did you first feel different or destined? At school? Later?
"I assumed everybody felt they were different from anybody else...it would be a pretty sad individual who didn't feel that they were unique."
But such an individual usually defines him or herself against a body of people who are meant to be homogeneous and standard-issue.
"I didn't have any great coming out. Perhaps my basic thoughts were externalized by reading Crime and Punishment by Dostoievsky, and realizing that I had a basic Napoleonic complex. That was quite a revelation in those years of juvenilia. That book is all about the idea that the world is divided into the ordinary and the extraordinary, and that the extraordinary shouldn't have to live by the dictates of the mediocre majority. As an adolescent, this made sense to me."
Do you think everybody has the potential to be extraordinary, if pushed over a limit?
"No, I don't, actually. I think everybody probably does feel they do. But I think they're probably deluded. I don't believe that we're all born equal, as lumps of dough that are later shaped by our peers and parents and so forth...I believe in innate inequality."
Did you have an unusual childhood? Was there something to colour your worldview with its tragic perspective?
"I'm sure there was...but I'm not about to start psychoanalysing myself..."
You see it as a bogus science?
"Yeah. Anyway, rather than attributing it to my childhood, I prefer to believe that I was born into the world with greater or lesser faculties than other people and that I can take full responsibility for them. I wouldn't put it down to the way I was manipulated as a child."
Doesn't that mean you have even less responsibility? Wouldn't that make you even angrier with the world?
"I think people get even angrier if they think about this precise thing that was done in their so-called formative years that made them the way they are. I just feel that I can take credit, or blame, for what I do or have done. That it came from within me, not from without.
"I'd rather see what makes me different as something almost congenital. And I have these inklings that what you commit or endure in this world, relates to some kind of justice or balance. Maybe if you get a bad deal in this world, it is because of something you did, or were, in a previous life. Which is why I don't feel sorry for the poor."
Cave's departure from progressive humanism, with its belief in individual and social transformation, is so extreme that his worldview verges on the Mediaeval: the language of curses, bad seed, the worm in the bud. The world is a vale of tears, a giant ball of dung. Even more than Morrisey and his bad memories, Cave's vision is the antithesis of the idea of pop as a remaking of yourself. For Cave, the sole possibility for heroism is in fatalism, a stoic dignity in the face of your plight, the blight that is your negative birthright.
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acvketogummieshbuy · 10 months
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theunrealinsomniac · 2 years
It would seem that Kiba and Hinata started becoming a couple in school, their love for each other only grew during their four years in school, and they married at age 18 and became husband and wife, is that about right?
I mean in some universe maybe?
But not in any of mine so far lol.
I am a strong opponent to the trend in fiction that people marry their high school sweethearts. I don't like it, I've always hated how much importance our media puts on teenage romances as somehow more worthwhile than getting together with someone in your twenties or older.
In some universes? Yes, Kiba and Hinata have never been with anyone else, but in mine? Hinata has at least dated Naruto a bit and Kiba has had something of a wild stage.
I have a disaster pairing in the shape of KibaIno that appears in most of my work in their past. Or in the case of the Uni!AU very much ongoing.
And even in universes where Kiba and Hinata are each other's first sexual experiences? That's normally some teenage fumbling before they go on to date other people.
It has never happened in any of my work, so far, that Kiba and Hinata fell in love as teenagers and stayed together forever.
They stay together forever don't get me wrong lol, but it's normally them getting together in their mid-twenties, early twenties at absolute earliest.
None of this to say it wouldn't work, and that high school romances don't last, I know a few people who've been together since secondary school and uni, but they're assuredly the minority.
I just dislike the connotations of impurity that a lot of media puts on people who date more than one person before they settle down with their soul mate.
Kiba got around, Hinata had a relationship or two, and then they fell in love with those experiences in their history. That's typically how they happen in my works.
Thanks for asking though, the idea is genuinely very sweet. It just doesn't apply to any of my work where KibaHina is involved I'm afraid lol.
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sleeplessvalley · 3 years
impostor’s in the shower
i can have a breakdown in peace for once
#daitex.t#mlergh#safety pins for imperfections#having said breakdown in the tags. you've been notified ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#can't even last a week without all these shitty feelings coming back again#amazing#really fucking goes to show how far i've come huh#how fucking far i've come in what regard? being this fucking pathetic??? can't manage a simple fucking homework assignment?????????????????#can't manage to fucking TAKE SOME NOTES#CAN'T MANAGE TO JUST DEAL WITH ONE GODDAMN CLASS FOR 40 MINUTES AND TAKE SOME NOTES SO I CAN ACTUALLY /DO SHIT????????????????????????????/#it's not that hard it's not that HARD i'm just a piece of shit person that can't get anything accomplished#unless it's linked to one of my interests!!!!!#there was a specific post i reblogged a while ago that was like#what people with adhd say vs what people without adhd interpret it as#one of them was the interpretation from 'it's hard to do stuff that isn't linked to your interests' and it was something like#'your interests matter more than what's actually important'#and that doesn't apply for a lot of people who've got this#but it SURE AS FUCK applies to me. honest to god i've wanted to just do what i wanna do for the longest time#because it's so obvious to me that i'm doing my best in most regards when left alone to my own devices#haha. maybe i should fucking become a twitch streamer or something.#(note this isn't me saying twitch streamers are bad. just very upset rn)#as if it's not something i've thought about. that and youtube and just... getting somewhere#in the areas i want to do stuff in#i don't know how i'm already this far in my life.#in just a few years i think everything will fall apart.#and surprising nobody#i'll be alone
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mytwistedhome · 4 years
Pomefiore and Ignihyde when they find out you have Anorexia
Trigger warning to anyone who suffers with an eating disorder!!
I decided to write these headcanons because I've been having a really tough two weeks, and thinking of the twst boys makes me happy...
I hope this can maybe bring comfort to someone else, or at least provide some bit of entertainment. My intention is not to cause harm or trigger anyone. That is the last thing I want.
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Other dorms will be coming as well! I already started working on all of them, but I just haven’t finished them. They will most likely be posted the next time I have a bad day //
One more quick thing: I will be posting requests this week! I’ve already broken several promises that I made in regards to the time I’d post, and I feel horribly guilty. I’m sorry for the wait. I know I shouldn’t tell you to expect something on a certain day and then delay it for weeks. I should be honest about my efficiency, and I am sorry.
I'm also sorry for not responding to message (this applies to all my blogs...) I see them, but then forget about them, and then cower away because I feel like I'm already too late. I hope this little apology is enough to suffice... I'll apologize properly to every person when I find the courage. I know I shouldn't be doing this to people who've been kind to me just because I feel unwell. Please know that I am very sorry, and I'm trying to be more responsible and less careless to those around me.
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Vil Shoenheit
So that's why your skin is so dry and you have bags under your eyes
He scolds you at first. He believes that you’re starving to get a good figure, and he tries to inform you that doing so is unhealthy and that being malnourished actually makes a person quite ugly.
As if you haven’t already heard all this before
You try to tell him that you’re not doing this to look good. At least, not anymore. Sure, it started out as a way to lose weight, but it soon became an obsession much more meaningful than beauty or weight-loss.
He doesn’t understand. Why would you deliberately hurt yourself like that? Especially when you’re aware of all these negative outcomes?
Nevertheless, he is still very worried about you
He wouldn't normally concern himself with such a personal problem, but he would feel so guilty if he just stood back and watched you whither away
So, he does, indeed, go out of his way to try and help you
He finds a psychology book about eating disorders in the library, and he reads it in its entirety
He is... quite disturbed. He never imagined that you could be suffering so badly.
He's smart enough to realize that he, himself, can't do anything to make you better
He encourages you to seek professional help, and he even searches for phone numbers you can call and therapists/counselors close by of whom you can see
You are really touched by his efforts to find help, and you promise him that you will see one of the counselors he recommended
But... several weeks go by, and you haven't done anything
Vil grows furious. Don’t you want help!?
He takes your lack of seeking help rather personally... He went out of his way to provide with the things he felt that you really needed. Don’t you appreciate that? Don’t you care about yourself? What more do you want him to do?
You try to tell him that you don’t want him to do anything, that you’ll find help when you’re ready--
Vil isn’t buying that
What does “ready” mean, anyways? When you’re already in the grave?
He’s a bit harsh on you... He points out the patches of dry skin along your neck and chest, the way the hairs of your arms always stand on end from goosebumps, the metallic taste in your mouth...
Are you happy with those things? Do you really want to live this way?
You try and try to explain to him that it’s hard to get help and go back to eating normally
It spirals into an argument...
Vil is done with this. He did what he could and got you the resources you need to begin recovery. Once you decide to get help, he will be there for you. He will be there whenever you reach out for support, comfort, or care. But, until then, don’t talk to him about it. Don’t complain about your misery until you have sought proper help. It’s your fault at this point, isn’t it?
Rook Hunt
He had noticed that you were very quickly losing a lot of weight
He was concerned, but he never imagined that the problem could be something so serious
You're actually surprised with just how much he's concerned. You thought that if there was anyone to romanticize such a disease, it would be him
But he seems to know more than you thought about such disorders
He begs you to get professional help, and he is quite a bit more pushy and earnest than Vil is...
You try to explain to him that no doctor or therapist could ever help unless you were READY and WANTED to be helped
Well, he doesn't understand why you don't want help
He's pushing and pushing you... begging you to seek a professional
You get so frustrated that you turn and leave. He just doesn't understand!
And now Rook is even more distressed. How will he ever get through to you? How can he ever help you?
Now, every time he sees you, he looks at you with such sorrow
He sadly remarks upon how your beauty is fading... and how he fears that your life may be fading as well
Your heart aches to hear such sincere worry... Your chest feels tighter than it normally does as you crumble with guilt
You promise yourself you'll get better... Just so you won't have to see Rook with a horribly sad expression whenever he passes you
You start eating more in front of him to ease his worry, which does work a little bit
You add about 400 more calories to your usual intake--enough so that your "recovery" becomes visible through the way you bounce with energy
But you stay up late at night, running laps and doing situps to burn off some of that intake
And you keep losing weight
In fact, it's worse now because your body is aching from the unfamiliar intake and exercise...
Well, at least you look better
At least you have Rook fooled
Or so you think. It'll only be a matter of weeks before he catches onto your schemes and grows so distressed once again
He tries to sit you down and have a talk with you... He just really wants you to get help
Epel Felmier
Poor Epel finds out after he witnesses you collapsing in the middle of the hallway when no one else is around
He panics and rushes to your side, trying to see what is wrong and how he can help you
You blacked out for several seconds, which is why you collapsed, but even though you have your vision back, everything is still very cloudy and you are too weak to stand up
This makes Epel panic even more
You try to calm him down, despite your weakness
"it's okay, Epel...! Just get me something to eat. Please, I need something to eat. Hurry!"
He is a bit confused, but he does what you say, and he rushes off to find you some food
While he is gone, you try to stand, but to no avail. Your stomach aches with hunger and you are cold all over. Your body just feels so miserable
He rushes back to you with an apple and places his hands on your shoulders in concern as you quickly eat it down
That apple... It's the best thing you've ever tasted, but it's gone too quickly, and your mouth waters for more as the last bites slide down your throat
Although it was small, it still gives your body such a blissful burst of energy. All your senses are ignited now that you have finally eaten something after such a long fast, and your head is hurting far less
You stand up and smile at Epel, thanking him graciously before turning to leave
Uuuhhhhh.... What was that?
You suddenly collapse on the ground and then are all better after eating a simple apple?
No way is Epel going to let you go just like that. He holds you back, demanding an explanation, for it surely seems you know quite a bit about this bizarre thing that just happened
You try to tell him it's nothing, just a strange thing that happened this one time
Well, then, how did you know how to fix it by eating something?
You quickly lie and tell him you get dizzy sometimes and fall due to low blood sugar
Well, now your story is inconsistent
He presses you for the truth, growing rather angry
His harsh tone begins to scare you, and you tell him... You tell him that, sometimes, you go days without eating, and it of course causes you to grow so weary that you faint
You watch as all the frustration quickly rushes away from Epel's face, leaving his eyes wide and mouth hanging open in shock
"That... That's really unhealthy..."
Oh, great. Not this speech again
But, it actually isn't a lecture about how this is such a "dangerous diet"
Instead, Epel pours out all his concern with a sad look upon his face
He knows that he can't do much, but he assures you that you can come to him if ever things become too tough to handle
You're touched by his offer, and you thank him for his understanding
But, now, everytime he's around, he watches you with care to see if you're doing alright and to make sure you don't fall over again
You hadn't expected him to worry this much...
If Epel ever thinks that things are getting out of hand, he will likely go behind your back to someone who can help for your sake
Idia Shroud
He really wishes that he hadn't found out because now he can't stop worrying
This is the kind of thing that would just be easier to ignore and shut away from his mind
But how could he possibly ignore something as serious as this?
He keeps telling himself that this isn't supposed to be his issue
But... It is his issue, isn't it? If you ended up dying and he knew all along about your suffering yet did nothing to help, than that would mean that he aided in your death, right?
He's really starting to panic. He doesn't what you dead. Not at all
But... What is he supposed to do???
He calms himself down and tries to think
Perhaps if he built you a mechanical body that didn't need food this whole thing would seize to be a problem...
No, bad idea
Well, that will be his last resort if nothing else works...
He messages you and tries to plead with you to please just eat and take care of yourself...
You message back, explaining to him that it really isn't that simple
He decides to ask why you're doing this, and he tries to show through his words how much he really cares
You feel comfortable enough in telling him some of the reasons why you think you started, and why it's now so hard to stop and all you want is to continue with it...
Idia is happy that you were able to open up to him this much, but what is he really supposed to do with this information? He's no therapist...
Well, being vulnerable with you emotions and talking about the problem is at least one step in the right direction, isn't it?
Idia continues to try to be a source of comfort for you, while also encouraging you to seek proper help
Ortho Shroud
Oh, no... He can’t help you with this, can he?
Why can’t he help you? Why won’t you get better?
Surely nii-san programmed him with something that could help you...
Why aren’t you better?
Why are you doing this to yourself!?
Ortho is a mess... so distressed. He can’t understand--he doesn’t have the capacity to understand such a disorder, and he is so frustrated that nothing he does is helping!
And he does everything
He exhausts himself trying to “fix your mind”
His eyes are wide, yellow irises shaking with misery
Knowing that you are willingly hurting yourself actually traumatizes him...
He can't wrap his head around such an awful mental illness. To him, it looks as though you're really trying to harm, hurt, and even kill yourself by your own accord
Something must be wrong with your brain, but he just doesn't know what!
The poor child is so upset. He's panicked and worried sick
And now you feel even worse
Sorry for ending on such a horrible note... I was originally going to have all the dorms, so Diasomnia would’ve come and saved the day, but I just didn’t finish them.
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